local name global coverage august 27, 2020 vol. 11 // issue 34
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PROTEST IN PINK Polish Activists Dress Down Anti Gay Rulers Kim Swan
hile President Andrzej Duda of Poland was being sworn into office for a second term, members of the Parliament of Poland staged a protest with their rainbow attire to show solidarity with the LGBT community. The opposition party, composed of leftwing parliamentarians, wore dresses, shirts, and pants suits in the colors of the rainbow, along with coordinating masks, on Aug. 6, as reported by Vogue. While one half of the room was composed of Duda in a black suit and his wife Agata in a white dress, the opposition mimicked a rainbow. This was to send a message to Duda who is known for his anti-LGBT policies and has a close allyship with Poland’s right-wing Law and Justice party, according to Vogue. In the past, Duda has made remarks that “LGBT are not people; they are an ideology” and noted that this ideology was “even more destructive” than communism, according to Watermark. He also pledged to ban adoption by same-sex couples and classes on gay rights
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A protester wearing a symbol of Poland that has been overlayed with a rainbow. Photo via Adobe.
in state schools, as reported by Reuters. There were other acts of solidarity with the LGBT community in Poland. Rainbow flags were placed around the city, including on a statue of Jesus Christ that was outfitted with a pink mask displaying the symbol for queer anarchism, while the Mermaid of Warsaw held a rainbow flag, according to Human Rights Watch. Using clothing as a form of political protest happens in the United States as well. Women of the Democratic party, including Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wore suffragette white at the 2019 State of the Union address. In 2017, female house Democrats wore sleeveless looks on what was deemed “Sleeveless Friday” to promote more modern
Associated Press • 8 . 27.2020
August 27, 2020 • Volume 11 • Issue 34
Brian McNaught • Jesse Monteagudo
dress codes in the House, as reported by The Hill. “The sight of opposition MPs wearing rainbow colors and rainbow masks at the president’s swearing-in was a welcome symbol of solidarity with Poland’s LGBTQ+ community, which was cynically vilified in Duda’s bid for re-election,” wrote Vogue Poland’s Editor-in-Chief Filip Niedenthal from Warsaw. “But it will take a lot more than photogenic gestures to ensure us our civil rights, which are currently under sustained attack by the right-wing regime, and public media.” According to a study by ILGA-Europe, Poland ranks the lowest among E.U. countries for LGBT rights based on discrimination and the lack of laws in place to protect the community.
COVER: Attorney and long-time activist Robin Bodiford. Photo courtesy of Robin Bodiford.
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SFGN Winner of & 5 Florida Press Club Awards And runner-up for
NLGJA Journalist of the Year SOUTH FLORIDA GAY NEWS.COM, INC. — — FOUNDED, DECEMBER, 2009 BY PIER GUIDUGLI AND NORM KENT South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2020 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
8 . 27. 20 20 •
SETBACK FOR OUT BLACK Gay Candidate Loses House Race John McDonald
t hurts, but Elijah Manley said he is not giving up. Manley lost his bid to unseat incumbent Florida Representative Bobby DuBose in District 94. DuBose won the universal Democratic primary, collecting 20,474 votes for 69%. Manley, 21, a queer Black man, released the following statement on Instagram: “This loss hurts. It really does. It will for a while. However, our work is far from over. We must work with Rep. DuBose this next legislative session to combat the challenges we face as a state. I wish him nothing but success. He was cordial as he has always been to me. To the young people, our democracy is only as strong as we make it. The right to vote is our most sacred responsibility. Use it,” Manley wrote. Manley earned 8,825 votes for a 30% showing.
From left: Luis Alonso-Piovet, Pablo Reinaldo Romo-Figueroa, Adonis Diaz and Juan C. Lopez. Photos via Miami-Dade corrections.
Elijah Manley. Photo via Facebook.
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• 8 . 27.2020
ostponed again. bathroom in Lummus Park in Miami Beach In what has become a broken on April 8, 2018. record, the trial of four men accused “We were walking and holding hands and of attacking a gay couple in 2018 after the needed to use the bathroom,” Logunov told closing festivities of Miami Beach Pride has SFGN in 2018. So the two of them stopped at been delayed again. a public restroom as they headed home for On Thursday a status hearing was held the evening. where the case was postponed. No trial date As Logunov walked out of the restroom was set. Instead, another status hearing will he was allegedly called a “faggot” in Spanish, take place in Mid-September. punched, and then beaten unconscious. The case is now over two years old. His boyfriend at the time, Chalarca, quickly Several trial dates have intervened, but three more men been set in the past, but jumped in and began to attack they’ve all been postponed. them both. “WE HAD The last one was May 5. The attack was caught on EVERYTHING SORT camera In June Miami-Dade and the four defendants OF ON TRACK, WE have been charged with three State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle apologized counts of aggravated battery and HAD THE CASE to the LGBT community for a hate crime enhancement was SET TO GO TO the continued delays blaming added to the charges. much of it on COVID-19. A third person, Helmut Estrada, TRIAL. AND THEN “Honestly, this is such a attempted to assist Chalarca and YOU KNOW WHAT Logunov. He was also attacked priority for us. I know it’s very frustrating because it HAPPENED: COVID.” during the altercation and has taken a long time,” she injured. - Katherine said during the state attorney “We had everything sort of Fernandez Rundle candidate virtual town hall on track, we had the case set to MIAMI-DADE STATE ATTORNEY hosted by SAVE. “If those go to trial. And then you know defense attorneys don’t set it what happened: COVID. COVID down, and don’t move, and the judges don’t has put the entire criminal justice system on prod them to do it, it does languish a bit.” hold. So we’re at a huge pause,” Fernandez The four defendants — Adonis Diaz, Juan Rundle said during the town hall meeting in Carlos Lopez, Luis Alonso-Piovet, and Pablo June. “It is a priority case for us and I hope Reinaldo Romo-Figueroa — all in their early you know that and believe that. I’m not 20s, have pleaded not guilty. trying to make excuses, this is just the world Here’s a recap of what allegedly happened: that we live in. It’s been complicated.” the attack took place when Rene Chalarca Criminal jury trials have yet to resume in and Dmitry Logunov were leaving a public Florida.
CUMULATIVE KNOWN COVID-19 CASES IN THREE SOUTH FLORIDA COUNTIES: Cumulative Known COVID-19 Cases in Three 19 South Florida AUGUST Counties:25 AUGUST THROUGH Aug 19 through August 25
Percent Increase in cumulative COVID-19 cases from 8/19 to 8/25 Palm Beach 3.0%, Broward 3.0%, Miami Dade 3.6%
Palm Beach
Miami-Dade Source Fl DOH Dashboard
Dr. Cunningham and his office are available for your needs during this crisis. Please call or email at OPdental@aol.com
Source: Florida DEO Dashboard.
