SFGN 7/16/20 V11iss28

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july 16, 2020 vol. 11 // issue 28

















ory T. Wilson, who has a record of opposing LGBT equality, reproductive rights, and voting rights, became the 200th Trump appointee when Senate Republicans confirmed him to a lifetime seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit June 24. The Mississippi state judge and former state legislator will become the 12th Republicanappointed judge on a 17-member court — the sixth Trump has appointed, according to Alliance for Justice. Out of the 870 judgeships, Trump appointees now account for nearly a quarter of all federal judges, including two Supreme Court justices. Wilson in the past has described gay marriage as “a pander to liberal interest groups and an attempt to cast Republicans as intolerant, uncaring and even bigoted.” He also once voted for House Bill 1523 (Religious Liberty Accommodations Act), which allows religious groups, small businesses and government employees to discriminate against same-sex couples,


2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

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Mississippi Court of Appeals Judge Cory T. Wilson. Photo courtesy of Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith.

according to Jackson Free Press. It was later signed into law. He also strongly supports voter identification laws, and called the claims that they will make it harder for African Americans to vote “poppycock.” He claims that Republicans were only interested in “suppressing” illegal votes because of the complaints he and his office received about voter impersonations, where a dead person comes back to vote one last time, and other forms of cheating during his three years at the Secretary of State’s Office. Wilson once said the ACLU and civil rights organizations “rent-a-mobs,” who “will join the hunt for the GOP bogeyman, by whatever means.” In May 2007, Wilson in a questionnaire, called for the “the complete and immediate reversal of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton,” which were cases that led to the right of abortions for women. On Feb. 20, 2014, Wilson also called the Affordable Care Act “illegitimate” and “perverse” because it passed without GOP votes. Wilson also supports the expansion of Second Amendment rights, according to

Associated Press • 7.16.2020


July 16, 2020 • Volume 11 • Issue 28

Brian McNaught • Jesse Monteagudo

Associate Photographers another questionnaire. He indicated that he opposes the state licensing firearm owners to own, possess, or purchase a gun. Alliance for Justice President Nan Aron, said in press release, “Cory Wilson, like so many of Trump’s other appointees, will turn the clock back and access to health care, voting rights, and so many other protections we hold dear. Our nation’s progress is fragile, and Trump’s judges will be trying to tear it away from us for the rest of their lives.” People for the American Way President Ben Jealous called this confirmation “devastating.” “The Wilson confirmation really shines a spotlight on the harm Donald Trump is doing to vulnerable communities and communities of color with his judicial appointments. Cory Wilson defended racist voting restrictions in Mississippi,” said Jealous in a press release. “He is a virulent opponent of the Affordable Care Act at a time when people — especially people of color — are being devastated by a pandemic. There is no question that judicial appointments are a racial equity issue, and this confirmation is devastating. The power of presidents and senators to nominate and confirm judges is something we have to keep in mind when we vote in November.”

COVER: The easiest way to save a life... just wear a mask. Photo via Adobe.



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SFGN Winner of & 5 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for

NLGJA Journalist of the Year SOUTH FLORIDA GAY NEWS.COM, INC. — — FOUNDED, DECEMBER, 2009 BY PIER GUIDUGLI AND NORM KENT South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2020 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

7.16 . 20 20 •





DOLPHIN DISCRIMINATION DEBATE Prez pissed off at unequal treatment

John McDonald Jason Parsley


he Tampa-St. Petersburg area LGBT community appears splintered in its idea of representation for one of its House districts. In House District 70, the Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas County have endorsed newcomer Mark Oliver over civil rights attorney Michele Rayner. Rayner, a Black queer woman, has the endorsement of Equality Florida. However, her occupation appears to be the issue with Stonewall leadership. Susan McGrath, president of the Stonewall Democrats, told the Tampa Bay Times there are “plenty of qualified attorneys running for the Florida House,” adding there is “something to be said for fresh voices.” Rayner, a native of Clearwater, is an awardwinning criminal defense attorney. She is married to Bianca Goolsby. Oliver, 28, is a former University of South Florida football player and founder of Specially Fit, a nonprofit for people with


Michele Rayner. Photo via Facebook.

intellectual disabilities. A Black man, Oliver identifies as an LGBT ally. In a statement, Equality Florida Founder and CEO Nadine Smith, a resident of the district, said “Michele Rayner is the clear choice for everyone who values justice, fairness and equality, especially now.” U.S. Congressman Charlie Crist (FL-13) and Florida Representative Jennifer Webb, of the neighboring 69th District, have also endorsed Rayner. SFGN reached out for comment to the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus but our call was not returned.

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• 7.16.2020

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he President of the Dolphin Democrats, the Broward LGBT democratic club, caused a stir Monday when he posted what it’s like being a Brown man leading the organization. “I am not one to throw the race card around freely because I hold a lot of privilege, but let me tell you that as a brown man, in 2020, it could be exhausting to lead a democratic organization that in the past has been predominantly male/female white led,” Alfredo Olvera wrote on Facebook. “[We] were able to resurrect an almost dying organization that is actually active in the community, and get its members involved in the process. NOPE, some folks just like to question everything when you are brown or black. They didn’t care, and were silent, when incompetent white folks were in charge.” His post quickly generated a lot of comments, mostly expressing support for Olvera. But when Dean Trantalis, the gay mayor of Fort Lauderdale, jumped into the debate he received pushback. “Not sure if it is appropriate to define competence based on race. Or to pull the race card out to defend the club. We can do better than that,” Trantalis wrote. Olvera responded: “Dean I’m so confused about your comment. Are you denying my experience? I am not defending the organization. The work we are doing speaks for the organization. I am speaking about my experience as a brown leader.” Two other people blasted Trantalis’ comment. “Wait you’re the Mayor of Ft. Lauderdale?! Alfredo shared a frustration about his experience about not being heard as a brown man, and THIS was what you focused on? Read the room,” Nathan Bunch wrote. While locally known LGBT rights activist Naomi Ruth Cobb added, “Dean, listen more, speak less. Maybe it hasn’t been your experience. It doesn’t make it less so. I had a conversation with a former Board member who saw the organization declining and said nothing. Since there have been folk who aren’t white involved.” Many commenters praised Olvera’s leadership and his handling of the organization. “You are doing a great job and we are so very proud of you, the time you have spent, and the group of very talented people you have attracted to work alongside you. Keep

The Dolphin Democrats’ President Alfredo Olvera. Photo via Facebook.

up the great work and see you soon,” said Daniel Sohn, former Council member of Haverhill. Adam Sabin added: “As the longest [current] serving member of The Dolphin Democrats board, I can say with certainty that the organization has never been more well-run or inclusive than it is now. When I first joined in December 2016, the majority of the organization was made up of old White men. It is now a much more diverse group, and truly reflects the character and profile of the LGBTQ+ community. Haters gonna hate.” Meanwhile Cliff Eserman attempted to give Olvera a 390-word history lesson to which Olvera responded: “This is the problem with white folks. A brown person can’t express their views because we receive a history lesson, like if we don’t know about the shoulders we stand on [...] I don’t need a history lesson, I’m very much aware of the work that was accomplished before us, and acknowledge the framework that was left for us to continue the work today. You really missed my point, but I’m too tired to explain myself again.” Cobb went on to write that it’s hard to discuss race within any organization and it “gets some folks uncomfortable.” But it’s an important discussion to have. “Have the hard conversation,” she said. “It will produce good.” Olvera agreed with Cobb saying “people get very uncomfortable.” Cobb responded: “As we move forward, these conversations will be hard, at times, contentious, but they are necessary for our collective growth and for equality for all.”




iberty Counsel, a Florida organization well known for its opposition to LGBT rights, received a large Payment Protection Program loan from the Federal Government for coronavirus relief. The amount is between $350,000 to $1 million. Their lender is Seacoast National Bank. The Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that keeps tabs on anti-LGBT groups, has designated Liberty Counsel as a hate group. “Liberty Counsel fulfills its mission to advance the family by promoting and defending measures to strengthen marriage and the family,” Liberty Counsel’s website reads. “Marriage as the union of one man and one woman predates every form of government and transcends politics. The The Supreme Court of Florida. first and most basic form of government Photo credit: Bruin79, via Wikipedia. is the family unit, consisting of a mother and a father, and providing the optimal conversion therapy in West Palm Beach, environment for raising children.” Boca Raton, and Tampa. The PPP loans were designed to help Meanwhile several months ago businesses keep their workforce employed Tallahassee passed the strongest and most during the coronavirus crisis and are eligible expansive ban on the debunked practice. to be forgiven. In addition to minors the ban includes “The loan will be fully forgiven if the “vulnerable adults.” funds are used for payroll Currently there are nine costs, interest on mortgages, bans in Palm Beach County on rent, and utilities [due to likely conversion therapy on minors. THE SOUTHERN high subscription, at least 60% According to the American POVERTY LAW of the forgiven amount must Independent at least eight have been used for payroll],” anti-LGBT organizations have CENTER, AN reads the Small Business recieved PPP loans. In addition ORGANIZATION Administration’s website. to Liberty Counsel they include Recently Liberty Counsel has THAT KEEPS TABS American Family Association, filed lawsuits trying to overturn Center for Arizona Policy, ON ANTI-LGBT the bans against conversion Concerned Women for America, therapy on minors in Florida. Dr. James Dobson Family GROUPS, HAS “Over 80 State and local Institute, First Liberty Institute, DESIGNATED governments have passed Pacific Justice Institute, and LIBERTY COUNSEL The Family Leader Foundation. laws which effectively force people into an LGBT lifestyle,” Family Association AS A HATE GROUP. American a blog post on their website and Pacific Justice have both reads. “Liberty Counsel also been designated as hate is representing some of the victims groups by the SPLC. of these morally shocking and deeply Local LGBT organizations have also unconstitutional laws…” received PPP loans including the Pride Currently there are two lawsuits from Center in Wilton Manors, and Compass, the Liberty Counsel making their way through LGBT community of the Palm Beaches in the courts challenging the bans on Lake Worth.

