01/25/10 V1I1

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See Page 21



Lewd Lambert Lambasted

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January 25, 2010 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 1


Mike Verdugo’s Story, Page 3

15 page


19 page

Miami Cities Defy New Times

35 page

Alcee Hastings: Do Ask, Do Tell

Mary Damiano Reviews Sordid Lives

44 page

SFGN Profiles: Journalist Rothaus


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Publisher’s Welcome

The South Florida Gay News.com

January 25, 2010 • Volume 1 • Issue 1

Editorial Offices

T hank you for being here. It’s about time. Norm Kent It’s about us. A paper that speaks with you, to you, and about you. A paper that pulls no punches, protects our friends, defends our allies, and defines our adversaries. A paper that is gay in name only. The South Florida Gay News.com is a no holds barred review of our lives and our community for sure. But it is also recognition that we have a lot more in common with the mainstream community then they sometimes give us credit for. You see, the gay community is about business and enterprise, commerce and education. We are young students, elderly retirees, and we come together at Gamma Mu Parties and White Parties. We go to professional baseball games and the theatre. We are no different than everyone around us. We are a part of the world, not apart from it. We experience breakups and financial crises, endure sickness and loss, see our dreams deferred. Those of us who grew up in the age of AIDS have also seen too many young men die too young. This paper will record our past, not forget it. The South Florida Gay News.com will celebrate our lives with daily news briefs and sto-

ried features, breaking news and lifestyle profiles. You enter today on the dawn of our own national voice, a forum you can interact with, play to, post on, and read up about. This is a paper where you will find a page. It may be one article in one column or one match from one website. But here you will always find a home, a forum, a sanctuary, and a place to call your own, that no one will ever take away. Most of all, you will find a voice that speaks to your principles, advocates your interests, and defends your rights. A place to express yourself. “This above all… to thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” -Shakespeare, Hamlet/I/III

Hmm, The Express- not a bad name for a local gay paper. Ten years ago, on January 24, 2000, that paper came to South Florida as a your voice, only to be lost to a national gay media company that collapsed last November. The Express is now just a name tied up in bankruptcy court, but we are still here, a community very much alive and thriving. And we need a voice. Why not use our own? The South Florida Gay News! We come together; all of us do, in various




11 page

ways- from Hurricane Showdowns to Gay Choruses to Rainbow Alliances. Our community has become so vast and varied, hiking clubs and softball leagues, recreation and study groups, our own AA groups and Ski Weeks………the list goes on, doesn’t it? Can’t name them all, can you? Those lists, those local and regional events, from Lambda Legal to gay cruises will find a place and forum on these pages, online and in print. This newspaper is not going to be just a promo for a White Party, or a press release for an AIDS walk. A newspaper celebrates our victories but exposes our warts. The news has no agenda. It reports facts, from young hustlers offing their older tricks to closeted congressman covering up their secret identities. We will be reporting on book signings and artist exhibitions, seniors who have led cherished lives, businessmen who have made a difference and young men and women who have inspired us with their vision. Our goal is to have you make our paper your home page. When we have done that, we will have just begun our task. But we will better show you what we intend to do by doing it. Welcome to the South Florida Gay News, Day 1, Issue 1, Page 1, January 25, 2010.

January 25, 2010 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 1

A Gay Cop Fights Back.....Page 3

Nutrition News..............................Page 24

Local News.......................................Page 4

SFGN Nites:

Health News....................................Page 8

Theater, Entertainment,

National News................................Page 11

Dining,Travel, Reviews...............Page 25-35

International News........................Page 12

Heard It on the Gayvine...............Pages 36-37

Jesse’s Journal...................................Page 13


Business News................................Page 14

Tips for the New Year................Page 38-39

Dade News......................................Page 15

Spirituality.........................................Page 43

Travel News.....................................Page 15

SFGN Profile:

Editorial and Op-Ed Features.....Pages 16-24 Guest Editorial................................Page 19 SFGN Cartoons..............................Page 22

Steve Rothaus..............................Page 44-45 Hotspots Magazine/ SFGN Classified...........................Pages 46-47

2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943

Norm Kent Publisher and Editor in Chief publishernorm@southfloridagaynews.com

News Editor.......................... To Be Announced

Features Editor............................... Joey Amato joey.amato@southfloridagaynews.com

Correspondents.........................Robert Cherin, .................................................Carol Porter, .........................................Jesse Monteagudo

Contributing Columnists............ Wayne Besen, . ................................................... Pier Gudugli ..................................................... Deb Price, . ............................................ Jennifer Vanasco

Online Website Director (Master of Our Domain)...............Tom Forcella tommy.forcella@southfloridagaynews.com

NationalGayNews.com Webmaster . ......................................................Bill Meyers

Arts and Entertainment............ Mary Damiano, .................................................... JW Arnold ......................................... Sebastian Fortino

Office Manager ........................ Matthew Clark

Display Marketing Associates .............................................. Robert Brown, . ...............................................Brian Swinford .................................................. John Fugate

Display & Internet Marketing Manager...........................Cliff Dunn cliff.dunn@southfloridagaynews.com

Classified Advertising.................. Mike Trottier classifieds@hotspotsmagazine.com

National Sales Representative.......................Rivendell Media todd@rivendellmedia.com

Distributor........... Charles Braun Enterprises

Printing and Publication............. Miami Offset

Creative Director.....................George Dauphin

South Florida Gay News.com is published weekly on Mondays. Our paper is a member of the Associated Press. The views and opinions expressed within this publication, in bylined columns, stories, and letters to the editor are those of the writers expressing them. They do not represent the opinions of South Florida Gay News.com, Inc., or the Publisher. They are included to promote free speech and diversity of thought. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations in SFGN, and it would be careless to do so. For the sake of readable newswriting, the word “gay” in SFGN should, when relevant, be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community. All of the material that appears in SFGN, both online at www.southfloridagaynews.com, and in our print edition, including articles used in conjunction with our contract with the Associated Press and our columnists, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Thus, nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher of SFGN, at his law office, Kent & Cormican, P.A., 110 Southeast 6th Street, Suite 1970, Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33301. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright©2010 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

Associated Press


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

A Gay Cop Fights Back

By Norm Kent


ourteen years ago, in a lifetime far away, Mike Verdugo spent an afternoon making some extra cash by participating in a stupid gay bondage film called Rope Rituals. He was ripped, cut, handsome, and gay. It was no big deal; just a soft core erotic shoot. Don’t expect to see it on the Golden Globes. There was nothing illegal about participating in the film. The production was a one time deal taking less than a day to film and Verdugo was paid as a subcontractor with an IRS 1099 form. But that film on that day would come back to haunt him years later. Today, because of it, he is fighting for his job. Why? Because Mike became a cop. A good one. You see, five years after shooting nude scenes in Rope Rituals, Mike Verdugo fulfilled a lifetime dream, sworn in as a police officer in the city of Hollywood, Florida. Now, after ten years of distinguished, unblemished, and heroic service, they want to take it all away from him- because of a gay film he made years before. Mike Verdugo has been an openly gay police officer in a paramilitary world that still harbors resentment and animus towards unconventional lifestyles. During his tenure, he stood up and filed sexual harassment complaints about a discriminatory hostile work environment. They were sustained. His bosses were ordered to sensitivity training, and supervisors admonished. However, some people don’t get angry. They get even. Because those supervisors wanted their pound of flesh and revenge, they orchestrated a specious and conspiratorial scheme to get rid of Verdugo, superficially alleg-

Mike Verdugo (above); in a charity boxing match in 2002 raising money for the Police Athletic League (upper right); and with his dog Loci (below)

ing his application for employment years before failed to disclose his ‘employment’ in that gay porn film. So they put him on ‘administrative leave.’ Meanwhile, Mike was making a national name for himself as a prominent performer and successful contestant in a television show on HGTV called Design Star. A cop by day, he was designing remarkable and striking minimalistic homes at nite. He became a TV celebrity. Finished fourth out of 10,000 contestants. If Verdugo had failed to disclose that he played the role of Othello in a Shakespearean play in a community theater, the police department could have cared less. They did not fire him for failing to disclose he

worked in a gym for 90 days prior to his employment as a marketing solicitor or trainer. That the city deemed inadvertent, but his participation one afternoon as a nude actor in a gay porn film, that they deem willful, malicious, and deliberate, warranting termination. Who are they kidding? Mike Verdugo has had to spend the last year fighting for his job in the courts, with arbitrators and counsel. He has one of the

best. Verdugo’s lawyer, from Coral Gables, Alberto Milian, sums the situation up succinctly: “Michael has done nothing wrong. Nothing unethical. Nothing to bring discredit upon his police department, except serve his community He has served the community of Hollywood with honor and distinction for over 10 years. The only reason someone would criticize my client is that he publicly has a different lifestyle.” Milian noted also that “when you’re gay in America and involved in the military or law enforcement, it hasn’t gone to a level playing field.” That’s coming from someone who served 18 years in the Reserves, and is now battling an arbitrator’s adverse ruling in the courts. He has ruled that Hollywood’s firing was justified. Now Mike has to decide whether to spend time and money in legal forums to contest the ruling. We know Mike is a fighter. In 2002, he fought a charity boxing match in Hollywood with Sunrise firefighter Frank Cagan in the Hollywood Young Circle Bandshell, pictured on this page. As an undercover officer for three years, he seized more drug money for the Hollywood Police Department than any other police officer. Then he worked beach patrol, never cited for misconduct, only rewarded for integrity and courage in the face of danger. Not bad. Not bad at all. continued on page 4


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Stonewall Library Archives Our Stories From Boxes in a Dorm Room to National Spotlight

L to R: Fort Lauderdale City Commissioner Bruce Roberts, City Commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom, Broward County Mayor Kenneth Keechl, and Broward County Sheriff Al Lamberti. Speaking at the podium is Jack Rutland, the Executive Director of the Stonewall.

By Nate Klarfeld


ot too many years ago, if you wanted to find books about our community you had to borrow them from a friend, go to an urban bookstore, or scour the public library for some old books, out of date and hidden away. Today, the nation’s largest gay and lesbian circulating library, The Stonewall Library & Archives, houses a collection of over 20,000 books, 1,000 movies and 40 tons of historical archival material. Last year with over 10,000 patron visits and major traveling exhibitions, The Stonewall took its place among the nation’s largest GLBT cultural institutions. The Stonewall Library & Archives was founded in 1973 by members of the Stonewall Committee in Hollywood, Florida and was first directed by Mark N. Silber. Stonewall takes its name from the 1969 riots for gay rights in New York. The collection remained open only to a select group of colleagues until May of 1985. Five years later, the library merged with the Boca Raton-based Southern Gay Archives and they formed Stonewall Library & Archives, Inc. In 2001, the library and archive moved into the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of South Florida at 1717 North Andrews Avenue.

The center, however, was slated for demo­ lition, so Stonewall Library began looking for other options. They were approached by the Broward County Library and County Commissioners, who offered the collection space at the Fort Lauderdale branch of the Broward County library, which already includes tenant ArtServe. The Broward County Commission approved the move in a 9-0 vote on 10 June 2007, but not without controversy. The Ft. Lauderdale mayor at that time, James Naugle, leading an anti-gay campaign, scoffed at housing the collection in a city building. But his vote against the relocation was in the minority and the move was approved. On April 23, 2009, Broward County Sheriff Al Lamberti, Ft. Lauderdale Mayor Jack Seiler, and Ft. Lauderdale City Commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom cut a red-ribbon to the 4,500-square-foot space. For many people in the crowd it was a time of goosebumps and repeated phrases of “I never thought I’d see the day…” Ellwood Autori, a Pompano Beach retiree who attended the event, said the new home will boost community involvement. “For the same reasons we have whole libraries for the Holocaust, of black history, for every group in the world, we have to have this information,”

“As a gay man who’s been out a very, very long time, I can’t imagine how different my life would be if I had this place to come to,” he said. “It certainly wasn’t around when I was a kid.” The Stonewall Library began gaining national attention when in 2005 it partnered with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in sponsoring a traveling exhibition, “The Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals, 1935-1945” This exhibit sparked a renewed interest and energy to The Stonewall and from then on they were able to produce their own traveling exhibitions. The most popular exhibition was in 2007, on the 30th anniversary of the repeal of the Miami-Dade County Human Rights Ordinance: “Days Without Sunshine – Anita Bryant and the anti-gay crusade. Three years later, this exhibit is still traveling across the country along with two others. No other independent GLBT Library has ever undertaken this type of project. A two-year campaign calling for do­nations

Gay Cop Fights Back

raised $700,000 for renovations. A major donation from the John C. Graves Charitable Trust at the Community Foundation of Broward accelerated the capital campaign. In the future, The Stonewall plans to ex­ pand its collection and public programs to include a more diverse public, including young audiences, non-English speaking au­ di­ences and underserved commu­ni­ties. In 2010 they will launch The Stone­wall Spea­ kers Bureau, providing information to nonGLBT organizations and communities. In February, Stonewall Library will present, “The Harlem Renaissance: as Gay as it was Black”. The exhibit will then travel to San Francisco, Washington, DC, Boise, Idaho and other cities. The Stonewall Library & Archives is located at 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd, Ft. Lauderdale and is open daily from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM and Saturdays noon to 5:00 PM. For further information call 954-763-8565 or visit www. stonewall-library.org

elitestagers.com. Readers, I have been a lawyer too long. I Today, you might recognize his featured tell you this. The city of Hollywood’s claims and creative work in home design. It has kick against Verdugo are transparently disingenustarted a second career. His companies even ous and generated solely by homophobia. had a booth at last year’s gay pride festival The insidious kind; the type you can’t see on paper, but that Mike in Fort Lauderdale. The companies lived in uniform. are Verdugo Design Group and Elite Mike has never done Home Staging, and its websites are anything illegal or imwww.verdugodesigns.com and www. proper, and you can even argue that his one day film shoot as a porn Attorney Alberto Milian star was not ‘employsaid it best in the brief he wrote ment’ within the meanin support of Mike Verdugo: ing of a legal definition “Throughout American histhat had to be recorded tory, anti-miscegenation laws, on an application. No, anti-sodomy laws, and antilet’s face it; the real reacohabitation laws were considson Hollywood wants ered standards of good moral Mike out is because he came out. behavior. But as society evolved, we came to Whether wearing a badge, or decorrectly consider such laws not only unconstisigning a kitchen, my friend, Mike, tutional but also crass reminders of intolerance is your partner in the ongoing and government interference in private matters. struggle for our civil rights. Mike Nevertheless, the Hollywood police department Verdugo has been called into the appears to operate on a parallel universe oblivibattle and will not be turned away. ous to social evolution.” He is a hero of our revolution. continued from page 3

January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

BSO Cop Booted Made Fun of ‘Buff ’ Gays By Cliff Dunn


BSO deputy terminated after his work computer was found to contain sexually explicit images of females compounded things for himself by publishing demeaning remarks about homosexuals to his former colleagues. Already the target of a sexual discrimination suit, Lt. James Murray was fired the week of January 11th after BSO discovered “adult content matter” and “images of females in sexually explicit positions,” the investigation’s report reads. The internal affairs investigation also uncovered 33 emails containing images of a male BSO lieutenant which, while not pornographic, showed the man’s “muscular build,”

according to a sheriff’s office spokesman. One email sent by Murray, a 25-year police veteran who worked in BSO’s Deerfield Beach division, read: “I’d bet this clown was at the festival in Wilton Manors,” a reference to the city’s Gay Pride events. Why would Murray make the leap from “muscular” to “gay?” Is there a direct relationship between a man’s physique and his sexuality? “I don’t know about that, but I know a lot of hot guys who are gay,” laughed Matthew Clark, a 21-year-old actor and model from Atlanta who was at The Manor Restaurant and Lounge as part of a group who might be described as equal parts “hot” and “gay.” Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti has often publicly stated that his “office and officers would not allow or tolerate sexual harassment in his department.”



January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Local News

AHF Takes a Shot at South Beach Porn Films AIDS Foundation Lodges Complaint with State Health Department By Joey Amato


he AIDS Health Care Foundation, establishing a greater presence in South Florida, has filed complaints with officials in the Florida Health Department, alleging that Miami-made sex films are using actors who do not use condoms. Alleging that the carelessness constitutes a “sanitary nuisance” which leads to the spread of HIV, Foundation representatives have urged the producers to cease production of “condomless” films. Michael Weinstein, the foundation’s president, who has an op-ed in this week’s SFGN, claimed that AHF had identified 10 DVD’s, filmed at least in part in Miami, where the actors had ‘bareback’ intercourse without con-

AHF Pres. Michael Weinstein (l) and Scott Galvin (right and above), City Council Member, of North Miami and a member of AHF’s Board of Directors, at press conference in Miami.

doms. Three Miami-based companies were purportedly involved in the production. Even local dancers were upset by the development. Said Blake Edwards of Boardwalk, who has appeared in brokestraightboys.com filmings: “As a general rule, more and more

producers of male pornography go out of their way to test us before we do shoots, and almost every agency we deal with now requires we use condoms.” At Johnny’s on West Broward Boulevard, dancers also protested. A 21-year-old identifying himself only as Luigi said: “We are not crazy. AHF is right. We should not do films without protection. We don’t exactly have a union. They are helping us. They are a voice for us.” While the State of Florida does not have a specifically-designated occupational safety and health division, there is a “sanitary nuisance” law in the Florida Statutes. The AHF complaint argued that unprotected sex in a commercial setting should fall under the definition of a “sanitary nuisance,” since Florida law defines it as “any act” that may cause disease. AHF continues to build a stronger presence in South Florida, as it works internationally to stop the spread of HIV. Their South Florida headquarters is in the 110 Tower in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Now arguably the nation’s largest HIV health care provider, they have also opened an AHF pharmacy in Wilton Manors and at 2900 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami, where the press conference censuring the Miami filmmakers was held on January 11.

