As You! / Ինչպես դու

Page 1

! ÆÝãå»ë ¹áõ As you

N 1 / 2011

ù³Õ³ù³óÇ³Ï³Ý Ñ³ë³ñ³ÏáõÃÛáõÝ

civil society





ë»é³Ï³Ý ³éáÕçáõÃÛáõÝ

sexual health


Ù³ñ¹áõ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñ

human rights














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civil society

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Public Information and Need of Knowledge NGO was created in 2007 by a group of young and enthusiastic civil society activists who aimed to establish an organization which would be dedicated to the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, HIV and human rights protection. It is more popular in the mainstream public as PINK with its English abbreviation, and in international arena to differ from similar organizations of other countries, they call it PINK Armenia. Starting from the very first day of its functioning, the organization conducts activities to raise public awareness regarding sexual health, sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS, to promote safe sexual relations and behavior. In the sphere of human rights protection the organization promotes the ideas of equality and acceptance of vulnerable groups and is eager to reach the elimination of any kind of discrimination by establishing the environment of cultural sensitivity and respect toward diversity in our society. The activities of the NGO are taking place both in Yerevan and in the regions of Armenia. At the “Information, Education, Communication” centre (Yerevan), which was opened with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign

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Affairs, the visitors have the possibility to participate in trainings, discussions, movie screenings, receive free of charge and anonymous counseling regarding sexual health and human rights, use the library and other services provided by the organization. Despite its young age, the organization has managed to excel with its transparent, open and dedicated work. It has established strong cooperation with local and international organizations functioning in the sphere of sexual health and human rights protection. PINK Armenia is a member of “South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders” and “AIDS Action Europe”. In 2010 seven NGOs including PINK Armenia have established the Coalition “To Stop Violence against Women” formed on the occasion of the tragic death of 20 year old Zaruhi Petrosyan, a victim of domestic violence. Within the frames of the coalition, PINK Armenia strives to protect women’s rights and to put an end to domestic violence in Armenia. Due to the active cooperation with several organizations which are concerned with sexual health, HIV/AIDS and human rights protection issues in Armenia, “Public Information and Need of Knowledge” NGO has conducted various public and social events in Yerevan and in the regions of Armenia. These strong ties between the partners have brought them to the idea of creation of “Advocacy Group on AIDS”. The initiators of it are Public Information and Need of Knowledge, Real World Real People, Women Resource Center and Positive People Armenian Network NGOs. The group aims to take joint actions for the rights advocacy and rights protection of vulnerable groups and bring public attention to the importance and urgency of sexual health issues. PINK Armenia is also one of the undertakers of the Human Rights House. This body will unite 12 organizations working in various fields related to human rights protection aiming to create “one access door” services. In November 2010 this organization has


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civil society

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launched ‘’Diversity’’ project by the financial support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway. This project is one of the expressions of the dedication of the staff of PINK Armenia to the values and principles underlying its mission and vision. Another project, which PINK Armenia has launched on the April 1, 2011, is the continuation of “We and Our Rights” project supported by Counterpart International Armenia. The goal of this multistage project is to decrease intolerant and discriminative attitude toward LGBT community in various spheres of societal life and to advocate for their rights protection. Public Information and Need of Knowledge NGO encourages everyone to be active citizens of our country, contribute to the constructive changes and to the prosperity of the civil society. If you are interested in activities of PINK Armenia, organization is open for help and any kind of contribution. Marine Margaryan

§Î³Ý·Ý»óñáõ ѳßíÇãÁ¦ ѳÝñ³ÛÇÝ ÙÇçáó³éáõÙ “Stop the counter” public event ¸»Ïï»Ùµ»ñ / December 1, 2009

§Ø»Ýù ¨ Ù»ñ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñÁ¦ ѳٳÅáÕáí "We and Our Rights" conference سÛÇë / May 4, 2010

§ÈáõÛë»ñ ³Ýѳٳñ, Ù³ñ¹áõ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ¦ ѳÝñ³ÛÇÝ ÙÇçáó³éáõÙ “Many lights for human rights” public event سÛÇë / May 16, 2010

§¶Çï»ÉÇù ¨ Çñ³íáõÝù¦ ¹³ëÁÝóó "Knowledge and rights" training ²åñÇÉ / April 5, 2011

Ø»ñ ³é³ù»ÉáõÃÛáõÝÝ ¿ Ò»ñ å³ßïå³Ýí³ÍáõÃÛáõÝÁ Our mission is Your protection


civil civil society society

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A huge Soviet era is gone now. It was an era when homogeneousness was propagated, when there was designed similar culture for all brotherly republics. The same way politics was formed, which naturally was affecting the social sphere. After the collapse of USSR – boom! The state has taken the path leading towards democracy, freedom, liberty, equality (some of those concepts and ideas were already presented to (former) USSR by Gorbachev). Individualism, assurance of human rights, protection of one’s privacy and freedom of expression emerged as new values for our country. Of course “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, so is not so far built democracy and rule of law in Armenia and there is still a lot to be done. Positive changes, unfortunately, do not come overnight usually; it’s rather a long way to build and to pass and the very civil society has to input efforts and attempts in its turn to make the country more prosperous. “Public Information and Need of Knowledge” NGO launched “Diversity” project, willing to reach a high level of acceptance of diversity,

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mutual respect and cultural sensitivity by promoting the ideas of tolerance, respect, and understanding. Nowadays, sadly, the rise of neo-Nazi movements and ultranationalists is registered. It’s a pity, but often activists of these movements take ultra-nationalist or neo-Nazi ideas for and represent them as nationalism, even worse – as patriotism. Gender based human rights violations, xenophobia, homophobia, neo-Nazism, ignorance and illiteracy will do nothing but flourish, if no serious actions are taken, if these issues remain unaddressed or silenced, or ignored, and the marginalized and discriminated groups will be defamed as ‘good’ as nowadays. Addressing and fighting the issues of stereotypes, intolerance, xenophobia, homophobia, discrimination based on gender, including LGBT*- related issues are highly important for this project, as well as generally are the issues of any kind of discrimination based on age, sex, gender, sexual orientation. The activities and events organized during “Diversity” project shall lead to the promotion and to better understanding of human rights both as a theory and as a practical tool to use in daily life, realities and situations, as well as in case of abuses, abuse reporting, etc. This project aims to bring positive changes, nurture and spread the ideas of equality, civil society, as well as to fight the negative taboos, stereotypes and to eliminate discriminative attitudes of the society. Public Information and Need of Knowledge NGO

