local name global coverage june 25, 2020 vol. 11 // issue 25
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Sales & Marketing Right: Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle. Courtesy photo. Mugshots top left to bottom right: Luis Alfonso, Pablo Romo, Adonis Diaz and Juan Lopez. Mugshots via the Miami-Dade Police Department.
themselves to the Miami Beach Police Department through an attorney. They were charged with three counts of aggravated battery, as a third person attempted to help the couple and was injured, and a hate crime enhancement was added to their charges. Originally, the four defendants were represented by the same lawyer. Each then sought their own legal counsel, drawing out the case further and complicating the case with more moving parts. “If those defense attorneys don’t set it down and don’t move and the judges don’t prod them to do it, it does languish a bit,” the state attorney said. The case kept getting postponed until it was finally scheduled to go to trial on May 5. That date was then scratched due to COVID-19 and a new date has not been set. “We had everything sort of on track, we had the case set to go to trial,” Fernandez
Associated Press • 6 . 25.2020
Publisher • Norm Kent
Brian McNaught • Jesse Monteagudo
COVER: Pride Flotilla. Photo credit: J.R. Davis.
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Christiana Lilly wo years after a gay couple was allegedly assaulted by a group of four men at Miami Beach Pride, they were finally going to get their day in court. Then, COVID-19 happened. There’s no new trial date set, and MiamiDade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle expressed her frustration of the drawn-out case during a SAVE town hall Thursday. “Honestly, this is such a priority for us,” she said during the state attorney candidate virtual town hall. “I know it’s very frustrating because it has taken a long time.” The couple, Rene Chalarca and Dmitry Logunov, were allegedly called gay slurs in Spanish as they were leaving a public restroom in April 2018. They were then attacked, leaving them with cuts and bruises and Chalarca with an eye injury. Four men — Juan C. Lopez, Luis M. Alonso Piovet, Adonis Diaz and Pablo Reinaldo Romo-Figueroa — were caught on video and they surrendered
June 25, 2020 • Volume 11 • Issue 25
Rundle said. “And then you know what happened: COVID. COVID has put the entire criminal justice system on hold. So we’re at a huge pause.” Fernandez Rundle continued: “We anticipated this to be a jury trial, so I’m not going to sugarcoat this: I don’t know when we’re going to get jury trials back. That’s the big question mark that all of us are talking about.” Fernandez Rundle said that while courts will start reopening on July 6, jury trials will be one of the last to come back. However, she happily announced that during conversations with the Florida Supreme Court, she was told that Miami-Dade County would be the pilot county for jury trials. “It is a priority case for us and I hope you know that and believe that,” Fernandez Rundle said. “I’m not trying to make excuses, this is just the world that we live in. It’s been complicated.”
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SFGN Winner of & 5 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for
NLGJA Journalist of the Year SOUTH FLORIDA GAY NEWS.COM, INC. — — FOUNDED, DECEMBER, 2009 BY PIER GUIDUGLI AND NORM KENT South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2020 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
6 . 25. 20 20 •
Cumulative Known COVID-19 Cases in Three South Florida Counties: Cumulative COVID-19 in June Known 16 through June Cases 22 Three Known South Florida Counties: Cumulative COVID-19 Cases in Cumulative Known COVID-19 Cases in Rates of Increase in Total Known COVID-19 cases from 6/16 to 6/22 June 16 Florida through June 22 Three South Counties: Three South Florida Counties: Palm Beach = 0.18, Broward = 0.19, Miami Dade = 0.15 June 16 June 22 Rates of Increase in Total Known COVID-19 cases from 6/16 to 6/22 June 16through through June 22 Palm Beach = 0.18, Broward = 0.19, Miami Dade = 0.15
9,812 9,472
9,812 9,812 9,472
9,498 9,262 9,262
6/16 6/16
10,111 9,854
10,111 10,111 9,854
6/17 6/17
6/18 6/18
Palm Beach Palm Beach 6/17
Palm Beach
10,448 10,116
6/18 Source:
11,155 11,155 10,754
11,327 10,943 11,327
11,155 10,754
10,837 10,506
6/20 6/20
Broward Broward Broward
Palm Beach
10,448 10,116 10,116
10,837 10,837 10,506
11,155 10,754
10,837 10,506
10,448 10,116
10,111 9,854
9,812 9,472
9,498 9,262
25,790 25,790
9,498 9,262
Rates of Increase in Total Known COVID-19 cases from 6/16 to 6/22
24,376 23,854Dade Rates of Beach Increase in Total Known COVID-19 cases Palm = 0.18, Broward = 0.19, Miami = 0.15from 6/16 to 6/22 23,273 22,741 25,080 Palm Beach = 0.18, Broward = 0.19, Miami Dade = 24,376 0.15
6/21 6/21
Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Miami-Dade
Florida6/19 Dept. of Health.6/20 Broward
Joel Schumacher. Photo via Flickr.
Kim Swan
2266 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 • (954) 565-2526
• 6 . 25.2020
oel Schumacher, who directed several “Batman” films, died from cancer in New York City on Monday at age 80. Schumacher’s fame began after his three-hit films, “St. Elmo’s Fire,” “The Lost Boys” and “Flatliner,” but he also designed costumes for “Play It as It Lays” (1972), and “The Last of Sheila” (1973). Orlando Sentinel wrote that he was also a screenplay writer for the adaptation for 1978 musical “The Wiz.” Schumacher took over the “Batman” franchise when Tim Burton left Warner Bros. after two successful films. Schumacher’s second and last film in the “Batman” franchise was 1997’s “Batman and Robin,” with George Clooney as Batman. Although the movie still had a worldwide gross of $238 million, it was widely panned by critics and fans. One of the “controversies” was Schumacher’s decision to introduce nipples to the batsuit. Some people also felt the gay director was introducing homoeroticsm into the relationship between Batman and Robin — and they criticsed him over it. Schumacher denied it an interview with Vulture in 2019, saying there’s always been
rumors of Batman and Robin being gay. He also said there were a lot of people who he would say “wanted Clooney to be gay so badly.” But in 2006, Clooney told Barbara Walters that he had played Batman as gay. Schumacher in the interview was also asked about his life in the 1950s in New York where he grew up. More specifically, that gay sex “must have been a taboo.” “I don’t know if it was legal or illegal, I just knew you didn’t talk about it,” said Schumacher. “But I had three girlfriends I had sex with, and some of the guys on my baseball team, [and] a couple [of] guys in high school. I had my first love affair when I was 15 to 17, and he was 17 to 19. That was the first time I remembered really being in love with someone, or let’s say, infatuated. But we both had girlfriends.” Orlando Sentinel wrote that Schumacher’s work began while he was a student at Parsons School of Design in New York when he decided to pursue a career in filmmaking. He then worked as a costume designer and worked in TV while earning an MFA from the University of California, Los Angeles.
6 . 25. 20 20 •
South Florida Sun Sentinel
t’s the most far-reaching local political decision Broward voters will make this year.
For the first time in an astounding 44 years, Broward will elect a new state attorney, a countywide prosecutor to replace the retiring Mike Satz, who seems as if he’s been around as long as the courthouse itself. The election comes amid resounding calls for change in a criminal justice system people nationally see as racist and unaccountable. Democratic voters must size up eight candidates — eight! — for a job that seems so much more important in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of four police officers. At the Broward state attorney’s office, so many societal factors converge daily: poverty, racism, mental health, substance abuse, police brutality, minimum mandatory sentences, cash bail, racial disparities in sentencing and repeated wrongful incarcerations of innocent people. The candidates on the Aug. 18 primary ballot all promise change. They range in age from 33 to 62. Five of them were not yet born when Satz took office in 1977 in a place so different from that of today. The Sun Sentinel editorial board spent three hours this week with them. They all came across as committed and passionate, and any of them would represent a big change from Satz. We will soon publish our recommendation in plenty of time for most voters. You can watch a two-hour forum on Facebook, sponsored by the League of Women Voters, and the ACLU has chosen this race as part of its Justice Voter project. Such a big field compels voters to do their homework. As someone who covered politics in Broward in the ’80s and ’90s and saw too many mediocre or untrustworthy politicians waltz into office unopposed, it’s healthy to see. Democracy works better when voters have options, and here they are, in the order voters will see them on the ballot:
David Cannady, 35, an assistant state attorney for five years and former White House staffer in the congressional liaison office of President Barack Obama. His website is davidcannady.com.