AHF President Michael Weinstein was joined by North Miami city commissioner Scott Galvin. “AHF sees it as our duty to pursue action on the issue of safety in the workplace—in these instances, unprotected sex acts taking place in albeit non-traditional workplaces in and around Miami—adult film sets located throughout Florida that are churning out billions of dollars of adult fare each year,” said Galvin, who was last year named a member of the Board of Directors of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. “I fully support this campaign to require condoms in all adult film production, and believe putting public pressure on Florida production companies via these complaints to health officials can only help the health and safety of performers who are forced to work in unsafe conditions every day.” A global organization providing medicine and advocacy to over 100,000 people in 22 countries, AHF’s ongoing community outreach includes international public health initiatives in developing countries where the spread of HIV is rampant. Locally, AHF operates the popular ‘Out of the Closet’ thrift store on Wilton Drive, and is a primary sponsor of the AIDS Walk.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Local News Feature

Broward Human Rights Initiative Protects GLBT Rights

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally By Cliff Dunn


or many GLBT Americans, particularly those who have witnessed first-hand the growth of the modern gay rights movement, the changes in both the perceptions and the attitudes of society-at-large have been rapid and in many instances surprising. The culture has come a long way since the Stonewall Riots in New York City: juxtapose the brutality of the NYPD in Greenwich Village during the summer of 1969 with Adam Lambert’s same-sex lip-lock during the American Music Awards during the winter of 2009. The pop culture reflects the changes in the prevailing attitudes of mainstream society, from “Will & Grace” and “Queer as Folk,” to the LoGo and Here! networks (to say nothing of Bravo, the gayest network of them all). But for many GLBT Americans, the underbelly to this benevolent façade remains as ugly as it ever was. From Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell to California’s Proposition 8, institutionalized discrimination remains an ever-present reality for tens of thousands of GLBT citizens. One in three GLBT individuals have reported receiving harassing letters, emails or faxes at their jobs because of their sexual identity. One in three GLBT individuals say they’ve been turned away from buying or renting a home for the same reason. And half of all GLBT individuals have reported being discriminated sometime in their lifetime. That said, the battle to end discrimination based on sexual and gender identity has resources at its disposal that the pioneers at Stonewall didn’t. In 2007, then-supervising attorney George Castrataro and others from the Legal Aid Service of Broward County established the Broward Human Rights Initiative (BHRI) with the goal of protecting the civil rights of gay, lesbian,

bisexual and transgender persons through legal representation, education and mobilization. Scott Rouda of Atlantic Properties International on Galt Ocean Mile was a founding member of BHRI’s original advisory board. He remains an active member of the organization. “We had an opportunity to do something,” Rouda recalls. “Broward County had a human rights ordinance, and a framework where gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender persons could seek protection in cases where they believed they’d been discriminated against.” A realtor by profession, the Initiative’s mandate to protect against housing discrimination hit close to home for Rouda. “As the Supreme Court said, we are a definable group,” says Rouda. “And there are still many areas where we aren’t being treated fairly, and right here in Florida, too.” BHRI is supported financially by Legal Aid —the only free legal service provider in Broward County—as well as from community donations, and through a grant by the John C. Graves Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward. On January 13th, BHRI’s advisory council had its first meeting of 2010 at the Pride Center at Equality Park. The meeting was convened to map out a plan for BHRI’s sustainability through the rest of this year and into the future. Its work has never been more important. According to the group’s staff attorney, Kara Schickowski, the state of Florida generally is not accommodating to its GLBT community: gay marriage has been voted against by the people, and Florida is one of only two states in the country that don’t allow a gay person to adopt a child. “There has been another recent push to have these state and federal laws amended to include sexual orientation,” Schickowski says. She says that if people are aware that they have rights in Broward County, they should feel

more comfortable taking steps to correct any wrongs they may have experienced—in their places of employment or housing, for instance. Schickowski says that the advisory council meeting set the tone for BHRI’s future work. “I’m here at Legal Aid, available to meet with clients that may have faced discrimination because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, but if the community doesn’t know BHRI and Legal Aid exists or that they have rights in Broward County then this project just doesn’t work,” Schickowski added. Schickowski says that getting the word out about BHRI is job one in 2010. “I have a feeling that there are still many folks that may

have experienced discrimination that have not come forward,” she said. “So,” adds Schickowski, “this goes back to BHRI’s main role in the community this year —increase visibility of the project and educate the community at large.” Rouda says he’s upbeat about the prospects for both GLBT civil rights and the future of BHRI. “We have already established informal alliances with similar groups in Palm Beach County and in Orlando. That says a lot for the direction Florida is moving.” Cliff Dunn has over 20 years of broadcasting and journalistic experience. He lives in Wilton Manors.

Gay Man Sues FLPD for False Arrest Was Acquitted of Lewd Conduct Charges By Cliff Dunn

him, and then ask him for sex for money, all without any probable cause to believe he was gay man, acquitted of prostitution about to commit or had committed a crime. Judge Cowart noted that Marsh told police charges last summer, has sued the City of “he had no money and he was only interestFort Lauderdale in Circuit Court for false arrest. In a case covered extensively by the now- ed in a mutual date” with no cash to be exchanged. But the cops arrested him defunct South Florida Blade, Mifor prostitution and indecent expochael Marsh had to live through sure anyway. the trauma of having his arrest “He never should have gone to by the Fort Lauderdale Police in jail,” stated attorney Russell CorHoliday Park publicized. mican, “No crime had ever been Charged with soliciting for committed. The officers impropprostitution and indecent expoerly targeted him, made a mistake sure, city prosecutors were tryRussell Cormican arresting him, and now the city ing to make an example of him for “inappropriate conduct” in a community should pay for it.” Cormican told SFGN that an attempt to repark. But it turned out that the police officers were the ones found to have engaged in ‘inap- solve the case over the last six months with propriate conduct.’ And Michael Marsh was Fort Lauderdale city insurance adjusters failed. “The city offered us a nominal amount. But exonerated. On a Motion to Dismiss based on unlaw- this event embarrassed my client and was unful entrapment, filed by his attorneys Russell called for. He is entitled to reasonable comCormican and Norm Kent, Judge Gary Cow- pensation,” Cormican stated. Based on those contentions, Cormican art threw out all the charges against Marsh. sued the city in Circuit Court last week, askThe city did not appeal. In a five-page legal opinion, the court ing for in excess of $15,000 in damages. City ruled that the arresting officers went out of attorneys have no comment at this time, and their way to first approach Marsh, then solicit still have 20 days to answer the suit.



January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Havana Shocker!

Cuba Forks Up Bucks for Sex Change Surgery By ANDREA RODRIGUEZ Associated Press Writer HAVANA (AP) — Cuba has begun performing state-sponsored sex-change operations after the government lifted a longtime ban on the procedure in 2007, President Raul Cas-

have protested the decision to allow them either because of general opposition to the procedure or due to its high costs for a developing country with economic problems. ``We schedule a certain number per year based on economic circumstances,’’ Castro said, adding that, because of budget con-

tro’s daughter said Tuesday. A sexologist and gay-rights advocate, Mariela Castro runs the Center for Sex Education, which prepares transsexuals for sex-change operations and identifies Cubans it deems ready for the procedure. Speaking to reporters during the fifth Cuban Conference on Sexual Education, Orientation and Therapy, Castro said surgeries began in 2008 but would not specify exactly how many have been performed or how much they cost. She said only that Cuban doctors working with Belgian counterparts have gotten to ``less than half’’ of the 30 islanders approved to undergo the procedure. Cuba identified 122 people who wanted to have sex changes in 1979 and performed the first successful operation nine years later, but subsequent sex-change procedures were prohibited, Castro added. The operations are covered by Cuba’s universal health care system, even though some

straints, sex changes are not offered to foreigners who travel to Cuba for medical care. Castro also said Tuesday that she plans to prepare a letter to the leadership of Cuba’s Communist Party urging authorities to draft a measure directing that homosexuals not be barred from joining the party. Such a decree would be similar to one approved in the 1990s expressly allowing Cubans of all religious affiliations to join. Gays are not technically banned from the Communist Party, but Castro said such a measure would help better cement their role in politics. Castro also said her center will continue to push the single-party government to rewrite civil codes and recognize same-sex unions, though not full gay marriage. However, she said the group has stopped pushing for same-sex couples to be allowed to adopt children, saying Cuba’s legal code provides no means for such a move.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Local News The Community Reacts

‘Think Tank’ Thinks

About New Name

GLBT Group to Announce New Moniker Shortly By Joey Amato


n the last few months of 2009, many of Greater Fort Lauderdale’s most influential GLBT community leaders began meeting on a monthly basis with one goal in mind: to unite our community and develop a strong and purpose-driven entity. The LGBT Think Tank was formed out of a need by the GLBT business community to organize itself as one unified voice and address concerns of businesses relating to the future of Greater Fort Lauderdale. The creators and driving force of the organization include Hotspots Publisher Peter Clark, Sidelines Co-Owner and Marketing Director Jennifer Morales, Broward House PR Director Terry DeCarlo and Liberty Suites Owner Joe Von Eron. These individuals will not necessarily be leading the group but will be actively involved in the group’s mission.

“I do not believe there has ever been a business organization speaking in a leadership role with a unified voice from a wholly gay perspective,” states Morales. “There is an incredible amount of knowledge, experience, business acumen and leadership potential that has thus far been left untapped. This is simply a way to better harness our common desire to see Greater Fort Lauderdale become the leading gay destination in the country.” At the group’s initial meeting in November, 100% of the attendees agreed that there is a need for an entity such as this in the community.

Taking Charge Greater Fort Lauderdale is home to the second largest GLBT community in the country, yet many leaders have determined there is a lack of leadership, credibility and planning.

Peter Clark

One of the first steps of the Think Tank is to form a leadership team, consisting of 16 members of the community, who will create and implement the mission, goals and objectives of the organization. Peter Clark tells us “The team will be comprised of a cross-section of the community, ranging from business leaders in hospitality to development directors of some of South Florida’s most respected charitable organizations.” The leaders will be chosen from a dynamic and diverse group of individuals who have expressed an interest in volunteering their time and creative experience to help drive the success of the organization.

Mark Silver, owner of Argenti Jewelers, was enthusiastic about the group’s creation. “First of all, I must commend Peter Clark. He is doing so much for our community. I’ve lived here for 19 years and in that time, the entire GLBT business community has not come together in this manner.” Silver goes on to explain that “People need to realize that there is more to the Fort Lauderdale business community than just Wilton Manors. Businesses located outside of Wilton Manors have felt left out; I really hope that changes.” Julian Cavazos, business development executive of the GLBX has one objective in mind. “Our goal shouldn’t be just about making money; but to become an organized unit.” Furthermore, “If we do this right, this group will bring the GLBT community closer together. Right now, it feels like everyone is competing with each other when we should be helping each other.” Organizers have said one reason for forming this group is improve their level of interaction with each other. David Feinberg, South Florida Area Manager of Northwest Savings Bank, is attributing the group’s potential future success to communication. “Board members and other business leaders need to correspond with each other and show support for each other’s endeavors.” One of the first items on the LGBT Think Tank’s agenda: a new name for the group.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Nevada’s 1st Male Prostitute Goes to Work Homophobic ??? — ‘Markus’ Won’t See Men! By OSKAR GARCIA Associated Press Writer BEATTY, Nevada (AP) _ A brothel in a Nevada desert town has hired the state’s first male prostitute, a muscular college dropout who abandoned a brief stint as a porn actor in Los Angeles to become the only legal gigolo in the United States. The Shady Lady Ranch successfully won state and county approval to clear the way for the ``prostidude,’’ as Nevada’s newest sex worker is already being called. The male prostitute - known as ``Markus’’ has quickly become the center of attention in Nevada’s brothel industry. He has been criticized by female counterparts for not being willing to have sex with men. And he created a dustup after telling Details Magazine that his pioneering role in the sex business was ``just the same’’ as civil rights icon Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus during

racial segregation in the U.S. South. Competing brothel owners also fret that hiring gigolos in Nevada will bring unwanted scrutiny from state officials, potentially tempting them to make prostitution illegal. The competitors have also expressed concerns about sexually transmitted diseases, and worry that female customers can’t be inspected as carefully as men are before sex. Markus, 25, described himself as a wellread college dropout and former U.S. Marine from Alabama. He said he drove to Los Angeles to become a porn actor and left after filming two scenes, the first about a month ago. He said he ended up in a homeless shelter near Santa Monica, California, after being unable to find another job. Shady Lady madam Bobbi Davis picked him from about 10 potential hires culled from hundreds of applications, many featuring crude inquiries, according to her husband and coowner Jim. Part of Markus’ appeal was that he was not afraid to deal with heavy publicity.

``It won’t be successful,’’ said Arie Mack Moore, owner of the Angel’s Ladies Brothel, just north of Beatty. ``You can’t have both (male and female prostitutes) in the same building or adjacent to each other, in my opinion.’’ Moore claims his business has picked up since Markus was hired, with customers saying they wanted to avoid the Shady Lady because of Markus. A 22-year-old prostitute at Angel’s Ladies named ``Cuddles’’ said Markus’ unwillingness to see gay males makes the Shady Lady seem sexist and discriminatory. Her brothel services women. ``How can you just turn down services because of what someone’s preferences is? It comes with the territory. It comes with the business,’’ she said. Davis said that he and his wife aren’t interested in establishing a gay male clientele, but it will be up to Markus to decide whether to accept men as customers. Davis said Markus told him that he wouldn’t perform for male customers. ``All this gay homophobia Markus, from homeless boy to american gigolo. in this country is horrible,’’ Davis said. ``Everybody’s so damn scared two yet Bobbi’s in the catbird seat right now where men might have sex — it’s happening every her antics and her procedures and her deday in Las Vegas. Not going to happen here, mands and her goals could potentially bruise an entire multimillion-dollar-a-year industry.’’ but that’s all the big fear, is gay people.’’ ``I think she truly believes that it’s a viGeorge Flint, a longtime lobbyist for the Nevada Brothel Owners Association, said al- able effort, and I’m wondering after four or lowing a male prostitute creates legitimate five days and there haven’t been any takers, health concerns. Male customers are thor- if she’s beginning to wonder if maybe she was oughly cleaned and inspected for signs of dis- wrong,’’ Flint said. ``You and I and the rest of ease before sex at Nevada’s brothels, and he the world can sit and debate this damn thing doesn’t believe the same ``fanaticism’’ is pos- until hell freezes over, but if nobody shows up at her front door, what’s it proved?’’ sible when checking female customers. For the complete AP story, go online to the ``We got an industry in this state right now that’s got an investment of somewhere between SFGN website, www.southfloridagaynews.com $50 million and $75 million,’’ Flint said. ``And


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

International News

GLBT Community Joins Hands for Haiti By Joey Amato


s the devastating news in Haiti continues to pour in, the level of support among charity organizations has been increasing daily. Casualty estimates are still unknown, but the Haitian government has confirmed over 111,000 deaths, a figure reported by the United Nations. Officials caution that these numbers are preliminary. International aid officials say it might require upwards of $3 billion to rebuild the ravaged country. Haiti’s tourism minister says that number could triple. In addition to the United Way and the American Red Cross, the GLBT community has also joined forces in the relief effort. SAVE Dade, in partnership with other

GLBT groups, and the Dade Community Foundation have set up the “LGBT Community Response to the Crisis in Haiti Fund” to ensure that financial contributions are delivered to the most needed and deserving efforts. CJ Ortuno, Executive Director of SAVE Dade states, “The Dade Community Foundation is in communication with major charitable relief efforts and will make quick and timely distribution of funds to the most urgent efforts.” One of the first GLBT organizations to reach to the disaster scene was the Rainbow World Fund, an LGBT organization that provides humanitarian relief around the world. The group partnered with CARE and already has people in Haiti providing relief. The Rainbow World Fund pledged $35,000 to help in Haiti but wants to increase their effort. CARE is already on the ground providing

emergency food, safe water, plastic for shelter, blankets, and basic medicines. 100% of donations received by the Rainbow World Fund and CARE will go directly to saving lives. The Rainbow World Fund is asking the entire GLBT community to rise up and support the relief efforts in what could be “one of the greatest natural disasters in the Western Hemisphere.” Religious organizations including the Archdiocese of Miami have established a drop off location at Catholic Churches in Wilton Manors, where they will be accepting donations of all kinds. Furthermore, the organization has mobilized a task force in Miami-Dade and Broward counties. Francoise Leconte, Chief Executive Officer of the Minority Development & Empowerment Inc., said that a task force was being created to collect food, clothing, water, medicinal supplies and monetary donations. “This is Broward County’s largest initiative. We have the support of the City of Fort Lauderdale, the United Way, Holy Cross Hospital as well as many other local municipalities”. Leconte said. In addition to regular medical aid, there are approximately 120,000 people in Haiti who suffer from HIV/AIDS; unfortunately, they are not a priority given the present crisis. Instead, medical aid is being directed generally towards assisting the greater population. Leconte told SFGN, “After initial relief is sent to the quake victims, our organization will work quickly to get medicine to those affected by HIV/AIDS. Our top priority is to get food, water and shelter to the children of my country.” Children with HIV however, remain a

critical part of the Haitian landscape. A local activist, Aaron Jackson, was named one of CNN’s heroes in 2007 for his work in establishing HIV orphanages and creating a needle exchange program. Jackson told SFGN he did not yet know the condition of those orphanages: “The whole country needs help,” he said.

