Fall 2018

Page 1


Miriam T. Rooney Pioneer in Legal Education

Soaring Employment Rankings 10


A Year in Photos 11


Class Notes 16

TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from Our Dean


Seton Hall Law Women


New Faculty & Associate Deans


Soaring Employment Rankings


The Year in Photos


One Student at a Time


Diversity at Seton Hall Law


Class Notes


In Memoriam


Honor Roll of Giving


Board of Visitors


Alumni Council


Two Alums Named United States Attorneys Calendar of Upcoming Events

Inside Back Cover Back Cover

Coming Soon!


LETTER FROM OUR DEAN Dear Alumni, As the third woman dean of Seton Hall Law School, I feel a particular responsibility not only to be an outstanding dean for all but also to be a strong role model for our women students and alums.

The past year has been one of national introspection about how we attract, treat, and retain women and diverse attorneys in the bar and in the C-Suite. This issue of our Seton Hall Law alumni magazine celebrates the women who have helped create opportunities for others. I couldn’t be prouder of all of them or the many others we couldn’t acknowledge but of whom we are fiercely proud. All of us recognize that there is so much more to accomplish, but we are determined to achieve equity and inclusion for the next generation.

I am thankful to the many alumni who have been creative and generous with their time in facilitating our outreach to women and diverse graduates of Seton Hall Law.

I am thankful to the many alumni who have been creative and generous with their time in facilitating our outreach to women and diverse graduates of Seton Hall Law. Wendy Lario has brought tremendous energy to our newly established women’s leadership alumni group. Assistant Dean Deborah Edwards and I have been in touch with many alumni interested in participating in our recently established DASH organization (Diverse Attorneys of Seton Hall). And it was quite moving to join the founders of LAMBDA in celebrating the anniversary of that organization at the Law School last year. These efforts have taught me two things: first, it takes a team working together to accomplish our goals, and, second, we are blessed with innumerable alumni willing to help re-engage others. I thank you. We have much more to accomplish, and I urge you, when you finish reading this magazine, to do one thing today to reconnect with Seton Hall Law – whether it be to follow us on Twitter, connect with us on LinkedIn, or register for one of the many fabulous events happening at the Law School this semester. Warm regards,

Kathleen M. Boozang Dean and Professor of Law

Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu



Miriam T. Rooney Legal Education Pioneer By: D. Michael Risinger, Professor of Law Emeritus

Pictured from left to right in 1957: Professor Theodore S. Meth, Francis X. Burke, Professor John P. Loftus, Dean Miriam T. Rooney, Frank Peterpaul, Professor Gerard M. Carey, and Professor John T. Fitzgerald


eton Hall Law’s founding dean, Miriam Theresa Rooney, was the first female dean of an ABA-accredited, AALS-approved law school. To achieve that distinction, she had to start her own law school.

Seton Hall owes its creation to the New Jersey Supreme Court, which required any applicant for the New Jersey Bar after 1950 to have a degree from an ABA-accredited law school. This signed the death warrant for the unaccredited John Marshall Law School of Jersey City, which failed to get ABA accreditation; it ultimately transferred its assets, consisting primarily of its law library, to Seton Hall after its last graduation ceremony in June 1950. At that point, however, there were no clear plans for the actual establishment of a law school.


Seton Hall Law Magazine

Enter Miriam T. Rooney. On July 22, 1950, she met with the president of Seton Hall, Msgr. John L. McNulty. No one knows how their contact was initiated, but it seems very likely, given her personality, that she had heard about the John Marshall gift, and in today’s parlance, she cold-called him. Whatever the circumstances of that first meeting, Rooney emerged from it with authorization to attempt to organize and put into operation a law school that would obtain accreditation in the shortest possible time, with a target opening date of early February 1951, just over six months away. Over those six months Rooney was truly a whirlwind, creating a curriculum, drafting a catalog, hiring faculty, and recruiting

Over those six months Rooney was truly a whirlwind, creating a curriculum, drafting a catalog, hiring faculty, and finding students. In the end, she accomplished all this and more. students. In the end, she accomplished all this and more. Seton Hall University School of Law held the first meeting of the faculty on January 28, 1951 (Dean Miriam T. Rooney presiding), and held its first classes on February 2. In all these efforts, she worked closely with Arthur T. Vanderbilt, Chief Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court. He was a towering figure in American law, and was instrumental in obtaining the provisional approval of that Court for the new Law School; later, Vanderbilt’s personal support was influential in obtaining ABA accreditation. Miriam T. Rooney was an American Catholic original. She often proudly proclaimed that she was born on the Fourth of July on Bunker Hill in Charlestown, Massachusetts (which she was), but was more reticent about the exact year of her birth (it was 1897). She grew up neither in poverty nor in wealth. She was, of course, quite bright, and gained admission to the six-year program of the prestigious Boston Girls’ Latin School, graduating in 1914. But her parents lacked either the resources or the commitment to women’s higher education to support her intellectual ambitions. After a year at the publicly-supported Boston Normal Arts School, she worked for a variety of business firms in mostly clerical jobs, but she pursued part-time educational opportunities whenever she could. She even enrolled in Portia Law School, Boston’s law school for women, for a time in 1920 and also took a correspondence course in law. She later found the ideal arrangement for her part-time pursuit of serious education, going to work as a cataloguer for the Boston Public Library in 1924 and taking courses at the Harvard Extension School beginning in 1926. While it did not grant a bachelor’s degree in Rooney’s day, Extension School credits could be easily transferred to other institutions for advanced standing. By 1928, Rooney had amassed three-quarters of the credits normally required for a B.A. During this busy time of intellectual ferment, she never strayed far from her Catholic roots, and the one American Catholic thinker that most impressed her was the Rt. Rev. Dr. Edward C. Pace of Catholic University, considered the leading Americanborn Catholic philosopher of the day. Desiring to study with Msgr. Pace, she quit the Boston Public Library in 1928 and moved to Washington D.C., where she took a job with the State Department library. Based on her Harvard Extension School credits, Rooney negotiated advanced standing at Catholic University (well, Sisters College, actually, which was Catholic’s version of Radcliffe, since women were not then formally admitted to Catholic University as undergraduates.)

She completed her B.A. in 1930, her M.A. in 1932, and her Ph.D. in 1937, all while working full time at the State Department library. And she did become a protégé of Msgr. Pace, who supervised her Ph.D. dissertation, Law, Lawlessness and Sanction. It was an Aquinian natural-law critique of the legal philosophies of Bentham, Maine, and Holmes and well received by Catholic legal philosophers; it earned her the Apostolic Blessing of Pope Pius XII in 1947. Having written a significant work of jurisprudence, Rooney thought it only appropriate to get a proper law degree, and she entered George Washington Law School in 1938, graduating in 1942. Despite her philosophical investments, she couldn’t attend Catholic because it had no part-time program, or Georgetown, which did not admit women. Rooney was not to be deterred. In 1944 she moved from the State Department library to the Commercial Policy Division, and then to Legal Advisor’s office, immersing herself in international law. In 1948 she left the State Department to join the faculty at Catholic University School of Law as an Associate Professor and Head Law Librarian. This was another first, because she became the first woman to hold regular professorial rank at that law school, or indeed at any Catholic law school, and only the fifth woman to hold such rank in any fully-approved law school. Dissatisfied with, among other things, what she saw as the limited role of Catholic jurisprudence in the program of legal instruction at Catholic U., Rooney developed a notion of what an ideal “truly Catholic Harvard” would look like. It was this vision that she sold to Msgr. McNulty. As Dean of newly-founded Seton Hall Law, Rooney employed Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu


her considerable talents over the next decade to advance her vision of a Catholic law school. Whether she brought that vision fully to fruition, and whether it was even possible to do so under the constraints of starting a new law school at a University with limited resources, what she did accomplish was truly remarkable. She convinced the ABA to grant full accreditation in 1955, and gained its admission to the Association of American Law Schools in 1959. She did this partly on the basis of promises, agreed to by the University, to shore up certain weaknesses by committing more resources. When the time came, the University couldn’t, or wouldn’t, follow through. Rooney was replaced as Dean by John Loftus on July 1, 1961. The first the faculty heard of it was through a press release in the newspapers. There is an enduring mystery surrounding this event. One view is that Rooney thought she had accomplished all she could. Another view is that she was replaced when she complained about mandated budget cuts and the failure to fulfill promises to the accrediting bodies. Whichever is true, she had nearly twenty more years of productive life ahead of her. First she became a “research professor” at Seton Hall, devoting her time to her increasing interest in issues of women in the law and in world peace through law. She combined these passions with her role as the U.N. observer for the National Association of Women Lawyers, and by taking a leadership role in the ABA’s World Peace through Law Center. She made two trips as a visitor to law faculties in Saigon while the Vietnam War was raging, both as a Fulbright Fellow. In 1967, between her two stints in Vietnam, she retired from Seton Hall, at which time she was awarded the McQuaid Medal, Seton Hall’s highest honor. When she returned from her second visit to Vietnam in the fall of 1968, she became the

Bishop Dougherty, then President of Seton Hall University, presents the McQuaid Medal to Miriam Rooney in 1967. Dean Miriam T. Rooney, Frank Peterpaul, Professor Gerard M. Carey, and Professor John T. Fitzgerald

U.N. observer for the World Peace through Law Center and its representative on the U.N. Economic and Social Council. For her work on world peace through law, she received the Pax Orbis ex Jure award at the Belgrade Congress on World Peace through Law in 1971. In 1972 she became a member of the Observer Mission of the Vatican at the U.N, handling law of the sea, and other international law issues. She held this post until a few months before her death. Because of the importance of her services to the Vatican, she was awarded the Medal Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice in 1976, the highest Papal decoration awarded to members of the laity. Dean Rooney died in a nursing home in Maplewood on March 23, 1981 after a relatively brief final illness; she is buried at St. Rose of Lima, with the headstone reading “Founding Dean Seton Hall Law School.” Although Miram T. Rooney was tiny in stature, she was a giant in many other ways and generations of alums owe her a debt of gratitude.

The “Other Rooney” In a striking coincidence, the student who attained the highest average in Seton Hall Law’s first class (and the highest average of any student during Miriam Rooney’s tenure as Dean) was also a woman named Rooney — Marian Rooney of Jersey City. Not related to Miriam, Marian was born in 1926 and graduated from the College of New Rochelle in 1946, after which she worked as a secretary. But she had always wanted to be a lawyer, and when Seton Hall Law opened, she jumped at the opportunity. “I grew up with law, I liked law all my life 4

Seton Hall Law Magazine

and I very much wanted to study it. I used to discuss legal problems with my father – sometimes his cases and sometimes cases we would read about in the newspaper.” Marian was the only student awarded Latin honors (cum laude) in the first graduating class. And Seton Hall shaped her life in another way — she fell in love with fellow student John Sheehy, and they were married shortly after both passed the bar. Sheehy & Sheehy opened for business in Jersey City, at the site of the defunct John Marshall Law School. Since that was also where Seton Hall Law had opened before moving to Newark six months later, the two began their law partnership together in the same building where they met. Marian and John successfully practiced both law and marriage together in Jersey City for 32 years until her untimely death at the age of 58 in 1984.

Trailblazing SETON HALL LAW

Women Margaret Brinig ’73

went to law school knowing her end goal was to teach; so it is no surprise that she is the first woman graduate of Seton Hall Law to become a law school professor. It did not take her long – she clerked and worked as an Assistant Deputy Public Defender for two years before commencing her academic career. Now at Notre Dame Law School, Brinig is the Fritz Duda Family Chair in Law specializing in family law and economics. In addition to her scholarship, Brinig loves spending time with her five children and seven grandchildren, “I most enjoy the relationships with students and colleagues at the three schools I’ve taught at,” says Brinig. “It’s wonderful to be in class and get students excited about an idea and help them get started on their journey.” Of her time at Seton Hall Law, she recalls late nights and early mornings on the Law Review, and courses with Professors Robert Diab and Ahmed Bulbulia. Looking back, Brinig originally wanted to help the disadvantaged, and she is gratified that her life’s work has had “a direct impact on disadvantaged families.”

Judge Katharine S. Hayden ’75

was anxious to make her mark when she entered law school; and this fall she will have made her mark on the bench for 21 years. She is a federal judge for the United States District Court, District of New Jersey whose previous experience includes serving as partner at two firms, Assistant U.S. Attorney, and Law Clerk for the Honorable Robert Clifford on the New Jersey Supreme Court. “I still feel molded by my practice years and what I learned at Seton Hall Law,” says Judge Hayden. “The Law School was breaking into the big time, there was an interesting arc, and it was a wonderful time for women to prosper in the field.” The real lesson, Judge Hayden says, is that her career was a mix of hard work, timing, and the firm desire to help people. “This wasn’t happenstance,” she says. “I had a limited three-second moment of ‘I can’t do this,’ and then I never fell into feelings of despair again.” Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu


Paulette Brown ’76

didn’t enter college wanting to be a lawyer; in fact she thought she would end up in a career as a social worker. But throughout her college career at Howard University, she realized just how much more she could do with a law degree. Seton Hall Law was the place to earn it and after 42 years of practicing law, she hasn't looked back. Brown is Senior Partner at Locke Lord LLP and was recently named its Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer. In August 2015, she became the first woman of color elected President of the American Bar Association. What she most enjoys today is interacting with young lawyers. She encourages them to “step out and be brave, to try something new. You have talent and won’t get certain places without those capabilities.” While Brown says that being part of the legal profession has been a rewarding experience, she recognizes, “There are still significant strides to be made.” “Statistics show women have not made as much progress as we should,” Brown says. “There needs to be constant education and contribution to pay it forward.”