Justin McCormack, 39, a public corruption
Teresa Fanning-Williams, 50, a former division chief of the career criminal robbery unit in the Miami-Dade state attorney’s office and defense lawyer since 2006. In Satz’s final race, four years ago, she nearly beat him with 48.4 percent of the vote. electteresawilliams.com
Sarahnell Murphy, 51, a member of Satz’s team for 24 years who oversees 30,000 misdemeanor cases a year in county courts. She has Satz’s support and he has donated $500 to her campaign. sarahnellmurphy.com
Joe Kimok,
38, a major crimes lawyer with the Office of Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsel, which represents poor defendants, and a former high school teacher in inner-city Houston. joekimok.com
Jim Lewis, 62, a lawyer for 40 years, former
prosecutor and assistant statewide prosecutor and defense lawyer for the past 27 years. He has run eight times for various offices, including state attorney in 2012. jimlewis4stateattorney.com
• 6 . 25.2020
prosecutor in Satz’s office for the past five years and a former assistant district attorney for two years in Pittsburgh. mccormackforstateattorney.com
Harold Pryor, 33, an assistant state attorney under Satz for nearly three years who was in-house counsel two years at Hotline Communications, a telecom company. He has been in private practice since 2014. haroldpryor.com Joshua Rydell, 38, a defense lawyer since
2008, a former assistant public defender and a Coconut Creek commissioner for the past five years. In this large field of unfamiliar names, he has raised by far the most money, about $219,000 so far. joshuarydell.com
David Cannady
Teresa FanningWilliams
Joe Kimok
Jim Lewis
Justin McCormack
Sarahnell Murphy
Harold Pryor
Joshua Rydell
The eight candidates. Photo via the Coconut Creek Democratic Club, Facebook.
Cannady and Pryor are African-Americans in a county where about 40 percent of Democratic voters are black. Pryor has the support of the county’s current mayor, Dale Holness. Rydell has the backing of Broward County Commissioner Mark Bogen. About 609,000 registered Democrats live in Broward. Based on a higher-than-usual primary turnout estimate of 25 percent, about 150,000 voters will choose the nominee. Satz is leaving elective office, but Murphy said if she’s elected, she will ask him to continue prosecuting Nikolas Cruz, the accused Parkland killer. The upcoming trial requires massive preparation and Satz has vowed to seek the death penalty for Cruz. Murphy said that is what most victims’ families want. “I think that is their wish and if that is the case, then I would do that,” Murphy said. “We would have to make an evaluation as far as what the team around him would be ... This community needs to have finality to that case, to heal.” Murphy said Satz’s level of legal experience in capital cases is irreplaceable. Lewis said he also would let Satz prosecute the Parkland shooter. Rydell, who’s
personally opposed to the death penalty, said he would “probably not” keep Satz and is “absolutely” open to a plea deal in the Cruz case that avoids the death penalty. “People need to heal,” Rydell said. Asked if he discussed the subject of Satz’s role with Satz, Rydell replied, “No.” Satz recalls it differently. Through spokeswoman Paula McMahon, Satz said in writing: “I do remember a conversation with Josh Rydell when he said that if he was elected, he wanted me to stay on to finish the prosecution of the Parkland case, and was I willing to do that, and I said ‘Yes.’” The primary winner faces two opponents in November: Republican Gregg Rossman, a former Broward homicide prosecutor, and nonpartisan candidate Sheila Alu, an assistant state attorney and former Sunrise commissioner. Democrats dominate every major election in Broward, and that’s never more true than when Donald Trump is at the top of the Republican ticket.
Steve Bousquet is a Sun Sentinel columnist. Contact him at sbousquet@sunsentinel.com or (850) 567-2240.
The Pride Center at Equality Park. Courtesy of Carrfour Supportive Housing & The Pride Center.
fter a year of construction, The Residences at Equality Park is now accepting applications for residents to move into the LGBT-friendly senior affordable housing facility in Wilton Manors. The community is accepting applications through June 26 and applicants will be chosen by a lottery system. The 48-unit property on the same campus as the Pride Center is aimed at LGBT seniors 55 and older earning less than 60% of the area’s median income (roughly $35,000 annually). Units include studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments. Both couples and single residents are welcome. “LGBTQ older adults face higher rates of discrimination in securing senior housing and encounter bias and hostile treatment from housing providers and fellow residents,” Robert Boo, CEO at the Pride Center, said in an email. “Experiences of discrimination are linked with poor health outcomes, such as depression among chronically ill LGBTQ older adults and their informal caregivers.” With support networks shrinking over a lifetime, a safe and affordable place to call home is more important than ever. And with 40% of LGBT seniors living with some sort of disability, about 70% of the units at The Residences will be designated for seniors with disabilities, including complications from HIV/AIDS. The process to make The Residences at Equality Park a reality was a seven-year journey, Boo said. An initial application to Florida Housing was denied in 2015, but the unwavering Pride Center tried again and the application was accepted. The project
is a partnership with Carrfour Supportive Housing, the state’s largest nonprofit developer, and Enterprise Community Partners, also a nonprofit organization. “We get excited about serving populations that often get ignored or lost,” said Stephanie Berman-Eisenburg, the president of Carrfour Supportive Housing. Past projects for Carrfour including affordable housing for homeless families and people with disabilities. The agency has found success in not only building residences, but having on-site supportive services available to help residents thrive. At The Residences, there will be senior support groups, wellness workshops, recreational activities, speakers, cultural events, and exercise classes. Cities across the country are recognizing the need for affordable housing for LGBT seniors, with similar communities built in Los Angeles, Long Island, San Diego, Chicago and Philadelphia. According to the Silver Tsunami Report in 2017, by the year 2030 there will be more adults 65 and older than children. Florida already has the highest population of seniors, with 22.5% of Broward County’s population aging 65 or older. Those interested in applying to live at The Residences at Equality park are welcome to apply at carrfour.org through June 26. Those chosen by the lottery system will be able to move in during the late summer or early fall. “Carrfour’s philosophy is that we wouldn’t build anything that we wouldn’t want to live in ourselves or we wouldn’t want our family members to live in,” Berman said of the property.
Dr. Cunningham and his office are available for your needs during this crisis. Please call or email at OPdental@aol.com
6 . 25. 20 20 •
ith the recent victory of the SCOTUS ruling in the favor of LGBT workers, here is a list of eight major cases that helped shape LGBT history. Not all have been victories, but all have certainly impacted LGBT rights in the U.S. Here they are: BOSTOCK V. CLAYTON (2020)
The most recent case the Supreme Court decided for LGBT people dealt with the interpretation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which bans discrimination on the basis of sex. The court decided the word “sex” includes sexual orientation and gender identity. This means that it is illegal for an employer to fire an employee for being gay or transgender. In a surprise twist President Trump appointee, Neil Gorsuch, who is a part of the conservative bloc on the court, wrote the majority opinion.
This case wasn’t a win for LGBT people. This case was about Michael Hardwick being caught by a Georgia police officer in 1982 having oral sex with another man. TIME states that The Supreme Court held in a 5-4 ruling, with an opinion by Justice Byron White, that the 14th Amendment’s promise of due process doesn’t prevent states from criminalizing private, consensual sex between people of the same sex. In other words, the ruling upheld bans on gay sex in the privacy of your own home.
This case overruled the Bowers v. Hardwick by eliminating sodomy laws with a vote of 6-3. Justice Kennedy, according to TIME, said that the due process clause of the 14th Amendment gave the petitioners “the full right to engage in private conduct without government intervention… The Texas statute furthers no legitimate state interest which can justify its intrusion into the individual’s personal and private life.”
The case revolved around an amendment to a Colorado law, which banned cities from passing anti-discrimination laws that would protect gay and bisexual people. Therefore, the Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision, that the law didn’t adhere to the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause because it singled out a certain group.
