2015 Seward Destination Guide

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Mt. Alice–Endless Possibilities when your Alaska Starts Here®. 1

2 www.seward.com




The best whale watching in Alaska!


SALMON and PRIME RIB meal only $


Prince William Sound cruises also available in Whittier.


 MajorMarine.com 3

Welcome To Seward

Dear Traveler, rk on You’re about to emba re, and I a remarkable adventu plan would like to help you etime. the experience of a lif

a picturesque u’ll discover Seward – Within these pages yo y, where Ba ores of Resurrection town nestled on the sh ters. wa e tically from crystal blu mountains rise majes ward is Se y,” as an “All-America Cit Honored three times the of irit , and reflects the sp now over 100 years old ing sh fi , lover, food aficionado Alaskan pioneer. Art ers, you will awe of nature’s wond expert, or someone in n you are ificent in Seward. Whe find something magn s Here®! a at state – Alask Start gre r ou e nc rie pe ex ready to the Web, at ation, please visit us on orm inf re mo en ev r Fo

www.seward.com. Safe travels,

Cindy Clock


ock ce St mer f Com ber o ham ard C Sew

4 www.seward.com

Table of Cont

Welcome To Seward Getting to S eward Planning Yo ur Trip Sample Itine raries What to Se e and Do Go Outside and Play It’s Happen ing in the H arbor Fish On! Kenai Fjord s National P ark In-Town Exp loration Around Tow n Culture & H istory Alaska’s Win ter Wonderl and Calendar of Events Business D irectory Getting Aro und Town/W alking Map Getting Into Adventure: North Map Getting Into Adventure: South Map

ents 4-5 6 7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-55 56-59 60-61 62-63

Grege r Wrig ht - Th e Wrig ht Pers pectiv e

Seward Cham ber of Comm erce S tock

Michael D eYoung

ber Seward Cham

phy togra t Pho o h S One

Photogra phy

ce Stock of Commer

Welcome to the land c

arved by lished by the s ea.

glaciers and po

We invite you to come discover natural wonders to play to your beyond belief, heart’s content in the Alaska wild the warm hosp s, and to enjoy itality of our funloving town. Nestled betwee n the forest an d the sea, Sew of everything. W ard is on the ed e’re the gateway ge to the world-fam Fjords Nationa l Park, where se ous Kenai a lio thunder into th ns roar and tid e sea. We’re A ewater glaciers laska’s favorite kayaking, sailin launching poin g and deep-sea t for fishing adventur home to some es. And we’re of Alaska’s mos t fa mous (and infa that promote go mous) events od causes, grea t fun, and bring history and char our unique acter to life. So come play on the waters, fish th adventures. A laska Starts Her ® e sea, and enjoy all sorts of e !

phy ung Photogra Michael DeYo


Getting To Seward Driving?

you’ll RV, bus or shuttle service, Whether you drive by car, a — ay hw Hig -mile Seward travel Alaska’s famous 127 you As ad. Ro an eric All-Am National Scenic Byway and whales Arm, you may see beluga ain nag Tur the ng alo d win n you’ll The . ring soa and eagles spouting, Dall sheep grazing and s view ng nni stu equally climb into the mountains for s. nitie ortu opp ing view life wild you and savor your journey. If Be sure to take your time ing view life wild ny ma the lore exp want to stretch your legs, 13 on tion find in-depth informa trails along the way. You’ll much more at seward.com/ and ls trai easily accessible visit-seward.


and ve in Seward on a cruise ship Many seasonal visitors arri ore bef a are ard in the Sew plan to spend a day or two you an idea of all there is to give will ide Gu s Thi on. moving area. When you arrive, our experience and enjoy in the and at the cruise ship terminal friendly staff will meet you . ure ent adv t nex your help you find your way to

ber Seward Cham

Greger W right

6 www.seward.com

Seward Cham ber of

Sewa rd Ch amb er of Com merc e Sto ck

Commerce St ock

By Rail?

ard. a one-of-a-kind trip to Sew The Alaska Railroad offers dy rea and d ste feel well-re Relax on your journey and lking ve. The train docks in wa arri you e onc ure ent for adv e hav you if boat harbor, and distance from the Seward s sse ine bus al loc ve, many reservations before you arri . for true door-to-door service tion sta the at you et will me i tax al loc rent a car or use our Once in Seward, you can n. tow und services to get aro

ce Stock of Commer

merce Stock Seward Chamber of Com

Seward Chamber of Commerce Stock

Seward Chamber of Commerce Stock

- The Wri ght Persp ective

Seward Chamber of Commerce Stock

Planning Your Trip The trip is half the ad venture When Alaska Starts Here. Alaska Railroad


Alaska is a vast state, and pla nning your trip can be overwhelming. W e’re here to help and invite you to dive rig ht in!

1 Determine how you would like

to experience Seward: If you prefer flexibility, you might wan t to consider flying into Anchorage and renting a car or RV for your trip. Would you enjoy an all-inclusive overvie w of the state? Then researc h cruise ship options, and be sure to add on a pre- or pos tcruise tour in Seward. Want to relax after your flight north? Ride the rails to Seward on the Alaska Railroad and ren ta car in Seward or use our loca l taxis to get around. Bus service is also available betwee n Anchorage and Seward. 2 Finalize how much time you hav e for your visit: Don’t forget to factor in your travel time to and from home, as that will take away from your actual days in Seward. 3 Narrow down the areas you’d like to see: For the best experience, select a genera l region, such as the Kenai Peninsula, and concentrate your time there. Visitors frequently misjudge distances in Alaska, and eight to ten hours of traveling every cou ple days can become very tirin g. Many of Alaska’s highways are only two lanes, with limited passing capability. Speed limi ts are also lower than you are probably used to. Don’t forg et that many communities can only be reached by air or ferr y, and those schedules can be difficult to plan into a vacatio n. You can start your Alaska vacation in Seward and enjo y all Alaska has to offer right here on the Peninsula!





126 (2.5 hours) 173 (3.5 hours) 484 (10 hours)

Seward Cham ber of

Commerce St ock

4 Choose activities that appeal

tock erce S Comm f o r ambe rd Ch Sewa

to everyone in your group: Seward offers something for everyone; hiking, fishing, flight-seeing, sailing, and kay aking are just a few of our outdoor adventures and opt ions are available for all age s and abilities. Don’t pack in too mu ch, as you’ll want time to win d down in our wonderful restaur ants and wander our shops and art galleries. 5 Be sure to visit the Kenai Fjor ds National Park: Whether you explore the Park by wat er on one of Seward’s sightseeing cruises or take an easy walk to Exit Glacier, the Park will definitely be one of your Alaska highlights. 6 Pack for the weather.




52 59 63 62 54

34 41 46 45 39

Rainfall 1.82” 1.44” 1.87” 3.17” 6.86”

7 Call the Seward Chamber if you

need help, or be sure to refe r rd.com.

to our web site at www.sewa


re e - Wild Natu Ron Niebrugg


Sample Itineraries Stock merce of Com r e b Cham Seward


Seward Chamb er of C omme rce Sto ck

Cultural Experience • Sip a mocha in an art gallery • Walk through historic dow ntown • View outdoor art murals • Visit the Seward Museum • Explore native culture • See native dancing • Shop for local artwork • Enjoy live music

Fishing Frenzy • Take a deep sea fishing cha rter • Catch boat harbor action • Fish nearby lakes and stre ams • Tell tales over a fine meal

8 www.seward.com

Best of the Outdoors • Go kayaking • Sail across the bay • Hike under Alaska’s “midn ight sun” • Watch the eagles soar • View local scenery from hor seback

Winter Delights • Fish for king salmon in the Bay • Explore backcountry by ski or snowmachine • Overnight in the Alaska Sea Life Center • Catch a movie • Relax by a cozy fireplace

Kenai Fjords National Park • Book a sightseeing cruise into the Park • Watch a glacier calve into the sea • Explore Exit Glacier on foo t • Fly into the heart of the Par k

Family Time • Visit the SeaLife Center • Ride a dogsled and cuddle the puppies • Rent bicycles • Roast marshmallows on the beach • Try some fresh-made can dy • Watch for otters along the shore • Take a walk in Two Lakes Park

tock merce S r of Com Chambe Seward

k toc eS c r e mm Co f ro be am h C rd wa Se

John Gomes

Seavey’s IdidaRid e

Michael DeYoung Photogra phy

Seward Cha mber

of Commer ce Stock

One Shot Photography

Seward C hamber of Comm erce Stock


What to See & Do

Images ild Nature rugge - W b ie N n o R r of mbe Cha ard Sew tock ce S mer Com

laska p

the ultimate A

rds on the e line, and fjo th n o sh fi r, ai the and play. The There’s salt in to come out u yo ng ni ko bec s into the horizon — all n and insight tio ira sp in er ff es o ded you with following pag . We’ve provi le b la ai av es tiviti ur visit. sights and ac lp you plan yo he to s rie ra itine a few sample th glaciers, fish, mammo ig b r fo ng ki o wildlife re lo Whether you’ king, up-close hi , ss ne er ild g, w art of the scenic boatin just being a p r o , g in p p o ue sh the right viewing, uniq u’ve come to yo e, en sc d ar ® fun-loving Sew tarts Here ! S a sk la A place.

10 www.seward.com

phy ung Photogra Michael DeYo

Greger Wright - The Wright Perspective

r e t n e o t t u o b You’re a layground.

One Shot Phot ogra phy

Greg er Wr ight - The

Wrig ht Pe rspec tive

Michael DeYo ung Photogra phy

y tograph ng Pho l DeYou e a h ic M

Seave y’s Idid aRide

Gyda S ears

- AK P hoto

Michael DeYoung Photog raphy

Seward Chamber of Commerc e Stock


Go Outside & Play

Ron Niebrugg e

- Wild Nature


One Shot Photography

Stock ommerce mber of C ha C d ar w Se

Commerce Sto ck

ck e Sto merc f Com ber o ham ard C Sew

Seward Chambe r of

erce Stock ber of Comm Seward Cham

Seward Chamb er of Co mmerce Stock

Discovery - . y a w n w o r u o y 速 . e r e H Alaska Starts

es rail Rid Bardy T

12 www.seward.com

Seward is the ultimate pl ayground for active folks of all ages and abilities. Ever wanted to paddle a kayak? Ride in a dog sled? Walk on a glacier? Sail into the sunset? This is the place!

Kayaking and Paddleboarding

- Paddle a destination of

world renow

n. Alive with marine wildlife and surrounded by glacie r-capped peaks, Seward find yourself exchanging is a paddler’s paradise. You smiles with a sea otter. Lis may tening to whales breathe. it all. Outfitters offer an ass Or simply basking in the ortment of options, from be auty of 2-hour introductory outing boat rentals, and water tax s to guided camping adven i services. tures,

Dog Sledding - Ride along or mush yo

ur own team.

Faithful dog mushers nev er let the lack of snow sto p them. Whether you cho the forest or a glacier-top ose a wheeled excursion adventure, you’ll find ple through nty of thrills here. After all, Iditarod Trail. Seward is als Seward is the start of the o home to the 2004 and historic 20 13 Iditarod Champ, Mitch Se Champ Dallas Seavey. avey and 2012 Ididarod

Hiking, Mountain Biking & Ice Climbing - Choose from easy to “way ou t there.” Trails and terrain invite hik ers, bikers and climbers from casual participants challenges. Stroll up to a to those seeking extreme glacier or scale vertical wa lls of ice. Walk along the forest to alpine lakes, tro shoreline. Or venture into ut-filled streams or a mo the untain glacier. Explore mil “must-do” is the easy, hal es of mountain biking trails. f-mile stroll to Exit Glacie One r for close views of this po descriptions and informatio werful river of ice. For tra n, visit the Seward Visitor il Center.

Horseback Riding - Get off the beate

n path.

Local trail rides will take you to places accessible only by horseback. You and eagle nests, through wildfl your trusty steed will walk owers, along glacier stre under ams, and into the old tow earthquake. If you love ho n of Seward destroyed by rses, birds, flowers, intrigu the ing stories or just being ou adventure to your list. t in nature, be sure to ad d this

Sailing - The sights will blow you away


Feel the wind in your hai r and salty mist on your fac e as you share the bay’s whales — and glide into beauty with sea otters, pu some of Alaska’s most spe ffins and ctacular scenery. Quiet cov islands abuzz with bird life es, cascading waterfalls, make this area a destinatio and n for sailors from around the bareboat charters are ava world. Skippered and ilable.

ock mmerce St amber of Co Seward Ch

Grege r Wrigh t - The Wrigh t Persp ective

John Gom es


It’s Happening in the Harbor Fishy Business

-netters. Their purse-seiners, and gill rs, ine g-l lon of t ee fl fishing every afternoon at an active commercial ort fishing excitement sp a nty ple nd fi On the docks you’ll find o als l u’l u with stories. ts around the globe. Yo an angler will regale yo ny ma d an st catch is sent to marke fea ulls n as filet knives fly, seag the fish cleaning statio

rt a h C s ie ec p S d n a n so ea S king Ocean - silver (coho), y) mp (hu k (chinook), pin d, and salmon, halibut, lingco kfish. various species of roc d A few red (sockeye) an also are chum (dog) salmon kes La ter wa harvested. Fresh wild or ed ck sto & Rivers have and s ion lat pu po ut rainbow tro ut, tro wild Dolly Varden, lake g. ylin gra tic Arc and

Species King (Chinook) Salmon Silver (Coho) Salmon on

Pink (Humpback) Salm Halibut


Red Snapper (Yelloweye Ling Cod







May Jun

Jul Aug Sep

4-5lbs 25-100lbs






species available) Bottom Fish (Over 20

may be closed, so l fishing season. Some areas fish in the area, but not the lega trip. Researched by Hill Norvell Alaskan Fishing. of ence pres the s cate indi e your This tabl lation summary before planning be sure to check a current regu


un a L to y d ea R s re tu en v d A

ter taxi, day cruise, rd a sailing charter, wa oa ab rld ffins wo ing az am an views of sea otters, pu beckons! Voyage into be treated to up close l u’l yo are s The beauty of the bay ce an Ch leboarding adventure. marine life. kayaking tour or padd lions, whales and other a se , ise rpo po ps rha and pe