How You Can Help Those interested in contributing to the SAVE Dade initiatives should make checks payable to: LGBT Community Response to the Crisis in Haiti Fund at the DCF and mailed to: Dade Community Foundation, 200 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 505, Miami FL 33131-2343 The Archdiocese of Miami is accepting financial donations to assist with recovery efforts for the earthquake victims in Haiti. People may send their donations to: Catholic Charities 1505 NE 26th St. Wilton Manors, FL 33305, Attention Earthquake Victims.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Gay Bookstores Gay Bookstores

AADying Breed Dying Breed

by Jesse Monteagudo


ike many lesbians, gay men, bisexuals or transgender people, I came out of the closet with the help of gay books and gay bookstores. Though we didn’t have a gay bookstore in Miami when I came out in

the early 1970s, I took advantage of the mail order services provided by the newly-established bookshops. My first visit to the Oscar Wilde Bookshop in Greenwich Village (1977) was like a religious pilgrimage; an experience that I repeated two years later when I first visited Lambda Rising Bookstore in Dupont Circle in Washington, DC. Both Oscar Wilde and Lambda Rising were part of a chain of bookshops that dotted the gay ghettoes of North America: Glad Day in Boston and Toronto, Giovanni’s Room in Philadelphia, Outwrite in Atlanta, A Different Light in West Hollywood and San Francisco, Little Sister’s in Vancouver and, of course, Lambda Passages in Miami. Sadly, the quantity and quality of exclusively gay bookstores have declined during the first decade of the 21st Century. In 2009 the Oscar Wilde Bookshop drew its last breath; and just last month Deacon Maccubbin, the founder and still co-owner of Lambda Rising Bookstore, announced plans to close his stores in Washington, D.C. and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Maccubbin’s reasons are understandable: he and Jim Bennett, his partner and co-owner, want to retire after 35 years in the book business. But their departure

will leave a gap in our community that may never be filled. The demise of Oscar Wilde and Lambda Rising bookstores, among others, leaves behind only a handful of exclusively GLBT bookstores, including Giovanni’s Room, Outwrite, Little Sister’s and Lambda Passages, all teetering on the edge of insolvency. These and other stores can not compete with major chain stores like Barnes & Noble or Borders, or mail order houses like Amazon.com. Though the existence of a GLBT book section in a major chain store is of course a step forward for our community, it cannot take the place of our small, independently-owned, queer bookshops. Long before B&N and Borders took notice, our community bookstores were making GLBT books available, supporting GLBT authors and fostering good GLBT literature. Deacon Maccubbin himself criticized gay writers who put links to Amazon and other online sellers on their Web sites: “I wonder if they really think they would have been published at all if not for the gay bookstores that sprang up around the

country in the 1980s and 1990s. . . . In the 1970s, that literature barely existed.” But gay bookshops do more than sell books. According to Completely Queer: The Gay and Lesbian Encyclopedia, “gay and lesbian—and feminist/women’s— book­stores have traditionally served as informal community centers, offering everything from space for bulletin boards to tourist information to legal and medical referrals. Many also provide space for meetings, performances, and readings.” The late John Preston, writing in The Big Gay Book (1991), called gay bookstores “the one single most consequential element in the development of gay culture. These stores have been willing to stock our books when others wouldn’t have them. They represent a distribution system for our journals and newspapers. They are often the first stop that isolated gay men [and lesbians] make when they get to a major city, desperate for a gay cultural fix.” Preston’s statement holds true almost two decades later. The surviving GLBT bookshops, especially those that have coffee shops, provide a social outlet for our com-

munity members, especially queer and questioning youth. Unlike bars, bookstores are alcohol- and stress-free and are accessible to all segments of our community. Bookstores provide us with hard-tofind items produced by gay-owned, small book, audio and video publishers. In lesbian and gay bookstores we get personalized service from knowledgeable, gay or gay-friendly staff members who know their merchandise and who are part of our community. Many of these shops have websites and/or catalog services that makes it is as easy for us to buy from them as it is to buy from Amazon.com. Ironically, the rise of gay-friendly chain stores and online sellers has been fatal to gay bookshops everywhere. Many surviving shops have had to diversify in order to survive, by selling or renting DVDs, tshirts, greeting cards and jewelry along with books and magazines. Independent gay bookstores, like other “Mom and Mom” or “Pop and Pop” businesses, can only thrive by providing their customers with products and services that the major chains can’t or won’t — such as adult videos or DVDs that are not available elsewhere. Only that—and a loyal customer base— will allow our few remaining bookshops to live long and prosper. Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and gay book lover who lives in South Florida with his life partner. You may reach him at jessemonteagudo@aol.com.

For more Jesse’s Journal, go to www.SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Jesse’s Journal


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Business News

Business Xchange Builds Bridges The “X-Factor” Magic for Networking adds. “We support business. We don’t just do networking. We do educational services and marketing, a whole host of things.”

Building bridges

Julian Cavazos III with Roger Federer

By Robert Cherin South Florida Gay News


s the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce celebrates its 100th birthday, the Gay Lesbian Business Xchange celebrates its first. For those unfamiliar with the Gay Lesbian Business Xchange (GLBX), its director, Julian Cavazos III, passionately defines it as “a group of gay-friendly, gay-owned businesses in the Fort Lauderdale-Broward County area that meets on the second and fourth Thursday of the month to hold networking events. “We’re an actual support system,” Cavazos

As a member of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce, GLBX builds bridges between the gay community and the established business communities throughout Broward County. They go to a business and put on a networking event. “This is a place where businesses come together, says Cavazos, smiling. “GLBX highlights businesses. The host or the place where we have the event serves beer and wine; sometimes catered or serves hors d’oeuvres. It’s our way to draw people in.” GLBX began in November 2008. Founders Eileen Berliner, Mark Budwig, Mark Ketcham, Bruce Johnson, and Don Linblade of the Chamber of Commerce drafted Cavazos, and the GLBX grew. Cavazos says, “GLBX came about because these individuals saw that need within the Chamber. We never had a council within the Chamber of Commerce that emphasizes or focuses on or supports gay businesses. We’ve now been here a year. It’s come a long way.” GLBX averages three-to-five new members a week, and boasts a membership of 325 and still growing.

No less than 60 people attend these events. “We’ve had as many as 225 people show up, depending on the size of the location and how we’re going to push that facility based on their size. The host actually gets to stand up and talk about their businesses, their facilities, and what

He is a contracted employee of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce.

A dream come true “When we as a group come together, we’re able to create a lot of wonderful things,” says Cavazos. “That’s why I don’t have a hard time

Cavazos says “The GLBX is a networking medium for business.

they offer to the community and their customers. “It’s a win-win for the group and a good win for the businesses,” says Cavazos.

Bio Cavazos worked for the professional tennis tour and, later became a part of their medical staff. He also served in the military as a medic. “I got into drug and alcoholic testing,” he says, “during the Reagan years aboard the USS Nimitz.” When he left the tennis tour several years ago, he tried to find a niche within the gaylesbian community in marketing. “When I was in the drug deterrence field, I also sold drug deterrence programs. I actually met with unions,” he adds, “and associations across the US selling their programs, so part of my job was marketing.” Today his title is Business Development Executive. “My job as the representative of the Gay Lesbian Business Xchange is to fill your place up with our members,” he says.

selling GLBX. I know that when the gaylesbian business community comes together that we’re going to have a great positive voice and support commone goals; and with that, though, I think it’s very important, that we build the bridge to the other communities. It’s not just about gays and lesbians; it’s about Fort Lauderdale and Broward County. Cavazos recalls, “I recently had a gentleman say the GLBX does awesome work. ‘You guys kind of stand by yourselves, and there’s the rest of us in the Chamber who really feel that you need to build a bridge between us two.’ I couldn’t help having a big, big grin on my face. I’ve waited all my adult life for somebody to say to me, because I spent much of my life being told ‘go over there, fag go home, we don’t want a part of you, you can’t work for us.’ “The last six months have been fantastic. When I go out in the business community and tell them I’m with the GLBX, people look at me and say ‘we’ve heard some great things about you.’ That’s good stuff!”


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Dade News

Two Miami Cities Say Yes to Gay Rights But ‘New Times’ Claims Gay Bashings Cause South Beach Exodus By Joey Amato


s New Times magazine wrote a feature blasting Miami for becoming less gay friendly, two important pieces of pro-equality legislation passed last week in Miami-Dade County. On Wednesday, January 13, 2010, the City of Miami Beach unanimously passed a revised and strengthened Human Rights Ordinance. The ordinance strengthens the language and enforcement mechanisms against discrimination in the city. And on Thursday, January 14, 2010, the City of South Miami passed a Domestic Partnership Ordinance, which extends access to health insurance to domestic partners of city employees, just as is provided for spouses of employees. In 1992, Miami Beach became the first city in South Florida to pass such a Human Rights Ordinance, but other municipalities had since adopted stronger and better laws in the 17 intervening years.

For the past year, SAVE Dade, an organization created in 1993 to protect GLBT individuals from discrimination, worked closely with the City Attorney’s Office and former Commissioner Victor Diaz, drafting revisions that would remedy the outdated terminology and mechanics of the legislation. Mirroring the best modern state antidiscrimination laws in the country, the Miami Beach Commission voted this week to strengthen the language, enforcement me­chanisms, process of complaint and legal access to the law of the city’s ordinance, which had become antiquated over time. The most significant outcome of this process has been the establishment of the Miami

2010 LGBT Tourism In Flux? Local Hotel Operators are Optimistic By Joey Amato


lthough 2009 saw a decline in LGBT travel, tourism professionals have concluded that same sex couples still travelled and spent more money than their straight counterparts. Bob Witeck of Witeck-Combs Communications tells SFGN that last year was rough for the entire travel and hospitality industry, including those businesses that especially welcome LGBT customers and families. Witeck said “The good news, even in the middle of this downturn, was the consistent propensity for gay people to continue to travel – though cutting back on some of their costs. While everyone was cutting back, LGBT consumers cut back a bit less”. Richard Gray, Owner of Richard Gray

Consulting, a marketing firm catering to LGBT travel, also reported a 5% decrease in visitors to Fort Lauderdale. He indicated that average daily room rates were down about 17% and bed tax collections for Broward County were down about 20%. Stated Gray: “The LGBT market mirrors the mainstream market. Visitors are still coming, but they are most certainly spending less money.” Witeck feels 2010 should see travel begin to pick up again “for all destinations, including ones most popular with LGBT travelers.” He thinks it is “likely in this economy that more consumers will still favor domestic over international spots, and still favor some of the top places in the U.S”, which includes Fort Lauderdale/Miami, Provincetown, New York, San Francisco, Hawaii and southern

Beach Human Rights Commission. Because there is still no state or federal law preventing gay or transgender people from being fired from their jobs or otherwise discriminated in Florida, the Commission will serve as an enforcing and advisory body of the Human Rights Ordinance, ensuring that gay and transgender residents of Miami Beach are protected from discrimination. Businesses that violate the ordinance will be reprimanded and in some cases could be stripped of certain business licenses. On the heels of the Miami Beach vote, the City of South Miami passed a Domestic Partnership Ordinance, making it the city’s first pro-LGBT legislation since it was in-

California among others. Growing in popularity are cities like Washington DC, which will make marriage equality a reality in early March 2010, as well as Iowa, which has now become the Midwest’s poster child for marriage equality. Both destinations now offer wedding ceremonies and honeymoon options for same-sex couples. Overseas, London and other European capitals still beckon travelers especially from the East coast. The Winter Olympics in Vancouver may also boost west coast tourism too, experts have said. Gray states that “Most LGBT visitors to Greater Fort Lauderdale live on the East coast, but many arrive from California as well. We also see a large Canadian, English and German population.” While the beachside resorts have always been popular, so to now are Wilton Manors locales. Ed Lugo, Owner of Ed Lugo Resort in Wilton Manors said his resort has experienced an increase in LGBT travelers this month and was up 25% in 2009. He attributes his

corporated in 1927. Commissioner Valerie Newman said, “Providing employment benefits, including healthcare, to the domestic partners of our City of South Miami employees is a common sense idea that has been far too long in coming. This is nothing more than treating people equally. I am proud to say our City is doing the right thing.” Domestic Partnership Ordinances allow city employees in non-spousal relationships, whether gay or heterosexual, the eligibility to include their domestic partners under their health insurance benefits, which is a right that is automatic for heterosexual married employees. “We thank the City of South Miami Commissioners who voted for the ordinance along with the Mayor in recognizing that the families of all city employees deserve fair and equitable treatment,” said SAVE Dade’s Executive Director, C.J. Ortuno. In summary, Broward County may be gaining in popularity, but Miami is still in vogue.

success to Internet advertising and for providing visitors with “an experience they cannot receive at a larger resort.” The Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau, which dedicated 10% of its overall advertising budget to the LGBT community, noted that their overall marketing budget this year has been slashed 20%, due to the economic downturn. Still, Steve Zunt, Senior Sales Manager of the Courtyard by Marriot on the Fort Lauderdale Beach notes there has been “a steady increase in LGBT travel to his hotel.” In 2009 the venue was the host hotel for the Hurricane Showdown, an annual Thanksgiving softball tournament run by the South Florida Amateur Athletic Association (SFAAA), a gay and lesbian softball league. Zunt did note that almost all venues have initiated “promotions and special discounts for all our wallets and budgets. We have seen every destination and hospitality leader cut prices across the board to fill rooms and seats to sustain their businesses.”


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

A. Sebastian Fortino

Catching My Breath


ou really shouldn’t have put yourself in this position,” said the Publisher of this publication to me the Tuesday before Christmas. “I mean…at your age.” Well, he is right: I turn thirty-one in May. I responded that at any age it could happen, and that at any age it’s not appropriate. You see, I relocated to Miami earlier than I wanted to. My boyfriend (now my ex and part of how I ended up in this “position”), wanted me here when I was not financially ready. He even bought my ticket, and I arrived on October 23rd to a celebratory bottle of champagne. After I lost my customer service job at the company my boyfriend consulted for, he broke up with me. However, he told me to move in with him, out of the bedroom I rented from another friend. He advised it because, “We spend all our time together anyway.” He told me this with his hand on my left thigh and a smile on his handsome face. If

there wasn’t actually a full moon over Miami, there is in my version of events. We went about three weeks, with me looking for a job in his apartment, until he dropped the bombshell. In exchange for my being unemployed I cooked, cleaned, did laundry, and looked after him when he sprained his wrist and twisted his ankle. Sitting on the sofa and reading was not my form of gratitude. I don’t believe he fell out of love with me as much as he was scared that we were becoming people he loathed. Namely, two people who do not rely on each other because they want to but because they have to. What upset me most was that he told me he would “gladly” buy me a ticket back to Philadelphia or New York, the cities where I was raised, attended college, and still have connections in. It was as if he had made a mistake with me and wanted me to leave so I would be out of our established social circle and—literally—out in the cold.

