Locker Room Thefts
Online Education
PG. 2
Nov. 4, 2010 - Nov. 17, 2010
PG. 4
Interesting P.E. Classes
PG. 14
Volume 42 | Issue 2
New music building to open winter quarter Lauren Miller
The Communicator SFCC’s newly-renovated music building contains state-of-the-art technology and architecture ready to be unveiled Jan. 3. The $14.9 million renovation was proposed in 2004 by the piano instructor, Rosi Guerrero. Now all that remains of the old building is the choir room, band room and auditorium, which have all been remodeled. According to Guerrero, the arts are often overlooked when it comes to funding. “We were really fortunate, we were bidded up with 70-90 other
projects and only 27 were awarded Capital Projects Coordinator, there money for renovations and new are two concert floors below the piano instruction area: one is structural buildings,” Guerrero said. The new facility will be equipped and the second is on springs in order with soundproof practice rooms, a to isolate that room from any noise, this is what allows recording studio, “It’s going to be really the floor to bounce. lobby, MIDI (MuThe building is sical Instrument nice to sit in class and not Digital Interface) have to listen to someone energy efficient with silver LEED (Leadlab, and a piano play scales for an hour.” ership in Energy & lab with 20 pianos. “The whole -Alex Paul Environmental Debuilding is acousFourth quarter music major sign) certification, which means that tically designed,” Guerrero said. “Underneath the pi- the building features several energy ano studio and the ensemble room efficient technologies. Students will be able to practice there is a floating floor and you can actually bounce on the floor.” According to John Nuess, the CCS MUSIC | Page 2
The renovation cost $14.9 million. The present piano lab is 320 square feet. The new piano lab will be 1,100 square feet. The renovation was proposed in 2004.
Source: The Construction Zone Capital Update Newsletter, Rosi Guerrero
State audit reveals false time sheets Sarah Radmer
The Communicator An SFCC Counselor was overpaid $4,122.26, according to the Washington State Auditors Office after a conduct report concluded false time sheets had been filed. The report, delivered to The Communicator on Nov. 2, included assertions that the subject submitted false time sheets during Summer 2008 and Fall 2008 resulting in overpayment and a misuse of time including emails regarding the subjects doctorate schoolwork and visits to personal email, social networking websites, online gaming websites. The document titled “Report on Whistleblower Investigation” was compiled by state auditor Brian Sonntag on Oct. 4. Below is a summary of the report’s findings:
Assertion 1 | Overpayment
The counselor was working for CCS under four contracts. The first assertion was that the counselor did not work all of the hours that he submitted in his time sheets. The subject was overpaid 102.5 hours total for Summer 2008 and Fall AUDIT | Page 2
INDEX NEWS................................2 PERSPECTIVES...................4 SIDELINES........................14
The Communicator
Deby Dixon | The Communicator
History major Jeff Watkins and transfer student Emily Ladd wait for the city bus on Nov. 1.
City buses to increase rates by 20 percent Carol Thompson-Hazen The Communicator
Spokane Transit Authority (STA) bus fare prices are rising 20 percent. “I think it’s bogus,” William Shaw, a freshman at SFCC said. “Because many students can’t pay for tuition, books and computers, and on top of that a costly bus pass.” On Jan. 1, the Spokane Transit Authority will raise the cost of bus fare by 25 cents. Making a two-hour bus pass cost $1.50. Even though $24,500 of SFCC ac-
CULTURE The Good Woman of Setzuan PG. 6
Mary Girard
tivity fees go towards providing discounts for monthly student passes, the on campus price will be raised to $28.80. Despite the discounted price, 570 passes were sold in the first 12 days of fall quarter. Adult monthly passes can also be bought at the STA Plaza down town located on 701 W Riverside Ave for $45. “It drives me nuts,” said Maura Buzby, a second year student at SFCC. “I don’t have a job so the money I have BUSES | Page 2
The bus fare will increase by 25 cents.
16 percent of fare costs go to funding STA. Ridership has increased 45 percent over the last several years. Source:
FLAVORS Hot Wing Challenge PG. 12
PG. 9 Diability Awareness Week
Nov. 4 - Nov. 17, 2010
Security on lookout for locker theives Kirk Bayman
The Communicator SFCC Head of Campus Security Dennis Hauenstein released a security alert to SFCC staff and faculty members on Oct. 27 detailing a string of thefts in the men’s locker room. According to third-year music student and lieutenant of student security officers Rachel Burgess, 21, the thefts have been confined to the gym. Burgess said that thefts have occurred in both the student and faculty sections of the locker room from both locked and unlocked lockers. “There’s no standard (the thieves) don’t care,” Burgess told the Associated Student Senate during their Oct. 28 meeting.
Counselor did not work the 35 hours stipulated in his primary contract From page 1
2008 resulting in an overpayment of $4,122.26. “The subject...was not working the 35 hours per week stipulated in the primary contract,” the report stated. “The subject submitted time sheets claiming hours of work at the (IEL) he was not there.” According to the report, witnesses said the counselor’s schedules at SFCC and the IEL overlapped and that he left early on days he worked at the IEL.
Assertion 2 | Misuse of time
Between Sept. 4, 2007 to July 9, 2009 the subject sent 361 personal emails from his state computer. 160
Burgess said that the locker room thefts started the first week of the quarter. “We’ve noticed a decline this last week,” Burgess said. “I think it’s because they know we’re on to them.” Gregory Roberts, SFCC Associate Dean of Student Life, said that SFCC Campus Security has been working closely with the Spokane Police Department as well as with law enforcement personnel from Eastern Washington University, Washington State University, Gonzaga University and Whitworth University. Burgess said that the security office has used undercover operatives in the course of their investigation. “That’s how we were able to kind of narrow it down to who we believe is behind it,” Burgess said. Roberts said that Campus Security is close to catching whoever is responsible for the thefts. To contact SFCC Security with information, call 509.575.7040 or e-mail
of those emails were regarding his Washington State University doctorate studies, the remainder of emails were sent to: a neighborhood association, family members, friends, colleagues, bank accounts, an online auction site, an event ticket website, an online retailer, game sites and a professional athletic team. Their report also found internet time was spent on social networking and game sites. The college’s plan After a review of the employee’s time sheets and overpayment estimations, SFCC has written documentation that the subject will repay the full amount by Nov. 24. The employee is no longer a full time employee and is instead a part time employee on an hourly schedule that is to be determined each quarter by the supervisor and department chair, Loren Pemberton, according to the report. The report also concludes that man-
Music: New building designed to have a creative atmosphere From page 1
and have lessons without interruption with the new practice rooms and classrooms. “I’m really excited for the new music building,” Alex Paul, a fourth-quarter music major, said. “Especially for the sound proof practice rooms. “It’s going to be really nice to sit in class and not have to listen to someone play scales for an hour, and I won’t be worrying about what I sound like when I’m practicing scales for an hour.” According to Guerrero, the building is not only meant for function, but it has been designed to create a sense of community and to celebrate the arts. “The expanded lobby will function for ticket queuing, and serve as a waiting and reception area for performances and large lectures,” Guerrero said. “This space will double as a student study area. “We’ve never had a break-out center to just sit and mingle and work together, but now we have 2,000 square feet in the lobby area for student gathering to make it a place where everyone wants to hang out
Students struggle to pay for college; STA works around lack of funding From page 1
goes to essentials like books, classes, and my bus pass. “So there isn’t a whole lot of money left over, if any.” Jan. 1, 2010 was the first time since 2003 that rates have been raised, due to public funding losses. For nearly three years, Spokane Transit’s primary source of operating revenue, a locally imposed sales tax, has been in decline, reducing the agency’s ability to maintain its current level of service to the Public Transportation Benefit Area, according to the 2011 STA operating budget. Although transit ridership has raised 45 percent over the last sev-
agement is formulating procedures to review counselor contracts to prevent situations similar to this in the future. “The supervisor will also be monitoring the employee’s computer use.” The employee is required to complete the “CCS on-line ethics training course to review the district’s Acceptable Use of Computer Technology policy,” as well as SFCC’s IT training by Nov. 24.
