Severn THE BRIDGE For Severn Alumni and Friends Winter 2011
vintage severn From the 1971 Navigator: Varsity Basketball; kneeling, Eliot Powell ’71, Leroy Sparks ’71. Standing (L to R), Mr. Brader, Jeff Popham ’74, Bill Chaires ’71, ‘G.’ *, Frank Coulter ’71, Vernon Mummert ’71, John Doyel ’71, Fred Hildebrand ’72, Lin Wellander ’73, Artie Barnes ’72, Mark O’Brien ’72, John Leocha ’72, David Gregory ’71, Doug Hughes ’71, Morris * *Apparently, in 1971 it seemed that captions need only include an initial (‘G’) or a last name! Can anyone help identify the gentlemen with an asterisk after their name?
winter 2011 departments 6
Homecoming 2011
Treasures and Turbulence of Turkey, Marc Buckey
The Application of Compassion, Maddy Berg ’11
From the Archives, Brian Mark Weber
Distinguished Alumnus, MajGen Joseph D. Stewart ’60
Do You Want to Vanuatu? Peace Corps volunteer, Billy DeLancey ’02
Got Bikes? Severnites Take to the Street
Students Who Serve - al Campo International, Chrysalis House
Alumni Reception, New York
Alumni Weekend and Alumni Council News
Alumni in the Arts, Dave Eske ’72, Natalie Mardirossian ’12
Class Notes
EDITOR The Bridge is published three times each year. We encourage all of our readers to respond with comments, suggestions and information. Please contact: SEVERN SCHOOL Pamala Heffner, Editor, The Bridge The Boone House 116 Maple Avenue Severna Park, MD 21146 410-647-7701 ext. 2260 © 2011 SEVERN SCHOOL. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Severn School does not discriminate against any person in admission, employment, or otherwise because of race, creed, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or age. Severn School is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and approved by the Maryland State Board of Education.
On the Cover: Mark Cohen ’12 gets some mighty big air
from the headmaster Greetings, Perhaps the most consequential resource an independent school has is its independence. With this independence, a school like Severn can exercise an advantage by intentionally using its independence to design programs to meet the specific needs of its community. The other side of the independence coin, however, can cast a light of insularity or entitlement on a school. The most effective independent schools are the ones that are willing to and have the courage to use their independence to first meet the needs of its students, and second to embrace and support its interdependence among broader communities that help sustain the school. An independent school may be nonpublic in control, but it must have a fundamentally public role with public responsibilities. A good school is independent; it is not an island. Since its founding in 1914, the idea that Severn has a responsibility to both our own community and to the world at large has been integral to Severn’s mission. Indeed, the ethic of service has been and is still part and parcel of what it means to be a Severn graduate. Thousands of alumni have served this Country in different branches of the military and nearly 100 made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our freedoms. For a student graduating from Severn today, service, for the most part – every year we have a handful of students who matriculate to service academies – takes a different shape. It is typically service directed at helping others. Certainly, the debate will forever wear on as to whether or not service should be required by a school (and gives rise to an interesting oxymoron, mandatory-volunteerism). However, Severn believes it is important for adolescents to be provided a meaningful introduction to service such that we begin to build the habits of mind and heart and perspective that comes with helping others.
in her classrooms and welcomed them back at anytime, even unannounced. She also shared with me her reservations when the idea was first presented to her, “I had many of the stereotypical misunderstandings of private school kids. I was worried about how I was going to use all these entitled young people; would they be helpful; would they interact well with my students? Believe me. They were great, and I was wrong.” Severn’s independence will be preserved and strengthened if, and only if, we continue to act interdependently. I can confidently write that Severn continues to do more than simply provide an exceptional academic experience for its graduates; it also, through its commitment to a public purpose, builds and fosters the capacity in its students to use their insight, energy and initiative to positively impact the communities outside the boundaries of our campus. The young students at one of the elementary schools may have said it best– Dear Severn Students, Thank you for coming to our class today. We learned a lot from you. We want you to come back soon. All of you rock!!!
Go Admirals,
Doug Lagarde
A snapshot of the many service projects that Severn students undertook this first semester is quite remarkable: conducted a book drive for Native American children, made blankets for seriously ill children through Project Linus, collected food and clothing for those less fortunate, constructed flower boxes for Habitat for Humanity houses, helped with efforts to clean up the Chesapeake Bay and worked with Special Olympics. Also, in early November, all upper school students spent a day in Anne Arundel county elementary schools. On the afternoon of this day, I received a call from one of the principals who could not have been more delighted in having 40 Severn students Zach Domenech ’14 with Jayden at Germantown Elementary
MISSION Severn School challenges its students to pursue excellence in character, conduct and scholarship, to marshal the courage to lead, and to develop the lasting desire to serve and achieve. We believe this is best realized in a community where adults model these qualities and where each student is known and valued.
PHILOSOPHY Severn School believes in educating the whole person in a student-centered, supportive educational community that values the dignity, self-worth, and potential of each individual.
DIVERSITY STATEMENT In support of the mission of Severn School, we seek to create and sustain a thriving, diverse community in which human differences are understood, respected, and seen as vital reflections of our larger society and world. As a community of learners, we value human diversity as a rich, living educational resource for fulfillment of our mission. Our diverse community includes (but is not limited to) the dimensions of gender, race, ethnicity, economic status, religion, physical ability, and sexual orientation.
Mr. Michael K. DeStefano ’84, Chair Mr. John S. Bremer, Vice Chair Mrs. Marjorie A. Corwin, Secretary Mr. John Soderlund, Treasurer Mr. Robert (Bret) Anderson Mr. Thomas L. Carter III ’85 Mr. Michael Cauley Mr. Raymond J. Herman Mr. Donald R. Hug Mrs. Lisa Kahan Mr. Gorton Parker (G.P.) Lindsay ’73 Mr. Christopher R. McCleary Mr. James A. Nolan ’62 Mrs. Margaret O’Connor Mr. Wilson H. Phipps ’74 Mr. Robert W. Rabbitt ’82 Dr. Lisa Renfro Mr. Robert L. Roth Mr. Steven R. Schuh ’78 Mr. Christopher A. Taylor ’71 Mr. William F. Utz Mr. E. Marc Williamson ’80 Mrs. Nancy J. Wooddell Mrs. Liz Mann Carlin ’74, Asst. Secretary Mr. Terry Del Prete, Asst. Treasurer HONORARY TRUSTEES Mr. Thomas L. Carter ’53 Mr. H. Franklin Knipp, Jr. SEVERN SCHOOL ADMIRALS PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT Nancy Kierstead ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT Woody Wooddell ’73
AlumniWeekendisMay6 Friday, May 6
Athletic Hall of Fame Induction
Saturday, May 7
Alumni Lacrosse Game Family Picnic Toast to Teel Alumni Dinner
Sunday, May 8
Kesmodel-Lindsay Brunch See page 24 for details 5
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1) Freshman boys pull their weight during spirit week; 2) Caitlin McCleary Horn ’04 and Ashley McCarl ’05; 3) Erin McCarthy, Athletic Department Assistant with Carrie Ball, Middle School Science and her son; 4) Chris Hughes ’05 and Esteban Limon ’06; 5) Fred Bednarik; 6) Doug Lagarde and Carrie MacVean Grimes ’91; 7) Ben and Cathy Hewitt Carper ’81, former Ahtletic Director, Fred Hewitt, Darren ’82 and Bridget Burns
4 3
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homecoming 2010
8) Vickie Norton Kreiner ’86; 9) Morgan Kantor ’14, Girls Varsity Soccer; 10) Caroline Cosentino, Upper School Spanish teacher, and the NEW Severn Admiral; 11) Michael Greer ’96 and family; 12) From the Class of ’09, Adam Cohen and Justin Kiehne; 13) Spirit lives!
the treasures and turbulence of
Upper School History teacher, Marc Buckley shares timely insights from a history rich trip to Istanbul on a grant provided by Severn Alum, Stephens ’ and Linda Dyer Millard
his past June, my wife, Shawna and I were fortunate enough to receive a travel grant from Linda and Stephens Millard ’51 to travel to Istanbul, Turkey. The Middle East has always fascinated me and the chance to visit the bridge between Europe and Asia excited both of us. And it was incredible! Istanbul is the city that straddles two continents, where East meets West, old meets new, home of the Grand Bazaar, Sirkeci Station, the terminus of the famed orient express, and guardian of the shores of the Bosporus, lined with beautiful yalis (mansions), one of the world’s most strategic waterways connecting the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. Then there’s the food! We spent too much time appreciating the local cuisine in the city, convincing ourselves that we could walk off multi-course meals. When we felt like we couldn’t go on any further, Shawna and I rejuvenated ourselves by checking into a Turkish bath designed by the famous architect Sinan; an incredible experience that needs to be replicated in the states. We went to bed and woke up to the call to prayers from the neighborhood mosques and walked until we dropped through countless incredible museums, churches, mosques and the incredibly picturesque Tokapki Palace.
Our trip. however, did not start off in a promising fashion. Two weeks before we were to leave for Istanbul, a flotilla of aid ships left Turkey for the Gaza Strip provoking the Israeli government and resulting in the deaths of a number of Turks at the hands of Israeli commandos. That, coupled with the Turkish people’s disdain for America’s invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan (which as a major US ally, damaged Turkey’s image in the region) made us wonder if we were safe. And finally, there were anti-American demonstrations in Ankara, Turkey’s capital. The American media prognosticated that our longtime secular ally in the Middle East was moving away from us, becoming “too Muslim.” New York Times commentator Tom Freidman echoed these concerns. Shawna and I found as soon as we landed that he and others could not have been more wrong. Orhan Pamuk, the Nobel Prize winning writer, in his book Istanbul, describes the people in his home town as being haunted by previous periods of greatness. I could understand why. The night we arrived in Istanbul, we fought off jet lag and walked around much of the old part of the city; past the beautiful Hippodrome erected in 203 AD; walked
through the famous Blue Mosque, built in 1616; passed the majestic Hagia Sophia, erected in 537 AD to rival the Temple of Solomon, you get the picture? The city is in part a museum to periods of time when Istanbul was the capital of great empires. Moreover, residents and visitors can simply walk up and touch many of these brilliant structures and imagine living in previous periods of grandeur, hence the propensity to long for the past. In 324, Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Istanbul, then known as Constantinople, to avoid the onslaught of the Gothic tribes which eventually sacked Rome; hence the Hippodrome, Hagia Sophia, and other romanesque structures. Also known as the Byzantine Empire, it eventually fell in 1453 to Muslims who renamed the city Istanbul and made it the capital of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire extended its reach through the Middle East, into Asia and even deep into Eastern Europe, twice unsuccessfully laying siege to Vienna. The second siege ended on September 11, 1683. This is cited as the beginning of the end of the Ottoman Empire and the reason why al Qaeda chose to strike the U.S. on that
Photos L to R: a patriotic march following a Kurdish extremist’s group bombing, the Hagia Sophia, the Sea of Marmora, reciting of the Koran
very date in 2001. The Ottoman Empire fell after World War I and, following a war for independence, Kemal Ataturk rose to power from his position as an officer in the Turkish Army to declare a secular state based on European tradition. After a period of rapid secularism and modernism, during which Ataturk curbed civil and religious rights, abolished the Sultanate and the Islamic Caliphate (a position similar to the Pope in Christendom), and rebuilt the country, he died in 1938 leaving strong legacies of nationalism, secularism and military rule behind. What followed were decades of soul searching, periods of misrule and military coups, and attempts to join the very European union that only decades before the Ottoman Empire was battling. Signs of all of these eras play out in the sights and sounds of Turkey. While there are still signs of a schizophrenic Turkey, as its people seem stuck in the past, present, and future, a new Turkey is emerging; a confident, electric, exciting Turkey that embraces religion, commerce and modernity. You can see it in the faces of the people and in the sense of purpose they exhibit as they walk frenetically through the streets from their jobs and to outdoor markets. There are times when you would swear you were in a large American city, were it not for the enticing smells emanating from the numerous Turkish restaurants. Under the rule of Prime Minister Erdogan, this Turkey is flexing its economic and foreign policy muscles. It, more and more, is looking a lot like its main western ally, the United States.