CUMULATIVE KNOWN COVID-19 DEATHS IN THREE SOUTH FLORIDA Cumulative Known COVID-19COUNTIES: Deaths Cumulative Known COVID-19 Cases in in Three South Florida Counties: Three South Florida Counties: AUGUST 19 THROUGH AUGUST 25 Aug through August Aug 1919 through August 2525
Percent Increase Increase in in cumulative cumulative COVID-19 COVID-19 deaths cases from Percent from8/19 8/19to to8/25 8/25 Palm Beach Beach 4.3%, 3.0%,Broward Broward9.3%, 3.0%,Miami MiamiDade Dade5.1% 3.6% Palm 149,162
1,049 1,022 67,534
1,0391,051 68,068
8/19 8/19
1,0481,068 68,542
8/20 8/20
8/21 8/21
Palm Beach Palm Beach
1,0591,088 68,891
8/22 8/22
1,113 1,059 69,136
8/23 8/23
Broward Miami Dade Broward
2,277 153,385
1,132 1,061 69,383
8/24 8/24
1,147 69,584
Source Fl DOH Dashboard
Source Fl DOH Dashboard
Source: Florida DEO Dashboard. 8 . 27. 20 20 •
wards ceremonies are still important — even during the coronavirus crisis. Most of us still need some inspiration. You can find some during SAVE’s 2020 Champions of Equality virtual gala. It’s happening this Friday, Aug. 28, at 7 p.m.
“The evening is a combination of two things,” The Equality Legacy Awards will go to familiar said Orlando Gonzales, SAVE Executive Director. faces this year who always support the LGBT “Number one is a lot of inspiration. And the community. The honorees are four Miami-Dade second is a line of personal reflection about why Commissioners — Audrey Edmonson, Barbara public service matters and why voting matters. Jordan, Dennis Moss, and Xavier Suarez. Those personal reflections are really what makes “They are retiring and leaving the board of the night so special because we hear from people county commission now because of term limits,” like volunteers and the elected officials who give Gonzales said. “Some of these folks, you know, we us so much of themselves to make things happen.” can always count on them whenever there was a The evening celebrates politicians, civic and huge LGBT issue that came up, we knew we could community leaders, scientists, thought leaders, count on their votes. They were engaged with us. and others who stand and support equality for But the reality is that because their hearts and LGBT people. More on the honorees in a moment. their minds were inclined to justice, they always This year, because of the coronavirus, the checked with us to make sure that the issues that gala is virtual, making it easier we were advocating for were ones for more people to experience it. that they fully understood.” THE EVENING First, this won’t be just a Friday The Hall of Champions Award night Zoom call. This event is filled goes to scientists — Dr. Susanne CELEBRATES with incredible entertainment like Dr. Besiki Luka POLITICIANS, CIVIC Doblecki-Lewis, Grammy and Latin Grammy winner Kutateladze, Dr. Steven A. Safren, AND COMMUNITY Dr. Mario Stevenson, Dr. José Robbie Elias performing his new single. There are also auction items Szapocznik. LEADERS, available for bidding. Dr. Doblecki-Lewis, Dr. SCIENTISTS, The event is free. But you must Stephenson, and Dr. Szapocznik are register to attend. You can find more THOUGHT LEADERS, infectious disease experts, honored information at www.bit.ly/2EBDHP2 for their work with HIV. AND OTHERS (case-sensitive). Dr. Kutateladze is a research WHO STAND AND The 2020 Champion Honorees scientist looking at the way hate are State Representative Nicholas SUPPORT EQUALITY crimes are reported. “His work is Duran and State Senator Jason Pizzo. to transform the way that hate FOR LGBT PEOPLE. going “The reason why we chose crimes are seen,” Gonzales said. Representative Duran and Senator Dr. Safren is examining the role Pizzo is because they have taken up work that was of mental health when there’s an HIV infection started by Senator Rene Garcia,” Gonzales said. and diagnosis. “This work is critically important,” “They are carrying forward in pushing legislation Gonzales said. that decriminalizes the HIV/AIDS status of an The Community Hero Awards go to Robin individual. Right now, there are many laws in Bodiford and Jorge Mursuli. In the 1990s, in which somebody who’s HIV positive can easily Broward and Miami-Dade Counties respectfully, be prosecuted for their status because of issues Bodiford and Mursuli created the movement that related to consent. This includes situations where brought the first version of the Human Rights a person who doesn’t know their status and may Ordinance. “The recent Supreme Court ruling infect someone who still held to criminal-level determining the sexual orientation and gender charges even when they don’t know. It’s also identity are protected under the Civil Rights Act important to lift the stigma from the disease, the demonstrates that what these two individuals did condition, and the virus.” in the 1990s was way ahead of their time.”
• 8 . 27.2020
The announced recipients of the 2020 Champions of Equality. Photos via SAVE, Facebook.
8 . 27. 20 20 •
obin Bodiford recalls many mentors and heroes that impacted her life — one that’s been a tapestry of activism in politics and LGBT rights.
Robin Bodiford. Photo courtesy of Robin Bodiford.
• 8 . 27.2020
She’s being recognized as a hero herself. “I used to go with my father when he’d pay On Aug. 28, Bodiford joins a lineup of his union dues,” Bodiford remembers. “He’d honorees at SAVE’s 2020 “Champions of tell me stories about how men were beaten Equality” virtual gala at 7 p.m. up and even killed for being union organizers. Miami-based SAVE (Safeguarding It was instilled in me to be involved and be a American Values for Everyone) has been righteous citizen.” hosting the event since 2005. In her younger years in This year it’s a virtual affair due Miami and before she came “I WAS A HIPPIE. to the COVID-19 pandemic. out as a lesbian, Bodiford was The nonprofit is involved in interested in politics and LGBT I DEMONSTRATED a variety of political advocacy advocacy. AGAINST VIETNAM; work, community outreach and “I knew I was gay when I was candidate endorsements — all in 11, but there was no way to be WORE THE BLACK support of the LGBT community gay then [in the early 1960s],” ARMBAND; READ across South Florida. For Bodiford she said. “I didn’t know any gay THE NAMES OF THE people, didn’t have any of that it’s a fitting mission, as much of her life mirrors such work. fortune like if you lived in New DEAD BOYS FROM Along with Jorge Mursuli — York City. Miami was kind of a VIETNAM.” who helped lead the fight to pass a backwater.” gay rights ordinance through the When Bodiford was 15 she - Robin Bodiford Miami-Dade County Commission read a news brief in the paper ATTORNEY — she will be recognized in the — a report that some women “Community Heroes” category at had been arrested for dancing the event. in a venue. It had such an effect on her that she cut it out and carried it in her wallet for EARLY ACTIVIST SPARK years. “I remember when I was 16 in 1968 and Bodiford’s parents were Southerners and I wanted to go to the Democratic National Democrats. Her father was a carpenter and Convention in Chicago,” Bodiford said. “My her mother was a nurse. They were regular father was worried and begged me not to working-class people, she said, and also go, and I didn’t. But he was so proud when I voracious readers. told him I was sending my allowance to the
NEWS LOCAL Chicago Eight.” in Miami Shores) to California in the midThe Chicago Eight included Abbie 1970s. Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and others — charged She’d end up gaining 20 years of education, by the government with conspiracy and work and activist experience before moving inciting a riot, all related to anti-Vietnam War back to South Florida. She’d also go through and countercultural protests that took place at the painful death of her younger brother. the convention. Between stints in the Bay Area and in “I was a hippie. I demonstrated against Southern California, Bodiford was a volunteer Vietnam; wore the black armband; read the abortion counselor and provided rape and names of the dead boys from Vietnam,” she suicide crisis services for women as the said. director of a women’s center — places where In the summer of 1972, Bodiford would come “radical lesbians go to talk about things,” she out at 21 at a gay Democratic fundraiser on said. Miami Beach. George McGovern Reproductive rights were an was running against Richard issue very close to her — she’d Nixon for the presidency. She had an abortion the same year remembers the girl at the kissing the Roe v. Wade decision came booth. down from the U.S. Supreme “She liked the way I kissed,” Court in 1973. Bodiford said. “She sang and Bodiford earned a master’s played the guitar and later degree in social welfare with a owned the famous musical club specialization in