SS Course Curriculum 2024-25

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In order to graduate from Sewickley Academy, a student must complete a minimum of 24 credits, excluding Physical Education, in Grades 9 - 12. Students must take a minimum of six (6) courses per year. Five of these courses must come from an approved combination of English, World Languages, Mathematics, Science, and Social Sciences. Minimum graduation requirements are as follows:

ENGLISH (4 credits)

Students must be enrolled in Senior School English in all three trimesters of all four school years.

WORLD LANGUAGES (3 credits in the Senior School in the same world language)

MATHEMATICS (4 credits including Geometry and Algebra II)

Students must be enrolled in Senior School mathematics in all three trimesters of all four school years.

SCIENCE (3 credits)

Students must take Biology and Chemistry.


Students must take World History, Modern World History (or AP Modern World History or AP Human Geography), and United States History (or AP U.S. History).


Visual and Performing Arts include courses in visual arts, theater, technical theater, dance and music.


Computer Science courses include classes in programming, robotics, design, and development, among other courses.

HEALTH (1 credit)

Students who enter the Senior School in Grades 9 and 10 must take three health elective courses. Students who enter in Grade 11 are required to take two health electives. Students who enter in Grade 12 will be required to take one health elective.


1/4 credit in physical education is earned each year. Students must be enrolled in Physical Education, a sport, or dance in all three trimesters of all four school years.


A variety of electives are offered in the Computer Science, Global Studies, Science, History and Social Sciences, English, Math, and Visual and Performing Arts Departments for students to choose from to reach the minimum credits required for graduation.


Senior School students perform at least 55 service hours as part of their graduation requirement.

*Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the graduation requirement for Service Learning hours for the class of 2025 has been temporarily reduced to 25 hours.


All seniors must complete a 50-hour senior project as part of their graduation requirement. Senior projects allow students to demonstrate their unique understanding of Sewickley Academy’s mission through substantial, meaningful engagement with interests broader than those they have encountered in the Academy’s preexisting academic, athletic, or artistic programs. To that end, students must work with a mentor to plan and set goals for their project. The project requires at least 50 hours of work, most of which must take place during the senior project window, which begins after AP exams are completed and ends shortly before graduation. To help maintain quality, students must submit their senior project proposal in early February for review by the Senior Project Committee. During their project, students complete online journals read by their faculty advisor. The senior project culminates with each student presenting their project at the Senior Project Fair.

All seniors must complete all coursework and assignments prior to starting their senior projects.


Grade 9


Grade 10

English English 9 English 10 English 11

Grade 11

History & Social Sciences


World Languages


Computer Sciences & Robotics

Global Studies

Visual Arts

World History

Modern World History OR AP

Modern World History OR AP Human Geography

Full year elective: AP Human Geography

U.S. History OR AP U.S. History

Full Year Electives: AP African American Studies, AP Human Geography, AP U.S. Government & Politics, AP European History, Psychology

Grade 12

Senior Electives: AP Literature and Composition, American Gothic, Romance Literature, Magical Realism, Playwriting Workshop, The Story & Its Teller, Senior Seminar

Full Year Electives: AP African American Studies, AP Human Geography, AP U.S. Government & Politics, AP European History, Psychology

Algebra I, Geometry & Data Analysis, Algebra II, Precalculus/Trigonometry, and Calculus are offered to students based on successful completion of prerequisites. Honors and AP offerings are available for the classes listed above.

Advanced Courses: AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, Multivariable Calculus, AP Statistics, Differential Equations with Numeric Analysis

Grades 11 & 12 Only: Descriptive Statistics, Finance, Inferential Statistics

Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish courses from beginning levels through AP are offered to students based on successful completion of prerequisites.

Chemistry or Honors


Biology or Honors


Full Year Electives: Geoscience, Anatomy & Physiology

Full Year Electives: Physics, Honors Physics, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, Geoscience, Anatomy & Physiology

Full Year Electives: AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics C, AP Environmental Science, Geoscience, Anatomy & Physiology

Robotics I, II, III, Advanced Robotics I, II, III, Introduction to Programming, Programming II, Programming III, AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science Principles, Interactive Design and Development, Fundamentals of Cybersecurity, Introduction to Machine Learning, Game Design, Web Development, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Introduction to Global Studies, A Call to Action, Diplomacy in Action: Model United Nations, Global Perspectives: Exploring World Religions, World Health, World Hunger. Electives: AP Human Geography, World Art Immersion

Drawing & Painting Foundations, Drawing and Painting II, 2D Design I, 2D Design II, 3D Design I, 3D Design II, Advanced Art, AP Art and Design, Ceramics - Wheel, Hand-Building, Sculpture & Raku I, II, III, IV

Performing Arts

Physical Education & Health

Intro to Acting, Advanced Acting, Directing & Design, Intro to Tech Theater, Advanced Tech Theater, Musical Theater Repertoire, Musical Theater Workshop, Senior School Musical Lab, Stage Combat, Introduction to Dance, Dance I, II, Concert Band, Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra, Chorus/Bell Choir, Music Theory I, Artistic and Popular Songwriting, Music History Part I, II, III

Physical Education, Sports or Dance

Health 100, Health 200, CPR/First Aid, Personal Wellness, Nutrition, and Health Leadership



The Sewickley Academy English Department seeks to inspire critical thinking through reading, writing, and speaking; to cultivate the skills of effective communication and literacy; to build an understanding of the world and others through text; and to nurture an appreciation of language.

All students must be enrolled in an English course every trimester of each year of Senior School. Students entering the Senior School in Grade 9 take three fundamental and carefully designed English courses (English 9, 10, and 11) during their first three years. Students entering the Senior School in Grades 10 or 11 are enrolled in the corresponding course for their respective grades. During the Grade 12 year, students either select trimester-long courses for each of the trimesters or enroll in the year-long course, AP Literature and Composition.

English 9 (1 Credit)

In English 9, the development of critical thinking and written expression skills are emphasized. The course seeks to explore the various ways in which the identity of both the writer and the reader is shaped by experience, challenge, and historical context. Throughout the year, students engage in close readings of a variety of literary genres, including plays, poems, short stories, novels, and novellas. These texts provide students with opportunities to question, discuss, and debate as the skills of analysis and interpretation are refined. Emphasis is placed on identifying relevant and representative textual evidence in support of interpretive claims.

In addition to analytical reading skills, students also continue to develop their writing composition, writing mechanics, and communication skills. Students engage with the material through various formats, including essays, oral presentations, Socratic discussions and debates, and creative writing exercises. Texts used to do this work might include Oedipus Rex, Fahrenheit 451, and The Interpreter of Maladies, among others. Full year.

English 10 (1 Credit)

In English 10, students further develop the analytical skills acquired in English 9 with a heightened emphasis on exploring multiple interpretations of a single text. The course prioritizes close reading, strong argumentation, and the expression of ideas through oral and written communication. Through engagement with a spectrum of literary texts spanning from antiquity to the present, students refine their abilities to understand and respond to complex works of literature within a shared cultural framework.

Various instructional formats are utilized to facilitate this learning process, including written essays, oral presentations, Socratic discussions and debates, and imaginative writing exercises. Texts used to do this work might include Beowulf, Frankenstein, The Drowning Boy’s Guide to Water, and The Joy Luck Club, among others. Full year.

English 11 (1 Credit)

English 11 is designed to cultivate engaged and informed citizens through the fostering of fundamental skills in reading and writing. The study of literature provides a way to cultivate those qualities while building and sustaining the habits that underlie them, including observation, analysis, and reflection. This course further strengthens students’ abilities to be proficient and critical readers, able to comprehend and appreciate the nuanced emotional and tonal complexities of a variety of texts. The writing component of the course emphasizes the development of more sophisticated writing skills through the composition of poetry, short memoirs, and persuasive and analytical essays. Students are encouraged to engage in selfexpression and to share their writing with a wider audience through peer groups, familial connections, and participation in national writing contests. Upon completion of Grade 11 English, students should possess a crystalized sense of their personal convictions and the courage to express them through effective written and verbal communication. Texts used to do this work might include Fences, Twelfth Night, and The Great Gatsby, among others. Full year.


Grade 12 English Electives

AP Literature and Composition (1 Credit)

Open to seniors who have earned an average of an A or an A- in English 11 AND receive the recommendation of the department. Students enrolled in AP Literature and Composition will spend the year delving into a variety of texts. Time will be spent closely reading and analyzing texts, identifying authors’ techniques and their impacts, developing and supporting one’s own text interpretations, and effectively arguing these interpretations in writing. Students enrolled in this course should expect a high volume of writing, reading, and discussion designed to foster a deeper appreciation of literature. Students enrolled in this course are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.

American Gothic (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1

This course surveys the genre of Gothic fiction, with a focus on how it reflects American cultural anxieties through the use of supernatural and macabre elements. Students will delve into the immersive world of British Gothic Fiction by engaging with a full-length text, such as Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Students will explore its atmospheric landscapes and intricate narratives, as they seek to understand its influence on the development of American Gothic literature. From there, students study selected short stories by American authors such as Poe, Gilman, Jackson, and Lovecraft as they identify horror tropes and analyze why these stories resonate with so many readers. The class culminates with a study of George Romero’s seminal film, Night of the Living Dead. During this study, students will read film criticism as a way to comprehend the development and influence of the zombie genre. Students will engage in various writing styles, both analytical and creative. One trimester.

Romance Literature (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1

Romance novels have played an integral role in storytelling from ancient epics through contemporary literature. Despite the genre’s continued success, it is often dismissed and questioned by critics for its validity in the literary canon. With the intention of interacting with this continued literary debate, students will read a chronological sampling of romance literature beginning with Austen, Bronte, and Chopin before moving to contemporary works. Over the course of the trimester, students will study the genre’s origins, its growth, and the development of characteristic tropes and conventions. This course will examine popular romance novels throughout history from multiple perspectives, including critical voices such as Janice Radway and Jayne Krentz. Ultimately, students will be asked to engage in a scholarly conversation with a literary critic, examining what constitutes “real literature”. One trimester.

Playwriting Workshop (1/3 Credit) Trimester 2

Open to students in Grades 11 and 12, with priority given to Grade 12 students. Grade 11 students will receive 1/3 Fine Arts credit, while Grade 12 students may select either 1/3 English credit OR 1/3 Fine Arts credit. When an English credit is selected, this course may count towards the four English credits necessary for graduation. This course introduces students to the dramatic structure of a play and explores how the use of that structure, alongside character development, dialogue, and theme, can have a profound impact on an audience. Other topics to be covered include the formatting of a script, the revision process, and staging and production considerations.

Students read and watch examples of ten-minute, one-act, and full-length plays. Through verbal and written responses, students evaluate these scripts and their use of dramatic elements to engage an audience. Students also write monologues, dialogue interactions, and short scenes. The course culminates in students writing and revising a ten-minute play with the opportunity to submit it for production. One trimester.


The Story and Its Teller (1/3 Credit) Trimester 2

The distinction between fact and fiction in storytelling is complex and multifaceted. In some instances, a story may be completely fabricated, whereas in others, it may be based on real events. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that even in fiction, elements of truth can be present, as it often reflects societal issues, human experiences, and universal emotions. Conversely, in a so-called true story, the events portrayed may be factual, but the interpretation and representation of them are shaped by the perspective of the writer and can be influenced by personal biases and prejudices. The study of storytelling’s craft and purpose involves examining how the interplay between truth and fiction can be utilized to convey a message and captivate the reader. This course begins with the study of story during the Middle Ages. Following this, students engage in an exploration of the fine line between fact and fiction in The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien. The semester culminates with a study of Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior as students investigate how stories shape experience and identity. One trimester.

Magical Realism (1/3 Credit) Trimester 3

This elective course provides a comprehensive exploration into the realm of magical realism, a genre described by Gabriel Garcia Marquez as being “grounded in reality but in which miraculous and magical things may happen at any moment.” The course will delve into the historical origins of the genre and its various permutations as it has evolved over time, culture, and genre. Students will engage with literary works by authors such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Sandra Cisneros, and Laura Esquivel, as well as critically acclaimed films by directors such as Guillermo del Toro and Studio Ghibli. Through a close examination of these works, students will gain a deeper understanding of the defining features of the genre, its cultural significance, and the ways in which it illuminates fundamental questions about the human condition. Ultimately, students will be asked to reflect on the role of the magical elements in shaping our understanding of reality and what it means to be human. One trimester.

The Senior Seminar (1/3 Credit) Trimester 3

This culminating course in the English program provides students the opportunity to engage in original thought, reflection, and intensive study. In this course, students consider what their high school years have taught or led them to understand and then convey these ideas through print and audio essays. In addition, students will tell the story of themselves as readers and thinkers by reflecting on the texts that have affected them most profoundly in the course of their educational journeys. Ultimately, each student will produce a standalone multimodal presentation sharing insights and ideas they have come to value as a result of reading and thinking carefully about these significant texts. Course evaluation is based on the development of the reflective essay and the multimodal project. One trimester.