Landlubbers Love It!

r ckside action. The harbo , visitor displays and do ies ter ea , rds ps Fjo i sho na ny Ke ma the ecially at sea, you can enjoy the tivities in the region, esp While the salty set out to ing, biking and other ac hik on of the harbor. info uth d so t an jus as ” ide ds from “The Uplan ws vie is also where you’ll find the in e tak to t nter. Don’t forge National Park Visitor Ce

or Make Nice with the Harb


nagement practices r. They follow best ma rbo Ha an Cle an sk Ala an vironment. at Harbor is certified as of Alaska’s maritime en n tio tec pro the The Seward Small Bo d an on h to pollution preventi as a proactive approac property. The vate boats and other pri the of ul ctf pe res es, see the docks, be areas. If you walk the and other marine servic ls ted tai na de r sig Fo de . in ply rk ap pa s e fee Pleas ; launch ly first-come, first-serve public launch is general or. arb t/h ne rd. wa www.cityofse Harbor Master or visit

14 www.seward.com



Stock y graph Photo oung Y e D l e Micha


Michae l DeYou ng Pho tograph y

e pectiv t Pers Wrigh e h T ht r Wrig Grege


Fish On! Sewa rd Ch amb er of Com merc e Sto ck

pective ght Pers - The Wri t h g ri Greger W

Seward Chamber of Commerce Stock

J ME ust TRY this t ain’ o tell t liv in’!

ou y t e g l l ’ e W d e k o o h d n ® booked a . e r e H s t r a t S Alaska -

Gyda Sears - AK


y tograph ng Pho l DeYou e a h ic M

16 www.seward.com

Michael DeYoung Photography

Sew ard C ham ber o f Com merc e Sto ck

tock erce S omm C f o r be Cham Seward

ive ht Perspect ht - The Wrig Greger Wrig

Fish Stories Start Here

Seward is where you could hau l in a monstrous halibut. Fight a mighty king salmon. Reel in cod. Or compete for over $10 a tasty ling 0,000 in derby prizes, including rewards for tagged fish and ma categories. Join the fun by sign ny creative ing up for a fishing charter. You r captain will supply all the inst equipment. All you need to do ruc tion and is time your trip accordingly: King Salmon Late May - June (“feeder” kings all year) Red Salmon Late May - July Silver Salmon Late June - mid-September Halibut & Rockfish April – October Silver Salmon Derby Mid-August Halibut Derby June

Shore casting is also available — try your luck from beache s south of the harbor, at the mo Creek (the waterfall just south uth of Lowell of town) and off Nash Road nea r Fourth of July Creek.

Freshwater Fishing, Too!

Seward has everything from a stocked, kid-friendly lake in town to road-accessible and trophy rainbows and Dolly Var fly-in trips for den. Grouse Lake, Ptarmigan Creek, Trail River, and others road. are just up the For helpful info and regulation s, visit state.ak.us/adfg. For der by information, visit seward.co m.


Kenai Fjords National Park Towering walls of ice cras hing into the sea. Humpb ack whales breaching and orcas crui sing. Sea lions roaring. B ears patrolling. Mountain goats climbing the cliffs. Sea birds blacke ning the sky then diving to depths un known. Eagles soaring ov erhead. This is the real Alaska — and it all starts here, in Seward.

Daily Boat Tours - Visit the fa

mous fjords

Hop aboard a full or half-d ay cruise to explore natur al wonders beyond the ima sea with whales, otters an gination. Share the d sea lions as you cruise through spectacular sce wildlife havens. Venture to nery, historic sites and the world-famous Kenai Fjords for the thrill of tidew house-sized masses of ice ater glaciers with crashing into the sea...as well as more opportunities and other wildlife of the reg to see whales, bears ion.

Easy Walks - Exit Glacier tops th

e list

Take an easy half-mile wa lk to a view of a valley gla cier or a 1.25 mile mode mass of brilliant blue ice. rate hike to gaze into its Interpretive displays at the Exit Glacier Nature Cente along the way offer insigh r, guided walks, and signs ts into the flora and fauna of the area. The first quart paved and fully accessible er mile of the path is .

- Soar above it all

Take to the sky for an eag le’s eye view of the massi ve, 700-square-mile Hardi complex, along with the ng I cefield and glacier surrounding mountain top og raphy. Glacier landings, fl overnight backcountry ad y-in fishing, and ventures are also availab le.


- Bring your life list

Cruise to the famous Ch iswell Islands, where the sky is buzzing with gulls, the sea itself is humming terns and kittiwakes and with puffins, murres and other diving birds. You can species along the coast, also view many other in the surrounding rainfor est, and on local trail rides. Visitor Center in the harbo Stop by the Kenai Fjords r or US Forest Service ran ger station downtown for displays and information.

18 www.seward.com

Seward Chamber of Com merce Stock


erce Stock of Comm hamber C rd a w Se

Seward Cham ber of

Commerce St ock

ce Stock f Commer hamber o Seward C

Ron Niebrugg e

Greger Wright - The Wright Perspective

- Wild Nature


Seward C hamber o f Commer ce Stock

t s u j e r ’ u o y Where e h t f o e n o another rs critte . e r e H s t r a t Alaska S

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Commerce Sto ck

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In-Town Explorations ck Sto

Chris Arren d Pho togra phy Perspective

e Stock mmerc er of Co Chamb Seward

. u o y n o g n i t i a w We’re ® . e r e H s t r a Alaska St Michael DeYo ung Photogra phy

right ht - The W Greger Wrig

hy tograp ot Pho h S e n O

Gyda Sears - AK Photo

20 www.seward.com

Gyda Sears - AK Photo

Gyda Sears - AK


ture! Take my pic ou ost y It’ll only c g. two herrin

Sewa rd Ch ambe r of C omm erce S tock

Seward Chamber of Commerce Stock

aw you here, it’s the town of dr ay m s st re fo e th d an a While the se history, culture and t, ar , ce ien Sc . ay st to u yo Seward that beckons ing your discovery. ait aw , re he ht rig all it’s — cuisine

Alaska SeaLife Center - Explore

beneath the surface

diving, just ing and acrobatic seabirds imm sw s lion sea s nes wit various marine enable you to k for close encounters with Underwater viewing tanks tan ch tou the out ck che , tive displays. se enough iety of short films and interac inches away. If that’s not clo var a oy enj ply sim Or m. via live webca life. Join a sea lion rookery

ward’s historic past

ver Se Downtown Walking Tour - Unco

in much of our historic fathers, we are proud to reta ng ndi fou rd’s wa Se by d the national register and Reflecting the layout adopte historic sites maintained on to you des gui r tou g lkin wa character. The downtown to share their stories. e Seward residents itching gtim lon h wit up et me ly tain you’ll cer

den attractions

Art for Art’s Sake - Delight in hid

Glassblowers, scenery and active lifestyle. , life wild ’s ion reg the in , ir inspiration their works and Many an artist has found the Seward home. You can see l cal all s her rap tog pho Seward Mural lptors, and workshops. Through art, the painters, potters, carvers, scu and es leri gal art ny ma our the community, Seward at discover the artistic side of and events that have shaped ters rac cha e abl ark rem re. some of the into any gallery to learn mo Society has brought to life yed throughout town. Stop pla dis rals mu nt ere diff en with over two doz

tory come to life

Museum - See his & y ar br Li y it un m m Co d ar Sew

loring Seward’s Russian , displays and artifacts exp lms fi h wit n atio ast dev and tsunami upon the town. Relive stories of discovery 4 Earthquake brought a firey 196 the en wh ed pen hap roots, military role and what


Around Town

ck Sto

d n u o b A s n o i t p O y ter


net at n the pla other o d o fo a e cean of tastiest s find an o o freshest, ls e a l Mexican th ’l u to repes to nts. Yo urself c o ra y u m t a ta iu s re lg T Be cal re ber of lo d pizza to y! jo any num m fine Italian an n E . fro and more options

229 4 Ave.

Breeze Inn Restaurant Chinook’s Waterfront Restaurant


303 North Harbor Street

Eureka Pizza Co. Exit Glacier Salmon Bake Harbor Street Creamery

All Year

(907) 224-5237

All Year

& Steaks Pizza, Seafood, PastaTw with Mediterranean ist American Cuisine

(907) 224-2207

All Year


(907) 224-4433

All Year

(907) 224-2204


le Hand-tossed New YorkanSty Burgers Pizza, Calzone, Gyros d ta Seafood, Steak, Salad & Pas

(907) 224-8818


Ice Cream

(907) 224-6447

All Year

(907) 224-5444

All Year

r Elegant Breakfast & Dinne Fine Chinese Cuisine

(907) 224-8226

All Year


(907) 224-5606


Steak & Seafood



308 N. Harbor ¼ Mile Exit Glacier Road 307 South Harbor Street

Peking Restaurant Railway Cantina

221 5th Avenue 338 4th Avenue

Ray’s Waterfront Restaurant Red’s Burgers Resurrection Roadhouse The Sea Bean Seward Brewing Company Seward Subway Sip-n-Spin

1401 4th Avenue 4 Avenue th

302 Van Buren Street Mile 0.7 Herman Leirer/ Exit Glacier Road 225 4 Avenue th

139 4th Avenue 305 South Harbor Street 335 3rd Avenue

Thorn’s Showcase Lounge

208 4 Avenue

Woody’s Thai Kitchen

804 4th Avenue


22 www.seward.com

Type of Food/Specialty

(907) 224-3092

1404 4th Ave

Ms. Gene’s Place

Season Open

Contemporary Cuisine

(907) 777-2809


(907) 224-6623

All Year

(907) 422-0337

All Year

-Free, Breakfast & Lunch, Gluten Vegan & Vegetarian American Hearty Food

(907) 224-7165

All Year


(907) 224-5483

All Year


(907) 224-3700

All Year

Halibut Fish & Chips

(907) 422-0338

All Year



Greger Wright - The Wright Perspective


Restaurant Apollo Restaurant



& Gifts


Explore fu harbor a n and interesting reas. gift s into the li If you’ve been fis hops in both the brary or hing all d downtow one of th ay, cons n and bo id e at e lo r c a massa al services ge, and start businesses offeri ng public or duck emailing those tall internet tales.




A Flyin’ Skien

223 4th Avenue

Alaska Shop Bay Barge Company Breeze Inn Motel Corrigan Gear

210 4th Avenue

Seward Boat Harbor

Discovery Gift Shop at ASLC

301 Railway Avenue

Irvin Pottery Once in a Blue Moose Sew’n Bee Cozy Silhouette Shingles Starbird Studio Susan Swiderski Fine Art Sweet Darlings The Grazing Moose The Ranting Raven Bakery & Gifts Urbach’s

211 4th Avenue Lowell Point 221 4th Avenue 704 Second Avenue 205 4th Avenue 312 5th Avenue 238 4th Avenue 218 4th Avenue

Year Round

Knitting & Yarn

(907) 224-2274

Year Round

Gift Store


(907) 224-5237

Fishing Tackle, Sportin g Goods, Snacks

Year Round

Gift Store

Online 24/7

(907) 224-2525

Paracord wear and survival gear

Year Round

Book Store

(907) 224-6300

Year Round

Gift Store

(907) 224-3534


(907) 224-5335


Art Gallery - Pottery

(907) 224-7647

Gift Store

All Year

(907) 491-5827


Quilting & Fabric Store

(907) 224-8770


(907) 491-1981

Art Gallery


Art Gallery

(907) 224-3011

All Year

(907) 491-1076


Gifts & Candy Store

(907) 224-2228

Art Gallery


Art Gallery

(907) 224-3088

All Year

Clothing Store

14527 Rainforest Circle 230 4th Avenue

(907) 224-5648


(907) 224-4694

sales@corrigangear.com 215 4th Avenue

Season Open

(907) 224-5420

1503 X Float Road

Cover to Cover Bookstore


Exterior Shingles


e Qukekcak Native Trib

Culture & History y Librar unity m m o dC Sewar

Seward Commu nity Lib rary

y r o t s i h n i Rooted 速 e r e H ts r a t S a k s a l A


es John Gom

eave S h c t i M

24 www.seward.com


s Seav

Yvett e Galb raith

John G omes

rary nity Lib Commu Seward

y Library ommunit Seward C


Seward Commu nity Lib rary

Michael DeYoun g Photography

Seward Comm unity


Qutekcak Native Tribe ska Native heritages, the Ala ny ma for ir t po g ltin A me people. Experience the , Tsimpsian and Alutiiq git Tlin , pik sm Cu sia , pik thu en Yu irit and ascan, Aleut, will be inspired by the sp keup of Inupiaq, Athab your timing is right, you If s. has a diverse ethnic ma ion dit tra d an y tor are in their his common thread and sh Drumming group. d an g of the Orca Singin tary of State, William sident Lincoln’s Secre Pre for d me na s wa The city of Seward m Russia in 1867. Purchase of Alaska fro the red ee d by gin en o wh n y was sighted and name Henry Seward, the ma 1792 Resurrection Ba in en wh the ry, h ntu wit , ce ion th tradit e eighteen region’s ship-building y dating back to the lat nts first established the me Seward enjoys a histor ttle se an ssi Ru . rer Russian explo Alexander Baranof, a hoenix.” had already been “P the of construction age site, but the town vill tive Na ed on nd ba on a long-a mail route that led to cially founded in 1903 in Seward, tracing the s offi s gin wa be y il cit Tra the od tar er, Idi lat in today’s Iditarod Sled A century The historic name commemorated for at least a decade. ce nt pla a me , mp od ca tar en Idi at sh a Ru a Gold to the bonanz and Sunrise and later the rich strikes at Hope . me No t s the trail on to cks and wide streets tha Dog Race, which follow ditional grid of city blo tra a of in e y on , cit ns nt se tow pre er nti out the spirit of fro ad men arrived and laid erica. In the boasting ns. Am so s rea ros us ac vio ns ob tow for In 1903, a party of railro ad Home Brew Alley similar small railro m lled ca fro s ne wa yo er an d. oth to r an ale ilia s se would be fam w for the gold barons, d transportation hub wa named Millionaires Ro ward’s role as a sea-lan Se d an a, sk Seward’s streets was Ala or eri the development of int of Seward was The new railroad led to role in WWII. The Port l vita a d ye pla rd wa century, Se ly line for the war soldiers throughout the Railroad, a critical supp a ry sk lita Ala Mi . the U.S of to s st nu ho mi uthern ter Fort McGilvray that Frequently the site of abandoned rt and served as the so is po a, e se -fre by still ice t or il os tra -m t ern foo the north the Port. The military cessible by a center for protection of te Recreation Area, ac d an Sta ad mm He co s gic ine ate Ca str . effort d as the m 1941-1943 and serve Force. housed 500 soldiers fro both the Army and Air for es iliti fac R R& ry lita mi as d uses Fort Raymon o-time Iditarod nt Mitch Seavey is a tw ide res rd wa Se l ca the Lo Doggone Good” the race at age 53. His 25-year-old son Dallas wonCo nway - ”Local Boys Do es r of y the t for his bro r in the histor e to Nome. Watch ou came the old t winne rac be ile 13 -m who 20 49 er in 10 ad d an ste the n in me pio cham a Seward ho ungest victor ’s father, Dan Seavey, 12 -- becoming the yo tch 20 Mi am in d of dre s an d ep an 14 tst 20 ad foo in ste e rac home follow in the m his family’s Seward nior Iditarod. All three mushing to school fro alls ily members reach who won the 2012 Ju rec fam er tch Mi oth . d od an tar Idi him g rst fi lpin the he ize for an ort org pp d su orting the Seavey hometown ran in and helpe es great pride in supp e on earth.” He credits tak rac rd at wa gre Se . st ds “la fun the g g ing of winnin g booties. Raisin livering dog chow. Sewin the Nome finish line. De mushing family.


