Setting Style Issue 1

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Setting style I s s ue 1

9 11 17 21 23 27 29 31 35

Backless Talking to Daisy Denim Whats in your bag? Colour block All White Repurposed The earth tone Styling Tips


Grow your social media 39 Talking to Regina


Letter editor from the

Setting Style is here for the first time and I’m excited to share it with you. I wanted to produce a magazine about new trends and styles that should be explored. Welcome to issue number 1 and I hope you enjoy it. This magazine supports young creatives wanting to improve on their style and find new places to shop and experiment. This issue contains tips and tricks for helping you with your social media and an amazing story of life behind the influencing scenes. Last year we were stuck indoors for what seems like a lifetime, and finding the motivation to carry on was a struggle. Everything was delayed and everyone was preparing to start their life again in 2021. We are all hoping this year is going to be different with the vaccine being distributed, this gives us hope for life to slowly start going back to normality. We have all learned new things about ourselves and with not being able to go out shopping I’m sure many of you have gained an online shopping addiction, I know I have. So let this magazine help you find new and interesting items online and refine your style. Sit back, relax, and start flicking through!


Words: Eva McLennan, Images: Unsplash

Top: PLT Trousers: Zara Bag: Berska Boots: Dr Martin Belt: SororitĂŠ Vintage

Backless Let your back breath with a cropped top this spring


Words: Eva McLennan, Images: Instagram

Talking to Daisy

An interview with the next top model

Have you ever wondered about an influencer’s life behind the scenes? I managed to talk to Daisy Jelley about how she gained her followers and how it’s affected her life so far. Daisy is a 20 year old model from Surrey, she’s been modelling for the past 9 years and has recently found fame on TikTok.

How did you gain a large social following? Do you remember when it was? “I actually gained a large following once I started posting videos on the app TikTok. I have more followers on there and the followers would come from that app and follow me on Instagram. I think I started gaining followers in December/ the beginning of 2020 because I remember I had just hit 20k on Instagram in November 2019 and I’m now at a quarter of a million on Instagram and 1.5 million on TikTok which I can’t get my head around. Instagram is a hard platform to grow on by itself now due to the annoying algorithm so for me the best way to grow on there was from an exterior app which I think a lot of people have found helps too.”

And how did it make you feel ? “At the time it made me feel good because having a large social media following is super important with my modelling work because brands are starting to pay more attention and book people based on followers (what has the world come to haha) but it makes sense because using someone with more followers will gain them more exposure if that person reposts. I had been working hard on my social media trying to gain followers for a few years now so when a wave of followers came in it made me feel good. I found though that after a little while, I wasn’t living life too presently because I was in a bad place mentally, so it was confusing when people were telling me I was doing well when I was being hard on myself and not acknowledging my progress.”

How has your life changed since gaining a larger following?? “The good: Lots of new opportunities from it! Went to the brits with TikTok and I’ve worked with some brands I never thought I would (armani, moncler, Hugo boss, about to work with Gucci) I’ve gained another job out of it meaning a whole new income stream and exposure to high-end brands (which having these contacts can also carry into my modelling work too if they wanted to ever do a campaign) Having nice uplifting comments and being recognised on the street can make me recognise the hard work is paying off so it


is quite motivating. Being noticed isn’t super frequent yet so it’s not super disruptive to my life- so at the moment it’s positive. It can sometimes be fun making content! The bad: I basically have to juggle two jobs now. While slowly moving into the acting world too. From an outsider’s perspective, they may think work on Instagram and TikTok is super easy but it can take hours to get a video or the right photo for the clients as clients can be super super picky. I sometimes allocate like two hours in a busy schedule to film a TikTok for a brand and even though I might like it, the brand might not and I might have to reshoot a few times meaning another few mornings or afternoons spent on it. Same with lighting for photos in England- because it’s gray a lot of the time it can be hard to get good photos. Also, clients are slow getting back but there are also deadlines so it can be quite stressful and tiring getting it all done. Lots of hateful comments for no reason- there’s a lot of trolls out there. Most of the time I just ignore it but when you get a dm saying “if I had her body I would kill my self” it can be quite hard to ignore. You also have to get so much content shot for in between brand deals so you

editing little videos whether that’s for fashion or makeup or dancing or behind the scenes or anything. I always feel making the videos are nice memories to look back on and are usually all positive. The only thing on this app is that you have to post so frequently so there’s pressure to get a load of content on there. Insta comes up as a close second because it’s more of the platform that I share my style on and chat to people in polls and questions on my stories. The apps can be similar in ways, especially now reels is a thing. I go live on both of the apps which can be fun too.”