administration, in Greenwich [Village] called community organizing and Eighty-Eights. She was taken planning at the University of under the wing of this guy who California, Berkeley. was part of the first effort to She’d meet many LGBT battle Anita Bryant.” activists and pioneers while in - Robin Bodiford Gay activists like Bodiford the Golden State — including ATTORNEY know Anita Bryant well. Bryant Robin Tyler, who later with campaigned against the (then) her partner Diane Olson would Dade County gay rights ordinance and gained become the first lesbian plaintiffs to file what a national following. became the successful lawsuit that helped It was around this time that Bodiford bring marriage equality to the state. would meet gay activists Bob Kunst and Bodiford would also meet Tyler’s friend — Melody Morehead — who’d become her first attorney Gloria Allred — who represented girlfriend. Morehead was known in part for them. debating Bryant on a local Miami TV news While in law school at the University station. of Southern California Bodiford became the student liaison of the Women Lawyers CALIFORNIA DREAMING Association of Los Angeles. As such, Bodiford was assigned Allred as her mentor. They’d go Bodiford took her drive and desire to go to court, lunches and dinners together. back to school (she’d gone to Barry University “To me she was the superstar of feminist
lawyers,” she said. “She marched in gay Pride parades. She fought for gay rights. In Florida we had nothing, we couldn’t even sit on the same side of the booth. In California we had Gloria Allred.” After Bodiford eventually moved back to South Florida, her goal was to be the “Gloria Allred of Broward County.” AIDS ACTIVISM Bodiford was also very involved in HIV/ AIDS activism. Her younger gay brother, Peter, died of complications from the drug AZT. He died in 1991, when Bodiford was 34 and he was just 29. “He had active, full-blown AIDS,” she said. “The Gulf War was on. We had a president that never mentioned the word AIDS.” She’d go on to work in crisis services support for those living with the disease. Peter’s death had a big impact, Bodiford said. The two came out only two week’s apart from each other. She said her brother was her alter ego — only from the same parents. “There was no way after my brother died of AIDS that I was going to be quiet,” Bodiford said. “I was in California in the ‘70s and ‘80s, the time of Harvey Milk, Robin Tyler, Gloria Allred — the time of gay rights fomenting in California. I was an on the edge, an observer, participant, cheering, clapping and crying.” BROWARD CALLS Back in South Florida after all the California highs and lows, Bodiford would strengthen the Broward County Human Rights Ordinance in 1996. She worked on the Broward County Human Rights Ordinance of 2001 and was part of the Americans for Equality political action committee. Bodiford served on the executive committee of the Broward County Democratic Party and on the board of The Pride Center at Equality Park. There were many other titles and positions — including her heavy involvement with the Dolphin Democrats. “When we got gay rights in Broward County, no one would know we worked an entire year before we actually had that go forth before the commission,” Bodiford said. “We even had to get the gay community onboard with gay rights.” Bodiford said she worked closely with (now) Fort Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis to educate the commissioners on the
Robin Bodiford (left) with Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Photo courtesy of Robin Bodiford.
importance of gay rights. “I can’t tell you how many times I met with him in the morning,” she said. “We’d be meeting with commissioners to help them understand why we needed a law that says you can’t fire someone for being gay, or exclude gays from buying a condo together as a couple, or discriminate in housing, employment and places of public accommodation. You can’t break up our bars or raid the clubs, chasing and arresting.” Bodiford began her private practice in 1994 in Fort Lauderdale. She specializes in wills and trusts, powers of attorney, health care surrogates, living wills, probate, trust administration, prenuptial and domestic partner agreements, Chapter 7 bankruptcy and residential real estate — many areas that can affect the LGBT population disproportionately. AWARDS NIGHT Bodiford has won too many awards to list in a single story. But her next one, as one of SAVE’s “Community Heroes,” won’t be lost on her, she said. Another award that she treasures is when she received the Dolphin Democrats “Legacy Award” in 2017. “The thrill of that was they said that [Florida Representative] Debbie Wasserman Schultz was attending and honoring the LGBTQ pioneers,” Bodiford said. “I said, ‘Well, I’ll do it if she introduces me.’ She did introduce me and I’ve met her many times over the years. Back in the day when she was running for her first elected position, she took me out for lunch. When people were running for office, especially the women, they’d take me out to lunch because I was trotting around town to all the gay groups.”
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON SAVE’S VIRTUAL GALA, GO TO SAVE.LGBT. TO CONTACT BODIFORD, GO TO LAWROBIN.COM. Robin Bodiford has lived much of her life in support of LGBTQ rights. Photo courtesy of Robin Bodiford. 8 . 27. 20 20 •
llegations of inappropriate behavior have been leveled against a gay Mayor campaigning for the United States House of Representatives. Alex Morse is accused of abusing his position as a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The College Democrats of Massachusetts allege “numerous incidents over the course of several years” where Morse arranged to meet students on dating apps and, in some instances, had “sexual contact.” The allegations were published by the student newspaper, The Massachusetts Daily Collegian. Morse, 31, has denied the accusations. Mayor Alex Morse. Photo via Facebook. “I want to be very clear about this,” Morse wrote in a statement issued Aug. 10. “I have never, in my entire life, had a non-consensual abhorrent behavior and “sexual activity with sexual encounter with anyone. I have never teenagers.” used my position of power as Mayor and Colleagues, fellow candidates and the UMass lecturer for romantic or sexual gains, Victory Fund rushed to Morse’s defense. or to take advantage of students.” “Councilmember Sullivan’s statement is a Morse goes on to state that the allegations blatant attempt to mislead voters and appeal are false and he has never violated UMass to homophobic stereotypes about gay men policy. He does acknowledge having as pedophiles — and it must be retracted consensual relationships and condemned. He repeatedly with other men whom he met refers to ‘sexual activities with “I HAVE NEVER USED through dating apps. teenagers’ knowing full well Morse, Mayor of Holyoke, the word ‘teenagers’ evokes MY POSITION OF Mass., is campaigning to unseat images of middle and high POWER AS MAYOR Congressman Richard Neal, 71, school students — not college AND UMASS LECTURER students — and that there are an establishment Democrat and FOR ROMANTIC OR chairman of the House Ways no allegations from anyone and Means Committee. underage. The architects of SEXUAL GAINS, OR TO “I continue this campaign these efforts knew this is TAKE ADVANTAGE OF mindful of the fact that where the conversation would STUDENTS.” my personal life — and my lead — with no regard for the consensual sexual activity homophobia it would unleash,” - Alex Morse MAYOR OF HOLYOKE, MA — will be subject to scrutiny said Sean Meloy, Senior and fixation that are all too Political Director for LGBTQ familiar to other members of the LGBTQIA Victory Fund. community,” Morse wrote. “I am also mindful On Wednesday, it was revealed, one of the of the fact that there are people holding onto leaders of the College Democrats plotted to power today who themselves have acted in sink Morse’s campaign by chatting him up dishonorable ways in their personal lives. I on Tinder. The Intercept purchased the chat say this not to shirk responsibility for having logs between Morse and “Neal Stan” — who made anyone uncomfortable. I am simply has now been unmasked as Timothy Ennis, highlighting the fact that I am being held to a chief strategist for the UMass Amherst different standard, one deeply connected to College Democrats. a history of surveilling the sex lives of people Ennis, told the Intercept he tried to like me.” damage Morse because he needed a job and Holyoke Councilor Mike Sullivan is calling that Congressman Neal would hire him. for Morse to resign as Mayor, accusing him of
• 8 . 27.2020
KEY WEST’S LESBIAN MAYOR WINS RE-ELECTION Teri Johnston. Photo via Facebook.