8 English


CHINESE Chinese I Chinese II Chinese III Chinese IV Chinese V AP Chinese (from IV seniors considered for AP)

FRENCH French I French II French III French IV AP French Language

Advanced Topics through French Cinema

ITALIAN Italian I Italian II Italian III

AP Italian Language

Italian IV

SPANISH Spanish I Spanish II Spanish III Spanish IV

Spanish V

AP Spanish Language (only for seniors)

Spanish and Latin American Cinema

The Senior School World Language Department seeks to inspire and educate students to become linguistically and culturally-prepared global citizens. Through an interdisciplinary approach, educators aim to instill in students a variety of key qualities, including academic curiosity, open-mindedness, resiliency, and a desire to explore other cultures. Students gain language proficiency and explore literature and culture, enabling them to communicate effectively and connect with new people and cultures.

The World Languages department offers beginning-level courses through Advanced Placement in Chinese, French, Italian, and Spanish. Three years of the same language are required to graduate.

Students of any grade may start Chinese, French, Italian, and Spanish. Most students begin a language in Grade 9 and continue that language study throughout the four years in the Senior School. Students are encouraged to pursue a second world language.

The placement of new students is based on the previous school record and a written placement assessment.

All courses are year-long for one credit.

Please see the Global Studies section of the Course Catalog for Language Study points for World Languages.




Chinese I (1 Credit)

Chinese I gives students an introduction to the Chinese language and culture. It helps to establish a foundation in pronunciation, character recognition, character writing, and basic grammatical structures for students with no or minimal prior knowledge of Mandarin Chinese. Great emphasis will be put on standard pronunciation (Pinyin), Chinese character writing, and daily conversation through engaging class activities. The study of the culture and social customs is also incorporated into the instruction. Full year.

Chinese II (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Chinese I. Students will continue to learn to read and write Chinese characters and practice listening and speaking in real-life situations. Emphasis is put on building vocabulary and sentence patterns in communicative contexts through engaging activities such as daily conversations, short role-plays, and guided narratives. Chinese poems, songs, and other authentic audio material will be used in class to help students further understand the language and culture. Full year.

Chinese III (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Chinese II. Students will continue learning more characters and vocabulary. The emphasis will be on building vocabulary and sentence patterns in communicative contexts through interactive activities. Students are expected to master more complex grammatical structures and writing skills. Students will be able to conduct effective daily conversations, write short stories, and present on topics related to their family and school life. Chinese poems, songs, and other authentic audio material will be used in class to help students further understand the language and culture. Full year.

Chinese IV (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Chinese III or equal level of proficiency in Chinese. Chinese IV will further cultivate the student’s ability to listen, speak, read, and write. Students will learn additional vocabulary and sentence structures for daily life. Students will increase their knowledge of the Chinese-speaking community and also are expected to write various pieces in Chinese. Various in-class

activities are designed to engage students, review and incorporate the learned vocabulary and grammar, and write complete stories to express their opinions. At the end of this academic year, students will have learned about 1000 characters and all the basic grammatical structures. Students will be ready for intermediate-level Chinese study. Full year.

Chinese V (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Chinese IV or equal level of proficiency in Chinese. Chinese V is designed to begin the preparation for AP Chinese Language and Culture. Students should have completed the elementary-level study successfully and are now ready to complete intermediate-level tasks. This includes the extensive practice of conversations and listening skills on various topics; students are expected to understand native Chinese through audio and visual forms of Chinese news and programs on related topics.  Reading authentic Chinese material is emphasized to enhance understanding of Chinese society and culture. Students are also expected to produce presentations on various cultural topics in Chinese. Throughout the year, essay writing and presentation will be important components of the course; students will also master complex writing structures and cohesive devices.  Full year.

AP Chinese Language and Culture (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Level V or with teacher recommendation. The AP Chinese Language and Culture course is designed to be comparable to second-year college courses in Chinese. This course will allow students to perform intermediate to advanced-level tasks and refine and further develop their abilities in Chinese oral and formal written communication. This course will also engage students in exploring contemporary and historical Chinese culture. Throughout the year, students will read and write short stories and apply the learned writing and speaking skills to improve their fluency further. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.




French I (1 Credit)

French I introduces students to the French-speaking world and establishes a foundation for them to communicate with those who are part of it. In this taskcentered course, students engage with various authentic resources, including menus, videos, children’s books, traditional games, current French music, and various online resources that bring the French-speaking world directly into the classroom. Using and studying these resources allows students to develop written and verbal proficiency and a deeper cultural understanding of the Francophone world. Full year.

French II (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: French I. French II strengthens the foundation that students have established in French I and allows them to discuss a variety of topics most relevant to their daily lives. At this level, the class is run in French. This allows students ample practice to develop the four key language skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Various authentic resources, including videos, articles, music, cookbooks, children’s books, and online resources, bring Francophone culture directly into the classroom. These resources provide meaningful context for the many communicative activities that bring the language to life in this task-centered course. French II has been designed to allow students to have a simple but meaningful conversation in French with a native speaker. Full year.

French III (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: French II. French III serves as a transition from setting a firm foundation to studying more advanced grammar. Students at this level explore an ever-wider variety of authentic resources, including newspapers, short stories, movies, blog entries, comic books, and music. These resources allow students to access French and Francophone perspectives directly, and their increasing proficiency allows them to express a more nuanced understanding of the language. With a continued focus on applying new learning meaningfully, students simulate more complex, culturally informed tasks, such as applying for an internship. By the end of French III, students are ready to study advanced grammar and literature in French IV. Full year.

French IV (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: French III. In French IV, students practice their language skills as they dive into varied authentic resources chosen for their historical, literary, or cultural importance. Students can view films in French, study works of French literature, and read and discuss current events from newspapers around the French-speaking world. The study of complex grammar accompanies cultural and literary study to further develop the ability to express nuanced views. Through class discussion, students will gain a deeper understanding of the Francophone world and of France today, a country with a long history and vibrant culture but one that also faces today’s many challenges. Full year.

College in High School French (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: A- in French IV or with a teacher recommendation. This course is affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh’s College in High School program. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive 3 credits from the University of Pittsburgh. Students will complete college level work in preparation for AP French the following year. This advanced course focuses on contemporary themes through a communicative approach. Through a wide variety of authentic resources, students will encounter and weigh varying perspectives in France and the Francophone world. This course will continue to develop the four key language skill areas of speaking, writing, listening, and reading as it rigorously challenges each student.

AP French Language (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of CHS French or French Cinema, with teacher recommendation. This course is an advanced study of the French language in preparation for the AP Language examination in French. The focus of the course will be on communicative tasks framed within cultural content, with language structures reviewed in context. Complex structures are practiced to perfect self-expression orally and in writing. The reading of literature and cultural materials is intensified, expanding vocabulary. The students will hone their listening skills in order to understand French when spoken to at a normal speed by speakers from various Francophone countries. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.




Italian I (1 Credit)

Italian begins the development of oral proficiency, aural comprehension, basic written communication, and reading for students with no prior knowledge of Italian. Through interactive lessons using everyday vocabulary, students will begin to speak, read, write, and understand spoken Italian. Students will engage in a variety of activities to foster a better understanding of the language and culture. Full year.

Italian II (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Italian I.  This second-year Italian course continues the development of the four language skills. The goal of this course is to allow students to communicate meaningfully at an elementary level with native speakers. Students will continue to engage in a variety of activities to foster a better understanding of the language and culture. Vocabulary and grammar are presented with an emphasis on oral and written communication. Full year.

Italian III (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Italian II. This third-level course further emphasizes the development of the four language skills with stress on oral proficiency and cultural awareness. Italian is the primary means of teaching and communicating. Grammar is refined, and vocabulary is enriched through reading selections. Supplementary cultural materials and audiovisual materials are used. Full year.

Italian IV (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Italian III. This course is based on developing students’ communicative skills within a cultural frame of reference reflective of the richness of the Italian language and culture. The class will focus on communicative tasks framed within cultural content, with language structures reviewed in context. It will continue to offer students the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and to use the language in a vast variety of contexts. Full year.

AP Italian Language and Culture (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of level III with teacher recommendation. This course is an advanced study of the Italian language and culture in preparation for the AP language examination in Italian. The focus of the course will be on communicative tasks framed within cultural content, with language structures reviewed in context. Complex structures are practiced to perfect self-expression orally and in writing. The reading of literature and cultural materials is intensified, therefore expanding vocabulary. The students will hone their listening skills in order to understand Italian when spoken to at a normal speed by native speakers. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.


Spanish I (1 Credit)

This is a first-year course designed to acquaint students with the Spanish language and culture basics. Workbooks, magazines, computer software, and audiovisual materials supplement the textbook. Students are expected to master grammatical and conversational structures that permit effective communication at an elementary level. In addition, students read levelappropriate short stories and other media. Full year.

Spanish II (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Spanish I. This second-level class focuses on more complex grammatical structures and intensifies vocabulary acquisition. Students must perform roleplays and interviews, write medium-length narratives and dialogues, and effectively communicate on culturally relevant topics. Several full-length movies and other authentic audio-visual aids are also presented. Materials for this class include a textbook, workbooks, computer software, and audio-visual components. In addition, students read the short annotated novel La Chica de los Zapatos Verdes. Full year.

Spanish III (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Spanish II. This class focuses on intensive grammar review and vocabulary acquisition. Students are expected to master complex grammatical structures


and to perform developed oral tasks like reports and dialogues. Written work includes compositions, letters, and journals. The first term and part of the second term are devoted to the completion of the regular text and several literary works by prominent Latin American and Spanish authors. During the second and third terms, students refine their written and oral skills through analysis, discussion, and presentations related to the literary material they cover. In addition, students read two short annotated novels, La Guerra Sucia and Esperanza. Encompassing both novels are social justice themes. Full year.

Spanish IV (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Spanish III. The first term and part of the second term of this advanced class are designed to develop oral and written skills. Students review all grammatical structures and work with complex grammatical themes. They study colloquial and idiomatic phrases, write advanced essays, read authentic works in Spanish as well as watch films dealing with current social, political, and social justice themes of the Spanish-speaking world. In addition, they read several short stories as well as other authentic media, including two short novels, Minerva and Casa Dividida. Students also begin some preliminary study for the AP examination in Spanish Language and Culture. Full year.

Spanish V (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of at least Spanish IV. Spanish IV, exclusively conducted in Spanish, prioritizes communicative goals with a cultural approach. Students view grammar as an instrument to communicate more proficiently, fostering increased fluency and precision. Emphasizing self-expression, the course instills confidence in effective communication and critical thinking about language and culture. They study colloquial and idiomatic phrases, write advanced essays, read authentic works in Spanish, and watch films dealing with the Spanish-speaking world’s current social, political, and social justice themes. Students also begin preliminary study for the AP examination in Spanish Language and Culture. This advanced class equips students with linguistic mastery and cultural understanding. Full-year

Spanish and Latin American Cinema (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of at least Spanish IV. Spanish Cinema is a film studies course that is taught in Spanish. Each trimester students watch modern Hispanic films and use them as a tool to discuss topics such as fantasy and reality, the abuse of power, gender roles, and cultural identity. The movies are all from the last three decades and include those by Oscarwinning directors and producers like Pedro Almodóvar and Guillermo del Toro. There is no formal review of grammatical structure, and it is introduced only when needed in the context of improving discussions and assessments. Assessments are created by the students and are based on the essential questions that they generate in class. This course includes some collegelevel texts, including cinematic material, that will need parental permission for students under 17. Full year.

AP Spanish Language (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Seniors who have completed Level V or higher class and with teacher recommendation. This course is an advanced study of the Spanish language in preparation for the AP language examination in Spanish. Students read a variety of materials: short stories, newspapers, poetry, and essays. Students develop mastery of advanced vocabulary as well as more extensive skills in listening, reading, oral comprehension, speaking, and writing. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.



* All Calculus classes can double with AP Statistics or Descriptive Statistics/Finance/Inferential Statistics with department approval.

** Seniors only (double w/any level of Calculus)

*** Seniors may double with any of these courses

**** Student must have completed or with approval be currently taking Geometry

The Mathematics Department at Sewickley Academy seeks to achieve the following goals for students: to become critical problem solvers, communicate mathematically, form connections among concepts, and use mathematical representations to model and interpret practical solutions.

All students are required to take mathematics in each trimester of their Senior School years.

All mathematics courses require a TI-Nspire CAS graphing calculator.  When purchasing your calculator, make sure it is a CAS calculator.

Admission to most math classes depends on a minimum grade in the previous course and/or the department’s recommendation.  Recommendations are based on several qualities, including the ability to solve problems, learner independence, resiliency, class engagement, conceptual understanding of the material, motivation, and responsibility.



Meeting the Algebra I requirement:

A student who has previously taken Algebra I satisfies the Algebra I requirement if the student: (1) is an Academy student and received a grade of C- or above* in either the Middle School or Senior School Algebra I course, or (2) is new to the Academy, had a full year of Algebra I at a previous school, and sufficiently masters the Academy’s Algebra I skills assessment.

A student entering the Senior School having had a full-year Algebra I course but is not satisfying either of the above conditions may do summer work in Algebra I.  Such a student must pass the Senior School Algebra I exams with a minimum B grade.  If this student, after summer work, does not meet this minimum requirement, the student will be placed in the full-year Algebra I course.

A student who enters the Senior School without a full-year Algebra I course at another school will be required to take the Academy’s Algebra I course.  This requirement may not be met through summer work.

*Students who have earned a C+ or below in Middle School Algebra I will be required to pass a placement exam to move on.

Meeting the Geometry requirement:

A student who has previously taken geometry satisfies the geometry requirement if the student: (1) took a geometry course in middle school and sufficiently masters our geometry skills assessment, or (2) is new to the Academy and had a full year of high school geometry at a previous school.

