Proposed tax increase PG. 2
Racism PG. 3
Governor proposes a new plan to fund schools
Another look at the attempted bombing
Dec. 1, 2011- Jan. 25, 2012
Holidays PG. 4
Diferent holiday traditions for the winter
Volume 43 | Issue 4
Student suicide rate on the rise SFCC staff develop new strategies for countering suicidal thinking Kaitlin Petersen
The Communicator There has been an increase in suicide among SFCC students. With three confirmed SFCC student suicides this quarter, administrators are taking more steps to prevent suicide among students. “Often times students will say something or have a conversation with someone that indicates that the student is in distress,” said Gregory Roberts, Dean of Student Services and member of SFCC’s Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT). “(Concerns) can be brought to our attention by a number of sources, either faculty or staff; or other students.” BIT is an outgrowth of a national movement to get ahead of student
crisis such as violence on campus varying from preventing a school shooting to preventing a suicide. “We are trying to put preventive maintenance in place by creating a network of faculty, staff and students who can report signs of abusive behaviors,” said Alex Roberts, Vice President of Student and Administrative Services and member of BIT. The referral system has been in place since the beginning of fall quarter. There have been 10 referrals from the online system. For privacy reasons the referrals are only looked over by the BIT team, with other persons being notified on a needto-know basis. Submissions can be turned in anonymously if desired. “The best thing anyone can do is turn in a BIT referral because we can then route it to the appropriate place,” said Alex Roberts. BIT itself is made up of eight memSUICIDE | Page 2
Nadia Kurakin | The Communicator
Gregory Roberts, dean of student services, encourages people to bring it to the attention of faculty and staff when they notice a fellow student the seems to be in serious distress.
Number of SFCC veterans might increase Clayton Kraft
likely to see increased numbers of veteran’s applying to their institutions. “There are approximately 400 SFCC is likely to see an increase student veteran’s on SFCC’s campus in military veteran students in comthis quarter, with more and more eving quarters because of troop withery quarter,” said Seth Maier, Veterdrawls in Iraq and Afghanistan. President Obama announced Oct. ans Program Coordinator for SFCC. “Since the fall of 2009 it’s been on 21 that all American troops will the rise, and it’s only going to go up. be withdrawing from Iraq by Dec. “And that’s just 31st of this year, count, after a long discus- “There are approximately SFCC’s SCC has another sion of whether a 400 student veterans 400 veteran stutransitional force dents and countof 35-50 thousand on SFCC’s campus this quarter.” ing other local introops would restitutions it’s more main. More recently -Seth Maier it was announced Veterans Program Coordinator like 1,000.” Veteran’s like by Afghanistan’s national guardsmen, who are not acpresident Hamid Karzai that half of tive duty when not deployed, are unhis country’s provinces will soon be likely to be immediately redeployed under Afghan control, lowering the in these circumstances and often requirement of the 140,000 mostly find themselves deciding what to do U.S. NATO forces that are currently with their lives on short notice. there until the end of 2014, when “The natural transition (out of the it’s expected that all US troops will military or deployment) is to get a be gone. job, and there’s nearly 13 percent Due to these decreased numbers of active duty and reserve troops VETERANS | Page 2 engaged overseas, colleges are
The Communicator
Pg. 7 Nadia Kurakin | The Communicator
Campus crime reports increase Tavis Ferguson
The Communicator Throughout 2011, there have been an increase in various crimes committed on the campuses of schools such as SFCC and EWU. “Crimes on campus have increased,” said Ken DeMello, SFCC Campus Security Supervisor. “It seems as if our calls for service have
INDEX NEWS................................2
increased. “I’d say it could be an assortment of any reasons: economy issues, the recent budget cuts, financial aid trouble.” Some of the incidences occurring on campus range from thefts from rent-a-lockers near the bookstore to assaults on the campus, such as CRIME | Page 2
Most common campus crimes
theft alcohol on campus marijuana possession
Exotic Pets
PERSPECTIVES....................4 SIDELINES.......................... .5
The Communicator
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