Discover Alaska’s First P Seward’s Historic Past



Ther e more ’s a bun ch w cam here this e fro m!

26 www.seward.com

Paul Carter

Seward C hamber o f Commer ce Stock

, e n e r e s r o d e g r a h c r e p u S . k c i k a s i r e t win ® e r e H s t r a t S a k s Ala Seward Ch amber of Co mmerce St ock

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Moby Dick Hostel

Stock merce of Com r e b m Cha Seward

Alaska’s Winter Wonderland

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Seward C hamber of Comm erce Stock

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Play in the snow. Relax by the fire. Escape from the ordinary. You can do it all in Sewar d in the wintertime. For de scriptions of trails accessible for skiin g, snowshoeing and snow machining or for more wintertime information, visit Seward’ s Visitor Information Center when you arrive or call us before you leave home.

Snowmachining Ride deep into the hea

rt of wilds on Lost Lake, Joh

other trails.

nson Pass, and

Winter King Fishing Catch the kin

gs and release the winter blues. The kings are in ly the sea of anglers that disappears.

the bay year-round; it’s on

Alaska SeaLife Center Finally, the you’ll feel like their honored


sea creatures far outnumb

er the visitors...and

Cross-Country Skiing & Sno


back country on skis or sno Bask in the serenity of Se wshoes. Or glide along the ward’s town’s groomed ski trails the highway at Mile 11.4 starting just off - the Divide Ski Area, Bear Lake and other trails.

Polar Bear Jump-Off Festiv


This event is way cool, esp ecially since you nge to join the party! See page 29 for details.

don’t have to take the plu

Unique Conferences Book one of sev

eral seaside meeting facilitie

topic in depth.

Cozy Getaways Come in from the sno warm blanket of fireside blis


w and all your adventures,

s and explore your

then wrap yourself in a


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Gyda Sears - AK Photo

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Calendar of Events

Seward Cham ber of Commerce

Mom says I’m easy to find in a crowd.


28 www.seward.com

Gyda Sears - AK Photo

stop by the Seward or ll ca y, da to g in en pp . For what’s ha r visit www.seward.com O . 51 80 422 r, te en C r Visito

e to join

bone-chilling plung You don’t have to take the f of pum J r include r Polar Bea Cancer Society fundraise events for this American

nd p. this very cool party. Weeke of course the infamous jum food buffet, parade, and sea rty, pa ff k-o kic ht nig Friday ificent animals Thousands of these magn ve them pass through r. Seward is fortunate to ha yea h eac s ter wa ern rth their journey. Join a travel to Alaska’s no rds National Park during Fjo i na Ke of line ast co way to herald our backyard along the breach. There’s no better m the ing tch wa of t en item sightseeing tour for the exc . ring the arrival of Sp

Whale Migration Celebration

kend bor Opening Weejoin ar H d ar w Se & k ee W n tio Military Appreciason with us! Say thank you to our Alaska military families and ard,

Seward Chamb er of Co mmerce Stock

s by the U.S. Coast Gu Kick off the summer sea rine safety demonstration ma e, rad pa at bo al on diti of fun for all make this them for the tra temperatures and plenty er rm Wa . nd eke we all and activities galore offer. to enjoy all Seward has to weekend the prime time depths in search of “the big Challenge Mother Nature’s es caught during this halibut and for tagged on est larg the for zes pri rall for details. Don’t let one.” Daily and ove ask your charter operator or at, bo n ow r you h las early-season event. Sp this one get away. ®

Halibut Tournament

Race Marathon mu nt ou M & on ti ra eb el C y sic and ul Fourth of J ward explodes with ! Every Fourth of July, Se

nstop fun It’s crazy. It’s insane. It’s no d a grueling footrace up the e down the streets — an rad pa a s, ork rew fi d an food, fun k to Seward for this wacky from around the world floc s itor Vis n. ho rat Ma t un vertical race up into the 3,022-foot Mo rriors compete in the near wa nd eke we d an s lete ath bruises. Meanwhile, event as both elite ..or perhaps the biggest es. tim t tes fas the for s clouds and down the cliff ing them on. wisely at sea level, cheer ain rem s ver ser ob of s thousand vie for the ® A wild event for all as anglers can you ry category sh. Prizes in just about eve fi ged tag e siv elu se tho into largest coho or seek out o collected are reinvested ards. Proceeds from the coh aw s’ kid l blast! cia a spe ing ing hav lud ile inc wh imagine, fisheries can help sustain our future You . ms gra pro ent em anc resource-enh in the fall! Live music and A veritable musical soiree dors. This familyn artisan craft and food ven ska Ala alloc ing tur fea ces t the weekend; dance performan artist’s projects throughou d an ies ivit act ’s en ildr ch ty. oriented festival includes of the Seward Mural Socie ral-in-a-day by members mu a of n atio cre the on focusing cal specials d Christmas in Seward. Lo Celebrate an old fashione transportation and h Santa. Call for details on wit its vis and , ies ivit act s for holiday shoppers, kid lodging specials.

Seward C hamber o f Commer ce Stock

John & C indy Hitch cock - TS S Photog raphy

Seward Silver Salmon Derby Music & Arts Festival Holiday Getaway

John & Cindy Hitchc ock

- TSS Photograph y


Where to Stay BED & BREAKFAST A Suite View PO Box 882 • 326 Sixth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-1242  jtoloff@marathontrustrealestate.com


A Swan Nest Inn PO Box 905 • 504 Adams St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3080  swannest@seward.net www.sewardvacationproperties.com

30 www.seward.com

Active Abilities PO Box 783 • 606 Hemlock St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-0087  info@activeabilities.com Alaska Paddle Inn PO Box 2754 • 13745 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-2628  info@alaskapaddleinn.com www.alaskapaddleinn.com Alaska Sportsmens Club PO Box 1594 • 32936 Myrtlewood Cir Seward, AK 99664  (907) 321-8886  hill@fishwithhill.com www.fishwithhill.com Alaska’s Otter House B&B PO Box 1971 • 319 Ballaine Blvd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 351-9138  cheryl@alaskasotterhouse.com www.alaskasotterhouse.com

Alaska’s Stoney Creek Inn PO Box 1352 • 33422 Stoney Creek Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3940 F (907) 224-2683  stay@stoneycreekinn.net www.stoneycreekinn.net Arctic Paradise B&B & Stained Glass 515 Sixth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5898  arcticparadise@arctic.net www.arcticparadise.com Bear Lake Lodgings PO Box 1802 • 33820 Bear Lake Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2288  stay@bearlakelodgings.com www.bearlakelodgings.com Bear’s Den B&B and Lodging PO Box 2142 • 221 Bear Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3788  (800) 232-7099  bearsdenalaska@ak.net www.bearsdenalaska.com

Camai House Bed & Breakfast PO Box 1991 • 2503 Cedar St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3222 F (907) 224-4616  camaihouse@hotmail.com www.camaihouse.com Farm B&B Inn PO Box 305 • 11828 Salmon Creek Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5691 F (907) 224-5698  thefarm@ptialaska.net www.thefarmbedandbreakfast.com Kenai Fjords B&B 1906 Forget Me Not Cir Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5356  info@kenaifjordsbandb.com www.kenaifjordsbandb.com Le Barn Appetit Inn B&B & Creperie PO Box 601 • 11786 Old Exit Glacier Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8706  lebarnappetit@gmail.com www.lebarnappetit.com Linda Lou’s B&B PO Box 418 • 2409 Elm Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5502  tlbschmidt@yahoo.com www.lindalousbandb.4t.com Mountain View B&B 1003 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-0214  akmitz@arctic.net www.mountainviewak.com North Wing Lodging 204 Bear Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5495 Northern Nights B&B PO Box 905 • 225 Sixth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3080  swannest@seward.net www.sewardvacationproperties.com

Seward Front Row B&B PO Box 905 • 227 Ballaine Blvd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3080  swannest@seward.net www.sewardvacationproperties.com

A Cottage On The Bay PO Box 3334 • 13710 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8237  (888) 334-8237  onthebayak@alaskan.com www.onthebayak.com

Seward Sea Treasures Inn PO Box 1988 • 236 Sixth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7667  rissie@aksala-alaska.com www.innalaska.com

Abode Well Cabins PO Box 2906 • 12672 Old Exit Glacier Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-6788  abodewellcabins@ididaride.com www.abodewellcabins.com

Soo’s B&B PO Box 2415 • 810 Second Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3207 F (907) 224-3841  (888) 967-7667  soosbednbreakfast@alaskan.com www.soosbandb.com

Alaska Adventure Cabins 2525 Sterling Hwy Homer, AK 99603  (907) 223-6681  info@alaskaadventurecabins.com www.alaskaadventurecabins.com

Sourdough Sunrise B&B PO Box 1813 • 11837 Old Exit Glacier Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3600  sourdoughsmitty04@mac.com www.sourdoughsunrise.com

CABIN & COTTAGE A Bed By the Bay PO Box 446 • 14030 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-4840  lindapfisterer@gmail.com www.abedbythebayalaska.com A Cabin on the Cliff 221 Fifth Ave • 1104 Hulm Ln Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2411  (800) 440-2444  info@acabinonthecliff.com www.acabinonthecliff.com

Alaska Creekside Cabins 11886 Old Exit Glacier Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-1996 F (907) 224-1996  info@welovealaska.com www.welovealaska.com Angels Rest on Resurrection Bay, LLC 13730 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7378  (866) 713-7378  guestservices@angelsrest.com www.angelsrest.com Beach House Rentals 14065 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-2727  beachhousealaska@gmail.com www.beachhousealaska.com Box Canyon Cabins, LLC PO Box 1662 • 31515 Lois Way Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5046  info@boxcanyoncabin.com www.boxcanyoncabin.com

Open Year Round



Brass Lantern B & B PO Box 1735 • 331 Second Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3419 F (907) 224-6408  brasslanternbandb@yahoo.com www.brasslanternbandb.com



Experience Kenai Fjords National Park We pioneered the art of exploring Kenai Fjords National Park. Cruise with us aboard the catamarans and sightseeing vessels specifically designed with your comfort in mind. Walk-around decks provide up-close views of active wildlife, massive tidewater glaciers and incredible scenery. Come join the most experienced, knowledgeable captains and crew for the cruise of a lifetime through Kenai Fjords National Park! • All tours include a healthy meal at no additional cost • See graceful whales, colorful puffins, playful otters, towering glaciers and more • Only tour operator with exclusive visits to our remote getaway on Fox Island – lodge stays also available • Kayak and cruise combos available • Free parking in our private lot (a $10 value)

Choose Your Cruise National Park Tour Our most popular tour! Cruise through Kenai Fjords National Park to view abundant wildlife and spectacular tidewater glaciers. The 10 a.m. tour includes a wild Alaska salmon and prime rib buffet-style meal on Fox Island.

Northwestern Fjord Tour Premium full-day cruise to tidewater glaciers and the magnificent Northwestern Fjord. Cruise through the Chiswell Islands, part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge and home to teeming seabird rookeries.

Resurrection Bay Wildlife Tours - (Featuring Fox Island) Half-day tours highlighting marine wildlife, incredible scenery and our exclusive Fox Island day lodge. Complimentary, buffet-style wild Alaska salmon and prime rib meal. For an additional fee, purchase a half-pound of king crab when you book your reservation to Fox Island.

