2 // Technology Upgrades 7 // College Applications 8-9 // Twitter 10 // (Some) Teachers Students Love 11 // 11/11/11 @ 11:11 14 // Elections
andrewKELLOGG // Homecoming King brookeDAVIS // Homecoming Queen
TORCH S e v e n
L a k e s
H i g h
S c h o o l
9251 S. FRY ROAD KATY, TX, 77494. 281.237.2865. VOLUME 7. ISSUE 3. NOVEMBER 2011.
#UNDERTHESEA What went down that Saturday night @andreastender // Sophomore Staff Writer
What did you think about HC this
year? “Everything was a lot more organized and the theme was a lot better,” -Chelsie
What a re your plans fo the dan r after ce? “I’m go ing to g o swimm my frien ing with ds, even thought 40 degr it ees outs ide.” -C ’s, like, Moss 10 assidy
Rosa 10
9 her first Lynette Botes really enjoyed time experiencing HC.
HC u thought o y t a h w Is this like? e would be [was] mor e r e th h is Iw ...I “Yes, but ance floor erenas9 d e th n o t ligh iano L ee,” -Emil s ’t n ld u o c
n and Sophmore couple Kyle Warre til Madison Richburg danced un the night ended.
#THINGSAREABOUTTOGETRETRO... FITTED! New technological advances are coming soon @lindaflores // Junior Entertainment Editor
Back in 2005, Seven Lakes opened thinking it was technologically advanced compared to most schools. Its classrooms boasted a T.V., an overhead, and a white board. Fast forward seven years. Now, many of the classrooms use projectors and laptops to teach lessons. The overhead is often forgotten. The computers in the library are “incredibly and painfully slow” and “old” according to Jordan Dunn11. But there’s good news for students who feel like Dunn. “In December when we go on our winter break, they will be replacing all computers in the computer labs,” school librarian Mrs. Curcio said. Teachers are also looking forward to the changes in the classroom. “It’s a great opportunity to advance technology on campus,” Spanish teacher Mrs. Salvo said, whose room has undergone slight changes. “We need to stay with the times.” There will be a treat waiting for teachers after Christmas break come the New Year. “They’ll be installing Smart Boards in all the core classes- core meaning English, math, social studies and science,” Mrs. Curcio said. “But they won’t be portable, they
will truly be installed on the wall, and then they’ll have the projector coming out. Supposedly it’s some arm type thing that comes around; it’s supposed to be a pretty neat contraption,” Mrs. Curcio added. More than just Smart Boards and projector arms will be added to Seven Lakes rooms. “We will be upgrading T.V.s in classrooms,” Mrs. Curcio said. In the future, holographs will probably what students learn from. Perhaps kids will be able to lie down on comfortable couches and have the information scientifically transferred into the minds of students. Or maybe, as presented in Phil of the Future, they could take smart pills until all inhabitants of the world become obnoxiously snooty. Whatever the case, as much as technology has advanced, one thing is for sure: learning will continue to alter. New innovations will come about, Smart Boards will become Dumb Boards, the flat screens will be thick screens, the fascination of a projector will no longer be significant. Ways of learning will be transformed before our human eyes.