But…no. I already took that stupid job doing customer service. Even though I hated it, I told him I understood why guys worked at banks, bars, and pharmacies. It’s so they can come home from a shitty job to their boyfriends every day. When I lost the job, I left my inexpensive share for his apartment, as he advised. We both lost sight of why I came here. I moved to Miami as much for him as Miami’s weather, the art scene, my former New York City roommate Brooke, and our friends from prior visits. That and Miami has

the best champagne; I am not exchanging that for Pennsylvania’s Yuengling Lager! So, I made up my mind not to leave. I would not do anything else he wanted. Not knowing what to do, I fell back on the gay community. When I find myself in a foreign city—Avignon, Zurich, Rome—and am in need of friends and local allies, I always go to the gays. The best thing about our community is simple: it’s not

the music, the ability to get a haircut half price because you used to date the stylist, or our ability to throw great parties. It’s that we know how difficult it is to be a gay man or woman. Therefore, it’s our own experiences, struggles, etc., that allow us to more readily accept and help each other out. Right now I work as a personal assistant in exchange for room, board, and a small stipend. I have use of a lovely, furnished, vacant apartment in my boss’ building until I “get on my feet.” So no…I am not going back to the Northeast. In fact, even at the height of my sadness over he whom I really hoped to spend the rest of my life with, I find something wonderful, new, and fresh about Miami every day. Whether it’s wearing shorts and going to the pool in January or ordering Cuban Sandwiches in my version of Spanish (Italian, with a passable Spanish accent), this is where I want to be, and this is where I will stay. The publisher of the South Florida Gay News was right, about not having put myself in this position. Another dear friend said to me, “When your life is exploding all around you, catch your breath and the best things are going to happen.” So I caught my breath and I watch the explosions recede, while sipping a Coolata in the Miami sun.

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January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

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January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com


By Piero Guidugli

A Leap of Faith


The late Ron Williams was an editorial cartoonist for the Express

Norm Kent, Publisher

Ten Years Later


he mission of the South Florida Gay News.com is to create a paper you can call your own. When it comes to the news, we have no agenda. Gay news, straight facts; journalism, not advocacy. We are news, not gloss. We share the wins and the winds, the warriors and our warts. Within our gay community, interests and viewpoints are as diverse as the straight community. On these editorial pages, all those voices will find a forum and venue. There will be calls to your conscience, and commentary cutting to your soul. We will celebrate our achievements and own up to our failures. When it comes to these pages, we will deliver strong and bold opinions on behalf of our rights as a community. We are still a minority fighting for our rights. Many of us are active. More are apathetic, just along for the ride. Our paper is for those who care. But our passengers will enjoy the fruits of our labors. Justice and History are on our side. The intransigence of those who oppose gay civil rights binds us together and forges our spirit with an iron will. We are warriors engaged in a revolution. And it is better to be on the side of a just cause that will inevitably succeed than to be on the wrong side of a cause doomed to failure. Ten years after the beginning of the new Millennium, our rights have moved forward

but our goals have not been met. Let’s look back to see where we were. It tells us how much we still have to accomplish. Ten years ago, the very first issue of the Express talked about the passing of a local icon, Dana Manchester, from AIDS related pneumonia. There is a room named after her in Georgie’s Alibi. We are still fighting to end AIDS today; still honoring all the Dana Manchesters of the world, by walking, bicycling, and running for a cure. Ten years ago, Issue 2 of the Express revealed an anti gay movement centered in Fort Lauderdale. Today, the Rainbow Heroes Foundation headed by Scott Hall reveals hate crimes against gays recur still, even in our hometowns. It has been less than a year since one of our own was brutally beaten to death outside a local diner, only weeks since gay Miamians were attacked. Ten years ago, Issue 3 of the Express revealed the collapse of David Magazine and the scandal of its owner absconding with funds. Today, we launch a new paper in the face of the bankruptcy and outstanding debts of Window Media, who spent globally, and ignored us locally, stiffing a lot of neighbors in their wake. Ten years ago, Issue 4 of the Express revealed the plight of Nathan Julien, a young continued on page 23

hen Norm Kent told me he was considering becoming a publisher again, rebuilding The Express from scratch under a new name, I did not even stop and think about it for a second. “Count me in if you need a business partner,” I told him. A crazy idea given this depleted economy? Perhaps. But I feel it is healthier and heartier to live my life with vision and faith . People say that Craigslist killed the local newspaper. I say not so fast. Most likely, it made the pimp redundant. First, the South Florida Blade had already become an afterthought for most in the gay community. After its November demise, our community had been threatened by not having any voice outside of blogs on the Internet and the occasional features selectively published by the mainstream media. Truthfully,

though, let’s face it. Those pieces are a collection of “sound bytes”, often lighthearted efforts, with no investigative depth. A minority needs its own platform; an outlet to present its voice, to speak its mind. The gay community has few national leaders. We think we have made great progress; that we have arrived, and so we have become at times lazy and jaded. There is no Harvey Milk unifying us. Instead, we are fractured and adrift. It will take more than glossy and beautiful bar guides to give us a national voice. We join groups with fancy names and big letters to make us feel important when in fact

we can’t agree on a single issue and the rest of the nation doesn’t care about us. Most would love us to shut up and go away. They need not worry. Sadly, at times, we are already doing a great job at oppressing ourselves. Even our self-appointed protector, the Dem­ocratic Party, comforts us when it is convenient and then drops us like hot potatoes when it is time to vote on a gay bill. With the support of the Governor and Assembly, 38 New York State Senators still voted to deny New Yorkers marriage equality, and of course, many were Democrat turncoats. Cowards of the left. ENDA? So far, it’s don’t ask; don’t tell. Or wait and see. We need to speak up again, to take nothing for granted, to question the Government, our representatives, City Hall and the Police Force. Fight Apathy. Right wrongs. And at the same time, build the foundations for real change. Norm Kent has the courage, the passion, to try and make a difference in our lives. Maybe he is just a dreamer. So were John Lennon’s songs. But they lasted and made a difference. Let’s take a leap of faith and... Imagine. This space, my column, is intended to be a forum, open to discussion, open to all: left, right, center, conservatives, liberals, reds and blues, whites and blacks, anarchists and militants, atheists and agnostics. Together, we will try to challenge ourselves, to develop a dialogue, to float ideas no matter how crazy they might be. Let’s face it, the problem is we have no attention span anymore. We were raised on Sesame Street, computers, instant gratification and instantaneous communications. To hell with Twitter. Tweet this. Let’s rewind. Let’s be old fashioned. Let’s make a community newspaper your soapbox again. Support us and we will support you.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Congressman Alcee L. Hastings

2010 Is the Year to ‘Ask and Tell’


can­­didate Barack Obama pledged that he would repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Almost one year into his presidency, well over 400 GLBT service members have been discharged under this dis­criminatory law. On June 22, 2009, I wrote a letter to President Obama along with 76 fellow Members of Congress, urging him to work with us to repeal this dishonorable and debilitating law and to replace it with a policy of inclusion and nondiscrimination. On July 27, 2009, I offered an amendment to the Defense Appropriations Act that would have prohibited the use of funds to carry out key provisions in Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. I ultimately withdrew my amendment due to pressure from the White House and from some of my colleagues. Having received no response to my first letter, I sent a second letter to President Obama on August 27, 2009, urging his administration to make Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell a priority and to do everything in its power to repeal this bigoted law once and for all. Despite silence on this matter from the Executive Branch and Congressman Alcee Hastings (D) the Department of Defense, it in valuable operations that have nothing to seems as if Congress will be proceeding with do with their sexual orientation and every- its hearings on the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t thing to do with protecting American lives Tell sometime this spring. Last month, I introand advancing our national security inter- duced H.R. 4180, the Honest and Open Testiests. Each discharge represents millions of mony Act, along with 27 original co-sponsors, dollars worth of lost talent and funding nec- a bill that would help provide for an honest essary to retrain new recruits. Our military and open discussion regarding Don’t Ask, is already strained, and with another 30,000 Don’t Tell by allowing active-duty members of more troops being deployed to the war in the Armed Forces, including GLBT members, Afghanistan this year we must again ask to openly testify in Congressional hearings ourselves, what is the point of Don’t Ask, without fear of retribution. It expands current whistleblower protecDon’t Tell? During his campaign, then-presidential tions between members of the Armed Forces s we welcome 2010, it is customary to look back on the events that shaped the outgoing year and to make resolutions for the new. 2009 marked the 16th anniversary of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” being signed into law and, for the over 65,000 gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) service members currently on active-duty, 2010 will be no different – unless we resolve to fulfill our promises and back up our words with actions. Together with the Obama administration, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. military, Congress must work to ensure the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in 2010. Time is of the essence. These brave men and women are linguists, aviators, medics, and highly-trained soldiers who are involved

and Members of Congress to include testimony from activeduty service members concerning Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, as well as those who do so and disclose their sexual orientation. Given the charged nature of the ongoing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell debate, I believe that the strength of our numbers reflects a considerable desire to ensure that the upcoming Congressional hearings are truly inclusive, trans- Ten ye ars ago , seaman N athan Ju parent, and from th lien shar e militar ed his st y becau ory of be se he was complete. ing disc gay. Nat harged South Flo han has rida to since mo the State ved from There are of India na. currently no plans to include active-duty service members, GLBT or straight, in either the Senate or House Armed Services hearings. BeCongressman Alcee L. Hastings fore final repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell can represents Florida’s 23rd district be achieved, these two hearings must take and is Vice Chairman of the place first. We have two historic opportuHouse Permanent Select Comnities to bring us closer to final repeal than mittee on Intelligence, a senior ever before. member of the House Rules ComAs Congress prepares to debate the future mittee, and Co-Chairman of the of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, we must ensure that U.S. Helsinki Commission. we hear all sides of the issue and especially from active-duty GLBT service members. My legislation helps achieve this by addressing a major barrier to an inclusive, transparent, and complete hearing process— fear of retribution for testifying honestly and Please send your letters to: openly about the consequences of Don’t Ask, Letters to the Editor Don’t Tell in the Armed Forces. SFGN 2010 marks the beginning of a new decade. 2520 N. Dixie Highway, Let us finally close history’s chapter on Don’t Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Ask, Don’t Tell and address other issues cenOR EMAIL: tral to GLBT equality, such as employment editor@southfloridagaynews.com discrimination and repealing the Defense of Marriage Act.

Write to the Editor


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Guest Columnist

‘I Am Man. I Am Gay. I Am Proud.’ Columnist Complains: “We Don’t Need Your Tolerance” By David Badash

rarely say “no” when asked to do anything for someone. No one knows this, but I am the pay taxes. I vote. I have a passport. I only person in my building of over 300 apartvolunteer my time and voice and donate ments who calls the laundry company when money to charities or causes I believe in. the machines break. I sometimes go into the I have a college degree from a pretty good recycling bins and re-sort them when my school. For most of the time since I was 15 I neighbors mix paper and plastic. I always leave a good tip, usually more have worked, often 60 – 80 hours a week. I am in a committed relationship. I try to call than 20%. I don’t yell at waiters or waitresses, my mother a few times a week. I hold the door though I have yelled at drivers who run red open for anyone in front of or behind me. I’m lights. I keep my TV and music at a reasonable level, especially late at night so I don’t generally the last one out of the elevator. I’ve contacted my local government when disturb my neighbors. I’ve installed dimmers I believed something needed improvement. I in my home to conserve electricity. I have a checking and a savings account. have good, long-term friendships. I’ve given money to friends who needed help. I’ve lent I almost always pay my bills on time. I have countless items to friends, assuming they will an excellent credit rating. I tip all the doornot be returned. I’ve worked to help people I men and maintenance people in my building know who were in crisis get through the next at Christmas. I’ve lived in the same apartment day. I’ve sat on the phone for hours with peo- for nine years. I backup my computer. I buy extended warranties on expensive electronics. ple who were depressed. I have a dog, the second one I’ve rescued I try to share information as often as I can. I generally pay more than my share when from a shelter. I feed and walk him, a lot. I pick up after him, every time. I am called going out to dinner with friends. I generally upon to help or give an opinion several times return calls within twenty-four hours. I keep a week. I’ve done jury duty. I have never been my home reasonably clean. I subscribe to a arrested. I am financially self-sufficient. I have daily newspaper, and try to read it almost eva few credit cards. I have an apartment. I have ery day. I keep abreast of current events. I receive my news from a wide homeowners’ insurance. variety of sources. When When I needed a car for disagreeing with someone, work I got one, kept it in I try to remain civil and regood shape, kept it insured. spectful. I have a home air purifier. I compliment strangers I take vitamins. I try to sometimes. I call restaueat well and take care of rants to cancel if I can’t myself physically and menkeep my reservation. I tally. I have a primary care try to validate my friend’s physician. I always bring feelings and listen to their a gift to a host or hostess David Badash thoughts openly. I rarely when I am invited into boast or brag. I try to patheir home. I say “please,” “thank you,” and, too often I’m told, “I’m sor- tronize local businesses. Although it’s hard for ry.” I sometimes send out Christmas cards. I me to say this, I’m pretty certain I will have left somewhat of a positive impact on the call friends to say “Happy Thanksgiving.” I, not infrequently, get calls from people world by the time I’m gone. I scattered my father’s ashes where he wantwho used to work for me asking if I would given them a reference. I rarely say “no.” I ed me to. I flew with my family to attend my


grandmother’s funeral. I was captain of the safety patrol in sixth grade. I was president of the theatre society in high school. I wrote to my congressmen to help save the dolphins from tuna fishermen when I was a boy. I want to get married. I can’t, because I’m gay. I grew up feeling sad and different and sometimes ashamed. I no longer am sad, I’m glad I’m different, and I’ll be damned if I’ll ever be ashamed of who I am or what I believe. Because what I believe is that we are all the same. We are all equal. We all deserve to love and have our love recognized. I think I’m a pretty good person. I know I’m as good as anyone else. I have done little enough wrong to deserve your forgiveness. I’ve done nothing that deserves your pity. And I know that I am good enough to not deserve your tolerance.

Tolerance is for someone who doesn’t know better, like my dog who likes to jump on people. Tolerance is for someone whose views negatively impact your life, like people who want to stop me from loving the man I love, with all my heart. I do not want your tolerance. I do not deserve your tolerance. I will not accept your tolerance any longer. What I will do is my best to ensure that we are all given equality and the legal right to love and marry the person who loves us back. From now on I will tolerate nothing less. David is the creator of The Great Nationwide KissIn, a fifty-city, international gay rights response to the unlawful harassment, detention, and arrest of same-sex couples for kissing in public. He is also a contributing writer at The Bilerico Project.

January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Jennifer Vanasco

Adam Lambert’s Hypocrisy figure (thanks in no small part to the support of gays and gay allies.) We are in a dangerous moment. Our polities, Adam Lambert. You’re right. Hiphop artists and women get away cal allies are quickly backing away from us, with salacious performances all the time with- thanks to losses on gay marriage in Califorout an uproar. Of course, there was that fa- nia and Maine and the Democratic loss of the mous Madonna-and-Britney kiss that caused governorship in New Jersey. Whereas just over a year ago it seemed like a stir, but that was likely because the artists gay marriage was an inevitable wave sweeping were—well, Madonna and Britney. And yes, Adam Lambert, your performance the country—and a tsunami in New England, on ABC’s American Music Awards this week New Jersey and New York—now it feels like was not really all that raunchy. A kiss is a kiss, the tide has turned. The hate crimes bill victory was followed by a vicious and there’s nothing wrong with hate crime in Puerto Rico. We that. I could have done withhave hearings on ENDA, which out you sticking a guy’s head could go either way. We have in your crotch spontaneously, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell hearings but it happened so quickly, and which are being put off until in the midst of so many other 2010. We have a President who things, that if the dancer didn’t isn’t sure he is our friend. mind, I’m not sure “offensive” is And what is the mainstream what I’d call it. most worried about, Adam What I’d call it, instead, is Lambert? Why are they afraid misguided. of our partnerships, our service to our counHere’s my problem. You told Out magazine that you didn’t try, our working lives, our families? They are make a big deal out of your sexual orientation worried because they think gay life is exactly during American Idol once pictures of you what you portrayed on the American Mukissing a man had been exposed because: “I sic Awards: focused on the kind of sex that don’t understand why it has to be about my turns people into animals (almost literally, sexuality. I’m just not going to talk about it in this case, with crawling dancers leading one way or another. . . . And then when those you on leashes), geared toward enticing children (ABC is a network pictures came out, I was owned by Disney, for like, you know what? I “This is why mainstream heaven’s sake), degradthought maybe I’ll just America votes against ing, rapacious, empty. own it and say, ‘Yeah, I’m gays, Adam Lambert. BeThis is why maingay.’ But I didn’t want to stream America votes label myself.” cause of people like you.” against gays, Adam LamThat’s interesting, Adam Lambert. When you were worried about win- bert. Not because of people who have families ning a contest, you didn’t want to openly attest and jobs and bills and weddings. Because of to being gay. (And, in fact, your people were people like you, who use sexuality thoughtlessworried that you would seem “too gay” on Out’s ly in order to advance your own agenda, instead cover.) BUT, when you wanted to make a splash of thinking about the very real consequences in public, when you wanted to get noticed— your actions will have on others’ civil rights. If you were a private citizen, this wouldn’t suddenly you were all about gay sexuality. matter. But you are not. You are able to be And so my problem is with the timing. You see, Adam Lambert, you may say that openly gay thanks to people who did, in fact, “I’m not trying to lead the fucking way for make it their life’s work to “lead the fucking the civil rights movement that we’re in right way for the civil rights movement.” You disnow,” but the fact is that we ARE in a struggle honor them—and you hurt us—by pretendfor our civil rights and you are a pop culture ing otherwise. First published in the Chicago Free Press on November 25, 2009




January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Thirty-two years after the Dade Human Rights Initiative, this photograph of Anita Bryant has become a cult classic, reminding us of the days the Orange Juice Queen led anti gay initiatives against the human rights of gays and lesbians. She belongs on the cartoon page.

