SFGN 7/9/20 V11iss27

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july 9, 2020 vol. 11 // issue 27



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Bree Black. Photo via Facebook.

shooter was on foot or in a car, if Black and the shooter knew each other, or if she was specifically targeted for any reason, including being transgender. “There’s nothing indicating an exact motive,” Tutler said. During the press conference, BSO used female pronouns and her preferred name, Bree Black. She also went by the nickname Nuk, according to Tatiana Williams, the co-founder and executive director of TransInclusive Group, and she sometimes used they/them pronouns. Williams was a part of the press conference and has been in touch with Black’s family. She said that although she did not ask about what they thought the motive was, no one brought it up with her. Right now, they are focused on “figuring out what they want to do,” she said. “I was more concerned about what it is

that they would need from a community perspective and how we wanted to present Bree,” she said. Williams added the family wants to plan a vigil or memorial for her and details will be released soon. Black’s death is a part of an epidemic of crimes against transgender people, particularly black transgender women. According to the Transgender Law Center, she is one of six black transgender women found dead in the last week. She is the 21st transgender person killed this year, compared to the at least 27 total killed in 2019, according to the Human Rights Campaign. Compass in Lake Worth addressed Black’s death on Facebook, saying “These senseless acts of violence continue to plague of transgender community of color at disproportional rates.”

If you have information about Bree Black’s death, contact Det. Louis Bonhomme at 954-321-4377. To remain anonymous, contact Broward x Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS (8477) or browardcrimestoppers.org.

Associated Press • 7.9. 20 20


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COVER: A group of guests pose together on Pompano Beach during the unofficial proclamation of “Stonewall Beach.” Photo credit: J.R. Davis. To see many more photos, visit SFGN on Facebook.


Publisher • Norm Kent




2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943


Christiana Lilly transgender woman was shot and killed in Pompano Beach July 3, and the Broward Sheriff’s Office is asking any eyewitnesses to come forward to help solve her murder. Bree Black, 27, was killed Friday at 10:18 p.m. by 244 NW 12th St. in Pompano Beach, close to her home. While hundreds of people were in the street when police arrived, Homicide Sgt. Bryan Tutler said that law enforcement has little to go on right now. “The witness accounts that we have are very basic and they’re coming from most people who got involved after the shooting, not people who saw the [crime] unfortunately,” he said in a press conference Monday. Tutler, who was not at the scene, said that a lot of people were outside at the time of the shooting because of the Fourth of July weekend. By the time police arrived at the scene, Black was already dead and hundreds of people were congregating in the streets and sidewalk. However, no one has come forward with details about the shooting. Law enforcement doesn’t know if the


July 9, 2020 • Volume 11 • Issue 27

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SFGN Winner of & 5 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for

NLGJA Journalist of the Year SOUTH FLORIDA GAY NEWS.COM, INC. — — FOUNDED, DECEMBER, 2009 BY PIER GUIDUGLI AND NORM KENT South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2020 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

7.9. 20 20 •





ntensive care units in South Florida are filling up with coronavirus patients as hospital admissions push relentlessly upward.

Memorial Hospital West in Pembroke Pines officer of Memorial Healthcare System. “We reported only two of 40 adult ICU beds left have instituted tents outside the emergency Tuesday, according to state records. Memorial departments of our hospitals to triage patients Hospital Miramar reported none available, who have symptoms.” with all 18 occupied. At Broward Health North Dr. Mary Jo Trepka, chairwoman of in Deerfield Beach, just one of 32 beds was the Epidemiology Department of Florida available. Baptist Hospital of Miami reported International University, said the issues of bed only six beds of 88 remaining. capacity and staffing were “very concerning” Gov. Ron DeSantis, said hospitals across as the virus continues to surge through the the state had “abundant capacity,” but he and state. his agencies have yet to publicly reveal how “I think the numbers are going to continue many hospital beds are occupied by COVID-19 to be really high for the next couple of weeks,” patients. Instead, the state has released only said Trepka, who has studied hospitalizations the broader number of patients hospitalized from coronavirus in South Florida. “So I think for all causes. we’re going to see more hospitalizations going A spokeswoman for the governor had forward over the next couple weeks.” promised the information would be made “They do seem to have additional capacity public, but at a news conference Tuesday in in terms of backup. For example, they can Miami the governor ducked a question on why take ventilators from operating rooms and this still hasn’t been done. He repurpose them,” she said. said the state had made plenty of “But there are other issues, like data available. staffing. Not everybody knows OF THE 23 “If you look, this report is how to use a ventilator.” HOSPITALS something that you get — I get it Concerned that additional REPORTING every day from the Department coronavirus patients could of Health,” he said, holding IN BROWARD overwhelm strained resources up the state’s daily public and staff, hospitals are taking COUNTY, COVID-19 report. “Obviously not steps to free up space and everything is presented in this staffers’ time. SEVEN report, but just an unbelievable Memorial, which had already REPORTED amount of data that’s available cut back on elective surgeries, ICUS AT 90% announced Tuesday it would for folks.” The ICU situation across South CAPACITY OR stop all “elective, non-urgent and Florida was not completely dire, non-emergency procedures,” MORE. since many hospitals retained starting Wednesday. Emergency significant numbers of beds. surgeries and outpatient But the trend has been steadily upward, and diagnostic procedures would continue. hospitals are taking steps to free up beds About 100 nurses and other medical and prepare for even greater strains from the personnel will be sent by the state to Jackson soaring numbers of new cases reported over Health to help Miami’s public hospital system the past two weeks. Memorial, for example, cope with the surge of coronavirus cases. converted an auditorium and other interior DeSantis announced the decision Tuesday spaces to patient care areas. at a news conference in Miami, as the state “We are actively extending capacity in posted another 7,347 cases and the highest a safe, effective manner to respond to this positivity rate — 20.8% — since the beginning pandemic,” said Stanley Marks, chief medical of the epidemic.


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Staff members at Broward Health Medical Center stand together to share a message. Photo via Broward Health, Facebook.

“I think that will be something that will be very useful for them as they continue to deal not only with COVID patients, but also nonCOVID patients,” DeSantis said. “So we’re happy to be able to be supportive, and we’re standing by to do more as circumstances warrant.” Jackson Memorial Hospital, the system’s largest institution, has seen its resources stressed during the surge in COVID-19 cases, with the percentage of available intensive care beds falling to 9% Tuesday, according to state records. Jackson has stopped performing nonurgent procedures to free up space. Don Steigman, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Jackson Health System, said the additional 100 professionals would address the system’s most important issue, which wasn’t capacity. “Our biggest challenge is staffing,” he said. The hospital system said most of the nurses will be able to treat patients in the ICU. “Jackson has been aggressively hiring to keep up with the demand, but staffing has become a top challenge,” the health system said in a written statement. “We have hired more than 80 nurses in the last two weeks, who we expect will be on board, trained, and seeing patients within 30 days.” Of the 23 hospitals reporting in Broward County, seven reported ICUs at 90% capacity or more. Of the 17 reporting in Palm Beach County, there were two. Of the 34 reporting in Miami-Dade County, there were 10.

Although individual hospitals may be running out of ICU beds, South Florida counties retain a safety margin. Broward has 15% of beds available, with Memorial Regional, one of the largest hospitals, retaining 21 open beds of 56 total. Miami-Dade has 16%, with Mt. Sinai Medical Center of Miami Beach still retaining 38 open ICU beds of 109. The situation is more favorable in Palm Beach County, where 24% of 432 beds remain open. But even in Palm Beach County, the trend in coronavirus use remains upward. The percentage of ICU beds occupied by coronavirus patients rose from 18% two weeks ago to 29% on Monday, according to records from Palm Beach County. Baptist Health is another group experiencing strain on its South Florida hospitals, with several ICUs at 90% to 100% capacity. A spokesman for Baptist Health said its hospitals have made plans to increase capacity if needed. “We have seen the number of patients seeking care related to COVID-19 continue to increase, and our hospitals are very busy,” said David Zarco, spokesman for Baptist Health South Florida. “Some of our hospitals are at full or nearly full capacity, as reported to the state each day. We have surge plans in place that allow us to increase our bed capacity; and with 10 hospitals in our system, we have the ability to move patients and staff across our organization to help manage our volume.”




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lorida Representative Shevrin Jones disclosed to the public on Wednesday that he had tested positive for the coronavirus. “Transparent Moment: For those who think it’s a game, it’s not, I have tested positive for Covid. I feel awful, and I don’t wish this on anyone,” Jones tweeted. Jones came out as gay in 2018. The 36-yearold school teacher is campaigning to be Florida’s first elected Black gay Senator. Jones has represented parts of Broward and MiamiDade Counties in Tallahassee for four terms. He told the Sun Sentinel he has asthma and tested positive for COVID-19 after showing multiple symptoms. Support poured in following Jones’ disclosure. “Hey Shev, get well soon. Get lots of rest,” Jimmy Patronis, Florida’s Chief Financial Officer tweeted.


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Rep. Shevrin Jones. Photo via Facebook.

“Sending you love, Rep! Get well soon!” tweeted Pulse survivor and political activist Brandon Wolf.


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HOW TO MAKE SURE YOUR ESTATE LEAVES A LEGACY Our Fund promises to protect your donations, even after you’re gone Christiana Lilly


or charities big and small, every dollar counts. And recently, the Our Fund Foundation received three legacy gifts totaling almost $10 million.

The donors — Kay Maunsbach, Frederick Emery and James Laird — were three long-time supporters of the South Florida LGBTQ+ community foundation who wrote the nonprofit into their will, continuing their support even after their death. “For people who have supported LGBT causes through their lifetime, to be able to do that when they’re no longer here and have a vehicle like Our Fund … I think it has to be really comforting for people to know that what they’re leaving behind is in such good hands,” said David Jobin, the president and CEO of the Our Fund Foundation. Nicknamed the Stonewall Generation, by 2030 there will be about 7 million LGBT people older than 50, according to SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders). With many LGBT people not having heirs, leaving their assets to an organization or charity that is important to them is a great option. But for Miami attorney Liz Schwartz, clients

don’t ask about estate giving often enough. “Sometimes I see people straining to come up with the names of their distant family members to leave their assets to, and it’s so wonderful when they think about the meaningful nonprofit organizations and causes whose work they want to endow for the future,” she said in an email. If one does not have a will, it is up to the state to distribute the funds. Within the LGBT community, where many do not have beneficiaries or might be estranged from family members, their assets could go to places they wouldn’t approve of. “It’s important to have a will so the money goes to where you want it to,” said Jeffrey Selzer, a Fort Lauderdale attorney. To draft a will or a trust, one will sit with their attorney to determine who and what will receive money upon their death. The charity can be the beneficiary of a specific amount or an account, like the balance of

Kay Maunsbach, Frederick Emery and James Laird, the three donors who wrote the Our Fund Foundation into their wills. Photos via the Our Fund Foundation, Facebook.


