local name global coverage august 20, 2020 vol. 11 // issue 33
BLUE PAGES 4, 10 - 14, 20
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t’s another victory for LGBT people after the North Palm Beach Village Council voted to enact the Village’s Civil Rights Ordinance, which goes into effect immediately. The ordinance will protect LGBT people from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race and more throughout the Village. The Village is home to more than 13,000 residents. According to a press release, Village Council member Darryl Aubrey proposed the ordinance at the request of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council, an organization dedicated to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. “While the United State Supreme Court recently ruled that discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation
Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com
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The waterways of Village of North Palm Beach. Photo via Facebook.
and gender identity is prohibited nationwide, there are no federal or statewide laws in effect in Florida which protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in housing and public accommodations,” said PBCHRC President and Founder Rand Hoch in the press release. “Therefore, until Congress or the Florida Legislature takes action, we must rely on municipal and county officials to fully protect LGBTQ people from discrimination.” Out of 411 cities, towns and villages in Florida, only 32 have enacted LGBT-inclusive
Associated Press • 8 . 20.2020
Publisher • Norm Kent
Brian McNaught • Jesse Monteagudo
civil rights ordinances. Over the years, PBCHRC’s “Palm Beach County: You’re Welcome!” campaign has encouraged elected officials in many Florida’s cities such as Boynton Beach, West Palm Beach, and Wellington to enact LGBTinclusive municipal civil rights laws. PBCHRC is currently working with the Town of Haverhill and Juno Beach, as well as the City of Riviera Beach, to enact LGBTinclusive civil rights ordinances by summer’s end.
COVER: Kamala Harris. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr.
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Kim Swan
August 20, 2020 • Volume 11 • Issue 33
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SFGN Winner of & 5 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for
NLGJA Journalist of the Year SOUTH FLORIDA GAY NEWS.COM, INC. — — FOUNDED, DECEMBER, 2009 BY PIER GUIDUGLI AND NORM KENT South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2020 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
CUMULATIVE KNOWN COVID-19 CASES IN THREE SOUTH FLORIDA COUNTIES: Cumulative Known COVID-19 Cases in Three South Florida AUGUST Counties:18 AUGUST 12 THROUGH Aug 12 through August 18
Percent Increase in cumulative COVID-19 cases from 8/12 to 8/18 Palm Beach 4.0%, Broward 4.9%, Miami Dade 5.5%
Palm Beach
Miami-Dade Source Fl DOH Dashboard
Dr. Cunningham and his office are available for your needs during this crisis. Please call or email at OPdental@aol.com
Source: Florida DEO Dashboard.
CUMULATIVE KNOWN COVID-19 DEATHS IN THREE SOUTH FLORIDA Cumulative Known COVID-19COUNTIES: Deaths Cumulative Known COVID-19 Cases in in Three Florida Counties: Three South Florida Counties: AUGUST 12South THROUGH AUGUST 18 Aug through August Aug 1212 through August 1818
Percent Increase Increase in in cumulative cumulative COVID-19 COVID-19 deaths cases from Percent from8/12 8/12to to8/18 8/18 Palm Beach Beach 5.5%, 4.0%,Broward Broward19.3%, 4.9%, Miami Palm Miami Dade Dade 5.5% 9.6% 139,271
8/12 8/12
8/13 8/13
8/14 8/14
Palm Beach Palm Beach
8/15 8/15
992 980
8/16 8/16
Broward Miami Dade Broward
1,006 1,025
8/17 8/17
Source Fl DOH Dashboard
Source Fl DOH Dashboard
Source: Florida DEO Dashboard. 8 . 20 . 20 20 •
Chris Johnson
Washington Blade
oe Biden made history Tuesday by selecting Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as the first woman of color as a vicepresidential candidate on a major party ticket, and a rising political star who has demonstrated a commitment to the LGBT community. Harris is a relative newcomer to “I declined to defend Proposition 8 because Washington, but her record on LGBT rights it violates the Constitution,” Harris said in a extends back to her tenure as a district statement in 2013. “The Supreme Court has attorney for San Francisco and California described marriage as a fundamental right 14 attorney general as well as her work during times since 1888. The time has come for this her first term as U.S. senator. That’s made right to be afforded to every citizen.” her a favorite among LGBT people, many of After the U.S. Supreme Court restored whom still wear “For the People” shirts from marriage equality to California in 2013, Harris her presidential campaign. officiated the wedding of Kris Perry and “I grew up in a community and a culture Sandy Stier of Berkeley, Calif., the first samewhere everyone was accepted for sex marriage performed who they were, so there wasn’t a in California after the moment where it was like, ‘OK, landmark decision. now let’s let this person in,’” Harris Additionally, Harris told the Los Angeles Blade in 2019. instructed clerks to “Everyone was a part of everything. issue marriage licenses It was about community. It was to same-sex couples about coalition building. It was about with “no exceptions” equality, inclusion.” despite complaints Rick Chavez Zbur, executive from officials in more director of the LGBTQ group Equality conservative parts of the California, congratulated Harris state. in a statement for being the pick, In 2015, Harris calling his home state senator “an declined to certify a exceptional choice.” measure that obtained “Throughout her career, Sen. enough signatures to Harris has demonstrated an get on the state ballot unwavering commitment to civil to institute the death rights and social justice for all penalty for homosexual LGBTQ+ people,” Zbur said. “As acts, which became vice president, we are confident known as the “Kill the she will continue Vice President Gays” initiative, bucking - Rep. Mark Takano Biden’s tradition of using the office her requirements as (D-CALIF) to champion and advance full, lived California attorney LGBTQ+ equality — and equality for general. the diverse communities to which LGBTQ+ Before that time, as district attorney for San people belong.” Francisco, Harris worked with the California The crown jewel of Harris in terms of her Legislature to pass legislation barring the use LGBT record is her decision as California of gay or transgender panic defense in court. attorney general not to defend Proposition 8, As a result, California in 2014 became the first the constitutional ban on same-sex marriage state to ban the plea. enacted at the ballot in 2008. Since becoming a U.S. senator in 2016,
• 8 . 20.2020
Kamala Harris. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore.
