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Quick skin fixes: Chicken skin

What is ‘Chicken Skin?’
Keratosis Pilaris is a skin condition that leaves up to 40% of adults too selfconscious to wear their favourite outfits – here’s how to identify it, and more importantly, how to treat it…
NOW that we’re heading into those long winter nights, there’s one saving grace keeping us going: party season. That being said, we’re refusing to bring the long sleeves out and still want to make the most of it.
But, for up to 80% of teens and 40% of adults, Keratosis Pilaris, AKA chicken skin, can quickly hinder plans to keep your arms and legs on show.
Before we get any further, it is extremely important to mention that it’s completely normal and not a bad thing at all! All bodies are beautiful in every way, it’s important that you do what makes you feel comfortable – we’re just
here to advise on how to buff away the bumps ready for that dress you’ve been putting off wearing, if you’re not so keen on it. Surprise, surprise, it has nothing to do with chickens. Chicken skin is a harmless and common recommends: BLUSH skin condition that causes dry skin and small red bumps and most commonly affects thighs, arms and bottoms. They don’t feel itchy, they’re not contagious or threaten Quick skin boots.com with Salicylic Acid, £12 CeraVe SA Smoothing Cream our health in any way. However, they can feel rough and make some people self-conscious about having their arms or legs on show. It’s caused by the build-up of keratin (a protective protein that supports the growth of our hair, skin and nails). The keratin blocks the hair follicles from opening,
CHICKEN SKIN which causes patches of dry, bumpy skin. Hormonal changes such as, puberty and pregnancy are the most common triggers of chicken skin. However, heat and perfumed products can all contribute to a flare up of the condition.
How can I treat chicken skin?
Credit: @bitsandbobsbyeva 1Take warm baths — Taking short, warm baths can help to unclog pores. Alongside this, using a stiff brush to rub the skin can help to get rid of the bumps. Relaxing with some candles? You don’t need to ask us twice. 2 Exfoliate — Daily exfoliation using chemical exfoliators can make a real difference! Lightly massage the skin using a gentle exfoliating mitt or washcloth, rather than overly harsh body scrubs.
3Stay hydrated — Lotions with AHAs (alpha hydroxy acid) hydrate the skin and encourage cell turnover. Sprinkling of magic.