Photography: Cathy Hart

888-4PUFFIN (478-3346) • KenaiFjords.com/SWDCC


Camelot Cottages PO Box 843 • 12375 Camelot Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3039  (800) 739-3039  joy@camelotcottages.com www.camelotcottages.com

Renfro’s Lakeside Retreat 27177 Seward Hwy • Mile 19.4 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 288-5059  (877) 288-5059  renfroslakesideretreat@gmail.com www.renfroslakesideretreat.com

Midnight Sun Log Cabins PO Box 224 • 34847 Seward Hwy Moose Pass, AK 99631  (907) 288-3627  midnightsuncabinsmp@gmail.com www.midnightsunlogcabins.com

Seward Birdhouse Lodging 433 Fifth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5620  c_griz@yahoo.com www.sewardbirdhouse.com

Millane’s Serenity by the Sea Cabins PO Box 145 • 14000 Shady Ln Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3635  (608) 632-9113  info@serenitybytheseacabins.com www.SerenityByTheSeaCabins.com

Sourdough Sue’s Bear Lake Lodging 33910 Tressler Ave • 33940 Tressler Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5914  sourdoughsue@gmail.com www.sourdoughsue.com


Miller’s Landing PO Box 81 • 13880 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 331-3113 F (907) 224-9197  (866) 541-5739  reservations@millerslandingak.com www.millerslandingak.com Misty C Cabins PO Box 2 • 31730 Bronze Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-4891  onry@arctic.net www.sewardcabins.com Moosewood Guest Cabin PO Box 976 • 33200 Vinewood Ln Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8445  info@moosewoodcabin.net www.moosewoodcabin.net Nick and Beulah’s Place PO Box 2224 • 15024 Seward Hwy Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-1601  nickandbeulahsPl@hotmail.com www.nickandbeulahsplace.com Orca Island Cabins PO Box 1815 • Humpy Cove Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-1988 F (866) 772-8259  yurts@orcaislandcabins.com www.orcaislandcabins.com

34 www.seward.com

Spruce Moose Chalets 35975 Seward Hwy • Mile 29.9 Moose Pass, AK 99631  (907) 677-7543  8staralaska@ak.net www.alaskavacationchalets.com

CAMPGROUNDS & RV Kenai Riverside Campground & RV Park 16918 Sterling Hwy Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 595-1406 F (907) 783-2130  (888) 536-2478  info@alaska-wildland.com www.kenairv.com Miller’s Landing PO Box 81 • 13880 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 331-3113 F (907) 224-9197  (866) 541-5739  reservations@millerslandingak.com www.millerslandingak.com Seward Waterfront Park Along Ballaine Blvd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-4055 F (907) 224-4088  campground@cityofseward.net www.cityofseward.net/sprd

Open Year Round

Silver Derby Campground 13750 Lowell Pt Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 830-5114  thesilverderbycampground@gmail.com Stoney Creek RV Park PO Box 1548 • 13760 Leslie Pl Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-6465 F (907) 235-6945  (877) 437-6366  info@stoneycreekrvpark.com www.stoneycreekrvpark.com

HOSTEL Moby Dick Hostel & Lodging PO Box 624 • 432 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7072  info@mobydickhostel.com www.mobydickhostel.com Nauti Otter Inn 13609 Seward Hwy Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-2255  nautiotter@ymail.com www.nautiotterinn.com

HOTEL / MOTEL Breeze Inn Motel PO Box 2147 • 303 N Harbor St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5237 F (907) 224-7024  (888) 224-5237  info@breezeinn.com www.breezeinn.com Harborview Inn PO Box 1584 • 804 3rd Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3217 F (907) 224-3218  (888) 324-3217  info@sewardhotel.com www.sewardhotel.com Holiday Inn Express-Seward Harbor PO Box 9 • 1412 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2550 F (907) 224-2509  (800) HOLIDAY  reservations@hieseward.com www.hiexpress.com/sewardak


Seward Chamber of Com merce Stock

Greger Wright - The W right Pe rspectiv e

ective t Persp h ig r eW ht - Th r Wrig e g e r G


Hotel Seward PO Box 2288 • 221 Fifth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8001 F (907) 224-3112  (800) 440-2444  hotelseward@gci.net www.hotelsewardalaska.com

GLACiER LODG t i E Ex “Seward’s Newest Lodging”


• Luxurious Private Rooms w/ Private Baths • Restaurant/Pub • Cable TV/DVD • Internet

Marina Motel PO Box 1134 • 1603 Seward Hwy Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5518 F (907) 224-5553  sewardmotel@yahoo.com www.sewardmotel.com Murphy’s Alaskan Inn PO Box 736 • 911 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8090 F (907) 224-5650  (800) 686-8191  murphys@seward.net www.murphysmotel.com Seward Windsong Lodge Mile 0.5 Herman Leirer Rd • 31772 Herman Leirer Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 777-2809 F (907) 777-2887  (800) 478-8069  info@sewardwindsong.com www.sewardwindsong.com Taroka Inn PO Box 2448 • 235 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8975  tarokainn@gci.net www.alaskaone.com/taroka

36 www.seward.com

Exit GlaciEr Salmon BakE & caBinS Authentic Alaskan Restaurant & Pub 1/4 mile Exit Glacier Rd. Restaurant (907)224-2204 Cabins (907)224-6040

Reservations: (907) 224-6040

www.sewardalaskalodging.com salmonbake@alaska.com

Trailhead Lodging PO Box 2581 • 335 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5300  rissie@aksala-alaska.com www.trailheadlodging.com Van Gilder Hotel PO Box 609 • 308 Adams St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3079 F (907) 224-3689  (800) 478-0400  vangilderhotel@gci.net www.vangilderhotel.com

Exit Glacier Lodge PO Box 3151 • Mile 0.25 Herman Leirer Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-6040  info@sewardalaskalodging.com www.sewardalaskalodging.com Inn at Tern Lake, LLC PO Box 7 • 41843 Seward Hwy Moose Pass, AK 99631  (907) 288-3667 F (907) 288-3667  rose@ternlakeinn.com www.ternlakeinn.com

LODGES Eshamy Bay Lodge 35 miles out of Whittier by boat Whittier, AK 99693  (907) 440-7978 F (907) 224-3112  eshamybaylodge@alaskan.net www.EshamyBayLodge.com

Open Year Round

Kenai Fjords Glacier Lodge Pedersen Lagoon • Aialik Bay Seward, AK 99664  (907) 783-2928 F (907) 783-2130  (800) 334-8730  info@kenaifjordsglacierlodge.com www.kenaifjordsglacierlodge.com

Kenai Fjords Wilderness Lodge Fox Island • 1304 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 777-2854 F (907) 777-2887  (877) 777-4053  info@KenaiFjords.com www.kenaifjordslodge.com Discover True Alaska

Wilderness K E N A I FJ O R D S W I L D E R N E S S LO D G E

Kenai Princess Wilderness Lodge 17245 Frontier Cir Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 595-1425  (800) 426-0500  aklodges@princesscruises.com www.princesslodges.com Orca Island Cabins PO Box 1815 • Humpy Cove Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-1988 F (866) 772-8259  yurts@orcaislandcabins.com www.orcaislandcabins.com


877-777-4053 KenaiFjordsLodge.com/swdcc

Yvette Galbra ith

Kenai Princess Wilderness Lodge Princess welcomes the independent traveler with unmatched comfort in the midst of the grand Alaska wilderness. Experience breathtaking scenery from our inviting Alaska Lodge.

800.426.0500 • princesslodges.com Copper River




Mt. McKinley


Seward Military Resort PO Box 329 • 2305 Dimond Blvd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5559 F (907) 224-5573  (800) 770-1858  information@sewardresort.com www.sewardresort.com Seward Windsong Lodge Mile 0.5 Herman Leirer Rd • 31772 Herman Leirer Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 777-2809 F (907) 777-2887  (800) 478-8069  info@sewardwindsong.com www.sewardwindsong.com Trail Lake Lodge PO Box 5 • Mile 29.5 Seward Hwy Moose Pass, AK 99631  (907) 288-3101 F (907) 288-3106  (800) 865-0201  moosepass@alaskan.com www.traillakelodge.com

Kenai Fjords Wilderness Lodge Fox Island • 1304 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 777-2854 F (907) 777-2887  (877) 777-4053  info@KenaiFjords.com www.kenaifjordslodge.com

Orca Island Cabins PO Box 1815 • Humpy Cove Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-1988 F (866) 772-8259  yurts@orcaislandcabins.com www.orcaislandcabins.com

Discover True Alaska

Wilderness K E N A I FJ O R D S W I L D E R N E S S LO D G E

877-777-4053 kenaifjordslodge.com/swdcc





Twin Peaks Lodge & RV PO Box 604 • 12109 Old Exit Glacier Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2004 F (907) 224-6434  twinp@alaska-logistics.com www.twinpeakslodgeandrv.com

REMOTE CABINS Kenai Fjords Glacier Lodge Pedersen Lagoon • Aialik Bay Seward, AK 99664  (907) 783-2928 F (907) 783-2130  (800) 334-8730  info@kenaifjordsglacierlodge.com www.kenaifjordsglacierlodge.com

38 www.seward.com

VACATION RENTALS (NIGHTLY & LONG TERM) Alaska Adventure Cabins 2525 Sterling Hwy Homer, AK 99603  (907) 223-6681  info@alaskaadventurecabins.com www.alaskaadventurecabins.com Alaskan Wish Lodging 402 Second Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 232-4551 F (907) 422-0430  alaskanwish@hotmail.com

Sauerdough Lodging 225 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 422-7125  sauerdoughlodging@gmail.com www.sauerdoughlodging.com

Havenwood Guest House PO Box 667 • 13670 Oakwood St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3261  karen@havenwoodak.com www.havenwoodak.com

Seward Bayfront Cottage 323 Ballaine Blvd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2323  bayfrontcottage@aol.com www.vrbo.com/172742

Jo Doug Inn 33285 Bear Lake Rd Seward, AK 99664  (608) 647-0947  joadoug@yahoo.com www.jodouginn.com

Seward Front Row Townhouse 223 Ballaine Blvd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3080  swannest@seward.net www.sewardvacationproperties.com


Bear Paw Lodge PO Box 2249 • 10411 Bear Paw Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3960  fun@kayakak.com www.SewardBearPawLodge.com

Cottonwood Corner 12515 Camelot Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5822  turnbull@gci.net www.cottonwoodcorner.com

Alaska Starts Here! ituated at the head of Resurrection Bay on the Kenai Peninsula, Seward is one of Alaska’s oldest and most scenic communities. Known as the 'Gateway to Kenai Fjords National Park' Seward is a picturesque town located 126 miles south of Anchorage. Visitors can easily reach us via the Seward Highway Scenic Byway, the Alaska Railroad, or by bus, air, or cruise ship.

Upon your arrival you will discover our bustling harbor and historic downtown district filled with quaint shops, great restaurants and art galleries. Experience trophy sport fishing, glacier and wildlife cruises, sailing, hiking, kayaking, flight seeing, summer dog sled rides, and more!

The Seward Destination Guide is available as an E-Guide at Seward.com or call 907.224.8051 or visitseward@seward.net for a free copy! Seward Destination Guides | Brochures | Maps | Visitor Information Seward Chamber of Commerce CVB | 2001 Seward Highway 907.224.8051


Where to Eat Seward Cham ber of Comm erce Sto ck


COFFEE HOUSES The Sea Bean PO Box 2573 • 225 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-6623 F (907) 224-6623  seabeancafe@gmail.com www.seabeancafe.com

LOUNGES & BARS Seward Alehouse 215 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2337 F (907) 224-2335

hy tograp ot Pho h S e n O

RESTAURANTS Apollo Restaurant PO Box 3172 • 229 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3092 F (907) 224-2699 www.apollorestaurantak.com

Chinook’s Waterfront Restaurant 1404 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2207 F (907) 224-2414  info@chinooksbar.com www.chinooksbar.com

Thorn’s Showcase Lounge PO Box 1261 • 208 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3700

Eureka Pizza Co 308 N Harbor St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-4433  eurekapizzaco@gmail.com www.eurekapizzaco.com


40 www.seward.com

Bakery at the Harbor, LLC 1215 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 602-8044 F (907) 224-8649  sewardbakery@gci.net

308 N. Harbor St Seward, alaSaka

Yukon Bar PO Box 992 • 201 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3063  yukonbarmusic@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/yukonbar

Open Year Round

Breeze Inn Motel PO Box 2147 • 303 N Harbor St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5237 F (907) 224-7024  (888) 224-5237  info@breezeinn.com www.breezeinn.com

Exit Glacier Salmon Bake and Cabins PO Box 3151 • Mile 0.25 Herman Leirer Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2204  info@sewardalaskalodging.com www.sewardglacierlodge.com Harbor Street Creamery PO Box 1244 • 306 S Harbor St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8818 Ms Gene’s Place Restaurant & Lounge PO Box 2288 • 221 Fifth Ave Seward, A 99664  (907) 224-6447 F (907) 224-3112  (800) 440-2444  hotelseward@seward.net www.hotelsewardalaska.com/ seward-dining

Ms. Gene’s Place Fine Dining

Breakfast Break Breakf ffast ast & &Dinner Dinner 6am-11am


Seward Subway PO Box 1244 • 303 S Harbor St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7165 F (907) 224-7166

Railway Cantina 1401 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8226  tacodans@acsalaska.net www.railwaycantina.com Ray’s Waterfront Restaurant PO Box 1750 • 1316 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5606 F (907) 224-3861 Red’s Burgers 302 Van Buren St Seward, AK 99664  redsburgers@gmail.com Resurrection Roadhouse Restaurant Mile 0.7 Herman Leirer Rd • 31772 Herman Leirer Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 777-2809 F (907) 777-2887  (800) 478-8069  info@sewardwindsong.com www.sewardwindsong.com/Roadhouse Seward Brewing Company 139 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 422-0337  hbean@sewardbrewery.com

Sip N Spin 335 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5483 F (907) 224-2299 www.bestgrubinseward.com Woody’s Thai Kitchen 804 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 422-0338 Zudy’s Cafe 501 Railway Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-4710 www.zudyscafe.com



tock erce S omm r of C ambe rd Ch Sewa

Peking Restaurant 338 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5444


Where to Ask

Aksala Alaska PO Box 2581 • 236 Sixth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5300  info@aksala-alaska.com www.aksala-alaska.com Alaska Cruise Transfers & Tours PO Box 191074 • 715 Int’l Airport Rd Anchorage, AK 99519  (907) 350-6010  (888) 257-8527  info@alaskacruisetransfer.com www.sewardalaskabus.com Alaska Denali Travel 1301 W Parks Hwy, Ste 5 Wasilla, AK 99654  (907) 376-1900  (877) 336-2545  info@alaskadenalitravel.com www.alaskadenalitravel.com/Travel-Planning


Open Year Round

42 www.seward.com

Alaska Tour & Travel PO Box 22-1011 Anchorage, AK 99522  (907) 245-0200 F (907) 245-0400  (800) 208-0200  info@alaskatravel.com www.alaskatravel.com

Alaska’s Point of View Suites & Reservation Service, LLC PO Box 312 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2323 F (907) 224-2020  debra@arctic.net www.go2seward.com Miller’s Landing PO Box 81 • 13880 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 331-3113 F (907) 224-9197  (866) 541-5739  reservations@millerslandingak.com www.millerslandingak.com Plan It Alaska 3101 Penland Pkwy Anchorage, AK 99508  (907) 222-6995  (866) 366-0791  info@alaskaimpactmarketing.com www.PlanItAlaska.com The Fish House PO Box 1209 • 1301 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3674  (800) 257-7760  fishhousecharters@gci.net www.thefishhouse.net

Custom vaCations to alaska’s most speCtaCular destinations!