Harris has taken major steps to lead efforts on LGBT rights, including the introduction of pro-LGBT legislation in addition to drawing attention to the anti-LGBT policies of the Trump administration. After the Trump administration affirmed it wouldn’t allow people to identify themselves as LGBT in the 2020 U.S. Census, Harris introduced legislation that would require the Census Bureau to include questions on the Census, as well as the American Community Survey, asking respondents whether they’re LGBT. When a transgender immigrant from Honduras, Roxsana Hernandez, died from AIDS complications after being held in immigration detention, Harris and other senators demanded answers. An autopsy concluded Hernandez wasn’t physically abused before her death. Harris and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) had called on U.S. Attorney General William Barr to revoke a 2017 Trump administration order declining to enforce Title VII of the Civil Rights Act in cases of anti-transgender discrimination in the workforce. That request was renewed after the Supreme Court determined in June anti-LGBT discrimination
is unlawful under Title VII, but the memo still hasn’t been rescinded. Among other Senate Democrats, Harris is among the co-sponsors of the Equality Act, comprehensive legislation that would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to ban anti-LGBT discrimination as a form of sex discrimination. Alphonso David, president of the Human Rights Campaign, said based on Harris’ record, Biden made “nothing short of an exceptional choice” for his running mate. “Throughout her groundbreaking career, Sen. Harris has been an outspoken advocate for the LGBTQ community, standing with us when many, even sometimes those within her own party, did not,” Davis said. “As a presidential candidate, Harris spoke with a deep understanding of and empathy for the issues our community faces. It’s clear the Biden-Harris ticket marks our nation’s most pro-equality ticket in history.” U.S. Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.) praised Harris in an interview with the Blade on Tuesday. “I’m delighted that my home state Sen. Kamala Harris will be the next vice president of our country,” Takano said. “She comes to this opportunity well-qualified, well-prepared
NEWS NATIONAL and I definitely look forward to campaigning than waiting until this case produces a final for the Biden-Harris ticket. I think it’s a judgment on the merits,” says one brief winning ticket and it’s a ticket about the signed by Harris. future.” Harris was able to secure a change that As a 2020 presidential candidate, Harris led to Norsworthy being able to obtain the was among the contenders for the Democratic procedure upon parole, the first in the United nomination who unveiled a comprehensive States, outlining a procedure for inmates to plan for LGBT Americans. Among other obtain gender reassignment surgery. things, Harris promised to create a White But according to information the Blade House advocate for LGBT obtained last year in a affairs. public records request, few Harris, however, faced transgender inmates were able criticism when she said Pete to obtain the procedure under Buttigieg was “a bit naive” for the new policy. bringing up the struggle of As of 2019, only seven being a gay American when prisoners ever got the maleasked about diversity issues, to-female procedure out even though he explicitly of 130 who asked, and 10 “I AM... CERTAIN THAT said, “there’s no equating the out of the 51 inmates who [KAMALA HARRIS] two experiences.” LGBT and requested female-to-male AND JOE BIDEN Black activists were split over gender reassignment surgery whether Harris was right to obtained it. The California WILL BE HEAD AND denounce Buttigieg. prison system has updated SHOULDERS BETTER But Harris has faced criticism its policy on transgender FOR TRANS PEOPLE from progressives who say her inmates, but hasn’t yet made career has been too aligned changes specific to gender THAN THE ACTIVELY with support for the police at reassignment surgery. TRANSPHOBIC a time when law enforcement Jillian Weiss, a New YorkADMINISTRATION WE and police brutality are under based transgender advocate heavy scrutiny. Harris fought who has been critical of NOW HAVE.” to keep a non-violent prisoner Harris’ handling of trans - Jillian Weiss locked up in state prison, inmate cases, said via email ATTORNEY, TRANS ADVOCATE openly defying a 2011 Supreme to the Blade she believes the Court decision ordering the vice-presidential candidate state to reduce overcrowding, according to a “has moved beyond her previously limited report in The American Independent. understanding of transgender rights.” Critics of Harris in terms of LGBT rights “The entire country is learning about the point to legal filings she signed in 2015 as importance of trans rights,” Weiss said. “I am California attorney general defending the certain that she will be a leader who actively state prison system in refusing to grant supports increased rights for trans people. I transgender surgery to inmates. Among am doubly certain that she and Joe Biden will them was Michelle-Lael Norsworthy, who be head and shoulders better for trans people was formerly incarcerated at Mule Creek than the actively transphobic administration State Prison in Ione, Calif., for second-degree we now have.” murder. “I disagree with her on some of her past and “Norsworthy has been treated for gender current positions,” Weiss said. “My yardstick dysphoria for over 20 years, and there is no for political support is not perfection. I am indication that her condition has somehow voting for her and for Joe Biden so that the worsened to the point where she must suffering our community now endures can be obtain sex-reassignment surgery now rather alleviated.” Washington Blade courtesy of the National LGBTQ Media Association.
Kamala Harris (right) with Joe Biden. Photo via Facebook. 8 . 20 . 20 20 •
HOMOPHOBIC COMMENTS Reforms promised Jason Parsley
n investigation into Davie Police Chief Dale Engle, who was accused of saying a gay deputy died of COVID-19 because he was a “homosexual who attended homosexual events,” is now complete.
Davie Police Chief Dale Engle. Photo via the Davie Police Department, Facebook.
• 8 . 20.2020
The report obtained by SFGN confirmed who attended homosexual events.’ The Engle did make comments about Shannon reported inference was that it was because Bennett’s sexual orientation. Bennett was of the homosexual lifestyle that Deputy a 12-year veteran of the Broward Sheriff’s Bennett first contracted a serious underlying Office and the first local deputy to die from disease that aggravated the COVID-19 virus COVID-19 on April 3. and lead to his death.” “This investigation has revealed that Most of the witnesses interviewed during Chief Engle did make a statement regarding the course of the investigation heard a deceased deputy Bennett’s sexual orientation variation on the above comments. Many of in connection with his contracting them said that the FOP complaint, and the coronavirus that some town of Davie media reports that followed, inaccurately employees viewed as inappropriate and portrayed the patrol briefing that took offensive, which is arguably unprofessional place. In fact, most of the officers present and inconsistent with were not offended, and did town expectations,” the not interpret the comments SOME OF THE report reads. “However, the about Bennett in a negative statements were not made in way. Some of them though WITNESSES connection with any adverse found the comments to BELIEVED ENGLE be inappropriate, and employment action.” disrespectful to the late Engle has been on HAD GOOD deputy and his family. But administrative leave since INTENTIONS AS only three out of the 28 April while the investigation witnesses, who were present was being conducted. The HE DISCUSSED at the briefing, expressed to remarks were made April BENNETT’S SEXUAL the investigators they were 6 during a patrol briefing offended by Engle’s remarks. where Davie police officers ORIENTATION The report described expressed concerns over the AND ALLEGED Witness 14 as being offended coronavirus. and took Engle’s comment to Mike Tucker, the Chief of LIFESTYLE. mean “if you are homosexual Staff of the Florida Fraternal or have a pre-existing Order of Police, sent a letter to Davie’s Town Administrator outlining a condition then you are going to die, but if slew of complaints against the police chief you are straight you are going to be fine.” including retaliation, intimidation, belittling Whereas Witness 19 was described as saying the officers, as well as the comments about “The chief did not state the BSO Deputy died because he was homosexual, but just that Bennett. The FOP complaint reads: “[He] allegedly he may have contracted the virus at a big yelled about a ‘backstory’ which proclaimed homosexual festival in Miami, not to belittle, that Deputy Bennett contracted and died but just to provide information.” Some of the witnesses believed Engle had from the virus because he was a ‘homosexual
NEWS LOCAL good intentions as he discussed Bennett’s sexual orientation and alleged lifestyle. “In fact, at the time the statement was made, Chief Engle was addressing concerns and questions regarding contracting COVID-19 in the line of duty,” the report reads. “Some witnesses stated they believe the reasoning for Chief Engle’s statements regarding the deceased BSO deputy was to try and put the officers at ease as to potential contraction of the virus on duty.” The report concluded Engle did not violate the town’s Equal Employment and Non-Discrimination Policies. However, the report also concluded his comments were inappropriate. The letter from the FOP also accused the police chief of creating a hostile work environment over his behavior and comments at the patrol briefing, of which the report stated: “While these statements don’t rise to the level of the actionable, hostile work environment, or direct evidence of discrimination, they do appear to be further evidence of poor judgment.” Engle announced his intention to retire from the police department a month ago. He told the Sun Sentinel at the time the city did not pressure him to leave. He claimed that after the allegations against him came to light, his teenage children began to receive backlash on social media. His last day is Sept. 3. According to the Sentinel he will continue to collect a paycheck even though he won’t be working. Even though the report just recently became public, the timeline would suggest Engle’s decision to retire came after the report was given to Richard Lemack, the Davie’s Town Administrator. Engle admitted to making the comments about Bennett in a letter from his attorney that’s included in the report. “...apparently to some officers present the reference to deputy Bennett’s death as possible attendance at a festival on Miami Beach, hosted by the LGBTQ community was interpreted as a comment that deputy Bennett died because he was gay,” the letter from his attorney reads. “That drastically inaccurate interpretation is unfair to the delicate balance of the vitally important information Chief Engle was trying to impart to his troops and disrespects the memory of deputy Shannon Bennett.” But Engle told the Sun Sentinel a month ago that he made no such remark, saying “I maintain my innocence.” According to media reports, Bennett had been in Chicago celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with his fiancé days before getting sick. Richard Lemack accepted the report’s findings and announced in a letter he’s going to direct the new police chief to work with the Human Resources director and Equal Opportunity Compliance officer on the following recommendations:
· Include anti-bias, sexual orientation sensitivity and interpersonal skills assessment into officer recruitment, orientation, field training (FTO) evaluations and performance appraisals. · Reevaluate the traditional department diversity/EEO classroom training. Further, ensure training includes an understanding of demographic characteristics, personality traits, values, and attitudes within the ranks and the community. · Explore the hiring of a Diversity Manager for the town to work not only with the Police Department personnel, but all town employees. · Determine whether the position is best fit organizationally in Human Resources or the Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance.
“Dare you not to sing it!” Norm Kent, the publisher of SFGN, wishes to share this humorous message with readers like you. Always stay informed. Photo via Facebook.
