Feb. 9, 2012 (43.6)

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Watch where you walk PG. 9

Internet privacy PG. 3

A funny perspective about why you should be careful

A variety of websites protest SOPA and PIPA

Feb. 9 - Feb. 22, 2012

Obama on education PG. 4

Are his policies regarding reform good or bad?


Volume 43 | Issue 6

State might increase higher ed. funding Whitney Marshall The Communicator

Sen. Michael Baumgartner introduced a Senate joint resolution on Friday January 27, which will raise $890 million for higher education by changing the Constitution. Currently the operating budget, which funds higher education brings in $2.75 billion for it. “I think higher ed. is going to continue to be the lowest priority for the state legislature unless we pass something like my amendment in the State Constitution as a second priority, and give it a dedicated revenue stream,” Baumgartner said. On January 31, Sen. Baumgartner requested a hearing on the resolution. Through this resolution, educa-

tion will become the second-highest funding priority in the state. The amendment will go to the vote of the people after two-thirds of the legislature approves it. “I think what our economy needs, and what our society needs is quality, affordable higher education,” Baumgartner said. “Right now in the state constitution K-12 is listed as the primary funding obligation of the state.” The joint resolution will change the Washington State Constitution in order to provide higher education with more funding from the state. “I think that the Constitution should be changed with great hesitation,” Baumgartner said. “You don’t want to get around and mess with the Constitution to change it arbitrarily and to me this is the only way I

can see to get enough funding to not have higher ed be the lowest priority. “But if other people have other ways to protect funding for our education, I welcome them.” CCS has seen the affects of budget cutting from higher education. “Since July 2008, a cumulative total of $20.1 million has been cut from the state’s operating budget allocation to Community Colleges of Spokane,” Anne Tucker, CCS Public Information Officer said. “Continued cuts threaten Washington students’ access to post-secondary education, which today is required to compete successfully for family-wage jobs.” Students in Washington State will have to pay less since the state will be covering most of the costs, if this resolution passes. “More dedicated funding will

What Michael Baumgartner Believes America is too dependant on foreign oil. America needs healthcare reform that improves coverage.

Contributed photo of Sen. Michael Baumgartner

help to hold down students’ cost of attending a college or university

Source: votebaumgartner.com

SENATOR | Page 2

How to woo your valentine Candidate for governor comes to Spokane Whitney Marshall The Communicator

Pgs.Pg. 6-77 Nadia Kurakin | The Communicator

Same-sex marriage bill passes in Washington Alicia Villa

The Communicator Gay marriage legalization in Washington may not be far in the future. Senate Bill 5793, which permits full marital rights to same gender couples, passed 28-21 on Wednesday. Now it needs to pass in the house. “The definition of marriage as between one man and one woman works...redefining this definition

could lead to other redefinitions of marriage,” said State Senator Mike Padden. Where opposers of the bill feel the current definition of marriage serves its purpose, writers of the bill argue that it excludes gay and lesbian Washingtonians. “The state of Washington has a proud tradition of respect for the principle that no human being should be denied his or her full rights and responsibilities under the law,” said in SB 5793.

States that currently allow gay marriage:

Connecticut Iowa Massachusetts New Hampshire New York

Last Friday, Shahram Hadian, one of the candidates running for Governor for the State of Washington, came to Spokane while on his campaign tour. He is running against two other candidates as Governor Gregoire is finishing her final term. Contributed photo of Shahram Hadian Hadian was born in Iran and lived basics, we need to get rid of Common Core there until he was 7 years old. His Standards which is a one size fits all apparents decided to move to the USA proach,” Hadian said. “Bring the local conin 1978. After being in the country trol back to our teachers and principals. just a few weeks, they learned that “At the local level they can tailor the curthe Shah of Iran was overthrown. riculum to their demographics, and to the He waited almost 15 years in order kids that they are dealing with.” to become legal citizens in the USA Hadian said he wants to bring the eduTwelve years ago, Hadian became cation system down to the local level so a Christian. He then went to school teachers can make decisions in regards to at a Bible college, and for the past their students. 9 years he has been “Depending on whatserving as a pastor in “Bring the local control ever issues they may the city of Edmond, back to our teachers and have, teachers can chalnear Seattle. principals.” lenge students not for Hadian has a plan -Shahram Hadian the test, but for academfor making changes Candidate for State Governor ic improvement,” Hadto the education sysian said. “So that you’re tem if he is elected to basing on the improvement of the kids not the Governor’s office. just whether they pass the test or not.” “My proposal is that we go back Hadian is endorsed by Rep. Jim McCune to the fact that we need to teach the


INDEX NEWS................................2




CULTURE Winter Warmers


Good Beer

PERSPECTIVES....................4 CULTURE........................... .6

The Communicator

PG. 8

Plasma Donations


PG.79 PG.

PG. 6


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