Do you pursue brands to work with or do they contact you (for social media adverts ? “No, they always reach out to either me or my agency, I just forward the emails to my agency and they sort it. The agency takes a percentage but it’s easier than doing it all myself because they pick the right brands for me and they also up

“Having nice uplifting comments and being recognised on the street can make me recognise the hard work is paying off”

don’t look like you’re just a shop! So lots of pictures and videos have to be taken. Also, I now get a load of random messages out of nowhere from people I haven’t spoken to in ages asking for favours. When people who haven’t made an effort to keep in contact with me reach out to me to get me to promote something, it can be quite upsetting because they’re so openly using me. I used to find it hard to say no but I’ve now made boundaries and only say yes to things I’m fine with and people that are close to me and with the others I say my perspective so that they know what they’re doing because I think some people don’t actually realise why it can be hurtful. Overall I’m super grateful for gaining more followers and it has opened up so many opportunities for me already. I am so thankful to have had this extra income stream this year meaning I’ve been able to work at home when we couldn’t leave the house due to the pandemic. There are always negatives that come with the positives so that has to be considered too.”

What’s your favourite social media platform to create content and why?? “To create content it’s probably TikTok. I love making and

the rates a lot because a lot of brands try to be cheeky at first with low rates as some people would just accept that. The only time I reach out to a brand is if I really like their products and want to do a gifting - for giftings you don’t have to post anything if you don’t want to but when I really like something I like to share the love on my story.”

Has the pandemic affected your social media content? If so how?? “Not majorly no, due to modelling work still continuing with social distancing regulations, I’m still going into work and being on set so I can always take pictures there. I also feel like the fact we were at home for so long during the first lockdown just made me make so much content because I was growing and had time to. The only ways I think it’s affected me getting content is because I can’t really collab with people because we can’t meet people or get super close to them but also wearing masks when I’m out and about has affected content a bit- in busy places I can’t take pictures unless I’m fine with them being with a mask on.”

Do you class yourself as an influencer? Why?? “Hmm, this ones a hard one. I don’t like to say I am because of the negative stereotypes of an influencer but I also feel like there are different types of “influencers”. Most of them not really influencing in a good way by promoting dietary products or overly editing pictures. I guess I am partially an influencer now but I always have in mind what brands are the best to work with to ensure I’m taken seriously in the modelling industry


and also the acting industry (which I’m slowly moving into now) doing too many ads or working with the wrong people can have a negative effect on that and I think a lot of influencers just take all the work thrown at them. I would say I’m a model/ actress that does a bit of social media promo on the side due to the following I’ve gained.”

for me mentally or physically.

What your favourite thing about being on Instagram??

For a while now though, I’ve found a passion in acting and I’m having meetings soon with an acting agency which is exciting. I’ve acted all my life but never thought about pursuing it until now. Modelling is confusing in a way that it’s lonely but you’re always surrounded by people (I guess because the people you work with are kinda there for that one day but you may see them once or twice again or never again so no strong connections or long projects) with acting I’m excited for thatgetting to meet with and work with people for a long period of time and having new exciting roles to work on for each project keeping it exciting.

“I like seeing what my friends are up to, I love looking at how creative and arty people get on there with style and poses and actual arts and then I like communicating with people on there and showing people what I’m up to and being creative on there myself.”

What has been your biggest challenge with your large following?? “Probably getting so much content out there constantly to keep everyone engaged and to fill gaps between branded posts. It’s physically and mentally draining sometimes and when it gets too much I pull myself out of it for a second so I can figure myself out mentally before continuing.”

Do you have a favourite influencer? Who is it and why?? “Hmm not really, there’s so many people out there who make amazing content and I love following them all. I guess at the moment I’m liking Emma chamberlain because I was looking at her Instagram the other day and love a lot of her outfits and then her content is just super real with no filter on what she says. Just relatable and has similar interests in fashion.”