Seton Hall Law Magazine

Lynn Fontaine Newsome ’81 always had the

mindset to attend Seton Hall Law. As an undergrad at Seton Hall interested in government, political science, and history, she knew her path would eventually lead to law school. She does not consider herself a trailblazer, however, as “there were many women ahead of our class. We came out in numbers and were soon a force to be reckoned with.”

Some Mother/Daughter


Newsome, partner at Newsome O’Donnell LLC and past president of the New Jersey Bar Association, is currently Chair of Seton Hall Law’s Board of Visitors. “The law has been good to me; I want to be good to it. My Law School has been good to me; I want to be good to it.” Decades later, Newsome is proud of her Law School and the network that it’s celebrated for. Her son, Brian is a 2018 graduate, and she encourages him and all alumni to “value those around you and the relationships you’ve built.”

Courteney Lario Caine ’15 Wendy Johnson Lario ’92

Karol Corbin Walker ’86 likes to say “I didn’t

Isabelle A. Fabian ’15 Marie-Laurence Fabian ’86

Today, Walker is known as the first African American woman to attain partner at a major New Jersey firm at LeClairRyan, the first African American President of the NJSBA (in 2003-2004), and the first African American President of the Association of the Federal Bar of New Jersey in 2015.

Mariam Al-Qudah ’16 Nadia Kahf ’02

choose Seton Hall Law, Seton Hall Law chose me.” She is a proud Legal Education Opportunity (LEO) graduate, which she says “opened the door to law school; but it was ultimately my own talent and hard work that sustained me throughout. I tell students that regardless of the route they take, once they are in school, everyone is on the same footing and it is up to them to chart the course of their legal education.”

Despite her firsts, Walker wants, “to ensure I’m not the last and that anyone can strive for excellence.” She was very involved during her time at Seton Hall Law in numerous activities and remains connected years later. One continuing concern is how big of a pay gap there still is between men and women in the working world regardless of industry. “We shouldn’t allow history and what has transpired to oppress segments of society. I want to keep the wheels of justice moving forward.”


Kelly Marie Grochala ’14 Kathleen Grochala ’05 Jessica Middlebrooks Shapiro ’14 Melinda Middlebrooks ’84 Alyssa Braender-Carr ’15 Lori J. Braender ’83 Anastasia Anne Stylianou ’16 Katie Stylianou ’90 Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu



New Seton Hall Law Professors

Professor Michael Coenen, formerly on the faculty Professor Heather Payne comes to Seton Hall Law of the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at Louisiana State University, comes to Seton Hall with a strong national reputation as a Constitutional Law scholar. He joins the faculty as a full professor with tenure, and has published in the Yale Law Journal, Columbia Law Review, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Virginia Law Review, Vanderbilt Law Review, and Minnesota Law Review.

Professor Brian Murray most recently served at the

University of Pennsylvania Law School where he was a Research Fellow at the Quattrone Center for the Fair Administration of Justice. He will teach primarily in the Criminal Law area. His scholarship has been published in the University of Richmond Law Review, Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Harvard Law and Policy Review, Southern Methodist University Law Review, and Fordham Law Review.


Seton Hall Law Magazine

from the University of North Carolina School’s Center for Climate, Energy, and Economics. She joins Seton Hall Law to teach and research in the areas of Energy and Environmental Law. Her articles have been published in the Idaho Law Review, Pace Law Review, University of San Francisco Law Review, Environmental Law, and William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review.

Professor Richard Winchester is visiting for

the 2018-19 at Seton Hall Law School from his home institution of Thomas Jefferson School of Law. He will be teaching Business Associations and Tax Law. His articles have been published in Tax Notes, the Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, and the Stanford Law & Policy Review, among others.



Professors Kristen E. Boon and Brian Sheppard named as Associate Deans “Both are outstanding classroom professors and productive scholars,” said Dean Boozang, “and I know they will bring the same enthusiasm and creativity to their new roles.”

Professor Boon,

who joined the Seton Hall Law faculty in 2006, will now serve as Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development with a mandate to nurture and expand Seton Hall Law’s teaching and scholarship. Boon’s subject matter expertise is international law, including the law governing international organizations, international arbitration, transnational law, and international humanitarian law. She is also a popular 1L Contracts teacher. Dean Boon holds a doctorate in law from Columbia Law School and a J.D. from New York University School of Law. She was awarded an M.A. from McGill University and Sciences Po (Paris), and a B.A. with honors from McGill University. “Dean Boozang is always thinking down the road about what the next five years will look like,” says Dean Boon. “That makes it an especially exciting time to be at Seton Hall Law, watching our future unfold and working together to advance this great institution.”

Keith W. Cook, Assistant Dean

Lori Thimmel, Executive Director of Alumni Relations

Graham D. Smialowski, Director of Major Gifts

Stephanie Silvestri, Director of Annual & Leadership Giving

Jennifer Taylor LeFebvre, Assistant Director of Reunion & Annual Giving

Safiena Amzad, Alumni & Development Coordinator

Professor Sheppard,

who joined the faculty in 2010, was named Associate Dean for J.D. and Graduate Admissions. He teaches Torts, Professional Responsibility, Entertainment Law, and Lawyering. His research interests include the intersection of human behavior and computer automation and often draw on the insights of legal philosophy and the methodologies of behavioral psychology. He holds a S.J.D. and LL.M. from Harvard Law School, a J.D. from Boston College Law School, and a B.A. from College of the Holy Cross. During his time at Seton Hall Law, Dean Sheppard has “come to know and deeply respect the administration, staff, and faculty.” Because they are “such wonderful colleagues, it’s a tremendous honor to be entrusted with my new role as Associate Dean.”

Giving to Seton Hall Law transforms the lives of donors and the students who benefit from their generosity. We look forward to hearing from you – lawalum@shu.edu I 973-642-8711

Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu


SOARING Employment Rankings In the Spring of 2018, The National Law Journal released employment data for 2017 law school graduates. Seton Hall Law remains one of the nation’s top law schools on this critical metric.


Seton Hall Law ranks #17 of more than 200 law schools “in placing their 2017 graduates into fulltime, long-term law jobs that require passing the bar and were not funded by the schools themselves — widely viewed as the gold standard for new lawyer employment.” And Seton Hall Law ranks #26 in placing 2017 graduates into such jobs or those for which a J.D. offers an advantage. Among New York City area law schools, Seton Hall Law ranks third, after Columbia and NYU for fulltime, long-term employment, placing 82.63% of its 2017 graduates in jobs that require bar passage and 88.62% in jobs that either require bar passage or for which a J.D. is an advantage. Seton Hall Law is thrilled to celebrate the accomplishments of the members of the Class of 2017 as they launch their promising careers.

10 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Their employment outcomes are the result of our students’ dedication to excellence, the proactive assistance of the Office of Career Services, and a faculty committed to teaching and mentoring one student at a time.



The Classes of 2021/22 reciting the Attorney Oath at Orientation 2018

The 33rd Annual Red Mass Honors Jeffrey Chiesa September 22, 2017 The Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart hosted the conferral of the 2017 St. Thomas More Medal upon Jeffrey S. Chiesa, member of the firm Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi P.C., former Senator, and former Attorney General for the State of New Jersey. Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, was the principal celebrant and homilist. Pictured from left to right are: Dean Kathleen M. Boozang, Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Cardinal Joseph S. Tobin, and Father Nicholas Gengaro.

Law Review Symposium: Honoring the Life’s Work of Professor D. Michael Risinger October 27-28, 2017 In honor of the life’s work of Professor D. Michael Risinger, who retired in January 2018, the Seton Hall Law Review Symposium, Experts, Inference and Innocence, was devoted to the topics that have dominated Professor Risinger’s scholarship for the last three decades. Twenty-five internationally-renowned scholars presented papers in six expert panels on evidence, forensic science, standards of proof, and reasonable doubt. Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu 11


The 2018 Hobbs Lecture by The Honorable Stephanos Bibas April 16, 2018 The Honorable Stephanos Bibas of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit delivered the keynote address on April 16 at the 2018 Hobbs Lecture. Supported annually since 2012 by Peter N. Larson ’74 and his wife, Lee, the lecture series is dedicated to the spirit of civil discourse and diversity of opinion on matters of national importance. Pictured with Judge Bibas is the 2018 Student Bar Association Executive Board: Melissa Walker, Darran St.Ange, Jason Castle, Stephanie Beach, Claire McSherry, and Valerie Freeman.

Annual Alumni Golf Outing June 18, 2018 Seton Hall Law’s Annual Golf Tournament was held at Jasna Polana Premier Golf Club with 80 alumni and friends enjoying a day of golf, great weather, comradery, food, beverages, a silent auction, and a raffle.

12 Seton Hall Law Magazine

A YEAR IN PHOTOS 2018 Alumni Gala Honors Three Distinguished Alumni May 11, 2018 The 2018 Annual Alumni Gala recognized the commitment and unwavering dedication of three outstanding alumni. Over 560 guests celebrated Thomas P. Scrivo ’89, who received the Distinguished Graduate Award; U.S. District Court Judge Madeline Cox Arleo ’89, who was honored with the Public Servant Award; and Ricardo Solano, Jr. ’98, who received the Exemplary Service Award.

2018 Commencement Welcomes Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R. May 24, 2018 Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., delivered the keynote address at the 64th Seton Hall Law commencement ceremony at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center. He addressed students receiving Juris Doctor, Master of Science in Jurisprudence, and Master of Laws degrees. Other speakers at Commencement included Lynn Fontaine Newsome ’81, Chair of the Board of Visitors; Jason Castle, Student Bar Association President; and Albert Chen, Class of 2018 graduate. Members of the Class of 1968 were recognized for celebrating their 50th reunion.

2018 Orientation August 15 – 17, 2018 Ryan P. Haygood, Esq., President and CEO, New Jersey Institute for Social Justice, delivered the keynote address at the 2018 Orientation to over 250 enthusiastic new Seton Hall Law students. John E. Keefe, Jr. ’90, President of the New Jersey State Bar Association, administered the Attorney Oath.

Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu 13

One Student AT A TIME S

eton Hall Law welcomed over 250 students this Fall for the incoming classes of 2021 and 2022. Like the generations before them, they experienced mingled trepidation and excitement at Orientation and in the “immersion” first full day of Introduction to Lawyering.

The newest class builds on last year’s upward trend in enrollments and constitutes the largest incoming class this decade. Seton Hall Law is proud to report not only a significant increase in applications, up 18% from the prior year, but an even more remarkable increase in class size of over 30%. Impressively, the bigger class came with increased LSAT and GPA medians of 158 and 3.49.

As we pursue our goal of becoming a Top 50 law school, we remain deeply invested in educating and serving ‘one student at a time’.

Following the success of last year’s inaugural Weekend Program, 2018 showed the continued attractiveness of this initiative to provide innovative access to law school for working professionals. Over 50 new students join their 2L weekend colleagues to pursue their degrees at the Law School on alternating weekends coupled with online learning between the live classes. “We share with our students a commitment to excellence in academics, preparing them to succeed in the practice of law or whatever other career path they choose when they leave us,” said Dean Kathleen M. Boozang. “As we pursue our goal of becoming a Top 50 law school, we remain deeply invested in educating and serving ‘one student at a a time.’” Consistent with that commitment, Seton Hall Law added a fourth section to the 1L class in order to ensure the personal attention that is the Law School’s hallmark.

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Deborah Edwards, Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, pictured with students Denera Ragoonanan, Tatiana Laing, Stevie Haire, Hafsa Mansoor, Kristen Oh, Melissa Walker, and Stephanie Torres at the Ninth Annual Diversity Banquet in April 2018.

Seton Hall Law strives for diversity in thought, belief, and perspective as well as cultural, religious, ethnic, socio-ecnomic and gender. To better enrich student experiences, Deborah R. Edwards joined Seton Hall Law in September 2017 to work collaboratively with the Law School’s Dean, faculty, administrators, and students to create an engaging, bias-free, and inclusive learning environment. As the Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, she focuses on ensuring a school climate that values diversity and fosters inclusion and belongingness within the Law School and engagement with alumni and the broader legal community.

Some current diversity programs at Seton Hall Law include: • Community Conversations

• Diversity Banquet

• Implicit Bias Training for all entering 1Ls

•D iversity Speaks (scheduled for Oct 22, 2018 with Attorney General Gurbir Grewal as the Keynote Speaker)

• Faculty Workshops and Trainings on Diversity and Inclusion-related topics

Seton Hall Law’s Diverse Attorneys of Seton Hall (DASH) Alumni Group DASH’s primary mission is to engage diverse alumni and students through networking and mentoring opportunities, implement programming to celebrate and advance our accomplished diverse alumni, and enhance our diverse community of student groups and organizations. If you are interested in planning DASH initiatives or attending DASH events, please contact lawalum@shu.edu to be included in our DASH mailing lists.