• 7.9. 20 20

David Jobin, president and CEO of the Our Fund Foundation, speaking at the 2020 South Florida Philanthropy Awards, which honors their most generous philanthropists of the year. Photo via Our Fund Foundation, Facebook.

a retirement or investment account. The “Think about the impact you can make donor can also be as specific as they want on the organizations which have made an by writing a letter of intent, requesting that impact on your life and those you love,” the money go to a specific program or even Schwartz said. “The current administration create a new scholarship. has gutted protections for For example, Selzer said he the most vulnerable among “THINK ABOUT has a client whom he helped us and the current occupant draft a trust and letter of intent THE IMPACT YOU of the White House has now for her money to be used for a appointed 200 judges, and CAN MAKE ON THE they serve for life. Supporting college scholarship for lesbian veterans. Together, they wrote ORGANIZATIONS the next generation of our up a mission statement and advocates and activists will be WHICH HAVE details on how she wanted essential to continue fighting the scholarship to be handled. MADE AN IMPACT for full, lived equality.” When she dies, it can be But remember, for charities, ON YOUR LIFE distributed to universities for every dollar counts. Anyone AND THOSE YOU can write a charity into the will students to apply. For those concerned about or trust, not just the wealthy. LOVE.” privacy, Selzer noted that Jobin said, “The fact is - Liz Schwartz trusts are considered private whether it’s the sale of your MIAMI ATTORNEY documents, even ones filed condo or your company, you’re through the courts. People can going to leave something also request in their letter of intent to make behind, and how thoughtful do you want to the donation anonymous. be about that?”




or July, both the South Florida Symphony Orchestra and Stonewall National Museum & Archives are offering events to the public that will feature music, movies, and conversations with writers.

STONEWALL NATIONAL MUSEUM & ARCHIVES According to the Stonewall National Museum & Archives’ website, SNMA presents an ongoing 12-month schedule of exhibitions on LGBT themes and public programs, including author presentations, films, panel discussions, and collaborative events at its museum and library in South Florida and in cities across the U.S. Below is the Stonewall National Museum & Archives’ schedule: THURSDAY, JULY 9 AT 6:30 P.M. ZOOM CONVERSATION WITH WRITER AND CURATOR HUGH RYAN

Hugh will be in conversation with SNMA Executive Director Hunter O’Hanian about his book, “When Brooklyn Was Queer.” Not only has Brooklyn always lived in the shadow of queer Manhattan neighborhoods like Greenwich Village and Harlem, but there has also been a systematic erasure of its queer history — a great forgetting. When Brooklyn Was Queer explores the LGBT history of Brooklyn, from the early days of Walt Whitman in the 1850s up through the women who worked at the Brooklyn Navy Yard during World War II, and beyond. The event is free and open to the public. Upon registration, a link and password will be emailed to you. TUESDAY, JULY 14 AT 6:30 P.M. ZOOM CONVERSATION WITH ARTIST, ACTIVIST AND WRITER AVRAM FINKELSTEIN.

Finkelstein will present from his book, “After Silence: A History of AIDS Through Its Images,” and take part in a conversation with SNMA Executive Director Hunter O’Hanian. Early in the 1980s AIDS epidemic, six gay activists created one of the most iconic images that would come to symbolize a movement: a protest poster of a pink triangle with the words “Silence = Death.” The graphic and the slogan still resonate today, often used — and misused — to brand the entire movement. As a co-founder of the Silence = Death and Gran Fury collectives, Finkelstein shares behind-the-scenes stories about art and activism, the formation of collectives, the political process, and tactical practices, offering fresh insights into the history of HIV/ AIDS and a toolbox to help future generations develop new strategies for making life-saving art. “After Silence: A History of AIDS Through its Images” is a personal account intended to open space for the many counter-narratives of HIV/AIDS that fall in the shadows of how we talk about it, and considers the political meanings of the way histories are constructed. The event is free and open to the public. Register online. Upon registration, a link and password will be emailed to you.

Sofiya Uryvayeva at the Martin Concert Hall. Courtesy photo.

SOUTH FLORIDA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA South Florida Symphony, led by Maestra Sebrina María Alfonso, keeps the music playing by bringing the music to the community via Facebook and YouTube with its Intermission Music Series, featuring livestream recital concerts, movie watch parties and more. Below is the Intermission Music Series’ schedule:

Dr. Cunningham and his office are available for your needs during this crisis. Please call or email at OPdental@aol.com


Martin returns to the Intermission Music Series with her second installment of “The Music You Love.” Enjoy masterpieces such as the Albonini Adagio, a controversial work that’s wildly familiar for its frequent use in film scores; a haunting melody from the Italian Renaissance, Ave Maria; Addinsell’s Warsaw Concerto, written for the 1941 World War II love story film Dangerous Moonlight; and a medley of works from some of the greatest classical composers all time: Rachmaninoff, Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky and more. Experience the magic of passion, and raw emotions of joy, sorrow, delight and love. Sofiya will join the watch party and share her insights on the moving music — including two of the greatest mysteries in musical history. SATURDAY, JULY 18 AT 8 P.M. MOVIE WATCH PARTY: “IMAGINE BEING A CONCERT PIANIST” FREE ON FACEBOOK AND SFSO’S WEBSITE

“Imagine: Being a Concert Pianist” gets under the lid of this extreme form of musicianship. Celebrated pianists Yevgeny Kissin, Vladimir Ashkenazy and Chinese wunderkind Lang Lang, talk intimately about their lives, work and motivation. This 58-minute BBC documentary gives a frank and personal perspective on a profession for which the only real qualification is genius, richly illustrated with specially recorded rehearsal and performance. 7.9. 20 20 •





.K. Rowling, who is the author of the Harry Potter series, continues to defend her anti-trans beliefs. This week she compared hormone therapy to conversion therapy.

But it all started on June 10, in an essay she Many people reacted negatively to her titled “TERF Wars,” where Rowling explained response. why she decided to speak out on sex and One person wrote: “What the actual fuck? gender issues. She lists five reasons, which This is so disgraceful. Of all the hills to die include that by using inclusive language that on, and for what reason? Trans women calls females “menstruators” and “people are women and they are fighting for their with vulvas,” it strikes many lives. When you push this women as “dehumanizing and trans exclusionary agenda, you demeaning.” “I haven’t had a make their lives infinitely more “I understand why trans difficult. Shame on you.” menstrual cycle activists consider this language Clue, a period tracking app, to be appropriate and kind, since early high explained the reason for using but for those of us who’ve had inclusive language: “Using nonschool, and I’m degrading slurs spat at us by gendered language is about violent men, it’s not neutral, moving beyond the idea that 21. I guess I’m it’s hostile and alienating,” woman = uterus. Feminists not a woman Rowling writes in the essay. were once mocked for wanting anymore?” Rowling wrote the essay to change sexist language, after she received backlash to but it’s now common to say a Twitter post days earlier on firefighter instead of fireman. - @royallyqueer TWITTER June 6. She linked to an article It seems awkward right now to titled “Opinion: Creating a say ‘people who menstruate’ more equal post-COVID-19 for but this is just like changing people who menstruate,” and responded other biased language. Menstruation is a with “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure biological function; not a ‘woman thing.’ It’s there used to be a word for those people. unnecessary to gender body parts and doing Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? so can restrict healthcare access for those Woomud?” who need it.”


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Author J.K. Rowling reads from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone at the White House in 2010. Screenshot taken from official White House video, courtesy of The White House.

One person on Twitter noted: “That’s interesting, because I have endometriosis and an IUD in place to treat it, and therefore, I no longer menstruate. I haven’t had a menstrual cycle since early high school, and I’m 21. I guess I’m not a woman anymore?” Meanwhile many of the actors in the Harry Potter film series chastised Rowling and defended the trans community. Daniel Radcliffe, who played Harry Potter in the series, responded in a blog post on The Trevor Project to Rowling’s tweet stating “Transgender women are women.” He also wrote, “Any statement to the contrary erases the identity and dignity of transgender people and goes against all advice given by professional health care associations who have far more expertise on this subject matter than either [J.K. Rowling] or I.” However, this did little to change Rowling’s mind. In her essay, another reason

she lists is for the fear of girls and women being attacked. She writes: “I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe. When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman – and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones – then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth.” However, there is no evidence that supports her argument. In fact, according to a study conducted in 2018, it found that “reports of privacy and safety violations in public restrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms are exceedingly rare. This study provides evidence that fears of increased safety and privacy violations as a result of nondiscrimination laws are not empirically grounded.”

NEWS INTERNATIONAL Rowling also claimed that young people to talk to transgender men and women to who are struggling with their mental health truly understand them,” Sparrer said in a are being “shunted towards” hormones press release. “We hope she will reflect and and surgery that “may not be in their best change her thinking accordingly.” interests,” on July 5 on Twitter. Bospar released a study for Pride, and “Many, myself included, believe we are it shows that from June 10 to June 12, over watching a new kind of conversion therapy 1,000 Americans: for young gay people, who are being set on a lifelong path of medicalization that may • 80.4% do not care about their result in the loss of their fertility and/or full coworker’s gender expression sexual function,” Rowling tweeted. Her tweet was in response to a user called • 78.1% believe trans people should TrinerScot who called out the author for be equal to non-trans people “liking” a post by user Manaxium that read: “Yes they are sometimes necessary and • 68.7% believe trans people are lifesaving, but they should be a last resort equal to non-trans people - not the first option. Pure laziness for those who would It also says although the rather medicate than put in the Trump administration finalized “These results time and effort to heal people’s a rule that would remove show the minds.” nondiscrimination protections TrinerScot then posted, LGBT people in health care American public is for “Who had money on JK and health insurance, Bospar’s Rowling pivoting to supporting not behind rolling research shows that majorities those who call people who of both Democrats (88.5%) and back rights for take mental health medication Republicans (67.3%) believe ‘lazy’? I take daily medication the transgender trans people should be equal to function, this sentiment is to cisgender people, as stated community.” beyond offensive, it is actively in a press release. It also says harmful to millions.” majorities of Democrats (83.2%) - Tom Carpenter This caused her to post an and Republicans (73.5%) say BOSPAR PRINCIPAL 11-tweet rant starting with “I’ve they don’t care about their ignored fake tweets attributed coworker’s gender expression. to me and RTed widely. I’ve ignored porn “These results show the American public tweeted at children on a thread about their is not behind rolling back rights for the art. I’ve ignored death and rape threats. I’m transgender community, as we are seeing not going to ignore this.” right now from the Trump administration Many people are worried about Rowling’s during Pride Month,” said Bospar Principal beliefs about gender identity and sex, Tom Carpenter in a press release. “Just this including Bospar Principal Curtis Sparrer. week we saw health protections reversed, “We are hoping the author stops maligning and it’s clear this will not be the last fight to the transgender community with her wrong- face. It’s nice to see the American public is on headed words and ideas and takes the time the right side of history.”

