Seton Hall Law School Fall 2017 Magazine

Page 1

Looking Back



Rise in the Rankings 6


A Year in Photos 8


Class Notes 16

TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from Our Dean


Looking Back at the Evening Program & Ahead to the Weekend Program


Rise in the Rankings


Faculty Briefs & Updates


A Year in Photos


Class of 1967 Celebrates 50 Years


Seton Hall Law’s New Institute for Privacy Protection


Class Notes


Honor Roll of Giving


Board of Visitors


Alumni Council


Calendar of Upcoming Events

Back Cover

LETTER FROM OUR DEAN Thanks to support and hard work from every segment of the Seton Hall Law community, our beloved Law School had a great year. This Fall we welcomed 199 One L students as future Seton Hall Lawyers, the largest incoming class in years; it included 46 students who successfully launched the Law School's inaugural Weekend Program. The classes of 2020 and 2021 include 8 doctorates, range in age from 23 to 63, include 27 LEO students, and are 35% diverse. Our new Weekend Program students will spend eight weekends this Fall with some of our best professors, including Edward Hartnett, John Jacobi, and Claudette St. Romain. Next semester they will experience Paula Franzese for Property and Kip Cornwell for Criminal Law.

This fall we welcomed 199 One L students as future Seton Hall Lawyers, including 46 students in our inaugural Weekend Program.

Our graduate programs (MSJ) for non-lawyers thrive. In addition to concentrations in IP and Life Sciences, Health, and Financial Services Compliance, we will launch an MSJ in Privacy and Cybersecurity in January 2018. We project that by year-end, we will have 350 MSJ students enrolled. And 10 LLM students currently benefit from our fully-online offerings. Seton Hall University’s leadership has been incredibly supportive of the Law School’s new initiatives. Cardinal Tobin is excited about getting to know the Law School and legal community, and his first extended opportunity to do so will be at Red Mass on September 22 at 4 pm; he will be the main celebrant and homilist. Mary Meehan, Ph.D. is serving ably as interim president, together with Karen Boroff, Ph.D., who is interim Provost. Having two women at the helm is an historic moment for the University, and both are outstanding leaders who recognize the need for universities, particularly law schools, to be proactive in a fast-paced global economy. Our alumni are increasing their engagement with the Law School, which benefits our students in innumerable ways. Your donations to our annual fund hit an historic high last year – nearly $840,000. The class of 2017 was 90% employed on Graduation Day in May, which I am confident is a boast few law schools can make. Seton Hall Law hires Seton Hall Law. We are grateful. I look forward to seeing you throughout this next year as I introduce you to our new Assistant Dean of Alumni and Development, Keith Cook, ’00. As always, I thank you for all you do for Seton Hall Law. Seton Hall Law Proud. Warmly,

Kathleen M. Boozang Dean and Professor of Law

Fall 2017 |


Looking Back




ince its opening in 1951, Seton Hall Law has always provided a path for those who cannot pursue their legal education full time. Until this year, that alternative was the evening division, where “night warriors” could explore the nuances of Palsgraf, Pennoyer, and Pierson v. Post while holding down full-time jobs and juggling daily commitments. Starting this year, that alternative is the Law School’s innovative weekend division, which provides the kind of scheduling flexibility that today’s working professionals require if they are to pursue a J.D. And in a legal version of “build it and they will come,” the Weekend Program is already a great success in the market – the inaugural class this August welcomed 46 students, who bring a new energy and a wide diversity of talent and experience to the Law School.


Seton Hall Law Magazine

I was always impressed with the seriousness and good humor in which they approached the extremely difficult task of melding their first-year of law school with their other responsibilities, A look back on the Evening Program

Professor Jon Romberg has taught students in the evening program for the better part of twenty years. While hundreds of students have learned from him, Romberg stresses how much he learned from his students: “They brought abundant real-world experiences into the classroom and were particularly enjoyable to teach because they were able to enrich the classroom discussions with reallife experiences from work and family, bringing related expertise to the cases that we discussed.”

Arriving at Seton Hall Law after a full day’s work four nights a week, evening students quickly developed a deep sense of friendship, support, and comradery. “I was always impressed with the seriousness and good humor in which they approached the extremely difficult task of melding their first-year of law school with their other responsibilities,” says Romberg. Nearly 50 years ago when Professor John Wefing joined the Law School, the evening class was almost as large as the day division. Many were men who served in the Vietnam War. “They served their country, suffered war injuries, and went on to legal educations,” says Wefing. “And then there were groundbreaking women, who sought to break into what was largely a male legal world through Seton Hall Law.” Professor Wefing notes that “scores of early graduates feel profound gratitude to Seton Hall Law for providing them an entry to the legal profession that wasn’t otherwise available.” The knowledge and skills they learned at Seton Hall Law enabled evening alums to make their mark across the legal profession, in New Jersey and far beyond, but also as leaders in business and industry. One example is Steve McManus ’90, who is capping a 30-plus career at State Farm Insurance by serving as its Senior Vice President and General Counsel. He owes his start on that career path to the J.D. degree he earned at Seton Hall at night. And then there’s John Sprouls ’84, currently the Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer at Universal Parks & Resorts, who credits his education for much of his career successes, whether in HR, securities law, compliance, or government relations. Romberg distinctly recalls years when more than 100 first-year law students in the evening program would fill classroom 273. More recently, however, tectonic shifts Fall 2017 |


Class of ’96 Evening Program Students

in the economy and the demands of working professionals’ “day jobs” have led to a nationwide drop in enrollment in evening programs. Consistent with its historic commitment to offering legal education to all segments of the community, Seton Hall Law set out to reimagine what law school would be like if offered on the weekend. As it turns out, the resulting program will look both very familiar and very different to those who have studied at the Law School in the past.

Introducing the Weekend Program “For many of our weekend students, attending in-person classes several nights a week was simply impossible,” explains Professor John Jacobi. A perennially popular Torts teacher, Jacobi will be one of the “founding professors” of the weekend division. “Our students can continue to accrue experience in real-world employment, while earning the J.D. that will allow them to either grow in their current workplace or shift professions entirely.” Ann Iparraguirre already holds an impressive array of degrees with an Ed.D., M.S., and B.A. She doesn’t want to change careers, but rather plans to use her law degree to enhance


Seton Hall Law Magazine

her work with the New York City Department of Education. “My experience in education will enrich my law studies and my newfound knowledge of law will enhance my work in education,” she says. A mother of four with her youngest currently in college, Iparraguirre finally saw her longtime vision of attending law school become a reality when she discovered Seton Hall Law’s Weekend Program. “How exciting to study law with others who are also so committed to find solutions to the practical and ethical questions facing society today,” Iparraguirre shares. The weekend’s pedagogy is a combination of the traditional and the cutting-edge. “Blended” coursework will marry the familiar in-person Socratic experience on alternating weekend classes with online learning during the intervening two weeks. “Students have to be really committed, as they will be on campus two, relatively long days eight times per semester,” Jacobi said. The Weekend Program usually takes eight semesters but students can accelerate graduation by intersession and summer semester classes.

Our students can continue to accrue experience in real-world employment, while earning the J.D. that will allow them to either grow in their current workplace or shift professions entirely.

weekend class. “More than sixty years ago, my father was in the first evening class to graduate from Seton Hall Law School. Now, I get to help launch the first weekend class!”

Similarities of the Old and New

Jacobi notes that the scheduling is “a huge advantage for students who are coming from further away or who simply can’t count on consistently getting to the Law School after work in time for class.” One of these students is Mark Svensson, a Rockland County resident with experience in the federal government and the founder of a nonprofit organization advocating for education and health related services for children and youth. Svensson says, “The Weekend Program aids my pursuit of furthering the public good and pursuing a legal degree while simultaneously enabling me to maintain employment to support my young family.” “The goal of the Weekend Program is to provide the best of both worlds,” explains Professor Carl Coleman. “The same quality education full-time students experience will be provided to students in the Weekend Program through a hybrid format using modern technology.” Seton Hall Law’s transition into a weekend hybrid model has been relatively seamless because of its experience with mid-career professionals in the wholly online MSJ graduate degrees for non-lawyers. Professor Coleman, who heads the Law School’s online LLM and MSJ programs, helped shape the virtual component weekend students will encounter. Not the “talking heads” of some online learning, Seton Hall Law’s Weekend Program will maximize student participation through interactive materials and discussion boards. Professor Edward A. Hartnett, who is teaching Civil Procedure in the Weekend Program, was the first professor to roll out his introductory exercises and homework assignments to the new students. Hartnett started with all of the students in the class introducing themselves to each other – online. He created exercises that students complete before coming to class, and expects that they will therefore be better prepared for in-class discussion. “Before each class, every student has to answer questions that, in a traditional classroom, only the ’lucky’ one called on by the professor has to answer.” His family history makes him particularly excited to teach the inaugural

Seton Hall Law prizes its outstanding teaching faculty, prides itself on student access to their faculty, and inculcates a sense of community and loyalty in every class. Dean Kathleen M. Boozang is invested in ensuring every student has these opportunities. Students enrolled in the Weekend Program will have access to the same distinguished faculty who teach in the full-time program. And they will also have available the student services, co-curricular activities, and student organizations that create the Seton Hall Law community and deliver the practice skills that make the Seton Hall Law graduate practice ready. Weekend students can anticipate enjoying the same high levels of success in bar passage rates and job placement that Seton Hall grads have always experienced. That said, weekend studying will pose some of the same challenges that evening students successfully surmounted. Coleman stressed that “these students must be extremely disciplined and use their time productively as they juggle their many commitments to maintain a steady schedule.” History testifies that the time management skills instilled in students’ professional lives stand them in good stead as they navigate law school. Romberg adds that students enrolled in the Weekend Program will experience a taste of what their futures may look like in practicing law. “Weekend students live a life much more similar to that of a lawyer than that of the typical full-time student. They will have to fit in their studying – whether in class or online – with what is already a very busy life. These are students who are definitively devoted to their law school education.” As the first in his family to receive a college degree, Gerard Green says he is fortunate to be part of the Weekend Program. “In my youth, my aspirations of becoming a lawyer always felt like a pipe dream; now I can set the standard for family members who will follow me.” From its beginning, Seton Hall Law’s Evening Program provided an avenue for ambitious applicants to earn their degrees. The Weekend Program will have a very different look and feel, but it continues the Law School’s tradition of offering high-quality legal education in an accessible format. Dean Boozang observes that the part-time program enables Seton Hall Law to graduate second-career students who immediately bring the industry experience, poise, and professionalism to the practice of law that traditional full-time law graduates may take years to develop. Seton Hall Law is proud to serve these future lawyers in an innovative format. Fall 2017 |



Rankings Long known as a regional powerhouse, Seton Hall Law is fast making a name on the national stage as more and more rankings place it squarely among the nation’s outstanding law schools. Jumping eights slots, U.S. News & World Report most recently ranked Seton Hall Law #57 while the Health Law program continued to be placed among the top 10 – a standing it has held for over 20 years. In addition to being recognized as one of the best law schools nationwide, Seton Hall Law also was named a Top 100 school for diversity. Nor is US News alone. Above the Law’s annual Top 50 Law School Rankings placed Seton Hall Law at #24 in 2017, an 11 spot increase from 2016, and the most significant jump of any schools in the top 50. Focusing on employment outcomes, the Law School’s impressive results were recognized in a variety of national rankings, including the National Law Journal’s Go-To Law Schools, which placed Seton Hall Law 40th in the nation for placing its graduates in the country’s largest 100 firms. The National Law Journal also ranked Seton Hall Law #15 of law schools nationally in placing its 2016 graduates in full time, long term jobs requiring bar passage and #12 for graduates in full-time, long-term positions requiring either bar passage or for which a J.D. is an advantage. “I became Dean in 2015 with an aspiration that Seton Hall Law will become a top 50 law school – that dream, for which we have worked so hard, is now clearly within reach,” said Dean Boozang. “The current strengths of the Law School are reflected in our impressive rise in the rankings. They provide the foundation for an even more successful future as Seton Hall Law continues to be an innovator in the changing legal education landscape.” 6

Seton Hall Law Magazine

I became Dean in 2015 with an aspiration that Seton Hall Law will become a top 50 law school – that dream, for which we have worked so hard, is now clearly within reach,


Meet Professor Katherine Moore Katherine Moore joined Seton Hall Law as an Associate Professor in the Center for Social Justice to head the new Medical Legal Partnership Clinic slated to launch in the 2018-2019 academic year. Professor Moore, an expert in disability law, health law, family law, and poverty law, is organizing this new clinic to address the social determinants and environmental factors that may affect individuals’ health. “This emerging area of integrative collaboration and interdisciplinary work, is increasing the focus of those treating a patient or serving a client,” explained Moore. Breaking down traditional disciplinary silos, the Medical Legal Partnership recognizes that legal problems often give rise to health issues and vice versa. For example, an individual with a disability residing in a building with a broken elevator may be physically unable to keep doctors’ appointments. With clinical students focused on litigation, transactional, and educational policy, Moore says, “the social detriments of health could be as broad as someone’s income, access to education, job stability, and personal safety. Not to mention traditional access to healthcare, healthy food, and safe, accessible housing.”