_______________________ [*] LGBT – Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders. We also consider and accept Queers, Intersexuals and individuals without any determined gender. _______________________ [1 úï³ñ³í³ËáõÃÛáõÝÁ (ùë»ÝáýáµÇ³) ûï³ñ Ùß³ÏáõÛÃÝ»ñÇ Ýϳïٳٵ í³ËÝ áõ ѳϳÏñ³ÝùÝ ¿: [2] ÜáõÛݳë»é³í³ËáõÃÛáõÝ (ÑáÙáýáµÇ³) ѳëϳóáõÃÛáõÝÁ µÝáõó·ñáõÙ ¿ áñå»ë µ³ó³ë³Ï³Ý ¨ Ëïñ³Ï³Ý³Ï³Ý í»ñ³µ»ñÙáõÝù É»ëµáõÑÇ, ·»Û, µÇë»ùëáõ³É, ùíÇñ ËÙµ»ñÇ Ýϳïٳٳµ, ÇÝãå»ë ݳ¨ Ñ³×³Ë ïñ³Ý뷻ݹ»ñ ¨ ÇÝï»ñë»ùëáõ³É Ù³ñ¹Ï³Ýó Ýϳïٳٵ: [3] È»ëµáõÑÇ, ·»Û, µÇë»ùëáõ³É, ïñ³Ý뷻ݹ»ñ: гßíÇ »Ý ³éÝí³Í ݳ¨ ùíÇñ, ÇÝï»ñë»ùëáõ³É, ¨ áã Ñëï³Ï ·»Ý¹»ñ³ÛÇÝ ÇÝùÝáõÃÛ³Ùµ ³ÝѳïÝ»ñÁ:




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Violence is the deliberate use of physical power or the power as such and/or is the threat toward the individuals, groups or communities which leads or has a high potential to lead to injuries, death, psychological traumas, incomplete development, infirmity. Violence against women is one of the most widespread phenomena nowadays and is a global problem. Women face physical, sexual, financial, psychological violence both in their families and outside in various countries. World statistics regarding the violence against women is alarming. In Armenia, too, the situation demands urgent actions. The result of the research done by several NGOs has shown that every woman in Armenia has faced this or that form of violence at least once in her lifetime, although this topic is not discussed often. It is conditioned by national mentality and family values: the internal problems of families are not outspoken in the society. The topic of violence against women is becoming more actual year after the year in com-

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parison to the previous years. The information technologies have become very important in voicing the issue and in this context the very social networks contribute to the solution of the problem. On October 1 2010, a video appeared on Facebook and Youtube which was telling about the brutal murder of twenty year-old Zaruhi Petrosyan. On 30th September 2010, at 20:00, a report was received at the police station of Masis from the hospital that Zaruhi Petrosyan, born in 1990, was delivered there with “cranial brain hematoma, closed fracture of middle phalange of the second finger of the right hand and bruises in different parts of her body”. The same day Zaruhi Petrosyan was transferred to “Erebuni” medical center where she passed away on October 1, at 03:00. According to the testimonies acquired during the investigation, Zaruhi was periodically beaten by her husband, Yanis Sarkissov. On the day of the crime, on September 26th, according to the testimonies of the eyewitnesses, he has severely beaten Petrosyan in the result of which the injuries described above were caused. Zaruhi and Yanis married in March 2008. After her marriage, Zaruhi was periodically beaten by her husband and mother-in-law, up to the point of bruises, bleeding and faints. Zaruhi’s relatives claim that she was barbarically beaten for several days at home before being transferred to the hospital on the day of her death, which was witnessed by the neighbors as well who gave testimonies in the police station of Masis. The neighbors entered their house the day of Zaruhi’s death and saw how she was thrown on the ground and beaten, how her ankles and fingers were broken, head smashed and the mouth shut by a cloth, so that the bleeding would stop. Then, one of the neighbors told her son to call the police. When the mother-in-law and the husband knew the police was on its arrival, they pushed Zaruhi down the stairs and took back home, in order to prove that she fell from the stairs and crushed.




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The tragic case of Zaruhi Petrosyan created an outcry both in social networks and among NGOs. Aiming to claim fair trial and to foster transparency of the case, seven NGOs created the coalition “To Stop Violence against Women”. Based on its main aim the Coalition pursues the inspection of the tragic case of Zaruhi Petrosyan and tries to ensure the transparency of the process. The members of the Coalition “To Stop Violence against Women” are: “Society Without Violence” NGO, “Women Rights Center” NGO, “Women Assistance Center/ Toufenkian Foundation”, “Women Resource Center” NGO, “Zangakatun” Charitable NonGovernmental Organization, “Public Information and Need of Knowledge” (PINK Armenia) NGO, “Sexual Assault Crisis Center” NGO, “Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Crisis Center”.

The Coalition has organized series of actions during the short period of its functioning. On November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a march was organized in memory of the victims of domestic violence and of Zaruhi Petrosyan. The coalition urged people to join the sixteenday event dedicated to the phenomenon of violence against women, from 25th November till 10th December organized by the member NGOs of the Coalition. The participants of the march handed an open letter to the appropriate governmental bodies, the aim of which was to attract their attention regarding the problem. During the march a petition was organized for adoption of appropriate mechanisms and punishment for the pre-

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vention and castigation of the violence against women and children.