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“Transgender women are women. Any statement to the contrary erases the identity and dignity of transgender people and goes against all advice given by professional health care associations who have far more expertise on this subject matter than either [J.K. Rowling] or I.” - Daniel Radcliffe


Daniel Radcliffe. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore.

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Kim Swan


ix Black transgender women have been dead in the past two weeks. Three of them during Pride Month.

Brayla Stone, 17, was found dead in a car on a walking path in the Little Rock suburb of Sherwood, Arkansas June 25, and a person on social media later claimed they were paid five thousand dollars to kill her. According to The Arkansas DemocratGazette, Sherwood police on July 2 arrested Trevone Miller, 18, for the murder of Stone. The article also says that before the arrest a spokesman for the Sherwood police wrote in an email that “at this time we do not have any indication or evidence” as to whether the crime was motivated by hate or bias. At the time, he said he could not release a cause of death. On June 30, Merci Mack, 22, was found shot to death at an apartment complex in Dallas, according to local authorities. A passerby

found her unconscious in the parking lot of the complex and she was later pronounced dead by Dallas Fire-Rescue. Bree Black, 27, was also shot to death on July 3, according to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office. According to the report, at approximately 10:18 p.m., Broward County Regional Communications received a call in regard to a shooting at 244 N.W. 12th Street in Pompano Beach. She was pronounced deceased at approximately 10:28 p.m. The suspect is at large. BSO is asking any eyewitnesses to come forward to help solve Black’s murder since they have very little to go on, according to Homicide Sgt. Bryan Tutler. “The witness accounts that we have are very basic and they’re coming from most people

From Top Left: Bree Black (BSO’s website), Merci Mack (Equality Texas FB), & Draya McCarty (Dallas Voice website). Bottom Left: Brayla Stone (change.org), Shaki Peters (Dallas Voice website), & Tatiana Hall (FB).

who got involved after the shooting, not people who saw the [crime] unfortunately,” he said in a press conference Monday. Another Black trans woman, Shaki Peters, was found dead off of a road near the town of Amite City, Louisiana, on July 1 according to information from the St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s Office. She was 32. Sheriff’s officials said they were looking into a person of interest from another parish in the case of Peters’ death, but have made no arrests. In a statement on July 4, Louisiana Trans Advocates said that another trans woman was also found dead in Baton Rouge days earlier. Draya McCarty’s death has not been ruled a homicide, but no information has been made public about her death by local law enforcement agencies. According to CG Spectrum on Facebook, McCarty was also 32 years old.


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Very little information has been reported regarding 22-year-old Tatiana Hall’s death. In fact, people have said that the reason could be that the media and police are deadnaming her. According to ttimenetwork on Instagram, her body was found in Philadelphia, not New Jersey. Transgender Law Center has also tweeted the victims names.


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he Board of Directors of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council elected G. Joseph Garcia, 39, as the chair of the organization’s Foundation.

As part of his responsibilities, Garcia will oversee the Daniel S. Hall Social Justice Awards program, which grants annual college scholarships to college-bound high school seniors in recognition of their advocacy on behalf of the LGBT community. He will work closely with PBCHRC Board Member Jasmin Lewis, a teacher at Palm Beach Gardens High School who heads the Foundation’s Social Justice Awards Committee. “I am proud of this opportunity to help give back to Palm Beach County’s LGBTQ+ community,” said Garcia in a media release. “I look forward to developing additional programs for the PBCHRC Foundation.” “The Board is very pleased that Joseph will be at the helm of our organization,” said PBCHRC Foundation President Rand Hoch in a media release. “His election as chair underscores the leadership skills, creativity and passion he brings to the Foundation.” Garcia, who is a Wellington resident, was born in Cuba and grew up in South Florida, according to his profile on the PBCHRC website. He received a dual degree from Florida State University — a B.A. in multinational business operations and a B.S. in marketing. He has 15 years of experience in the luxury hospitality and travel industries, working for some of the world’s most recognizable brands including the Ritz-Carlton, Royal Caribbean, and Four Seasons Hotels. While working in destination services at Discover The Palm Beaches, Garcia developed and launched the organization’s LGBTQ+ Advisory Board and was instrumental in establishing what will be the first LGBTQ+ visitor information center in Palm Beach County, as




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G. Joseph Garcia (right) with Dan Hall (left). Photo via PBCHRC Facebook.

stated in the same media release. The release also states that Garcia was widely recognized for his community involvement, and was selected to serve as a member of the South Florida Fair “Beyond the Fair - Class of 2021” for young professionals throughout South Florida. He is also serving his second year on the host committee for Stonewall Ball, the largest annual LGBT fundraiser in the county. The annual event benefits Compass, the LGBT community center serving Palm Beach County. The Foundation presents Daniel S. Hall Social Justice Award scholarships to local college-bound high school seniors, according to its website. The scholarships are awarded to applicants who have experience in advocacy on behalf of the LGBT community. This year, the winners Endora Guillaume, Kyle Ahern, and Theo Shusterman, were awarded $2,500 each. “[This] award provides financial assistance to LGBTQA high school seniors that have desires to continue their education and fight for social justice change,” said Jasmine K. Lewis, chairman of the scholarship program.

“Many LGBTQ+ students often face unique challenges in their personal lives and academia; funding their continued education shouldn’t be one of them. By having access to scholarships and other financial opportunities, LGBTQ+ students can better shape cultural progress.” The PBCHRC Charitable Foundation is an affiliate of PBCHRC, Florida’s oldest, independent, non-partisan, political organization dedicated to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. PBCHRC’s Board of Directors voted to establish the Foundation to fund educational scholarships and other charitable endeavors. Because of Integrity Palm Beach and a few longtime supporters, the Foundation was funded, according to PBCHRC. All funding for the Daniel S. Hall Social Justice Awards, as well as contributions to nonprofit organizations such as the First Amendment Foundation, The National LGBTBar Association and Foundation, ACLU Florida, SAVE, Lavender Law, and ADL Florida will be made from the Foundation.

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OVID-19 has put a stop to most events and gatherings in South Florida. However, there are several businesses and organizations that are moving forward by doing business as normal virtually. Aqua Foundation for Women held its 8th annual Ally Awards online for free via Zoom. The event took place on June 25.

“This year we honored three Miami Dade County Commissioners who were at the forefront of approving the first ever LGBTQ Advisory Board at the county level,” said Grace C. Lopez, CEO of Aqua Foundation. “These commissioners like many others were champions for the fight for equality.” In the beginning, Aqua was the brainchild of Alicia Apfel who believed that South Florida deserved an organization for This year’s honorees are (from left to right) Commissioner for District 5 Eileen Higgins, Chairwoman Audrey M. Edmonson from District three and and by LBT women. Apfel gathered local lesbian leaders to Commissioner Barbara J. Jordan from District One. Photos via Facebook. create the Women’s Fund in 2004. Amongst her recruits were Cindy Brown, Vivian La Madrid, Elizabeth Schwartz, Robin Schwartz and Martha neighborhoods like the Roads, Silver Bluff, equal rights, representation and recognition, no matter how Sternberg as the original board members. and Shenandoah-alongside Little Havana and they identify.” Three years later, the organization changed west Flagler to the north. Lastly Commissioner Barbara J. Jordan from District 1 is its name to Aqua Foundation for Women. Chairwoman Audrey M. Edmonson from the third recipient of the Ally Awards. Jordan was born in Throughout the years Aqua has provided District 3 is another award recipient. New York, but raised in South Miami Dade, she represents programming that supports an array of issues Edmonson was elected to serve to a two- cities like Opa-Locka and Miami Gardens, in addition to the that are important to LBT women in South year term as Chairwoman of the Miami-Dade unincorporated communities that include California Club, Florida. Their sole mission is to serve and County Commission on December 4, 2018. Ives estates and Country Club Lakes. Throughout her role, support the lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Her territory includes Liberty City, Little Haiti, she has been a leader in the areas of affordable housing, community in South Florida through grants, Overtown, the Upper East Side, Edgewater, small business development, children and senior programs, scholarships, and initiatives. Buena Vista, Wynwood, San Marco Island, and and restoration of the historic Opa-Locka City Hall. Last year, Aqua honored Pauline Green, Watson Island. In October of 2019, Miami-Dade County created its Roger Thompson, and Jim Tyrrell. This “It is an honor to be recognized for my first LGBTQ Advisory Board and the aforementioned year Aqua is honoring Commissioner for work. Since joining the Miami-Dade County commissioners along with many others helped to make this District 5 Eileen Higgins. She has a proven Commission, I have built a solid record of a reality. - Audrey M. Edmonson track record of assisting residents and local support for the LGBTQ agenda and have “It’s important to have prominent organizations that CHAIRWOMAN, DISTRICT 3 organizations tackle the pressing issues sponsored several pieces of legislation for represent our residents and advocate for them. Aqua facing our community. During her time as the cause. I was pleased to share this award supports the LGBTQ community with grants, scholarships, County Commissioner, Higgins has been a strong advocate with my colleagues, Commissioners Jordan and Higgins. and other financial initiatives that support and enrich this for local and small businesses alike. Some of the issues that My colleagues and I have fought long and hard against community. They play a vital role in keeping the spotlight she has advocated for transpiration solutions, championed discrimination in housing, public accommodations, and bright and focused on the many issues faced by the LGBTQ affordable housing, assisted Flagler St. businesses that employment on the basis of sexual orientation, gender community, especially women,” Edmondson said. “While were suffering through endless construction recover, in identity and gender expression,” Edmonson said. “My elected officials come and go, organizations like Aqua are addition to defending our environment and the ever growing support of the LGBTQ community has been steadfast much needed anchors to ensure that we continue the work to green space. Elected June 19, 2018, she represents parts of because I take pride in the diverse and inclusive community address these issues and celebrate the LGBTQ community.” Miami Beach, downtown, and Brickell as well as Coral Way we have here in Miami-Dade County. Everyone deserves



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DAILY TRACKING OF COVID-19 IN SOUTH FLORIDA Sean McShee Daily Average by Week of new COVID-19 Cases: in 3 south Florida Counties

Daily Average by Week of new COVID-19 Cases: in 3 south Florida Counties



926 790


410 280 136 94 37 3/22

154 78 4/5


136 94 37 3/22

154 78 4/5



75 5/3

64 5/17

117 68 4/19


Palm Beach





75 5/3

89 5/31


Palm Beach


492 210

64 5/17

926 790

89 5/31

280 Source: Florida Dept. of Health. 190 173 117 68 4/19









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1164 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 201 Oakland Park, FL 33334 Dr. Amin and Dr. Macek are double board certified in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine by the American Board of Anesthesiology. Both physicians are fellowship trained in Pain Medicine at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle, the birthplace and leading program of modern pain management in the United States.