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7.16 . 20 20 •





lorida House candidate Elijah Manley is going ahead with plans to file charges against a Wilton Manors man who he says attacked him during a recent neighborhood canvass. A Wilton Manors police report details Manley’s July 5 encounter with Robert Breakell, 49, inside an apartment complex where Manley was hanging door fliers for his campaign. According to the police report Breakell told officers he confronted Manley after seeing him place fliers on doors, but denied ever putting his hands on him. However the police report also states Breakell “was visibly intoxicated, and had the strong smell of alcohol on his breath. [He] couldn’t state what or how many drinks he consumed.” “It should be noted that Breakell gave inconsistent stories on what happened while talking with officers, but continued to state he never put his hands on Manley,” the report reads. Wilton Manors City Commissioner Julie Carson was walking her dog when she noticed Manley outside the apartment complex. “He indicated he had gone up to a complex and it was hot and he went in to canvass and a man came out and assaulted him, knocked him down and told him to get the fuck off the property,” Carson told SFGN. Carson said another person came out of the apartment complex and pleaded with Manley to drop the incident. “One of the residents of the condo complex comes out who also happens to be drunk says to Elijah, ‘Please, please just let this go [...] please just let this go,’” Carson told SFGN.


• 7.16.2020

Florida House candidate Elijah Manley. Photo via Elijah Manley, Facebook.

The 21-year-old Manley, a queer person of color, is campaigning for the Democratic nomination in House District 94. Last week, he was endorsed by the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida. Manley said he was hanging door fliers in the complex when Breakell approached from behind and pushed him. “He pushed me, tried to drag me and verbally harassed me,” Manley said. Carson said police officers told her Breakell used foul language during their interview. Manley said he is proceeding with misdemeanor charges against Breakell. According to the police report the incident may have been caught on video. However police officers were not able to access the video at the time of the incident and stated they would follow up later to continue their investigation. “Outside of exceptional circumstances, such as a case of domestic violence, police officers cannot make an arrest for a misdemeanor which occurs out of their presence. The victim has to first file a police report, retrieve a copy of it, and present it to the state attorney’s filing unit,” said criminal defense attorney Russell Cormican. “Based on the credibility of that presentation, supported by any statements the victim has of witnesses to back his story up, the state then makes a decision of whether or not to charge the suspect with a crime. He would then get a summons to appear in court on a certain date, or if charged with a felony, he could get arrested.”


Bree Black. Photo via GoFundMe.



ransInclusive Group has created a memorial fund for Bree Black, a Black transgender woman, who was shot and killed on July 3 in Pompano Beach. Since being created on July 10, it has raised over $2,000. Black, 27, was killed at 10:18 p.m. by 244 NW 12th St. in Pompano Beach, close to her home. Homicide Sgt. Bryan Tutler, who was not at the scene, said that a lot of people were outside at the time of the shooting because of the Fourth of July weekend. By the time police arrived at the scene, Black was already dead and hundreds of people were congregating in the streets and sidewalk. However, no one has come forward with details about the shooting, and the suspect is still at large, according to the report. The Broward Sheriff’s Office is asking for any eyewitnesses to come forward to help solve her murder since Tutler says that law enforcement has little to go on right now. “The witness accounts that we have are very basic and they’re coming from

most people who got involved after the shooting, not people who saw the [crime] unfortunately,” he said in a press conference. Tatiana Williams, the co-founder and executive director of TransInclusive Group, was a part of the press conference and has been in touch with Black’s family. She said that although she did not ask about what they thought the motive was, no one brought it up with her. Right now, she said that they are focusing on “figuring out what they want to do.” “I was more concerned about what it is that they would need from a community perspective and how we wanted to present Bree,” she said. According to the Transgender Law Center, Black is one of six Black transgender women found dead in several weeks. She is among 21 transgender people killed this year. In 2019 at least 27 were killed, according to the Human Rights Campaign. Compass in Lake Worth addressed Black’s death on Facebook, saying “These senseless acts of violence continue to plague of transgender community of color at disproportional rates.”

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If you have information about Bree Black’s death, contact Det. Louis Bonhomme at 954-321-4377. To remain anonymous, contact Broward Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS (8477) or browardcrimestoppers.org. 7.16 . 20 20 •



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n life, she was known for being an adventurous sailor and pilot, a lover of animals, and generous with those who needed her help. And before she died, she made sure she could still keep helping others.

Carolyn Kelly was known for her sense of be it through a university, college, or trade adventure and generosity, and even after her school, they could reach a point in their life death, a scholarship in her name continues to be able to become their true self.” Kelly was a senior pilot her mission to help others. for a major airline company Kelly, who came out as when she came out as trans, transgender in the 1990s, wanted at a time when American to make sure that underprivileged society was still trying to people could be afforded an come to terms with someone education. Thanks to the Carolyn coming out as gay. Her Kelly Memorial Education Fund, employers didn’t know how which awards $12,500 twice a to handle the situation, year to a deserving scholar, her Audette recounted, so they giving spirit lives on. offered her retirement at full “Carolyn knew that there pay. She accepted the offer were thousands of transgender and used it as an opportunity individuals who did not have to make investments, travel, the ability, whether mental, dote on her beloved dog, emotional, or financial to go Josie, and support charities through the process of transition - Joseph Audette FRIEND OF CAROLYN KELLY such as Women in Distress to become who they really are,” and Kids in Distress, the said Joseph Audette, the director of marketing and outreach for the fund and a Florida Humane Society, and the American Liver Foundation. close personal friend of Kelly. But she also helped her own friends reach “It was her belief that if a transgender individual could obtain a higher education, their goals. Audette recounted how he was looking to buy a house close to his girlfriend, now wife, 18 years ago, but unfortunately didn’t have the funds to make the down payment. He shared his disappointment with Kelly, who later made a proposal: she would provide the capital to him and he would pay it back at a generously low interest rate. He agreed, and he was able to pay her back in less than three years. “Carolyn did not have to help me, but she cared about my girlfriend and me,” he remembers. “I thank Carolyn every day.” Understanding the struggles that a trans person can experience, Kelly wanted to make sure that even after she passed that she could help people. She wrote the Carolyn Kelly Memorial Education Fund into her will. She died in Fort Lauderdale in 2016.


Carolyn Kelly. Photo via KellyTrust.org


• 7.16.2020

Photo via the The Carolyn Kelly Memorial Education Fund, Facebook.

The scholarship is open to students attending a two- or four-year college or university in the United States who are transgender, women, underprivileged, or any combination of those. Seven students have received the scholarship and the next winner will be announced July 31. Kelly loved the water, sailing the Caribbean multiple times, and Audette used a sailing metaphor for how the scholarship helps its

recipients: You only need physical strength to hoist a sail or coil a line, but a captain’s license will give you a greater understanding of navigating the ocean and working a boat. “College does the same thing,” he said. “From dealing with deadlines and time management to the presentation of reports and proper study habits, it prepares the student with real-life application of skills learned in the classroom.”

The next round of applications are due Nov. 1 and will be awarded Dec. 31. For more information about the Carolyn Kelly Memorial Education Fund, visit KellyTrust.org.

7.16 . 20 20 •





was being the worst kind of school assembly dad.

McPherson House, where six men from the class of 1978 — including Brent McCowan — told SFGN they were abused by their housemaster. Photo credit: Lawrenceville School, Twitter.


• 7.16.2020

My son had just received his handwriting award, and with an eternity to bear until assembly was over, I staved off terminal boredom by taking out my phone...and brought up the Google search window. In my defense, my mind had been wandering milliseconds prior. I’d looked over at my boy, sitting cross-legged and bumping shoulders with his best friend, wondering if they would still be this close, later in life. And I had a sudden flash yearning for my best childhood friend. With utter determination I told myself: This time, I’m going to find Brent. Brent McCowan. Thanks to an article from South Florida Gay News in 2018 that exposed and detailed the abuse Brent and others suffered from their housemaster in boarding school I was able to find out what happened to my longlost friend and fill in key details of his life. It was clear from the moment Brent and I met, 8 years old each, in the elevator of our Manhattan apartment building, that there wasn’t anything he couldn’t do perfectly the first time, or at least look good trying. Even then, his fair hair, dimpled chin and slim, strong frame moved through his world with a confidence I never even knew existed. Brent could roller skate, ice skate, play every kind of ball game with a fluidity and grace that left me speechless. And he could dance. He wasn’t showy, wasn’t demeaning. He didn’t think he was something special.

He was just capable, and he knew it. Brent McCowan had easy motion. By late 1968, I was spending as much after-school time as I could with Brent, in his spacious, shag-pile carpeted bedroom, complete with a loft bed and study nook underneath. Where afternoon snacks were frosted Pop Tarts, not a lecture to wait for dinner, and where baseball, football and hockey were things you lived for, not things you pretended didn’t exist. It was a Sunday in early January. I raced home from Hebrew school, pushing away the traumatic visions of holocaust movie horrors we just watched, and joined Brent in his den. There we watched the suddenly amazing NY Jets play and win Super Bowl III on a small black and white TV while the grown ups watched on the big color TV in the living room. Mrs. McCowan ensured an endless supply of fun food on the coffee table, and we screamed and jumped up and down at every twist and turn that brought Broadway Joe Namath and the Jets that much closer to victory. In July, we were back in the den, time after time, watching Apollo 11’s flight to the moon, walk on the moon, and safe trip back. In October we watched the Mets win the World Series, something we all thought could only happen after, well, never. If that wasn’t enough, at the end of the year I had a front row seat to my first Christmas, a magical holiday with candy, presents and more presents! That’s when Brent got a phonograph with a built-in speaker, and records that were actually of today’s music and not opera. Man, I loved Brent’s place.