A student who enters the Senior School without a full-year geometry course at another school will be required to take the Academy’s geometry course.

Students may fulfill the geometry graduation requirement by attending the summer geometry-for-credit course offered through Sewickley Academy’s Summer Program (see website for registration information).

Meeting the Algebra II requirement:

A student who has previously taken Algebra II will be exempt from taking an Algebra II course if: (1) the student took an Algebra II course in middle school and sufficiently masters our Algebra II skills assessment, (2) is new to the Academy and had a full year of high school Algebra II at a previous school.

Doubling in Math (with departmental approval):

Students in Grades 9 and 10  may elect to double in math by taking Geometry or Honors Geometry and Algebra II or Honors Algebra II.  Seniors may double in math by taking AP Statistics and some level of Calculus. Seniors may also double by taking Descriptive Statistics, Finance, or Inferential Statistics with any level of Precalculus/Trigonometry or any level of Calculus.



Algebra I (1 Credit)

This course provides the prerequisite background for Geometry and Algebra II. The course establishes the vocabulary and symbolisms of algebra. It includes evaluating expressions, properties of real numbers, rational and irrational numbers, square roots, function theory, solving and graphing linear equations and systems, solving and graphing linear inequalities and systems, applying exponent properties, scientific notation, simplifying polynomial expressions, solving polynomial equations, basic factoring, solving and graphing quadratic functions, exponential growth, and decay, and word problems.  Students are introduced to probability, data analysis, and simplifying and solving rational expressions and equations.  A “C-” in this course indicates a potential for difficulty in future courses.  Students who receive a “C-” or below in Algebra I should consider summer work to deepen their foundational skills.  Text: McDougal Littell Algebra I by Larson, Boswell, Kanold, and Stiff, Copyright 2007. Full year.

Geometry and Data Analysis (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra I (minimum grade of C). This is a full-year course that employs a deductive approach to student learning and discovery in the development of logical reasoning.  This geometry course requires mastery of algebra concepts, including quadratics and radical expressions. Students explore Euclidean and solid geometries with a particular emphasis on plane geometry.  Topics of study include an introduction to logic and proofs, triangles, special quadrilaterals, polygons, perimeter and area of figures, surface area and volume of solids, similar shapes (ratio and proportion), circles, and trigonometry.

Data Analysis topics of study include: Classifying and visually representing data, descriptive statistics including measures of central tendency and measures of spread, and methods of sampling. Applications of these topics are incorporated into the lessons and assignments. Text: Geometry by Glencoe McGrawHill, Boyd, Cummins, Malloy, Carter, Flores, Copyright 2008. Full year.

Honors Geometry and Data Analysis (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Algebra I with a minimum grade of B-. In addition to the content covered in Geometry and Data Analysis, Honors Geometry and Data Analysis studies additional topics, which may include: coordinate proofs, arcs, chords, secants, and tangents. However, important differences lie in the pacing and emphasis of the course. Additionally, an emphasis is placed on independent learning and higher-level thinking skills. Students are routinely expected to successfully tackle the more challenging problems in plane and solid geometry. Text: Geometry by Glencoe McGraw-Hill, Boyd, Cummins, Malloy, Carter, Flores, Copyright 2008. Full year.

Algebra II (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra I with a minimum grade of C. Algebra II serves as a natural extension of topics covered in Algebra I.  The content and pace of the course are rigorous and require students to develop higher-order thinking skills in preparation for precalculus.  Topics include polynomial and rational expressions and functions, systems of equations and inequalities, functions, radicals, irrational numbers, complex numbers, synthetic substitution, graphing polynomial functions, the composition of functions, inverses, exponential and logarithmic functions, and curve fitting. Text: McDougal Littell Algebra 2 by Larson, Boswell, Kanold, Stiff,  Copyright 2007. Full year.

Honors Algebra II (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Geometry. Students can also be recommended for this honors course by their Algebra I and geometry teacher or the Senior School Mathematics Department.  Honors Algebra II covers all topics included in Algebra II.  However, more difficult problems are explored with the expectation that students are highly proficient with the Algebra I topics, can work at a very fast pace, will complete extensive assignments, and require minimal extra help from the instructor.  Additional topics include advanced problem-solving and in-depth examination of functions and matrices. (A minimum year-end grade of “B-” is required to move on to Honors Precalc/Trig). Text: McDougal Littell  Algebra 2 by Larson, Boswell, Kanold, Stiff,  Copyright 2007. Full year.



Precalculus & Trigonometry (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra II with a minimum grade of C and geometry credit or demonstration of mastery of geometry concepts. Precalculus topics include binomial theorem, introductory probability concepts, compositions of functions, inverse functions, and exponential and logarithmic functions. Trigonometry is explored with an emphasis on circular functions. Students will work extensively on graphing, identities, solutions of right and oblique triangles, inverse functions, and their graphs. Students also study complex numbers. (A minimum grade of “A-” is required to qualify for enrollment in AP Calculus AB or by recommendation of the department. A minimum grade of “C” is required for enrollment in Calculus.) Text: Houghton Mifflin Precalculus with Limits, Larson & Hostetler, Copyright 2007. Full year.

Honors Precalculus & Trigonometry (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Algebra II with a minimum grade of B- and geometry credit or demonstration of mastery of geometry concepts. Honors Precalculus/Honors Trigonometry covers all of the topics covered in Precalculus/Trigonometry and additional topics in vectors, graphing techniques, end-behavior models, applications, inequalities, combinatorics, probability, and sequences and series. Additionally, an emphasis is placed on independent learning and higher-level thinking skills.  Students are routinely expected to tackle more challenging problems successfully. (A minimum grade of “B-” is required to move on to AP Calculus AB. Otherwise, the student will be enrolled in Calculus.) Texts: Precalculus with Limits by Larson & Hostetler, Copyright 2007. Full year.

Descriptive Statistics (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1

Grades 11 & 12 only. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra II. This course provides an introduction to college-level statistics. Students learn mathematical skepticism and rigorously controlled experimental design and analysis. Topics include sampling techniques, exploratory data analysis, scatterplots, linear regression, and normal distribution.  Students will become familiar with the statistical capabilities of the TI graphing calculators and will enhance their data analysis with the use of statistical software. Students need the TI-Nspire CAS calculator. This is a standalone course and not a prerequisite for AP Statistics. Text: Statistics and Probability with Applications, 3rd edition by Starnes and Tabor. One trimester.

Finance (1/3 Credit) Trimester 2

Grades 11 & 12 only. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra II.  This course is designed to develop a strong foundation in logical thinking and problemsolving that will enable students to make informed decisions regarding matters of money and finance in their daily lives. This course references the following types of functions: linear, exponential, piecewise, and quadratics. Other topics studied include principles of finance, economics, amortization, supply and demand, revenue and profit functions, loans, compound interest, and continuous interest, credit card debt, car ownership, and budgets. Text: Gerver, R. & Sgroi, R. Financial Algebra Second Edition. South-Western/ Cengage Learning: Mason OH. Copyright 2018. One trimester.



Inferential Statistics (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 3

Grades 11 & 12 only. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Descriptive Statistics. Students learn mathematical skepticism and rigorously controlled experimental design and analysis. Topics include probability, sampling techniques, sampling distributions, confidence interval and hypothesis testing.  Students need the TI-Nspire CAS calculator. This is a standalone course and not a prerequisite for AP Statistics. Text:  Statistics and Probability with Applications, 3rd edition by Starnes and Tabor. One trimester.

Calculus (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Precalculus and Trigonometry with a minimum grade of C.  Calculus is a full-year course for the non-advanced placement student. Students explore and master topics in differential calculus as they simultaneously strengthen skills involving algebraic, precalculus, and trigonometric concepts.  While most of the topics from the Calculus AB syllabus are covered in this course, the focus is on method, process, and application rather than theory. Topics include limits, continuity, velocity, and other rates of change, differentiation of polynomial, rational, radical, and transcendental functions, implicit differentiation, linear approximations, chain rule, logarithmic differentiation, Newton’s Method, related rates, problems of optimization, Mean Value Theorem, curve sketching, applications of derivatives, Reimann sums, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.  Text:  Calculus, Early Transcendental Functions, 4th edition by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards. Full year.

AP Statistics (1 Credit)

Grade 12 only. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra II with a minimum grade of B-. AP Statistics is a full-year course equivalent to a full-semester, non-calculus-based, college-level statistics course.  The syllabus includes the topics and techniques specified by The College Board and additional topics in descriptive and analytical statistics. Students engage in a rich and varied experience with applied mathematical concepts, including data analysis and interpretation, methods of data collection, and planning and conducting studies. Major topics include descriptive statistics, probability, normal, Chi-Square and t-distributions, confidence intervals, and tests of significance.  Data analysis requires the use of statistical graphing calculators and modern statistical software. In lieu of a final exam, students must take the AP Statistics exam offered in May. Text:  The Practice of Statistics, 6th edition (for the AP Exam) by Yates, Moore, and Starnes. Full year.

AP Calculus AB (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Precalculus and Trigonometry with a minimum grade of A- in addition to a teacher recommendation. This is a full-year course equivalent to the first semester of a rigorous collegelevel calculus course. The syllabus includes all of the topics and techniques specified by The College Board, including the use of the graphing calculator

TI-Nspire CAS to explore and reinforce the analytical methods of solution for these topics. The theory of calculus, understanding why and how techniques work and when to use them, is a central focus each time a new topic is presented.  The differential calculus topics include limits, continuity, curve sketching, derivatives of polynomial functions, exponential/ logarithmic functions, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, and optimization and related rates applications.  The integral calculus topics include Riemann sums, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, methods of integration, area under a curve, volumes of revolution, differential equations, slope fields, and applications (such as exponential growth and decay). In lieu of a final exam, students are required to take the AP Calculus AB exam offered in May. Text: Calculus, Early Transcendental Functions 4th edition by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards. Full year.



AP Calculus BC (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of AP Calculus AB. This is a challenging course that continues from where AP Calculus AB left off. Students need to have already mastered differentiation and basic integration. The course will review some of the concepts covered in AP Calculus AB but at a higher level.  The course follows closely but is not limited to the topics and techniques specified by The College Board.  Topics include L’Hopital’s Rule, advanced methods of integration, improper integrals, the calculus of polar functions, infinite sequences and series, Taylor and power series, vector functions, polar calculus, and first-order differential equations and slope fields. Applications will focus on area accumulation, volume, surface area, applied differential equations, growth models, approximation techniques, work, fluid force, the center of mass, and business applications. In lieu of a final exam, students are required to take the AP Calculus BC exam offered in May. Text: Calculus, Early Transcendental Functions 4th edition by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards. Full year.

Multivariable Calculus (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of AP Calculus BC. This course is considered to be an honors-level course. Multivariable Calculus picks up where AP Calculus BC ended. Specific topics include  Threedimensional analytic geometry: three-dimensional coordinate systems, lines, planes, and quadric surfaces; Vector-valued functions, parametric equations, and curves in two- and three-dimensional space; Arc length and curvature; Differential calculus of functions of more than one variable: limits, continuity, partial derivatives differentials, tangent planes, the chain rule, directional derivatives, and gradients; Maximizing and Lagrange multipliers; Integral change of variables; Multiple integration in various coordinate systems; line integrals and surface integrals; Curl and divergence; The Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals, Green’s Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem, and the Divergence Theorem. Text: Calculus, Early Transcendental Functions 4th edition by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards. Full year.

Differential Equations with Numerical Analysis (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of AP Calculus BC. Introduces ordinary differential equations by means of algebraic, numerical, and graphical analysis. Examines first-order differential equations, second and higher-order linear equations, methods for nonhomogeneous second-order equations, series solutions, Laplace transforms, linear systems, and linearization of nonlinear systems. Covers various applications throughout the course. Requires a graphing calculator. Numerical methods taught and used regularly throughout the course which will require some programming. Text: TBD Full year.



The Science Department seeks to develop inquiry-driven and scientifically literate citizens of the local and global community who apply scientific knowledge alongside evidence-based reasoning to investigate and explain natural phenomena and solve challenging problems.

The Senior School science program introduces students to the skills and knowledge necessary to make sense of the natural world. Each year, the program offers four year-long Foundational Courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science that introduce students to the major disciplines of science. Foundational Courses are presented in ways that provide for the steady development of scientific practices. Completion of these courses gives students a scientific education commensurate with our increasingly technical world. Biology (or Honors Biology), Chemistry (or Honors Chemistry), and a third year of science are graduation requirements. A fourth year is strongly recommended to all students but is not required for graduation. It should also be noted that a Foundational physics course is not required to graduate, but it is an important part of the science course offerings. Honors courses explore content at a greater depth and speed and are very demanding. All courses involve a significant amount of interactive engagement and guided inquiry where students must actively participate with their peers. Advanced Placement courses provide interested and prepared students with opportunities to pursue disciplines of science in a fastpaced and sophisticated manner. Sewickley Academy encourages any student with a desire to explore his or her world in depth to strongly consider taking one or more of these courses. All students who elect to take AP courses must take the associated exam in May.

Tenth graders interested in taking an AP Environmental Science concurrent with Honors Chemistry may do so if they have earned an A in Honors Biology and have received approval from the Science Department Chair.