Jason Parsley
eri Johnston, the first lesbian mayor of Key West, won her bid at a second term as the island’s mayor Tuesday night capturing 59% of the vote. “People said we couldn’t do it. They said that the silent majority stood against us,” Johnston said in a video released after she won. “But here we are. And that majority came together behind one simple premise that progress moves us forward, not back.” Johnston faced off against two opponents in the non-partisan race, and needed to win more than 50% of the vote in order to avoid a run-off election. In the video Johnston pointed to her 2018 speech as a guiding principle. “The key phrase that stuck out to me there is that Key West will not tolerate hatred; will not tolerate divisiveness; will not tolerate discrimination,” she said. “All that we want is a brighter better future for everyone in Key
West, and we’re working towards that.” Her challengers included former city commissioner Mark Rossi, who received 21% of the vote, and Rick Haskins who took 19%. “I promise that the problems that we face today are going to end. Science tells us that,” she said. “But between now and then I’m going to keep moving Key West forward.”
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• 8 . 27.2020
ALLAN HENDRICKS, A NATIVE OF SOUTH FLORIDA, IS AN AWARD-WINNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND VICE PRESIDENT, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AT CAULFIELD & WHEELER INC. HE JOINED THE FIRM IN 2002 UPON GRADUATION FROM UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA. In 2005 Hendricks joined Equality Florida organizing programs and events for the agency in Palm Beach County. He became Allan Hendricks. Courtesy photo. the organization’s MeetUp facilitator for Palm Beach and organized dozens of actions in support of equality for all. Beach County. We are open and welcoming “Somehow I got on a mailing list for to all. Our efforts will be focused on creating the Family Research Council,” he said safe, affordable housing and services indignantly. “I couldn’t believe the garbage focused on our LGBT Elders here in Palm I was reading and they were saying these Beach County, but we believe a healthy things about me!” environment requires everyone to show He felt the need to act on behalf of up and be a part of the village. We will not LGBT youth and adults and he did. And be segregating our elders off into a corner now he’s doing it again, this time to create somewhere. Instead, we will create safe, fun an organization that will bring housing and healthy spaces where all are welcome.” and services, tailored to the LGBT senior Meetings are held monthly to discuss population, in Palm Beach County. progress and share information. Hendricks “No one was doing anything for LGBTQ+ posts the notes from the meeting online. seniors,” said Hendricks. “The Area Agency “Meetings are usually small but productive on Aging had begun a project and the notes keep people up to research the needs and to date with what’s going on,” “So many recommend programs that could said Hendricks, who sold his be implemented. Unfortunately, home in Boynton Beach and seniors the agency staff member in used the proceeds to raise retreat to charge of the project died capital to buy a larger home the closet unexpectedly and the project for himself and his first four when they’re clients. ceased to exist.” confronted “There’s a tremendous “I think Allan can be need for safe housing for very successful in this with hostile aging LGBTQ+ people,” said undertaking,” said Annette service Carole Benowitz, Florida State Gray, President and Founder providers.” Coordinator for PFLAG. “So of GBDC Entrepreneurship - Carole Benowitz many seniors retreat to the Institute, a nonprofit FLORIDA STATE closet when they’re confronted organization, specializing COORDINATOR FOR PFLAG with hostile service providers.” in services for Small Hendricks launched the Pride Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Tribe as a Facebook Group in February Nonprofits and the Public Sectors. She is 2019. As of this writing there are more also a friend and colleague of Hendricks’ than 330 members including such well and has had experience with senior housing known community leaders as Julie Seaver, regulations and operations in the past. Executive Director at Compass; Rand Hoch, “There’s a lot to do,” said Hendricks President of the Palm Beach County Human enumerating various agencies and some Rights Council; and Andy Amoroso, Vice of their requirements, not to mention Mayor of the City of Lake Worth Beach. the gallons of paint and other cosmetic Hendricks sums up the program on projects. “But this will be a good start on a the Facebook group page: “Planning and model for other counties to follow. And it’s a developing housing and services in Palm lot of fun.”
NEWS WHITE HOUSE WATCH Richard Grenell. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr.
LOG CABIN LOVE RNC video touts trump as ‘pro-gayest president ever’ John McDonald
omebody has to make the argument and that somebody is Richard Grenell. “President Trump is the most progay president in American history. I can prove it,” says Grenell in a new campaign video released ahead of this week’s Republican National Convention. Grenell is scheduled to speak Wednesday on the convention’s third day. The theme is “Land of Opportunity.” “President Trump has done more to advance the rights of gays and lesbians in three years than Joe Biden did in 40 plus years in Washington,” Grenell goes on to claim in his video. Grenell, 53, most recently served as the acting Director of National Intelligence. A gay man, Grenell said Biden has never congratulated or acknowledged his diplomatic work. In the video, produced by Log Cabin Republicans, Grenell highlights his role as the U.S. Ambassador to Germany. “President Trump fully supported our fight to crush the homophobic and barbaric Islamic terrorist organization Hezbollah and the Iranian regime that supports them,” Grenell said. Grenell also notes Trump’s remarks during a 2019 appearance at the United
Nations where, “he publicly challenged the 69 countries who make being gay a crime to change their laws.” Equality Florida spokesman Brandon Wolf doesn’t believe it. “The notion that Donald Trump is an ally to our community is delusional,” said Wolf in an appearance on MSNBC. “He’s an amateur fascist who’s been terrorizing us from Day 1. He needs to go.” In an editorial published last week, Washington Blade editor Kevin Naff described Grenell as a “gay toadie.” “Again, these delusional sycophants cherry-pick empty Trump gestures to justify their support while ignoring a tidal wave of attacks on LGBTQ Americans,” Naff wrote. Naff reminds readers of the Trump administration’s hostile record on transgender issues and the RNC’s platform position of ending same-sex marriage. Meanwhile, multiple Florida political figures are scheduled to participate in this year’s RNC. They are Former Attorney General Pam Bondi, Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nunez, panhandle Congressman Matt Gaetz and Parkland parent Andrew Pollack. Trump is slated to deliver his acceptance speech Thursday night from the White House.
White House Watch is a weekly column taking a look at the state of the 2020 presidential election. 8 . 27. 20 20 •
CONVICTIONS Publisher's Editorial
The OUTshine Film Festival is here from Aug. 20 to 30! Among the events was a drive-in movie theater to promote social distancing. Guests were treated to free popcorn, food trucks, and a drag show. Don’t miss the rest of the festival! Photo credit: J.R. Davis. To see more, visit SFGN on Facebook.