According to the letter from Engle’s lawyer, the police chief regrets his comments about Bennett. “Given the inaccurate media accounts to date, Chief Engle is anxious to convey his heartfelt sympathies and condolences directly to the fiancé and family of deputy Shannon Bennett further for their loss and to offer his apology for any pain and out of context comments that may have unintentionally caused them,” the attorney’s letter reads.
Officer Shannon Bennett. Photo via ODMP.org. 8 . 20 . 20 20 •
GONE TOO SOON Local mayoral candidate’s communications director dies at 33 Sallie James
houghtful, charismatic and charming. A bartender with a passion for politics who possessed a gift for making others feel heard. That’s how those who knew David Kitchen describe the Wilton Manors man who touched so many lives. Kitchen, the communications director Israel Gutierrez in 2015 in Key West, but the for Wilton Manors mayoral candidate Scott two later divorced.Kitchen and Rivera had Newton, died Aug. 10of complications been together since August 2019. related to liver disease at Memorial Regional Those who knew him said he was always Hospital in Hollywood. He was 33. thinking of others. “We are just completely devastated,” said One of his passions was the annual Smart his mother Donna Kempf. Kitchen’s death Ride bicycle ride, which raises money for was unexpected. AIDS service organizations “He was smart, a joker and he throughout Florida. loved life,” said his partner Felix Friends said Kitchen had “YOU COULD BE A Rivera. ridden in the Miami-toTOTAL STRANGER Key West event for eight “You could be a total stranger TO HIM AND to him and if you had a problem years. Kitchen had hoped to he would sit down with you for participate in the event again IF YOU HAD A hours and make you a better this year in November, his PROBLEM HE person. He was deep, quiet, and partner said. WOULD SIT DOWN fearful like all of us.” “Raising money for HIV/AIDS Kitchen most recently was dear to his heart,” Rivera WITH YOU FOR worked as a server at Coconuts said. Kitchen’s mother said her HOURS AND MAKE son’s ashes will be spread along in Fort Lauderdale, and had previously worked as a the bicycle route in November YOU A BETTER bartender at Rosie’s Bar & when the ride kicks off. PERSON.” Grille in Wilton Manors. But he Longtime family friend Keith - Felix Rivera always had his hand in politics. Myers knew Kitchen adored DAVID KITCHEN’S PARTNER “Politics was his passion,” comedic actor Leslie Jordan and Newton said. “I liked his reached out to the Will & Grace attitude and energy. He was a very kind star through social media after Kitchen fell person who didn’t mind giving up his time.” ill. Kitchen was born on May 30, 1987, in Mesa, “David said he was always his biggest Az. He was a preemie who turned out to be fan and that he would love to have a video the biggest and tallest of his two siblings. He message,” Myers said. Myers said a friend graduated from high school in 11th grade, with a large social media presence helped his and attended Arizona State University on a request get noticed. full scholarship, earning a bachelor’s degree Jordan responded with a personal video in political law, said his mother Donna of encouragement for Kitchen, which Myers Kempf. played for him at the hospital. An emotional Kitchen married ESPN sports reporter Kitchen blinked back tears as he watched the
• 8 . 20.2020
David Kitchen. Photo via Facebook.
personalized video. “Well hello David. It’s Leslie Jordan. I want you to tell you how much you are loved and I hope you get better and you are in everybody’s thoughts and prayers,” Jordan says in the video. “So when you do get better, I want to arrange a chance for us to meet. Ok, honey, start feeling better. Love you.” Myers said Kitchen watched the video over and over. “It was very sweet and endearing. It was very cool and it made David’s day,” Myers said. Kitchen had met Myers years ago at Rosie’s and the two had been friends ever since. Myers met Kitchen’s mother Donna about seven years ago during a Smart Ride, and when her son fell ill, she asked Myers to walk
her through the medical system. “People were automatically attracted to him. They just gravitated to him,” Myers said. “He mattered to so many people. Rivera said Kitchen’s smile was unforgettable. “He could have had the worst day and he would make sure he would put his feelings aside and to make you welcome,” Rivera said sadly. “He had one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen.” In addition to his mother, Kitchen is survived by his sister Sienna, of Mesa, AZ; a brother Justin of Apache Juncion, AZ; two half-sisters, Bailey and Paige Kitchen, of North Carolina; his step-father Rich Kempf, of Mesa, AZ; and his father Scott Kitchen.
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954-793-7206 | lacquaazzurra.com Jasmin Lewis. Photo via the PBCHRC.
JASMIN LEWIS WAS “FILLED WITH EMOTION” WHEN SHE WAS SELECTED TO BE A 2020 VICTORY EMPOWERMENT FELLOW, WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE LGBT COMMUNITY WHO FIGHT FOR EQUALITY AND JUSTICE IN THEIR COMMUNITIES. Lewis is a Board Member of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council, an organization dedicated to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. “Victory Empowerment Fellows bring critical voices to their communities. They represent the future of LGBTQ politics,” said PBCHRC President Rand Hoch in a press release. “Everyone on our Board of Directors is proud that Jasmin was recognized for her leadership and skills.
“We look forward to her utilizing the skills she will gain through the LGBTQ Victory Institute in her civic endeavors for many years to come.” - Rand Hoch
We look forward to her utilizing the skills she will gain through the LGBTQ Victory Institute in her civic endeavors for many years to come.” The LGBTQ Victory Institute works to increase the number of LGBT people in public office and to provide services and other support to help ensure their success. The institute selects eight people for fellowships who are LGBT changemakers with aspirations for public service, according to their website. Each fellow will be assigned an LGBT mentor and will participate in the Victory Institute’s Candidate & Campaign Virtual Training. In December, they will attend the International LGBTQ Leaders Conference in Washington, D.C. “The mentorship, networking and skills this program provides will be invaluable in my work to improve the current landscape of inequality across Florida — as well as when I ultimately run for public office,” said Lewis in a press release. Lewis is also involved in programs for the NAACP, the Urban League and Discover the Palm Beaches and serves on that organization’s LGBTQ Advisory Board. Lewis is also a member of the South Florida Fair’s “Beyond the Fair - Class of 2021” and was elected Delegate to the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
8 . 20 . 20 20 •
GAY MEN TAKE CENTER STAGE AT DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION TUESDAY NIGHT Some described it as the “gayest” convention ever Lisa Keen
Keen News Service Left: Maine state Rep. Craig Hickman speaks via video at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday. Photo via C-SPAN.
Right: Pete Buttigieg (left) standing with Presidential candidate Joe Biden. Photo via Facebook.
uesday night’s Democratic National Convention launched with a video “keynote” in which 17 people — including three gay men — shared the time to explain why they are voting for the party’s presidential nominee Joe Biden. Throughout the night, LGBT people — some well-known, some obscure — appeared in various roles at the nominating convention. Jason Rae, the openly gay secretary for the Democratic convention, directed the night’s main event: the formal roll call vote to nominate former Vice President Biden as the party’s 2020 presidential nominee. It was a roll call unlike no other in the history of conventions and one that probably was more interesting and appealing because of the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of state delegation chair people standing on the floor of a convention hall announcing their vote, each spoke via webstream and video from their homes or localities in their home state. Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, whose campaign for the Democratic nomination took on historic proportions as he emerged as one of the top contenders, announced Indiana’s delegation vote. State Rep. Craig Hickman, the first openly gay
• 8 . 20.2020
African American to serve in the Maine House of Representatives, announced that state’s votes. “My husband and I aren’t corporate tycoons,” said Hickman, who runs an organic farm and bed and breakfast in Winthrop, Maine. “We just want to make an honest living and feed our community.” Wyoming’s vote was announced by the parents of Matthew Shepard, the victim of a 1998 assault that inspired legislation to prevent crimes motivated by hatred of LGBT people and other minorities. Dennis and Judy Shepard credited Biden with helping to pass that legislation and for his “commitment to equality and compassion for others.” And during the opening keynote address, Georgia State Rep. Sam Park, Pennsylvania State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, and Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia each spoke from their homes, in
support of Biden. Park’s remarks noted that he was the first gay man elected to the Georgia state legislature. Garcia highlighted the need to pay off student loans. Kenyatta, in his final video clip, had his husband on the couch with him. “When I wanted to marry the man I loved,” said Kenyatta, “Joe Biden was the first national figure to support me and my family.” His husband, Dr. Matt Miller, spoke to Biden, saying, “Appreciate you, man.” LGBTQ+ CAUCUS CELEBRATES
and making the 2020 convention “the gayest” convention ever. The 635 number is up 23% from the 2016 count of 516 delegates and official party convention participants. Fowlkes, who led the online caucus meeting, praised Democratic nominee Biden and running mate U.S. Senator Kamala Harris as the “most pro-LGBT ticket” in history. It was a sentiment echoed by others. “We have the most proequality leaders that we have ever had,” said Baldwin, referring to Biden and Harris. Before the convention night Baldwin said Biden’s speaking activities, the Democratic publicly in favor of marriage Party’s official LGBTQ+ Caucus equality is what “really got the held its first meeting Tuesday ball moving” toward marriage afternoon, playing host to a equality. And she noted that - Tammy Baldwin star-studded lineup of LGBT Harris, during Baldwin’s last reU.S. SENATOR leaders: Pete Buttigieg, U.S. election campaign, helped her Senator Tammy Baldwin, U.S. work the crowd at a Wisconsin Reps. Mark Takano of California, David Cicilline pride festival. of Rhode Island, Mark Pocan of Wisconsin, and U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, also from Wisconsin Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, among others. and a co-chair of the Congressional Equality Earl Fowlkes, chair of the Caucus, said it Caucus, said the Trump administration has been had 635 members this year, “the most ever” “anti-equality at every turn.”