Like the U.S., Turkey’s national religion is patriotism. Turkey’s crescent flag is visible on most roof tops and in front of many buildings. And also like the US, the preoccupation of many of the people is the accumulation of wealth. This has become easier in recent years as its economy has diversified and expanded. Turkey is now a major manufacturer of furniture, cell phones and of Levi jeans. Women proudly wear burqas, unthinkable even five years ago, as the Prime Minster has fought to allow more religious expression.
“...Turkey stands as a beacon of hope for the region. It proudly demonstrates that there is no inconsistency in being devout, affluent, and modern; lessons that Syrians and Iraqis and even Iranians are taking to heart.” And yet, while a highlight of each day was the beautiful and melodious competing calls to prayers emanating from the minarets of the mosques, few in the capital city seemed to heed the call. While we think Turkey is becoming more religious, the reality is that it is simply becoming more traditional. Turks want wealth and modernization but they don’t want to abandon their proud nearly 2,000 year heritage as the center of civilization. It’s a difficult balancing act to be sure yet Turkey stands as a beacon of hope for the
region. It proudly demonstrates that there is no inconsistency in being devout, affluent, and modern; lessons that Syrians and Iraqis and even Iranians are taking to heart. Turkey still has its challenges. The recent global recession impacted its growth as well as ours. Ethnic tensions in the eastern regions with the Kurds still affect the state as Kurdish extremist groups continue to carry out terrorist attacks against the state; in fact one occurred just north of the border with Iraq while we were in Istanbul. Tensions between Turkey and Israel remain, but trade between the two countries is stronger than ever. The Turkish Prime Minister is not above scoring political points with other Middle Eastern countries by condemning Israel, but neither state is willing to forgo the strong economic ties that bind them. My trip to Turkey has had an enormous impact on my understanding of religion and culture in the Middle East, and on my teaching of the region. It informed me that the US media’s portrait of the Middle East is at times simplistic and occasionally negligent. While the region, and Turkey specifically, present foreign policy challenges for the US, there are numerous advantages in continued, sustained engagement. I cannot thank Linda and Stephens Millard enough for his generosity. By encouraging Severn faculty to spend part of their summer vacations pursuing their academic interests, his travel grant program is improving the quality of education Severn students receive. —Marc Buckley
the Application of Compassion by Sarah Bouchard ’ & Maddy Berg ’ Upper School English teacher, Richard Zmuda, developed an iPhone Application to support women undergoing treatment for breast cancer and challenged the students in his Journalism & Communications elective to market the product as a real-life case study. Sarah Bouchard ’11 and Maddy Berg ’11 share their conversation with Zmuda regarding the project. Richard Zmuda with his journalism class (L to R); Nate Babcock ’11, Mr. Zmuda, Caroline Reid ’11, Robert Adams ’11, Katie DeMichiei ’12, Mary Purnell ’12, LJ Urie ’11, Caroline Ponatoski ’11, Chellie Schou ’11. Inset; Sarah Bouchard ’11 and Maddy Berg ’11, editors of the Anchor, Severn’s student newspaper
Renowned at Severn for his sense of humor and creative projects, English and Journalism teacher Richard Zmuda is broadening his horizons. He recently developed an iPhone app (application) entitled “Breast Cancer Treatment News” and is aiming to reach as large of an audience as possible. With that goal in mind, Mr. Zmuda asked his journalism class to develop a marketing technique for the app, and challenged them to go about promoting it in unconventional ways. His students contacted everyone from Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres, to the staff at Fitness and the journalists at the Capital [Annapolis’ local newspaper]. I recently sat down with Mr. Zmuda and heard what he had to say concerning “Breast Cancer Treatment News.” Berg: What motivated you to create this App?
Berg: Are there plans concerning the content or design? Zmuda: Absolutely. Right now, the App is available to just iPhone users, but plans are in the works to expand it to Android and Blackberry users. In addition, Johns Hopkins and other institutions that receive these articles are interested in developing apps of their own. Bouchard: Of all the information you have learned over the years concerning breast cancer treatment, what is the one thing you feel is most important for others to know?
Zmuda: I constantly talk about the power of women. More men get prostate cancer than women get breast cancer, and the numbers for skin and lung cancer are even higher. Nonetheless, the research dollars that “Quite frankly, after my wife passed are pouring into breast cancer from so away, I looked and saw my two daughters, many women’s efforts are mind-boggling – and literally lifesaving.
Zmuda: In 1997, my wife spent and I stayed involved for them...” months undergoing various breast canBerg: What do you look for in cer treatments at Johns Hopkins. She articles? was a very intelligent woman, a lawyer, but was overwhelmed by not only her disease but also by the confuZmuda: I’m very proud of the caliber of the content, as there is so sion surrounding possible treatments. much misinformation out there. I work aggressively to source the arI took it upon myself to research as much as I could about the treatticles directly from peer-reviewed medical journals and major mediment options available to her, all the while surprised that such inforcal research institutions. Quite frankly, after my wife passed away, I mation was not readily available. During her treatment and after she looked and saw my two daughters, and I stayed involved for them passed away, I decided to extend that information to others battling and for other people who have a family history of breast cancer. The the same disease. new treatment options are extraordinary, especially those based on Bouchard: What goals do you have for this App? Zmuda: My main goal is to reach as many people battling this disease as possible. There are so many new treatment options out there, especially for breast cancer, and people are simply just not aware of them. A relatively small number of people currently receive these articles, and I would like to expand that number exponentially. 10
genetic approaches to new medicines. Breast cancer in the future will be an even more highly treatable if not totally curable disease. Richard Zmuda’s app can be purchased at com/us/app/breast-cancer-treatment-news/id392910544?mt=8
From the Archives by Brian Mark weber
hroughout its history, Severn has always embraced the philosophy that serving others is an obligation. During some of our nation’s global conflicts, young Severn men served freedom-loving people around the world by making the ultimate sacrifice. They did so knowing that others would benefit from their gift, even though the recipients would never know their names. Although our school has changed in many ways, the spirit of selflessness is still ingrained into our culture and manifests itself in a multitude of school clubs and organizations whose mission is to serve others. During the 1970s and 1980s, food drives for the needy were commonplace, as were clubs designed to address the ever-increasing challenges of conserving our natural resources. Since then, Severn students have reached out into the community in many ways and for a variety of causes. From Key Club food drives for the Severna Park Assistance Network, to collecting books for Native American children, to raising money for the Lighthouse Shelter, to delivering backpacks on Christmas Eve to the homeless, our students have truly made Severn a community by forging strong partnerships with organizations that are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. What makes these efforts even more special is that the student volunteers do not seek recognition, nor do they
expect anything in return. Presently, Severn’s Middle and Upper schools both recognize and value the importance of community outreach with programs designed to focus on the broader purpose of service rather than giving without thinking. This fact is representative of the strength of Severn’s core values and purpose as an institution. We are not merely reaching out because we think it is the right thing to do. Rather, we extend our hands outward because we know it is the right thing to do. The 2002 Severn Navigator reminds us that “service is an act or a variety of work done for others without the thought of personal gain.” Although little thought is given to the impact of our service, each day we can be certain that the life of someone in our community has been touched by a compassionate Severn student or faculty member. To this extent our service is not completely selfless, for our hearts are warmed when Multicultural Alliance students present gifts to children in need, our spirits are uplifted when Z Club students deliver Thanksgiving meals to the hungry, and our ability to make a difference is affirmed in the tears of joy and thankfulness of the recipients of our generosity. Our work gives us pause and enables us to reflect on our core values as individuals and as a community, to remember that our world is privileged, and to affirm our purpose as we head into uncertain times.
are not merely reaching out because we think it is the right thing to do.
Rather, we extend our hands outward because we know it is the right thing to do.
” 11
and the lasting desire
to SERVE and achieve
Photos clockwise starting top left: Freyja Heimberger ’11, Matt Verklin ’08, Captain J. Christopher Avery ’02, airman in charge, standing in front of one of two planes which flew over Arlington National Cemetery to honor an Air Force colonel, RADM Edward K. Walker, Jr. ’50, RADM Gordon P. Chung-Hoon ’30, Brady Hill ’08, Philip Weems ’35. Photos opposite top: Nicole Bednarik ’13, Bruce McCandless ’54, Commencemnt 1965, Phyllis Beardmore, Middle SchoolLearning Resource Coordinator, on one of her many trips to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
SERVICE AND SEVERN SEEM TO JUST GO TOGETHER. Our beginning as a service academy prep school certainly laid the groundwork for this partnership but our outreach has spread far beyond the gates of the Naval Academy. Global classrooms and instant news coverage has brought a world in need to our doorstep and our alumni and our students respond to that need with fund-raising bike rides, clothing, food and book drives, with hammers and nails, with environmental work and enough gusto to make any military man or woman proud. While we may never be able to fully express our admiration and gratitude to our extended and extensive military family, we honor their work with a continued tradition of service and selflessness and the lasting desire to serve— all of which comes with the enormous satisfaction one gains from helping another.
s we progress through each high
school year, there are certain boxes that need to be checked. For example, turn in medical forms, check. Get a sports credit, check. Take the SAT, check. Do community service— well, community service shouldn’t be about checking a box. Why? Because we should never really be finished with community service. Why should community service just be something we do each year during high school? Why not help others all year round or even better, for the rest of our lives. We should perform community service simply because we can. Community Service should be a lifelong commitment that is never really finished and should be continued
long after we leave Severn.
—Andrew Igler ’11, Service Speech, National Honor Society Induction Ceremony 13
Distinguished Alumnus 2010 MajGen Joseph D. Stewart ’60 (Ret.)
The Rolland M. Teel Distinguished Alumni Award
was created by the Severn School Alumni Association to distinguish those Severn graduates who make significant and meaningful contributions to society. It recognizes those alumni who have demonstrated outstanding service to humanity, service to community, professional achievement and/or service to Severn School. Jointly sponsored by the Board of Trustees and the Severn School Alumni Association, this is the highest honor the School can bestow. Following a long and notable career serving the U.S. Marine Corps, Major General Stewart was named superintendent of the United States Merchant Marine Academy and a Rear Admiral in the U.S. Maritime Service. He was promoted to Vice Admiral in 2003 and served at Kings Point for 10 years. In 2003, Vice Admiral Stewart became Rear Admiral, holding the extremely rare distinction of serving as a major general and rear admiral. A 1960 graduate of Severn School, Joe went to the United State Naval Academy and upon graduation in 1964, he entered the Marine Corps as a second lieutenant. As a major general, he served as the commander, Marine Corps Logistics Bases in Albany, Georgia. He also served as deputy chief of staff for installations and logistics at the US Marine Corps Headquarters in Washington, D.C. As superintendent of the Merchant Marine Academy, Joe was responsible for a student body of more than 1,000. The Academy is one of the nations leading sources of licensed merchant marine officers and is renowned for its maritime education and training programs. Some of his personal military honors include the Navy Distinguished Service Medal, the Defense Superior Services Medal, Legion of Merit, the Navy-Marine Corps Commendations Medal (two awards), the Combat Action Ribbon and the Secretary of Transportation’s Gold Medal. Above, Joe Stewart ’60 addresses the student body and distinguished guests. Joe poses with Caroline Lindsay ’15, granddaughter of G.P. Lindsay, Severn teacher, coach, administrator, and mentor of Stewart. Below, Joe Stewart ’60, center, with fellow Distinguished Alumnus recipients Robin Pirie ’50 (R) and Dick Bennett ’65 (L). In a moving tribute to fallen Severn alumni, students representing those alums silently leave the auditorium as the name of each soldier is called.