HOW TECHNOLOGY HAS BEEN PERCEIVED THROUGH THE AGES: # “Can you avoid knowledge? You cannot! Can you avoid technology? You cannot! Things are going to go ahead in spite of ethics, in spite of your personal beliefs, in spite of everything.” ~ JOSE DELGADO # “I discovered, to my amazement, that all through history there had been resistance ... and bitter, exaggerated, last-stitch resistance ... to every significant technological change that had taken place on earth. Usually the resistance came from those groups who stood to lose influence, status, money...as a result of the change. Although they never advanced this as their reason for resisting it. It was always the good of humanity that rested upon their hearts.” ~ ISAAC ASIMOV # “Technology feeds on itself. Technology makes more technology possible.” ~ ALVIN TOFFLER # “R2-D2, you know better than to trust a strange computer.” ~ C-3PO, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back # “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” ~ ALBERT EINSTEIN
#SURVIVINGBLACKFRIDAY Tips to success on the busiest shopping day of the year
3. On t
to ru hat note, i r t mak n aro o @dagnyhamilton // Junior Staff Writer to hf ; e u g t c n h n i l r d l u o i l u w and c s it very di gh th m mea e r a o y s b fficul e a a o m t y. Mo at robot or b . at t ving s one the pound store if y rry your z a e r c t s from ou’re booty M re i o th e en a E t g n e s k H t g s T n a o e o p your 1. Paratever it takes tO NOT ANGERhildbirth. D Thankating m ores op ou feast. acking on 2 c y t h r e of s. D do w you ssive since s am, leep 5. Get t eir kid ugh the pain h t r e o f o l c o rs d h x w thr dol e n t e e n v a o p g art of ere early. e . d, y as to o v e 4 ’ l y . e b e a I r h t p H i T ave a t the ba he line th f you are in arl fford les. unstop e e r o a f u b a n n y c a a t ctional oxious s as the makin k of the st wraps aro the alarm and annot s the ready. O o u g c r s l c o i ck at ne is ne m battle it harder e, you are nd the d ver eno two or n j t f a ugh thr (see 1 hrough th or yourse ust awaken ee to ensure y , so set o lf t ) s . e craz ing. our ear y mo o ly ms 8. Th out p a nts t . M Serio e early harsh eleme e plan r wishlis th r e e th a we m ile sale usly, there bird gets h to u y w a p , a o u if g k le y d w in n st s fo ar th on 7. Bu at really e a open, enter r those w e special “ e worm. s. It would Mak rything ce so th move a to x e T re o , st . ty a e K h th that 6 re eve advan t, and as of ear oa for iting outside to emit a the stor wild mob re brave e ly bird” d e id c e whe ated in , get ou as fast d ou were wa y d e’s op n c ned up an n ening in the we ough to Who knows, . d a heavens ope is lo an get i t store e h e e r ; th u o s y h o be t x c ur over rees here. ours of e ne you elow 70 deg ntial downpo e b rr h p to t ro d n e v e o re may on t le. the temperatu red for anything. b i s repa pos . . . Just be p
Spartans recognized for their help throughout the year @stephaniederefinko // Junior Staff Writer Giving back doesn’t mean fulfilling those service hours just to put a finishing touch on a college application; it comes from the heart. So many people are less fortunate. With all there is to be thankful for during this season, it’s not surprising that some students have dedicated their time to serving others. Tori Ekstrand11 puts the good of others first, and luckily, she didn’t have much trouble finding a way to help. “Every summer I’m a counselor in training at a camp run by the American Diabetes Association called Camp Rainbow that I started going to when I was four until [I] was 13,” Ekstrand11 said. Ekstrand11 has type one diabetes and finds it very fulfilling to help out youngsters who have been diagnosed with the same illness. She also gets the chance to work alongside college volunteers who are currently medical students. “They’re just fascinated by diabetes because they don’t know as much as me. It’s really great to teach them and I know they’ll be helping people some day
with their diabetes as well,” Ekstrand11 said. Her whole life, Ekstrand11 has wanted to help
Ekstrand11, has found unique ways to help the community, like Ana De Angulo11. De Angulo11 had an unforgettable experience when she served in a soup kitchen along with family friends. “We served food… and sorted donated clothes by sizes for the homeless people,” De Angulo11 said. At the soup kitchen, it’s more than just feeding those who can’t afford food but fulfilling their basic needs as best as possible. De Angulo11 recalled several fascinating stories while volunteering. On one occasion, the people being served were picky about the food they were receiving. Another incident involved a lady’s story about acquiring her favorite shirt from someone’s back fence as if it were meant for her taking. In the midst of all the crazy stories, De Angulo11 admits Photo Courtesy of Tori Ekstrand she would like to do this more often. “You feel like you’ve made a difference in the others. “When I was little and people would help me, I world; you stopped focusing on yourself and you knew when I was older I wanted to help other people actually took the time to think of those that need the that were younger than me- kind of like a cycle,” service,” De Angulo11 said. Ekstrand11 said
Native Americans: worst treated minority in the United States @julianajm // Junior Feature Editor
As Americans gather together for a turkey feast in celebration of thanks, modern day Native Americans reside in their overcrowded reservations, too poor for a simple thanksgiving dinner. This year, ABC did a segment on a Native American tribe called Pine Ridge in South Dakota. This tribe is culturally rich and spiritual. The houses on this reservation were refinished in the 1970s-1980s but now after 40 years the houses are worse for wear. The public fund for American Housing is using their raised money to get rid of the mold outbreak in the houses instead of using the money to do a whole new renovation for the natives. President Obama pledges that he will treat them as citizens since they were the first Americans. He says he knows what is like to feel like an outsider. Obama promises that the Native Americans “will not be forgotten as l [stand] in this White House.”
