ierra Signals SierraSSignals P.O. Box 6421 Auburn, CA 95604
October 2012
At The Key of SFARC: PRESIDENT Bob Brodovsky, K6UDA VICE PRESIDENT Al Martin, NI2U SECRETARY Dennis Gregory, WU6X TREASURER Richard Kuepper, WA6RWS DIRECTORS Charles Baker, AE6LR Gary Martinez, N6UWQ Jim Griffith, KI6AZH FIELD DAY CHAIRMAN Al Martin, NI2U REPORTERS Satellites: Greg, KO6TH History: Gary, KQ6RT Misc Radio: Fred, K6DGW Sunshine: Richard, WA6RWS
REPEATERS 145.430 (-0.6 MHz/PL 162.2) 440.575 (+5.0 MHz/PL 94.8) 223.860 (-1.6 MHz/PL 100.0)
In Memory Of
Jim Carman K6ARR
CLUB NET Thursdays, 7:30PM, W6EK/R 145.430 CLUB MEETINGS Second Friday of the month, 7:30PM at the Library, 350 Nevada St, Auburn CA CLUB BREAKFAST Last Sat of the month at Susie’s Café Cirby at Riverside, Roseville – 8:00 AM NET CONTROL OPS Dave Jenkins, WB6RBE Gary Cunningham, KQ6RT Norm Medland, W6AFR Casey McPartland, W7IB NEWSLETTER EDITOR Barbara Anderson, W6EVA 916.624.1343 WEBMASTER: Carl A Schultz, WF6J
Calendar: Sat/Sun 6 & 7 Oct: California QSO Party Fri 12 Oct: Club Meeting
Inside this issue:
President’s Report
Remembering Jim Carman
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
General Meeting Minutes
Swap Meet Photo & A Note From Carl
Club Activities
12-14 October: ARRL National Convention – Santa Clara, CA Sat 20 Oct: Cystic Fibrosis bike rideNewcastle vicinity Sat 27 October: Club Breakfast
We encourage members to receive Sierra Signals via email to save the Club the cost of reproduction and mailing Sierra Signals is published monthly by the Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club for the information of its members and friends, and is distributed via E-mail and USPS mail. Opinions expressed are those of the authors. Newsletter exchanges with other clubs via E-mail are welcomed. Contact the editor to be placed on the E-mailing list. The contents of Sierra Signals are copyrighted by the Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club, and all rights are reserved. That said, we will gladly permit republications for nonprofit uses of all text material. Photos require the consent of all persons pictured in them, and some of our material is copyrighted by others and published by permission. You'll need to contact them for permission.
President’s Report Life goes on. It's a bit uncomfortable writing about it but our club and our hobby is getting on in years. Last week we lost a founding member and major force in the Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club. K6ARR, Jim Carman's key went silent. Now being a veritable "kid" in the club I didn't really know Jim or his contributions to the club. The club is not about ham radio, equipment, technique, or radio theory. The club is about the people and the associations we form using equipment, technique, and radio theory as the common glue that binds us. As life goes on, I encourage the members of SFARC to get more involved, participate in upcoming activities with other members, and enjoy each other’s company and associations. Just as everything else in the world goes on, so does the world of Ham Radio. Last weekend, I participated in my first contest. This was the D-Star QSO party. Judging from the amount of repeater usage, I'd say D-Star is catching on like wildfire. I personally made 79 contacts in 18 states and 21 different countries. The highlight of my weekend though was my contact with Gordon West, WB6NOA. I was his second contact in the party and I may be on the next installment of HamNation. As life keeps going on, other ham activities are gearing up. October 6th & 7th is the California QSO party, and I'll be participating (depending upon my work schedule). I've heard mumblings of an activation in Sierra County by SFARC members, which sounds like a great opportunity to be rare DX and forge those associations. Pacificon returns to Santa Clara October 12th – 14th, 2012, and the ARRL National Convention is happening within the event. There is rumored to be the “mother of all swap meets” on Saturday October 13 th, as well as classes and manufacturer’s displays. I'll be attending on Saturday and Sunday & invite anyone from the club to join me. This year, our membership has grown by 20%. Our membership is getting younger, with more enthusiasm for a new hobby. It’s time to tap our younger members on the shoulder and get them to take on some of the leadership roles and some of the grunt work which needs to get done from time to time. Our club elections are coming up. It’s time to think about who will take on the leadership for 2013, what our goals will be, and how we will get there. 73, Bob - K6UDA