COLUMN LETTERS TO THE EDITOR After school, we hung out and did kid stuff: played The Game of Life (only scrabble and monopoly played in mine), traded baseball and football cards — cards he gave me, and I kept at his place knowing they would not be received well at mine. We made rubbery plastic creatures with our Creepy Crawlers set, raced hot wheels and played music on his phonograph. By 1971 my little brother, now 6, was allowed to accompany me up to Brent’s once in a while, and Brent was a natural and nurturing additional big brother to him. You could tell he’d probably thought to himself that he’d like to have had a little brother to dote on. When winter fell, Brent’s mom and dad would take him out to ice skate in Central Park. They persuaded me to accompany them once. As they skated figure eights and glided like birds, I slid around uncontrollably, falling gracelessly on my bottom, in my pull-over rubber boots. Out here I could feel the great identity and capability divide between us, Easy Motion vs. Me. It was growing, some kind of unsettling rumble in my being, telling me things are changing. When 1972 came around, the changes waiting in the wings were becoming more evident. Suddenly, we were 12. There was more homework, Brent had after-school sports, me after-school astronomy. And before we knew it, it was 1973. We were living lives more and more in our own, separate spheres. My last memories of 13-year-old Brent involve my phoning him with an invitation to a “kissing party.” I did not want to go alone. A girl I had a crush on was hosting the party. Brent knew none of my school friends but still agreed to be my wingman. My memories that come next are not pretty: A nightmarish go at a game of spin the bottle, forced to kiss every girl there except the one I wanted; and then later watching Brent win the adulations of the girl I liked. Then they danced, as I sat

Pictured above: Brent McCowan. Photo via LinkedIn.

in a chair watching, distanced and dismayed. Brent had always been kind and fun. He hadn’t meant to step on my territory. He just was good at everything and it put him in pole position every time. That year, other circumstances would separate us for good. On short notice, Brent’s family moved out of their apartment and into a building down the block. My mother would be diagnosed with terminal cancer. Before her demise and passing, Brent would be sent to boarding school in New Jersey, with no easy access to phones. A year later, my mother was gone. When the dust settled, I called Brent’s home to see if there was any way I could phone him and catch up. His father told me that Brent had gone AWOL from school. Soon after, my father was remarried and I was sent to boarding school, too, but in Massachusetts. It wasn’t until some time after college that I took another stab at finding him. I got in contact with his father, who gave me Brent’s phone number. Brent and I got together with our girlfriends, at some riverside cafe. In a surrealistic moment, we saw each other for the first time in almost 20 years. We’d gone from kids, to tweens, to adults. He still looked like Brent — only bigger, stronger. We were amazed to discover the stunning parallels in our lives. We’d both been to boarding school, both already been married and divorced once, were both aspiring filmmakers and more-than-avid photographers since our teens, despite never sharing any love for visual arts in our childhood together — we even had the identical camera and darkroom kits, camera bodies, lenses and enlargers. We had grown up entirely apart yet were in so many ways entirely the same. But where I had story after story to tell about my boarding school days, he didn’t want to talk about his much, aside from how a teacher harassed him and when no one would listen, he packed his bags, climbed out a

window and made his way into the world by himself. His spark was gone. A loneliness in his eyes had taken its place. And I had a feeling that his easy motion, that defining aspect of everything he was, was long gone. I was moving to California a week after our meeting. He said he’d planned to be out there soon. A few weeks after my move, I called and his phone had been disconnected. I re-lived my whole life with Brent, from that fateful meeting in our elevator in 1968, up to that surrealistic, sadly distant cafe reunion in 1992, in a heartbeat, as my son bumped shoulders with his best friend in the school auditorium. It was then I Googled Brent’s name. And for the first time in decades, I got a hit. Several hits. All the same. Brent McCowan had joined others in outing a teacher for his abuse — abuse that went unchecked by faculty or administration, that led Brent to escape the school in the dead of night, just prior to graduating, never to return...until a school reunion, 40 years later. My heart raced with excitement that I’d found him, but in pain over a story I’d never known, a story that explained Brent’s far away eyes and quietude on that strange day at the riverside cafe nearly 30 years ago. I read more articles online about the horror he faced in the hands of his teacher, and read his own words tell the story of how his world changed and left him changed, forever; I read how his tormentor runs free in Florida, a successful and happy business man. I couldn’t believe that my best childhood friend had suffered so much, but I was moved and hopeful — even excited at the thought that at least now I can find him, and console him, and be the refuge to him he had been to me. But then I found one more article online — his obituary. I’d lost Brent again, as quickly as I found him. I looked at my son, so happy, and thought of the feeling of happiness that his happiness gives me. I thought of all four of my beautiful children, of my wonderful, beautiful wife; of the happiness they bring me every day; of my exciting and wild ride through the entertainment industry, and the natural


To read SFGN’s original breaking story, “FORMER PREP SCHOOL HOUSEMASTER ACCUSED OF ABUSE DECADES LATER” by Jason Parsley, visit SFGN.com/q3yx

beauty that surrounds me in the hills of my adopted home of Sydney Australia. I couldn’t understand how Brent, my friend, my sanctuary, the boy with that vivacious personality, can-do confidence and giving heart; the boy with the cool, modern house, young, sexy parents, his own room, coolest furniture, Pop Tarts and TV dinners and current music. The boy who had everything, ended up struggling to find the light of happiness through the trauma and sadness that haunted and crippled him his whole life. It was hard to imagine this boy was stripped of his easy motion, robbed of the happiness every boy deserves, and the joy of building a family of his own, or of having his aspirations realised, while I — the boy who wanted to be him — ended up with the Motherlode. Matt Ferro is a filmmaker born in NYC, who produced the Academy Award-winning visual effects for “The Matrix” and headed the digital production of “Happy Feet,” eventually settling in Sydney Australia. Recently, he is one of the producers of “What Will Become of Us,” a documentary feature film about the life of Frank Lowy, the holocaust survivor and co-founder of the global Westfield Shopping Centre chain.

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!  Submit your own letter to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com 7.16 . 20 20 •






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Former castmates and fans mourn her loss

Kim Swan

he body of actor Naya Rivera, 33, was found and identified by the Ventura Sheriff’s Office on July 13, after she had gone swimming in a lake with her 4-year-old 96.9 FM FM 1470 AM FM son six days before. 95.3 103.9 According to the VSO, Rivera came to Lake 96.9 FM 1470 AM Piru in California and rented a pontoon boat at the dock, leaving the dock to go swimming around 1 p.m. While swimming, her son, 95.3 FMFM 103.9Josey FMDorsey, described being helped into 95.3 FM 103.9 the boat by Rivera who boosted him onto deck from behind. He told investigators 96.9 FM 1470 the AM 96.9 FM 1470 AM 95.3 103.9 FM that he looked back and saw her disappear under the surface of the water. 96.9 FM 1470 AM “[S]he mustered enough energy to get her son back onto the boat, but not enough to save herself,” said Sheriff Bill Ayub in the transcript. Afternoon Drive... Rivera was a fan favorite on “Glee” where local and LIVE. Afternoon Drive... she played the role of lesbian cheerleader Ad opportunities: 954-661-3361 Santana Lopez. One fan on Twitter said local andDrive... LIVE. Afternoon that because of the LGBT representation in local and LIVE. “Glee,” it gave them the courage to accept Ad opportunities: 954-661-3361 themselves, and probably wouldn’t be “out Ad opportunities: 954-661-3361 and proud” if it wasn’t for Rivera. MONDAY - FRIDAY Glee creators Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Ian Brennan shared a statement on hear past shows on youtube at bit.ly/2OzWjlI Rivera’s legacy. “...her greatest Glee legacy is probably Afternoon Drive... Afternoon Drive... MONDAY - FRIDAY the humor and humanity that she brought and Drive... LIVE.to Santana’s relationship with her best and s t r e a m i n g • wlocal w n nhear r apast d LIVE. ishows oAfternoon .local c on oonyoutube myoutube shows hear past at at friend and eventual girlfriend/wife Brittany Adbit.ly/2OzWjlI opportunities: 954-661-3361 bit.ly/2OzWjlI Ad opportunities: 954-661-3361 local and LIVE.[played by Heather Morris]. It was one of the first times an openly lesbian, high school Ad opportunities: 954-661-3361 relationship was seen on network television

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Naya Rivera singing “Valerie” as Santana Lopez on “Glee.” Image via Fox.