ONE, INC. V. OLESEN (1958) This case was about freedom of speech, more specifically, the right to include articles, editorials, short stories and other content in a magazine for gay readers. The TIME news website says that in 1953, a publisher associated with the Los Angeles chapter of the Mattachine Society, one of the country’s first “homophile” groups, released “ONE: The Homosexual Magazine.” Los Angeles postal authorities seized the magazine soon after it was published and argued that the publication violated obscenity laws. The court ruled against them, and decided that speech in favor of homosexuals is not inherently obscene. The decision was unanimous.
• 6 . 25.2020
Rainbow flags in front of the Supreme Court. Photo via Adobe.
TIME states that in 1990, the Boy Scouts of America decided to expel James Dale, an assistant scoutmaster and Eagle Scout, after he was identified in a newspaper as a leader of Rutgers University’s Lesbian/ Gay Alliance. At first, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in favor of Dale because the Scouts had violated the state’s anti-discrimination law, but was overruled in a 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court. The Court decided that forcing the Scouts to readmit Dale would violate their First Amendment right to freedom of association, therefore could expel Dale without consequence.
In this case, the Court decided to eliminate the portion of the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 that defined marriage as a “legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife.” This is because when Edith Windsor and Thea Spyer married in Canada and moved to New York, Spyer passed away and Windsor tried to claim a tax exemption for surviving spouses, only to be blocked by DOMA. In a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court ruled that DOMA violated due process and equal protection principles, and ordered the U.S. to refund Windsor’s taxes.
OBERGEFELL V. HODGES (2015) In a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the petitioners, who argued that state officials violated the 14th Amendment by prohibiting them from marrying or not recognizing marriages performed in other states. Not only that, the court also gave them the same benefits as opposite-sex married couples.
SPIT TO FACE CAUSES A COMMUNITY STIR Owner of Wilton Wings in hot water after incident; blames his behavior on ‘too much to drink’
SFGN Staff
bartender on the Drive in Wilton Manors had an unpleasant encounter with a local Fort Lauderdale restaurant owner two weeks ago, and it has been going viral on social media, generating a series of stinging online posts. It may lead to a charge of simple battery, but sources suggest that the parties are on the verge of reaching a settlement. The controversial incident involved Pub barista Shane Cullinan, who posted on Facebook an incident where he had been accosted and spat upon by Gary Bouvier, the owner of Wilton Wings in Fort Lauderdale. Bouvier was apparently intoxicated at the time. Having recently lost a friend to the coronavirus, Deputy Shannon Bennet of the Broward Sheriff’s Office, Cullinan was concerned about Bouvier’s conduct, and his own fate. Shane Cullinan (top) and Gary Bouvier (bottom). Cullinan posted on Facebook a detailed Photos via Facebook. account of his unfriendly encounter with Bouvier. He claimed Bouvier entered the ‘having too much to drink.’ Later, Bouvier added that he had gone for a Pub, first demanding to use a restroom, walking directly behind the bar looking for COVID-19 test since the episode, which came one, derisively shouting, “Do you know who back negative. “This one incident does not define who I am, Do you know who I am?” According to Cullinan, the altercation I am. I am embarrassed and sorry for what occurred,’ Bouvier wrote. “I escalated to the point where made a mistake. It’s up to me to Bouvier, forced his way past the bar, then left the premises. IT MAY LEAD TO try to right it.” One of the things Bouvier However, he was accused of A CHARGE OF promised he will do is host returning and shouting at Cullinan again, eventually SIMPLE BATTERY, a free ‘wings’ giveaway next month for service industry spitting in the bartender’s face. BUT SOURCES members unemployed and in Cullinan promptly filed a need due to the pandemic. police report in Wilton Manors SUGGEST THAT The story generated a life about the incident. Assistant THE PARTIES ARE of its own, however, going Police Chief Gary Blocker viral on a host of local social acknowledged online the ON THE VERGE media platforms, and a piece matter was being investigated OF REACHING A on WSVN, channel 7. Someone by the department as a possible even created a page urging misdemeanor battery. SETTLEMENT. consumers to boycott Wilton ‘The unlawful touching Wings. of another can constitute a Meanwhile, according to sources, Bouvier criminal act,’ Blocker noted. Bouvier went online a few days later, and Cullinan are quietly working to reach apologizing for his misbehavior. Owning a private resolution, and each have each up to his conduct, he stated that it was ‘out retained their own counsel. Neither are of character,’ admitting it was a result of talking to the press at this time.
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6 . 25. 20 20 •
ike much of the economy, the future of sports and public sporting events is being determined day-by-day as states emerge from COVID-19 restrictions.
Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens — home to the Miami Dolphins — has taken proactive measures amidst the uncertainty. The stadium was the first large sports and entertainment venue to earn a “STAR” accreditation from the International Sanitary Supply Association, for cleaning, disinfection and infectious disease prevention practices. “When our fans, players and staff are able to return to Hard Rock Stadium, we want them to have a peace of mind that we’re doing everything we can to create the safest and healthiest environment possible,” Miami Dolphins and Hard Rock Stadium vice chairman and CEO Tom Garfinkel recently said in a statement. The Dolphins’ organization, naturally, has a strong connection to South Florida and has been involved in several initiatives and relief efforts throughout the pandemic. One of its newest charity arms with a direct line to South Florida’s LGBT community is Football Unites. Representatives from the Dolphins said they expect to continue the program’s mission as sports start to emerge from a nationwide pause. The goal is to bring people together through football — especially young people of different races, genders and sexual orientations. Football is used as a hook to discuss social justice issues, race relations, and LGBT issues — a way to spark education and instill empathy. Football Unites launched about two years ago with initial events — “cultural tours” — that were organized to show off the diversity
that comprises South Florida and its large LGBT community. The tours included Dolphins players, students, community leaders and members of law enforcement. The cultural tours have gone to Miami’s Freedom Tower, Little Havana, Overtown, the Holocaust Museum and the Jewish Museum of Florida. One group met at a “rainbow crosswalk” in Miami Beach and visited the Palace Restaurant, interacting with the LGBT community. Sports fans could see it in real time last year as Hard Rock Stadium was lit up in rainbow colors for “Pride Lights the Night.” Football Unites has supported, for example, the South Florida Flag Football League (SFFFL) and it is a community partner on many parade floats at South Florida Pride events. Jason Jenkins, the Dolphins’ senior vice president of communications and community affairs, heads up the program. “Equality Florida is proud and grateful to be a part of Football Unites, the model of what a sports community program can be,” Equality Florida Miami development officer Robin Schwartz said in a statement. “Jason Jenkins leads with heart and shows us every day his sincere dedication to supporting LGBTQ people.” Jenkins said Football Unites has partnered with at least 12 local organizations so far that are focused on LGBT issues. He said the group also updated the “equal employment” section of its handbook and code of conduct to add gender identity with sexual orientation, after meeting with
Miami Dolphins and FOOTBALL UNITES community partners support 2019 Miami Beach Pride Parade. Courtesy Miami Dolphins.
• 6 . 25.2020
Equality Florida representatives. Other initiatives Jenkins expects to Football Unites commitment can be seen continue include: in the list of organizations it has partnered with, including the Alliance for GLBTQ Youth, • Project Change Scholarships: pays for Aqua Foundation for Women, Arianna’s a four-year college tuition for one high Center, Stonewall National Museum, Hialeah school student each year. The goal is to Pride, 4 Ward Miami and the Gay 8 Festival, provide financial support to students who Miami Beach Pride, Pridelines, SAVE and the have made a commitment to leading social progress initiatives in their communities. aforementioned SFFFL and Equality Florida. “The Dolphins and Football Unites have made a tremendous impact on South • Captains Program: a diversity and Florida’s LGBTQ athletic community,” SFFFL inclusion initiative that brings together 80 commissioner Dominic Grasso said in a to 100 middle school students from various backgrounds once a month statement. “[They] have for a day of learning about proven to all of our athletes, “THE DOLPHINS tolerance, acceptance and fans, referees, volunteers leadership. Dolphin’s players and athletic supporters AND FOOTBALL and alumni join the students to that our community is UNITES HAVE share stories, perspectives and important and valued. We experiences. look forward to working MADE A together further in 2020.” TREMENDOUS • CommUNITY tailgates: Jenkins said the Miami IMPACT the tailgates, funded by Dolphins want to level the ownership and players, are playing field “through the ON SOUTH an opportunity to unite groups power of teamwork, to FLORIDA’S of different races, genders, inspire a healthier, more LGBTQ ATHLETIC sexual orientation, identities educated and united South and abilities. Diverse groups Florida community.” COMMUNITY.” will attend Dolphins home “We believe it is games and participate in important to be inclusive - Dominic Grasso group activities designed to of the diversity and aware SFFFL COMMISSIONER break down barriers and build of the intersections that relationships. make up South Florida, uniting groups of different races,” he said in “The program helps us connect with the statement. Football Unites also engages with law others doing good work in their community,” enforcement through “Ride Alongs,” with Gay 8 Festival creator Damian Pardo said Dolphins’ players, alumni, cheerleaders and in a statement. “It’s meant to bring people together where they are, in the issues that are staff. Jenkins said it’s a way to engage with important to them, in the communities they youth and discuss community policing live in and in their comfort zones. By meeting with facilitated discussions led by the Ross and working together in these spaces, Football Initiative in Sports for Equality (RISE). There Unites creates the synergy necessary to move are other law enforcement-related events, too, South Florida forward faster, smarter and kinder.” like a police and youth conference.