For advertising opportunities, call Robert Brown: 954-530-4970


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Dan Pye on Finance

Writing Your Life’s Next Chapter


ecent studies show that the GLBT community has three prime financial worries: first retirement, then HealthCare, and third, more recently, loans and debt. Let us begin a dialogue today about retirement. This article will be the first in a series. In today’s world, retirement can mean many different things. For some, retiring means vacations, golf, and spending time with your partner, and more frequently children. Others may look at retirement as a period of reinvention replacing a career with a fixed schedule with a career in a new field or with more flexibility. Regardless of the path you are on, some things are consistent. Generally, retirement signals a shift from accumulating wealth and spending using earned income or salary to the usage of assets in order to meet your day-to-day needs. In order to help plan for this transition, your Fi-

nancial Advisor needs to focus on being a holistic wealth manager—one who focuses on the big picture and not just the investments. We all need to have have a formal process for helping our clients prepare for the Next Chapter of Their Lives—a Retirement Standard. Today, I would like to share the key elements of our process with you, and in doing so, provide you with some direction towards answering the question: “Am I prepared for my retirement?” In my experience, many people equate preparing for Retirement with having the right investment portfolios. While the evaluation and selection of appropriate investments is an important aspect of the process, investments alone are only one part of the equation. Once you have accumulated savings, what do you intend to do with the money? What is your spending plan? What are your goals? Investments don’t ‘know’ you. Your Advi-

Ten Years Later . . . continued from page 18

Fort Lauderdale coast guardsman discharged from the military because he was gay. Today, qualified gay men and women are still so discharged by the anachronistic policies of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ No more closets for gay soldiers, and we are proud to have in our very first issue of SFGN an op-ed by Congressman Alcee Hastings calling for an end to the unjust discrimination. A decade later, the fight, you see, lingers. Ten years ago, Issue 5 of the Express revealed that a gay photographer for a local TV station was killed in a copter crash, and his domestic partner was abruptly and summarily thrown out of their home by the deceased’s family. Today, in the past year, similar domestic rights were denied to lesbians in a Miami hospital. Ten years ago, Issue 6 of the Express reported on the beginning of the fight for gay marriage. Many gays pled not to push the envelope. Today, the seal is broken. We wait with baited breath to see the outcome of the trial in California on Proposition 8. Ten years ago, Issue 7 of the Express re-

ported on a Monroe county couple denied adoptive rights to children they fostered because they themselves were homosexuals. Today, we wait each Wednesday to see when the appellate courts will rule on the constitutionality of a Florida law still denying gays the right to adopt. Ten years later. The causes we have fought for, and those we have lost in the fighting, are still there to be engaged. Some of us have been there for decades, but newer and younger voices everyday emerge, as candidates, bloggers, and political activists. If we stand our ground and there abide, the world will come round to us. We cannot lose our ground, slip, and let those who would deny us our rights prevail, for if they do, they will take not a hand, but an arm and a leg. There is no room for failure, and South Florida now has a voice- this publication. Ten years ago, there was a rallying cry, ‘We are here. We are queer. We are everywhere.’ Let’s change that for today: ‘We are here. We are very normal. We are not going anywhere. As a matter of fact, we have moved in next door.’

sor, on the other hand, should know you as well as your goals. A diversified portfolio is important, but do all of your goals have the same time horizon? Do all of your goals have the same objectives? Probably not. The investments don’t know where you plan to live during retirement, whether you plan to travel, or whether or not your partner’s mother might need to suddenly move in with you at some point in the future. Your investments do not automatically change to accommodate unforeseen issues or unantici-

pated adjustments to your lifestyle. They cannot address health care concerns, calculate the best pension election for you and your partner, or check to make sure your beneficiaries are appropriately selected and properly protected. There is no shortage of places to go for investment information. Please make sure the advisor and place you choose offers you A Retirement Standard—a defined process to address these areas of concern. What will retirement be like for you? You must prioritize your needs and goals. Secure your essentials, the day-to-day items. Prepare for the unexpected. Then explore your wish list and finally discuss your legacy. Dan Pye is a Vice President with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney in Fort Lauderdale. Previously the Finance Columnist for The Express, he specializes in working with the GLBT community, and can be reached at Daniel.Pye@mssb.com.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com


Top 10 Foods for 2010


f you want to improve your health in 2010, focus on improving your diet. By incorporating the following items in your everyday meals, you’ll be adding foods that provide a good

source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients that help reduce your risk of heart disease and other health conditions.


Almonds — Like all nuts, almonds are an excellent source of protein. They also provide fiber, riboflavin, magnesium, iron, and calcium. The fat in almonds is monounsaturated fat, which is a healthier type of fat that can help lower blood cholesterol levels.


Apples — Fresh apples are an excellent source of pectin, a soluble fiber that can lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. They also provide vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects the body’s cells from damage.Vitamin C also helps form collagen, keeps capillaries and blood vessels healthy, and aids in the absorption of iron.


Blueberries — Blueberries are a rich source of phytonutrients, compounds that help prevent certain diseases. In particular, eating blueberries helps prevent urinary tract infections. They also improve short-term memory and promote healthy aging. Blueberries are a low-calorie source of fiber and vitamin C.


Broccoli — Broccoli also contains phytonutrients, which can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. It is also a good source of vitamins A and C, both of which are potent antioxidants.


Red Beans — Red beans are a good source of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and thiamin. They are also a low-fat, low-calorie source of protein and dietary fiber. In addition, they contain important phytonutrients.


Salmon — Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. This type of fat helps protect against irregular heartbeats, blood clots, and artery-clogging

plaques. It helps decrease triglyceride levels, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of stroke. It is a good source of protein and is low in saturated fat and cholesterol.


Spinach — Spinach is high in vitamins A and C and folate. It also provides riboflavin, vitamin B-6, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Spinach helps boost your immune system and can help keep your hair and skin healthy.


Sweet Potatoes — Sweet potatoes are fat-free, low in calories, and high in the antioxidant known as beta carotene. Beta carotene is converted into vitamin A and helps slow the aging process and reduces the risk of some cancers. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of fiber, vitamins B-6, C, E, folate, and potassium.


Vegetable Juice —Vegetable juice has most of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients found in the original vegetables.Vegetable juices that include tomatoes are good sources of lycopene, an antioxidant that may reduce the risk of heart attack, prostate cancer, and other cancers. Choose low-sodium varieties of vegetable juices.


Wheat Germ — The center of each grain of wheat contains a highly concentrated source of nutrients, including niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin E, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and zinc. It also contains protein, fiber, and some fat. Source: Adapted and printed with permission from the Mayo Clinic, www.MayoClinic.com. Mayo Clinic is an MDVIP Medical Center of Excellence.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com


Madame of the


ho can forget the Magic of Madame’s, the Drag Extravaganza that took Sunny Isles by storm for so many of the past few years? The Dining with the Divas extravaganza has relocated to Tuesday evenings at The Manor in Wilton Manors, a spectacular new entertainment venue on the Drive. A combination of vintage style and cosmopolitan sophistication, this two-level room has 7 chandeliers, a large performance stage, the best lighting and a modern sound system rocking the house nightly. It is establishing itself swiftly as a gay mecca, one of the most popular destinations for tourists, and a meeting place for locals. The theatrical dinner show, starring Electra, lifts the curtain onTuesdays, with table seating starting at 7p.m. The shows starts at 8pm and runs till 11, when the tables part and a dance floor opens. Next week, SFGN will be profiling Electra, whose long time tenure has earned her the title of Dean of the Divas. The cast of ‘girls’ and female impersonators she brings to The Manor includes Erika Norell, Daisy Deadpetals, Champagne Bordeaux, Monica Moore and special surprise guests. There is no cover and no holds barred as Electra electrifies the audience with her buzzing satire and multi faceted costumes. SFGNites photo cover courtesy of Pompano Bill.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com


Dining Review

WHERE: Uncle Julio’s Fine Mexican Food

449 Plaza Real Boca Raton, FL 33432 561.300.3530

★ ★ ★ (3 Stars) Broward House was well represented at the AIDS ride; here is Anya Thornberry, Kathleen Cannon, Candice Carreno.

Castelli Real Estate Realtor Robert Eldredge, right, and his partner Kristofer Fegenbush of the GLCC Pals Project share a moment in Key West after the Southernmost AIDS Ride

Justin Proffitt, Sam Budyszewick, Julio Morales in Key West at the AIDS Ride.

Well Known Photographer Michael Murphy poses for a photograph with The Manor’s Jason Tamanimi, as they celebrate the opening of the new and visually stunning venue in Wilton Manors. Ron Gunzburger, General Counsel of the Property Appraiser’s office for Broward County, just spent a cold Christmas and New Year’s shooting remarkable photographs, in let’s say, France?

How can you be more proud than this? Ted Adcock is acknowledged by his partner, Ken Keechl, as the latter is sworn in as the first openly gay mayor in the second largest county in the State of Florida.

By I. Ate There


Mexican restaurant may not be your first choice to enjoy Sunday brunch, but Uncle Julio’s Fine Mexican Food in Boca Raton’s swank Mizner Park does a wonderful job of preparing a brunch that can satisfy just about any palate. I began our brunch with a wonderful beverage called Chispas, a refreshing blend of champagne and passion fruit juice, which was reminiscent of a Bellini while my guest enjoyed a Salty Juanita, Uncle Julio’s take on a Bloody Mary, made with Herradura Silver Tequila. Both cocktails were served in oversized glasses instead of champagne glasses, typical of Sunday brunch. While we were waiting for our food, our friendly and very knowledgeable waiter brought us a basket of homemade tortillas and salsa, which in my opinion was the best salsa I’ve had in recent memory. The salsa is not too spicy and has a consistency that I very much enjoy. Our waiter recommended that we add applewood smoked bacon to the Breakfast Quesadillas. Being a fan of super-chef Emeril Lagasse, I know that everything tastes better with bacon, so we decided to take his suggestion. Guests can order this item in a half portion if desired. The first bite of the quesadilla contained a wide variety of flavors, but no one flavor overpowered the others. A homogeneous blend of eggs, onions, peppers, potatoes, cheese, tomatoes and of course bacon, topped with a dollop of guacamole, were the perfect

start to our non-traditional brunch. Next up were Huevos Manchacado, three breakfast tacos served with eggs, onions, peppers and potatoes rolled in fresh flour tortillas, accompanied by a seasonal fruit salad with sweet cream dipping sauce. This brunch item is available with chicken, beef or one of each. We sampled both and unanimously decided that the beef breakfast taco was much tastier than the chicken. Both were served in an overstuffed soft shell taco, which were a bit difficult to eat, but worth the battle. Don’t overlook the fruit salad with sweet cream.You will enjoy this side item as much as the entrée itself. For our third item, we ordered Huevos Ranchero, two eggs over easy, on top of a traditional corn sope with spicy ranchero salsa and Cotija cheese with 6oz Carne Asada. I can honestly say I’ve never had steak and eggs before and now I can attest to its appeal. The well-seasoned Carne Asada was cooked to perfection and complemented the eggs very nicely. The best way to enjoy this dish is to try to place a little bit of everything on your fork since the flavors work so well together. This dish is served with a side of refried beans and potatoes and is perfect if you are hungry. The perfect ending to

an Uncle Julio’s brunch is their signature dessert…the chocolate empanada.Yes, it sounds strange, but as soon as you bite into it, you ask yourself why nobody has thought of it before. The warm gooey chocolate combined with a homemade empanada shell taste amazing, with the kahlua whipped cream which comes with it. Even chocoholics will enjoy this decadent dessert. Overall, the food, service and ambiance at Uncle Julio’s made for a perfect Sunday Brunch.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com


Where Business Comes to Succeed. For advertising opportunities, call John Fugate.



Congratulations to Kevin Hopper on being named last week as the new Publisher for Mark’s List Magazine. The Express, where young adults developed into seasoned professionals.

What you don’t read here, READ HERE: www. SouthFloridaGayNews.com 2520 N. Dixie Highway Wilton Manors, FL 954-530-4970


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Cavalia: Not Your Average Pony Show Website:


Tickets: $39.50 to $189.50 dependent on day of week Dates:

through February 7th

Box Office: 1075 Biscayne Blvd, in Bicentennial Park By Phone: 1.866.999.81111075

By Sebastian Fortino


hen I saw the signs in Miami for Cavalia, the horse show from a Cirque du Soleil founder, I was interested and intrigued. My companion, however, scoffed: “Why would I want to see them dance around with horses?” Admittedly, I turned his statement over in my mind and thought he could be right. Then, another friend surprised me with a ticket to the event and it seemed as if fate had brought me to the spectacle. Cavalia is

not merely dressage - by definition showing off the jumping and willingness of the horses to perform. Cavalia is a show saluting the historic bond between rider and horse, and presents it as a poem. The animals are rotated and well cared for, and according to devotees of the show, even given vacation time off on country horse farms. Cirque du Soleil traditionally does not use animals in their performances. Acrobatic, beautifully performed scenes set to music, amidst projections of Roman arenas and other virtual locales are the driving force behind the performances. In Cavalia, we see horses and performers bond together with artful music, both acoustic and sung. Whether we see a dainty maiden in a virtual ballet with her white steed, watch acrobats fly onto and off the horses, perform in mid-air, or

witness an homage to the trick riding of the Old West, there’s a real love between rider and horse. The Roman Riding, presented against an imposed screen of a Roman arena, showcases svelte riders that stand on and ride two horses at a time. This interlude is per-

haps the showstopper. The male performers gallop out and even make the horses jump over improvised obstacles. It took my breath away a few times. On more than one occasion I feared that the performers (or the horses) breaking a leg or neck. However, these are calm performers—both equine and human—that love to entertain. The gentle bond that trainers have with the more than sixty horses is truly breathtaking. Since the closest relationship I have had with horses comes from childhood summer camp experiences, seeing their natural dexterity was more than I bargained for. And the audience was an excellent mix of ages (including the mandatory contingent of unicorn-obsessed pre-teenaged girls). You will not be disappointed seeing these athletic performers gallop and ride with a physical dexterity and grace that borders on sensual. Be sure you gallop over to the Web site and purchase your tickets. You’ll be glad you did.

SF Gay Nights

‘Indulge Wednesdays’ at Whiskey Blue By Joey Amato


ay nights are popping up all over town, so what makes Indulge Wednesday stand apart? For starters, it’s at Whiskey Blue, the ultra-chic bar at the W Hotel on Fort Lauderdale Beach. The weekly event began last fall, shortly after Whiskey Blue’s grand opening. Steven Crutchfield, manager of Whiskey Blue, tells SFGN that Indulge has become “A success both in the hospitality industry and throughout the GLBT community.” On a recent visit to Indulge, I experienced a fun, sophisticated, well-dressed group of people sipping specialty cocktails while talking amongst friends. A patron named Mike told me that he comes every week, “Whiskey offers something I cannot get on the Drive.” Celebrity sightings at Whiskey Blue have included Blake Lively and Penn Badgley of Gossip Girl as well as the entire cast of the Real Housewives of Orange County. But

and we are doing the same in South Florida and are happy to provide an opportunity for the GLBT community to mix and mingle.” Resident DJ Danny Stern begins spinning at 8pm every Wednesday and keeps the party going until 2am. One of the hot bartenders told SFGN the bar starts getting busy at “With high energy and about 10pm, but it excitement Indulge never gets uncomfortWednesdays is the perfect ably crowded. opportunity for the LGBT Each week, Indulge community meet and offers guests a varimingle each week,” ety of drink specials. explains Crutchfield. “We change them up weekly to keep it fresh and keep our guests coming back to see tributes its success to grass roots and social what we have to offer. You never know what marketing. “We are excited to be a part of the specials we’ll offer each Wednesday,” states community and open our doors for such a Crutchfield. “With high energy and excitegreat night. In every city we enter, Whiskey ment, Indulge Wednesdays is the perfect opBlue revolutionizes the nightlife experience, portunity for the GLBT community to meet don’t let Whiskey’s celebrity appeal fool you. The venue is very welcoming, there is never a line to get in, and it is a great spot to enjoy a martini after work or to bring a date. Since its launch, Indulge Wednesday has been gaining in popularity. Crutchfield at-

and mingle each week.” Crutchfield is no stranger to the hospitality industry. He began working in his mother’s Wilmington, NC restaurant at the age of 9. After graduating high school, he relocated to New York City, where he attended NYU. While living in New York, Crutchfield became Assistant General Manager of BOND ST, a well known sushi restaurant. Twelve years after relocating to the Big Apple, Crutchfield decided it was time for another change, so he and his boyfriend relocated to South Florida. “My boyfriend and I moved together to help out some family. We ended up helping ourselves because we really both enjoyed the change of pace and different scenery.” Within two weeks, he was manager of what would become one of Fort Lauderdale’s hottest nightspots. For more information on Whiskey Blue, please visit: http://www.gerberbars.com/#/ftlauderdale/whiskey-blue/


