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November 21, 2018 vol. 9 // issue 47


a new chapter for the

Human Rights Campaign Chad griffin to leave his role as hrc president page 10

Chad Griffin, the long-standing President of the HRC.




NEWS highlight


The Return of 'Truth Wins Out' After shutting down last year saying their fight was over, founder Wayne Besen realized


November 21, 2018 • Volume 9 • Issue 47 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent

bigotry and hatred is flourishing under President Trump


Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli piero@sfgn.com Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com

Wayne Besen, Founder of TWO. Photo via Facebook.

Tucker Berardi


t has been one year and five months since activist group Truth Wins Out (TWO) celebrated their 11th anniversary and also their presumable end — pairing their anniversary celebration with a statement announcing they would be closing their doors. “All good things must come to an end,” TWO founder Wayne Besen wrote at the time. “And now it is time to say goodbye.” Now, after more than a year sabbatical Besen has announced a reopening of the group via video message to his followers. Besen said it was time to reenter the political arena due to the rhetoric of hate and bigotry perpetuated by Donald Trump and members and launching the Center Against Religious of his administration. “Given the alarming state of the world, Extremism. TWO also conducted a joint investigation from Right Wing violence, to a presidency veering toward authoritarianism, to Vladimir with SFGN to expose the leader of JONAH Putin’s role in exporting homophobia across — Jews Offering New Alternatives to the globe, many of you have reminded Homosexuality — Arthur Abba Goldberg as me that Truth Wins Out was ahead of the a Wall Street con artist who served time for curve in warning about the existential fraud. Twenty years prior to danger posed by right wing his position as the leader extremism,” Besen said in of JONAH — as well as the video. President of his Jersey He continued, “The time City temple and Executive has come for me to re-engage secretary of NARTH, a in our fight for freedom. My labelled hate group — sabbatical is over, because Goldberg was sent to federal bigotry and hate has not prison for a conspiracy to taken a sabbatical. As of defraud the United States of today, Truth Wins Out is America. open for business – effective Besen hopes to continue immediately.” this work against extremism TWO was founded in and LGBT discrimination 2006 as a nonprofit think - Wayne Besen following TWO’s reopening. tank that combats antiFounder of truth wins out “We need open societies,” LGBT discrimination. Besen said. “They don't want They have had many victories over the 11-year lifespan of the open societies, they want closed societies organization, including an expose on Rep. that benefit a few people. And they roll Michele Bachmann and her husband owning us down, in those societies we’re left out. a clinic that practiced conversion therapy We’re screwed. So it’s important to drive

“...Truth Wins Out was ahead of the curve in warning about the existential danger posed by right wing extremism.”



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that message home to our communities, the types of governments that exist in the world. In some of those governments we thrive, and in others we wither and go back into the closet.” TWO is able to operate due to community members who involve themselves in the organization — through donating, sharing informations, joining protests, and sharing the stories of survivors. “We need people who were harmed by the religious right and the ex-gay movements to speak out,” Besen said. “We save a lot of lives, people identify with these stories and they become an integral part of that process.” Besen said there are numeral ways to get involved with TWO and related efforts, and those opportunities will only grow as the organization continues to barrel forward. “With your support, I will dig deep with passion and resolve, and give you everything I have as we engage in the greatest struggle of our lives: Battling a corrupt administration and a spineless, quisling Republican Party that has put democracy in peril. If you give me a chance, I’ll also work non-stop at putting the remaining “ex-gay” programs out of business, once and for all. Not just in the U.S., but across the globe,” Besen said.


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South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2018 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.


1 1 .21.2018


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11.21.2018 •


NEWS online

Action Online

Don't miss the

Costa Rica Lawmakers Ordered To Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

Courtesy Of Wikipedia.

Polish President Considers Banning 'Homosexual Propaganda'

President Andrzej Duda. Courtesy Of Wikipedia.

Professor Accuses Univ. of Kentucky of Anti-Trans Discrimination

Man Faces Hate Crime Charges For Repeat Theft Of Church’s Pride Flags

Ezra Miller Comes Out As Non-Binary

Photo Via Instagram, @imezramiller.

6. Lady Gaga Visits California Fire Victims 7. Gay Fort Worth Teen Endures Endless Harassment 8. Good Reads: Miami Book Fair Spotlights LGBTQ Authors, History 9. Amy Schumer Cancels Dallas Show, Hospitalized For Nausea Amy Schumer. Courtesy Of Wikipedia.

10. Screen Savor: Skating Away

Visit SFGN.com to stay up to date on all the news across the web! Twitter.com/SFGN


1 1 .21.2018







11.21.2018 •


LGBTQIA bites Bisexual


Bisexual actress isn’t ‘authentically LGBTQ’ enough for queer role

Briana Venskus.

Briana Venskus, an openly bisexual actress from the show “The Walking Dead,” lost a queer role for not being “authentically LGBTQ” enough. She then took to Instagram with a picture of her holding up a middle finger to question this “Hollywood stereotype.” “I’m so tired and frustrated with this Hollywood stereotype of LGBTQ. What does that even mean to be ‘Authentic LGBTQ’? Do I not look the part to


1 1 .21.2018


By Cameren Boatner


Australia considers intersex category to 2021 Census

An intersex pride flag waves at Intersex Awareness Day in Melbourne. Photo via @tonybriffa, Twitter.

you? What does the ‘part’ of LGBTQ look like to you Hollywood if actual LGBTQ people can’t even be seen as ‘Authentic’,” Venskus wrote in the caption. Venskus came out as bisexual in 2015 at the premier of Netflix’s “Grace & Frankie.” “I am a bisexual woman, I am in the LGBTQ community, and I live AUTHENTICALLY every damn day,” she wrote.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is considering adding new gender categories, including intersex and transinclusive options, according to a report released on Nov. 14. They had the public suggest changes to the 2021 Census, and many suggested changes to the sex and gender identity category. “The consultation process revealed strong interest from a range of sources regarding the

collection of information on sex and gender identity through the census,” the ABS said. The 2016 Census featured the first “other” option for the first time. The submissions said the current male and female, and other options, don’t allow people to accurately respond. “The diversity of gender identity is not easy to define, but is also not well represented by the current standard,” the ABS said in the report.




Colorado elects first transgender state representative


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Brianna Titone.

Democrat Brianna Titone made history Nov. 10, by becoming the first transgender state representative, according to the Colorado Sun. Titone’s opponent called her to concede during an interview with KDVR. Titone held a lead of less than 400 votes over her opponent, Vicki Pyne. “Because this counting processed dragged on for so long,” Titone told The Colorado Sun, “it was not as climactic as it could have been. It was a relief to get the

call, though, because I knew both sides knew what the result was.” Though Titone is transgender, she tried to keep her gender identity out of her campaign, she told the Sun. “This election was never about me,” she said. “… Regardless of your affiliation, you want a hard working, accountable, transparent and available representative, and I showed the voters that is what I intend to be for them. That’s how you win in a tough district.”

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11.21.2018 •


news international

By Cameren Boatner

Around the World

Exploring LGBT News Events Across the Globe



Gay Christian pastor holds first worship in Hong Kong Pride Parade

Denmark cuts Tanzania’s funds after commissioner’s homophobic comments

For the first time in its 10 year history, the Hong Kong Pride Parade will feature a worship service and holy communion led by an LGBT inclusive church. An estimated 12,000 attended the parade, according to the South China Morning Post, but police say it was around 4,300. The march was followed by the worship service, led by Blessed Ministry Community Church and Covenant of the Rainbow, an LGBT friendly church coalition. Jason Ho, a Covenant of the Rainbow representative, came to the march to show that some Christians are supportive of the LGBT community. “Not all Christians are like that, that’s why the LGBT-inclusive and affirming groups of Christians must come out and balance [the conservative] voice

– because their voice is not the only attitude, their voice is not the only voice of Christians,” Ho told the South China Morning Post.

Tanzania’s had a notoriously homophobic past couple of months, with the commissioner of its largest city asking citizens to report gay people to the cops. And Denmark’s minister for development and cooperation Ulla Tornaes isn’t having it. She’s withholding 65m krone, or $9.8 million from the Tanzanian government for an unnamed commissioner's homophobic comments, according to BBC. "I am very concerned about the negative development in Tanzania. Most recently the totally unacceptable homophobic statements from a commissioner," Tornaes said on Twitter. "I have therefore decided to withhold DKK 65m in the country. Respect for human rights is crucial for Denmark."

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Denmark is one of Tanzania’s largest aid donors. Paul Makonda, the commissioner of Dar es Salaam, said he expected his allies to be mad for asking to report gay people to the police. "I prefer to anger those countries than to anger God," he said.


north america

Australian officials rethink proposed ban on poppers

Canadian lawyer compares gay flag to a swastika

The Therapeutic Goods Administration has proposed a ban on poppers, which would criminalize an estimated 90,000 LGBT individuals. Alkyl nitrites, or poppers as they’re more commonly known, are used during receptive anal sex. After LGBT health advocates warned the administration they were discriminating against gay and bisexual individuals, they are consulting officials on whether the ban is appropriate, according to The Guardian. They cited the benefits of using poppers as sex aids due to their muscle relaxing properties. Vincent Cornelisse, a physician, and Daniel Reeders, an advocate, argued the ban could stigmatize the use of the drug with health professionals, and promote the use of other illegal drugs.


Jason Ho.

1 1 .21.2018

“Men who currently use poppers for more adventurous sexual encounters might consider illicit drugs for the same purposes – with greater risks of overdose and dependence,” Cornelisse said.

A homophobic lawyer spoke at a right-wing event for Rebel Media, called The Rebel Live, where he compared the rainbow flag to a swastika. John Carpay, a member of Canada’s United Conservative Party, said both of the symbols represented government oppression. “It doesn’t matter whether it’s a hammer and sickle for communism, or whether it’s the swastika for Nazi Germany or whether it’s a rainbow flag, the underlying thing is a hostility to individual freedoms,” Carpay said in a video posted on Twitter by Michael Bueckert. Carpay then goes on to explain how both of these symbols relate to totalitarianism. But Carpay is claiming that people are

twisting his words, he told CBC News. He apologized for “unintentionally” drawing the comparison.

11.21.2018 •


NEWS national

Chad Griffin to Step Down

as Human Rights Campaign President

Chris Johnson

Washington Blade

Chad Griffin. Photo via the HRC.


fter a seven-year period leading the nation’s largest LGBT group that culminated in massive gains for LGBT rights supporters on Election Day 2018, Chad Griffin announced Thursday he will step down as president of the Human Rights Campaign.

“I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this incredible organization at such an important moment in the history of our movement — and our nation,” Griffin said in a statement Thursday. “The true strength of the Human Rights Campaign is in its fearless army of staff and volunteers, who are committed to ensuring full equality reaches every LGBTQ person across America, and around the world. For decades, this organization has shown the world that love conquers hate. But this year, in this election, with the future of our democracy on the ballot and the equality of future generations on the line, we proved that votes conquer hate, too.” According to the Human Rights Campaign, the HRC Board will work to establish an executive search process for Griffin’s successor in the coming weeks. Griffin plans to stay on until 2019 to ensure a smooth transition. The news was first reported by the Associated Press. The AP reported Griffin informed staff earlier on Thursday of his intent to depart the Human Rights Campaign. Griffin’s tenure at the Human Rights Campaign ended with massive gains in a “blue” wave that resulted in Democratic control of the U.S. House, Jared Polis becoming the first openly gay person elected

governor and four new lesbian, gay and bisexual candidates elected to the House. The wins were bolstered this week when Kyrsten Sinema was confirmed as the winner in the U.S. Senate race in Arizona, making her the first openly bisexual person elected to the chamber. The Human Rights Campaign contributed to this effort with a $26 million #TurnOut to vote campaign that sought to motivate the estimated 10 million Americans who identify as LGBT and 52 million Americans who support pro-LGBT policies to vote in the election. The #TurnOUT campaign identified six states — Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — on which to focus its efforts. In a conference call with reporters last week, Griffin touted those contributions and said they helped drive the “blue” wave on Election Day that ousted anti-LGBT members of Congress, calling it the “largest grassroots expansion in the history of the Human Rights Campaign.” “It is not only ousting these anti-LGBT equality members of Congress,” Griffin said. “If you look at the pro-equality champions they were replaced by, all across the country, in red, blue and purple states alike, they were defeated by not just pro-equality champions, but candidates who actually fought for our

Griffin pushed to increase

support for marriage equality by encouraging lawmakers to

echo President Obama’s declaration of support for same-sex marriage.