Alaska - It’s waiting for you. Kenai Fjords National Park

VISITOR INFORMATION Anchorage Chamber of Commerce 1016 W 6th Ave, Ste 303 Anchorage, AK 99501  (907) 272-2401 F (907) 272-4117  info@anchoragechamber.org www.anchoragechamber.org Cooper Landing Chamber & Visitor’s Bureau PO Box 809 Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 595-8888 F (907) 595-1828  info@cooperlandingchamber.com Discover Kodiak 100 Marine Way, Ste 200 Kodiak, AK 99615  (907) 486-4782  (800) 789-4782  visit@kodiak.org www.kodiak.org Explore Fairbanks 101 Dunkel St #111 Fairbanks, AK 99701  (907) 456-5774 F (907) 459-3757  (877) 551-1728  info@explorefairbanks.com www.explorefairbanks.com Greater Copper Valley Chamber of Commerce PO Box 469 Glennallen, AK 99588  (907) 822-5555 F (907) 822-5558  chamber@cvinter.net.net www.traveltoalaska.com

Greater Palmer Chamber & Visitor Ctr 723 S Valley Way Palmer, AK 99645  (907) 745-2880  info@palmerchamber.org www.palmerchamber.org Greater Wasilla Chamber of Commerce 415 E Railroad Ave Wasilla, AK 99654  (907) 376-1299 F (907) 373-2560  contact@wasillachamber.org www.wasillachamber.org Greater Whittier Chamber of Commerce PO Box 607 Whittier, AK 99693  whittiercoc@gmail.com www.whittieralaskachamber.org Homer Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center 201 Sterling Hwy Homer, AK 99603  (907) 235-7740 F (907) 235-8766  info@homeralaska.org www.homeralaska.org Hope Chamber of Commerce PO Box 9 Hope, AK 99605 www.hopealaska.info Kenai Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center 11471 Kenai Spur Hwy Kenai, AK 99611  (907) 283-1991  info@visitkenai.com www.visitkenai.com

Kenai Peninsula Tourism Marketing Council 35571 Kenai Spur Hwy Soldotna, AK 99669  (907) 262-5229 F (907) 262-5212  (800) 535-3624  info@kenaipeninsula.org www.kenaipeninsula.org Moose Pass Chamber and CVB PO Box 147 Moose Pass, AK 99631  (907) 288-3101 www.moosepassalaska.com Seward Chamber of Commerce PO Box 749 • 2001 Seward Hwy Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8051 F (907) 224-5353  visitseward@seward.net www.seward.com Soldotna Chamber of Commerce 44790 Sterling Hwy Soldotna, AK 99669  (907) 262-9814 F (907) 262-3566  info@soldotnachamber.com www.soldotnachamber.com Valdez Convention & Visitors Bureau 104 Chenega St Valdez, AK 99686  (907) 835-2984 F (907) 835-4845  info@valdezalaska.org www.valdezalaska.org Visit Anchorage 524 W 4th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501  (907) 276-4118 F (907) 278-5559  info@anchorage.net www.anchorage.net



Lodging • Tours • Transportation 1-800-208-0200 | AlaskaTravel.com


How to Get Around



Alaska Airlines 5000 Old Int’l Airport Rd South Terminal Anchorage, AK 99502  (800) 252-7522 www.alaskaair.com

Seward Bike Shop 411 Port Ave • The Train Rec Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2448



low fares to amazing places!


Scenic Mountain Air; Seward Air Moose Pass & Seward Airports  (907) 288-3646 F (907) 288-3647  (907) 224-6607  sma.afr@gmail.com www.sewardair.com e Stock merc f Com ber o m a h rd C Sewa











Alaska Bus Connections & Private Charters, Inc 5000 Int’l Airport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502  (907) 717-9150 F (907) 865-2440  alaskabusconnections@gmail.com www.alaskabusconnections.com Alaska Railroad 408 Port Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 265-2494  (800) 544-0552  lalondeb@akrr.com www.AlaskaRailroad.com AlaskaTrain.com 9170 Jewel Lake Rd, Ste 204 Anchorage, AK 99502  (800) 266-8625 F (907) 245-0400  info@AlaskaTrain.com www.AlaskaTrain.com




YOUR TICKET TO ALASKA’S MOST POPULAR DESTINATIONS With jaw-dropping views and world-class service, the Alaska Railroad is the perfect way to experience Alaska. Seward Anchorage Denali Talkeetna Fairbanks BE MOVED.

44 www.seward.com



TAXIS Alaska Mike’s Taxi PO Box 2203 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2244  mike35102000@yahoo.com www.alaskamikestaxi.com

WATER TAXI SERVICE Alaskan Coastal Safari Seward Harbor South Launch Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-4101  akcoastalsafari@hotmail.com www.sewardwatertaxi.com

Weather Permitting Seward Harbor Slip H-40 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-6595  (877) (907) 3677  info@alaska-wildland.com www.kenaifjordsdaytrips.com


Park Connection Motorcoach PO Box 221011 Anchorage, AK 99522  (907) 245-0200 F (907) 245-0400  (800) 266-8625  info@AlaskaCoach.com www.AlaskaCoach.com

Miller’s Landing PO Box 81 • 13880 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 331-3113 F (907) 224-9197  (866) 541-5739  reservations@millerslandingak.com www.millerslandingak.com

Publisher Seward Chamber of Commerce, Conference & Visitors Bureau Photography Michael DeYoung Photography Special Thanks to our Contributing Photographers Chris Arend Photography Alan & Tina King - One Stop Photo Bardy Trail Rides Greger Wright - The Wright Perspective Gyda Sears - AK Photo John & Cindy Hitchcock - TSS Photography John Gomes Michael DeYoung - Michael DeYoung Photography Moby Dick Hostel Paul Carter Qukekcak Native Tribe Ron Niebrugge - Wild Nature Images Seavey’s IdidaRide Seward Community Library Yvette Galbraith - Alaska Marketing Consultants Production/Advertising Sales Yvette Galbraith, Alaska Marketing Consultants Graphic Design & Layout Greger Wright, The Wright Perspective Writers Katie Hickey, KT Creative — ITS Computer Services — Cindy Clock – SewardChamber of Commerce — Judy Griffin, Word Wrangling Printing Alaska Dispatch News The Seward Destination Guide is published by The Seward Chamber of Commerce, CVB — 2001 Seward Highway PO Box 749, Seward, AK 99664, (907) 224-8051 Fax: (907) 224-5353, Email: visitseward@seward.net, www.seward.com Grege r Wrig ht - Th e Wrig ht Pers pectiv e

Magic Bus PO Box 212435 Anchorage, AK 99521  (907) 230-6773 F (907) 248-7996  info@themagicbus.com www.themagicbus.com


What to Do

Susan Swiderski Fine Art 704 Second Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-1988  sswiderski3b@gmail.com www.susanswiderski.com The Grazing Moose 312 Fifth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-1076  summermarketartistscoop@gmail.com www.thegrazingmoose.com The Ranting Raven PO Box 2666 • 238 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2228  itsrantingraven@gmail.com



Irvin Pottery 14527 Rainforest Cir Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3534  irvpots@gci.net www.irvinpottery.com

Starbird Studio PO Box 350 • 221 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8770 F (907) 224-8769  (888) 868-8770  starbirdst@aol.com Open Year Round


ew k ard, Alas



Silhouette Shingles, LLC PO Box 1741 • 14070 Shady Ln Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-5827  paul@silhouetteshingles.com www.silhouetteshingles.com

46 www.seward.com

Alaska Native Heritage Center 8800 Heritage Center Dr Anchorage, AK 99504  (907) 330-8000 F (907) 330-8030  (800) 315-6608  info@alaskanative.net www.alaskanative.net Alaska SeaLife Center PO Box 1329 • 310 Railway Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907)224-6300 F (907) 224-6320  (888) 378-2525  visitaslc@alaskasealife.org www.alaskasealife.org Kenai Fjords National Park 1212 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7500 F (907) 224-7505 www.npsgov/kefj

Seward Adventure Company PO Box 1561 Seward, AK 99664  (907) Do-A-Ride  (907) 362-7433  ibikeak@sewardbiketours.com www.SewardBikeTours.com

DAY CRUISES - GLACIERS & WILDLIFE Kenai Fjords Tours 1304 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 777-2802 F (907) 777-2887  (888) 478-3346  info@kenaifjords.com www.kenaifjords.com Magic Bus PO Box 212435 Anchorage, AK 99521  (907) 230-6773 F (907) 248-7996  info@themagicbus.com www.themagicbus.com Major Marine Tours Kenai Fjords 1302 B Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 274-7300 F (907) 274-5952  (800) 764-7300  info@majormarine.com www.majormarine.com Major Marine Tours Prince William Sound Harbor Loop Subdivision Whittier, AK 99693  (907) 274-7300 F (907) 274-5952  (800) 764-7300  info@majormarine.com www.majormarine.com


Chieko Charters 12601 Beachcomber Dr Anchorage, AK 99515  (907) 345-0422  (888) 424-4356  chiekocharters@gmail.com www.chiekocharters.com

Alpine Air Alaska, Inc PO Box 519 Girdwood, AK 99587  (907) 783-2360 F (907) 754-1504  info@alpineairalaska.com www.alpineairalaska.com

Chugach Backcountry Fishing Expeditions PO Box 7 • 41455 Seward Hwy Moose Pass, AK 99631  (907) 288-3667 F (907) 288-3667  chugachbackcountry@gmail.com www.chugachbackcountryfishing.com

Seavey’s Ididaride Sled Dog Tours PO Box 2906 • 12820 Old Exit Glacier Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8607  info@ididaride.com www.ididaride.com

Cooper Landing Fish Camp, LLC 16938 Sterling Hwy • MP 49.6 Sterling Hwy Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 595-3474

FISHING Alaska Coastal Explorer 4251 Dimond Way Wasilla, AK 99654  (907) 632-0274  stmark@mtaonline.net www.alaskacoastalexplorer.com Alaska Northern Outfitters PO Box 1709 • 1302 Fourth Ave¼ pg Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2665  akno@gci.net www.alaskanorthernoutfitters.com

Fantasea Charters Seward Harbor Slip B-15 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 345-0100  overtime111@yahoo.com www.akfantaseacharters.com

Crackerjack Sportfishing Charters PO Box 2794 • 1408 B Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2606 F (907) 224-6096  (800) 566-3912  info@crackerjackcharters.com www.crackerjackcharters.com

Open Year Round

Hill Norvell Alaskan Fishing PO Box 1594 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 321-8886  hill@fishwithhill.com www.fishwithhill.com Inn & Out Charters, Inc PO Box 2336 • 1906 Forget Me Not Cir Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5356 F (907) 224-5351  info@innandoutcharters.com www.innandoutcharters.com Jimmie Jack Fishing, Inc 36065 Reef Dr Kenai, AK 99611  (866) 553-4744  jimmiejack@jimmiejackfishing.com Kenai Cache Outfitters 14899 Sterling Hwy Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 595-1401 F  kenaicache@cs.com www.kenaicache.com


Phillips Cruises & Tours / 26 Glacier Cruise 519 W 4th Ave Anchorage, AK 99504  (907) 276-8023

Alaska River Adventures PO Box 725 • Mile 48 Sterling Hwy Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 595-2000 F (907) 595-3454  (888) 836-9027  info@AlaskaRiverAdventures.com www.AlaskaRiverAdventures.com Alaska Rivers Company Mile 50 Sterling Hwy Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 595-1226  (888) 595-1226  info@alaskarivers.company.com www.alaskarivers.company.com Alaska Saltwater Charters PO Box 584 • Seward Harbor Slip E-28 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7254  aksc@arctic.net www.aksaltwatercharters.com Aurora Charters, LLC PO Box 241 • 1302 C Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3968 F (907) 224-7230  (888) 586-8420  sales@auroracharters.com www.auroracharters.com

World W orld Class Sportfishing Charter Halibut * Salmon* Rockfish Reduced price companion/share pole High Speed Catamaran Capt. Sean Carlin Slip: E-20

(907) 224-2665 Office: Located in Seward Boat Harbor E-mail: akno@gci.net www.alaskanorthernoutfitters.com Fishing Blog: Captainsblogalaska.blogspot.com



Kenai River Drifters Lodge Mile 48.3 Sterling Hwy Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 595-5555  (866) 595-5959  lodgemail@arctic.net www.drifterslodge.com Kenai River Fly Fishing, LLC PO Box 753 Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 595-5733 F (907) 595-5733  info@krff.com www.krff.com

Kenai River Trips with Alaska Wildland Adventures PO Box 389 • 16520 Sterling Hwy MP 50.1 Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 783-2928 F (907) 783-2130  (800) 478-4100  info@alaska-wildland.com www.alaskarivertrips.com LeSea Charters Seward Harbor Slip J-9 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 344-4388 F (907) 344-4388  fishleseachtrs@aol.com www.leseacharters.com

Miller’s Landing PO Box 81 • 13880 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 331-3113 F (907) 224-9197  (866) 541-5739  reservations@millerslandingak.com www.millerslandingak.com ProFish-n-Sea Charters PO Box 693 • 1302 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5122  (888) 385-1312  steve@profish-n-sea.com www.profish-n-sea.com Rod N Real Charters 266 Redwood Ct • Seward Harbor Slip K-12 Soldotna, AK 99669  (907) 262-6064 F (907) 262-6622  Kenaifishguide@hotmail.com www.rodnreal.com

Open Year Round

48 www.seward.com

Semaka Charters PO Box 1382 • Seward Harbor Slip H 41 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-1651  semaka@ak.net www.semakacharters.com



The APEX Gym, LLC PO Box 536 • 11724 Seward Hwy, Ste A Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7222  gailb@theapexgym.com www.theapexgym.com

Exit Glacier Guides 405 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5569  exitglacierguides@yahoo.com www.exitglacierguides.com



AA Seward Air Tours 2110 Airport Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-6205