For ongoing coverage of this story, please visit our online publication at communicator
and enjoy music at the same time.” The building is a visually artistic home for the music program in order to bring the arts together. “On the inner campus side you have the grand lobby and the main entrance and colored glass and that all contributes to a sort of special appearance so that people know that this is a preforming arts building, because it's colorful and looks different,” Nuess said. The old building and the now-inhabited building four have limited space and therefore must have limited students. “We were growing out of the building—we couldn't offer what we wanted to offer because there was no space,” Guerrero said. “And we are at our capacity here; we can’t take any more students.” According to Guerrero, there will be more practice rooms and classrooms. The new piano lab will be 1,100 square feet, whereas the old buildings lab was only 320 square feet. More space means that new classes will be offered and old classes will be opened up to more students once the building reopens. “Having the adequate spaces and acoustics needed to effectively teach the many classes, ensembles and performing opportunities is vital to the success of our programs,” Guerrero said. “It means we will be able to expand our offerings, accommodate the growth that has occurred in these programs and make instruction more conducive to both students and faculty.”
Did you know?: To sign up for CCS Alerts go to
The Communicator eral years, increased revenue from fares alone cannot make up for the budget shortfall caused by the decline in sales tax revenue. Despite fare increase STA will also be cutting services as a response toward helping the agency support itself during the challenging time of a struggling economy. Fixed route service was cut by three percent in 2010 and seven percent is proposed for 2011, followed by seven percent that may be required in 2012. “This is really a very difficult thing to do,” Susan Meyer the Chief Executive Officer of Spokane Transit Authority said. “We want people to know we understand the impact it has and that if we didn’t have any financial problems we wouldn’t need to increase fare costs and reduce services.” By 2015, STA will have $81 million less than they had planned three years ago. Spokane Transit Authority doesn’t expect to return to optimal funding levels until 2016.
STA With the recent increase, a two-hour bus pass costs
Another fare increase is planned for 2012 making a two-hour bus ride cost
of SFCC activity fees go to providing discounts for monthly student passes Source:
Blue phones to be activated soon
Emergency devices have met code requirements, will be tested by architect during coming week Lindsey Treffry
The Communicator On campus blue phones will be in use shortly after Nov. 1, according to an email from Gregory Roberts, Associate Dean of Student Life . The architect responsible for the project has confirmed that the blue phone locations meet accessibility codes. One blue phone on SCC campus is an exception and has not been approved as of press time. Despite this, all SFCC phones meet state codes. During the week of Nov. 1, the contractor will be testing each phone on campus. According to Roberts, once testing of each phone has concluded, the contractor will notify officials to activate the phone.
Update from Issue 42.1 Visit to read “Blue phones installed, not usable.”
Joseph Engle | The Communicator
New music building hosts acoustic rooms and floors.
Correction The Communicator does not like to make mistakes, but when we do, we correct them promptly. In Issue 42.1, the news article titled “Construction of new science building still underway” contained inaccuracies. The science building will be open for classes spring quarter and is not being delayed until fall; this is unrelated to weather. Additionally, the science building is not part of an expansion project. It is a replacement project for building 8. James Law is not a superintendent of the construction company on campus, but is a subcontractor associated with the project.
nov. 4 - Nov. 17, 2010
The Communicator
Winter weather buries the unprepared Mercedes Calkins The Communicator
Snowboarding, skiing, and ice skating can be fun, but winter is also a time for which people need to be prepared. “It is better to be prepared than not,” said local KHQ weatherman George Maupin. “Prepare for at least 60 inches of snow.” Ways to prepare for winter include purchasing shovels, warm clothes, battery powered AM/FM radio, extra batteries, flashlights, blankets, water, and non-perishable foods. These items will come in handy in case of a power outage, which is a “big deal,” according to Dave Law another local weatherman for KHQ. Law has been conducting his own study on the weather patterns in the U.S. According to his study, an ice storm happens in the Spokane area about every 10 years and it has now been 14 years since the last one happened in Spokane. An ice storm is when the ice thickness gets to be more than two inches thick. The cause of the big and small winters are titled La Nina and El Nino. “(La Nina occurs when) the waters off of the Pacific are colder than normal,” Maupin said. Therefore El Nino occurs when the waters off of the Pacific are slightly warmer than usual. “The average snowfall for La Nina is 61 inches,” Law said. “The average snowfall during an El Nino winter is 32 inches.” Law said he expects this year to be a La Nina winter. “This might be the year to go out and buy a snowblower,” Maupin said. Students can start to be prepared by signing up for the CCS Alerts. This alert system tells students if school is cancelled due to weather, also it can tell students if there is an emergency on campus. This alert can be sent through either email or text messages. One of the main concerns that Chris Lorentz a current student has is snow taking up parking spots. “On rare occasion there may be two or three parking spots taken up by snow but they are cleared up as soon as possible,” Arden Crawford who works for CCS said. The plowing of the campus parking lots are done by
Kirk Bayman | The Communicator
the SFCC Facilities Department, and the CCS can thank them for trying to keep as many parking spots cleared as possible. According to Jim Minkler the Vice President of Learning, if classes are cancelled due to snow, instructors are encouraged to offer their assignments online if operations are suspended on campus for an extended period of time (three or more days). “A few classes can be missed, but beyond two or three it is more likely the classes will have to be made up,” Minkler said. Anne Tucker, CCS Public Information Officer said she wants to remind students it is rare for the colleges to close. Although it is rare for colleges to close, it does not mean students and staff should not be prepared. The first snowfall usually comes unexpected and being prepared is the best way to survive this winter.
Be prepared for winter driving by keeping these handy: 1. Snow shovel 2. Jumper cables 3. Windshield scraper and brush 4. Flashlight 5. Extra batteries 6. Matches 7. First Aid Kit 8. Extra Medications 9. Snacks 10. Bottled water 11. Emergency blanket 12. Extra warm clothes
The Communicator takes home prestigious awards Staff Report
The Communicator
Jens Olsen | Contributor
The Communicator has won a Online Pacemaker two years in a row for its online publication.
The staff of The Communicator has been awarded the 2010 Associated Collegiate Press Online Pacemaker. Considered the Pulitzer Prize of collegiate journalism, the Pacemaker is awarded to newspapers and websites that exemplify the very best in college journalism. This is the second consecutive year that The Communicator has won the award. Sarah Radmer, Editor-in-Chief won third place in the Reporter of the Year category from a twoyear college. Wendy Gaskill was awarded honorable mention Best Sports Multimedia story, while a newspaper page design by previous student Madison McCord, won third place Design of the Year. For the Best of Show awards, which took place in Louisville, Kentucky, “Campus in Brief” won third in the audio podcast division.
For more News content visit
The multimedia package “Student’s guide to Sasquatch” won third place. The print edition received fifth place in the two-year, four - 16 page newspaper category. Additionally, The Communicator Online won second place for Best of Show as a small school website publication. “It’s great for students to be recognized for all of the innovative work they’ve completed in multimedia, podcasts, and web design,” said adviser Jason Nix. “As professional media outlets continue their transition from legacy media to the digital realm, it’s important for students to stay one step ahead and show them the way. “These awards show us that SFCC students are doing the kind of work that demands attention from anyone serious about learning how young audiences engage media.”
To view the awards visit http:// f10bs.html.