1 1.21.2018

votes and made passing the Equality Act one of the top campaign issues in their districts.” Griffin’s work to advance LGBT rights pre-dates his tenure at the Human Rights Campaign. In 2009, shortly after the passage of Proposition 8 in California, Griffin established the American Foundation for Equal Rights, hiring the dream team of Ted Olson and David Boies to challenge the ban on same-sex marriage in court. The lawsuit was filed contrary to wishes of major LGBT rights groups, including the Human Rights Campaign, over fears the lawsuit was too risky and would be unsuccessful. Although the litigation worked its way through the courts for several years before making it to the Supreme Court, where justices ultimately issued a ruling based on standing and not the merits of the case, the lawsuit resulted in the restoration of marriage equality to California. Kris Perry, who along with her spouse Sandy Stier was among the plaintiffs in the Prop 8 case, told the Washington Blade in the aftermath of Griffin’s announcement he’s an “incredible leader.” “I first met him in 1999 after he helped Rob Reiner pass Proposition 10 in California, a tobacco tax that still generates hundreds of millions of dollars in public funding for children zero to five,” Perry said. “As you

know in 2008, Chad turned his attention to fighting Proposition 8, the same-sex marriage ban in California which he masterfully won. Sandy and I have been HRC supporters since his arrival there in 2011 and we are in awe of the energy, expertise and courage he demonstrates year after year in his fight for human rights, fairness and equality. Chad has improved our lives and the lives of tens of thousands of Americans.” Early on in 2012 during his tenure as HRC president, Griffin pushed to increase support for marriage equality by encouraging lawmakers to echo President Obama’s declaration of support for samesex marriage. That year, for the first time, three states — Maine, Washington State and Maryland — legalized same-sex marriage at the ballot, and one state, Minnesota, rejected a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. In 2013, passage of the Employment NonDiscrimination Act was a priority for the organization. Griffin coordinated an effort that led to passage of the legislation in the Senate, although the bill never came up in the Republican-controlled House. After the legislative effort petered out, Griffin led efforts to develop and introduce the Equality Act, which would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to bar not only anti-LGBT discrimination in employment,

NEWS national but also public accommodations, housing, thought he was taking too much credit for education, jury service, federal programs the movement. Griffin, however, distanced and credit. himself from the comparison and the Griffin also led the Human Rights controversy abated. Campaign during victories at the Supreme Hilary Rosen, a lesbian D.C.-based Court for same-sex marriage aside from Democratic activist, said Griffin’s the decision against Prop 8, including the advancement of LGBT rights is consistent 2013 decision in the Windsor case against with the overall efforts of the Human Rights the Defense of Marriage Act and the 2015 Campaign over the decades. decision in the Obergefell case for same-sex “The most gratifying thing about HRC is marriage nationwide. how it has tracked and led the progress of After the Windsor decision in 2013, the movement,” Rosen said. “We have had many skeptics scoffed when Griffin said full the right leader for each growth spurt and marriage equality would come throughout each political season that has been just right. the country within the five Chad took this organization years, but that prediction to the grassroots at the right became reality even sooner time in the right way.” when the Obergefell decision Rosen also pointed to was handed down years later. Griffin’s creation of Project But Griffin’s tenure wasn’t One American, a multi-year successful in every effort. project that sought to advance The Human Rights Campaign support for LGBT rights in the was an early supporter South. of Hillary Clinton in her “He did so much for the 2016 presidential bid and movement, but one aspect contributed to her election really sticks out for me,” campaign. (Griffin at age 18 Rosen said. “His Arkansas was a White House press roots gave him the incentive office manager during the to work harder and smarter Bill Clinton administration.) to make change for young Those efforts were ultimately LGBTQ kids and their families unsuccessful and President in North Carolina, Alabama, Trump and Republican Georgia and throughout the majorities were elected to South. I think that will go - Hilary Rosen Congress. down in history as one of his D.C. Activist However, in that same year, most singular contributions.” the Human Rights Campaign Speculation emerged contributed to efforts to unseat North immediately after Griffin’s departure from Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory after he signed the the Human Rights Campaign that he’d seek anti-trans House Bill 2 barring transgender to join the campaign of one of the potential people from access to restroom in state 2020 Democratic presidential contenders, government-operations buildings. Despite such as Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.). Trump’s success, McCrory in that year was According to the Associated Press, Harris ejected from the governor’s mansion. demurred when asked if she’d hire Griffin to Griffin also didn’t have consistent help with her presidential campaign, saying adulation from the LGBT community. When only that she hadn’t made a decision on the book “Forcing the Spring” came out entering the race. in 2014 on the Prop 8 case and compared Harris, however, was public on Twitter on Griffin to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks on Thursday in her praise for Griffin, predicting the first page, Griffin became the butt of history would remember him as a “leader in criticism from LGBT rights supporters who the moment he was needed to lead.”

“Chad took this organization to the grassroots at the right time in the right way.”



Chad Griffin (center right) with March For Our Lives. Photo via Facebook.



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NEWS national

102 LGBT Leaders ‘Enthusiastically Endorse’

Nancy Pelosi For Speaker Chris Johnson

Washington Blade


mid uncertainty over whether House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will be elected speaker next year despite a Democratic majority in the House, a group of 102 LGBT leaders have come out to “enthusiastically endorse” her to become presiding officer of the chamber. The leaders expressed support for Pelosi & James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act in a joint statement Friday asserting they and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal, as well as “understand that the progress we have made her efforts on behalf of the LGBT community is progress we must protect.” as minority leader. “Now, more than ever, we need our Pelosi has been a champion of the Equality allies with us in the halls of Congress,” the Act, comprehensive LGBT rights legislation statement says. “There is no better ally that would amend the Civil Rights Act of to the LGBTQ community on Capitol Hill 1964 to include sexual orientation and than Leader Pelosi, period. We encourage gender identity, and has indicated advancing Democratic House members to support the measure would be a top priority with Leader Pelosi in her bid for speaker and hope Democrats in control of the U.S. House. that these members, whether they be new to Evan Wolfson, founder of Freedom to Capitol Hill or not, embrace Marry, is also among the coand emulate Leader Pelosi’s signers of the statement and “[Pelosi] knows tireless work on behalf of the signaled his backing of Pelosi LGBTQ community.” in a separate statement. how to make Among the signers of “Whether delivering Congress work the statement are Annise healthcare, jobs, and reform; Parker, CEO of the Gay & civil rights, again — and we championing Lesbian Victory Fund and women’s rights and LGBT urgently need a former mayor of Houston; rights; or fighting for an Chad Griffin, president of the economy that leaves no one working Congress Human Rights Campaign; behind, Nancy Pelosi has to get our country proven herself to be a strong, and Jim Obergefell, the lead plaintiff in the case that led to skilled and principled leader,” back on track.” the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Wolfson said. “She knows - Evan Wolfson in 2015 for same-sex marriage how to make Congress work founder of nationwide. again — and we urgently need Freedom to Marry Parker said in a separate a working Congress to get our statement she’s endorsing country back on track.” Pelosi because the speaker of the House Pelosi’s election as speaker is in serious “must be someone of vision, tenacity and question as numerous members of the strength.” Democratic caucus have publicly stated they “She must have an intimate knowledge won’t vote her as presiding officer. Rep. Seth of the working of Congress and run an Moulton (D-Mass.) has said he’d support for efficient operation,” Pelosi said. “But most the role Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio). (Fudge importantly, she has to understand the lives is one of two Democrats who in the last of everyday Americans. Nancy Pelosi fits the Congress wasn’t a co-sponsor of the Equality bill.” Act.) The statement cites the enactment of new In a statement Thursday, Fudge said she laws advancing LGBT rights when Pelosi “would put my record of support for the previously was speaker during the Obama LGBTQ community against anyone else’s,” administration, such as the Matthew Shepard but has declined to support the Equality Act


1 1.21.2018

Nancy Pelosi. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore.

because she doesn’t like the idea of opening up the Civil Rights Act to legislative action. “What I opposed was including the Equality Act in the current Civil Rights Act,” Fudge said. “The Civil Rights Act is over 50 years old and isn’t even adequate to protect the people currently in it. I want us to do a new and modern civil rights bill that protects the LGBTQ community and updates protections for this era. I do not believe it is appropriate to open and relitigate the current Civil Rights Act.”

Another signer of the joint statement in support of Pelosi is Arizona State Rep. Daniel Hernandez, who gained notoriety for saving the life of former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a mass shooting in 2011. “At a time when the rights of the LGBTQ community are under constant assault by the Trump administration, we need a champion,” Hernandez said in a separate statement. “Nancy Pelosi is that champion. Her experience and ability to fight back make her the best choice for speaker.”

NEWS miami-dade

Miami Chamber Awarded Affiliate of the Year John McDonald

Steve Adkins (center) with MDGLCC Staff.


teve Adkins was in Washington, D.C. recently to accept a major award for the Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. “We’re excited,” Adkins said. Adkins, President and Chief Executive Officer for the Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, is scheduled to accept the 2018 Affiliate Chamber of the Year award at Friday’s National LGBT Chamber of Commerce “Elevate Awards Gala.” The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, in business for 19 years, has grown into the 11th largest chamber in South Florida and second largest LGBT chamber nationally, Adkins said. “Everything we do at our chamber is for the betterment of our members and their businesses,” Adkins said. Its territorial agreement with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce permits the Miami affiliate to do business in Miami-Dade County only. The National LGBT Chamber

of Commerce has more than 55 affiliate chambers. In selecting its Affiliate Chamber of the Year, the national chamber hired an outside panel to evaluate applications based on growth, sustainability and leadership in the LGBT business equality movement, Adkins said. Other honorees at this weekend’s event include Bank of America (Corporation of the Year), American Airlines (Supplier Diversity Advocate of the Year) and Heels & Hardhats Contracting Corp. (Supplier of the Year). The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce is a collection of businesses that contribute $1.7 trillion to the U.S economy and created more than 33,000 jobs, the Washington Post reported.

11.21.2018 •


NEWS national

LGBT Voters Go Blue

82 percent of LGBT voters supported Democrats Chris Johnson

Washington Blade


xit polling on Election Day 2018 revealed striking data about the strength of LGBT voters, demonstrating that they constitute a sizable 6 percent chunk of the electorate and overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party.

A trifecta of sources — exit polling from The only other demographic group with CNN, NBC News, the Wall Street Journal stronger support for the Democratic Party — consistently revealed 6 percent of the was black voters, which in exit polls have voting bloc in the congressional mid-term consistently voted for Democrats over elections identified as LGBT. That sizable Republicans by a 9-1 margin. bloc represents a slight increase from years Gary Gates, a former research fellow at past, when an estimated 5 percent would tell the Williams Institute at the University of a pollster they identified as LGBT. California, Los Angeles, said several factors Chad Griffin, president of the Human could explain the greater number of voters Rights Campaign, said in a conference call identifying as LGBT as well as the increased with reporters last week that exit polling support for the Democratic Party, including has been inconsistent on including LGBT the anti-LGBT policies of the Trump people, but his organization months ago administration. asked media outlets to include this question “Decreased social stigma likely explains to assess the size of that voting recent increases in the bloc. portion of the population “Once we know what the identifying as LGBT,” total voters are, that is likely Gates said. “Further, LGBT to be around 7 million voters voters may feel particularly identified as LGBT,” Griffin said. under threat from a Trump “What’s important to note: That administration that has means 6 percent of the electorate shown open hostility toward identified to a stranger — in the transgender population most cases in a swing state and has made several that they were LGBT. That is a attempts to minimize powerful voting bloc, and that is the visibility of LGBT an increase in turnout of LGBT populations in federal data voters from 2016.” sources. This could explain As the number of voters increases in LGBT voter - Chad Griffin who publicly identify as LGBT engagement and willingness President of the HRC has increased, so has that to support Democrats.” voting bloc’s support for the Gates added demographic Democratic Party — at least according patterns among those who are coming out to exit polling from CNN and NBC News, to exit pollers suggest younger women — which is based on data from the National who are more likely to support Democratic Election Pool. Both of those outlets reported candidates — comprise an increasingly 82 percent of LGBT people voted in 2018 growing portion of people who are openly for a Democratic representative, while 17 LGBT. percent voted Republican. Daniel Pinello, a political scientist at That represents an increase in Democratic the City University of New York’s John Jay support from years past. In 2016, 76 percent College, said he’s unsure why there would be of LGBT-identified voters supported Hillary an increased shift toward Democrats among Clinton, but 14 percent voted for President LGBT voters, but said the desire of federal Trump. In 2012, 77 percent of LGB-identified LGBT non-discrimination protections could people voted for President Obama, while 23 be a factor. percent voted for Mitt Romney. “After marriage equality, after the

“Once we know what the total voters are, that is likely to be around 7 million voters identified as LGBT.”


1 1.21.2018

Photo credit: Erik Hersman.

Obergefell decision of 2015, that’s really no longer a hot button political issue for our community,” Pinello said. “The only thing that’s really left is sexual orientation and gender [identity] discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations, but I don’t know how much of a driving force that is politically in the same way I think marriage equality was. I doubt that most people have had those kinds of personal experiences of job discrimination of being gay or [transgender] or what have you compared to those people who have been denied marriage licenses in their lifetimes.” The Wall Street Journal exit poll, however, demonstrates less support for the Democratic Party among LGBT people. In those results, 71 percent of LGBT voters backed Democrats, while 24 percent voted for a Republican candidate. Transgender voters also identified separately in the Wall Street Journal exit poll, making up an estimated 1 percent of voters. Notably, those voters skewed slightly more toward the Republican Party than LGB voters. Although a majority of transgender respondents, 58 percent, said they voted

Democrat, 37 percent said they voted Republican. Another notable point about the Wall Street Journal poll: Without the LGBT bloc, voters in the 2018 congressional mid-term election would have broken evenly between Democrats and Republicans. That indicates Democratic victories on Election Day wouldn’t have happened without LGBT support. Gates, however, said relying on the CNN and NBC News data based on the National Election Pool is better for assessing LGBT trends as opposed to the Wall Street Journal data, which is relatively new and just started this year. “The polling data used by the WSJ does show less, though still very strong, support for Democrats among LGBT voters, but it’s really not possible to use that to assess trends since this was the first year of that data collection methodology, which does differ from the NEP approach,” Gates said. “I will admit that the relatively strong support for Republican candidates among those identified as transgender in the new polling seems odd. But I really can’t speculate on the accuracy of that finding as data on transgender voting is very rare.”

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NEWS local

NEWS national

Apple and Amazon Sign Letter Opposing Trump’s Trans Policy Nick Adkins


Community outl A contingent of South Florida representatives attend the National Lesbian and Gay Chamber of Commerce ceremonies in Washington, D.C., last Friday.


early 200 companies have now added their names to a letter to the Trump administration opposing a new policy that would in effect erase transgender people from legal protections, increasing tensions between Washington and big business. “Transgender, gender non-binary, and intersex people are our beloved family members and friends, and our valued team members. What harms them harms our companies,” the letter reads. Fortune reported that on Nov. 1, 56 companies signed the Business Statement for Transgender Equality, which voices solidarity with transgender, gender nonconforming, and intersex people. The business statement reached 121 more companies Tuesday. The companies that have signed the letter have a total of 7 million employees and a collective annual revenue of more than $3.2 trillion. The letter goes on to say, “We call for respect and transparency in policy-making, and for equality under the law for transgender, gender non-binary, and intersex people.” It was originally conceived in response to a New York Times report that the Trump administration and legislators were making attempts to define gender as based on one’s "biological" sex at birth, a move that would further disenfranchise transgender communities. Companies signing the tech-heavy business statement include Airbnb,

Photo credit: Christine Geovanis.

Amazon, Apple, IBM, Intel, Lyft, Microsoft, Dow Chemical and Warby Parker. The letter marks the tech industry’s latest salvo against the Trump administration over its treatment of LGBT Americans. The Portland Press Herald reported that top executives at Google and Twitter voiced their criticism last year after the president issued an order that banned trans people from serving in the military. Many of the same companies on the Business Statement for Transgender Equality signed a joint letter in May 2017 opposing legislation in Texas that would restrict trans students’ bathroom use.