eports out of New York declare the iconic Stonewall Inn is close to kaput. A fundraising effort has been launched to bring the monumental space to the public again. “We are reaching out because like many families and small businesses around the world, the Stonewall Inn is struggling. Our doors have been closed for over three months to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of patrons, staff and the community,” writes organizers of the campaign. The fundraising — organized by multiple GoFundMe accounts — is for the bar’s operating costs and staff support. Stonewall became a National Monument in 2016. It was closed by
Stonewall Inn. Photo credit: InSapphoWeTrust, via Flickr.
the Park Service earlier this year due to COVID-19 concerns. Located in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village, Stonewall Inn was the site of an uprising by the city’s LGBT community in the late 1960s.
Visit MiamiDolphins.com/community/footballunites for more information. Arianna’s Center CEO Arianna Lint at Miami Dolphins FOOTBALL UNITES Tailgate prior to 2019 Dolphins vs. Eagles game. Courtesy Miami Dolphins.
6 . 25. 20 20 •
roward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach Counties have higher daily averages of new COVID-19 cases than they did before the shutdown. While Broward and Miami Dade had begun to flatten their curves, Palm Beach County never came close to flattening its curve. Cases were rising as Palm Beach reopened. Despite some progress in May, Broward and Miami-Dade have now lost all gains from the shutdown. The number of new cases of COVID-19 has been rising faster in Palm Beach County than in Broward. On April 1, Palm Beach County had 616 cumulative cases of COVID-19. Broward had 1,348. Between then and June 22, Palm Beach County has had 10,327 new cases, but Broward has had 9,979. At first, the three South Florida counties had the most COVID-19 cases in Florida. That is no longer true. On April 5, the three South Florida counties had a combined total of 7,032 cases of COVID-19. The other 64 counties had a total of 5,318 COVID-19 cases. From April 5 to June 22, the three South Florida counties had a combined total of 41,477 new COVID-19 cases. The other 64 counties had 46,390 new cases of COVID-19. MEDIAN AGE If all COVID-19 cases are sorted by age, 50% will lie below the median age and 50% above it. On April 10, Broward had a median age for cumulative COVID-19 of 50, MiamiDade of 48, and Palm Beach of 58. On June 22, Broward had a median age for cumulative COVID-19 cases of 45, Miami-Dade of 47, and Palm Beach of 44. It dropped by five years in Broward, one year in Miami-Dade,
Graph courtesy of Sean McShee.
but 14 years in Palm Beach. Miami-Dade has remained relatively constant. New cases in Broward and Palm Beach would have to be much younger to drive the median age down that much. The racial composition of age groups differs. People in older age groups have a higher percentage of white people. People in younger age groups tend to have a higher percentage of people of color. If COVID-19 is spreading among younger people, more people of color will be acquiring the disease. COVID-19 AND RACE When new COVID-19 cases are examined by racial groups in Broward, sharp disparities appear. Latinos have very high daily averages for new cases. Blacks also have high daily averages. Combined with the downward trend in median age, COVID-19 is spreading in Broward largely among younger Latinos and Blacks. CAVEATS This analysis is based on data from the Florida Dashboard and its county report. Both of those sources report cumulative data. They also report race and ethnicity separately. In order to calculate new cases and unduplicated data by racial group, SFGN had to collect and manipulate data in Excel. This could introduce some errors but is consistent with other reports. Due to the necessity to manipulate data, it was impossible to analyze unduplicated racial group data in Miami-Dade or Palm Beach Counties by press time.
To access the Florida COVID-19 dashboard, visit bit.ly/3d2lvuz. 12
• 6 . 25.2020
Jesse’s Journal
Editorial Cartoon
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EDITORIAL CARTOON local and LIVE. By Andy Marlette
Afternoon Drive
Jesse Monteagudo
t has been more than three months since COVID-19 changed our lives forever. Things that we once took for granted are no longer with us, at least for the near future. In many ways, I am one of the lucky ones. Though I have not been tested, I remain symptoms free and, I hope, virus free. Being officially “retired” (whatever that means) I have not suffered from the loss of a job like so many others. I live alone, in my Plantation condo, which means I have the whole place to myself. On the other hand, I am lonely most of the time. I miss the personal contacts and activities that makes my life worth living. I worry that I become what I fear the most: a lonely old man, living the life of a hermit. Fortunately, I still have an active social life. Unfortunately, I conduct most of it on my computer. Thanks to the wonders of Zoom and other online video conferencing programs, I have attended the Virtual Pride Festival sponsored by local LGBT Pride groups in South Florida. I also took part in or attended religious services, family reunions, organizational meetings, benefits, lectures, and concerts. I did all this while sitting in front of my computer, without leaving my home. I hope this is not the new normal. I need reasons to get off my duff, put on some clothes, and walk outside. Highly susceptible to cabin fever, I take advantage of any excuse to go out. Every morning I walk a few miles around the neighborhood and drive around in
the afternoon, usually to coincide with Michelangelo Signorile’s program on Sirius XM satellite radio. Once a week I drive east into Wilton Manors, to pick up my weekly copy of SFGN and see how life goes in our LGBT hometown. I took advantage of a free food giveaway at the local Courtyard Café, not because I needed the food but because I need the human contact that goes along with it. A few weeks later I went to the Alibi for free hot dogs, potato chips and sodas that the Alibi and SFGN generously gave away. In both cases I got to spend some time with friends and acquaintances, including my pal Julie Carson, Wilton Manors City Commissioner and now a candidate for Mayor. Once a week I break free from my confinement and spend the night with my boyfriend Ron, for a little social nearness. Like many of you, I try to use my quarantine as a time to improve my mind, and sometimes I succeed. I read books, watch movies, listen to music, and learn about new and exciting artists. (What is a Maluma?) I keep up with the news, but up to a point. I do not need to be bombarded with COVID-19 (mis)information, especially the daily press conferences from You Know Who. Fortunately, things are starting to come back, slowly but surely. Recently I ate at my favorite breakfast joint, the Original Pancake House in Plantation, and never did pancakes taste so good. So, live your life the best you can, but always watch out for your health, and the health of the ones you love.
Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.
