Strategic Plan VISION 2028
Strategic Plan VISION 2028 Dear Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools’ Families and Supporters: During the 2022-23 academic year the Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools Administration and School Board embarked on the process of developing a strategic growth plan for our entire school system. Through an extensive evaluation of the current environment of Bishop O’Gorman, we have developed goals and strategies that we feel address the areas of opportunity, growth, and the evolution of Catholic education. Bishop O’Gorman engaged with the nationally recognized consulting firm of Meitler to form a compelling vision and practical plan that will move the school community toward its desired future. This vision, or preferred future, for Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools is focused on Ministry, Faith Formation, Community, Excellence, and Vitality. These aspects of school life, integrated with the “National Standards and Benchmarks of Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools” provide the foundation for the priorities, goals, and strategies that comprise the “Anchored in Our Faith” strategic growth plan. It is in the spirit of stewardship that this plan comes forth, to prudently manage the resources and gifts God has given to Bishop O’Gorman, to make disciples for Christ, to evangelize students and their families, and to form young people capable and ready to transform their world.
The road ahead
This new strategic plan builds upon the work that was completed with our past strategic plans which focused on faith, programs, personnel, growth and finances. “Anchored in Our Faith” committees
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focused on four pillars when developing the strategic growth plan: Ministry (Catholic Life and Culture), Excellence (Academics and Faculty and Staff), Leadership and Governance, Operational Vitality (Enrollment Management, Facilities, Advancement and Finance). The goals and strategies found within the strategic plan are designed to assist us in continuing our emphasis on providing a faith-filled, challenging educational environment across all grade levels that establishes a solid foundation for each and every child’s future success. This strategic plan would not have been possible without the tremendous support and assistance from the greater Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools community; and to all of those individuals who took the time to assist us with this plan, we say thank you for your continued support of our schools. We would especially like to say “thank you” to the members of the Planning Task Force and Steering Committees and the various small groups for their commitment and dedication to the successful completion of this project. We ask that you take the time to review the goals and strategies of each pillar. We thank you for your continued prayers for the successful implementation of this strategic plan. Your continued support of Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools is greatly appreciated!
Yours in Christ, Kyle L. Groos President Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools
Prayer “Lord God, anchored in our faith and committed to our mission of promoting and cultivating Catholic education in Your Holy Name, open the hearts and minds of all who are participating in this strategic planning process for Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools. You help us to plant new seeds of faith and continue to water the seeds already growing. May we receive Your blessings and the many gifts You have given us to promote and protect the Catholic values and beliefs that we hold so close to our hearts. Help us always promote our faith community, excellent academic programs, enriching co-curricular activities and a Christian work environment. We realize that we may never see the end results of our work, but we always trust that in your guidance and mercy we will arrive where we are called to go. May we continue to work together in a spirit of peace and cooperation to continue to shape our schools in Your Holy Name. Amen” —by Fr. Kevin O’Dell, pastor
OUR CORE VALUES Faith • Integrity • Excellence • Unity Vision Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools will be a Christ-centered community providing a financially viable, world- class education for an increasing number of children.
Mission …to form a community of faith and learning by promoting a Catholic way of life through Gospel values and academic excellence. Page 3
MINISTRY Catholic Life and Culture WE COMMIT to creating and implementing a comprehensive plan for the formation of faculty, staff, and students as lifelong Catholic missionary disciples.
• We will develop a rubric or qualitative process to assess the impact of the spiritual and formation life among students, faculty, and staff. • We will build upon the faith development and formation plan currently in place to expand the scope to faculty and staff. • We will deepen the culture of service at every grade level with age-appropriate activities that are discipleship focused and deepen students’ understanding of the Church’s mission. • We will reevaluate orientation and onboarding activities for newly hired faculty and staff to ensure they are presented through the framework of missionary discipleship. • In collaboration with the Diocese and the pastorates, we will provide further opportunities for our students to consider a vocation for priestly or religious life. • We will enhance opportunities to orient students, their families, and faculty/staff of other faith traditions in understanding Catholic culture, traditions, and worship while respecting their faith traditions. • We will maintain and grow the connection of the cocurricular program to the school’s Catholic mission, and culture of excellence.
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• We will actively work with the pastorates, clergy, and
As a crucial instrument of the evangelizing mission of the Diocese, of Sioux Falls, WE COMMIT to increasing and improving collaboration between Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools, the diocese, and the parishes.
religious community to deeper engagement in Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools life and events. • We will develop a connection and relationship with local pastorate Directors of Discipleship and Evangelization to collaborate in shared activities: e.g., World Youth Day, community-based service activities, days of prayer, etc. • We will collaborate with parishes and the diocese to provide varied opportunities for parents and families to deepen and share their faith life with their children and the school community. • We will clearly communicate the expectation that parents and their children should be participating members of their parish or faith community. • As system and school leaders, we will collaborate with the pastors and pastorates to raise awareness of the value of Catholic school education and actively promote Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools.