Anthony Kulp, the organizer behind “Stonewall Beach.” Photo credit: J.R. Davis. To see many more photos, visit SFGN on Facebook.








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group of Pompano Beach residents gathered together on June 28 to raise the rainbow flag on the beach and unofficially proclaim a section of it as Stonewall Beach. The event was organized by Anthony Kulp, a resident of the city who lives in Palm Aire Country Club. He chose June 28 because it was the first day of the Stonewall Riots in 1969, which is known as the beginning of the modern LGBT rights movement in the U.S. “We no longer have to hide in the shadows or make up secret names for places to meet in public. This beach area is to honor the people who risked it all for us,” Kulp said during the ceremony. “The name Stonewall will always be synonymous with the gay movement. Stonewall Beach will be a place for all to come and celebrate our differences whether lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or straight.” Kulp said Sebastian Beach in Fort Lauderdale, which is known unofficially as the main gay beach in Broward County, keeps “losing more and more parking.” “A lot of gay people have moved up here to Pompano,” said Kulp, who is a local realtor. “If you arrive at 11 a.m., no parking,” he added. So Kulp wanted to declare a portion of Pompano Beach as its gay beach in order to give LGBT people another beach to visit and play on. Kulp said Palm Aire Country Club has been attracting gays to the area for “a long time.” When Kulp noticed there were so many gay people living in the community he decided to start the Palm Aire Social, which was attracting 250 people a month before

the pandemic hit. Instead of choosing an out of the way area as the new “gay” section Kulp chose a spot next to the pier. “It’s really an outstanding beach,” he said.
He noted the new gay section is close to parking, showers, bathrooms and restaurants. “I wanted to pick a spot close to everything,” he said. “We don’t need to hide at the end of the beach.” Michael Gillespie attended the ceremony. He recently moved from New York, and now lives in Palm Aire. “Stonewall Beach is conveniently located, and a place for members of the community to gather together,” he said. “Anthony worked very hard for the LGBT community, and we want to say thank you for his dedication.” 
 For now there won’t be any other events planned until it’s safe to do so again. But even so Kulp is confident the new Stonewall Beach will start attracting gay people soon. “I think this is going to take off,” Kulp said.

The declared location of the gay beach.

Visit bit.ly/2O6mn6p to learn more or to join the Stonewall Beach Facebook group.


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WMG Volume 7 • Issue 13 July 9, 2020



COVID-19 Skyrockets in Oakland Park Up to 343 Cases By Jason Parsley “As of yesterday we have been advised As COVID-19 cases have skyrocketed across the state in the last month, that with the increase in numbers our Oakland Park has seen its own numbers biggest concern is we do not have the hospital staff to continue to support the dramatically rise. “It’s with great concern that I hear the number of increasing cases,” Sparks said. reported number of cases of COVID-19 “The State is receiving Federal support significantly increased to 343. We continue by the way of 1,500 additional nurses but that is 1,500 for the entire to educate our residents on State.” the need to consistently Over the past 30 days social distance and wear the number of cases has their masks,” said Tim tripled in the city. Lonergan, Oakland Park At the end of May new City Commissioner. “This weekly cases in Oakland is the temporary new Park had slowed to a normal, for the long-term, trickle. Now they’re on the until the pandemic is rise again. under control.” “Until we all respect the As of Tuesday, according severity of the situation to the Florida Department at hand and consider our of Health, the total number individual actions on the of cases in Oakland Park health and well-being of now stands at 343. A week ourselves and others, we ago that number stood at continue to risk passing on 227 – more than a 50% - Matthew Sparks the virus and requiring the increase. MAYOR OF OAKLAND PARK potential need for another “We are pleading with shut-down,” Lonergan the public at this point, if we can’t reduce the spread we will be said. As Broward County and the rest of forced to return to a more restrictive phase 1,” said the Mayor of Oakland the state have reopened, Florida has set Park, Matthew Sparks. “I believe we will multiple records for the number of daily see another Emergency Order from the coronavirus cases in the last 30 days. “When visiting and supporting our County on Wednesday.” Sparks said he participates in a weekly local businesses, I ask our residents to phone call with the mayors of other please be sure to adhere to the safety Broward County municipalities and guidelines,” Lonergan said. “Please they’re worried about how the increase don’t put them at risk of being fined and in COVID-19 caes will impact the local temporarily closed.” According to FDOH as of Tuesday, hospitals.


A volunteer for the City of Oakland Park helping with a food distribution several months ago during the first wave of the COVID-19 crisis. Photo credit: Carina Mask.

22,595 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Broward County, almost triple the number from 30 days ago. In Fort Lauderdale there have been 4,971 up from 1,784, 30 days ago. Next door in Wilton Manors, meanwhile, has seen a more moderate rise in cases from 30 days ago, 159 today, compared to 118, 30 days ago. There are 213,794 confirmed cases in Florida, more than 3 million in the U.S., and globally more than 11.8 million. So far there

have been 3,841 deaths in Florida, 133,000 in the U.S. and globally more than 543,000. “The public must be vigilant in following the CDC Guidelines, mask up, socially distance, and wash your hands,” Sparks said. “It is a reality that you are safer at home.” WMG Visit Facebook.com/groups/ WMGazette to join the Gazette’s community Facebook page.

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Where Does the Buck Stop?

July 9, 2020 • Volume 7 • Issue 13 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

By Sal Torre  SFGN file photo.

I have long given up hope that the current occupant of the White House would climb the stairs to the attic, dig out Truman’s old desk sign, and finally take some responsibility for the mess our world has become. “The Buck Stops Here” has been taught throughout the years in American History classes to school children. We have grown up expecting that our leaders and those in a position of power have a duty and a responsibility to take direct responsibility and not look to pass the blame unto others. However, my thoughts on where the buck should stop did not originate from the daily blame game that has become the norm of this current presidency. My thoughts on this topic are much more local and have to do with the recent article published in the Wilton Manors Gazette, written by Sallie James, having to do with our local elections and residency requirements. Sallie’s excellent article deals with the false claims of residency by City Commission candidate Joseph Sansone. Inquiries made by the reporter to both Wilton Manors City Clerk’s Office and to the Broward Board of Elections made it clear that there are no plaques stating “The Buck Stops Here” on any of the desks in these two offices. It appears that city staff blindly accept all qualifying papers as long as they are signed and dated, without any interest as to what is stated within. Just doesn’t sound right now, does it? Why have forms where nobody actually verifies the accuracy of the information? The more you think about it, the more it gets under your skin, especially if you are one of the other candidates who does everything correctly and abides by the “rules.” Not being able to wrap my head around all this, I made inquiries myself. Certainly, some piece of this puzzle was missing. It now appears that this seasoned veteran of city facts and tidbits has still much to learn and can still be shocked by the news from our City Hall. According to our City Clerk, their office serves just an administrative function of

Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com Webmaster • Kimberly Swan wemaster@sfgn.com


Art Director • Brendon Lies artwork@sfgn.com News Editor • Sallie James


Sal Torre • James Oaksun

Staff Photographers

J.R. Davis • Carina Mask • Steven Shires

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Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com

accepting and publishing the candidates’ forms. It is not their job to validate if a candidate qualifies or has given truthful information or not. WOW! That is shocking to me. In the case of Mr. Sansone, who clearly does not reside at the empty shell of a house on NW 25th Street, he also failed to properly fill out the Financial Statement that is part of the qualifying packet that nobody actually checks. The Financial Statement asks for Source of Income and to list interest in other businesses, none of which Mr. Sansone felt a need to disclose, showing no source of income or interest in other businesses such as the LLC which actually owns the property he is claiming as his residence. All the other candidates listed income sources and other required information. So how fair is this whole process to these individuals? Our city is established and governed by the Wilton Manors City Charter. Within this charter, Article lllA, Section 2 states that, “A commission candidate shall be domiciled in the city for six (6) months prior to qualifying for office.” Now you think that someone in our city government would have the responsibility to ensure that all aspects of our city charter are being legally monitored


and adhered to. We have a requirement stated clearly in our city’s charter, along with Financial Statements requiring specific information, all not being reviewed by anyone in our city government. Even if we look past whose responsibility it is to validate the information, we should at least expect the forms to be filled out without any missing information, whether to be correct or not. Unfortunately, that is not the opinion of our City Clerk’s Office, whose stated remedy falls to residents’ actions and the courts. “Anyone has the right to retain counsel and challenge false claims in court,” was the answer I received. Not what I was expecting. Oh well, guess it’s up to us residents of our Island City to be on the lookout for charlatans, carpetbaggers, and others who come out of nowhere seeking to run for office. We are on our own to ask the questions, to uncover the truth and to demand that our city charter be upheld. Perhaps a group of residents will need to start a GoFundMe page each election cycle so that funds are available to retain counsel and go to court in order to have a candidate actually tell the truth, meet residency requirements, and properly and completely fill out required forms. This is another example of why a local newspaper is so vital to protecting our community. Thank you once again, SFGN, for publishing the Wilton Manors Gazette. Support our local business community that supports our local newspapers. All of us together make life in Wilton Manors just better here. WMG

Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER


Associated Press MEMBER


Copyright © 2020 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

Don’t forget it’s hurricane season! Keep your eyes on the weather, have a plan prepared and be sure to follow any local alerts. Photo via PxHere.

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July 9, 2020



House Candidate Alleges Attack In Wilton Manors

Mickel Park in June 2020. Photo courtesy of the City of Wilton Manors.