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1 1.21.2018


Tee-Jay Thai Sushi Wilton Manors

Business SPOtlight


ee-Jay Thai Sushi in Wilton Manors is a more than an organic culinary of Thai cuisine with fresh … Everything! … it’s where general manger Jackie Semukdha has created “a place customers feel like they are at a home with family.” Originally from Thailand, Jackie moved to the United States twenty-five years ago where he resided in Chicago. But it took only a couple winters in the Windy City and a trip to Fort Lauderdale to discover the weather here was so much more appetizing. There are many talents to Jackie’s credit. For starters, he brings seventeen years of experience with Chinese, Japanese, and Thai delights to the table. His menu is purposely healthy. Everything served is prepared and cooked with the purity of no MSG or growth hormones. Only the finest oils and spices with no meat or animal

products are used for vegetarian meals. Even the soy sauce is low sodium. Everything on the menu is incredible. Three of the most popular items are the Sashmi Bomb sushi bar appetizer, Sea Monster Roll, and Mixed Seafood Green Curry. Of course, the Thai Ice Tea is a perfect compliment. (Be sure to come hungry – two of us shared these delicious treats and still had leftovers to take home for later.) Yes, Mr. Semukdha is what makes TeeJay’s a standout. And you’ll definitely want to go for the entertainment on Friday and Saturday evenings to meet Lulu – a dish Jackie loves to serve up hot and quite spicy! Since Tee-Jay Thai Sushi opened in February 2008, its doors only close on Thanksgiving Day. Reservations for parties up to 10 are a must for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday during season. All guests in a party must arrive before seating.

Tee-Jay Thai Sushi Wilton Manors is located at 2254 Wilton Drive. For reservations, call 954-537-7774. View the menu or place your carry out order online at wiltonmanors.teejaythaisushirestaurant. com. (Note: Tee-Jay Thai Sushi Fort Lauderdale is a ‘cousin’ locale and provides a different menu and food preparations.) 11.21.2018 •


NEWS local

Oink Oink

The Pigs Are Coming Out to Play Pig week begins Nov. 23 Martin Gould


t six-foot-seven with a full beard and husky physique, Devin is a bear of a man. But, when asked what kind of kinky pleasure in which he prefers to participate, his preference is loud and clear.

“I’m a Pig.”

Ford Lauderdale is home to Ramrod, one of America’s kinkiest clubs, made famous for its monthly Pig dances, where fetishes fly and leather is everywhere. Now the

Friday, Nov. 23

Saturday, Nov. 24

Pre to Pig Pump Crunch Gym’s welcome work out. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 3500 N Andrews Ave, Oakland Park Proper attire, and gym etiquette required. $29 for all Pig Week Dog Tag holders for the length of Pig Week. Free Crunch T Shirt and Key Chain. You can go at any time. This is a social event.

Open Up Pool/Play Party at Inn Leather Hosted By Onyx BYOB but there will be some Beer and most Mixers and Water (noon to 6 p.m.) This Pre party is one of the craziest that we have all week. Inn Leather 610 Manatee Dr. Fort Lauderdale 954-467-1444 * Free With Dog Tags $25 at the door without.

Fetish Friday party at Ramrod 2-4-1 drinks for all men in gear from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. The piggiest men in town show up for this. It's wild and always a blast, and a great way to kick off the weekend. Ramrod 1508 NE. 4th Ave. Fort Lauderdale Please Uber or Lyft to this event. Parking is very limited.


1 1.21.2018

Leather Masked Ball @ Scandals Your registration for Pig Week does not include tickets to the Leather Masked Ball. You get a $5 discount at the door if you are wearing the Pig Week Dog tags. Get your tickets at LeatherMaskedBall.org. Lambda Men’s Brotherhood presents the 13th edition of The Leather Masked Ball, a South Florida annual charity dance

party event centered around the leather community. Join the group for a night of serious beats, bondage demonstrations by the South Florida Minotaurs, and, of course, a sea of red hot leathermen. All Access Admission to The Leather Masked Ball XIII includes one complimentary call drink (or domestic beer, wine, water, and other non-alcoholic beverages). All of the ticket proceeds will benefit their 2018 grant recipients: Tertium Quid, The Leather Archives & Museum, & Gilda’s House Broward since 2006, The Leather Masked Ball and related events have raised more than $215,000 for nonprofit beneficiaries including Care Resource, Pridelines Youth Services, The Pet Project for Pets, Tuesday’s Angels, Stonewall Library & Archives, The Pride Center, Equality Florida, Pulse Victims Fund, and the Leather Archives & Museum in Chicago, & Tertium Quid. For more information, visit their website, www.lmbftl.org or email them at admin@lmbftl.org.

Whole Hog @ Ramrod Midnight to 3 a.m. After you have blasted the Leather Masked Ball, Ramrod has specials for all men in gear. Ramrod 1508 NE. 4th ave. Fort Lauderdale

Sunday, Nov. 25 Haulover Nude Beach Excursion 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 10800 Collins Ave Bal Harbour The Club Fort Lauderdale “Cum One Come all” Party Noon to 6 p.m. Some, Food, water and mixers Club Fort Lauderdale 110 NW 5th Ave. Fort Lauderdale * All People wearing dog tags will only pay a $15 entrance fee.

iconic hot spot will be a major part of Pig Week, Nov. 28 through Dec. 6, with events of every kind scheduled all over South Florida.

Pig Party at Hunters 8-? At this event you can dance you ass off to the super hot Classic 54 T Dance with DJ Richie Rich. Packed with hot pigs. Hunters 2232 Wilton Dr. Fort Lauderdale, FL

Monday, Nov. 26 Jocks and Cocks Party 8 p.m. to Midnight. Jock strap party, lots of play Limited open bar Leather Werks Bay 1 1226 NE 4th Ave. Fort Lauderdale 954-761-1236 Please Uber or Lyft to this event. Parking is very limited. * Free with Pig Week Dog Tags.

Tuesday Nov. 27 Gym Bar Beef Fest 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Half-priced burgers, lots of drink specials. They also have the Pulled Pig Special for everyone with dog tags. Gym Bar 2287 Wilton Drive. Wilton Manors Ramrod Underwear 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Party check your clothes at the door and hang out with all the other pigs. Yes all of your bits need to be covered. It is a bar after all! Ramrod 1508 NE. 4th ave. Fort Lauderdale Fl.

The Leather Masked Ball and related events have raised more than $215,000 for non-profit beneficiaries.

NEWS local Just exactly how a group of gay men came other people find such activities offensive.” to self-identify as “pigs” is less complicated But bears weren’t every gay man’s than you’d expect. preference, so new groups self-segregated “It’s from the ‘60’s women’s rights and “pigs” quickly became the hot new movement,” according to fetish group. With the Devin, who has been an opening of Ramrod in 1994, active participant in “pig” defining itself as a “Levi, “The idea was activities for many years. “All Leather and Uniform” bar, the men are pigs! That’s what “pig” theme became a more being able to women were shouting while prominent part of the bar’s do whatever they protested, so that’s what event schedule, including the we decided to call ourselves.” you want, dress monthly “Pig Dance” which By the AIDS crisis in the attracts “pigs” from all over the way you early 80’s, many gay men the world. were ashamed of their Wilton Manors beat out want, embrace sexuality. Shaming is how San Francisco, New York and “bears” became a group of New Orleans to host this your fetishes their own. year’s Pig Week, which will be and live your It took decades, but by full of play/sex parties, lots the turn of the century, gay of leather and special events fantasies.” men began reclaiming their at Slammers, Leather Werks - Devin sexuality without guilt or and even at private homes. shame, doing whatever they The leather masked ball will enjoyed with whomever take place the weekend after captured their interest. As Devin put it, Thanksgiving. “Everyone’s just trying to find a place to fit in. Devin has been going to these types The idea was being able to do whatever you of events for years, so he knows what want, dress the way you want, embrace your to expect. “Everything is based around fetishes and live your fantasies, regardless if play parties. That’s where people express

Wednesday, Nov. 28 Naked Shopping at Leatherwerks 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Leather Werks 1226 NE 4th Ave. Fort Lauderdale Fl. . 954-761-1236 Bondage Workshop at Leather Werks 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Hosted By Lanz Adams. Learn from the knot master on how to do rope play. Leather Werks Bay 1 1226 NE 4th Ave. Fort Lauderdale. 954-761-1236 Please Uber or Lyft to this event. Parking is very limited. AliPig Contest 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. This contest will determine who is the biggest pig of the week is. Talent and fantasy and the number of pigs you have played with.

This is a fun event we don’t take ourselves to seriously. Contact Trae at trae@alibiwiltonmanors. com for more details. Alibi Monkey Bar 2266 Wilton Drive. Wilton Manors Ramrod’s Best Ass Contest to Midnight MC Michael Julian host this contest and the crowd gets to decide who takes home the prize money. Ramrod 1508 NE. 4th ave. Fort Lauderdale

Thursday, Nov. 29 Exploring PrEP Seminar at Leather Werks 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. This is a realistic conversation and workshop held by Ed Sparan. Mr. Sparan is the PrEP linkage specialist for the Fort Lauderdale Pride Center. Dispelling myths and educating

you on gay health issues. He can also help get you on the drug for free. Leather Werks Bay 1 1226 NE 4th Ave. Fort Lauderdale Fl. 954-761-1236 Please Uber or Lyft to this event. Parking is very limited. Florida Foot Fetish Fans. 8 p.m. to midnight Find your footing at this foot fetish party. If you like your toes sucked or like to worship feet this party is for you. Leather Werks Bay 3 1226 NE 4th Ave. Fort Lauderdale Fl. 954-761-1236 Please Uber or Lyft to this event. Parking is very limited. * Free with Pig Week Dog Tags.

themselves and own their fetishes, even developing their own phrases and names for their activities.” For those who are new to the “pig” scene, Devin has this advice. “It’s a journey. When someone comes up and grabs our crotch, that’s just saying hello! It’s not perceived as inappropriate or a non-consensual act; but consent is fluid and situational.” Devin says there are other issues for participants to consider. The South Florida gay community is paying less attention to safe sex due to the availability of PreP, so they’re less concerned about condoms

now than they were a few years ago. Many younger gay men feel the same way. “I can’t tell you what to do with your body, but I also have to face the consequences,” he said. “It’s a slippery slope when people start preaching about what you ‘should’ do.” One group you won’t see much of during Pig Week, according to Devin: women. “Some women have shown up at a Pig Dance in leather, but not at a play party. There are some leather groups that still have a bio male-only policy.” Sounds like the perfect opening for another “shunned” group to make a new category of their own.

Registration costs $150 for the week. Some events still charge to attend but at a discounted rate for registrants. Visit PigWeek.com.

Friday Nov. 30

Saturday, Dec. 1

Manifest Singlet Party at Gym Bar 8 P.M. to midnight Come ant strut your stuff at one of the best new bars on the strip. Lots of food and drink specials and make sure you wear your singlet or other sports gear for even more specials with your dog tags. Gym Bar 2287 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, FL

102nd Anniversary Pig Dance at Ramrod 10 p.m. to 3am Ramrod's biggest pig dance of the year hosted By Mr. Ramrod. Lots of extras this night. Jello Shots and raffle tickets will be there from ONYX Ramrod 1508 NE. 4th ave. Fort Lauderdale Fl.

Cosplay Costume and Fetish Gear Night @ Ramrod 10 p.m.-3am 2-4-1 drinks for all men in gear or costume. Ramrod 1508 NE. 4th ave. Fort Lauderdale Fl.

Sunday, Dec. 2nd

The 102nd Anniversary Pig Dance at Ramrod is Ramrod's biggest pig dance of the year.

The Damned Party at Hunters 8 p.m. to ? At this event you can dance you ass off to the super hot Classic 54 T Dance with DJ Richie Rich. Packed with hot pigs. Hunters 2232 Wilton Dr. Fort Lauderdale

Monday, Dec. 3rd Volunteer Thank you Party Private party at a private home. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. You can only get into this party if you are a volunteer. All Volunteers registered for pig week will receive an Email with the address of the party. Cigar Social on Back Deck of Ramrod Sponsored by Stompers Boots 7 p.m. -10 p.m. Come hang out with Pigs and Cigar men StompersBoots.com Ramrod 1508 NE. 4th Ave. Fort Lauderdale

11.21.2018 •


NEWS national

Jerri Ann Henry Named Executive Director of Log Cabin Republicans Henry is the first woman to lead the organization Chris Johnson

Washington Blade


lesbian Republican activist who fought for acceptance of marriage equality within her party will become the new executive director of the National Log Cabin Republicans, the organization announced Tuesday. Jerri Ann Henry, a communications strategist and GOP consultant, will take the helm of Log Cabin in the aftermath of the departure of Gregory Angelo, who announced in the weeks before the election he’d step down from the LGBT Republican group. “Log Cabin Republicans have a rich history of grassroots activism and a legacy of great leaders, and there is no other organization better suited to offer solutions to today’s challenging political environment than us,” Henry said in a statement. “I’m humbled to step into this leadership role, and I don’t take it lightly — I believe my experience with the Republican Party and LGBTQ community, combined with this incredible team will allow us to build a strong, effective movement and grow the Republican Party of the future.” Henry, who is the first woman to lead Log Cabin, will assume head of the organization as a new chapter begins in Washington with Democrats in control of the U.S. House after victories on Election Day. Prior to her new position, Henry was the head of the Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry, a group that sought to encourage support for marriage equality within the Republican Party leading up to the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 decision for marriage equality nationwide. Henry also headed the Platform Reform campaign that sought to eliminate opposition to samesex marriage in the 2016 Republican Party platform. “We believe it’s not consistent with Republican values,” Henry told the Washington Blade in 2015. “We’re prolimited government, we’re very pro-family. Having more families is a big deal in our community and makes for a more stable

“I’m humbled to step into this leadership role, and I don’t take it lightly.” - Jerri Ann Henri

new executive director of the national log cabin republicans


1 1.21.2018

society. We would like to replace the hateful language with inclusive language that reinforces our commitment to the values of limited government, individual freedom and family, but is inclusive of all those views.” Henry’s efforts, however, were ultimately unsuccessful. Not only did the Republican platform affirm opposition to same-sex marriage and support a constitutional amendment reversing that decision, the document was declared by Log Cabin itself as the most anti-LGBT ever. According to Log Cabin, Henry has worked in the last decade in D.C. on digital engagement tools for businesses and nonprofit organizations. She has been recognized as a Rising Star by Campaigns & Elections and a Future 40 Leader by Maverick PAC. Henry has also served in leadership roles with Maverick PAC, Young Republicans of Alexandria, Women’s Public Leadership Network (WPLN), the National Federation of Republican Women and the Texas State Society. A native of Dallas, Texas and a graduate of Texas A&M University, Henry resides with her spouse and their dog in Alexandria, Virginia. Angelo praised the selection of Henry as the new leader of Log Cabin in a statement, recognizing her past work in LGBT activism within the Republican Party. “As someone who has known Jerri Ann Henry for years, I couldn’t be more pleased to see the Log Cabin Republicans and Liberty Education Forum Boards of Directors have chosen her to continue the proud legacy of both organizations into the future,” Angelo said.