• 7.16.2020


and Naya understood what “Brittana” meant to the many young women who were seeing themselves represented on television for the first time,” the statement reads. “Naya always made sure that Santana’s love for Brittany was expressed with dignity, strength and with pure intentions. Naya was always moved by the girls who reached out to her to tell her how much Santana and Brittany’s love affected them. Naya’s obligation to them — and to all of her fans — was obvious. She had the rare combination of humility and endless confidence in her talent.” Another fan on Twitter thanked her for expressing the importance of LGBT representation, and making Lopez a canon lesbian character to relate to all of the young queer girls in the world. Rivera won three ALMA awards for her portrayal of Lopez, which are awards for highlighting the best American Latino contributions in the entertainment industry, and promoting fair and accurate portrayals of Latinos. U.S. Representative Alexandria OcasioCortez, a progressive democrat from New York, also remembered Rivera on Twitter. “I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Naya Rivera,” she wrote. “The talent and depth Naya brought to her characters inspired millions. As a Latina, it‘s rare to have rich, complex characters reflect us in the media. Naya worked hard to give that gift to so many.”

WMG Volume 7 • Issue 14 July 16, 2020



PPP Loans Rescue Wilton Manors Businesses and Non-profits By Jason Parsley At least 26 businesses and non-profits likely high subscription, at least 60% of in Wilton Manors received more than the forgiven amount must have been used $150,000 in Payment Protection Program for payroll],” reads the Small Business loans from the Federal Government for Administration’s website. The maximum amount an applicant coronavirus relief. “We used the money to keep our staff could receive is approximately equal to 2.5 employed ever since the pandemic started,” times the average monthly payroll costs for said Victor Warren, the chair of the board the business or non-profit. Only those businesses and non-profits of SunServe, one of the recipients. “We didn’t have to furlough anyone. Otherwise who received more than $150,000 are listed and searchable. we would have had to lay people off.” Glen Weinzimer, co-owner SunServe received close of Bona Italian Restaurant to $300,000, Warren said. THE PPP LOANS on Wilton Drive, received He said the money ran out a WERE DESIGNED $112,000 under his PPP loan. couple of weeks ago. “That’s what kept us open,” The largest such loan TO HELP he said. He also said the in Wilton Manors went to BUSINESSES KEEP money is close to running out Catholic Charities of the THEIR WORKFORCE and he’s worried for the future Archdiocese who received between $2 and $5 million EMPLOYED DURING of the business. “We went and took out a Small which covered 385 jobs. Two THE CORONAVIRUS ahead Business Administration loan other businesses and nonCRISIS AND ARE even though I did not want to.” profits received more than His biggest concern is if $1 million in loans, which ELIGIBLE TO BE there’s another shutdown. included Kids in Distress and FORGIVEN. “The virus is out of control,” Southeast Moving Solutions. he said. The PPP is a $669 billion Weinzimer said he supports another business loan program established earlier this year under the CARES Act shutdown as long as there is a mandate for (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic everyone to shutdown. When businesses were allowed to Security Act). The PPP loans were designed to help businesses keep their workforce reopen he attempted to keep his dining employed during the coronavirus crisis and room closed in order to keep his staff safe, but in those first two weeks his takeout and are eligible to be forgiven. “The loan will be fully forgiven if the delivery business plummeted forcing him funds are used for payroll costs, interest to open in order to stay in business. “Those were the worst two weeks of the on mortgages, rent, and utilities [due to

crisis while everyone else was open,” he said. If there is a second shutdown he believes he could stay in business for a while as long as his takeout and delivery business stays strong, even though it’s not quite break even. The PPP started accepting new applications July 6. The new deadline is August 8. ProPublica created a searchable database of the businesses and non-profits who received $150,000 or more in loans. Here is a list for businesses with an address within Wilton Manors. WMG

Stork’s Bakery during the “soft opening.” Photo credit: Carina Mask.

Ethos Wilton Manors ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained – 39

South Florida Symphony Orchestra ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained - 275

Cubas Enterprise ($350,000-1 Million) Jobs Retained - 32

Kids In Distress ($1-2 Million) Jobs Retained - 151

Spartacus Night Club (Eagle Wilton Manors) ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained – Blank

Insurance Made Simple ($350,000-1 Million) Jobs Retained - 52

The Pride Center at Equality Park ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained – 15

Trivia ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained – 9

Turnkey Property Management Investments ($350,000-1 Million) Jobs Retained - 96

Horton/Jones Electrical Contractors ($350,000-1 Million) Jobs Retained - 0

AXIS Medical Education ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained - 8

Imperial Cleaning Corporation ($350,000-1 Million) Jobs Retained - 152

Graphics Unit ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained - 6

The Poverello Center ($350,000-1 Million) Jobs Retained - 15

Millionaire Group (Tee Jay Thai Sushi) ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained - 29

United Cargo and Freight ($350,000-1 Million) Jobs Retained - 98

Arbor Pet Hospital ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained - 18

Top Cat Cleaning Service ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained - 42

A Brand New Start ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained - 26

Allied Home Improvement ($350,000-1 Million) Jobs Retained - 63

South Florida Institute On Aging ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained - 16

Gregory B. Taylor, PA ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained - 14

Southeast Moving Solutions ($1-2 Million) Jobs Retained - 110

SunServe ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained - 38 Access Insurance Underwriter ($150,000-350,000) Jobs Retained – 23 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese Of Miami ($2-5 Million) Jobs Retained - 385

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COVID-19 Surge in Oakland Park Continues Up to 521 Cases

WMG July 16, 2020 • Volume 7 • Issue 14 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com Copyeditor • Kimberly Swan

By Jason Parsley


As COVID-19 continues to break records in Florida the number of cases in Oakland Park continues to surge as well. “It’s with great frustration that I hear the much of its reopening plans while placing report that Oakland Park has seen another new restrictions on certain businesses. surprising spike in COVID-19 infections,” “Our city continues its outreach efforts said Tim Lonergan, Oakland Park City to urge residents and businesses to comply Commissioner. “The health, well-being and with the Broward County Executive Orders safety of our residents, as well as the visitors and always adhere to the CDC guidelines to of Oakland Park remain a top priority. We help prevent the spread of COVID-19,” said continue to partner with Broward County Oakland Park Public Information Officer to ensure public adherence to the Executive David Rafter. “We realize everyone is stressed, Orders that were enacted to reduce the spread but we must all remain vigilant when it comes of the virus.” to wearing our face masks and practicing As of Tuesday, according to the Florida social distancing.” Department of Health, the According to FDOH as of total number of cases in Tuesday, 32,814 people have Oakland Park now stands at tested positive for COVID-19 ACCORDING TO 521. A week ago that number in Broward County, more than FDOH AS OF stood at 343 – a 52% increase. triple the number from 30 days The week before the number ago. TUESDAY, 32,814 Oakland Park. Photo via the City of increased more than 50%. In Fort Lauderdale there have Oakland Park, Facebook. PEOPLE HAVE “Until we all take the been 7,268 up from 1,997, 30 days COVID-19 pandemic seriously TESTED POSITIVE ago. Meanwhile next door in and adhere to the guidelines Wilton Manors the number is up shorten the pandemic.” FOR COVID-19 IN For more local information Lonergan that will reduce the virus, to 187. BROWARD COUNTY, it will control our futures, There are 291,629 confirmed pointed to the Oakland Park Coronavirus Call creating unnecessary longcases in Florida, more than 3.4 Center Hotline the city set up at the beginning MORE THAN TRIPLE term sickness and death,” million in the U.S., and globally of the pandemic. It’s available from 7 a.m. THE NUMBER FROM Lonergan said. “Please do your more than 13.2 million. So far to 7 p.m. “to answer questions and redirect part and safely advocate that 30 DAYS AGO. there have been 4,409 deaths in residents to the resources they may find others do their part to reduce Florida, 138,000 in the U.S. and helpful.” He also directed residents to this webpage on the city’s website for “a wealth of the spread of COVID-19.” globally more than 576,000. In the last two weeks the number of cases “Based on facts, the Trump Administration knowledge, resources and links related to the has doubled in the city and over the past 30 was unprepared, unresponsive and neglectful pandemic.” Last month the City launched a campaign days it’s almost quadrupled. At the end of May throughout the entire pandemic. The delay, new weekly cases in Oakland Park had slowed lack of action and absence of planning and to encourage residents to shop local with the to a trickle. leadership by the Trump Administration “Find it in Oakland Park” campaign. “I encourage everyone to use their leisure The total cases in Oakland Park come has created a nightmare for all Americans,” to about 1.1% of the population. Next door Lonergan said. “Businesses will suffer time for safer pursuits such as gardening, in Wilton Manors it’s about 1.4% of the much longer than was necessary because a cooking or enjoying a movie and popcorn population. For comparison the percentage responsible and proactive policy had not been night at home,” Rafter said. “A household can of positive tests in Florida amounts to 1.3% of put in place sooner. Governor DeSantis has purchase monthly video streaming of movies the population. also furthered the nightmare by not taking all and television for less than the cost of two As Broward County and the rest of the state the difficult and proper actions necessary to tickets to a movie.” WMG has reopened, Florida has set multiple records for the number of daily coronavirus cases in Visit Facebook.com/groups/WMGazette to the last 30 days. South Florida has paused join the Gazette’s community Facebook page.

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Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER


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Copyright © 2020 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

Wilton Manors City Hall. Photo via the City of Wilton Manors, Facebook.

