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ownership, from moving into their units or housing family members there.
Additionally, SB 567 stipulates that landlords must obtain and present permits before terminating tenancies for major repairs. This provision could complicate vital property maintenance, especially in situations where permits are not required or are difficult to secure.
The bill also seeks to extend the notice period for landlords wishing to remove units from the rental market to 120 days.
Further provisions in the bill include prohibiting future owners from renting out units that have been removed from the rental market. This change could significantly affect the sales of smaller properties.

Finally, SB 567 imposes severe penalties for violating the law. These penalties encompass liability for up to three times the actual damages, potential punitive damages, and costs including attorney’s fees.
As introduced, SB 567 would have significantly reduced California’s statewide cap on rent increases—a main feature of the existing law established by AB 1482. This provision would have limited annual rent increases to the Consumer Price Index, with a maximum of 3 percent.
However, after staunch opposition from CAA, the provision for a reduced rent cap was removed.
Mike Stack Real Estate Advisor

CAA remains opposed to SB 567 and plans to continue its opposition as the bill moves to the state Assembly.
The above news item was reprinted with permission by the California Apartment Association.

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2023 Summer CCRM Webinar Series Schedule &
Upon registration the Zoom link will be emailed to the student Class is every Thursday
To Register
Online: www.sfaa.org
Call: 415-255-2288 x.113 Email: stephanie@sfaa.org
(includes 9th Edition Managing Rental Housing textbook, CCRM binder and Welcome Packet; does not include the $75 CCRM application fee)
Information: o Credit Card o Mailing Check o Series Invoicing (members only benefit)
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CCRM Certification Renewal Policy: In order to keep the certification active, CCRMs must complete twelve hours of continuing education credits & submit a renewal application along with a renewal fee every other year (2 hours of these credits must be in Fair Ho using)