Eleventh graders interested in taking an AP science course concurrent with Physics or Honors Physics may do so if they have received approval from the Science Department Chair and the following criteria are met:

• AP Biology with Physics or Honors Physics – student must have earned at least an A in Biology or B+ in Honors Biology along with an A in Chemistry or B+ in Honors Chemistry

• AP Chemistry with Physics or Honors Physics – student must have earned an A in Chemistry or B+ in Honors Chemistry

• AP Environmental Science concurrent with Physics, Geoscience, or Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences may do so if the student earned at least an A in Biology or a B+ in Honors Biology and at least an A- in Chemistry or a B+ in Honors Chemistry.

Students wanting to take more than one science course in the same academic year must have the approval of their advisor, parents, AND the Science Department Chair.

The science department does not accept off-campus summer coursework, camps, or workshops in science or mathematics for Sewickley Academy science credit or acceleration through the Senior School science program. However, we strongly encourage students to engage in summer science programs that enrich their understanding of, and interest in, science.




Biology (1 Credit)

The Senior School program begins with the study of life on the biochemical and molecular levels. Students explore topics such as membrane dynamics, metabolism (including cellular respiration and photosynthesis), cell division (mitosis and meiosis), gene expression, biotechnology, and evolution. Laboratory work covers a wide range of biological topics. Students further develop data collection, and hypothesisbuilding skills learned in Middle School to explain the wide range of observations made in the laboratory. By the end of the year, students will have an understanding of the key biological principles governing life. Full year.

Honors Biology (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Minimum grade of A- in Grade 8 Science and/or written recommendation of the Middle School Science Department. Students new to Sewickley Academy will be placed based on materials provided through the admission process. All placements must subsequently be approved by the Science Department Chair. Students study foundational disciplines in life science, including biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, genetics, and evolution. Some of the main concepts explored include cell transport, energy transformation, cell division, gene expression, and natural selection. An emphasis is placed on developing analytical reasoning skills in a laboratory setting. The relationship between structure and function in biological systems is a focal point of class discussions and labs. Full year.

Chemistry (1 credit)

(Required for Graduation)

Prerequisite: Biology or Honors Biology and successful completion of Algebra 1. This survey course introduces the student to the structure and composition of matter and the processes by which matter undergoes changes. Using a combination of laboratory work, class discussion, and problem solving, students learn chemical concepts and how they apply to our world. In addition to chemical concepts, students also learn chemical and laboratory techniques for investigating properties and chemical behavior for various kinds of substances. Topics covered include atomic theory,

electronic structure, the history and organization of the periodic table, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, intermolecular forces, ionic and covalent compound nomenclature, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, and molar conversions. The concepts and skills reinforced in this course help students to understand fundamental chemistry principles in everyday real-world contexts. Full year.

Honors Chemistry (1 credit)

(Can fulfill Graduation Requirement)

Prerequisite: A- or better in Honors Biology or an A in general Biology, and successful completion of Algebra 2, and teacher recommendation.  Consultation with the Math Department is part of the recommendation process. This course is designed to offer an accelerated and comprehensive first-year chemistry course to independent students with a strong interest in science. Content in this class includes some topics usually reserved for college chemistry. Because of this, students entering this course must have demonstrated that they have already developed well-organized studying strategies and time-management skills. Students will participate in argument-driven laboratory investigations, class discussions, and problem-solving as they learn fundamental chemistry principles. Topics covered include quantitative and qualitative laboratory and measurement techniques, atomic theory and subatomic particles, quantum theory and electron configurations, the history of the periodic table and periodic trends, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, and intermolecular forces, ionic and covalent compound nomenclature, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, solutions, and gas laws. Full year.

Geoscience (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology and Algebra I. How and when did Earth form? What is Earth made of? How and why is Earth constantly changing? How do human activities affect Earth’s systems? How can we develop models and make predictions about earthquakes and volcanoes? This year-long elective examines the fundamental principles of Earth’s interacting systems at or beneath the surface. Students will approach science as a reliable way of knowing and explaining the natural world. Students will weigh scientific evidence to ask questions and develop



investigations related to topics such as plate tectonics, rock cycles, mineralogy, radioactivity, energy resources, erosion, hydrology, glaciers and ice sheets, earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building. Students will make and use observations to analyze patterns and relationships in order to explain phenomena, develop models, and make predictions. Students do not need an advanced understanding of mathematics to take this course. Individual and group activities will be used to assess learning outcomes. Full-year. Runs on alternating years with Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences.

Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology and Algebra I. How does our Sun influence Earth’s systems? How and when did Earth’s atmosphere form? How and why is weather constantly changing? How do human activities affect Earth’s climates? How do the oceans affect weather patterns? How can we develop models to make weather forecasts and climate projections? This year-long elective examines the fundamental principles of Earth’s interacting systems at and above the surface. Students will approach science as a reliable way of knowing and explaining the natural world. Students will weigh scientific evidence to ask questions and develop investigations related to topics such as weather, storms, climate, ocean currents, ocean salinity, and solar activity. Students will make and use observations to analyze relationships and patterns in order to explain phenomena, develop models, and make predictions. Students do not need an advanced understanding of mathematics to take this course. Individual and group activities will be used to assess learning outcomes. Full-year. Runs on alternating years with Geoscience. Will be offered again in 2025-2026.

Physics (1 credit)

Prerequisite: C+ or better in Biology, Chemistry, and Algebra II. This full-year course will introduce students to classical physics. Topics include kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotation, and gravitation. Students will actively participate in guided inquiry, conceptual development, problem solving, and laboratory activities. Laboratory work is an integral part of the course and students are expected throughout to refine their problem-solving skills acquired in previous science courses. Full year.

Honors Physics (1 credit)

Prerequisite: B+ in Honors Chemistry or an A in regular Chemistry, and prior or concurrent enrollment in Honors Precalculus and Trigonometry. This is an accelerated and enriched first-year physics course for curious students who are highly motivated by challenging problems and sophisticated scientific reasoning. This course is similar to the regular Physics course, but it is more mathematically rigorous with greater emphasis on multi-concept problem solving requiring non-algorithmic approaches. Topics studied include kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotation, and gravitation. If time permits, extra material from fluids, waves, or astronomy may be studied. Students will actively participate in guided inquiry, conceptual development, problem solving, and laboratory activities. Students are required to complete a summer assignment prior to the start of the course. Full year.



Advanced Placement Courses

AP Biology (1 credit)

Prerequisite: B+ or better in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. AP Biology expands basic biological concepts presented in the first-year life science courses. Evolution through natural selection is utilized as a unifying theme in the course. Topics include biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, energy transformation, biotechnology, and genetics. Laboratory experiences are designed to support the theoretical material, develop problem-solving and reasoning skills, in addition to lab technique and design. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Text: OpenStax Biology for AP courses (online).

AP Chemistry (1 credit)

Prerequisite: B+ or better in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and prior or concurrent enrollment in Precalculus. This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop a thorough understanding of general chemistry and a high degree of proficiency in chemical laboratory techniques. Topics covered include thermodynamics, properties of solutions, equilibrium, gas properties, acids and bases, kinetics, and electrochemistry. Class activities include lectures, discussions, lab work, and problem solving. This course is designed to be equivalent to a freshman college chemistry course sequence and requires a significant amount of independence from students, including a summer assignment. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May.

AP Environmental Science (1 credit)

Prerequisite: B+ or better in Biology and Chemistry or an A in Honors Biology with department approval. This is a college-level course designed to “provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them.” (College Board). Topics studied will include Earth systems and cycles, natural resources and their use, ecosystems and populations, pollution and environmental problems, and

global change. The course format will include lectures, discussions, student research and presentations, laboratory activities, and field investigations. This course will prepare students for the associated AP exam in May.

AP Physics (C): Mechanics (1 credit)

Prerequisite: B+ or better in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and prior or concurrent enrollment in AP Calculus, preferably AP Calculus BC. This is a calculusbased, college-level course in Newtonian Mechanics designed to prepare students for the AP Physics C Mechanics exam. The content is equivalent to the first semester physics course taken by college science and engineering majors. Topics studied include kinematics, statics, dynamics, energy, momentum, gravitation, simple harmonic motion, and rotation. All material receives a rigorous mathematical treatment with select topics in calculus taught and/or reinforced as they apply to the physics topics throughout the year. A variety of research-validated teaching and learning techniques will be used throughout the course to help each student gain a deep understanding of the material. Students are required to complete a summer assignment prior to the start of the course. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May.

Other Non-AP Courses

Anatomy and Physiology (1 credit)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology and prior or concurrent enrollment in Chemistry. This yearlong elective examines the anatomical structures and functions, as well as the physiological systems that make human life possible. Superficial, gross, and microanatomy are explored in an effort to provide a more complete picture of the complex arrangement of tissues and organ systems. Topics from cytology through organ system physiology are explored in detail. The goals of this course are to provide students with a foundation in anatomy and physiology, to build on and connect to previously learned concepts from biology, and help students gain an appreciation for the remarkable structure and function of the human body.


History & Social Sciences

The Social Sciences Department offers students vigorous and engaging coursework that promotes disciplinary and transversal skills in the service of cultivating knowledgeable and responsive citizens of our community and the world.

Please see the elective section below to reference Global Studies points for history electives.

World History (1 credit)

All students in Grade 9 will take World History to fulfill their history requirement. The Grade 9 history course will take a thematic approach to world history from the pre-agricultural era through 1200 CE. Questions around global topics such as migration, environment, development, worldviews, culture, security, and justice will frame World History. These questions will apply to studying historical events and artifacts and current events throughout the year that support unit topics. Specifically, students will analyze historical moments such as the Neolithic era, the settlement of river valleys, human migrations during this period, justice and government in ancient Rome, and networks of exchanges in the post-classical world. This course relies upon reading primary and secondary sources to understand and interpret ancient history as it unfolded. In addition to performance-based tasks incorporating reading, writing, speaking, and multimedia, the course will help students develop writing and research skills through collaboration with the Hansen Library. Full year.

Modern World History (1 credit)

All students in Grade 10 will take either Modern World History/AP Modern World History or AP Human Geography to fulfill their history requirement. The Grade 10 Modern World History course takes a thematic approach, picking up where Grade 9 World History left off in 1200 CE and continuing to the present day. Questions around global topics such as migration, environment, development, worldviews, culture, security, and justice will frame modern World History. These questions will apply to studying historical events and artifacts and current events throughout the year that support unit topics. Through these questions, students can examine the historical patterns of continuity and change over time. Students will analyze a variety of primary and secondary sources, including selected historical literature and one novel of their choice. Writing and research will also be emphasized in addition to project-based tasks incorporating reading, writing, speaking, and multimedia. Full year.

AP Modern World History (1 credit)

Prerequisite: B+ in previous History and Social Studies course if it is standard level or B if it is AP. All students in Grade 10 who meet the prerequisite may elect to take either AP Modern World History or AP Human Geography to fulfill their history requirement. In AP Modern World History, students will investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes from 1200 to the present. Specifically, students will investigate historical moments such as the 13th and 14th century Global Empires, the Columbian Exchange, colonialism, the African Diaspora, the Industrial Revolution, WWI and WWII, environmental changes, and globalization. Students develop and use the same skills, practices, and methods employed by historians: analyzing primary and secondary sources; developing historical arguments; making historical connections; and utilizing reasoning about comparison, causation, continuity, and change over time. The course provides six themes that students explore throughout the course to make connections among historical developments in different times and places: humans and the environment, cultural developments and interactions, governance, economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation. Students will demonstrate learning through project-based learning, reading, writing, research, and selected historical literature, which will supplement the textbook. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.

AP Human Geography (1 credit)

Prerequisite: B+ in previous History and Social Studies course if it is standard level or B if it is AP. Full year. Students in 10th grade who meet the prerequisite may elect to take either AP Modern World History or AP Human Geography to fulfill their history requirement. In AP Human Geography students will be introduced to a college-level introductory course in human geography or cultural geography. The content will be presented thematically rather than regionally and will be organized around the discipline’s main subfields: economic


History & Social Sciences

geography, cultural geography, political geography, and urban geography. The approach will be spatial and problem-oriented. Case studies will be drawn from all world regions, with an emphasis on understanding the world in which we live today. Historical information will serve to enrich the analysis of the impacts of phenomena such as globalization, colonialism, and human–environment relationships on places, regions, cultural landscapes, and patterns of interaction. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.

United States History (1 Credit)

All students in Grade 11 will take either United States History or AP United States History to fulfill their history requirement. This course takes a thematic approach to the history of the United States while also evaluating major turning points in their chronological context. Specifically, US history will examine cultural attitudes and historical patterns of continuity and change over time in American history. In this course, students will move beyond simply identifying “what happened ” throughout American history and instead delve into the how, why, and ramifications of events. Accordingly, this course relies heavily upon the reading of primary and secondary sources to understand and interpret American history as it unfolded; several pieces of literature will be read as part of the course requirements. Writing and research will also be emphasized, in addition to performance-based tasks that incorporate reading, writing, speaking, and multimedia. Full year.

AP United States History (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: B+ in previous History and Social Studies course if it is standard level or B if it is AP. All students in Grade 11 will either take United States History or AP United States History to fulfill their history requirement. Covering American history from 1491 to the present, the AP US History course is designed to help students continue to develop historical thinking, interpretation, and analysis skills, as well as gain an understanding of key concepts consistent with the curriculum of the College Board. The AP course is a survey course in which a textbook and supplemental resources in the form of documents, essays, podcasts, videos, and

books on special themes provide substantive and thematic coverage.  Students learn to assess these historical materials, cultivate skills necessary to arrive at conclusions based on informed judgment, and present reasons and evidence clearly and persuasively in essay format. The course makes demands on students equivalent to those expected in a university-level introductory survey of American history. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.