AA Seward Air Tours

Bardy’s Trail Rides PO Box 2262 • Old Nash Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-7863 F (907) 224-2067  bardytrrides@gmail.com www.sewardhorses.com


Scenic Flights and Flight Instruction

The Fish House PO Box 1209 • 1301 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3674  (800) 257-7760  fishhousecharters@gci.net www.thefishhouse.net Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures, LLC 720 K-Beach Rd Soldotna, AK 99669  (800) 548-3474  (800) 548-3474  timmyberg@yahoo.com www.alaskanfishing.com


Raven Aviation, LLC 12180 Nautical Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-6388  raviation@live.com Scenic Mountain Air; Seward Air Moose Pass & Seward Airports  (907) 288-3646 F (907) 288-3647  (907) 224-6607  sma.afr@gmail.com www.sewardair.com Talkeetna Air Taxi PO Box 73 • 14212 E 2nd Ave Talkeetna, AK 99676  (907) 733-2218 F (907) 733-1434  (800) 533-2219  info@talkeetnaair.com www.talkeetnaair.com

MUSEUMS / CULTURAL Alaska Native Heritage Center 8800 Heritage Center Dr Anchorage, AK 99504  (907) 330-8000 F (907) 330-8030  (800) 315-6608  info@alaskanative.net www.alaskanative.net Resurrection Bay Historical Society PO Box 55 • 239 Sixth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3902  RBHS1903@gmail.com



Jim Craig

Seward Museum PO Box 2389 • 239 Sixth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-4082


Alaska Rivers Company Mile 50 Sterling Hwy Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 595-1226  (888) 595-1226  info@alaskarivers.company.com www.alaskarivers.company.com

Alaska Fjord Charters PO Box 2611 • Seward Harbor Slip G-2 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-7763  akfjordcharters@gmail.com www.alaskafjordcharters.com

SAILING Sailing, Inc PO Box 948 • 1406 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3160 F (907) 224-7649  sailalaska@sailinginc.com www.sailinginc.com

Kenai Fjords Tours 1304 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 777-2802 F (907) 777-2887  (888) 478-3346  info@kenaifjords.com www.kenaifjords.com



Alaska Tour & Travel PO Box 22-1011 Anchorage, AK 99522  (907) 245-0200 • F (907) 245-0400  (800) 208-0200  info@alaskatravel.com www.alaskatravel.com

Kenai River Trips with Alaska Wildland Adventures PO Box 389 • 16520 Sterling Hwy MP 50.1 Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 783-2928 F (907) 783-2130  (800) 478-4100  info@alaska-wildland.com www.alaskarivertrips.com

Alaska Wildland Adventures 16520 Sterling Hwy, MP 50.1 Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 783-2928 • F (907) 783-2130  (800) 334-8730  info@alaska-wildland.com www.alaskawildland.com

SEA KAYAKING Adventure Sixty North, LLC PO Box 2487 • 31872 Herman Leirer Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2600  adventure60north@gmail.com www.adventure60.com Kayak Adventures Worldwide 328 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3960  fun@kayakak.com www.kayakak.com

RAFTING Alaska River Adventures PO Box 725 • Mile 48 Sterling Hwy Cooper Landing, AK 99572  (907) 595-2000 F (907) 595-3454  (888) 836-9027  info@AlaskaRiverAdventures.com www.AlaskaRiverAdventures.com

Liquid Adventures 405 Fourth Ave • 13990 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-9225  info@liquid-adventures.com www.liquid-adventures.com Miller’s Landing PO Box 81 • 13880 Beach Dr Seward, AK 99664  (907) 331-3113 F (907) 224-9197  (866) 541-5739  reservations@millerslandingak.com www.millerslandingak.com

1-800-266-8625 alaskacoach.com Save $10 on The Park Connection - Express Service between Seward and Anchorage.

50 www.seward.com

Open Year Round

SHOPPING A Flyin’ Skein PO Box 48 • 223 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5648  aflyinskein@gmail.com www.aflyinskein.com Alaska Shop PO Box 209 • 210 4th Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5420 F (907) 224-5427  alaskashop@hotmail.com Bay Barge Company PO Box 729 • 1503 X Float Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2274  baybarge.company@yahoo.com Breeze Inn Motel PO Box 2147 • 303 N Harbor St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5237 F (907) 224-7024  (888) 224-5237  info@breezeinn.com www.breezeinn.com Corrigan Gear PO Box 721 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-4694  sales@corrigangear.com www.corrigangear.com Cover to Cover Bookstore PO Box 393 • 215 4th Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2525  cover2coverbooks@gmail.com Discovery Gift Shop at ASLC PO Box 288 • 301 Railway Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-6300 Ext 6204  (800) 224-2525  monicah@wtcnm.com

Once in a Blue Moose 230 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5335 F (907) 224-2053  (888) 490-1898  order@onceinabluemoose.com www.onceinabluemoose.com

Where to Find Services

Sew’n Bee Cozy PO Box 1042 • 211 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7647 F (907) 224-7647  sewnbeecozy@arctic.net www.sewnbeecozy.com • Alaska-themed Fabrics • Quilt Kits • Sewing Supplies • Patterns & Books • Quilters Fabrics Located in Historic Downtown Seward

211 4th Avenue 907-224-7647 sewnbeecozy@arctic.net

Sweet Darlings PO Box 149 • 205 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3011 F (907) 224-7313  irisdarling@hotmail.com www.sweetdarlings.com Urbach’s PO Box 249 • 218 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3088 F (907) 224-2484  urbachs@arctic.net

ACCOUNTING / BOOKKEEPING TLC Business Services PO Box 188 • 2408 Elm St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8019  info@tlcbusinessservices.com www.tlcbusinessservices.com

ADVERTISING / PUBLISHING Alaska Marketing Consultants PO Box 1382 • (907) 783-3055 Girdwood, AK 99587  (907) 230-3055  info@akmarketingconsultants.com www.akmarketingconsultants.com

ZIPLINE TOUR Denali Zipline Tours 13764 E 2nd St Talkeetna, AK 99676  (907) 733-3988  (855) 733-3988  info@DenaliZiplinetours.com www.DenaliZiplinetours.com Stoney Creek Canopy Adventures PO Box 3662 • 13037 Knotwood St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3662  msw@stoneycreekca.com www.stoneycreekca.com

COAST Magazine Alaska Adventure Media Inc 6921 Brayton Dr, Ste 207 Anchorage, AK 99507  (907) 677-2900 Optima Public Relations 203 W 15th Ave, Ste 202 Anchorage, AK 99501  (907) 440-9661  Tom@OptimaPublicRelations.com www.OptimaPublicRelations.com Swell Design PO Box 2573 • 225 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-0473  swelldesignak@gmail.com The Local Pages 1987 El Rodeo Dr Ft Mohave, AZ 96246  (928) 727-5077  dgarringer@thelocalpages.net www.thelocalpages.net



Sunny Cove Sea Kayaking PO Box 3332 • 1304 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (800) 770-9119 F (907) 224-8811  info@sunnycove.com www.sunnycove.com

ATTORNEYS Law Offices of Bruce F Stanford, LLC 500 Adams St, Ste 300 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3458 F (907) 224-3459  bfstanfordlaw@gmail.com

Wells Fargo Bank PO Box 517 • 908 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5283 F (907) 224-3711  (800) 869-3557 www.wellsfargo.com

Resurrection Lutheran Church PO Box 35 • 400 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3628 F (907) 224-3628  pastor@rlcseward.com www.rlcseward.com

AUTO SALES & SERVICE Chevrolet of South Anchorage 9100 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, AK 99515  (907) 365-8600 www.AnchorageChevrolet.com

Seward Memorial United Methodist Church PO Box 5 • 321 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7368  sewardumc@gmail.com








Anchorage Chevrolet .com • (907) 365-8600 NAPA Auto Parts Seward PO Box 868 • 1500 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8048 F (907) 224-7203 Stanley Chrysler 44055 Sterling Hwy Soldotna, AK 99669  (907) 335-3906 F (907) 262-9535 www.stanleychryslerak.com

BANKING & FINANCIAL Edward Jones Investments PO Box 2228 • 232 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-6878 F (866) 238-6054 www.edwardjones.com First National Bank Alaska PO Box 69 • 303 4th Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-4200 F (907) 224-4225  customerservice@FNBAlaska.com www.FNBAlaska.com ALASKANOWNED COMMUNITY BANK

BOAT REPAIRS / STORAGE Seward Heavy Industrial Power PO Box 789 • 500 Port Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3854  ship@seward.net www.sewardheavy.com Vigor Alaska PO Box 2069 • Mile 7 Nash Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3198 F (907) 224-5376  michelle.swartz@vigorindustrial.com www.vigorindustrial.com/facilities/ seward

BUILDING INSPECTIONS Marathon Constructors 225 Sixth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5230 F (907) 224-5688  marconinspect@yahoo.com

BUILDING SUPPLIES Alaska Efficient Energy Solutions 2102 Airport Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 830-7393 F (907) 224-8684  info@alaska-energy.com www.alaska-energy.com Spenard Builders Supply, Inc PO Box 1410 • 11725 Seward Hwy Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5576 F (907) 224-4521

CHURCHES Church of Christ 433 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-1170  good_nooz@yahoo.com

Seward Branch 303 4th Avenue 224-4200

FNBAlaska.com 52 www.seward.com

Church of the Nazarene PO Box 616 • 809 4th Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5617  sewardnazarene@gmail.com www.sewardnaz.org


St Peter’s Episcopal Church PO Box 676 • 239 Second Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3975  stpetersseward@gmail.com www.stpeters-seward.org

COMMERCIAL SEAFOOD SALES & PROCESSING Captain Jack’s Seafood Locker PO Box 693 • 303 S Harbor St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8082  info@captainjacksalaska.com www.captainjacksalaska.com J-Dock Seafood Company PO Box 777 • 1408 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7272 F (907) 224-7272  kamell@jdockseafood.com www.jdockseafood.com J&R Fisheries PO Box 3302 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5584 F (907) 224-5572  kruzof@ak.net www.jrfisheries.com

COMPUTER PROGRAMMING & INTERNET ITS Alaska Computer Services 3020 N Lazy Eight Ct, Ste 14 Wasilla, AK 99654  (907) 373-4640 F (907) 373-4642  quentin@itsak.com www.itsalaska.com Puffin Support Services PO Box 3055 • 500 Adams St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-8035  adam@puffinsupport.com www.puffinsupport.com

CONCRETE & GRAVEL Metco, Inc 2701 Seward Hwy Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3151  metcoinc@gci.net

CONSTRUCTION Harmon Construction, Inc 802 1/2 Port Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7145 F (907) 224-7144  harmon@harmon-construction.com

DENTAL CARE Dr Michael Moriarty, DDS PO Box 710 • 400 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3071 F (907) 224-6001  sewarddentist@yahoo.com DOG BOARDING Seward Pet Lodge 13888 Bruno Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 301-1611

EDUCATION & RESEARCH AVTEC-Alaska’s Institute of Technology 809 Second Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3322 F (907) 224-4401  (800) 478-5389  linda.carpenter@avtec.edu www.avtec.edu Kenai Peninsula Borough School District 148 N Binkley St Soldotna, AK 99669  (907) 714-8888  dtressler@kpbsd.k12.ak.us www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us UAF - Seward Marine Center PO Box 730 • 201 Railway Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5261 F (907) 224-3392 www.sfos.uaf.edu/smc

ELECTRICIANS Service Electric, Inc PO Box 1192 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3437 F (907) 224-5061  dykstra@seward.net



CRW Engineering Group, LLC 3940 Arctic Blvd, Ste 300 Anchorage, AK 99503  (907) 562-3252 F (907) 561-2273  info@crweng.com www.crweng.com

Box Canyon Cabins Laundromat PO Box 1662 • 31515 Lois Way Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5046  info@boxcanyoncabin.com www.boxcanyoncabin.com


Suds n Swirl 335 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3111  ak_desiree@yahoo.com

Kenai Peninsula Borough 144 N Binkley St Soldotna, AK 99669  (907) 714-2150 www.borough.kenai.ak.us Seward Job Center PO Box 1009 • 809 Second Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5276 F (907) 224-5277  seward.jobcenter@alaska.gov www.jobsalaska.gov


LIBRARY Seward Community Library PO Box 2389 • 239 Sixth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-4082 F (907) 224-3521 libmus@cityofseward.net

Seward Community

Frontier Trading Post~Frontier Healing Arts & Sciences, LLC 223 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-7802  frontierhealingarts@live.com www.frontierhealingarts.com Shoreside Petroleum 700 Port Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8040 F (907) 224-8047  info@shoresidepetroleum.com

Essential One 1801 Seward Hwy. Seward, Alaska

Meeting Your Travel Needs Station: Gasoline - Diesel - Propane Convenience Store: Beverages,

Library & Museum 239 6th Ave • Seward, AK 99664 907-224-4082 • libmus@cityofseward.net www.cityofseward.us/libmus

MARINE SUPPORT SERVICES Catalyst Marine Engineering, LLC 1806 Alameda St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2500  joe@catalyst-marine.com www.catalyst-marine.com

Snacks & Candy, Auto Fluids

Hot Stuff Foods: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Car Wash: “Touch Free” Automatic Wash, Self-Serve RV/Boat Wash, Vacuum Stations

INSURANCE AGENCIES Seward Insurance Agency PO Box 2103 • 710 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7370 F (907) 224-7330  sewardinsurance@ak.net Communications North PO Box 2009 • 204 Nash Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8908 F (907) 224-8909  pmarrs@.communicationsnorth.com www.communicationsnorth.com



Seward Data Services PO Box 2096 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-3070  sewarddata@gmail.com www.sewarddata.com

North Star Terminal & Stevedore Co PO Box 497 • 913 Port Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5477 F (907) 224-5672  nsts@northstarak.com www.northstarak.com


Ronald E Long Marine Surveys PO Box 2464 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7068 F (907) 224-5707  rlms@ptialaska.net

Advanced Physical Therapy PO Box 2793 • 11724 Seward Hwy, Ste G, MP 3.5 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7848 F (907) 224-7849  info@aptak.com www.aptak.com

Storm Chasers Marine Services, Inc PO Box 757 • 13552 Lowell Pt Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3536 F (907) 224-6080  info@stormchasersmarine.com www.stormchasersmarine.com