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• 7.16.2020

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July 16, 2020




Total COVID-19 Cases in Wilton Manors Reach 187


By Jason Parsley As COVID-19 cases have skyrocketed across the state in the last 30 days, cases in Wilton Manors are also on the rise. “The virus numbers are increasing significantly on a daily basis which makes for an extremely difficult time for residents and businesses from both a health and economic perspective,” said Paul Rolli, Wilton Manors City Commissioner. “Unfortunately, this situation is going to get worse before it gets better. Everyone has the responsibility to keep themselves protected for their own benefit and that of others.” As of Tuesday, according to the Florida Department of Health, the total number of cases in Wilton Manors now stands at 187. A week ago that number stood at 159 – a 17% rise. The week before the new cases rose by 13%. Over the past 30 days there’s been a 54% Wilton Manors during its “soft openings.” Photo credit: Carina Mask. rise in confirmed cases in Wilton Manors. In May there were 30 new cases. In June, 22. Meanwhile in this month, there have already and, although there have been a couple of compliance exceptions, we have resolved been 47 new cases. At the end of May new weekly cases in them on a timely basis,” Rolli said. “I know that some businesses are frustrated that Wilton Manors had dropped to just 1. The total cases in Wilton Manors come to patrons don’t always comply willingly. We about 1.4% of the population. For comparison have received good feedback from business owners that they are grateful the percentage of positive tests in for our code compliance Florida amounts to about 1.3% officers having a presence in of the population. Next door in establishments, particularly on Oakland Park the percentage weekend evenings.” comes to 1.1%. According to FDOH as of “I urge everyone to stay home Tuesday, 32,814 people have to the greatest extent possible,” tested positive for COVID-19 in Rolli said. “If you must go out, Broward County, more than triple keep your mask on, wash your the number from 30 days ago. hands frequently and practice In Fort Lauderdale there have social distancing.” been 7,589 up from 1,997, 30 days As Broward County and the - Paul Rolli ago. Meanwhile next door in rest of the state has reopened, WILTON MANORS CITY COMMISSIONER Oakland Park, COVID-19 cases Florida has set multiple have skyrocketed to 521, up from records for the number of daily 131, 30 days ago. coronavirus cases in the last There are 291,629 confirmed cases in 30 days. South Florida has paused much of its reopening plans while placing new Florida, more than 3.4 million in the U.S., and globally more than 13.2 million. So far there restrictions on certain businesses. “I am pleased with the efforts of our have been 4,409 deaths in Florida, 138,000 city businesses to comply with the updated in the U.S. and globally more than 576,000. regulations to wear masks and close early WMG



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July 16, 2020

7.16 . 20 20 •



City Honors Good Samaritans Who Gave Out More Than 1,600 Meals During Pandemic By Christiana Lilly In honor of 15 weeks of providing more than 1,600 free meals to those impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, Wilton Manors Vice Mayor Tom Green on Tuesday declared July 14 in honor of those who made it all happen. Spearheaded by Dawn Holloway, the owner of Pink Sub, and Howard Andrew of FabScout Entertainment, the proclamation also recognized Laymon Rupe, the Rev. Joel Slotnick, Bill Huelsman, Skip Vandeelinde of Fur the Love of Dogs, John Michael Gordan, Kevin Clevenger, The Pet Project, and Victor Dawn Holloway offers a cookie to guests. Lords. Photo credit: Carina Mask. “I feel good that the city is actually going to make a proclamation for each person. Each of our core group of eight people is going to get something that we could do was give back and their own copy,” Andrew said. “It’s just about feed them.” However, their goodwill didn’t come people helping people.” without criticism. Andrew said someone And it all started over a meatloaf dinner. After the shutdown in March, Andrew called code enforcement and the police on cooked and delivered dinners to the owner of them more than once, and a few people Johnson’s to feed his employees. After doing it complained that the meals didn’t meet their a second time, he contacted Holloway, a good food preferences. But overall, most people friend of his, to see if she would be interested were grateful for the free meals, especially those in industries dismantled by the in partnering to make it a regular thing. The pair cooked up meals, packaged them, pandemic. The last meal was served June 19. and donning gloves and masks, handed them “It was very fun and very rewarding at the out to people using the honor system at least twice a week for 15 weeks. The food drives end of the day,” Andrew said. “If it needs to were hosted at The Manor and Johnson’s, but happen again, so be it, we’ll do it again.” With counties starting Hunter’s turned out to be the best to reevaluate the effects of place for it. People could safely reopening, Andrew and Holloway drive through the parking lot and have discussed if they’ll do this pick up their food. again should there be another Soon, other community shutdown or restrictions on groups were pitching in to hand restaurants. out pet food, cases of toilet As a restaurant owner, paper, and bottles of hand Holloway fully understands the sanitizers. People also added pain that the food and beverage to the tip jar, which went to industry is going through. the next round of meals, and She, too, has been struggling, companies began sponsoring the especially during the weeks that events. Volunteers, who cooked - Howard Andrew she spent focusing on the food out of Holloway’s kitchen at the FABSCOUT drives. However, she said without American Legion Post in Oakland ENTERTAINMENT hesitation that if the need for the Park, all got to take home a food drives return, she’s in. dinner, and any leftovers were “If it happens, we’re on it. It’s one thing given to the homeless. “Having a kitchen at the Legion became I’ve always done is feed people and I’ll very, very handy to make sure that all the continue to do it even if I’m suffering myself,” people that served all of us over the years,” she said. “I’ll always make something work for she said of those in the food industry. “It was somebody that needs to eat.” WMG


You can support Pink Sub, which is still serving food via delivery or catering orders. Visit Facebook.com/PinkSub.

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• 7.16.2020

4 •

July 16, 2020



Daily Average by Week of new COVID-19 Cases: Daily Average by Week of new COVID-19 Cases: in 3 south Florida Counties from 3/22 to 7/5 in 3 south Florida Counties from 3/22 to 7/5 2,306

2,306 1,881



790 410 280 136 94 37 3/22

154 78


75 5/3



410 280 136

4 7


154 78









Palm Beach




75 5/3



Palm Beach


1,240 528


790 7/5



Source: Florida Dept. of Health.


492 282



492 282




295 6/14



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eff Delmay, who served as a plaintiff in the lawsuit that led to the first same-sex marriages in Florida, has been named Co-Chair of Equality Florida’s Board of Directors. His 3-year term begins immediately.

He and his husband Todd Delmay made a name for organization’s lawsuit, Pareto v. Ruvin, January 21, 2014, to themselves in the South Florida LGBT community when secure marriage equality in Florida, according to a media they were one of the six plaintiffs to sue for marriage release. equality in the state and won. “Today the majority of Floridians stand with us as we take “When you participate in something as historic as we this historic step toward marriage equality in the Sunshine did, you really get excited about the idea that one or two State,” said Nadine Smith, CEO of Equality Florida. “These voices can make a difference,” Todd Delmay couples have been embraced by their families previously said. and communities, but every day, Florida laws “... THIS IS A VERY The couple got married January 5, 2015 in are denying them the protections and dignity Miami-Dade when the ban was lifted. They POWERFUL, CARING that every family deserves. These harmful laws became some of the first gay men to marry in are outdated and out of step.” AND DIVERSE the state. Jeff has served on the board since 2016 and ORGANIZATION “We wanted to set an example for our son accepted the new leadership role during their THAT HAS BEEN [Blake]. He’s sort of understanding it now that board meeting in April, according to the media we’re married and having this celebration,” PRACTICING WHAT IT release. Delmay previously said. “It’s an exciting time, a gay black man in an interracial marriage PREACHES SINCE ITS and“Asraising with our lives changing and business growing. our adopted son, I feel that my FOUNDING IN 1997.” family is protected in our community largely We’re just like everybody else now.” Jeff and his husband Todd first became due to the tireless efforts of Equality Florida. - Jeff Delmay active with Equality Florida as plaintiffs in the I’m excited to do my part in helping other NEW BOARD MEMBER OF LGBTQ+ individuals and families experience EQUALITY FLORIDA the same,” Jeff said. Smith in the release said Jeff has played a direct role in helping to secure legal protections for Florida’s LGBT community, and that his dedication and understanding of how Equality Florida carves out victories despite challenging environments makes him a perfect choice for co-chair. Now, in his new role as co-chair of the Board, Jeff is not only helping to navigate the organization during a global pandemic but also ensuring Equality Florida remains a leading voice on issues of racial violence and systemic racism. “People who know of Equality Florida, know that this is a very powerful, caring and diverse organization that has been practicing what it preaches since its founding in 1997. Being named co-chair is just another example of how Equality Florida is focused on lifting up the voices of all Floridians and recognizing leadership skills in Black and Brown communities,” said Jeff in the same release. As nationwide demonstrations in support of Black lives continue, Jeff hopes the LGBT movement in general fully commits to combating racial violence and injustice. “It starts with understanding that the fight for full LGBTQ equality includes ending white supremacy and embracing Jeff Delmay. Photo courtesy of Delmay And Partners. anti-racism. It means lifting up the voices of Black trans


• 7.16.2020

Jeff Delmay (left) with husband Todd Delmay in 2015. Photo credit: Equality Florida.

women and ending the epidemic of violence against them. It also means we must act. And one of the most impactful actions we can take is voting,” Jeff said. “This November is one of the most important elections of our lifetime and we have the chance to shape the future of this country. I am honored to be co-chair of Equality Florida and participate in the extraordinarily important work they do for our state’s LGBTQ+ community.” In the media release, it notes Jeff has also been involved in the community at large, working extensively with the National LGBTQ Task Force and The SMART Ride. Jeff and his husband own and operate Delmay Corporation, which provides its software, event management and consulting services to meeting and event organizers. Jeff is a graduate of Johnson & Wales, where he studied hospitality management. After graduating, he enjoyed a 12-year career working for a few hotels in Miami.






There is always some love to be shared at Wilton Manors Animal Hospital on Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors, where this fortunate loving senior pug found a new adoptive parent!

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Photo via Facebook.

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Publisher's Editorial



WEAR A F---ING MASK Satirical image via Facebook.