NEWS local

Transgender Day of Remembrance This Week Here is a roundup of events throughout South Florida Denise Royal


ovember is Trans Awareness Month. There are several events throughout South Florida — the highlight is the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). It’s a day set aside to honor the men and women who died from suicide, violence, or as a direct result of transphobia. In the last year, 369 people were killed worldwide as a result of that violence. Of those, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) reports that 29 trans people were killed in the U.S. in 2017 due to violence — the most ever recorded in the U.S. The HRC says these victims were killed by their loved ones, partners, and strangers, some of whom have been arrested and charged, while others have not. There will be several commemorations for TDOR throughout South Florida. Here are a few of the most notable: Broward County On Nov. 20, LaLa Zannell, a black queer trans woman will address an audience at the Pride Center. Zannell works as a transgender safety advocate and travels around the country talking about the risks faced by the trans community. As the lead organizer of the New York City Anti-Violence Project, an anti-LGBT violence organization, the 40-year-old has testified before Congress and at the White House about the difficulties transgender people face. (Zannell speaks earlier in the day at an event in Miami, see details below.)

The Pride Center event runs from 6:30 - 9 p.m. The Pride Center is located at 2040 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors. Miami In Miami, Arianna’s Center and SAVE host a special luncheon for TDOR. It is from Noon to 2 p.m. at CIC Miami 1951 NW 7th Avenue, 1st floor, Miami. A complimentary lunch will be served. LaLa Zannell is the national guest speaker. The luncheon also features a presentation by Megan McLemore of Human Rights Watch. Other speakers include Aryah Lester, Pearl Lashae, Rajee Narinesingh, Natalia Pabon, and Justice Devine. Honorees include:

Tony Lima, Executive Director, SAVE Rashel Diaz, Telemundo Media Personality Tatiana Williams, Trans Activist Barry University in Miami holds its sixth

annual Transgender Day of Remembrance and Resilience. At its event, the trans lives lost in the last year are also remembered and honored. The TDORR planning committee requests that those who cannot attend, try to support the event financially, as there is no formal funding source. Visit GoFundMe.com/miamiTDORR2018 to donate. This TDORR is exclusively grassroots, and exclusively trans/non-binary led. Planners say attendees won't have to endure the typical politician song and dance at this event. You can expect trans performers, trans speakers, and trans-generated content to honor those lost, and to celebrate the vibrancy and liveliness of trans people in the South Florida community. Out of respect for the nature of this specific program, attendees are asked to arrive at promptly 6 p.m. — the program begins promptly at 6:30 p.m. If you must arrive later than 6:30 p.m, please come in quietly. The program will also incorporate a healing component for the second year in a row, led by staff of SOUL Sisters Leadership Collective. Barry University is located at 11300 NE 2nd Ave, Miami Shores.

Palm Beach County A similar night of remembrance will be held in Palm Beach County to honor the memory of the trans men and women who lost their lives to hate and intolerance. The program runs from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and includes a candlelight vigil, reading of names, and guest speakers.

Compass is located at 201 North Dixie Highway, Lake Worth. 11.21.2018 •


NEWS miami-dade

International Gay Party Makes

Miami Debut

Circuit Festival comes to South Beach Over Thanksgiving Weekend Damon Scott


ost of us are somewhat content to gather around the table and eat a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Visit with family and friends. Maybe hit the stores on Black Friday for some deals before Christmas. Take a nap.

A welcome cocktail reception kicks off the spectacle on Thanksgiving night on the rooftop of the Miami Beach host hotel – Clevelander Hotel – followed by an opening night party featuring the music of DJs Maikol Venek and Ana Paula. On Black Friday, it’ll be less shopping at the mall and more music and dancing at Matinée’s “Pervert Party” at Club Space. Featured music at that event comes from DJs Lydia Sanz (from And then there’s Miami. And parties. And Spain) and Tom Stephan (from the UK). And what would a massive gay gathering lots of gay people. For the first time, Circuit Festival Miami be without a pool party? Put on your best comes to South Beach for a three-day, four- swimsuit and hit the waters at the Clevelander night “steamy beach party” over Thanksgiving Hotel on Nov. 24. Later that evening, weekend. wear some sports The party producers are Luis gear for the “Matinée Morera, owner of Miami Beach’s Champions” event, iconic gay Score Nightclub, and an American footballHilton Wolman, who owned Miami’s themed party at Soho former Salvation nightclub. The Studios. The huge Salvation brand has been featured 36 , 0 0 0 - s q u a re - fo o t at events in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, space will be filled with Atlanta, Washington, D.C., and other music by DJ-producers cities. Isaac Escalante and Phil The Circuit Festival – also known Romano. as Circuit Festival Barcelona – is billed Moving on to as Europe’s largest gay festival. It Sunday (Nov. 25), it’s has been held annually in Barcelona swimsuit time again since 2008. at the La Leche Beach “We are thrilled to introduce the Party, Circuit Festival’s world’s biggest international gay signature event. It takes event to the states this year,” Morera places on the sands of said. Lummus Park at Miami “Also, the weather is incomparable Beach from 1 p.m. to to any city in the USA, especially 9 p.m. You’ll see fun in November,” said Billy Kemp, - Luis Morera performances from another producer. Kemp is part of the Owner of Score Nightclub “some of the world’s ownership of Score, which is marking hottest dancers,” 20 years in business this year. Joining the producers in getting the word — including many flying in from Spain, out is promoter Len Evans of Project Publicity. organizers said. In addition, the beats are international, too, provided by DJs Taito Tikaro (Spain) and Dan Slater (Australia). What to expect The weekend’s closing blowout takes The fun begins Nov. 22 and runs through place later in the evening at what will be a Nov. 26. Thousands of men from around the “completely reimagined” Soho Studios. That’s where one of Miami’s most wellworld are expected to attend.

“We are thrilled to introduce the world’s biggest international gay event to the states this year.”


1 1.21.2018

Photo courtesy Circuit Festival.

known party brands – Urge – will produce a Thunderdome-themed event with music by DJs Ivan Gomez (Spain) and the Grammynominated Abel Aguilera (New York City). For those who still haven’t had enough, the party continues from 6 a.m. until noon on Nov. 26 back at Club Space.

“We want everyone to know that Circuit Festival Miami will be fresh and exciting and it will help return Miami to its rightful place as the gay party capital of the USA,” Wolman said. A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales will benefit Miami Beach Pride.

For more information and to buy tickets, go to CircuitFestival.net.



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11.21.2018 •



Fort Lauderdale to Host

Annual Hurricane Showdown The international gay softball tournament celebrates 24 years

Tim Martin

SFAAA Chairman x

The Zieglers. Photo courtesy of the SFAAA.



1 1.21.2018



s the 24th annual Hurricane Showdown international gay softball tournament approaches, one thing is apparent: It's a chosen family affair.

More than 1,000 players, partners, and while those closer to home drive in from other participants are descending upon Tampa and Orlando. the Fort Lauderdale area for their annual Dallas Ziegler, 25, and Daniel Ziegler, 43, Thanksgiving weekend sojourn. And while both of Orlando, play for the Orlando Circus. local teams from the South Florida Amateur Combined, the husbands have played in 17 Athletic Association make up a third of Showdowns and return annually. the tournament field, it's those teams and "The Showdown is that long weekend players who come to South Florida from getaway with your chosen family, where around the country and Canada that make there is always laughter, always excitement, this event stand out. and always that competition we all thrive "The Showdown is one upon," said Dallas Ziegler, of the premier tournaments who adds that he loves to in the country," said Kevin travel the country to play Riddle, 53, of Nashville, softball. "For most of us the Tennessee. Riddle, who has Hurricane Showdown has played in 13 Showdowns, become more of a lifestyle is a former assistant than a hobby … to be with commissioner of NAGAAA, your true friends and family." the national LGBT softball Daniel Ziegler will be organization. competing in his 14th "Fort Lauderdale is a Showdown. Those have fantastic place to spend included two years as a coach, Thanksgiving with your one year with a broken leg, chosen family. The first year and last year attending just I decided to play instead of two days after an emergency spending Thanksgiving with appendectomy. my biological family was "The Showdown definitely different," Riddle sparked an addiction to the continued. "I realized that tournament circuit fueled by - Daniel Ziegler family isn't only biological. It the love of the family that is Veteran SFAA softballer is the one tournament away the gay softball community," from our regional area that Daniel Ziegler explained. my team as a whole still looks forward to and "SFAAA year after year continues to run a attends every year. We love it." first-class tournament in one of the best Riddle's Nashville Force is one of 55 teams locations. The friendships that I have built from 17 cities and Canada scheduled to play out of this tournament are some of the best Nov. 23-25. Some fly in from as far away as anyone could be so lucky to have. Everything Portland, Oregon, Toronto and Minneapolis, from the host bars, fields and complexes, the

“Everything from the host bars, fields and complexes, the weather, as well as the competition, makes this one of the elite NAGAAA tournaments.”

“I abandon my four children each year to go, and they get it.” - El (Michele) Fernstein Veteran SFAA softballer

From left to right, SFAAA Treasurer Dan Viens, SFAAA Chairman Tim Martin, and SFAAA Commissioner Ed Vincent get ready to greet 1,000 gay softballs from 17 cities and Canada this weekend for the 24th annual HURRICANE SHOWDOWN softball tournament.

weather, as well as the competition, makes this one of the elite NAGAAA tournaments." The Showdown, which also brings together local sponsors and businesses, provides a safe environment for the LGBT community and their supporters to gather and compete. This will be the third consecutive year that the tournament is presented with the support of Prudential. "It gives me a great opportunity to show off the corner of the world that I love to call home," said Tournament Director Michael Moody, 61, of Fort Lauderdale. "I am proud of the league and I'm very proud of my city, which is known for its amazing hospitality and its welcoming attitude toward the LGBT community." While the tournament is played at Mills Pond Park in Fort Lauderdale and Brian Piccolo Park in Cooper City, off-field events begin tonight, Nov. 21, at a host of Wilton Manors nightclubs, including Matty’s, Pint, the Pub, and GYM Bar.

The championship games on Sunday are at Mills Pond, an event which will feature prize giveaways to local resorts, free airline tickets, and dinners for two at area restaurants. The closing ceremony will be held at the Alibi/ Monkey Bar on Sunday from 6-9 p.m. after the championship games. The Showdown remains a chosen family affair. "I abandon my four children each year to go, and they get it," said El (Michele) Fernstein, of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, who only admits to being 49 and will be playing in her seventh Showdown. "I travel around the country playing 12-14 tournaments a year, and the Showdown is at the top of my list." Fernstein describes herself as a heterosexual lesbian with a twist. "Being HL, I have always been thrilled and accepted in this marvelous, inclusive environment. Being close to the beach isn't too shabby, either!" Let the games begin!

Editor’s Note: A bit of a disclaimer is warranted. Tim Martin, the author of this article, is a former senior editor for the Palm Beach Post, and is currently the Chairman of the SFAAA. SFGN is happy to report he has not lost his writing talents and abilities. Thank you, Tim, for contributing this story, and good luck with the tournament. 11.21.2018 •


NEWS local

White Party Returns Saturday Annual party will glamour up your Thanksgiving Weekend Damon Scott


he Thanksgiving Weekend stretch is usually a busy time for everyone. For the gay community, count it as extremely busy – at least in terms of the entertainment options to keep you occupied.

Kimberly Davis, lead vocalist of CHIC, will be performing at the White Party. Courtesy of Jonathan Welsh.

Care Resource was born from the White Party, which was born in Miami in the midst of the worst of the

HIV/AIDS crisis in the 1980s. 26

1 1.21.2018

One of the better-known options over the years has been the White Party in Miami. It used to coincide with other auxiliary events running the stretch of the long weekend, but it returns solo on Nov. 24 after a one-year hiatus. The event is a major fundraiser for the programs and services of South Florida’s Care Resources. “It’s also our time to grow awareness about what we do,” said Jonathan Welsh, marketing and development manager. The decades running nonprofit seeks to provide comprehensive health care and support services to a diverse South Florida demographic. “The White Party is both a homecoming and a renewal to Care Resource’s commitment to uniting our community for a common goal of living AIDS-free and delivering quality health care to those most in need,” Welsh said. Care Resource was born from the White Party, which was born in Miami in the midst of the worst of the HIV/AIDS crisis in the 1980s. (It was called the Health Crisis Network then.) Welsh said that today there is a whole new generation that was spared much of the “dreadfulness” of losing friends and role models to HIV/AIDS. He said the new generation is “one born with hope and options – options that Care Resource is proud to continue providing.” “Care Resource is on the forefront of a movement that will finally lead to zero new infections,” Welsh said. Last year, the organization served 17,460 clients at its centers in outreach, treatment, education and engagement programs. It has several Miami area sites and one in Fort Lauderdale. The organization now does a variety of health care related work in addition to HIV/ AIDS support. Care Resource is a Federally Qualified Health

Center (FQHC) serving men, women, youth, and children of all ages, races, and ethnicities for affordable primary care, dental care, pediatrics, and behavioral health services. Meet the entertainment The event takes place at the historic Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, formerly known as the Villa Vizcaya – a modern, subtropical take on an 18th century Italian villa. It’s where the original party took place and where it’s been hosted off and on for years since. The Vizcaya is located on Biscayne Bay in Miami’s Coconut Grove neighborhood. Popular South Florida drag queen Athena Dion is serving as fashion hostess for a “White Wear Fashion Award,” with fashion judges Flavio Nisi and Bravo reality TV stars Richie Skye and Ana Quincoces from the Real Housewives of Miami. Grammy Award winner Kimberly Davis, the lead vocalist for the legendary disco band CHIC, is scheduled to perform. Davis has created soundtracks and jingles and has toured as a background singer. Her first single — “Get Up” from D1 Music — reached No. 12 on the Billboard dance club charts. Shawn Palacious will be the master of ceremonies. “This year, it is an elegant and fashionable affair in white that celebrates life, diversity, family and community,” Palacious, who is TV host at HotSpots! Media Group, said. Welsh said there will be violinists, flutists, saxophonists, and great food prepared by a Hells Kitchen chef. “We want it to be inclusive, elegant, for all people and all parts of Miami, not just LGBTQ,” said Welsh. “A Miami event for all people.” The White Party runs from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. The Vizcaya is located at 3251 South Miami Avenue.