On 31st January 2011 the representatives of the Coalition organized a protest in front of the main building of the Prosecution Office with “Don’t be silent, speak up!”, “20 year-old Zaruhi Petrosyan has died because of the brutal beat of her husband and mother-in-law”, “No to the domestic violence!” and other posters containing various messages claiming a fair investigation to clarify the circumstances of the death of Zaruhi and to adjudicate a fair verdict. A simultaneous action was taken in Los Angeles, with the initiative of “Human Rights Council” that was calling for ending the violence against women in Armenia. The members of the coalition organize various meetings with the lawyer, neighbors of Zaruhi, professors, her sister and her family, her friends, attorneys and prosecutors wishing to stimulate a fair lawsuit and an appropriate punishment for the culpable. Now the lawsuit of Zaruhi Petrosyan’s case is still in the process. The Coalition “To Stop Violence against Women” continues taking active participation in the process of lawsuit and puts all the efforts to achieve its goal. Nvard Margaryan


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sexual health

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World AIDS Day – this is the day when the world wears red ribbon and takes actions to stop AIDS. World AIDS Day in Armenia – this is the day when not all Armenians but at least several NGOs are raising the worldwide issue in the country. Since 2008 those NGOs work together, organize joint events and build stronger capacity for HIV awareness, prevention, treatment, care and human rights protection. In 2010 UNAIDS, UNDP and Mission East Armenian Branch supported local organizations to conduct joint event dedicated to the World AIDS Day. Event was prepared according to the World AIDS Campaign’s slogan “Universal Access and Human Rights”. PINK Armenia together with Real World Real People, Women Resource Center, Positive People Armenian Network, National Center for AIDS Prevention, Education in the Name of Health, Armenian Red Cross Society and Public Health Information Statistics created booklets with stories, telling the cases of human rights violations addressed to the people living with HIV, men having sex with men, people involved in prostitution, migrants, injecting drug users, women,

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the problems that they face in families, at workplace and generally in the society. The booklet was available during the UNAIDS press conference on December 1st for journalists, parliamentarians, civil society representatives and other guests.

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Mamikon Hovsepyan

That evening a march was organized in the central streets of Yerevan, distributing info materials and spreading the message “Silence is not a solution”. During the march we had flashmobs. In front of the march participants were holding big red ribbon made of balloons. To compare, if last year young people were passing by and asking: “Why are you having this event? We don’t have AIDS in Armenia,” this time people were more aware. For HIV prevention there are 3 main steps: awareness, advocacy and safe behavior. In case we know about HIV, also about the ways of transmission and how to prevent it, but do we behave safer? That is the reason that we have a lot to do in order to prevent the practicing of risky behavior. And which is the most important – never keep silence and talk about it, ask if you don’t know, inform others when you are aware, protect your rights and help to advocate for others’ rights as well.


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human rights

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We present passages from “Helsinki Association” 2010 report on human rights situation in Armenia. The report states one may unequivocally state that human rights and fundamental freedoms are violated in Armenia. In 2010, government of Armenia initiated series of legislative changes, in particular changes were made regarding freedom of speech and in the field of laws regarding the press. Legislative changes were initiated in the law “On conducting meetings, assemblies, rallies and demonstrations”.

Freedom of Speech and Mass Media In the Republic of Armenia, the right of freedom of speech is set by the Constitution of

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RA. Article 27 claims that “Everyone shall have the right to freely express his/her opinion. No one shall be forced to recede or change his/ her opinion. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression including freedom to search for, receive and impart information and ideas by any means of information regardless of the state frontiers. Freedom of mass media and other means of mass information shall be guaranteed. The state shall guarantee the existence and activities of an independent and public radio and television service offering a variety of informational, cultural and entertaining programs”. In 2010, series of changes were implied regarding the law of freedom of speech. According to experts, the changes had both positive and negative sides. In particular, 164th article has set responsibility in case if one interferes into the work of a journalist.

Human rights defenders The law of RA on “Public organizations” (adopted on December 4, 2001) regulates the legal relations arising while exercising the constitutional right of a person to form public associations in Republic of Armenia and pertains to the formation, activities, re-organization and dissolution of public organizations. The legislation is not anticipating any restrictions for forming an NGO that would address human rights, if the aims of the last are not contradicting to the Constitution of RA and to the laws regulating this area.


2011Ã. Ù³ñïÇ 10-ÇÝ, ÄݨáõÙ, Ødzíáñí³Í ²½·»ñÇ Î³½Ù³Ï»ñåáõÃÛ³Ý ·ñ³ë»ÝÛ³ÏÇ ¹ÇÙ³ó гñ³íÏáíϳëÛ³Ý Çñ³í³å³ßïå³ÝÝ»ñÇ ó³ÝóÇ ³Ý¹³ÙÝ»ñÁ ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñå»É »Ý ³Ïódz гñ³í³ÛÇÝ ÎáíϳëáõÙ Ù³ñ¹áõ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñÇ å³ßïå³ÝáõÃÛ³Ý í»ñ³µ»ñÛ³É, ³Û¹ ÃíáõÙ` ÊáëùÇ ³½³ïáõÃÛ³Ý, ѳí³ùÝ»ñÇ ³½³ïáõÃÛ³Ý, ÇÝãå»ë ݳ¨ Ç å³ßïå³ÝáõÃÛáõÝ Ð³ñ³í³ÛÇÝ ÎáíϳëÇ ù³Õµ³Ýï³ñÏÛ³ÉÝ»ñÇ:

On March 10th 2011, members of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders organised action for the protection of human rights: freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, as well as for the protection of the political prisoners of the South Caucasus in front of the UN Office in Geneva.

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In 2009, Armenian authorities planned to make changes to the law on “NGOs”. On April 15th 2010, following NGO requests, the Ministry of Justice sent them a draft law. According to NGO representatives, however, nothing had been changed and expressed concern that the aim of intended changes was to gain control over NGO activities. The establishment of the Department of Control Over Illegal Activities of Non-Commercial Organisations by the Armenian government on 5th August 2010 was also linked to assuming control over NGO activities.