Norm Kent



ast month, I did an editorial entitled “I Wear a Mask; Do You?” This month, I am not going to be so polite. If you have not started yet, start today. Wear a freaking mask. If it makes it easier for you, don’t call it a mask. Call it simply a cloth face covering, one that helps prevent you or anyone else who has the COVID-19 virus from spreading it to others. When religiously used in public settings, cloth face coverings can and do reduce the spread of the virus. This is not random speculation. It is documented science. Just because you close the door on reality does not mean it won’t sneak in through the window. Cloth face coverings are actual barriers that prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people. There are now even designer ones on Amazon. Go make a fashion statement. Wearing a covering in South Florida provides source control in a state where things are out of control. We are human beings. We cough, we sneeze, and talk loudly. We raise our voices in cheer and song, anger and passion. As I write this column, on July 15 hospitalizations in Florida are up 56%, ICU’s 67%, and ventilator use 92%, for just the past 14 days. No need for me to record the number of deaths today, because a week or two down the road, the numbers will be surpassed, eclipsed by higher tolls. But lives and loved ones will have been lost, and that toll can’t be measured by numbers alone. We have never lived through a pandemic.

Dare I say, many of us will not. This is an enemy out there you cannot see, a spreading plague that know no political parties, constitutional rights, or geographic boundaries. Refusing to wear a mask is not a civil rights issue anymore. It is a civic duty you assume to protect yourself, your neighbor, and anyone you meet with a chance or planned encounter. There are a thousand places in our lives where we give way for the communal good. Respect for others is a fundamental premise of our lives. The rights we all share in a free society must sometimes give way to the good of the community. This is one of those times. That is why we require cars to stop at red lights. It is why we have as a society decided you can’t smoke on an airplane anymore. If you own a car, paint it any color you want. Post a bumper sticker with any logo you like. That’s up to you. But when you take that car on the road at night, you turn on the head lights. You buckle your seat belt. Or you get a ticket. There are also speed limits and stop signs. Our laws do not impose these inconveniences to restrict your liberties. We do it to protect other people’s lives besides your own. These past few months, our nation has not responded well to the pandemic. We have failed miserably and it is costing us incredibly. The death toll of over 135,000 speaks for itself. Tragically, we have been led by a president and an administration ignoring science and reason, logic and real numbers. Yesterday, the president’s former personal physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, won the



• 7.16.2020

Republican nomination for a congressional seat in Texas. He proceeded to then announce that he does not wear a mask often, stating “it should be a matter of personal choice.” This man is a physician. How dare he? Don’t you think he abides by the rules of a hospital requiring him to sterilize instruments before you use them? He should know better. Earlier today, another Republican legislator in Florida, Anthony Sabatini, bragged live on CNN how well the state is handling the virus. A moron of immense magnitude, he is, matched only by the Mickey Mouse governor who has just opened Disney World. Sabatini spoke live on CNN as 54 hospital ICU’s are filled in this state, and 45 more are at above 90% capacity. He said this with 4,500 deaths in this state from the coronavirus. There are none so blind as those who will not see. With no leadership from the White House, Americans are enduring a pandemic

of ignorance as well. We must ignore the president and his band of delusional followers and sycophants. Listen to the scientists instead. Listen to Dr. Fauci. Society has a new speed limit. It is called the coronavirus. We are living under new rules no one has ever dealt with in our lifetimes. We must adapt, change, and compromise. We must do something Americans are not used to doing. We must sacrifice. We are gay. We know how to survive, to buck the government and its tide of toxicity, its shores of indifference. We have met tragedy before, and beat it back. Together. Alone. By ourselves. Let’s show others how. Let’s do as we have before. Let’s lead. Wear a freaking mask. It’s one small curtain on your face, one giant set of drapes for mankind.


Editorial Cartoon


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Off The Wall


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• 7.16.2020


hen we think about discrimination against LGBT people in Florida the first thing that comes to mind is the “Save Our Children” campaign spearheaded by Anita Bryant in the late ‘70s. But Florida showed its homophobia much earlier than that. The Florida Legislative Investigation Committee (commonly known as the Johns Committee) was established by the Florida Legislature in 1956, during the era of the Second Red Scare and The Lavender Scare. Commonly referred to as the Johns Committee after its first chairman, state senator and former acting governor Charley Eugene Johns, the origins of the committee are tied to the panic caused by Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court’s unanimous 1954 decision that racial segregation in schools, housing, and other public facilities was unconstitutional. The committee undertook a wide-ranging investigation of allegedly subversive activities by academics, Civil Rights Movement groups, especially the NAACP, and suspected communist organizations, but failing to find communist ties to Florida civil rights organizations, to gain continued funding it began to focus on a more vulnerable target: homosexuals, who at the time were widely believed to be a threat to national security, as well as a threat to youth. The focus shifted to colleges and universities. Admission of homosexuality constituted moral turpitude and was grounds for firing or expulsion from college. The Johns Committee interrogated suspected homosexuals among students, hired student informants with FLIC funds, used highway patrolmen to remove professors from the classroom, and telephoned some instructors late at night, demanding that they provide testimony while the accused were never allowed to confront their accusers, they were seldom informed of their legal or constitutional rights, and were rarely offered sufficient time to secure an attorney or prepare a defense. Students, too, faced the committee’s wrath. While faculty and staff suffered immediate

The front cover of an anti-gay booklet compiled by the Johns Committee. SFGN file photo.

dismissal if suspected of homosexuality, gay students could remain on campus only if they visited the infirmary and submitted to psychiatric treatments throughout their academic career. The investigations ruined many lives and careers. By 1963, the Johns Committee could boast of having caused the firing of 39 professors and deans, as well as the revoking of teaching certificates for 71 public school teachers, all suspected or admitted homosexuals. Scores of students were interrogated and subsequently expelled from public colleges across the state, as well. The Sun-Sentinel reported in 2019 that the Committee “persecuted civil rights leaders, university professors, college students, public school teachers and state employees for imagined offenses against redneck sensibilities. due process or the right to counsel or civil liberties were ignored... They employed entrapment and blackmail.” The Committee finally came to an end in 1965 after the legislature withdrew its funding. And now a new cleansing chapter has started: in 2019 State Representative Evan Jenne and State Senator Lauren Book introduced a resolution with “a formal and heartfelt apology.” The resolution has not yet passed, and they do not expect immediate approval.


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CONGREGATION ETZ CHAIM 2038 N. Dixie Hwy (Pride Center Building B), Wilton Manors 954-564-9232 - etzchaimflorida.org RabbiNoahKitty@etzchaimflorida.org Friday Night Shabbat Service 8p.m. HOLY ANGELS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors 954-633-2987 - HolyAngelsFL.net Sunday Mass at 11AM

CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR, MCC Church of Our Savior, MCC 2011 S. Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach. churchofoursaviormcc.org | 561-733-4000 Sunday Service 10AM TEMPLE BAT YAM 5151 NE 14th Ter Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 954-928-0410 Friday Night & Saturday Morning Streaming Online at templebatyam.org

SFGN is here for you, no matter who — or what — keeps you going. Check out the Spirituality Section each week to stay in touch with your local religious LGBT community. The only requirement? Be yourself.




RAISING THE BAR, RITA This Mexican restaurant deserves to be the next gay hot spot

Rick Karlin Bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast tacos at Bar Rita. Photo via Facebook.

The visit for the review and the review were written before the COVID-19 shutdown. Contact the restaurant for its current dining guidelines.

BAR RITA 1401 S. Andrews 954-990-6658


or years there’s been a mediocre Mexican restaurant on Federal that gay men have flocked to on Monday nights. I think it all started with a special on Margaritas and then became a tradition. Now there’s a new challenger and I almost hate to share the news because Bar Rita, on Andrews, is also attracting quite a sizable LGBT following Monday nights. I’m afraid if enough of you read this, I won’t be able to get a table anymore. What makes this place such a draw for the hordes of gay men that take the elevator to the rooftop deck (with stunning views of said gay men, oh and the downtown skyline, as well)? It could be the $5 Margarita special. It could be $5 off all fajita dishes. It could be the fact that the food is terrific, the atmosphere is hip and the wait staff attractive. More than likely it’s a combination of all of those, but the primary reason to come here is the food! Let’s talk about that food. For starters, check out the guacamole; good enough on its own, but when topped with a scoop of a creamy combination of charred corn, truffle crema, cotija, chile-lime seasoning it is spectacular. Another option for topping the house guac is hand chopped sushi grade tuna, sriracha and scallion. Either of those is only a buck more than the regular guac and all versions come with plenty of chips for scooping. Other starter options include chorizo queso (Mexican fondue) or the carne asada fiesta fries, featuring flame grilled skirt steak, pico di gallo, queso, guacamole sauce and

chipotle ranch dressing over a platter of fries. You could also go with the seriously large platter of nachos (which you can get plain or topped with chicken, shrimp or carne asada). Any of these will provide plenty for a group of 4-6 hungry folks. For dinner the taco platters are a bit small, featuring only two tacos (along with rice and beans or a salad), but if you’ve had an app you won’t go away hungry. Choose from traditional: pork carnitas, carne asada, grilled chicken or shrimp. Or go for something a little more exotic: brisket barbacoa, crispy mahi-mahi, or the sublime beer battered fried avocado, which comes topped with a spicy Baja sauce, Oaxaca cheese and pico di gallo. All of the taco dinners are in the $15$20 range. Rita’s fajitas platters offer a choice of Wagyu steak, shrimp, chicken or a combo platter and are served on a bed of veggies with guac, sour cream, lettuce, pico, cheese, lime and warm flour tortillas. They range in price $8-$24 (but don’t forget that Monday night discount), which may seem high, but there’s easily enough for two to share and if you prefer not to share, when they bring you leftover-boxes they also supply more sauce and tortillas, a nice touch. For entrees, there are also brisket barbacoa enchiladas, grilled prime skirt steak adobo, chicken a la plancha, ancho grilled salmon bowl, chile relleno, and an oversized loaded burrito. All entrees are in the $15-$22 range. Brunch is served on weekends and includes such options as truffle street corn avocado toast,