For more information about Care Resource, go to careresource.org. For more information and ticket options, go to WhiteParty.org. According to Welsh, VIP tickets are sold out.

WMG Volume 5 • Issue 21 November 21, 2018

Wilton Manors Gazette Facebook.com/groups/WMGazette


New Officials Sworn Into Office Wilton Manors elects all gay commission; second in nation

By Sallie James The swearing-in ceremony for Wilton Campbell, 43, who sought a commission Manors’ newly elected mayor and seat, and city activist Boyd Corbin, 50, who two commissioners on Nov. 13 drew lost his bid for mayor. Incoming Commissioner Paul Rolli, who a standing-room only crowd, media had vowed to represent all residents in his coverage and much applause. But as Justin Flippen, Gary Resnick quest for office, noted that the city’s LGBT and Paul Rolli were sworn in as mayor population is large, but not a majority. “The fact that we now have an all and commissioners respectively, it was LGBT commission is a also a bittersweet night historical marker but not of farewells: beloved necessarily a defining Commissioner Scott moment,” Rolli stated Newton lost his bid for after being sworn in. “I re-election on Nov. 6 in ran as a regular resident the four-way race for two to represent all residents commission seats and without any special would leave the dais for interests or personal the first time in 18 years. agent.” His voice broke with Palm Springs, Calif, emotion as he said his became the first city in the final “goodbyes.” nation last year to have “I love this community an all gay commission, not just because of who according to the Victory we all are but we we’ve Fund, which tracks LGBT become in these 18 years,” candidates and elected said Newton, 60, blinking - Scott Newton officials. back tears. “It’s been a Former Wilton Manors Wilton Manors has heckuva ride. I love you all Commissioner the second highest rate and thank you and I’ll see of same sex couples in you around town.” Newton was the only straight the U.S. and the first highest rate of any member of the Commission and had city in Florida, according UCLA’s Williams served as mayor from 2004-2008 and Institute. The city has 125 gay couples per commissioner from 2000-2004 and 1,000 compared to San Francisco, which has 30, the Institute said. 2010 to present. Wilton Manors resident Emily McCrater, Also defeated were Katharine “Kat”

“I love this community not just because of who we all are but we we’ve become in these 18 years.”

Justin Flippen during his swearing in as Mayor of Wilton Manors. Photo via Facebook.

47, attended the swearing-in ceremony with her 7-year-old son in a show of support. McCrater, who is straight, grew up in Wilton Manors and was thrilled about the city’s new distinction. “I think it’s great. We’re an inclusive city and we are raising our children here to be inclusive of everyone, straight or gay,” she

said. “We are here because these are the people we voted to represent us. I do think it’s amazing we are being recognized.” Resident Frank Caplan, 72, who identifies as gay, said the new commission represents a greater acceptance. Continued on page 4 

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November 21, 2018

11.21.2018 •



Writing on the Wall WMG The city needs to enforce its sign ordinances By Sal Torre

November 21, 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 21 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com Copyeditor • Kerri Covington


Art Director • Brendon Lies artwork@sfgn.com News Editor • Sallie James


Sal Torre • James Oaksun

Staff Photographers

J.R. Davis • Pompano Bill • Steven Shires

A drive down Andrews Avenue. Photo via Facebook.

Sales & Marketing While driving along Andrews Avenue the past few weeks, I cannot escape being visually abused by the writing on the side of a building. Unlike most cities where such writings scribbled or painted on sides of buildings are the result of illicit activity, here in our Island City, it is the deliberate work of the new tenant. Once a thrift store for Sanctuary House, it now seems to be a roadside ministry with Biblical writings painted along the front and side walls. Hopefully this will not become the new trend up and down Andrews Avenue with other churches, businesses and property owners feeling a need to express themselves by painting and writing whatever they choose on the outside walls of buildings. Perhaps the Plasma Center will have the latest price of a pint of blood splashed on the side of their building in red paint, or perhaps a Pentecostal ministry will choose a verse from Leviticus denouncing homosexuality on the side of their building. The possibilities are endless, and definitely not the quality of life residents of our great Island City should have to deal with on their daily drive, walk, or bike ride around their community. Like most cities, Wilton Manors has zoning laws, sign ordinances, and regulations that limit or prevent certain activity to take place. One might take for granted that such activity as writing over outside walls would be restricted or prohibited in some way. Obviously that is not the case here in Wilton Manors. Recent inquiries to city officials were answered with, “Well it might not look pretty, but it doesn’t mean it is in violation.” Not the answer I was hoping to hear. Further details from city officials stated that the city could not regulate based on content and that since the wording did not specifically advertise a service or name of the church, it was not really a sign that could be typically regulated. Well I suggest that someone from the city might need to drive by and take another look. Clearly painted on the walls is a day and time when the church holds services (Sundays at 10 am). That clearly seems like a business sign to me, but perhaps I am getting a bit nick-picky in my old age.

This might be a price we pay in our society to be blessed with freedom of speech and expression, so our city might be correct in stating that they cannot regulate content. However, they do have the right to regulate how that content is displayed in a public setting. Displaying religious sayings and advertising church services is not the main issue for me. It is the fact that they are painting it all over the exterior walls of a building right along Andrew’s Avenue in total disregard for the rules and regulations that apply to the rest of our business community, our residential community, and everyone else in our Island City. Perhaps we should all post our favorite sayings, jokes, or comments on our outside walls. As our city moves ahead to update city codes, ordinances and regulations, hopefully sometime in my lifetime, perhaps this might serve as an example of what might be needed in such a revision. That is if the regulation does not already exist and is being overlooked by Code Enforcement for some reason. Clearly the current writings on the wall list a date and time of when services are held, which might be in violation of our sign ordinance or other regulations currently on the books. I will leave that to our elected officials and city management to figure out. I just needed to get it off my chest and use it as a topic for this week’s article to stop me from getting in hot water once again by talking about one of our elected officials who keeps giving me so much material to share. Speaking of our elected officials, our Island City has a new Mayor and two new Commissioners. Justin Flippen will lead our great city, having been sworn in this past week as our new Mayor. Paul Rolli and Gary Resnick were also sworn in and seated as our new City Commissioners, joining Commissioners Green and Carson on the dais. Tom Green was voted by his peers that same evening to take on the Vice Mayor’s position. Congratulations to all!! Much appreciation and gratitude goes to Scott Newton for his many years of dedicated service to our city as he leaves the dais for a taste of private life and extra time to spend with his grandchildren. Scott’s love and commitment to our wonderful city has and will continue to make life just better here. WMG

This might be a price we pay in our society to be blessed with freedom of speech and expression.

For ad placement in the Wilton Manors Gazette, contact 954-530-4970

Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Clark Rogers clark.rogers@sfgn.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER


Associated Press MEMBER


Copyright © 2018 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

M.E. DePalma Park, a public garden containing native plants and blooming flowers. Photo via the City of Wilton Manors, Facebook.

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November 21, 2018

Real Estate

WilMa Prices: Have We Seen the Peak? By James Oaksun With the 2018 elections behind us (probably), that means High Season is here, the holidays are coming right up, and the Fourth Edition of my South Florida Real Estate Yearbook is well into production. Every year I look at pricing, sales, and inventory trends across specific neighborhoods (not zip codes) of interest to me, to my clients, and to the community

at large. It’s free and you can see the prior versions at www.issuu.com/JamesOaksun. But before the whole book is ready, I always give my loyal readers a taste of what is coming with respect to the Island City. I start with pricing (as that is what always comes up first from both buyers and sellers), and then address sales and inventory in the next two columns.

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The table included here shows pricing trends for the three WilMa neighborhoods – West (meaning west of Andrews), Center (Andrews to Dixie), and East (east of Dixie). I have also included percent change from the same period last year, and the compounded annual change from 3Q11 (about when prices began their ascent after the crash). Note two important facts here. First, many people who had the wisdom (or perhaps luck) to buy in Wilton in 2011 have made a lot of money. The compound annual return since 2011 for the three neighborhoods has been eight percent, nine percent, and 11 percent, respectively. But there is another, perhaps sobering, fact. We now see some evidence that prices for single family homes in West and

November 21, 2018

Center Wilton may have reached their cycle highs. Prices in both neighborhoods are down versus one year ago. While it may be too soon to say whether this is a trend, it indicates a need for caution. Conversely, prices in East Wilton remain strong, and are rising through September. I noted in the introduction to last year’s Yearbook that no asset class increases in price by a double-digit percent per year, year after year, forever. The quest for value, and for realistic expectations, should now be in progress. WMG James Oaksun, Florida’s Real Estate Geek(SM), is Broker-Owner of New Realty Concepts in Oakland Park. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI).

11.21.2018 •


this, justin


New Officials Sworn into Office  Continued from page 1

“It expresses that things are changing,” Caplan said. “I’m not sure how many voters were aware of who was straight or gay. I’m sure there was an element who was concerned about the sexuality of their commissioners but there were many that weren’t concerned and that’s what’s encouraging to me.” Former Wilton Manors Mayor John Fiore, who was the first gay elected official and first gay mayor in Broward, said having an all-gay commission is a non-event. “Besides the honor and uniqueness of the historic significance, it will make no difference,” Fiore said. “There is no ‘gay way’ to fix a pothole. The job of running the city is still running the city.” During the election, Flippen touted his longtime ties to Wilton Manors and his lifelong connection to Broward County as reasons to elect him mayor. When he ran for office in 2014, he positioned himself as “The People’s Commissioner,” because of his grassroots approach to public service, popular appeal and city connections. A project manager with the Greater Fort Lauderdale Conventions and Visitors Bureau,

By Justin Flippen

Flippen grew up in Wilton Manors. He’s served six years on the commission — from 208-2010 and 2014 to present. Resnick, a lawyer who served as commissioner from 1998-2008 and mayor from 2008 to present, is Florida’s longest serving openly gay elected official. Rolli is a retired director of overseas operations for the IRS. The mayor’s post is a two-year term and the two at-large commission seats are each fouryear terms. WMG

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1 1.21.2018

Roadmap to Our Future The Priority of Proactive Public Safety

ur PrEP PrEP has has become become oneone of our of our ht most most powerful tools tools in the in the fight fight PrEPpowerful has become one of our PrEP has become one of our most powerful tools in the fight against against HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS.


Wilton Manors Strategic Plan:

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Back in 2014 and 2015, the City of Wilton Manors went through a Strategic Plan update, and FAU Professor Dr. Leslie Leip engaged with commissioners, residents, business owners, city staff, and other stakeholders to get input and consensus on our collective vision for the city by 2020. Four priority areas were identified: Proactive Public Safety, Sound Governance, Strategic Growth and Redevelopment, and Innovating and Adapting for the Future. In early 2019, we will embark on the next iteration of the Strategic Plan, and before we do so, I wanted to share the progress on the goals and objectives we established in 2015. Proactive public safety encompassed seven goals, all of which involved using long-established as well as some newer strategies to fight crime and make our city safer. Patrols, whether on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, boat, or automobile, remain the first line of defense for public safety. Community policing and regular outreach to residents, homeowners associations, businesses and nonprofits in our city is a crucial component of the plan. But the Wilton Manors Police Department now has an array of additional, more technological tactics to proactively impact safety, from predicting crime trends to direct messaging interested stakeholders through social media. The patrol officers in-car video system was updated, saving personnel hours and improving the public’s perception of integrity based law enforcement. Code compliance is always key

to maintaining neighborhoods and enhancing public safety, and the Code Compliance Unit continues to support and enhance this effort. In 2017-2018, out of 2,876 code compliance cases, voluntary compliance was achieved in 2,708 or 94% of the cases. There was also a 9% increase in proactive cases, while complaints filed increased by 6% compared to the previous fiscal year. We also implemented and deployed our CodeRed system to communicate important information to residents via phone and text message and improved email blast messages during emergencies. These are just a few of the strategies used by our police department to keep our community safe. I believe the proof is in the pudding: The City saw an overall 3% decrease in crime when the data was released by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in June 2018 for year 2017, giving Wilton Manors the lowest crime rate in over 25 years. Proactive public safety is just one more reason why “life‘s just better here“ in Wilton Manors. Next month, I’ll share some of our initiatives in the area of Sound Governance. In your service,

Justin S. Flippen, J.D. Wilton Manors Mayor WMG

• • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • November 21, 2018

Taste of the Island By J.R. Davis


On November 5, The annual foodie gathering took place at Richardson Historic Park and Nature Preserve for “An evening of food and libation in the Island City.” Restaurants from around the island city spotlighted their specialties while raising funds for local organizations.

To see more photos and news from WMG, join us at Facebook.com/groups/ WMGazette

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November 21, 2018

11.21.2018 •



Wilton Manors Gets Wicked By J.R. Davis

On Wednesday, Oct. 31, Wilton Drive was transformed into a party for city residents and visitors alike. This year's theme was "game night." Proceeds went to help The Pride Center at Equality Park.