Do you have any inspiration for your Instagram feed or just post what you want?? “No not really I kind of just post what I want. But I guess over time through the exposure to other people’s content and my love for Pinterest, I guess I get inspired by little things along the way. (Posing, style, photo ideas)”

What is your occupation? And do you enjoy it?? “My occupation is full-time model and social media influencer now I guess haha. No I haven’t liked modelling at all recently. I’ve been doing it for 9 years now so what would excite me in the past happens daily now and it’s all starting to get a bit repetitive and draining and I’m starting to feel a bit like a mannequin sometimes. Recently on a shoot, I shot 59 outfits in one day, so that’s getting ready, changing 59 times, and trying to look the best I can in between with as much energy as possible- it made me feel a little numb and I had to talk to my agency about it because it wasn’t good

Same with social media- I don’t think this will be a long-term job but it’s been super useful this year as an income stream with all that’s going on and I’m so grateful for it. I imagine I will always do the odd ad on my socials even if I was to go into acting.

Apart from my bad view on modelling now, I am so grateful for all the opportunities it has given me and daily I am thankful for the work that I get. Some days I love my job! It really depends on what I’m doing that day and who I’m working with- campaigns are so fun and amazing! I understand I’m super lucky and a lot of people would like to be in my shoes! But what’s happened is I’ve fallen out of love with it a little and I always say do what you love so I’m excited for what’s to come with the acting opportunities!”

What is your dream job?? “My dream job would be an acting role in a major film or series, I would love an interesting role where the character has two sides. A dream role would be something like Amy from Gone Girl or a cool role in action film like Margot Robbie in Suicide Squad.”

What’s your greatest achieviement?? “My greatest achievement so far I’d say would be being on a Charlotte tilbury ad on the electronic billboard in Piccadilly Circus. This is the one time I’ve looked at something I’ve done and cried because I’m proud of myself for how far I’ve come and I know if I told myself a few years ago that it was going to happen I wouldn’t have believed it. I’m hard on myself and have never let myself celebrate my small achievements so I have been blind to my progress but this was definitely a reminder.”

Do you see yourself continuing to be active on social media in the future?? “Yes, of course, I feel like social media is the future now. Everything is online so I have to keep up to date with that. I also enjoy it most of the time so I can’t see myself coming off of it. And like I said before. Having more following and being more active gets me more work and better jobs in the industries that I’m in.”

Instagram @daisyjelley



Words: Eva McLennan, Images: Unsplash

When in doubt wear denim

Jeans: I Saw it First Jacket: I Saw it First Heels: Ego


setting style merchandise

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what's in your bag ? What’s in your bag? More like what should be in your bag. Have you got anything that could help you take the perfect photo for your Instagram feed? Probably not.

everywhere if you are changing clothes, especially back ones, it can show up massively and effect the photos, makeup wipes will get most of it off.

Every stylist brings a huge kit with them to each job containing all sorts of odds and sods, these items could help you improve your photoshoot game. Obviously, you won’t be needing everything on this list but here are some things that are in a basic stylists kit that might help you out for your photos.

Shoe grips - this prevents shoes from slipping around if you are on a slippy surface.

Ziplock bags - these can be useful for so many things, to transfer jewellery and help you to keep it all safe. It can keep things separate, organised, and clean. Folding scissors - most stylists just have normal scissors bust folding ones would take up less space, this is pretty self explanatory but they can be used for cutting off tables, loose threads, or those loops that you are meant to use to hand up your clothes but just end up getting in the way or falling out. Plasters - just in case you cut yourself opening your folding scissors, it’s handy to have a few different colours or sizes. Another great thing they are used for are blisters, or just in case your shoes are rubbing. A lint roller - these are so handy and everyone should have multiple either in their house, car, or handbag. You can buy mini ones perfect to take out with you. If you don’t know what they are, you are missing out, you roll them over your clothes to remove dust, fluff, and anything else that shouldn’t be there.