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Off The Wall
enuflection or genuflexion is the act of bending a knee to the ground, as distinguished from kneeling which more strictly involves both knees. From early times, it has been a gesture of deep respect for a superior. Today, the gesture is common in the Christian religious practices of the Anglican, Lutheran, Catholic and Western Rite Orthodox Churches. The Latin word genuflectio, from which the English word is derived, is often referred to as “going down on one knee” or “bowing the knee.” In Western culture, one genuflects on the left knee to a human dignitary, whether ecclesiastical or civil. Traditionally marriage proposals use genuflection. In 328 BC. Alexander the Great introduced into his court-etiquette some form of genuflection already in use in Persia. In the Byzantine Empire even senators were required to genuflect to the emperor. In medieval Europe, one demonstrated respect for a king or noble by going down on the left knee, often remaining there until told to rise. It is traditionally often performed in western cultures by a man making a proposal of marriage proposal . The custom of genuflecting, as a sign of respect and even of service, arose out of the honor given to medieval kings. In modern times, when the folded flag of a fallen veteran is offered to the family, the presenting officer will go down on his left knee, if the recipient is seated. That is why, once again, President Trump was and is wrong when he claims that Colin Kaepernick disrespected the flag when he took a knee during the National Anthem. Colin Kaepernick sacrificed his career for what he believed back in 2017 with a gesture that today has become the symbol of respect for the lives of the oppressed. It is ironic that you take a knee in Church to show your respect and devotion for the God you believe in, but you can’t take a knee in a football stadium. The right to protest isn’t conditional on some declaration of patriotism. It’s inherent
• 6 . 25.2020
Photo via Pxfuel.
to being an American. Indeed — considering how our nation actually came into existence — there’s a much stronger line of argument that holds that protesting societal injustice is the most American act you can do. Loving something and wanting it to be better aren’t mutually exclusive concepts. More importantly: Even though that’s not the point of the protest, Kaepernick and his colleagues have already declared their love for America and their respect for the troops — many, many times. Just one example: September 2016, when Kaepernick was in uniform for San Francisco’s preseason game against the thenSan Diego Chargers. He stood for “God Bless America,” then knelt for the anthem, and later on said: “The media painted this as I’m antiAmerican, anti-men-and-women of the military and that’s not the case at all.’ I realize that men and women of the military go out and sacrifice their lives and put themselves in harm’s way for my freedom of speech and my freedoms in this country and my freedom to take a seat or take a knee so I have the utmost respect for them. I think what I did was taken out of context and spun a different way.’’ Later, he was even more succinct and direct: “Once again, I’m not anti-American. I love America.”
Join us on Facebook Live for our Shabbat service Friday nights at 8pm Please join us virtually until we can be together again, remembering that we are all in this together!
Congregation Etz Chaim
2038 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305, on the Pride Center campus www.EtzChaimFlorida.org / email us at info@etzchaimflorida.org
SPIRITUALITY Church of Our Savior, MCC 2011 s. Federal Hwy., Boynton Beach, FL 561-733-4000 www,churchofoursaviormcc.org
LISTINGS ALL SOULS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4025 Pine Tree Drive. Miami Beach Sundays at 8am and 10:30am. 305-520-5410 | allsoulsmb.org CONGREGATION ETZ CHAIM 2038 N. Dixie Hwy (Pride Center Building B), Wilton Manors 954-564-9232 - etzchaimflorida.org RabbiNoahKitty@etzchaimflorida.org Friday Night Shabbat Service 8p.m.
FOUNTAIN OF LOVE MINISTRIES 5481 FL-7, Tamarac, FL 33319 954-486-5959 fountainofloveonline.org Pastor Dallas Walker-Green Worship: Sunday Mornings at 11:00 am OPEN HEART MEDITATION Saturdays 3:30 - 5 p.m. Pride Center - Room #200 www.heartofthemystery.com
HOLY ANGELS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors 954-633-2987 - HolyAngelsFL.net Sunday Mass at 11AM
ST. NICHOLAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1111 E. Sample Road, Pompano Beach 954-942-5887 - stnicholasfl.org office@stnicholasfl.org Sundays 8:00AM & 10:30AM (9:30AM only from Memorial Day through Labor Day)
CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 1955 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale (954) 564-7673 - christlutheranfl.org pastordeborah@christlutheranfl.org Worship: Sunday 10:00am
FIRST CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 1415 North K Street, Lake Worth 561-582-6691 - fcclw.org office@lakeworthchurch.org Service Time: Sunday 10:30AM
CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR, MCC Church of Our Savior, MCC 2011 S. Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach. churchofoursaviormcc.org | 561-733-4000 Sunday Service 10AM
UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST FORT LAUDERDALE 2501 NE 30th Street, Fort Lauderdale (954)563-4271 - uccftl.org revpatrickrogers@gmail.com Service Times: Thursdays 10:30AM (Elliot Hall) & Sundays 10:30AM (Sanctuary)
Until further notice: Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, our worship services are streamed on Facebook Live every Sunday at 10 AM, rather than held at our church property. https://www.facebook.com/ ChurchofOurSaviorMCC. Visit our web site for more details & updates.
All Services LIVE-streamed on Facebook, and posted on website
“Love without judgement” Holy Angels National Catholic Church 2917 NE 6th Ave Wilton Manors, FL 33334 Facebook.com/HolyAngelsFL www.HolyAngelsFL.org
A home for your spirit. Mass Schedule: Sabado 6:00 PM misa en español • Sunday Mass at 11 & 3 in English • All are welcome!
SFGN is here for you, no matter who — or what — keeps you going. Read our Spirituality Section to stay in touch with your local religious LGBT community. The only requirement? Be yourself.
6 . 25. 20 20 •
• 6 . 25.2020
NEWS PHOTOS Jason Parsley
Photos by J.R. Davis
ainbows flew high and proud on Sunday during the area’s first ever Pride Flotilla where 30 decorated boats sailed down the intracoastal to celebrate the Pride.
“We were extremely pleased having almost 30 boats in attendance, and the overwhelming show of support from both the local LGBTQIA+ community, and the public in general,” said Jeremy Pettus, co-founder of a local LGBT boating club, Boys With Boats. “Everyone witnessing this impromptu event met us with cheers, whistles, waves, and boat blasts.” Pettus said the idea of the boat parade and execution all came together in about 10 days. “For something that went from idea to successful reality in less than ten days, that was a feat unto itself,” Pettus noted. The boats formed a flotilla where they sailed up the New River into downtown Fort Lauderdale. Many of them are members of Boys with Boats. The boats ranged from deep sea fishing vessels, luxury yachts and sailboats to
Josh and Jeremy with Boys With Boats.
personal watercraft. “When our Pride parade was postponed, everyone was so disappointed,” Scott Schramm, one of the event organizers, said in a press release. “But, we realized, the pandemic couldn’t stop us if we moved the parade to the water. We started putting the word out on social media and had no idea how many boats might show up.” Two boats from the Fort Lauderdale Police Marine Unit displaying symbols of Pride escorted the boat parade. “Their presence, and service to the boating community is very much appreciated,” Pettus said. Revelers onboard the boats danced, clacked fans and honked their horns as bystanders along the five-mile route cheered. “Everyone had a great time. It was definitely a Pride we won’t forget anytime soon,” co-organizer Patrick Parker said in the release. Pettus added: “We are extremely grateful to Patrick Parker for conceiving this idea, and working with Scott Schramm we were able to execute something we hope will become an annual tradition.”
Scott (center), the event founder, with fellow Boys With Boats Russ (left) and David.
- Scott Schramm ORGANIZER
Michael and Jim in front, on board The Pub boat.
‘GAY RIOTS NOW!’ Brian McNaught
Photo credit: Wendy Corniquet, via Pixabay.
t was May 22, 1979. Boston. Police cars were still smoldering in San Francisco. Hundreds of LGBT people had marched through the streets there, some looting, others setting fires and breaking windows. Most of them, though, angry beyond belief, marched loudly but peacefully. The man who assassinated openly-gay City Supervisor, Harvey Milk, got a lenient sentence based on his diminished capacity, and over-consumption of Twinkies. The Boston LGBT community gathered for speeches in front of the state capitol. A handful of anarchists screamed throughout the speeches, “Gay riots now!” The Fag Rag Collective wanted to instigate the same burning, breaking, and looting that created international headlines the night before. They went home disappointed. We have been privileged to witness the U.S., as well as other countries, having the first serious consideration of systemic racism, and police brutality against people of color. There are some people who broke windows and looted during the soul-level, anguished response to the death of George Floyd at the knee of a white Minneapolis police officer. And among their number were professional agitators who hoped to discredit the protestors. They, too, went home disappointed. If you’re like me, an older gay man who has witnessed assassinations of black prophets in his lifetime, you can feel overwhelmed with myriad feelings of outrage, self-consciousness of privilege, frustration, excitement, and the numbness of the brain that results from being useless. Black lives matter, but where to begin? Police unions? Dilapidated schools? Prison slavery? Ray and I watched program after program, immersing ourselves in the black experience to the degree that Netflix documentaries, movies, and series are able to truly capture the wounded souls of black Americans. In the midst of this national consciousness-raising, and sincere efforts to address racism at every level, from NASCAR rebel flags to Aunt Jemima syrup, the Supreme Court came down with a totally surprising ruling, written by a conservative Trump nominee, that the 1964 Civil Rights Act, that prohibited workplace discrimination on the basis of race, sex, and other factors, also protects gay and transgender people from such bias. LGBT Lives Matter. It was June. Gay Pride Month. The timing of the 6-3 Supreme Court ruling seemed perfect. Let’s talk about it at the same level of intensity that we’re giving racism. But, maybe not now, not when it will draw attention away from our racism. That’s the subject the Universe has brought us to confront at this moment in history. But, let’s have a national forum later, on homophobia and heterosexism.