Nov. 4 - Nov. 17,
Old, disabled, tr ying to learn
new tricks
computs an older photograWhy do you take er. Lastly, my frustration and lack of college phy certificate but soon decided that Online classes? discipline had me scrambling to finish student, who with so many college credits, I would A) Scheduling - 6% the course. In the end, I very much is also considered be best served by actually earning a B) Convenience - 29% regretted not making use of the opporto be disabled, I degree. tunity of going into school and getting have joined the At first, online education seemed C) Less demanding - 12% one-on-one help, which is something ranks of those who like it would give me an easy way D) Don’t take them - 53% that I did not know was available until hope to obtain a to finish my degree. It turns out that Deby Poll results from The Communicator Online well into the quarter. college education virtual education requires skills that I Dixon are unscientific and current as of Nov 4. Despite the frustration with my first and better earning may or may not possess. online learning experience, virtual potential by supplementing “ground,” John Hayes, Adjunct ProfesVisit us at learning became the only alternative or in-classroom learning, with “virtual sor of Humanities at Edison State communciator to vote on next issue’s poll to keeping my status as a full-time education,” or online courses. College, Naples, Fla, said that for regarding how women define success. student when the fall semester began According to the U.S. News and older students to be successful with and I found myself in a lot of physical World Report, more than 4.6 million alternative education, they need to be pain; pain that was exacerbated by college students were taking at least disciplined, motivated and computer long hours of sitting in a class. Though one online course at the beginning savvy. discipline is still a tough call for this of the 2008-2009 school year, which “Mature students may be better wandering photographer, I am finding was a 17 percent increase from 2007. at two out of the three…may take virtual learning to be much less difAt the age of thirty-something a longer to become comfortable with ficult than last Spring. work-related injury forced my retiretechnology, test taking, etc,” he said. Age and disability certainly have ment from law enforcement and I When I took my first online course their challenges in every aspect of life immediately went back to school at here at SFCC, I found it to be much but I do have hope of finally earning a a major university in North Carolina. more difficult than expected. Immedegree and being a successful writer When I entered a 100 level Geology diately, I missed the personal interacand photographer. I doubt that these course, I found myself with students tion and ability to ask questions and dreams would exist if not for the everfresh out of high school who already get an answer. growing virtual learning opportunities. seemed to know a lot about rocks. It took many emails and finally If a class, ground or virtual, is not And so I began my education on phone calls, weeks into the session, giving me the education that I expect, being disabled, vulnerable and no to get a response to my first inquiry. it is my responsibility to communicate longer young, cool and smarter than Then, due to injury and diminishing my needs and make sure that they are everyone else. eyesight, I found it difficult to folmet. When I came to SFCC last Spring, low the book while working on the my intention was to complete the
Online classrooms offer more potential through technology Communication has improved between students and teachers
our teacher just tweeted a link related to your Math report. Your phone just beeped, notifying you of your deadline. You just used the application on your iPod to look up conversion rates. You just sent a Facebook message to your study pal. There’s no way to get around it; techLindsey nology is everywhere in our education. Treffry According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, nearly 73 percent of teens and 72 percent of young adults use social networking sites. Due to this technology, education has now become an open forum for students and teachers to share and develop. Technology has positively evolved the way we study, read, and relate to information inside and
online], including recommended magazine articles, outside of the classroom. notice of cancelled meetings, and even notes and Note-taking has greatly advanced through laptops, minutes from various staff meetings,” Renwick said. and tablet computers. New technology not only Online classrooms can have more potential than a involves notes, but audio from your teacher, video, regular classroom can. Discussion boards are availcharts, and graphs. The Apple iPad has an application able 24-hours a day for students that allows you to draw, attach photo post questions to their fellow tos, file in folders, and sync notes “Online classrooms can How else can students with other students. have more potential than a classmates. ask their study buddy a question at Additionally, e-mail has provided regular classroom can.” 2 a.m. while they are struggling to a fool-proof way to communicate finish their homework? Due dates for with your teacher about missed -Lindsey Treffry homework and reports live on online deadlines or illnesses. calendars, while reminder texts can Communication has even imbe sent to your phone. proved between teachers. According to journalist Whether online, or through a phone application, edLucille Renwick, an elementary school in Portland, ucation has expanded out of the classroom. Students Ore. is cutting staff meetings, which are done in half are now pushed to learn through different outlets the time and focus only on curriculum. Why? The rest throughout the day. Class time has gone from four can be done online. hours a day to 24. “So too are the principal’s advisories to staff [done
Turn to our Focus section on page 11 to read more about online classes.
Nov. 4 - Nov. 17,
The Communicator
The Communicator Staff The Communicator, a student-run publication, provides students an opportunity to connect with their campus and enrich their time at SFCC. We hope to maintain a forum in which students are able to voice diverse opinions on campusrelated issues. The Communicator also aims to inform students about topics relevant to their education.
Geoff Lang | Communicator
Classroom environment crucial to learning
Editor-in-Chief Sarah Radmer Managing Editor Lindsey Treffry Web Editor Wendy Gaskill News Editor Lauren Miller Focus Editor Kody Rapp Flavors Editor Allie Rollins Bytes Editor Allie Rollins Culture Editor Tucker Clarry Sidelines Editor Clarissa Stoddard Perspectives Editor Kaitlin Allen Art Director Deby Dixon Graphics Geoff Lang Multimedia Editor Joseph Engle Marketing Director Kirk Bayman Advertising Director
Nicholas Newell Adviser Jason Nix Staff members can be reached via email with the following format: sfcc.firstname.
Please Note The Communicator is an open forum for student coverage and opinion that is entirely student edited and produced, with absolutely no prior review from the faculty or administrators of Spokane Falls Community College. The content in this publication is the responsibility of the student staff of The Communicator, and as such do not necessarily reflect the view of Spokane Falls Community College administrators, faculty, or the student body. Individual student contributions to the opinion page or any other section of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board or the student staff of The Communicator.
The first copy of an issue is free, additional copies are 50 cents.
Online classes don’t provide necessary teacher interaction
ith online education becoming more popular in higher education, students need to examine their reasons for taking an online course versus learning in a classroom setting. 69.1 percent of students at SFCC pass their online classes, while 73 percent of students pass on-campus classes. Learning in a class offers one-onone interaction with teachers and fellow classmates that an online class does not offer. Many students sign up for online classes thinking they are the easier than their in-class counterparts. Because students don’t learn any materials in a lecture, they have to make up for that by reading more textbook materials and completing more assignments than they would in an actual class. Online classes, however, are an excellent solution for students who have family, work full-time or are otherwise unable to make it to campus for a day class. Instructors need to focus on developing their online classes to better reflect their in-class counterparts. Maybe providing video lectures would allow students to cut down on reading time. Hosting chatroom discussion times could simulate an in-class discussion. By providing a more personalized environment, online classes could be improved.
here are a lot of things online classes can offer, one thing they can’t offer is the inspiration of a teacher. When signing up for classes at SFCC many students are finding that the classes they need are available online. Online classes offer a great service to students that can’t make it to campus Jarad everyday. Students with children, stu- Alexander dents that need to care for a loved one, or students that have to work can use online classes to their advantage. Having taken an online physics class, I found the class easy enough but felt that I would have gotten more from the classroom. I stopped by the class one day to speak with the physics teacher, Michael Rodman, about something that just didn’t make sense online. After being in the classroom I found Rodman to be a delightful teacher. I also found that his explanation of things was much clearer than the explanation that I got online. Needless to say, I wish that I would have taken physics in the classroom. Health and wellness is a class that many students at SFCC take to get their physical educations credits. This is another class that is also offered online. A student could take this class online but they would miss out on the opportunity to meet Irene Matlock. “One of the reasons that I enjoy the classroom is that students bring a wealth of information to the class,” Matlock said. “I enjoy eye contact and meeting people. “I learn stuff from students all the time.” Health and wellness is one of those classes that can fail to catch the interest of students. When you throw Matlock in the mix just the opposite happens. Matlock has a passion for what she teaches and it’s hard to take her class and not leave with something that will stick with you for life. Had it not been for Matlock I would have probably never known that if I substitute the amount of coffee or energy drinks I drink in one day with
water I will get the same amount of energy. Every student getting their AA degree will have to take at least one class related to quantitative/symbolic reasoning. One of these classes offered is logic, which can also be taken online. If you take it online though you wont have the chance to enjoy the antics of Scott Kramer. “I don’t like online classes,” Kramer said. “There is something unique and good about human interaction.” Kramer is one of those teachers that will heckle you a bit if you come unprepared to class but not so much that you just skip altogether. One day in class Kramer quickly realized that half of the class did not do the required reading. He made us take our books out and read quietly for the first 30 minutes of class. When a half an hour was up he told us that that was the amount of reading we needed to do every night. Kramer put the situation into perspective for us and from that point on every one came to class having read what was assigned. Online classes offer a great service to those who need them. Just remember that when you take classes online you may deprive yourself of a great teacher. A teacher that may inspire you.