Words: Eva McLennan, Images: Unsplash

A Sewing kit - this might not be as important for a smaller shoot, but it’s always handy to have a couple of needles and different coloured threads and maybe some buttons and an unpicker. Safety pins - these are useful to adjust clothing if it doesn’t fit completely or if the cut is too low on the front to ma sure you are not show too much cleavage. Double-sided tape - this is always handy to sick down fabrics when they need to sit still somewhere and stay in one place. They can even be helpful for the set if needs be, for example a birthday photo might have balloons and double sided table can help stick the balloons to the wall or ceiling to stop them from moving too much. Wipes - these could be very helpful, deodorant can get

Nipple covers - for your modesty, because what’s worse than taking a lovely photo and seeing another set of eyes staring at the camera. Bobby pins - everyone needs bobby pins just in case you need that one extra, also make sure that they are the right colour for your hair. You don’t want to have bleach blonde hair and see a black bobby pin poking out from the side of your head. Black bike shorts and a crop top - this is handy if you ever want to change your outfit out and about and don’t want to flash any passers by. Shower caps - this hack was posted online a couple months ago and youae going to wish you had heard of it sooner, some people put a shower cap over their fresh face of makeup when they are getting changed to stop makeup transferring onto their clothes. How genius is that! Straws - everyone loves a good straw to drink from, this just helps not ruin your fresh lipstick. Mini hairbrush - these are always so handy to sort out your hair on a windy day, or any day really. Lip gloss - an essential. Now you can make yourself your own mini styling kit to take out if you ever want to take a nice photo, or even on a night out half of these things be very useful.


Words: Eva McLennan, Images: Unsplash

Top: H&M Jacket: Motel Rocks Shorts: Bershka Hat: Adidas Trainers: Nike

Colour block Just add colour


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all white Total White

A trend that is so simple but so effective for Spring/Summer 2021 is All White, this is what it sounds like, every item of clothing is white. You might be thinking that this sounds risky, you just have to think about how often you spill things down yourself and at what event it’s normally at and plan these outfits around that. It will defiantly pay off because it will look incredible and will certainly be an outfit people remember. All white outfits sound hard, but you probably have many white clothing items already and just didn’t think to pair them. Layering is an important part of creating successful all white outfits because the colours should all typically be the same, it will add depth to your outfit. For a casual, everyday style try a pair of straight leg white jeans, trainers, a thick strap vest, and a zip up hoodie. Alternatively, a white tracksuit is always an easy comfy option. The best trainers for this relaxed style has got to be Air Force 1’s, a fresh pair of these trainers can complete an outfit. For a more garden party vibe wear a shirt dress with some white boots for a bit of an edgy style or a frilly loose fitting white dress with lace up sandals with a pearl headband for a more angelic approach. To look a little smarter, try a white leather skirt with a white shirt but at the front tuck half in with some slip on loafers.

Words: Eva McLennan, Images: Unsplash

If you want a relaxed street style outfit white straight leg jeans are the way to go. These jeans could be ripped at the front or

the back, they could have some embroidery on or some bleach pattern. The possibilities are endless. You would style these jeans with some chunky white trainers like Jordans or Buffalo shoes, even blocky boots like the white Dr Martins. This gives you a starting point for a variety of outfits, add just a plain white tank top, or a simple oversized hoodie or sweatshirt. If it’s cold add a jacket, either a puffer or a Parker. Try layering a shirt or shacket over a bralette or just wear an oversized t-shirt. There are so many different bags to try too, if you wanted a more feminine street style try a croc print shoulder bag, for a utility vibe a small rucksack. Let’s hope we can buy some going out outfits this spring because all white is made for party outfits. Some thigh high white leather boots paired with a white oversized blazer and belt is a perfect outfit for drinks with the girls. Or a white shirt dress with a knitted tank over the top and lace up white heels.s Don’t be shy and experiment with all things white you have in your wardrobe, and let’s hope we can get out to show off these Instagram worthy outfits.