Peaceful assemblies According to the Constitution (article 6), the international treaties are a constituent part of the legal system of the Republic of Armenia and they shall prevail. Thus, the freedoms guaranteed by the “Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms” (article 11), “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” (articles 21; 22) cannot be

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restricted by the internal legislation of RA. The third article of the Constitution of RA: “The human being, his/her dignity and the fundamental human rights and freedoms are an ultimate value. The state shall ensure the protection of fundamental human and civil rights in conformity with the principles and norms of the international law. The state shall be limited by fundamental human and civil rights as a directly applicable right.” The second part of the article 43 of the Constitution states that limitations on fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms may not exceed the scope of the international commitments of the Republic of Armenia.

LGBT rights According to the report, the rights of LGBT community /Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/ are still violated. Despite the representatives of LGBT community are periodically subjected to violence, they do not file any complaint in order to avoid publicity, mockery from the society and double violations from the side of law enforcement bodies. The report of Helsinki Association is available in the website of the organization translated by Sevak Kirakosyan

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Interesting are the articles of “New York Times” and “The Sunday Times”: It was back in 1964, outside Cairo, near the famous Step Pyramid in the necropolis of Saqqara. The newfound tomb yielded no royal mummies or dazzling jewels. But the explorers stopped in their tracks when the light of their kerosene lamp shined on the wall art in the most sacred chamber. Having no blue blood, they received grace in the palace as manicurists of pharaoh, circa 2380-2320 B.C., during the reign of fifth dynasty of the Old Kingdom. Taking care after the pharaoh was a noble occupancy. Archaeologists were taken aback. It was extremely rare in ancient Egypt for an elite tomb to be shared by two men of apparently equal standing. The usual practice was for such mortuary temples to be the resting place of one prominent man, his wife and children. Over the years, the tomb’s wall art has been subjected to learned analysis, inspiring considerable speculation.

¸³Ùµ³ñ³ÝÇ ÙáõïùÁ. ì»ñ¨Ç ï»ùëïÝ ³ëáõÙ ¿. §Â³·³íáñÇ íëï³Ñí³Í ³ÝÓ, Ù³ïݳѳñ¹³ñÝ»ñÇ í»ñ³Ï³óáõ` ÊÝáõÙÑáû÷: ³·³íáñÇ íëï³Ñí³Í ³ÝÓ, Ù³ïݳѳñ¹³ñÝ»ñÇ í»ñ³Ï³óáõ` ÜdzÝùËÝáõÙ¦ (ËÙµ³·ñÇ Ù»Ýϳµ³ÝáõÃÛáõÝ): Ò³Ë ÏáÕÙáõÙ ·ñí³Í ¿. §Â³·³íáñÇ íëï³Ñí³Í ³ÝÓ, ¹ÕÛ³ÏÇ ³í³· Ù³ïݳѳñ¹³ñ` ÊÝáõÙÑáû÷¦ (ËÙµ³·ñÇ Ù»Ýϳµ³ÝáõÃÛáõÝ): ²ç ÏáÕÙáõÙ. §Â³·³íáñÇ íëï³Ñí³Í ³ÝÓ ¹ÕÛ³ÏÇ ³í³· Ù³ïݳѳñ¹³ñ` ÜdzÝùËÝáõÙ¦ (ËÙµ³·ñÇ Ù»Ýϳµ³ÝáõÃÛáõÝ): The entrance to the Tomb: The text above literally states: “Overseer of Manicurists in Palace, King’s Acquaintance Khnumhotep. Overseer of Manicurists in Palace, King’s Acquaintance Niankhkhnum” (editor’s interpretation). On the left: “Confidant in Royal Palace, King’s Acquaintance, Chief of Manicurists, Manicurist Khnumhotep (editor’s interpretation). And on the right: “Confidant in Royal Palace, King’s Acquaintance, Chief of Manicurists, Manicurist Niankhkhnum” (editor’s interpretation). лÝó ÙáõïùÇ Ý»ñëáõÙ »ñÏáõ ïÕ³Ù³ñ¹ÇÏ (·ñÏ³Í Ù»ÏÁ ÙÛáõëÇÝ) Ýëï³Í »Ý ³ÃáéÇ íñ³` áÕçáõÝ»Éáí ½áѳµ»ñáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñ ÝíÇñ³µ»ñáÕÝ»ñÇÝ ¨ Çñ»Ýó ¹³Ùµ³ñ³ÝÇ ³Ûó»ÉáõÝ»ñÇÝ: Here just inside the entrance, the two men (embracing each other) sit in chairs greeting the offering bearers and visitors to their tomb. ºñÏáõ ïÕ³Ù³ñ¹Ï³Ýó å³ïÏ»ñÁ, ÙÇÙÛ³Ýó Ó»éù»ñÁ µéݳÍ, ÑëÏÇã ßñç³·³ÛáõÃÛáõÝ Ï³ï³ñ»ÉÇë: ì»ñáÝϳñ³·ñÛ³ÉÁ ϳñ»ÉÇ ¿ ï»ëÝ»É Ý³Ë³ÙáõïùÇ Ñ³ñ³í³ÛÇÝ å³ïÇ íñ³: ÜdzÝùËÝáõÙÝ ³é³çÝáñ¹áõÙ ¿ ÊÝáõÙÑáû÷ÇÝ ¹»åÇ Çñ»Ýó ¹³Ùµ³ñ³ÝÇ Ëáñù»ñÁ: Illustration of the two men holding hands and walking on a tour of inspection can be seen on the southern wall of the entrance hall. Niankhkhnum leads Khnumhotep by the hand into the inner spaces of their tomb.

