Much of this success was realized in three key areas fundamental to our school’s strength: enrollment, academic performance, and fundraising.”

Much of this success was realized in three key areas fundamental to our school’s strength: enrollment, academic performance, and fundraising.”
Dennis Zeitler
Rachel Lorey Allen
Vice Chair
Divya Thadani
Roberto Ortiz
Bradley Bussato ’88
Ashley (Brown ’00) Birtwell*#
Robert James
Jane Kirkland
Stephanie Menzock~
Kate Poppenberg Pigman ’82
Ashvin Ragoowansi, M.D.
Peter Schramm ’10
Stephanie Sciullo
Rodney Smith
Joseph Zaluski
Nancy M. Bunce
Glenn A. Buterbaugh, M.D.
Ronald E. Gebhardt**
Margie Shields Gilfillan
Kristen Hammel
William S. Hansen**
Thomas F. Hewitt
Anne O. Jackson**
Jeffrey Lenchner
Amy Marsh
Douglas B. McAdams
Nancy S. Means
Hugh W. Nevin, Jr.
Gregory Patrick, M.D.
Frank C. Schroeder, Jr.**
Amy (Simmons ’80) Sebastian
Richard P. Simmons
*Executive Committee Members
#Ex Officio Member
The 2023-24 school year marked my first year as Chair of the Board of Trustees, and I am most grateful for the trust and confidence my fellow board members have placed in me. Their support, guidance, and collaboration this past year have been instrumental to our positive work and resulted in another successful year for Sewickley Academy.
Much of this success was realized in three key areas fundamental to our school’s strength: enrollment, academic performance, and fundraising.
Enrollment exceeded our expectations by welcoming 100 new students. This growth reflects everyone’s contributions as ambassadors for our premier institution. It also highlights the value our families place on Sewickley Academy’s commitment to a well-balanced educational experience.
Student achievement reached new heights, particularly among our Senior School students, many of whom excelled on AP Exams and earned prestigious AP Scholar honors. Furthermore, perhaps the greatest indicator of academic performance is that many in our graduating class gained acceptance to some of the nation’s top-ranked colleges.
Finally, our fundraising efforts throughout the past school year were impressive. We saw improved results from annual events such as the Auction and Clothesline Sale, where support from our greater community is humbling. We were also fortunate to receive several significant endowment gifts, which will positively impact Sewickley Academy for years to come.
These outstanding results reflect another successful chapter in Sewickley Academy’s history of excellence. Thank you for your essential role in our achievements as we carry this momentum into the 2024-25 school year.
Best regards,
Dennis Zeitler Chair, Board of Trustees
+Representative of the Sewickley Academy Alumni Association
~Representative of the Home & School Association
Success, though, is measured in more than just academic accolades. At Sewickley Academy, it translates to the next phase of a student’s educational and professional journey—success in college, the workforce, and personal life.”
Reflecting on the 2023-24 school year, I am overjoyed by the energy and excitement surrounding our school. Enrollment is thriving, student outcomes are exceptional, and innovative academic programs are growing. Our reputation as an academically ambitious institution where each student receives a personalized educational experience is resonating with new families and current families alike.
Perhaps no more significant indicator of success is our achievement of bringing in 100 new students for the 2023-24 school year, which is the first time that we reached 100 or more in five years. Additionally, we grew our total enrollment throughout the year, finishing with more students than we started, and we have carried that momentum into the 2024-25 school year.
Additionally, our students are flourishing demonstrating remarkable academic achievement. Last year, over 40 Senior School students received some level of recognition for their AP Exam performance. Among the Class of 2024, six were National Merit Finalists, nine were National Merit Commended Students, and 15% were admitted to top 10 colleges and universities as ranked by U.S. News & World Report, including Duke, Northwestern, the University of Chicago, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Success, however, is measured in more than just academic accolades. At Sewickley Academy, it translates to the next phase of a student’s educational and professional journey—success in college, the workforce, and one’s personal life. I consistently hear from former students about how their time at the
Academy benefits them, allowing them to transition seamlessly to the first year of college and beyond. This is another direct example of the impact of a Sewickley Academy education.
The 2023-24 school year also saw us dedicate considerable effort to expanding academic programs and offerings to match—and arguably exceed—the needs of an everevolving educational landscape by adding cutting-edge technologies and facilities associated with computer science, robotics, and esports. Now, our four-year-old students are exposed to computer science through experiences with robotics, while our Senior School students study advanced topics such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
As we progress through another school year, we take great pride in the past year’s accomplishments but also challenge ourselves to push the boundaries of what an exceptional education can offer. Know that your support makes all of this possible. We appreciate you placing your trust in us and value your partnership. Together, we are shaping tomorrow’s leaders.
With warmest regards,
Ashley (Brown ’00) Birtwell, PhD Head of School
We are deeply grateful for your generous support of the Sewickley Academy Annual Fund. Your contribution plays a crucial role in enhancing the educational experience for every student at the Academy, from providing access to cutting-edge resources and technology to supporting our dedicated faculty. It’s because of donors like you that we can continue to foster an environment where students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Your investment in Sewickley Academy helps ensure that we remain a place where tradition and innovation meet, and for that, we thank you wholeheartedly.”
Carey Byrnes, Annual Giving Officer
Brittani Vuono Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement Officer
Carey Byrnes Annual Giving Officer
Cara Kengor Development Associate
Celeste Antill Database Manager
Use our secure online form at sewickley.org/giving/make-a-gift to make a gift to Sewickley Academy using your credit card.
To donate a gift of tangible personal property, please download and return our Gift-In-Kind form at sewickley.org/giving
Opportunities for planned giving include bequests, gifts of retirement assets or life insurance, charitable gift annuities, remainder trusts, and lead trusts. Visit sewickley.org/ giving/planned-giving to learn more, or contact Brittani Vuono, Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement Officer, at bvuono@sewickley.org or 412-741-2230 ext. 3556
Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC)
Sewickley Academy partners with the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) to provide financial aid scholarships for qualifying students. To learn more and see if you qualify, please contact Brittani Vuono, Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement Officer at bvuono@sewickley.org
Send your completed form and check or money order made payable to “Sewickley Academy” to:
Office of Advancement
Sewickley Academy 315 Academy Avenue Sewickley, PA 15143
To transfer stock/securities to Sewickley Academy, please download and return the Securities Transfer form at sewickley.org/ giving/ways-to-give
You may make a gift in honor of a loved one, a graduating senior, a grandchild, or a favorite teacher or coach. You also may want to remember a loved one with a memorial gift. Let us know the name of the person you wish to honor or remember when you make your gift. We will send you a receipt for the gift, and we will notify the honoree or the family of the loved one of your kindness. For more information, please contact Carey Byrnes, Annual Giving Officer, at cbyrnes@sewickley.org
Call Carey Byrnes, Annual Giving Officer, at 412-741-2230 ext. 3629, and we can charge your gift to your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express account.
Show your commitment by setting up a recurring gift. You choose the amount and frequency, and we take care of the rest. Recurring gifts can be made monthly, quarterly, or annually and will continue until notified. To set up your recurring gift, please contact Carey Byrnes, Annual Giving Officer, at cbyrnes@sewickley.org
Your gift may be increased if you work for a company with a matching gift program To see if your company is a match, please visit sewickley.org/giving/ matching-gifts
Donors contributing $3,000 or more annually are invited to join us at our exclusive Benefactor Celebration in December, where we recognize and celebrate their generous support and lasting impact on the Sewickley Academy community.
Since 2001, Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program has allowed businesses and individuals to lower their tax bills by donating to private schools, scholarship organizations, Pre-K programs, and other educational enrichment initiatives. The EITC tax credits were created by the legislature for the purpose of providing tuition assistance in the form of scholarships to eligible students.
The Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) – Special Purpose Entity (SPE) program provides individuals with a 75% tax credit for donations to a nonprofit scholarship or educational improvement organization. The tax credit increases to 90% if the individual commits to make the same donation(s) for two consecutive years.
Our goal at Sewickley Academy is to provide equal access to academic excellence for children in our region. Every year, the number of students applying for financial aid increases and continues to exceed available funds. Support, through the EITC program is essential to achieving this goal.