Repurposed Repurposed designer jewellery is getting increasingly popular because let’s be honest, who has a spare £450 to spend on a Dior necklace. Repurposed means reworked, as in recreating something using genuine branded items. Using designer items like bag charms buttons and zips to create a pair of earrings, a bracelet, or a necklace. Some of these items are found in vintage stores so might have a bit of wear and tear. Alternatively, other items can be specifically bought to be recreated, for example, many places will purchase an old Louis Vuitton charm bracelet. They take off each charm and make them all into individual necklaces. This takes an unused item of jewellery and turns it into multiple new things that will be worn more. This process gives items that aren’t being used a new lease of life and a new purpose. This is helping the fashion industry become more sustainable There are many more positives to purchasing an up-cycled jewellery piece and one major one would be the price, as you may well know designer jewellery can be painfully expensive and many cannot afford it. Purchasing a reworked piece can give you an authentic item without spending a month’s wage. And if people ask you can even say that it’s real, because it is, you don’t have to lie. One thing great about reworked jewellery is every item is unique, it’s not very often these brands have more than one of the same piece on their site. This gives you a one of a kind designer item that’s real. Reworked items are being up-cycled which uses fewer materials and reduces the amount of impact the fashion industry has on the world. There is less water usage, fewer chemicals, and fewer carbon emissions LIJO London is a brand that sells normal jewellery as well as repurposed items, they sell brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Dior, and many more. With each item, they provide 100% guarantee of authenticity reassuring the customer they are getting what they pay for. They sometimes have a sale on where you can get a Louis Vuitton necklace for as little as £50, who wouldn’t want one?

Words: Eva McLennan, Images: Unsplash

There are many sellers on Etsy that sell repurposed jewellery, it’s just a bit harder to find the guarantee for authenticity, but the genuine sellers will clearly display this. If you are ever unsure, just send the seller a message and they will gladly respond and help you. Another great place to buy repurposed jewellery is Sororité Vintage, but this one is a bit more difficult, they have set releases. Those items go quick. Best way to get yourself one of these gorgeous items is to already have made an account and wait on the website for them to be released. Like many other stores the stock is limited, so once it’s gone it’s gone. Jewellery is one of the best ways to lift an outfit and what better jewellery than upcycled designer pieces. So go and check out some of these amazing finds, have a look around on Instagram to find some more unusual items. Defiantly get yourself one of these reworked pieces, you will thank me later!

Get the designer look without the designer price


Words: Eva McLennan, Images: Unsplash

the earth tone Outfits of beige

Spotted in every Spring/Summer 21 fashion show was the colour beige, from monochrome outfits to simple statement garments, this shade is a must for the next few months. Beige was used largely in the Emilia Wickstead collection, she created simple outfits using delicate colours, it could be dressed up or dressed down. The colour beige was used for extreme crop tops, loose fitting blazers, and trousers. It was styled with other colours such as pastel pink and yellow. This colour will be widely used this Spring for day and night outfits. This is such a versatile colour it could be worn with anything, it will be sold in almost every clothing store in the form of trousers, coats, tops, any item of clothing you can think of. Most of you will probably have many items in this colour from Autumn/Winter. As said previously you can pair this colour with anything, it can be a statement outfit. There are so many avenues this colour could be taken. A casual outfit can be made from a beige tracksuit with white trainers and a bag, it’s the look you are seeing all over Pinterest and is a wardrobe necessity. For a slightly more put together look to go shopping a tight fitting black jumpsuit with chunky black boots and a beige puffer jacket will do nicely. Try styling your hair in a low bun and adding some nice gold jewellery. If you are lucky enough to go out this spring, a cream/tan blazer over black cycling shorts and a bralette is a must have outfit, It would look perfect with sock boots and a clutch. To create a monochrome outfit, keep everything you are wearing in the same shade of beige, but why not try mixing up the shades? Beige jeans, a brown racer top, and a brown puffer jacket is nice to wear for lunch out. Or some cream flares with a brown sweatshirt for a day indoors watching TV. Now let’s try adding a bit of colour to these outfits, a bag is a great way of doing this, colours that would stand out with a beige would be yellow, pink, orange, and blue. Try straight leg blue denim jeans, an oversized beige t-shirt, and an orange crossbody bag for relaxed street style. For a cute picnic date try a baby pink skirt or shorts with a small beige top. Try pairing beige straight leg jeans with a graphic t-shit with bold and bright colours because most t-shirts would match.