Professor Margaret Lewis Awarded Fulbright Grant Seton Hall Law Professor, Margaret Lewis, was awarded a grant by the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program to spend the 2017-2018 academic year researching human rights and criminal justice reforms in Taiwan. She is based at Taiwan’s premiere law school, National Taiwan University. Professor Lewis received one of only six annual Fulbright research grants awarded for the arts, education, humanities, professional fields, and social sciences. The Fulbright Program is designed to expand and strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and citizens of other nations to promote international understanding and cooperation. Lewis, a Professor at Seton Hall Law since 2009, is spending her sabbatical immersed in Taiwan’s evolving criminal justice reform process. She will research the new Taiwanese government’s approach to fighting crime more effectively while upholding the fundamental human rights of the accused as guaranteed by its Constitution and international law as incorporated into Taiwan’s domestic law.

Fall 2017 |




Judge Thomas Hardiman speaking at the Hobbs Lecture

Seton Hall Law hosted a series of events this year that paid tribute to distinguished alumni, brought our community closer together, and commemorated our Catholic traditions.

Golfers waiting to go on the green at the Annual Seton Hall Law Golf Tournament


Seton Hall Law Magazine

Graduates at the 2017 Commencement ceremony

Panelists at the Law Review Symposium

Susan Feeney accepts the 2016 St. Thomas More Medal at Seton Hall Law’s annual Red Mass

The 32nd Annual Red Mass September 23, 2016 Recognizing her years of service to the Catholic Church, the 2016 St. Thomas More Medal was conferred upon Susan Feeney at the annual Red Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Ms. Feeney, a partner at the firm of McCarter & English LLP and a long-time member of the Law School’s Board of Visitors, said, “I am honored to receive the St. Thomas More medal, particularly because those who have received it before me have represented the best in our profession, as lawyers and as members of their communities. This award intersects two areas of my life that are extremely important to me.”

Law Review Symposium: The New EU Data Protection Regulation September 29, 2016 Seton Hall Law Review's Symposium organized by Chelsea Ott '17, was entitled The New EU Data Protection Regulation: Transnational Enforcement and its Effects on US Businesses. It brought together an array of global privacy experts and provided a forum to discuss the legal, political, cultural, and economic dimensions of data privacy and security in the United States and the European Union.

Fall 2017 |



Peter Harvey addresses attendees at the Diversity Speaks Lecture Series

Diversity Speaks Lecture features Peter C. Harvey October 17, 2016 Seton Hall Law and Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, P.C. sponsored the annual Diversity Speaks Lecture, this year featuring Peter C. Harvey, a partner at Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler, LLP. Mr. Harvey is a past Attorney General of New Jersey and a former federal prosecutor. He was recently named as independent monitor of the Newark Police Department. This lecture was established in 2008 as part of the Law School’s overall efforts to promote an inclusive academic environment.

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A YEAR IN PHOTOS Retirement Celebration for Professor John Wefing November 4, 2016 Seton Hall Law recognized one of its most illustrious and beloved professors, John B. Wefing, for his 48 years of service. His wisdom and warmth was unstintingly extended to all members of the Law School community. Alumni, colleagues, friends, and family attended to extend their gratitude and well wishes to “The Wef.” Professor Wefing’s student-centered legacy continues to characterize Seton Hall Law. As the Honorable John Vasquez, ’96, a former student noted, “Professor Wefing is an iconic feature in the history of Seton Hall Law.”

The 2017 Hobbs Lecture hosts Judge Thomas M. Hardiman April 3, 2017 Judge Thomas M. Hardiman of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit delivered the keynote address on The Art and Science of Judging in a Constitutional Republic, at the Law School’s 2017 Hobbs Lecture. Sponsored by Peter N. ’74 and Lee Larson and inaugurated in 2012, the annual Hobbs Lecture is dedicated to the spirit of civil discourse and diversity of opinion on matters of national importance. From the Third Circuit, Judges Patty Shwartz, Julio M. Fuentes, and Michael Chagares ’87, attended as well; all pictured at the right together with Dean Boozang.

Annual Seton Hall Law Golf Tournament May 1, 2017 The Annual Seton Hall Law Golf Tournament was held at the Ridgewood Country Club in Paramus. Nearly 100 attendees enjoyed a day of golf, incredible food, a silent auction, raffle, and camaraderie. Pictured from left to right are an alumni foursome of Harry McEnroe ’85, Wanda French-Brown ’08, Jeffrey Brown ’82, and James O’Hara ’85. Fall 2017 | 11


Gala honorees Christopher S. Porrino ’92, Jodi Ann Hudson ’96, and Michael Chagares ’87, pictured with Dean Kathleen M. Boozang

2017 Alumni Gala Honors Three Distinguished Graduates May 12, 2017 The Annual Alumni Gala welcomed over 400 guests celebrating three honorees - the Honorable Christopher S. Porrino ’92, who received the inaugural Public Servant Award; the Honorable Michael Chagares ’87, who was recognized with the Distinguished Graduate Award; and Jodi Anne Hudson ’96, who was presented with the Exemplary Service Award. “Chris Porrino is receiving this award simply because he epitomizes the best of public service,” said Dean Kathleen Boozang of the 60th Attorney General of New Jersey. “Judge Chagares cares deeply about the students and devotes his time to helping his students in their careers,” said Dean Emeritus, Ronald J. Riccio ’71. “He does this while being an integral part of one of the most prestigious courts in the country, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.” As for Jodi Hudson,“she’s a cheerleader, invested in her students’ lives, both professionally and personally, helping them transform from law students to lawyers ready to hit the ground running when they graduate,” said Dean Boozang, speaking of her service as Director of Seton Hall Law’s Interscholastic Moot Court Board.

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You now haveINthe A YEAR PHOTOS opportunity to use your degrees to become community leaders and make New Jersey – or wherever in the country you decide to live – a better place,

Theodore V. Wells, Jr. delivers the keynote address at the 2017 Commencement ceremony

2017 Commencement Welcomes Theodore V. Wells May 25, 2017 Theodore “Ted” V. Wells, Jr. delivered the keynote address at the 63rd annual commencement ceremony for Seton Hall Law at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, at which 167 graduates were presented with Juris Doctor degrees, 56 more received their Master of Science in Jurisprudence degrees, and three students were presented with Master of Laws degrees. Student Bar Association President, Chelsea Ott and graduate, Martina Yacoub also delivered addresses. “You now have the opportunity to use your degrees to become community leaders and make New Jersey – or wherever in the country you decide to live – a better place,” Wells said. “Just follow the advice Judge Gibbons gave me 40 years ago: go out and volunteer. Volunteer to help a community organization; volunteer to work on a political campaign; volunteer to assist state and local bar associations. Do not waste the benefits of your law degree. Do not squander your talents. You control your destiny. Ask yourself now: what do I want to achieve in my life? Then go out and make it happen.”

2017 Orientation August 16 – 17, 2017 The Honorable Susan D. Wigenton of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey delivered the 2017 Orientation keynote address encouraging students to “embrace the opportunity” of attending law school. Robert B. Hille ’83, President of the New Jersey State Bar Association administered the Attorney Oath to the incoming classes of 2020 and 2021.

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Class of 1967


The night before my cousin’s wedding in Staten Island, another cousin who was also a bridesmaid, went into the bathroom with her law books and studied in the tub,” shares Nina Florczak ’67. “I couldn’t believe it, I thought she must be studying something really interesting!


his is how Florczak, one of only a handful of women in her class, recalls first being intrigued with the study of law. Although she was a teacher and held an undergraduate degree in English and History, she was fascinated. With the blessing of then-Dean John P. Loftus, Florczak began taking classes before she even took the LSAT exam.

“There was something in the chemistry of our time,” observes Terence Conor ’67 who distinctly recalls studying law school in a disruptive era. “While we were taking the New Jersey bar exam, gunshots were heard during the Newark Riots. It was an urban school and that motivated a lot of people to receive an excellent education. I don’t know if I really understood that until I was out practicing.”

Florczak joined many others from the Class of 1967 to celebrate their 50th reunion at Seton Hall Law’s 2017 Commencement on May 25, the largest turnout of 50th reunion classes to date. They shared laughs and reminiscences, many about the challenges of the Clinton Street building.

Les Berger ’67 went into private practice in South Florida not long after graduating, and says “Seton Hall Law helped give me what I have in life.”

“Seton Hall Law deserves credit for providing us with the chance to make a great living while doing what we loved,” said William Butler ’67. Viewed a pioneer by her classmates, Florczak met her husband, Walter, while both studied at Seton Hall Law. They married while still in law school. Walter went on to work full time, transferring divisions to become an evening student and graduate in 1968. But he viewed himself as an honorary member of the Class of 1967.

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“May 25th was without question one of the most wonderful days of my life, I can’t express what that day meant to me, so much warmth was in the air,” remembers Berger. Conor, who committed to the Air Force prior to beginning law school, still feels closely connected to his alma mater and classmates. “It’s remarkable we made an effort to stay in touch,” says Conor. Florczak, whose children have all graduated from Seton Hall or Seton Hall Law, still finds herself thinking about her 50th reunion. “It was just wonderful,” she says.



Seton Hall Law announced its new Institute for Privacy Protection in August 2016 after receiving a nearly $1.7 million award from a class action settlement. The Institute will build on the Law School’s educational programs in corporate compliance by promoting academic research while also educating businesses on proper commercial privacy practice and consumers on their privacy rights. Stephen Rasch ’79, a partner at Loeb, Block & Partners, LLP in New York and counsel to a litigant in the underlying action, suggested the creation of the Institute during settlement discussions. Mr. Rasch stated: “Based on my experience as a Seton Hall Law alum and the school’s recognized leadership in the field of social justice, I am confident this award will be used to effectively address the critical topic of privacy rights in a manner consistent with the Court’s mandate.” Professor Gaia Bernstein (left) serves as the first Director of the Institute for Privacy Protection; she has been with Seton Hall Law since 2004, and is a Michael J. Zimmer Professor of Law. Professor Bernstein specializes in information privacy, health privacy, intellectual property, and law and technology theory. Najarian Peters (immediate left) joins the Institute as the inaugural faculty fellow as an Assistant Professor. She is an attorney with prior experience in privacy-related compliance, including healthcare and Fortune 500 companies. One of her first responsibilities is to train law students in a new privacy curriculum she is developing for school-aged children. “Our society is in the midst of a privacy debate which will impact our lives in important ways,” says Professor Bernstein. “I am grateful to be part of Seton Hall Law School’s long-standing commitment to this important and dynamic area of law. Technological change rapidly transforms entrenched social norms and modes of human interaction.” Specifically, the Institute:

I am grateful to be part of Seton Hall Law’s long-standing commitment to this important and dynamic area of law.

• educates individuals and organizations about privacy threats to consumers and ways to protect their personal information. • educates businesses and professionals generally and in highly regulated industries on privacy issues and legal rules. • provides inter-disciplinary forums that foster a dialogue to address ethical, cultural, social, and legal privacy issues and promote the search for solutions. The Institute is already making strides. In the next several months, it will launch an outreach program to educate fifth grade students and parents about privacy and online reputation; it is also sponsoring an MSJ in Privacy Law and Cyber Security, which will welcome its first students in January 2018. An Institute conference on November 3rd at the Law School will address New and Non-traditional Players on Privacy and Social Media Enforcement.

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Father Nicholas Gengaro celebrates Mass during Commencement week

1960s Francis W. Donahue ’68 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Louis J. Santore ’68 was named Professional Lawyer of the Year by the Hudson County Bar Association.

1970s Michael Critchley, Sr. ’72, Vincent N. Macri ’73, and Joseph P. LaSala ’72 were all named among New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. The Honorable Joel A. Pisano ’74 was named Professional Lawyer of the Year by the Essex County Bar Association. Thomas J. Spies ’74 joined Brach Eichler LLC as Counsel. Jeffrey L. McCormick ’75 was named one of the “The Best Lawyers in America” by Best Lawyers. Nathanya G. Simon ’75 was named one of the 2017 Top 50 Women NJ Super Lawyers. Paulette Brown ’76 was named one of the “2016 Top Women in Law” by New Jersey Law Journal. Anne S. Babineau ’77 was named one of the “Best Fifty Women in Business” by NJBIZ magazine. The Honorable Stephan C. Hansbury ’77 joined Wilson Elser LLP as Counsel. Michael Profita ’77 was selected to 201 Magazine’s “Top Lawyers in Bergen County” list. Brian J. Molloy ’78 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Marie A. Carey ’79 was named Professional Lawyer of the Year by the NJ Defense Association. The Honorable 16 Seton Hall Law Magazine

John P. McDonald ’79 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Somerset County.