Electives: Available for students in Grades 11-12, as indicated. Students seeking exceptions may request department chair approval in consultation with their advisor/dean.

Global Studies: The history course AP Human Geography qualifies for points in the Global Studies Certificate program. However, students may select either the points or credit in the history department, not both.

AP African American Studies (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: B+ in previous History and Social Studies course if it is standard level or B if it is AP. Grades 11 & 12. AP African American Studies will take students across thousands of years and several different continents to shed light on the many experiences of Black people that are rarely taught in schools. This interdisciplinary course examines the diversity of African American experiences through direct encounters with primary and secondary sources. Students will explore many interesting topics that extend from early African kingdoms to the ongoing challenges and achievements of the present moment. Given the interdisciplinary character of AP African American Studies, students in the course will develop skills across multiple fields, with an emphasis on developing historical, literary, visual, and data analysis skills. This course foregrounds a study of the diversity of Black communities in the United States within the broader context of Africa and the African diaspora. AP African American Studies will allow all students to grapple with what they have been previously taught to gain a more holistic understanding of American society and history. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year; offered every other year.


History & Social Sciences

AP European History (1 Credit)

Grades 11 & 12. Prerequisite: B+ in previous History and Social Studies course if it is standard level or B if it is AP. AP European History is an advanced-level survey that gives students an understanding of the cultural, economic, political, and social developments that have shaped Europe from c. 1450 to the present, beginning with the Renaissance and concluding the Cold War and Contemporary Europe. Students should expect to analyze historical evidence from primary and secondary sources, contextualize historical events, and develop essays that defend historical arguments. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.

AP Human Geography (1 credit)

Prerequisite: B+ in previous History and Social Studies course if it is standard level or B if it is AP. Full year. Grades 10. 11 & 12. In AP Human Geography students will be introduced to a college-level introductory course in human geography or cultural geography. The content will be presented thematically rather than regionally and will be organized around the discipline’s main subfields: economic geography, cultural geography, political geography, and urban geography. The approach will be spatial and problem-oriented. Case studies will be drawn from all world regions, with an emphasis on understanding the world in which we live today. Historical information will serve to enrich the analysis of the impacts of phenomena such as globalization, colonialism, and human–environment relationships on places, regions, cultural landscapes, and patterns of interaction. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.

AP U.S. Government and Politics (1 credit)

Prerequisite: B+ in previous History and Social Studies course if it is standard level or B if it is AP. Grades 11 & 12. AP U.S. Government and Politics is an advancedlevel survey that gives students an understanding of the structure, function, and policies of the United States government. This course is an intensive study of the formal and informal structures of government and the processes of the American political system, with emphasis on policy-making and implementation. This course includes the study of the general concepts used to interpret U.S. government and politics and the analysis of specific examples. It also requires familiarity with the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that constitute the U.S. government and politics. Students will become acquainted with a variety of theoretical perspectives and explanations for various behaviors and outcomes in government and politics. Students must also conduct original political science research or a civic engagement project. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year; offered every other year.

Psychology (1 Credit)

Grades 11-12. This psychology course encourages students to explore human thinking and behavior through the study of science and theory. Students will examine the major thinkers and concepts that have shaped the field of psychology while exploring the application of specific research methods to the study of psychological phenomena. Among other topics, students will look in-depth at nature vs. nurture, the role of rapid cognition in decision-making, how learning and memory work, developmental milestones throughout the lifespan, and psychological disorders. Most importantly, students will consider the ethical implications of the field of psychology, while applying the scientific method and effective communication of ideas. Full Year.



The following courses are available to all students; however, students completing Global Studies Certificate requirements will receive priority during enrollment. All listed courses qualify for points in the Global Issues Study domain (a total of 200 points is required to qualify for a certificate).

An Introduction To Global Studies (1/3 credit) Trimester 1

Required for all Grade 9 Global Studies students. In this course, students are offered an interdisciplinary view of globalization and its impact through an examination of social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental contexts. We will explore different topics such as conflict and resistance, cultural heritage, the evolution of the global economy and financial markets as well as learn about key global organizations, including the United Nations, World Bank, and World Health Organization. The ultimate goal is to provide students with an understanding of the main concepts of global studies and thus enhance their ability to understand and evaluate important real-world issues and problems. One trimester. (60 Global Issues Study points).

Global Issues: A Call to Action (2/3 credit) Trimesters 2 and 3

Grades 9-12. In this Global Studies course, students will critically examine the impediments to global progress, encompassing issues such as poverty, access to education, gender disparities, and contemporary forms of slavery. Using Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn’s enlightening book, “Half the Sky,” as a foundation, the course will delve into an array of supplementary literature exploring diverse regions and addressing a spectrum of topics. These include but are not limited to access to healthcare, the ramifications of climate change, and the fundamental aspects of social entrepreneurship. Throughout the semester, students will engage with compelling works like Tracy Kidder’s “Mountains Beyond Mountains,” David Wallace Wells’ “Uninhabitable Earth,” and Jacqueline Novogratz’s “The Blue Sweater.” Each of these readings will contribute distinct perspectives, fostering a nuanced understanding of the contemporary challenges and triumphs in international development. The course will spotlight the collaborative efforts of nonprofit organizations in tandem with local communities, illustrating effective strategies for solving global problems. In the culminating phase, students will

identify either a local or global issue and embark on a project-oriented solution. It is through this hands-on approach that they will apply the insights gained from the literature and discussions, actively participating in the pursuit of sustainable solutions.

*Content Alert: “Half the Sky” contains mature content related to gender-based violence, including sexual slavery, rape, and female genital mutilation. The course encourages students to approach these topics with sensitivity and critical reflection. Two trimesters. (120 Global Issues Study points).

Diplomacy in Action: Model United Nations (MUN) (1/3 credit) Trimester 2

Grades 9-12. Model United Nations (MUN) is a trimester elective GS course that provides an academic learning experience through the simulation of the structures, processes, and issues of the member nations of the United Nations Organization. The class offers students a unique opportunity to learn about international relations while role-playing United Nations delegates. Through simulations, students gain a deep understanding of global issues and develop critical skills essential for effective diplomacy and negotiation. Students will be expected to participate in at least one regional MUN conference that will be coordinated by the GS department. One trimester. (60 Global Issues Study points).



Global Perspectives: Exploring World Regions (1/3 credit) Trimester 3

Grades 9-12. In this trimester elective course, we will explore various topics that are essential for understanding our modern world. Through a comprehensive study of Modern History, People and Society, Politics, Economics, Geopolitics, and U.S. Foreign Policy, we will delve into the complexities and dynamics of different regions across the globe. Our focus will primarily be on three world regions:

• South and Central Asia

• East Asia and Pacific

• Middle East and North Africa

By examining these diverse regions, we aim to gain a holistic understanding of global interconnections and the challenges faced by different societies. By the end of this course, learners will be equipped with the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the global landscape. One trimester. (60 Global Issues Study points).

World Health (1/3 credit) Trimester 1

Grades 10-12. Prerequisite: Prior successful completion of Biology. What are the current issues surrounding global health? How can medicine, biology, and engineering be used to address these challenges? This one-trimester course will look at the causes and effects of global health problems, and then provide a travel component where students will be able to put their learning into action.The class will include lessons in hands-on medical interventions, basic pre-trip preparation sessions and post-trip reflection sessions. In addition, students will be trained in community and social issues in Belize as well as cross-cultural understanding. Over spring break, the students from this class will travel to Belize with Dr. Ron Kinser where they will live in homestay groups and work in underserved Mayan communities which have only limited access to health care. Students will learn to facilitate several medical interventions and screenings (blood pressure, blood sugar, height and weight, heart rate etc) and complete an important introductory cultural training, including basic medical Spanish. Students who travel and successfully complete the program will earn a certificate of recognition from GPSA. This is an opportunity for students to try out a medical career firsthand while learning about a

different culture. The trip details will be announced in September (TBD). Students may enroll in the course even if they do not intend to participate in the trip; however, priority for enrollment will be given to those students who indicate that they will travel to Belize. One trimester. (60 Global Issues Study points for coursework; additional points for the travel and service components).

World Hunger (1/3 credit) Trimester 2

Grades 10-12. Prerequisite: Prior successful completion of Biology. World Hunger is a laboratory-based, Global Studies course that examines hunger as a global issue. Hunger is examined from the local to the international level with an emphasis on the technology and techniques being utilized by scientists worldwide. Students will perform modern molecular biology techniques including polymerase chain reaction, gel electrophoresis, and Bradford assays, in addition to analyzing primary research articles and essays surrounding agriculture, nutrition, biochemistry and bioethics. Along the way students will interact with scientists, students, and community members currently engaged in battling hunger in our neighborhood and around the world. One trimester. (60 Global Issues Study points)



Elective Courses

AP Human Geography ( 1 credit)

Grades 10-12. Prerequisite: B+ in previous History and Social Studies course if it is regular or B if it is AP. Students in 10th grade who meet the prerequisite may elect to take either AP Modern World History or AP Human Geography to fulfill their history requirement. In AP Human Geography students will be introduced to a college-level introductory course in human geography or cultural geography. The content will be presented thematically rather than regionally and will be organized around the discipline’s main subfields: economic geography, cultural geography, political geography, and urban geography. The approach will be spatial and problem-oriented. Case studies will be drawn from all world regions, with an emphasis on understanding the world in which we live today. Historical information will serve to enrich the analysis of the impacts of phenomena such as globalization, colonialism, and human–environment relationships on places, regions, cultural landscapes, and patterns of interaction. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year. (140 Global Issues Study points)

Global Studies: The history course AP Human Geography qualifies for points in the Global Studies Certificate program. However, students may select either the points or credit in the history department, not both.

World Art Immersion (2/3 credit) Trimesters 2 and 3

Grades 9-12. Prerequisite: Intro to Global Studies *IF USING AS A GLOBAL STUDIES CREDIT.

To cultivate global competence and cultural awareness, we offer the World Art Immersion Global Study

Elective course. Within this course, students delve into the culture, history, and connection to the natural world of artists spanning the 14th to 17th centuries, with a particular focus on the Renaissance. They will explore how artists’ surroundings influence their work, from the use of oil paints in northern countries to painting on plaster in warmer climates of the south. Moreover, students will examine the impact of an artist’s life experiences and ideologies on their artistic creations, as they are inherently linked to their culture. The course comprehensively examines various global art experiences that artists encounter, exploring how these encounters shape their artwork and their perception of the world. As an integral part of the curriculum, a travel component offers students the opportunity to visit another country (TBD), further extending their classroom learning and allowing them to witness art pieces firsthand. By immersing themselves in the landscapes, histories, and cultures of different countries, students cultivate a profound connection to the world around them. Two trimesters. (120 Global Issues Study points, additional points for the travel component);

Courses taken through Global Online Academy listed in the Global Studies section of the GOA catalog will qualify for 60 GIS points upon approval of the GS department.



The Sewickley Academy Technology Department is dedicated to the school-wide integration of technology with student learning, consistent with the Academy’s core values. Character: The school will educate students to use technology ethically and to accept responsibility for the impact of their actions. Educational Rigor: Students will communicate clearly, and solve problems with logic and creativity. Diversity and Community: Our vision is that all students, as independent thinkers, will be able to select and use tools to understand and interact with the world in which they live. The department is committed to prompt and competent support of faculty and staff, empowering faculty-driven initiatives, and offering opportunities for ongoing professional development.

Introduction to Programming (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1

This course is designed for students with little or no programming experience but who may be interested in Computer Science. Students will begin the process of describing, analyzing, and solving programming problems. Students will then explore a variety of Computer Science topics. Fundamental programming concepts such as variables and constants, decision structures, looping structures, methods, mathematical and business functions, and debugging will be explored. The emphasis for this course will be the syntax and concepts of a text-based programming language. One trimester.

Programming II (1/3 Credit) Trimester 2

Prerequisite: Introduction to Programming or permission of department chair. This course continues to build upon the foundation of structured programming learned by the student in Introduction to Programming. It will serve to reinforce and increase the depth of understanding of the basic concepts of a text-based programming language. One trimester.

Programming III (1/3 Credit) Trimester 3

Prerequisite: Programming II or permission of the department chair. This course continues to build upon the foundation of structured programming learned by the student in both Introduction to Programming and Programming II. It will serve to reinforce and increase the depth of understanding of the basic concepts of a text-based programming language. One trimester.

Robotics I (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1

This class applies a variety of skills in math, science, and technology. Students will implement principles of design to build and program a First Tech Challenge (FTC) robot. Students will learn valuable engineering skills of problem-solving through troubleshooting and iterative testing. Students will engage in robotics through various modes of inquiry, primarily centered on cooperative teamwork.  Assessment of achievement will be documented using an engineering notebook. This course is for self-disciplined, independent learners who are passionate about engineering. Successful students in Robotics are risk-takers who are not afraid to fail and learn from mistakes. One trimester.