with a high neck black top and a black leather shacket over the top and then try on some Dr Martins. Or beige corduroy jeans with the matching jacket and a white t-shirt, or oversized sweatshirt. These outfits are great and all, but we are still unsure if we will be able to do anything, our only outings this spring could just be going on walks again. So some trendy outfits for walking could be brown leggings and a beige hoodie with boots. Maybe get a beige longline puffer jacket to prepare just incase it’s too cold, this could go with pretty much anything and make it look good. Wear it over a tracksuit to keep warm or leggings, even flares, but they might not be the best idea for walking if it’s muddy and wet. But here’s to hoping we have some normality this spring and can go out and party! One saucy number is a ruched beige skirt and a cropped white shirt with clear heels, or a white blazer and trouser co-ord with a beige vest, bag, and heels. For Bruch with the girls wear a loose fitting puffy beige dress with some pattern tights, chunky boots and a chunky gold chain bag. These outfits will surely have you wanting to leave the house more, get your beige items now before they sell out because you won’t want to be missing out on this trend.

What about different fabrics, like ripped beige mom jeans



Words: Eva McLennan, Images: Unsplash

styling tips Spring wardobe ready

Accessorising is key, this can pull your outfit together. Little things like watches and bracelets can make it look like you know what you are doing. Start with a pair of earrings and a necklace and as you feel more confident try layering another thin necklace over the top. Even belts and bags can bring an outfit together, belts help to pinch in your waist to help give you a figure and can add a separate color to the outfit. Bags give hour hands something to do in photos so you aren’t standing awkwardly. You can match the colours to your outfit or contrast them and make your accessories stand out. You need to ensure you are looking after your items of clothing, people don’t want to see a scruffy old knitted jumper with a stretched neck and pulled out wool. Make sure they are clean and in good condition, a good way is to not buy cheap. Although it might be tempting these items just done last as long as getting good quality items. Especially your shoes. You might not think it makes much of a difference but a scruffy old pair of Air Force can ruin an outfit. Think about styling your shoes as well, they have to ability to dress up and dress down an outfit. You can wear a dress with trainers and look casual and then wear it with heels and you look like your going out. The same goes for jeans, heels can transform an outfit, so make sure you are changing up your shoes for each occasion.

Making sure you have the right fit is important, oversized is always trending but there’s oversized and then there’s XXXL. You need to make sure it’s right for your body shape whilst looking flattering. It works the other way too, don’t wear clothes that are too small as it looks like you had it when you were a teenager. Make sure to try all clothes on before you buy or before taking the labels off. One way to think of some outfits is to find inspiration, the best place for this is obviously Pinterest. You click on one image, and then another and suddenly you are in a rabbit hole of styling photos. Pinterest is great for starting points and truly finding your style Basics are key, you can create so many different outfits with your basic clothes. A basic pair of jeans in each colour and different basic styles of tops in a range of colours. You can mix and match and have endless amounts of outfits. Then every now and again you can add a statement item of clothing and your basics items of clothing will complement it and make it look like a whole new outfit again. All these things put together will help you to refine your style and find what you like to wear. Start looking at what you have got in your wardrobe already and think about what you can add to elevate bearing all these tips in mind.


grow your social media Tips from Daisy Jelley “Fun poses- usually the weirder you feel in a pose the better you look so if you think you’re bad at posing practice in a mirror or on your phone camera. Good lighting (very very important). Keep it natural- try not to edit your photos much and keep things relatable. Get on as many social media platforms as you can and try to grow on those too- being on others will trigger growth and people from one might start following you on the other. Play around with your style- get out of your comfort zone a bit and get creative. I used to be scared of wearing my style around my home town or to school but now I just don’t care about other people’s opinions on my style. If you like your style and are confident in it, it’ll show in the content. Get used to taking pictures in public- no one is going to want the same picture of you and your girls in the same spot at home. Location is important to keep it interesting so try not to just be against a plain wall. Play around with angles- shooting from higher and lower can be fun- or on the zoomed out feature on the newer iPhones. I’m going to invest in a fish eye lens soon because I think they’re so fun. If you find it hard being creative- look at your favourite influencers posts and see what works for them or make mood boards on Pinterest. This can also work for poses if you don’t know what to do- see how other people pose in pictures and attempt their pose. Post frequently but don’t overkill- keep posting on your stories too, Instagram’s algorithm likes that and will push your posts more because your audience is engaging more.