• 6 . 25.2020
We’ve made great progress since I was fired for being gay in 1974, but there is still so much ignorance and fear in the populace, in government, in churches and in the workplace. The issues of racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, heterosexism, and transphobia are all linked by the fear and hatred that is created by ignorance, or lack of exposure. Yes, there are people who even when educated, even when enabled to sympathize, nevertheless are insecure predators. But, in my experience, most people live in a higher level of awareness. If they’re culturally uninformed, they’re usually open or eager to learn and change. Education works. I have an upcoming virtual diversity training on LGBT workplace issues with 300 employees. I’m told that there are no openly gay people in the organization. The company has focussed a lot of attention on racism in response to the nation convulsion of self-consciousness, in response to the undeniable police brutality of black men. My job will be to bring their attention not away from racism, but also to heterosexism and cisgenderism. Both terms refer to the assumption of, and preference for heterosexuality and being cis-gender. (Cis-gender means not being transgender.)
To have and to hold the attention of these young men and women, I can’t be one who breaks windows and sets fires to their consciousness. Education on LGBT issues isn’t looting the minds of those who don’t understand. It’s peaceful protest, in the kindest, most thoughtful way, of the “normal” in which they live, and in which they assume everyone else does too. The same is true of educating others about racism, sexism, etc. Sometimes, it takes breaking windows, figuratively, to get someone’s attention, but long-term change in attitudes and behaviors don’t happen as a result of threat. It happens when a face is put on the issue to which the uninformed can comfortably relate. I have enough anger in me to break a window. I suspect that everybody does. But, we know that emotional anarchy is our issue, and not that of the person whose window we might want to break. Could it happen? Possibly, but then I’d need to take responsibility for my actions. I’d much rather create an ally than sweep up glass. I’ve successfully done that over the years in workplaces around the world, by being vulnerable, but strong, patient, but persistent, and gentle in the opening of minds. Peaceful protests that LGBT lives, and daily experiences at work matter.
Brian McNaught has been a leading educator on LGBTQ issues globally since 1974. He has made his many books and DVDs available for free at Brian-McNaught.com. The New York Times named him “The Godfather of gay diversity training.”
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“A Very Natural Thing.” Credit: Christopher Larkin.
PEDRO (2008)
Pedro recalls the life of Pedro Zamora (19721994), one of our more extraordinary gay activists. Zamora, a refugee from Cuba, was one of the stars of the hit MTV reality series “The Real World: San Francisco.” When he auditioned for the series, Zamora was quite honest with the producers about being gay, and about his AIDS diagnosis. He was cast. The film, written by the openly gay Oscar winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black (Milk), underscores the magnitude of Zamora’s courage. He talks about being gay and having AIDS in front of the Real World cameras — keep in mind that this was 25 years ago. In one memorable episode Zamora marries his boyfriend Sean.
Though the fight for gay rights was already underway, no equality laws had been passed, and most straight people of that era had a uniformly negative view of homosexuality. It was therefore an act of courage to make “A Very Natural Thing,” to appear in it, even to go see it. David (Robert Joel) is an ex-monk and a schoolteacher. He meets Mark (Curt Gareth) in a bar and the two move in together. They quickly learn that they’re not looking for the same things: David wants a monogamous relationship, while Mark continues to sleep around. He even goes so far as to try to involve David in his activities. This leads to their breakup. Now alone, David attends the 1973 gay pride parade in New York City. There he meets the handsome Jason (Bo White), who shares his values. Will the two find happiness together? The parade sequence was shot at that year’s actual
• 6 . 25.2020
parade. Director Christopher Larkin breaks the fourth wall, interviewing parade attendees who speak on camera about what being gay means to them. “A Very Natural Thing” is a film that was years ahead of its time. Shot on a low budget, it might very well be the first film to feature gay characters who were comfortable and happy with who they were. David is a likable character and Robert Joel, who had few acting credits, is quite good in the role. In our era or marriage equality and Will and Grace, it’s fascinating to look back upon a groundbreaking production like “A Very Natural Thing,” which was made by a hearty band of folks who dared to kick the closet door open more than a generation ago. They’re all people we can be proud of. “A Very Natural Thing” is streaming at Amazon Prime, YouTube and Google Play. The DVD is out of print but can be purchased at Amazon for over $300.
At the time The Real World had a huge audience. Millions were educated about HIV and about homosexuality thanks to Zamora’s efforts. Sadly, Zamora never got to enjoy his fame. He became very ill while his episodes were airing and passed away soon after at the age of 22. Alex Loynaz offers a wonderful performance as Zamora. The actor paints a vivid portrait of Zamora’s determination to make his mark upon the world in a positive way, even though he must have known that his time on earth would be short. And Zamora indeed made quite an impact: his efforts attracted the attention of then President Bill Clinton, who participated in the making of the film. Pedro is a haunting story that viewers won’t soon forget. Pedro is streaming at Vimeo. The DVD is available at Amazon.
“Desert Hearts” captured the imagination of LGBT people when it was first released in 1985. At the time queer films were rarely produced, yet here, bucking the norm, was a lesbian love story directed by a lesbian filmmaker. The film beautifully captures the ambience of its setting: Reno Nevada in 1959. It tells the story of Vivian (Helen Shaver), an emotionally repressed, straight (so it seems) woman who comes to Reno for a quickie divorce from an empty marriage. While there, she meets the much younger Cay (Patricia Charbonneau), a free spirited gal who flaunts her lesbianism and doesn’t care what anyone thinks of it. Cay takes one look at Vivian and is instantly smitten. Vivian accepts Cay’s friendship, but at first she rejects the other woman’s sexual advances. It soon becomes apparent that Vivian’s long suppressed attraction to women is coming to the surface. The two women make love in a scene that’s both tender and quite erotic. “Desert Hearts” remains a groundbreaking film some 35 years after its initial release. As one of the first positive portrayals of lesbian love in the movies it was years ahead of its time. Today, it’s considered historic: a print of the film has been donated to the Outfest Legacy Project for LGBTQ film preservation. As a love story, “Desert Hearts” is sweet, tender and uplifting. A must see for women — but this male viewer was also captivated by the timeless love story of Vivian and Cay. In addition to being available on DVD and Blu Ray, “Desert Hearts” is streaming at Amazon Prime, Hulu, and HBO Max.
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This riveting documentary tells the story of the LGBT community from the 1920s up to the time of the Stonewall Riots. The filmmakers interviewed numerous “old timers” who recall the 1920s and 30s — this film was their last chance to share their memories. They remember a time when being gay or lesbian was forbidden by society — they speak of the coded language they would use to find each other. But even then a courageous few stepped out of the closet, like Gladys Bentley, an African American lesbian who performed in Harlem’s jazz clubs. Bentley dressed like a man and ran off to Atlantic City to marry her girlfriend.
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The film continues through the World War II era, a time when many gay men and lesbians heeded the call to serve their country. In the 1950s the McCarthy witch hunts affected LGBT people. During those years the first gay and lesbian organizations were formed and the first gay magazines were published. As early as 1965 LGBT people marched for employment rights for the first time. “Before Stonewall” is an important film, one which preserves a part of LGBT history which should not be forgotten. Not only does the film feature a plethora of interviews, it includes archival footage which takes the viewer back to that bygone era. Before Stonewall is history written with lightning.
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954-565-7666 Dr. David K. Warner, DDS, FAGD 1946 Wilton Drive • Wilton Manors • FL 33305 www.IslandCitySmiles.com “Before Stonewall.” Credit: Greta Schiller and Robert Rosenberg
KIM LEHRMAN, ATTORNEY I believe that good people deserve a fresh start.