MASSAGE & SPA SERVICES Chugach Mountain Massage PO Box 2754 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-2321 www.chugachmountainmassage.com

Active Abilities PO Box 783 • 606 Hemlock St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-0087  info@activeabilities.com

Chugachmiut Health Services PO Box 2088 • 201 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3490 www.chugachmiut.org Providence Seward Medical Center 417 First Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5205  emilywezenberg@providence.org www.alaska.providence.org/locations/psmcc


Discover Harmony Massage 909 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-3111  discoverharmonymassage@gmail.com www.discoverharmonymassage.com

Seward Community Health Center 417 First Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-2273

Smooth Touch 601 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 831-0037

Aurora Energy Services, LLC PO Box 1789 • 903 Port Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3120 F (907) 224-3931

Smooth Touch 601 3rd Ave Seward, AK


ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc 700 G St Anchorage, AK 99501  (907) 265-6132 F (907) 265-6122  ginaluckey@conocophillips.com www.conocophillips.com

ConocoPhillips – proud to support Seward’s Mount Marathon Race. Jannette Nylund Licensed Esthetician 907-831-0037

-Body Waxing -Eyelash Ex�ensions

54 www.seward.com

ORGANIZATIONS & ASSOCIATIONS Alaska Chamber 471 W 36th Ave, Ste 201 Anchorage, AK 99503  (907) 278-2722 F (907) 278-6643 www.alaskachamber.com Alaska Wilderness Recreation & Tourism Assoc 2207 Spenard Rd, Ste 202 Anchorage, AK 99503  (907) 258-3171  hanna@awrta.org www.awrta.org Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery PO Box 369 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5181 F (907) 224-5282  qshatch@arctic.net Chugach Alaska Corporation 3800 CenterPt Dr, Ste 1200 Anchorage, AK 99503  (907) 563-8866 F (907) 563-8402  communications@chugach.com www.chugach.com Friends of the Jesse Lee Home PO Box 737 • 302 Washington St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 422-0660 F (907) 422-0349  vesel@ak.net www.jesseleehome.net Friends of the NRA, Seward, AK Homer, AK 99603  (907) 299-7402  gstephens@nrahq.org www.facebook.com/SewardFNRA ILWU Seward Local Unit 60 539 Third Ave, #A Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5515 F (907) 224-5443 Kenai Peninsula Economic Development Dist 14896 Kenai Spur Hwy, #103-A Kenai, AK 99611  (907) 283-3335 www.kpedd.org

Studio 335 Day Spa & Salon 335 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3223  studio335dayspa@yahoo.com www.sewarddayspa.com TLC Bodyworks ~ Therapeutic Massage & doTERRA Aromatherapy PO Box 147 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-2355 F (907) 224-4380  tlcbodyworks@gci.net

The Seward Phoenix LOG 232 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-4888 www.thesewardphoenixlog.com

NEWSPAPERS Seward City News PO Box 2096 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-0009  sewardcitynews@gmail.com www.sewardcitynews.com

Kenai Watershed Forum 44129 Sterling Hwy Soldotna, AK 99669  (907) 260-5449 F (907) 260-5412  josselyn@kenaiwatershed.org www.kenaiwatershed.org

Integrity Realty PO Box 505 • 319 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8450 F (907) 224-8284  lrolsen@ak.net www.IntegrityRealtyAlaska.com

Peninsula Smokefree Partnership 35911 Kenai Spur Hwy, #9 Soldotna, AK 99669  (907) 260-3682 F (907) 260-3443  info@peninsulasmokefree.com www.peninsulasmokefree.com

Marathon Trust Real Estate PO Box 882 • 907 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-HOME F (907) 224-HOME  jtoloff@marathontrustrealestate.com

Qutekcak Native Tribe 221 Third Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-3118 F (907) 224-5874  finance@qntak.org www.qutekcak.net Seward American Legion Post #5 402 Fifth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5440 F (907) 224-3576  americanlegionpost5@gci.net www.sewardpost5.org Seward Arts Council PO Box 794 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 362-1565  sewardartscouncil@gmail.com Seward Community Foundation PO Box 933 Seward, AK 99664  seward@alaskacf.org www.sewardcf.org Seward Paddling Association Seward, AK 99664  sewardpaddlingassociation@gmail.com www.sewardpaddlingassociation.com The Balto School 302 Washington St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 422-0660 F (907) 422-0349  jesseleehome@gci.net www.jesseleehome.net

PARKING Alaska Park 5000 Spenard Rd Anchorage, AK 99503  (907) 222-4002  dkirk@alaskapark.com www.alaskapark.com

REAL ESTATE Dunham Rentals Seward PO Box 27 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5623  wilnbev@ak.net

Seward Properties 216 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 491-0778

REFUSE COLLECTION Alaska Waste 32143 Old Nash Rd Seward, AK 99664  (907) 283-9390 F (907) 262-4370  (800) 478-3867 SOCIAL SERVICES SeaView Community Services 302 Railway Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5257  (888) 224-5257 www.seaviewseward.org

TELECOMMUNICATIONS GCI PO Box 929 • 300 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-8912 F (907) 224-7318 www.gci.com TBC Radio PO Box 109 Homer, AK 99603  (907) 224-6667 F (520) 398-9351  gary.rose@tbcradio.com www.tbcradio.com TelAlaska/Interior Telephone Co PO Box 489 • 335 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5224  (800) 478-3127  customerservice@telalaska.com www.telalaska.com

TITLE INSURANCE First American Title Insurance PO Box 469 • 500 Adams St Ste 100 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5272 F (907) 224-5281  krilarson@firstam.com

TRANSPORTATION - LAND, FREIGHT, TUG & BARGE Alaska Logistics, LLC PO Box 3512 Seattle, WA 98124  (206) 767-2555 F (206) 767-5222  (866) 585-3281  info@alaska-logistics.com www.alaska-logistics.com Alaska Railroad Corporation 327 W Ship Creek Anchorage, AK 99501  (907) 265-2485 F (907) 265-2597  (800) 321-6518  freightsales@akrr.com www.AlaskaRailroad.com Anderson Tug & Barge Co PO Box 1524 • 1302 Fourth Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5506  info@andersontug.com www.andersontug.com Carlile Transportation Systems 1101 Port Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5413 F (907) 224-3797  (800) 478-1853  astorle@carlile.biz www.carlile.biz City Express PO Box 305 Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5605 F (907) 224-2300  (800) 478-5605  thefarm@ptialaska.net Portage Transport, Inc 2503 Cedar St Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-4617 F (907) 224-4616 www.portagetransportinc.com Samson Tug & Barge 1101 Port Ave Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-7060 F (907) 224-7339  (800) 331-3522  sales@samsontug.com www.samsontug.com SeaTac Marine Services 6701 Fox Ave S Seattle, WA 98108  (206) 767-6000

VETERINARY Seward Animal Clinic Mile 3.5 Seward Hwy Seward, AK 99664  (907) 224-5500 F (907) 224-7275  dog-doctor@hotmail.com



Peninsula Crimestoppers PO Box 1341 Kenai, AK 99611  (800) 478-HALT  greg@russell-consulting.org www.peninsulacrimestoppers.com

Mt. Alice Trailhead

To Bear Lake, Moose Pass, Hope & Anchorage

Nash Road

Getting Around Town

To Exit Glacier & Resurrection River Trail

t c e r r u s e R

Seward Airport ard Sew

ip Cruise Sh l Termina



Public Boat Launch

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Seward Q Boat Harbor

R Fuel Float re Lei

T Dock

r Rd

Visitor Center




I Dock









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“C” Street


Third Ave.

“D” Street


Van Buren


Ba Field


S. Harbor



Public Boat Launch



N. Harbor




ve. Port A




Dairy Hill Lane


KENAI PENINSULA 56 www.seward.com

Second Lake

First Lake

No matter what your mode, you'll travel through some of the world's most spectacular scenery to get here.

B a Y

t i o n

Walking & Bike Path

Parking Area

Public Showers




RV Area


Picnic Area



Visitor Information Seward Chamber of Commerce

Visitor Attractions

Start of Historic Iditarod Trail

9 Beachfront Camping


Exit Glacier


Boat Harbor


Kenai Fjords National Park Visitor Center




Benny Benson Memorial


Mariner’s Memorial


Seward Museum & Community Library


Sixth Ave.

U.S. Forest Service (trail maps,


Alaska SeaLife Center



bird display)

6 17

10 Alaska SeaLife 11 Center

Fifth Ave.

all ds


Founders Monument Lowell Creek Waterfall

Other Locations



Adams St.

Jefferson St.

Madison St.

Monroe St.

“A” Street

“B” Street Two Lakes Trail Start

First Ave. To Mount Marathon Jeep Trail



11 To Mount Marathon Race Exit Chute & Lowell Canyon

Military Recreation Camps


Alaska Railroad Depot


Harbor Master


Seward Silver Salmon Derby® Headquarters

ve. ay A Railw

Second Ave.



Washington Ave.

Fourth Ave.



RV dumpstation


Post Office


Kawabe Park


Movie Theatre




UAF Inst. of Marine Science

Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery

Lowell Tonsina Point Point 57

S. Harbor

Ball Fields

6th Ave.

5th Ave.


Monroe St.

Madison St.








Alaska SeaLife Center

Founder’s Monument

Start of Historic Iditarod Trail

South Se Seward





14 1 4 K


V 19

Washington Ave.

ve. ay A Railw

To Mount Marathon Race Exit Chute & Lowell Canyon

P Q T 15 U

Adams St.


1st Ave.




Beachfront Camping

To Mount Marathon Jeep Trail

2nd Ave.

3rd Ave.

4th Ave.



Third Ave.

11 Seward Waterfront Park: Check out the beautiful playground, picnic facilities, skateboard park and more. 12 Historic The end of the coastal walk marks “Mile 0” of the Iditarod Trail. Here you'll find Ship CruiseWaterfront: al the Founder's Monument and the Historic Rail Terminal, the green building on the path ahead interpretive rminand Tesigns (now a storage facility). In the early 1900s, this area was a bustling steamship harbor. 13 U.S. Forest Service 14 Seward Community Library and Museum Head north on Sixth Ave. and Adams. Enjoy displays and a dramatic video of the 1964 Good Friday Earthquake & tsunami along with exhibits on Seward's Russian roots, WWII military role and more. Continuing west toward Fifth Ave., you'll see the International Order of Odd Fellows Hall, built in Public 1918, and the Ray Building built in 1916, which was a bank until 1924, then the high school until 1933. Boat 15 Church Street Turn right on 4th, left on Church St. The former Army Chapel moved to this location in 1942. The X Launch Methodists originally organized here in 1905Qand built and/or managed the Jesse Lee Home, the hospital, and the Tuberculosis Sanitarium (1950s). Further along Church St. is the former Lutheran Church, built in 1916-17, now a R Seward Fuel Float coffee house & art gallery. 5 during WWII. Turn left on Adams and F TurnEleft on Third to Adams. Taroka Inn was the USO 16 Historic AdamsGArea P O H N note Liberty Theater. Built in 1944 by silent Carlos Brownell, it’s been in continuous operation since. Next 16 M I Dfilm actor Don Uplands door is theJVan Gilder Hotel, on both State andCNational Registers. Built in 1916 as an office building, it's been a B Historic A S K 1921. Next door is a bronze bust of William H. Seward, by local artist Dennis Treadwell. hotel since 2 17 Fourth Avenue Historic Shops Turn right into the historic Fourth Ave. business district. Of note, Brown and L Public Hawkins dates from 1907 and is the oldest continually operated business in Seward. Urbach's Clothiers has been in Boat business since 1915. Both shops maintain historical artifactsLaunch in addition to their wares. 18 Notorious “Alley B” Head west on Railway Ave. to Third Ave. A row of cottonwoods marks the former “Alley B” – Seward's notorious red-light district known as The Line. During its WWII heyday, with 5,000 G.I.s stationed in Seward, 15 by local businesswomen. 21 little houses lined the alley, owned and operated 19 1906 Church Go on 3rd, left on Adams to 2nd and turn left. St. Peter's Episcopal Church, completed in 1906. 3 on Madison, right on 3rd. Homes on the right were built before 1910 by 20 Millionaire's Row14 North on 2nd, right prominent citizens and were so elegant for the time the block was named “Millionaire's Row.” The “Ballaine House,” (#437) was built in 1905 by Frank Ballaine. Frank and his brother John, Seward's Founder, led the first settlers here in 1903. The “Cameron House,” (#423) was built by the construction engineer of the railroad and later owned by Dr. Joseph Romig, who operated Seward's first medical clinic and hospital in the house around 1910. The “Stewart House,” (#409) was owned by treasurer of the railroad. Please note: these homes are privately owned and do not offer tours to the public. MURALS G “Wildflower Quilt” by sixteen local artists. H “Skate Park Mural” by Gretchen Lindquist. I “Children's Playground Sealife Cubbies” by Abby Mariah Wentworth & Sandy Stolle. 4 J “Mt. Marathon Climbing Wall” by Dot Bardardson. K “The Irresistible Story” on the south wall of the SCL&M, by Nicole Feemster. L “Chart the Entrance to Resurrection Bay” by 20 local artists. M “The Dawn of Aviation” on the northern wall of Resurrection Bodyworks, by Jennifer Headtke & Tim Sczawinski. N “Wildflower Garden” in Kawabe Park, by Gail Neibrugge. Dairy Hill Lane O “Postcards from Our Past” on the north wall of the McMullen building, by Jennifer Headtke & Jeannie Shirk. P “A Tribute to Commercial Fishing” on south wall of Ranting Raven by Tom Missel. Q “The Iditarod Trail” on the northern wall of Telalaska, by Jon Van Zyle. R “Sea-ward Bound” on the south side of Christo's Palace Restaurant, by Justine Pechzal and Liza McElroy. First S “Window on the Bay” on south wall of Christo's Palace, by Liza McElroy. Second T “Mount Marathon” on the northern wallLake of the Seward Senior Center, by Susan Swiderski.Lake U “Senior Prom” at 3rd & Jefferson by Barbara Lavallee. V “The Ascension” on St. Peter's Church painted in 1925 by the Dutch artist Jan Van Emple. W “Remembering Exit Glacier” on the north wall of AVTEC Student Services by Dot Bardarson.

ve. Port A

n ix

N. Harbor Van Buren

“D” Street

“C” Street

“B” Street

Jefferson St.