ichele Rayner made Florida history on Tuesday, becoming the first Black queer woman elected to a state office.
A civil rights attorney, Rayner, 38, defeated three other candidates to win the universal Democratic primary in House District 70. The district covers southern St. Petersburg and parts of Hillsborough, Manatee and Sarasota Counties. No Republicans entered the race in the district so there will be no general election in November. Equality Florida CEO Nadine Smith released the following statement on Rayner’s win: “With her victory, Michele has shattered another glass ceiling by becoming the first Black queer woman ever elected to any office in our
Michele Rayner. Photo via Facebook.
state. Our donors rallied to support her and our volunteers sent over 100,000 messages to voters in the closing days of the campaign,” said Smith, a resident of the district. Rayner took 30% of the vote and told the Tampa Bay Times she sees her victory as “pushing back on patriarchy.” Rayner was endorsed by the Times, Equality Florida and LGBTQ Victory Fund. She raised close to $117,000 during the campaign.
N E W S Vol. 9 Issue 2 July - August 2020
Vol. 9 Issue 3 •
July - August 2020
Paulette Armstead. Photo via Facebook.
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• 8 . 20.2020
Jason Parsley
aulette Armstead, an out black woman, was defeated in her bid to be the next Supervisor of Elections of Palm Beach County Tuesday night. She lost to the incumbent, Wendy Sartory Link, in a landslide with 71% of the vote.
Link was a Republican when she was appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis after he suspended the former Supervisor Susan Bucher in January of 2019. DeSantis accused her of botching the general election in 2018. Link decided to switch parties and run for the Democratic nomination. No Republicans are running in the general election, which means she will serve a full four-year term. The Palm Beach County Human Rights Council chose to endorse Link over Armstead. Rand Hoch, president of the PBCHRC, said their decision was based on Link’s past support for LGBT causes, specifically when she served on the Palm Beach State College Board of Trustees. Hoch said Link bucked her party and voted with the Democrats
on the board to pass domestic partnership benefits for employees. “While we would love to have an openly LGBTQ person of color as our next Supervisor of Elections, PBCHRC Voters Alliance voted in accordance with our criteria and we endorsed Wendy Sartory Link instead,” Hoch said. One of the criteria includes how a candidate has voted on LGBT issues in the past. Before her run for SOE Armstead ran for the Florida House of Representatives in Broward County where she lost by 718 votes. Armstead has made history before as the first Black female police officer hired by the St. Petersburg Police Department.
SHEVRIN JONES WINS PRIMARY Likely to be Florida’s First Gay Senator
Shevrin Jones during his campaign. Photo via Facebook.
John McDonald
hevrin Jones won a crowded primary election Tuesday night to become the Democratic nominee for Florida Senate District 35. He will most likely become the state’s first gay Black Senator.
Annise Parker, LGBTQ Victory Fund In November Jones will face Darien Hill, a President, released the following statement: write-in independent who is a long shot. “Shevrin shattered a long-standing political Joe Saunders, the senior political director of barrier for LGBTQ candidates in Florida and did Equality Florida, also released a statement. so while running against opponents who attack “Shevrin’s victory is a groundbreaking our community – and that is history-making. milestone as he becomes the first LGBTQ He won the trust of constituents Florida State Senator and the through his people-centered highest-ranking Black LGBTQ work and legislation while in official in Florida history. the state House, ensuring the Representation matters homophobic attacks on him and this win gives LGBTQ would fail and even backfire. Floridians our first seat at the As a state senator, Shevrin will table in the Florida Senate. continue to be a role model and Shevrin was Equality Florida inspiration for LGBTQ young Action PAC’s first endorsement people – and especially Black this election cycle and has LGBTQ youth – who too rarely been our number one state see people like them in office. legislative priority in 2020. Our Florida voters chose wisely and donors rallied early to support - Annise Parker we are thrilled to have worked so him and our volunteers sent LGBTQ VICTORY FUND closely with Shevrin throughout tens of thousands of messages PRESIDENT his campaign.” to voters in the closing days of With 57 of 58 precincts the campaign. In an era of racist reporting, Jones led all candidates with 48.5% rhetoric from Donald Trump, the election of of the vote. Jones earned 13,855 votes compared a Black LGBTQ State Senator is an inspiration to his nearest challenger — longtime LGBT for everyone who values equality and justice.” nemesis Daphne Campbell with 4,545 (15.6%).
8 . 20 . 20 20 •
Guest Column
BIG CHANGES IN BROWARD Record turnout and a culture change in criminal justice
Sun Sentinel Editorial Board South Florida Sun Sentinel
roward voters made history Tuesday, both in how we vote, and in who will likely lead the criminal justice system in this Democratic-rich, majority-minority county. Broward voters made history Tuesday, both in how we vote, and in who will likely lead the criminal justice system in this Democratic-rich, majority-minority county. Contrary to elections of yore, when Broward became a national laughingstock for its untimely election results, appointed Elections Supervisor Pete Antonacci delivered a seemingly seamless election under the most trying of pandemic conditions. Nothing speaks louder on election night than numbers. father and husband, also held a narrow lead in the race for state People want the results, quickly and accurately. And Antonacci’s attorney in an eight-candidate donnybrook. He overcame Josh office delivered the rolling tallies without delays, far before Palm Rydell, a Coconut Creek commissioner, who had raised much Beach County did. It also live-streamed its vote-counting and more money; and Sarahnell Murphy, an assistant state attorney who had much more experience and the support of outgoing canvassing board’s work. Also for the history books, almost 75 percent of Broward State Attorney Mike Satz, who’s retiring after 44 years in office. If Pryor secures the win, look for major change in this voters made clear that they prefer to vote by mail, which could lead to a record turnout in November’s presidential election. powerful office, which decides if or when to seek the death This election proves that when government makes it easier and penalty, when to accept plea deals, when juveniles should be safer for people to vote, and people take sensible precautions, a charged as adults, when to prosecute police officers for overuse lot more people will vote. About 25 percent of Broward voters of force, and so much more. Pryor faces a Republican and No turned out for this primary, up from 16 percent four years ago. Party Affiliation candidate on the November election, but given Broward’s Democratic leanings, his presumed victory That’s a healthy sign for democracy. on Tuesday portends great changes in Broward’s And what’s that about not trusting the Postal criminal justice system. Service? The USPS delivered. Likewise, Gordon Weekes, who has been the BROWARD VOTERS Speaking of results, the night’s big surprise was chief deputy in Broward’s Public Defender Office, Sheriff Gregory Tony’s victory over former Sheriff MADE HISTORY was the runaway winner in the Democratic Scott Israel in the tense battle for the county’s TUESDAY, BOTH IN primary and is poised to be the first Black attorney most powerful political office. Tony’s win is a powerful statement by voters HOW WE VOTE, AND to hold that key post. a fourth Black candidate, Joe Scott, that the sheriff they want is the one who talked IN WHO WILL LIKELY wasMeanwhile, neck-and-neck with Chad Klitzman in the the most about holding police accountable. It LEAD THE CRIMINAL six-way Democratic primary for supervisor of shows voters did not want Israel back. It also elections. If Scott’s lead holds, then relatively shows they were willing to overlook Tony’s temper JUSTICE SYSTEM IN young Black men will be Broward’s sheriff, and transgressions because they liked his message THIS DEMOCRATICstate attorney, elections supervisor and public of bringing policing reforms to the agency. Still, RICH, MAJORITYdefender — all jobs previously held by relatively in a race with six candidates, 63 percent of voters voted for someone other than Tony. MINORITY COUNTY. older white men. And a fifth Black candidate, Brenda Forman, While Tony will face a Republican challenger in Broward’s controversial Clerk of Courts, was November, it’s time for him to step up as a leader. He should talk to the union and talk to his critics. It’s also time poised to win her re-election race, with two white candidates for the union to meet him halfway, should Tony make the first having split a majority of the vote. In the school board races, the teacher’s union flexed its move. He’s no longer the accidental sheriff. Tony’s advantage — and preliminary results in other major muscle, playing a large part in ousting incumbent school board races — suggest the Black Lives Matter movement is having a member Heather Brinkworth in favor of the union’s preferred candidate, Sarah Leonardi, who favors higher pay raises. The powerful impact on Broward’s power structure. Harold Pryor, who ran as a proud African American attorney, young high school teacher — Teacher of the Year in 2016,
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Photo via Adobe.
