Sudan-land and people brochure

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SUDAN united nations mission in sudan

land - people - economy - government

un mission in sudan

Where is UNMIS military deployed?

. Mission headquarters in Khartoum and its logistics base in El Obeid; . To six regional sectors in Juba, Wau, Malakal, Kadugli, Ed Damazin and Abyei; . At several team sites in the six sectors.

What is UNMIS?

. UN peacekeeping mission in Sudan authorized by UN Security Council through adoption of Resolution 1590 on 24 March 2005, followin signing of CPA; . Lead coordinating entity for UN system in Sudan, with civilian, military and police components; . Mandated to support implementation of CPA under Chapter VI of UN Charter; . Main headquarters: Khartoum; . Regional headquarters: Juba, Southern Sudan.

What are the main tasks of UNMIS Police?

. To work with and support national police services of arties and to help develop as well as coordinate bilateral and multilateral assistance programs; . Interact with local police and community at every level; . Assist in training and development of policing to internationally acceptable standards; . Conduct patrols, both with local police and alone, to observe how local police and community interact with each other.


preparations/conduct of elections and referenda provided for by CPA.

What is UNMIS' leadership?

Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Sudan: Haile Menkerios. Deputy SRSG (DSRSG) Political: Jasbir Singh Lidder DSRSG Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator: Georg Charpentier UNMIS Chief of Staff: Farid Zarif Director of Mission Support: Nicholas von Ruben Regional Coordinator for Southern Sudan: David Gressly UN Force Commander: Lt. Gen. Paban Jung Thapa UN Police Commissioner: Rajesh Dewan


Where is UN Police deployed?

. UNMIS headquarters in Khartoum; . To six regional sectors in Juba, Wau, Malakal, Kadugli, Ed Damazin and Abyei; . Small training team in Kassala for training local police.

Photo captions: 1- Cover photo: Mundari woman covered in red paint made from dirt preparing for traditional dance. Photo: UNMIS/Tim McKulka. 2- UNMIS Headquarters, Khartoum. Photo: UNMIS/Catherine Waugh. 3- Deminers from Cambodian contingent attending training and verification session, Southern Sudan. Photo: UNMIS/Tim McKulka. 4- Rwandan peacekeepers during Day of UN Peacekeepers parade, Khartoum. Photo: UNMIS/Fred Noy. 5- South Sudan Police Service personnel participating in VIP protection tactics training by UN Police, Juba. Photo: UNMIS/Tim McKulka. united nations mission in sudan

Designed and produced by UNMIS Public Information Office

What are the main tasks of UNMIS Military? UNMIS Military supports the peace process in Sudan through a total deployment of 10,000 troops, which include: . A peace support operation of 750 Military Observers to monitor and verify redeployment of Sudanese troops; . A protection force under Chapter VI of UN Charter; . Logistical support for Military Observers.



How long will UNMIS stay?

UNMIS is scheduled to stay in Sudan for a total of seven years. This covers the six-year “interim period” from July 2005 until July 2011, which includes a six-month pre-interim period and six-month phase-out stage.

What are UNMIS’ major responsibilities and tasks?

UNMIS’ main tasks are to monitor and support implementation of political, military, humanitarian and developmental aspects of the CPA. These include: . Assisting with voluntary return of refugees and displaced persons; . Providing de-mining assistance; . Assisting with disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants; . Contributing to international efforts to protect and promote human rights; . Assisting with efforts to control/eradicate HIV/AIDs; . Promoting rule of law, including independent judiciary; . Re-establishing and strengthening Sudan’s prison system; . Helping prevent, mitigate and resolve conflict; . Giving countrywide guidance and technical assistance with

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