James Myrel Carman, K6ARR, SK (1936 – 2012)
James Myrel Carman, born August 5, 1936 in Auburn, CA passed peacefully into his heavenly Father's arms in Auburn, CA on September 14, 2012, after a sudden illness. Jim is survived by his brother Pete (and Marge) Carman of Auburn, CA and many, many cousins. Jim was an avid HAM Radio enthusiast, and was seen daily walking around Auburn where he had many friends. He volunteered countless hours helping others at Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital Lifeline, and was a member of the Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital Guild. An electrical technician by trade, Jim was quite the wizard at fixing things. Any friends or family who needed repairs of any kind was always met by his kind assistance. He was employed by Sierra College in their electrical maintenance department until his retirement and also served in the United States Navy. Jim was a member of the First Baptist Church of Auburn, where he also devoted time in the sound department. A Jazz aficionado, Jim traveled to Port Angeles where he attended the Seattle Jazz Festival yearly and never missed an opportunity to help with the Sacramento Jazz Festival. Jim was one of our founding members, and he will be missed by many.
Miscellaneous Radio There is nothing “Miscellaneous” about Jim Carman of course, my guess is he was the current SFARC member taking the prize for the most longevity as a club member. His name appears in the history minutes Gary provides for Sierra Signals, all the way back to founding the club 50+ years ago. His call, like mine, is original … well almost, he began as KN6ARR as a 1-year, non-renewable Novice, and dropped the “N” when he got his General just as I did. As teens then, we typically saved our money and bought a stack of QSL cards without the “N”, and we just wrote it in until we could drop it on the air. I first met Jim on 2m in 1970. I was an Air Force Captain newly stationed at McClellan working on an airborne long-range radar system, and we were living in a rental off Ethan Way near Arden Fair. I had a GE progress line in the trunk of the car on .34/.94 and .16/.76 and an ancient WW2 AN/FRC-27 at home on the same two frequencies. The K6ARR Auburn repeater was on .16/.76 then and it pretty well blanketed the Sacramento area. I didn't have many friends in Sacramento, we had just arrived from NASA in Houston, and we had two brand new kids. I remember the morning, on the way to work, when I ID'd on the repeater and Jim called me. Wow! The owner of the machine! At that point I had no idea where it was, I inquired, and ended up sitting in the parking lot for perhaps 20 minutes at the Base while Jim explained its location … and a lot more. I figured I now had a radio-home, and basically left the mobile and home rig on the repeater permanently. In those days .34/.94 was a universal repeater pair everywhere in North America with lots of competing signals and wasn't of much use in Sacramento. PL hadn't been invented yet in the amateur fraternity. In 1972, now a civilian engineer, we bought a home in Citrus Heights, just off of San Juan between Madison and Greenback. Actually … we bought the plans from the contractor, and then paid him to build it.☺ It was the second home that we had owned. I set up my radio gear, such as it was then, on a workbench in the garage, and continued with my friends on 2m. Since my commute was now a bit longer, I bought that first Honda that showed up in the US for $1,388 from Mel Rapton … the 2 cyl motorcycle engine on 4-wheels where the car
body was your helmet. The 2m GE was in the family car, so I didn't have anything on the way to and from work. Late that year, Jim telephoned me. He said there had been a radio club in the Auburn area for a number of years, it had sort of gone dormant, and several of the members [who he knew I knew from the radio] were thinking of resurrecting it. They were meeting at the Fairgrounds, would I be interested in coming? So I did. I met them in that smaller building about half-way up the hill toward the ball fields [the midway at fair time]. I knew everyone there, I'd just never met them in person. The decisions were that the club had been around for quite awhile, there were enough hams in the area to support it, and that we would re-start the club. It's been alive ever since. The on-channel QRM on .16/.76 was growing, and Jim finally bit the bullet and installed a 94.8 PL decoder. This posed a serious problem – very few of the 2m