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EXCELLENCE Academics WE COMMIT to expanding academic support for students equitably across all schools with priority for speech therapy, ELL instruction, and enrichment programs.
• We will reassess and identify the academic support resources needed at each school. • We will optimize potential areas where personnel and resources are most needed and/or could be shared among the schools. • We will pursue and utilize all resources for academic support through federal, state, and private funding sources to maximize teaching/learning opportunities for students and teachers.
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WE COMMIT to pursuing a culture of academic excellence guided by the rich heritage of Catholic education.
• We will have strategies to include the expansion of world languages in the elementary grades, and logic, philosophy, and career-oriented programming in the junior and senior high schools. • We will further explore the potential to infuse additional elements of a classical Catholic education into the curriculum at all levels. • We will form professional learning communities among the school sites to meet regularly to plan and collaborate with one another. • We will develop professional partnerships with local businesses, community organizations, and colleges/universities to understand the needs of the marketplace and ensure students are well- prepared. • Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools’ spiritual, moral and academic foundation will ensure an effective post high school transition to college or other opportunities by expanding experiences such as internships, mentorships, and career development.
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EXCELLENCE Faculty and Staff WE COMMIT to attracting and retaining qualified and quality, mission-driven personnel.
• We will devise the steps necessary to provide competitive compensation. • We will build relationships with Catholic colleges and universities that offer best practices and are authentically Catholic as (a) sources of mission-driven faculty, and (b) providing leadership programs to form/ develop potential administrators. • We will expand staffing for the Admissions Office to provide necessary coverage for more personal recruitment efforts to grow enrollment.
“The teachers and staff at Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools are truly the best. We could not ask for a more caring group of people to help encourage our children on their academic journey. It has been a joy to watch our children flourish under their guidance. I cannot thank them enough for all that they do for the student community.” —Bishop O’Gorman Catholic School Parent
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• We will establish a succession plan
• We will create the necessary
for key administrative positions at
structures to support the working
all levels to ensure the quality of
relationship between parishes and
• We will regularly assess the Bishop
• We will engage in ongoing
O’Gorman Catholic Schools work
professional development by
environment through faculty and staff
providing in-service and resources for
satisfaction discussions/surveys.
administrators, faculty, and staff.
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LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE WE COMMIT to assessing the efficacy of the School Board and School Board standing committees.
• We will revise the School Board by-laws. • We will review and reorganize the Mission and Programs and Planning standing committees to realign and clarify their roles and responsibilities. • We will provide appropriate onboarding orientation, training, and professional development opportunities for School Board and School Board standing committee membership. • We will reevaluate School Board standing committees’ membership and clarify their role and responsibility. • We will enhance communication from the School Board standing committees and School Board to Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools administrators and school community. • We will identify and engage potential new School Board members by inviting them to serve on a board standing committee as an initial engagement in school leadership. • The School Board will ensure the strategic growth plan is implemented.
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WE COMMIT to enhancing and implementing a robust spiritual formation program for administrators, principals, and directors, expanding on the “True Vine” program.
• We will establish a multi-year plan or thematic schedule that enhances both personal and communal spiritual formation. • We will create small faith community opportunities for faculty and staff.
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OPERATIONAL VITALITY Enrollment Management WE COMMIT to increasing enrollment at each grade level (K-6, 7-8, 9-12) from 84% to 90% of staffing capacity in order to fulfill the mission of Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools to make a Catholic education available to all children.
• We will develop a multi-year enrollment management plan that addresses marketing, recruitment, admissions, and retention initiatives. • We will restructure the Admissions Office to better focus on recruitment and retention. • We will educate all school personnel on their role in marketing, recruitment, and retention and how they will be expected to contribute to these efforts through the Admissions Office. • We will utilize the community and Catholic demographic data to build a multi-year enrollment projection to plan for enrollment growth and fluctuations. • We will develop a profile of a Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools student at graduation (Graduate at Graduation) appropriate for each school’s terminal year (6th, 8th and 12th grades). • We will enhance targeted and segmented marketing for enrollment.
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• We will form a clear and consistent marketing message and highlight how developing the whole person at Bishop O’Gorman benefits the wider community, serving as a light on the hill. • We will enhance and expand the Parent Ambassador program as a formal and intentional recruitment initiative. • We will define and develop an incentivized referral program available to current Bishop O’Gorman families and staff as a recruitment strategy. • We will adapt and change enrollment messaging around tuition, cost of education, tuition assistance, and the value proposition of Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools. • We will enhance the availability of and access to tuition assistance to grow enrollment as well as promote the mission of Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools.