FOR MORE INFORMATION 1) http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2011/10/tashina-the-kindergarten-dancer-breaking-through-hopelessness-on-native-american-reservation/ 2) http://news.msu.edu/story/9897/
3) http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2009/11/obamato-native-americans-i-understand-what-it-means-to-be-an-outsider/1
#MEMYSELFANDI Volunteering: Selfless or Selfish? @sanjanamadakshire // Sophomore Staff Writer
Remember back in the days, when barely graduating high school could earn you a stable career? When times were easier, calmer, and kinder? Well, welcome to 2011, where even university graduates are struggling to find fulfilling jobs, where our society is climbing the ladder of impatience, and where greed and selfishness is multiplying before our eyes. America has realized that college is the ticket to a ready future. But recently, colleges have amped up their acceptation requirements. It is not all about making the grades anymore. SATs, teacher recommendations, and participating in school clubs are just a few of the many essentials to at least receive consideration. But out of all the demands, volunteering has to be the most popular between our nation’s youth. Serving food at a shelter, holding fundraisers, tutoring children who can’t afford additional help are all examples of volunteering. But what are the actual motives of the volunteers? Volunteering hours are such an important aspect in college resumes, that in some circumstances,
it can mean the difference between being accepted and denied. But in these times, volunteering is only about the numbers. The Spartans Out Serving volunteering club is
one most favored at Seven Lakes. And with more than 1000 members this year, it is obvious that accumulating hours are important. The need to accumulate enough hours drives students to quickly pass by their duties without genuine thought towards the cause. However, Mrs. Green, English teacher and SOS sponsor, doesn’t seem to mind the reoccurring situation. “In the beginning, it is about college and how many hours the volunteers receive, but later on, they [volunteers] begin to realize how they are impacting the community,” Mrs. Greene said. Although most beginning volunteers have alternate motives for their helping hands, they begin to gain perspective about the reality of the environment. “For me, it was all about the hours,” Tarab Naqvi12 said. “I think everyone feels this way at first. But I think that volunteer hours prove to be more of an initiative than a negative meaning. Once you really start working hard, you realize just how much you are helping the world around you and yourself.”
#OLDFAVORITESINANEWDIMENSION Disney and Pixar bring classic movies back to theaters in 3D @katiebland // Junior Staff Writer
Imagine you’re sitting in the cinema watching a classic Disney film. Your favorite animated characters sing and dance across the screen as they get themselves into more ridiculous and crazy situations, and the aroma of popcorn fills the theater. No, you’re not sitting in your mom’s lap, and this is NOT the 1990s. After the recent success of The Lion King 3-D movie, Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios have teamed up to bring more of their classic films to the theater in 2012 and 2013. A 3-D version of Beauty and the Beast will hit cinemas in January 2012, so students can kick off the New Year with that “Tale As Old As Time.”
“I love that movie! It’s my favorite!” Piper Argo11 It’s difficult to turn down a chance to relive your said. childhood, and with this selection of movies, Disney Strange as it may seem, most teenagers actually is offering something for everyone. welcome this chance to see a G-rated, children’s “I’ll probably only see Monsters, Inc. and film. If you think about it, these are the movies that Finding Nemo,” Phillips said. “The others won’t defined our childhood; it’s hard to believe they were look as good in 3-D.” released ten to twenty years ago. Students can agree on one thing, though: this “Wow, I feel unbelievably old!” Marisa Wilson11 isn’t the end for classic Disney. “They’re probably going to make more,” Flores said. However, there are students, though they are few said. and far between, that have never seen some of the old classics. “I have never seen Beauty and the Beast, but I don’t really feel excluded,” Michael Phillips11 said. But never fear; if Disney princess movies don’t suit your fancy, Pixar will be re-releasing some of its more recent family favorites later on in the year. Those looking to revisit P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney will get their chance in September, when Finding Nemo makes its way back to the big screen, this time in 3-D. “I absolutely love Finding Nemo!” said Ashley Scholl11. “My favorite character is Dory!” Following these two films, Disney and Pixar will then re-release Monsters, Inc. and The Little Mermaid in January and September of 2013, respectively. “I love all of those, they’re all awesome!” Beauty and the Beast: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101414/mediaindex Finding Nemo: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266543/mediaindex Giovanna Flores11 said.