• Faculty Mentoring Program

Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu 15


Elaine Rocha ’98 and Regina Calcaterra ’96 were honored at the annual Woman of Substance event hosted by Seton Hall Law's Women's Law Forum in February 2018. They are pictured flanked by students Zannatul Mustafa ’19 and Brooke Emery ’19.



John T. Niccollai ’65 was honored at the CYO/Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Archdiocese of Newark. Robert Paschon ’68 served as Grand Marshall of the Ocean County Veterans Day Parade.

Kevin Coughlin ’80 and his wife Therese received the Family Life Award at the Assumption College for Sisters Caring Basket Gala. Lynn Newsome ’81 was sworn onto the ABA Board of Governors. Victor Rotolo ’82 was selected to the 2018 New Jersey Super Lawyers List. Patrick Toscano ’82 was appointed to the New Jersey Joint Legislative Committee on Ethical Standards. Patrick Collins ’83 was honored by Safe + Sound Somerset by receiving the Jackie Weigand Founder Award. Richard Durante ’83 was appointed as chief merchandising officer by The Fresh Market Inc. Maureen F. Leary-Naughton ’83 was appointed as Assistant Attorney General at the Office of the New York State Attorney General. Timothy Donohue ’84 was awarded the Criminal Trial Attorney Award at the Essex County Bar Association Installation and Awards Reception. Bonnie Frost ’84 received the Amicus Curiae award from the NJSBA. Catherine Broderick ’85 was honored at this year’s Prosecutor College for Outstanding Advocacy Over a Career. Robert J. Brass ’86 joined the Beinhaker Law Firm as Partner. The Honorable Lisa Firko ’86 was promoted to the Appellate Division by NJ Supreme Court Chief

1970s Bruce Schonbraun ’73 was named a Distinguished Trustee at the United Hospital Fund’s 2018 Tribute to Hospital and Health Care Trustees. Paulette Brown ’76 received the Boy Scouts of America 2017 Good Scout Award from the Northern New Jersey Council. John Bruno, Jr. ’79 was chosen as a Distinguished Lawyer by Noticed. Timothy A. Curtain ’76 was appointed to Corporation Counsel for the city of Rochester, NY. Christine Michele Duffy ’77 became program director at Pro Bono Partnership Inc. Shireen L. Dodson ’78 was appointed as United Nations Ombudsman. Bill Reilly ’79 received the Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s NJBIZ General Counsel of the Year awards and has been named to Ansell Limited's Board of Directors. 16 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Justice Stuart Rabner. Todd Galante ’86 joined Piro, Zinna, Cifelli, Paris & Genitempo, LLC as Partner. Dennis Galvin ’86 joined Davis, Eastman, Muñoz, Lederman & Paone, P.A. as Partner. Catherine Kiernan ’86 was given NJBIZ's Lifetime Achievement award at its 2018 General Counsel of the Year Awards. Timothy F. McGoughran ’86 was sworn in as NJSBA secretary. Former Governor Christopher J. Christie ’87 has opened his own law firm, The Christie Law Firm, LLC. The Honorable David B Katz ’87 was elected to the Board of Directors of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. The Honorable Arnold Natali Jr. ’89 was promoted to the Appellate Division by NJ Supreme Court Chief Justice Stuart Rabner. Geoffrey Soriano ’89 was appointed as the Interim Director of the Somerset County Park System.

1990s John Keefe ’90 was sworn in as New Jersey State Bar President. Jennifer Weisberg Millner ’90 was recognized by NJBIZ’s “Vanguard” series as a leading individual in her field. Bernadette Pinamont ’90 was appointed Vice President of tax research at Vertex, Inc. Stephen A. Santola ’90 was named to Governor Phil Murphy’s Housing


John Shahdanian ’97, received the Law School’s Alumni Service Award at Seton Hall University’s annual “Many Are One” Gala in June. Pictured from left are John Shahdanian, Cara Herrick Foerst ’99, Associate Dean for Academics, and Dr. Mary J. Meehan, Interim President of Seton Hall University.

Advisory Committee. Nina Bonner ’91 was named Counsel to the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor for the State of New Jersey Department of Law & Public Safety. Patrick Dunican Jr. ’91 was the 2018 Annie Moore Honoree at the Irish American Cultural Institute’s Washington’s Irish Saint Patrick’s Day Ball and was featured by NJBIZ on its “Power 100” list of the most influential people in New Jersey business. Steven Karg ’91 was named main member contact to Meritas at Norris McLaughlin & Marcus. Jennifer Rashwan ’91 published her book “The Secret to Ageless Beauty!: Living Graciously and Positively”. Christopher DePhillips ’92 was elected to the New Jersey General Assembly on November 7, 2017. Douglas Kortrey ’92 opened Law Offices of Douglas Kortrey, LLC. Evelyn Padin ’92 was sworn in as president-elect of the New Jersey State Bar Association. Christopher Porrino ’92 was named 2018 Attorney of the Year by the New Jersey Law Journal and joined Mercury as a member of its Advisory Board. Maria C. Anderson ’93 was appointed to the Board of Trustees for the New Jersey Bar Foundation. Elizabeth M. Steele ’93 joined GRS Title Services, LLC as Director of Business Development.

Joseph DeCotiis ’94 was named to Governor Phil Murphy’s Transition Counsel. Thomas W. Halm ’94 opened Halm Law Group and was named to the 2018 Super Lawyers List. Thomas J. Mastrangelo ’94 has joined Burton Trent Public Affairs LLC as Partner. Michelle Miller ’94 became the lead of the Division of Law at the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General. Vincent Giblin ’95 was named to Governor Phil Murphy’s Labor and Workforce Development Committee. Thomas Kearney ’95 joined the US Attorney’s Office as an Assistant US Attorney. Michelle Meyer-Shipp ’95 of KPMG was a 2018 award recipient at the Thurgood Marshall College Fund Awards of Excellence Dinner. Angelo Sarno ’95 received the Family Law Attorney Award at the Essex County Bar Association Installation and Awards Reception. David R. Crittenden ’96 became General Counsel at ABRA Auto Body & Glass. Patrick Galligan ’96 was named a 2018 New Jersey Super Lawyer. Jennifer Hradil ’97 was named one of New Jersey’s Best 50 Women in Business by NJBIZ. James B. Johnston ’96 recently joined the Jersey City Law Department as Assistant Corporation Counsel.

Jeralyn Lawrence,’96 was selected by the Women’s Political Caucus of New Jersey to receive the Carol Murphy Award; she was recognized as one of the “New Jersey’s Best Lawyers for Families” for 2018 by New Jersey Family Magazine; and she was sworn in as NJSBA Treasurer. Matthew McPhilips ’96 was promoted to Chief Division Counsel for the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s San Diego Division. Jennifer Mazawey ’97 was named Board President of CREW NJ. Susan Kowal Mishler ’97 joined Dawda, Mann, Mulcahy & Sadler, PLC as a senior attorney. John Shahdanian II ’97 served as Seton Hall Law Alumni Council President, received the Law School's Alumni Service Award, and was reappointed as Teaneck Township’s Attorney. Paul Tiranno ’97 was named Merrill Lynch Wealth Management’s Market Development Manager for the Northwest Community Market. Vincent Lodato ’98 was named Of Counsel to Sills Cummis & Gross. Elaine Rocha ’98 was honored at the Law School’s Women of Substance Award Dinner. Stacey Adams ’98 was elected co-secretary of the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association. Shoshana Schiff ’98 became the Secretary of the Essex County Bar Association. Kevin Walsh ’98 became the Vice President of the Essex County Bar Association. Michelle Christian ’99 was named the U.S. Small Business Administration Mid-Atlantic Office’s new Regional Administrator. Raj Gadhok ’99 joined Mandelbaum Salsburg P.C. as Partner and became the President of the Essex County Bar Association. Robert P. McKeon ’99 joined Wilmington Trust as head of Fiduciary Risk Management. John D. Miller ’99 rejoined Bressler, Amery & Ross as Principal in Labor and Employment Practice. Elizabeth Shea ’99 joined Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, P.C. as Of Counsel. James Young ’99 was named Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Toys “R” Us, Inc. Craig Carpenito ’00 was appointed by the District Court as United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey. Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu 17


2000s Keith W. Cook ’00 joined Seton Hall Law as Assistant Dean of Alumni & Development. Greg Gargulinski ’00 joined Davis, Eastman, Muñoz, Lederman & Paone, P.A. as Partner. Erik Garza ’00 became the 71st Skipper of the Houston Mariners Club and is a Director of the Southeastern Admiralty Law institute. Paul B. Matey ’01 joined Lowenstein Sandler as Partner. Janet Bosi ’01 served as the Grand Marshal of the Jersey City Columbus Day Parade. Kristen Hess ’01 joined CBS as a Vice President and Senior Counsel. Shevelle McPherson ’01 was honored as a 2017-2018 inductee into the National Association of Professional Women’s VIP Woman of the Year Circle. Jennifer H. Ruhl ’01 joined the legal team at The Grossman Law Firm, LLC. Jhanice Domingo ’02 was named Diverse Lawyer of the Year by the NJ Law Journal and 2017 Professional Lawyer of the Year by the NJ Commission on Professionalism in the Law. Tanya Mascarich ’02 was elected co-secretary of the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association. Matthew Schultz ’02 became the President-elect of the Essex County Bar Association. Jennifer Davenport ’03 was named First Attorney General at the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office. Lori Gordon ’03 joined King & Spalding as Partner. Marcus O. Hicks ’03 named by Governor Phil Murphy as the Acting Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Corrections. Jemi Lucey ’03 was elected Vice President of the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association. Patrick O’Dea ’03 joined the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office as Chief Counsel to the Sheriff. Natasha Songonuga ’03 was inducted as a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. Seth Dombeck ’04 was sworn in as Presiding Judge for Hillside Township. Elaine F. Harwell ’04 became Partner at Selman Breitman LLP. Glenn Johnston ’04 joined Loislaw Inc. as an Associate. Nancy Del Pizzo ’05 was named a 2018 New Jersey Super Lawyer and the Top Rated Intellectual Property Litigation Attorney. Sandra Fava ’05 18 Seton Hall Law Magazine

became a Trustee of the Essex County Bar Association. Franklin McRoberts ’05 selected as 2017 New York Metro Rising Star in the field of Business Litigation and appointed to The Caumsett Foundation’s board of directors. Noah B. Pollak ’05 was promoted to Partner at Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP. Christine Socha Czapek ’05 was selected as a Trustee for the Friends of Historic Jacobus Vanderveer House. Jeremy Abrams ’06 rejoined Reed Smith LLP as Counsel. Veronica Allende ’06 became the Director of the Division of Criminal Justice at the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General. Carolyn Duff ’06 was named Of Counsel at Wiley Malehorn Sirota & Raynes. Jeremy Farrell ’07 became Executive Director of the Jersey City Municipal Authority. August W. Heckman ’06 became Partner at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP. Corrine McCann Trainor ’07 became Partner at Fox Rothschild LLP. Trevor Whiting ’07 opened the firm Dana Whiting Law in Scottsdale, Arizona. Kevin R. Doherty ’08 became Partner at Blank Rome LLP. Heidi Lunasin ’08 joined Duane Morris LLP in Washington DC as Special Counsel. Nicole G. McDonough ’08 was sworn in as Trustee of the Bergen County Bar Association. Robert V. Prongay ’08 settled his firm’s largest case last year, a class action against ITT Educational Services. Thomas DeCataldo ’09 became the Chair of the Young Lawyers Section of the Essex County Bar Association. Robert Dipisa ’09 was elevated to Member of Cole Schotz P.C.’s Real Estate Department. Michael Gordon ’09 became counsel at ADP to its Retirement Services Division, BrokerDealer, and Registered Investment Advisor. Patricia C. Morgan ’09 is the new Executive Director of Jersey CAN (New Jersey Campaign for Achievement Now). Shannon Hennessy Pulaski ’09 was named to the 2018 New Jersey Rising Stars List. Patrick Ryan ’09 joined StoneTurn, a boutique professional services consulting firm.

