Spokane Under 21 PG. 7
Nothing to do on a Saturday night? Not anymore...
Jan. 24-Feb. 6, 2013
New Year’s Resolutions PG. 9
Asian Restaurant PG. 6
Tips for getting healthy in 2013
Over 35 years and still in business
Volume 44 | Issue 5
Spokane evicts homeless from I-90
Slip and fall, who to call? Emily Norton
The Communicator
Corbin Bronsch
The Communicator Once again the homeless will have to pack up their gear and tear down tent city. After many complaints from local businesses and residences, the Spokane Police Department along with the city communications director, and the director of community and neighborhood services swept through a newly developed tent city under the interstate clearing out all illegal campers. Police and city officials gave the campers 24 hour notice, saying they need to pack their things by noon on Friday, Jan. 11. The Spokane Police Department then proceeded to evict residents from the tent city under I-90 on that day. Campers took everything they could carry with them and left the rest for the city to either throw or give away. “I got what I need,” Douglas Seibold, a former tent city resident said to police officers. “The rest is yours.” Once city officials arrived on the scene with Spokane Police officers the removal of campers went fairly
Ari Foster | The Communicator
Crazy, who has been homeless his “entire life,” made this sign to “spread joy” in Spokane. smoothly. “All of the people here have been compliant,” said Spokane Police Lt. Scott Mullennix. “It’s going very smoothly and some of the people have already vacated before we got here.” The ones who remained were upset that they had to leave their home, and their ‘family.’ “I consider all of the younger ones:
my kids,” said Sharon Richard, a former resident of tent city and also known as ‘Mama.’ “I chose to live this way because this is my family. The other night I took one into my tent because they were cold.” Most of the campers who stay relatively sober are upset because drugs,
For student perspectives on Spokane’s tent cities, see Page 3.
SNOW | Page 2
Fashion under $50 Kimberlie Barton
The Communicator
Staff Photo | The Communicator
Tent city tear down
Page 3
The Communicator
Winter has hit the Inland Northwest, bringing frigid temperatures, snow, and icy driving and walking conditions on campus at SFCC. Maintenance crews on campus work diligently to keep sidewalks and parking lots cleared of snow, and act quickly to maintain conditions here at the Falls to keep students and faculty safe while walking and driving on campus. “Campus Security alerts our crew once snowfall has reached a depth of about one and a half inches,” said Jeff Tiel, Director of Facility Operations here at SFCC. ”Depending on the storm, how hard it’s snowing, and the time of day the storm blows through, we start our clearing procedures with a focus on inner campus snow removal,” “We have a crew of six maintenance workers who work 10-hour rotating shifts, mostly overnight, to make sure snow and ice are cleaned up as much as possible prior to first classes starting. We’re are also responsible for maintaining the lodge (Building 9) and other local businesses as well as SFCC,” Tiel said Despite maintenance efforts at
Fashion can sometimes be difficult for college students to afford. An alternative to high cost shopping is searching the racks at local thrift and consignment stores for the latest fashions. Winter displays line the aisles of Plato’s Closet; belts, boots, jeans, jackets, sweaters and scarves. Employees who are trained to be friendly, know the labels and make great outfits are helping customers at the counter.
“Layering is very big this year,’” said Kristi Schmidt, a Co-Manager at Plato’s Closet. “Layer Spring, Fall and Winter colors and blend them throughout the entire outfit. “Key pieces for this winter are blazers, high-lows and leggings or tights.” An average outfit at Plato’s Closet is priced accordingly: shirt $6; jacket $10-$12; bottoms $18, shoes $8. Altogether, the cost of an outfit totaling an average of $45 or below. To further assist a shopper with prices,
Facilities Department at 533.8630 If you are involved in an accident on campus, alert
Campus Security at 475.7040 And... Wear shoes with adequate tread for rough winter weather. A heavy backpack can challenge your sense of balance; try not to carry too much.
Art Gallery: Obsession Page 6
If you see dangerous, icy or wet areas on sidewalks or in the parking lots, please call the
FASHION | Page 6
College Store: New Name
Here is who to call:
Pre-season Track Page 8
Page 9