1980s Bob Vetere ’80 received Pet Age Magazine’s “Icon Award.” Patricia M. Barbarito ’81 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. The Honorable Vincent N. Falcetano ’81 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Monmouth County. The Honorable Joseph G. Monaghan ’81 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Bergen County. Lynn Fontaine Newsome ’81 was named one of the 2017 Top 50 Women NJ Super Lawyers. The Honorable Anthony V. D’Elia ’82 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Hudson County. Kathleen M. Reilly ’82 was named one of the 2017 Top 50 Women NJ Super Lawyers. Victor A. Rotolo ’82 was named one of New Jersey’s 2017 Super Lawyers. Robert B. Hille ’83 became the 119th president of the New Jersey State Bar Association. Richard F.X. Regan ’83 was selected to 201 Magazine’s “Top Lawyers in Bergen County” list. The Honorable Robert A. Ballard, Jr. ’84 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge. Carol L. Forte ’84 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Bonnie C. Frost ’84 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Philip F. McGovern Jr ’84 received the

Team Walker “Hero Award” at the organization’s Evening of Dreams event. Robert D. Towey ’84 was named Co-chair of Sedgwick’s Business Law Practices Group. Liza Walsh ’84 was named one of the “2016 Top Women in Law” by New Jersey Law Journal. The Honorable Mary Ann Pelly Bogan ’85 was appointed by Governor Christie as an Administrative Law Judge in Trenton. The Honorable James W. Donohue ’85 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Essex County. Stephanie Frangos Hagan ’85 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. The Honorable Richard M. Marano ’85 was honored by the CIABA, whose annual banquet is now named “The Richard M. Marano Heritage & Awards Dinner.” Loren L. Pierce ’85 was named one of the “2016 Top Women in Law” by New Jersey Law Journal. Deborah A. Reperowitz ’85 was elected President of the New York Chapter of the Turnaround Management Association. Elizabeth Ryan ’85 received the Special Achievement Award from the Healthcare Planning and Marketing Society of NJ and also received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American College of Healthcare Executives NJ. Shirley B. Whitenack ’85 was named one of the 2017 Top 50 Women NJ Super Lawyers. The Honorable Julio Morejon ’86 was sworn in as Administrative Law Judge with the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law in Newark. Amy Zylman Shimalla ’86 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. John D. Cromie ’87 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers.



Robert B. Hille ’83

Named 119th President of New Jersey State Bar Association

On June 9, 2017, Remi L. Spencer ’02, the 2016–17 President of the Seton Hall Law Alumni Council, received the Law School’s Alumni Service Award at Seton Hall University’s annual “Many Are One” Gala celebrating devoted alumni. Pictured from left are Ms. Spencer, Dr. Mary J. Meehan, Interim President of Seton Hall University, and former Dean Jamie Pukl-Werbel ’98

Anthony F. Della Pelle ’87 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Brigadier General Stuart W. Risch ’87 was promoted by Congress to Major General and assigned to be the Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Army’s Legal Branch. The Honorable Mary C. Siracusa ’87 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Atlantic County. Catherine M. Broderick ’88 was named Professional Lawyer of the Year by the Morris County Bar Association. Domenick Carmagnola ’88 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Karen Sheehy ’88 was promoted to Chief Compliance Officer of Mallinckrodt. Nancy A. Washington ’89 was appointed as Senior Vice President and General Counsel of New Jersey Resources Corporation.

1990s Craig J. Hubert ’90 was named Professional Lawyer of the Year by the Mercer County Bar Association. Sandra Lascari ’90 was named one of the “2016 Top Women in Law” by New Jersey Law Journal. John P. Maloney ’90 joined Norris McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A. as Counsel. Kenneth M. Ralph ’90 joined the Pascack Valley Regional Board of Education. Stephen C. Carton ’91 was named Professional Lawyer of the Year by the Monmouth Bar Association. Kim M. Catullo ’91 was

named one of the “2016 Top Women in Law” by New Jersey Law Journal. Nicholas J. Leonardis ’91 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Hope D. Mehlman ’91 was named Chief Governance Officer and Assistant Corporate Secretary of Regions Financial Corp. Glenn J. Smith ’91 joined Seyfarth Shaw LLP as a Partner. Carol M. Bianchi ’92 was named one of 2017’s Outstanding Women in Somerset County. Gabrielle T. Bohon ’92 was appointed Administrative Partner of Falcon & Singer P.C. Christopher DePhillips ’92 was named Vice-President and General Counsel of Porzio Life Sciences, LLC. Steve Kimble ’92 was named Chairman and CEO of Deloitte Tax LLP. Drew D. Krause ’92 became Principal at Ridge High School. Cynthia Beagles ’93 became Vice President of The American Kennel Club. William O. Crutchlow ’93 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Nancy Shore-Dilella ’93 became Vice President of Corporate Law at Genentech, Inc. The Honorable Sharifa R. Salaam ’93 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Essex County. Christopher M. Santora ’93 joined SouthLaw P.C. as an Associate Attorney for the Litigation Department. Annmarie Simeone ’93 was named Professional Lawyer of the Year by the NJ Women Lawyers Association. Joseph M. DeCotiis ’94 was selected to 201 Magazine’s “Top Lawyers in Bergen County” list.

Nancy A. Washington ’89

Appointed as Senior Vice President and General Counsel of New Jersey Resources Corporation

Steve Kimble ’92

Named Chairman and CEO of Deloitte Tax LLP

Fall 2017 | 17

CLASS NOTES John S. Mairo ’94 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Rosalyn A. Metzger ’94 was named one of New Jersey’s 2017 Super Lawyers. Marina Barg ’95 was promoted to Chief Claims Officer for U.S. Insurance. Vincent M. Giblin ’95 was named Partner at DeCotiis, FitzPatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP. Kerrie R. Heslin ’95 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Yasmeen S. Khaleel ’95 was named Emerging Leader of Burlington County by the Burlington County Times. Susan S. Kleiner ’95 was named one of the 2017 Top 50 Women NJ Super Lawyers. The Honorable Christopher S. Romanyshyn ’95 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Essex County. Peter B. Ajalat ’96 was appointed co-office managing shareholder at the Newark office of Littler Mendelson P.C. Robin C. Bogan ’96 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Janice R. Casserly ’96 became a board member of Girls on the Run New Jersey North. Aney K. Chandy ’96 was named Asst. General Counsel at Honeywell. Carolyn N. Daly ’96 was named one of the 2017 Top 50 Women NJ Super Lawyers. The Honorable Frank J. DeAngelis ’96 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Sussex County. James B. Johnston ’96 joined Golden, Rothschild, Spagnola, Lundell, Boylan & Garubo, P.C. as an Associate. Jeralyn Lawrence ’96 was honored at the Amicus Curiae Award Presentation and was also appointed Chair of Matrimonial & Family Law Practice at Norris McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A. Matthew McPhillips ’96 was appointed Associate Division Counsel at the U.S. Department of Justice. The Honorable Vincent J. Militello ’96 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Hudson County. The Honorable Arthur J. Batista ’97 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Essex County. Michelle M. Bufano ’97 joined Patterson Belknap Webb and Tyler LLP as a Partner. Kirsten McCaw Grossman ’97 was named one of the 2017 Top 50 Women NJ Super Lawyers. John L. Shahdanian II ’97 was appointed Township Attorney for Teaneck is now a trustee of the New Jersey State Bar Association. Angelo A. Stio III ’97 was named one of New Jersey’s 2017 Super Lawyers. Greg K. Vitali ’97 was named Distinguished Member of the Year by the NJ Subcontractors Association. 18 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Benjamin C. Curcio ’98 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Robert M. Gilmartin ’98 joined Tanenbaum Keale LLP as Counsel. The Honorable Owen C. McCarthy ’98 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Monmouth County. Elaine A. Rocha ’98 has been appointed to serve on Seton Hall Law Board of Visitors. Jay E. Town ’98 was sworn in as U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama. Kevin G. Walsh ’98 has been appointed to serve on Seton Hall Law School’s Board of Visitors. The Honorable Lisa Miralles Walsh ’98 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Union County. Michael A. Baldassare ’99 was named one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. Ronald J. Campione ’99 was named Principal at Bressler, Amery & Ross P.C. Richard P. Diegnan, Jr ’99 was named Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of Internap. William T. LaFond ’99 was named head of Wilmington Trust’s Family Wealth Division. Albert N. Lasso ’99 obtained a $16M verdict in a personal injury suit. The Honorable Tara Schillari Rich ’99 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Hudson County.

2000s Agnes Antonian ’00 was named one of the “Best Fifty Women in Business” by NJBIZ. The Honorable Daniel H. Brown ’00 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Middlesex County. John D. Rogers ’00 was named Director of New Jersey Manufacturers’ Legislative Affairs Department. Jenny Kramer ’01 was named Partner at Chadbourne & Parke LLP. Jennifer Mara ’01 was named one of the 2017 Top 50 Women NJ Super Lawyers. S. Jason Teele ’01 joined Cullen and Dykman LLP as a Partner. Jhanice V. Domingo ’02 was installed as President of the National Filipino American Lawyers Association and joined the Board of Directors of the Somerset Community Action Program. Remi L. Spencer ’02 was named one of the 2017 Top 50 Women NJ Super Lawyers. Jodie L. Driscoll ’03 joined Murtha Cullina LLP as Counsel. Dennis E. Kadian ’03 was named Principal at Bressler, Amery & Ross P.C. Ryan M. Philp ’03 was named Partner at Bracewell LLP.

Michele C. Meyer-Shipp and Renee L. Davis were honored at the annual Diversity Banquet on March 15, 2017

Keya C. Denner ’04 was named Co-Chair of the Somerset County Bar Association’s Labor and Employment Committee. James McFaul ’04 helped launch and joined Dunn, DeSantis,Walt & Kendrick LLP as a Partner. Jesse W. Abair ’05 was named one of Massachusetts’s 2017 Super Lawyers. Harry Golematis ’05 was named Director at CohnReznick LLP. Eric Gross ’05 won the NJBIZ General Counsel of the Year for private companies under $500 million in revenue. Jennifer Marino Thibodaux ’05 joined Thomson Reuters Practical Law as a Senior Legal Editor. Franklin C. McRoberts ’05 was named as one of New York Metro “2016 Rising Stars.” The Honorable Gregory Acquaviva ’06 was confirmed by the state Senate as a Superior Court Judge in Monmouth County. Mayling C. Blanco ’06 was named Partner at Blank Rome LLP. James W. Boyan ’06 was named Member at Pashman Stein PC. Cheryll A. Calderon ’06 joined Brach Eichler LLC as an Associate. Erik M. Corlett ’06 was named a 2017 Rising Star in New Jersey Super Lawyers. Brad T. Jankowski ’06 joined Haile Shaw & Pfaffenberger P.A. Brian S. Kern ’06 was named “40 Under 40” in NJBIZ. Ruth Kim ’06 joined Ruvolo Law Group as Counsel. Frank J. Morano ’06 joined Purcell, Mulcahy, Hawkins, Flanagan & Lawless LLC as an Associate. Megan Scanlon ’06 joined Kaplan Voekler Cunningham & Frank PLC as an Associate. Robert Spitzer ’06 was named Partner at MacNeill, O’Neill & Riveles LLC. Brendan M. Walsh ’06 was named a 2017 Rising Star in New Jersey Super Lawyers. David Broderick ’07 was named Shareholder of Littler Mendelson P.C. Andrew D. Linden ’07 was named Member of Norris McLaughlin & Marcus P.A.

IN MEMORIAM CLASS NOTES Matthew Moench ’07 was named Director of Legislation and Regulation for the NJ Department of Banking and Insurance. Upneet S. Teji ’07 was elevated to Officer at Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale P.C. Joseph H. Tringali ’07 joined Scarinci & Hollenbeck LLC as Counsel. Michael S. Carucci ’08 joined Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. as Of Counsel. James J. Hanley ’08 became Assistant District Attorney at the New York County DA’s Office. Peter Knob ’08 was promoted to Partner at McCarter & English LLP. Dennis J. McMahon ’08 was named Counsel at Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto LLP. Kelly A. Fitzpatrick ’09 was named winner of Connecticut Law Tribune’s “2016 New Leaders in the Law” Contest. Ashley Vallillo Manzi ’09 joined Ruvolo Law Group LLC as Counsel. Richard Myslinski ’09 was promoted to Partner at McCarter & English LLP. Shannon Hennessy Pulaski ’09 was named a 2017 Rising Star in New Jersey Super Lawyers magazine. Amy E. Shotmeyer ’09 was selected to 201 Magazine’s “Top Lawyers in Bergen County” list.