Students celebrating at Night of Lights 2017

2010s Rahil Darbar ’10 was appointed as Vice President of the South Asian Bar Association of New Jersey’s Executive Board. Frank Falcone ’10 became Partner at Kennedys CMK. Jessica Jansyn ’10 became Partner at Laddey, Clark & Ryan, LLP. Steven Marino ’10 became Vice President and Assistant General Counsel to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. John J.P. Mattiace ’10 of Kelley Drye was named a 2017 New York Metro Super Lawyer. Timothy D. Norton ’10 became partner at Frier Levitt, LLC. Joe Rubbone ’10 was featured in Vanguard Law Magazine. Jillian Stein ’10 joined Kluger Healey, LLC as Of Counsel. Anthony Tavormina ’10 joined Cohen Seglias Pallas Greenhall & Furman PC as an Associate. Charlie Wilkes ’10 became Partner at Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP. Jennifer M. Levanchy ’11 was promoted to counsel at Nukk-Freeman & Cerra, P.C. Erika Lopes-McLeman ’11 was named to New Jersey Law Journal’s “New Leaders of the Bar”. Nima Ashtyani ’12 joined Stratton Stepp Ashtyani LLP, as partner. Lindsay Heller ’12 joined Fox Rothschild LLP as an Associate. Corey Klein ’12 joined Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. as an Associate. Thomas Zuppa, Jr. ’12 joined Chasan Lamparello Mallon & Cappuzzo, P.C. Punam P. Alam ’13 joined Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP as an Associate.Steven Llanes ’13 was selected to the Presidential Leadership Scholars Program. Jessica Maier ’13 was awarded the Walter Lucas Special Merit Award by the Essex County Bar Association. Toni Ann Marabello ’13 joined Rubenstein, Meyerson, Fox, Mancinelli,

IN MEMORIAM CLASS NOTES Conte & Bern, P.A. Patrick Murray ’13 was promoted to Senior Associate at Peckar & Abramson, P.C. Liana M. Nobile ’13 joined Scarinci Hollenbeck LLC as an Associate and was appointed a member of the Monmouth Bar Association’s Legal Education Committee. John Burke ’14 joined Scarinci Hollenbeck LLC as an Associate. Jessica Huening ’14 was appointed Assistant Director of Regulatory, Compliance and Quality at Yale University. Brandon Lee Wolff ’14 was elected as an Out-Of-State Representative on the Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division Board of Governors, received the Professional Achievement Award from the New Jersey State Bar Association Young Lawyers Division, and was selected as a “New Leader of the Bar” by the New Jersey Law Journal. Stephanie A. Brown ’15 was name Cabinet Liaison in the Office of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy. Phillip DeFedele ’15 joined DLA Piper as a Corporate Associate. Michael Trentin ’15 joined Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland Perreti LLP as an Associate. Michael DeJianne ’16 joined DLA Piper as a Corporate Associate. Lisette Guzman ’16 joined McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter LLP as an Associate. Angelica Halat ’16 joined Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland Perreti LLP as an Associate. Ben Lindeman ’16 joined Avelino & Hatlaub. Lisa Minichini ’16 joined McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter LLP as an Associate. Alyssa R. Musmanno ’16 joined Day Pitney LLP

Donald Myers ’55 December 1, 2017

Charles Dartley ’72 January 24, 2018

Terence Boyle ’84 March 17, 2018

Robert Palomba ’56 September 26, 2017

Charles Lombardo ’74 October 25, 2017

Michael Burke ’84 March 11, 2018

John Butler ’62 March 8, 2018

David Stone ’74 January 18, 2018

Allan Kovitz ’84 June 1, 2018

Robert Haggerty ’62 August 7, 2017

Karl Friend ’75 August 26, 2017

John Duch ’85 October 8, 2017

Robert Johnson ’62 May 11, 2018

James M. Mulvaney ’75 July 9, 2018

Mary Maloney ’85 December 25, 2017

Michael Epstein ’64 August 23, 2017 William Hood ’64 December 28, 2017 Stanley Kaczorowski ’64 December 23, 2017 John Methfessel ’64 September 8, 2017 Patrick Conaghan ’65 March 27, 2018 John Darcy ’65 January 8, 2018 The Honorable John McLaughlin ’65 April 7, 2018 James Doran ’66 December 8, 2017 Robert Wegner ’66 March 31, 2018 Donald McCord ’67 September 14, 2017 Walter Morris ’67 April 15, 2018 Nelson Murphy ’67 October 26, 2017 Marti Bush ’68 May 7, 2018 The Honorable Martin Kravarik ’68 April 4, 2018

Professor Francis P. McQuade July 4, 2018 Theodore Hall ’76 December 17, 2017

Marian Clough ’86 September 24, 2017

Warrick Lee ’76 February 25, 2018

James Icklan ’86 December 29, 2017

Americo De Noia ’77 March 22, 2018

Susan Moore ’86 January 17, 2018

Frances Bowen ’78 December 28, 2017

David Gromelski ’89 March 1, 2018

Raymond Springberg ’68 Matthew Sumner ’78 April 21, 2018 October 2, 2017

The Law School recognized the generosity of our scholarship and fellowship supporters and the talent of our deserving student recipients at its 10th Annual Scholarship & Fellowship Reception. Pictured from left to right are: Rose Marie Deehan, Brian Kloeblen ’18, Kim and Paul Deehan ’85.

as an Associate. Cassandra Neugold ’16 joined McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter LLP as an Associate. Peter Schenke ’16 joined Wilentz Goldman & Spitzer P.A. Jessica Seiden ’16 joined Landman Corsi Ballaine as an Associate. Kristin Spallanzani ’16 joined Walsh, Pizzi, O’Reilly, Falanga LLP as an Associate. Anastasia Stylianou ’16 joined McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter LLP as an Associate. Amberly Nicole Beye ’17 joined Day Pitney LLP as an Associate. Elizabeth Bogle ’17 joined Cole Schotz P.C. as an Associate. Gregory Kammerer ’17 joined Four Springs Capital Markets as Senior Vice President. Edward Scarillo ’17 joined Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP as an Associate. Lindsey Andreozzi ’17 has joined DLA Piper as an attorney.

Bruce Braender ’90 January 26, 2018

Jerome Sweeney ’68 February 5, 2018

Jeffrey Beck ’79 March 10, 2018

Thomas Hopkins ’90 March 13, 2018

Walter Bielanowski ’69 October 25, 2017

George Brogan ’79 March 22, 2018

Sue McGlade ’90 September 18, 2017

The Honorable Robert Burton ’69 July 1, 2017

Frank Cozzarelli ’79 July 28, 2017

The Honorable Albert Barré ’92 March 6, 2017

John Hughes ’70 October 19, 2017 Donald Kayser ’70 April 25, 2018 William Kelly ’70 January 22, 2018 Murra Abowitz ’71 May 10, 2018

Daniel Lebar ’81 January 23, 2018 Patricia Stefanile ’81 April 29, 2018 Elizabeth Colaneri ’82 July 24, 2018 Kevin Shambaugh ’82 November 17, 2017

Howard Weber ’71 October 23, 2017

Francesca Amendola-Alfano ’83 March 19, 2018

Frank Burke ’72 September 2, 2017

Thomas Lowe ’83 March 3, 2018

Beverley Liposky ’96 October 30, 2017 Maureen Miller ’99 April 16, 2018 Thomas Devine ’02 May 7, 2018 Brian Discount ’09 August 16, 2017 Professor Joseph M. Lynch February 3, 2018

Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu 19



We thank you, our donors, for your generous support of Seton Hall Law School, and are pleased to recognize your contributions.

The Honor Roll acknowledges gifts between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 Individuals $50,000 - $99,999 Joseph M. DeCotiis ’94 Michael R. DeCotiis, Sr. ’69 Tracy K. Decotiis Bethany J. O’Toole The Honorable Kevin J. O’Toole ’89 Robert F. Perry ’89 Daniel C. Schiff Janet E. Schiff Susan Scrivo Thomas P. Scrivo ’89

Individuals $25,000 - $49,999 Alfred F. Jablonski ’66 Kevin H. Marino ’84 Rita A. Marino Margot S. Meyer Robert O. Meyer ’77 Nancy J. Toscano Patrick P. Toscano, Jr. ’82 Liza M. Walsh ’84 William T. Walsh

Individuals $10,000 - $24,999 Charles C. Carella Joan L. Carella Richard J. Cino ’90 20 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Christina Dunican Patrick C. Dunican Jr. ’91 Alena C. Galante Todd M. Galante ’86 Mary F. Hartnett ’90 Helen Judlowe Stephen B. Judlowe ’65 Michael S. Lario Wendy J. Lario ’92 Nicholas J. Leonardis ’91 Diane C. Nardone ’88 Kevin M. Prongay ’73 Nan Prongay ’74 Walter L. Santner Peter D. St. Phillip, Jr. ’93 Joseph A. Torcivia ’96 Lauren Torcivia Diego R. Visceglia ’71 Caren A. Vizzo The Honorable Dorothea O. Wefing John B. Wefing

Individuals $5,000 - $9,999 Michael P. Ambrosio Erica Bell Michael D. Bell ’97 Dean Kathleen Boozang Jon M. Bramnick Emily Panreck Cannone

Frank T. Cannone ’91 Maury Cartine ’70 Robin Cartine Maria A. Cestone ’96 Kevin T. Coughlin ’80 Therese B. Coughlin ’05 Diane G. D’Agostino ’75 James S. D’Agostino ’74 Matthew L. D’Ambrosio ’01 Rinaldo M. D’Argenio ’79 Mariellen Dugan ’91 Susan A. Feeney ’78 Janice Gordon The Honorable Mac D. Hunter ’63 (Estate of) Sanjay P. Ibrahim ’00 Lee Larson Peter N. Larson ’74 Debra A. LaSala Joseph P. LaSala ’72 Luke P. Iovine, III ’90 Susan V. Iovine ’91 Joseph Maurillo Michael F. Midlige ’91 Suzanne C. Midlige ’91 Lynn A. Newsome ’77 Michael J. Perrucci ’78 Lonye D. Rasch M. S. Rasch ’79 Lesley C. Risinger ’03 D. Michael Risinger Elaine A. Rocha ’98

Ellen Rose Robert G. Rose ’74 Ann Marie Schwartz Bernard A. Schwartz ’78 Karol Corbin Walker ’86 Paul J. Walker Kevin G. Walsh ’98 The Honorable Lisa Walsh ’98 Marc E. Wolin ’92 Stacy Wolin Peter R. Yarem ’79

Individuals $1,000 - $4,999 Desmond R. Abazia ’73 Celia Dorantes Abalos ’75 David T. Abalos Frederick W. Alworth ’88 Alexis Arguello Patricia A. Barbieri ’91 Robert F. Bacon ’00 Robert L. Baechtold ’66 Thelma H. Baechtold Michael A. Baldassare ’99 David Ballard Tracey A. Ballard ’93 The Honorable Marie White Bell ’73 Michael Borao ’00 Patricia Bracken Thomas E. Bracken ’68



EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD Lynn Fontaine Newsome ’81 Chair, Board of Visitors Partner, Newsome O’Donnell, LLC

Jeffrey S. Brown ’82 Paulette Brown ’76 William B. Butler ’67 Lan Hoang Cadigan ’97 Richard T. Cadigan ’97 Marc A. Calello ’89 Sheila E. Calello ’91 Eleanor S. CampbellSwank ’97 Gregory G. Campisi ’82 Sean Carlin ’86 Caitlin Cascino ’12 Jordan P. Cascino The Honorable Dennis M. Cavanaugh ’72 The Honorable Linda L. Cavanaugh ’79 John F. Chiaia ’93 Michele Chiaia The Honorable Christopher J. Christie ’87 Mary Pat Christie The Honorable Vicki A. Citrino ’92 Charles Cole Michael A. Colodney ’97 Jennifer C. Concino ’96 Honor Connell William T. Connell ’76 Richard F. Connors, Jr. ’88 Susan A. Connors ’88 Anne E. Considine Thomas B. Considine ’86 Keith W. Cook ’00 Elaine C. Crowley ’09 Christine H. Curley ’03 Seamus Curley ’03 David Damrosch Lori F. Damrosch Janet M. Dempsey-Malone Diane DePalma Joseph J. DePalma ’78 Edward B. Deutsch ’71 Nancy C. Deutsch Paul A. Di Lella ’93 Nancy Shore-DiLella ’93 Janice F. Dolan ’92 Joseph G. Dolan ’92 Theresa A. Duva Thomas J. Evans Alissa H. Faris ’06

Karim B. Faris Laura D. Flynn Baldini ’96 Matthew A. Baldini Diane E. Sugrue Franzese ’91 Louis R. Franzese ’91 Anthony J. Fusco ’71 Patricia Fusco Eugene F. Gaughan ’04 Karen Gajda Diana Giordano The Honorable Rochelle Gizinski ’83 Noreen M. Giblin ’98 Ellen Hallock Joseph A. Hallock ’71 Amy Inglesino John P. Inglesino ’90 Stephen Jacobs David Karnes Bob Kay Stephanie M. Kay ’92 Thomas C. Kelly ’66 John T. Kelly ’82 Ann C. Kibler Michael D. Kibler ’97 John Kuehn Charles W. Lefevre ’96 Joann Lefevre Daniel R. Levy ’04 John T. Lutz Stephanie P. Lutz Solangel Maldonado Robert K. Malone ’84 Jennifer Mara ’01 Sean P. Mara Michael J. Marone ’87 Veronica Marone The Honorable Anthony R. Mautone, Sr. ’67 Judith Mautone Patricia McCabe Stephen M. McCabe ’62 Madelyn Camacho McClammy ’98 James I. McClammy ’98 Diane McGovern Philip F. McGovern, Jr. ’84 Patty McManus Stephen McManus ’90 Gail McNeill John H. McNeill ’65

Wendy Johnson Lario ’92 Vice Chair, Board of Visitors Shareholder Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Sanjay P. Ibrahim ’00 Secretary, Board of Visitors Founding Member Parker, Ibrahim & Berg, LLC

Joseph P. LaSala ’72

Former Chair, Board of Visitors Partner McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP

Mitch F. Baumeister ’72 Former Chair, Board of Visitors Partner Baumeister & Samuels, PC

Patrick C. Dunican Jr. ’91 Former Chair, Seton Hall Law Board of Visitors Chairman & Managing Director Gibbons P.C.