From pencils to bullets: Deployed soldiers take online classes
irefights and explosions by day, textbooks and studying by night. While deployed to the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, members of Kody the Armed Forces Rapp are offered free or discounted tuition to online schooling and colleges that offer distance learning. According to the Pentagon, the U.S. Military reports
that in 2009, deployed service members took over 710,000 online and traditional college courses. One report finds 65 percent of soldiers that are taking college classes are doing it online. Attending college courses while deployed gives military members something else to think about while they are also fighting the war. When they are focused on learning and their studies during off-duty hours, they are not thinking of the constant dangers they may face on a daily basis, such as firefights, explosions, and the over all danger of being attacked at any moment. Attending classes in theater is not always easy for troops. Many times their duties prevent them from attending. However, instructors work with their students to ensure they can receive a quality education. According to Jan
Murphy, writer for the Patriot-News, “courses range from anthropology to zoology, just about any higher education.” The military offers generous benefits to encourage soldiers to advance their education. Not only does it make them better critical thinkers and decision makers, it helps the service members earn points to advance their military careers, as well as prepare them for a career outside of it. It can be hard for service members to switch from soldiers to student, however. Usually before classes, the service member is off serving on a mission, which for some means being shot at and attacked. Some even lose their friends while out on mission. Deployments can be unpredictable. Service members almost never know when they will be summoned to fulfill a mission. They also have strict schedules for training and duty.
For these reasons choosing an online program may seem like a service member’s only education option while deployed. Gaining a higher education whether deployed or stateside is the smartest decision a service member can make. Where they stay in for 20 years or not, service members will have a life after the military. Obtaining a degree in a career field allows them to become competitive on the civilian job market, especially with the current state of the U.S. economy. Editor’s Note: Rapp has been in the military for 4 years and spent over one year in Iraq. He took 13 online classes while he was deployed.
For more Perspectives content visit
Nov. 4 - Nov. 17, 2010
Tucker Clarry | Editor
SFCC Drama presents a tale of gods, goodness, greed Joseph Engle
The Communicator
Starting Nov. 11, the SFCC Drama Department will grapple with a fundamental question about the human condition: How is it possible to be both a good person and a successful one? The Good Woman of Setzuan is a play about the rarity of good people. Second year student Jennie Oliver plays Shen Te, a prostitute. When the gods come to earth looking for a good person, she is the one candidate that they find. Shen Te welcomes the gods into her home and as a reward, they set her up as the owner of a tobacco shop. Her good nature soon begins to work against her. “She finds herself struggling with doing what is right and what is best for herself and others,” Oliver said. In order to keep people from taking advantage of her niceness, she is finally forced to invent a persona to stand up to people. Enter Oliver’s second role in the play, Shen Te’s assertive and stern cousin, Shui Ta. Completed in 1943 by German playwright Bertolt Brecht, the play has themes about the morality of socialism as opposed to capitalism. “It is a parable about being good,” said director Sara Edlin-Marlowe. “I don’t know how relevant it is for our audience today, but it talks about how a socialist society is better than a capitalist society. “What’s interesting in the play is that once Shen Te becomes a capitalist everyone takes advantage of her.” Although the play is a drama at heart, it is not entirely devoid of comedy. In particular, the three Gods provide a measure of comedic relief. Third year student Rushele Provoncha plays the leader of the gods. The character she plays is always scratching himself. “Coming down to earth with [life] being so bluh, so gross in comparison to what we would normally be as gods, the more upset this god gets, the more itchy the god gets,” Provoncha said.
Mellissa Davis, fourth year student plays the god who wrote the book of rules, the text by which the gods can judge whether or not a person is good. As such, her character frequently has her nose in the middle of this practical-joke-sized tome. Second year student, Willy Dowling, plays the female God. As the tallest actor of the three, he plays the daintiest character. “When you go from acting as a man, everything is big and strong and powerful and every action has serious meaning, but when you are trying to be a woman you have to be so much softer, so much weaker, so much more gentle,” Dowling said. According to Oliver, even though the play was written decades ago in a foreign language and set in far off China, it’s impact can still hit home. “Even though this does take place in the 1930’s in China, the theme is still relateable to today,” Oliver said, “A lot of these things still take place. People struggle to be good people while there are many things around us that tempt us to do otherwise.”
Dates and Times
The Good Woman of Setzuan will be playing on: Nov. 11, 12, 13 at 7:30 Nov. 14 at 2:00 Nov. 18, 19, 20 at 7:30 Nov. 21 at 2:00 The SFCC Spartan Theatre, Building 5-129
For the complete multimedia experience, visit our website at communicator
Photo Illustration by Deby Dixon
Did You Know?: Drama instructor Sara Edlin-Marlowe played a small part in Godfather 1. Source:
Nov. 4 - Nov. 17, 2010
The Communicator
Through Anthony Boccaccio’s lens Brianna Rollins
The Communicator
Deby Dixon | The Communicator
Since the age of 14, Anthony Boccaccio has worked to master the craft of photography.
The first photograph Anthony Boccaccio ever tried to take was of God. The only way he could think to take a picture of God was to take a picture of the universe. That began a career that eventually led to a job at National Geographic. “I started my career in photography with my father’s hands around my neck,” Boccaccio said. National Geographic photographer presented to an auditorium in Building 24 on Oct. 29. He received his first camera at the age of 14 but did not begin taking pictures until 10 days after getting his camera because he had taken the camera apart to find out how it worked. After graduating from high school Boccaccio went to college where he met people from Kodak, who said they would pay for all of his film and development. After four years the manager at Kodak asked Boccaccio what his dream job would be. “The best company in the world, National Geographic,” Boccaccio said. “When you’re 20 your brain doesn’t connect to your mouth.” After starting his career with National Geographic in 1971 he went to shoot the Icelandic volcano. They gave him $10,000 and told him if he needed anymore to just call but only
after reading a large stack of history books. “Understand the history and you’ll have an insight on how to photograph things,” Boccaccio said. “You must know everything about it before you take the photo, preparation is everything.” There are billions of things to take pictures of and Boccaccio has found a way to organize all of them. He categorises everything into: light, shadow, color, contrast, line, and form. Boccaccio said many of his photographs were rejected by his editors because they believed they wouldn’t sell. When they finally allowed the pictures to go to print they sold thousands. According to Boccaccio, one of his greatest learning experiences was when he took a picture of a boy and he could not figure out what was wrong with him. After asking a man what was wrong with the boy, he found out that the boy had been sniffing glue to take away his pain. Boccaccio felt as if he had taken advantage of this boy in his vulnerable state. “Figure out their story before you take their picture,” Boccaccio said. “Every photograph is an intimate experience you share with the world. “Show the world your fear of heights, your love of people, and the door way to your passion.”