Continued on next page
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Continued from previous page • We will set benchmarks to increase student retention,
WE COMMIT to optimizing student retention at all grade levels year to year from kindergarten through 12th grade.
specifically at transition levels. • We will create an intentional and focused student retention process addressing the factors of affordability, tuition assistance, student assessment, and academic support to increase retention. • We will develop a satisfaction process and survey through the Admissions Office to measure parent attitudes, perceptions, experiences, and expectations. • We will develop a more in-depth exit interview process and protocol to gather essential information when students leave the school. • We will evaluate and expand the Student Ambassador program across the system, having students participate in recruitment and retention efforts.
“We have constant support from our staff and clergy. The faith based atmosphere is the most important thing we can provide our kids. From a very young age in grade school, their faith formation becomes part of their learning.” —Bishop O’Gorman Catholic School Parent
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OPERATIONAL VITALITY Facilities WE COMMIT to organizing the Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools system model/ structure to provide growth for the longterm future.
• We will define the cost of operating the elementary schools in an effort to determine the appropriate number of school sites for overall operating efficiency. • We will study and develop a plan addressing the educational and organizational model of Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools for the future by June 2024. • We will continue to develop and implement a multiyear facilities master plan for both the junior/senior high school facilities and in collaboration with parish leadership for the elementary schools.
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OPERATIONAL VITALITY Advancement Development and Fundraising:
• We will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the Advancement Office operations. • We will develop and implement a comprehensive Advancement Plan. • We will initiate the transition to a more relationshipbased, mission-driven annual fund appeal and major gifts program. • We will develop a communication process that clearly communicates all of these efforts and the overall calendar to the parishes, pastors, schools, and all other stakeholders.
WE COMMIT to increasing development and fundraising income from 4.9% to 10% of the total operating budget over 5 years to support the vital mission of Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools.
• We will consistently educate stakeholders and supporters on the cost of education and the goal of the annual fund appeal to meet the difference between tuition cost and cost of education. • We will dedicate a minimum of 40% of the President’s role/responsibilities to development/advancement leadership. • We will define the School Board’s role in development and fundraising, which should include serving as leaders and models of stewardship in the community.
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Annual Fund Appeal/Major Gifts Program
• We will increase annual fund appeal income by 10% per year over the next three years and 8% per year for the next following five years.
Increase Alumni Engagement
• We will increase alumni giving participation to 10% over the next five years. • We will reassess the long-term financial need based on the goals of Anchored in Our Faith.
WE COMMIT to increasing the Living Stones endowment from $8.4 million to $60 million in the next 15 years.
• We will develop an educational and informational component to be included in all school publications so constituencies understand the need for growing the endowment. • We will create and implement an event or giving opportunity to specifically support the growth of the endowment fund. • We will designate a percentage of specific major school-giving opportunities as funding sources in developing the school’s endowment fund. • We will develop a case statement for support in 20232024 leading to a pre-campaign feasibility study. • We will initiate a major capital campaign in the 20242025 school year.
O’Gorman Alumni on the 2023-24 Staff
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OPERATIONAL VITALITY Finance • We will define the cost of operating the elementary schools in an effort to determine the appropriate number of school sites for overall operating efficiency. • We will develop criteria that objectively define viability and sustainability of the school sites to determine the number and location of school sites for the future.
WE COMMIT to developing financial efficiencies that create longterm sustainability of Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools.
• We will assess the potential growth opportunities for a new school and location. • We will define the cost of education per student and explore the impact of alternative tuition models. • We will analyze the impact of transitioning to a PK-5, 6-8, 9-12 educational model. • We will review and adjust the funding model to achieve a desired balance of tuition/fees, development/ fundraising, parish investment, and other income.
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• We will identify standard and critical technology that the system will provide for each school and explore transitioning some or all technology expenses from the elementary schools to the system operating budget. • We will initiate planning for a major capital campaign feasibility study in 2023- 2024 followed by the campaign initiated in 2024-25 to address key priorities and goals. • We will evaluate program costs.
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Academic Excellence Elementary At Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools, our strength is in our ability to meet the needs of all learners. Our elementary curriculum provides a solid foundation with expectations that address faith development in addition to our traditional academic curriculum. We have dedicated and experienced educators who set high expectations for their students and care about their success.
“Our children are surrounded every day by loving, caring people—adults and children alike—who share a common set of values. They are able and encouraged to express these values in their thoughts and actions as well as in their academics.”