The struggles of a high school senior @olyagrynyshyn // Junior Staff Writer
“GPA, classes in general, clubs, extracurricular activities, it’s all so overwhelming,” Bernice Nacino12 said. Yes, it’s that time of year once again; the time when the seniors of SLHS reflect on their entire high school experience, summing up volunteer hours, identifying clubs and organizations that they belonged to, and calculating their dreaded GPAs. We all know how hard it has become to get into a decent college these days. The competition has increased drastically throughout the past 50 years, and it’s still accelerating at 9.81 students/second [Ha physics reference...] as you read this paper. Personally, I find myself studying until the wee hours of the
morning at least twice a week, something even my parents don’t necessarily approve of. So what is the solution to this terrifying phenomenon? “You have to study. Take SAT Prep classes for sure. Take the SAT and, if you have to, the ACT.
And better still, take the SAT multiple times; the difference of a 2000 and a 2100 could just be one question,” advises Mrs. Fowler. Furthermore, don’t even think you’re done after you work your heart out by taking exams, earning credits, and participating in clubs, because you aren’t even close. Next come college applications. Although many seniors already know which university they dream of attending, it’s typical to apply to several
colleges; usually to either to take full advantage of financial aid or simply for more choices and oppurtunities. “I’ve applied to LSU, Baylor, Rice and U of H. I wanna stay around here,” Brittany Edwards12 explains. Ideal procedures in applying include hours and hours of essay writing, listing qualifications; simply attempting to single yourself out from the rough 18 million other students who apply around the same time you do. As for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, here are a few tips for you from people who’ve been through these equivocations. “Start early. Earlier than the summer of your senior...” “Take the SAT more than once.” “Join clubs NOW! Don’t wait ‘til your senior year... it looks worse than not being in them at all.”
“Twitter has been a good network for me.”
Hash tags, little blue birds, and follow me @? That’s Twitter, the social networking site that is slowly overpowering the past Facebook obsession. The days of “facebook official” and “likes” could be declining in popularity. Just like the previous craze of MySpace, Facebook is losing popularity to the features Twitter has to offer. So, the Torch decided to dedicate this issue to Twitter. But for those who haven’t discovered tweeting, you might be wondering just why it’s so great. Let us fill you in. One element we love is the #, or hashtag. For twitter newcomers, the “hashtag” may seem a little confusing at first #whenitlookscrazylikethis. But, they’re basically just an ending to whatever you tweet. Twitter was the first to start the “hashtag craze,” and it makes Twitter even more addicting. “I think my favorite thing about Twitter is the hashtags,” Tessa Albert11 said “A lot of status updates are getting out of hand and dramatic, but a tweet is simple and short,
and the hashtag fun and interestin Besides bein everything you t of Twitter is b without them kn seriously, we all you’re able to c another person’s their every twe secured.) It’s ca accepting friend “I don’t know Aaron Carmona1 cooler way of sta things new and y or information th As a school, S with Twitter th Cinco Ranch ga people were inf by @7LHSFootb Twitter to inform games, and gene Coach John G for students to po
#MISTLETOE #princessprobz #brotips #txgirlproblems
ntee // Senio
r Staff Write
r & @daniw
ardinsky // S
ophomore S
taff Writer
makes Twitter all the more ng.” ng able to add #swag to tweet, another great aspect being able to stalk people nowing. (Just kidding. But l do that.) On your profile, click the “follow button” to s profile and you’ll be seeing eet. (If their profile isn’t alled following people- like requests on Facebook. w why people try to deny it,” 11 said. “Twitter has a much alking people. Plus, it keeps you’re always seeing funny hings on your homepage.” Seven Lakes has connected hrough sports. When the ame was cancelled, many formed through the tweets ball. In fact, Katy ISD uses m the public about musicals, eral events. Glaser has even used Twitter ost answers to warm-ups in
his World History class. “Now that the district is allowing the use of smart phones, I’m going to take advantage of it,” said Glaser. “The students have fun learning that way, and it makes me feel like a cool teacher.” Along with learning, celebrities and even local people use twitter to gain popularity. For example, Justin Bieber has used and now credits Twitter as his source to gain fans and spread the word about his upcoming music and events. Musicians at Seven Lakes like @Carley Nunn and @J_Connery also use Twitter to help them climb the music ladder. “Twitter has been a good network for me, and it’s helped my passion spread,” Julian Connery12 said. “I had a guy tweet me from France telling he liked my music and though I had a lot of talent. It was a real eye opener for me.” Even though some of us @ SevenLakesSpartans may be unwilling to test out another internet site that delays homework, the Torch staff wants you to give Twitter a chance. #welcometotwitter
Top Celeb Tweeters// From @justinbieber to @KimKardashian, the celebrities are all over this social networking site.