Robotics II (1/3 Credit) Trimester 2

Prerequisite: Robotics I.  This class builds on the knowledge obtained in Robotics I.  It will serve to reinforce and increase depth of understanding of the basic concepts of robotics, problem-solving, and programming. Students will compete against other students/schools in the First Tech Challenge (FTC) as well as learn about the ways robots are used in science and industry today. One trimester.

Robotics III (1/3 Credit) Trimester 3

Prerequisite: Robotics II. This class builds on the knowledge obtained in Robotics II. It will serve to reinforce and increase depth of understanding of the basic concepts of robotics, problem-solving, and programming. Some time will also be spent exploring the history of robots and their impact on global culture and society. One trimester.



Game Design (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1

Students will learn the fundamentals of game design by studying how the rules of games are written, how games are played, how designers shape the play experience, and how players shape their own playing experience. In this course, you will study games by playing them, critiquing them and replaying them. You will learn how to design games by designing simple games and having your classmates play test them before moving on to more complex games. In this course, you will learn how games work as narrative, immersive experiences that are unique forms of storytelling. At the end of this course, you will storyboard and design a level of a more comprehensive game experience or design a complete board game/ electronic game. Knowledge of computer programming is not required. One trimester.

Web Development (1/3 Credit) Trimester 2

This course is designed to familiarize students with the creation and management of Web sites. The focus will be on Web page planning, basic design, layout, and construction, as well as setup and maintenance. All Web pages will be created by writing HyperText Markup Language (HTML) code, and an emphasis will be placed on manipulating the HTML code to achieve desired results. Many HTML design elements are introduced and utilized, such as working with images, creating links, tables, forms, and using cascading style sheets (CSS). Students will ultimately be able to create their own Web pages during and after exploring these topics. Time permitting, basic JavaScript and app design may also be explored. One trimester.

Introduction To Artificial Intelligence (1/3 Credit) Trimester 3

The Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) course will introduce students to artificial intelligence and how it affects our daily lives and society as a whole. Students will explore the past, present, and future of AI learning about algorithms, machine learning, and using data to make predictions and decisions. Projects will be used to demonstrate topics in a variety of ways. One trimester.

AP Computer Science Principles (1 Credit)

AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of Computer Science. Students will be challenged to explore how technology and computing impact the world around them. In addition, students will also learn how to examine complex problems and break them up into manageable parts in order to implement solutions using a variety of tools. Topics explored involve creative development, data, algorithms and programming, computer systems and networks, and the impact of computing. No previous computer science experience is needed. All students enrolled in this course are required to take the AP Computer Science Principles exam, which also involves the submission of digital artifacts, in the spring. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.

Advanced Robotics (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Robotics III.  This class will build on the student’s knowledge obtained in Robotics I, II, and III.  It will serve to reinforce and increase depth of understanding of the basic concepts of robotics, problem-solving, and programming. Robot safety procedures and standards will be emphasized throughout the course. Full year.

Advanced Robotics II (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Advanced Robotics. This class will build on the student’s knowledge obtained in Advanced Robotics.  It will serve to reinforce and increase depth of understanding of the basic concepts of robotics, problem-solving, and programming. Robot safety procedures and standards will be emphasized throughout the course. A strong leadership/mentor role with new robotics students will also be encouraged. Full year.

Advanced Robotics III (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Advanced Robotics II. This class will build on the student’s knowledge obtained in Advanced Robotics II. It will serve to reinforce and increase depth of understanding of the basic concepts of robotics, problem solving, and programming. Robot safety procedures and standards will be emphasized throughout the course. A strong leadership/mentor role with new robotics students will also be encouraged. Full year.



AP Computer Science A (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: B- or better in Programming III or AP Computer Science Principles and/or permission of the department chair. AP Computer Science A is an advanced course in computer programming and problem-solving. Students will study computer systems, data types, algorithms, data structures, and other programming concepts using the Java programming language in an object-oriented environment. This course follows the curriculum set up by the College Board for the AP Computer Science A course. Evaluation is based on test grades and demonstration of mastery of material through assignments and projects. All students enrolled in this course are required to take the AP Computer Science A test in the spring. Students are required to sit for the AP exam in May. Full year.

Computer Science: Interactive Design & Development (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: AP Computer Science A or permission of department chair. In this course, students will use and strengthen their skills in programming and logic, math, communication, critical and creative thinking, and problem solving. Students will learn to design and program human-computer interactive devices. This course offers students an exciting introduction to the technical and artistic concepts and techniques of designing and programming software applications and video games. They will also be introduced to the fundamentals of animation and program design.

Fundamentals of Cybersecurity (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: AP Computer Science A or permission of department chair. Students will learn about cybersecurity topics such as software security, networking, system administration, and the basics of cryptography. Full year.

Introduction to Machine Learning (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: AP Computer Science A or permission of department chair, as well as Algebra II. Designed for students seeking a deep understanding of machine learning principles, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of various algorithms and their real-world applications. Utilizing the Python programming language as our tool, students will gain hands-on experience training diverse models through the application of different machine learning algorithms. This course not only equips students with valuable skills but also ensures their readiness for college, particularly for majors in computer science and other STEM-related fields. Full year.


Visual and Performing Arts

I. Visual Arts

Students who want to take art all year should be sure to indicate their top three choices for all three trimesters in the Senior School. Students are encouraged to enroll in art during their Grade 9 year.

Students who have completed Art I and Art II could take Drawing and Painting II, 2D Design I, or 3D and Sculpture I as their next course.

2D Design I (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1,2 or 3

2D Design I is a fundamental course in the visual arts program with the emphasis on creating two dimensional works of art. Throughout the course students learn about art history and cultural relevance related to their work. Students learn about the visual arts basics for creating all 2D art such as: the elements and principles of design, composition, perspective, craftsmanship, various art techniques, and 2D media explorations. Students focus on technical and observational skills while creating drawings, paintings, prints, digital art, and photography. One trimester.

2D Design II (2/3 Credit) Trimesters 2 and 3

Prerequisite: 2D Design I, comparable experience, or permission of instructor with portfolio review. The 2D Design 2 course continues the development of the student’s two dimensional art experiences. Throughout the course students learn about art history and cultural relevance related to their work. Students explore drawing and painting media extensively. Students implement various painting media: oils, acrylics, watercolors, and gouache. Comparatively, students use a multitude of drawing media: oil pastels, colored pencils, chalk pastels, markers, and pen and ink. In the 2D Design II course, students focus on color theory and evolve their understanding of hue, intensity, chroma, saturation and color themes. It is required for students to use a sketchbook for the course to assist with future project progression. Students develop their two-dimensional art techniques and skills to create a diversified art portfolio. Two trimesters.

3D Design I (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1, 2 or 3

The 3D Design 1 is an introductory course of creating art in the three dimensional realm. Students learn about additive, subtractive, and relief sculpture while attending to all dimensions of their work. Techniques incorporated in the course may include carving, assemblage, modeling, hammering, chiseling, and joining. Throughout the course students learn about art history and cultural relevance related to their work. The use of maquettes and armatures support the production of additive, relief, or subtractive sculpture. 3D Design 1 emphasizes craftsmanship and practice to develop skill. Students develop a plan of action for each sculpture attentive to details and depth when adding coloration. Students develop techniques and skills associated with different media for the 3D Design 1 course. One trimester.

3D Design II (2/3 Credit) Trimesters 1 and 2 and/or 2 and


Prerequisite: 3D Design I, comparable experience, or permission of instructor with portfolio review. In accordance with the art experiences in the 3D Design 1 course, students continue to develop their three dimensional techniques and skills. Students are introduced to the practice of maintaining a sketchbook to explore ideas. Students investigate many different threedimensional media focusing on specific mastery within the medium. Projects in the course may include kinetic mobiles, free standing sculpture, figurative sculpture, and architectural design to create a three dimensional portfolio. Two trimesters.

Studio Art I (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1, 2, or 3

Studio Art 1 is designed for students to use their creativity to make functional art. Throughout the course students learn about art history and cultural relevance related to functional works of art. Students experiment with different media through use of various art tools and materials. Students learn about functional art and the basics for using the art materials effectively. As the students advance throughout the course, they will develop their projects with the introduction of different media to implement and how to make each piece of work

The Sewickley Academy Visual and Performing Arts Departments challenge students to find their creative spirit through discipline, collaboration, and reflection as they explore and develop skills in the arts.

Visual and Performing Arts

functional. Examples of media or projects in the course are: jewelry & metals, chip carving, leatherworking, batiking, weaving, mosaics, stained glass, woodburning, and more! Studio Arts 1 emphasizes craftsmanship and practice to develop skill. Students advance their techniques and skills associated with different crafts. One trimester.

Studio Art II (2/3 Credit) Trimesters 1 and 2 and/or 2 and 3

The Studio Arts II course is a continuation of Studio Arts I, in which each advancement in the Studio Art courses will allow students more freedom to choose different media and subject matter. Throughout the course students learn about art history and cultural relevance related to functional works of art. In Studio Art course 2, students will enhance their skills and techniques in creating functional art and testing the functionality of their work. Students explore media with in depth investigations, enhancing their techniques associated with different craft media. Students are expected to create at least two Studio Art projects with one of the following media: fiber arts, leatherworking, woodworking, glasswork, metalworking, and jewelry making. Two trimesters.

Mixed Media I (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1, 2, or 3

The Mixed Media 1 course is a preparatory course in experimentation and implementation of two or more media to make artwork. Students draw, paint, sculpt, print, and create multimedia artwork. In the course, students practice with a variety of media in order to expand their knowledge in using media with specific techniques and skills. Students enhance their abilities while developing their understanding of controlling and effectively using different art materials and tools. In the course both two dimensional and three dimensional work is incorporated interchangeably into a cohesive piece of artwork. Some media included but not limited to in the Mixed Media I course are watercolors and colored pencil, oil pastels and encaustics, clay and acrylic paints, tissue and reed, and more! Students may draw from life or use reference images to create their mixed media artwork. One trimester.

Mixed Media II (2/3 Credit) Trimester 1 and 2 and/or 2 and 3

In the Mixed Media 2 course, students continue their art experience in making with multiple media. Students focus on two mediums to explore and manipulate. Sketchbooks are required in the course to develop art projects throughout the process of creating. Specific media techniques and skills are exhibited and learned in the Mixed Media 2 course. Working in both two dimensions and three dimensions, students add variety to their portfolios. Students identify conceptual meaning in their mixed media artwork. Two trimesters.

Advanced Art (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Two (2) Visual Arts credits, comparable experience, or instructor approval with portfolio review. The Advanced Art course is designed similarly to the AP Art course with the exception of students turning in a digital portfolio for review. Students create a body of work with conceptual meaning and relevance in their artwork. Two dimensional, three dimensional, and mixed media artworks are used throughout the course depending on the students interest in the medium and subject matter of their choice. Students maintain a sketchbook and write notes of their experiences and processes with making different pieces of artwork. It is expected for students to spend time outside of class to work on their artwork and dedicate their time to developing their abilities. Students are expected to present and document their work monthly and be able to discuss their artwork to their peers and display their work in different art exhibitions. Full year.

AP Art and Design (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Three (3) Visual Arts credits, comparable experience, or instructor approval with portfolio review. Advanced Placement Art is a junior and senior year course who have a serious interest in visual arts. The AP Art course is a college level course in which students can earn college credit. Students create original works of art with Sustained Investigation. The Sustained Investigation is an inquiry or concept related to the student’s body of work. Students are expected to work outside of class on their artwork and to use the art studio whenever possible. The developed artwork is based on an in-depth investigation of materials, processes, and ideas. The AP course involves practice, experimentation, and revision


Visual and Performing Arts

while developing an art portfolio. Portfolios include works of art, process documentation, and written information about the work presented. In May, the AP exam requires students to submit a digital portfolio (of multiple works of art) to be evaluated with specific criterias by the College Board. Students are expected to present and document their work monthly and be able to discuss their artwork to their peers and display their work in different art exhibitions. Full year.

World Art Immersion (2/3 Credit)

Trimesters 2 and 3

Prerequisite: Intro to Global Studies if using as a Global Studies credit. To cultivate global competence and cultural awareness, we offer the World Art Immersion Global Study Elective course. Within this course, students delve into the culture, history, and connection to the natural world of artists spanning the 14th to 17th centuries, with a particular focus on the Renaissance. They will explore how artists’ surroundings influence their work, from the use of oil paints in northern countries to painting on plaster in warmer climates of the south. Moreover, students will examine the impact of an artist’s life experiences and ideologies on their artistic creations, as they are inherently linked to their culture. The course comprehensively examines various global art experiences that artists encounter, exploring how these encounters shape their artwork and their perception of the world. As an integral part of the curriculum, a travel component offers students the opportunity to visit another country (TBD), further extending their classroom learning and allowing them to witness art pieces firsthand. By immersing themselves in the landscapes, histories, and cultures of different countries, students cultivate a profound connection to the world around them. Two trimesters.

Ceramics: Wheel I (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1

Students will develop the needed skills to experiment with functional and nonfunctional formats on the potter’s wheel. The basic skills which will be introduced and practiced are: center, enter, open, and pull. Students will create rudimentary pieces on the wheel. Glaze applications such as: dip, pour, trail, and spray will be offered to the students. Glaze firing will be low-fire electric oxidation. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/notebook/log in order to record ideas:

techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. One trimester.