Joe was inducted into Severn’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2000. He was made an honorary alumnus and was named an honorary member of the US Merchant Marine Adademy Athletic Hall of Fame 2009, and also received the College Football Foundation’s Outstanding College President’s Award. Joe received the news of his nomination to Severn’s Distinguished alumni body with characteristic humility. “While I don’t feel deserving of this recognition, I am honored to be chosen,” he said. “Severn is a special school and being a student there with Mr. Teel and a caring faculty and staff made a big difference in my life.”
Veterans Day Ceremony Distinguished Alumni 1985 RADM Herbert E. Schonland ‘20 RADM Bruce McCandless ‘28 1986 Roger Ahlbrandt ‘30 Lt. Gen Henry W. Buse Jr . ‘30 1987 Charles R. Zimmerman ‘25 Paul Hobbs Massey ‘67 1988 John Drew Betz ‘37 1989 LCDR Lance E. Massey ‘26 RADM Richard R. Pratt ‘32 1990 Thomas J. Peters ‘60 1991 Stephens F. Millard ‘51 1992 Bruce S. Old ‘30 1994 CDR Robert B. Pirie Jr. ‘50 1995 ADM James R. Hogg ‘52 1996 CDR Edwin Malloy Jr. ‘36 1997 CAPT Slade D. Cutter ‘31 William H. G. FitzGerald ‘27 1998 John K. Hopkins ‘63 1999 Frederick D. Hunt ‘30 2000 Charles F. Lynch ‘44 2001 Lt. Gen. W. H. Sterling Wright ‘26 Alester G. Furman III ‘35 2002 Nicholas Goldsborough ‘52 2003 The Honorable Richard D. Bennett ‘65 2004 Bruce A. Hawtin ‘54 2005 Joseph Caleb Deschanel ’62 2006 Gary Koch ’71 2007 Anne ‘Sandy’ Barbour ’77 2008 MajGen Kenneth W. Weir USMCR ’48 (Ret) 2009 RADM Edward K. Walker ’50 (Ret) 2010 MajGen Joseph D. Stewart ’60 (Ret)
MEMORIAL ROSTER SPANISH CIVIL WAR Vernon R. Selby ’22 WWII CDR James K. Averill ’23, USN ENS A. Warren Aylesworth ’33, USN LTJG Richard L. Barleon ’38, USN ENS Henry L. Becker ’39, USNR LT James M. Belden ’31, USNR LT Howard B. Berry ’34, USN ENS Eugene E. Bevan ’38, USN CDR Edward N. Blackley ’30, USN Nickerson Blood ’37, USA SGT Levan I. Bogardus ’37, USA LCDR Jacob W. Britt ’25, USN PFC Edward P. Brockmeyer ’39, USMC SF2 Robert M. Brockmeyer ’39, USNR Lt Walter C. Buass ’36, USAAF SGT Seaton Buell ’30, USA LT Richard S. Bull, Jr. ’32, USN LCDR Renwick S. Calderhead ’23, USN Capt James O. Clark ’25, USAAF LTJG William R. Crutcher ’37, USNR LTJG James W. Danforth ’34, USN LTJG Lewis O. Davis ’33, USN COX Walter C. Davis ’40, USN Lt Arthur C. Day ’40, USMC LT Edwin J. Denby, Jr. ’30, USN LCDR Greer A. Duncan ’32, USN Robert McNab Emery ’29, USA LT John L. Everett, Jr. ’28, USN LT William S. Farrel ’37, USN Maj Harry A. Gaver ’34, USMC LT Henry C. Gearing III ’30, USN LTJG Morris D. Gilmore, Jr. ’35, USN LTJG George F. Glueck ’35, USN LCDR Archibald W. Greenlee ’27, USN LCDR Robert P. Guiler ’33, USN LCDR Henry Harrington, Jr. ’29, USMS LT Royal R. Ingersoll II ’30, USN MAJ Charles Jones ’35, USA LCDR Fraser S. Knight ’35, USN LTJG Raymond M. Krepps, Jr. ’38, USN LT David D. Laird ’38, USN LT Frank H. Lash, Jr. ’32, USCGR LCDR Leonard L. Lyons, Jr. ’16, USN
LCDR Charles P. Mason, Jr. ’36, USN LCDR Lance E. Massey ’26, USN CDR Porter W. Maxwell ’32, USN Lt Robert Maxwell ’39, USAAF 2d Lt Laurence McCormick, Jr. ’40, USAAF LCDR John L. Mehlig ’33, USN LTC Montgomery C. Meigs ’36, USA CDR Keats E. Montross ’31, USN CDR Charles H. Ostrom ’26, USN LT Bethel V. Otter ’32, USN CDR Seymour D. Owens ’27, USN CDR Van Ostrand Perkins ’32, USN LT William L. Peterson, Jr. ’38, USN COL Milton H. Pressley ’25, USA LCDR Frederick W. Purdy ’29, USN SGT Henry B. Reinhart ’31, USA LCDR Eugene S. Sarsfield ’22, USN LCDR James S. Smith, Jr. ’20, USN LTJG James B. Sommers ’38, USN LT Ralph D. Spalding, Jr. ’35, USN COL Field H. Tapping ’26, USA CDR John G. Tennet III ’28, USN LCDR Paul H. Tobelman ’22, USN CDR Phillip H. Torrey, Jr. ’30, USN LCDR Alfred B. Tucker III ’27, USN LCDR Alexander S. Wadsworth III ’35, USN MAJ Philip V.H. Weems, Jr. ’35, USMC CDR John E. Williams, Jr. ’41, USN 1LT William R. Williams ’19, USA LTJG William C. Williamson, Jr. ’37, USN LTJG John F. Woodruff ’33, USN KOREA MAJ Donald L. Driscoll ’37, USA LT Blair Oxley ’39, USN CDR Denny P. Phillips ’36, USN LTJG Richard G. Sigg ’43, USN Lt Jerome C. Stuart ’46, USMC VIETNAM Capt Edward Browne ’54, USMC LCDR Fred H. Gates II ’50, USN PO James S. MacVickar, Jr. ’62, USN LCDR Carl Peterson ’54, USN Maj Donald E. Shay, Jr. ’63, USAF, MIA
Do you want to Vanuatu? IN November 2009, Billy DeLancey ’02 officially became a Peace Corps volunteer. In his own voice, he introduces us to the island nation of Vanuatu, east of Australia in the South Pacific.
Bill DeLancey ’02, pictured left: All excerpts are from Billy’s blog OCTOBER ’09 “There are 41 people in our group, affectionately known as Vanuatu Group 22. It seems like we got a good group of people from a variety of different backgrounds. It has been great to hear everybody’s stories and how they got to where we are today. It is also nice because it is like we have all been going through the same thing the last few months—the waiting, the anxiety and all that good stuff but nobody else we knew was going through it as well. It was an instant bond.
There are 3 villages in the northern part of Efate where we will be doing our training—Samma, Emua and Pangnanesu. I found out yesterday that I will be living in Emua, with 11 other volunteers. Emua is the middle village and has a post office and a gas station, so we’re pretty big time. I have a host family that I will be living with for the rest of September and October. I live in a little small station about a 10 minute walk outside the town of Emua. There are about 5-6 families that live out here and they are all related. In fact, I think I am related to everybody in my village (Peace Corps told the host families to pretend like we are sons or daughters). That means I have to call everybody by their family name—Moma, Papa, Small Mama (Aunt), Big Papa (Uncle), Brata, Sista, Cousin Brata, Cousin Sista, ect. Since my Papa has 11 siblings and my Mama has 7, it gets a little confusing. My family also gave me a Kastom name, so nobody refers to me as Billy anymore. Small Papa Kert told me that they threw the name Billy in the water and fed it to the sharks—my new name is Kalfou Kalmire (Kalmire is my last name). In Vanuatu there are five hospitals, 31 health centers, 84 dispensaries and 208 aid posts. Aid posts are staffed by a volunteer or a ‘Village Health Worker’ and they are supplied with common medicine, oral contraceptives and simple first aid stuff for cleaning wounds, scabies, etc. If the village health worker cannot help the patient, they are referred to a dispensary or a health center. A dispensary is staffed by one nurse and they can perform small surgeries like stitches, administer shots, etc. A health center is staffed with three nurses and they have a little more capabilities than the dispensary. If a patient is in serious condition they are referred to the hospital. But from what I have seen in regards to transportation if somebody has an emergency they better be able to endure a pretty rough ride to the hospital or they are in trouble. The dispensary we visited was pretty nice–three rooms and one bed in case the patient needs to stay the night. There was a problem with supplies because the government was behind 16
“I WANT to challenge myself and force myself outside my comfort zone. I want to open my mind to a new culture and new experiences. I want to do something extraordinary with my life and live it to the fullest.
–Billy DeLancey ’02 in his Peace Corps application essay
in refilling some basic medications but other than that I was kind of impressed.” AUGUST ’10 “We received extra PEPFAR
(President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief ) funds and it needed to be spent before September! A few of my friends and I decided on an ambitious schedule of 5 workshops in two weeks. It was an intense trip! We visited 3 villages in Ambae, took a boat to Maewo, climbed a waterfall, met some amazing people and informed 5 different villages on the severity of HIV/AIDS and what they can do to stop it. Part of me felt like I was on tour; we had celebrity status everywhere we went. Everybody wants to talk to us, find out everything there is to know about the U.S., and ask when his or her particular village will be getting a Peace Corps volunteer. Afterwards, I had a nice long 24-hour break before I was off again. I am a member of the Gender and Development Committee and we have been running leadership development camps for the past 4 years. These camps are a great way to teach young men and women about leadership, communication, teamwork, trust building, sexual reproductive health, domestic violence and just have a good time. We work hard and we play hard. Between full-day sessions we teach them great American pastimes like Capture the Flag, Ultimate Frisbee, tie-dying and a pretty cool dance called Bananas. I am certain we are the only ‘camp’ in Vanuatu. Every year we hold a Training of Trainers (TOT) to teach other volunteers (and their local counterparts) how to run a camp in their village. This year, we went to the island of Malekula and worked with over 50 Peace
Corps volunteers and local youth. It was a great camp, full of energy and amazing young leaders from Vanuatu.” SEPT ’10 “Around this time, I received some big news. The powers that be have asked me to move into Port Vila to work in a Provincial Health Center. This is a great opportunity for me and I am really excited to get this experience. I loved working in a village and I feel that I have learned a lot from the experience. But I am really excited to work on things like policy and management of programs. Previous volunteers in this position have assisted the local staff in all the health programs that are run out of the office. Such programs include Bed Net distribution, HIV/ AIDS workshops, medicine distribution, nutrition education, and data collection. I will be replaced by a volunteer from the new group of volunteers that came a year after I did. She will take over all my projects that I started and I am, now, unable to complete.” NOVEMBER ’10 “Nancy came at the begin-
ning of November. She is awesome, and will be an amazing Peace Corps volunteer. What could have been a tough situation (I have heard replacement horror stories) ended up being extremely positive. I taught her a lot about the community, she took over my reading club, the village instantly loved her and she helped me facilitate the workshop that I had been planning for the past 6 months. She will be taking over the water project, and I am confident that the two of us will work together to get toilets and water tanks built as soon as possible. Speaking of the water project, the workshop is called PHAST (Participatory Hygiene and
Sanitation Transformation) and is an amazing tool for international development. To quote my master’s thesis: Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST) is an innovative process developed by the World Health Organization to address water and sanitation in developing countries. PHAST uses a methodology of participatory learning that builds on people’s preexisting knowledge and ‘innate ability to address and resolve their own problems’. The process uses pictures that are adapted to reflect actual cultural and physical characteristics of the communities in particular areas. The workshop organizes and empowers communities to manage their own water and sanitation facilities. PHAST has built in a component that promotes gender equality in the planning and implementing process. The workshop was a huge success. The first few days I watched my village become excited about toilets, which I had been trying to do all year. It wasn’t until I stepped back and let them figure things out for themselves, that they were able to understand! At the final day, the community figured out how many toilets they were going to build, where they will put the water tanks, who is going to Billy did manage to visit home this past Christmas and writes on his blog that the Severn Admirals Basketball Game made the top 20 list of favorite things he did while on vacation! See basketball photo page 29. He is currently involved in the Peace Corps Partnership Program project. To learn more visit > donate to volunteer projects and then enter project number 461-043 17
got bikes? THEY BIKE TO SCHOOL FOR CONSERVANCY AND EXCERISE, THEY BIKE FOR SERVICE, AND THEY BIKE FOR FUN SEVERN STUDENTS, ALUMNI AND FACULTY TAKE TO THE STREETS Pooja Singal ’06 completed a cross-country bike ride from Baltimore to San Francisco to unite communities across the country in the fight against cancer by raising funds, fostering hope, and raising awareness. Learn more at or visit her blog,
In May of 2002, 12 Severn seniors biked from Washington D.C. to New York City, vowing to raise $9,110. for the Twin Towers Orphan Fund. Their journey began at the steps of our nation’s Capital and continued to the Eastern Shore where they boarded the ferry to New Jersey and continued up the coast.