rigs of the day, including the few HT's that were available did PL … on any tone. Tone encoders were available, however they were very tiny, and programming and installing them in a radio, and especially an HT, took some skill. I think I may have installed four for club members, I have no idea how many Jim installed but I'll bet it was well over two dozen. In most cases, he just gave them away as he installed them. Despite PL, .16/.76 continued to become probably the second most populated 2m repeater pair in the Sacramento area, and when the repeater band below 146.0 opened, Jim decided to claim .83/.43 and moved the repeater. This, of course, entailed yet another problem, there were still rock-bound rigs out there, and even those that were synthesized weren't like today's radios, getting them programmed for the new pair took a little doing. Again, Jim took care of a great number of the member's radios. In the not too distant past, the PL was changed to 162.2, and at this point radio technology had progressed to when anyone could re-program their radios. In 1997 [or maybe 1998], I met Mike Malvey. Mike had moved up here to retire from the Bay Area where he, among many things, had owned a cable TV system. I met Mike through the Auburn Garden Club, Andrea was a member, and she mentioned that this fellow who had been a Coast Guard Radioman had come. We became friends [Mike is still not licensed but I'm slowly working on him] and, since the world is a lot smaller than it seems, Mike knew Jim. Mike gave me his Vibroplex, I'll give it back if he gets a call.☺ Jim had been employed for years at Sierra College running the Audio-Visual department and the CCTV network and production facilities. Mike had met him in the 70's when his employer was working a CCTV contract with the college. Not long after they moved here, Mike got a call from Jim. For many years, Jim had been a member and volunteer for the Auburn Faith Hospital guild. He maintained their TV distribution network, and as one person at his funeral service mentioned, he replaced all of the Exit signs in the hospital to comply with new fire codes. Jim asked Mike if he'd like to spend a little volunteer time installing and setting up the LifeLine devices for elderly folks, a program run from the Foundation that supports the hospital. Mike did, I don't know how many he's installed by now, but it's a lot. The LifeLine group there are going to miss Jim a lot! Jim was a very unique friend, very private and yet very outgoing, and very loyal. He lived on Findlay St. for his entire life, I think. He may have been born there, at least he was an Auburn native. Jim understood electronics … he could make anything broken work again. Jim served in the United States Naval Reserve, and until very recently, was always at the club meetings. His call sign tags on his car were the black and yellow ones like my Elmer, W6RMK, had on his Studebaker sedan when he taught me the code as a 13-yr old. Jim had a routine: Restaurants – Sizzler, Applebees, Sierra Grill; and he walked every day – all over town and beyond. I last saw him on Lincoln Way as I was coming out of the Bank of California, perhaps 3 or 4 weeks ago. We talked for maybe 15 minutes. I am going to miss my friend Jim Carman. Rest easy Jim, you did really good. 73, Fred K6DGW
The SFARC September Board meeting commenced at 1800 hours at Elm Avenue Round Table Pizza in Auburn. Officers present: President Bob Brodovsky-K6UDA; Vice President Al Martin-NI2U; Secretary Dennis GregoryWU6X and Treasurer Richard Kuepper-WA6RWS and Director Chuck Baker-AE6LR. Gary Martinez-N6UWQ and Jim Griffith-KI6AZH were absent. Also present was Webmaster/PIO Carl Schultz. REPORTS and DISCUSSIONS President’s Report: Planned presentations and Tech-Tens planned for the general meeting were discussed. The White Elephant sale is planned for October. We are going to ask Mr. Taylor to assist as auctioneer again. VP’s Report: Al suggested we begin thinking about organizing an “election committee”. The Board discussed the attributes of a desirable candidate to chair the committee. To be announced at the General Meeting. Secretary’s Report: Dennis reported the new PO Box is active in Auburn Main; the Newcastle PO Box is now being forwarded. Approximately $16 was refunded for the 3-month remaining contract. Treasurer’s Report: Richard reported a beginning balance as of August 1 st was $3,249.65. Expenses in August totaled $233.11. Deposits included membership renewals, badges and donations totaling $210.00. Net cash on hand at end of August is $3,226.54. The Auburn Library meeting room rent is due for renewal, approximately $220. The Board directed payment to be made. A new roster is now available and will be posted to the website. Repeater Reports: Richard reported he had new hand-outs w/new address for repeater codes. He has FEMA hand-outs as well for the membership. VE Report: no report Property Officer: Richard reported the Hallicrafters SX-28 was sold for $75 at the Lincoln swap meet, as well as the RP4 repeater-$50. George has (3) HT’s; (1) 2m-only Kenwood and (2) Alinco dual-band from an SK sale. Suggestion was to purchase these or other less-expensive HT’s and make available to new hams (2013) who also join the Club. See Other Discussions in these minutes. Web/PIO Report: Carl reported on the Lincoln swap meet. Also, his attendance at the ARRL PR event focused on bringing public attention to Club events. Also, Carl reported on updated membership form and web updates (new address). The new Membership Roster to be posted to the web. Other Discussions: The Board discussed possible “incentives” to bring new hams/members into the Club. One idea is to have a special $1/ticket raffle for an HT, available ONLY to new hams. Other discussion was held regarding an “antenna clinic” or mini-field day event. The event content would cover building, tuning, erecting and testing. Dennis to inquire the availability and cost of possible venues. The different fairgrounds were suggested, or the Armory at Gold Country Fairgrounds. Both subjects to be discussed with the Membership for input. Meeting adjourned at 1850 hours. Submitted by Dennis Gregory-WU6X, SFARC Club Secretary
GENERAL MEETING MINUTES September 14, 2012 The SFARC General meeting for September commenced at 1930 hours at the Placer County Library in Auburn. Present were Officers Bob Brodovsky-K6UDA, President; Al Martin-NI2U, VP; Dennis Gregory-WU6X, Secretary and Richard Kuepper-WA6RWS, Treasurer. Director Chuck Baker-AE6LR was present, while Gary MartinezN6UWQ and Jim Griffith-KI6AZH were absent. Also present was Carl Schultz-WF6J, PIO/Webmaster. President Bob-K6UDA led the membership in a Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Officers and approximately 28 members and 3 guests were introduced. REPORTS: Past minutes – The July General meeting minutes, as published in the Newsletter, were unanimously approved. President’s Report – Bob and Chuck reported on the Board’s discussion of an “antenna clinic” or “mini-field day” event at a local venue. The Membership proposed many ideas and possible venues, and generally “liked” the idea. VP’s Report – See New Business, Election Committee. Treasurer’s Report – Richard reported a beginning balance as of August 1 st was $3,249.65. Expenses in August totaled $233.11. Deposits included membership renewals, badges and donations totaling $210.00. Net cash on hand at end of August is $3,226.54. Secretary’s Report – Dennis reported the new PO Box 6421 in Auburn Main is now active. And, a “Welcome” letter with information on the Club is available during the break. VE’s Report – Gary – KQ6RT, reporting for Dave-NO6NO, reported that six candidates took tests; 2 passing the Tech and 3 took both Tech and General. Repeater Report – Richard-WA6RWS handed out new repeater code wallet cards. Satellite Report – Greg-KO6TH reported on five “cube-sat” launches planned from the International Space Station on September 27th. A “launch” of a cube-sat is accomplished by opening a hatch and tossing them into space. Sunshine Report – Richard-WA6RWS reported that Jim-KI6AZH is recovering from the heart bypass. Information became available later that Jim Carmen-K6ARR was hospitalized and passed the same evening, causes unknown at this writing. (Continued on page 7)
Raffle and Refreshments – Gene-KG6NYH reviewed raffle and George-KG6LSB on refreshments, respectively. OLD BUSINESS: Swap Meet Committee – no report/update Club Picnic – Al reported on the event’s festivities and fun had by all. Announcement of winners of the Q&A; Gary KQ6RT won 1st prize; KJ6VGB (Dennis) and AE6LR (Chuck) tied for 2nd place prizes. Prizes included the quintessential Atomic clock, a 2m halo antenna and a multi-meter. Public Relations – Discussion was held on recruitment ideas to bring new hams/members into the Club. One idea is to have a special $1/ticket raffle for an HT, available ONLY to new hams (2013). Discussion, suggestions and concerns were voiced for the Board’s benefit. There was concern that only FCC type-accepted radios should be given away. Also, a suggestion of “loaning” radios rather that giving them away. An “interest vote” was taken and all but two Members supported the Board’s further investigation of the concept; a report and recommendations to be forthcoming. ARES – Chuck – KG6FFK reported on ARES support to the community and invited interested members to meet with him if there were questions about joining or commitments. NEW BUSINESS: Election Committee – Al reported on the Board’s discussion and thoughts and the need to begin thinking about forming a 2013 Officers Election Committee. Bob asked for volunteers; none did. Tech-Ten – Bob Hess – N1RH, past Channel 13/31TV engineer gave an excellent presentation on the California QSO Party planned for October 6th starting at 9am (1600z) and ending at 3pm (2200z) October 7th. Presentation –Fred-K6GDW gave a presentation on the potential of using micro-computers in amateur radio applications. General Announcements – The Club net is on Thursday’s at 7:30; Board meeting at 6pm on general meeting nights at Round Table Pizza; the General meeting schedule; Club breakfasts (last Saturday at Susie’s Café); the “Prepper Net” every other Wednesday on the 2m repeater at 7:30pm; see the Club website ( for more information or changing dates. Other Announcements – Jettie Hill – W6RFF reminded the Membership of the ARRL Pacificon convention planned for October 12-14th. White Elephant Sale is planned for next month in lieu of the general meeting. A Prepper Net “get together” is planned for September 29th at Mike’s house, N6BRP. Water pumps and filters will be presented. The meeting adjourned at 2130 hours. Submitted by, Dennis – WU6X, Secretary
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Phone: 530-305-0180 Auburn, CA
Here’s a picture of Carl - busy at the club table at the Lincoln Swap Meet on Saturday September 8, 2012
From Carl, WF6J SFARC Website - constant changes are happening on our website. Need more inputs from everyone as to what else you would like to see. Dennis reported on the new top "news line" that was scrolling across the screen. Unfortunately several folks reported their browsers didn't see anything or the rest of the information below it was changed. So I am back into "development" for a new script. For folks that are upgrading the OS to the new WIndows on PC, or Mountain Lion on their Macs, our website is fully compatible with both operating systems. If you are having any issues, might be that you are using an "ancient" OS and should upgrade. Started the "SK" honors listing for members past. I encourage everyone to please send me any information you may have. This will be in the History section. Remember that we have the ARRL News Feed link on the bottom right of the homepage. This brings you the latest stories out of Newington as they are posted. Also in this area is the Youth News link. This takes you to the ARRL Youth News page and some great information for younger operators, newbees and soon-to-be hams. Don't forget that on the Elmer Help page we have a link to our comprehensive Technician Course and also to the Chuck Adams, K7QO code course.
Club Activities‌ Club Breakfast - Saturday September 29, 2012
Simple Pump installation party held at Mike N6BRP's house in Loomis. Pictured left to right: Bruce - K6BAA, Mike - N6BRP, Jim - KJ6YMH, Brian - KJ6SOV, Les - KG6NME. This was the first get together as a result of our 2-meter prepper net.
Name: ________________________________ Call: ___________ Class: ___ e-mail: ____________________________ Address: ______________________________ City: ____________________ State: _____ Zip: ____________________ Associate Name: ________________________ Call: ___________ Class: ____ email: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Cellphone: ____________________ Application is: (Circle) New
Dues / Donations: Membership: yearly* Associate: yearly* Auto Patch Donation: Misc. Donation: No
$22.00 Name Badge: $7.00 Yes (special name)______________ $ 7.00 Repeater Donation: $___________ $___________ Newsletter Booster: $___________ $___________ Christmas Donation: $___________ ARRL member? (circle) Yes TOTAL:
*Prorated dues for NEW Members/Associates Only July $ 20 /6 October August $ 18/5 November September $ 16/4 December
$__________ Please add $1 if paying via PayPal
$ 14/3 + following year $ 12/2+ following year $ 10/1 + following year
Date: __________________ Treasurer: _________________ Secretary: _______________ Roster: ______________ Payment: _______________ Check Number: _____________ Cash: __________________ PayPal:______________ Rev. Sept 2012