Elizabeth Kelly: tangerine gold

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For twenty years Kelly has put her energy into developing a multi-disciplinary practice, one that crosses over from studio glass to sculpture and the built environment. Her sculptural works, while standing alone as works of great beauty, point to the potential of bringing glass once again into wider use as an energy efficient building material. The structural strength of glass, so manifest in these towers, offers a way of reintroducing glass into architecture at a time when that industry is increasingly aware of environmental issues regarding lighting and heat management, and the use of materials that can be recycled. ENVIRONMENTAL concerns are an important aspect of Kelly’s continued use of glass. In Studio Tangerine, Kelly has introduced innovations into glass production, designing and building her own energy-efficient furnace (with combustion engineers Wilson and Nathan Bray) that reduces the amount of energy (by an estimated third) required for melting the glass: a major achievement in this energy-hungry art form. She also has a commitment to recycling glass.


Kelly is well on the way to bringing these divergent strands together. To support her art with an economically viable business based on principles of environmental sustainability would be, for Studio Tangerine, pure gold. Merryn Gates October 2010 1 Elizabeth Kelly, in conversation with the author, July 2010 2 www.finkdesign.com 3 Elizabeth Kelly, in conversation with the author, 18 January 2006 4 Construct, ANCA Gallery, Canberra, 2009 5 Kelly’s distinctive palette is due to her knowledge of the colour chemistry. She ‘hand makes’ most of her own glass, adding trace elements to clear batch. 6 Margot Osborne, Australian Glass Today, Wakefield Press, 2005, p94 7 Elizabeth Kelly, in conversation with the author, 30 March 2009 8 www.hrp.org.uk 9 Johns Hopkins University astronomers Karl Glazebrook and Ivan Baldry describe the colour as RGB 255, 248, 231. www.wired.com/science/discoveries/ news/2002/03/50930 10 The author, ‘Ignoring the proverb: Don’t throw bricks when you live in a glass house’, 716 #39, Craft Australia, April 2009. www.craftaustralia.org.au

The artist would like to thank Michael Wilson, long-time collaborator (fifteen years), for his supreme material handling and mould engineering. Gordon Smith, mould maker and great problem solver. Geoff Farquhar, Sui Jackson, Eiko Kawaguchi, Wendy Meyen and Heike Qualitz, attentive and fast-learning hot shop assistants are practitioners in their own right and have all had a hand in the generation of this work. A Capital Arts Patrons Fellowship assisted the development of this work.

cover TERRIFIC 2009 (DETAIL) pressed glass 250cm high Photo: Rob Little SELF PORTRAIT 2009 Photo: the artist

above L–R COLOUR BY NUMBERS 2009 dropped cast glass 275cm high Collection: Parliament House, Canberra TERRIFIC 2009 pressed glass 250cm high Photo: Rob Little

Contact Details Civic Centre, Baylis Street Wagga Wagga PO BOX 20, WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 Telephone: 02 6926 9660 Facsimile: 02 6926 9669 Email: gallery@wagga.nsw.gov.au www.waggaartgallery.org www.studiotangerine.com.au Opening Hours Tuesday-Saturday: 10am–5pm Sunday: 12pm–4pm Closed: Mondays, Good Friday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day Published by SFA Press October 2010 SFA Press PO Box 5037 Lyneham ACT Australia 2602 ISBN 978-0-9808233-2-5 Images © the artist Text © the author


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