• 8 . 27.2020
t was bumper to bumper driving down East Las Olas Boulevard on Sunday afternoon. Heading north after I reached A1A, the beaches were crowded as well. People were everywhere. Masks were nowhere. The Department of Health reported the deaths of another 183 residents in Florida from COVID-19 complications on Tuesday of this week. The numbers change daily, increasing occasionally and dropping now and then as well. It fools us. In Sunday’s Sun Sentinel, the lead sentence of Susannah Bryan’s story on the virus was that Photo credit: Gerd Altmann, via Pixabay. “Florida’s coronavirus cases continued on the downswing, with the state reporting 2,974 new cases and another 51 deaths.” a face covering, but use it. Get tested. Be socially We are being mentally bludgeoned by mind- distant. Stay hygienically sound. Simple things. boggling numbers that cannot be fathomed. We The virus has no geographic boundaries. If you are getting abnormally anesthetized by “curves” are on the beach, wear sunglasses, not blinders. and “spikes” we understand even less. At the Republican convention this week, one Know this, though. There is nothing to of the president’s tools spoke of the virus in the celebrate on a day where nearly 3,000 new past tense. Tell that to Herman Cain. He spoke infections are reported. There is nothing normal at the last Republican convention. He was buried about 50 deaths on an August for this one. weekend from a virus our nation The President of the United THERE IS should have got a handle on in States and his government is NOTHING NORMAL complicit in a criminal conspiracy March. South Florida reported over one ABOUT 50 DEATHS to normalize a national crisis. If thousand new cases on Tuesday. you test less, we won’t know. If you ON AN AUGUST The 201 in Broward County brings ignore it, it will go away. That does WEEKEND FROM not even work for athlete’s foot, our unwelcome total to 69,584. A VIRUS OUR Meanwhile, in China, where it all let alone a deadly microscopic began, they are opening water NATION SHOULD pathogen. parks and beaches safely. COVID-19 is still out there, HAVE GOT A In Florida, you can’t get elective surreptitiously stealing lives and HANDLE ON IN surgeries, hospitals are full, patients robbing livelihoods. Your health, are still dying, and premature your future, and your life is still at MARCH. obituaries are filling newspaper stake. Guard it jealously. Live your pages. But our beaches are busy. life safely. No pandemic parties. Not good. We are not teenagers, anymore. Months into the pandemic, and our country It’s up to us to rise to the challenge. Help make has still failed to develop a unified national it better, not worse. strategy. We have become a worldwide embarrassment, the Disunited States of Rapid testing is now available in Fort Lauderdale at Holiday Park. Make an Pandemica. Yesterday, more students at the University appointment and learn your status. You could be asymptomatic but a carrier. of Alabama tested positive than the country of Canada. The beaches are beautiful. The sun is Learning about your own condition might shining. Don’t be fooled. People are still dying save a friend and help you get treated early, if you are positive. Do your part today so that every day. we are all safer tomorrow. Help make things better. Wear a mask, or call it
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• 8 . 27.2020
CONGREGATION ETZ CHAIM 2038 N. Dixie Hwy (Pride Center Building B), Wilton Manors 954-564-9232 - etzchaimflorida.org RabbiNoahKitty@etzchaimflorida.org Friday Night Shabbat Service 8p.m. HOLY ANGELS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors 954-633-2987 - HolyAngelsFL.net Sunday Mass at 11AM
CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR, MCC Church of Our Savior, MCC 2011 S. Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach. churchofoursaviormcc.org | 561-733-4000 Sunday Service 10AM TEMPLE BAT YAM 5151 NE 14th Ter Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 954-928-0410 Friday Night & Saturday Morning Streaming Online at templebatyam.org
THE HIGH HOLY DAYS A Swift Spiritual Reorientation
COVID separates us. Let KAVOD - honor, seriousness - bring us back together in ways that honor all of our contributions, unique origins, and identities. May we merit this greeting in our homes, cities and lives: Gladness and joy shall abide there, thanksgiving
and the sound of music.
Shabbat service Friday 8pm Our Facebook Page Live
Rabbi David Spey
Temple Bat Yam of East Fort Lauderdale
Congregation Etz Chaim
2038 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305, on the Pride Center campus www.EtzChaimFlorida.org / RSVP HERE: info@etzchaimflorida.org
Church of Our Savior, MCC 2011 s. Federal Hwy., Boynton Beach, FL 561-733-4000 www,churchofoursaviormcc.org
hen will life return to normal? So many questions vex us these days, causing anxiety and distress. We realize that though we learn more each day, we are dealing with uncertainly and divisiveness. This challenges our ability to hold civil debate necessary to move forward. What is the remedy to these challenges? The movie “Grosse Pointe Blank” (1997) provides an answer, shockabuku — “a swift spiritual kick to the head that alters your reality forever.” Yes, we are in need of a shocking and profound change in our perspective. Fortunately, our Jewish tradition provides this blow. Our High
Holy Days ask that we take time for radical introspection and self-improvement. This shockabuku is good for us. It helps us to determine how we best fit in the world; how we can become better people and thereby improve the world around us. And all this begins in the Hebrew month of Elul, the month that precedes Rosh HaShanah. This year we hope that our spiritual knock to our head allow us to see the world anew, with the hope and possibility for a better, more fulfilling life and world. May this season open our eyes to see the similarities in those who are different from us and help us to find common ground with which to create peace.
We welcome you to join us for High Holy Day services at Temple Bat Yam of East Fort Lauderdale, safely online. Please visit our website at www.templebatyam.org for more information.
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Until further notice: Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, our worship services are streamed on Facebook Live every Sunday at 10 AM, rather than held at our church property. https://www.facebook.com/ ChurchofOurSaviorMCC. Visit our web site for more details & updates.
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OCEAN GRILL BREEZES INTO DINNER A good choice for upscale dinning
Rick Karlin
THE OCEAN GRILL AT THE SETAI 2001 N. Collins, Miami Beach 855-923-7899 thesetaihotels.com
e’ve all had to adapt since the coronavirus outbreak. Restaurants are struggling to stay afloat and adapting as well. Even such upscale places as The Ocean Grill at the Setai in Miami Beach has adapted. The outdoor dining destination, once only a lunch spot, recently began offering dinner nightly. Pivoting to take advantage of the magical location while restaurants are required to only seat diners outside, it has been renovated to expand the terrace. All COVID-19 protocols, including social distancing are observed. There are even pump bottles of hand sanitizer at each table. The new evening menu is designed to transport guests to summer nights on the Italian Riviera, with several pastas, an expanded grill section and a selection of new starters and salads. And, while for the most part, the menu lives up to expectations. There are some discrepancies, it takes more than tossing some white linen tablecloths on patio furniture to make for an upscale dining experience. And make no mistake, The Ocean Grill is shooting for upscale dining; with appetizers averaging around $25, entrées in the $35$60 range (served a la carte, sides are an additional $10) and pasta dishes averaging $26, it might well be cheaper to take a trip to the Riviera instead. Service is attentive and polished (and masked and gloved), and the food is well-prepared. But the prices they’re charging are way too high for casual dining, which this still is.
