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consolidating votes if the field were to narrow.”
While this may be good news for DeSantis there are a slew of states that will vote before the March 19, 2024 primary in Florida. In the first primary of the election season, New Hampshire, Trump enjoys a 41-point lead.
Anew poll published March 9 shows Floridians are opposed to GOP lawmakers’ efforts to further restrict abortion access and expand gun rights in the state.
The survey from the University of North Florida’s Public Opinion Research Lab showed 61% Republicans being opposed with 75% in total opposed.
But there’s an asterisk.

The wording of the question includes “with no exceptions for rape or incest.” The survey was conducted before GOP lawmakers filed a new abortion bill that bans it at six weeks, but includes exceptions for rape, incest, life of the mother or serious physical damage to the mother.
Another bill, if passed, would allow Floridians to carry a concealed weapon without a permit or license. Republicans were strongly opposed to the bill with 62% against. In total 77% oppose the bill. Only 21% support the proposed legislation.
Meanwhile on March 9 the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals upheld in a 3-0 ruling a gun restriction law passed after the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The law in question raised the minimum age to purchase a gun from 18 to 21.
“Not only is there bipartisan opposition to this ‘constitutional carry’ bill, but folks seem to feel passionately about it with the majority [67%] saying they strongly oppose the bill,” said Michael Binder, PORL faculty director and professor of political science, in a press release. “Even among Republicans, most people are against carrying weapons without a permit.”
A small majority of Republicans, 51%, also oppose a proposed constitutional amendment that would make school board races partisan. Currently they are nonpartisan, meaning the officials do not run as Democrats or Republicans. In total 65% oppose it.
Respondents were also asked what the most important problem facing Florida was.
“Affordable housing has been an issue of rising concern for Floridians, shooting up to top problem this year at 25% from just 2% last Spring,” Binder said. “Among the major themes in the ‘something else’ writein category is politicians and divisive politics with about 6%, and property insurance has a notable presence as well.”

After housing the responses were as follows: economy (17%); Education (12%); immigration (10%); environment (7%); gun policy (7%); divisive politics (6%); something else (6%); crime (5%); and healthcare (5%).
For Democrats and Independents, housing topped their list while the economy topped the list for Republicans.
The survey was conducted from Feb. 25 to March 7, with a total of 1,452 respondents. The poll’s margin of error was 2.57 percentage points.