¸³Ùµ³ñ³ÝÇ ÙáõïùÇ Ùáï` å³ïÇ íñ³, áñå»ë Ù»Ï ³ÙµáÕç³Ï³Ý ³ÝáõÝ ÷áñ³·ñí³Í »Ý ÜdzÝùËÝáõÙÇ ¨ ÊÝáõÙÑáû÷Ç ³ÝáõÝÝ»ñÁ: ºñÏáõ ³ÝáõÝÝ»ñÝ ¿É å³ñáõݳÏáõÙ »Ý ÏáõÅÇ ï»ëù áõÝ»óáÕ ÑÇ»ñá·ÉÇýÁ, áñÁ Ï³í³·áñÍ ÊÝáõÙ ²ëïÍá ³ÝáõÝÝ ¿: ÜdzÝùËÝáõÙ ³ÝáõÝÝ ³ç ÏáÕÙáõÙ, ÏáõÅÇ ¨ ³ÝùÇ Ýß³ÝÇ Ñ»ï, óñ·Ù³ÝíáõÙ ¿ áñå»ë §ÊÝáõÙÁ ÏÛ³Ýù áõÝǦ: Ò³Ë ÏáÕÙáõÙ ÊÝáõÙ ³ÝáõÝÁ, ÏáõÅÇ ¨ ½áѳµ»ñáõÃÛ³Ý ÑÇ»ñá·ÉÇýÇ Ñ»ï Ù»Ïï»Õ, Ý߳ݳÏáõÙ ¿ §ÊÝáõÙÁ µ³í³ñ³ñí³Í ¿¦: Ðáû÷ Ý߳ݳÏáõÙ ¿ ˳ճÕáõÃÛáõÝ Ï³Ù µ³í³ñ³ñí³ÍáõÃÛáõÝ ¨ Ý»ñϳ۳óÝáõÙ ¿ ë»Õ³ÝÇ íñ³ Ù»éÛ³ÉÝ»ñÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ áñå»ë ½áѳµ»ñáõÃÛáõÝ ¹ñí³Í ѳóÇ µáùáÝ: ´³óÇ ÊÝáõÙ ²ëïÍáÝ í»ñ³µ»ñ»Éáõó, ËÝáõÙ ÑÇ»ñá·ÉÇýÁ ݳ¨ Ý߳ݳÏáõÙ ¿ñ §Ùdzóí³Í¦ ¨ §Ùdzíáñ»É¦ ¨ ѻﳷ³ÛáõÙ Ý»ñ³é»ó ³ÛÉ ÇÙ³ëïÝ»ñ ¨ë` §·áñͳÏÇóÝ»ñ, áõÕ»ÏÇóÝ»ñ, ÁÝÏ»ñÝ»ñ¦, ÝáõÛÝÇëÏ` §Ù»Ï ï³Ý Ù»ç ³åñáÕÝ»ñ¦: Ðݳñ³íáñ ¿, áñ ë³ µ³é³Ë³Õ ¿, ¨ »ñÏáõ ³ÝáõÝÝ»ñÁ ÙdzëÇÝ Ï³ñáÕ »Ý Ýß³Ý³Ï»É §ØdzëÇÝ ÏÛ³ÝùáõÙ ¨ ÙdzëÇÝ Ë³Õ³ÕáõÃÛ³Ý Ù»ç¦: Here at the entrance to that part of the tomb carved into the rock, the names of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep are inscribed as one name over the doorway. Both have the jar hieroglyph which is the name of the potter god Khnum. The name Niankhkhnum on the right with the jar and the ankh sign is translated as “Khnum has life.” The name Khnumhotep on the left with the jar and the offering sign means “Khnum is satisfied.” Hotep means “peace” or “satisfaction” and is a hieroglyph of a loaf of bread on a table as an offering for the dead. The name Khnum besides being a reference to the god Khnum also meant “joined together” and “to unite with” and later included “associates, companions, friends”, and even “house mates”. Their names inscribed together above the entrance to the rock-cut chamber, may be a design element to suggest a play on words, meaning “joined in life and joined in peace”.



culture ¼áѳë»ÝÛ³ÏáõÙ ¿, áñ Ç Ñ³Ûï »Ý ·³ÉÇë ³Ù»Ý³ÇÝïÇÙ ÝϳñÝ»ñÁ: Üñ³Ýù ßñç³å³ïí³Í »Ý Çñ»Ýó »ñ»Ë³Ý»ñáí, µ³Ûó ϳݳÛù Ý»ñϳ۳óí³Í ã»Ý: ºñÏáõëÇ ÙÇç¨ Ñ³ñ³µ»ñáõÃÛáõÝÁ ѳëϳݳÉÇ ã¿: ºÕµ³ÛñÝ»±ñ ¿ÇÝ, ·áõó» ½á±õÛ· »Õµ³ÛñÝ»ñ, Ùáï ÁÝÏ»ñÝ»±ñ ¿ÇÝ, ÙÇ·áõó» ëÇñ»Ï³ÝÝ»±ñ: γ٠·áõó» µáÉáñÁ ÙdzëDZÝ: àÕç³ÙÇï ÷³ëï³ñÏÝ»ñáí ϳñ»ÉÇ ¿ å³ßïå³Ý»É Ûáõñ³ù³ÝãÛáõñ ¨ µáÉáñ í»ñáÝßÛ³É ¹ÇñùáñáßáõÙÝ»ñÁ:

It is here at the offering chapel that the most intimate portrayals appear. Their children surround them, but the wives are not represented here. The relationship between the two men is not clear. Are they brothers? Could they be twin brothers? Are they close friends or are they lovers? Are they all of the above? A reasoned argument can be made defending any and all of these positions. ¼áѳë»ÝÛ³ÏÇ ³ñ¨»ÉÛ³Ý å³ïÇ íñ³ ÝáõÛÝ³Ï³Ý ½áõÛ·Á óáõó³¹ñí³Í ¿ ³Ù»Ý³Ùï»ñÙÇÏ ·ñϳ˳éÝáõÃÛ³Ý å³ïÏ»ñáí, áñÁ ÃáõÛɳïñ»ÉÇ ¿ñ ÑÇÝ »·Çåï³Ï³Ý ³ñí»ëïÇ Ï³ÝáÝÝ»ñáí: ÜdzÝùËÝáõÙÝ ³ç ÏáÕÙáõÙ ¿` µéÝ³Í Çñ ½áõ·ÁÝÏ»ñáç ³ç ݳ˳µ³½áõÏÁ, ÇëÏ ÊÝáõÙÑáû÷Á` Ó³Ë ÏáÕÙáõÙ, Ó»éùÝ Çñ ½áõ·ÁÝÏ»ñáç Ù»çùÇ íñ³` ³Ùáõñ µéÝ»Éáí Ýñ³ áõëÁ: ÎñÏÇÝ »ñÏáõëÇ ùûñÝ Çñ³ñ »Ý ßáß³÷íáõÙ ¨ ³Ûë ³Ý·³Ù Ýñ³Ýó Çñ³ÝÝ»ñÝ ³ÛÝù³Ý Ùáï »Ý, áñ Çñ»Ýó ·áïÇÝ»ñÇ íñ³ÛÇ Ï³å»ñÁ ϳñÍ»ë Çñ³ñ »Ý ÑåíáõÙ, ·áõó» ÝáõÛÝÇëÏ Ù»ÏÁ ÙÛáõëÇÝ »Ý ϳåí³Í: ²Ûëï»Õ` Çñ»Ýó ÙdzóÛ³É ¹³Ùµ³ñ³ÝÇ ³Ù»Ý³³ÝÓÝ³Ï³Ý Ù³ëáõÙ, »ñÏáõëÁ ϳݷáõÝ »Ý` ѳí»ñÅáñ»Ý ·ñϳ˳éÝí³Í: On the eastern wall of the offering chamber, the identical pair is shown in the most intimate embrace possible within the canons of ancient Egyptian art. Niankhkhnum is on the right grasping his companion’s right forearm; Khnumhotep, on the left, has his left arm across the other man’s back, tightly clasping his shoulder. Again the tips of the men’s noses are touching and this time their torsos are so close together that the knots on the belts of their kilts appear to be touching, perhaps even tied together. Here, in the innermost private part of their joint-tomb, the two men stand in an embrace meant to last for eternity.

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While grave robbers had stripped the tomb of relics, the wall paintings revealed tantalising hints about its original occupants. Most Egyptologists accept the normal-twins interpretation advanced most prominently by John Baines, an archaeologist at the University of Oxford in England. Greg Reeder is the independent scholar from San Francisco that promoted the theory of the couple being gay. Because the embraces of heterosexual couples in the tomb art convey an implicit erotic and sexual relationship, and perhaps the belief of

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its continuation in the afterlife, Mr. Reeder and his allies contend that similar scenes involving the two men have the same significance, that they presumably are gay partners. Calling attention to the most intimate scene of the two embracing men, Mr. Reeder said: ‘’They are so close together here that not only are they face to face and nose to nose, but so close that the knots on their belts are touching, linking their lower torsos. If this scene were composed of a male-female couple instead of the same-sex couple we have here, there would be little question concerning what it is we are seeing.’’ Defending his interpretation, Mr. Reeder said the similarity of the embracing scenes with those of husbands and wives should not be dismissed. He further noted, in his lecture in Wales, new evidence that he said suggested that one of the men died well before the other. The fact that the two men had families is not seen as contradicting the gay hypothesis, Egyptologists said. Like others of the time, the two men would presumably have sired children to carry on after them and maintain the cult dedicated to their well-being through eternity. Their wives and children are relegated to the background. In one scene, in which the two men share a final banquet before their journey into the afterlife, Niankhkhnum’s wife has been plastered over by the craftsmen who decorated the tomb. Khnumhotep’s spouse fails to make an appearance. Sevak Kirakosyan ²ÕµÛáõñÝ»ñÁ / Sources: The New York Times article: http://select.nytimes. com/gst/abstract.html?res=F70E10FA3C540C738 EDDAB0994DD404482 The Sunday Times article: http://www.timesonline. htm

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“It seems you’re lucky that I sat next to you,” she said as she took off her fox fur cap and settled her large body among the sea of Armenians occupying the flight from Moscow to Yerevan. The plane was mono-ethnic, full of men and women whose expressive faces were carved and etched with line after line of stories and experiences from times and places known only to residents of the Caucasus. Men who were coming to spend a few months in Armenia after earning wages to sustain their families, women who were visiting their daughters, studying at universities only three hours away by plane, but still too many kilometers away as far as they were concerned. Her name was Lusine. She asked me where I was from in Yerevan, but as soon as I opened my mouth to answer, my melodic accent gave way to the fact that I was a foreigner headed to a homeland. “It’s my first time in Armenia,” I blurted out with a smile. It was immediately after that I got my first taste of the Armenian hospitality so widely

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spoken of. She didn’t say anything, just reached over, grabbed my face and gave me a kiss as if she was my own grandmother. She explained that her family, like mine, was originally from Iran, that she had come to Armenia at a very young age, but was proud from the country she descended from. She pointed out her jewelry, a ruby encrusted ring that dangled from pink nails that must have washed a thousand plates, a gold chain link bracelet, both of Iranian origin. She asked me why I was going to Armenia, then invited me over for dinner. Then she told me about her 13 grandchildren, and how my stay was too incredibly short to get anything worthwhile out of the trip. She recounted all of her children’s names, where they lived and what they did. She told me to make sure I call my parents when I land. They would be worried, you know. She lamented about relatives she hadn’t seen for eons who lived in Los Angeles. If she told me all their names, she was absolutely sure I would know who they are. The Nutcracker suite played over head while a young stewardess named Viktoria demon-

strated emergency procedures should there be trouble, as the hungry eyes of Armenian men who were shuffling cigarettes gravitated towards her like magnets. Lusine caught me writing in my notebook, and there, squished in between the ice cold window and her pink crocheted poncho, I had committed my first sin: I was a lefty. “That’s not good!” she said. “Didn’t they teach you to write with the correct hand?”




