Youth Violence PG. 2
Ski Swap PG.7
Spokane helping troubled teens
Allicia Villa PG. 5
Finding deals for ski season
Meet your new ASG President
Volume 45 | Issue 1
Oct. 10 - Oct. 24, 2013
Food stamp cuts affect studentbody Christian Koch
The Communicator
Bryce Gray | The Communicator
A food stamp recipient uses their Quest Electronic Benefits card.
Washington state is going to have the eleventh largest cuts in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in the country. These cuts start affecting participants on Nov. 1, 2013. According to The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, national cuts this November are estimated at a total of $5 billion, and Washington State is forecasted to cut $114 million for the 2014 fiscal year. Households of two relying on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) may see as much as a $20 drop from the October maximum of $367. Daniel Wilcox, an employee of the Spokane Falls Community College Food Bank, said that he is nervous about the potential cuts. “Food Stamps are my only source of food currently,” said Wilcox. The Spokane Falls Community College food bank supervisor, Mira-
Gas station fees upset customers Conner Nuckols
The Communicator Students who use their Bigfoot cards to fill up their cars will be faced with a new fee even if they run their card as credit. As of July Safeway fuel stations have added a ten cent fee when using a credit card. Customers can avoid the fee if they pay with cash or use their debit card. In addition to the ten cent fee last Summer Safeway also got rid of their three cent program for being a club member. Safeway also still offers there ten cent discount program allowing cusMeghan Kirk| The Communicator tomers who shop at Safeway to be Safeway fuel employee Chris Larson puts items out able to save up to one dollar off per on display during his shift. gallon up to 25 gallons. Lori Belnap, the NW Blvd. Safeway able to save up to one dollar off per Cheap Gas Fuel Manager, has noticed a dramatic gallon up to 25 gallons. However the ten cent discount decrease in sales program is what due to the fee. Gas Buddy “We used to sell around prompted the cred“We’ve gone Available on it card companies down 18% in gas 78,000 gallons a week and iPhone and to make Safeway sales,” Belnap now we sell about 65,000 Android add the new fee. said. “We use gallons.” “We (Safeway) to sell around Gas Guru had to ask the cred-Lori Belnap 78,000 gallons Available on Safeway Fuel Station Manager it card companies a week and now iPhone to use their cards,” we may sell and Android Belnap said. “We get charged fees about 65,000 gallons.” Source: Safeway also still offers there ten to use them, and the discounts on Gas Buddy cent discount program allowing cus- gas were costing us too much with Organization Inc. tomers who shop at Safeway to be them.” Gas Fees | Page 2
Colors of fall Pg. 4
Start volunteering Pg. 5
Food Stamps
1 in 7 People receive SNAP benefits $1.00 In SNAP benefits generates $1.79 in economic activity 1 in 6 Americans suffer from hunger hardships Source:
Food Stamp | Page 2
The Communicator celebrates 45 years of publication Pg.6 LLC
cle Jones, said that there is no postcut plan to compensate for potential losses within the student body. “The budget is very restricted as it is,” Jones said. Already, the SFCC food bank gives out an estimated 2400lbs. of canned goods to students in need every quarter. This does not include the produce donated to them by 2nd Harvest, a non-profit organization which provides food to individuals and families who cannot provide for themselves. “Because students are currently on financial aid, the food bank doesn’t usually get busy until the end of October,” Jones said. However, she followed this by explaining that she would need to request a budget extension should the cuts transpire, because she did not see the budget as being sufficient in the face of the $114 million difference. Jones says that the “people who
Emily Mitchell | The Communicator
New building Pg. 2
Harvester tournement Pg. 8