75% Tax Credit
90% Tax Credit
The Home & School Association is a 501(c)(3) charitable and educational organization with a purpose to support the education of the children at Sewickley Academy by fostering relationships among parents, faculty, and the administration.
Home & School membership include all parents, legal guardians, and other persons standing “in loco parentis” with a child or children enrolled and attending Sewickley Academy, as well as all members of the faculty, staff, and administration of Sewickley Academy.
We are exceedingly grateful to the Home & School Association for their generous gift of $100,000 to implement needed renovations to Rea Auditorium. The auditorium is the central point of campus life and has ably served both our school community and the greater community for over 50 years.
53 Zip Codes
31 last three years AVERAGE ACT SCORE of $3.2 MILLION IN Financial Aid of students receive tuition assistance 46% OF THE CLASS OF WERE ADMITTED TO TOP COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES AS RANKED BY
IDENTIFY AS African-American, Asian, East Indian, Latino, or bi/multi-racial
Annie Batyko
Carey Byrnes
Maddie Byrnes
Dru Cox
Tammy DeFallo
Lauren Garraux
Lesly Kasky
Kati Kearns
Sonia Khanna
Susan Kinser
Annie Mancos
Naomi Marshall
Amy McConnell
Camryn Miller
Rachel Murphy
Lindsey Petruska
Elizabeth Purpura
Jessica Revtai
Terri Schubenski
Dawn Schultz
Jayme Thompson
Brittani Vuono
Rachel and Brian Allen
Chris J. Anderson
Anonymous (8)
Kevin and Celeste Antill
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bamrick
Ms. Mary Beth Becker
Sharmon and Michael A. Beech
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Behling
Mr. Ryan and Dr. Ashley (Brown ’00) Birtwell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Stephanie (Madey ’98) Bogden
Mr. Rick Bojalad ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Casey J. Bonincontro
Ms. Heather Border
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brocks
Melissa (Park ’99) Brooks
The 37th Annual Auction, themed “There’s No Place Like SA,” brought the magic of Emerald City to life at Allegheny Country Club on April 20, 2024. Over 200 guests gathered to bid on 98 silent auction items and nine live auction items, raising more than $380,000 in support of Sewickley Academy students, faculty, staff, and programs including the Arts, Athletics, Academics, and Breakthrough Pittsburgh.
Highlights of the evening included inspiring speeches by Grade 9 student, True Robinson, about his experience with Breakthrough Pittsburgh and Grade 11 students, Marie Bigi and Severin Harmon, sharing their athletics journeys. The night’s entertainment featured a standout tap dance duet by Severin Harmon and Senior Max Peluso. MORE THAN $380,000 raised!
Mr. Barrett Bunnell and Ms. Divya Thadani
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley L. Busatto ’88
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Byrnes, Jr.
Mrs. Vanessa and Mrs. Jill Capozzi
Michael and Connie Cesario
Mr. Y. Chimmani and Ms. N. Tesla
Mr. Derek P. Chimner ’04
Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Liza (Barry ’96) Christ
Dr. Sharon and Mr. Jere Cowden
Jonathan ’95 and Jennifer (Park ’97) D’Antonio
Mr. and Mrs. Maximillian Day
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. DeFallo
Mr. and Mrs. David D. DeNardo
Daniel and Jennifer Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Alex and Meredith (Doyle ’12) Siladi
Heather and Todd Edmunds
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ewen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fleck
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Fogle
Mr. R. Frazzini and Ms. A. Zacharias
Laura (Park ’02) and Graham Furlong
Mr. Charles Gabbert and
Ms. Jessica Long
Kurt and Jacquie Gottschalk
Mrs. Holly D. Haddad
Mr. and Mrs. David Hammel
Kristen and Chuck Hammel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hammel
RC and Andrea Hayden
Ms. Mary Henning
Thomas and Kathy Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hoffman
Robert James ’85 and Natasha Lopez
The Jardini Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kain
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kasky
Dr. and Mrs. Gunjan Khanna
Mr. and Mrs. Joel King
Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Kirkland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y. Kopf III ’84
Ms. Amy J. L’Altrelli
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Lenchner ’77
Mrs. Rachel (Lenchner ’08) Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Mancos
Mr. and Mrs. David Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Martin
Mr. J. Martinoski and Ms. N. Marshall
Bruce and Gretchen McAdams
Mr. and Mrs. Ian McConnell
Ms. Beth McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McMullen
Mr. Daniel Meunier and Mrs. Julie Throckmorton
Dr. Alexis Meyers
Ms. Melanie Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. James Miller
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Miller
Drs. Derrick and Jaime Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Namey
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Napoleone
Mr. John Finley and Ms. Jamie Nestor
Mr. David A. Nimick ’39
Mr. Nicholas O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto W. Ortiz
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin ’95 and Marguerite (Gregg ’95) Park
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Parker
Dr. and Mrs. Mukul and Pallavi (Golla ’02) Patil
Dania and Joe Paul ’82
Bill and Sarah Pietragallo
Kate ’82, Paul, and Emma ’19 Pigman
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Pollard ’01
Ken and Crista Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan T. Purpura
The Quigley Family
Mr. Michael Moriarty and Ms. Jennifer Quisenberry
Ashvin and Beth Ragoowansi
Shannon Rankin and Rachel Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Barret Rea
Mr. Craig Rippole
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rockinson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scerbo
Mr. M. Schultz and Mrs. D. Rooth Schultz
Dr. Jerilyn (Carter ’86) Scott
Sean and Amy (Simmons ’80 Sebastian
Dr. and Mrs. Mayank Shandil
Lori Sherry
Mr. and Mrs. Zack Skrabski
Susan (Ratcliffe ’55) Sour
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Stefanik
Ms. Maria Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. Thompson ’98
The Titler Family
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Tremaine
Ms. Carli Turngren
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vuono
Ms. Sharon Webb
Ms. Judy Windle
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Winner
Mr. Dennis Zeitler
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Zeranski
Mr. John G. Zimmerman III ’85
Over the Rainbow
Industry Terminal and Salvage
O.Z. Enterprises, LLC
The Park Family
Ruby Slippers
Steve and Amelia Dean
Dark Forest Bar
You’re So Extra, LLC
BBL Fleet
Yellow Brick Road
Levin Furniture and Mattress
PJ Dick
Stefanik’s Next Generation
William H. Childs, Jr. and Associates
Dorothy, Friends and Photobooth
Trinity Commercial Development, LLC
The Pigman Family
Field of Poppies
Brian and Rachel Allen
Gateway Engineers
Huntington Bank
Steel City Pediatric Dentistry
Tom and Kathy Hewitt
Grant Street Asset Management, Inc.
Contributing Partners
Orr’s Jewelers
Sugar Flowers and Leaves
Archetype Design Studio, LLC
Avenue Interiors
DiCicco Development, Inc
Grossman, Yanak & Ford LLP
Liza Barry Christ - Realton, Piatt/ Sotheby’s International
Michael J. Killian – Realtor, Berkshire Hathaway
R3A Architecture
The Studio Sewickley * Deceased
Overall Score: 46 (-22)
Bud Behling
Kimberly Behling
Joseph Nocito, Jr. ’89
Alexis Wukich
• Low Individual Gross
70(E) Joseph Nocito, Jr.
• Low Individual Net
52 (-18) Bud Behling
• Longest Drive (Men)
#11 Ben Ganter
• Longest Drive (Women)
#17 Alexis Wukich
• Closest to the Hole
#15 Oliver Zeranski
More than $95,000 raised!
The 18th Annual Hansen Cup Memorial Golf Outing was a record-breaking success, raising over $95,000 for the W. Gregg Hansen Memorial Scholarship Fund. More than 100 golfers and 19 sponsors participated, supporting a scholarship awarded to a Sewickley Academy student who demonstrates academic excellence, athletic achievement, leadership, and good citizenship, reflecting the qualities of alumnus and former trustee, Mr. Gregg Hansen, ’77.