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It was there that the tone of my trip would be set – Armenia, a land of charm, melancholy, endearment and contradictions. A place that boasts a capital city 29 years older than Rome, where ancient churches proudly stand among the descendants of their erectors, where women sweep the streets with brooms that look like decorative wall pieces found in Western kitchens, where yellow Soviet area gas stations stand empty, with only electric pink mini Christmas trees to keep them company. A place with food so good, you feel like you’re tasting the Earth with every bite, where emotions, life and realities overwhelm you with swift punches in the gut. A place where you’re made aware of the triviality of your regular life almost immediately, where superstitions and misconceptions about what you most probably take for granted run side by side stark with economic hardships of a people who have been plagued by wars and conquerors, earthquakes and genocides – and still somehow managed to survive. Yes, survival, a word that is synonymous with Armenia for the people and street dogs of this little landlocked country that many haven’t heard of and most will never visit. What does it have to offer, this Armenia? This rugged Armenia that is ripe for change and revolution, where underground night clubs translate into a world of social and sexual freedom and lovers kiss in between the bushes that caress an architectural feat of a modern art museum. This Armenia that’s magical, that allows voices that normally would be drowned out in a crowd to be heard loud and clear, for better or worse. This Armenia has changed me. It has penetrated my being in ways which words surrender to

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– expressed in chills and tears. “Coming to Armenia is only hard the first time,” someone said to me. “Every trip after that becomes infinitely easier.” This is what Armenia does to you. It grabs you, regardless of ethnicity. It grows in you, pumping with the blood in your veins and digesting the food you eat. It causes you pain so you can appreciate its pleasure and never lets go. The thing about the first time in Armenia, is that it is an unwritten rule, in your passport or otherwise, that you will return again. In six months, in 20 years, with family, friends or alone, you will return again, because the magnetic field of Armenia is hard to resist, it pulls you back in as soon as you leave. When the plane landed, I had adopted Lusine as my own, as she had done me. I waited for her to gather her belongings and put her hat back on. We walked down the connector and into the airport together at 4 a.m. Somewhere along the shuffle of luggage and passports and lines, I lost her. Or she lost me. She had planned on giving me her information, but we never got to that. “Next time you’re here, you’ll come over and I’ll make you dinner,” she had said to me. Numbers were never exchanged and Lusine vanished from the airport to her home a few miles outside Yerevan. But you know, I have a funny feeling I’ll be seeing her and Armenia again. The universe demands it. Liana Aghajanian IANYAN mag An independent Armenian publication

Èdzݳ ²Õ³ç³ÝÛ³Ý IANYAN mag гÛÏ³Ï³Ý ³ÝÏ³Ë Ññ³å³ñ³Ïáõ٠óñ·Ù³Ý»ó ê¨³Ï ÎÇñ³ÏáëÛ³ÝÁ




¶³ÉÇù ÙÇçáéáõÙÝ»ñ ³åñÇÉ, Ù³ÛÇë, ÑáõÝÇë ³ÙÇëÝ»ñÇÝ Upcoming events in April, May and June

Ñ»é./tel. 010 561396

Ñ»é./tel. 094 565626

²åñÇÉÇ April

سÛÇë May

ÐáõÝÇë June

5-6, 11-12, 13-14, 19-20

áñáßí³Í ã¿ not defined

áñáßí³Í ã¿ not defined

¸³ëÁÝóó. §¶Çï»ÉÇù ¨ Çñ³íáõÝù¦ Training: “Knowledge and Rights”




¸³ëÁÝóó ë»é³Ï³Ý ³éáÕçáõÃÛ³Ý í»ñ³µ»ñÛ³É Training on sexual health







»ñ»ùß³µÃÇ Tuesdays

»ñ»ùß³µÃÇ Tuesdays

»ñ»ùß³µÃÇ Tuesdays

ß³µ³Ã Saturdays

ß³µ³Ã Saturdays

ß³µ³Ã Saturdays

áñáßí³Í ã¿ not defined

áñáßí³Í ã¿ not defined

áñáßí³Í ã¿ not defined

áñáßí³Í ã¿ not defined

áñáßí³Í ã¿ not defined

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üÇÉÙ»ñÇ óáõó³¹ñáõÃÛáõÝ Movie screenings Øß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ Ñ³Ý¹ÇåáõÙÝ»ñ Cultural meetings øÝݳñÏáõÙ. §´éÝáõÃÛáõÝ Ï³Ý³Ýó ѳݹ»å¦ Discussion on “Violence Against Women” üÇÉÙ ³ÏáõÙµ Film club ÎÝáç Ù³ñ¹áõ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñ Women’s human rights ÆÙ Ù³ñÙÇÝÁ, ÇÙ Çñ³íáõÝùÁ My body - my rights

гïáõÏ ÙÇçáó³éáõÙÝ»ñ Special events 15 17

ÈéáõÃÛ³Ý ûñ Day of Silence лßïáóÇ Ù»Ý³ËáëáõÃÛáõÝ The vagina monologues 4

§Ø»Ýù ¨ Ù»ñ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñÁ¦ “We and Our Rights” ÒƲÐ-Ç ËݹñÇ ç³ï³-