Peter N. Larson ’74

Former Chair, Board of Visitors Former Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of the Brunswick Corporation

Kevin T. Coughlin ’80

Craig Leach ’99

Michael Critchley ’72

Kevin H. Marino ’84

Rinaldo M. D’Argenio ’79

Denis McLaughlin

Founding Partner Coughlin Duffy, LLP

Chairman & CEO Collegium Holdings Inc.

Founding Partner Critchley, Kinum and Denoia, LLC Of Counsel Arturi, D’Argenio, Guaglardi & Meliti, LLP

Joseph M. Decotiis ’94

Managing Partner Decotiis, Fitzpatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP.

Joseph J. DePalma ’82

Managing Member Lite, DePalma & Greenberg, LLC

Professor of Law Seton Hall University School of Law

Scott G. McLester ’90 Partner K&L Gates

Suzanne C. Midlige ’91 Managing Partner Coughlin Duffy, LLP

David M. Orbach

Chairman of the Board Regal Bank

Anthony P. DiTommaso, Jr. ’97 Chief Executive Officer Ivy Equities

William J. Palatucci ’89 Special Counsel Gibbons P.C.

Kathryn P. Duva ’01 Chief Executive Officer Main Events

Robert F. Perry ’89 Partner (Retired) King & Spalding

Susan A. Feeney

Partner McCarter & English, LLP

Christopher S. Porrino ’92

Martin J. Foncello ’05

Partner Lowenstein Sandler LLP.

President, Alumni Council Associate Director Exiger

Elaine Rocha ’98

Todd M. Galante ’86

Thomas P. Scrivo ’89

Chief Operating Officer AIG Investments

Louis J. Andreozzi ’84 Chief Executive Officer .law

Partner Piro, Zinna, Cifelli, Paris & Gentitempo LLC

Michael D. Bell ’97

Rev. Nicholas S. Gengaro

Managing Partner O’Toole Scrivo Fernandez Weiner Van Lieu, LLC.

Founder R-Squared Services & Solutions Inc.

Chaplain Seton Hall University School of Law

Kathleen M. Boozang

Senior Managing Director OSO Group, LTD

Dean & Professor of Law Seton Hall University School of Law

Principal Marino, Tortorella & Boyle, P.C.

John C. Gibbons ’72

Peter St. Phillip, Jr. ’93 Partner Lowey, Dannenberg, Cohen & Hart, P.C.

Charles A. Sullivan

Senior Associate Dean for Finance & Faculty & Professor of Law Seton Hall University School of Law

Timothy Glynn

Senior Partner and Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer Locke Lord, LLP

Miriam T. Rooney Professor of Law & Associate Dean for Graduate & Professional Education Seton Hall University School of Law

Colleen E. Tracy James ’96

Wanda D. French-Brown ’08

Bernard M. Hartnett ’55 Of Counsel Connell Foley, LLP

Justin P. Walder

Counsel Baker & Hostetler, LLP.

Frank T. Cannone ’91

The Honorable Katharine S. Hayden ’75

Paulette Brown ’76

Chairman, Corporate Department Gibbons P.C.

Maury Cartine ’76

Partner-In-Charge, Tax Department Marcum LLP

Member Pashman Stein Walder Hayden

United States District Court District of New Jersey

Alfred F. Jablonski ’66 Chief Executive Officer The Sage Foundation

The Honorable Christopher J. Christie ’87

Andrew B. Joseph

Former Governor, State of New Jersey

Partner in Charge Drinker, Biddle & Reath, LLP

Richard J. Cino ’90

Stephen B. Judlowe ’65

Managing Principal Jackson Lewis P.C.

Partner Mayer Brown, LLP

Kevin G. Walsh ’98

Co-Chair, Government Affairs Gibbons P.C.

Liza M. Walsh ’84

Partner Walsh Pizzi O’Reilly Falanga LLP.

Of Counsel McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP

Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu 21

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Cynthia H. McNutt ’07 Eric W. Meder Susan Meder Julianne T. Modungo Louis A. Modugno ’95 The Honorable Thomas M. Moore ’80 Eli Morawiec ’91 Donna Moye William R. Moye ’00 Margaret Nee Thomas M. Nee ’73 Dolores Parker Kerry M. Parker ’81 John A. Parmigiani ’68 Peter S. Pearlman ’70 Eric M. Perlmutter ’75 Judith Perlmutter Leon B. Piechta ’77 Darin D. Pinto ’91 Suzanne Pinto Susan L. Positan Wayne J. Positan Robert V. Prongay ’08 Anthony M. Rainone ’03 Lauren Rainone ’05 Donna Ramos Ronald J. Riccio ’71 Dr. Peter C. Richardson ’77 Trudi Richardson Dene Ryan James F. Ryan, Jr. ’74 Claudia Sauchelli Dr. Paul Sauchelli ’92 Shoshana Schiff ’98 Charles J. Sgro ’89 Kimberly A. Sgro Daniel R. Siegel ’75 Diane Siegel Robert A. Silber ’91 Ami E. Simunovich ’07 Dr. David V. Simunovich ’08 Leon J. Sokol ’75 Marilynn A. Sokol John R. Sprouls ’80 Laverne C. Sprouls Marianne Strasser William I. Strasser ’74 Nicholas A. Taro ’07 Jennifer Tortorella John D. Tortorella ’99 Ann W. Uliano Charles J. Uliano ’74 22 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Warren A. Usatine John L. Voellmicke, Jr. ’79 Olivia Voellmicke Dorothy A. Voynick John S. Voynick, Jr. ’80 David Waldman ’68 Janet D. Waldman Joseph T. Walsh, III ’89 Marcia B. Welcome ’81 Richard Welcome Jamie Pukl-Werbel ’98 Matthew A. Werbel The Honorable Deanne M. Wilson ’80 John B. Wilson ’90 Joyce R. Wilson Daniel S. Woolley Maureen M. Woolley ’90

Individuals < $1,000 Ghatul Abdul ’18 Mitchell W. Abrahams ’83 Jeremy S. Abrams ’06 Leonardo A. Acevedo ’12 The Honorable Gregory L. Acquaviva ’06 Christopher D. Adams ’98 Stacey D. Adams ’98 Dalvin A. Adebiyi ’18 Adam J. Adrignolo ’95 The Honorable Lisa M. Adubato ’87 Nicholas Adzima ’18 Dawn Afanador Victor A. Afanador ’98 Lisa Agresti-Carey ’87 Charleen M. Aina ’76 Wanda M. Akin ’82 William Albanese David M. Alberts ’09 Brian C. Alfson ’05 Leonard J. Altamura ’66 Christine A. Amalfe ’82 Michael Amalfe ’12 Safiena Amzad Brett M. Anders ’97 Kelly R. Anderson ’14 Kingsley Anderson Sal M. Anderton ’98 Steven K. Andreassen ’03 Lindsey Andreozzi ’17 James E. Andrews ’87

Scott C. Andrews ’00 Jean P. Archambault ’91 Dewan N. Arefin ’03 John D. Arganbright ’14 The Honorable Madeline E. Cox Arleo ’89 Adam C. Arnold ’08 Matthew J. Ashby ’95 Anne S. Babineau ’77 Paul A. Babineau Thomas M. Bachmann ’78 William Badinelli Andrew F. Bain ’09 Kelsey A. Ball ’16 Cindy Ball Wilson ’00 Helen Balut ’18 Branka Banic ’16 Keith T. Banks Adino J. Barbarito ’16 Krystina L. Barbieri ’15 Franklin Barbosa, Jr. ’15 John Barone ’16 Drew F. Barone ’18 Jon-Henry Barr ’95 Jenny R. Barry ’13 Stephen J. Bauer ’13 Richard A. Beard Mary C. Beaumont ’87 Lawrence E. Behning ’82 Maureen Behning-Doyle ’83 Mariel Belanger ’11 John P. Belardo ’85 James Bellis Julia Belton ’15 Michael O. Benak ’12 Scott J. Bennion ’88 Les H. Berger ’67 Alyse E. Berger Heilpern ’00 Mary Bessemer ’18 Judith Q. Bielan ’89 Katherine J. Bierwas ’02 Thomas C. Bigosinski ’94 Kelly Ann Bird ’95 John W. Bisbee, Jr. ’93 John Bitetto III ’18 Lane J. Biviano ’87 Victoria O. Blazeski ’15 George Blazeski ’14 Jeffrey Blivaiss ’01 Robin L. Bloink ’78 Randye E. Bloom ’79 Marie Rose Bloomer ’76 Mark J. Blunda ’77

Natasha Bobo-Pringle ’18 Andrew F. Boccio ’18 Ida Bochner Laurie Bogaard Cynthia Bogorad Alan A. Bornstein ’98 Joyce E. Boyle ’04 Kelly M. Bradshaw ’12 Colleen E. Brady ’00 Robert C. Brady ’00 John D. Brady ’73 Jodi Brannigan Daniel M. Braude ’06 Jordan Braun Richard F. Breitweiser ’89 Colleen D. Brennan ’91 Donald Brennan Joseph P. Brennan, Jr. ’73 Richard E. Brennan ’67 Joseph L. Brescher ’62 Luke P. Breslin ’10 Kelly A. Briganti ’93 Margaret F. Brinig ’73 Jason D. Brito ’07 Christina Brito ’17 Ellen A. Brodsky ’81 Terrence Brody The Honorable Peter R. Brogan ’68 Kelley M. Brogan ’12 Nathan L. Brown ’09 Michele Brown Robert D. Brown, Jr. ’98 Eric L. Brown ’14 Gretchen Brownscheidle Alfred R. Brunetti ’98 Benjamin S. Bucca, Jr. ’83 Christine A. Bucca ’84 Karl H. Buch Terra Buckley ’18 Kristoffer S. Burfitt ’09 Donald Burke, Jr. ’11 Jessica Burt ’12 Robert W. Byrne ’84 Peng Cai ’17 Courtene Caine Anthony P. Callaghan ’94 Cathleen J. Calligy ’92 Amanda Calviello David V. Calviello ’96 Amanda L. Camelotto ’12 Andrew J. Camelotto ’11 Joseph A. Campbell ’97



EXECUTIVE BOARD Martin J. Foncello ’05 (President) Associate Director, Exiger LLC

Margaret M. Canale ’78 Joseph A. Caneco ’16 Bradford A. Cangro ’05 Michelle Capezza ’96 Christopher Capitanelli ’16 Michael Caracappa ’18 Charles J. Carey ’87 Brian J. Carey ’87 Christopher J. Carey ’82 Anthony M. Carlino ’80 Angela C. Carmella Craig Carpenito ’00 Catherine A. Carr Krauss ’84 Stephanie R. Carrington ’12 Robert J. Carroll ’78 Michael T. Carton ’96 Rachel M. Caruso ’03 Andrea Cascarano ’07 John R. Cascarano ’07 Bernard M. Cassidy ’88 Jayme J. Cassidy ’89 Kyle H. Cassidy ’14 Jason Castle ’18 Iskender H. Catto ’00 Kim M. Catullo ’91 Thomas W. Cavanagh, Jr. ’69 Antonio Celii ’00 Kristen E. Celii Saverio V. Cereste ’65 Albert Chen Jason A. Cherchia ’14 Charles H. Chevalier ’04 Gina M. Chevalier ’04 Louis A. Chiafullo ’96 Sarah B. Chopnick ’09 Ashley Church ’18 Renee L. Ciccarella ’04 David Cinotti Peter Cipparulo, III ’90 Larry D. Cirignano ’78 James B. Clark, III ’86 Robert D. Clark ’71 Kelly A. Clarke Ellen R. Clarkson ’78 Jenna K. Clemente ’18 Cristyn D. Clifton-White ’02 Anthony Cocuzza ’18 Kenneth J. Coffin ’95 Kylie A. Cohen ’11 Robert B. Cohen ’86

Aaron Cohen ’15 Anthony L. Colasurdo ’84 Kristen Coletta ’18 Tamara Coley ’10 Annie M. Collart ’14 Michael L. Collins ’13 Marjorie Collins Jaclyn Comunale ’18 Justin E. Condit ’15 Jennifer B. Condon ’03 Mark B. Conlan ’00 Terence G. Connor ’67 Samuel V. Convery, Jr. ’69 David J. Cooner ’89 Lauren B. Cooper ’14 Richard Coppa ’92 George P. Cornell ’15 Francis J. Costenbader ’62 Frank Covello ’84 William J. Cozine ’64 Danielle Craft ’18 Gergory Crane David N. Crapo ’12 Patricia B. Crapo ’03 Joyce I. Crawford ’14 Philip W. Crawford ’80 Gianna Cricco-Lizza ’12 David R. Crittenden ’96 Laurie S. Crittenden ’96 Paul L. Croce ’08 John D. Cromie ’87 Patricia Cromie ’87 Joanna L. Crosby ’86 Justin B. Cutlip ’97 Henry J. Daaleman ’62 Christine M. Dalena ’88 Daniel T. Dalena ’88 Salvatore D’Alia Joseph T. Daly ’65 Jennifer L. Davenport ’03 Bernard S. Davis ’70 Elaine L. Davis ’72 Lydia E. Davis ’78 Virginia E. Davis ’74 Maureen T. Davis ’96 Patricia Davis ’82 Edward J. De Pascale ’73 Teresina DeAlmeida Thomas Deamus ’11 The Honorable Frank J. DeAngelis ’96 Susan DeAngelis Leigh DeCotiis ’12

Julian Leone ’04 (President Elect) Vice President, Investment Management Division Goldman Sachs & Co.