After Stonewall tells the story of the LGBT community during the three decades which followed the Stonewall Riots. After the riots the very first Pride parades were organized and the first out community emerged. The film recalls what was probably the community’s very first victory: in 1973 the American Psychiatric Association declared that homosexuality would no longer be considered a “psychiatric disorder.” With a narration by lesbian rock star Melissa Etheridge, “After Stonewall” follows the movement through the 70s, 80s and 90s as the community battles the religious right (a battle which continues today), the AIDS crisis (the film beautifully documents the rise of the AIDS activist organization ACT UP), and the many setbacks and victories that the community lived through during those years. Included are interviews with important figures who are no longer with us, such as early lesbian organizer Barbara Gittings, the recently departed AIDS activist Larry Kramer, and Craig Rodwell, who founded the Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop — the first gay bookstore — in New York City. The film also reminds us that President Bill Clinton was not always an LGBT ally. After courting the gay vote, Clinton betrayed the community by signing the discriminatory Don’t Ask Don’t Tell bill.
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Like “Before Stonewall,” “After Stonewall” offers a breathtaking scope and preserves important histories which should not be forgotten. Both films are must see viewing during this Pride season. As both films illustrate, we have much to be proud of. Both films are available on a double feature DVD and both are streaming at Amazon Prime. Happy Pride!
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OVID-19 may have shuttered the region’s three performing arts centers and dozens of regional theaters, but independent producer Ronnie Larsen has plans to revive live theater in Wilton Manors this summer. Larsen, who has produced small plays and musicals at Wilton Theater Factory for the past three years, hopes to reopen in July with a series of one- and two-man shows in the 50seat black box space on Dixie Highway. “I came here to work and create theater,” said Larsen, who relocated to South Florida five years ago, “and with all the right health and safety precautions, we can get back to it.” Following guidelines from the CDC, county and city, Larsen plans to remove half the seats in the intimate theater to allow for social distancing between both patrons and the performers. Audience members will be required to wear masks and there will be early seating and no intermissions, eliminating gatherings of crowds in the lobby. The venue will also be disinfected daily between performances. The producer plans to run a number of shows in repertory throughout the week, giving audiences multiple opportunities to escape their homes and enjoy a wide variety of works. To open on July 10, local cabaret singer Jennifer McClain will debut an autobiographical show with the working title, “This is Me.” For years, McClain, a fervent LGBT ally, has been a fixture on the stages of Wilton Drive bars and other South Florida venues, performing standards from the Great American Songbook, show tunes, pop hits and gay anthems. The show, which will include monologues and musical numbers, will explore the experiences and emotions that shaped the flamboyant performer. On alternate nights, Larsen plans to premiere two new works, both appropriately commenting on the pandemic and political fallout. The first is “The Devil in Melania,” a dark comedy about the choices the first lady must confront when the President contracts COVID-19 and she is left with the decision to discontinue life support. “It’s dark and she believes (Trump) is the devil,” Larsen explained, “but in the end, she lets the audience vote on the decision and someone is invited to come up and pull the plug.”
Producer and playwright Ronnie Larsen directs Susie K. Taylor in his new play, “The Devil in Melania,” opening in July at Wilton Theater Factory. Credit: Facebook.
Given the president and first lady’s penchant for cease and desist letters, Larsen is not programming the play without full consideration. “I may get sued, but it would be great publicity,” he said with his signature throaty laugh and adding that he can reliably predict how the audience will respond to the dilemma on stage. The second play, “If I’m Good,” explores the relationship between a gay man and the patient his husband, an emergency room doctor, treated for COVID-19. The doctor contracted the disease from her and died, leaving his husband to cope with his feelings of loss and blame after he discovers she is a right-wing homophobic bigot. Nedra Biggers, an actress Larsen directed in his first play more than 30 years ago, is traveling from California to co-star with him. They’ve been rehearsing via Zoom video calls. “The question is whether audiences will come out,” Larsen said. “That’s the mystery.” Fortunately, the small casts limit production costs and because Larsen wrote most of the plays, there are no royalties owed. With so few tickets to each performance available, he has no expectations of profits, but will use ticket sales to cover rent and keep the theater open. He pointed out, “Last year, I had five shows running at the same time and I swore I’d never do that again. But, it was a rehearsal for this year. People did come out more than one night a week. Going to theater became part of their lives and we’re hoping they’ll do that again. We’ve got to get through this.”
For more information and tickets, go to RonnieLarsen.com. 22
• 6 . 25.2020
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he COVID-19 pandemic may have forced the cancellation of Pride parades and festivals around the globe, but entertainers and activists are turning to streaming video platforms to celebrate and call for change. Here is a roundup of some of the biggest virtual Pride concerts and events this weekend:
OUTLOUD: Raising Voices Tuesdays and Thursdays through July 16 Facebook.com/OfficiallyOUTLOUD
OUTLOUD, originally slated to debut at the nowcancelled South by Southwest (SXSW) festival, has been reimagined as a 10-part virtual concert series. The episodes, livestreaming on Tuesdays and Thursdays through July 16, are a celebration of queer and allied artists, elevating a diverse lineup of talent that is making an impact in the music industry, including Betty Who, Kesha, Candis Cayne, Grayson Chance and more. Pride Fort Lauderdale will be featured on the June 30 streaming concert via Facebook Live.
Pride Month Happy Hour Concert Friday, June 26, 5 — 7 p.m. PrideCollectives.com, Facebook.com/PrideCollectives
The South Florida Pride Collective, formed by local Pride organizers after the cancellation or postponement of their festivals, present their final weekly virtual happy hour concert tonight. Presented by Morgan Stanley and hosted by iHeart radio personalities, the concerts feature both local and national performers. This week’s broadcast will highlight the work of Compass LGBT Community Center in Lake Worth and the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride. Performers include jazz superstar Nicole Henry, country crooner Ty Herndon, drag diva Melissa St. John and Latin singer/songwriter Marlow.
Global Pride Saturday, June 27 GlobalPride2020.org
More than 500 Pride organizations across the globe, including South Florida, banded together for a 24-hour broadcast, similar to the rolling New Year’s Eve celebrations with each time zone curating a unique lineup of entertainers, world leaders and activists. In addition to Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, former vice president Joe Biden and New York City mayor Bill DeBlasio, gay Fort Lauderdale mayor Dean Trantalis was one of the leaders to record messages of solidarity for the global audience. Performers will include Laverne Cox, Adam Lambert, Kesha and Todrick Hall. U.S. contributors will be featured beginning around
Transgender “Pose” star MJ Rodriguez is one of more than 50 LGBT performers featured in Playbill. com’s “Pride Broadway Spectacular Concert,” streaming this weekend. Credit: Dennis Cahlo, Playbill.com.
4:30 p.m. EDT with a main stage performance at 8:30 p.m.
Virtual Pride
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Sunday, June 28, 11:30 a.m. — 4:20 p.m. VirtualPride.com GayTravel.com rallied nearly 30 Pride organizations from Provincetown to Honolulu for this virtual festival. Each organization contributed videos, performances, photos and more. Miami Beach Pride and Pride Fort Lauderdale represent South Florida. “Currently, celebrating Pride is challenging because we are unable to be physically close. Yet the spirit of Pride and equality has never been more significant, especially given the recent U.S. Supreme Court ‘s historic decision to protect LGBT rights in the workplace. The decision delivers a major victory to LGBT employees and deserves to be celebrated. Virtual Pride will provide a platform enabling the community to remain visible and to be heard from their homes,” said Sam Barreto, social media chair at GayTravel.com, in a statement.
Playbill’s Pride Spectacular Concert Sunday, June 28, 8 p.m. Playbill.com/PridePlays
John McDaniel (“The Rosie O’Donnell Show”) is the musical director for this star-studded concert featuring iconic musical numbers that highlight LGBT stories in musical theatre, sung by members of the Broadway LGBT community and its allies, with additional appearances from theater legends. More than 50 of the biggest names on Broadway, including Wilson Cruz, Lea Delaria, Harvey Fierstein, Cheyenne Jackson, John Cameron Mitchell, MJ Rodriguez and John Tartaglia will appear in this one-night event that benefits Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. 6 . 25. 20 20 •
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detailsYour below. From Protect Home —$100 Value
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See all offer details below.