About Anthony Boccaccio
Boccaccio’s first and last photos for National Geographic were of volcanoes Boccaccio began working for National Geographic in 1971 and stopped in 1980 Boccaccio advocates to ‘trust your gut’ rather than what your bosses think will sell well To view other National Geographic photographers visit photography. national geographic. com/ photography
Best Coast stops in Spokane wrote that “No Joy are the best raging blondes since Kim Gordon.” No Joy, along with The Professionals and Sunny and the Sunsets Tucker Clarry opened for Best Coast, with No Joy The Communicator stealing the attention with a ghostly performance. The dual female led lo-fi punk Bethany Cosentino with Bobb group performed their sound check Bruno and Ali Koehler played the and first song with white sheets to northern joint Stage 54 on a cold, look like a group of ghosts. Cosentino dank Halloween night, . dedicated “When I’m with You” to Best Coast arrived on the scene with a hit single “When I’m with You” No Joy during her set. The latest that earned popuBest Coast tour larity on Billboard “Everything has kind of is the biggest and Pitchfork happened really fast, so its one for Cosenalike and cemented their buzz pop been kind of like a slap in tino. “This is the sound with tracks the face.” first band I’ve like “Boyfriend” been in that and “Walking -Bethany Cosentino have done reAway”. Singer-songwriter ally extensive “It’s weird,” tours like this,” Cosentino said. he said. “Everything has kind of happened Best Coast set out for Salt Lake really fast, so it’s been kind of like a City, Denver, Dallas, Houston, Austin slap in the face.” and Phoenix before going back home Cosentino throughout her whole to California to play November 26 time under the name Best Coast has and 27 with Weezer. been a frequenter of Twitter, which led to an opportunity with Weezer front man Rivers Cuomo. Best Coast “I think that’s really where it started,” Cosentino said. “He tweeted Twitter: @bestycoastyy at me and then we started to casually talk to each other through twitter and Website: bestycoasty.blogspot. then my manager called me on our com last tour and said, ‘Oh Rivers wants Label: Mexican Summer you to come and write a song with Song to Listen to: “Boyfriend” him.’” Once the tour started however, Influences: Beach Boys Cosentino tweeted that she was New York lo-fi “taking a break from this thing. Need to focus on more important stuff.” Former acts: Pocahaunted The twitter silence lasted a week, Vivian Girls when on Halloween night Cosentino
Pop band’s album on top of billboard charts
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Nov. 4 - Nov. 17, 2010
The Communicator
College Road offers resources for aspiring musicians and singers Brianna Rollins
The Communicator You’ve created a band, come up with an album, and want to get your music to the people. Problem is, you don’t have a cover, the sound you want, or a CD burner. College Road Recording studio is your next step. College Road Recording will record music, edit it, burn 150 CDs an hour, make labels and then prints them. If there is an order that is too big to handle they outsource to Disk Makers who can handle a larger order. “I record here because it’s the best place in town,” local artist Jenny Munday said. “(College Road owner) Wade (Thames) knows what he’s doing and he’s really professional.” Munday, 25, said she has been involved with music for most of her
Jennie Oliver | The Communicator
life, and recording at College Road for seven years. “I’ve sung most of my life because it’s a big stress reliever for me,” Munday said. Owner, Wade Thames has been with College Road for six and a half years, and the company opened in 1967. College Road started out as a small studio near Whitworth University. When the studio grew too big for it’s accommodations, they moved to their present location on North Monroe Street and kept the name. “Today’s typical studio is like this, smaller and much more efficient,” Thames said. “The bigger studios tend to go under because of the high cost to maintain it.” Today’s technology has made running a recording studio much easier and more affordable. “There is no way I could do this without technology,” Thames said. “I would have to be a millionaire, but I love doing this. “This is the coolest job shy of being a rock star.” Thames and his wife work at College Road, where they have part time employees as well as audio production interns from SFCC. Now, College Road has an insulated drum room that has a dead environment (meaning sound does not bounce off the walls easily), a mid-size vocal booth, and a recording room for the artists to lay their tracks down. The studio also boasts a production booth where the employees at College Road edit.
College Road Recording Studio Address: 2916 North Monroe Street Contact: (509) 465-9146
College Road Record’s studio is available to rent out for $600 a day College Road is a full production recording studio and is open to the public Rates for production are $75 regardless if it is the conception stages or is band ready
Jennie Oliver | The Communicator
Local artist Jenny Munday has recorded at College Road for seven years.
Did You Know?: Elvis’ first recording session cost him $4. Source:
The CD Replication makes 100 discs over the span of an hour
Nov. 4 - Nov. 17, 2010
Kody Rapp | Editor
ADA celebrates 40-year anniversary Student able to pursue teaching degree despite numerous disabilites Ashley Hiruko
The Communicator 40 years ago there were no laws to protect the rights of people with physical and mental disabilities. Today there’s the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which protects people from discrimination and also ensures that there is a certain level of accessibility in banks, hospitals, and other establishments. Disability Awareness week was Oct. 25-29, 2010 Norma Harris is a first quarter student at SFCC and is studying elementary education. Harris suffers from four chronic diseases and because of which is unable to walk long distances without the assistance of a walker or a power chair. Despite obstacles, Harris is pursuing her dream. “Teaching has always been a dream of mine and I kind of just let it die,” Harris said. “I took a class and decided that I needed to pursue my dream.” The legal definition of disability is “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual,” according to the ADA of 1990.. “Bathrooms without power operated buttons are difficult to enter,” Harris said. “It’s hard to hold the door open and try to steer my power chair in.” According to Harris, it can take up to three minutes to get inside a room with a non-power operated door. “I get really upset when able bodied people use the handicapped stalls in the restroom or parking spots,” Harris said. “I want to put signs up that say: ‘don’t be selfish.’” On campus disability parking spaces are available which require a “D” sticker that can be obtained at the Disability Support Services office (DSS). This enables students, faculty, or staff with a documented disability to park in spaces with a “D” sign.
There is also state-regulated disabled spots with a blue “Reserved-State Disabled Permit Required” symbol which require a state placard from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Parking in these spots illegally can result in a fine of $250. DSS is a campus program for students with disabilities and provides accommodations and other support services for individuals with disabilities. Services include counseling and advising, interpreters for the deaf, ergonomic furniture, orientation and enrollment assistance, note takers, and assistive technology. Ben Webinger is a counselor and director of DSS, and provides overall direction to DSS. According to Webinger last year almost 500 students registered with DSS. “We work with 300 to 400 a year more actively,” Webinger said. “That doesn’t account for all the contacts that don’t show.” According to the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, almost one in five people have a disability and almost one out of every seven people has an activity limitation or difficulty executing an activity. Marti Breneman is the program support supervisor for DSS and oversees operation of the Assistive Technology Center. According to Breneman, disabled students have to take 12 full-time credits in order to receive full-time financial aid, the same amount non disabled students must take.
“Sometimes we may recommend that the student take a smaller load of classes, but ultimately it’s up to the student,” Breneman said. According to Breneman, the DSS plays a part in making sure that new buildings that are being constructed will be accessible to students with limitations. “It’s not a perfect world and architecture is not perfect,” Breneman said. “No matter what they do there will always be problems with accessibility.”
Americans with Disabilities Act
In 2009 500 SFCC students registered with DSHS According to the ADA, it is illegal for schools to discriminate on the basis of disability by denying a student the opportunity to participate in a service.
Sign language program fulfills more than a foreign language requirement Kody Rapp
The Communicator According to Joseph D’Agostino 45 million Americans do not speak English. However learning a foreign language is a requirement at most major colleges and universities. American Sign Language fulfills this requirement. American Sign Language (ASL) is the dominant sign language of hearing impaired Americans, Englishspeaking parts of Canada, and Mexico. Sign language is only part of ASL. Finger-spelling is the use of the manual alphabet to represent the English alphabet. They are not signs: they are hand shapes that designate specific letters. Some English words such as stay, all and gas are frequently finger-spelled in lieu of a specific sign. Unlike British Sign language and other European sign languages, letters and numbers in ASL can be represented on a single hand, instead of requiring both hands. SFCC offers an Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Sciences, and Certificate in both ASL and a Interpreter program.
are outdated and wrong,” said Pam According to, Travise, first quarter student. students in both the A.A.S. degree Rendon agrees with the students and certificate programs take courses who frequently visit her to comin American Sign Language, deaf culture, education of the hearing im- plain. “There are flaws in any system or paired, voicing and interpreting. Beprogram,” Rendon said. “We pump cause freelance work is a big part of most of our money and effort into this field, a class in record-keeping the interpreter for small businesses “[ASL] involves the program, which is also required. doesn’t leave much Students enrolled whole body, including for ASL 1.” in the A.A.S. degree the upper torso, arms, According to program will also and head.” Rendon, while take classes in both the both the humanities, science, -Ruby Marie book students are first aid, health and Second-year student required to buy wellness, speech, and the Angel prosocial, informative, gram are both outdated and contain and often provide potential practiincorrect information, the student cum sites. retention rate is between 75 - 80 “The ASL program has been around for about 35 years,” said Ma- percent. “I think ASL is a fascinating rie Egbert Rendon, Program Lead. language,” said Ruby Marie, second Rendon has been with the proyear student. “It involves the whole gram for 19 years, and has served as body, including the upper torso, Director for three years. arms, and head.” “No one kept records of the his“The face is extremely important,” tory of the program, which is very Marie said. “If you’ve ever wonsad,” she said. dered why deaf people are so aniThere are approximately 47 secmated, it is because they use facial ond-year students and an unknown expressions the way hearing people amount of first year students in the use tone of voice and inflection to program. communicate additional meaning in “I don’t enjoy the materials we conversation.” are required to buy, because they
Did You Know?: “Finger spelling” is used to spell out names, places, and anything there is not an ASL sign for. Source:
ASL Facts 45 million Americans do not speak English There are 2 full-time ASL employees There are 6 part-time ASL employees SFCC has offered ASL for 35 years Marie Egbert Rendon has been with the program for 19 years Rendon has served as Program Lead for 3 years The ASL student retention rate is 75 to 80 percent.