Daniel R. Levy ’04

(Secretary) Partner, Epstein, Becker & Green, P.C.

Javier Diaz ’12

Counsel and Corporate Compliance Officer Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Timothy M. Donohue ’84 (Emeritus Member) Partner, Arleo & Donohue LLC

(Immediate Past President) Partner, Chasan, Lamparello, Mallon & Cappuzo PC

Victor A. Afanador ’98

(Emeritus Member) Member of the Firm, Lite DePalma Greenberg, LLC

Mayling C. Blanco ’06 Partner, Blank Rome LLP

Marc A. Calello ’89

The Law Office of Marc A. Calello, Esq. P.C.

David V. Calviello ’96

(Emeritus Member) Senior Assistant Prosecutor, Chief, Trial Section Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office

James F. Flanagan ’72

Michael J. Riccobono ’09

(Emerita Member) Law Offices of Deborah A. Gabry

Associate, Skadden Arps, Slate, Meagher, Flom, LLPwnada

Justin Hollander ’12

Associate, Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A.

Jodi Hudson ’96

(Emerita Member) Of Counsel, Connell Foley LLP

James B. Johnston ’96 (Emeritus Member) Attorney, Jersey City Law Department

Cristal Lambert ’12

Legal Counsel, Bed Bath & Beyond

Desiree Grace Latzer ’12

Member of the Firm, Epstein Becker & Green, PC

Assistant United States Attorney, District of New Jersey

John Cascarano ’07

Amy Matey ’08

Tamara R. Coley ’10

Branch Chief, Food & Drug Administration

Michael L. Collins ’13 Associate, Archer & Greiner

The Honorable Frank J. De Angelis ’96 (Emeritus Member) Morris County Courthouse

Michael A. Rolek ’13

Associate, Tannenbaum, Helpern, Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP

Shoshana Schiff ’98 Partner, Trenk, DiPasquale, Della Fera & Sodono, P.C.

David Simunovich ’08

Assistant United States Attorney, District of New Jersey

Associate, Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP

Michelle Capezza ’96

Partner, Chiaia & Associates LLC

Elaine A. Rocha ’98

Elina Slavin ’10

Senior Managing Associate, Dentons, LLP

John F. Chiaia ’93

Associate, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart P.C.

(Emerita Member) Chief Operating Officer, Chief of Staff, AIG Investments

Kimberly A. Franko Lower ’12

Associate, DLA Piper LLP (US)

General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, CapSpecialty, Inc.

(Emeritus Member) Counsel, Law Office of Kenneth Lipstein

Member, Lum, Drasco & Positan LLC

Kelly Lankford ’09

Antonio Celii ’00

Frederic J. Regenye ’95

Partner, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Amanda Laufer Camelotto ’12

Senior Claims Specialist, Crum & Forster

Associate, Proskauer Rose LLP

Scott E. Reiser ’07

Marita S. Erbeck ’02

Deborah A. Gabry ’89 John L. Shahdanian II ’97

Catherine I. R. Pontoriero ’10

Remi L. Spencer ’02

(Emerita) Partner, Spencer & Associates Counselors at Law, L.L.C.

Robert E. Spitzer ’06

Executive Director, Healthcare Compliance Education Seton Hall Law School

Partner, MacNeill, O’Neill & Riveles, LLC

Jason T. Watson ’07 Corporate Legal Counsel, William Demant

Kevin W. Weber ’08 Director, Gibbons P.C.

Erika M. Lopes-McLeman ’11

Brandon Lee Wolff ’14

Matthew C. Moench ’07

The Honorable Mara Zazzali-Hogan ’98

Rachel A. Mongiello ’10

Thomas Zuppa, Jr. ’12

Associate, LeClairRyan

Senior Managing Associate Dentons, LLP

Managing Member at Moench Law, LLC

Litigation Associate, Cole Schotz P.C.

(Emerita Member) Monmouth County Courthouse

Associate, Chasan, Lamparello, Mallon & Cappuzo PC

Caroline E. Oks ’12 Associate, Gibbons P.C.

Jacqueline C. Pirone ’04

(Emerita Member) Assistant Professor of Legal Practice Seton Hall University School of Law

Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu 23

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Paul G. Deehan ’85 Edward J. DeFazio ’78 Thomas J. DeFelice ’12 Michael J. DeFeo, II Tracy E. Deforge ’99 Corinne M. DeJianne ’11 Michael J. DeJianne ’16 Nancy A. Del Pizzo ’05 Cathleen R. Delanoy ’84 Edward J. Delanoy, Jr. ’84 Michael D. DeLoreto ’14 Samuel R. Deluca, Jr. ’94 Nicole DeMuro ’11 Mark P. Denbeaux William P. Deni, Jr. ’03 Christopher P. DePhillips ’92 Catherine Derenze ’18 Taylor Derleth Michael B. Devins ’97 Jordan R. Dewbre ’18 Emily Deyring Paul J. Di Maio ’89 Joseph DiCarlo ’18 Diane DiFrancesco The Honorable Donald T. DiFrancesco ’69 William J. Diggs ’10 Amy E. DiGregorio ’07 Alyson J. DiLena ’09 Carmen J. DiMaria ’93 Nicole F. DiMaria ’01 Roger W. Dinella ’91 Christopher DiSanto ’17 Ronald J. Dolecki ’94 Thomas F. Dominiecki ’61 Vincent Donnelly ’80 Mary B. Donnelly Timothy M. Donohue ’80 Leilani M. Dornfeld ’99 Victoria Dorum ’17 William Dowd ’75 Donna Dubeth Gardiner ’89 Michele M. Dudas ’00 Susan R. Dudzinski ’98 Colleen D. Duffy ’84 Phillip J. Duffy ’92 Dennis A. Durkin ’82 Joseph J. Dvorak ’66 Nicole A. Dyer Foncello ’04 Samuel K. Dykstra ’13 Brian E. Early ’99 Jesse C. Ehnert ’07 Joshua R. Elias ’03 24 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Robert D. Emer ’93 Richard W. English ’90 Dena E. Epstein ’95 Marita S. Erbeck ’02 Gerald C. Escala ’64 Cherylyn Esoy Mizzo ’03 Peter D. Espey ’09 Thomas Esposito Cesar Martin M. Estela ’05 Nicholas Falci ’18 Manuel P. Fanarjian ’67 Joseph P. Farano ’07 Lindsey Farina ’17 Jeremy A. Farrell ’07 Angela C. Femino ’87 Brian H. Fenlon ’87 Karl A. Fenske ’77 Lewis J. Fernandez ’78 Carrie B. Ferraro ’92 Frank E. Ferruggia Rebecca Fields ’74 Martin I. Finston ’92 Elynn M. Finston James V. Fiore ’74 Joseph A. Fischetti ’10 John W. Fisher ’75 William Fishkin ’01 Paul J. Fishman James F. Flanagan, III ’72 John Flanagan Suzanne M. Flaton-Origenes ’92 Vicki Fleischer Nina R. Florczak ’67 Patrick A. Florentino ’09 Cara L. Foerst ’99 James M. Foerst ’99 Robert J. Foley ’73 Martin J. Foncello ’05 Gina M. Fondetto Leonard Fondetto, III ’99 Kimberly L. Forino ’07 Benjamin Forrest ’17 June K. Forrest Richard B. Forrest ’13 Gregory W. Fortsch ’94 Jacob J. Franchino ’15 Brian M. Frankoski ’14 Timothy J. Fraser ’02 Bernard W. Freedman ’66 John M. Frega ’11 Monique French-Brown Wanda D. French-Brown ’08 Christopher J. Fried ’07

Rachel L. Friedman ’15 Alison Frimmel ’15 Rebecca E. Frino ’11 Bonnie C. Frost ’84 John A. Frost ’77 Joseph G. Fuoco ’04 Deborah A. Gabry ’89 Alexander Gacos ’18 Christine A. Gaddis ’14 S. James Gaffney ’12 Charles A. Gaglia, Jr. ’73 Joanita Gakami ’18 Dakota Gallivan ’14 Sarah L. Gargiulo ’14 James T. Garrick Jonathan E. Gates ’06 Peter A. Gaudioso ’94 Lorraine S. Gauli-Rufo ’91 Joan G. Geiger ’83 Julie E. Gendel ’09 Megan George ’11 Salvatore A. Giampiccolo ’89 Russell T. Giglio ’92 Daniel J. Gilbert ’15 Robert M. Gilmartin, Jr. ’98 Jeffrey S. Ginsberg ’93 John I. Gizzo ’85 Lionel Glancy Glancy Lisa Gleason ’89 Brian Goldblatt ’12 Jeffrey H. Goldsmith ’91 Stuart J. Goldstein ’00 Jerard A. Gonzalez ’88 Timothy Gonzalez ’18 Gregory G. Goodman ’07 Nicole Goodwin ’01 Joseph Goss ’09 Matthew Goss ’17 Maria Grajales Donald J. Grasso Glenn A. Grau ’66 Geoffrey D. Green ’74 William D. Green ’76 Alison G. Greenberg ’97 Carol A. Gross ’85 Maya L. Grosz Harry R. Gudenberg ’70 Paola A. Guido ’14 Izik Gutkin ’18 Aaron Guttenplan ’18 Phyllis Gutto Brew ’87 Lisette Guzman ’16 Evan D. Haggerty ’12

John B. Hall ’59 Elizabeth V. Halpin Jason R. Halpin ’10 Lauren Handler Simone Handler-Hutchinson ’93 The Honorable Gerald B. Hanifan ’68 Maureen P. Hanifan Colleen F. Hannon ’98 Joseph M. Hannon ’99 The Honorable Stephan C. Hansbury ’77 Zachary Hansen ’18 Allen Hantman ’70 Kathleen B. Harden ’89 Charles J. Harriman ’79 Kelly A. Harris ’00 James J. Hartnett ’74 Edward A. Hartnett Rudolph N. Hawkins, Jr. ’68 Cherryl J. Hayes ’07 Joyce Hendricks Peter J. Hendricks ’86 Justin R. Hendrickson ’16 Amy B. Herbold ’07 Ronald Herman ’18 Mary Beth Hernandez ’95 Jeffrey W. Herrmann Ronald A. Hewitt ’05 Robert B. Hille ’83 Mindy J. Himelman ’86 Kathleen A. Hirce ’05 Joseph M. Hobbs ’86 John Hoffman Laura C. Hoffman John E. Hogan ’98 Mallary R. Hollander ’11 Analisa S. Holmes ’88 Eric Homsi ’09 Brian Howe Jennifer A. Hradil ’97 Peter O. Hughes ’87 Mark F. Hughes Isn Hummell William M. Hunt ’87 Linda M. Hurley ’99 Gregory S. Inman ’85 Anthony J. Innamorato ’66 Ann E. Iparraguirre John Z. Jackson ’75 John V. Jacobi Carol G. Jacobson ’78 Kate E. Janukowicz ’11

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Kenneth W. Jiang ’96 Joseph Jingoli Gisele Joachim Edward T. Joel ’93 William J. Johnson ’70 Jacob L. Johnson ’14 James B. Johnston ’82 Maureen M. Johnston ’90 Jennifer M. Jones ’12 Lauren S. Jones ’09 Alex P. Joy ’17 Charles J. Kahwaty ’79 George A. Kalosieh ’62 Marie L. Kalosieh ’64 Palaiyur S. Kalyanaraman ’94 Elizabeth Kaminski ’18 Helmut Kamm Catherine L. Karanas ’87 James A. Kassis ’00 Adam M. Katz David B. Katz ’87 Neil F. Katz ’75 April B. Katz Israeli ’92 John W. Kaveney ’08 Tracy A. Kaye Kenneth W. Kayser ’77 Thomas S. Kearney ’95 Christopher J. Keating ’14 Kimberly A. KeenanKirkpatrick ’93 William T. Kelleher, Jr. ’77 A. J. Kelly, Jr. ’62 Kevin B. Kelly Walter R. Kennedy ’60 Elizabeth A. Kenny ’93 Joseph G. Kenny ’13 Janet L. Kerr Thomas R. Kerr ’74 John Khouri ’12 Richard C. Kielbania ’00 Catherine A. Kiernan ’86 John Kikoski James M. Kilkenny ’77 Dominique Kilmartin ’18 Mary J. King Stuart T. Kirkby ’02 Thomas S. Kirschenbaum ’64 Sylvia Kirshner Tatiana Kitaigorovski ’18 Steven Kleinman ’02 Madeline Kletzkin

