1 minute readGail McCormick, "Truth Telling" (creative non-fiction) from 2021 SFCC Literary Reviewby Santa Fe Community CollegeNext ArticleElizabeth Rees, "Tuned In" (poem) More articles from this publication:Elizabeth Rees, "Tuned In" (poem) 1minpage 43Melanie Lamb Faithful, "Circles of Days" (Art) 1minpages 40-41Roxanne Seagraves, "To Touch Their Hearts of Gold" (Fiction, Pushcart Prize Nominee 2021) 1minpages 35-39Oliver Agustin Kautter: Art and Recent Works1minpages 32-33, 77Joe Navarro, "Word Murals" (poem) 1minpages 11, 27Susana Gonzales, "My Hand Are Getting Softer" (poem)1minpage 85Beth Paulson, "Les Carrottes Sont Cuites" (poem) 1minpage 61Kelsey Hennegen, "I Shrug Into You Like a Winter" (poem, Pushcart Prize Nominee 2021)1minpage 49Tim Maxwell: An Artist's Statement and Recent Work1minpages 72-73Show moreThis article is from:2021 SFCC Literary Review