15 17

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§¶Çï»ÉÇù ¨ Çñ³íáõÝù¦ ¹³ëÁÝóó "Knowledge and Rights" training §Ð³Ýñ³ÛÇÝ ï»Õ»Ï³ïíáõÃÛáõÝ ¨ ·Çï»ÉÇùÇ Ï³ñÇù¦ ÐÎ-Ý Üáñí»·Ç³ÛÇ ²ñï³ùÇÝ ·áñÍ»ñÇ Ý³Ë³ñ³ñáõÃÛ³Ý ³ç³ÏóáõÃÛ³Ùµ Çñ³Ï³Ý³óÝáõÙ ¿ §¶Çï»ÉÇù ¨ Çñ³íáõÝù¦ »ñÏûñÛ³ ¹³ëÁÝóóÝ»ñ, áñÇ Ýå³ï³ÏÝ ¿ Ùdzíáñ»É »ñÇï³ë³ñ¹Ý»ñÇÝ ³ÛÝåÇëÇ ³ñÅ»ùÝ»ñÇ ßáõñç, ÇÝãåÇëÇù »Ý Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ µ³½Ù³½³ÝáõÃÛáõÝÁ, ѳñ·³ÝùÁ ѳë³ñ³ÏáõÃÛ³Ý ï³ñµ»ñ ËÙµ»ñÇ Ýϳïٳٵ, ѳݹáõñÅáճϳÝáõÃÛáõÝÁ, ѳí³ë³ñáõÃÛáõÝÁ, Ù³ñ¹áõ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñÁ, ÅáÕáíñ¹³í³ñáõÃÛáõÝÁ, ù³Õ³ù³óÇ³Ï³Ý Ñ³ë³ñ³ÏáõÃÛáõÝÁ ¨ ³ÛÉÝ: ¸³ëÁÝóóÁ ³Ýí׳ñ ¿, áñÁ Ý»ñ³éáõÙ ¿ ݳ¨ Ù³ëݳÏóáõÃÛ³Ý Ñ³Ù³ñ ³ÝÑñ³Å»ßï åÇïáõÛùÝ»ñÇ ÷³Ã»Ã ¨ ëáõñ×Ç ÁݹÙÇçáõÙ: ²ÛÝ ³ÝóϳóíáõÙ ¿ ºñ¨³ÝáõÙ ¨ Ù³ñ½»ñáõÙ: سÛÇë ¨ ÑáõÝÇë ³ÙÇëÝ»ñÇÝ Ý³Ë³ï»ëíáõÙ »Ý ¹³ëÁÝóóÝ»ñ ÞÇñ³ÏÇ ¨ Èáéáõ Ù³ñ½»ñáõÙ: Public Information and Need of Knowledge NGO with the support of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Norway is implementing “Knowledge and Rights” 2-day training course, which aims to unite youth around such values as cultural diversity, respect towards different groups in the society, tolerance, equality, human rights, democracy, civil society etc. The training is free of charge including training materials and coffee-break. It takes place in Yerevan and regions. In May and June training courses to be conducted in Shirak and Lori Marzes.

лßïáóÇ Ù»Ý³ËáëáõÃÛáõÝ The vagina monologues ²é³çÇÝ ³Ý·³Ù ѳۻñ»Ýáí ѳٻó»ù Éë»Éáõ §Ð»ßïáóÇ Ù»Ý³ËáëáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ¦: ²Ûë µ»Ù³¹ñáõÃÛ³Ùµ г۳ëï³ÝÁ ÙdzÝáõÙ ¿ V-Day ϳݳÝó áõ ³ÕçÇÏÝ»ñÇ Ñ³Ý¹»å µéÝáõÃÛ³Ý í»ñ³óÙ³Ý ÙÇç³½·³ÛÇÝ ß³ñÅÙ³ÝÁ: ØÇçáó³éáõÙÁ ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñå»É ¿ г۳ëï³ÝÇ Î³Ý³Ýó é»ëáõñë³ÛÇÝ Ï»ÝïñáÝÇ Ï³Ù³íáñÝ»ñÝ áõ ³ß˳ï³Ï³½ÙÁ, Ù³Ýñ³Ù³ëÝ»ñÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ ½³Ý·³Ñ³ñ»É` 094-565626 Ñ»é³Ëáë³Ñ³Ù³ñáí: For the first time in Armenian, come and listen to the “Vagina Monologues”. With this performance, Armenia joins the global V-Day movement to end violence against women and girls. This event is sponsored by the volunteers and collective of the Women’s Resource Center of Armenia, for details, please call 094-565626.




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+374 96

280 290

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ê»é³í³ñ³ÏÝ»ñÇ Ï³Ý˳ñ·»ÉÙ³Ý, Çñ³½»Ïí³ÍáõÃÛ³Ý µ³ñÓñ³óÙ³Ý ¨ ë»é³Ï³Ý ³Ýíï³Ý· í³ñù³·ÍÇ Ëñ³ËáõëÙ³Ý Ýå³ï³Ïáí §Ð³Ýñ³ÛÇÝ ï»Õ»Ï³ïíáõÃÛáõÝ ¨ ·Çï»ÉÇùÇ Ï³ñÇù¦ ÐÎ-Ý Ù³ïáõóáõÙ ¿ Ñ»ï¨Û³É ³Ýí׳ñ ͳé³ÛáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ.

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For prevention of sexually transmitted infections, awareness raising and promotion of safe sexual behavior, “Public Information and Need of Knowledge” NGO provides following services free of charge:

distributing condoms distributing lubricants counseling HIV testing Ñ»é./tel. 010 561396

§ÆÝãå»ë ¹áõ¦ ѳݹ»ëÇó ÝÛáõûñ û·ï³·áñÍ»Éáõ ¹»åùáõÙ ÑÕáõÙÁ å³ñï³¹Çñ ¿ Materials taken from "As you" magazine need to be referenced гݹ»ëÁ ³ÝÏ³Ë ï»Õ»Ï³ïí³Ï³Ý ³ÕµÛáõñ ¿, Ññ³ï³ñ³ÏíáõÙ ¿ §Ð³Ýñ³ÛÇÝ ï»Õ»Ï³ïíáõÃÛáõÝ ¨ ·Çï»ÉÇùÇ Ï³ñÇù¦ ÐÎÇ, ·áñÍÁÝÏ»ñ ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇ ¨ ³ÏïÇíÇëïÝ»ñÇ ç³Ýù»ñáí, ¨ Üáñí»·Ç³ÛÇ ²ñï³ùÇÝ ·áñÍ»ñÇ Ý³Ë³ñ³ñáõÃÛ³Ý ýÇݳÝë³Ï³Ý ³ç³ÏóáõÃÛ³Ùµ: The magazine is an independent information source published by efforts of Public Information and Need of Knowledge NGO, partner organizations and activists, and by financial support of Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


ÀÝï³Ý»Ï³Ý µéÝáõÃÛ³Ý Domestic violence

0800 80850 010 542828 010 440740

Âñ³ýÇÏÇÝ·Ç ½áÑ»ñÇ ³ç³ÏóáõÃÛ³Ý For the victims of trafficking

0800 50558 0800 80801

ºñ»Ë³Ý»ñÇ å³ßïå³ÝáõÃÛ³Ý Children protection

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For initiative and support special thanks to: Adrineh Der-Boghosian Lusine Vayachyan Norayr Mika Artyan Lucine Talalyan Anush Poghosyan Nina Harutyunyan Women’s Resource Center

²åñÇÉ, 2011à April, 2011

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