OUTDOOR CAMERATODAY! LIMITED TIME OFFER—CALL DOOR/WINDOW When you upgrade to ADT Ask about same-day installation! Reply By July 18, 2020
1-954-390-2356Pulse® + Video —$299 VALUE! $299 VALUE
GIFT CARD: $100 Visa Gift Card fulfilled by Protect Your Home through third-party provider, Mpell, upon installation of a security system and execution of monitoring contract. $4.95 shipping and handling fee, gift cards can take up to 8 weeks to arrive after following 1 the Mpell redemption process. BASIC SYSTEM: $99 Parts and Install. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 per month ($1,007.64). Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 per month ($671.76) for California. Offer applies See24-Month all off er details below. RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL to homeowners only. Basic system requires landline phone. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Premier Provider customers only and not on purchases from ADT LLC. Cannot be combined with any other offer. The $27.99 Offer does not include Quality Service Plan (QSP), ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. ADT Pulse: ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Pulse”), which help you manage your home environment and family lifestyle, require the purchase and/or activation of an ADT alarm system with 1 monitored burglary service and a compatible computer, cell phone or PDA with Internet and email access. These ADT Pulse services do not cover the operation or maintenance of any household equipment/systems that are connected to the ADT Pulse equipment. All Subject to credit ADT Pulse services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be required to pay additional charges to purchase equipment required to utilize the ADT Pulse features you desire. approval. ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contract required from ADT Pulse + Video: $59.99 per month, ($2,159.64), including Quality Service Plan (QSP). Doorbell camera may not be available in all YOUR ENTIRE INSTALL! Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, areas. GENERAL: For all offers, the form of payment must be by credit card or electronic charge to your checking or savings account, satisfactory credit history is required and termination fee applies. Local permit fees may be required. Certain restrictions may apply. Call for details. **Offer valid at estimate only Additional monitoring fees required for some services. For example, Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Emergency Alert monitoring requires purchase and/or activation of an ADT security system with monitored Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Emergency Alert Sun: 2pm-8pm EST devices and are an additional charge. Additional equipment may be purchased for an additional charge. Additional charges may apply in areas that require guard response service for municipal alarm verification. Prices subject to change. Prices may vary by market. Some insurance companies offer discounts on Homeowner’s Insurance. Please consult your insurance company. Photos are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the exact product/service actually provided. Licenses: AL-21-001104, AR-CMPY.0001725 AZ-ROC217517, CA-ACO6320, CT-ELC.0193944-L5, DC-EMS902653, DC-602516000016, DE-07-212, FL-EC13003427, EC13003401, GA-LVA205395, IA-AS-0206, ID-ELE-SJ-39131, IL-127.001042, IN-C.P.D. Reg. No. – 19-08088, City of Indianapolis: *The leading consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally LAC-000156, KY-City of Louisville: 483, LA-F1914, LA-F1915, LA-F1082, MA-1355C, MD-107-1626, ME-LM50017382, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MO-City of St. Louis: CC#354, St. Louis County: 100194, MS-15007958,MT-PSP-ELS-LIC-247, NCinstalled gutter guard system in America.” CSLB# 1035795 DOPL #10783658-5501GIFT License# 41354 License# 99338 third-party License# provider, 128344 Mpell, upon installation of a security system and execution of monitoring contract. $4.95 shipping and handling fee, gift cards can take up to 8 weeks to arrive after following CARD:7656 $100License# Visa Gift 50145 Card fulfiLicense# lled by Protect Your Home through 25310-SP-FA/LV, NC-1622-CSA, NE-14451, NJ Burglar Alarm Lic. # -NJ-34BF00021800, NM-353366, NV-0068518, City of Las Vegas: 3000008296, NY-Licensed by the N.Y.S. Department of State UID#12000317691, NYS #12000286451,OH-53891446, License# 218294 License# 603 233 977 License# 2102212986 License# 2106212946 License# 2705132153A License# LEAFFNW822JZ License# WV056912 License# the Mpell redemption process. BASIC SYSTEM: $99 Parts and Install. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 monthOR-170997, ($1,007.64). 24-Month Monitoring Agreement at $27.99 perRI-7508, monthSC-BAC5630, ($671.76) California. OfferTX-B13734, appliesACR-3492, UT-6422596-6501, VA-115120, VTCity of Cincinnati: AC86, per OK-AC1048, Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Registration required Number: PA022999, RI-3582, SD- for 1025-7001-ET, TN-1520, WC-29998-H17 Nassau HIC License# H01067000 Registration# 176447 Registration# HIC.0649905 Registration# C127229 Registration# C127230 Registration# ES-2382(7C),WA-602588694/ECPROTEYH934RS, WI-City of Milwaukee: PAS-0002966, WV-WV042433, WY-LV-G-21499. 3750other Priorityoffer. Way South Indianapolis, IN 46240 Inc. dba Protect Your Home DF-CD-NP-Q220-FL to homeowners only. Basic system requires landline phone. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Premier Provider customers only and not on purchases from ADT LLC. Cannot be combined with any TheDr.$27.99 Offer does©2017 notDEFENDERS, include Quality
Promo Code: 285
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5% OFF Ask about same-day LIMITED TIME OFFER—CALL TODAY! GIFT CARD: $100 Visa Gift Card fulfilled by Protect Your Home through third-party provider, Mpell, upon installation of a security system and execution of monito
installation! the Mpell redemption process. BASIC SYSTEM: Reply$99 ByParts and Install. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 per month ($1,007.64). 24-M to homeowners only. Basic systemJuly requires18, landline phone. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Premier Provider customers only and not on purchases fr 2020 Service Plan (QSP), ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. ADT Pulse: ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Pulse”), which help you manage your hom monitored burglary service and a compatible computer, cell phone or PDA with Internet and email access. These ADT Pulse services do not cover the operation or ADT Pulse services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be require 366920918 Registration# PC6475 Registration# IR731804 Registration# 13VH09953900 Registration# PA069383 Suffolk HIC License# 52229-H ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contract required from ADT Pulse + Video: $59.99 per m Service Plan (QSP), ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. ADT Pulse: ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Pulse”), which help you manage your home environment and family lifestyle, require the purchase and/or activation of an ADT alarm system with GENERAL: alltheoffers, theorform of payment must beequipment/systems by credit card orthatelectronic charge monitored burglary service and a compatible computer, cell phone or PDA with Internet and email access. Theseareas. ADT Pulse services do notFor cover operation maintenance of any household are connected to the to ADTyour Pulsechecking equipment.or All savings account, satisfactory credit history is ADT Pulse services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. fees You may be required pay additional to purchaseBurglary, equipment Fire, required to utilizeMonoxide the ADT Pulseand features you desire.Alert monitoring requires purchase and/or ac Additional monitoring required for tosome services.charges For example, Carbon Emergency ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contractdevices required from + Video: $59.99 per month, ($2,159.64), includingmay QualitybeService Plan (QSP). camera may not beAdditional available in allcharges may apply in areas that require guar and ADT are Pulse an additional charge. Additional equipment purchased for Doorbell an additional charge. areas. GENERAL: For all offers, the form of payment must be by credit card or electronic charge to your checking or savings account, satisfactory credit history is required and termination fee applies. Local permit fees may be required. Certain restrictions may apply. Some insurance companies offer discounts on Homeowner’s Insurance. Please consult your insurance company. Photos are for illustrative purposes only and may
Adorable Chocolate (ID A631493) is a 2-year-old Guinea pig who is sweet, doesn’t mind being held and loves fresh peppers and apple slices! He is very vocal and happy when he gets these. He is good with kids ages 3 and up and looking for a family to spoil him.
A BIGGER, A BETTER YOU BETTER in 2019! in 2020!
If you would like to meet a pet, please visit www.humanebroward.com and click on the banner that says covid 19 update adoptions and essential services (the banners rotate). There you will find an application for adoption and other pertinent information. Complete the application (even if you have adopted before) and submit it. Adoptions are being done by appointment only now. The shelter’s vaccine clinic remains open Monday — Friday 9 AM — 2 PM, no appointment necessary, credit cards only. Be sure to wear a face mask.
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