Graph done according to information found on: http://articles.cnn.com/2011-06-10/tech/twitter.facebook.competition
The ratio of Facebook users to Twitter users is 800 Million:106 Million. Because Twitter is so new to the world-wide-web, its’ popularity is still growing. SO GET A TWITTER.
#teachersstudentslove Students share about their favorite teachers @juneliu // Junior Staff Writer
“She’s super-duper nice, and will always try to answer your questions the best she can, and her class is really fun and interesting.” Judi Que12 “Mrs. Pastor is really awkward at first, but when you get to know her, and she gets to know you it gets really fun. She has a dry sense of humor that makes learning fun.” Audrey Lung12 What’s the most awkward or weird thing you’ve ever heard in class? “FDR is ghetto”
“Mrs. Hamilton really emotionally and psychologically invested herself into each student, she doesn’t overly sugar coat things, and after taking her class, I feel prepared for Chemistry in college.” Frances Ballard12 “She is really funny, and tries to make the lessons exciting, and she knows what she’s talking about so when you ask questions, she has good answers.” David Wang12 What’s the best dish you can make? “Gumbo! Chicken, Sausage, and shrimp gumbo in the fall.”
“Mr. Marzen has this unique sense of humor that makes learning economics almost enjoyable, but he’s also a good teacher and explains the material well.” Irina Radan12 “Mr. Marzen is pretty awesome because he makes Economics super simple. I’m not going to lie, it’s a really boring class. If he catches you asleep, he’ll take a picture, then put it in the powerpoint; it makes his class fun.” Luis Quintero12 When’s the last time you went clubbing, and what was- your experience like? “What’s clubbing?’’
“Not only is Mrs. Nicholson one of the best teachers I’ve ever had, she is also very caring. She teaches much more than the school curriculum requires, and pretty much helped me start USABO. She definitely furthered my interests in biology. She’s like a mom to me, and helps me to be a better person.” Johnathan Xu12 “Mrs. Nicholson has a really interesting approach to teaching, and is willing to answer questions, and she really seems to know what she’s talking about. With her, Biology seems easy and fun.” Christian Soler12 Are you a Facebook-aholic? “I enjoy my time on Facebook, but I’m not Facebook-aholic. I manage my time.”
The anticipation of November 11th, 2011 and the wishing on 11:11 @hannahcurcio // Sophmore Staff Writer
“IT’S ELEVEN ELEVEN, MAKE A WISH!” You’ve all done it. Maybe you deny believing in superstitions, but you must admit that you’ve participated in this phenomenon at least once. Honestly, it’s contagious. This year has the ultimate wish day: November 11th, 2011, or 11/11/11. A wish made on this day at 11:11 is rumored to be the most epic wish. It’s the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year (a bit hard to follow, I know!). Making wishes when the clock strikes 11:11 began when various people complained of a superstitious coincidence. They continuously saw the number
of eleven, and found it strange. While this occurrence was never explained just merely dismissed as a coincidence by most - people began believing that the number eleven was in some way mystical. And now, it is a time to wish on. An interesting calculation was made regarding the number 11. The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012 at 11:11 AM. Between November 11th, 2011 and December 21, 2012, there are 407 days, and 4+0+7=11. But even more fascinating, 407 days is equal to one year, one month, and 11 days; or, 11 11. Strange, right? Whether you believe in this mysteriousness, or just think it’s pure coincidence, it’s still fun to wish on the clock every now and then.
“That we don’t die in 2012!”
Nicole Stenger12
“If I te won’ ll you, it tc Kylie ome tr ue!” Nunm
“To get into the college I want.” 12 Alissa Arya
aker 11
“World Peace.”