Anonymous (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Behling
Mr. Shawn Bell
Mr. Adam Bergen
Mr. Ryan and Dr. Ashley (Brown ’00) Birtwell
Mr. Scott Bofinger
Yianni Bourbakis
Mr. Brian Budny
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley L. Busatto ’88
Mr. and Mrs. Max T. Busatto ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Don Chekan
Mr. Derek P. Chimner ’04
Mr. Artie Chistou
Ms. Cheryl Cindrich
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Colwell
Mr. Ralph Deabrunzzo
Chris Deely
Mr. Jim Degori
Ms. Danielle DeMaria
Mr. and Mrs. David D. DeNardo
Mr. Thomas C. Droney ’10
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Ellis
Ms. JoAnn A. Fabrizio ’97
Mr. E. Fiedler and Ms. J. Zhang
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Fogle
Mr. Joe Galbraith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Geanopulos
Mr. and Mrs. Troy T. Geanopulos ’90
Mr. Jonathan B. Glance ’93
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gordon ’86
Mr. and Ms. David Gross
Ms. Gail Hackett
Mr. Grant Halicke ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Halicke
Mr. and Mrs. David Hammel
Mr. Jake G. Hammel ’16
RC and Andrea Hayden
Mr. Glenn Hendrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Holway
Mr. Justin Hough
Mr. Chris Howe
Mr. Timothy Hucker
Mr. B. Kathary and Ms. K. Flores
Mr. Martin Kimmel
Mr. Thomas Kochan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koupiaris
Mr. Russ Krall
Terrance and Kim Krysinski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Lenchner ’77
Mr. Dan Lugaila
Mr. J. Martinoski and Ms. N. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Ron McCloskey
Mr. and Mrs. Ian McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. McCrady ’90
Mr. and Mrs. L. Colvin and Madelaine (George ’61) McCrady
Mr. and Mrs. James Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Miller
Mr. Douglas Monty
Ms. Deana Mura
Mr. John M. Nagel ’16
Mr. John Finley and Ms. Jamie Nestor
Mr. Joseph W. Nocito, Jr. ’89 and Ms. Alexis K. Wukich
Mr. Daryl Paige
Mr. J. William Paul IV ’16
Mr. Tim Postufka
Mr. Mike Pulliam
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ranalli
Mr. and Mrs. Barret Rea
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Riordan
Mr. John Robinson
Mr. Mark Sansa
Mr. Joshua Santik
Mr. Douglas Schoedel
Mr. M. Schultz and Mrs. D. Rooth
Mr. and Mrs. Oreste V. Scioscia ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Stefanik
Mr. Dimitri Takos
Carol (Semple ’66) Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. Thompson ’98
Mr. Bob Waters
Mr. John Wattick
Natalie (Hansen ’78) Weinsz
Mr. Alan Weissberger
Mr. Shevey Westbrook
Mr. Clark W. Whalen ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Zaluski
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary P. Zaluski ’00
Mr. Dennis Zeitler
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Zeranski
Hirtle Callaghan
Industry Terminal and Salvage Co.
Gold Sponsors
Levin Furniture and Mattress
LGA Partners
OZ Enterprises LLC
PJ Dick
Simpson McCrady
The Halicke Family
Turner Construction Company
Vein Institute of Pittsburgh
Beverage Sponsors
Gateway Engineers
The Weinsz Family
Tee Box
Dollar Bank
Stefanik’s Next Generation
Contracting Co.
Today’s Home
Par 3 Partner
The Smoke Stack
SA changed my life. I continue to experience benefits that surpass what started as an excellent academic journey. When returning to campus, I am reminded of the impact the academy has had on me beyond the classroom and basketball court. The support structure is unlike any other and amplifies a sense of belonging with lifetime connections to alumni, faculty, and the global SA community.”
Pete Schramm, Class of 2010
Each year, unrestricted gifts to the Sewickley Academy SA Fund ensure that we are able to meet our commitment to academic excellence and our ability to adapt to the ever-changing needs of our students.
Contributing to the SA Fund makes a difference in the lives of every student, every year. Funds raised ensure that the students have the opportunity to explore their passions for the arts, athletics, and academics.
Sewickley Academy inspires and educates students to engage their hearts, minds, and hands to cultivate their full individual and collective potential in the service of a greater good.
1. Character
Sewickley Academy upholds the highest ideals of honor, integrity, responsibility, respect, empathy, and kindness and the actions that flow from them.
2. Educational Vigor
Sewickley Academy is committed to the highest standards and expectations in academics, while recognizing the essential contribution of athletics and the arts, and the maintenance of an appropriate balance among the three.
3. Community
Sewickley Academy seeks to foster a deep understanding and appreciation of our connections with one another and those beyond our borders, as well as our obligation and responsibility to serve and lead inherent in these bonds.
4. Diversity
Sewickley Academy is dedicated to being a community that represents and celebrates different backgrounds, talents, interests, and divergent yet informed opinions.
The accomplishments of the 39 members of the Sewickley Academy Class of 2024 are many, and we are excited to see who they will become. It was the pleasure of the academy’s faculty and staff to support and aid them as they honed the skills that will carry them through a lifetime as Sewickley Academy alumni.
The Sewickley Academy Class of 2024 is attending the following Colleges and Universities: (number of attendees in parentheses if more than one)
University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh) (4)
Duke University (2)
Georgetown University (2)
University of Pennsylvania (2)
Carnegie Mellon University (2)
University of Michigan (2)
Southern Methodist University
Chapman University
University of California (Santa Barbara)
Clemson University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Parsons School of Design at The New School
Kent State University
Duquesne University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
High Point University
Michigan State University
Purdue University (Main Campus)
Penn State University (University Park)
Kenyon College
Northwestern University
University of Chicago
Stony Brook University
University of Notre Dame
Emory University
Ringling College of Art and Design
Elon University
Villanova University
Vanderbilt University
George Washington University
Wake Forest University
39 Number of graduates Matriculation Stats for SA’s Class of 2024:
AP TEST SCORES earned a score of OR HIGHER
IDENTIFY AS African-American, Asian, East Indian, Latino, or bi/multi-racial OF GRADUATES WILL ATTEND FOUR-YEAR COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY
of AP TEST SCORES earned a score of R 59% of
30 670
recognized by the College Board as AP Scholars
Sewickley Academy is grateful to the following individuals who made gifts to the 2023-24 Annual Fund, Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC), Special Purpose Entity, (SPE), Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC), designated gifts, or endowed funds from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. Thank you for your generosity!
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Abdulovic
Ms. Margaret J. Adams ’54
Mrs. Joan (Foedisch ’55) Adibi
Rachel and Brian Allen •
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Allison
Andrea and David Aloe ◊
Chris J. Anderson
Mr. Jonas Ankrom
Anonymous (42)
Kevin and Celeste Antill •
J. R. Arthur ’60 •
Sharon (Lapp ’96) Ashcroft
Mr. Bruce Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Aufman ’95
Edward and Kathryn Aufman
George D. Baker ’61 ••
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Baker
Mr. Nitya and Dr. Rachna Bakshi
Mr. Ian S. Bamlett
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bamrick
Mr. K. Bandla and Mrs. M. Gajulavarthi
Anne Louse (Guernsey ’74) Barnes
Mr. Nicholas Barry ’95
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty
Write-Click Solutions, LLC
Ms. Mary Beth Becker
Sharmon and Michael A. Beech •
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Behling ◊
Josephine (Gilmore ’54) Bell ••
Mr. Nathan D. Bell and Ms. Ruth M. Neely
Mr. Shawn Bell
Mr. Adam Bergen
Estee Barbuto ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Douglass A. Bermingham ’74
Ms. Wendy S. Berns
Bill Berry ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Bevevino ••
Lisa S. Bevevino ’02 •
Mr. Charles D. Birmingham, Jr. ••
Mr. Ryan and Dr. Ashley (Brown ’00) Birtwell • ◊
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Birtwell
Mr. J. Beau Blaser ’95
Stan and Mary Pat Blaylock
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremey Bloom
Mr. Scott Bofinger
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Stephanie (Madey ’98) Bogden
Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Bogdewic, Sr.