Organic Dreams! Equality Garden Club launches green initiative By Christiana Lilly A local garden club is using their green thumbs to help the cities of Wilton Manors and Oakland Park turn their parks organic. The Equality Garden Club, with help from Beyond Pesticides in D.C., is working with both cities on a pilot program to stop the use of harmful pesticides. They are currently studying the soil in four parks before making the switch, and the club is paying for more than half of the cost of the project. “We wanted to put our money where our mouth was,” said Gary Petonke, chairman of the club’s Green Initiative. “We want to get that ground back to its natural state. Its natural state will take care of itself.” Beyond Pesticides has been training staff on making the switch from synthetic pesticides to organic means, and the club is analyzing the biology of the soil at Mickel Park and Colohatchee Park in Wilton Manors, and Wimberly Fields Park and Stevens Field Park in Oakland Park. Prior to the pandemic, the parks were used by families, athletes and pets — for dogs and small children in particular, they receive the most exposure to the pesticides since they are lower to the ground. “You see these people putting the chemicals down on the ground and they’re in all this protective gear and face masks and everything else, and then in three hours it’s ok

to go use it? I don’t think so,” Petonke said. Petonke said when the club reached out to both cities, they were met with enthusiasm and excitement for the project. The project to study the soil and switch all the parks from synthetic to organic could take up to five years. “This is an impactful way to continue the successful implementation of our Climate Action Plan with our neighbors in Wilton Manors. A win-win for our residents and our planet,” Oakland Park Vice Mayor Jane Bolin said in a release. In the same release, Wilton Manors Vice Mayor Tom Green noted that the project complements the city’s goals for “environmental resiliency and energy.” The Equality Garden Club has about 150 members, and prior to the pandemic, had about 80 people attend their monthly meetings. The club plays host to nursery rambles, potlucks, its annual Tropical Plant Fair, and also partners with local charities. For one, they planted a vegetable garden with Kids in Distress so kids could watch the growth cycle from seed to vegetable, then eat the food they harvest. The club is also working with Fairchild Tropical Gardens in Miami for the Million Orchid Project, a plan to repopulate Southeast Florida with 1 million orchids in five years. WMG

For more information about the Equality Garden Club in Wilton Manors, visit equalitygardenclub.com.

By John McDonald

Elijah Manley. Photo via Facebook.

A political candidate was attacked while canvassing in Wilton Manors on Sunday. Elijah Manley, a candidate for the Florida House of Representatives, said he was treated rudely outside of an apartment complex close to NE 28th St. and NE 8th Ave. “A horrible guy,” Manley told SFGN. “He came up from behind and started pushing me, following me...it was getting out of control.” On Twitter Manley tweeted to his 12,000 followers: “I was just attacked by a racist white guy while canvassing in Wilton Manors today. I filed charges because this behavior is unacceptable.” Manley said he intends to press charges against the man, Robert Breakell, 49. “He pushed me, tried to drag me and verbally harassed me,” Manley said. On Facebook Breakell denied the accusations saying “I asked a guy hanging door hangars to leave the premises. Apparently they want to politicize it and make it a shit show. Anyone who knows me, knows better.” He also denied ever putting his hands on Manley. Manley and Breakell both said on Facebook security footage would back thier stories up.

Wilton Manors Commissioner Julie Carson and human rights activist Michael Rajner quickly came to Manley’s defense and according to Manley police responded to his call in two minutes. SFGN has not yet received a copy of the police report. Manley, 21, is seeking to upset incumbent Representative Bobby DuBose (D-Fort Lauderdale) in the Aug. 18 Democratic primary. Manley identifies as a queer black man. “I am running for office because I want to help people,” he said, adding he is focused on matters of LGBT rights, infrastructure improvements and health care disparities. WMG


Weekly COVID-19 Increase in Wilton Manors and Oakland Park 343




114 107

121 121



• • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • 3 •





159 129











Statistics via the Florida Department of Health.

July 9, 2020

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Winners Selected for LGBTFriendly Housing Complex for Seniors in Wilton Manors By Sallie James The waiting has begun. One hundred fifty names were picked today during a Facebook live event to find out who gets to live in Broward County’s first LGBT-friendly affordable apartment complex for seniors. Those selected for consideration during the bingo-like lottery will be notified in about two weeks. Wilton Manors’ applicants will receive first consideration for five of the 48 units at the Residences at Equality Park, a $15 million project. “I know I’m going to be cracking a bottle of champagne when we get the first resident moved in,” said Robert Boo, CEO of the Pride Center, as Vice Mayor Tom Green spun a wire bingo barrel and then pulled application numbers out of it. From start to finish, the affordable housing project at 2040 N. Dixie Highway has taken about eight years of planning and work, he noted. “We’re very happy in Wilton Manors this is finally coming to fruition,” Green said. The lottery took place at the Pride Center at Equality Park, which adjoins the new complex. Carrefour Supportive Housing Inc., which built the complex, received a whopping 1,501 applications from people in Florida and other states. The 48-unit complex has 21 studio apartments, 21 one-bedroom apartments and six two-bedroom apartments. Of the 48 units, five will be reserved for Wilton Manors residents, Boo said, noting that 53 of the total applications were from Wilton Manors residents. Thirty-four of the apartments, or 70%, will go to applicants who are considered disabled, he added. All occupants must be 55 years or older, Boo said. The applications were divided into two groups: Those from Wilton Manors residents and those from people who live elsewhere and the lottery took place in two steps. During the first round, all the Wilton Manors applications were placed into a hand-operated wire cage and 25 were randomly selected for consideration for five of the available apartments. Afterwards, the other remaining applications were placed into the wire cage, with 150 being chosen for consideration. Each application was identifiable only by a number, which was assigned to the application when it was submitted. Applicants do not know what number was assigned to their application. All the applications received will be kept on file. Carrfour President Stephanie Berman, who attended the lottery by video call, said

Wilton Manors City Hall. Photo credit: Carina Mask.

COVID-19 Tops 150 Cases in Wilton Manors By Jason Parsley The drawing as it took place over the live stream. Image courtesy of The Pride Center.

they picked so many applications during Wednesday’s lottery because some applicants may drop out, while others may not meet income or other guidelines when they are reviewed. Carrfour has been building affordable housing in Florida since 1993 and currently oversees more than 1,700 housing units in Miami-Dade County. The project at the Pride Center is its first in Broward County. Boo said 1,500 applications is the largest number that Carrfour has ever received for any of its housing projects before they opened up. One reason may be that applications were made available online, he said. Paper applications were also available at the Pride Center during the application period. Boo said FPL is hooking up power to the complex today so the air conditioning units can be turned on and the flooring installed. Some painting, tilework and the installation of appliances will follow, he added. “This was a community-driven identified project that was needed,” Boo said. “So here we are seven-eight years later getting ready to open it up. It’s pretty exciting.” The developer is receiving $11.2 million in low-income housing tax credits from Florida Housing Finance Corporation, an FHDC loan of $550,000 and $955,866 in deferred development fees. The city is contributing $50,000 from its Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The county contributed $450,000, Boo said. WMG

As COVID-19 cases have skyrocketed home as much as possible, wear a mask and across the state in the last month, Wilton stay six feet away from everyone who is not in Manors has seen a moderate rise in new cases your immediate family!” As Broward County and the rest of the compared to the county and state. “The number of positive tests from our state has reopened, Florida has set multiple city has remained relatively stable in recent records for the number of daily coronavirus weeks and I believe our residents are taking cases in the last 30 days. “The Code Enforcement team is out the precautions seriously,” said Paul Rolli, every day and night to ensure businesses are Wilton Manors City Commissioner. compliant with social distancing, As of Tuesday, according mask-wearing and disinfecting. to the Florida Department of With the exception of a few bad Health, the total number of cases AT THE END actors, I’ve been pretty pleased in Wilton Manors now stands with our City’s collective efforts at 159. A week ago that number OF MAY NEW virus-free,” Rolli said. stood at 140 – a 13% rise. WEEKLY CASES IN to stay According to FDOH as of Over the past 30 days there’s been a 36% rise in confirmed WILTON MANORS Tuesday, 22,595 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in cases. In May there were 30 new HAD DROPPED Broward County, almost triple the cases. In June, 22. Meanwhile in number from 30 days ago. this month, there have already TO JUST 1. NOW In Fort Lauderdale there have been 19 new cases. THEY’RE ON THE been 4,971 up from 1,784 30 days At the end of May new weekly ago. Meanwhile next door in cases in Wilton Manors had RISE AGAIN. Oakland Park, COVID-19 cases dropped to just 1. Now they’re on have skyrocketed to 343, up from the rise again. “Unfortunately, the climbing numbers in 115 30 days ago. There are 213,794 confirmed cases in our region mean we need everyone to be extra vigilant and it is possible Broward County may Florida, more than 3 million in the U.S., and follow recent Miami Dade actions regarding globally more than 11.8 million. So far there curfew hours and closings, although that is have been 3,841 deaths in Florida, 133,000 a county,” Rolli said. “With the resurgence in in the U.S. and globally more than 543,000. cases, everyone needs to be flexible and stay WMG

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July 9, 2020


Jesse’s Journal

MITCHELL STOLLBERG Progressive and LGBT Champion, Dies at 66

Jesse Monteagudo






rogressive activist Mitchell Stollberg died at the age of 66, following a struggle with cancer and other health issues. Born in the Bronx in 1954, Stollberg became an activist, like so many gay men, in response to the AIDS epidemic of the 80s and 90s. His involvement in LGBT activism and progressive politics only intensified after he moved to South Florida. In his last decade Stollberg served in many political committees and activist groups and was an unsuccessful candidate for Oakland Park City Commissioner in 2016. A strong supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders’ bid for the presidency, Stollberg was a Sanders delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 2016. “I first met Mitchell in 2010 at the Oakland Park Local Government Academy,” City Commissioner Tim Lonergan said. “For many years he actively led the quality of life initiatives in Oakland Park including snipe sign and graffiti removal. Mitchell ran for the Oakland Park commission during a difficult time in his life; and the challenges proved difficult to overcome. He was a strong advocate of the Progressive Democratic ideals and fought for the much-needed Medicare For All, Equality for All, Criminal Justice Reform, Education Reform and so much more!” Stollberg worked in the marketing department of Service America for many years; and worked for a time making jewelry. But Stollberg’s employment history is second to his political résumé, which is quite impressive. He was a member of the Democratic Executive Committee of Broward County, Broward Democratic Club, Progressive Democrats of America (Broward Chapter), Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida, Oakland Park Democratic Club, and the Dolphin Democrats LGBTA Caucus. He was also a Board Member of the North Andrews Neighborhood Association and a volunteer for Oakland Park’s Graffiti Patrol, removing


Fiscal Responsability

Mental Health Training

C.A.R.T. Community AntiSenior Awareness Bullying Response Citizens Programs Protection Team Mitchell Stollberg. Photo via Facebook.

graffiti and snipe signs within the City from 2014 to 2017. Stollberg’s health issues, though daunting, only encouraged his activism. He became a strong supporter of Medicare for All, which in turn led to his involvement in Sanders’ presidential campaign (along with LGBT rights and other progressive issues). Dr. Jack Doren, a friend and fellow activist, remembers Stollberg as one with “the highest of principles and integrity, who showed his true leadership in fighting for what was right. During that period, he spoke at nearly every Commission meeting, to the point where when he was not present, one of the Commissioners asked publicly, ‘Where is Mitchell?’ and everyone laughed. His leadership inspired young people to become involved. His passion was contagious.” Alfredo Olvera, President of the Dolphin Democrats, remembers Stollberg as “a passionate and dedicated political activist who fought hard for everything he believed in. He was kind to me and to everyone he met. The world has lost a great man, but I know it’s a better place because of Mitchell.” The former mayor of Oakland Park, John Adornato III, knows how you can best celebrate his life. “The best way to honor this man is to get out and VOTE!” he said.