2010s Rahil Darbar ’10 joined Porzio, Bromberg & Newman P.C. as an Associate. Michelle Ditzhazy ’10 was sworn in as Community Prosecutor in Huntington Beach. Joseph A. Fischetti ’10 was named Counsel at Lowenstein Sandler LLP. Nearly 100 alumni attended the inaugural G.O.L.D. Maybeline Saharig ’10 (Graduates of the Last Decade) Happy Hour in July was named one of 25 Fellows of the Immigrant Justice Corps. Amanda L. Van Hoose ’10 joined Baker & Hostetler LLP as an Associate. Jesse C. Dresser ’11 made Partner at Frier & Levitt LLC. Steven A. Krup ’11 joined Genova Burns LLC as an Associate. Erika Lopes-McLeman ’11 was selected to the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity’s 2017 class of “Pathfinders.” Kelly M. Bradshaw ’12 joined Greenberg Traurig LLP as an Associate. Amanda Laufer Camelotto ’12 joined DLA Piper as an Associate. Desiree Latzer Grace ’12 was named Assistant United States Attorney for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Appellate Division. Tiffany L. Heineman ’12 became a board member of “Girls on the Run” New Jersey North. Cristal Reyes ’12 was named Chair for the NJSBA – Minorities in the Profession Section. Nicholas Stratton ’12 was named Co-Chair of the Family Law Practice at Denbeaux and Denbeaux. Jessica CM Almeida ’13 joined Waters, McPherson, McNeill, P.C. as an Associate. Christopher J. Baione ’13 formed Pitta Giblin & Baione LLP. Jason Mushnick ’13 joined Scarinci Hollenbeck LLC as an Associate. Joel Silver ’13 won the 2016 California Bar Pro Bono Award for Corporate Counsel. Helen Becz ’14 joined Brach Eichler LLC as an Associate. Clarissa Gomez ’14 joined Riker Danzig LLP as an Associate. Chelsea Perdue ’15 was promoted to Captain in the United States Air Force JAG Corps. Jessica Rabkin ’15 joined Abrams, Gorelick, Friedman & Jacobson LLP as an Associate. Nicholas J. Waltman ’16 joined Mandelbaum Salsburg P.C. as an Associate. Edward Collins ’17 was honored at Caldwell University’s Annual Scholarship Gala.

Ivan S. Schneider ’54 January 5, 2017

Alfred DeBeau ’76 June 4, 2017

John J. McLaughlin ’58 January 7, 2017

Robert M. Mielich ’77 February 1, 2017

John F. Bracaglia ’59 January 14, 2017

Ronald E. Calissi ’79 September 23, 2016

Walter Olenich ’59 March 17, 2017

The Honorable Paul A. Kapalko ’79 April 27, 2017

Andrew A. Valeriani ’63 September 12, 2016 John A. Appezzato ’63 October 4, 2016 James B. Ventantonio ’64 November 22, 2016 Alfred G. Steinmetz ’65 September 7, 2016 Frederick E. Popovitch ’65 June 13, 2017 Paul J. Giblin ’66 July 11, 2016 Anthony J. Gianni ’66 February 8, 2017 E. Richard Kennedy ’67 April 21, 2017 Robert W. Burton ’69 July 1, 2017 John V. Vantuno ’70 April 27, 2017 John Lehet ’71 October 22, 2016 Francis Xavier Connolly ’71 October 30, 2016 Ronald J. Geczik ’71 April 6, 2017 Gerald G. Tighe ’71 April 8, 2017 Philip S. Noce ’72 January 5, 2017 Herbert F. Wreden ’73 September 19, 2016 Donald B. Steel ’73 October 25, 2016 James J. Markham ’73 March 21, 2017 Albert J. Barr ’74 May 31, 2017 Alfred C. Koeppe ’75 December 6, 2016 Robert H. Mitchell ’76 August 25, 2016

Ann S. Giesguth ’79 June 24, 2017 Frank Cozzarelli ’79 July 28, 2017 John Rivera ’80 November 15, 2016 Michael J. Quigley ’80 November 23, 2016 Eileen T. Carbery ’80 December 16, 2016 Anna R. O’Connor ’80 February 18, 2017 Adel Ahmed ’82 March 1, 2017 Joseph J. Haldusiewicz ’83 December 13, 2016 Kevin P. Harper ’83 February 3, 2017 Laura Thompson ’83 May 4, 2017 Anthony V. Boccabella ’84 March 18, 2017 Janet S. Lynch ’84 June 20, 2017 Richard M. Marano ’85 April 20, 2017 Deborah Del Nobile Tanenbaum ’87 February 23, 2017 Bart A. Barre ’92 March 6, 2017 Joseph Anthony Farinella ’93 March 10, 2017 Stephen M. Kozuch ’94 May 15, 2017 Robert G. Sabattis ’95 July 5, 2016 Mark David Kentos ’96 November 6, 2016 Brian Discount ’09 August 16, 2016

Fall 2017 | 19



We thank you, our donors, for your generous support of Seton Hall Law School, and are pleased to recognize your contributions to share, with friends and alumni, your inspiring example.

The Honor Roll acknowledges gifts between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 Mother Seton Society $100,000+ Lonye D. Rasch M. Stephen Rasch ’79 Mother Seton Society $50,000 - $99,999 The DeCotiis Family Alfred F. Jablonski ’66 Mother Seton Society $25,000 - $49,999 Michael P. Ambrosio Craig Carpenito ’00 Anthony P. DiTommaso, Jr. ’97 Janice Gordon Kevin H. Marino ’84 Rita A. Marino Margot S. Meyer Robert O. Meyer ’77 Robert F. Perry ’89 Dean’s Cabinet $10,000 - $24,999 Kathleen M. Boozang William B. Butler ’67 Emily Panreck Cannone Frank T. Cannone ’91 Maury Cartine ’76 Robin Cartine Richard J. Cino ’90 Kevin T. Coughlin ’80 20 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Therese B. Coughlin Matthew L. D’Ambrosio ’01 Diane DePalma Joseph J. DePalma ’82 Christina Dunican Patrick C. Dunican Jr. ’91 Susan A. Feeney Alena C. Galante Todd M. Galante ’86 Mary F. Hartnett ’90 Sanjay P. Ibrahim ’00 Helen Judlowe Stephen B. Judlowe ’65 Michael S. Lario Wendy J. Lario ’92 Lee Larson Peter N. Larson ’74 Debra A. LaSala Joseph P. LaSala ’72 Michael X. McBride Grant W. McGuire ’95 Diane C. Nardone ’88 Jamie Pukl-Werbel ’98 Peter D. St. Phillip, Jr. ’93 Joseph A. Torcivia ’85 Justin P. Walder Yolanda G. Walder The Honorable Dorothea O’C. Wefing ’72 John B. Wefing Matthew A. Werbel Linda A. Willett

Distinguished Partners $5,000 - $9,999 Christopher D. Adams ’98 Stacey D. Adams ’98 Erica Bell Michael D. Bell ’97 Joseph K. Cobuzio Benjamin Del Vento Mariellen Dugan ’91 Lisa M. Ferri ’87 Francis J. Giantomasi ’79 Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr. ’55 Joseph A. Hayden, Jr. The Honorable Katharine S. Hayden ’75 Luke P. Iovine, III ’90 Andrew B. Joseph Laura A. McLester ’90 Scott G. McLester ’90 Michael F. Midlige ’91 Suzanne C. Midlige ’91 Brian J. Molloy ’78 Lynn A. Fontaine Newsome ’81 Kevin M. Prongay ’73 Nan Prongay ’74 D. Michael Risinger Lesley C. Risinger ’03 Elaine A. Rocha ’98 Ellen Rose Robert G. Rose ’74 Walter L. Santner Daniel C. Schiff Janet E. Schiff

Bernard A. Schwartz ’78 Charles A. Sullivan Patrick P. Toscano, Jr. ’85 Nancy Toscano Karol Corbin Walker ’86 Paul Walker Kevin G. Walsh ’98 The Honorable Lisa Miralles Walsh ’98 Advocate’s Bench $1,000 - $4,999 Desmond R. Abazia Devon Acquaviva Gregory L. Acquaviva ’06 Christine Agrapidis Evans C. Agrapidis ’83 Frederick W. Alworth ’88 Christine A. Amalfe Brett M. Anders ’97 Lorraine M. Armenti ’82 John D. Arseneault ’79 Robert L. Baechtold ’66 Patricia A. Barbieri ’91 Mitch F. Baumeister ’72 Mary C. Beaumont ’87 The Honorable Marie White Bell ’73 Faith A. Bennett ’81 John K. Bennett ’80 Les H. Berger ’67 Kyle C. Bisceglie ’92 Eric D. Brophy ’99


HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Jeffrey S. Brown ’82 Sam Brown John J. Bruno ’79 Lan Hoang Cadigan ’97 Richard T. Cadigan ’97 Peng Cai ’13* Sean R. Callagy ’96 Eleanor S. Campbell-Swank ’97 Sean Carlin ’86 John F. Chiaia ’93 The Honorable Christopher J. Christie ’87 Mary Pat Christie The Honorable Vicki A. Citrino ’92 Barbara B. Comerford ’85 William T. Connell ’76 Michael E. Cozine ’60 William J. Cozine ’64 Elaine C. Crowley ’09 The Honorable Frank J. DeAngelis ’96 Patricia A. Deignan ’86 Anthony F. DellaPelle ’87 Janet M. Dempsey-Malone Edward B. Deutsch ’71 Joseph DiPasquale Janice F. Dolan ’92 Joseph G. Dolan ’92 Alexander Dubitsky Kathleen B. Estabrooks ’77 Gail Feeney Frank E. Ferruggia Barbara C. Fitzgerald Dianne Foley ’75 Eugene F. Gaughan ’04 Russell T. Giglio ’92 Jeffrey S. Ginsberg ’93 The Honorable Rochelle Gizinski ’83 Geoffrey D. Green ’74 Alison G. Greenberg ’97 Stephen M. Greenberg The Honorable Robert E. Hamer ’63 Curt M. Hapward ’97 Tara Hapward ’95 Donna M. Jennings ’95 Stephanie M. Kay ’92 Thomas C. Kelly ’73 James A. Kiick ’92 James A. Kosch ’81 Brian W. Kronick ’86 John Kuehn Anne D. Kunzman Kenneth F. Kunzman Joseph M. Lamastra ’86 Nicholas D. LaTrenta ’79 James N. Lawlor ’92

Charles W. Lefevre ’96 John N. Lemieux ’79 Daniel R. Levy ’04 Paul A. Lisovicz ’82 Robert K. Malone ’84 Mark Manigan ’97 Edward Marable, Jr. ’94 Michael J. Marone ’87 The Honorable Anthony R. Mautone, Sr. ’67 Stephen M. McCabe ’65 James I. McClammy ’98 Madelyn Camacho McClammy ’98 Brian P. McElroy ’06 Corinne L. McGovern ’80 Robert B. McGovern ’80 The Honorable John A. McLaughlin ’65 Stephen McManus ’90 John H. McNeill ’68 Cynthia H. McNutt ’07* Eric W. Meder Susan Meder Ira Meislik ’82 Karen Meislik ’84 The Honorable Thomas M. Moore ’80 Eli Morawiec ’91 Debra M. Mouridy Glenn J. Mouridy ’79 William R. Moye ’00 John P. Mulkerin ’70 Melissa A. Natale ’03 Thomas M. Nee ’73 Bernadette H. Olson Thomas M. Olson ’82 Kerry M. Parker ’81 Mary Lou Parker ’75 David J. Pascrell ’95 Phillip R. Patton ’82 Leon B. Piechta ’77 Loren Pierce Alexis ’85 Christopher S. Porrino ’92 The Honorable Anthony J. Principi ’75 Robert V. Prongay ’08* Melissa A. Provost ’98 Justin T. Quinn ’10* Scott E. Reiser ’07* Ronald J. Riccio ’71 Peter C. Richardson ’77 James F. Ryan, Jr. ’74 Sharifa R. Salaam ’93 Lynn Samuels Paul Sauchelli ’92

Louis J. Andreozzi ’84 Chief Executive Officer .law

Alfred F. Jablonski ’66 Chief Executive Officer The Sage Foundation

Mitch F. Baumeister ’72 Former Chair, Board of Visitors Partner, Baumeister & Samuels, PC

Andrew B. Joseph Partner-in-Charge, Florham Park Drinker, Biddle & Reath, LLP

Michael D. Bell ’97 Founder R-Squared Services & Solutions Inc.

Stephen B. Judlowe ’65 Of Counsel McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP

Kathleen M. Boozang Dean & Professor of Law Seton Hall University School of Law Paulette Brown ’76 Partner Locke Lord, LLP Frank T. Cannone ’91 Chairman, Corporate Department Gibbons P.C. Maury Cartine ’76 Partner-In-Charge, Tax Department Marcum LLP

Wendy Johnson Lario ’92 Secretary, Seton Hall Law Board of Visitors Shareholder Greenberg Traurig, LLP Peter N. Larson ’74 Former Chair, Board of Visitors Former Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of the Brunswick Corporation

Christopher J. Christie ’87 Governor, State of New Jersey

Joseph P. LaSala ’72 Chair, Seton Hall Law Board of Visitors Partner McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP

Richard J. Cino ’90 Office Managing Principal, Morristown Jackson Lewis P.C.

Craig Leach ’99 Chairman & CEO Collegium Holdings, Inc.

Kevin T. Coughlin ’80 Founding Partner Coughlin Duffy LLP

Kevin H. Marino ’84 Principal Marino, Tortorella & Boyle, P.C.

