Nov 17, 2011 (43.3)

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Basketball PG. 12

Cuts to Rehabilitation PG. 2

Visual Evolution PG. 8

Basketball season returning to CCS

Rehabilitation services and budget cuts

Photography festival all over Spokane

Nov. 17- Nov. 30, 2011

Volume 43 | Issue 3

Digital textbooks in state colleges Clayton Kraft

The Communicator Textbook costs for some Washington State college students are set to drop dramatically. The advent of the new OCL (Open Course Library) program, will provide drastically reduced and free course materials to college students across the state. The program uses a group of textbooks created by 42 instructors funded from a $1.18 million investment of

the state legislature three years ago, whose investment was matched by the Gates foundation. The textbooks are intended to be a replacement for the proprietary published materials that students currently pay for. “This program will save students at least $1.26 million dollars for the 2011-2012 year, even if only the 42 faculty who have already agreed to use the textbooks did so,” said textbook advocate Nicole Allen. “If we TEXTBOOKS | Page 2

Ashley Hiruko | The Communicator

Josh Hogan, reference librarian and teacher at SFCC, says community college students tend to have less money for extra school-related resources, and that extra costs are bad.

Vote to end monopoly on retail liquor sales Initiative 1183 passed; Washington residents will see liquor in grociery stores Ashley Hiruko Jackson Colby

The Communicator

Pg. 5 Nadia Kurakin | The Communicator

Woman assaulted on campus Randy Breedlove

The Communicator On Nov. 4, an SFCC student was assaulted by three other women on her way to the North gravel parking lot. The victim’s background in weightlifting and wrestling allowed her to fend off the assailants.


Suspect one is described as a white female with medium blonde hair. She was described as being 5’ 3” tall and weighing around 190-200lbs. She was wearing blue-jeans, a dark blue jacket with pink and blue polka dots and Converse type tennis shoes. She received a significant cut above her eye during the assault. Suspect two was described as a 20-25 year old woman, taller than the blonde assailant and also weighing 190-200lbs. She wore her hair ASSAULT | Page 2

SFCC security: In the event of an emergency, please call 509.475.7040 There are four blue boxes on campus that instantly call security


Hard liquor is no longer confined to liquor stores and bars. Initiative 1183, which allows grocery stores 10,000 square feet and more to sell hard liquor, passed statewide on Nov. 8 by over 60% percent of the vote. Washington was one of 19 liquor control states that had the sale of spirits regulated and maintained by the state. Brian Smith, communications director of the Washington State Liquor Board, said the agency is very disappointed. “We’ve been running an effective system for a long time,” Smith said. “Public safety is very important to us. “We have one of the best compliance records for not selling (alcohol) to minors.” Smith said that minors are only successful in buying alcohol at state liquor stores 6 percent of the time, but they’re successful 23 percent of the time in bars, convenience stores, grocery stores and restaurants. All liquor businesses in the state will be privatized by June 1, 2012.

Ashley Hiruko | The Communicator

LIQUOR | Page 2



NEWS................................2 PERSPECTIVES...................3

Veterans at SFCC FOCUS............................... 5

The Communicator



Birthday Freebies PG.6

PG.11 Wheelchair Athletes

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