The average class size is 18
Among the highest performing students in the country according to standardized testing
40% School Administration of South Dakota Preschool Levels of Excellence rating
Over 40% of our students receive tuition assistance
Students are involved in school service projects throughout the school year
Students attend Mass and Eucharistic Adoration weekly
- Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools Parent
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Academic Excellence Junior High O’Gorman Junior High has a longstanding reputation of academic excellence rooted in faith and mission. Choosing O’Gorman Junior High School will prepare your student for high school and beyond.
O’Gorman Junior High school serves students in grades seven and eight. A National Blue Ribbon School, OGJH offers small class sizes and delivers a strong and structured, faith-based education that inspires students to achieve and grow in all aspects of their lives. As disciples of Jesus, students learn to share their time, treasures, and talent through service opportunities throughout the year.
70% 70% will have earned at least one high school Credit
Among the highest performing students in the country according to standardized testing
Three foreign languages offered for high school credit
10 clubs and 15 sports teams
90% 90% involved in co-curricular activities
The average class size at OGJH is 20
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Academic Excellence High School O’Gorman High School works to develop the whole student—mind, body and spirit—through involvement in athletics, fine arts, clubs, organizations, and a strong faith community.
O’Gorman High School is a four-time National Blue Ribbon School that focuses on forming a strong faith community built on academic excellence and gospel values. We have a long-standing reputation of preparing students to excel at the post-secondary level. A broad range of courses are offered to provide for multiple interests and abilities of our students.
6 points higher on ACT than national average
23 dual credit AP courses
96% Students pursue post-secondary education
16:1 Student to teacher ratio
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Over 25 clubs and 24 sports teams
Students attend Mass and Eucharistic Adoration weekly
The Impact of O’Gorman Dylan Majeres, Class of 2024 I grew up in a pretty Catholic family. From a very early age, I had this really good base of my whole family being supportive of the faith and taking their faith seriously. We go to Mass together as a family every Sunday, and every New Year’s Eve we go to The Banquet. After serving, we reflect as a family on how we are doing the ministry of Jesus’ work by helping the people who need it most. Even though I was surrounded by a faithfilled family, it wasn’t really personal to me. I know I’m supposed to be a Christian, be a good guy, be nice to everybody, go to church on Sunday, follow Jesus’ teachings, but it wasn’t something that I really took seriously. It was just something that my family did and I was a part of it.
The Impact
Then, I came to O’Gorman High School. I could feel God trying to pull me deeper into my relationship with Him, but I didn’t really know how to do that or what that looked like. I ended up going to The Well that was offered here at O’Gorman my freshman year. The Well is a night of praise and worship, adoration, confession, snacks and games. It’s an opportunity for students from all faith experiences to grow in their relationship with God. As I was there for the first time, I was thinking, “I came here for the spike ball and food. I’m just going to stay in the back, stand there, and observe. I’m here, that’s the part that matters. God will handle the rest.” As we’re sitting there, people around me are singing, some people start crying, some have their arms open. It was uncomfortable for me as I was looking around, but it was also very moving inside of me. I could feel something inside me call me to be a part of this. I was thinking, “This is obviously having a profound effect on everyone around me.” We took a break from the songs and one of the teachers, Mr. Cleary, talked for a little
bit. He said, “Just give a little room for God in your heart. Open up a little bit and He’ll do amazing things with your life.” I said a little prayer to myself, “God if you really are real and if you really are who you say you are, show me.” I felt something move inside of me and got emotional. That’s something I can’t really explain, but I felt at peace. All the worries of my day and of my life just went away. I was present in the moment, and started to sing. I started opening up my arms as a sign of opening up to God. That changed me. That’s really the first time I knew God was real, and I knew He had a plan for my life. This faith that I lived out through my family was now personal to me and was something that I really desired.
Leading Others
The following year I joined the Campus Ministry team. I kept trying to seek out that first overwhelming feeling of peace. I never got it again, at least not that surreal of a moment. I thought to myself, “Why? Shouldn’t I cry every time and have this surreal moment every time I try to have an encounter with Christ?” I slowly started to realize that the way that I find God is by serving others and by helping other people have the same realization that I did. That’s where I’m growing in my faith personally by leading others. I have a leadership role on our Campus Ministry team and I find joy in serving others, helping them to find God, and take what I experienced so they can experience it themselves. As of right now, my faith journey is helping other people and it’s helping me because I see God in the people I serve. It’s a way that God can speak to me and I can still live out what God has planned for my life.
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Thank You Thank you to everyone who contributed to the development of the Anchored in Our Faith Strategic Growth Plan. We are dedicated to utilizing these goals and strategies to continue growing Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools as a premier school system focused on our students’ faith development, highest quality of education, opportunities, and character development.