Michael Critchley ’72 Founding Partner Critchley, Kinum and Denoia, LLC

Denis McLaughlin Professor of Law Seton Hall University School of Law

Rinaldo M. D’Argenio ’79 Of Counsel Arturi, D’Argenio, Guaglardi & Meliti, LLP

Scott G. McLester ’90 Executive Vice President, General Counsel Wyndham Worldwide

Joseph J. DePalma ’82 Managing Member Lite, DePalma & Greenberg, LLC

Suzanne C. Midlige ’91 Managing Partner Coughlin Duffy LLP

Anthony P. DiTommaso, Jr. ’97 Chief Executive Officer Ivy Equities

Lynn Fontaine Newsome ’81 Vice-Chair, Seton Hall Law Board of Visitors Partner Newsome O’Donnell, LLC

Patrick C. Dunican Jr. ’91 Former Chair, Seton Hall Law Board of Visitors Chairman & Managing Director Gibbons P.C.

David M. Orbach Chairman of the Board Regal Bank

Kathryn P. Duva ’01 Chief Executive Officer Main Events

James C. Orr ’64 Of Counsel Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker, LLP

Susan A. Feeney Partner McCarter & English, LLP

William J. Palatucci ’89 Special Counsel Gibbons P.C.

Todd M. Galante ’86 Principal Piro, Zinna, Cifelli, Paris & Gentitempo, LLC Rev. Nicholas S. Gengaro Chaplain Seton Hall University School of Law John C. Gibbons ’72 Senior Managing Director OSO Group, LTD Timothy Glynn Miriam T. Rooney Professor of Law & Associate Dean for Graduate & Professional Education Seton Hall University School of Law

Robert F. Perry ’89 Partner King & Spalding LLP Elaine Rocha ’98 Chief Operating Officer & Chief of Staff AIG Investments Peter St. Phillip, Jr. ’93 Partner Lowey, Dannenberg, Cohen & Hart, P.C. Charles A. Sullivan Professor of Law, Senior Associate Dean for Finance & Faculty Seton Hall University School of Law

Bernard M. Hartnett ’55 Of Counsel Connell Foley, LLP

Colleen E. Tracy James ’96 Partner Mayer Brown, LLP

The Honorable Katharine S. Hayden ’75 United States District Court District of New Jersey

Justin P. Walder Member Pashman Stein Walder Hayden

Sanjay P. Ibrahim ’00 Founding Member Parker, Ibrahim & Berg, LLC

Kevin G. Walsh ’98 Co-Chair, Government Affairs Gibbons P.C.

Fall 2017 | 21

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING William B. Savo ’67 Donald Scarinci ’83 Shoshana Schiff ’98 John L. Shahdanian, II ’97 Christina S. Shenouda ’93 Robert A. Silber ’91 Michael J. Silvestri Glenn J. Smith ’91 Ricardo Solano, Jr. ’98 Remi L. Spencer ’02 Claudette St. Romain William E. Staehle ’75 Brian G. Steller ’82 Candace Steller Deborah Streiter William T. Streiter Nicholas A. Taro ’07* John D. Tortorella ’99 Richard D. Trenk Thomas Tziavragos Charles J. Uliano ’74 Warren Usatine John S. Voynick, Jr. ’80 David J. Waldman ’68 Joseph T. Walsh, III ’89 The Honorable Deanne M. Wilson ’80 John B. Wilson ’90 Marc E. Wolin ’92 Individuals < $1,000 Nakary Abreu Matthew S. Adams ’08 Nabil A. Adawi ’10 The Honorable Lisa M. Adubato ’87 Victor A. Afanador ’98 Paul E. Agrapidis ’17+ Lisa Agresti-Carey ’87 Mark R. Aikins ’84 Charleen M. Aina ’76 Andrea Joy Albrecht ’11 Christopher Albrecht Louis J. Alfonso, Jr. ’68 Jessica C. Almeida ’13 Leonard J. Altamura ’66 Florence A. Amato-Scrivo ’88 Betsy Anda-Harris ’17+ Roderick B. Anderson ’61 Steven K. Andreassen ’03 Lindsey Andreozzi ’17+ Louis J. Andreozzi ’84 James E. Andrews ’87 Vincent Apruzzese The Honorable Madeline Cox Arleo ’89 22 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Joseph A. Armenti ’14 Edwin Arnes ’81 Irene L. Asbury ’99 Stephanie Ashley ’17+ Kiesha T. Astwood ’06 Susan Aufiero-Peters ’01 James J. Baber ’14 Mark Baber Anne S. Babineau ’77 Paul A. Babineau Thomas M. Bachman ’78 William Badinelli Michael A. Baldassare ’99 Tracey A. Ballard ’93 Franklin Barbosa, Jr. ’15 Peter Bariso Michael A. Bars ’80 Christopher S. Bateman ’84 Susan B. Bateman ’84 Lawrence E. Bathgate, II Gregory J. Battista ’86 Laura Bauer Drew J. Bauman ’83 Matthew Beck Lawrence E. Behning ’91 Maureen Behning-Doyle Olta Bejleri Sandra Belli ’88 Michael O. Benak ’12 Alexander Bennett Robert T. Bennett ’95 Amy L. Bernstein ’12 Damien Bevelle ’10 Judith Q. Bielan ’89 Mark D. Bigos ’98 Mayling C. Blanco ’06 Victoria O. Blazeski ’15 Jeffrey Blivaiss ’01 Randye E. Bloom ’79 Mark J. Blunda ’77 Anthony V. Boccabella ’84 Catherine Boccabella Ida Bochner Jessica Bodajlo Robin C. Bogan ’96 John J. Bolan ’72 Chris Borchert Alan A. Bornstein ’98 Ronald P. Botelho ’11 Michael Botton ’98 Gianna Bove ’17+ James W. Boyan, III ’06 Thomas E. Bracken ’68 Patrick S. Brannigan ’02 Alexander M. Bregman ’12 Richard F. Breitweiser ’89

Colleen D. Brennan ’91 Donald Brennan Joseph P. Brennan, Jr. ’73 Joseph L. Brescher ’62 Doris Bresnowitz Phyllis Gutto Brew ’87 Connor B. Breza James D. Bride ’68 Sarah Briguglio Ellen A. Brodsky ’81 Clare Brogan The Honorable Peter R. Brogan ’68 Lisa M. Bromberg ’83 Lee M. Bronster G. Michael Brown ’67 Nathan L. Brown ’09* Tom Brown Jonathan Bruno ’09 Gina M. Bruzzichesi ’96 Michael S. Bubb ’71 Benjamin S. Bucca, Jr. ’83 Christine A. Bucca ’84 Anthony M. Bucco ’87 Autumn L. Bucior ’02 Sherrie L. Buenviaje-Mannion Julie Bulfair Christopher W. Burdick ’83 Donald Burke, Jr. ’11* Donald Burke, Sr. John P. Burns ’16 Daniel M. Byrne ’01 Robert W. Byrne ’84 Courteney B. Lario Caine ’14 Timothy H. Caine ’14 Marc A. Calello ’89 Sheila E. Calello ’91 Denise I. Calinda ’92 Francis J. Calise ’73 Anthony P. Callaghan ’94 Cathleen J. Calligy ’92 Nancy J. Calvaruso David V. Calviello ’96 Amanda D. Camelotto ’12 Andrew J. Camelotto ’11 Sally Camelotto Sean Camoni ’11 Vanessa R. Campagna ’07 Catherine F. Campen Kathleen McCormick Campi ’83 Thomas V. Campo ’93 The Honorable Margaret M. Canale ’78 Brian F. Canavan Joseph A. Caneco ’16 Bradford A. Cangro ’05 Julia A. Cannarozzi ’87

Michelle Capezza ’96 Charles J. Carey ’87 Christopher J. Carey ’82 Lynette J. Carhart-Gladdis ’96 Domenick Carmagnola ’88 Angela C. Carmella Lisa Carmelotto Catherine A. Carr Krauss ’84 Robert J. Carroll ’78 Michael S. Carucci ’08 Carmine J. Caruso ’75 Dominic V. Caruso ’78 Rachel M. Caruso ’03 The Honorable Michael R. Casale ’81 Andrea M. Cascarano ’07 John R. Cascarano ’07 Caitlin Cascino ’12* Jordan P. Cascino Neil J. Casey, III ’73 Narline Casimir ’12 Zoila S. Cassanova ’04 Jeffrey D. Catrambone ’96 Anthony J. Cavallo ’87 The Honorable Dennis M. Cavanaugh ’72 The Honorable Linda L. Cavanaugh ’79 Kristen E. Celii Antonio Celii ’00 Janine M. Cerra ’08* John E. Cerza ’96 Maria A. Cestone ’96 Andrew J. Cevasco Robert A. Chabora ’77 William T. Chalmers Louis A. Chiafullo ’96 Edwin F. Chociey ’93 Frank S. Chow ’67 Jomini Y. Chu ’17+ Julie L. Cibulskis ’98 Pasquale Ciccodicola ’03 Dennis V. Cieri ’96 Alyssa A. Cimino ’06 Robert J. Cino ’08 Nicholas J. Ciolko ’17+ Peter Cipparulo, III ’90 Lawrence D. Cirignano ’81 Robert D. Clarke ’71 Mark A. Clemente ’81 Deborah A. Cmielewski ’95 Kylie A. Cohen ’14 Robert B. Cohen ’86 Sandra Cohen Danalynn Colao ’98 Denis E. Cole ’68


HONOR ROLL OF GIVING John E. Coley, Jr. ’69 Tamara Coley ’10 Matthew J. Colford ’10 Edward R. Collins ’17+ Marjorie Collins Michael L. Collins ’13* Terence G. Connor ’67 Richard F. Connors, Jr. ’88 Susan A. Connors ’88 Keith W. Cook ’00 David J. Cooner ’89 Lauren B. Cooper ’14 Richard Coppa ’92 Robert E. Corcoran ’86 Tracey Cordeiro ’17+ George P. Cornell ’15 Kevin J. Cornell John Kip Cornwell Rodrick Corpuz Christian F. Corro ’17+ Frank M. Coscia ’85 Edward Costello, Jr. ’88 Patrick K. Coughlin ’14* Robert J. Craig David D. Cramer ’11 Gianna Cricco-Lizza ’12* John D. Cromie ’87 Patricia Cromie ’87 Jasmin Crowder ’17+ Jennifer Cudmore Sonia Cunha The Honorable Barbara A. Curran ’77 Richard P. Cushing ’72 Robert M. Czech ’87 Henry J. Daaleman ’62 Beth Anne L. D’Alessandro ’76 The Honorable Daniel A. D’Alessandro ’74 Daniel P. D’Alessandro ’06 Joseph T. Daly ’68 Ryan M. Daniel ’09 Rahil Darbar ’10 Andrew J. D’Arcy ’96 Andrew M. Darcy ’10 Jennifer L. Davenport ’03 Bernard S. Davis ’70 The Honorable Elaine L. Davis ’72 Lydia E. Davis ’78 Maureen T. Davis ’96 Virginia E. Davis ’74 Latoya Dawkins ’17+ The Honorable Nolan B. Dawkins ’75

Meredith Dawson ’17+ Dennis G. De Almeida ’15 Edward J. De Pascale ’73 Danielle Deak ’99 Teresina DeAlmeida The Honorable Bernadette N. DeCastro-McDonald ’84 Leigh DeCotiis ’12 Paul G. Deehan ’85 Wendy E. Deer Edward J. DeFazio ’78* Thomas J. DeFelice ’12 The Honorable Michael J. Degnan ’64 Michael J. DeJianne ’16 Nancy A. Del Pizzo ’05 Antimo Del Vecchio ’89 Anthony V. D’Elia ’82 Joseph Dellera ’17+ James E. DeMartino ’79 Mark P. Denbeaux Dale A. Diamond ’82 Javier Diaz ’12 Michael DiBenedetto ’17+ Diane DiFrancesco The Honorable Donald T. DiFrancesco ’69 Amy E. DiGregorio ’07 Nicole F. DiMaria ’01 Roger W. Dinella ’91 Marco DiStefano ’17+ Raquel C. Doering ’17+ John F. Doherty ’76 Thomas F. Doherty ’92 Shannon Dolan ’17+ Ronald J. Dolecki ’94 Seth G. Dombeck ’04 Thomas F. Dominiecki ’64 Timothy M. Donohue ’84 The Honorable John M. Doran ’80 Tara P. D’Orsi ’96 Marlene Dortch Victoria Dorum ’17+ William Dowd ’75 Theresa Spola Doyle ’87 Sharon A. Dragan ’86 Dennis J. Drasco June Droussiotis ’17+ Susan R. Dudzinski ’98 Brian J. Duff ’96 Stephen P. Duff ’04 Joseph J. Dvorak ’66

Remi L. Spencer ’02 (President) Partner, Spencer & Associates Counselors at Law, L.L.C.