To see more photos and news from WMG, join us at Facebook.com/groups/ WMGazette

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November 21, 2018

‘Light’ Complaints Lodged Against Pride Center By Sallie James Wilton Manors resident Matthew the property and the one in the front Dreger just wants to sleep at night but the by the driveway is shining towards our glare from several unpermitted lights at property.” Dreger said the unpermitted lights the LGBT community center next door is went up on Oct. 18 and lighting up his neighborhood 19 and shine in residents’ “brighter than a Walmart.” “If they were windows so brightly they The president of the are keeping people up at Townhomes of Riverside going to be night. He wants the city to Park wants the Pride Center neighborly take action immediately. at Equality Park to hit the Wilton Manors code “off” switch. But so far, the he could compliance supervisor Julio lights are still on. The Pride turn off the Davila said the Pride Center Center is located at 2040 failed to apply for a required N. Dixie Highway and The lights until electrical permit for the Townhomes of Riverside they get lights prior to installation Park are directly south. them fixed.” and has been cited for “Some of our residents lack of a permit and light have to draw their blinds - Matthew Dreger spillage. A Dec. 5 hearing because of the light pollution before a Special Magistrate coming onto our property,” Dreger said. “There needs to be some is scheduled if compliance is not met, he hoods or light direction adjustment. The said. Pride Center CEO Robert Boo said one on the back of their property is so bright that you have to squint when you the Pride Center submitted a permit drive down our driveway to the back of application last week.

“These lights were installed in 2017 to replace the non-working light fixtures,” Boo said. “We want to ensure that the entire campus is safe for the 60 groups and organizations who use our meeting space, the 8 organizations (2 of which are religious organizations), whose offices are on our campus, and the 1,000 - 2,000 people who step foot everyday on Equality Park.” Dreger is frustrated by what he said is the Pride Center’s chronic lack of consideration for its neighbors. “We met with them on Thursday (Nov. 15) and they were talking to us about being neighborly. What I said to (Robert Boo) was that he was doing things that adversely affect us and they portray us as being the villain,” Dreger said. “If they were going to be neighborly he could turn off the lights until they get them fixed. He didn’t turn off anybody’s lights.” The Pride Center should know what is acceptable to install because they had to submit a photometric plan to the city’s Planning and Zoning Board last May, Dreger said. Planning and Zoning Board member Don d’Arminio confirmed that lighting was part of the site plan the Pride Center submitted earlier this year for the 48-unit LGBT-friendly affordable housing project it plans to build on the property. “That is standard,” d’Arminio said. Dreger said none of the lights have shields


on them to mitigate the glare and several need to be readjusted so they shine in another direction. “I am frustrated, terribly frustrated. We had a nice quiet life over here until they started doing all these things without any regard to the neighborhood,” Dreger said. WMG

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7 •

November 21, 2018

11.21.2018 •



Trans Talk

Trans People Deserve to

Recover in Affirming Spaces Atticus Ranck


y name is Atticus and I’m an alcoholic. I’m 4 and a half years sober. When I hit my bottom, I was pulled over by the police, kicked out of my apartment, and my girlfriend broke up with me. I’m embarrassed and ashamed of a lot of my actions when I was active in my addiction. Now, though, I barely recognize that person. I like to joke that I used to be an alcoholic lesbian and now I’m a sober guy. While emerging as male didn’t cure my alcoholism, it certainly helped. I actually hit my bottom about 5 months after starting testosterone. I thought once I started HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) that everyone would see me as the guy I am and things would be better. It doesn’t work that way. HRT is essentially a second puberty and it takes a few months before anybody can really notice the differences. I was angry early in my transition because I was doing everything I could to be seen as the guy I am but nobody was seeing it yet and I was still too often being misgendered. While my alcoholism started years before, it actually got worse after starting HRT. Luckily, I found my way into the rooms and got myself a sponsor. I haven’t had a drink since April 20, 2014. While I’m an alcoholic, I didn’t actually attend any addiction treatment programs or halfway houses. Nevertheless, there are times when I’m in the rooms that I sometimes feel out of place, even in an LGBT recovery setting. While I was out to my sponsor about being transgender, I wasn’t out to most of the people in the recovery community, and when I did come out, I got a lot of inappropriate questions, even from other members of the LGBT community. Although this was about 4 to 5 years ago when the term "transgender" was really starting to hit the mainstream, I was still disappointed in fellow members of my community for not understanding what being transgender meant. I started talking to other transgender people in recovery and they echoed my sentiments. When I started as the director of

If a transgender person comes to an addiction treatment center, they need to be placed with the gender with which they identify.


1 1.21.2018

Transgender Services at SunServe and started training organizations in LGBT cultural competency, I got in contact with a few addiction treatment centers that wanted training. I found out that LGBT people often weren’t being properly treated. If a transgender person comes to an addiction treatment center, they need to be placed with the gender with which they identify, even if their gender hasn’t legally changed yet. If there is another patient who has a problem with the transgender person in their gendered section, then you move the person with the problem to the single room. This lets the other patients and staff know that we accept and respect the trans person but that we don’t tolerate someone who has a problem with a trans person. Transgender people are just the latest scapegoats. Before, people would have said the same thing about a gay man sharing a room with them by saying

something homophobic or comparing a gay man to a pedophile or sexual harasser. We don’t tolerate those kinds of statements today and we should not tolerate transphobia either. When addiction treatment center staff treat a trans person incorrectly by misgendering them or refusing to use the name that’s appropriate for them, placing them with the wrong gender or only placing them in a single room, what they’re doing is creating a smaller world like the one that helped put them in the addiction treatment center in the first place - a world of transphobia, violence, disrespect, and micro- and macro-aggressions. The trans person in the treatment center is there to achieve sobriety and to make their life better. We can’t create the same environment that helped put them there in the first place. For more information on transgender people and addiction or if you have any questions or are interested in receiving a training, contact me at AtticusRanck@gmail.com.

Atticus Ranck is the Health Programs & Supportive Services Manager for Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center in Allentown, PA. Previously, he was the Director of Transgender Services at SunServe in Wilton Manors. Atticus is a trans man who advocates for the LGBT community through his work, trainings, presentations, and everyday encounters.


Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon By Mike Luckovich

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11.21.2018 •



Norm Kent

Publisher's Editorial

The sun is rising on gay america




he LGBT community in America has much to be thankful for in 2018. As an example, be sure you take a moment and look at the article by Chris Johnson of the Washington Blade in this week’s paper. The headline notes that ‘102 LGBT Leaders Enthusiastically Endorse Nancy Pelosi for leader.’ Think about that number- 102. Wow. Mind-boggling. Let’s face it. Gay America is no longer in the closet. There is just a little curtain you push aside on your way to tomorrow. There is a place today at the table for the LGBT community in the American electoral system. In city halls, state houses and our congresses, gay men and women are open and elected, out and proud. Our voices are heard and our talents are recognized. Our community has not won every battle, and there are equal rights laws we still have to fight for. There are protections that we have won which we will now have to fight to preserve. But the road is ours to maintain and manage. It was not always that way. The days when homosexuality subjected you to ridicule and shame are gone in America. Ostracism is so…yesterday. We are living in a day and age when all that will get you is censure in the workplace and a fine from the NBA. We have stood naked against the cannon and survived. It is something to be thankful for. Let’s never forget how our partnerships were once branded as “the love that dare not speak its name.” No one dares to say that anymore. Years ago, gay civil rights marches were led by people shouting: “We are here, we are queer, we are everywhere.” We don’t have to chant in the streets anymore. We have our voices and votes in the House of Representatives. Thankful? Yes, we should be. We can openly celebrate who we are, and what we have achieved. There never was a justification to make us socially deviant societal outcasts

in the first place. We were wronged. Our course and the road ahead will not always be easy. There will be times when we find the water is not always calm. So it is with life- straight or gay, black or white, rich or poor. A smooth sea alone does not make for a good sailor. There will always be threatening squalls. We succeed in life by coming about, enduring adversity and bouncing back stronger. The LGBT community still faces challenges. We are beginning to realize within our own community how many teenagers are still getting bullied; how many transgender persons are wrongly thought of as second-class. Within our own homes, we still need to worry about domestic violence, excessive alcohol use, and drug abuse, too. As I have said many times, we are more a part of our larger community, than apart from it. We share its problems as well as promises. As we approach World AIDS Day, we see still rising HIV rates in South Florida, and an epidemic of meth invading men in their twenties and thirties. Our editor has written about rising rates of syphilis amongst gay men. On many fronts, we can do better still. Throughout the world, there are multiple causes to speak out about. Sodomy is still a crime in too many places, and the noise from places like Tanzania is frightening. Only a year ago we were reading about ISIS throwing gays off of rooftops. All is not well with the world. Qatar holding the World Cup in a few years is no reason to celebrate. African countries stoning gays to death, and teen gangs wantonly attacking gays in Eastern Europe are legitimate reasons for worldwide alarm. There is much to be done; always more to do. The roadblocks are coming down

Let’s never forget how our partnerships were once branded as “the love that dare not speak its name.”


1 1.21.2018

though, and the barriers ahead are very small compared to the victories we have already won. Still, these are historic times for the LGBT community. We have endured and lived long enough to conquer those who would have conquered us. We are stronger for it. No one can stop us now. Don’t let anyone stop you. As you gather at Thanksgiving to be with your family and argue incessantly with them this weekend, treasure the moments you have together. Life is a gift and a garden. Make it grow and blossom. Be thankful and proud then, for how far we have come, to be sure, but never ever forget how much longer we have to go. Don’t be apathetic. Be aware. Care to make a difference. Don’t be neutral when your rights are involved. If an elephant is standing on a mice’s tail, it does no good for the mouse if

you tell him you want to remain neutral. In the middle of the road, you will only find dead skunks and yellow lines. On behalf of SFGN, let me wish you the beginning of a great holiday season. Let me also thank you allowing us to be your credible, conscientious, community newspaper, delivering facts, not fluff; straight facts and gay news. SFGN. This paper will always be your forum for issues and ideas. We are your voice, a free and open gay press in a straight world. SFGN will stand by your side always. And, if you have any turkey left over, bring it here. We will be working on next week’s issue, and the January issue of the Mirror. We have reason to be thankful, and cause to be proud. Happy Thanksgiving from SFGN.

Jesse’s Journal


Dr. Almeleh on Relationships Jesse Monteagudo


ack Almeleh, M.D. is a BoardCertified psychiatrist who practiced in Manhattan but has since retired to South Florida. While other South Florida retirees spend their time at the beach, Dr. Almeleh spent it writing a book: “Finding The Right Pieces: A Guide Book for Personal Relationships” (Stillwater River Publications; $12.95). “The purpose of this book is to present models of relationships - casual relationships, friendships, and romantic relationships - that are easy to understand, and, if kept in mind, can enable the reader to function more comfortably and find fulfilling relationships.” In “Finding The Right Pieces,” Dr. Almeleh uses jigsaw puzzle pieces to represent who we are as individuals. “People are different. And in this book, we represent that difference by a unique shape to a person’s jigsaw puzzle piece. Showing the true shape

of one’s jigsaw puzzle piece is an essential first step in finding and establishing longterm satisfying personal relationships.” Dr. Almeleh defines a friend as “someone whose company you enjoy.” Why do we enjoy a friend’s company? It is because s/he is very much like ourselves; with similar interests, values, cultural background, intelligence, humor, etc. Using the jigsaw puzzle piece model, Almeleh argues that “if your friend’s puzzle piece resembles yours, then your puzzle piece resembles your friend’s.” This, the good doctor concludes, “is the major point of this book. ... It takes time to find friends. Have the courage to approach and socialize with people you’re somewhat attracted to as a possible friend. You may find that a friend’s friend may be better suited to your as a friend than your initial friend.” That is, if the pieces fit. What about romantic relationships? Here Dr. Almeleh agrees with the notion

“It is important to remember that a romantic attachment is primarily l an emotiona attachment.” h, M.D.

- Jack Almele

that opposites attract, “that is, opposite personality character traits create a sexual chemistry.” Applying his jigsaw puzzle thesis to romantic relationships, he defines a stable romantic relationship as “two jigsaw puzzle pieces that fit together, or are complementary on one side of the puzzle pieces, but are similar in shape on the sides of the puzzle pieces that don’t interlock. Thus, the pair of puzzle pieces would have the characteristics of both a sexual attraction as well as a friendship.” Dr. Almeleh is quick to point out that “the jigsaw puzzle models of relationships - both for friendships and romantic relationship - are the same for both gay and straight individuals.” Almeleh admits that since “men, due to genetic factors, are inherently more sexually driven than women, we would expect to see

more frequent sexual activity among gay male couples compared to straight couples.” Even so, the doctor emphasizes, “in a gay romantic relationship the same factors determine the choice of a life partner and the stability of a romantic relationship as in a straight relationship. It is important to remember that a romantic attachment is primarily an emotional attachment. And it doesn’t matter whether the individual is straight or gay.” Finding The Right Pieces is a quick and easy book to read; only 80 pages but chockfull of useful information. Whether this book will help you find your new best friend or the love of your life is anyone’s guess. Whatever the consequences, Dr. Almeleh’s ideas will give you plenty of food for thought, regardless of whether your puzzle piece fits.

Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.

11.21.2018 •


FAITH & PRIDE spirituality

SPIRITUAL LISTINGS Divine Mercy Chapel 2749 NE 10th Ave Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-567-1930 - DivineMercy.church Service Time: Mass, Sunday 10:30am



St. Nicholas Episcopal Church 1111 E. Sample Road, Pompano Beach (954)942-5887 - stnicholasfl.org office@stnicholasfl.org Service Times: Sundays 8:00AM & 10:30AM (9:30AM only from Memorial Day through Labor Day) United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale 2501 NE 30th Street, Ft. Lauderdale (954)563-4271 - uccftl.org revpatrickrogers@gmail.com Service Times: Thursdays 10:30AM (Elliot Hall) & Sundays 10:30AM (Sanctuary)

Christ Lutheran Church 1955 East Oakland Park Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33306 www.christlutheranfl.org

Sunday Service @ 10am Fellowship after Service



SFGN is here for you, no matter who — or what — keeps you going. Read our Spirituality Section to stay in touch with your local religious LGBT community. The only requirement? Be yourself.