In 2009, Jerry ’02, Danny ’03 and Joe Ricciotti rode their bikes from San Francisco to Slaughter Beach, Delaware to raise funds for Rogan Crawford, a two year old who is suffering from leukemia. Please visit her website at
< This past May, Joey Kaelin ’10 and Clay Morris ’10 made the ride from Severna Park to Ocean City, MD to raise money and awareness for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Titled “Bay to Beach” the bikers dedicated their ride to Reegan Morris who was diagnosed with type one juvenile diabetes a year ago. The photo is courtesy of Amelia Wang ’10 who documented their ride. Check out this ride and her magazine www. magazine_isparticle?viewM
Todd Heffner ’05 rode cross-country from San Francisco to Washington D.C. with Journey of Hope, and two years later across the state of Florida with Gear Up Florida. Both organizations are part of Push America, the philanthropic arm of Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity which rasises money and awareness for people with disabilities. Visit >
< Roberts Moore ’88 is the Mid-Atlantic Regional Sales Manager for Cannondale Bike. Cannondale places a strong emphasis on innovation and Roberts works with product managers to create new products and forecast demand. He also works with the marketing team to help drive sales through traditional advertising as well as professional race teams such as Liquigas/Cannondale. Roberts tells The Bridge that he has seen a lot of growth in the competitive side of cycling—road racing, triathlon and mountain bike racing each provide a way for cyclists to test themselves in a way that can be very rewarding. President George W. Bush was and is an avid cyclist and therefore required the Secret Service staff to ride with him. Roberts became close with the Secret Service staff as they became more interested in cycling and Cannondale. which lead to the President’s interest in Cannondale and the meeting of these biker comrades!
Campus bike riding regulars (from top right, clockwise) Dave Coutts, Middle School PE, AV Specialist; Andrew Greeley, Associate Director of Admissions & Upper School English; Alec Green ’13; Gray Smith, Middle School Head; Elaine Green, Middle School Art; Dan Mahoney, Athletic Trainer & Middle School PE.; Ella Green ’17 and her mom Molly Moore Green ’83, Advancement Director. Not pictured is Dr. Brian Norledge, Upper School Science.
...the lasting desire to SERVE an al campo international
Frejya Heimberger ’11 and LJ Urie ’11 lived an adventure
unlike anything they had experienced before while helping Nicaraguans through Al Campo International, founded by Tim Gibb ’89. LJ shares some of this experience in a portion of his college application essay, below.
“...One of the more memorable stops made during our trip was a very small farming village in one of the more hilly regions of Nicaragua. Here we each met with the locals and were introduced to our host families where we spent the next four nights. Each day I would wake up at 5 a.m. to walk about twenty minutes to the community center where I would meet with other kids in the program and our counselors to work on different projects, whether it was building a baseball backstop, picking beans, milking cows, or building a terrace. No matter what project we were working on, the community was always so grateful, bringing us snacks and drinks while we worked. The people were what made this trip such an experience; they were the most genuine people you could ever meet. After arriving, they took us in as a part of their family and gave us what they could, whether it was one of the few beds they owned, one of the fewer bedrooms they had, or some of their best food. The strong values and sense of community in these villages were much stronger than what I have ever experienced back in the States. Besides the fact that this trip was quite an amazing experience, it was also an amazing achievement for me. I truly felt a feeling of achievement every night, for having the courage to be apart of such a unique trip that carried me out of my comfort zone, out of contact with my family, and more importantly for knowing that I was helping others. “ — LJ Urie ’11
Tim Gibb ‘89 started Al Campo International while working as a consultant with the UNFAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization). His idea was to offer students from developed countries a unique opportunity to explore a new culture from within while meeting the need for sustainable aid in communities in rural Nicaragua. Al Campo International has been working in Central America to provide educational adventures to high school and college students for over 10 years. Its goal is to immerse its participants in foreign cultures through community service, local family home-stay and off-the-beaten path adventures. Using a ‘hand-up’ approach to community development, participants work cooperatively with local people, building sustainable solutions to improve access to clean water, sanitation, education, agriculture and nutrition in our project areas. Visit
Photo top, an exuberant Frejya; center, LJ building a planting bed; bottom, LJ and Frejya with Tim Gibb ’89, Al Campo founder
nd achieve...
chrysalis house Christina Antonini ’11 and Katlyn Flynn ’11 take on the massive project of building a 1,700 sq. ft. structure to benefit the women of Chrysalis House
Like the millions who watched the devastation of the 2004 tsunami in Sumatra, Christina ‘Beanie’ Antonini ’11 and Katlyn Flynn ’11 along with fellow members of Girl Scout Troop 913, desperately wanted to help. Their efforts to find the right course of action repeatedly failed, however, leaving them aching for a cause. After much research, Girl Scout Troop 913 chose to partner with their neighbor in Crownsville, the Chrysalis House. Chrysalis House, Inc. is a nonprofit organization which provides full treatment services to women struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, offering long-term care and outpatient services to pregnant and post-partum women with children. Chrysalis House was in need of a storage shed and Troop 913 stepped up to help, devoting close to six years on this project, amassing over $250,000 in goods and services to build a 1,700 sq. ft. structure which would serve as a resale shop called Butterfly Boutique. The boutique, located on the grounds of the Chrysalis House in Crownsville, would not only generate revenue but would also give those in the treatment programs vital job training, small business skills, and increased confidence. Unfortunately, Girl Scout Troop 913 dwindled down to four members - Beanie, Katlyn, Lacey Shirley-Keffer from Indian Creek School and Allison Reisinger from Broadneck High School. And, on top of that, the Girl Scout Council told the girls that they could not acknowledge this venture as a Gold Award project - that it was too large and too difficult for the girls to execute. But the girls told the council that they were doing it regardless of is approval and with enormous help from troop leader, Linda Antonini, the project continued. The Butterfly Boutique dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony was held on Saturday, October 30, 2010, and became the largest project to achieve the Gold Award in Girl Scout history. Beanie and Katlyn are not done yet (we doubt that their enthusiasm and dedication will ever fade). They are both completing individual Gold Award projects - Beanie, painting a mural inside the boutique and Katlyn, selling bricks/naming opportunities for the boutique’s sidewalk - amazing young women who glow with the selfless satisfaction of service. Visit Photo top, Allison Reisinger, Katlyn Flynn ’11, Beanie Antonini ’11, and Lacey Shirley-Keffer; center, on the job; bottom, the girls at the dedication ceremony
Did you know that a girl scout who has earned her Gold Award immediately rises one rank in any of the U.S. military branches? 21
alumni reception NEW
Friars Club, NYC Many thanks to our host, Larry Perse, grandfather of Will Lagarde ’12
Alumni Director, Denise Tray Rosson ’78, Advancement Director Molly Moore Green ’83, Chase Bourdelaise ’04, Emily Mason ’04, Kyle Roth ’05
Sara Saldi ’07 and Alicia Jackson ’07
Tom Dexter and Headmaster Doug Lagarde
Mary Salsich, Director Campaign Giving, Jeff Quinn ’05,George Broadbin ’06, Harrison Taylor ’05 Chase Bourdelaise ’04 and Teddy Siebert ’05
Joe Ned ’99 and guest
Tom Carter ’85, Rob Kyle ’85 and Matt Finlay ’85 Jason Scott ’95, Colin McCarthy ’94, Holly Carroll, Associate Director, Advancement
From the Class of ’00, Sarah Snyder, Nichole Marks and Jane Friend Nicole Feliciano ’88 and Molly Green ’83
Doug Lagarde and Anthony Girand ’84 Denise Rosson ’78, Whitney Gratrix ’02, Kate Myers ’04 and Schuyler Sutton ’03
Isn’t Alumni Weekend the greatest?!
@ Oh boy, here we go!
Barbara Long ’75 and we’re hoping you can identify the gentleman!
Make some new memories at Alumni Weekend, May 6th Friday, May 6
1:30 pm - Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Assembly, Edward St. John Athletic Center The Hall of Fame Committee has selected Court Williams ’73, Mike Long ’90, Monique Jennings ’96 and Ron Staines Jr ’00 as the newest members of this accomplished body of Severn athletes. After the ceremony head over to Annapolis where the Severn’s boys varsity lacrosse will take on the St. Mary’s Saints at St. John Neuman field.
Saturday, May 7
11 am - Alumni Lacrosse Games, Lynch Field There is no cost but please let us know so we can reserve your jersey. 11:30 am - 3:30 - Alumni Family Picnic, Joe’s Field at the Edward St. John Athletic Center - NEW VENUE Live music by Zambez with ’86 alums Jeff Muller, Tom Bodor and Lakin Ducker, free flowing beverages and picnic fare, fun activities for kids of all ages. Bring your kids, bring your parents, it’s all about family! 6:30 - 9:30 pm - Toast to Teel Alumni Reunion Class Dinner, The Boone House Lawn - NEW VENUE Come for a delicious Maryland inspired repast, open bar and live music. We’ll have specially decorated areas for each reunion class and surrounding reunion classes are welcome and encouraged to attend. Bring photos and stories to share. Adults only, please.
Sunday, May 8
10:30 am - Kesmodel-Lindsay Brunch, Bauer Dining Hall For the classes of 1971 and all classes who came before. You and your guests are invited to a truly elegant brunch. Come share some memories with the folks who knew you when...
Your Reunion Class Chairs 1961 Bruce C. Burns 410-798-5163 1976 Ann Wallace Riefe 410-280-0472 Bart Hiltabidle 410-626-8869
1996 Michael Greer 2001 Brady P. Nolan 301-623-1511 Michael E. Bailey 410-757-6465
Andy Anderson, 410-798-5163
2006 Michele Cox 410-263-5828
1981 Karen Landis Thompson 410-695-0781
Julia Deane 410-268-3573
David M. Butler 410-255-0022 1986 Sallie Luck 410-533-7867
@ What’s in this stuff?