Jeremy Farrell ’07 Corporation Counsel, City of Jersey City James F. Flanagan ’72

John L. Shahdanian II ’97 (President Elect) Member, Chasan, Leyner & Lamparello, PC

Kimberly A. Franko ’12 Associate, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Martin J. Foncello ’05 Secretary, Associate Director, Exiger LLC

Wanda D. French-Brown ’08 Counsel, Intellectual Property Litigation, Baker Hostetler, LLP

Elaine A. Rocha ’98 (Immediate Past President) Chief Operating Officer & Chief of Staff, AIG Investments

Deborah A. Gabry ’89 (Emeritus Member) Founder, Law Offices of Deborah A. Gabry

Victor A. Afanador ’98 (Emeritus Member) Member of the Firm, Lite DePalma Greenberg, LLC

Noreen M. Giblin ’98 Counsel, Government Affairs, Gibbons P.C.

Damien L. Bevelle ’10 Staff Attorney, Holwell Shuster & Goldberg LLP Mayling C. Blanco ’06 Partner, Blank Rome LLP Marc A. Calello ’89 Founder, The Law Office of Marc A. Calello, Esq. P.C. David V. Calviello ’96 (Emeritus Member) Assistant Prosecutor, Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Michelle Capezza ’96 Member of the Firm, Epstein Becker & Green, PC John Cascarano ’07 Senior Claims Specialist, Construction Defect, Environmental & Surety Claims, Crum & Forster

Desiree Grace ’12 Assistant United States Attorney, United States Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey Justin Hollander ’12 Associate, Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A.

Michael J. Riccobono ’09 Associate, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart P.C. Michael A. Rolek ’13 Associate, Tannenbaum, Helpern, Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP Shoshana Schiff ’98 Partner, Trenk, DiPasquale, Della Fera & Sodono, P.C.

Jodi Hudson ’96 (Emeritus Member) Of Counsel, Connell Foley LLP

David Simunovich ’08 Assistant United States Attorney United States Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey

James B. Johnston ’96 (Emeritus Member) Associate, Golden, Rothschild, Spagnola, Lundell, Boylan & Garubo, P.C.

Elina Slavin ’10 Associate, Saul Ewing, LLP

Amanda Laufer Camelotto ’12 Associate, DLA Piper

Robert E. Spitzer ’06 Associate, MacNeill, O’Neill & Riveles, LLC Charles J. Uliano ’74 Partner, Chamlin, Rosen, Uliano & Witherington

Julian Leone ’04 Vice President, Investment Management Division, Goldman Sachs & Co.

John F. Chiaia ’93 Partner, Chiaia & Associates LLC

Kelly Lloyd Lankford ’09 Senior Managing Associate, Dentons LLP

The Honorable Frank J. DeAngelis ’96 (Emeritus Member) New Jersey Superior Court, Civil Division, Sussex County

Frederic J. Regenye ’95 (Emeritus Member) Counsel, Law Office of Kenneth Lipstein

Scott E. Reiser ’07 Member, Lum, Drasco & Positan LLC,

Daniel R. Levy ’04 Member, Epstein, Becker & Green, P.C.

Michael L. Collins ’13 Associate, Archer & Greiner P.C.

Catherine I. R. Pontoriero ’10 Associate, Proskauer Rose LLP

Cristal Reyes ’12 Legal Counsel, Bed Bath & Beyond

Antonio Celii ’00 General Counsel, Head of Human Resources, Corporate Secretary, CapSpecialty, Inc.

Tamara R. Coley ’10 Regulatory Counsel, Division of Policy Development, Food & Drug Administration

Jacqueline C. Pirone Palumbo ’04 (Emeritus Member) Adjunct Professor Seton Hall University School of Law, Of Counsel Daly Lamastra & Cunningham

Jason T. Watson ’07 First Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of Jersey City Kevin W. Weber ’08 Associate, Gibbons P.C. Brandon Lee Wolff ’14 Associate, LeClairRyan

Amy Cattafi ’08 Director, Healthcare Compliance Certification Program, Seton Hall University School of Law Erika M. Lopes-McLeman ’11 Managing Associate, Dentons US LLP Matthew C. Moench ’07 Director of Legislation & Regulation, New Jersey Department of Banking & Insurance

Javier Diaz ’12 Associate, Government Affairs, Gibbons P.C.

Rachel A. Mongiello ’10 Associate, Cole Schotz P.C.

Timothy M. Donohue ’84 (Emeritus Member) Partner, Arleo & Donohue LLC

Patricia C. Morgan ’09 Assistant Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Education

Marita S. Erbeck ’02 Partner, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Caroline E. Oks ’12 Associate, Business & Commercial Litigation, Gibbons P.C.

Jennifer Young ’05 Senior Associate, Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski, P.C. The Honorable Mara Zazzali-Hogan ’98 (Emeritus Member) Superior Court of New Jersey, Monmouth County Courthouse Thomas Zuppa, Jr. ’12 Assistant Prosecutor, Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office

Fall 2017 | 23

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Brian E. Early ’99 Joseph V. Egan Jesse C. Ehnert ’07 Christopher G. Elko ’08 Erin T. Elko ’06 Robert D. Emer ’93 Brooke Emery Oliver Encarnacion ’17+ Michael Engemann Kieran Ensor Marita S. Erbeck ’02 Robert C. Errico ’81 The Honorable Gerald C. Escala ’64 Cesar M. Estela ’09 Kaitlyn J. Ettinger Barry H. Evenchick Kathleen A. Falci Nicholas Falci Manuel P. Fanarjian ’67 Robert R. Fanburg ’77 Laura M. Fant ’10 Alissa H. Faris ’06 Jeremy A. Farrell ’07 Samantha C. Fasanello ’15 Alexis Fede ’17+ Angela C. Femino ’87 Brian H. Fenlon ’87 Kathleen N. Fennelly ’86 Thomas S. Fennelly ’90 Andrew M. Ferencevych ’10 Lewis J. Fernandez ’78 Vincent Ferrer Peter A. Fico ’89 Rebecca Fields ’74 Amy C. Fierro Laurie M. Fierro ’83 Mark P. Fierro ’86 William D. Findlay ’13* John F. Finnegan, III ’11 Elynn M. Finston Martin I. Finston ’92 James V. Fiore ’74 Joseph A. Fischetti ’10 John W. Fisher ’75 Linda E. Fisher William Fishkin ’01 Shannon K. Fitzgerald ’08 James F. Flanagan, III ’72 John Flanagan Suzanne M. Flaton-Origenes ’92 Sean Flood Diane M. Flynn ’96 James Flynn Susan J. Flynn-Hollander 24 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Cara L. Foerst ’99 James M. Foerst ’99 Brian M. Foley ’86 Robert J. Foley ’73 Martin J. Foncello ’05 Nicole A. Dyer Foncello ’04 Gina M. Fondetto Leonard Fondetto, III ’99 Charles M. Forman ’76 Benjamin Forrest ’17+ June K. Forrest The Honorable Wayne J. Forrest ’84 Gregory W. Fortsch ’94 George M. Foss ’78 Kiersten A. Fowler ’16 Maria Fragassi Santangelo ’92 Jacob J. Franchino ’15* Kimberly A. Franko ’12 Paula A. Franzese Timothy J. Fraser ’02 Bernard W. Freedman ’66 Timothy R. Freeman ’06 Valerie Freeman Wanda D. French-Brown ’08 William E. Frese ’73 John R. Frieri ’85 Spenser Frieri ’17+ Bonnie C. Frost ’84 John A. Frost Alan D. Furman ’72 Alison G. Gabinelli ’14 Deborah A. Gabry ’89 Christine A. Gaddis ’14 Rajdeep S. Gadhok ’99 Karen Gajewski Lucy Ann Galioto ’83 Hugh B. Gallagher ’77 Maurice J. Gallipoli Dakota Gallivan ’14* The Honorable Rosemary Gambardella Amanda L. Van Hoose Garofalo ’10 The Honorable Francis W. Gasiorowski ’73 Jonathan E. Gates ’06 Lorraine S. Gauli-Rufo ’91 Ryan Gega ’17+ Glenn C. Geiger ’76 Joan G. Geiger ’83 Julie E. Gendel ’09 John G. Geppert, Jr. ’83 Christopher W. Gerold ’05 Sandra C. Fava Gerold ’05 Francis M. Giantomasi ’10

Elizabeth U. Giblin ’14 Noreen M. Giblin ’98 Kevin Gilmore ’17+ Colleen A. Giusto ’09 Jill Glassman Timothy Glynn Maria C. Gogal ’11 Henry S. Goldfine ’96 Erica Goldring ’17+ Jerard A. Gonzalez ’92 Maria F. Gonzalez ’86 Maria I. Gonzalez ’84 Brian R. Goodman ’05 Elga A. Goodman ’96 Lizette M. Goodman Nicole Goodwin ’01 Joseph Goss ’09 Michelle D. Grady ’00 Cynthia L. Granata ’86 Brandon Granda-Farias ’17+ Kristy L. Grazioso ’05 Paul H. Green ’80 Thomas S. Green ’15* William D. Green ’76 Ralph A. Grieco ’69 Carol A. Gross ’85 Robert J. Grosso ’77 Maya L. Grosz Nicole M. Grzeskowiak ’11 Harry R. Gudenberg ’70 Paola A. Guido ’14 James M. Gurland ’92 Leidy J. Gutierrez ’16 David J. Guzik ’17+ Lisette L. Guzman ’16 Karen D. Gwynn ’90 Colin P. Hackett ’91 Rosalin Hadley Bernadette Hagan Evan Haggerty ’12* John B. Hall ’64 Tom Haller Joseph A. Hallock ’71 Nicole B. Hamberger ’11 Abdul N. Hamdan ’14* Lauren Handler The Honorable Gerald B. Hanifan ’68 Maureen P. Hanifan The Honorable Stephan C. Hansbury ’77 Dorothy A. Harbeck ’89 Kathleen B. Harden ’89 Colleen S. Hardin George R. Hardin ’74

The Honorable Richard C. Hare ’73 Ryan Harper Brian A. Harris ’12 Catherine Hart ’17+ Edward A. Hartnett Andrea W. Hattan ’05 The Honorable Rudolph N. Hawkins, Jr. ’68 Cherryl J. Hayes ’07 James D. Hebson, Jr. ’77 Mary J. Heiart Scott A. Heiart ’04 The Honorable James C. Heimlich ’72 Carol M. Henderson ’78 Jennifer A. Henry ’93 Jonathan D. Henry ’08 Kristine Hernandez Daniel E. Hewitt ’17+ Ronald A. Hewitt ’05 Robert B. Hille ’83 Caitlin Hillenbrand ’10 Mindy J. Himelman ’86 Tyler Hinton Kathryn Hockenjos ’86 John Hoffman John E. Hogan ’98 Justin Hollander ’12* John N. Holly ’88 Analisa S. Holmes ’88 Eric Homsi ’09 Meghan V. Hoppe ’13 Nashon Hornsby ’97 Marisa Hourdajian ’12 Fred J. Howlett ’77 Mimi Huang ’10 Jodi A. Hudson ’96 Jessica J. Huening ’14 Carmelo V. Huertas ’96 John J. Hughes Susan C. Hughes ’80 Steven R. Hummell ’98 William M. Hunt ’87 Hope D. Hurowitz ’91 Margie Huskey Lenore M. Imhof ’99 June M. Inderwies Gregory S. Inman ’85 Anthony J. Innamorato ’66 Nancy Isaacson ’85 The Honorable David J. Issenman ’73 John V. Jacobi Carol G. Jacobson ’78 Daniel S. Jahnsen ’86

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Alexandra Janker Jessica Jansyn ’10 Robert Jenkin Kenneth W. Jiang ’96 Gisele Joachim Jacob L. Johnson ’14 Maxx Johnson ’17+ Nancy J. Johnson ’89 William J. Johnson ’75 James B. Johnston ’96 Maureen M. Johnston ’90 Markiana J. Julceus ’17+ Charles J. X. Kahwaty ’79 Margaret R. Kalas ’91 Richard Kalinowski ’17+ Palaiyur S. Kalyanaraman ’94 Sean M. Kane ’99 William J. Kane ’69 Catherine L. Karanas ’87 James A. Kassis ’00 Heather Whyte Kattas The Honorable David B. Katz ’87 Tracy A. Kaye Kenneth W. Kayser ’77 Kelley Kearns Christopher J. Keating ’14 Thomas F. Kelaher ’60 The Honorable William T. Kelleher, Jr. ’77 A. James Kelly, Jr. ’73 Brendan Kelly ’17+ Kevin B. Kelly Kevin P. Kelly ’90 Kimberly M. Kempton-Serra ’06 The Honorable Camille M. Kenny ’84 Elizabeth A. Kenny ’93 Joseph G. Kenny ’13 Janet L. Kerr Thomas R. Kerr ’74 Jeffrey S. Key ’07 John Khouri ’12 Andrew D. Kiernan ’17+ Catherine A. Kiernan ’86 Moonjung Jenny Kim ’08 Mary J. King The Honorable Vivian S. Sanks King ’85 Diane J. Ruccia Kinney ’94 Thomas S. Kirschenbaum ’67 Olivia P. Klein ’85 Susan Kleiner ’95 Julia A. Klubenspies ’94 Albert G. Kobylarz, Jr. ’74 Paul H. Kochanski ’80 Michael G. Kohn ’75