We began our meal with a pair of starters, both perfectly prepared. I opted for the grilled octopus ($29), a true indication of the chef’s abilities. I was not disappointed the octopus was tender and moist, accompanied by fingerling potatoes, roasted tomatoes and a fava bean purée, it was exquisite in its simplicity. My hubby’s yellowfin tuna ($26) featured fresh raw sushi-grade fish tossed with haricot verts, preserved lemon, shallots, grated egg, and olive oil. With the success of these dishes we held high hopes for our entrées. Other starter options include a cheese and charcuterie plate, panzanella salad with burrata, grilled artichokes, eggplant parmigiana and Caesar or seafood salad. Making good use of the restaurant’s wood-burning grill, guests can choose from signature meat selections including New York strip, filet mignon or lamb chops; for those seeking something lighter, free range chicken and freshly caught seafood are available, such as the Scottish salmon, Chilean sea bass and branzino available on the night of our visit. My bone-in ribeye ($65) arrived cooked to the medium rare I ordered but lacked the hard sear that makes a good steak great. My husband’s prawns ($39) featured three large, head-on crustaceans, although two of them were a tad on the mushy side. We augmented our entrées with the creamy au gratin potatoes and tender sautéed spinach ($10 each). Grilled meat dishes come with a choice of sauces; chimichurri, beef jus, hollandaise, vierge, peppercorn or salsa verde. I opted for the vierge, a mixture of
• 8 . 27.2020
The Ocean Grill At The Setai. Photo courtesy of The Ocean Grill At The Setai. minced veggies and capers, which augmented my steak perfectly. Pasta and pizza lovers can enjoy a light spaghetti pomodoro or hearty prawn risotto or agnolotti with mozzarella and braised short ribs. Pizza options include a classic Margherita or one topped with truffles. Specialty cocktails, all available by the glass ($16) or pitcher ($96), are perfect for al fresco quaffs and include a frozen bellini, passion fruit martini, mojito, and other more traditional libations. Setai coconuts, a refreshing beverage served in a branded coconut, are offered both non-alcoholic (with
coconut water), or enhanced with liquor and watermelon or pineapple juice. A full selection of wines and champagnes is also available. Desserts include a tartufo with cherry & pistachio ice cream, chocolate cake, and a “Fruits of the Forest” pavlova ($14 each), as well as a fruit plate ($18). In addition to the a la carte menu, guests can select to enjoy three-course prix-fixe Miami Spice menu through Sept. 30 for $39 per person. There is also a three-course summer lunch menu for $29. Parking is $17 with validation.
Rick Karlin is SFGN’s food editor. Visit SFGN.com/Food to read his previous reviews. Have a culinary tip to share? Email Rick at RickKarlinFL@gmail.com.
8 . 27. 20 20 •
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® Anthem offers a money-back guarantee designed to help you avoid wasting money on ineffective tax services. We will gather as much information ® Monitored in Monitored by by ADT ADT ® the the #1 #1 home home security security company company in the the U.S. U.S. GREAT GREAT GREAT from you as necessary and work with tax authorities to give you the best chance of reducing your tax debt. If for any reason that does not work out, GREAT Geographic service restrictions and the government notifies us they refuse to reduce your overall tax liability or monthly payments by any amount, we willand gladly refund you the apply to AT&T Internet services. Not all speeds available in all areas. Call to see if you qualify. LOW PRICE PRICE $40 INTERNET OFFER: Price for Internet (768k - 100) for new residential customers when bundled with another qualifying AT&T service (DIRECTV, AT&T Phone or postpaid AT& fees you paid for our services in trying to reduce that debt. Money Back Guarantee does not apply to Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation Services. PRICE U-verse TV, AT&T TV orPRICE
ADT® 24/7 Monitored Home Security MONITORING MONITORING ® fee.per Activ/Installation: (full tech install) may apply. CreditQuickly restrictions apply. Pricing to change. Subj. to Internet Terms of Service ® Payments as LOWequipment as $149 month $35 activation fee (self-install) or $99 installation 24/7 monitoring provides connect to fifisubject re MONITORING 24/7 monitoring provides Quickly connect toa combined re bill † net-terms. Unlimited data allowance may also be purchased separately for anofadd’l $30/mo., a bundle TV & Internet onresponse and receive unlimited internet data at no add’l ch peace mind andofemergency 24/7 amonitoring provides Quickly connect to fiorremaintain mindcapability emergency go to att.com/internet-usage.‡ Internet speed claims represent maximumpeace networkofservice speeds. Actualand customer speeds areresponse not guaranteed and may vary based on several factors. For more And Receive Yard sign and window May qualify for a 1 Yard sign and window May qualify for a peace of mind andto AT&T emergency response att.com/speed101. AT&T Smart Home Manager is available Internet service customers with a compatible AT&T Wi-Fi Gateway. Features limited to home Wi-Fi network. 2Parental Controls help deter crime 3 decals decals help deter crime homeowners insurance features BGW210, 5268AC and NVG599 Wi-FiMay Gateways.qualify AT&T Smart Wi-Fi installation of homeowners a BGW210, 5268AC,insurance or NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateway. Standard with Internet plans (12M or hi Yardavailable signwith and window for arequires discount Wi-Fi connectivity may require AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender(s) sold separately. Offers may not be combined withdiscount other promotional offers on the samePER services and® ®may be modified or dis PER MONTH MONTH
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GIFT GIFT CARD: CARD: $100 $100 Visa Visa Gift Gift Card Card fulfi fulfilled lled by by Protect Protect Your Your Home Home through through third-party third-party provider, provider, Mpell, Mpell, upon upon installation installation of of aa security security system system and and execution execution of of monitoring monitoring contract. contract. $4.95 $4.95 shipping shipping and and handling handling fee, fee, gift gift cards cards can can take take up up to to 88 weeks weeks to to arrive arrive after after following following the Monitoring Agreement at See all off er below. the Mpell Mpell redemption redemption process. process. BASIC BASIC SYSTEM: SYSTEM: $99 $99 Parts Parts and and Install. Install. 36-Month 36-Month Monitoring Monitoring Agreement Agreement required required at at $27.99 $27.99 per per month month ($1,007.64). ($1,007.64). 24-Month Monitoring Agreement required required at $27.99 $27.99 per per month month ($671.76) ($671.76) for for California. California. Offer Offer applies applies See24-Month all ADT off er details details below. to to homeowners homeowners only. only. Basic Basic system system requires requires landline landline phone. phone. Offer Offer valid valid for for new new ADT ADT Authorized Authorized Premier Premier Provider Provider customers customers only only and and not not on on purchases purchases from from ADT LLC. LLC. Cannot Cannot be be combined combined with with any any other other offer. offer. The The $27.99 $27.99 Offer Offer does does not not include include Quality Quality Service Service Plan Plan (QSP), (QSP), ADT’s ADT’s Extended Extended Limited Limited Warranty. Warranty. ADT ADT Pulse: Pulse: ADT ADT Pulse Pulse Interactive Interactive Solutions Solutions Services Services (“ADT (“ADT Pulse”), Pulse”), which which help help you you manage manage your your home home environment environment and and family family lifestyle, lifestyle, require require the the purchase purchase and/or and/or activation activation of of an an ADT ADT alarm alarm system system with with monitored monitored burglary burglary service service and and aa compatible compatible computer, computer, cell cell phone phone or or PDA PDA with with Internet Internet and and email email access. access. These These ADT ADT Pulse Pulse services services do do not not cover cover the the operation operation or or maintenance maintenance of of any any household household equipment/systems equipment/systems that that are are connected connected to to the the ADT ADT Pulse Pulse equipment. equipment. All All ADT Pulse services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be required to pay additional charges to purchase equipment required to utilize the ADT Pulse features you ADT Pulse services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be required to pay additional charges to purchase equipment required to utilize the ADT Pulse features you desire. desire. ADT ADT PULSE PULSE ++ VIDEO: VIDEO: ADT ADT Pulse Pulse ++ Video Video installation installation isis an an additional additional $299. $299. 