Kristin Quirk Clevenger 410-267-8721 1991 Pemra Hemseri Levinson 610-964-1664
1996 Erika Huebner Rollins 912 691-1639
Happy New Year greetings to all Severn Alumni and Friends! 2011 is proving to be an exciting, groundbreaking year for the Alumni Association. The Alumni Association Executive Council is hard at work on several initiatives and we are going to need alumni volunteers now more than ever. Our first project is to establish SEVERN CONNECT, a career mentoring program for alumni who are looking for jobs and other life experiences as well as alumni who would be willing to serve as mentors. Severn Connect will have a sophisticated online presence that optimizes one’s ability to explore opportunities within the Severn alumni professional community. Additionally, we have scheduled a networking mixer called CAREER CONNECT for college-aged alumni on May 19. We hope to be able to have our young alumni meet and glean information from our more established alumni. This is the essence and value of a small community like Severn: supporting and valuing each other. We hope to involve as many alumni as possible and if you are interested in being part of these ground-breaking initiatives, please contact Denise Tray Rosson at 401647-7701 ext 2262 or Planning is also beginning for our CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. The School and the Alumni Association feel strongly about developing a comprehensive, state-of-the-art archive. The alumni need a place at Severn to be able to connect with their time at the School, and this history needs to be preserved in order to do this. We have much work to do and will be looking for volunteers to come in and assist as the process becomes more clearly defined. Input from alumni with professional archival experience would be most welcome.
Sara Tabasi Toomey 410-315-7728
Carrie MacVean Grimes 410- 268-1148
From the Alumni Executive Council
Can you identify these party guests?
Become a Severn facebook fan and catch up on all the news and information!
As we move forward, the opportunity to be involved with your alumni association continues to grow. We hope when we call on you, you will say “Yes!” Also please remember that alumni participation is a critical component of Severn’s Annual Fund. If you have made a contribution to the school this year, we salute you! If not, please consider Severn’s Annual Fund in your philanthropic planning. All gifts are precious. –Woody Wooddell ’73
Still looking for reunion class chairs for years ’46, ’51, ’56, ’66 and ’71 Please call the Alumni Office @ 410-647-7701 x 2262 to volunteer—it’s a blast! 25
severn sports Girls Tennis
Field Hockey
Cross Country
Coach Cathy Officer
Coach Jessica Burke ’96
Coach Richard Zmuda
This year’s team posted the first winning record in Severn tennis history for the A Division, finishing 5-4 overall and placing fourth in the IAAM League. Highlights for the season included the number one singles player Em Mitchell ’11 who posted a 5-4 record during the regular season. Allie Foard ’12, playing number two singles also had a 6-2 record while the first doubles team of Katarina Zeender ’11 and Meg Gesner ’13 had a record of 6-3. The Coach’s Award went to Em Mitchell who played four years on the varsity squad. She was named to the IAAM All conference team, served as co-captain of our team, and was a true leader throughout her tenure. The Player’s Award went to Katarina Zeender who rose to the competitive level successfully winning six matches and only losing three. Severn tennis continues to improve and make strides toward being a contender in the A conference.
With 12 returners and eight newcomers, the 2010 Varsity Field Hockey Team finished with an overall 8-11-2 record. From seven overtime games including an emotional win over St. Mary’s and tying neighborhood rival Severna Park, to winning games with virtually no time left on the clock, every game was filled with excitement. Led by team captains seniors Caroline Code ’11, Torey Cole ’11 and Danielle Thompson ’11, it was the camaraderie and teamwork that made the season a great one. Nine different players contributed points on the scoreboard in some fashion, leading the team this season in points was Kaya Gordon ’12 who finished with five goals and five assists, and following close behind was Danielle Thompson ’11 who finished with three goals and three assists. Newcomer goalkeeper Cara Anstey ’12 finished with an impressive 82.7 save percentage. Team awards went to Caroline Code (Hodges Award) and Danielle Thompson (Player’s Award) and Caroline Code and Cara Anstey were also recognized with numerous post season honors. While the seven seniors the team is losing will be difficult to replace, our returning players will certainly be ready for the challenges of the 2011 season.
We had 30 runners finish the Baltimore HalfMarathon – an incredible accomplishment. To put that in perspective, imagine running non-stop close to two hours throughout the city of Baltimore. And all of the senior guys ran it in full costume: we had 2 Luigis, 2 Marios, Spiderman, a hot dog and a hamburger. The Baltimore Ravens cheerleaders actually came up to THEM to take a picture!
The girls were kicked up to the A conference and knocked off two teams in the championships. To put that accomplishment in perspective, we had 9 healthy runners going up against teams with 75-80 runners each. We were crazy outnumbered – and yet still constantly got personal best times against the best runners in the area.The guys went 10-4, which was all the more impressive given their 2-4 start. They went 8-0 in their last 8 meets. ows what their record would have been. The Players’ Awards went to Sarah Bouchard ’11 and Matt Avallone ’11. The Coach’s Awards went to Emily Schmicker ’12 and Nate Babcock ’11.
Boys Soccer Coach Mike McCarthy
Under the direction of new head coach Mike McCarthy, and lead by a veteran group of 9 seniors along with a solid mix of juniors and sophomores, the Admirals bounced back from a disappointing 4-12-3 season in 2009. The 2010 Varsity boy’s soccer team had a very successful season finishing with a 6-6 MIAA B conference record and an overall season record of 8-9-1. It was a year in which close games were the standard with 10 of the 18 season games being 1 goal games. The season was filled with several memorable highlights including a mid season five game unbeaten streak that included a big 1-0 win against long standing conference rival and eventual conference champions, St Paul’s. The Admirals were also able to take back the annual Chesapeake Boot trophy by beating arch rival St Mary’s 1-0 at home. The Admirals found themselves in a tight race for a playoff spot, needing to win their last two regular season home games. Lead by first team All Conference players Colin Rainey ’11, Nick Stringfellow ’11 and Joe Kotler ’12, the Admirals were able to rise to the occasion claiming a 1-0 victory over Park School. The team celebrated Senior Day with a 3-0 victory over visiting St. Vincent Pallotti, to lock up third place and clinch a place in the league playoffs.
The Admirals season ended with a 3-0 loss in the first round of the conference playoffs to the Annapolis Area Christian School. This team was a very dedicated group of athletes who showed a tremendous amount of character, determination and always maintained a never-quit attitude.
and Ruby Gilmor ’13 were all selected to the IAAM All Star team. Allie Schuh ’11 ended the year with 79 saves and 6 shutouts and was selected as the Coach’s MVP recipient and Rachael Nock (11 assists, 1 goal) received the Player’s Award for her great leadership throughout the season.
Girls Soccer
Coach Adam Ritchie
Coach Troy Wilson
The Girls Varsity Soccer team lead by Crystal Tran ’11, Rachael Nock ’11and Katie Carroll ’11 showed great success this season finishing with a 12-9-0 record and playing many of the top teams in the state including Mercy, Severna Park, South River, Spalding and Chesapeake. For the 2nd consecutive year, the girls took home the annual Chesapeake Boot trophy, beating St. Mary’s 7-3. They also went into double OT for the 3rd year in a row against top ranked Spalding only to lose in the last 2 minutes. The Admirals fell one game short of their season goal of reaching the IAAM finals losing to Roland Park in the semi-finals. Fourteen players out of our 17 player roster scored at least one goal on the year. Abbey Ritter ’12 was the county’s leading goal scorer with 28 goals and 10 assists, and was also picked to the Anne Arundel All County 1st team. Abbey, Brooke Sulerzyski ’12, Rachael Nock
Although the Varsity football team did not achieve as much success as they would have liked this year, there were still many positives that came out of the season. The Severn football team posted a record of 1-9 this season competing in the MIAA B conference. Many young players had the chance to gain valuable experience and step into key roles. Brett Bedard ’13 was atop the county leaders in passing and Eamon Vain-Callahan ’12 dominated the tackle category. The football team gave their top awards to Adam Blaszczak ’11 for Most Valuable Player and Bart Repasky ’11 for the Player’s Award. Both young men led the team through their final football season despite many obstacles and disappointing finishes. With the large number of valuable underclassmen on this year’s roster, the Admirals will come back strong and establish themselves as a true contender in 2011. 27
severn sports severn sports ‘waterboy’ jack bremer ’12
BACK TO THE FUTURE - wrestling returns!
Wrestling was introduced to Severn during the 1919-1920 school year as the first sport in school history. After several years of declining participation it was dropped at the end of the 1992-93 season, but in the spring of 2010 Athletic Director Julian Domenech ’84 announced that wrestling would return. “Since my arrival at Severn (July 2008), I’ve been discussing the return of wrestling. I felt we needed another sport during the winter season to give our student-athletes another option for participation in athletics.”
Jack Bremer ’12, was named Scholastic AllAmerican by USA Swimming, the National governing body for the sport. The scholastic All-American team is made up of high school students who have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher and have achieved an AllAmerican time in a single swimming event. Jack currently has six events in which he exceeds the All-American standard. Jack holds MIAA individual championships in the 100 yard Butterfly (twice) and the 200 yard Freestyle and holds national rankings in the 100 and 200 yard butterfly, the 100 and 200 yard breaststroke and the 200 and 400 yard individual medley.
The team, consisting of 22 young men, began practice in November under the watchful eye of Head Coach Art Saumenig. Coach Saumenig joins Severn from perennial power Old Mill High School were he was an assistant coach for a number of years as well being very involved in their youth program. He is joined by his son Greg (a Maryland State twotime champion) and Doug West (a Maryland State Champion as well). The Wrestling team is in seven matches this season as well as participating in several weekend tournaments. They are in the MIAA B conference, wrestling the likes of St. Mary’s, St. Paul’s and Annapolis Area Christian School. Headmaster Doug Lagarde, a former collegiate wrestler and head coach at the Landon School and University School in Ohio commented, “There are a number of practical reasons we brought wrestling back—we have the space available since the Edward St. John Athletic Center was built and it provides another athletic option in the winter.” He continues, “However, the major reason is that wrestling provides an experience for a wide variety of athletes to learn the lifelong lessons of perseverance, of goal setting and being dedicated to reaching those goals, all of which are in direct alignment with Severn’s athletic philosophy and the mission of the School.”
a l u m n i s p o r t s / by
dave myers
Kendall Farnham ’10, swimming the 200 butterfly for the Dartmouth Big Green, started her collegiate swimming career with a splash as she posted a third in the season opener against Harvard and Cornell, then grabbed her first college win in a dual meet against Brown. Dartmouth stood at 3-0 going into the Christmas break. Caroline Burns ’09 has been a major contributor to James Madison’s successful 6-3 mark. Swimming the backstroke in the 100 and 200 meters, Caroline has posted a second, five thirds and two fourths for the Dukes, and has the year’s best time for JMU in both events. Avery Burns ’10 saw a lot of action for the Brown University field hockey team (6-11) this past fall, starting six games and playing in 16 contests at midfield and fullback. Taylor Wieczorek ’08, is getting a lot of floor time for the Randolph Macon basketball team, averaging 9.6 ppg and 6.2 boards, for the 7-4 Yellow Jackets. Taylor’s stats include two double/doubles, the latest being 13 points and 10 rebounds in a win against Guilford on January 8th. Taylor is also shooting a team high 85 percent from the charity stripe.