Pranav Thanki9
. “Wealth.. money!h!” 12 Kyle Fitc
#HOMECOMINGPLAYBYPLAY Despite football loss, spirit prevails
@brittanyscofield // Sophomore Guest Writer
The color guard sways back and forth, the packed stadium shivers in excitement and from the sudden drop in temperature, trainers run in circles, filling their water bottles; It’s Friday, October 28th, and the long anticipated homecoming game against Memorial is about to begin. Optimism filled the air in hope of a successful game, the game that would determine the team’s eligibility for the playoffs. “We gotta win this one baby,” Dr. Mark Bing, team medic said. “Memorial’s number one quarterback is over-rated, we match up very well against them. Our coaching staff has the uncanny ability to make great adjustments at halftime.” Even though there was hope and desire for a win, a few skeptics knew this match up would be a challenge. “This will be a tough game to win,” Jessica Wright12 said. “The Seven Lakes football team will have to work their way out of their loosing streak for homecoming.” Unfortunately, Wright was proven correct, as the Spartans lost their game against Memorial, 22-33. Though losing in the end, the Spartans started out strong with the first touch down made on Ryan Capel11 interception return, in the first quarter, with
6:48 left on the clock. Capel also had 22 tackles that evening against Memorial. “I was expecting to come out with a win and seal a playoff spot,” Capel said after the game was over. After the first touchdown by SLHS, Memorial came back making their first touch down within the second quarter. To stay ahead of Memorial, SLHS player, Jared Crosby12 made the second touch down for his team that evening, with only 43 seconds left on the clock for the first half. Unexpectedly, Memorial tied with SLHS for the first half, as they made their own touch down with ten seconds left on the clock for the second quarter. As half time began, the homecoming court readied themselves for their march onto the field. “It feels spectacular to be on court, I feel very privileged,” Mandy Stevens12 said. “We all have an equal shot.” Not only was the homecoming court ready to take their stance on the field, Principal Ted Vierling was waiting in anticipation to play part in his first homecoming game, but not before he could playfully whisper “boo horsey” as the Memorial mascot cantered pass him. “I am excited to see my first homecoming,” Vierling said. “A little nervous to be in front of a big
crowd, brings me back to my high school days when I performed in the band for Katy.” When the time came to announce the much awaited-for winners, Vierling marched onto the field and announced the homecoming king and queen: Andrew Kellogg and Brooke Davis. “It feels really great to be chosen,” Davis12 said. “I am very honored.” As the excitement of halftime died down, the game resumed, the crowd once again rose to their feet, crossing their fingers for the defeat of Memorial. The crowd erupted with cheers as the third quarter started out with a Spartan touch down by Avery Williams10, the only touchdown during the third quarter. Then the fourth quarter came, and Memorial remounted their high horse scoring three touchdowns, with one penalty. The Spartans were left behind in the last quarter of the game, resulting in their defeat. “No one wants to lose their homecoming game,” Crosby12 said. ”It was a tough loss.” Author’s Note: The following Thursday the Spartans brought their season to a close, with a triumph over Katy Taylor, winning 35-0.
#GAMESETMATCH The tennis team reached the Regional Semi -finals over the weekend. They defeated Beaumont Westbrook 13-0 in the first round, and Deer Park 10-0 in the second round before losing to Clements 10-2 in the Semi-finals on Saturday. The team finishes the year at 16-5 and ranked in the top ten in the state. Way to go Spartan tennis!
Nine Spartans qualify for the state meet after beating district champion Cinco Ranch
Photo by Dayton Box
ALL SMILES The girls stand on the awards stand as they accept their 3rd place medals and bid to the state championships (L-R Sarah Mumme, Allison Tracy, Erica Brown, Brittany Bigott, Caitlin Nugent, Ashley Bell, Amanda Hillary and Head Coach Scott Kenney) Girls Cross Country is headed to the state championships for the second year in a row and the fifth time in school history. Erica Brown10 and Allison Tracy10 led the team finishing 10th and 11th respectively at last Saturday’s Region III-5A Championships at Atascocita High School. “It was Allison’s first big meet,” head coach Scott Kenney said. “She handled the pressure. Erica always leads the way and did a great job of getting the group ready.”