Mr. Rick Bojalad ’86
Michael B. Bollinger ’74 •
Mr. and Mrs. Curan Bonham
Mr. and Mrs. Casey J. Bonincontro
Ms. Heather Border
James P. Bouchard
Yianni Bourbakis
Linda Bowers ••
Ms. L. Spencer Boyd ’73
Mary (Harbist ’06) Brayer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Brayley
Ms. Rikki Bressler
Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Brewer
Mr. John A. Brewton ’99
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brocks
Mr. Colin B. Brooks
Melissa (Park ’99) Brooks •
Kristina (Fausti ’93) and Shahriar Broumand ••
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Beth (Elliott ’90) Brown •
Mrs. Mary Florence Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Brown ’71 • ◊
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott ’95 and Susan (Wiegand ’96) Brown
William H. Brown, Jr. ◊
Kathryn and Michael Bryson •• ◊
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Buchanan III ’68 ••
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Buckley
Mr. Brian Budny
Sarah A. Buescher ’85
John and Nancy Bunce ◊
Mr. Barrett Bunnell and Ms. Divya Thadani
Marina Buratti
Ms. Paulette Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley L. Busatto ’88 • ◊
Ms. Katherine L. Busatto ’16
Mr. and Mrs. Max T. Busatto ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Byers ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Byrnes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Cahouet ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Calland •
Terry Canonge and Michelle Canonge
Mrs. Vanessa and Mrs. Jill Capozzi
Ms. Kelly Carioto
Chris and Ashly Carney •
Mr. and Mrs. G. Daniel Carney
Mr. Ian S. Carroll ’11
Mr. Wayne D. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. T. Ronald Casper
Dr. M. Castagnaro and Ms. L. Santelices
Mr. N. Castillo and Mrs. M. Salinas
Mrs. Jacquelyn P. Cavalier ••
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Cercone
Michael and Connie Cesario •
Ms. Andrea Cespedes
Mr. and Mrs. Don Chekan
Dr. Boyle Cheng
Mr. Y. Chimmani and Ms. N. Tesla
Mr. Derek P. Chimner ’04
Mr. Artie Chistou
Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Liza (Barry ’96) Christ
Frank Ciarallo ’82
Ms. Cheryl Cindrich
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robin and Beth (Richardson ’60) Clements ••
Andrew Coburn ’85
Susan (Nevin ’67) Cockrell ••
Mark Colavincenzo ’72 ••
K. L. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Colwell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Conboy III ’73
Ms. Cyra F. Contractor ’99
Ms. Gayla Cook
Seamus Coons and Sierra Paresi
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Courtney ’87
Dr. Sharon and Mr. Jere Cowden
John ’58 and Laurie* Culbertson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D’Amico
Dr. and Mrs. James A. D’Antonio
Jonathan ’95 and Jennifer (Park ’97) D’Antonio •
David Darby ’85 and Connie Standish ’85
George and Ada Davidson
Mr. Chris and Mrs. Kara (Brown ’05) Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Maximillian Day
Marc and Marie De Graef
Mr. Ralph Deabrunzzo
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dean
Chris Deely
Mr. Allen David Deep
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. DeFallo
Mr. Jim Degori
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Wynne (Paffard ’55) Delmhorst
Ms. Danielle DeMaria
Mr. and Mrs. Diego DeMicheli
Mr. and Mrs. David D. DeNardo
William S. Derence ’98
Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Devlin
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Dexter ’61 •
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick P. Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic DiDomenico
Mr. James Dilley
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley E. Dishart
Mr. Y. Dong and Ms. Y. Huang
Daniel and Jennifer Donnelly •
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Downs
Mr. and Mrs. Alex and Meredith (Doyle ’12) Siladi
Jim and Rosemary Droney
Mr. Thomas C. Droney ’10
Mr. James Dudas
Mr. Samuel A. Duerr and Ms. P. A. Shetler
Jennifer and Len Dulski •
Heather and Todd Edmunds
Caroline (Campbell ’66) Edwards
Ms. Penny Efaw
Mr. Braden Elkin
Mr. Matthew J. Elliott ’84
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Ellis
Mr. Michael E. Elson ••
Fred Everett ’66
Mrs. Kaia H. Evert ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ewen
Ms. JoAnn A. Fabrizio ’97
Liz Fahey
Mr. E. Fiedler and Ms. J. Zhang
Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Fincke
Jason Fincke ’93 •
Mr. T. Fitzgerald and Mrs. C. Cassotis
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fleck
William and Cynthia Flood
Christopher Flower ’56 and Jane (Stebbins ’61) Flower
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Fogle
Mr. John R. Foley ’13
Mr. Andrew W. Forsyth III ’71
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fortna
Doris R. Foster •
Mr. R. Frazzini and Ms. A. Zacharias
John and Neda Fritz
Julie (Bevevino ’99) Fulesday and Brett Fulesday ’99 ••
Laura (Park ’02) and Graham Furlong
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Furlong
Mr. Charles Gabbert and Ms. Jessica Long
Mr. Joe Galbraith
Elizabeth (Marshall ’52) Games
Ms. Phyllis E. Ganong
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Garber, Jr. ’66
James and Catherine Garraux
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Geanopulos
Mr. and Mrs. Troy T. Geanopulos ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Gerlach
Sarah (Flower ’60) Getty
Jean (Rose ’71) Gilpin
Edith (Metcalf ’72) Gingras
Mr. Jonathan B. Glance ’93 •
Ms. Karen Godfrey-Holeva
Carol Gold ’69 and Jeff Gold
Linda (Tyler’67) Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gordon ’86 ◊
Mr. and Mrs. Sergei Gorloff
Kurt and Jacquie Gottschalk ◊
Josh Gould ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Duane and Sarah (Seltzer ’94) Gran
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graper
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grattan
Deborah Gray ’68 ••
Mr. Daniel P. Grealish
Ms. Alison M. Greene ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Gregg, Jr. ◊
Mr. Shawn Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin
Mr. and Ms. David Gross
James and Linda Grundy
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Gunter, Jr.
Beth (Heard ’66) Guy
Dr. Brian D. Haas ’78 and Dr. Dianne C. Polsen Haas
Ms. Gail Hackett
Mrs. Holly D. Haddad ••
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hahn
Mr. Grant Halicke ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Halicke
Dr. Bushra Haq •
Mr. and Mrs. David Hammel
Mr. Jake G. Hammel ’16
Kristen and Chuck Hammel ◊
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hammel
Fran Handy
Gretchen S. Hansen ••
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Cynthia (Howard ’66) Harvell •
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hay, Jr.
Tom and Jenny Hay
RC and Andrea Hayden
Ms. Janet M. Hayes ’70
Mr. and Mrs. R.D. and Linda (Snyder ’68) Hayes ◊
Christi Hays ’70
Molly Hays-Jette ’81
Eve Heavner •
Mr. Timothy L. Heavner
Jessica and Adam Hecht
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hedin ’74 •
Richard L. Hefner ’69 ••
Mr. Glenn Hendrickson
Ms. Mary Henning
Robert Hensley ’81
Edwin ’67 and Helen (Heard ’68)
Hetherington ••
Robert G. Hetherington ’56 ••
Mr. Kerry Hetrick
Thomas and Kathy Hewitt • ◊
Ms. Mary (Gwaltney ’67) Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hodinko
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy and Anne (Stuart ’73) Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Holway
Mr. Justin Hough
Peter W. Howard ’61
Mr. Chris Howe
Mr. Timothy Hucker
Mr. Brian M. Hutchison ’89
Laura Jack ’82
Michael Jackson ’07
Mr. Neema A. Jahdi ’03
Lance F. James ’72
Leslie Levin-James and Dennis James •
Robert James ’85 and Natasha Lopez
The Jardini Family • ◊
Rick and Valerie Johnson ◊
Mrs. Glenda P. Johnson
Peter D. Jones ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Jones ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kain
Drs. Girish and Amanda Jayne Kapur
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kasky
Mr. B. Kathary and Ms. K. Flores
Frederic S. Kaufman, Jr. •
Ms. Katrina Kayden
Kerry A. Kearney •
Ms. Katherine Kearns
Mr. K. Keefer and Ms. J. Welton
Kathleen Kellinger
Mr. Stewart H. Kerns ’02
Dr. and Mrs. Gunjan Khanna
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kilcoyne
Dr. and Mrs. Brian A. Kilpela
Mr. Martin Kimmel
Mr. and Mrs. Joel King
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Kinney ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Kirkland
Mr. Thomas Kochan
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Kolb ’67 •
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y. Kopf III ’84 ••
Penni Korb ’67
Lois and Jim Kostelnik
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koupiaris
Mr. and Mrs. Kristofer C. Kowalyk ’88
Mr. Russ Krall
Mr. Jeffrey and Dr. Kristin Kroniser
Terrance and Kim Krysinski
Mr. and Mrs. David and Elizabeth (Conrad ’92) LaLomia, Jr.