First Responder Technology Approved and Paid for by Santiago Vazquez Democratic Candidate for Sheriff of Broward County.


Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.

7.9. 20 20 •





lobal Pride, the 27-hour virtual Pride event, reached a worldwide audience of 57,050,978 viewers in at least 163 countries, organizers have confirmed in a press release. The event took place on June 27 and gave focus to the Black Lives Matter movement in acknowledgement of the international response to the deaths of George Floyd, Tony McDade and others that has prompted a historic demand for racial justice. BLM co-founder Alicia Garza spoke during the Global Pride main stage segments. Broadcast on the YouTube channels of Todrick Hall and iHeartRadio, and on Facebook and Revry, Global Pride featured content from more than 500 Pride and LGBT community organizations from 91 countries. Content included music and drag performances, speeches and messages from activists, and archive footage from Pride events around the world. Natalie Thompson, Co-Chair of Global Pride and from Capital Pride in Washington, D.C. said in the press release: “As a Black woman in the LGBTQIA+ community, it was so important to confront the systemic racism and violence facing my Black brothers, sisters and non-binary siblings, in the larger culture and within the LGBTQIA+ community. Global Pride’s tens of millions of viewers learned, cried and surely were moved to action to further confront hate and prejudice and fight for equality. This was Some of the team behind Global Pride. Photo via Global Pride, Facebook. a historic success in every way and I was proud and humbled to work beside so many fund for financial assistance. “When we began this project we were well aware we were diverse colleagues from around the world Kristine Garina, Co-Chair of Global Pride entering uncharted territory and had a near-unbelievable and provide the community with the kind of and from Baltic Pride in Latvia, said in the vision, but we needed to do something at a time when we hope and inspiration the Pride movement has press release: had an international platform,” said Thompson. “Pride is not for decades. The work continues and we will “We know that LGBTQIA+ people have simply about parties or parades; our work, from marches to never be silenced.” been affected financially by COVID-19 and programming to amplifying diverse voices in our community Major artists including Laverne Cox, Elton so fundraising was always going to be a all year long, helps push the needle towards true equality John, Denise Ho, and Adam Lambert appeared challenge. But we are enormously grateful and freedom for LGBTQIA+ people worldwide. Global Pride alongside world leaders including former U.S. to everyone who donated, and we’d urge 2020 gave us an opportunity to allow Prides worldwide tell Vice President Joe Biden, Prime Ministers everyone who enjoyed Global Pride to their own stories to the largest audience in history that was Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel, Erna Solberg donate anything they can. All funds will accessible in new ways. Together, afterward, it felt like we and Leo Varadkar, HRH Crown Princess Mary be directed to Pride organizations in need. had acomplished a queer miracle, but given the feedback and of Denmark and President of Iceland Guðni - Kristine Garina There are a number of ways to donate, via response it was worth every moment of work.” Th. Jóhannesson. CO-CHAIR OF GLOBAL PRIDE our website at www.globalpride2020.org/ Businesses are increasingly part of the fight for equality Viewers were encouraged to donate to donate.” for LGBT people around the world. Global Pride was possible a Pride COVID-19 Relief Fund managed by A team of more than 100 volunteers because of the support of Queerty, Gilead, DIVA Media international Pride organizations, InterPride from across the world worked on the Global Pride project, Group, Time Out Group, TripAdvisor, Erika Lust, GIPHY and and the European Pride Organisers Association. A total of most from Pride organizations affected by COVID-19. 32 other partners. almost $53,000 was raised during the event, exceeding the These included video editors, producers, and specialists in Organizers are now evaluating the project and will organizer’s target of $50,000. The press release says that fundraising, communications, and nonprofit leadership, produce a report in due course. A decision on future Global Pride and LGBT organizations will be able to apply to this according to the same release. Pride events has not yet been made.



• 7.9. 20 20



President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump on July 3, 2020, at Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Keystone, S.D. Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour.



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ith more and more Americans more concerned with defeating this virus dissatisfied with the current state of than protecting Confederate statues,” affairs, President Trump scrambled tweeted former South Bend, Indiana Mayor to deliver uplifting remarks over the holiday Pete Buttigieg on Monday. weekend. Buttigieg, the 38-year-old married In a 29-minute speech as gay man, was part of a part of the 2020 Salute to large candidate field for America program, Trump said the Democratic party’s SEVERAL STATUES the “radical left” would be presidential nomination. GLORIFYING defeated. Next month, in Wisconsin, SOUTHERN “We will never allow an the party comes together SOLDIERS HAVE angry mob to tear down our to nominate former Vice statues, erase our history, President Joe Biden as the one COME UNDER indoctrinate our children or to take down Trump. ATTACK BY trample on our freedoms,” “We’re going to beat Donald PROTESTERS AND Trump declared from the Trump,” tweeted Biden. “And White House south lawn. when we do, we won’t just MANY HAVE BEEN Protesters in some cities REMOVED BY CITIES rebuild this nation — we’ll have destroyed and vandalized transform it.” — INCLUDING public and private property. Meanwhile, there are JACKSONVILLE, In Portland, Oregon a statue now more than 2.8 million of George Washington was COVID-19 cases in the FLORIDA. toppled to the ground. Trump U.S. and nearly 130,000 described protesters as deaths. Last week, Florida “Marxists, anarchists, agitators, and looters,” Representative Shevrin Jones disclosed he and for good measure added, “people who had tested positive for the virus, saying in in many instances have absolutely no clue a video diary “what’s going on in my body what they are doing.” is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst Several statues glorifying Southern enemy.” soldiers have come under attack by Jones has asked Florida Governor Ron protesters and many have been removed by DeSantis to issue a mandatory mask order. cities — including Jacksonville, Florida. Florida has 197,076 cases and 3,731 deaths. “Imagine, for a moment, having a president White House Watch is a weekly column taking a look at the state of the 2020 presidential election.

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straight facts, gay news. sfgn is also available in the lake worth, boynton beach, and delray tri-rail stations. 7.9. 20 20 •


Publisher's Editorial




Norm Kent



he world we live in today is not one we anticipated on New Year’s Eve when Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen saw the ball come down in Times Square. Both appeared in South Florida together last November at the Broward Center in a giddy show they laughingly called “AC2.” Today, Andy Cohen is recovering from having the coronavirus. He is fortunate. There are over a 130,000 Americans who have not. Every day, more of us die from this horrible disease. It is the middle of July and the South Florida beaches should be lined up with residents walking on warm sands and wading in cool waters. Instead, we have Intensive Care units at local hospitals packed, with few beds available. They are not dealing with a rash of sunburn cases. In a summer where we should be celebrating Pride, we are dealing instead with a global pandemic. The state of Florida has become a national epicenter for the coronavirus, and South Florida particularly. Half of those suffering and dying from COVID-19 reside in Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach. We are number one. As more get tested, the infection numbers will surge. All summer, it is going to get worse. We did not listen to the doctors. They presented inconvenient truths. Things like masks and social distancing are not asking too much. It beats a ventilator. Our national leadership has woefully failed us. From the outset, the Trump administration’s conduct has been traitorous, their words deceitful. The President is still in denial. This pandemic is not going away magically. Donald Trump has delivered us chaos and

calamity. Early in the pandemic, he declared himself a “wartime president.” He then put on his golf uniform, and spent Memorial Day on the links. We are lucky when he does. The world is a safer place when he is playing with himself then when he is governing the nation. If Florida is enduring this crisis worse than other states, it is because our own governor champions the president’s recklessness. We are knee deep in the Big Muddy, and the fool tell us to move on. He wants to open the schools. He may have to. We won’t have enough beds in the hospitals. In some cities, like Houston, hospital administrators have begun wartime triage. Elderly patients are the first casualties of this crisis in our hospitals. They are being sent home to die. It happened in New York a few months ago. Why won’t it happen here? America has the military might to carpet the world with bombs, but not enough protective medical equipment to fit and clothe our nurses and doctors. Two years ago, the president disbanded a task force to fight this very kind of pandemic. This year, he ignored intelligence warning us of a virus that could spread. We elected a president who cheated on his SAT’s and dodged the draft. We have more medical schools and research hospitals than anywhere else in the world, but this White House is more worried about confederate statues and which criminal will be getting next week’s pardon. And Hillary’s emails. Last February, we should have organized a global task force to tame the pandemic. We



• 7.9. 20 20

Mayor Dean Trantalis (at podium) and Steve Glassman (right) speaking at Holiday Park during a COVID-19 testing event as the National Guard watches. Photo credit: J.R. Davis.

should have initiated a nationwide program of testing and tracing. Instead, the president is holding rallies in June and July which are defying all the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control. We truly have a madman in the White House, and an absence of moral leadership from his Republican colleagues in the United States Senate. Just as the president ignored the warnings from the World Health Organization to recognize the dangers of this virus, just as he ignores his daily briefings from intelligence experts, he is oblivious to the realities around him. He questions the patriotism of those who challenge him, fires those who defy him, and pardons those who commit crimes for him. Discord and division is the air Donald Trump breathes. If we see Americans fighting

each other over wearing masks, opening schools or closing beaches, it is because the president seeded discord and division, instead of harmony and hope. Meanwhile the Red Plague of Death is spreading. Hold him accountable. This is happening under his watch. The buck stops in the golden toilets of Mara Lago. We can’t mask the number of lives this pandemic has taken. On Nov. 3, the debate will not be about who is wearing a mask at Walmart. It will be about who we want to lead our nation going forward. In 2016, we elected a snake oil salesman to the highest office in the land. What did we have to lose? Apparently, everything. Florida is a state in play in 2020. Register. Vote. The life you save may be your own.