Source: Marie Egbert Rendon
Nov. 4 - Nov. 17, 2010
The Communicator
Ghost hunt shows students how to search for paranormal activity Dominick Martinez The Communicator
Jennie Oliver | The Communicator
Ghost Hunter Ross Allison shines a detecting laser through a piece of paper to demonstrate the usefulness of the tool when hunting ghosts.
Campus food bank offers free groceries to students in need Kody Rapp
The Communicator In the heart of the Student Union Building lies the means to survive for some students. The SFCC Food Bank in Building 17, Room 139 has the role of ensuring that all students, and their families, are able to eat properly despite financial circumstances and other realities of student life. While all students currently enrolled at SFCC are encouraged to use the food bank’s resources, the amount of benefits received are not dependent upon the financial need, but the size of the students family. Students are authorized to visit the food bank three times a quarter, or nine times a year, including summer quarter. “Walking into the food bank for the very first time, was a pleasant experience,”said third quarter student Ruby Still. “It eased the tension and unnecessary feeling of embarrassment I had walking in there. “The food bank serves a very essential purpose.” According to, during the 2009-
Equipped with recorders and cameras, over 150 students attended the ghost hunt on campus on October 21 with experienced ghost hunter Ross Allison. The hunt included recording sessions about the school in areas such as the Spartan theatre and the Photography building. The ghost hunt began at the Institute of Extended Learning and continued through the photography building, music annex, theatre and ending in a quick walkthrough of the library. “The students were more engaged than anticipated which made the experience all the better,” said Joel Diaz, Vice President of Student activities and organizer of the ghost hunt. According to Diaz, most of the campus used to be an army base and buildings such as the Photography building were used as bunkers and actual jail cells. During the hunt students were given paranormal tools such as an EMF detector that detects electronic fields in the area and a thermometer. Students took temperature readings and recordings for anything unusual. Lights were turned off and students asked different questions concerning the history and clues to the “ghost’s” past. They then took pictures and recordings to see if evidence of the paranormal could be found. Some students walked away with little or no evidence while others such as Vanessa Mingura might have found something. “After listening to the recordings that I had taken on the hunt, I heard a lot of sounds that sounded like humming that could be a ghost trying to make itself known,” Mingura said. Even though many students didn’t catch any paranormal evidence, Allison felt his goal of persuading people to see for themselves and go out with an open mind was reached. “Ghosts are becoming more and more popular due to the high ratings of the ghost hunting shows on TV, which means more and more people are beginning to believe and go out there and find the evidence themselves,” Allison said. “This ghost hunt just goes to show that even in SFCC, there are students that believe.”
2010 school year the food bank serviced approximately 1,000 students per quarter. With the student enrollment increasing, SFCC has seen no shortage of food. The main source of food comes from Second Harvest Food Bank, mixed with some donations from students and staff. The food that comes from Second Harvest is purchased with funds from the student government which comes from fees from students, thus students are purchasing their food before hand ever time tuition is paid. The food banks has simple guidelines which include the following; students must be currently enrolled at SFCC, one additional piece of identification verifying students address. Students must also fill out a academic profile once a year. “I really like having a food bank on campus,” said Walter Mellan, 35. “It’s convenient and I don’t know how I’d survive without it.”
SFCC Food Bank 1,000 Students use food bank per quarter Students can use food bank 3 times per quarter SFCC Food Bank is located in Bld. 17, Room 139 SFCC Food Bank gets most donations from 2nd Harvest Deby Dixon | Communicator
Damien Butler, business student at SFCC, was handcuffed by his wife, Trina Butler at the children's Halloween Carnival on Oct. 26. Associated Women Students hosted the carnival that was held from 5-7 p.m. and had over 275 people in attendance. The International Club held a dance party later in the evening from 7-9 p.m. Jennie Oliver | The Communicator
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Nov. 4 - Nov. 17, 2010
The Communicator
Online vs. Classroom
Students retain less information online in comparison to on-campus Carol Thompson-Hazen The Communicator
Deby Dixon | The Communicator
Fifth-quarter student, Deborah Scully, 20, is taking a gender communcations class online.
Online Classroom Information Online Course Start and End Dates Fall quarter: Ends Dec. 9 Winter quarter: Jan. 3, 2011 - March 23, 2011 Spring quarter: April 3, 2011 - June 17, 2011 Summer quarter: June 27, 2011 - Aug. 19, 2011
Online Assistance
For an angel tutorial, you can view the Angel Quickstart Guide at docs/dl/Student_Quickstart_Guide.pdf or you can email To chat online for reference assistance with a librarian, you can visit TechProf/LibraryTech/OnlineResources.aspx. Turn to our Perspectives section on pages 4 and 5 to read more about online classes.
69.1 percent of students at SFCC passed their online classes, while 73 percent of students passed on campus classes. “People don’t take away as much from an online class,” Stephanie Whitley a second year student at SFCC said. “I think they retain more from an on campus class because of the interaction with fellow classmates and teachers. “You don’t get that in an online class.” There are a total of 6,184 students enrolled at SFCC this quarter and 2,049 of those students are enrolled in online classes. “Online classes fill fast within the first couple of weeks after registration,” Kyla Bates the e-learning manager at SFCC said. According to Bates it is much harder for a student to succeed in an online class if their reading comprehension is lower, so they may not be able to read as fast. Accordingly, if their typing skills are not very good they may not be able to type very well. “Motivation is key,” Bates said. “If you are not motivated then you
most likely won’t succeed in the online setting.” There are disagreements about the quality of education online classes versus on campus classes give students. Instructors may have a preference of in the classroom or on the computer. John Whitmer the only Astronomy instructor at SFCC teaches both on campus and online. “I always encourage students to take classes on campus,” Whitmer said. “It is a valuable experience for students to interact with one another and their instructors. “One of the reasons I got into teaching was to have the interactions with students. There is something very rewarding about seeing students get the material and understand it.” 88 percent of students take online classes because their schedules are too busy to fit in any other classes or because they can’t make it to class, according to a study at Oklahoma St. University. “There is no replacing handson-learning for students but one of the reasons I like online classes is because some students don’t have the ability to come to class at the college,” Whitmer said. “I have a number of students who are overseas or in Afghanistan and I think it’s great for them to still go to school, even though they miss out on the hands-on-abilities in the classroom.”
Avista, in partnership with the Community Colleges of Spokane, presents the
2010 ENERGY FAIR Bill Assistance & Energy Efficiency Information
Sat., Nov. 6 | 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. | Free Admission | S.C.C. Lair Building (located at Greene St. & Mission Ave.) BILL ASSISTANCE – Avista customer service representatives can answer billing questions, provide information about payment options and refer customers to energy assistance programs.
ENERGY EFFICIENCY – See low-cost and no-cost efficiency demonstrations for solutions like rope caulking, door sweeps and window plastic. Free samples will be handed out.
COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE – Avista and community service providers will be on hand to answer questions about energy assistance, weatherization, housing, childcare and other topics.
ONLINE TOOLS DEMOS – Learn how to use Avista’s free online energy management tools like the Home Energy Audit and Bill Analyzer.
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KIDS – MEET WATTSON – Stop by and see Wattson the Energy Watchdog! Kids activities include crafts and dancing.