Ms. Amy J. L’Altrelli
Dr. Stacy Lane ◊
Chris and Carrie Lanza
Mr. and Ms. Louis Latte
S. Latusick •
Mr. Craig J. Lazzara
Mr. John Hulick and Ms. Maureen A. Lee
Ms. Elena Leib
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Lenchner ’77 ◊
Mrs. Rachel (Lenchner ’08) Torres
Brian D. Lenehan ’70
Mr. Randy C. Lennon
Dr. S. Li and Dr. H. Wei
Mr. and Ms. Jorge Lima
Mr. and Mrs. Jason P. Linkes ’94
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Little
Mr. Dan Lugaila
Ms. Katherine A. Lukaszewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lydic
Scott MacLeod ’77 •
Mr. Harold Madey
Dr. and Mrs. George J. Magovern, Jr. •• ◊
David C. Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Mancos
Bob Mann ’67
Joe and Cheri Manzinger ◊
Joseph C. Maroon
Mr. Dale F. Marrison ’74
Mr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Marsh ◊
Mr. and Mrs.* David Martin ••
Mr. David L. Martin ••
Mr. and Mrs.* David L. Martin
Ms. Stephanie Martin
Mr. J. Martinoski and Ms. N. Marshall
Fran and Joann Matten
Douglas McAdams ◊
Bruce and Gretchen McAdams
Mrs. Jon W. McCarter •
Mr. and Mrs. Ron McCloskey •
Mr. and Mrs. Ian McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. McCrady ’90 •
Mr. and Mrs. L. Colvin and Madelaine (George ’61) McCrady
Kay (Graham ’57) McCullough
William McKeever ’73
Jack and Marnie McKnight
Ms. Beth McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McMullen
Fletcher McNeill
Mr. William A. McNickle ’59
Mr.* and Mrs. Stephen McVeigh •
Chuck and Stephanie Menzock
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Merryman
Ms. Natalie Metropulos
Mr. Robert Metzinger
Mr. Daniel Meunier and Mrs. Julie Throckmorton
Dr. Alexis Meyers
Ms. Melanie Meyers
Mr. Matthew Michaels
Ms. Camryn Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Miller Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Miller
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Joel and Carolyn (Snyder ’73) Miltenberger ◊
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Miner
Ms. Lacy Montelione
Mr. Douglas Monty
Mark D. Moore ’81 ••
Mr. Joe Melendez and Mrs. Priscilla Morales
Mr. Farzin S. Morena
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Moreno
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Morris
Mr. C. Moya and Mrs. P. Marasigan-Moya
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Mucci ’80
Ms. Patricia S. Muck
Natalie ’85 and Bill Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mullen
Drs. Derrick and Jaime Mullin
Ms. Deana Mura
Charles M. Murdock ’70
Mr. Mark R. Murdock ’74 •
Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy
Ms. Heidi Murr
Ms. Lana Murr
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Muscato II
Mr. Stephen Harper and Ms. Anna-Claire Myers
Mr. John M. Nagel ’16
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Namey
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Napoleone
Charlene and Stephen Nass •
Mr. and Mrs. Gene B. Neavin
Mr. John Finley and Ms. Jamie Nestor
John I. Nevin ’97 •
Mrs. Clifford Nichols, Jr.
Mr. David A. Nimick ’39 ••
G. Guthrie ’42 and Deborah S. Nimick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Nocito, Sr. • ◊
Mr. Joseph W. Nocito, Jr. ’89 and Ms. Alexis K. Wukich
Dr. and Mrs. John Notaro
Mr. Alan J. Novak
Ms. Jessica Ohr
Mr. and Mrs. Chinedu Okorafor
Cmdr. James H. Oliver USN (ret.) ’60 and Ms. Sue Darnell ◊
Mr. John C. Oliver III ’54 and Ms. Sylvia Dallas ◊
Mr. Nicholas O’Neill
Jackie Orr ’12
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto W. Ortiz
Mr. Daryl Paige
Mrs. Jennifer Palguta
Mr. Paul Palguta
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin ’95 and Marguerite (Gregg ’95) Park • ◊
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Parker ••
Dr. and Mrs. Mukul and Pallavi (Golla ’02) Patil
Dania and Joe Paul ’82
Mr. J. William Paul IV ’16
Dan and Jessica Peluso •
Bob and Suzi Peluso •
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Petruska, Jr.
Bill and Sarah Pietragallo
Helena and William Pietragallo
Miss Emma C. Pigman ’19
Kate ’82, Paul, and Emma ’19 Pigman •• ◊
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Poister, Jr. ’68 ••
Mr. R. Pollak and Ms. H. Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Pollard ’01
Mr. Tim Postufka
Mike Pratt
Ken and Crista Pryor ••
Mr. Mike Pulliam
Gurdev S. Purewal and Surinderjit Purewal
Navdeep and Rani Purewal
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan T. Purpura • ◊
The Quigley Family
Mr. David S. Quinn ’04
The Very Rev. and Mrs. Scott T. Quinn
Mr. Michael Moriarty and Ms. Jennifer Quisenberry
Mr. G. Raghavan and Mrs. A. Sarangan
Ashvin and Beth Ragoowansi •
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ranalli
Shannon Rankin and Rachel Murphy
Mrs. Sarah A. (Hay ’06) Rawls
Mr. and Mrs. Barret Rea
Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel and Wendy (Wick ’68) Reaves ••
Mrs. Denise Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn C. Reed
Mr. T. Reed and Mrs. J. Qian
Ms. Jessica Revtai
Dr. and Mrs. David Ribar ’72
Ms. Regina Ricci
Thomas Richardson ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Riordan ••
Mr. Craig Rippole
Mr. John Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rockinson
Mr. and Mrs. James Roediger
Andrew Rose ’61 •
Patricia S. Rose
Sandra (Wick ’69) Ruggiero
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ryder
Kristen Rylander ’85
Sally Brettholle Sailer
Mr. Jeremy Sampson
Mr. Mark Sansa
Mr. Joshua Santik
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scerbo
Mrs. Margaret L. Scherbel
Ms. Katherine A. Schmidt
Mr. Douglas Schoedel
Mr. M. Schultz and Mrs. D. Rooth Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Oreste V. Scioscia ’77
Ms. Stephanie Sciullo
Dr. Jerilyn (Carter ’86) Scott
Pam Scott ••
Sean and Amy (Simmons ’80)
Sebastian ◊
Heather H. Semple ’78
Dr. and Mrs. Mayank Shandil
Mr. and Mrs. Cody T. Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Shazer
Mr. Patrick Shearer
Ms. Judie Shelhamer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shelley
Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Sherer
Judy and Ned Sherry
Lori Sherry
Mr. and Ms. Takaaki Shiratori
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Siebert
Marion (Nimick ’72) Silbert ••
Mohinder Singh
Elizabeth H. Sipe ’67
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sirko
Ellen (Goehring ’85) and Rodney ’85 Skirpan ••
Mr. and Mrs. Zack Skrabski
Jeremy C. Smith ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith
Mr. G. Whitney Snyder, Jr. ’79 ◊
Ms. Nina Snyder ’67 ◊
Mr. JB Snyder
Susan (Ratcliffe ’55) Sour ••
Billie Spencer ’67
The Spencer Family
Mr. Benjamin T. Spicer •
Mr. Donald P. Spratt
Maggie Kopf ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanlaske
Sallie (Starr ’85) Paracca
Joseph and Marie Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Stefanik
Jack Stoner ’73
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Suatoni
Ms. Maria Swanson
David and Elizabeth Sykes
Ms. Susan G. Szechenyi
Les and Patricia Szell
Mr. Dimitri Takos
Mr. and Mrs. James Terrell
Mr. Robert M. Thaw ’72 and Mrs. Barbara Cooley Thaw •
Robert ’76 and Tina Thomas •
Carol (Semple ’66) Thompson ••
Mr. and Mrs. O. David Thompson ’68 •
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. Thompson ’98 •
Drs. Diane and Todd Thompson ’85
Ms. Liza T. Thornton ’76
The Titler Family
Mrs. Karen Tobias
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle E. Tobias
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Trainer, Jr. ’66 •
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Peter ’75 and Debra (Snow ’77) Trau
Fraser (Zimmerman ’88) Traverse
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Tremaine