36-month 36-month monitoring monitoring contract contract required required from from ADT ADT Pulse Pulse ++ Video: Video: $59.99 $59.99 per per month, month, ($2,159.64), ($2,159.64), including including Quality Quality Service Service Plan Plan (QSP). (QSP). Doorbell Doorbell camera camera may may not not be be available available inin all all areas. areas. GENERAL: GENERAL: For For all all offers, offers, the the form form of of payment payment must must be be by by credit credit card card or or electronic electronic charge charge to to your your checking checking or or savings savings account, account, satisfactory satisfactory credit credit history history isis required required and and termination termination fee fee applies. applies. Local Local permit permit fees fees may may be be required. required. Certain Certain restrictions restrictions may may apply. apply. Additional Additional monitoring monitoring fees fees required required for for some some services. services. For For example, example, Burglary, Burglary, Fire, Fire, Carbon Carbon Monoxide Monoxide and and Emergency Emergency Alert Alert monitoring monitoring requires requires purchase purchase and/or and/or activation activation of of an an ADT ADT security security system system with with monitored monitored Burglary, Burglary, Fire, Fire, Carbon Carbon Monoxide Monoxide and and Emergency Emergency Alert Alert devices and are an additional charge. Additional equipment may be purchased for an additional charge. Additional charges may apply in areas that require guard response service for municipal alarm verifi cation. Prices subject to change. Prices may vary by market. devices and are an additional charge. Additional equipment may be purchased for an additional charge. Additional charges may apply in areas that require guard response service for municipal alarm verification. Prices subject to change. Prices may vary by market. Bathtub & Wall System Some Some insurance insurance companies companies offer offer discounts discounts on on Homeowner’s Homeowner’s Insurance. Insurance. Please Please consult consult your your insurance insurance company. company. Photos Photos are are for for illustrative illustrative purposes purposes only only and and may may not not refl reflect ect the the exact exact product/service product/service actually actually provided. provided. Licenses: Licenses: AL-21-001104, AL-21-001104, AR-CMPY.0001725 AR-CMPY.0001725 AZ-ROC217517, *Includes product and labor; bathtub, shower or walk-in tub and wall surround. This promotion cannot be combined with any other offer. Other restrictions may apply. This offer expires AZ-ROC217517, CA-ACO6320, CA-ACO6320, CT-ELC.0193944-L5, CT-ELC.0193944-L5, DC-EMS902653, DC-EMS902653, DC-602516000016, DC-602516000016, DE-07-212, DE-07-212, FL-EC13003427, FL-EC13003427, EC13003401, EC13003401, GA-LVA205395, GA-LVA205395, IA-AS-0206, IA-AS-0206, ID-ELE-SJ-39131, ID-ELE-SJ-39131, IL-127.001042, IL-127.001042, IN-C.P.D. IN-C.P.D. Reg. Reg. No. No. –– 19-08088, 19-08088, City City of of Indianapolis: Indianapolis: LAC-000156, KY-City Louisville: 483, LA-F1914, LA-F1082, MA-1355C, MD-107-1626, ME-LM50017382, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MO-City of St. CC#354, St. Louis County: LAC-000156, KY-City of ofsystem Louisville: 483,execution LA-F1914, LA-F1915, LA-F1915, LA-F1082, MA-1355C,$4.95 MD-107-1626, ME-LM50017382, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MO-City St. Louis: Louis:to CC#354, Louisfollowing County: 100194, 100194, MS-15007958,MT-PSP-ELS-LIC-247, MS-15007958,MT-PSP-ELS-LIC-247, NCNCMay 31, 2020. Each dealership is independently owned and operated. **Third party financing is available for those wholled See Your your dealer for details. ©2020provider, BCI GIFT CARD: Visa Gift by Home third-party Mpell, installation of aa security security and of monitoring monitoring contract. shipping and handling handling fee,Vegas: gift3000008296, cards can take take up to toby88ofthe weeks arriveSt.after after GIFT CARD: $100 $100 Visacustomers Gift Card Card fulfi fulfi lledqualify. by Protect Protect Your Home through through third-party provider, Mpell, upon upon installation of system and execution contract. $4.95 shipping and fee, gift cards can up weeks arrive 25310-SP-FA/LV, NC-1622-CSA, NE-14451, NJ NM-353366, NV-0068518, City NY-Licensed N.Y.S. Department of UID#12000317691, 25310-SP-FA/LV, NC-1622-CSA, NE-14451, NJ Burglar BurglarofAlarm Alarm Lic. Lic. ## -NJ-34BF00021800, -NJ-34BF00021800, NM-353366, NV-0068518, City of of Las Las Vegas: 3000008296, NY-Licensed by the N.Y.S. to Department of State Statefollowing UID#12000317691, NYS NYS #12000286451,OH-53891446, #12000286451,OH-53891446, Acrylic Inc. the at month ($1,007.64). 24-Month Monitoring Agreement at per month ($671.76) California. Offer applies City AC86, OK-AC1048, Pennsylvania Home Contractor Registration Number: RI-3582, SD1025-7001-ET, TN-1520, the Mpell Mpell redemption redemption process. process. BASIC BASIC SYSTEM: SYSTEM: $99 $99 Parts Parts and and Install. Install. 36-Month 36-Month Monitoring Monitoring Agreement Agreement required required at $27.99 $27.99 per monthOR-170997, ($1,007.64). 24-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 $27.99 perRI-7508, monthSC-BAC5630, ($671.76) for California. OfferTX-B13734, appliesACR-3492, City of of Cincinnati: Cincinnati: AC86, per OK-AC1048, OR-170997, Pennsylvania Home Improvement Improvement Contractor Registration required Number: PA022999, PA022999, RI-3582, RI-7508, SC-BAC5630, SD- for 1025-7001-ET, TN-1520, TX-B13734, ACR-3492, UT-6422596-6501, UT-6422596-6501, VA-115120, VA-115120, VTVTES-2382(7C),WA-602588694/ECPROTEYH934RS, WI-City PAS-0002966, WV-WV042433, WY-LV-G-21499. 3750 Priority Way Indianapolis, IN Inc. to customers from LLC. be with The Offer does not include ES-2382(7C),WA-602588694/ECPROTEYH934RS, WI-City of of Milwaukee: Milwaukee: PAS-0002966, WV-WV042433, WY-LV-G-21499. 3750other Priorityoffer. Way South South Dr.$27.99 Indianapolis, IN 46240 46240 ©2017 DEFENDERS, Inc. dba dba Protect Protect Your Your Home Home DF-CD-NP-Q220-FL DF-CD-NP-Q220-FL to homeowners homeowners only. only. Basic Basic system system requires requires landline landline phone. phone. Offer Offer valid valid for for new new ADT ADT Authorized Authorized Premier Premier Provider Provider customers only only and and not not on on purchases purchases from ADT ADT LLC. Cannot Cannot be combined combined with any any other offer. TheDr. $27.99 Offer does©2017 notDEFENDERS, include Quality Quality
Ask same-day Ask about about same-day LIMITED TIME OFFER—CALL TODAY! GIFT lled GIFT CARD: CARD: $100 $100 Visa Visa Gift Gift Card Card fulfi fulfiinstallation! lled by by Protect Protect Your Your Home Home through through third-party third-party provider, provider, Mpell, Mpell, upon upon installation installation of of aa security security system system and and execution execution of of monito monito