Ashley Bell12, Lauren Harrington10, Caitlin Nugent10, Brittany Bigott11, and Sarah Mumme11 finished 35th, 37th, 42nd, 55th and 72nd respectively. “We wouldn’t have made it as a team without solid performances by our numbers 3, 4, and 5 runners,” Kenney said. The girls will travel to Round Rock’s Old Settlers Park to race this Saturday at 10:50am. The boys team finished fourth at the regional
meet which was one place out of qualifying for state. Nathan Ricketts12 and Greg White12 however, finished 7th and 9th respectively which qualified them individually. “We are really proud of the work Nathan and Greg have put in and we wished the team would have qualified but we have all the others guys coming back and look forward to a really strong squad next year,” head boys coach Marvin Rathke said.
Politicians get in gear for the 2012 presidential elections
@kamiarathore // Sophomore staff writer GOP stands for Grand Ol’ Party-- but things seem far from that description as politicians get heated in the months before the primaries. Of the Republican candidates, Herman Cain, Michele Bachman, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul have had the media’s spotlight shined brightest on them. As with any race, there are leaders, and Herman Cain, Rick Perry, and Mitt Romney have emerged at the forefront of the contest. Perry, a graduate from Texas A&M, entered the race in mid-August and he’s starting to feel the heat from both sides of the political divide. “I feel like he went onto the election expecting it to be a walk-in,” Nathan Agnew12 said, “but faced fierce opposition, and he’s slid in the polls as a result.” Perry is Texas’ longest serving governor with three and half terms, taking over after Bush took the helm as president. Bush’s presidency drew critics from republicans and democrats alike, and it’s possible that the thoughts associated with his terms could affect Perry’s chances. “I don’t think he’s really the right candidate for the Republican party if they want to defeat Obama,” Philip Ayala11 said. ”There’s still that negative connotation towards Texas because of Bush, and two: he’s not a very good debater,
and that’s something that’s going to be required because Obama’s raising a billion dollar campaign. The only way to beat him is directly, not through ads.” Candidates have proposed their own plans to reinvent the health care system, reinvigorate the financial outlook, or revise the tax code. Perry recently proposed giving Americans the choice between a flat tax rate of 20% or continuing with their current interest rate. However, it has been Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan that has drawn the most attention. If instated, the plan would impose a 9% income, sales, and corporate tax rate. “I feel like it’s an oversimplification of the tax code,” Agnew said. “The 9-9-9 plan ends up hurting middle class and poor Americans.” But many Americans want more simplified and transparent
institutions, government and financial establishments alike. Occupy Wall Street, in echoes of various protests around the world against fiscal mishaps and corporate greed, was initiated in August in New York and has spread throughout the country and inspired other nations. It remains to be seen whether the protests will achieve change, however. “Occupy Wall Street has had a lot of bad things going on; it’s not really organized in the sense of what its ideals and platform are,” Ayala said. “I don’t think it’s going to last much longer, and if it does last, it’s going to become something more. It’s not going to continue as this unorganized party, and it’s not going to stand for the same things.” But in the end, it’s all about getting to call Washington D.C. home. Rick Perry still has to stand strong in the election’s primaries, which begin in January and choose the final Republican opponent to the Democratic side. “Apart from the GOP candidates, there’s Obama,” Alex Cai12 said. “We’ll have to see how he handles him, because he’s going to get opposition from all sides.”
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Send an email to JeremiahADye@katyisd.org for more information. ADVISER coachDYE
#TOOCOOLFORSCHOOL @ryannandres // Senior Co- Editor
To all you seniors… What’s up with all the negativity? It seems like more and more seniors are complaining about how much school stinks and how they can’t wait to get out of here. What’s up with it?! Every summer, all the upcoming seniors are pumped for the most important year of high school to start. Seniors come into their last year of high school with big expectations. Yes, senior year is epic and lots of fun. That’s the way it should be. Your last homecoming, prom, senior trip, graduation, college day, catching senioritisthe list could go on and on. However, this high does not stay long. We’re not even into the holiday break and seniors are complaining. Well let me tell you if no one else has… it’s getting old. You think that the fact that it is our last year people would be embracing it and making the most
of their time. This is not the case for most seniors. I go on Twitter or Facebook and see people posting how they can’t wait to leave; they’re ready for college, hate life, blah blah blah. I read people’s sad story of how much high school sucks. My point of view on this subject is that yes, sometimes high school and all the endless list of rules gets frustrating. But another important point is that complaining about it isn’t going to make your year go by any faster or make it any better. In fact, it will make your senior year longer and less fun with a negative attitude. We have to fend for our own selves. You’re going to miss your mom’s cooking; you’re going to miss your bed, and you will miss the people you have gone through high school with. For the first time since kindergarten, for most of us, we will all be separated and not going to the same school. For me, I have gone to school with some of my classmates since kindergarten at Creech Elementary and others since sixth grade at Beckendorff. This is our last year together as a class. Some people seem to not get it. Seniors, we graduate in roughly seven months. Then it’s over. We go into the real world and then we are on our own. Some seniors seem to be forgetting this.