Joe Turner ’52 ••
Ms. Carli Turngren
Carly Tustin ’09 •
Drs. Ken and Mary Urish
Emily (Amerman ’62) Vagnoni
Mr. Wesley A. Vaina
Debbie (Thaw ’68) Valera • ◊
Mrs. Jane A. Van Kirk
Elizabeth (Brown ’75) Van Sant ••
Mr. Eric Vanyo
Regina von Schack ’99
Rob Walkingshaw ’70 •• ◊
Dr. H. Wang and Ms. L. Song
Lee (Jackson ’78) Warner
Mr. Bob Waters
Mr. John Wattick
Ms. Sharon Webb
Jared Weber ’04
Natalie (Hansen ’78) Weinsz ◊
Richard and Audrey Weinzierl ••
Mr. Gregory T. Weis and Ms. Casey Clayton •
Mr. Alan Weissberger
Mr. Shevey Westbrook
Ms. Clare T. Westwood
Bill Wettach ’66
Mr. Clark W. Whalen ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Whelan •
Lucy (Eynon ’61) Whitin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Whitlock III
Mr. and Mrs. Ward A. Wickwire III ’57
Mr. Paul Curtis and Miss Stacey D. Widenhofer
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wiebe
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore A. Willets III ’66
Elizabeth (Burden ’62) Wilson ••
Ms. Judy Windle
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Winner
Dr. Mary Winzelberg
Mimi (Brooks ’53) Woodbridge
Artie Woods ’05
Stephanie (Culbertson ’54) Woolard
Tom and Fay Wright
Dr. Chen Xu and Dr. Meilin Young
Mr. Z. Xu and Ms. J. Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Yancheski
Marye Zoe Young
Mr. and Mrs. Colin X. Yu
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Zaluski
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary P. Zaluski ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Zanic
Ms. Anna Zappala ’07
Susan Zawacky •
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zeglowitsch
Mr. Michael R. Zeigler
Mr. Dennis Zeitler ◊
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Zeranski
Mr. Juxin Chen and Ms. Jing Zhou •
Mr. John G. Zimmerman III ’85
Missy (Ratcliffe ’60) Zimmerman ••
Dr. Charles G. Zug III ’52 ••
Sewickley Academy is grateful to the following corporations and foundations for their support of the 2023-24, Annual Fund, Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC), Special Purpose Entity, (SPE), Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC), designated gifts, or endowed funds.
American Eagle Outfitters Foundation
Anonymous (3)
Avenue Interiors
Ayco Charitable Foundation –Anthony and Lisa Muscato Fund
Ayco Charitable Foundation –James and Catherine Garraux
Helen Forde Gander and Mary A. Baldwin Charitable Trust
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
The Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership
BBL Fleet
Benevity – American Online Giving Foundation
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Breakthrough Collaborative
Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools
The Ann and Frank Cahouet Foundation
Cape Cod 5 Trust and Asset Management
Central Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund
Clements Family Charitable Trust
Doric Lodge No. 630
Early: Media Collective
Eden Hall Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund –Walkingshaw Fund
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund –Manzinger Family
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund –Dawn and David Jardini Family
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund –Wynne P. Delmhorst
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund –Gould Giving Fund
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund –Gunjan and Sonia Khanna Family
G. Whitney Snyder Charitable Fund
The Gateway Engineers
Goldman Sachs and Co.
Grant Street Asset Management, Inc.
Grossman Yanak and Ford LLP
Hirtle Callaghan and Company
Huntington Bank
Industry Terminal and Salvage Company
J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund –Birtwell Family Fund
J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund –Huret Dulski Fund
James M. and Lucy K. Schoonmaker Foundation
Jewish Community Fdn Los Angeles –Valera Family Foundation
John V. Schultz Furniture
Maine Community Foundation
McElhattan Foundation
Minneapolis Foundation –Conboy Family Fund
Mosites Construction Company
Nicholas C. Chubb, M.D. Charitable Fnd-Cmty Fdn of W. NC
Northwestern Mutual Foundation C/O Cybergrants
O.Z. Enterprises, LLC
PayPal Giving Foundation
Pickands Mather Lake Services
The Pittsburgh Foundation –Magovern Fund
The Pittsburgh Foundation –Michael Bill Avner Memorial Fund
The Pittsburgh Foundation –Quaker Valley Fund
The Pittsburgh Foundation –
W.C. and M.L. Robinson Fund
PJ Dick – Trumbull
PNC Bank Foundation
PNC Bank, N.A.
R3A Architecture
Schwab Charitable – Jane and Charles
Birmingham Fund
Schwab Charitable – John and Laurie Culbertson Charitable Fund
Schwab Charitable – Ward A. and Tracy B. Wickwire
Schwab Charitable Fund – Drs. Todd and Diane Thompson Fund
Sewickley Academy Home and School Association
Simpson and McCrady LLC
South West Conference Athletic Directors Association
Steel City Pediatric Dentist
Stefanik’s Next Generation Contraction Company
The Blackbaud Giving Fund by its agent, YourCause
The Grable Foundation
The Pittsburgh Foundation –K and L Fund
The Studio
Today’s Home, Inc.
Trinity Commercial Development LLC
Tull Family Foundation
Turner Construction
The United Way of Allegheny County Vein Institute of Pittsburgh
Warren Associates
William H. Childs, Jr. and Associates, Inc.
The Pillars Society recognizes benefactors who have provided for Sewickley Academy’s future through a charitable gift such as a bequest, trust, or other estate plan.
Mrs. Fredericka (Wigton ’47) Achin*
Mrs. Helen (Collin ’40) Adams*
Dr. James J. Angel, Jr. ’77
Ms. Claire (Lang ’90) Ballantyne
Ms. Josephine Gilmore Bell ’54
Mr. Edward B. Blue ’10*
Mr. William Boyd, Jr. ’29*
Mrs. Constance (Irwin ’53) Bray*
Dr. Nicholas C. Chubb*
Mr. Robert B. Egan*
Gerta Engstrom Family*
Mrs. Winifred K. Farin
Mr.* and Mrs. John K. Foster, Jr. ’51
Yale* and Louise* Frame
Ms. Katherine C. Galbraith*
Mr.* and Mrs.* Ronald E. Gebhardt
Mrs. David M. Gilmore*
Deborah Gray ’68
Mr. Larry E. Hall
Rev. William R. Harper, Jr.*
Mr.* and Mrs.* George Heard ’37
Mr. John Heard ’60
Joan and Dan Hilson
Mrs. Nancy (Crowley ’84) Inman
Mr.* and Mrs.* B. F. Jones III
Mr.* and Mrs. Albert F. Knight
Mr. Jeffrey A. Lenchner ’77
Mr. John P. Levis, Jr.*
Dr. John S. Liggett, Jr. ’66*
George J. and Jamie H. Magovern
Drs. John and Dolores Mahoney
Ms. Jennifer L. Markus ’89
Mr. and Mrs.* David L. Martin
Mr. E. Thorne McKallip ’29*
Mr. Robert A. McKean III ’52
William S. McKeever ’73
Jack and Marnie McKnight
Mr. Otto Meinhardt*
Anne (McKnight ’37) Murdock*
Martha (Anderson ’37) Nash*
Mrs. Constance (Hillman ’30) O’Neil*
George P. O’Neil ’30*
* Deceased
Henry Oliver*
John C. Oliver, Jr. ’26*
Mrs. Laura (Liggett ’33) Oliver*
Wm. John ’70 and Kathryn Powell
Ms. Virginia Rose Rea*
Mr. Robert W. Riordan
Henriette E. Rougraff ’45*
Elizabeth (Standish ’83) Sackson
Ms. Lucy K. Schoonmaker*
Frank C. Schroeder ’28*
Alden H. J. Sector*
Harton S. Semple ’36*
Henry Z. Shenk ’74
Mr. G. Whitney Snyder*
Susan (Ratcliffe ’55) Sour
Billie Spencer ’67
Judge William L. Standish ’44*
Lee (Jackson ’78) Warner
Richard and Audrey Weinzierl
Mrs. Margaret (Ratcliffe ’60) Zimmerman
Gifts received In Honor of Grace E. Armutat ’23
William and Cynthia Flood
Gifts received In Honor of Kurt W. Armutat ’25
William and Cynthia Flood
Gifts received In Honor of Heather Border
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Calland
Gifts received In Honor of William P. Brisky ’29
Mike Pratt
Gifts received In Honor of Carey Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Abdulovic
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vuono
Gifts received In Honor of Karen Coleman
Lisa S. Bevevino ’02
Gifts received In Honor of Michael C Cowden ’95