1 1.21.2018

Congregation Etz Chaim 2038 N. Dixie Hwy (Pride Center Building B), Wilton Manors 954-564-9232 - etzchaimflorida.org RabbiNoahKitty@etzchaimflorida.org Friday Night Shabbat Service 8p.m. Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-633-2987 - HolyAngelsFL.net Sunday Mass at 11AM Christ Lutheran Church 1955 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale. 33306 (954) 564-7673 - christlutheranfl.org pastordeborah@christlutheranfl.org Worship: Sunday 10:00am

FAITH & PRIDE spirituality

Is God Here For All Of Us Or

Just Some Of Us? Rev. Mark Andrew Jones, BSG

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espite the tumultuous domestic times in which we live, there’s reason to give thanks for God has graciously gifted us much – each one of us. We give thanks for the wonder and bounty of creation and pray humanity will be a good steward for future generations. We give thanks for the breadth of life and pray all may enjoy life free of discrimination and hate. We give thanks for the blessing of community and pray we may recognize all as brothers and sisters. We give thanks for the love of God freely given us in Christ and we pray we may love as we are loved, celebrating all loving relationships. As our Presiding Bishop says, “if it’s not about love, it’s not about God.” Our Thanksgiving leads into the anticipation of Christmas and the celebration of the Incarnation of God. Christmas is a reminder that God is intimately involved in creation and human life. By being enfleshed as a man who derives all of His humanity and DNA from the Virgin Mary – from a woman, God will not be boxed or limited by our categories. In the Incarnation God says to all of us that we are loved as we are, even as we are invited to become our best selves. Although you may have been told through the years that you are not worthy of Christ’s love due to a personal trait or belief, or your

orientation, etc., don’t believe it. Christmas says otherwise. The angels proclaimed to the shepherds good news for all people – for all people! Emmanuel – which means GodWith-Us – is here for all of us. No exceptions. In the celebration of Christmas, know that God doesn’t just tolerate you, God loves you. Christmas also has an edgy message for the world’s benefit. In a recent tweet, Carlos Rodriguez said, “Christmas is about believing what a woman said about her sex life. Christmas is about a family finding safety as asylum seekers. Christmas is about a child in need receiving support… Christmas is about God identifying with the marginalized, not the powerful.” In other words, Christmas is about respecting the dignity of every human being. There’s much to celebrate! We invite you to join us for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Everyone is welcome when we gather to give thanks (please see our Welcoming Statement at www.stnicholasfl.org.) We’ll celebrate a special Thanksgiving Vigil Mass at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 21st. Also join us for our potluck Thanksgiving meal with cocktails at Noon and dinner at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 22nd. Please call Joan Harrison at 954-657-3658 to RSVP. (Turkeys provided. Please bring a dish to share.)

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This project was supported by Grant No. 2017-WE-AX-0034 awarded by the Office of Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author (s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.

The celebration of Christmas Eve is always special. We invite you to enjoy the service which most resonates with you. At 5:00 p.m. we’ll celebrate Christmas Lessons and Carols with Holy Communion. There will be no sermon. Instead, the readings will tell the story, along with the opportunity to sing many holidayfavorites. At 10:00 p.m. we’ll celebrate a traditional Choral Eucharist. Of course, at both Christmas Eve services we’ll sing Silent Night by candlelight. A spirited reception will follow both services. Come As You Are – As One Loved By God. 11.21.2018 •



INTERFAITH thanksgiving service Fort Lauderdale's Annual Thanksgiing Interfaith Service was held on Thursday, Nov. 15. The annual service, led by Reverends and Rabbis alike, unites all faiths in a celebration of community and worship. J.R. Davis

To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook. 40


1 1.21.2018


FLIFF OPENING night party

Take a look back at the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (FLIFF) Opening Night Film & Party, which kicked off on Nov. 2 at the Hard Rock Center. The featured opening night film was "Return Of The Hero." FLIFF presented a donation of $20,000 to the Broward Children's Center at the even.t

J.R. Davis

To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook. 11.21.2018 •


lifestyle photos

Pompano bill A Celebration of Life On Nov. 15, The Pride Center hosted a celebration for the late photographer and local celebrity Pompano bill. J.R. Davis

To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook. 42


1 1.21.2018

Feature pets

a very good girl


It’s not how big you are, but how well behaved and Sady (ID 570937) is a very smart and well behaved gal. At 93 pounds and 2 years old, Sady is a big girl, but that just means there is a lot of her to love. Sady enjoys going to the dog park, knows basic commands and is crate trained. She loves attention from people of all ages and listens well. Can this beauty be part of your family?

The adoption fee for dogs over 6 months is $100 and felines over 6 months are $30. When you adopt from the Humane Society of Broward County the dogs and cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, receive preliminary vaccinations, cats are feline leukemia tested, and dogs over 7 months are tested for heartworm. They also receive a flea/tick preventative, a 10-day limited health care plan from VCA Animal Hospitals, 30 days of Trupanion Pet Insurance and a bag of Purina ONE pet food. The HSBC opens daily at 10:30 and is located at 2070 Griffin Road, a block west of I-95. For more details call 954-989-3977 ext. 6. To see who else is looking for a home visit www.humanebroward.com.

















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lifestyle food

Rick Karlin

Turkey Talk

How to Roast the Perfect Turkey


veryone has an opinion on how to make the perfect roast turkey. Do you roast it stuffed or unstuffed? Do you baste the bird with its own juices or butter? How long do you leave it in the oven? How long do you let it sit after roasting before you carve it? Hopefully, we’ll answer all your questions in this column. The best way to end up with a perfectly roasted turkey is to start with a perfectly butchered bird. That means a fresh Kosher turkey. Fresh, because freezing the turkey means that there will be some damage to the turkey on a cellular level. Kosher, because Kosher meats are cleaner and are guaranteed to be butchered correctly. That being said, there’s a huge cost difference between a frozen grocery store turkey and a fresh Kosher one. If you prefer to pocket the $50 price difference who’s to say you’re wrong? As long as you defrost the turkey slowly (that means 2-3 days in the refrigerator), the difference in taste will be relatively negligible. Remember, we’re talking about roasting a turkey not a life or death decision (unless you don’t keep the turkey refrigerated as it thaws; thawing at room temperature is a lot faster, but invites all sorts of bacteria to develop). One of the best things you can do to improve the flavor of your turkey is brine it before roasting. Brining is basically soaking the bird in salted, seasoned water for 24 hours. The turkey absorbs a great deal of the brining liquid, making for a moist roast. To brine your turkey, use a plastic storage bin big enough to contain your turkey. Line it with a clean trash bag (the tall kitchen size is usually perfect). If your refrigerator isn’t big enough to hold a brining container, you can also use an insulated cooler, as long as you keep it well chilled. Place your turkey in the container and pour in enough brine (see recipe below) to cover completely. This should be done the day before you plan to roast the turkey.

Turkey brine Ingredients:

In a large stock pot mix the following: 5-7 quarts water 1-1½ cups coarse Kosher salt 5 bay leaves 2 tablespoons whole coriander seeds 1 tablespoon dried juniper berries 2 tablespoons whole black peppercorns 1 tablespoon fennel seeds 1 teaspoon black or brown mustard seeds Directions:

Bring liquid just to boil and allow to cool to room temperature. After the liquid has cooled, rinse and clean a 15-20 lb. turkey. Remove giblet package, any excess fat and tail and set aside. Place the turkey in the plastic bag and pour the cooled liquid over it. Seal the bag, place in container. Turn the turkey within the bag occasionally. While the turkey is brining, take the tail and any solidified pieces of fat removed from the bird and place in a saucepan. Over low heat, render out the fat and pour into a small bowl. Refrigerate for use in roasting turkey.


1 1.21.2018

Roast turkey Ingredients:

Pepper Coarse-ground Kosher salt 2 medium onions, thinly sliced 1 head of garlic 1 bunch fresh thyme 1 bunch fresh rosemary 1 apple, quartered Rendered turkey fat (and/or softened butter) Sprigs of fresh sage Turkey stock 1 bottle Riesling Directions:

Preheat oven to 325°. You will be cooking the turkey for about 15 minutes per pound and you want the turkey to rest for at least 15 minutes before carving, so time accordingly. Remove turkey from brine, rinse thoroughly. Pat dry with a paper towel. Salt and pepper the turkey inside and out. Place turkey, breast side up, on a rack in a large roasting pan. In the turkey’s cavity place onions, garlic, thyme, rosemary and apple. Starting at the neck reach your hand between the

turkey’s skin and flesh and massage in the rendered fat and/or butter (be careful not to tear the skin) Place sprigs of fresh sage under the skin of the turkey, arranging decoratively. Sprinkle coarse ground kosher salt liberally on turkey. Pour a mixture of stock and wine in roasting pan until it is about 1” deep, but not touching the turkey (replenish as necessary during roasting.) Tuck the turkey’s wings under the breast and tie it legs together using butcher twine. Place the pan on the lowest shelf of the oven. Tent the breast with a sheet of aluminum foil. Baste the turkey all over every 30 minutes with the juices on the bottom of the pan. Whenever the drippings evaporate, add stock and/or wine to replenish. Remove the aluminum foil about 2/3 of the way through the cooking time.

Hungry for more?

Roast until a meat thermometer inserted in the meaty part of the thigh reads 165° F. Note: The following step is optional, but it does make for much moister breast meat.

About 30 minutes before roasting time is done, remove the roasting pan from the oven. Using a set of turkey tongs, turn the bird so that it is breast side down on the rack. Return to the oven and finish roasting. When you remove the turkey from the oven to rest, turn it breast side up again. This technique serves a dual purpose; all the juices drain back into the breast and it allows the skin on the underside of the turkey to become crisp. Do NOT try this without a set of turkey tongs. Allow to rest 15-20 minutes before carving.

Visit SFGN.com/FOOD!

Rick Karlin is SFGN’s food editor. Visit SFGN.com/Food to read his previous reviews. Have a culinary tip to share? Email Rick at RickKarlinFL@gmail.com.

11.21.2018 •



F O R T H E W E E K O F n o v e m b er 2 2 - n o v e m b er 2 7 , 2 0 1 8 • W W W . S F G N . C O M J.W. Arnold

Getting to Know You




theater Broadway legend Betty Buckley (“Cats”) stars as the effervescent matchmaker Dolly Levi in the 2017 Tony Award-winning Best Revival production of “Hello, Dolly!,” running through Nov. 25 at the Arsht Center in Miami. Be sure to “Put On Your Sunday Clothes” and pick up your tickets “Before the Parade Passes By.” “It Only Takes a Moment,” thanks to Ticketmaster. Tickets start at $34 at ArshtCenter.org.



concert Elton John’s “Farewell Yellow Brick Road” tour comes to South Florida tonight at the BB&T Center in Sunrise and tomorrow at the American Airlines Arena in Miami. Don’t miss this final opportunity to see the “Rocket Man” perform more than four decades of chart-topping hits, including “Crocodile Rock,” “I Guess That’s Why They Call It the Blues,“ Candle in the Wind” and more. Tickets at Ticketmaster.com.


Thursday 11/22


Two worlds collide in “The King and I,” based on the 2015 Tony Award-winning Lincoln Center Theater production and running through Dec. 2 at the Broward Center. One of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s most beloved works, the show boasts a score including “Getting to Know You,” “I Whistle a Happy Tune,” “Hello Young Lovers,” “Shall We Dance” and “Something Wonderful.” Tickets start at $35.25 at BrowardCenter.org. Photo via Instagram.


11/24 SUN

11/25 MON

11/26 TUE






Get ready to fight a dragon, swim with merpeople, join a quidditch match and find out just who put Harry Potter’s name in the Goblet of Fire. The Arsht Center in Miami presents special screenings of “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” accompanied by a live symphony orchestra performing Patrick Doyle’s award-winning score, today at 2 and 8 p.m. Tickets start at $39 at ArshtCenter.org.

Two freshmen at Princeton spend a night together that alters the course of their lives in Anna Ziegler’s “Actually,” running through Dec. 23 at GableStage, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables.. They agree on the drinking, they agree on the attraction, but consent is foggy. A funny, witty and lyrical investigation into gender and race politics—and the three sides to every story. Tickets at GableStage.org.

Black Violin, the duo Wil B. and Kev Marcus, both graduates of Fort Lauderdale’s Dillard High School, combine classical training with hiphop cool to create a sound that critics have called “classical boom.” The pair’s debut record hit No. 1 on the Billboard classical crossover chart and now they’re bringing their unique sound to the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach tonight at 8 p.m. Tickets start at $15 at Kravis.org.

The Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd. in Jupiter, presents Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast,” tonight through Dec. 16. This classic story of a tenacious young beauty who meets a selfish prince-turnedbeast is a tale as old as time showcasing spectacular costumes, special effects and a tuneful score by Alan Menken with lyrics by Howard Ashman. Tickets start at $60 at JupiterTheatre.org.


1 1.21.2018

11.21.2018 •


A&E theater “The Nanny” star Fran Drescher is one of the featured performers in the upcoming Outlandish series at Sunshine Cathedral. Photo Credit: Outlandish Performance Series.

Outlandish Returns for Third Season with New Acts, Fan Favorites J.W. Arnold


outh Florida audiences will be treated in the Sunshine Cathedral sanctuary. to an expanded line-up of iconic Next up are Miss Richfield 1981, who will comedians, drag legends, high-flying attempt to find non-binary answers for aerialists and cabaret performers when an increasingly complex world in her new the Outlandish performance series returns show, “Gender Fluids,” on March 9, and a this winter to Fort Lauderdale’s Sunshine retrospective show, “Have You Heard?” from Cathedral. drag icon Coco Peru on March 23. "We have the best series yet," said “We’re very fortunate to welcome back producer Matt Farber, founder of Logo TV. Miss Richfield and Coco Peru once again,” "We're welcoming Fran Drescher, who is said Farber, who said both performers making her Fort Lauderdale always look forward to the debut, and the always hilarious enthusiastic responses they Leslie Jordan. We also have two receive from Fort Lauderdale totally new and different acts, fans. Both are returning for the AirOTic circus team and their third consecutive years. the Lee Squared cabaret duo. Outlandish 2019 concludes It’s going to be a very special on April 6 with the awardseason.” winning cabaret duo Lee The series opens on Saturday, Squared in "An Evening with Jan. 5 with drag icon Varla Jean Liberace & Miss Peggy Lee." In Merman presenting her brand this funny and touching tribute new, circus-themed show, to Liberace and Lee, New York - Matt Farber “Under a Big Top,” followed by City Bistro and MAC Awardproducer television and movie star Jordan winners David Maiocco and (“Sordid Lives,” “Will & Grace”) Chuck Sweeney reprise their on Jan. 19, and actress and activist Drescher iconic performances as two musicians who (“The Nanny”) on Jan. 26. In “Schmoozing defined four decades of pop culture. with Fran Drescher,” the actress will share Subscription packages are now on sale. In poignant and hilarious stories from her life addition to a discounted eight-show season and career—all in her unique voice. package, options also include the fourComedian Pam Ann, the outrageous show "Drag Superstar Pass" (Merman, Ann, Australian “trolly dolly,” returns to Fort Richfield and Peru) and "Drag-Free Pass" Lauderdale on Feb. 9 in “Flight Attendant (Jordan, Drescher, AirOTic, Lee Squared). Star,” before an extended appearance by Last year’s series sold out and Farber the sexy cirque troupe AirOTic, Feb. 14 encouraged fans to purchase subscription - 16 and 23 - 24. Farber is having special packages to ensure the best seats, especially portable scaffolding constructed to allow for the Drescher and Jordan appearances. the aerialists to execute their high-flying act

“We have the best series yet.”

