Managing Setra’s sustainability work
Managing Setra’s sustainability work Setra’s aim is that a sustainability perspective will be an integral part of everything we do. Our core values of commitment, innovation and responsibility are to show the way in making sustainable decisions and acting ethically in work day to day.
Sustainability policy Setra’s sustainability policy an important overarching steering document for sustainability work. The policy highlights the focus areas of business ethics, employees, health and safety, and environment and climate and is published on setragroup.com. Organisation and responsibility Sustainability is an integrated part of Setra’s business concept and our vision of Grönsamhet – to do business that we, as well as others – our clients, society and nature – can profit from. The work is integrated in processes and shared working methods. Every manager and employee has a responsibility to play their part within their respective roles and responsibilities. Setra has a sustainability function which includes the environment and communications departments. The sustainability function is headed by the company’s Sustainability Manager and is tasked with developing work, providing expertise and supporting the business. The HR unit also plays an important role in work on sustainability. Responsibility for risk management is delegated from the CEO to the SVP Enterprise Risk Management. Operational work on environmental, ethical, health and safety and employee issues takes place on the ground out at the respective workplaces.
Sustainability Report 2019 — Setra Group
Materiality analysis The key areas for a sustainable Setra
Importance for stakeholders
Materiality analysis – prioritised sustainability areas Setra conducts ongoing dialogue with customers, employees, owners, suppliers and other stakeholders. It is in the dialogue with them that we identify areas for improvement, find ideas for stimulating partnerships and keep up to date on the requirements and expectations made of us. Stakeholder dialogue combined with our internal analysis has also produced a picture of the sustainability areas on which it is most essential for Setra to focus. We regularly update our materiality analysis and the result of the most recent summary in 2018 is shown to the right.
• Indirect economic impact on local community. • Noise, local environmental impact.
• Diversity and gender equality. • Local social engagement.
• Economic performance. • Responsible forest management. • Resource efficiency. • Climate impact, incl. transport. • Setra’s customer offering. • Work environment, occupational health and safety.
• Values and culture, including business ethics. • Skills development and talent management. VERY HIGH
Importance for Setra
Certified management systems and shared goals Setra’s Swedish business operations are environmentally certified under ISO 14001. Setra’s management systems also include health and safety and fire safety, although these elements are not externally audited. Setra’s sawmills and processing units are certified under FSC and PEFC’s Chain-of-Custody standards and FSC’s standard for Controlled Wood. Certification shows that the company has a system for tracing wood raw material and ensuring that it comes from responsible forestry. There are four overall sustainability goals for the business: climate performance, energy use, occupational safety/accidents and sick leave. Local sustainability goals are also defined for each unit. External audits with good results In autumn 2019 the environmental management systems for the units in Färila, Malå and Nyby as well as the office in Gävle underwent environmental audits. The audit report states that Setra meets the criteria of the standard and has many positive things to say about our work.
Tidiness, good waste management and a company-wide risk management process are some of the elements highlighted. In the autumn an audit was carried out of our management systems for FSC and PEFC, with visits to Kastet, Färila and Hasselfors. The auditor found some minor non-compliances which have been tackled and the certificates have been renewed. Permit requirements under the Environmental Code All of Setra’s production units are subject to permit requirements or reporting requirements under the Environmental Code. The main environmental impact of production derives from energy consumption, noise, waste, chemicals management and emissions to air and water. Pressure treatment and/or the use of different wood protection materials has taken place at several of Setra’s production plants, which may have led to soil pollution. Other processes and activities may also have contributed to pollution. In addition, there are about 15 currently identified sites where Setra Group carried out operations in the past. The environmental