Dr. Sharon and Mr. Jere Cowden
Gifts received In Honor of Nina and Ziva Gregory
Mr. Shawn Gregory
Gifts received In Honor of Miles R. Hammel ’35
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graper
Gifts received In Honor of Olivia R. Hammel ’33
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graper
Gifts received In Honor of Alexandra Kostelnik ’36
Lois and Jim Kostelnik
Gifts received In Honor of Ariana N. Kostelnik ’32
Lois and Jim Kostelnik
Gifts received In Honor of Matthew Lydic ’34
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lydic
Gifts received In Honor of Charlotte Morton ’29
Mr. Harold Madey
*Anonymous donor
Gifts received In Honor of Win Palmer
Mr. James Dudas
Gifts received In Honor of Gurdev Singh Purewal ’26
Navdeep and Rani Purewal
Gifts received In Honor of Angelina L. Rippole ’29
Mr. Craig Rippole
Gifts received In Honor of Baylor S. Robb ’28
Joseph and Marie Steele
Gifts received In Honor of Dr. Jerilyn Scott ’86
Gifts received In Honor of Faculty
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Zaluski
Gifts received In Honor of The Class of 1978
Dr. Brian D. Haas ’78 and Dr. Dianne C. Polsen Haas
Gifts received In Honor of The Faculty and Staff of Sewickley Academy
Chris J. Anderson
Gifts received In Honor of Keith Siebert
Mr. Ian S. Bamlett
Gifts received In Honor of Gil and Patricia Smith
Jeremy C. Smith ’97
Gifts received In Honor of Alana Spencer ’29
Liz Fahey
Gifts received In Honor of Amare Spencer ’26
Liz Fahey
Gifts received In Honor of Lisa Suatoni ’83
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Suatoni
Gifts received In Honor of Sebastian Tan ’25
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Caldwell
Gifts received In Honor of Finnean E. Tobias ’33
Mrs. Karen Tobias
Gifts received In Honor of Alissa (Cowden ’97) Wilmot
Dr. Sharon and Mr. Jere Cowden
Gifts received In Honor of Blake A. Wilmot ’26
Dr. Sharon and Mr. Jere Cowden
Gifts received In Honor of Charles J. Young ’30
James and Linda Grundy
Gifts received In Honor of David J. Young ’27
James and Linda Grundy
Gifts received In Memory of John Basinger
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bamrick
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic DiDomenico
Kenneth Goleski and Kevin Yackmack
Susan (Ratcliffe ’55) Sour
Mr. Jared P. Weber ’04
Gifts received In Memory of Jo Ellen Humphries Brewton
Ms. Judie Shelhamer
Gifts received In Memory of Joan Buchanan ’61
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Buchanan III ’68
Gifts received In Memory of Morton Burden, Jr. ’28
Elizabeth (Burden ’62) Wilson
Gifts received In Memory of Scott Carter
Gifts received In Memory of James E. Cavalier
Ellen (Goehring ’85) and Rodney ’85 Skirpan
Robert ’76 and Tina Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Zaluski
Gifts received In Memory of Alice De Sotto Mayor
Mr. and Ms. Jorge Lima
Gifts received In Memory of Milton M. Fenner IV ’68
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Buchanan III ’68
Deborah Gray ’68
Gifts received In Memory of Ronald Evans Gebhardt
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr.
Gifts received In Memory of Charles Glarrow
George D. Baker ’61
Gifts received In Memory of W. Gregg Hansen
Mr. Daniel P. Grealish
Gifts received In Memory of Richard Hull ’57
Ms. Margaret J. Adams ’54
Gifts received In Memory of Anne Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr.
Gifts received In Memory of Elizabeth (Johnson ’89)
Jack and Marnie McKnight
Gifts received In Memory of Paul Knight ’81
Gifts received In Memory of Al Knight
Gifts received In Memory of Jack Liggett ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore A. Willets III ’66
Gifts received In Memory of Shirley A. Markel
K. L. Coleman
Gifts received In Memory of Ellen Martin
Mrs. Mary Florence Brown
Mr. and Mrs. T. Ronald Casper
Judy and Ned Sherry
Gifts received In Memory of Barbara McKeever ’71
William McKeever ’73
Gifts received In Memory of Sira Metzinger
Mr. Robert Metzinger
Gifts received In Memory of Matthew R. Muck
Ms. Patricia S. Muck
Gifts received In Memory of William and Anne (McKnight ’37) Murdock
Charles M. Murdock ’70
Gifts received In Memory of Clifford Nichols, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr.
Gifts received In Memory of Win Palmer
Mr. James Dudas
Mr. Kerry Hetrick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sirko
South West Conference Athletic Directors Association
Gifts received In Memory of Jim Pearson ’68
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Buchanan III ’68
Gifts received In Memory of Brian James Pratt
Mike Pratt
Gifts received In Memory of Gurdev Purewal
Navdeep and Rani Purewal
Gifts received In Memory of Don Rose III ’69
Jean (Rose ’71) Gilpin
Gifts received In Memory of Barbara Salak
Pam Scott
Gifts received In Memory of Thomas Smart
Mr. Jared P. Weber ’04
Gifts received In Memory of Kate Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Diego DeMicheli
Gifts received In Memory of James Wardrop ’57 Anonymous
Gifts received In Memory of Bill and Peg Wiebe
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wiebe
Gifts received In Memory of Colin Fawcett Wise ’07
Benevity – American Online Giving Foundation
Michael Jackson ’07
Dr. and Mrs. Gunjan Khanna
Gifts received In Memory of Meghan Fawcett Wise’72
Benevity – American Online Giving Foundation
Michael Jackson ’07
Dr. and Mrs. Gunjan Khanna
Mr. John A. Brewton ‘99, established the Jo Ellen Humphries Brewton Fund to support curriculum, program development, and enrichment at Sewickley Academy with the goal of attracting and retaining outstanding talent and advancing academic initiatives. This fund is designed to inspire and support effective development practice, enable strategic curricular decision-making, mitigate the costs of launching new programs, and make meaningful innovations to existing programs, which will strengthen and enhance the student experience.
Thanks to the generosity of David Martin, the Ellen Bishop Martin Staff Award was also established in memory of our beloved prior colleague, Ellen Martin, who served Sewickley Academy in numerous capacities over a period of 50 years. The Ellen Bishop Martin Staff Award will be given annually as a tribute to the lasting impact of Ellen’s devotion to Sewickley Academy, while concurrently honoring a staff member who reflects her same dedication to the well-being of the school.
The Win Palmer Excellence Fund was established in honor of the late Winthrop “Win” Palmer, Sewickley Academy’s long-time Athletic Director and Coach, thanks to the generous support of a donor and additional contributions from others. This scholarship fund is designed to provide tuition assistance to exceptional students who exemplify Coach Palmer’s values of sportsmanship, integrity, and excellence.
During his remarkable 22-year tenure, Coach Palmer’s leadership and coaching left a lasting impact on Sewickley Academy. His accomplishments included 12 WPIAL titles, multiple PIAA championships, and an impressive career record of 704 wins to 317 losses. However, his influence went far beyond his victories. Coach Palmer’s dedication to fostering the values and spirit of Sewickley Academy continues to resonate within the school community. The creation of the Win Palmer Excellence Fund, along with the dedication of Win Palmer Court, stands as a lasting tribute to his extraordinary legacy.
The Society of 1838 recognizes donors with a lifetime giving of $100,000 or greater.
Andrea and David Aloe
Anne L. and George H. Clapp
Charitable and Educational Trust
Anonymous (8)
Ayco Charitable Foundation –
Paul and Nancy O’Neill
Helen Forde Gander and Mary A.