Tickets for individual performances start at $30 each and go on sale Dec. 1. All performances take place at the Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 S.W. 9th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets and more information at OutlandishFL.com.


1 1.21.2018

The Maltz Jupiter Theatre Production of

NOV 27  DEC 16, 2018 SPONSORED BY:


1001 East Indiantown Road, Jupiter, FL33477

11.21.2018 •


A&E film

TransMilitary Fit To Serve

David-Elijah Nahmod

New documentary highlights difficulties trans people face in the military


ransMilitary,” the new documentary by Gabriel Silverman and Fiona Dawson, shares the stories of four trans people who serve in the U.S. military and shows their efforts to make the military a more welcoming place for trans people. The film, which recently aired on Logo and is still streaming at LogoTV.com, takes on a special meaning given the anti-trans policies of the Trump administration and the president's efforts to ban trans people from serving in any capacity. Early in the film the directors acknowledge a surprising statistic: 15,500 trans people currently serve in the armed forces, making the military the country's largest employer of trans people. As the four individuals whom the film focuses on point out, all they want is to do the best job they can and be themselves. "I stand to lose everything I have," said Staff Sergeant Logan Ireland, a trans man who serves in Afghanistan. He speaks of preferring the dangers of being in that war torn country, where he's seen as "just another guy," to being at home where he must live in fear of being outed. Ireland is engaged to Laila Villanueva, a trans woman who accepts an honorable discharge so that she doesn't lose her benefits. On numerous occasions Villanueva was forced to slick her hair back and don men's attire. She speaks of the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, which happened under President Obama. "I had no idea it didn't cover the T in LGBT," she said. A large portion of the film deals with an organization called SPART*A, which advocates for trans people in the military. SPART*A has

set up a series of meeting with top military officials, asking that the trans ban be lifted and that trans people be allowed to serve. The meetings go well, with the Pentagon's Brad Carson offering an apology for the way the military has treated trans people Ireland, meanwhile, takes a very bold step. At a public event with Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, he introduces himself as a trans man. Co-director Dawson spoke to SFGN about what she hopes viewers will take from the film.

15,500 trans people

currently serve in the armed forces, making the military the country's largest employer of trans people.

"One of the main goals of TransMilitary is to give audiences a new way to understand what it means to be transgender through the lens of those who have chosen to serve our country," she said. "As the ban on open transgender service continues its battle in the courtroom, the film builds empathy, increases validation, and breaks down stereotypes. Audience members have told us they leave the theater feeling angry and inspired to action, whether that action is to look at and treat their trans neighbors differently, or to ask their congressperson to stand up against judicial and legislative efforts to roll back LGBTQ protections." "The power of narrative is undeniable," added co-director Silverman. "It's the most impactful tool we have for challenging hate and closing gaps of understanding. For perspective, a 2015 GLAAD study found that almost 90 percent of Americans had met someone who is lesbian, gay or bisexual, while only 16 percent of Americans said they

knowingly met someone who is transgender. How can we have a proper conversation of transgender rights when the vast majority of Americans don't have, or don't know they have had, personal experience with transgender people." Dawson added: "We would love transgender viewers to feel seen, heard and validated. And for cisgender viewers to be inspired by our characters and truly feel what it’s like to live in this country as a transgender person." The filmmakers have succeeded at what they set out to do. Without preaching, TransMilitary paints a vivid portrait of the everyday struggle for acceptance faced by trans people, struggles which remains an uphill battle thanks to the current administration. By focusing on individual stories, the film makes the argument for the rights of trans people with heart, soul and compassion.

To view TransMilitary, please visit LogoTV.com. 50

1 1.21.2018

Broward Center and Slow Burn Theatre Co. Present

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Aventura Arts & Cultural Center Tickets at AventuraCenter.org

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Follow us:



11.21.2018 •



Theater Tucker Berardi




*Barefoot in the Park

November 17 to December 2 at the Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave, Lake Worth. Newleyweds are turned matchmaker when the groom’s mother comes to visit the couple’s new apartment after a six-day honeymoon. In setting up a mother-in-law and neighbor, the couple learn a few things about their own relationship. Tickets $29 to $75. Visit lakeworthplayhouse.org.

*Lauren Mitchell

Friday, November 23rd at 8 p.m. at the Arts Garage, 94 NE 2nd Ave, Delray Beach. Through a bold mix of her original material, songs she hand-picked from the repertoires of her friends, and select covers of tunes first performed by Etta James, Bettye Lavette, Diana Ross, Aretha Franklin, and Betty Davis, Lauren Mitchell tells a blues story that's been a lifetime in the making. Tickets $35 to $45. Visit artsgarage.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny. com.

November 21 - November 27 broward county Buyer and Cellar

November 3 to December 2 at the Wilton Theater Factory Mainstage, 2304 Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors. “Buyer and Cellar” is an outrageous comedy about the price of fame, the cost of things, and the oddest of odd jobs. Tickets $38. Visit islandcitystage.org

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

November 8 to November 25 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Avenue, Fort Lauderdale. The cult classic won the 2014 Tony Award-winner for Best Musical Revival and has been labeled “the best rock musical ever!” by Rolling Stone magazine. Tickets $50 to $60. Visit BrowardCenter.org.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com

palm beach county *The Five Boroughs

Saturday, November 24th at 8 p.m. at 94 NE 2nd Ave, Delray Beach. The band's nostalgic music will bring you back in time to a time when Rock n Roll shows were exciting. You'll be transported to the years when fans mobbed

Lauren Mitchell will be at the Arts Garage in Delray Beach on Friday, Nov. 23. Her covers tell a blues story that's been a lifetime in the making. Photo via Facebook.

venues like The Brooklyn Fox, The Apollo Theatre, The Brooklyn Paramount, and went wild at Murray the K’s swinging soiree’! Tickets $35 to $45. Visit artsgarage.org.

Madrigal Dinner

Saturday, December 15 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, 100 NE Mizner

Blvd, Boca Raton.Cocktails, dinner and a show! Eat a holiday feast in ye-olde dress. Following dinner, a concert of seasonal and madrigal music will entertain guests. Guests are encouraged to dress in renaissance costume. Tickets are $100. Visit fauf.fau,edu/ madrigal

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county Outdoor Music Series

Full Charge Bookkeeping Services

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

* Denotes New Listing 52

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November 21 November 27

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1 1.21.2018

Broward Support Services

November 25 - December 1 in downtown Lake Worth. Experience a week of multidisciplinary art displayed throughout the streets of Downtown Lake Worth to West Village. There will be live music, gallery openings, lectures and more. For more info, visit focusLW.com

Climate Change Workshop

Wednesday, November 28 at 6 p.m. at the Collins Community Center, 3900 NW 3rd Avenue, Oakland. With the increasing concerns of rising sea levels, extreme weathers, natural disasters and climate change, all community stakeholders are invited to collaborate and unveil potential efficiencies, together. Free to attend. Visit oaklandparkfl.gov or wiltonmanors.com

*Zoo Lights Miami

November 23 to December 29 at 7 p.m. the Miami Zoo, 12400 SW 152 St, Miami. Zoo Miami will open at night for a special holiday event with one million bright, animal shaped lights and dazzling tree lights. Tickets $15 to $37. Visit ZooMiami. org.

Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.

SunServe Youth Group

Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.

Survivor Support

First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

broward county Film Series - The Divine Order

Tuesday, December 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 N.E. 188 Street in Aventura. is Winner of the Audience Award for Best Narrative Film at the Tribeca Film Festi-val tells the uplifting story of an unassuming and dutiful housewife living in the Swiss country-side as the issue of the women's right to vote is about to be put before the male voters in 1971. Tickets are $12. Visit aventuracenter.org

The Men of Hollywood

November 3 to December 7 at the Claudia Castillo ART Studio, 2215 Wilton Drive, Wilton Man-ors. Come see works by featured artist Adolfo Montalvo. Details at claudiacastilloARTstudio.com.

Climate Change Workshop

Wednesday, November 28 at 6 p.m. at the Collins Community Center, 3900 NW 3rd

Avenue, Oakland. With the increasing concerns of rising sea levels, extreme weathers, natural disasters and climate change, all community stakeholders are invited to collaborate and unveil potential efficiencies, together. Free to attend. Visit oaklandparkfl.gov or wiltonmanors.com

Arts and Crafts Wednesday Happy Hour

Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Arts and Crafts Social Club in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy a two-for-one ‘freestyle’ painting session with hands on assistance as needed. Tickets $20. Visit artsandcraftssocialclub.com

Lunch With Art

Every Wednesday from 12:15 to 1:15 pm at 41 NE st 33060, Pompano Beach. Indulge your creative side in this free hands-on program. Bring your own lunch or grab a bite to eat at the in-house cafe.

November 21 - November 27 Voices of Pride

Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they prac-tice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC. com for rehearsal details.

Life Coaching

Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Man-ors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.

Lauderdale Bridge Club Lessons and Games

Mondays at 2 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 401 SE 15th St. in Fort Lauderdale. Join the club for bridge lessons and try your hand at some games. Cost $4. Call 610-4016475 or visit MarpleBridge-Club.com.

palm beach county Coffee Clatch at Compass

First Monday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon at Compass, 201 N. Dixie Hwy, Lake

Worth. A social group focusing on the mature LGBT+ community in Palm Beach County, providing a relaxed environment for meeting friends, discussing interesting topics, and engaging in commu-nity projects. Free to attend, email joekolb@compassglcc.com fir details.

Focus Celebration

November 25 - December 1 in downtown Lake Worth. Experience a week of multidisciplinary art displayed throughout the streets of Downtown Lake Worth to West Village. There will be live music, gallery openings, lectures and more. For more info, visit focusLW.com

Hard Bodies: Contemporary Japanese Sculpture

September 29 to March 31 at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. Organized by the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the thirty works by sixteen artists comprise the first-ever compre-hensive exhibition of contemporary Japanese lacquer sculpture. They have all been drawn from the Clark Collections at Mia, the only collection in the world to feature this extraordinary new form. Tickets $9 to $15. Visit morikami.org.

Family Nights with Food Truck Invasion

Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Sunset Cove Amphi-theater, 8802 Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach. The event features rotating entertainment activities and a large collection of Food Trucks on site! Admission is free.

miami-dade county *Zoo Lights Miami

November 23 to December 29 at 7 p.m. the Miami Zoo, 12400 SW 152 St, Miami. Zoo Miami will open at night for a special holiday event with one million bright, animal shaped lights and dazzling tree lights. Tickets $15 to $37. Visit ZooMiami.org.

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.

POZCONNECT Support Group for Spanish Speakers

Mondays 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Pridelines, 6360 NE Fourth Court in Miami. A support group for HIV+ people, in Spanish. Free. Call Eddie at 305-571-9601, ext. 105 or visit Pridelines. org.

Community Yoga Series

Third Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. at jugofresh Wynwood Walls, 222 NW 26th St. in Miami. Yoga instructor Dawn B. Feinberg leads a monthly yoga class in the middle of Miami’s art district. Mats are available, but yogis are encouraged to bring their own. Free. Call 786-472-2552.

key west The Tea Dance After Party

Sundays from 7 p.m. until close at Mangoes, 700 Duval St. Upstairs Ricky Ricardo Room. Boogie the night away with a little help from delicious drinks, great music and free admission.

* Denotes New Listing


MUSIC GO BEHIND THE SCENES Every week, SFGN brings you an inside look on what’s hitting the stage near you. From interviews with producers to exclusive peeks at new performances, we’re here to make sure you’re ready for every show.


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Business Directory



Law office of george castrataro 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com

law office of Gregory Kabel 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net

Law office of Robin bodiford 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com

law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com

To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970



Trantalis & Associates attorneys Dean J. Trantalis, Esq. 2301 Wilton Drive Suite C1-A, Wilton Manors, 33035 954.566.2226 TrantalisLaw.com


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Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org


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1 1.21.2018

SFGN Classified$ To place a Classified Ad, call us at 954.530.4970

accomodation wanted


LOOKING FOR Quiet Private Home/Apartment Single Gay Male, 70+, Looking For a 2 bedroom 1 bath. Close proximity to Wilton Manors or surrounding area. A/C, private entrance/cottage style home. Small Dog. I have excellent references. Call Doug 954.261.9073 or Email dtrncon@aol.com

WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad.com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

HEADLIGHT RESTORATION - Headlights dull, cloudy or yellow? We make them clear again! Mobile Service. Call Joe for FREE ESTIMATE 954-494-0366

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employment wanted

SPECIAL HIRE NEEDED - Earn $45,000 per year. Experienced, self-motivated professional salesman needed. Work competitively in a highly flexible and relaxed LGBT-friendly environment. Fax resume to 954-530-7943.

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Caregiver AVAILABLE - Serving our gay community for over 10 years. Respectful and caring. Excellent letters of recommendation. Antonio 954-599-3265


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in capturing one day in the life of LGBT South Floridians. Submit photos taken on Nov. 24 to Jason Parsley at Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com. Please include the time that the photo was taken, complete names of all people, city you live in and a short description of what’s taking place.

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