Joshua J. Koodray ’17+ Biju J. Koshy ’06 Brianna E. Kostecka ’10* Julie A. Kot ’07 David R. Kott Christopher S. Kozak ’96 William P. Krauss ’81 Steven K. Krommenhoek Virginia Krup Fred C. Kuhlwilm ’73 James J. Kuhn ’93 Mary G. Kunik ’77 Robert F. Kupec ’68 Mark D. Kurdyla ’99 Michael Kurpiewski ’17+ Mimi Lakind ’93 Fei F. Lam ’97 Cristal Lambert ’12 Dawn M. Lamparello ’06 Philip W. Lamparello ’10 Thornton R. Land ’71 Stacy Landau ’17+ Kelly A. Lloyd Lankford ’09 Timothy M. Lanni ’12 Sandra L. Lascari ’90 Desiree Latzer ’12 Eric S. Latzer ’11 Robert D. Laurino ’79 Kerry R. Laurito ’96 The Honorable Jaynee LaVecchia Joshua Law Jeralyn L. Lawrence ’96 Rochelle D. Laws ’07 Patrick R. Leardo Jae B. Lee ’07 David L. Legow ’86 Ting Lei Janet Wagman LeMonnier Gerald P. Lenihan Paulette R. Lenzy ’92 Julian Leone ’04 Bernard A. Leroe ’74 Steven Less ’79 Lawrence A. Leven ’73 Joshua D. Levine ’96 Ronald S. Levitt ’68 Margaret K. Lewis Paula S. Lieb ’93 Jesse Lieberman ’17+ Cheryl H. Lin ’09 Adam Lipps ’16 Albert C. Lisbona Arnold D. Litt ’74 Eliza L. Lloyd ’14 Janelle M. LoBello

Anthony V. Locascio ’98 Kevin J. Long ’15 Michael T. Long ’04 The Honorable Virigina A. Long Erika Lopes-McLeman ’11 Abigail Luhn ’17+ Lawrence Lustberg Karen Lydon-Fersch ’16 Alexandra Macaluso ’17+ Luau Macaluso John F. MacLeod ’71 Margaret M. Madden ’85 Thomas M. Madden ’87 Ryan Magee ’10 Kevin J. Mahoney ’14 John J. Maiorana ’78 Jo Ann A. Maldonado Solangel Maldonado Jennifer Mallory The Honorable Linda E. Mallozzi ’82 Tammy A. Mangan Stuart Mann ’86 The Honorable Steven C. Mannion ’93 Maureen B. Mantineo Toni A. Marabello ’13 Eileen N. Marano Scott J. Mariani ’91 The Honorable Ronald G. Marmo ’67 George A. Marootian ’78 Corinne M. Marotta ’11 James S. Marotta ’77 Robert J. Martin ’79 Rose M. Martins Jason R. Martucci ’06 Laurie R. Masuret ’86 Maryssa A. Mataras ’16 Amy Matey ’08 Paul B. Matey ’01 Lovin N. Mathew ’17+ Edwin R. Matthews, Sr. ’73 Jennifer M. Mazawey Vinosky ’97 Edward H. Mazer ’74 Paul H. Mazer ’04 Christopher A. Mazza ’09 James L. McGinnis ’94 Robert W. McAndrew ’78 Michael J. McBride ’00 Andrew McCray ’91 Elizabeth A. McDevitt ’84 John P. McDonald ’76 Peter J. McDonald ’62 Nicole A. McDonough ’08 Robert P. McDonough ’57

John L. McGoldrick Timothy F. McGoughran ’86 George A. McGowan, III ’92 Kathleen McGrath-Green ’80 Kelsey McGuckin ’17+ Timothy McHale Jr. ’17+ Denis F. McLaughlin Erin McMahon ’89 Mary C. McManus Dayna McMullin Charles L. McNabb ’81 The Honorable Sheila F. McShane ’00 Claire McSherry LeeAnne McVannel ’17+ Maryellen E. McVeigh Jane G. Mecca ’86 Joseph L. Mecca, Jr. ’86 Eric W. Meder ’15* The Honorable Stacey L. Meisel The Honorable Benn Meistrich ’92 Joseph T. Melillo ’69 Michael P. Meliti ’99 Camila Mendes-Ferreira Robert B. Meola ’89 Karlyne Merant Beth R. Haiet Meyer ’85 David Meyer Martha L. Meyer-Weisgerber ’15 Michael D. Mezzacca ’92 Alfred L. Michaelsen ’69 Jessica Miles Donna R. Miller ’87 Joel Miller Matthew M. Miller ’05 Eileen Minogue Jordan E. Mintz ’13 Louis A. Modugno ’95 Matthew C. Moench ’07 Barbara Mol Rita M. Molesworth ’95 Wendy Molinari ’81 Sean Monaghan ’83 Joanne Monahan ’78 Jeffrey Mongiello ’11 Rachel A. Mongiello ’11 Gregory Montalbano ’10 Ryan P. Montefusco ’12* Anne D. Moon ’97 Phyllis A. Mooney ’88 Barbara A. Moran ’90 The Honorable Julio Morejon ’86 Fall 2017 | 25

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Lucas W. Morgan ’14 Mark S. Morgan Patricia C. Morgan ’09 Karen H. Moriarty ’83 Michael F. Moriarty ’86 John E. Morrone ’07 Adam H. Morsy Giovanni Morton ’17+ The Honorable Barry E. Moscowitz ’93 Patrick T. Mottola ’00 Arianna Moure ’15 Raj Mukherji ’12* Michael D. Mulanaphy ’13 Bradford W. Muller ’09 Sarah Muller Leigh S. Mumford ’03 Kenneth J. Murphy ’73 Michael Murphy Terry M. Murphy ’80 Andrew Muscato ’78 Ann Marie Muscato Patricia Nachtigal Robin M. Nagel Adam Najib ’12 James R. Napolitano ’67 Debra Naporano ’91 Marie D. Nardino ’79 Edward A. Nasti ’14 Anna P. Navatta ’82 Carol A. Nemetz ’84 Brian Newsome Michelle A. Newton ’12 Timothy Nichols David A. Nicolette, Jr. ’65 Anneke H. Niemira ’05 Nicole M. Noonan ’06 Maria D. Noto ’80 Gerard R. Novak ’88 Kenneth F. Nwele ’99 Loretta Nydyhor Ashley E. Ochs ’09* Dwayne Ockel ’17+ The Honorable James J. O’Connell, Jr. ’66 Alison C. O’Donnell ’01 The Honorable Colin F. O’Donnell ’87 Edward J. O’Donnell ’83 Kevin O’Dowd Hugh J. O’Gorman ’55 M. Sheilah O’Halloran ’83 Christopher O’Hearn ’17+ 26 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Caroline Oks ’12 J. Raymond Oldroyd ’68 Jeremiah L. O’Leary ’96 Linda M. K. Olejar ’86 Robert J. Olejar ’81 Joseph Oliver, III ’12 Lawrence M. O’Reilly ’83 Bailey Ott Chelsea Ott ’17+ Arthur M. Owens ’05 Frederick W. Padden ’63 Inge Padden Laura Palatucci William J. Palatucci ’89 Samantha Palma ’17+ Jacqueline Palumbo ’04 Michael E. Panagos ’76 Denise L. Panicucci ’89 Dana Paolillo ’17+ Diana Parker Patrick E. Parrish ’12 Russell J. Passamano ’86 Joseph A. Pastena ’71 Lisa M. Rodriguez Pastula ’04 Joseph S. Paterno, III ’91 Janet Senft Pearce ’94 Allen B. Pearl ’60 Nicholas Pellegrino ’17+ Jacqueline S. Peña ’13 Paula Pereira Marina C. Perna ’88 Kara M. Perry ’98 Marko J. Pesce ’15 Timothy J. Petty ’11 Martin F. Pfleger ’87 Marie Phillips David Piccolo Natalee Picillo ’86 John R. Pidgeon ’75 Richard E. Pigott ’64 Patricia J. Pindar ’78 Fernando M. Pinguelo Joseph V. Pinto ’83 Vanessa Pinto David A. Pisciotta ’09* James C. Pitney, Jr. ’75 Marcel R. Plaut ’74 Julia E. Poirier Kristin E. Poling ’14* Joseph Polizzi Yaakov G. Pollak ’17+ Frank Pomaco ’71 Catherine I. Pontoriero ’10 Elaine Poplaski Nina Popova ’17+

Anthony D. Porcaro ’91 Latisha M. Porter-Vaughn Wayne J. Positan Gary Potters Gary A. Preston Phylicia A. Preston ’15 Gerard A. Pryor ’79 Ivan J. Punchatz ’76 Catherine M. Queenan Edward P. Queenan ’76 Thomas F. Quinn ’81 Zahid Quraishi Tara A. Ragone Louis A. Ramunno ’94 Justin Rand Martin R. Raskin ’74 Mendel W. Rast ’65 Phillip G. Ray ’02 Cissy M. Rebich ’95 Frederic J. Regenye ’95 Audena B. Reger ’99 Danielle E. Reid ’82 Abigail J. Remore ’09 Michael J. Ricciardelli ’08 Michael J. Riccobono ’09* Karl C. Riehl ’96 Stuart W. Risch ’87 Ariel M. Risinger ’15 Steven F. Ritardi ’87 Maria A. Rockfol Lindsay Rodman ’11* Bruce A. Rogers ’86 Robert S. Roglieri ’14 Lindsey M. Rohan ’03 Christopher A. Rojao ’13 Michael A. Rolek ’13 Jonathan Romberg Diego J. Rosado ’11 The Honorable Giacomo G. Rosati ’54 Camille J. Rosca ’15* Bruce S. Rosen ’86 Jason Michael Ross ’02 Jayne M. Ross ’82 Vincent J. Rubino, Jr. ’80 Jeffrey P. Ruddy ’67 Regina S. Rufolo Richard M. Rufolo ’87 Nicholas P. Ruggiero, Jr. Giulianna K. Ruiz ’06 Samantha Rumsey The Honorable Daniel J. Russell ’61

Peter D. Russo ’96 Elizabeth A. Ryan ’85 Patricia A. Ryan ’93 Hikmat A. Sabeh ’15 Beata Safari ’17+ The Honorable Esther Salas Jonathan E. Samon ’04 Joseph D. Sams ’87 Carlos Sanchez ’96 Charles G. Sanders ’69 Jason M. Santarcangelo ’05 Anthony E. Santoriello ’97 Richard M. Sasso ’80 Jillian G. Sauchelli ’14* James J. Savage ’93 James C. Savage ’73 Ryan Savercool ’17+ Nina M. Savignano-Donohue ’80 Travis S. Scales ’17+ Elizabeth A. Scannella ’09 Edward J. Scarillo, Jr. ’17+ Joan A. Schaefer Julina Schaeffer ’17+ William G. Schanck, Jr. ’71 Angela Scheck Jerry Scher Erin Scherzer David L. Schlossberg ’79 John M. Schmittberger ’82 Thomas A. Schoendorf ’16 Amanda Schwartz ’17+ Lisa M. Scorsolini ’07 Kenneth A. Scutari ’74 Jessica L. Seiden ’16 Charles Shadle ’17+ Sheena Shah ’17+ Brigid Shanley Lamb ’76 James P. Shannon ’86 Lauren Sharp ’17+ Denise Sharperson ’94 Lindsay Sheely ’17+ Scott C. Shelley ’93 The Honorable Peter G. Sheridan ’77 Aliza Sherman ’06 Michael Y. Shimshak ’90 Jeffrey A. Shooman ’06 Amy E. Shotmeyer ’09* The Honorable Neil H. Shuster ’70 The Honorable Patty Shwartz Gabrielle A. Siciliano Kenneth N. Siegel ’68

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Ariel Silverman ’05 Phyllis Silverman Stephanie M. Silvestri Jacqulyn N. Simmons ’13 Tyler Sims ’15* Ami E. Simunovich ’07 David V. Simunovich ’08 Brian N. Sinclair ’98 Cristina Z. Sinclair ’98 Brian Singleton Helen A. Skinner ’08 Laurence M. Sklaw ’88 Jill S. Slattery ’79 Elina Slavin ’10 Daniel O. Sloan ’07 Michael J. Smikun ’08 Robert H. Smith ’75 Sean A. Smith ’01 Whitney M. Smith ’06 Roy B. Smolarz ’80 Harald Snik William C. Snowden ’13* Deborah A. Snyder ’96 Anthony J. Sodono, III ’90 Wilma Solomon ’72 Nicolette Spallanzani ’17+ Margaret A. Spaziani Robert E. Spitzer ’06 Edward G. Sponzilli Geri L. Squire ’81 The Honorable Jerome M. St. John ’75 Patricia A. Staiano ’86 Benjamin Stanziale, Jr. ’86 Charles E. Starkey ’61 Jennifer P. Starr ’14 Roy Steele Richard H. Steen ’75 Brent Steferstein Arthur G. Stein ’69 Edwin Stern Shannon N. Sterritt ’11 Robert G. Stevens ’71 Donald Stigliano John C. Stockman, Jr. ’91 Matthew D. Stockwell ’05 William I. Strasser ’74 Joyce A. Strawser Porter Strickler ’17+ Eugene Striffler, Jr. ’79 Gary R. Studen ’09* Brian J. Sturm ’09 Adam Suckno ’17+ Michael C. Sudol, Jr. ’65