Happy players at the alumni basketball game Charlie Bauer ’00, Billy Delancy ’02, Todd MacMullan ’02 and Jason Werner ’02
The future of St. Mary’s College of Maryland women’s basketball has a definite Severn tinge to it. Leading the CAC entering the new year, the trio of Leah Cranmer ’10, Raven Owens ’10 and Aura Payne ’10 are coming off the bench as freshman to contribute a combined 10 points per game, while Aura is pulling down 3.5 rebounds per contest. Speaking of alumni teaming up, in the Atlantic Coast Championship qualifying regatta (The Schell Trophy) Yale junior skipper and team captain Joe Morris ’08 paired up with Amanda Salvesen ’10 to finish sixth in the division which contributed to the Eli’s coming from behind to capture a berth in the ACC tournament (held two weeks later in familiar waters at the mouth of the Severn River). Unfortunately, Yale could only manage an 8th in the last of event of the fall season. At St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Dennis Rosson ’07, has been named a Preseason Honorable Mention All-American and is expected to lead the 18th ranked (Inside Lacrosse) Seagull contingent. Liz Adam ’09 and Josie Owen ’08
Great time was had by all who showed up for the 2nd annual alumni men’s Black Friday Lacrosse Challenge vs St. Mary’s on the day after Thanksgiving 29
a lum n i i n th e a r ts by Natalie Mardirossian ’12
Dave Eske ’72 guitarist and production master
or some people the holidays are a time to relax and sit by the fire listening to their favorite winter classics while drinking a cup of hot cocoa, but that’s not the case for David Eske ’72. This is in fact his busiest season and instead of relaxing with his family he has to be responsible for everything that takes place on stage at the 550 seat Gordon Center for Performing Arts in Owings Mills, Maryland, a venue owned by the Jewish Community Center of Baltimore which specializes in acoustic, jazz and classical shows. David is in charge of not one but two different companies which will both perform The Nutcracker. He notes how each company requires different lighting and sounds to be set up for their performances. “This particular ballet is quite large and a very big show to mount,” said David. Just before Christmas the cast and crew was working 12-15 hours every day until all six productions had finally taken place. Currently, David is in charge of the sound board for the center’s first show of the new year called The International Guitar Night, which opened on January 15th. David states, “It is my favorite show of the year. The truly superb guitarists will be amazing, they come every year.” And just in case he did not have enough going on, David is also an avid musician and is now working on his second CD. The title song from his first solo CD, Train to Nashville in 2008, was selected for’s Best of Baltimore CD. David has also worked as a set and lighting designer for the productions bare: the Musical at the Baltimore Theatre Project, and The Producers for Toby’s Dinner Theatre, along with others. For more information on David Eske or any future shows and events he might be helping with, please visit or
artistic websites to visit Walter Urie ’69 - - dramatic, professional photography - says he got his start in photography in the basement of his Severn dorm! Jerry Ricciotti ’02 - - one of the most in-demand surfing videographers on the east coast - very cool Julia Deckman ’03 - - bold and beautiful paintings Missy Dunaway ’06 - - compelling painting and drawing 30
William “Bill” Samuels ’30, 12/20/2009 Morgan Baldwin ’32, 5/20/2009 Francis Parry ’37, 10/28/2009 Charles Smylie ’37, 3/14/2008 James Acuff ‘42, 9/8/2010 Charles H. Guy Jr ’42, 5/22/2010 John A. Aldrich ’43, 9/14/2010 Harrison Murray ’43, 9/26/2010 John “Dick” Clithero ’44, 11/10/2010 William Davis ’52, 8/25/2010 Burton “Burt” Phelps ’60, 2/8/2010 Thomas “Tom” Shepard ’61, 9/9/2010 Donald Cox ‘65 Andrew Ness ’75, 11/5/2010, brother of Jon C. Ness ’77 Douglas Morton ’95, 12/5/2010 John Merrill ’98, 9/26/2010, son of Jane Merrill, faculty, and brother of David Merrill ’01 Leon W. Adams, 8/2009, grandfather of Ned Masek ’03 and Sarah Masek ’07 Romaine Sarah Kossa, 7/27/2010, grandmother of Bobby DeStefano ’12 and Andrew DeStefano ’14 Robert “Bob” Powell , 10/18/2010, former trustee, father of Stephen R. Powell ’83, and Margaret V. Powell ’84 E. “Betty” Ryan, 9/18/2010, grandmother of Ryan Turner ‘01 and Drew Turner ‘04
Remembering Former Trustee, Robert Powell
Robert Powell passed away on October 18, 2010. Bob, a native of Potsdam, NY, graduated from Potsdam High School in 1948, Yale University, 1952, and Harvard Business School, 1956. He served two years on active duty with the US Air Force in Georgia and Japan and retired from the US Air Force Reserve as a major in 1972. Bob joined the Martin Marietta Corporation in 1956, and retired as vice president and treasurer of the company in 1992. His career included assignments working for various divisions of the company in Florida, Colorado, Maryland, and Washington, DC. Besides serving on the Severn Board of Trustees, Bob also served on the board of directors of MGI Pharma in Bloomington, MN and Aegis Research in Falls Church, VA. Two of his three children are Severn graduates, Stephen ’83 and Margaret ’84, and his wife Betty is a former Severn faculty member, having taught typing from 1977 to 1987.
William “Bill” Samuels passed away peacefully in his Los Altos Hills home on 12/20/2009. After graduation from Severn, Bill attended the Naval Academy and served in the Navy as a lieutenant commander for 26 years. He commanded three destroyers in World War II and the Korean War. Bill never lost a ship or a sailor and probably found the longest route across the Atlantic, zig-zaging, to safely deliver convoys to their destinations. After retiring from the Navy he attended the University of Utah, Stanford University and taught at Cupertino High School for 18 years. He worked summers as a tennis instructor in the Los Altos area. Bill enjoyed numerous sports including golf, skiing and tennis.
From Arthur Tagland: “I graduated from Severn in 1938, entered USNA, physically retired from the Navy in 1952 as a result of polio and retired from Boeing in 1982. Today I reside quite comfortably near Seattle.”
1943 Captain Harrison Colhoun Murray of Cumberstone and Galesville, died Sunday Sept. 26 at the South River Health and Rehab Center, Edgewater. After graduation from Severn, Harrison attended the University of Oklahoma and received a master’s degree from George Washington University. Captain Murray was commissioned into the Navy, June 22, 1946. During WWII he served primarily in the Pacific. After the war he was commander 31
of the USS Diachenko, the USS Charles Berry and the guided missile destroyer USS Buchanan during the Vietnam War. He was awarded many honors, among them: the Bronze Star, the Navy Occupational Medal (Europe), China Service Medal, Armed Services Expeditionary Medal (Vietnam), Korean Presidential Citation, and the Philippine Republic President’s Citation. After retiring from the Navy, he worked for a consulting firm in northern Virginia. Captain Murray enjoyed reading, genealogy, traveling, especially to Charleston, S.C. and visiting with friends. n John Alfred Aldrich, a retired electronics engineer and avid sailor, died on September 14, 2010, of pulmonary fibrosis at the William Hill Manor retirement community in Easton, Maryland. He was 87. After leaving Severn, John attended Lafayette College for a year and then on to the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn. From 1951 to 1957, he was a senior engineer at the Glenn L. Martin Co. in Middle River, and then at the company’s Orlando, Fla., plant from 1957 to 1962. He returned to Baltimore in 1962 and joined AAI Corp. in Hunt Valley as a project manager, and from 1970 until retiring in 1986, was a senior engineer with Gould Electronics. He also wrote about his sailing experiences in various publications and built models of sailboats. “He loved all the beauty and quiet of the Eastern Shore and its many bays, rivers and creeks,” said a daughter, Nancy L. Aldrich of Silver Spring. “He said his only regret was that he always wanted to be a native of the Eastern Shore but, alas, was born in Baltimore.”
Charles H. Guy Jr. ‘42 passed away on May 22, 2010. After graduation from Severn, Charlie went on the U.S. Naval Academy where he wrestled, played football and lacrosse. He is a member of the Naval Academy Lacrosse Hall of Fame and a member of the All America Lacrosse Team in 1944 and 1945. During service in the Navy he served on the underwater demolition team. Charlie went on to coach football, wrestling and lacrosse at The Bullis School, The University of Virginia, The University of Maryland, and Johns Hopkins University. Charlie moved to Tampa in 1957. He sold life insurance and was a life member of the Million Dollar Round Table. He cofounded Plan Services Inc. and worked with the acquirer, Dun and Bradstreet, through 1986. Charlie served on the board of Pharmacy Management Services, Inc. Charlie was an avid boater and former member of the Ocean Reef Club, Cat Cay Club and Lyford Cay Club. He was an active member of the Tampa Yacht and Country Club, Palma Ceia Golf and Country Club, Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church and Followers of the Way.
Send notes to: Bill Fisher
1944 Send notes to: Karl J. Christoph, Jr.
230 W. Laurel St. #802 San Diego, CA 92101 619-231-9514
1952 Send Notes to: Nick Goldsborough
5101 River Crescent Dr. Annapolis, MD 21401
reunion year!
Send notes to: John Eller
Stephens Millard is looking forward to the 60th and hopes to catch up with classmates. Send an e mail if you plan to attend -
1953 This news from Frank Rogers: “Joined Merrill Lynch as a financial advisor and vice president on 1.25.10.”
1954 Send Notes to: Jack Kelly
69 Westview Drive Norwood, MA 02062
Lance Massey writes: “My son has recently been promoted to captain, USN and transferred to Patuxent River, MD. I expect I
reunion year!
767 Madison Street Monterey, CA 93940
1960 Send notes to: Neil Perron
1253 Dogwood Road Arnold, MD 21012
Thomas Perdue writes: “I am trying to rebuild my architectural firm at 68 years old more as a consultant. Luckily, I love what I do. The recession and my age has been a detriment to my work. When I closed my firm 10 years ago I became the architect for the City of Savannah, GA. As I said I love what I do, especially urban planning. Lucky for me some of my previous clients have come back to me. I am looking forward to seeing Severn again.”
“The Lunch Bunch”
1946 reunion year! Send notes to: Hugh “Dick” McLean
P.O. Box 1735 Borrego Springs, CA 92004
1947 Send notes to: Blair “Buzz” Hall
666 Maid Marian Hill Sherwood Forest, MD 21405 410-849-2134 32
8722 Higdon Drive, Vienna VA 22182 703-938-7487
will see Severn School on occasion during my visits to him from California. n Murray Cheston tells the Bridge: “Active in Episcopal Cursillo, Christ Church Port Republic, American Legion and Chesapeake Biological Lab Visitor Center in Solomons Island.”
Monty Baker ’59 sends this photo: “We had 14 for lunch and are planning another for May.” From the left side around: Spike Dashiell ’60, Fred Prickett ’59, Lehr Jackson ’59, John Rogers ’59, Bill Roesler ’59, Jim Mylander ’59, Merritt Vaughn ’59, Don Trumpy ’59, Jack Norris ’59, Norm (Bat) Masterson ’59, Monty Baker, Porter Ellington, Tom Dawson ’59, Strohm Evans ’60
1961 reunion year!
1962 Send notes to: Robert Kesmodel
11 Island Avenue Unit 806 Miami Beach, FL 33139 Office 305-538-2004
Jack Lofland here! You know, from the world famous, internationally renowned, somewhat strange and rarely heard from Class of ’62. I was just on line and corrected my title to SgtMaj. I didn’t see anywhere to place the usual “USMC (Ret.)” so just left things alone. ‘Sergeant Major? Oh, my goodness. That means you were an enlisted man!’ Ah, yes, it happens to be so. Graduated in ’62, skipped off to the USNA for a perfectly fantastic year. Loved it! Problem was, around May of ’63, or so, I discovered that they expected you to study and make passing grades, as well as excel in all things military. Out I went! Wrong side of the gate, don’t you know. I never really wanted a commission. I wanted to become a Marine. An enlisted Marine. So I did, in June of ’63. Picked up Sergeant Major in ’81 and retired from active duty in ’92. So, we’ll call it one year USNA and 29 years USMC. Throughout all of this I carried with me the wonderful memories and absolutely marvelous education I received from Severn. Thank you, very much. n From John Hudson: “Looking forward to seeing the class of 1962 at the BIG 50th in 2012!” n Skip Wilson writes: “Retired and Carolina Dreaming!”
