The Communicator 05.17.2018
What is Juneteenth?
Editor: Shelby Witt sfcc.shelby.witt@gmail.com
The Inland Northwest celebrates Emancipation Day Shelby Witt
The Communicator It is June 19, 1865. Standing on the balcony of the Aston Villa in Galveston, Texas, Union Army General Gordon Granger announces General Orders No. 3. “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free.” The name Juneteenth comes from a combination of ‘June’ and ‘nineteenth’ in honor of the day that the abolition of slavery was announced. Juneteenth has since been recognized as an American national holiday and continues to be celebrated as such. Juneteenth, also referred to as Freedom Day, Emancipation Day, or Jubilee is the oldest known celebration to commemorate the announcement of the end of slavery in the state of Texas. Contrary to the General’s Orders in 1865, the emancipation of slaves in the United States was actually issued as an executive order from President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. Historians have no clear answer as to why the news of emancipation took so long to reach Texas, but many believe is was a deliberate delay of a reluctant community.
“We celebrate to appreciate African American history and culture.” Alan Jones Celebrations for Juneteenth are especially celebrated in the South, but festivities are also taking place here in Spokane. Local organizations such as Spokane Cares and the Inland Northwest Juneteenth Coalition (INWJC) host annual
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celebrations. The INWJC in particular is a assistance to Spokane’s African American foundation organized by the Community community in different capacities.” Uniting for the celebration of JuneColleges of Spokane and puts great emteenth in Spokane is an event for students phasis on further educating the communiand the community to celebrate rich Afrity with diversity and literacy. can American heritage and culture of the “We feel it is important to invest in the past and present. excellence of today’s youth,” the INWJC states as part of their mission to the community. Fitting to tradition, Juneteenth in SpoFor more information visit kane is typically celebrated as a family reunion type affair. In the past, celebrations the SFCC Mosiac Center for Emancipation Day have been held at Place: SUB 17 - Room 102 churches or public parks and included music, dancing, parades, picnics and (Lounge A) barbecues. “We celebrate to appreciate African Phone: (509) 533-4331 American history and culture,” said Alan Jones, co-chairman of Spokane’s INWJC. Email: claudine.richardson@ “This is our chance to honor those who sfcc.spokane.edu have uplifted and provided growth and www.communicatoronline.org