Reply By to requires landline phone. to homeowners homeowners only. only. Basic Basic system systemJuly requires18, landline phone. Offer Offer valid valid for for new new ADT ADT Authorized Authorized Premier Premier Provider Provider customers customers only only and and not not on on purchases purchases ff 1-954-390-2356 2020 July 18, 2020 954-459-3049 Service Service Plan Plan (QSP), (QSP), ADT’s ADT’s Extended Extended Limited Limited Warranty. Warranty. ADT ADT Pulse: Pulse: ADT ADT Pulse Pulse Interactive Interactive Solutions Solutions Services Services (“ADT (“ADT Pulse”), Pulse”), which which help help you you manage manage your your hom hom
installation! the the Mpell Mpell redemption redemption process. process. BASIC BASIC SYSTEM: SYSTEM: $99 Parts and and Install. Install. 36-Month 36-Month Monitoring Monitoring Agreement Agreement required required at at $27.99 $27.99 per per month month ($1,007.64). ($1,007.64). 2424Reply$99 ByParts
monitored monitored burglary burglary service service and and aa compatible compatible computer, computer, cell cell phone phone or or PDA PDA with with Internet Internet and and email email access. access. These These ADT ADT Pulse Pulse services services do do not not cover cover the the operation operation oo ADT ADT Pulse Pulse services services are are not not available available with with the the various various levels levels of of ADT ADT Pulse. Pulse. All All ADT ADT Pulse Pulse services services may may not not be be available available inin all all geographic geographic areas. areas. You You may may be be require require ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contract required from ADT Pulse + Video: $59.99 per
ADTPulse”), PULSEwhich + VIDEO: ADT Pulse + Video installation islifestyle, an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contract required from ADT Pulse + Video: $59.99 per Service require Service Plan Plan (QSP), (QSP), ADT’s ADT’s Extended Extended Limited Limited Warranty. Warranty. ADT ADT Pulse: Pulse: ADT ADT Pulse Pulse Interactive Interactive Solutions Solutions Services Services (“ADT (“ADT Pulse”), which help help you you manage manage your your home home environment environment and and family family lifestyle, require the the purchase purchase and/or and/or activation activation of of an an ADT ADT alarm alarm system system with with GENERAL: all offers, the of must by charge monitored ADT services operation maintenance of are to ADT Pulse equipment. areas. GENERAL: Forcover allthe offers, theororform form of payment payment must be beequipment/systems by credit credit card card or orthat electronic charge to your checking orAll savings account, account, satisfactory satisfactory credit credit history history ii monitored burglary burglary service service and and aa compatible compatible computer, computer, cell cell phone phone or or PDA PDA with with Internet Internet and and email email access. access. These Theseareas. ADT Pulse Pulse services do do not notFor cover the operation maintenance of any any household household equipment/systems thatelectronic are connected connected to the the to ADTyour Pulsechecking equipment.or All savings ADT inin all areas. You be pay to equipment required to the features you Additional monitoring required for services. For Carbon Emergency ADT Pulse Pulse services services are are not not available available with with the the various various levels levels of of ADT ADT Pulse. Pulse. All All ADT ADT Pulse Pulse services services may may not not be be available available all geographic geographic areas. fees You may may be required required pay additional additional charges to purchase purchaseBurglary, equipment Fire, required to utilize utilizeMonoxide the ADT ADT Pulse Pulseand features you desire. desire.Alert Additional monitoring fees required for totosome some services.charges For example, example, Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Emergency Alert monitoring monitoring requires requires purchase purchase and/or and/or ac ac ADT required ADT Pulse ++ Video: per ($2,159.64), including Quality Service Plan Doorbell camera not available ADT PULSE PULSE ++ VIDEO: VIDEO: ADT ADT Pulse Pulse ++ Video Video installation installation isis an an additional additional $299. $299. 36-month 36-month monitoring monitoring contract contractdevices required from from ADT Pulse Video: $59.99 $59.99 per month, month, ($2,159.64), includingmay Qualitybe Service Plan (QSP). (QSP). Doorbell camera may may not be beAdditional available in in all allcharges and are an additional charge. Additional equipment purchased for an additional charge. may devices and are an additional charge. Additional equipment may be purchased for an additional charge. Additional charges may apply apply inin areas areas that that require require gua gua areas. areas. GENERAL: GENERAL: For For all all offers, offers, the the form form of of payment payment must must be be by by credit credit card card or or electronic electronic charge charge to to your your checking checking or or savings savings account, account, satisfactory satisfactory credit credit history history isis required required and and termination termination fee fee applies. applies. Local Local permit permit fees fees may may be be required. required. Certain Certain restrictions restrictions may may apply. apply. Some companies offer discounts Insurance. Please consult your company. Additional monitoring fees required for some services. For example, Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Emergency Alertinsurance monitoring requires purchase and/or activationon of anHomeowner’s ADT security system with monitored Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and EmergencyPhotos Alert are Some insurance companies offer discounts on Homeowner’s Insurance. Please consult your insurance insurance company. Photos are for for illustrative illustrative purposes purposes only only and and ma ma
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We are very lucky and blessed to be at JKV during this uncertain time as we get our freshly made meals delivered three times a day, there are highly qualified nurses on campus 24/7 and screening is diligent‌what could be better than that at a time like this? Tom McKay, Heritage Tower resident
John Knox Village, the internationally awardwinning Life Plan Community in Pompano Beach, has set the bar when it comes to delivering an all-inclusive lifestyle designed for living life to the fullest at each stage of retirement.
Our top priority remains the health and safety of our residents. In these uncertain times, we’ve found new ways to engage and uplift those who call JKV home.
At John Knox Village, residents enjoy peaceof-mind knowing their future healthcare needs are taken care of.
For on-campus appointments, we require screening and physical distancing. JKV masks and hand sanitizers are provided. Thorough cleaning of each home between visits is strictly enforced.
A Life Plan Community is more affordable than you think with prices starting at $99,000. Call today! Call for more information today! (954) 783-4040 or visit www.JohnKnoxVillage.com 651 SW 6th Street Pompano Beach, FL 33060
For info call:
web JohnKnoxVillage.com JohnKnoxVillage
John Knox Village is committed to compliance with all federal, state and local fair housing laws. It is our policy to offer senior living to those that qualify without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, or handicap. The employees of John Knox Village have a legal obligation to treat each individual in a consistent and equally fair manner. In order to assist you with your decision on your new home, we are providing a list of guidelines used to qualify residents for tenancy in our community. Please note that this is our current rental/ ownership criteria; nothing contained in these requirements shall constitute a guarantee or representation by John Knox Village that all residents and occupants currently residing at the community have met these requirements. There may be residents and occupants that have resided the community prior to these requirements going into effect. Additionally, our ability to verify whether these requirements have been met is limited to the information we receive from various credit and screening services used.