• 7.16.2020

An SFGN newsbox is located one block from Bar Rita at Bob’s News, 1515 S. Andrews, Fort Lauderdale.

tres leches French toast, maple habañero chicken and waffles and a breakfast burrito. A word must be said about the $5 Margaritas on Mondays. You have the choice of on the rocks or frozen. Either way, the nectar of the gods is prepared with Hornitos Plata, orange liqueur and half the rim is coated with a chilelime salt that is delish. Whether you choose to dine indoors, on the patio of on the rooftop deck you’ll be blown away by your surroundings. The only negative to complain about is the service. It’s friendly and our server was wellinformed. However, after he took our order all the dishes were brought to the table by a chorus-line of folks who hadn’t the slightest idea how to set a plate down and never knew who had ordered what. That aspect of the dining experience was certainly not up to the level of the rest of our experience. They’ve got a huge crowd of gay men coming on Monday nights for the discounted Margaritas, but if they want to keep them, they’ll have to up their game when it comes to the wait staff. Queens demand good service!



2378 N. FEDERAL Two for one entrees on Mondays and Tuesdays.

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Rick Karlin is SFGN’s food editor. Visit SFGN.com/Food to read his previous reviews. Have a culinary tip to share? Email Rick at RickKarlinFL@gmail.com.


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Read SFGN’s weekly food column for an exclusive bite on local bars, restaurants, and seasonal flavors.

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Korean Beef Stir fry 7.16 . 20 20 •





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• 7.16.2020

n the early days of the COVID-19 shutdown, the campy documentary series “The Tiger King” blew up on social media as millions of homebound viewers binge-watched on Netflix. Hilarious Facebook memes abounded and FOMO (“fear of missing out”) drove even more subscribers to the streaming service. Four months later, “Mucho, Mucho Amor,” a documentary about the flamboyant Puerto Rican astrologer and television personality Walter Mercado, has equally captivated viewers — both from the Spanish-speaking world where he was regarded as a member of the family, and those encountering the enigmatic figure for the first time. When asked about the sensation created by the film, co-director and producer Kareem Tabsch responded, “Sure, we’ll take it. People are home and watching. I’d rather people be safe and healthy, and our film is acting as a distraction, an uplifting distraction.” The Miami native and co-founder of O Cinema in Wynwood added, “The reality was Walter Mercado was a giant figure for Latinos in the U.S. and Latin America. He had an audience of 120 million … and was a huge, beloved figure. You never know if a film about someone that big will translate, but we knew we had something special.” Mercado was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico in 1932 (Tabsch said Mercado refused to discuss his age, among other things) and studied dance and acting, eventually becoming a telenovela star and teacher. Fifty years ago, he was in the studio when a guest failed to show, and was invited to present his astrological horoscopes on a popular talk show. The rest was history, as they say. For the next three decades, he was a regular fixture on Spanish language television, bedecked in jeweled outfits and flowing capes that surely made pianist Liberace jealous, and sporting a coif that was “a mix of good ‘70s men’s hair and your grandma’s hair,” as one interviewee points out. In the machismo Hispanic culture, the androgynous performer refused to discuss his sexuality and managed to disarm the homophobia that still abounds. “I have sex with the wind, with the flowers in the garden, with all the beautiful display of nature. I don’t need a person especially to make me happy or to make me have an orgasmic experience. I have sex with life, I have sex with everything, with clothes, with

Flamboyant Puerto Rican astrologer and television personality Walter Mercado is the subject of a new documentary trending now on Netflix. Credit: Netflix.

beauty,” Mercado explained in the film. Tabsch first engaged Mercado three years ago and spent two years regularly traveling to Puerto Rico for filming and research. “There were never any breaks [during filming],” recalled Tabsch. “We were given unfettered access to him. There were things he did not like talking about – his age, his plastic surgery, his sexuality, but more importantly he didn’t like talking about the negative times, the hard times in his life.” “You don’t have to believe in religion, you don’t have to believe in astrology, you can be a skeptic or an atheist, but none of that matters because Walter Mercado’s message was ultimately a message of love and hope,” Tabsch added. “Love each other, love yourself, allow yourself to be loved. That sense of the power of love, cliché as it sounds, is the ultimate core of his legacy.” Sadly, Mercado passed away last year before the film’s premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. But, Mercado was there in spirit. His family brought three fabulous capes for Tabsch and his colleagues to wear on the red carpet. “I like to joke that the reason we made the movie to play Walter Mercado drag, but the reality, was we soon realized Walter loved people trying on his capes. He realized how much joy it brought people,” Tabsch concluded.


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Limited availability. May not be available in your area. Call to see if you qualify.

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Geographic and service restrictions apply to AT&T Internet services. Not all speeds available in all areas. Call to see if you qualify. $40 INTERNET OFFER: Price for Internet (768k - 100) for new residential customers when bundled with® another qualifying AT&T service (DIRECTV, U-verse TV, AT&T TV or AT&T Phone or postpaid AT&T wireless). Prorated ETF ($180) applies if Internet is disconnected before end of 12 months. Must maintain all bundled services to receive advertised pricing. Additional Fees & Taxes: Excludes cost-recovery charges, where applicable and $10/mo equipment fee. Activ/Installation: $35 activation fee (self-install) or $99 installation (full tech install) may apply. Credit restrictions apply. Pricing subject to change. Subj. to Internet Terms of Service at att.com/internet-terms. †Unlimited data allowance may also be purchased separately for an add’l $30/mo., or maintain a bundle of TV & Internet on a combined bill and receive unlimited internet data at no add’l charge. For more info, go to att.com/internet-usage.‡ Internet speed claims represent maximum network service capability speeds. Actual customer speeds are not guaranteed and may vary based on several factors. For more information, go to 1 att.com/speed101. AT&T Smart Home Manager is available to AT&T Internet service customers with a compatible AT&T Wi-Fi Gateway. Features limited to home Wi-Fi network. 2Parental Controls and Data Usage features available with BGW210, 5268AC and NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateways. 3AT&T Smart Wi-Fi requires installation of a BGW210, 5268AC, or NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateway. Standard with Internet plans (12M or higher). Whole-home Wi-Fi connectivity may require AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender(s) sold separately. Offers may not be combined with other promotional offers on the same services and may be modified or discontinued at any time without notice. Other conditions apply to all offers. ©2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies.

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PER M O N T H New customersHOME only. EarlySECURITY termination SYSTEM —$100 Value fee applies. Installation starts $ WIRELESS REMOTE 100 VISA GIFT CARD 139695 7 WIRELESS COMPLETE SECURITY SYSTEM VALUE From Protect Your Home CONTROL $ customers only. at Early $99termination with 36 monitoring New —$100 Value 850 DOOR/WINDOW —$139 Value VALUE fee applies. Installation starts 695 7 WIRELESS agreement. See all offer OUTDOOR CAMERA $ SENSORS —$695 850 at ®$99 with 36 monitoring DOOR/WINDOW When you upgrade to ADT See CARD all offbelow. er details VISAagreement. GIFT WIRELESS 139 SENSORS —$695 REMOTE VALUE! Pulse® + Video —$299 VALUE!









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Product not available in all states. Includes the Participating Providers and Preventive he Participating Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. ne insurance catedetails of this type.this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not Contactpolicy/certifi us for complete Product not available in allabout states. Includes the Participating Providers and Preventive surance solicitation. specifi c offer is notor respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A available in CO,This NY; call 1-888-799-4433 Benefi tsC250Q); Rider. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. espond(ID: forC250E; similar offer. Certifi cate C250A PA: Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not 50 (GA:TN: P150GA; NY:Rider P150NY; P150OK; P150TN). kindsOK: B438/B439. l

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Monitored by ADT the #1 home security company in #1 the U.S. Monitored by ADT ® the home security company in the U.S. GREAT GREAT Geographic and service restrictions apply to AT&T Internet services. Not all speeds available in all areas. Call to see if you qualify. LOW $40 INTERNET OFFER: Price for Internet (768k - 100) for new residential customers when bundled with another qualifying AT&T service (DIRECTV, AT&T Phone or postpaid AT&T PRICE U-verse TV, AT&T TV orPRICE ETF ($180) applies if Internet is disconnected before end of 12 months. Must maintain all bundled services to receive advertised pricing. Additional Fees & Taxes: Excludes cost-recovery charges, where app ADT® 24/7 Monitored Home Security MONITORING equipment fee.®Activ/Installation: $35 activation fee (self-install) or $99 installation (full tech install) may apply. Credit restrictions apply. Pricing subject to change. Subj. to Internet Terms of Service 24/7 monitoring provides Quickly connect to fire net-terms. †Unlimited data allowance may also be purchased separately for an add’l $30/mo., or maintain a bundle ofMONITORING TV & Internet on a combined bill and receive unlimited internet data at no add’l ch peace of mind and emergency response 24/7 monitoring provides Quickly connect to fi re go to att.com/internet-usage.‡ Internet speed claims represent maximum network service capability speeds. Actual customer speeds are not guaranteed and may vary based on several factors. For more 1 Yard and window MayAT&T qualify for a Features limited to home Wi-Fi network. 2Parental Controls att.com/speed101. AT&T Smart Home Manager is available Internetsign service customers with a compatible Wi-Fi Gateway. peace of mind andto AT&T emergency response decals help deter crime features available with BGW210, 5268AC and NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateways. 3AT&T Smart Wi-Fi requires installation of homeowners a BGW210, 5268AC,insurance or NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateway. Standard with Internet plans (12M or hig Yard sign may and window qualify Wi-Fi connectivity require AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender(s)May sold separately. Offersfor may a not be combined withdiscount other promotional offers on the same services and®may be modified or disc PER MONTH time without notice.deter Other conditions ©2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo $and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks decals help crimeapply to all offers. homeowners insurance 100 VALUE Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. From Protect Your Home


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& combined bill req’d. $10/mo equip. fee applies. Incl 1TB data/mo. $10 chrg for each add’l when bundled, 50GB (up to $100/mo).†

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• The bandwidth to power multiple devices at once.