Nov. 4 - nov. 17, 2010
Kickin’ up the heat at Flamin’ Joe’s
F lavors
Allie Rollins | Editor
Restaurant offers hot wing challenge with over 25 different sauces to choose from Aaron Emery
The Communicator Want a way to heat up for this upcoming winter? Try the hot wings challenge at Flamin’ Joe’s. Flamin’ Joe’s hot sauces are rated from one through six and a half, and Code Red. One is the mildest , three is the most popular, and Code Red, also known as the Widow Maker, is the hottest sauce someone can order. The Code Red wings can be ordered as a casual meal or in the Code Red Challenge, in which the customer has to consume 12 hot wings within four minutes and is not allowed to eat or drink anything. A siren goes off, a fireman’s hat is placed on your head, a timer is set, and the challenge begins. “I finished the challenge with 15 seconds left to go,” Bud Welliver, 21, a challenger said. “My face was puffy and I didn’t feel like speaking for a while.” By winning the challenge, the victor gets his or her picture taken and placed on the “Wall of Flame” as well as getting a T-shirt saying “I survived the code red challenge” with the Flamin’ Joe’s logo. “More people finish the challenge than fail,” Matt Jones, 32, a cook said. “I’d say between 300 and 400 people have taken the challenge. “I’ve tried one wing and my face was on fire.” Code Red has been known to make people sweat, swell, and produce tears. It is recommended to wash your hands immediately after eating the Code Red wings. Mostly men take the challenge, but children as
Photos by Nicole Denman | The Communicator
The “Wall of Flame” at Flamin’ Joe’s where participants can get their picture posted if they win the challenge. young as 10 years old have attempted and completed the challenge. Two minutes and 30 seconds is the fastest time recorded. “Some people like to do the challenge to compete against one another,” Allison Sattin, 28, a waitress said. “One time a daughter and father competed and the daughter won,” Sattin said. “Also, four fire fighter women went up against each other and only one prevailed. “We even had one guy come in by himself and had half the restaurant cheering for him.” Two to five pounds of habanero peppers go into the sauce as well as some secret ingredients: a blend of seasonings, butter, vinegar, and cayenne pepper to make about 500 wings. “There’s really no special protection in order to make the Code Red sauce other then gloves,” Jones said. “I laugh when I see people on T.V. wearing gas masks and other protection.”
Flamin’ Joes Address 7015 N. Division Contact 465-5052 Hours Sun-Thu 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri-Sat 11a.m.-11p.m.
‘Five Guys’ builds reputation on fresh food and customer service Jarad Alexander
The Communicator Peanut shells cover the floor, the smell of fresh cooked bacon lingers in the air and a sign on the wall lets people know the french fries they are about to eat were grown locally in Warden, Wash. Five Guys Burgers and Fries opened it’s first location in Arlington Virginia in 1986. By 2003 they had 625 locations in over 40 states and 4 Canadian provinces. It opened it’s first Spokane location on Sept. 9. “We thought it would be a good idea to open one here in Spokane,” General Manager Ron Ceratt said. “We plan on opening a new store on Sprague and Sullivan in March.” There are over 250,000 ways to order a burger at Five Guys, with every order cooked fresh. Customers can choose from single or double burgers with a variety of toppings. Five Guys offers traditional toppings such as mayo, lettuce, pickles and tomatoes. They also offer jalapeno peppers, grilled mushrooms, A.1 sauce and hot sauce so customers can try something different. Customers have a choice of spicy cajun to traditional fries with seasoning salt, an extra scoop going into every bag. Potatoes grown from Royal City, Wash. to Warden Wash. make their way to Five Guys each week giving the customer a variety of locally grown potato’s. While customers wait for their food to be prepared they can help themselves to the many boxes of peanuts
placed around the store. They are encouraged to discard the peanut shells on the floor. “Something that everyone should know is that everything is cooked fresh,” Ceratt said. “Hand patty burgers every day... Beef patties made today are not fresh tomorrow.” Five Guys has built their reputation by supplying fresh food and great customer service, earning them good reviews by Washington Magazine and GQ magazine. “I’d give them an eight out of 10,” Five Guys customer Paul Kofmehl said. “They had nice juicy burgers and great customer service. I’d take a Five Guys burger over Mcdonald’s any day of the week.”
Five Guys Burgers and Fries Address 2525 E. 29th Ave. Suite 6 Contact 509.533.1005 Hours Monday - Friday: 11a.m. - 10 p.m. Recommended Burger Bacon Cheeseburger with applewood smoked bacon Choice of toppings Mayonnaise, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, ketchup, mustard, relish, jalapenoes, A-1 sauce, barbeque sauce, and hot sauce.
Did You Know? Buffalo Wings originated in Buffalo, N.Y. at The Anchor Bar. Source:
Jarad Alexander | The Communicator
‘Five Guys’ gives customers a new variety of locally grown potatoes each week.
Nov. 4 - nov 17, 2010
The Communicator
Spokane’s only brewery adds new riverside restaurant
Jennie Oliver|The Communicator
SFCC student, Daniel Varavin, 26, enjoys the beer from Northern Lights.
Homemade brew is used in cooking Aaron Emery
The Communicator The Northern Lights Brewery is currently the only brewery in Spokane. Mark Irvin started brewing his own beer at home and started his company in 1993, but in June of 2002 he upgraded his business into a restaurant and pub, and moved it to its current location on the Spokane River. Northern Lights Brewery beers are available at 70 establishments
in the Puget Sound area and 78 establishments in the Spokane area. Some of these places, locally, include: Rock City Grill, Cathay Inn, and Hugos. In the restaurant, there is a dining area, a bar, banquette room, as well as an outdoor seating area in view of the river. The brewery is consistently brewing eight beers with one rotating seasonal beer. Some of these beers are an Amber Ale, Chocolate Dunkle, and Creme Ale also known as the Bulldog Ale inspired by Gonzaga University. The Winter Ale is declared most popular by staff and customers among the seasonal beers
and is being presented Nov. 4 for Winter Fest. The customer is allotted a sample tray assuring they try all of the varieties of beer to see which is their favorite. Sample trays start at four beers for five dollars and end at 10 beers for 11 dollars. Three guys brew the beer in the back room of the restaurant that can be seen through a window from the seating area. 30 to 40 Kegs are brewed at a time and each of the four fermenters can hold up to 60 kegs. “We brew at least twice a week here,” Shaun Helm, 24, one of the brewers said. It’s about a ten day process starting from cracking the malted barley, to the soaking process to suck sugars out, and eventually boiling the sugar water or wort. “During the boiling process, we determine bitterness first, flavor second, and last is the aroma,” Helm said. The next step is where the brew goes into one of the fermenters where sugar meets the yeast and makes alcohol, then to a bright tank where the carbonation begins, and finally kegged. That’s the brewing process in a nut shell.” Food is served in the restaurant to accommodate your beer from appetizers, soups and salads to entrees, sandwiches, and even deserts. Hot wings are a known menu item having the hottest hot sauce in town. A
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hot wing challenge is held once a year and whoever wins, gets a keg to take home. “We actually use a lot of our beer when cooking our food,” Jessica Larson, 24, a waitress said. “We use our Pale Ale in our mustard, the Creme for clams, and even the Blueberry Creme beer for ice cream. “There is also a smoker in the back we use to smoke our very own beef jerky that we sell six bucks a bag and salmon for smoked salmon chowder,”. If the customer is wanting to take home beer they sell 22 ounce bottles, half gallons known as growlers, and kegs. Kegs price ranges from 125 dollars to 160 dollars with a 100 dollar deposit. “My favorite beer is the Pale Ale because it’s hoppy, smooth, and strong,” Jose Castaneda, 24, a waiter said. “The cool thing is for college students, who meet the age requirement of course, get 25 dollars off of our Bulldog and Amber Ale kegs. “I like working here. I feel like we do a variety of things besides just serving food and beer.”