My advice to all the seniors is to stop complaining. It isn’t going to do anything. You might as well shut your mouth and make the most of the time you have here with your family and friends. Make your last few months here memorable. Now don’t get me wrong. School is frustrating, parents, all the rules, etc. I’m not saying that I love school and that it is all fun and games. Because it’s not, but when it comes down to it… what is complaining going to do? Students from Seven Lakes that graduated last year say they miss this school and miss the simplicity of high school. They say college is a reality check and they regret that they wasted time last year complaining. In about seven months when we are all gone at the college of our choice, we will miss this year and wish we could go back. I know many of you won’t admit it now, but you know you will. So I encourage you as seniors to not just wait to get out of here and spend your last few months complaining. Enjoy what you have now. Don’t act like you’re too cool. Hate to break it to you, but you’re not. This is the very last year we have together.
fanatics of football and enjoy their enthusiasm. When the scoreboard doesn’t please the fan and they express it freely, that ladies and gentleman, is when I lose my cool. University of Texas and Oklahoma University fans, hear me out. Please explain to me why most of the fans leave the stadium by the middle of the third quarter? I see burnt orange and crimson red consume at their home stadiums at the beginning of every game. True, their fans are passionate about their teams but have you ever stuck around to watch the end of a bad sooner/longhorn game? A little after half time, 85% of the fans have decided the fate of the game before even watching the rest by leaving. I don’t care if they are losing horribly, you stick by them. That last quarter and half is probably when that team needs you most—to cheer them on so they finish strong. They may think that their team is embarrassing them when really they’re embarrassing themselves and the impression of their school’s fans on national television. The reputation of a school’s football program may be spectacular but doesn’t mean they don’t make mistakes every once and a while. The I-will-be-a-fan-of-the-team-that-won-the-
Superbowl-last-year fan really annoys me too. Winning the superbowl does not automatically make that team the best in the NFL for the upcoming football season. I don’t have a problem with the Steelers, they are a fantastic team, but that doesn’t mean that I’m only loyal to the talented teams. I love my NFL team and they have not had a decent team that works well together in a very long time, in which I continue to devote myself as a fan. I do not hop around from team to team and quite frankly I don’t understand how you can without being exhausted. Enjoying to watch certain teams on occasion and rooting for one over the other is acceptable. However, this doesn’t mean it’s automatically okay to leave your other team high and dry and move on to the one that plays better. It shows you have no integrity and you’re disloyal when things get tough. It’s just a game; I promise it’s not the end of the world. That’s the problem with the posers; they don’t understand that every team has its rebuilding stage. It happens more often for some teams than others. Although, when that underdog team finally gets it together and can exemplify well, the true fans can feel a sense of delight and satisfaction, in which the bandwagon fan never will.
#SORELOSERS @tarynsanders// Senior Staff Writer
I’m all for a good game. Friday night lights, college game days, Sunday night football—you name it and I’m there. My teams have been through some tough times, yes, but I’m always there for my boys. I’m a true fan; the real deal. And apparently, this is a novel concept to many
of you. Living in Texas, the land of football, fans tend to enjoy flaunting their team in any way shape or form. Flags, apparel, bumper stickers, furniture, home accessories, pet accessories, and even body paint affiliated with teams are displayed as tokens of their ownership. I’m all for it, it shows your spirit toward your team and makes the whole game experience riveting. The great divide the stadium creates with team colors and the racket that is built up makes for the ultimate game experience. I respect these
#SPARTANSPEAK @shreyabagali // Junior News Editor
What is your most retweeted... tweet? “Just be honest #that’sallanyonewants.” 1. Kayleigh Popkowski12
“If you say ‘gullible’ slowly, it sounds like orange.” 2. Todd Albert11
“It’s just a bad day, not a bad life #bethankful.” 3. Dayton Box11