1 minute read
Renovo Care Group: Helping people reconnect
Dr Anita Rose, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist and Director of Clinical Development, Renovo Care Group
At the Renovo Care Group we recognise the importance of providing a goal directed multi-disciplinary approach to work collaboratively with those who enter our
Dr Anita Rose rehabilitation pathways by supporting them to re-engage in meaningful activities and to find meaning in their life following their brain or spinal injury.
In other words, we are trying to re-establish the “bridge” across the gap between old and new. We support them along the journey leading to the “new me” after brain injury and look at how a comprehensive IDT evaluation and treatment of the “damaged sense of self” can lead to increased self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-empowerment. All this leads to an improved quality of life for both our service users and their families.
A recent individual, after going through this journey, spontaneously said in his last session with the Neuropsychologist, whilst leaving the therapy room, “I have re-found myself”. He may still be profoundly disabled as a result of his brain injury and not met his original goal to walk again, but he has found an identity, a new sense of self that has emerged and reformed as he has found reconciliation between his self “before” and his “new me”. A bridge has been built across the gap.
We celebrate with everyone who has completed their journey with us however short or long. We celebrate as they learn to be self-compassionate, move towards reconciliation and acceptance of the “new me”, regardless of whether or not their original goals have been met, the end of their rehabilitation process has been positive as they leave feeling empowered and able to believe they have a world of “teeming provisional possibilities” (Kenneth Gergen ,1991). ■
Tel 01732 833 924 or email: info@renovocare.co.uk Web: www.renovocare.co.uk