1964 From David Lavine: “I visited Severn last year while in the area. For those of us that graduated in
by Richard Graham ’65
Following the completion his tour of duty as a U.S. Army officer stationed near Saigon, Republic of Vietnam, in 1970, Lt. Alexander Marwick reluctantly agrees to undertake a clandestine diplomatic mission to find a mysterious former Vietnamese military officer and persuade him to transmit a secret American government peace proposal to the North Vietnamese Politburo. Thus begins a dangerous adventure that leads Marwick to the Golden Triangle in Burma, to the back alleys of Bangkok, to a monastery in Cambodia, and finally to the British hill station of Darjeeling, India. The graphic combat scenes in Wounded find a counterpoint in a passionate and turbulent love affair between Marwick and Cléo, an American Red Cross volunteer. With the perilous game of international intrigue as a backdrop, the main character’s discovery that he is the father of an unexpected child further tests his honor and courage.The author, a former Army officer, completed a tour of duty in Vietnam andsubsequently traveled widely throughout Southeast Asia. A complete author biography, an excerpt from the novel, and reader reviews can be found on the book’s
Available at and check out the reader’s reviews - outstanding!
WRITE MORE THAN NOTES Consider leaving Severn in your will and help write the next chapter in Severn’s history. Visit Support Severn 1914 Society
1964, this is a world of difference. The Severn setting, however, will always be beautiful.”
1965 Send Notes to: Sandy Clark
528 4th Street SE Washington, D.C. 20003
Some very interesting news on Richard Graham: As a 1st lieutenant in the U.S. Army, Richard Graham spent a year in Vietnam stationed near Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), where he served as a military intelligence officer and worked with a civil affairs company. Unlike most Vietnam veterans who were eager to return home at the end of their tour of duty, Richard chose to stay and travel throughout Southeast Asia, Burma, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkey. “I figured I was in this really exotic and interesting part of the world, and all I’d seen for 12 months was the inside of a barbed-wire enclosed compound and miles and miles of rice paddies from a helicopter 1,000 feet up. Why not travel a little? By the time I got home, I’d lost 20 pounds and picked up a tape worm, but during those travels I saw a dozen unique cultures and discovered how remarkably well people get along with very little. It was an edifying trip.” Years later, these experiences formed the basis of a coming-of-age, adventure novel. Set in Vietnam and beyond, the novel explores the lasting emotional impact the war had on young lives. “I’d heard my father’s WWII stories all my life, and about 12 years ago I decided I had some war stories to tell myself,” Graham says. “Soon friends were asking, ‘How’s that novel coming along?’ That was the start of it.” Richard is an ROTC graduate of Princeton
Class Years ending in a 1 or 6 - It’s Your Reunion Year! - See page 24 for details
University and received an MBA from the University of California at Berkeley in 1978. He is married with two adult children, and the family lives in Washington, DC. n A permanent trail-side exhibit plaque was donated to the Oakland Golf Course in Garrett County, MD by the friends and family of Humbird Lynn Johnson.
1966 reunion year! Send notes to: Richard Templeton
108 Annapolis Street Annapolis, MD 21401
Budd Hickey writes: “Happy New Year and very best wishes to all...especially my class of 1966.”
1968 Send notes to: Shannon McDowell
3 South Cherry Grove Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401 shannonmcdowell2006
1969 Send notes to: Nick Codd
P.O. Box 843 Severna Park, MD 21146
1971 reunion year!
1972 Send notes to: John Norton NEW ADDRESS!
Eastern Shore. Steve Wheeler, an entrepreneur in nearby Easton, took me around his town one evening to introduce me to some of the local characters. Steve and I got a chance to catch-up for the first time in 38 years as he held court in several of the local pubs. He owns, by his count, about 30 different businesses, including fishing boats, rental properties and a motocross track. He has a beautiful office in the 200 plus year-old Bullitt House across from the Tidewater Inn. He claims modestly that he is not making any money, but it is clear to me that he is prospering, and he seems to know everyone. I visited Ruth Ansel and her husband Blair Ferguson at their home in Wilmington, DE on my way into Maryland, and I got a chance to see Ruth’s studio where she creates her fabulous paintings. I got together with Cheryl Ritchie ’74 when she organized a small alumni gathering at Homestead Gardens where Geoff Riefe ’73 and Ann Wallace Riefe ’76 were competing (and won!) at the Annapolis Tomato Festival’s first annual Chesapeake Chili Cook-off. Anne Chandler ’75 joined us for the event, and we coincidentally encountered Susan Snyder ’76. Geoff and Ann later hosted a chili tasting party at their home to celebrate their win, where I watched Cheryl eat her first raw oyster. I
also visited Carole Chaski ’73 at her home in Delaware. Carole is a forensic linguist by profession, and writes charming country music songs by avocation. I will be canvassing members of the Class of ’72 for news now that I am settled down. I promised Steve that I would try to organize a gathering here on the shore, and we have to start planning our 40th reunion for Alumni Weekend in 2012 - boy, these numbers are getting big. Contact me if you want to participate and please give me some news.”
reunion year!
Send notes to: Bona Hurst Ellis
104 Castletown Road Lutherville, MD 21093 410-823-7777
513 Point Field Drive Millersville, MD 21108 410-987-3949
1974 Steve Shenk writes: “Tim Shenk ’03 is currently in the PHD program at Columbia and would be a possible connection for any Severn graduates considering Columbia University. Also, I am the president of the Board of Trustees at Kent School in Chestertown and encourage any Severn alumni living on the Eastern Shore to consider Kent School for their children-The school is a pre-K through 8th grade. Hope all is well.”
1976 Send notes to: Catherine Clarke
Bart, Andy and Ann are gearing up for the reunion! Mail Andy Anderson if you want to help n Virginia Jeffries Pillsbury tells the Bridge: “I am a senior writer at Beson 4 Media Group in Jacksonville, FL.”
1978 Send notes to: Denise Tray Rosson
Severn School The Boone House 116 Maple Avenue Severna Park, MD 21146
1979 Send notes to: Kim Corbin Aviles
443 Maryleborn Road Severna Park, MD 21146
P.O. Box 154 St. Michaels, MD 21663 650-868-2270
From John: “My notes about the Class of ‘72 are pretty thin for this issue. I have been consumed by my move back to Maryland after 30 years in California. I landed in Saint Michaels, taking up residence in a small cottage near the heart of town, and I am in the process of building my video production business here on the
Andrew Kristian Ness Jr. died November 5. Upon graduation from Severn, Andrew attendedthe University of Miami where he received a degree in architecture. He moved to central Florida in 1987, where he began working for McCree General Contractors and Architects. He designed many buildings in the Orlando metro area throughout his career as an architect for over 25 years. He is survived by his two sons.
1980 Send notes to: Andy Long
7034 Irongate Lane Dallas, TX 75214 214-821-4526
Cheryl Ritchie ’74 (R) enjoys her first oyster with Anne Chandler ’75 (L)
From Michele Frame Miller: “This is another note of thanks to Severn School! We live in Chicago and my son goes to the premier college prep school
in the city. He is a junior and beginning the college preparations. I felt so overwhelmed at the underwhelming material I was receiving from the Chicago school that I went to the Severn website and was so relieved. All the information, timeline, explanations were right there in a very understandable, presentable format. It helped my family so much. I was so impressed with what Severn had compiled I called the head college counselor at my son’s school and let him in on all of the tools and information Severn had available for parents and students in our same situation. Thanks once again Severn for helping me from many miles away.”
1981 reunion year! Send notes to: Stacey Hendricks Manis
211 Mount Oak Place Annapolis, MD 21409 410-349-8822
1982 Send notes to: Tracy Tischer
504 Riverview Ct Annapolis, MD 21401 410-266-4595
1986 reunion year! Send notes to: Sara Tabasi Toomey
150 Longfellow Drive Millersville, MD 21108 410-315-7728
Sharie Valerio tells the Bridge that Mickey Handwerger directed The Crucible for Dignity Players of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis.
1987 Send notes to: Penny Leatherwood Kennedy 410-439-5982
This news from Penny: “Happy New Year to the class of ’87! I cant believe another year has flown by. Thank you to the classmates that sent me updatesplease keep them coming! The following update is from Steve Drucker: ‘Here’s a picture of me and my two sons - Dylan (9) and Aidan (5) on my 41st Birthday. We currently live in Mclean, VA where I’ve established an annual grant to the computing program at my son’s elementary school. We’re looking forward to taking our first Disney cruise in June on the Disney Dream with Scott
Breach ’86 and his family. The company that I founded and currently serve as president, Fig Leaf Software, made the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing companies for 2010. Our listing is located here: profile/fig-leaf-software, and our website is’ n This was sent from Ric Nepomuceno: ‘I’ve lived in Colorado for almost 20 years. My three girls, wife included (Anna 5, Haley 2), keep me pretty busy but every chance I get I’m enjoying the mountains. After a motorcycle accident last summer, I’m seeing life a little clearer these days.’ n Thanks Ric and Steve - nice to hear from both of you!
1988 Send notes to: Drew Burns
402 Ben Oaks Dr East Severna Park, MD 21146 410-846-5570
1989 Send notes to: Holly Hodson
668 N. Coast Hwy. #408 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 949-497-8770
1983 Send notes to: Molly Moore Green
Send notes to: Blairlee Sommers Owens
419 Prince George Street Laurel, MD 20707
1991 reunion year! Send notes to: Heather Clark Piskorowski
4371 Westminster Place Saint Louis MO 63108
OR TO Matt Sarro
3051 Aberdeen Road Annapolis, MD 21403
From Julianne Steele Bing: Eliza Grace Bing was born on August 20, 2010. She joins bothers Jonathan (8) and Joshua (6), and sister Caroline (5).
1992 Send notes to: Jennifer Molesevich
305 S. Clinton St. Baltimore, MD 21224
1993 Send notes to: Dave Sobel
3171 Colchester Brook Lane Fairfax, VA 22031 703-280-2628
123 Hatton Drive Severna Park, MD 21146
Send notes to: Michael Calabrese
Mike reports: “A big mea culpa for a mistake I made in my last update: CORRECTION - Scott Singleton’s charter fishing company is named LAST HURRAH CHARTER FISHING, LLC. Check out his website at www. for some fantastic pictures or better yet,
1984 Send Notes to: Susan Leonard
1985 Send notes to: Julie Katcef Maseritz
197 Cinnamon Lane Edgewater, MD 21037
Steve Drucker and sons on his 41st!
Class Years ending in a 1 or 6 - It’s Your Reunion Year! - See page 24 for details 35
call Scott to schedule a charter 443-223-5919. My apologies for the error.” n Ben & Amy Hackman Hilliard welcomed their son Charles Harris Hilliard into the world on September 28, 2010. Mommy and baby are doing great!
particular passion for ice hockey and football, both of which he continued to enjoy his whole life, as well as boating and deep sea fishing. He was a devoted sales manager in the family business, Rich Morton Lincoln Mercury Mazda, in Pasadena, MD.
Send notes to: Darcy Watt Gurganous
reunion year!