Points of Interest


Picnic Area


RV Area

Public Showers





Third Ave.



Second Lake


Uplands Public Boat Launch


Dairy Hill Lane








Van Buren






Benny Benson Memorial





Seward Q Boat Harbor


g Facility

in Coal Load

Ball Fields


North Seward

First Lake

“C” Street


Parking Area






R Fuel Float

Public Boat Launch

ve. Port A

Walking & Bike Path

1 Port of Seward For over a century, the Port of Seward has been a vital component to Alaska's infrastructure – including the active Coal Loading Facility. 2 Icicle Seafoods This is one of several commercial fish processors in Seward. 3 Train Attraction To the north is the Seward Train Depot, to the southeast is the “Train Wreck” – a fun collection of railcars refurbished into private businesses. 4 Seward Boat Harbor This whole area on and around the docks is alive with sailing, sightseeing, fishing and all sorts of marine activity. There are several eateries, gift shops and adventure opportunities in this area and be sure to visit the Kenai Fjords National Park Visitor Center. Dock Etiquette: You may walk the docks as long as you respect private property and don't interfere with loading, hauling and launching activity. 5 Kenai Fjords National Park Visitor’s Center 6 Harbor Master 7 Silver Salmon Derby Headquarters 8 The Uplands Enjoy the Resurrection Bay Lookout and Mariner's Memorial. 9 Coastal Walk: Enjoy magnificent views of the mountains and keep your eyes open for otters, sea lions, and even whales. Note the old pilings -- remnants of Seward's historic waterfront. 10 Two Lakes Nature Park: Starting directly behind the AVTEC building on 2nd Ave., enjoy an easy, half-mile stroll from one end to the other or the mile-long loop. Watch for moose, eagles and other wildlife. Trail may be wet in spots. Return to the boat harbor via Van Buren. MURALS A “Welcome to Seward” in the Cruise Ship Terminal by Jennifer Headtke B “Painting with Wyland” in the Alaska Railroad Building by the Seward Mural Society. C “Seward: Gateway to Alaska” in the Alaska Railroad Building, by Jennifer Headtke D “Caught in Seward” on the south side of J Dock, by Jules Wolfe. E “Pony Cove” on the south end True Value, by Mike Corona. F “Apologies to Rockwell Kent” behind the KFNP Visitor Center, by the Seward Mural Society artists.

Welcome to Seward! Use this guide to explore the amazing history, artistry and activity in our little town— from the cruise ship terminal in Seward’s industrial area, to the bustling boat harbor and up to the downtown action. Enjoy.


N. Harbor


S. Harbor


Seward Walking Map ip Cruise Sh l a in rm e T

Two Lakes Trail Start

“B” Street

“D” Street

Getting Into Adventure — North

Welcome to the active person’s paradise! From easy strolls to fun and challenging climbs, bikes, skis and more — you’ll find it here. Remember to be aware of wildlife and weather forecasts — get up current info and helpful advice at the Seward Visitor Center or by visiting Chugach State Parks and Kenai Fjords National Park websites.* # Name




1 Primrose Trailhead

Moderate to Difficult Hike (or Mtn. Bike): 7.5 miles to Lost Lake or 15-mile traverse.

Gradually climb for 5 miles through dense forest to expansive alpine vistas. Snow can linger up here into July.

At Mile 17 Seward Highway, turn west onto Primrose Road. Travel 1 mile to Primrose Campground. Park in the large area before entering the campground and walk to the trailhead at the far end of the campground road.

Climbs gradually through dense conifer forests & open muskegs with occasional views. Fish for grayling in Grayling Lake and rainbow trout in Meridian, Leech & Long lakes. Review Alaska Department of Fish & Game regulations.

West side of Seward Highway at Mile 13.2.

2 Grayling, Meridian &

Short, Moderate Hike: 2 miles to Grayling with short spurs to other lakes.

3 Goldenfin Lake Trail

Easy, .6 mile

Meadow bogs, mixed forest & lily ponds. Fishing. At Mile 11.6

Varying difficulty, lengths

A network of forested ski trails and walking trails Mile 11.4 in summer. Visit sewardnordicskiclub.org for information on trails throughout the region.

Moderate to Difficult: 7.3 miles to lake or 15-mile traverse.

Ascend through dense spruce forest to open alpine meadows with views of the sea, mountains & eventually the gorgeous, pristine lake. The traverse takes you down through forest to the shores of the turquoise Kenai Lake.

From Mile 5 of the Seward Highway (just north of the fire station), turn west on Scott Way. which then turns into Samantha Way, then a left on Heather Lee Lane. Take first right on Hayden Lane, which leads you to the Lost Lake trailhead.


Look for spawning salmon as they leap the artificial falls in summer. Watch also for American dippers along and in the stream below the weir.

At Mile 6.6 of Seward Hwy., turn right and follow Bear Lake Rd. for .6 mile. Park on the right (south) side in the unpaved pullout.

Easy to Moderate

The trail along the edge of the lake is part of the Iditarod National Historic Trail. In the winter, cross-country skiers of all abilities will enjoy this easily accessible and consistently groomed area. Also popular with ice skaters and hockey players.

Continue past weir for about .7 mile to the end of Bear Lake Road and walk the 0.6-mile access trail.

8 Resurrection River

Easy to Difficult, depending on conditions & distance: 16 miles to Russian Lakes Trail.

This wooded trail travels through dense spruce and hemlock forest and becomes very challenging beyond Martin Creek (mile 4.5). Caution: Not recommended for biking, skiing, snowmobiling or hiking with children.

At Mile 3 of the Seward Hwy., head west on the Herman Leirer/Exit Glacier Road. Drive 8 miles; trailhead on north side of road.

9 Exit Glacier & Harding

Easy stroll to glacier • Moderate to difficult climb to Icefield

Visit the Nature Center then follow the 1-mile accessible loop trail through the cottonwood forest to a panoramic vista of Exit Glacier spilling down the mountain. A network of short trails leads to different views and the strenuous 8.2-mile (rt) Harding Icefield trail takes you high above it all. CAUTION: If you explore the toe of the glacier, do not approach it in places where the ice is over your head - huge, heavy chunks of ice fall off without warning.

At Mile 3 of the Seward Highway, head west on the Herman Leirer/Exit Glacier Road for 8.6 miles to the end. Taxi/shuttle service is available from Seward (with snowcoach service in the winter).

Leech Lakes

4 Divide Ski Area


(Formerly “Mile 12”)

5 Lost Lake

6 Bear Lake Rd Weir

7 Bear Lake



*Helpful websites: Kenai Fjords National Park, www.nps.gov/kefj & Chugach National Forest, www.fs.usda.gov/chugach




Seward Hwy

Primrose Campground

Lakes/Rivers Trails

Chugach State Park Kenai Fjords National Park

Chugach National Forest

Public Toilets Open Yr.-Round


Camp Site

Primrose Trail Meridian Lake

Fishing Area

Biking Path

Lost Lake

Leech Lake


Cross Country Ski

Golden Fin Lake Golden Fin Lake Trail Divide Ski Area X “Mile 12”




Grayling Lake

Hiking Trail

Snow Machining


Grayling/ Meridian/ Leech Lake Trail

Paddleboarding Kayaking

Kenai Lake

R Snow iver

Chugach National Forest

Dog Sledding


Lost Lake Trail

8 Resurrection Exit Glacier Nature Center

River Trail Trailhead

Bear Lake

5 Scott Way


Exit Glacier & Harding Icefield Trails

Lost Lake Trailhead

Res urre ctio n Riv er


r m an Le irer / Exit G laci er R d


Bear Lake Bear Fish Lake Weir Rd


Bear Lake Trails

6 Resurrection Trail


Getting Into Adventure — South

Many adventures begin where the roads, trails and tracks end. In addition to fishing and sailing charters launching from the small boat harbor, here are some ideas for kayaking, beachcombing, hiking and other explorations. Be weather and wildlife aware — and know before you go by visiting a visitor center or park websites.*

# Name


1 Resurrection

Easy to Difficult, depending on conditions & distance: 16 miles to Russian Lakes Trail.

This wooded trail travels through dense spruce and hemlock forest and becomes very challenging beyond Martin Creek (mile 4.5). Caution: Not recommended for biking, skiing, snowmobiling or hiking with children.

At Mile 3 of the Seward Hwy., head west on the Herman Leirer/Exit Glacier Road. Drive 8 miles; trailhead on north side of road.

2 Exit Glacier &

Easy stroll to glacier • Moderate to difficult climb to Icefield

Visit the Nature Center then follow the 1-mile accessible loop trail through the cottonwood forest to a panoramic vista of Exit Glacier spilling down the mountain. A network of short trails leads to different views and the strenuous 8.2-mile (rt) Harding Icefield trail takes you high above it all. CAUTION: If you explore the toe of the glacier, do not approach it in places where the ice is over your head - huge, heavy chunks of ice fall off without warning.

At Mile 3 of the Seward Highway, head west on the Herman Leirer/Exit Glacier Road for 8.6 miles to the end. Taxi/shuttle service is available from Seward (with snowcoach service in the winter).

3 Mt. Alice

Difficult, 2.5 miles one-way.

This steep uphill climbs up through coastal forest to alpine, rewarding the intrepid with spectacular views.

From the Seward Hwy. turn right onto Nash Road and follow for about 2.5 miles; the trailhead is across the road from the first turnout on the right after starting uphill.

4 Iditarod National

Varying difficulty, lengths

Technically the INHT starts downtown. This portion travels through dense spruce and hemlock forest with occasional views of lakes and mountains. Some sections are steep and/or primitive.

Access points at Mile 2.1 of Nash Road, at the end of Bear Lake Road (via 0.6 mile access trail), or Mile 12 Seward Hwy.

5 Lowell Point


Many a kayak and paddleboard adventure begin at Lowell Point. Both guided and unguided parties launch here —for leisurely day paddles along the shore or to longer paddles or overnight adventures throughout the bay. Watch for whales, porpoise, sea otters, seals, sea lions and even bears walking the shore. Caution: winds kick up every afternoon. Lessons, guide services, rentals and water taxis to farther out destinations are available in here or in town. The beach at Lowell Point is also a popular shore fishing location…and a fun place to simply walk the beach (be mindful of the tides if you walk south).

Drive south on Lowell Point Road, turn left on Border Ave.; at the T with Beach Drive, consider stopping for weather updates and other important information… then head south to the launch at the end Beach Drive.

6 Tonsina Point

Easy to Moderate Hike: 1.5 mile (oneway)

Weave in and out of the rainforest, explore the beach and, when the salmon are in, see spawning action up close and personal. CAUTION: Trail beyond Tonisina Point is tidally dependent; you don’t want to be trapped on the other side unless you plan to spend the night.

Drive south on Lowell Point Road, turn left on Border Ave., turn right on Pinnacle View Rd, turn right up to trailhead and parking lot.

River Trail

Harding Icefield

Historic Trail (South Portion)



*Helpful websites: Kenai Fjords National Park, www.nps.gov/kefj & Chugach National Forest, www.fs.usda.gov/chugach.

62 www.seward.com



Resurrection River Trail

2 Exit Glacier

Res urr ect ion Ri



Resurrection River Trail Trailhead H



& Harding Icefield Trails

Seward Hwy

ve r

n Leirer / Exit G lac ie r


Bear Lake

Bear X Fish Lake Weir Rd



N Rd ash

Iditarod National Historic Trail

Mt Alice Trailhead

Lowel Point Rd

Chugach National Forest Chugach State Park Kenai Fjords National Park

Tonsina Trail

Point 6 Tonsina

Public Toilets Open Yr.-Round


Camp Site Fishing Area Paddleboarding Kayaking

Hiking Trail Cross Country Ski Snow Machining Skating Dog Sledding


B a Y

Biking Path

Point 5 Lowell

i o n e c t r r s u R e



Fourth of July Creek

Thumb Cove

Caines Head


Private businesses in Seward offer all the necessary support services for the commercial fishing fleet, including vessel repair, chandlery, dock support staff, divers, marine surveyors and inspectors, communication equipment, electrical service, vessel storage and monitoring, and equipment rentals.


The finest vessel repair services in Alaska are available at the Seward Marine Industrial Center.

FUELING SERVICES A bulk fuel plant is located in Seward, and fueling is available at all major docks


• 50-ton Travelift for vessels up to 50-ft. long • 250-ton Travelift for vessels 45-100 ft. long • 12-ton hydraulic boat trailer • 5,200-ton Syncrolift

COMMERCIAL FISHING & PROCESSING Fishing & related services provide an important source of

income for Seward. Gear & tackle suppliers, fish processors, charter outfits, & financial services reflect continuing support for both commercial and recreational fishing. Seward is one of the largest halibut processors in America. 5 2015 Tides Books may be obtained at the Seward Chamber of Commerce or the office of the Harbormaster Harbormaster@cityofseward.net

1300 4th Ave, Seward, AK 99664 | 907.224.3138 | 907.224.7187 fax | www.cityofseward.net/harbor



Seward Windsong Lodge and Resurrection Roadhouse restaurant are surrounded by towering mountain peaks and colorful wildflowers in the stunning Resurrection River Valley. Minutes from the quaint coastal town of Seward, our lodge is the perfect gateway to explore the unparalleled beauty of Kenai Fjords National Park. Kayak, hike or take a first-class wildlife and glacier cruise with Kenai Fjords Tours. We are Alaska Native owned and proud to offer our guests a true Alaska experience.

• Enhance your stay with great food and a wide selection

of Alaskan beer on tap from throughout the state • Featuring a host of services and amenities, including

Internet access • See a glacier up-close and personal with a tour of Exit

Glacier, departing from our lobby • Free courtesy shuttle to Kenai Fjords Tours, railroad

depot and downtown Seward

’03 -’14

800-478-8069 • SewardWindsong.com/swdcc 31772 Herman Leirer Road, Seward, Alaska

Seward Chamber of Commerce, CVB • 2001 Seward Highway PO Box 749 • Seward, AK 99664 907.224.8051 • www.seward.com

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