Words: Eva McLennan, Images: Instagram

Collab with people if you can and get creative! It’s fun on your feed and their followers might see you and like you too and vice versa so it can be beneficial for the both of you. Usually, it’s hard to grow at the start so you can’t be too hard on yourself. Try and get on apps like TikTok where anyone can go viral and the more good content you post the more likely you are to go viral. See what works for other people and what is trending on the videos you see on your ‘for you page’, it’s okay if your content is the same as someone else’s- that’s the whole point of a trend on there so hop on it before too many people are doing it. And then for Instagram just post your favourite photos and play around with being creative. And just try to have fun! Be as real as possible online and connect with people.”

Instagram @daisyjelley

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Setting Style


When you think of spring what do you think of? I think of Easter, lambs and most obviously, flowers. Each year floral patterns start to emerge on items of clothing ready for the Spring, most are just prints on fabrics, I had the pleasure of interviewing a designer that takes flower patterns one step further. Regina Weber is a fashion designer based in France who works with real life flowers in her garments. When I first came across Regina’s Instagram, I was intrigued, the photos are beautiful and delicate, upon closer inspection I became confused at what I was looking at. I couldn’t tell if the flowers were real or fake, so I had to find out. One of my first questions was if the flowers were real, she simply replied “yes”. I went on to ask about her techniques and inspirations. She doesn’t follow the typical fashion trends and creates original garments. Regina is currently the artistic director of one of the Chanel Métiers d’art Houses in Paris, here she experiments with this technique of using real flowers for them. When I asked about the inspiration for her collection, she replied, “Fashion, as Walter Benjamin speculates, always involves a dialogue with death. The author states that the most typical characteristic of fashion is its necessary denial of the natural course of things – whose final destination is always destruction and death”. She started this project as part of her MA graduate collection and was thinking about the “ephemeral process of decay and inevitability of deterioration”. This lead her to using new techniques and experimenting with different materials. The techniques she used in this collection include the use of submerging pressed flowers into silicone, and a textile print centred on “pictures of melting flower arrangements”. This made me think of Salvador Dalís surrealist clock painting, and is what I can only assume is bouquets that are at the end of their days and drooping. She says she has created 4 pieces. Two have used the silicone technique, a coat and a twin-set consisting of a skirt and sleeveless top. The other two were flower print pieces consisting of a draped dress and a draped and embroidered shirt. These pieces are stunning and fascinating, they make you want to zoom in to see each detail of the individually pressed flowers, the women look peaceful peaceful with the appliance of fragile garments sitting on their bodies.

Words: Eva McLennan, Images: Unsplash

She works closely with stylists like Marie Haustein, and collaborated with with Berlin based floral artists Anatomie Fleur and photographer Hannah Herzberg to create beautiful looking images to best display these stunning garments. When asking about the history of floral impressions Regina seemed confused but then continued to talk about how natural pigments of flowers have been pressed onto fabric before but there must be many more techniques that she hasn’t heard of. She informed me about how in the past flowers were used to show the wearers status, or show the occasion of the dress. She has a “profound joy for creation”, she repeatedly stated that she doesn’t follow trends and focuses on what she finds interesting and appealing, she describes her collection as emotional and sensitive as she hopes to “bring a spark of uniqueness into a world homogenized by social media”.

Flowers but differnt

Talking to regina I wanted to find out who she makes these pieces for, if its for her own enjoyment, or she targets a specific group of people. Although these are “unique pieces and are not for sale” she thought a lot about what a modern woman looks like and dedicated her pieces to a confident and determined women. “ I never want my clothes to physically handicap her” she claimed, as she believes women should wear what they want “whether she picks up her kids from school or heads to a gallery opening”. Regina implies she thinks women should not be defined by their choice of clothing. Its clear that Regina wants to keep this style selective as she she doesn’t want it to become part of the fast fashion industry, she is aware of a similar design from a Dior men’s collection, but doesn’t see this style of clothing coming from high street brands. She is continuing to work at Chanel to improve on these designs, I certainly hope to be seeing more of these garments on the catwalk in years to come.




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