according to her bio — was another example, as in several of the countywide races, of a younger, change-driven candidate upsetting the order. The other school board seat still isn’t set. Debra Hixon will face a runoff against Jeff Holness in November. While the forces of youth and change seemed on the march at the local level, the power of incumbency at the federal level proved too much. Three of the four Democratic congresspeople that represent parts of Broward County — Alcee Hastings, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Frederica Wilson — all faced young, progressive challengers. But there would be no Alexandra Ocasio-Cortezstyle upsets in South Florida. The incumbents all beat back the insurgents by 40 or more points. Both Hastings and Wasserman Schultz — along with our fourth Democratic congressman, Ted Deutch — face Republican opposition in November, but the odds are incredibly long that their Republican challengers can win. The same is true in Palm Beach County, where Laura Loomer, who has been kicked off Twitter and Facebook for anti-Muslim statements and accused students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School of being puppets for shadowy anti-gun forces, won a Republican primary and will face Democratic U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel in November. Along with youth and minority power, we also saw the flagging power of the purse. Well-moneyed candidates for supervisor of elections and state attorney went down in defeat. And in the state legislative races, former state Rep. Irv Slosberg poured almost $1.5 million of his own fortune into his state Senate race, only to lose to state Rep. Tina Polsky by about twoto-one, though Polsky had raised only about $290,000. We also saw two incumbent Democratic state representatives who voted for a controversial anti-abortion law see potential upsets. State Rep. Al Jacquet went down in defeat to Lake Worth Beach City Commissioner Omari Hardy. However, by late evening, Rep. Anika Omphroy appeared headed for a narrow victory over community organizer Jasmen Rogers-Shaw.
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f I hadn’t done nudity, I might not have a career today,” actress Shannon Elizabeth says in Danny Wolf’s new documentary “Skin: A History of Nudity in the Movies.” The two-hourplus film, which comes to On Demand on Aug. 18, covers a lot of ground.
“Skin” goes all the way back to the beginning, when, shortly after the movie camera was invented, people were asked to disrobe onscreen. Audiences ate it up, even as organizations such as the Catholic Legion of Decency feigned outrage and warned their flock that they would burn in hell if they saw a certain film. In order to placate religious groups and the censors, many filmmakers had to present their work as having “redeeming social value” in order to pass muster. When he made his epic 1916 film “Intolerance,” auteur DW Griffith said he was merely presenting “history” when he showed scenes of debauchery in ancient Babylon. “Skin” shows how much filmmakers were able to get away with in the early days. A clip from the 1934 film “Tarzan and His Mate” shows actors Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O’Sullivan swimming underwater in the nude, though O’Sullivan had a body double standing in for her. Perhaps even more shocking was the 1932 biblical epic “The Sign of the Cross,” in which a naked Claudette Colbert bathes in milk, touching her almost visible breasts. That film also features a then-shocking sequence in which a nude young woman is tied to a post, her body covered “strategically” with flowers, as she’s examined by a very horny ape. Mariel Hemingway as she appears in the documentary “Skin: A History of Nudity in the Movies.” Photo courtesy of Benjamin Hoffman.
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Eric Roberts (right) with director/writer Danny Wolf in the documentary “Skin: A History of Nudity in the Movies.” Photo courtesy of Benjamin Hoffman.
As “Skin” illustrates, nudity has been used to titillate audiences and to fill theaters almost from the beginning, but not everyone was having it. From 1934 to 1968 the Motion Picture Production Code, run by Will Hays, was given carte blanche to dictate which films could and could not be made. All suggestions of nudity were banned, but there were still some who tried to flaunt the code, including sex goddess Mae West, who, during the 1930s filled her scripts with hilarious double entendres. But as early as the 1950s, a small band of independent filmmakers began to defy the code. Directors such as Russ Meyer offered films known as “nudie cuties,” which were cheaply shot films filled with naked women. These films were shown in “art theaters” and were quite popular. In the ‘60s Hollywood itself began to challenge the code, when no less than Marilyn Monroe shot a nude scene for a never competed film called “Something’s Got to Give.” The following year Monroe-wannabe Jayne Mansfield starred in “Promises! Promises!” now remembered as the first post-code Hollywood film that featured a major star in the buff. By 1968, the code was eliminated, and the movie rating system (G, PG, etc.) was born. This was the era when “X” was not yet synonymous with porn. It was a time when an X-rated film such as “Midnight Cowboy,” which featured both male and female nudity, could win the Academy Award. And while it was naked women who were usually seen in films, there were a few men who also showed flesh, such as Alan Bates and Oliver Reed, who
wrestled nude for a highly controversial, shocking, but very erotic sequence in the 1969 film “Women in Love.” Few male actors appeared nude as often as the British star Malcolm McDowell, who wrestled with a young lady in his first film “If” (1968), and who showed his entire body in Stanley Kubrick’s X-rated “A Clockwork Orange” (1971). Nearly a decade later McDowell strutted naked in the rain in the highly controversial historical epic “Caligula,” which included several graphic sex scenes which did not involve McDowell or his co-stars Peter O’Toole, Sir John Gielgud or Helen Mirren. More than a century of nudity in the movies is represented in “Skin,” much of it illustrated with delightfully risqué film clips. Scores of actors who have disrobed are interviewed, including the aforementioned Elizabeth and McDowell, along with Pam Grier, Traci Lords, Sean Young, Mariel Hemingway, Bruce Davison, as well as directors like Amy Heckerling, Kevin Smith and Peter Bogdanovich. All have either appeared nude or asked others to appear nude. “Skin: A History of Nudity in the Movies” is a comprehensive and enjoyable examination of a phenomenon which everyone pretends to be shocked by but secretly loves. It’s fun to see naked people on the screen, and this documentary is enormously fun entertainment. The interviews are intelligent and insightful, and the film ends with a look at how nudity is presented in this era of the #MeToo movement. One thing is for certain, and that’s that nudity has made a lot of money for producers and film distributors. It won’t be going away anytime soon.