Editorial Cartoon



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• 7.9. 20 20

7.9. 20 20 •


Jesse’s Journal



Photo via PxHere.


ince I wrote my last “Coronavirus Journal,” humanity has re-emerged from its self-imposed isolation, though sadly not enough to prevent new outbreaks of COVID-19. Some states, like New York, reopened slowly but surely while others, like Florida, burst out of their collective shells without regard for the consequences. Like everything else, our response to the pandemic has become a political issue, with progressives advising caution and Trump and his devotees rejecting face masks as signs of weakness. As for me, I always make sure to have a face mask with me and wear it whenever I go into a public place. This is a small sacrifice to make so I may enjoy the things that I took for granted in the old days; like shopping, eating out or going to the gym. The media have been busy posting stories of people doing things that they would not have done before the world went into lockdown; things like learning to play the trombone or building play areas for their children. Though I never took up anything so technical, I began to do things that I had to do, if only because there was no one around to do them for me. Once I started doing them, I found out that I was good at it. One such task was house cleaning. Before the pandemic, I would hire someone to come in and clean my condo while I was out doing other things. When this became impractical, I began to do my own cleaning and found out that it wasn’t as onerous as I thought it would be. Working for myself, I realized that I didn’t have to clean the whole unit in one day, as people who clean other people’s homes for a living must do. I can spread my cleaning over one or two weeks, doing the kitchen the first day, cleaning the bathroom the second day, vacuuming the rug the third day and so on. I have since devised a plan to clean my whole condo in a fortnight, doing the same task every other week (except the kitchen, which needs to be cleaned weekly). Cleaning my own home, something that most women and some men have done for years, turned out to be a very satisfying task. And it saved me money. Another necessary task that I learned to during the pandemic was cooking. Though I have fixed food before, it was limited to simple items like boiling water, making a sandwich or a salad. For years I depended on the cooking skills of my partner, the late Michael Greenspan, who was an excellent cook (and we had the extra pounds to prove it). After Michael got sick and died, I ate out more often, but I couldn’t do so forever (and it was expensive). With the new reality staring at me in the face I had to learn to make my own food, and fast. As time went by and boredom set in, I learned



• 7.9. 20 20

to cook certain items, recipes I found online. (You can find everything online, including some activities no human being should ever be allowed to do.) I did nothing too complicated, simple items like baked potatoes, omelets, cheese grits, coleslaw, pasta with marinara sauce, sautéed spinach, and key lime pie, among others. Now every time I want to eat something I go online, see if making it is worth the effort and, if it is so, buy the ingredients and do it. This hasn’t stopped me from ordering takeout and even dining out now that restaurants are open again. Another thing I discovered during my so-called quarantine was Facebook. Though Mark Zuckerberg’s invention is something that the rest of humanity has used for over a

decade, I have been trying my best to avoid it, considering it to be a nuisance. One day, having grown tired of watching television documentaries about Bigfoot, I decided to give the Facebook a try. I signed up, created my own page, posted some photos, and waited to see what happens. The rest is history. I soon discovered that Facebook can be addictive. I also discovered that it was easy to gather a bunch of friends, some of who I have known for years and some of who I only met through Facebook. Living alone without a partner or a pet, I found it delightful to go online and join a community of people who shared a wide range of interests, or at least were kind enough to put up with me. Though Facebook might eventually bore me (like Bigfoot) for the time being it keeps me entertained.

Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.


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LISTINGS CONGREGATION ETZ CHAIM 2038 N. Dixie Hwy (Pride Center Building B), Wilton Manors 954-564-9232 - etzchaimflorida.org RabbiNoahKitty@etzchaimflorida.org Friday Night Shabbat Service 8p.m. HOLY ANGELS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors 954-633-2987 - HolyAngelsFL.net Sunday Mass at 11AM

CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR, MCC Church of Our Savior, MCC 2011 S. Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach. churchofoursaviormcc.org | 561-733-4000 Sunday Service 10AM TEMPLE BAT YAM 5151 NE 14th Ter Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 954-928-0410 Friday Night & Saturday Morning Streaming Online at templebatyam.org

Church of Our Savior, MCC 2011 s. Federal Hwy., Boynton Beach, FL 561-733-4000 www,churchofoursaviormcc.org Until further notice: Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, our worship services are streamed on Facebook Live every Sunday at 10 AM, rather than held at our church property. https://www.facebook.com/ ChurchofOurSaviorMCC. Visit our web site for more details & updates.

Holy Angels National Catholic Church 2917 NE 6th Ave Wilton Manors, FL 33334 Facebook.com/HolyAngelsFL www.HolyAngelsFL.org


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ow have you kept busy during the COVID-19 shutdown? Many have turned to Netflix and streaming services for entertainment, others have focused on long-neglected household projects or learning new skills via e-learning platforms. If your goal was to finally tackle that “great American novel” you’ve always been meaning to write and, four months into the pandemic, you’re still stuck on the first paragraph, Miami Book Fair wants to help you get started. According to director Marci CancioBello, the program was founded to provide an opportunity for students at all ages and stages of life to pursue creative writing with accomplished writers, whether or not they had the resources possible through a regular degree program. “Every year, we strive to bring together authors who are also excellent teachers of the craft, and 2020 was no different,” said CancioBello. “With COVID-19 shuttering everything, we found that many participants still wanted to take the workshops even if we moved online, and all the faculty were on board. People seem to have a bit more time, the need for distraction, and a desire to connect of a shared love of reading and writing.” Beginning July 27, the fair’s annual summer Writer’s Institute will offer aspiring novelists and poets the opportunity to learn from critically-acclaimed international award winners, including two prominent LGBT writers, presidential inaugural poet Richard Blanco and 2020 Lambda Literary Awardwinner Bryan Washington. Selected by President Barack Obama as the fifth inaugural poet in U.S. history, Richard Blanco is the youngest and the first Latino, immigrant and gay person to serve in such a role. Born in Madrid to Cuban-exile parents and raised in Miami, Blanco has explored the negotiation of cultural identity in his four collections of poetry. He is the recipient of the Agnes Starrett Poetry Prize from the University of Pittsburgh Press, Beyond Margins Award from the PEN American Center, Paterson Poetry Prize and Thom Gunn Award. Blanco’s five-day workshop, “The Conscious/Subconscious,” a series of interactive lectures and exercises, will help participants explore the subconscious territory of memory, inspiration, process and

2020 Lambda Book Award-winner Bryan Washington is one of the distinguished writers leading Miami Book Fair’s summer Writer’s Institute, opening July 27. Credit: Miami Book Fair, Penguin Random House.

imagination that inspire and influence the creative process. Rice University lecturer Bryan Washington has written for the New Yorker, New York Times, New York Times Magazine, BBC, Vulture and Bon Appétit. He is the author of “Lot,” the recipient of an O. Henry Award, an Ernest J. Gaines Award, and a National Book Foundation 5 Under 35 Winner. His first novel, “Memorial,” will be released in the fall. Washington’s workshop, “Subverting Timelines,” will guide participants through intersecting structures, parallel timelines, elliptical narratives and stories that forego chronology altogether, pushing the limits of structure, and the traditional ways forms dictate content. Other workshops include “The Art and Craft of Memoir” with novelist Boris Fishman and “After, Before and Outside an M.F.A.” with novelist and essayist R.O. Kwon. Shorter topical workshops will also be offered, along with individual manuscript consultation sessions with literary agent Dana Murphy from the Book Group. Cancio-Bello noted the online format will expand the reach of the program, allowing students from around the world to participate without incurring the expenses for travel to Miami and accommodations. She anticipates the most diverse, international cohorts in the institute’s history.

Miami Book Fair offers the Writer’s Institute, Monday - Friday, July 27 – 31. Individual workshops and five-day courses cost from $50 – $400. For more information and to register, go to MiamiBookFair.org.


• 7.9. 20 20

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Geographic and service restrictions apply to AT&T Internet services. Not all speeds available in all areas. Call to see if you qualify. $40 INTERNET OFFER: Price for Internet (768k - 100) for new residential customers when bundled with® another qualifying AT&T service (DIRECTV, U-verse TV, AT&T TV or AT&T Phone or postpaid AT&T wireless). Prorated ETF ($180) applies if Internet is disconnected before end of 12 months. Must maintain all bundled services to receive advertised pricing. Additional Fees & Taxes: Excludes cost-recovery charges, where applicable and $10/mo equipment fee. Activ/Installation: $35 activation fee (self-install) or $99 installation (full tech install) may apply. Credit restrictions apply. Pricing subject to change. Subj. to Internet Terms of Service at att.com/internet-terms. †Unlimited data allowance may also be purchased separately for an add’l $30/mo., or maintain a bundle of TV & Internet on a combined bill and receive unlimited internet data at no add’l charge. For more info, go to att.com/internet-usage.‡ Internet speed claims represent maximum network service capability speeds. Actual customer speeds are not guaranteed and may vary based on several factors. For more information, go to 1 att.com/speed101. AT&T Smart Home Manager is available to AT&T Internet service customers with a compatible AT&T Wi-Fi Gateway. Features limited to home Wi-Fi network. 2Parental Controls and Data Usage features available with BGW210, 5268AC and NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateways. 3AT&T Smart Wi-Fi requires installation of a BGW210, 5268AC, or NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateway. Standard with Internet plans (12M or higher). Whole-home Wi-Fi connectivity may require AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender(s) sold separately. Offers may not be combined with other promotional offers on the same services and may be modified or discontinued at any time without notice. Other conditions apply to all offers. ©2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies.

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Monitored by ADT the #1 home security company in #1 the U.S. Monitored by ADT ® the home security company in the U.S. GREAT GREAT Geographic and service restrictions apply to AT&T Internet services. Not all speeds available in all areas. Call to see if you qualify. LOW $40 INTERNET OFFER: Price for Internet (768k - 100) for new residential customers when bundled with another qualifying AT&T service (DIRECTV, AT&T Phone or postpaid AT&T PRICE U-verse TV, AT&T TV orPRICE ETF ($180) applies if Internet is disconnected before end of 12 months. Must maintain all bundled services to receive advertised pricing. Additional Fees & Taxes: Excludes cost-recovery charges, where app ADT® 24/7 Monitored Home Security MONITORING equipment fee.®Activ/Installation: $35 activation fee (self-install) or $99 installation (full tech install) may apply. Credit restrictions apply. Pricing subject to change. Subj. to Internet Terms of Service 24/7 monitoring provides Quickly connect to fire net-terms. †Unlimited data allowance may also be purchased separately for an add’l $30/mo., or maintain a bundle ofMONITORING TV & Internet on a combined bill and receive unlimited internet data at no add’l ch peace of mind and emergency response 24/7 monitoring provides Quickly connect to fi re go to att.com/internet-usage.‡ Internet speed claims represent maximum network service capability speeds. Actual customer speeds are not guaranteed and may vary based on several factors. For more 1 Yard and window MayAT&T qualify for a Features limited to home Wi-Fi network. 2Parental Controls att.com/speed101. AT&T Smart Home Manager is available Internetsign service customers with a compatible Wi-Fi Gateway. peace of mind andto AT&T emergency response decals help deter crime features available with BGW210, 5268AC and NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateways. 3AT&T Smart Wi-Fi requires installation of homeowners a BGW210, 5268AC,insurance or NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateway. Standard with Internet plans (12M or hig Yard sign may and window qualify Wi-Fi connectivity require AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender(s)May sold separately. Offersfor may a not be combined withdiscount other promotional offers on the same services and®may be modified or disc PER MONTH time without notice.deter Other conditions ©2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo $and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks decals help crimeapply to all offers. homeowners insurance 100 VALUE Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. From Protect Your Home