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Tru Loved

Teenage Trials and Tribulations DVD Review TITLE:

Tru Loved


By Steve Fritz


hen her two mothers movedfrom downtown San Francisco to suburban L.A., life doesn’t look too promising for young Tru (Najarra Townsend). It doesn’t matter what the teenager’s own sexual preferences are, she is immediately ostracized because of her parental situation. Then the miraculous happens. The studly school quarterback, Lodell (Matthew Thompson), decides Tru is “cute,” and starts taking her to the movies, shows and to his home. Tru’s social status elevates to the vaulted heights of Walt Whitman High. Yet there’s a rub, and it’s a lot more than Lodell’s grand-

mother (Nichelle Nichols) griping about her precious grandchild dating a white girl. When Tru decides to form a gay-straight alliance, exposing a Gordian knot of relationships and prejudices, ensnaring her in the process. Tru Loved is the latest effort of young writer/director Stuart Wade, who first made an impression on the alternative film scene with his film Coffee Date. This sophomore effort shows the man still has a solid grip on wordplay. He can also pull off an awkward situation without the audience feeling too uncomfortable. Then again, both films revolved around straight people having to cope with sexual identity and outside confusion. Just released on DVD, the movie tries to walk the fine line between the cynical Juno and kitschy The Brady Bunch. There are uneven

points, even some lows, but like high school itself it’s an overall enjoyable experience. The main reason the film works is Najarra Townsend. Her performance as an overall likable, reasonable, even brainy teenager is credible, although some of her fantasy sequences probably never should have been shot. Matthew Thompson has his moments as the school’s star athlete needing more protection in the pocket than the entire student body imagines. It’s not hard to see where Thompson is hitting his acting limits, even with the knowledge this role wouldn’t be easy for even veteran actors, much less a talented newcomer. One thing this does film have going for it is an endless stream of brilliant cameos

from other, bigger named, actors. Besides the original Lt. Uhura (Nichols), serious contributions/cameos come from Glee’s Jane Lynch, Jasmine Guy, Bruce Vilanch, Marcia Wallace and many more. Nichols and Guy chew up the scenery as the Lodell’s prejudiced grandmother and mother, respectively. How they display their own shortcomings goes a long way towards understanding why their boy uses Tru as his own personal cover. It makes one wish there were more like these ladies. Another thing, even though he’s a relatively young director, there are times when you think he’s been gone too long from high school to remember what it’s like. Some of the teachers, both straight and gay, are just too stereotypical. They clash with the more natural performances of Townsend and other cast members. Some of the lines Wade gives them get a tad embarrassing. Overall, Tru Loved is a pleasant outing even if its feel good ending is a bit forced. As for Wade, here’s hoping his next feature film’s the charm.

How Meredith Baxter Became ‘Family’ By George Dauphin


eredith Baxter is best known for her role as the liberal Elyse Keaton, the mother of Michael J. Fox’s character on the Family Ties TV sitcom (NBC, 1982-1989). At the time, she used her married name, Meredith Baxter Birney. Before that, she was a regular on the critically-acclaimed series Family (ABC, 19761980). During a prolific career as an actress and producer, Baxter has won 20 awards, including a Golden Globe Award and 3 Emmy nominations. “I am a lesbian,” the actress told Matt Lauer, after an awkward introduction that showed both of them clearly nervous during an interview on The Today Show last December 2nd. “It was a later-in-life recognition,” she explained. Seven years ago, Baxter began a relationship with someone that made her acknowledge her sexual orientation. Currently, she has been in a four-year relation-

ship with building contractor Nancy Locke, who is openly gay. Although Baxter and Locke were not hiding their relationship in their local Los Angeles community, they decided to enlist the help of publicist Howard Bragman to head off what promised to be a scandal, with pending reports of their relationship in the National Enquirer, and photos which were to be posted by blogger Perez Hilton, of the couple aboard a ‘Sweet’ Caribbean cruise. Sweet is a travel company that specializes in lesbian and eco-friendly vacations. Early in her career, she starred in the short-lived Bridget Loves Bernie, with David Birney, her spouse of one of three failed marriages. Now a mother of five and a grandmother, Baxter explained that she had “difficulty connecting with men in relationships” in her past. When she had her first lesbian relationship, it made her understand why she had the issues earlier in her life. “It was that kind of awakening,” she said.

Reaction to Baxter’s announcement has been very positive, much to her surprise. “I’m not a very political person,” she said in the interview, “[my coming out] is a political act,” pointing out that voters who know someone who is gay are less likely to vote for legislation that negatively affects that person. “I can be that lesbian you know.” This would not be the first time Meredith Baxter’s personal life has pushed her into playing a more significant public role. A breast cancer survivor, she started the Meredith Baxter Foundation for Breast Cancer. Baxter’s publicist, Bragman, predicted a positive reaction to her announcement. In an interview with L.A. Weekly, Bragman said that the actress has recently signed a major book deal. Broadway Books, a division of Crown Publishing Group, has agreed to publish her memoirs. Bragman, himself an openly gay man, has worked with other celebrities to help them to come out. His clients included Chastity

Meredith Baxter

Bono, ‘Bewitched’ star Dick Sargent, and NFL defensive lineman Esera Tuaolo. Not all of his clients have a gay connection. Bragman’s new public relations firm, Fifteen Minutes, also represents stars like Mario Lopez. Hot off the heels of the Meredith Baxter announcement, Bragman is now working with another celebrity who will come out this year, according to L.A. Weekly. Could it be Lopez? One can only dream!


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com


Sideshow Mixes Things Up in WilMa By J.W. Arnold


ultry songstress Jennifer McClain has long been a favorite with South Florida audiences. In addition to her weekly appearance at Georgie’s Alibi, the blonde bombshell has introduced “Jennifer McClain’s Sideshow” on 8 p.m. on Sundays at The Mix on the Drive. “It’s a singers’ showcase,” McClain explains. “Each week, I invite three talented local performers to join me on the stage for an evening of live music. It’s a lot of fun and a way for me to encourage other singers.” On Sunday, Jan. 31, McClain will welcome Jonathan Gray, who does soulful, upbeat Stevie Wonder-inspired sets; guitarist Peter Orlando, who recently won the Florida Talent Quest and went on to compete in Las Vegas; and Tori Holden, a vocalist who has a dedicated following at gay clubs in Port St. Lucie. “There’s lots of variety and the great thing is that it frees me to explore different types of music,” she says. “If they sing ballads, I’ll do up tempo songs. If everybody’s singing Broadway, I can do disco.” Sideshow is anything but an open mic night. At a recent show, an agent in the audience signed one of the singers. “This is no amateur hour,” McClain laughs. There is no cover charge. For more information, visit McClain’s page on Facebook: Jennifer McClain’s Sideshow.

Monday Don’t miss the fiesta at Maracas Mexican Bar & Grill, 3001 N. Federal Hwy. in Fort Lauderdale. Dj Julian Marsh will be in the booth while the boys slurp down $2 margaritas.

Tuesday Dustin Reffca presents Tuesdays Funhouse on South Beach at Twist, 57 Washington Ave. DJ Daisy D will be in spinning in the main room with a special live performance at 1 a.m. and don’t miss the amateur strip contest hosted by Pussila.

Wednesday Wednesday night is the “New Meat Amateur Contest” at Boardwalk, 1721 North Andrews Ave. The contest, hosted by Auntie Mame, begins at midnight. Enter for a chance to win $100 in cash and enjoy $3 Long Islands all night long.

Thursday We may be on the beach, but the sharks are at Scandals Saloon tonight for the weekly cash pool tournament at 7 p.m. Meanwhile, on the dance floor, Lee Fox offers beginning and intermediate country dance lessons. Scandals is at 3073 NE 6th Ave. in Wilton Manors.

Friday Legendary Miami Beach promoter Edison Farrow puts a new spin on Friday nights with Hype at Bar 721, 721 Lincoln Lane. DJ Charlmix will be providing the beat for the hip South Beach crowds.



Saturday is Noche Latina at The Manor, 2345 Wilton Dr. in Wilton Manors, with Latin rhythms pulsating through the Ivy Lounge in the huge complex on the Drive. Erika Norell also takes the stage. No cover.

Nicolette’s girls at Lips, 1421 Oakland Park Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale, will put the fear of Jesus in you after a long weekend at the weekly Jazz Brunch between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. The Sisters of Sequins will help you make some

joyful noise and, for $16.50, drink up the unlimited mimosas with your brunch entrée. J. W. Arnold, a former entertainment editor for the Express, is now an arts and entertainment editor for SFGN.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com


Passport Magazine Posts Record Ad Revenue Gay Travel Magazine Serves Lucrative Niche Market


assport, the “Hetero-Friendly Gay Travel Magazine,” has bucked a trend in the world of publishing by announcing that 2009 was a banner year for advertising sales. In addition, Passport will expand its frequency from eight to nine issues per year and is expanding its multimedia online content. In an industry that saw the demise of more than 400 magazines last year, Passport con­tinues on a path of growth and success unparalleled in the travel and GLBT demographic markets. Passport’s advertising revenue increased an impressive 32% in 2009 over 2008, with Convention & Visitor Bureaus and tourist boards accounting for the largest growth in advertising expenditures in the magazine. Airlines, destinations and hotels posted modest gains, while non-travel-related consumer advertising remained about even for the year. Publisher Don Tuthill attributes the success of Passport to several factors. “Our top priority has always been to provide high quality editorial content. Passport serves a market that demands information, rather than self-serving promotion.” In serving the GLBT marketplace, Pass­­ port has carved a niche in reaching a highly lucrative and brand-aware demographic. In a market that accounts for an estimated $700 billion in consumer spending, GLBT consumers traditionally have more discretionary income. According to a recent national survey conducted by Harris Interactive in partnership with Witeck-Combs Communications, average summer travel spending among GLBT Adults was $2,383 per person vs. $1,569 for heterosexual travelers. And, they are extremely loyal to advertisers who reach out to them. In addition to a stunning increase in advertising revenue, Passport has also seen a

17% increase in single-copy sales at bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders and a modest 2% gain in paid subscriptions. Passport is also available at many major hotels, airports and tourist bureaus throughout the world.

With an eye towards continued growth and expansion in the burgeoning online arena, Tuthill and Passport’s co-founder/editorial director Robert Adams launched Passport TV in April 2008. This year, they plan to expand the original programming content to include celebrity guest hosts acting as “tour guides,” more lifestyle and international nightlife coverage and original video content produced expressly to serve the needs of advertisers. Passport’s weekly e-newsletter, “Passport Travels,” has 56,000+ registered subscribers who welcome updates on the latest information on domestic and international travel, as well as special offers from Passport’s advertising partners. The goal is to provide valuable insights and information to a very discerning consumer.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com


Out In – Stockholm By Joey Amato

depending on the time of year you wish to travel. SAS Scandinavian Airlines departs Features Editor daily from several destinations in the United or our first excursion, let’s visit the States, as do many other carriers, although a crown jewel of Scandinavia, Stock- lay-over in London is not uncommon. The abundance of chic, gay-friendly hotels holm, Sweden. Home to in­ternational icons including IKEA and H&M, Stockholm in Stockholm makes the city a must-see desis a vibrant city filled with great people, great tination. The hotels are scattered throughout food and lots of activities for the GLBT com- the city, with most situated within walking distance to Gamla Stan munity. On a recent va- Helpful Links: cation to this fabulous • www.nordiclighthotel.com or “Old Town,” which is home to much of the city’s destination, I spent three • www.berns.se vibrant gay nightlife. The magical days in a city • www.hotelstureplan.se Nordic Light Hotel features that I rank as one of the top vacation spots in all of Europe. Gay life minimalist Swedish style at its very best, and in Stockholm is easily accessible, hugely fun has been voted ‘The World’s Sexiest Hotel’ by and always welcoming. First-time GLBT visi- the readers of Elle magazine. The hotel also tors to Stockholm will be quick to realize that serves as a perennial sponsor of the Pride Stockholm is a fun-loving city which is also Festival. At the Nordic Sea Hotel, its sissteeped in tradition. Stockholm is built on 14 ter hotel located right next door, you’ll find islands, set in the magnificent Baltic Sea, just as Stockholm’s coolest bar, the Icebar, which is spectacular as the city itself. Although the city the world’s first permanent ice bar. Situated is vibrant in the warmer months, travel deals close to Old Town, the Berns Hotel is a chic are abundant in the winter if you are brave art-deco boutique property that calls itself the ‘Designer Hotel for people tired of designer enough to face the long, harsh starry nights. Traveling to the city from the United hotels’. The Berns’ previous guests have inStates is simple but can be somewhat costly cluded diva-extraordinaire, Diana Ross. For


Rainbow Alliance Guide Partners with Fun Maps The Rainbow Alliance has announced that its’ new map of Fort Lauderdale will be published in a partnership with FunMaps. Ohad Soberano, the Rainbow Alliance Board Advertising Chairman and Alan Beck, Publisher of FunMaps, hope to distribute the popular geographical guide throughout the United States and Canada, to gay and lesbian businesses and organizations, at trade and travel shows and other venues. FunMaps has been published for 28 years, and was recently revised to make them more attractive and user friendly. The partnership allows Rainbow Alliance members to promote their properties and businesses both on line and in print at a cost effective price. FunMaps’ powerful web site www.funmaps.com offers a large variety of services to both advertisers and readers. The new edition is scheduled to come out early in March and feature all Rainbow Alliance members and other businesses in Greater Fort Lauderdale, serving the gay/lesbian community.

those who like to dream of the splendors of a bygone age, there is the brand-new Hotel Stureplan, a small, intimate hotel located in an elegant 19th century building whose interior design is inspired by traditional Swedish craftsmanship. Stockholm offers a variety of attractions and historical sites. Some suggestions include The Hallwyl Palace, home to then Count and Countess von Hallwyl, which upon completion in 1898, was Stockholm’s most modern private residence. Millesgården Sculpture Park currently displays the stunning work of Carl Milles. The Stockholm City Museum organizes gay-themed city walks and boat trips around the city, focusing on Stockholm’s gay heritage. Visitors are welcomed by the museum’s bright pink mascot, Rose the Poodle, which stands guard at the museums front door. Drottningholm Palace houses the Court Theatre, which dates back to 1766 and saw its glory days 11 years later, when gay King Gustav III took charge of the palace. Stockholm abounds in fashionable restaurants with enticing menus, rivaling those of any European capital city. The restaurant scene in Stockholm is known for its wide selection of dining options, high standards, and professional service. Many gay-friendly restaurants have sprung up all around the

city, including hotspots such as Göken and Mälarpaviljongen. Sofo Roxy is a lesbian-run restaurant/ lounge located in Södermalm’s fashion district. Other suggestions include Chokladkoppen, a small café in the heart of Old Town. It isn’t hard to find gay nightlife in Stockholm, just pick up QX GAYMAP, which highlights all the clubs, restaurants, and cafes in the city, where you are also likely to find information on local parties and events. QX is also available from on the Internet, so GLBT visitors can plan their vacation accordingly before even stepping foot in Stockholm. The city is also home to the Stockholm Gay Network, a project within the Stockholm Visitors Board, which works to market and develop Stockholm as an interesting and attractive destination for the GLBT community.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Advice from Glenn Douglas

Going Out with Glenn Dubbed “a dancing entrepreneur” by The New York Times, openly gay choreographer Glenn Douglas Packard has worked with some of the biggest names in entertainment including Pink, Missy Elliot, Brooke Hogan, Nelly Furtado, Whitney Houston, Usher and Liza Minelli. He was also honored with an Emmy nomination for his artistic direction on Michael Jackson’s 30th Anniversary Celebration at Madison Square Garden. If you have a story you would like to share with Glenn, please email him at: WhatsUpGlenn@aol.com

Salvador’s Story Hey Glenn! I just wanted to let u know that I’m truly a big fan of yours! I recently watched the episode of Brooke Knows Best where you admitted to being gay and I thought it was very inspirational! You’ve inspired me to want to come out to my parents. However, they are both extremely religious and I’m scared that they will disown me.What should I do? One of your Biggest Fans, Salvador Hey Bud, Thanks for your message, and when it comes to the Bible and being gay, there are a lot of thoughts on this and people can get in an uproar on these things. My belief is God knows I stand for Love, and I am a Loving person, and that I am Loving someone, that Loves me back. So that’s how I look at it. There was a

Lifetime television movie I saw with Sigourney Weaver (whom is nominated for a Golden Globe this year for her role in the film) called “Prayers for Bobby.” It tackles some of the religious issues confronting gay culture and I think religious parents of gay children need to watch this film. I highly recommend it. Best wishes bud & keep me updated, GLENN

ANDY’s STORY Hey Glenn, Can I ask you how you came out to your parents? I have come out to almost everyone in my life but my parents and I really want them to know but I don’t know how they will take it and if they will accept me. By the way I’m not gay, I’m bisexual and I really need advice from the person that came out on to the world on TV…that took balls!

