Sexy summer by Susie Ambrose During the summer, it’s not just the sun that sizzles. Pulses start racing as people peel off the layers and emerge from winter hibernation. A phenomenon begins that resembles something seen in a nature documentary. Men and women congregate on beaches or in bars and pair off at a rate that would make your head spin. Passionate affairs continue throughout the summer then, as the days start to cool down, so do these short-lived romances. So, what exactly is happening and how wise is it to seek summer love? Scantily clad bodies, mood and social influence all play a part in summer romances. As we all know, physical attraction is a key element of finding a partner, especially when you are only seeking a short-term blast of passion. During the summer, when people are showing much more flesh than usual, hormone levels are boosted. Women also feel much more attractive in the sun, which alters body language dramatically, giving more sexual signals to men, who in turn pay women a lot more attention. You also may become so accustomed to wearing a skimpy bikini on the beach that when you put on a summer dress in the evening, you feel much more confident than if you were to wear the same dress during winter months – and it’s a proven fact that confidence is incredibly attractive to men. Having a positive outlook on life is another of the most attractive traits that both men and women are looking for. Summer is the happiest time of year for most people, partly induced by the chemical effects of the sun itself. So, as people are smiling and enjoying life, they are more attractive (and more attracted) to others. Whether you are on the terrace of the Hotel de Paris in Monaco or lazing on the beach, one thing is for sure – people love hanging out with their friends.