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Publisher's Editorial
GENERATIONAL CHANGE ON BROWARD’S DOORSTEP African Americans Win a Place at the Table Norm Kent
he primary elections in Broward County demonstrated two things rather convincingly, each worthy of note. \First, African Americans have won a significant victory. This is no small achievement, especially in a year where the words “Black Lives Matter” have made national headlines. No, those words are not anarchist, communist, or Marxist despite what the supremacist in the White House says. Our country is divided. How racist is it that an openly Islamophobic candidate won a GOP primary in Palm Beach, only to be congratulated, not censured by a presidential tweet? But then South Florida has never been the home and heart of racial equality. In 1981, the Ku Klux Klan was still meeting in Davie. With the anger and hate in our country today, are you be surprised to see voices like that rise again? Does the name Charlottesville ring a bell? This is a county where just a few years ago residents of the city of Fort Lauderdale rose up in arms about renaming sections of Northeast 6th Street after Dr. James Franklin Sistrunk, because it would reduce property values in Caucasian neighborhoods. Forget that the doctor was a city pioneer, who had a hundred years ago established the city’s first medical facility for blacks. He had to. Our forefathers unjustifiably barred him from performing surgical procedures in white hospitals. A century later, his name still did not play well in “Rio Vista.” People opposed extending the street with his name on it to Federal Highway. Few leaders, including our own, spoke out courageously against it. Systemic racism was embedded in its rejection. This should not
surprise you. You live in greater Fort Lauderdale, where black citizens were not allowed east of US after 6 pm at night as late as 1950. This is a community where black teenagers on bicycles still get pulled over for “biking while black.” It happens. Well, wake up Broward, smell the new roses. The times they are a changin’. The 21st century is coming our way. Our black citizens are coming together as a community with a voice that wants to be heard. As gays and minorities everywhere have for years, African Americans are saying they want to be a part of our cities, not apart from it. This week that community made a statement in the primaries. The gay community has already won significant roles here in Broward, from mayoral races to judicial ones. Yesterday was a powerful day for African Americans to claim victory, including one Shevrin Jones, who is black and gay. He will also be a state senator. How about that? As Harold Pryor, the winning Democratic candidate in the hotlycontested race for state attorney, wrote on his website, “Broward is becoming an increasingly diverse community, and the criminal justice system has always had a disproportionate impact on communities of color.” Pryor added, “I understand the criminal justice system from the perspective of not only a lawyer, but as a Black man who has seen from a young age how the criminal justice system has impacted my family and friends.” As a Democrat, Pryor will likely prevail in the November race. Similarly, on the opposite side of the criminal justice spectrum, Gordon Weekes, an African American, is likely to
• 8 . 20.2020
Right: A poster from 1981 advertising a KKK rally in South Florida. Above: Fort Lauderdale. SFGN file photos.
become the county’s next chief public defender. Brenda Forman has prevailed to remain on as the clerk of the courts. Forman’s win makes her accountable for running a court system during a viral epidemic, protecting the health of her employees and the public’s right to access to the courts. She must avoid making foolish personal feuds public fodder. Like Sheriff Tony, elected in his own right despite questions about his past transgressions, everyone will be scrutinizing Forman, hopefully based on her competence, not her color. Tony’s win suggest that black votes matter as well. Sheriff Tony defeated a just man unjustly removed from office by our dishonorable governor. Scott Israel fought for our rights with tenacity and passion, and school shootings in America do not occur because of sheriffs. Our country has issues of gun violence that have been too long ignored, period. It was Joe Scott, another African American, that appears to have won the race for supervisor of elections, beating a young man backed by the Human Rights Campaign. Scott’s gutsy candidacy was inspirational. He promises to depoliticize and modernize the office. The second point of this editorial is to simply say that our votes have to be counted on November 3. This week, they were, quickly and efficiently. That is the way it is supposed to be. The elections office is not supposed to make
headlines. You are not even supposed to know it’s there. The presidential election ahead of us will draw national scrutiny to South Florida. Hell, the whole world will be watching. Our ballots could swing the presidential election. Get yours in on time. Don’t wait for the mailman. Our gay community understands the importance of having a place at the table. We should applaud and partner with those groups who gain their rights as well. It is testimony to our participation that so many of this year’s candidates advertised their campaigns on the pages of the South Florida Gay News. We thank them. It is a tribute to our community’s role in the body politic. You have made us players in the game. We show up at the polls. We vote. Our voices count. The historic wins by African Americans in Broward should be an encouraging reminder that a small group of people working together can accomplish a hell of a lot, maybe even swing Florida blue on November 3. We should all be proud that our community is making the news for transitional and generational change. We have already been part of it, and we are going to continue to be so. SFGN will stand with those who stand for themselves to seek a newer, safer, saner world for all of us.
Next month, SFGN will publish a Mirror Magazine also illuminating the November elections. We invite your editorial opinions and political advertisements. We want our voices heard.
Editorial Cartoon
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• 8 . 20.2020
hen the COVID-19 pandemic shut down much of the nation’s economy, millions of Americans, including Terry Dyer, suddenly found themselves furloughed. Dyer, a human resources executive who had just relocated to South Florida, had two choices. Rather than simply wait for the economy to reopen, Dyer used the opportunity to finally complete a long-planned memoir. Four months later, he opened the first copy of “Letters to a GAY BLACK BOY,” fresh from the printer. “I had a choice to make,” admitted Dyer. “While COVID was a horribly bad thing, the shutdown ultimately gave me the opportunity to finish the book.” Dyer, who was born in Kansas City, Kansas and raised in California, chose to structure his story in the form of letters to his younger self. For most children, the path to adulthood is fraught with angst. Dyer addresses family, love and acceptance, along with the challenges of growing up gay and the trauma he experienced following a sexual assault by a close relative. “I start off by addressing the letters to a ‘gay black boy,’ but by the end of the book, the final letter is addressed directly to my younger self, Terry,” Dyer said. As an African-American gay man, Dyer also has lots to say about race, but he says the book was not affected by the tragic murder of George Floyd and the ensuing protests that erupted across the country as he was finalizing the draft. “I’m not so much angry … as I am about having those difficult conversations,” he pointed out, describing “Letters” as “raw and authentic” and designed to “inspire dialogue.” The author, now 40 years old, ultimately survived and thrived. He earned a degree in public relations and ultimately embarked on a successful career in human resources. An LGBT activist, he has advocated for a number of gender and HIV/AIDS issues. Dyer is also a trained and accomplished classical singer. He is comfortable in a boardroom and on stage, or lately, cabaret performances via live streaming on the internet.
Author Terry Dyer will read from his newly published memoir, “Letters to a GAY BLACK BOY,” this week at Wilton Theater Factory. Credit: Courtesy Terry Dyer.
Local audiences will get a taste of the multitalented Dyer when he presents a reading from the book on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 20 – 21 at the Foundry at Wilton Theater Factory in Wilton Manors. In addition to reading passages from the book, he plans to perform several favorite musical selections, conduct an audience Q&A session and sign books. Living Out Loud 2.0’s Darian Aaron best summarized the impact of Dyer’s effort: “With no roadmap and often very few adults in whom we can confide in as we grow into a deeper understanding of who we are, Black gay boys are often left to navigate a world that is not designed for us to thrive in, yet somehow, we persevere. Terry Dyer is providing such a road map … By owning and sharing his story, Dyer rejects conventional wisdom that says the intimate and the painful dare not be shared publicly, thereby giving himself and the reader permission to forgive, evolve and to heal.”
“Letters to a GAY BLACK BOY” is available from major booksellers. For more information, go to TerryDyer.org. Terry Dyer will read from his memoir on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 20 – 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Foundry at Wilton Theater Factory, 2306 N. Wilton Dr. in Wilton Manors. Tickets are $20 at Eventbrite.com.