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FINANCINGHOME SECURITY SYSTEM 100 THAT FITS 1 COMPLETE SECURITY SYSTEM From Protect Your Home CONTROL New customersBUDGET! only. Early termination —$100 Value YOUR —$139 Value fee applies. Installation starts TIME OFFER—CALL TODAY! 695 LIMITED 7 WIRELESS OUTDOOR CAMERATODAY! LIMITED TIME OFFER—CALL $ at $99 with 36 monitoring 8501 DOOR/WINDOW When you upgrade to ADT VALUE









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GIFT CARD: $100 Visa Gift Card fulfilled by Protect Your Home through third-party provider, Mpell, upon installation of a security system and execution of monitoring contract. $4.95 shipping and handling fee, gift cards can take up to 8 weeks to arrive after following the Mpell redemption process. BASIC SYSTEM: $99 Parts and Install. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 per month ($1,007.64). 24-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 per month ($671.76) for California. Offer applies to homeowners only. Basic system requires landline phone. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Premier Provider customers only and not on purchases from ADT LLC. Cannot be combined with any other offer. The $27.99 Offer does not include Quality Service Plan (QSP), ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. ADT Pulse: ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Pulse”), which help you manage your home environment and family lifestyle, require the purchase and/or activation of an ADT alarm system with monitored burglary service and a compatible computer, cell phone or PDA with Internet and email access. These ADT Pulse services do not cover the operation or maintenance of any household equipment/systems that are connected to the ADT Pulse equipment. All ADT Pulse services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be required to pay additional charges to purchase equipment required to utilize the ADT Pulse features you desire. ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contract required from ADT Pulse + Video: $59.99 per month, ($2,159.64), including Quality Service Plan (QSP). Doorbell camera may not be available in all areas. GENERAL: For all offers, the form of payment must be by credit card or electronic charge to your checking or savings account, satisfactory credit history is required and termination fee applies. Local permit fees may be required. Certain restrictions may apply. Additional monitoring fees required for some services. For example, Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Emergency Alert monitoring requires purchase and/or activation of an ADT security system with monitored Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Emergency Alert devices and are an additional charge. Additional equipment may be purchased for an additional charge. Additional charges may apply in areas that require guard response service for municipal alarm verification. Prices subject to change. Prices may vary by market. Some insurance companies offer discounts on Homeowner’s Insurance. Please consult your insurance company. Photos are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the exact product/service actually provided. Licenses: AL-21-001104, AR-CMPY.0001725 AZ-ROC217517, CA-ACO6320, CT-ELC.0193944-L5, DC-EMS902653, DC-602516000016, DE-07-212, FL-EC13003427, EC13003401, GA-LVA205395, IA-AS-0206, ID-ELE-SJ-39131, IL-127.001042, IN-C.P.D. Reg. No. – 19-08088, City of Indianapolis: LAC-000156, KY-City of Louisville: 483, LA-F1914, LA-F1915, LA-F1082, MA-1355C, MD-107-1626, ME-LM50017382, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MO-City of St. Louis: CC#354, St. Louis County: 100194, MS-15007958,MT-PSP-ELS-LIC-247, NCGIFT CARD: $100 Visa Gift Card fulfilled by Protect Your Home through third-party provider, Mpell, upon installation of a security system and execution monitoring contract. $4.95 shipping and handling fee,Vegas: gift3000008296, cards can take up toby8 the weeks arrive after 25310-SP-FA/LV, NC-1622-CSA, NE-14451, NJ BurglarofAlarm Lic. # -NJ-34BF00021800, NM-353366, NV-0068518, City of Las NY-Licensed N.Y.S. to Department of Statefollowing UID#12000317691, NYS #12000286451,OH-53891446, the Mpell redemption process. BASIC SYSTEM: $99 Parts and Install. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 monthOR-170997, ($1,007.64). 24-Month Monitoring Agreement at $27.99 perRI-7508, monthSC-BAC5630, ($671.76) California. OfferTX-B13734, appliesACR-3492, UT-6422596-6501, VA-115120, VTCity of Cincinnati: AC86, per OK-AC1048, Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Registration required Number: PA022999, RI-3582, SD- for 1025-7001-ET, TN-1520, ES-2382(7C),WA-602588694/ECPROTEYH934RS, WI-City of Milwaukee: PAS-0002966, WV-WV042433, WY-LV-G-21499. 3750other Priorityoffer. Way South Indianapolis, IN 46240 Inc. dba Protect Your Home DF-CD-NP-Q220-FL to homeowners only. Basic system requires landline phone. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Premier Provider customers only and not on purchases from ADT LLC. Cannot be combined with any TheDr.$27.99 Offer does©2017 notDEFENDERS, include Quality

Ask a i


GIFT CARD: $100 Visa Gift Card fulfiinstallation! lled by Protect Your Home through third-party provider, Mpell, upon installation of a security system and execution of monito the Mpell redemption process. BASIC SYSTEM: Reply$99 ByParts and Install. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 per month ($1,007.64). 24-M to homeowners only. Basic systemJuly requires18, landline phone. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Premier Provider customers only and not on purchases fr 2020 Service Plan (QSP), ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. ADT Pulse: ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Pulse”), which help you manage your hom monitored burglary service and a compatible computer, cell phone or PDA with Internet and email access. These ADT Pulse services do not cover the operation or *The leading consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally ADT Pulse services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be require installed gutter guard system in America.” CSLB# 1035795 DOPL #10783658-5501 License# 7656 License# 50145 License# 41354 License# 99338 License# 128344 ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contract required from ADT Pulse + Video: $59.99 per m Service Plan (QSP), ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. ADT Pulse: ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Pulse”), which help you manage your home environment and family lifestyle, require the purchase and/or activation of an ADT alarm system with License# 218294 License# 603 233 977 License# 2102212986 License# 2106212946 License# 2705132153A License# LEAFFNW822JZ WV056912 GENERAL: alltheoffers, theorform of payment must beequipment/systems by credit card orthatelectronic charge monitored burglary License# service and a compatible computer, cell phone orLicense# PDA with Internet and email access. Theseareas. ADT Pulse services do notFor cover operation maintenance of any household are connected to the to ADTyour Pulsechecking equipment.or All savings account, satisfactory credit history is Pulse services are not availableC127230 with the various levelsRegistration# of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. fees You may be required pay additional to purchaseBurglary, equipment Fire, required to utilizeMonoxide the ADT Pulseand features you desire.Alert monitoring requires purchase and/or ac Additional monitoring required for tosome services.charges For example, Carbon Emergency WC-29998-H17 Nassau HIC License# H01067000 Registration# 176447 Registration# HIC.0649905 Registration# C127229 ADT Registration# ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contractdevices required from + Video: $59.99 per month, ($2,159.64), includingmay QualitybeService Plan (QSP). camera may not beAdditional available in allcharges may apply in areas that require guar and ADT are Pulse an additional charge. Additional equipment purchased for Doorbell an additional charge. 366920918 Registration# PC6475 Registration# IR731804 Registration# 13VH09953900 Registration# PA069383 Suffolk HIC License# areas. GENERAL:52229-H For all offers, the form of payment must be by credit card or electronic charge to your checking or savings account, satisfactory credit history is required and termination fee applies. Local permit fees may be required. Certain restrictions may apply. Some insurance companies offer discounts on Homeowner’s Insurance. Please consult your insurance company. Photos are for illustrative purposes only and may


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I’m a sweet gal who LOVES my toys! I came from a shelter in the Bahamas, so my past is a bit of a mystery. My name is Bronzy (ID A631478) and I’m an 8 year young, full-figured gal who wants to be part of a family. I walk nice on a leash and will romp and play with my toys, so I hope we can get a toy box for me and fill it up! I am heartworm positive, so my new family must be willing to bring me back to the shelter as an outpatient a few times so I can be treated. This is not contagious to other dogs and is spread from the bite of an infected mosquito. Thanks to Dolly’s Dream my adoption fee is sponsored so I get to go home with goodies (toys) I need to settle into my new home.

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What is EGRIFTA SV (tesamorelin for injection)? • EGRIFTA SV is an injectable prescription medicine used to reduce excess abdominal fat in adult patients living with HIV and lipodystrophy. EGRIFTA SV is a growth hormone-releasing factor (GHRF) analog. • EGRIFTA SV is not for weight loss management. • The long-term safety of EGRIFTA SV on the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular) is not known. • It is not known whether taking EGRIFTA SV helps improve how well you take your antiretroviral medications. • It is not known if EGRIFTA SV is safe and effective in children, do not use in children. TM







You should not take EGRIFTA SV if you: • Have a pituitary gland tumor, surgery, or other problems related to your pituitary gland, or have had radiation treatment to your head or head injury. • Have active cancer. • Are allergic to tesamorelin or any of the ingredients in EGRIFTA SV . • Are pregnant or become pregnant. If you become pregnant, stop using EGRIFTA SV and talk with your healthcare provider. • Are less than 18 years of age. TM



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EGRIFTA SV may cause serious side effects including: • Increased risk of new cancer in HIV positive patients or your cancer coming back (reactivation). Stop using EGRIFTA SV if any cancer symptoms come back. • Increased levels of your insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Your healthcare provider will do blood tests to check your IGF-1 levels while you are taking EGRIFTA SV . • Serious allergic reaction such as rash or hives anywhere over the body or on the skin, swelling of the face or throat, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, feeling of faintness or fainting, itching and reddening or flushing of the skin. If you have any of these symptoms, stop using EGRIFTA SV and get emergency medical help right away.

The most common side effects of EGRIFTA SV include: • Pain in legs and arms • Muscle pain These are not all of the possible side effects of EGRIFTA SV . For more information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or to THERA patient support® toll-free at 1-833-23THERA (1-833-238-4372). This information is not intended to replace discussions with your doctor. For additional information about EGRIFTA SV , go to: www.egriftasv.com for the full Prescribing Information, Patient Information and Patient Instructions for Use, and talk to your doctor. For more information about EGRIFTA SV contact THERA patient support® toll-free at 1-833-23THERA (1-833-238-4372).



EGRIFTA SV is a trademark of Theratechnologies Inc. THERA patient support is a registered trademark of Theratechnologies Inc. © 2020 Theratechnologies Inc. All rights reserved. 789-01-04/20 – 10x10,75









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