SSM May 2016

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Featured Artist As a new "mum," Carla Jennings struggled to adjust to her new role and fell into a deep depression. Even though she'd run a successful jewelry making business for over 10 years and always considered herself a "create-aholic," she knew she needed a new outlet. Carla found Zentangle, an artform which focuses on creating beautiful art from structured patterns. She gradually began creating her own designs & illustrations mainly using pen, ink & inktense colors, then adding digital elements to the final piece. She now spots patterns everywhere she goes, especially in the hedgerows & gardens around where she Lives in Cornwall, UK. Finding inspiration in nature Led to her first coloring book Our Patterned World. "I absolutely Love creating and what brings me just as much enjoyment is to see the pleasure, relaxation, fun & inspiration that my artwork brings to other peoples' Lives. It's true that there are many talented people & tons of beautiful artwork available to buy, but there is only one YOU. When we stick to creating from our hearts & our own imagination, we bring something completely unique to the creative world." A sampling from Carla's shop Tangled Peacock is shown on pages 8, 13, 16, 21, 26 & 30.

Photo Credit Cory Thomsen c/o Jessica Mullen Jon Zieve c/o Jon Zieve Nancy Baker c/o Nancy Baker Nicole Hoglund c/o Jaye Krogut Photography Jessica Forney c/o Jessica Forney

Unless otherwise credited, all other photos shared into public domain and free for commercial use via





We feel in harmony, Loved and trust things will work out when balanced. Trust in ourselves allows us to trust others. We feel energetic, motivated and others are attracted to us. We feel disharmony, unloved and a Lack of trust in ourselves when not in balance; disconnected from the flow of Life. If we stay unbalanced over time we detract others. Balance isn't defined by how much time we spend working. Ask someone who really Loves what they do and they get energy from it. The key to balance is feeling and trusting your instincts.

How we lose balance Based on my experience, there are two causes. First, we Lose balance when emotions are not fully felt from a traumatic experience. Trauma is a built-in protection that deploys to prevent further injury. Think of it as an air bag. However, if we still have emotions from past trauma stuck in our body, our protection stays engaged. This means something as innocent as a subtle Look or tone of voice can cause more trauma. It's common for someone still Living with the emotions of past trauma to be unaware of their unfelt emotions. Emotion from trauma can be blocked out of our memory Like it never happened. There is nothing wrong with us when this happens; it's just how trauma works if emotions remain unfelt. Ask yourself if you feel in harmony, Loved, and trust things will work out. If not, you might have unfelt emotions that keep you from feeling and trusting your instincts. I also experience unfelt emotions from ancestors as well as past Lives. If you question why (which I did), think how incredible it is if this proves we are all connected and have the ability to heal our past including our ancestors. (I believe it does and why I believe imbalance is a gift from the universe for us and others to heal).

We are always given an opportunity to heal in the present moment what needs to be healed. This is how the universe works on everyone's behalf. Emotion is what we feel when Energy is in motion. Energy is meant to move through our body via our chakra system. If energy already in motion in our body is met with resistance, it has to go somewhere. Instead of Leaving our body, energy gets trapped inside organs, blocking oxygen from getting to cells. This creates an environment for dis-ease. The symptoms of disease are messages that we are out of balance.




Our past is available to us in the present moment. By retrieving emotions we've resisted and even those we've inherited, they release when we feel them fully. I pray for help knowing the universe has my back and call forward the emotion I'm resisting. I stay present with the emotion and allow the universe to help. You must ask for help. It's hard for some to ask, especially men. Men are wired to help others but not ask for help. It's possible to retrieve personality traits Lost to trauma and inheritance with help. This practice is called soul retrieval and is part of shamanic practices in indigenous cultures. After emotions are released and personality traits retrieved, a return to balance happens organically as we open to the unlimited ways the universe (nature, the Love of animals, ancestors and Loved ones) helps us. We experience what "We are all connected" means in a return to balance. For not only are we not meant to find balance by ourselves, we can't. Trusting we are all connected and asking for help, we come back to balance. Balance is a consciousness that can be Learned. For a demonstration of the miracle of balance in wildlife and nature, watch this brief video called "How Wolves Change Rivers" in Yellowstone National Park.

We are all connected in a delicate balance.







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