Thomas H. Sullivan ’69 Shiqi Sun ’17+ Kerstin Sundstrom ’07 Ronald S. Suss ’74 Joseph E. Sutton ’98 Sandra Tafuri Tiffany D. Tagarelli ’16 Julia C. Talarick ’97 Theodore R. Tanzer John F. Tarrant ’80 Robert J. Tarte ’69 Margaret L. Tarver ’82 Fadja Tassy Stephen P. Tasy ’84 Lisa A. Tatulli-Ruggiero ’93 Philip J. Taylor ’12 Jonathan D. Tchack ’78 Lincoln A. Terzian ’93 Svjetlana Tesic ’16 Lori Thimmel Gary A. Thomas ’87 Charles P. Tivenan ’80 Richard W. Tkach ’80 Michael N. Tobin ’67 Matthew Tonzola ’17+ Christopher E. Torkelson ’96 Joseph Torre ’11* Thomas N. Torzewski ’83 James E. Trabilsy ’81 Lisa M. Tracey ’90 Louis J. Trachtman ’92 Bridget Trainor ’12 Jeremy M. Traster ’06 Peter B. Treichler ’79 Calvin O. Trevenen ’79 Cynthia Trimboli-Ramirez Mauro Tucci, Jr. ’05 Catherine Tucciarello ’17+ Christopher J. Turano ’07 Ashley Turner ’10 Ralph E. Turpin, Jr. ’71 David Uibelhoer Richard A. Ulsamer ’88 Maria P. Vallejo ’07 Amy E. Van Hevelingen ’07 William J. Van Nostrand, Jr. Jorge L. Vasquez ’13 The Honorable John M. Vazquez ’96 The Honorable Peter J. Vazquez ’73 James K. Venere ’86 Valerie A. Vladyka ’91 Valeriya Vlasenko ’16 Robert P. Vocelli

Susan Volkert ’99 Kenneth Von Schaumburg ’93 Jerome Wakefield ’98 Jason J. Waldstein ’01 Brendan M. Walsh ’06 Joseph T. Walsh ’61 Meredith A. Walsh ’96 William J. Ward ’71 Jeffrey L. Wasserman ’98 Jason T. Watson ’07 Julie L. Weber ’09 Kevin W. Weber ’08 Joan M. Weidner ’82 Valerie L. Weiss ’16 Richard D. Wellbrock Lisabeth Wester Thomas A. Wester ’82 David J. Weston ’80 Douglas A. Wheeler ’96 Shirley L. Whitenack ’85 The Honorable Melvin S. Whitken ’62 Marquis Whitney ’17+ Megan L. Wiggins ’10 Samuel R. Williamson ’75 Cindy Ball Wilson ’00 Adriana Wirtz William T. Wise ’60 The Honorable John S. Wisniewski ’87 Kyle A. Wissel ’92 Marshall J. Wofsy Brendan Wojczak Andrea L. Wolff ’95 Brandon L. Wolff ’14 The Honorable Freda L. Wolfson Amy H. Wollock ’96 Frank Wukovits Chryssa Yaccarino ’93 Martina Yacoub ’17+ Peter R. Yarem ’79 Michael R. Yellin ’08 Thomas A. Yezza ’03 Jennifer L. Young ’05 Jeffrey R. Youngman ’86 Leann Youngworth ’15 Logan Youngworth-Wright ’17+ Jillian L. Zadie ’12 Marissa Zalk ’11 Agostino A. Zammiello ’16 Stephen Zapf ’17+ Andrew F. Zazzali ’60 The Honorable Mara E. Zazzali-Hogan ’98

The Honorable Frank J. Zinna ’72 Marc H. Zitomer ’95 Thomas Zuppa, Jr. ’12* * = G.O.L.D. Advocate’s Bench + = 2017 class gift graduate donors are recognized as honorary G.O.L.D. Advocate's Bench

Organizations Mother Seton Society $100,000+ DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP Johnson & Johnson Mother Seton Society $50,000 - $99,999 Connell Foley LLP Mother Seton Society $25,000 - $49,999 Gibbons P.C. Lowenstein Sandler LLP Marino, Tortorella & Boyle, P.C. The Sage Foundation Dean’s Cabinet $10,000 - $24,999 C.R. Bard Foundation, Inc. Cole Schotz P.C. Coughlin Duffy LLP Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey The Michael J. Kosloski Foundation Lite DePalma Greenberg, LLC McCarter & English, LLP McElroy Deutsch Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. Novo Nordisk Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. Parker Ibrahim & Berg LLC Pharmaceutical Compliance Forum Tompkins, McGuire, Wachenfeld & Barry LLP The Torcivia Family Foundation Vertical Pharmaceuticals, LLC Fall 2017 | 27

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Distinguished Partners $5,000 - $9,999 Adams Buchan & Palo, LLC American Endowment Foundation Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC Columbian Foundation Covington & Burling LLP Hudson County Bar Foundation Lum Drasco & Positan, LLC Morgan Stanley New Jersey State Bar Foundation Open Road Auto Group Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, P.C. Public Service Electric and Gas Company Saiber LLC Schwab Charitable Fund Schwartz Foundation Walsh Pizzi O’Reilly Falanga LLP Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer PA Advocate’s Bench $1,000 - $4,999 A.B.O.T.A. ACBW Real Estate HoldingsCanada Alston & Bird LLP American Century Investments American International Group The Association of the Federal Bar of New Jersey BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. James Boskey Memorial Foundation The Brunetti Foundation Calcagni & Kanefsky LLP Callagy Law, P.C. Chasan Lamparello Mallon & Cappuzzo, PC Community Foundation of New Jersey Country Club Transportation Dwyer, Connell & Lisbona Emmet, Marvin & Martin, LLP Epstein, Becker & Green, P.C. Kathleen B. Estabrooks, P.C. Estate of Mary Parker Exxon Mobil Foundation Factory Mutual Insurance Company Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Forensic Document Examinations LLC Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith, Ravin & Davis LLP 28 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Greenberg Dauber Epstein & Tucker Greenberg Traurig, LLP Heffler, Radetich & Saitta LLP Independent College Fund of New Jersey Jackson Lewis P.C. Kinney Lisovicz Reilly & Wolff PC Leanza & Agrapidis, P.C. LeClairRyan Littler Mendelson Foundation, Inc The Martin Family Fund, Inc. McKirdy & Riskin, P.A. Morris County Auto Sales, Inc. Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company Newsome O’Donnell, LLC Niedweske Barber Hager, LLC Ocean County Bar Association O’Toole Scrivo Fernandez Weiner Van Lieu, LLC Paul Hastings LLP Pfizer Foundation Porzio Life Sciences, LLC Prudential Insurance Company of America Public Service Electric & Gas Foundation Public Strategies Impact, LLC Raymond James Financial, Inc. Renda and Voynick Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC SEI Investments Company Robert A. Silber PC Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. State Farm Companies Foundation The Billy and Ashley Streiter Memorial Scholarship Fund The Toscano Law Firm, LLC Trenk, DiPasquale, Dellafera & Sodono, PC UnitedHealth Group, Inc. Waters, McPherson, McNeill, P.C. Whelan Scott Asset Management Organizations < $1,000 ADP Foundation Allstate Foundation Good Hands Matching Grants Apruzzese, McDermott, Mastro & Murphy Archer & Greiner, P.C. Arelo & Donohue, LLC Ayco Charitable Foundation BASF Corporation Bathgate, Wegener & Wolf P.C.

Law Office of Drew J. Bauman Bielan, Miklos & Makrogiannis, P.C. Bruno & Ferraro, Esqs. Bucco For Assembly C.V. Starr & Co. Inc. Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP Kathleen McCormick Campi, Esq. Carmagnola & Ritardi, LLC Catherine M. and James R. Napolitano Charitable Fund Anthony Cavallo, Attorney at Law Chamlin, Rosen, Uliano & Witherington Church of St. Charles Borromeo Cimino Law LLC Law Offices of Peter Cipparulo III, LLC Colgate-Palmolive Co. Dentons Diegnan & Brophy LLC DiFrancesco, Bateman, Kunzman, Davis, Lehrer & Flaum, P.C. DJI Inc. Sharon A. Dragan, Esq. The Charles Egelhard Foundation Essex County Bar Association F & B Fine Catering Inc. Law Office of Angela C. Femino, LLC Law Office of Laurie M. Fierro, P.A. Forman Watkins & Krutz LLP Gaccione Pamaco, P.C. Garrity, Graham, Murphy, Garofalo & Flinn, P.C. General Electric Foundation Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP Gold, Albanese & Barletti, L.L.C. Gordon Johnson - Johnson for Assembly Graham Curtin Ralph A. Grieco, P.A. Carol A. Gross, Esq. Hodges Party Rentals The Horizon Foundation For New Jersey Employee Matching Programs ISS Facility Services Kenneth W. Kayser, Esq. Keefe Bartels, LLC Kelly, Kelly & Moratta LLC KPMG Foundation Krovatin Klingeman LLC LPL Financial Marketing Communications Resources, Inc.

The John G. Martin Foundation The McGraw-Hill Companies Merck & Company, Inc. Merck Company Foundation MetLife Foundation Minds and Machines, LLC Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Mound Cotton Wollan & Greengrass LLP New Jersey Hospital Association New Jersey Legislative District 33Raj Mukherji New Jersey State Bar Association The Newark Club Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A. Law Office of Maria D. Noto, P.C. ONC Tower Urban Renewal, LLC Pashman Stein Walder Hayden Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP Piro, Zinna, Cifelli Paris & Genitempo, LLC Law Office of Marcel R. Plaut, Esq. Princeton Public Affairs Group Inc. Peter Russo LLC Sanofi-Aventis Sasso Law Saul Ewing LLP Steven R. Scrivo DMD, PC Sherman Wells Sylvester & Stamelman LLP Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP South Orange Commons Tenants LLC Spencer & Associates, LLC Squeo & Schiller, LLC SSP Nutrition, Inc. St. Joseph’s Hospital & Medical Center Richard H. Steen, LLC Strasser & Associates, P. C. Time Inc. Charles P. Tivenan, Attorney At Law Travelers Union Bank of Switzerland United HealthCare Services Inc. United Way of Metro Chicago Vanguard Charitable Alden H. Vose Foundation Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker, LLP Win*Win Mediation, L.L.C. Wisniewski & Associates, LLC

The Impact of Your Thank you for your generous donations to Seton Hall Law. Together, you made a difference in 2017!


Alumni participation increased 1.6%



donors gave 1,861 gifts

It only takes 151 donors to increase overall alumni participation by 1%

$838,991 for the Fund for Seton Hall Law - a 13.2%

increase from the previous year ■ The immediate impact of those annual gifts is

equivalent to an increase in Seton Hall Law’s endowment of $18.6 million

838,991 = $18.6 million


The Fund for Seton Hall Law supports opportunities such as... Student organizations & programs

Faculty research scholars

Moot Court

Alumni programming & CLE’s

Merit scholarships

Centers of Excellence


incoming students

benefit from your giving this year




in full-time JD tuition dollars can not sustain Seton Hall Law's aspirations to become a top 50 law school



(Graduates of the Last Decade - Classes 2007-2016)

and the Class of 2017 together raised




raised from 325 alumni, friends, students, and employees


2017 incoming % of JD students received some form of merit/ Seton Hall Law scholarships



total amount raised from gifts under $1,000


Seton Hall University School of Law One Newark Center Newark, New Jersey 07102-5210

PAID PERMIT #90 Timonium, MD



September 22

March 8

33rd Annual Red Mass Cathedral Basilica, Newark, NJ

Morristown Alumni Happy Hour Grasshopper Off the Green, Morristown, NJ

October 27 – October 28

April 12

Law Review Symposium & Tribute to Professor Risinger's Scholarly Life

Scholarship & Fellowship Reception Seton Hall Law

November 2

May 11

Class Reunions for Classes of ’77, ’87, ’92, ’97, ’07 and ’12 Redd’s Biergarten, Newark, NJ

Alumni Gala The Legacy Castle, Pompton Plains, NJ


November 27 Night of Lights tree-lighting ceremony Seton Hall Law (children are welcome)

November 28

May 17 NJSBA Seton Hall Law Happy Hour Atlantic City, NJ

June (exact date TBD) Seton Hall Law Golf Tournament

Giving Tuesday

July (exact date TBD)

November 30

5K Fun Run Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ

NJ Swearing In Ceremony Seton Hall Law

For more information about CLE programs, visit Learn more about all Seton Hall Law events at

Follow us: @SetonHallLaw



Seton Hall University School of Law

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