Sigourney Weaver in Prayers for Bobby

Hey Andy, It was just that! It took big farm-boy balls! Having the camera and the support team with me helped in a big way. I always have been really comfortable with who I am, it just took the TV show to make me realize how important it was to have real gay people on the networks, for other gay people in the community to look up to as role-models. I think it’s important to be you, when living life! So be a leader, not a follower, and if you have come out to everyone I assume you have a good support group. So when you’re ready to tell your parents, just be ready for anything…you have to allow the idea of who you are to settle in. Parents always

have this dream of what they would like us to become or grow up to be; usually another version of them. My mom is so worried about the things that come with being gay, like harassment, disapproval, or sexual discrimination. But I tell her I’m a big boy and can handle myself, plus everyone in the world has had to deal with those kinds of situations. And remember not to judge your parents, since you yourself don’t want to be judged by them! It could take a month, it could take years…all I know is family is family and there is always an unconditional love there. Good luck out there and keep us posted! GLENN


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Theatre Review

LAY: Making Porn P HERE: Empire Stage W 1140 N. Flagler Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. For tickets and show times, call 954-678-1496 or visit www.empirestage.com.

Making Porn a Guilty Pleasure By J.W. Arnold


hether straight or gay, nearly every red-blooded man has turned to porn for a little sexual release, so it only seems logical to assume that a play about making said porn might also have appeal. That is certainly the case with Empire Stage’s inaugural production, Ronnie Larsen’s Making Porn. The boys were lined up outside the door for the Sunday matinee and more than a few admitted that the warning of full frontal nudity was more of an enticement for an afternoon of the “arts.” The theatre, occupying Sol Theatre’s former space on Flagler, also provides a comfortable—if not familiar—location to watch some “porn,” with comfy leather couches placed throughout the audience and a table of lube and napkins within arm’s reach of many. And with the promise of nudity and simulated sex acts to come, this convenience was not lost on the audience, either, even if they were only props. One by one, Larsen introduces an almost comical array of characters who find themselves drawn into the sometimes seedy world of porn. There’s Arthur (Michael Lopez, who also directs), the sleazy, aging producer and director who is seeking the breakthrough film of his career, and Jamie (Keith Dougherty), Arthur’s longtime—and longtime dissatisfied—partner, who tires of the constant neglect and verbal abuse. And then there’s Ricky (Ryan McFadden), the starry-eyed and hung teenager who jumps at the opportunity to make money doing the thing he loves, having sex. Steamy Angel Lopez portrays Ray Tanner, the veteran who rounds out his days between shoots

Theatre Review by hustling and performing at seedy clubs, and David R. Gordon is Jack Hawk, the PLAY: Sordid Lives “gay for pay” husband with aspirations of a WHERE: A ction Theatre. serious acting career. 840 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Each of the men brings a twist to the Lauderdale. For tickets and show story: Jamie finally gets fed up and finds times, call 954-561-2225 or visit himself shacking up with Ricky. Arthur www.risisngactiontheatre.com. finds his world crumbling around him as he sees the relationship he had taken for granted fall apart. Jack must deal with the fall out when his wife discovers his secret work making “educational videos.” It’s the surprising reaction from Linda (Julia ClearCult Hit Sordid Lives Takes wood) that provides some of the greatest the Stage at Rising Action irony to the story. Lopez, Dougherty and Gordon are all veterans of previous productions of the By Mary Damiano show, including the off-Broadway stint, and Arts Editor intimately know their characters, delivering perfect, sometimes emotionally moving el Shores’ Sordid Lives is performances. Perez is absolutely steamy like a big, pink, drumming bunas Ray and McFadden lends an innocent, ny,—it keeps going and going and going— almost naïve charm to his Ricky. And and now the tale of white trash Texans has Clearwood steals the show later as she eacome to Rising Action Theatre. gerly embraces her husband’s new career. In addition to being a play, Sordid Lives For audiences who are more intergot the big screen treatment in 2000 and ested in a cheap thrill than a sophisticated night at the theater—not that Making Porn is overly serious theater despite a nod to the AIDS crisis—there will no disappointments as the boys shed their clothes for what turn out to be outrageously funny sex scenes that play on every stereotype in the porn world. The Empire space is intimate, downright tiny, presenting challenges to Lopez for staging as the scenes rapidly shift. Actors are literally on top of each other and sometimes on top of the audience, but Fern Katz plays Sissy in Sordid Lives, these are minor problems. now at Rising Action Theatre. Audiences also won’t mind the barebones set and simple lighting behit the small screen as a series in 2008. cause the acting and lots of clever writing The story concerns the events surrounding ultimately carries this show. the scandalous death of a Texas matriarch, With strong performances and plenty Peggy, and how her wacky family deal with of audience appeal, Making Porn proves to each other over two days leading up to her be just a little more than a cheap thrill— funeral. The dysfunctional, white trash clan it’s a guilty pleasure. includes Peggy’s nicotine-addicted sister, Making Porn runs through February 7 her snooty, uptight daughter, her hell-raising at Empire Stage. daughter, her transvestite son and her

White Trash Talking


closeted grandson. Toss a few more town denizens, including Peggy’s lover, a man with a pair of lethal wooden legs, his pistol-packin’ wife and a nympho therapist, and you’ve got the whole enchilada of craziness. The design elements in the Rising Action production are admirable. The scenic design by Jonathan Jones is inventive and spot on in the first half of the play, especially in the bar scene, which is so realistic you can almost smell the beer. Michael O’Quinn’s costume design is also terrific, from the suit and leopard accessories of predatory Dr. Eve to


Kitt Marsh and Bill Dobbins Dr. Eve and Brother Boy in Sordid Lives, now at Rising Action Theatre.

the lingerie-inspired ensemble of the local honky-tonk ex-con troubadour. The performances are uneven. Fern Katz delivers the best performance as Sissy, Peggy’s sister.With her crooked beehive and oversized glasses, she could easily devolve into a sight gag, but Katz keeps her funny and interesting. Lacy Carter delivers a sassy performance as wild child Lavonda; she could be “Golden Girls” Blanche Devereaux’s younger, white-trash sister. Emily Ocheltree makes a great drunk as barfly Juanita. The men don’t fare as well, with the notable exception of Richard Ribuffo as bartender Wardell. Bill Dobbins plays Brother Boy, the transvestite who channels Tammy Wynette, sweet and sassy, but he sounds like he’s reciting his lines. Geoff Ward, as closeted grandson Ty, also delivers a recitation rather than a performance. Although there are many weak links in the cast, the biggest problem in this production of Sordid Lives is the plodding direction by Larry Brooks. Under Brooks’ direction, Chopin’s “Minute Waltz” would take an hour. Shores’ dialogue has the ability to crackle, but without the timing or brisk pace a director can provide, it falls flat. Despite the flaws in this production, Sordid Lives has a cult following that will work in Rising Action’s favor. Sordid Lives runs through February 21 at Rising Action Theatre.


Heard it on...

By the Nite Owl The ‘Hookie’ Awards at Johnny’s Well, what’s a Saturday nite in Fort Lauderdale without checking out the boys at Johnny’s, that stellar staple of lust and lewdness on West Broward Rent-Boy Jason Blvd? And this week, courtesy of www.rentboy. com, they present the contest for Mr. Florida ‘Escort of the Year’, aka ‘The Hookies.’ Pictured in the Gayvine this week is Jason Pitt, last year’s winner for ‘Best Newcomer.’ Now what the Nite Owl finds so special about this hunk of a blonde escort, Mr. Pitt, is that he has gone online to describe his, excuse us, ‘dates.’ That’s right—if you would like to read about the trials and tribulations of a male escort, just save as a bookmark, the traumas and tricks of Jason Pitt at www. alittlebitofpitt.com- where he details the warnings and worldly experiences of getting naked for dollars. We are anxious to hear what young Jason Pitt will tell us about Johnny’s owner, Sean David.

January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Klobuchar of Minnesota has been chosen as one of the two featured speakers Might be a rough evening for Barney. Klobuchar’s reputation for biting wit took off last winter at the Washington Press Club Foundation’s dinner. Talking about fund raising for her campaign, Klobuchar remarked that: “I raised $17,000 from ex-boyfriends -- true story!” was one of her setup lines. “I know that is the record in the Senate, but in the House it’s held by Barney Frank.” Roars of laughter, even from Frank, the openly gay House member from Massachusetts.

Tim Tebow FEATURED IN ANTI-GAY TV AD He may be a star gator and a Heismann winner but there is no one in the gay community giving out charities to Tim Tebow. The former UF star has recorded an ad in support of James Dobson and the rabidly anti gay group, Focus on the Family. In fact, they plan to air the 30 second commercial during the Super Bowl.

Mrs. Beasley Uncut Now Online

Frankly Speaking Speaking of rent boys, a well known gay Congressman who once made the news because of them is none other than the very popular Barney Frank, who this weekend we suspect will be at the National Press Club’s 103rd Annual presidential black tie inaugural gala in Washington, D.C. Always a cutting edge roast for all persons powerful, Democratic U.S. Sen. Amy

At face value Focus on the Family is just a humble Christian ministry that provides pro-family resources across America. Which would be nice and all if it wasn’t also a radical right organization that promotes whack job theories, makes statements that border on hate speech and releases way over-the-line political propaganda. Here is this one: http://www2. focusonthefamily.com/ press/pressreleases/ a000001434.cfm CBS, which will air this year’s Super Bowl, had in previous years banned advertisements from groups like MoveOn.Org and PETA telling the groups it would not air “controversial issues of public importance.” Tebow may have made his way to the cover of GQ and Men’s Fitness with his stunning body, good looks, and ability to throw a football, but getting into bed with right wing politics is not likely to endear him with most of the gay community. Since Focus on the Family spotlights pre marital abstinence, one has to ask whether that hunk of a football player, posing nightly with buxom broads, has remained faithful to the cause. Wait, let’s ask his traveling companion, Tiger Woods.

Tim Tebow

This periodic feature, Heard it on the Gayvine, is resurrected from the Old Express Gay News. Over the course of the week you gather scores of stories while putting out a newspaper, and while some are legitimate news, some just don’t make it as fully newsworthy. Still, they are revealing, illuminating, and gossip charged. Thus, the Gayvine. So if you hear a cute story that you want to send us, as long as its lewd and lasciviousness,

“Coop” and “Friend”

rather than libelous and defamatory, we will entertain it. Send it to gayvine@southfloridagaynews.com Of course, to even dare publish a column like this, one must pay deference to the Master of Mayhem, the one and only Mrs. Beasley, who has been charting brutally satirical territory for years in local gay magazines and bar guides. Now Mrs. B has her own website, www.beasleyuncut.com, and if you want nude and lewd, there is nowhere else to go. Talk about Outrage! From ‘Hunk of the Month,’ to ‘Rear View’ and ‘Out of Drawers’, there is no telling what you may see or who Mrs. Beasley may write about on her site. Okay, it is not Pulitzer Prize winning journalism, but she is an icon, makes a statement, and has ‘gossip from all over.’ Where else can you find a picture of Anderson Cooper bicycling in India with his boyfriend, Ben Maisani, right next to a link to the Boys of the Boardwalk? And when you think of meat at the Boardwalk, you should think of Beefcake’s, their excellent restaurant featuring a Lobster Bisque soup to die for, generous salads, and fresh, juicy, grilled steaks. Victor Zepka knows how to eat and offers up the best food at modest prices in a casual outdoor environment. Back to Ms. Beasley, aside from her daring and dangerous column published weekly in Hotspots Magazine!, now archived and viewable online at http://hotspotsmagazine.com/columns-main/mrsbeasley


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

TV Star Matt Bomer in Denial? As reported on the popular qweerty. com site, it is well known in Hollywood that Matt Bomer is living a, shall we say, ‘homosexual lifestyle.’ The very hot, 32 year old ‘White Collar’ TV star is apparently openly gay. Even to the point of raising a child with his partner, Simon Halls. Guess that is what happens when your dad is a cowboy. But when Details Magazine asked

Matt Bomer

him about the ‘rumors’ about his homosexuality he told them, in this, the year 2010, that: “I don’t care about that at all. I’m completely happy and fulfilled in my personal life.” In other words, he won’t own up to it, apologizing to Detail that “I have a network show on my shoulders…” Yes, and a closet to hide it in. Seems to us here at the Owl that Bomer is more worried about being Neal Caffrey, the actor than Matt Bomer the father. Get over it Matty. Show your heels.

Best Catch gets caught! We have it from the most well-placed sources (actually, it comes directly from him, using a fake voice on his cell from the office washroom) that South Florida Gay News Features Editor Joey Amato is now an ‘A-Gay’ (and not just by virtue of the first letter

of his last name): Joey has been named a “Best Catch” in the upcoming issue of Boca Life Magazine— mad props from his mad tops! (We also see on his Facebook page that he’s listed as “single.” If that’s so, then may we inquire who the cute Asian-looking guy sitting in the pic next to him is, hand creeping thighward?)

‘Outrage’ is Out on Video ‘The outstanding documentary ‘Outrage’ has now been released on video. It is a crisp, efficient, sometimes petty but often infuriating documentary about alleged gay politicians who actively campaign and vote against gay rights. And Florida Governor Charlie Crist takes a big

hit in the film. Most of the film’s targets are recognizable figures, including the sordid saga of former Idaho senator Larry Craig. Director Kirby Dick has structured his movie around Crist, gathering compelling evidence and interviews to support his case and suggesting that this man’s hypocrisy is all the more dangerous because he may be bound for a 2012 presidential run. The film contains sexual themes and interviews with talented New Times columnist Bob Norman, who writes a blog called ‘The Pulp,’ for Broward New Times, most recently exposing the hidden corruption in the law offices of disbarred attorney Scott Rothstein.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Health and Fitness

10 Resolutions HIV Living and Prevention

Sixth SMART Ride A Personal Account

By Michael Weinstein, President

AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Los Angeles, CA


his is the time of year when our thoughts turn to New Year’s resolutions. These often revolve around some form of how we look: I will lose weight, hit the gym and get buffed or grow something, shave something off, etc. Looking good can make you feel good, so there is no harm here at all. However, I would like to suggest a different kind of resolution for the new year—a safer more responsible year ahead. Here are some ideas for resolutions:

If you are HIV



on’t infect another person. A person D can only get infected with HIV from someone who has it. It is your responsibility and a solemn decision not to pass HIV on to another.You know what a struggle coping with being HIV+ is—don’t make someone else go through it. ake your medication.You are one T of the lucky ones; you have access to the best that modern medicine has to offer. Not adhering to your regimen means that you will have to switch to something more expensive and perhaps less effective.


isclose your status to others you D trust. Being HIV+ is not a dirty secret. Yes, you are taking a risk, but you deserve the love and support of others. Any love interest that can’t handle it is not going to work out in the end.


e an active partner in your healthcare. B Ask questions of your provider. Read up on what is happening in the field.


et involved. One of the best theraG pies for the blues is to be of service to others. Plus AIDS activism has taken a holiday and we need it back. You can help.

If you are HIV


S tay negative in 2010. The simple resolutions are the best ones. This is as simple as saying the past is the past. For the future I am not going to risk becoming positive no matter how steamy the situation becomes. Of course, unless we never touch another human we are taking some risk. So look yourself in the mirror and decide how much risk you are willing to take—no anal sex without a condom; oral sex with or without a condom; no taking cum in my mouth.


alk to your partners about safer sex. T Whether it is a hook-up, dating or a new relationship, have “the conversation”—it will relieve the stress. Not talking about it often leads to trouble. If you both agree on the ground rules you will help each other stick to them—it might just bring you closer together.


L eave the house prepared. Don’t go out of the house at any time that you could possibly wind up having sex without condoms and preferably lube. Getting infected with HIV for lack of a condom is a really bad deal.


et tested for HIV. If you haven’t been G tested in six months and you have been putting it off because you are scared, lazy or not thinking about it— man up. Testing is easy, free and convenient—no excuses. Testing is available at AHF’s Men’s Wellness Center or visit freehivtest.net <http://freehivtest. net> to find a place near you. And while you’re at it, drag a friend along.


et a thorough STD screening. G It’s as necessary as a haircut. STDs themselves can be serious and they raise your chances of getting HIV. And if you’re afraid of needles—you handle more discomfort during sex than a little needle—don’t use that as an excuse.

