The Seder Plate NI/15/67
- The Herclar Club Passover Newsletter -
4/20/08 Issue 12
SEDER FACTS: This is the 38th Annual Seder. It is being held on Sunday April 20th (2nd Seder), 2008 (the 15th of Nissan, 5769) at the Green Brook Country Club, North Caldwell New Jersey. Sam Weinstock and his five grandchildren will lead the Seder. FROM THE EDITOR Howdy. I must confess I have blood on my hands. Fish blood, but blood nonetheless. This past Sunday was my day for chores. I changed the air filters, I straightened out my garage, I filled up the bicycle tires, and I also decided to clean my daughter’s fish tank. The once vibrant pink gravel was mostly greenish black with algae and the tank toys were also looking a bit ominous. The fish on the other hand, a pink female beta named Glitter, was doing great. My six year old daughter Hannah made sure she was fed every day and introduced her to everyone who came into the house. We bought Glitter together about six months ago. Well anyway, I thought I did everything right. To quote a late president, “My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.” It was probably that I dumped too much of the old water. As I have since learned, the old tank water was absolutely integral for the survival of the fish. We all strive to clean up our lives and tidy our business affairs. Sometimes it seems simplest to dump the water out and start out spic and span. We must not forget that the importance of the water that we have been swimming in. We are all decedents or married to the decedents of Herman and Clara Geller. They were first two fish in our family tank. Our families are growing and thriving because of what has happened before us. Passover is very much like a Jewish Thanksgiving. We are thankful we escaped the bondage of Egypt and we are thankful we come from a lineage of strong and resourceful people. I never had the pleasure of meeting my great grandparents, Herman and Clara Geller. I do however, have the honor of swimming in their fish bowl and am forever grateful for the gifts of my heritage they have given me. Life in Boca is going very well. Jack (8) and Hannah (6) are growing up very quickly. Jack loves Pokemon, karate, his DS and dancing to his own beat. Hannah loves dressing up, Hannah Montana, playing with friends and challenging her mother. Woody (9), our Wheaton Terrier, is also doing well. Susan is still teaching spinning and becoming a tennis pro while running around Boca with the kids. I’m working hard at Capitol Lighting trying to help get us through this difficult retail climate. I like to make little movies in my spare time and if you search “sfeldage” in youtube, you can check some out. Happy Passover all. -Eric Lebersfeld
NEWS FROM AROUND THE TABLE Greetings from Sam Weinstock
I am excited to again greet all of you this evening as we come together celebrating the 38th Herclar Family Seder. We continue the tradition started by the 5 families, our parents: Max & Lillian Weinstock, Max & Ruth Geller, Arthur & Rose Lebersfeld, Leo & Miriam Geller, Raymond & Nettie Leven. They were and are wonderful role models who taught us the value of family. Each year we continue to grow and flourish with every new wedding and each new birth. Recently Jared & Rachel, and Noah & Jill were married. Kate & Chris will be married in June. Michael & Rayme had their second child, Camryn, John & Lindsey had their first child, Jake, and Jeff & Melissa had their first child, Max. Mozel tov to all of them. We must continue this circle of strength and love, which adds a wonderful dimension to every one of our lives. Unfortunately Uncle Leo Geller will not be able to attend this year’s Seder, due to illness. He was always our inspiration and family cheer leader. My wish for him is to be free of pain and to be as comfortable as possible. May God look over him and bless him. Wishing all the family, a sweet Passover and good health in the coming year. -Sam
The Skoloff Family It has been an interesting year for our family. Good times and not such good times. We are grateful for all the joys. Joe had back surgery in May and we are happy to report he is doing great. We spent a week with our grandson, Samuel, in the Washington DC area when he visited us in Reston. What could be better than one on one time with your grandson and seeing Washington through the eyes of a -1-