Geographic and service restrictions plus taxes & apply to AT&T Internet services. Not all speeds available in all areas. Call to see if you qualify. $40 INTERNET OFFER: Price for Internet (768k - 100) for new residential customers when bundled with another qualifying AT&T service (DIRECTV, U-verse TV, AT&T TV or AT&T Phone or postpaid AT&T wireless). Prorated ETF ($180) applies ifequip. Internet isfee. disconnected before end of 12 months. Must maintain all bundled services to receive advertised pricing. Additional Fees & Taxes: Excludes cost-recovery charges, where applicable and $10/mo ® Subj. to Internet Terms of Service at att.com/interequipment fee. Activ/Installation: $35 activation fee (self-install) or $99 installation (full tech install) may apply. Credit restrictions apply. Pricing subject to change. net-terms. †Unlimited data allowance may also be purchased separately for an add’l $30/mo., or maintain a bundle of TV & Internet on a combined bill and receive unlimited internet data at no add’l charge. For more info, Iv Support LLC 12 mo agmt, other qualifying (min $19/mo) go toservice att.com/internet-usage.‡ Internet speed claims represent maximum network service capabilityHoldings speeds. Actual customer speeds are not guaranteed and may vary based on several factors. For more information, go to 3 1 att.com/speed101. AT&Tapplies. Smart Home Manager is available to AT&T Internet service customers with a compatible AT&T Wi-Fi Gateway. Features limited to home Wi-Fi network. 2Parental Controls and Data Usage & combined bill req’d. $10/mo equip. fee features available with BGW210, 5268AC and NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateways. 3AT&T Smart Wi-Fi requires installation of a BGW210, 5268AC, or NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateway. Standard with Internet plans (12M or higher). Whole-home Wi-Fi connectivity mayadd’l require AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender(s) sold separately. Offers may not be combined with other promotional offers on the same services and may be modified or discontinued at any Incl 1TB data/mo. $10 chrg for each time without†notice. Other conditions apply to all offers. ©2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual 50GB (up to $100/mo). Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies.

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detailsYour below. From Protect Home —$100 Value

$299 VALUE




—$139 Value

See all offer details below.

OUTDOOR CAMERATODAY! LIMITED TIME OFFER—CALL DOOR/WINDOW When you upgrade to ADT Ask about same-day installation! Reply By July 18, 2020

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GIFT CARD: $100 Visa Gift Card fulfilled by Protect Your Home through third-party provider, Mpell, upon installation of a security system and execution of monitoring contract. $4.95 shipping and handling fee, gift cards can take up to 8 weeks to arrive after following the Mpell redemption process. BASIC SYSTEM: $99 Parts and Install. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 per month ($1,007.64). Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 per month ($671.76) for California. Offer applies See24-Month all off er details below. to homeowners only. Basic system requires landline phone. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Premier Provider customers only and not on purchases from ADT LLC. Cannot be combined with any other offer. The $27.99 Offer does not include Quality Service Plan (QSP), ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. ADT Pulse: ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Pulse”), which help you manage your home environment and family lifestyle, require the purchase and/or activation of an ADT alarm system with monitored burglary service and a compatible computer, cell phone or PDA with Internet and email access. These ADT Pulse services do not cover the operation or maintenance of any household equipment/systems that are connected to the ADT Pulse equipment. All ADT Pulse services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be required to pay additional charges to purchase equipment required to utilize the ADT Pulse features you desire. ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contract required from ADT Pulse + Video: $59.99 per month, ($2,159.64), including Quality Service Plan (QSP). Doorbell camera may not be available in all areas. GENERAL: For all offers, the form of payment must be by credit card or electronic charge to your checking or savings account, satisfactory credit history is required and termination fee applies. Local permit fees may be required. Certain restrictions may apply. Additional monitoring fees required for some services. For example, Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Emergency Alert monitoring requires purchase and/or activation of an ADT security system with monitored Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Emergency Alert devices and are an additional charge. Additional equipment may be purchased for an additional charge. Additional charges may apply in areas that require guard response service for municipal alarm verification. Prices subject to change. Prices may vary by market. Some insurance companies offer discounts on Homeowner’s Insurance. Please consult your insurance company. Photos are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the exact product/service actually provided. Licenses: AL-21-001104, AR-CMPY.0001725 AZ-ROC217517, CA-ACO6320, CT-ELC.0193944-L5, DC-EMS902653, DC-602516000016, DE-07-212, FL-EC13003427, EC13003401, GA-LVA205395, IA-AS-0206, ID-ELE-SJ-39131, IL-127.001042, IN-C.P.D. Reg. No. – 19-08088, City of Indianapolis: LAC-000156, KY-City of Louisville: 483, LA-F1914, LA-F1915, LA-F1082, MA-1355C, MD-107-1626, ME-LM50017382, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MO-City of St. Louis: CC#354, St. Louis County: 100194, MS-15007958,MT-PSP-ELS-LIC-247, NCGIFT CARD: $100 Visa Gift Card fulfilled by Protect Your Home through third-party provider, Mpell, upon installation of a security system and execution monitoring contract. $4.95 shipping and handling fee,Vegas: gift3000008296, cards can take up toby8 the weeks arrive after 25310-SP-FA/LV, NC-1622-CSA, NE-14451, NJ BurglarofAlarm Lic. # -NJ-34BF00021800, NM-353366, NV-0068518, City of Las NY-Licensed N.Y.S. to Department of Statefollowing UID#12000317691, NYS #12000286451,OH-53891446, the Mpell redemption process. BASIC SYSTEM: $99 Parts and Install. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 monthOR-170997, ($1,007.64). 24-Month Monitoring Agreement at $27.99 perRI-7508, monthSC-BAC5630, ($671.76) California. OfferTX-B13734, appliesACR-3492, UT-6422596-6501, VA-115120, VTCity of Cincinnati: AC86, per OK-AC1048, Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Registration required Number: PA022999, RI-3582, SD- for 1025-7001-ET, TN-1520, ES-2382(7C),WA-602588694/ECPROTEYH934RS, WI-City of Milwaukee: PAS-0002966, WV-WV042433, WY-LV-G-21499. 3750other Priorityoffer. Way South Indianapolis, IN 46240 Inc. dba Protect Your Home DF-CD-NP-Q220-FL to homeowners only. Basic system requires landline phone. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Premier Provider customers only and not on purchases from ADT LLC. Cannot be combined with any TheDr.$27.99 Offer does©2017 notDEFENDERS, include Quality

Ask a i


Ask about same-day LIMITED TIME OFFER—CALL TODAY! GIFT CARD: $100 Visa Gift Card fulfilled by Protect Your Home through third-party provider, Mpell, upon installation of a security system and execution of monito

installation! the Mpell redemption process. BASIC SYSTEM: Reply$99 ByParts and Install. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 per month ($1,007.64). 24-M to homeowners only. Basic systemJuly requires18, landline phone. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Premier Provider customers only and not on purchases fr 2020 Service Plan (QSP), ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. ADT Pulse: ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Pulse”), which help you manage your hom monitored burglary service and a compatible computer, cell phone or PDA with Internet and email access. These ADT Pulse services do not cover the operation or ADT Pulse services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be require ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contract required from ADT Pulse + Video: $59.99 per m Service Plan (QSP), ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. ADT Pulse: ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Pulse”), which help you manage your home environment and family lifestyle, require the purchase and/or activation of an ADT alarm system with GENERAL: alltheoffers, theorform of payment must beequipment/systems by credit card orthatelectronic charge monitored burglary service and a compatible computer, cell phone or PDA with Internet and email access. Theseareas. ADT Pulse services do notFor cover operation maintenance of any household are connected to the to ADTyour Pulsechecking equipment.or All savings account, satisfactory credit history is ADT Pulse services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. fees You may be required pay additional to purchaseBurglary, equipment Fire, required to utilizeMonoxide the ADT Pulseand features you desire.Alert monitoring requires purchase and/or ac Additional monitoring required for tosome services.charges For example, Carbon Emergency ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contractdevices required from + Video: $59.99 per month, ($2,159.64), includingmay QualitybeService Plan (QSP). camera may not beAdditional available in allcharges may apply in areas that require guar and ADT are Pulse an additional charge. Additional equipment purchased for Doorbell an additional charge. areas. GENERAL: For all offers, the form of payment must be by credit card or electronic charge to your checking or savings account, satisfactory credit history is required and termination fee applies. Local permit fees may be required. Certain restrictions may apply. Some insurance companies offer discounts on Homeowner’s Insurance. Please consult your insurance company. Photos are for illustrative purposes only and may



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