Ceramics: Wheel II (2/3 Credit)

Trimesters 1 and 2 and/or 2 and 3

Prerequisite: Ceramics I or instructor’s permission. Students will develop the needed skills to experiment with functional and nonfunctional formats on the potter’s wheel. The basic skills which will be introduced and practiced are: center, enter, open, and pull. More emphasis will be placed on the form and function of the finished work. Students will create handled vessels. Slip/ glaze applications will include dip, pour, trail, and spray. Glaze firing will include high-fire gas reduction and mid fire electric oxidation. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/notebook/log in order to record ideas: techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores..Two trimesters.

Ceramics: Wheel III (2/3 Credit)

Trimesters 1 and 2 and/or 2 and 3

Prerequisite: Ceramics II or instructor’s permission. Students will develop the needed skills to experiment with functional and nonfunctional formats on the potter’s wheel. The basic skills which will be practiced are: center, enter, open, and pull. More emphasis will be placed on the form and function of the finished work. Students will create composite pieces such as lidded jars. They will also be asked to throw vessels on the wheel and then alter them off the wheel. Slip/glaze applications include dip, pour, trail, and spray. Glaze firing will include high-fire gas reduction, low-fire electric oxidation, and Raku. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/ notebook/log in order to record ideas: techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. Two trimesters..

Ceramics: Wheel IV (2/3 Credit)

Trimesters 1 and 2 and/or 2 and 3

Prerequisite: Ceramics III (Hand Building or Pottery Wheel) or instructor’s permission. Students will develop the needed skills to experiment with functional and nonfunctional formats on the potter’s wheel. The basic


Visual and Performing Arts

skills which will be practiced are: center, enter, open, and pull. More emphasis will be placed on the form and function of the finished work. Students will be expected to trim all of their work. Students will create composite pieces such as teapots. They will also be asked to throw vessels on the wheel and then alter them off the wheel. Slip/glaze applications include dip, pour, trail, and spray. Glaze firing will include high-fire gas reduction, low-fire electric oxidation, and Raku. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/notebook/log in order to record ideas: techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. Two trimesters.

Ceramics: Raku I (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1, 2 or 3

Students will create wheel thrown forms through their learned ceramic techniques. This course encourages the discovery and development of personal art pieces utilizing the Raku process. Raku usually involves removing pottery from the kiln while at bright red heat and placing it into containers with combustible materials. Once the materials ignite, the containers are closed. This produces an intense reduction atmosphere which influences the colors in glazes and clay bodies. The drastic thermal shock also produces cracking (known as crackling since it is deliberate). The original Japanese style of raku is an outgrowth from Buddhist influences in life and especially in the tea ceremony. This course will nurture the development of a coherent body of work based on sophisticated techniques and a maturing sense of aesthetic direction. Students will be encouraged to explore glazing and decoration techniques in depth. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. Raku ceramic students must be self-motivated and quality-conscious individuals. One trimester.

Ceramics: Raku II (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1, 2 or 3

Students will create wheel thrown forms through their learned ceramic techniques. This course encourages the discovery and development of personal art pieces utilizing the Raku process. Raku usually involves removing pottery from the kiln while at bright red heat and placing it into containers with combustible materials. Once the materials ignite, the containers are closed. This produces

an intense reduction atmosphere which influences the colors in glazes and clay bodies. The drastic thermal shock also produces cracking (known as crackling since it is deliberate). The original Japanese style of raku is an outgrowth from Buddhist influences in life and especially in the tea ceremony. This course will nurture the development of a coherent body of work based on sophisticated techniques and a maturing sense of aesthetic direction. Students will be encouraged to explore glazing and decoration techniques in depth. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. Raku ceramic students must be self-motivated and quality-conscious individuals. One trimester.

Ceramics: Raku III (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1,

2 or 3

Students will create wheel thrown forms through their learned ceramic techniques. This course encourages the discovery and development of personal art pieces utilizing the Raku process. Raku usually involves removing pottery from the kiln while at bright red heat and placing it into containers with combustible materials. Once the materials ignite, the containers are closed. This produces an intense reduction atmosphere which influences the colors in glazes and clay bodies. The drastic thermal shock also produces cracking (known as crackling since it is deliberate). The original Japanese style of raku is an outgrowth from Buddhist influences in life and especially in the tea ceremony. This course will nurture the development of a coherent body of work based on sophisticated techniques and a maturing sense of aesthetic direction. Students will be encouraged to explore glazing and decoration techniques in depth. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. Raku ceramic students must be self-motivated and quality-conscious individuals. One trimester.

Ceramics: Raku IV (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1, 2

or 3

Students will create wheel thrown forms through their learned ceramic techniques. This course encourages the discovery and development of personal art pieces utilizing the Raku process. Raku usually involves removing pottery from the kiln while at bright red heat and placing


Visual and Performing Arts

it into containers with combustible materials. Once the materials ignite, the containers are closed. This produces an intense reduction atmosphere which influences the colors in glazes and clay bodies. The drastic thermal shock also produces cracking (known as crackling since it is deliberate). The original Japanese style of raku is an outgrowth from Buddhist influences in life and especially in the tea ceremony. This course will nurture the development of a coherent body of work based on sophisticated techniques and a maturing sense of aesthetic direction. Students will be encouraged to explore glazing and decoration techniques in depth. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. Raku ceramic students must be self-motivated and quality-conscious individuals. One trimester.

Ceramics: Hand-Building I (2/3 Credit)

Trimesters 1 and 2 and/or 2 and 3

Students will explore the many uses of clay, from simple handmade forms of early cultures to the extremely varied application of clay in today’s modern society. Teacher demonstrations will be provided, showing the basic ceramic hand-building techniques, which are pinch and coil. A variety of glazing applications will be shown. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/ notebook/log in order to record: ideas, techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. Two trimesters.

Ceramics: Hand-Building II (2/3 Credit)

Trimesters 1 and 2 and/or 2 and 3

Students will continue practicing pinch and coil techniques introduced in the Hand-Building I course, and be introduced to a variety of slab building techniques. Teacher demonstrations will be provided, showing soft and hard slab construction techniques. A variety of glazing applications will be shown. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/notebook/log in order to record: ideas, techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. Two trimesters.

Ceramics: Hand-Building III (2/3 Credit) Trimesters 1 and 2 and/or 2 and


Students will continue practicing techniques learned in the Hand-Building I and II courses, along with the introduction of the clay extruders. Teacher demonstrations will be provided, showing the many different uses of the clay extruding machines. A variety of glazing applications will be shown. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/notebook/log in order to record: ideas, techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. Two trimesters.

Ceramics: Hand-Building IV (2/3 Credit)

Trimesters 1 and 2 and/or 2 and 3

Students will continue practicing techniques learned in the Hand-Building I, II, and III courses, along with the introduction of the clay extruders. Teacher demonstrations will be provided, showing the many different uses of the clay extruding machines. A variety of glazing applications will be shown. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/notebook/log in order to record: ideas, techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. Two trimesters.

Ceramics: Sculpture I (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 1, 2 or 3

Students will primarily utilize the pinch & coil techniques during this one trimester long class. Teacher demonstrations will be provided, showing the pinch & coil projects to the students. A variety of glazing applications will be shown. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/notebook/log in order to record: ideas, techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. One trimester.

Ceramics: Sculpture II (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 1, 2 or 3

Students will primarily utilize soft & hard slab construction techniques during this one trimester long class. Teacher demonstrations will be provided, showing the slab projects to the students. A variety of glazing applications will be shown. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/notebook/log in order to record:


Visual and Performing Arts

ideas, techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. One trimester.

Ceramics: Sculpture III (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 1, 2 or 3

Students will primarily utilize the clay extruders during this one trimester long class. Teacher demonstrations will be provided, showing the clay extruder projects to the students. A variety of glazing applications will be shown. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/ notebook/log in order to record: ideas, techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. One trimester.

Ceramics: Sculpture IV (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 1, 2 or 3

Students will be required to complete at least one full size bust of a historical figure during this one trimester long class. Teacher demonstrations will be provided, showing the techniques used in creating a ceramic bust. The finished surface of the bust will utilize a staining technique and/or the opportunity to Raku fire the piece. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook/ notebook/log in order to record: ideas, techniques, glaze combinations, etc. Students will be responsible for completing various studio management chores. One trimester.

II. Performing Arts

Theater and Dance Courses

Playwriting Workshop (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 2

This course introduces students to the dramatic structure of a play and explores how the use of that structure, alongside character development, dialogue, and theme, can have a profound impact on an audience. Other topics to be covered include the formatting of a script, the revision process, and staging and production considerations.

Students read and watch examples of ten-minute, oneact, and full-length plays. Through verbal and written

responses, students evaluate these scripts and their use of dramatic elements to engage an audience. Students also write monologues, dialogue interactions, and short scenes. The course culminates in students writing and revising a ten-minute play with the opportunity to submit it for production.

This course is open to students in Grades 11 and 12, with priority given to Grade 12 students. Grade 11 students will receive 1/3 Fine Arts credit, while Grade 12 students may select either 1/3 English credit OR 1/3 Fine Arts credit. When an English credit is selected, this course may count towards the four English credits necessary for graduation.

Introduction to Acting (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 1, 2 or 3

This is an introduction to stage acting. This course is designed to free the beginning actor from tension and self-consciousness by becoming involved in exercises designed to develop concentration and imagination as well as interpersonal communication skills appropriate for stage performance. Course provides a basic orientation to the dynamics of acting within a supportive studio environment. One trimester.

Advanced Acting (1/3 Credit) Trimester

1, 2 or 3

Prerequisite: Introduction to Acting. This course is designed for the advanced actor, and presents an opportunity for students with an interest in theater to further develop fundamental skills and techniques. The course will cover various warm-ups and improvisational exercises, as well as monologues and scene work. Each student will establish their individual course objective at the beginning of the trimester and will work with the instructor throughout the course to achieve it. One trimester.

Directing and Design (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 1 or 2

This course will introduce students to the process of theatrical directing and design. Students will learn how to prepare for directing a theatrical production by studying dramaturgy and various directing techniques. Additionally, they will work collaboratively to create


Visual and Performing Arts

scenic, costume, lighting, and audio designs to support a play, musical, or other theatrical production. Students are encouraged to direct a spring one-act play to demonstrate the knowledge acquired throughout the course. One trimester.

Introduction to Technical Theater (1/3

Credit) Trimester 1, 2 or 3

Introduces students to the fundamental skills of working behind the scenes in live theater. Students will learn basics in technical fields such as lighting, rigging, carpentry, props, and stage management. With a focus toward hands-on projects, classes will gain experience with real tools and technology and learn the skills necessary to serve as essential members of the backstage crew. The class culminates in students’ participation as stage crew for a school production for their final project. One trimester.

Advanced Technical Theater I (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 1, 2 or 3

Prerequisite: Introduction to Technical Theater. Building from fundamental skills learned in Intro Tech, students will delve more deeply into the design, creation, and implementation of technical elements of performance.  A focus on design, fabrication, or stage management is possible. Each student’s coursework will be tailored to meet their specific interests while still rounding out their knowledge in other aspects of Technical Theater.  Classes will work collaboratively and individually toward a final project that will utilize all of their skills, either serving as a key member of the design/production team for a school show or producing an individual final project. One trimester.

Advanced Technical Theater II (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 1, 2, or 3

Prerequisite: Advanced Technical Theater I. Building on previous skills, students will delve more deeply into the design, creation, and implementation of technical elements of performance.  A focus on design, fabrication, or stage management is possible, and each student’s coursework will be tailored to meet their specific interests, while still rounding out their knowledge in other aspects of Technical Theater.  Classes will work collaboratively and individually toward a final project

that will utilize all of their skills, either serving as a key member of the design/production team for a school show, or producing an individual final project. One trimester.

Introduction to Dance (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 1 or 3

Introduction to Dance is open to experienced dancers, as well as curious beginners, and introduces students to fundamental movement skills and techniques. Students will learn how to properly warm up the body for movement and develop the skills and confidence necessary for future classes in dance and theatre arts. With a focus on developing body and spatial awareness, the course will cover various genres of dance to meet the needs of the students enrolled in the course. Each student will establish their individual course objective at the beginning of the trimester and will work with the instructor throughout the course to achieve it. One trimester. Can fulfill an Art or PE requirement.

Dance I (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1 or 3

Prerequisite: Introduction to Dance. Building on fundamental skills learned in Intro to Dance, students will delve more deeply into their individualized dance practice. With a continued focus on body and spatial awareness, students will explore new ways to move through various dance genres and choreography. Students will continue to grow their movement technique, as well as build their strength, stamina, and flexibility. One trimester. Can fulfill an Art or PE requirement.

Dance II (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1 or 3

Prerequisite: Dance I. Building on previous skills, students will continue working towards their individualized movement goals through a focused warm up, technical combinations, and choreographic exploration. Students will gain a strong knowledge of how to properly prepare the body for movement and will begin to develop a deeper awareness of body connectivity. Students will continue to grow their movement technique, as well as build their strength, stamina, and flexibility. One trimester. Can fulfill an Art or PE requirement.


Visual and Performing Arts

Musical Theater Repertoire (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 1

This course focuses on the research and creation of a musical theater repertoire collection for students to access for auditions or other performance opportunities. Students will build their audition book throughout the trimester with appropriate songs in their vocal range from various musical theater genres. Instructors will then guide the students through the learning process of how to prepare for an audition. The course will conclude with a “mock” audition to assess the student’s overall knowledge and preparedness. There is no outside performance associated with this course. One trimester.