Julia A. Klubenspies ’94 Victoria Y. Ko ’02 Albert G. Kobylarz, Jr. ’74 Aislinn Koch ’18 Paul H. Kochanski ’80 Michael G. Kohn ’75 Kenneth L. Konner ’71 Phyllis H. Konner ’73 David R. Kott Louis C. Kotzman ’87 Walter C. Kowalski, III ’88 Stephen Krachie ’18 Jenny R. Kramer ’01 William P. Krauss ’81 Carol Krieger Michael Kromka ’18 Nicholas Kromka ’18 Steven K. Krommenhoek Paul E. Kudirka ’76 James J. Kuhn ’93 Mary G. Kunik ’77 Christopher E. Kunkel ’02 Lisa Kunkel ’99 Kenneth F. Kunzman Robert F. Kupec ’68 Mark D. Kurdyla ’99 Debra T. Kuser ’81 Dennis P. Lahiff ’68 Mimi Lakind ’93 Fei F. Lam ’97 Abigail Lamb ’10 Cristal R. Lambert ’12 Reynold Lambert Thornton R. Land ’71 Stacy Landau ’17 Chessley Lankford Kelly A. Lankford ’09 Timothy M. Lanni ’12 Daniel R. Lapinski ’99 Nicholas D. LaTrenta ’79 Desiree Latzer ’12 Eric S. Latzer ’11 Michael R. Laudino ’07 Mark C. Lauria ’12 Robert D. Laurino ’79 Joseph H. Lavery ’71 Lawrence N. Lavigne ’82 Robert T. Lawless, Jr. ’80 James N. Lawlor ’92 Rochelle D. Laws ’07 Brian D. Lee ’94 Eric D. Lee ’17 David L. Legow ’86

Bryan D. Leinbach ’04 John N. Lemieux ’79 Nicole A. Leonard ’95 Andrea Leone Julian Leone ’04 Steven Less ’79 Lawrence A. Leven ’73 Ronald S. Levitt ’68 Rebecca A. Levy ’01 Joshua S. Levy ’14 Albert M. Lewis ’82 Margaret K. Lewis Paula S. Lieb ’93 Joy L. Lindo ’01 Mark Linscott ’18 Adam Lipps ’16 Alyra Liriano ’17 Arnold D. Litt ’74 Lisa E. Lomelo ’03 Michelle D. LoMonte ’98 Felice T. Londa ’82 Yael London Erika Lopes-McLeman ’11 Jonathan McLeman Claudia Lorenzo ’15 Jennifer M. Lota ’11 Sherwin Lotfi ’15 Thomas F. Loughman ’68 Sandra D. Lovell ’03 Brian Lovequist Jonathan B. Lower ’08 Kimberly A. Lower ’09 Stephen J. Lubben Carmelo Lubrano ’88 Kevin MacGillivray ’93 John F. MacLeod ’71 Robert J. MacPherson ’80 Joao F. Magalhaes ’08 Kevin J. Mahoney ’14 Nancy Mahoney ’72 Jessica Maier John J. Maiorana ’69 Jennifer Mallory Ryan C. Malloy ’18 Elizabeth Mancuso ’18 Michael B. Mankowski ’00 Stuart Mann ’86 Sherrie L. Mannion ’99 Steven C. Mannion ’93 Ronald G. Marmo ’67 George A. Marootian ’78 James S. Marotta ’74 Corinne M. Marotta ’08


Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP

Baumeister & Samuels, P.C.

Merck & Company, Inc. Nicholson Foundation

Connell Foley LLP

Public Service Electric & Gas Foundation

CulinArt DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick & Cole, LLP

Sage Foundation sanofi-aventis

Gibbons P.C.

Schering Plough Foundation

Johnson & Johnson Joseph P. Miele Foundation

The Kaplen Foundation

Larson Family Foundation

The MCJ Amelior Foundation

Marino, Tortorella & Boyle, P.C.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

McCarter & English, LLP

Verizon Foundation

McElroy Deutsch


Stephen and Helen Judlowe


Peter and Lee Larson

Mitch Baumeister and Lynn Samuels

Joseph and Debra LaSala Kevin and Rita Marino

Maury and Robin Cartine Robert and Margot Meyer

Joseph and Tracy DeCotiis

Diane Nardone William and Judi Deni Patrick and Christina Dunican

Patricia O'Callaghan (Deceased) Robert Perry

Sister Barbara Garland Richard and Mary Schibell Bernard Hartnett Samuel Heyman (Deceased) Alfred Jablonski

Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu 25

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Paul H. Martin ’72 Steven J. Martino ’87 Brian R. Martinotti ’86 Dana M. Martinotti ’86 Rose M. Martins Jason R. Martucci ’06 Joseph A. Massood ’82 Maryssa A. Mataras ’16 Amy Matey ’08 Paul B. Matey ’01 William Mathesius ’65 Edwin R. Matthews, Sr. ’73 Marc H. Mayer ’17 Jennifer M. Mazawey Vinosky ’97 Edward H. Mazer ’74 Michael R. McAndrew ’11 Stephen J. McAuley, Jr. Michael J. McBride ’00 Nicholas McClelland ’18 Andrew McCray ’91 Kurt E. McCue ’78 Elizabeth A. McDevitt ’84 Michael R. McDonald ’87 Peter J. McDonald ’59 Shannon McDonald ’12 Robert B. McGovern ’80 Daniel J. McGrady ’11 Thomas E. McGrath ’78 Robert J. McGuire ’92 John C. McGuire ’87 Denis F. McLaughlin Marshall McLean Brian J. McMahon ’77 Charles L. McNabb ’81 Andrew J. McNally ’05 Sheila F. McShane ’00 Claire McSherry Maryellen E. McVeigh Jane G. Mecca ’86 Eric W. Meder ’15 Amanda A. Meehan ’09 The Honorable Benn Meistrich ’92 Fatime Meka Cano Michael P. Meliti ’99 Linda A. Mellina ’00 Karlyne Merant Maximilian Mescall ’18 Lisa M. Meyer ’14 Grace T. Meyer ’78 Martha L. Meyer-Weisgerber ’15 Alfred L. Michaelsen ’69 Jessica Miles 26 Seton Hall Law Magazine

Vincent J. Militello ’96 Ariel W. Miller Donna R. Miller ’87 Joel Miller Matt M. Miller ’05 Robert J. Miller ’06 Jane H. Minichiello ’78 Lisa K. Minichini ’16 Eileen Minogue Joanne Mitchell-George ’82 Matthew C. Moench ’07 Stephanie M. Moench Barbara Mol Florina A. Moldovan ’91 Russ R. Molloy ’81 Sean Monaghan ’83 Jeffrey Mongiello ’11 Rachel A. Mongiello ’11 Anne D. Moon ’97 Barbara A. Moran ’90 Camilla T. Morch ’95 Karen H. Moriarty ’83 Michael F. Moriarty ’86 Giovanni Morton ’17 Theodore D. Moskowitz ’82 Debra M. Mouridy ’79 Glenn J. Mouridy ’79 Raj Mukherji ’12 Michael D. Mulanaphy ’13 Bradford W. Muller ’09 Sarah Muller Ryan Mulvaney ’96 Leigh S. Mumford ’03 Christopher L. Muniz ’99 Amanda M. Munsie ’13 Terry M. Murphy ’80 W. M. Murphy, Jr. ’74 Douglas W. Murphy ’73 Bruce Nagel Janet Nagotko ’08 Debra Naporano ’91 Louis P. Nappen ’05 Marie D. Nardino ’79 Colin Nash ’04 Tara T. Nash ’06 Joseph Natale Anna P. Navatta ’82 Mark Nehme ’18 Carol A. Nemetz ’84 Cassandra J. Neugold ’16 Amy F. Newcombe ’96 David A. Nicolette, Jr. ’65 Jeffry F. Nielsen ’90

Margaret M. Nielsen ’82 Victoria Nilsson ’18 James B. Nobile Yanet P. Noble ’98 Maria D. Noto ’80 Gerard R. Novak ’88 Dr. Gerald T. O’Brien ’72 Dwayne Ockel ’17 Aidan O’Connor Briana O’Connor ’18 Alison C. O’Donnell ’01 Colin F. O’Donnell ’87 Edward J. O’Donnell ’83 John F. O’Hern ’94 Caroline Oks ’12 J. Raymond Oldroyd ’68 Bernadette H. Olson Thomas M. Olson ’82 Rachel Omeara Chinwe Omoworare Richard M. Onorevole ’82 David W. Opderbeck ’91 Lawrence M. O’Reilly ’83 Anthony K. Osei ’17 Chelsea Ott ’17 Neil A. Owens ’05 Arthur M. Owens ’05 Frederick W. Padden ’63 Inge Padden Eric Padilla ’18 Laura Palatucci William J. Palatucci ’89 The Honorable Phillip L. Paley Samantha Palma ’17 Jeffrey A. Palumbo ’12 Larry Palumbo Denise L. Panicucci ’89 Colleen M. Panzini ’89 James J. Panzini ’90 John A. Paparazzo ’77 Arthur F. Parent, Jr. ’66 Craig H. Parker ’92 Erica Parlavecchio ’18 Jaye L. Parsons David J. Pascrell ’95 Joseph A. Pastena ’65 Sunita N. Patel ’99 Daniel T. Paxton ’16 John J. Peirano, Jr. ’77 Ameya Pendse Melanie Perez-Vellios Marina C. Perna ’88 Kara M. Perry ’98

Mark J. Pesce ’15 Shaun Peterson ’18 Martin F. Pfleger ’87 Natalee Picillo ’77 Loren Pierce Alexis ’85 J J. Pierson ’80 Richard E. Pigott ’64 Jacqueline Pirone ’04 David A. Pisciotta ’09 Joseph A. Pistritto, III ’14 Sheree V. Pitchford ’97 James C. Pitney, Jr. ’75 Marcel R. Plaut ’74 Ryan A. Polkowski ’00 Jeffrey S. Pollak Christina Pollock ’18 Melanie A. Polloway ’99 Michael Polloway ’00 Catherine I. Pontoriero ’10 Elaine Poplaski Adetola A. Popoola ’18 Nina Popova ’17 Christopher S. Porrino ’92 Latisha M. Porter-Vaughn ’13 Melissa A. Provost ’98 Lawrence J. Purpuro ’91 Catherine M. Queenan ’75 Edward P. Queenan ’76 Michael F. Quinn ’81 Mary D. Quinn ’82 Thomas F. Quinn ’81 Alex Raap ’18 Tara A. Ragone Louis A. Ramunno ’94 Gregory C. Ranieri ’81 Martin R. Raskin ’74 Michael Rato ’01 Tomi-Anne Raue Michael L. Ravin ’83 James D. Ray ’84 Raymond B. Reddin ’05 Frederic J. Regenye ’95 Audena B. Reger ’99 Harry S. Reichard ’76 Keri L. Reid McNally ’06 David J. Reilly ’88 Beth Reiser Scott E. Reiser ’07 Abigail J. Remore ’09 Robert F. Renaud ’74 Jared A. Resnick ’05 Jessica Rey ’13 Judith A. Ricci ’97

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Michael J. Ricciardelli ’08 Danielle Riccobono Michael J. Riccobono ’09 Jane A. Rigby ’84 Caridad F. Rigo ’73 Lindsay Rodman ’11 Robert S. Roglieri ’14 Benita J. Rohm ’79 Christopher A. Rojao ’13 Michael A. Rolek ’13 Dominique A. Romano ’14 Lisa Rose ’87 Richard I. Rosenberg ’68 Ned M. Rosenberg ’72 Shira B. Rosenman ’02 Daniel W. Roslokken ’91 Jason Michael Ross ’96 Jayne M. Ross ’78 Justin Roxas Sr. ’18 Vincent J. Rubino, Jr. ’80 Pasquale J. Rufolo ’95 Regina S. Rufolo Richard M. Rufolo ’87 Giulianna K. Ruiz ’06 Lady S. Ruiz ’17 The Honorable Daniel J. Russell ’61 Taryn S. Russell ’12 Christopher M. Russo ’13 James L. Ryerson ’10 Peter Saad ’09 Karen W. Saake ’94 Christy L. Saalfeld-Kirkby ’02 Jack Sabatino Kanwal Sajjad Lanhi Saldana ’09 Charles G. Sanders ’69 Louis J. Santore ’68 Anthony E. Santoriello ’97 Erik E. Sardina ’13 James C. Savage ’73 James J. Savage ’93 Nina M. Savignano-Donohue ’80 Mark A. Sblendorio ’98 Travis S. Scales’13 John J. Scaliti ’83 William G. Schanck, Jr. ’71 Angela Scheck Ian R. Scheinmann ’94 Matthew Scherzer Lindsay B. Schiappa Dobrzynski ’94 John M. Schmittberger ’82 Michael B. Schultz ’04 Lynn G. Schundler ’87