Baldwin Charitable Trust
Mary and Alfred Barbour
Baseball Training Academy
David and Gail Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Behling
Mr. Ryan and Dr. Ashley (Brown ’00) Birtwell
The Bonomo Family
Mr. William Boyd, Jr. ’29*
Matthew and Leslie Braksick
Mr. John A. Brewton ’99
Ellen K. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Brown ’71
William H. Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Browne
Kathryn and Michael Bryson
John and Nancy Bunce
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley L. Busatto ’88
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Buterbaugh
Mr.* and Mrs.* Frank V. Cahouet
Central Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund
Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation
Ann* and Arthur* “Tui” Coburn
Concast Metal Products Company
Mr.* and Mrs. Douglas D. Danforth
Mr. Clayton G. Deutsch
Eden Hall Foundation
Edward E. Ford Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund –
Dawn and David Jardini Family
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund –
Manzinger Family
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund –Walkingshaw Fund
G. Whitney Snyder Charitable Fund
Mr.* and Mrs.* Ronald E. Gebhardt
Mr.* and Mrs. Albert Geller
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Geller
Margie Shields Gilfillan
Thomas and Leslie Gill
Lisa and Paul Giusti
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gordon ’86
Katie* and Tucker* Gordon
Tim ’84 and Wendy Gordon
Gordon Terminal Service
Mr. Edwin H. Gott, Jr.
Kurt and Jacquie Gottschalk
Aaron and Cyndi Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Gregg, Jr.
H. J. Heinz Company Foundation
Kristen and Chuck Hammel
Gretchen S. Hansen
Mr. W. Gregg Hansen ’77*
Mr.* and Mrs.* William S. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. R.D. and Linda (Snyder ’68) Hayes
The Heinz Endowments
Heinz Finance Company
Thomas and Kathy Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Hickton
Hillman Family Foundations
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Houston
Mr. and Mrs. G. Watts Humphrey, Jr.
Industry Terminal and Salvage Company
Anne* and Dick ’48* Jackson
James M. and Lucy K. Schoonmaker Foundation
The Jardini Family
Rick and Valerie Johnson
Chris and Susie Keller
Mr. Sam E. Kinney, Jr.
Julie and Juergen Kloo
Mr.* and Mrs. Albert F. Knight
Bob and Susie* Kopf
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Koval
Dr. Stacy Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Lenchner ’77
Kathy and Michael Lennon
Kris and Brenda Lightcap
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Long
Mr. Kevin Luffy
Dr. and Mrs. George J. Magovern, Jr.
Joe and Cheri Manzinger
Mr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Marsh
Mary Hillman Jennings Foundation
Mary McCune Edwards Foundation
Massey Charitable Trust
Douglas McAdams
Tom ’82 and Sara ’89 McCargo
Mr. E. Thorne McKallip ’29*
Mr. and Mrs. Aidan J. McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Glen T. Meakem
Mr.* and Mrs.* Richard K. Means, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John ’71 and Nancy (Sproull ’72) Means
Mr.* and Mrs.* Richard K. Means, Jr. ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Joel and Carolyn (Snyder ’73) Miltenberger
Mr. and Mrs. D. Thomas Mistick
Mosites Construction Company
Mylan Charitable Foundation
Hugh ’61 and Eliza Nevin
Mr. Francis B. Nimick, Jr. ’33*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Nocito, Sr.
Mrs. Nancy O’Neill
Mr.* and Mrs. Paul H. O’Neill, Sr.
Paul H. O’Neill, Jr. and Celine C. O’Neill
Mr. David ’29* and Laura (Liggett ’33) Oliver*
Cmdr. James H. Oliver USN (ret.) ’60 and Ms. Sue Darnell
Mr. John C. Oliver III ’54 and Ms. Sylvia Dallas
Mr. John C. Oliver, Jr. ’26* and Ms. Constance O’Neil ’30*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin ’95 and Marguerite (Gregg ’95) Park
Bob and Joan Peirce
Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Pickands Mather Lake Services
Kate ’82, Paul, and Emma ’19 Pigman
The Pittsburgh Foundation –
W.C. and M.L. Robinson Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Platt, Jr.
The PNC Charitable Trust Grant Review Committee
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan T. Purpura
R. P. Simmons Family Foundation
The Raymond J. Wean Foundation
Mrs. Margaret Rea
Richard King Mellon Foundation
Frank Richardson ’54 and Kimba Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Riordan
The Roberts Family and Thomas Marshall Foundation
Patricia S. Rose
Ms. Henriette E. Rougraff ’45*
Scaife Family Foundation
Schoonmaker L. Trust for T. Yanckello
Mr. and Mrs.* David W. Sculley
Sean and Amy (Simmons ’80)
Mr. Alden H. J. Sector*
Sewickley Academy Home and School Association
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Simmons ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Simmons
Dr. Satbir Singh and Family
Mr. and Mrs. D. Edward I. Smyth
Mr.* and Mrs.* G. Whitney Snyder, Sr.
Mr. G. Whitney Snyder, Jr. ’79
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brandon Snyder ’66
Mrs. Jean (Rose ’31) Snyder*
Ms. Nina Snyder ’67
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Snyder
Mr.* and Mrs. William P. Snyder III
Mr.* and Mrs. Peter M. Standish ’47
Judge* and Mrs. William ’44 and Marguerite (Oliver ’56) Standish
Mr. Christian Stein
Jenna and Ted Stevenson ’78
The Grable Foundation
The Pittsburgh Foundation –McAdams Family Donor Fund
Thomas Marshall Foundation
Tull Family Foundation
Debbie (Thaw ’68) Valera
W. P. Snyder Charitable Trust
Rob Walkingshaw ’70
Warburg Pincus LLC
Mary and Rich Weber
Natalie (Hansen ’78) Weinsz
Mr.* and Mrs.* Roger C. Wiegand
Mrs. Rives (Rea ’71) Yost
Mr. Walter M. Yost II ’69
Mr. Dennis Zeitler
We believe that every student has the potential to achieve greatness, regardless of their background or circumstances.”
Carrie Miller
At Breakthrough Pittsburgh, we’re on a mission to change the world through education. We believe that every student has the potential to achieve greatness, regardless of their background or circumstances.
Our innovative tuition-free academic enrichment program is designed to unlock that potential, providing high-potential students with limited resources with the tools they need to succeed.
It is through your generosity that we are able to continue our mission to provide all students with an excellent education. Thank you for your continued support.
Carrie Miller Executive Director
Rachel and Brian Allen
Anonymous (4)
Jonathan ’95 and Jennifer (Park ’97) D’Antonio
Jennifer and Len Dulski
Eden Hall Foundation
Laura (Park ’02) and Graham Furlong
Mr. and Mrs. David Hammel
Kristen and Chuck Hammel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hammel
J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund –Huret Dulski Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Gunjan Khanna
McElhattan Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin ’95 and Marguerite (Gregg ’95) Park
Sean and Amy (Simmons ’80)
The Grable Foundation
Mr. Dennis Zeitler
($1,500.00 +)
The Pittsburgh Foundation –Michael Bill Avner Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Riordan
Mr. Ryan and Dr. Ashley (Brown ’00) Birtwell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kain
Mr. and Mrs. David Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McMullen
Kate ’82, Paul, and Emma ’19 Pigman
Ashvin and Beth Ragoowansi
($500.00 +)
Breakthrough Collaborative
Melissa (Park ’99) Brooks
Michael and Connie Cesario
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Fogle
RC and Andrea Hayden
Scott MacLeod ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto W. Ortiz
Susan Zawacky
($100.00 +)
Chris J. Anderson
Kristina (Fausti ’93) and Shahriar Broumand
Mr. Derek P. Chimner ’04
Mr. Samuel A. Duerr and Ms. P. A. Shetler
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hoffman
Mr. J. Martinoski and Ms. N. Marshall
Bruce and Gretchen McAdams
Dr. and Mrs. Mukul and Pallavi (Golla ’02) Patil
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan T. Purpura
Mr. Michael Moriarty and Ms. Jennifer Quisenberry
Shannon Rankin and Rachel Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scerbo
Susan (Ratcliffe ’55) Sour
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. Thompson ’98
The Titler Family
The United Way of Allegheny County
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Zeranski
($1.00 +)
Seamus Coons and Sierra Paresi
Ms. Elena Leib
Alexis Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Zack Skrabski