4709 Spring Hill Road Savannah, GA 31404 912-691-1639
Stephen Ziehm writes: “My wife Amy and I are proud parents of a new daughter, Lily Claire Ziehm, born on September 21, 2010. She joins brother Elijah, who will turn 4 in January.” n Ian Burman ’95 and Leah have a baby girl – Casey Jane Burman – born August 18 (on her due date!). She weighed 8 lbs., 7 oz. and Trey (Ian Dale Burman III, age 3) is enjoying being a big brother. Trey goes to pre-school at NAPS two days a week. n Douglas Waterman Morton passed away on December 5. Doug graduated with a B.S. in Information Systems from Radford University in Radford, VA in 2001. Growing up in Severna Park, he enjoyed playing many team sports, with a
Send notes to: Erika Huebner
1997 Send notes to: Gussie Habeck Melendez
1998 Send notes to: Dan Ericson
910 M Street NW #408 Washington, D.C. 20001
John A. Merrill, 30, of Cortez, CO died on September 26, 2010. John graduated from Broadneck High School and continued his studies at Cornell University, where he graduated with his masters degree and did his undergraduate work with the focus on natural resources and
Melissa Holland Phillips ’99 and baby Blake Zuzu Habeck Melendez, daughter of Gussie Habek Melendez ’97 36
wildlife management. John did some work for the Democratic Party from 2002-04 and also again in 2008-09. John served in the Peace Corps from 2005-07, and most recently he had been working for the Rocky Mountain and Mesa Verde National Parks. In the future months John was looking forward to moving back to Washington, DC where he was to begin training for a position as a diplomat foreign service specialist. He was the beloved husband of Delmy Morales of Guatemala; loving son of Grayson and Jane Merrill of Severna Park and brother of David B. Merrill ’01 of VA. Please visit Tom Alphin’s ’98 blog, Remembering John Merrill at www.tomalphin. com/2010/10/rememberingjohn-merrill.html. n Jen Smith Addabbo writes: “My husband Mike and I were thrilled when we added Palmer Michael Addabbo to our family June 8, 2010. We are so lucky to have our families close by in Tampa to share in all the excitement that a newborn brings! n Carol Prickett Snyder tells The Bridge: “Married to my wonderful husband Scott Snyder. We have two children; son Owen, 5 years old, and daughter Drew, 3 years old and expecting number 3 in March. We live in
Severna Park. I am a successful realtor working with Coldwell Banker in Severna Park.” n Andrea Ceccarelli Cuniff writes: “Jackson McArthur Cuniff was born January 30th weighing 8lb 5oz and measuring 20.5 in long. He is the most pleasant baby I have ever met, but I am probably a little biased :) Justin and I are lucky enough to have 4 doting grandparents within a 10 mile radius, who care for him while we are at work. Thank goodness for family!”
1999 Send notes to: Jennifer Scott 1650 21st Rd. N. Apt 2 Arlington, VA 22209-1160
Jessica Wallace Ng tells The Bridge: “Bought a house in Dunn Loring, VA and expecting baby #2 in April.” n Melissa Holland Phillips writes: “Blake Phillips was born July 14, 2010 weighing 8 lbs and 22 inches. We were lucky enough to have Blake’s Godmummy Nicole Roudiez come and stay with us for 3 weeks and are looking forward to her visit again next year.” n Shaun Berry sent this news: “Dearest Severn! Yes, I attended Severn from 95-96. Although I didn’t
John Merrill ’98 pushing a stick into an active lava flow on the Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
graduate from Severn, (as my family moved the following year) I am still very close with some Severn alumni like Michelle Penix and Melanie Topel ’00, having reconnected with them here in Boston several years ago. I currently teach 5th/6th grade at the King Open School in the Cambridge Public Schools after graduating from Kenyon College in ’03 with a degree in philosophy and earning a master’s degree in Urban Education from Wheelock College here in Boston. I have 4 sibilings, ranging in age from 19-9. Friends will remember the middle ones in diapers during my time there, but now two of them are older than we were then! My family currently lives in Alice Springs, Australia, and we see each other in the States or
there in Oz every year. I live with my amazing boyfriend of two years, David Bernick, and we are creating a happy and full life together. David is an Emerson alumnus and currently contracts for venture capitalist firms in the Boston area after selling his share in his former business Lextranet. It has been such a wonderful journey so far, and my Severn experience, albeit brief, was truly transformative and essential to who I am today. My Mr. Sassi mugs in my kitchen prove it! So good to officially reconnect with my Severn family.”
former faculty member and soccer coach, Ian Carr, gathers alums for marathon “I travelled down to Maryland to get together with some former Severn Soccer players. A group of us ran the Baltimore Half Marathon together and then we got together in Annapolis for a ‘team dinner’. We had been planning this weekend since July and to finally get together with them was incredible. At the race on Saturday, we saw several Severn shirts on runners, a cross country runner in uniform, and a few other younger folks in Severn shirts. We also saw Evan Crowther-Washburn ’03, Todd McMullen ’02, Scott MacMullan ’00, and Gary Gambarani ’02.” –Ian Carr
2000 Send notes to: Jane Friend
Runners Brendan Barry ’01, Ryan Brassel ’04, Lawrie Heyworth ’01 and his wife, Anne Marie, Pat Grimm ’04, Ian Carr, Liam O’Meara ’00. Not pictured, Chris Gregg ’01, Doug Mayer ’00
Andrea Ceccarelli Cuniff ’98 with husband Justin and baby Jackson
Palmer Michael Addabbo, son of Jen Smith Addabbo ’98
Class Years ending in a 1 or 6 It’s Your Reunion Year! See page 24 for details
Chris Gregg ’01 and his wife Erin, Ian Carr, Brendan Barry ’01, Richard Distad ’05, Doug Mayer ’00, Pat Grimm ’04, Brendan O’Mara ’00 and his wife Erin, Lawrie Heyworth ’01 and his wife Anne Marie
2001 reunion year! Send notes to: Helen Birney
Brian Edgar writes: “Hey Guys, Just wanted to update everyone on the new addition to my family. My girlfriend of 3 1/2 years, Brittany Griffin and I welcomed Logan Brodi Edgar to the world on December 23, 2010. He weighed in at 9lbs 3 oz. Another Edgar boy, I know! Other than that, I am still working for an educational travel company in Annapolis and I am looking forward to our 10 year reunion this Spring.”
2002 Send Notes to: Kristi Jobson
Meredith Balenske sends this news: “Living in Georgetown in D.C. and just started a new job as deputy director of marketing and communications for Bloomberg Government.”
2003 Send notes to: Laura Lutkefedder
Blaine Patrick tells The Bridge: “I hope all is well with Severn! After a successful fall season, I am just a few days from beginning my first spring as the head lacrosse coach for Appalachian State University here in Boone,
NC! Life is good except for the excessive amounts of snow we are getting here...doesn’t help my need to get on the fields!” n Tim Shenk is currently in the PHD program at Columbia and would be a possible connection for any Severn graduates considering Columbia University. n After graduating from Vanderbilt University, Ned Masek is living in the Canton neighborhood of Baltimore and working in Columbia as a civil engineer for Christopher Consultants.
2004 Send Notes to: Jenn Presswood
Jen sends in lots of news: Pat O’Connell is currently living in the Annapolis area working in medical sales for Stryker Orthopedics in Baltimore. He is happily married since May of 2009 and they are expecting a baby boy in March of 2011! n Caitlin McCleary married USN Lt. Ben Horn on September 18th, 2010 on the 18th green at Harbour Town Golf Links at the Sea Pines Resort on Hilton Head Island, SC. n Sarah Benton is now living in Fells Point and just got a new job working for Himmelrich PR, a public relations company based in Baltimore. As a media sssociate, Sarah crafts the copy and pursues the pitches that ensure clients get the visibility they deserve in
print, online and on the air. Sarah works on client projects in major markets around the country and was recently featured in the Baltimore Sun’s “People on the Move” section. n Regan Bosch is in her second year of running her own varsity lacrosse program in Houston at Episcopal High School. She was happy to report they won the championship last year for the first time in school history. She is working full time in the athletic department as assistant to the athletic director. Additionally, she is going to art school to complete her advanced certificate in hopes of pursuing her masters of fine art soon. n Abby Lukens and Maura Olcese are roommates living in Boston, Massachusetts. They both are currently working at Children’s Hospital. Abby is researching childhood obesity and cardiovascular disease and Maura is working with the Dana Farber Cancer Institute doing research in pediatric oncology. n Jessica Adam is currently at Durham University in England coaching the University’s lacrosse team and getting her masters in management.
2005 Send Notes to: Tyler Williams
2006 reunion year! Send Notes to: Courtney Dunn
Sean Quinn tell us : “I’m currently working at a boutique investment bank, Peter J. Solomon Company, and living in New York City with George Broadbin and one of my friends from school.”
2007 Send Notes to: Samantha Goldman
OR TO Graham Ellison
Zach Holbrook was inducted into the Beta Gamma Sigma international honor society of business at Salisbury University, the highest scholastic honor attainable by students enrolled in collegiate business programs. Zach is an accounting major, a member of the dean’s list, a member of the Bellavance Honors program, and the Institute of Managment Accountants. n Hanna Watt sends this news: “Hopefully I will be graduating from College of Charleston in the Spring 2011! Went abroad to Florence with Samantha Goldman last Spring. We saw
Jenessa Del Sesto
Become a Severn facebook fan and catch up on all the news and information!
Logan Brodi Edgar, son of Brian Edgar ’01 38
Jason Werner‘s ’02 wedding
Bobby Baker in Madrid! n Sarah Masek is completeing her senior year at University of Maryland School of Nursing after attending University of Richmond where she played Division 1 field hockey.
2008 Send Notes to: Annie Weber OR TO
midfielder-trans n In October, Joe Morris ’08 and Amanda Salvesen ’10 were named Coed Sailors of the Week by the New England Intercollegiate Sailing Association (NEISA) for their performance in a very talented ADivision at the Danmark Trophy. Joe and Amanda finished in the top five nine times over the two day event and their work helped lead the Yale Elis to a third place finish overall at the event.
Stephen Sexauer
Clay Palmer has transfered to University of Richmond where he is president of the men’s club lacrosse team, which is currently transitioning to a varsity club. Clay kept the team going this semester by coaching its 45 athletes and scheduling tournaments. He also had the unique opportunity to shape the program’s future by being part of the committee that carried out a nation-wide search for the team’s first full-time coach. In November, their hard work paid off as the University hired Glenn Carter, a veteran in the collegiate and professional worlds of lacrosse. Read more at www. article/www/3613/lacrosse-
Lindsay Higham, University of Flordia, was named to the American Lacrosse Conference (ALC) Academic Honor Roll as well as the South East Conference (SEC) Freshman Academic Honor Roll. Lindsay is one of 21 Gators named to ALC Academic Honor Roll, second most in the conference.Student-athletes who maintained a GPA of 3.0 or better during the 2009-10 academic year were eligible for the Honor Roll. Read the full story at story.php?id=18576 n Sarah Markhovsky, College Counseling passed this information along on Ariel Mitchell: One of Ariel’s new plays, Second Birth,
has been chosen to be read at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (Region VIII) in Los Angeles in February. The play is about a theme she knows well: how hard it is to be a girl in a boy’s world. The play is set in Afghanistan. A family has several daughters and no sons. It is very financially, politically and socially awkward not to have a son in that culture. The father wants to take a second wife to try for a boy. The mother proposes a compromise and instead they raise one of their daughters, bacha posh, as a boy, cutting her hair, dressing her as a boy, sending her to school with the boys and allowing her to work outside the home, and in every way, live life as a boy. Second Birth opens on the day that this daughter is presented a dress and told it is time to end her life as a boy and become a girl and be married. Ariel’s interest in bacha posh was sparked by an article she saw in the New York Times. Ariel is a junior majoring in playwriting at BYU. She also did a BYU study abroad last summer in London, studying British Theater and playwriting. n Josie Cipriano’s semester in Rouen, France was definitely a
small world experience! While spending the fall semester in France, she literally bumped into Lainey Rosson ’08 in Paris on the Champs-Élysées, and later spent a weekend with Simone Schwalenstoecker ’10 in her hometown of Schermbeck, Germany. And in yet another Severn encounter, her host family from the 2007 Severn French Exchange program, the LeJeunes, traveled to Rouen to visit!
Class Years ending in a 1 or 6!
D It’s Your Reunion Year!
See page 24 for details
Sarah ’07 and Ned ’03 Masek in London Josie Cipriano ’09 and Simone Schwalenstocker ’10 in Germany
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The multi-talented, Andrew Greeley, Upper School English. See story page 18.