Audrey K. Schwabe ’86 Robert W. Schwaneberg ’10 Lisa M. Scorsolini ’07 Yezhisai Senthil ’05 John L. Shahdanian, II ’97 Krista Shaheen ’18 Brigid Shanley Lamb ’76 James P. Shannon ’86 Larry Shawe Sarah M. Shearer ’12 Raymond T. Sheldon ’76 Diane M. Shelley ’89 Scott C. Shelley ’93 Christina S. Shenouda ’93 Brian Sheppard Aliza Sherman ’06 Richard R. Shiarella ’82 Michael Y. Shimshak ’90 Charlotte M. Shoendorf ’13 Amy E. Shotmeyer ’09 Neil H. Shuster ’70 The Honorable Patty Shwartz Paula Sicord Kenneth N. Siegel ’68 Vincent A. Signorile ’85 Alex D. Silagi ’14 Stephanie M. Silvestri Jacqulyn N. Simmons ’13 Tyler Sims ’15 Amit Singhai ’18 Elina Slavin ’10 Emily Slaw ’18 Daniel O. Sloan ’07 Steven J. Sloan ’86 Susan Smalley ’18 Jennifer P. Smith ’06 Michael S. Smith ’09 Patrick Smith Sean A. Smith ’01 Sharde S. Smith Roy B. Smolarz ’80 Thomas J. Snyder ’92 Anthony J. Sodono, III ’90 Ricardo Solano, Jr. ’98 Catherine M. Soliman ’18 Toby Solomon ’83 Joel M. Solow ’74 Donna Sonageri ’82 Natasha Songonuga ’03 Joseph V. Sordillo ’04 Brian J. Sorensen ’07 Mark Southard Mary Soyka-Abbate ’07 Vanessa T. Spagnuola ’96 Margaret A. Spaziani

Remi L. Spencer ’02 Theresa Spola Doyle ’87 Geri L. Squire ’81 William E. Staehle ’75 Logan Stagnitto ’18 Robert G. Stahl ’89 Roy Steele Richard H. Steen ’75 Robert G. Stevens ’71 Matthew D. Stockwell ’05 Kaitlyn E. Stone ’13 Joyce A. Strawser Eugene Striffler, Jr. ’79 Claudette St. Romain Anastasia Stylianou ’16 Michael C. Sudol, Jr. ’65 Thomas H. Sullivan ’69 Charles A. Sullivan John Sullivan Jason M. Sumbaly ’15 Ronald S. Suss ’74 Thomas N. Sweeney ’99 Ross J. Switkes ’10 Cornelia Szymanski ’18 Robert J. Tarte ’65 Fadja Tassy ’17 Stephen P. Tasy ’84 Gregg A. Tatarka ’05 Lisa A. Tatulli-Ruggiero ’93 Lynne M. Tatum ’03 Upneet S. Teji ’07 Lincoln A. Terzian ’93 Brett S. Theisen ’10 Jennifer L. Thibodaux ’05 Roy J. Thibodaux, III ’05 Lori Thimmel Gary A. Thomas ’87 Samuel J. Thomas Delia C. Thrasher Christine M. Tiritilli ’96 Charles P. Tivenan ’75 Mary K. Tivenan ’79 Richard W. Tkach ’80 Peter J. Torcicollo Migdalia De Jesus Torres Thomas N. Torzewski ’83 Christine C. Traskos ’79 Peter B. Treichler ’79 Brian L. Tremer ’12 Calvin O. Trevenen ’79 G. G. Troublefield ’91 Anna Tse ’12 Mauro Tucci, Jr. ’06 Ashley Turner ’10 Louis A. Uccello ’04

Allen J. Underwood, II ’97 Michael J. Urbano ’69 Maria P. Vallejo ’07 Amy E. Van Hevelingen ’07 William J. Van Nostrand, Jr. Sarah Vander Woude ’12 Kimberly A. Vanderhoef ’12 Preeya Varma ’18 Ann M. Vaurio ’76 Peter J. Vazquez ’73 Frank J. Vecchione ’64 Tina Velantzas-Austin ’90 Michael Ventura ’78 Cynthia Vera ’18 John T. Verrilli ’75 John E. Vitale ’74 Valeriya Vlasenko ’16 Alexander J. Walder ’15 Joseph T. Walsh ’58 William T. Walsh, Jr. ’14 Judy P. Watkins ’83 Christina E. Weaver ’78 Julie L. Weber ’09 Kevin W. Weber ’08 Joan M. Weidner ’82 Hannah Weinberg ’18 Jonathan J. Weisbrod ’15 Paul S. Werther ’81 Lisabeth Wester ’79 Thomas A. Wester ’79 Richard Wheatland Douglas A. Wheeler ’96 Timothy R. Wheeler ’02 Andrew C. White ’00 Trevor S. Whiting ’07 Megan L. Wiggins ’10 Sarah E. H. Wilbur ’18 Richard Williams Cymetra M. Williams ’15 Samuel R. Williamson ’75 John B. Wilson ’90 Brett W. Wiltsey ’01 John V Wintermute Robert J. Wishnia ’18 Andrea L. Wolff ’95 Brandon L. Wolff ’14 Amy H. Wollock ’96 Edward M. Yennock ’06 Thomas A. Yezza ’03 Leann Youngworth ’15 The Honorable Mara E. Zazzali-Hogan ’98 Thomas A. Zelante Jr. ’18 Janet M. Zicarelli ’02 Thomas Zuppa, Jr. ’12 Fall 2018 | law.shu.edu 27

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Organizations Organizations $100,000+ DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP Nicholson Foundation

Organizations $50,000 - $99,999 O’Toole Scrivo Fernandez Weiner, Van Lieu, LLC

Organizations $25,000 - $49,999 Gibbons P.C. Johnson & Johnson Corporate Lowenstein Sandler PC The MCJ Amelior Foundation The Sage Foundation Walsh Pizzi O’Reilly Falanga LLP

Organizations $10,000 - $24,999 The Andrew L. Clark Family Charitable Trust Carella Byrne Cecchi Olstein Brody & Agnello Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi, PC Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP Ernst & Young Friedman Kaplan Seiler & Adelman LLP Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey Lite DePalma Greenberg, LLC Marino, Tortorella & Boyle, P.C. McCarter & English, LLP Otsuka America Pharmaceutical Inc Porzio Life Sciences, LLC The Torcivia Family Foundation Tompkins, McGuire, Wachenfeld & Barry LLP Vertical Pharmaceuticals, LLC

Organizations $5,000 - $9,999 Alston & Bird LLP American Endowment Foundation Association of Corporate Counsel New Jersey 28 Seton Hall Law Magazine

AT&T Corporation Baker Hostetler, LLP Brach Eichler LLC Columbian Foundation Connell Foley LLP Coughlin Duffy, LLP Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski P.C. Genova Burns, LLC Hudson County Bar Foundation Jackson Lewis P.C. Kennedys CMK LLP McElroy Deutsch Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP N. American Eagle Construction Newsome O’Donnell, LLC Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart, P.C. Parker Ibrahim & Berg LLC Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, LLP PNC Financial Services Group Prudential Financial Public Service Electric & Gas Foundation Schwartz Foundation Saiber LLC Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. The Nicholson Foundation

Organizations $1,000 - $4,999 A.B.O.T.A. American Century Investments American International Group Arleo & Donohue, LLC Baldassare & Mara LLC Biancamano & DiStefanob Bramnick Law Carmagnola & Ritardi, LLC Cole Schotz, P.C. Coughlin Duffy LLP Davison, Eastman, Munoz, Lederman & Paone PA Day Pitney, LLP Dentons Di Biasi & Rinaldi LLC DigDev Direct dmdjd Consulting, LLC Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP Edward and Nancy Deutsch Family Foundation, Inc. eForensix Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow, LLP

Exxon Mobil Foundation Factory Mutual Insurance Company Forensic Docurment Examinations LLC Franzblau Drach, PC Fusco & Macaluso Partners, LLC GD Correctional Services LLC Genentech, Inc. Honeywell International Inc. IGT Global Solutions Inglesino, Webster, Wyciskala & Taylor, LLC Keefe Law Firm Kivvit KPMG, LLP McCusker, Anselmi, Rosen, Carvelli & Walsh Merck Company Foundation Morgan Melhuish Abrutyn Natan and Sara Blutinger Charitable Foundation Niedweske Barber Hager, LLC O’Donnell McCord PC Pashman Stein Piro Zinna Cifelli Paris & Genitempo LLC Princeton Public Affairs Group Inc. PSEG Services Corporation Quagen Pharma Raymond James Renda and Voynick Rotary Club of Willingboro Sharkey & Campisi State Farm Companies Foundation Strasser & Associates, P. C. The Association of the Federal Bar of New Jersey The Brownstone House, Inc. The Brunetti Foundation The Fred August and Adele Wolpers Charitable Foundation The John G. Martin Foundation The Toscano Law Firm, LLC Trenk, DiPasquale, Webster, Dellafera & Sodono, PC Waters, McPherson, McNeill, P.C. Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker, LLP Woodmont Properties, LLC

Organizations < $1,000 Alden H. Vose Foundation Ankura Consulting Group, LLC Atlantic Health System Bielan, Miklos & Makrogiannis PC Chamlin, Rosen, Uliano & Witherington Chasan Lamparello Mallon & Cappuzzo, PC Christ The King Preparatory Hedinger & Lawless, LLC Howard Roe Company John E. Vitale Counsellor At Law Kraemer, Burns PA Langan Law Office of Angela C. Femino, LLC Law Office of John T. Verrilli Law Office of Maria D. Noto, P.C. Law Offices of Peter Cipparulo III, LLC LeClairRyan LPL Financial Marina C. Perna, P.C. Marketing Communication Resources, Inc Merck & Company, Inc. Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc New Jersey State Bar Association New Jersey Women Lawyers Association Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A. O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble, LLC Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perretti, LLP Saint Barnabas Corporation Barnabas Health Sonageri & Fallon, L.L.C. Spencer & Associates Wealth by Design

Two Alums Named United States Attorneys Craig Carpenito ’00

was formally appointed U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey on April 27, 2018 after serving in that position since January. As U.S. Attorney, he oversees all federal criminal prosecutions as well as the litigation of all civil matters in the state. He previously was partner at Alston & Bird LLP, served as Assistant U.S. Attorney in the District of New Jersey, and was Senior Counsel in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Enforcement, New York Regional Office. “My legal education at Seton Hall Law provided me with a strong foundation to serve as United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey,” Carpenito says. “I am honored to work alongside so many other fine attorneys in this Office to pursue justice for the people of New Jersey and this country.”

Jay E. Town ’98 was sworn in as U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama on August 11, 2017.

In that role, he Chairs the Attorney General’s Service Members and Veterans Rights Subcommittee and serves as a member of the Law Enforcement Relations and Coordination; Management, Performance and Personnel Subcommittees. He is the only U.S. Attorney on the Attorney General’s Violent Crime Reduction Coordinating Committee. Mr. Town served in the Marine Corps for 12 years having been honorably discharged in 2008, and attaining the rank of Major. Prior service included work as outside counsel, an adjunct professor, and work on charitable boards. “Any successes I have had the good fortune to achieve in my legal career are due in large part to the positive influences that the faculty, the deans, the student body, and the alumni had on me during my time at Seton Hall Law and thereafter,” says Town. “I am most proud of the relationships that I maintain, to this day, and which remind me of the wise choice I made in attending Seton Hall Law.”


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September 21

October 26


34th Annual Red Mass Honoring Suzanne C. Midlige ’91 & Professor Michael Ambrosio Cathedral Basilica, Newark

September 27

Somerset County Networking Reception PIB Law

October 3

Women’s Leadership Committee’s showing of RBG Seton Hall Law

October 10

Seton Hall Fun Run and Farinella 5K Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ

October 22

Diversity Speaks with Attorney General Gurbir Grewal Seton Hall Law

Class of 1978, 1988, 1993, 2008, 2013 Reunions Redd’s Biergarten, Newark

October 27

April 11

Scholarship Reception Seton Hall Law

April 8

Class of 1998 Reunion Hilton Short Hills

Hobbs Lecture with Chief Justice Stuart Rabner Seton Hall Law

November 2

May 10

Law Review Symposium Race and the Opioid Crisis: History and Lessons Seton Hall Law

November 26

Night of Lights tree-lighting Seton Hall Law

November 29

NJ Swearing In Ceremony Seton Hall Law

March 21

Morristown Happy Hour

Alumni Gala

May 16

NJSBA Annual Law School Reception Atlantic City, NJ

June 3

Alumni Golf Outing Hackensack Golf Club

June 27

Monmouth/Ocean County Happy Hour

For more information about CLE programs, visit law.shu.edu/CLE Learn more about all Seton Hall Law events at law.shu.edu/calendar

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Seton Hall University School of Law

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