Senior School Musical Lab (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 2

No prerequisite, although students are encouraged to begin with Intro to Dance, as well as participate in the Senior School Musical. This is an introductory dance and movement course suitable for ambitious students who have minimal prior dance training, but who would like to learn the fundamentals of dancing and movement. The course will serve as a lab for experimenting and devising choreography for the SS Musical. Aided by the instructor, students will work collaboratively to create various dance and movement elements for the production, and opportunities for both dance captains and assistant choreographers are available. One trimester. Can fulfill an Art or PE requirement.

Musical Theater Workshop (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 3

Prerequisite: Introduction to Dance or other Senior School-level dance or theater course. Students will hone their musical theater knowledge and skills through extensive vocal and physical work. They will research and rehearse routines from classic and contemporary musical theater as well as create their own unique pieces. There will be an optional opportunity for students to showcase their trimester-long studies in the Senior School Spring Performance. One trimester. Can fulfill an Art or PE requirement.

Stage Combat (1/3 Credit) Trimester 3

This course will introduce students to the basics of safety and partnering techniques in unarmed, knife, broadsword, quarterstaff, and single-sword combat for the stage. Students must work diligently to create a safe environment while portraying a character in a fight performance. Students will demonstrate these partnering skills in a final class performance. One trimester. Can fulfill an Art or PE requirement.

Music Ensembles and Courses

Concert Band (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Three to four years of playing experience. This ensemble is designed for those students who have acquired a comfortable proficiency on their instruments and wish to continue performing with a large group. A variety of repertoire is explored, including classical, modern, pop, jazz, and traditional marches. Students will also develop musicianship techniques. Serious students are encouraged to audition for PMEA District I Honors Band, Regional, and State Band. The Concert Band performs winter and spring concerts, at school functions, and area band festivals, and may occasionally combine with the Orchestra or Chorus for joint performances. Full year.

Jazz Ensemble (1/4 Credit)

Prerequisite: Instrumentation will be determined by the instructor; acceptance is not guaranteed. This ensemble will meet once per week to pursue the study and performance of Twentieth Century repertoire, including jazz standards, swing, big band, blues, Latin, popular, and rock music styles. Students will also develop improvisational skills. The Jazz Ensemble will perform at the winter and spring concerts, and other school functions as needed. Full year.

Orchestra (1 Credit)

Prerequisite: Three to four years of playing experience. This ensemble is a performing group that explores the major works of the classical, baroque, romantic¸ and contemporary periods in music. Students will also develop musicianship techniques. Serious students are encouraged to audition for PMEA District I Honors Orchestra, Regional, and State Orchestra. The Orchestra performs winter and spring concerts, at school functions,


Visual and Performing Arts

area orchestra festivals, and may occasionally combine with the Concert Band or Chorus for joint performances. Full year.

Chorus/Bell Choir (1 Credit, 2/3 Credit, or 1/3 Credit)

Chorus/Bell Choir is open to any Senior School student who enjoys making communal music. Students will expand musicianship skills, develop their vocal technique, and explore a broad spectrum of choral literature and musical styles. This ensemble will participate in various performances throughout the academic year including, but not necessarily limited to, the winter and spring concerts, school functions, and area festivals. The Chorus/Bell Choir may occasionally join with the Senior School Band and/or Orchestra as well as choral ensembles from both the Middle and Lower Schools. (Students with specific academic conflicts may join this class in later trimesters, for partial credit, provided that they remain in this class until the end of the academic year.) Full year, one, or two trimesters.

Music Theory I (1/3 Credit) Trimester 2

This course is appropriate for experienced musicians as well as curious beginners. This course will teach students the basic skills of music notation, theory, and rhythm for the purpose of preparing the student for creative music composition, specifically the subsequently available course: Artistic and Popular Songwriting. One trimester.

Artistic and Popular Songwriting (1/3 Credit)  Trimester 3

Prerequisite: Music Theory with a “C” grade or higher. This class is intended to further the student’s critical observation of essential elements in songwriting as well as to comprehend these principles as to apply them creatively. Students will study and create simple songs with melody and harmony, develop more advanced songs utilizing an array of musical forms, and create original lyrics appropriate to various styles and genres of songwriting. One trimester.

Music History, Part I (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 1

This course is appropriate for experienced musicians as well as curious beginners. This course will investigate the role of music in Western culture, particularly in the eras of Antiquity, Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Baroque. Emphasis will primarily be the impact of historical events and cultural developments on music’s evolution and vice versa as opposed to mere memorization of names, dates, biographical information, etc. One trimester.

Music History, Part II (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 2

This course is appropriate for experienced musicians as well as curious beginners. This course will investigate the role of music in Western culture, particularly in the eras of Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Early Modern. Emphasis will primarily be the impact of historical events and cultural developments on music’s evolution and vice versa as opposed to mere memorization of names, dates, biographical information, etc. One trimester.

Music History, Part III (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 3

This course is appropriate for experienced musicians as well as curious beginners. This course will investigate the role of music in Western culture, particularly in the Modern Era and 20th and 21st Century popular music. Emphasis will primarily be the impact of historical events and cultural developments on music’s evolution and vice versa as opposed to mere memorization of names, dates, biographical information, etc. One trimester.



The Sewickley Academy health program is designed to build a foundation for students to embody a healthy physical, mental, social, and emotional lifestyle. Health Education at Sewickley Academy empowers students to become health-literate individuals who advocate for themselves and their community.

Students who enter the Senior School in Grades 9 and 10 are required to take three health elective courses to graduate. Students who enter in Grade 11 are required to take two health electives to graduate. Students who enter in Grade 12 will be required to take one health elective to graduate. Health electives have been split into two categories: Health Literacy and Physical Literacy. Students will be expected to select, at minimum, one elective per category. One full credit will be required for graduation.

1st Trimester

Health 100

2nd Trimester

3rd Trimester

Health Literacy Courses

Health 100: Foundations of a Healthy Lifestyle (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1 or 3

What exactly does a healthy lifestyle entail? We tend to have preconceived notions regarding what is healthy and what is unhealthy. The choices we make, and the habits we choose to develop or not develop, will all play a role in how our bodies operate and what quality of life we have. Foundations of a healthy lifestyle is a course that looks to answer these fundamental questions. Awareness and understanding drives change in ourselves and our communities. Foundations of a healthy lifestyle will provide information aligned with Pennsylvania and the National Health Education standards along with our current HPE curriculum. The major units to be covered include: Wellness, Nutrition, Diseases (Communicable and Non-Communicable), Sexual Education and Abstinence, Mental Health, and Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Use. One trimester. Strongly recommended that students take this course in Grade 9-10.

Personal Wellness (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 2

This is a comprehensive course that provides students with essential knowledge and decision-making skills. Students will be introduced to aspects of physical health, mental health, and social/emotional health. They will then use these principles to apply to their own life and help develop health and wellness practices. One trimester.

Health Leadership (1/3 Credit)

Trimester 3

Have you ever thought about having a career in the health field? If so, this course might be for you. During this course students will spend half the trimester creating a health curriculum for a specific lower school grade. Students will be creating curriculum that is important to them while still keeping in mind the National Health Standards. The second half of the trimester will be used to apply and teach their curriculum to a Lower School classroom. Students should possess a willingness to learn and lead a variety of activities. One trimester.

Course Offering Sequence
Health 200 CPR/First
Nutrition Health 200 Personal Wellness
Health 100 CPR/First Aid Health Leadership


Physical Literacy Courses

First Aid and CPR (1/3 Credit) Trimester 1

Everyone should feel comfortable and prepared when an emergency situation occurs whether you are hanging out with friends, attending an event, or driving to a movie. When you take this course, you will learn the techniques and strategies to handle all types of situations you come across, such as, but not limited to, car accidents, broken bones, choking, bleeding, seizures, and CPR. By the end of this course, you will be certified in both First Aid and CPR plus feel like you have the necessary tools to become a first aider. One trimester.

Health 200 - Exercise Science Lab (1/3 Credit) 1st Trimester or 2nd Trimester

Health 100. Exercise science lab is an applied knowledge and understanding course. Students will learn the mechanisms behind our physiology and how we move. More importantly, students will have a handson approach to applying what they learn in class to the real world. Students can expect to learn about a wide range of topics that include: the brain-body connection, applied physiology and biomechanics, foundational movement patterns, training methodology, and incorporating technology into fitness. One trimester.

Nutrition (1/3 Credit) Trimester 2

This course develops a comprehensive study of nutritional principles and guidelines. Students will learn about world-wide views of nutrition, nutrient requirements, physiological processes, food labeling, healthy management, dietary diseases, nutrition for different populations, and more. Students will gain important knowledge and skills to aid them in attaining and maintaining a healthy and nutritious lifestyle. One trimester.



The Sewickley Academy Physical Education Department promotes healthy lifestyles in young people, taking into account the physical, social, emotional, and mental development. Physical Education at Sewickley Academy strives to instill a foundation of skills, experiences, and knowledge that will lead students to value lifetime fitness. The Physical Education program at Sewickley Academy is a developmentally appropriate, comprehensive, and sequential program, Grades PreK through 12. Required for Graduation.

Please note that seniors must participate in one of the courses listed below for at least two of the three trimesters.

All other students must participate in all three trimesters each year to meet the Sewickley Academy graduation requirement for Physical Education.

Course Options

After–School Sports Performance and Wellness


This class meets from 3:30-4:30 two days a week in the Panther Performance and Wellness Center.

In–SchoolPhysical Education:

This class is offered for students during the academic day.

Athletic Teams:

Fall— boys and girls soccer, boys and girls cross country, boys and girls golf, girls tennis, ice hockey, and esports

Winter—boys and girls basketball, ice hockey, swimming/diving (co-op with Quaker Valley High School), boys and girls cheerleading, indoor track & field

Spring—girls softball, boys baseball, boys and girls lacrosse, boys and girls track & field, boys tennis

Dance/Stage Classes:

First Trimester:

Introduction to Dance

Dance I

Dance II

Second Trimester:

Senior School Musical Lab

Third Trimester:

Musical Theater Workshop

Stage Combat

Introduction to Dance

Dance I

Dance II

Students who take any of these dance/stage classes will receive Physical Education credit for the trimester.



Independent Study Option

Independent Study is open to students who have exhausted the sequence of a particular curriculum. A student who wishes to be considered for independent study must submit a description in writing of his or her area of interest, list the objectives of the project, and present a broad outline and syllabus demonstrating how these objectives might be met to the department chair. If the project is approved, a faculty mentor is assigned who will help the student formulate a project of satisfactory academic quality. Supervision by the faculty mentor continues throughout the duration of the project. A final evaluation is made by the faculty mentor and appears on the student’s transcript. Application for an Independent Study must be presented to the Registrar.

Global Online Academy

Sewickley Academy is a proud member of the Global Online Academy (GOA) consortium of schools.

The mission of Global Online Academy is to reimagine learning to enable students to thrive in a globally networked society. GOA provides a positive, interactive, and academically rigorous environment for students to learn. In alignment with Sewickley Academy’s own mission, GOA offers courses that connect students to topics they care about and offers a network that connects students to peers as passionate as they are.

As GOA learners, students develop six core competencies in practical, hands-on ways, no matter which GOA course they take:

• Collaborate with people who don’t share their location.

• Communicate and empathize with people who have perspectives different from their own.

• Curate and create content relevant to realworld issues.

• Reflect on and take responsibility for their learning and that of others.

• Organize their time and tasks to learn independently.

• Leverage digital tools to support and show their learning.

To build these skills, GOA courses are:

Globally connected: Even though GOA courses are online, students get to know their teachers and classmates by learning how to use technology to build relationships. These small classes have students from many different schools led by expert teachers. Students log in multiple times a week to engage in discussions, collaborate on projects, and share ideas.

Challenging: GOA courses are designed to be as rigorous as any course at schools such as Sewickley Academy. During the academic year, students spend 5-7 hours a week on their courses. GOA courses are mostly asynchronous: students do not show up on certain days at certain times. Instead, teachers publish a calendar of activities, and within that framework, students work on their own schedules, gaining critical independent learning skills along the way.

Relevant: GOA encourages students to pursue their passions. Its courses offer practical, hands-on experience in how these ideas can be applied to the world outside of school. Students have a voice and choice in the work they do and the ideas they explore.

***** Students interested in adding a Global Online Academy course to their schedule should explore the GOA offerings and make an appointment to meet with our GOA Site Director, Mr. Wes Vaina (wvaina@ Following that meeting there is a Sewickley Academy student application that interested students must complete. .*****



GOA courses taken during the school year will appear on student transcripts and earn grades that are factored into the students GPA. More specifically:

• GOA courses may be completed for elective credits only.

• Global Studies Certificate students may earn 60 points for courses that are approved for Global Issues Study.

• GOA courses fulfill course load requirements for two trimesters.

• GOA courses earn .5 credit on the transcript.

• GOA courses may not take the place of any course offered at SA or fulfill departmental graduation requirements.

Please note: GOA offers seven-week summer courses that are available to SA students. These courses may be taken for enrichment purposes. They will not be included on transcripts and tuition is the responsibility of the enrolled student’s family. Like other summer enrichment opportunities, students should consider the opportunity based on authentic interest and consider the ways the summer work will enhance their personal resume that may or may not be reflected in their college applications.


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