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Monitored by ADT the #1 home security company in the U.S. CALL NOW to Schedule a FREE Virtual In-Home Consultation LOW Now and SAVE 15%if Internet is disconnected before end of 12 months. Must maintain ETF ($180) applies bundledMonitored services to receive advertised pricing. Additional Fees & Taxes: Excludes cost-recovery charges, where app ADT®all24/7 Home Security ®
® Anthem offers a money-back guarantee designed to help you avoid wasting money on ineffective tax services. We will gather as much information ® Monitored in Monitored by by ADT ADT ® the the #1 #1 home home security security company company in the the U.S. U.S. GREAT GREAT GREAT from you as necessary and work with tax authorities to give you the best chance of reducing your tax debt. If for any reason that does not work out, GREAT Geographic service restrictions and the government notifies us they refuse to reduce your overall tax liability or monthly payments by any amount, we willand gladly refund you the apply to AT&T Internet services. Not all speeds available in all areas. Call to see if you qualify. LOW PRICE PRICE $40 INTERNET OFFER: Price for Internet (768k - 100) for new residential customers when bundled with another qualifying AT&T service (DIRECTV, AT&T Phone or postpaid AT&T fees you paid for our services in trying to reduce that debt. Money Back Guarantee does not apply to Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation Services. PRICE U-verse TV, AT&T TV orPRICE
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ADT® 24/7 Monitored Home Security MONITORING MONITORING ® fee.per Activ/Installation: (full tech install) may apply. CreditQuickly restrictions apply. Pricing to change. Subj. to Internet Terms of Service ® Payments as LOWequipment as $149 month $35 activation fee (self-install) or $99 installation 24/7 monitoring provides connect to fifisubject re MONITORING 24/7 monitoring provides Quickly connect toa combined re bill † net-terms. Unlimited data allowance may also be purchased separately for anofadd’l $30/mo., a bundle TV & Internet onresponse and receive unlimited internet data at no add’l ch peace mind andofemergency 24/7 amonitoring provides Quickly connect to fiorremaintain mindcapability emergency go to att.com/internet-usage.‡ Internet speed claims represent maximumpeace networkofservice speeds. Actualand customer speeds areresponse not guaranteed and may vary based on several factors. For more And Receive Yard sign and window May qualify for a 1 Yard and window MayAT&T qualify for a Features limited to home Wi-Fi network. 2Parental Controls peace of mind andto AT&T emergency response att.com/speed101. AT&T Smart Home Manager is available Internetsign service customers with a compatible Wi-Fi Gateway. help deter crime 3 decals decals help deter crime homeowners insurance features BGW210, 5268AC and NVG599 Wi-FiMay Gateways.qualify AT&T Smart Wi-Fi installation of homeowners a BGW210, 5268AC,insurance or NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateway. Standard with Internet plans (12M or hig Yardavailable signwith and window for arequires discount Wi-Fi connectivity may require AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender(s) sold separately. Offers may not be combined withdiscount other promotional offers on the samePER services and® ®may be modified or disc PER MONTH MONTH
decals help crimeapply to all offers. homeowners insurance time without notice.deter Other conditions ©2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo $$and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks 100 E VALU PremiumProperty Shower VALUE and/or AT&T affiliated companies. From Protect Your Home discount
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Product not available in all states. Includes the Participating Providers and Preventive he Participating Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. ne insurance catedetails of this type.this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not Contactpolicy/certifi us for complete Product not available in allabout states. Includes the Participating Providers and Preventive surance solicitation. specifi c offer is notor respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A available in CO,This NY; call 1-888-799-4433 Benefi tsC250Q); Rider. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. espond(ID: forC250E; similar offer. Certifi cate C250A PA: Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not 50 (GA:TN: P150GA; NY:Rider P150NY; P150OK; P150TN). kindsOK: B438/B439.
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Geographic and service restrictions plus taxes & apply to AT&T Internet services. Not all speeds available in all areas. Call to see if you qualify. $40 INTERNET OFFER: Price for Internet (768k - 100) for new residential customers when bundled with another qualifying AT&T service (DIRECTV, U-verse TV, AT&T TV or AT&T Phone or postpaid AT&T wireless). Prorated ETF ($180) applies ifequip. Internet isfee. disconnected before end of 12 months. Must maintain all bundled services to receive advertised pricing. Additional Fees & Taxes: - Wage Garnishment Client ® Excludes cost-recovery charges, where applicable and $10/mo ® equipment fee. Activ/Installation: $35 activation fee (self-install) or $99 installation (full tech install) may apply. Credit restrictions apply. Pricing subject to change. Subj. to Internet Terms of Service at att.com/interCall us now for your FREE tax consultation & evaluation: net-terms. †Unlimited data allowance may also be purchased separately for an add’l $30/mo., or maintain a bundle of TV & Internet on a combined bill and receive unlimited internet data at no add’l charge. For more info, Iv Support LLC 12 mo agmt, other qualifying service (min $19/mo) go to att.com/internet-usage.‡ Internet speed claims represent maximum network service capabilityHoldings speeds. Actual customer speeds are not guaranteed and may vary based on several factors. For more information, go to 3 Call us now for your FREE tax consultation & evaluation: 1 att.com/speed101. AT&Tapplies. Smart Home Manager is available to AT&T Internet service customers with a compatible AT&T Wi-Fi Gateway. Features limited to home Wi-Fi network. 2Parental Controls and Data Usage & combined bill req’d. $10/mo equip. fee features available with BGW210, 5268AC and NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateways. 3AT&T Smart Wi-Fi requires installation of a BGW210, 5268AC, or NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateway. Standard with Internet plans (12M or higher). Whole-home Wi-Fi connectivity mayadd’l require AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender(s) sold separately. Offers may not be combined with other promotional offers on the same services and may be modified or discontinued at any Incl 1TB data/mo. $10 chrg for each time without†notice. Other conditions apply to all offers. ©2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual 50GB (up to $100/mo). Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies.
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“They stopped my garnishments in less than 2 days Opportunity Investigation Agreement 4 TAX DEBTan FREE! Tax debt1can happen to2anyone. Whether3you are self-employed, independent after hiring them. This saved me $84,276 with the IRS contractor, took an early withdrawl from a 401K, or had another unforseen life event and occur, $13,500 with the resolve state ofyour California. eysimple savedsteps: can help in a Th few “Theywestopped my garnishments indebt less than 2 days my emotional financial after hiringand them. This savedwell-being. me $84,276”with the IRS
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Tax debt can happen to anyone. Whether you are self-employed, an independent Anthem Tax Services provides world class debt relief and tax contractor, took an early withdrawl frompersonalized a 401K, or tax had another unforseen life event services. We offer the tailored experience that you expect from your tax occur, preparation we can help resolve your debt in a few simple steps: preparation professionals, and we operate remotely so you never need to leave your Anthem Tax Services provides world class personalized tax debt relief and tax home or office. preparation services. We offer the tailored experience that you4expect tax 1 Opportunity 2 Investigation 3 Agreement TAX from DEBTyour FREE! Tax debt can happen to anyone. Whether you are self-employed, an independent preparation professionals, and we operate remotely so you never need to leave your contractor, took an early withdrawl from a 401K, or had another unforseen life event home office. occur,orwe can help resolve your debt in a few simple steps:
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- designed Wage Garnishment Client Anthem offers a Anthem money-back guaranteeguarantee designed to help you you avoid wasting money ineffective tax services. We will gather as much information ®another qualifying AT&T service (DIRECTV, U-verse TV, AT&T TV or AT&T Phone or postpaid AT&T wireless). Prorated offers a money-back to help avoid wasting money onon ineffective tax services. We will gather as much information $40 INTERNET OFFER: Price for Internet (768k - 100) for new residential customers when bundled with® & Bookkeeping ($180) applies if Internet is disconnected before end of 12 months. Must maintain all bundled services to receive advertised pricing. Additional Fees & Taxes: Excludes cost-recovery charges, where applicable and $10/mo from youand as necessary andtax workauthorities with tax authorities to give bestchance chance ofof reducing youryour tax debt. for anyIfreason thatreason does notthat workdoes out, not work ETF from you as necessary work with to give youyou thethe best reducing taxIfdebt. for any out, and thenotifies government notifies us they to reduce overall taxliability liability or payments by anyby amount, we will gladly you therefund youequipment and the government us they refuse torefuse reduce your your overall tax ormonthly monthly payments any amount, werefund will gladly the fee. Activ/Installation: $35 activation fee (self-install) or $99 installation (full tech install) may apply. Credit restrictions apply. Pricing subject to change. Subj. to Internet Terms of Service at att.com/interServices net-terms. †Unlimited data allowance may also be purchased separately for an add’l $30/mo., or maintain a bundle of TV & Internet on a combined bill and receive unlimited internet data at no add’l charge. For more info, fees you paid for our services in trying to reduce that debt. Money Back Guarantee does not apply to Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation Services. fees you paid for our services in trying to reduce that debt. Money Back doesFREE not apply to Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation Services. CallGuarantee us now for your tax consultation & evaluation: go to att.com/internet-usage.‡ Internet speed claims represent maximum network service capability speeds. Actual customer speeds are not guaranteed and may vary based on several factors. For more information, go to
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GIFT GIFT CARD: CARD: $100 $100 Visa Visa Gift Gift Card Card fulfi fulfilled lled by by Protect Protect Your Your Home Home through through third-party third-party provider, provider, Mpell, Mpell, upon upon installation installation of of aa security security system system and and execution execution of of monitoring monitoring contract. contract. $4.95 $4.95 shipping shipping and and handling handling fee, fee, gift gift cards cards can can take take up up to to 88 weeks weeks to to arrive arrive after after following following the Monitoring Agreement at See all off er below. the Mpell Mpell redemption redemption process. process. BASIC BASIC SYSTEM: SYSTEM: $99 $99 Parts Parts and and Install. Install. 36-Month 36-Month Monitoring Monitoring Agreement Agreement required required at at $27.99 $27.99 per per month month ($1,007.64). ($1,007.64). 24-Month Monitoring Agreement required required at $27.99 $27.99 per per month month ($671.76) ($671.76) for for California. California. Offer Offer applies applies See24-Month all ADT off er details details below. to to homeowners homeowners only. only. Basic Basic system system requires requires landline landline phone. phone. Offer Offer valid valid for for new new ADT ADT Authorized Authorized Premier Premier Provider Provider customers customers only only and and not not on on purchases purchases from from ADT LLC. LLC. Cannot Cannot be be combined combined with with any any other other offer. offer. The The $27.99 $27.99 Offer Offer does does not not include include Quality Quality Service Service Plan Plan (QSP), (QSP), ADT’s ADT’s Extended Extended Limited Limited Warranty. Warranty. ADT ADT Pulse: Pulse: ADT ADT Pulse Pulse Interactive Interactive Solutions Solutions Services Services (“ADT (“ADT Pulse”), Pulse”), which which help help you you manage manage your your home home environment environment and and family family lifestyle, lifestyle, require require the the purchase purchase and/or and/or activation activation of of an an ADT ADT alarm alarm system system with with monitored monitored burglary burglary service service and and aa compatible compatible computer, computer, cell cell phone phone or or PDA PDA with with Internet Internet and and email email access. access. These These ADT ADT Pulse Pulse services services do do not not cover cover the the operation operation or or maintenance maintenance of of any any household household equipment/systems equipment/systems that that are are connected connected to to the the ADT ADT Pulse Pulse equipment. equipment. All All ADT ADT Pulse Pulse services services are are not not available available with with the the various various levels levels of of ADT ADT Pulse. Pulse. All All ADT ADT Pulse Pulse services services may may not not be be available available inin all all geographic geographic areas. areas. You You may may be be required required to to pay pay additional additional charges charges to to purchase purchase equipment equipment required required to to utilize utilize the the ADT ADT Pulse Pulse features features you you desire. desire. ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contract required from ADT Pulse + Video: $59.99 per month, ($2,159.64), including Quality Service Plan (QSP). Doorbell camera may not be available ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contract required from ADT Pulse + Video: $59.99 per month, ($2,159.64), including Quality Service Plan (QSP). Doorbell camera may not be available inin all all areas. areas. GENERAL: GENERAL: For For all all offers, offers, the the form form of of payment payment must must be be by by credit credit card card or or electronic electronic charge charge to to your your checking checking or or savings savings account, account, satisfactory satisfactory credit credit history history isis required required and and termination termination fee fee applies. applies. Local Local permit permit fees fees may may be be required. required. Certain Certain restrictions restrictions may may apply. apply. Additional Additional monitoring monitoring fees fees required required for for some some services. services. For For example, example, Burglary, Burglary, Fire, Fire, Carbon Carbon Monoxide Monoxide and and Emergency Emergency Alert Alert monitoring monitoring requires requires purchase purchase and/or and/or activation activation of of an an ADT ADT security security system system with with monitored monitored Burglary, Burglary, Fire, Fire, Carbon Carbon Monoxide Monoxide and and Emergency Emergency Alert Alert devices devices and and are are an an additional additional charge. charge. Additional Additional equipment equipment may may be be purchased purchased for for an an additional additional charge. charge. Additional Additional charges charges may may apply apply inin areas areas that that require require guard guard response response service service for for municipal municipal alarm alarm verifi verification. cation. Prices Prices subject subject to to change. change. Prices Prices may may vary vary by by market. market. Bathtub & Wall System Some Some insurance insurance companies companies offer offer discounts discounts on on Homeowner’s Homeowner’s Insurance. Insurance. Please Please consult consult your your insurance insurance company. company. Photos Photos are are for for illustrative illustrative purposes purposes only only and and may may not not refl reflect ect the the exact exact product/service product/service actually actually provided. provided. Licenses: Licenses: AL-21-001104, AL-21-001104, AR-CMPY.0001725 AR-CMPY.0001725 AZ-ROC217517, *Includes product and labor; bathtub, shower or walk-in tub and wall surround. This promotion cannot be combined with any other offer. Other restrictions may apply. This offer expires AZ-ROC217517, CA-ACO6320, CA-ACO6320, CT-ELC.0193944-L5, CT-ELC.0193944-L5, DC-EMS902653, DC-EMS902653, DC-602516000016, DC-602516000016, DE-07-212, DE-07-212, FL-EC13003427, FL-EC13003427, EC13003401, EC13003401, GA-LVA205395, GA-LVA205395, IA-AS-0206, IA-AS-0206, ID-ELE-SJ-39131, ID-ELE-SJ-39131, IL-127.001042, IL-127.001042, IN-C.P.D. IN-C.P.D. Reg. Reg. No. No. –– 19-08088, 19-08088, City City of of Indianapolis: Indianapolis: LAC-000156, KY-City Louisville: 483, LA-F1914, LA-F1082, MA-1355C, MD-107-1626, ME-LM50017382, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MO-City of St. CC#354, St. Louis County: LAC-000156, KY-City of ofsystem Louisville: 483,execution LA-F1914, LA-F1915, LA-F1915, LA-F1082, MA-1355C,$4.95 MD-107-1626, ME-LM50017382, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MO-City St. Louis: Louis:to CC#354, Louisfollowing County: 100194, 100194, MS-15007958,MT-PSP-ELS-LIC-247, MS-15007958,MT-PSP-ELS-LIC-247, NCNCMay 31, 2020. Each dealership is independently owned and operated. **Third party financing is available for those wholled See Your your dealer for details. ©2020provider, BCI GIFT CARD: Visa Gift by Home third-party Mpell, installation of aa security security and of monitoring monitoring contract. shipping and handling handling fee,Vegas: gift3000008296, cards can take take up to toby88ofthe weeks arriveSt.after after GIFT CARD: $100 $100 Visacustomers Gift Card Card fulfi fulfi lledqualify. by Protect Protect Your Home through through third-party provider, Mpell, upon upon installation of system and execution contract. $4.95 shipping and fee, gift cards can up weeks arrive 25310-SP-FA/LV, NC-1622-CSA, NE-14451, NJ NM-353366, NV-0068518, City NY-Licensed N.Y.S. Department of UID#12000317691, 25310-SP-FA/LV, NC-1622-CSA, NE-14451, NJ Burglar BurglarofAlarm Alarm Lic. Lic. ## -NJ-34BF00021800, -NJ-34BF00021800, NM-353366, NV-0068518, City of of Las Las Vegas: 3000008296, NY-Licensed by the N.Y.S. to Department of State Statefollowing UID#12000317691, NYS NYS #12000286451,OH-53891446, #12000286451,OH-53891446, Acrylic Inc. the at month ($1,007.64). 24-Month Monitoring Agreement at per month ($671.76) California. Offer applies City AC86, OK-AC1048, Pennsylvania Home Contractor Registration Number: RI-3582, SD1025-7001-ET, TN-1520, the Mpell Mpell redemption redemption process. process. BASIC BASIC SYSTEM: SYSTEM: $99 $99 Parts Parts and and Install. Install. 36-Month 36-Month Monitoring Monitoring Agreement Agreement required required at $27.99 $27.99 per monthOR-170997, ($1,007.64). 24-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 $27.99 perRI-7508, monthSC-BAC5630, ($671.76) for California. 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