Northern Lights Brewery Address1003 E. Trent Ave. Contact 242-2739 Hours Mon-Thur: 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Fri- Sat: 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Sun: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
History of Beer
The ancient babylons were the first to brew beer. Beer is composed mostly of water Vikings believed that a giant goat whose udders provided endless supply of beer was waiting for them in heaven. Prohibition in the U.S. lasted 13 years, 10 months, 19 days. Pilgrims on the Mayflower stopped at Plymouth Rock rather than coninuing on to Virginia because they ran out of beer. Source: history.htm
Nov. 4 - Nov. 18, 2010
CLarissa Stoddard | Editor
SFCC offers classes like ballet and stress management to fulfill P.E. credits Clarissa Stoddard
The Communicator
Deby Dixon | The Communicator
Many people think of college as only math, science and English, but there is also karate, ballet and Stress Management. Students getting a degree at a Community College are required to take a Physical Education class (P.E.). In order to get an A.A. degree students need a minimum of five health related P.E., recreational or leisure activity credits. To finish the physical education portion of any college degree, there is a requirement of at least two different P.E classes in the two groups. Students’ P.E. credit can be fulfilled by taking a ballet class. The ballet class is taught by Margaret Tan. Tan has danced ballet professionally in Europe and on the East Coast. She also owned a ballet school for 20 years. Tan has been teaching at SFCC for four years. The ballet class has existed at SFCC for about eight years. “I think ballet is very important, it reduces stress and is a wonderful art form,” Tan said. For the past few quarters there have only been women signing us for the ballet class, even though the class is open to both genders. No prior dance knowledge is needed in order to join ballet. The class is a multi-level, so there are beginners and others that have studied ballet previously to joining the class. The first day in the class, basic movements are learned and once the first day is complete, students will have learned eight to ten movements. Traditional
ballet attire is not required, although students need ballet slippers. The class always has music. The type of music varies from Broadway to Classical. There are no out of class performances. “Ballet is very much like a Pilates class, it works every part of your body and improves core strength,” Tan said. SFCC also offers a Stress Management class to fulfill a P.E. credit. The purpose of Stress Management is not to get rid of all stress, but instead to reduce the harmful effects of stress. The class does this by helping students deal with stress and learn different, healthy ways to reduce stress. Kenny Krestian teaches Stress Management, First Aid, and an online class, Cross Training. “Not many people get to say they love their job,” Krestian said. “I see my job as an enjoyable time, I say I get to go to work, not I have to go to work.” Students in Stress Management, learn how to recognize every-day stressors and reduce the impact they have on life. You learn what foods cause more stress than others and most importantly, you learn how to not sweat the little things and just have fun.
Alternative P.E. Ballet Attire Can be purchased at Empire Dance Shop and When Offered Stress Management and Ballet classes are offered Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters Number of classes Stress Management is offered twice a day and Ballet is offered once a day
Snow sports on a student budget
Careful shopping makes slopes accessible to all students Cutler Rickel
The Communicator Winter is coming fast and opportunities are arising for new skiers and snowboarders. Local businesses and organizations help out by giving students opportunities to kick off the winter season. From the Ski Swap, to Spread the Shred, new skiers and snowboarders have something to look forward to for assistance in big snow sports. The Ski Swap is the region’s largest winter sports equipment and clothing sale, with low prices because of a swapping system that includes over 18,000 items from 22
retail shops and hundreds of individuals from the area. Mount Spokane Ski Patrol has hosted the event for 46 years and helps them finance needs for the 125 volunteers. The event took place Saturday, Oct. 30 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, Oct. 31 from 9 a.m. to noon. Pat Stimpson works with marketing and communications for the annual Ski Swap. “The gear and clothing that is sold at the SWAP is over-inventory from last year,” Stimpson said. “Or in some cases, rental or demo equipment that the shops are selling at a significant discount. “The public brings in the balance of the inventory as a way to get value out of equipment and clothing that their kids have outgrown. To help fund purchase of new equipment for the upcoming season.” Martin Beran and Zachary Lingo
Gear Deals Prices College student season passes are $329 to $475 at Mt. Spokane Where Go skiing and boarding at Mt. Spokane, 49 Degrees North, Silver Mountain Deby Dixon | The Communicator
The Ski Swap provides new and used winter equipment at a low cost. are in the second year Spread the Shred. It provides a $5 snowboard movie premiere aimed at sending five underprivileged Spokane kids to learn to snowboard. It’s at the Garland Theatre, on Nov. 6, at 7 p.m. At this event, sponsors of Spread the Shred will shower you with goodies. Beran and Lingo aim to localize snowboarding, making it a better sport. They do this with their videos
called “Right Brain Left Brain” and “Peep Show’s Lets Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow.” “We have highly creative flicks, a good vibe and it’s family friendly,” Lingo said. “Nothing like this happens in Spokane. It’s strictly for snowboarding.” Local places, Mt. Spokane, 49 Degrees North and Silver Mountain all have special deals on season passes.
What Students get a bigger discount year round Place for equipment deals Mountain Gear Outfitters Sources:,, and silvermt. com
By The Numbers: 10 million people in the U.S. went snowboarding or skiing during last year’s winter sports season. Source:
Nov. 17, 2010
The Communicator
Nicole Denman | The Communicator
Becca DeLong, 19, and Candice McKinley, 20, stretch upside down against the wall. They are members of the new cheer club and plan to increase school involvement through sports.
Cheer Club approved in student senate meeting
SFCC has a cheer squad for the first time Cutler Rickel
The Communicator To start a club, you must contact a person involved with student government. Then, after a supervisor is aware of the possible club, you write a constitution, budget and petition for more members. If all the requirements are met, a meeting will be scheduled to get your club voted into SFCC. Last week, the Cheerleading club was unanimously voted into SFCC with the help of a few aspiring cheerers. Cynnea Schreibman, Laci Parks, Crystal Mekdarasack and Kayla Rieger are some of the new cheerleaders that were involved in the creation of this club. Cynnea Schreibman participated in the initial negotiations of the new club, including contacting student government, writing a constitution and petitioning potential cheerleaders. “My classmate Laci and I de-
cided there was a need for a cheer squad at SFCC,” Schreibman said. “We had to write a constitution and budget which we presented to the senate at SFCC, they then voted and approved our club.” Schreibman felt that school spirit wasn’t what it could be at SFCC sports events. “I want to increase crowd involvement and school spirit,” Schreibman said. Laci Parks was by Cynnea Schreibman’s side on the quest to a new club. “We contacted a girl named Candice off of the student government and she was willing to coach our team,” Parks said. “So we got a petition and got multiple
girls to join.” Parks’ and Schreibman’s goals were alike, to increase school spirit. “Our goal with our squad is to increase school involvement through sports and cheer on the Bigfoot!” Parks said. “We are hoping there will be bigger crowds.” Another cheerleader is Kayla Rieger. Just like them, she joined for the love of cheerleading. “I want to meet new people and cheerleading is my love,” Rieger said. Rieger emphasized that this wasn’t hard to achieve because of the accepting community at SFCC. “The meeting went great; everyone voted yes on making the cheer squad official,” Rieger said. “We’ll be fundraising in no time and promoting school spirit for SFCC.” Rieger believes cheerleaders at the games will have a positive effect on SFCC sport involvement. “I think the cheer squad will have a very positive effect on the school, promoting school spirit and more crowd involvement at the games,” Rieger said.
Cheer: A shout of encouragement, approval, congratulation. A set or traditional form of shout used by spectators to encourage or show enthusiasm for an athletic team; contestant. Something that gives joy or gladness; encouragement; comfort.
Women’s Soccer Nov. 4 6 p.m. Wenatchee Valley College @ SFCC Nov. 15 6 p.m. SFCC @ Treasure Valley CC Nov. 16 2 p.m. SFCC @ Blue Mountain CC
Men’s Soccer Nov. 13 3 p.m. Walla Walla CC @ SFCC Nov. 16 2 p.m. Columbia Basin College @ SFCC
A state of feeling or spirits Source:
Volleyball Nov. 13 6 p.m. Wenatchee Valley College @ SFCC Nov. 15 SFCC @ Treasure Valley CC Nov. 16 2 p.m. SFCC @ Blue Mountain CC
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Nov 4 - Nov 17, 2010
The Communicator
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