By George Dauphin SFGN Creative Director George Dauphin accompanied the AIDS ride to Key West two weeks ago as a volunteer massage therapist. As you may remember, it turned out to be an unseasonably bitter cold weekend. This is his account of the experience.


long Highway 1, Saturday morning, motorists slowed down to cheer the cyclists in the cold rain. My Mazda seemed to sway left and right in the heavy gusts of wind, threatening to hydroplane, making its way over the bridges that connect the Keys. The wipers and defroster struggled to keep my vision clear. I wondered what it was like for the cyclists out there, in the stinging cold rain. I joked that the event could suddenly turn into a triathlon if the wind lifted one of these riders and dumped him in the ocean. But it wasn’t funny. There was real danger out there. This was my introduction to SMART Ride and my role was simply to drive and assist two massage therapists as part of the support crew. I was amazed by the heroism of the riders. By the time they were ready to start the second leg early Saturday morning, the temperature had dropped to the low 40s, wind-chill in the mid 30s. A relentless ice-cold rain increased the challenge and this event became dangerous. Many were forced to drop out at the first pit stop, due to injury and fear of injury. My passengers were reluctant to follow my urge to open the windows and take some pictures of these riders as we passed them. “These riders are making a sacrifice, I said. “We need to show what they are doing.” “We’re making a sacrifice too,” one of the therapists answered. “It’s not the same thing,” I said. In fact, both of these women were making sacrifices. Pauline is a straight woman who was spending time away from her family to offer

her services. At the start of the event in Miami, her car broke down. She sat in the un­heated vehicle for six hours, waiting to be rescued. She could easily have gone back to the comfort of her home in Broward County. But, with the help of a friend, she went on to the Keys. This was a weekend, after all, about bravery. Stacie, my other passenger, was just recovering from the flu. She worked a full day at her clinic doing massages up to 7pm on Friday. I picked her up an hour later for the long trip down to Duck Key. This would be the second time she has volunteered to do massage at SMART Ride. The cyclists were overcoming the elements —and the odds—as if the weather were symbolic of HIV/AIDS. When we finally arrived, and gathered in the hall of a Middle School in Key West, we met the champion cyclists arriving too, soaked to the bone in icy rain. It was clear that most of us were part of an event greater than any of us; that we played a small role. We cheered, we hugged, we cried. And everyone achieved, grew, and grasped the meaning of the moment. I thought painfully of lost friends, like Pierre and Gerard who continue to be inspirations in my life; of Peter, my best friend of 11 years; Roger and others who made up my world in the 70s and 80s. I thought of José, a brilliant aspiring writer who died in 1981. We all have such friends and memories. On this day though, the past became the present. The frigid weather weekend reminded me of days when José and I braved colder venues to watch a Bertolucci film. We had no idea, those of us who are old enough, of what took José’s life back then. But here now, I have no doubt he too would have been in Key West had he lived. That being the case, this was where I belonged, among my friends, those no longer with us, and those fighting to remain.

January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com



January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Jersey KO’s Gay Nups Local Leaders React Angrily By Cliff Dunn


n January 7th, the New Jersey State Senate voted down a measure to make the Garden State the nation’s sixth to permit same-sex marriages. The decision led to sharp local reaction in South Florida. George Castrataro, a Wilton Manors attorney who once headed the Broward Human Rights Initiative observed that, “Time and again, it’s been an uphill battle. You’ve seen in every instance a huge mobilization by the opposition, and that’s tough to overcome.” Echoed Al Cicotte, managing partner at American Tax and Insurance Group in Oakland Park, “The next generation of gays and lesbians will take fully-recognized marriage as a given. It’s inevitable. Demographics and destiny.” Cicotte added, “It’s possible to predict the future, just not always the timing.” Following months of fierce and often emotional lobbying and debate, state legislators voted 20 to 14 to defeat the bill. The outcome sparked intense reactions within the packed-to-capacity New Jersey Senate chambers: opponents of the proposal broke out into spontaneous cheers and applause following the vote, while supporters expressed deep emotions, including tears, at the defeat. The legislative battle now over, the stage is set for the issue to make its way to the New Jersey Supreme Court. Gay marriage proponents were hoping that a win in the New Jersey Senate would be followed by enactment into law by Governor Jon Corzine, who had promised to sign it before leaving office on January 19th. The man replacing Corzine, Governorelect Christopher Christie, opposed the bill. Len Deo, president of the New Jersey Family Policy Council, said of the vote: “We applaud the senators for upholding a time-tested institution: marriage.” In South Florida, supporters of gay marriage see things differently. “It was politically motivated – clearly,” said Tommy Forcella, Web Development Director for SouthFloridaGayNews.com and a New Jersey native. “Those senators didn’t want to risk taking on the incoming governor, and using their political capitol in a fight they appar-

ently didn’t care that much about.” “I don’t think they know what discrimination really means,” Forcella added. Alex Gray, a 22-year-old medical assistant from Cooper City, was more blunt: “They’re idiots. Consenting adults should be able to marry whomever they please,” he said. In 2006, the New Jersey Supreme Court ordered state legislators to mandate the same rights for same-sex couples as others, regardless of what they called the unions. Lawmakers enacted a civil unions law, but supporters of marriage rights say that gays are still discriminated against. Steven Goldstein, chairman of Garden State Equality, which has led lobbying efforts for the last six years, said, “Even our opponents in the Legislature acknowledge that the civilunion law has not provided equal protection.” The New Jersey defeat is a setback for gay marriage supporters, coming as it does in one

McGreevey Ex-Wife Opposes Gay Marriage MOUNTAIN LAKES, N.J. (AP) The ex-wife of New Jersey’s gay ex-governor is opposed to same-sex marriage. Dina Matos (MAY’-tohs) told The Daily Record of Parsippany that the state Senate did the right thing when it defeated gay marriage legislation. Matos is best known for standing by the side of then-Gov. Jim McGreevey when he declared in 2004 that he was a ``gay American.’’ They divorced in 2008.

Gays Get Some GOP Support McCain Family Comes Out for Us! By JOAN LOWY Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — Cindy McCain, the wife of 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain, and their daughter Meghan have posed for photos endorsing pro-gay marriage forces in California.

Taking sides: McGreevey, McCain and Newsweek feature

of the nation’s most socially-tolerant states, and on the heels of a similar defeat in December in the New York Legislature. Those defeats formed a trifecta that began last November, when, in a referendum, Maine voters repealed their state’s gay-marriage law. State Senator Gerald Cardinale, a Republican, said during the debate that the results of the governor’s race clearly indicated that New Jersey voters oppose gay marriage. Cardinale said that the state would be doing “violence” to the institution of marriage by changing it from a union between one man and one woman. But the outgoing Senate President, Richard Codey, a Democrat, said “One day people will look back and say, ‘What were they thinking?’ ‘What were they so afraid of?’”

Matos supports the state’s civil union law. She told the newspaper as a Catholic, she believes in ``traditional marriage between a man and a woman.’’ The 43-year-old has not remarried but is dating. McGreevey is studying to become an Episcopal priest. He’s in a gay relationship and has said he would marry his partner if possible. He could not be reached for reaction to his ex-wife’s comments.

Mrs. McCain appears with silver duct tape across her mouth and ``NOH8’’ written on one cheek in a photo posted Wednesday to the Web site of NOH8, a gay rights group opposed to Proposition 8. The ballot measure passed by California voters in 2008 bans same-sex marriage. The McCains’ daughter Meghan, who has been outspoken in her support for gay rights, has also endorsed NOH8. She appears with silver duct tape across her mouth and ``NOH8’’ on a cheek in a photo on her Twitter site. Cindy McCain contacted NOH8 and offered to pose for the photo endorsement, the Web site said. John McCain’s office said in a statement that the Arizona senator respects the views of

members of his family but remains opposed to gay marriage. ``Sen. McCain believes the sanctity of marriage is only defined as between one man and one woman,’’ the statement said. John McCain backed an Arizona ballot measure passed by voters in 2008 that defined marriage as between one man and one woman. The NOH8 Web site praised Cindy McCain’s willingness to publicly endorse a cause that is unpopular within the Republican Party. ``The McCains are one of the most well-known Republican families in recent history, and for Mrs. McCain to have reached out to us to offer her support truly means a lot,’’ the site says. ``We’d never really thought the cause might be something her mother would get behind. We have a huge amount of respect for both of these women.” Meghan McCain said Wednesday in a Twitter message linked to her blog: ``I couldn’t be more proud of my mother for posing for the NOH8 campaign. I think more Republicans need to start taking a stand for equality.’’ Meghan McCain was asked to be the keynote speaker at next month’s National Equality Week at George Washington University in Washington for her advocacy, but her appearance has drawn criticism from Republicans on campus, the NOH8 site said. McCain’s Senate re-election campaign said Wednesday that his presidential running mate, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, will come to Arizona to campaign for him in March. Palin has been a vocal opponent of gay marriage.

January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com



January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

City Upon A Hill

South Florida Gays and Lesbians Respond to D.C. Gay Marriage Ruling

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partner, Brett Tannenbaum, in a May 2008 commitment ceremony. “Those officials and that judge are heroic,” he added. In her decision, Judge Macaluso said the elections board was justified in disallowing the ballot initiative, which would have violated the 1977 Human Rights Act prohibiting discrimination. “It is clear that a community cannot by initiative authorize discrimination as a matter of government policy,” she wrote. Local activists praised the city council’s ordinance and the court’s decision. Fort Lauderdale attorney Robin Bodiford, who was inRoby (left) and Brett Tannebaum married in 2008 strumental in securing passage of Broward County’s 1995 Human Rights Ordinance, praised the ruling. By Cliff Dunn “This recent decision, as well as all the resing words like “heroic” and “re- markable progress we are observing in gender markable,” South Florida GLBT diverse rights, including gay marriage, vividly activists and com—munity mem- illustrates how our civil rights advances are bers are praising the decision of a Washington, built upon the work of those activist gays D.C. superior court judge to reject the lawsuit who went before us,” Bodiford said. Bodiford says there are similarities between brought by a group of gay marriage oppoD.C.’s experience and the march of South nents against the city’s board of elections. “I’m impressed with the court’s decision,” Florida’s GLBT community to equal rights. A pronounced Roby Tannenbaum, assistant op- decade ago, as chairperson of the gay political erations manager at The Manor Restaurant and action committee Americans for Equality, she Lounge in Wilton Manors. “This belief that and fellow attorneys Dean Trantalis and Alan marriage is exclusively between a man and a Terl, and others fought similar legal battles against an all-too-familiar opposition. “We woman is archaic.” The January 14th decision by D.C. Supe- successfully blocked right-wing groups seekrior Court Judge Judith Macaluso puts an ing to repeal the [Broward Human Rights] end to the court challenge brought by Bishop Ordinance’s ‘gay right’ provisions in 1996 and Harry Jackson, a Maryland pastor, and others again in 2000.” Those groups continue to voice their oppoagainst the city’s Board of Elections and Ethics. That body had decided last year against sition to full equality in strident terms. “All over the country, it’s evident that the allowing a ballot initiative that would have defined marriage as between a man and a strategy of the radical gay movement is to woman, saying the measure violated the Dis- work the courts and legislatures,” Jackson, senior pastor at Maryland-based Hope Christrict of Columbia’s Human Rights Act. In December, the D.C. City Council passed tian Church told the Washington Post. Still, Bodiford and others remain upbeat, a bill that would allow same-sex couples marry. The law is pending review by Con- with a sense that they know which way the gress, and will most likely take effect around social winds are blowing. “Little did those … brave activists lobbying March 2nd. “It’s a victory not only for gay civil rights, their legislators in D.C. in 1972 realize that but for the civil rights of all Americans,” said in a mere 38 years, gay marriage would be a Tannenbaum, who married his longtime reality,” Bodiford said.



January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com


New Rabbi, New Year, New Hope for Etz Chaim Flattening Membership Trends Motivate Leadership

By Andrew Lavender


tz Chaim, a Jewish congregation for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders and anyone else who fits into their ‘Jews of the Rainbow’ slogan has just finished celebrating its 35th anniversary. Congregants are optimistic a new year and a new rabbi will galvanize increased membership and support for the gay and Jewish community in and around Wilton Manors. Last December, the congregation promoted openly gay Rabbi Noah Kitty to full-time experimental status from her previous role as a volunteer. While the congregation’s Board will formally decide upon her permanent tenure in May, President Robin Gross and Rabbi Kitty have both noticed a rebirth of energy and excitement throughout the congregation. Etz Chaim has been without a full-time rabbi since December 2008, so the timing for the promotion seems ideal. The new rabbi brings stability and puts a new face on the congregation.

The Great Recession and poor economy have not helped any charitable organizations, and the temple is no exception. Gross, who has been inRabbi noah kitty with volved with the conEtz chaim President gregation for about robin gross 10 years, is now serving a second term as president. She has noticed a direct correlation between the stock market and its affect on both tzedakah (charitable donations) and membership. Gross says that although membership is currently higher than it was a year ago, it is not nearly as high as it was five years ago when the economy was flourishing. Donations are down since the start of the recession and Gross has noticed that costlier events sponsored by the congregation are “less well-attended than they may have been in the past.” In response, the leadership is creating a calendar of less expensive and more inclusive events to appeal to members at all economic levels. The congregation has even created “The Helping Hand,” a charitable fund that replaced the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund in order to aid members of the congregation who are in dire straits. “Another reason the membership has not recently grown significantly is because gay Jews have become more accepted into the non-gay Jewish community,” Gross noted. Where once Etz Chaim was the safe haven for gay Jews, the straight, mainstream Jewish community has since welcomed them, ‘poaching’ potential members. Now, openly gay Jews not residing in Greater Fort Lauderdale are feeling more welcome in suburban congregations, creating viable options. The winter months bring in snowbirds, which enhance membership numbers. Rabbi Kitty sees the potential for major

growth in the congregation, citing a Jewish Federation ad which indicates there are 200,000 Jews in Broward County, of which she estimates 2,500 to be gay. Gross also believes membership has flattened as part of a general trend affecting all religious faiths. Gallup polls commissioned by major networks such as CNN confirm Americans are gravitating away from religion. Aside from Islam, membership in all major religions has declined.

Attracting New Blood So how does Etz Chaim plan to attract potential members? First, the congregation is “changing its face” in order to appeal to the younger members of the gay community. Etz Chaim has recently developed a modern website and joined the popular social networking site- Facebook, to garner attention from this demographic. Second, the congregation has developed relationships with local chambers of commerce, Dolphin Democrats, Gay American Heroes, and other community organizations. It also works closely with the new Pride Center and has done volunteer work with Holy Cross Hospital. Despite the economic downturn, Rabbi

Kitty says that since the recession, people are now faced with “more ultimate concerns” and are realizing “what is really important.” She insists her message has not changed to cater toward the tough times; that she has consistently preached and concentrated on “points of light.” Her sermons focus on how each member can improve himself; an unwavering message regardless of a fluctuating economy. Re-growth seems to be the congregation’s theme as the Sisterhood has also recently refounded itself and has organized events which are receiving “nice responses.” Both Gross and Rabbi Kitty are optimistic and believe that because of a strong internal core and its present initiatives, Etz Chaim will remain a potent spiritual force. Upcoming events include a Gay Tea Party, Winter Wonderland Dance, as well as weekly services such as Oneg Shabbat. An attractive website at www.etzchaimflorida. org details more. “It is a place for gay Jews to come to feel perfectly comfortable with both their gayness and their Jewishness,” says Gross. She says the makeup of the congregation is 94% male and 6% female; and while it was once couples-oriented, it is now about 70% singles. There are about 150 members presently. You could be the next one.


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Steve Rothaus

Herald Journalist Cuts Professional Path by Jesse Monteagudo


hen Steve Rothaus joined the staff of the Miami Herald, it was 1985. Ronald Reagan was president; Rock Hudson was about to make AIDS a household word; and Rothaus himself was still a journalism major at Florida International University. “I started working at The Herald during my junior year at FIU,” Rothaus recalls. “For about a year-anda-half, I worked nights from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Wednesdays through Sundays. I attended classes weekday mornings before work.” Twenty-four years later, Rothaus is the journalist that South Florida turns to for news and information about the local gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. In 1987, Rothaus came out at work; a still unusual step at that time. To The Herald’s credit, there was no adverse reaction. As Ro-

thaus notes, “several co-workers knew from the beginning that I’m gay, but many of my bosses did not. I came out officially in 1987, when The Herald assigned me to the Miami Beach Neighbors office—my partner Ric Katz was a political consultant at the time and he represented several Miami Beach commissioners. As a journalist, I felt it necessary to disclose my personal relationship. My editors told me it wasn’t an issue. I made sure they understood I couldn’t cover any of Ric’s clients. No problem. There were plenty of other stories for me to report.” In his 24 years with The Herald, Rothaus has covered small towns and cities, police departments and transportation issues in Miami-Dade, Monroe and Broward Counties. He has interviewed many celebrities, including Bernadette Peters, Lily Tomlin, Joan Rivers, Brian Scott Mitchell, Liza Minnelli and Judy Shepherd. Rothaus has also worked as a

Steve Rothaus and his life partner Ric Katz

January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com In addition to his professional work for copy editor, Metro and Page 1 layout editor and night Business editor. In fact, Rothaus did The Herald, Steve Rothaus is renowned for his not begin to cover the GLBT community until work with the National Lesbian & Gay Jour1997, when fashion designer Gianni Versace nalists Association (NLGJA). He helped form was murdered outside his home on Miami the Miami chapter in 1991, a year after NLBeach. Rothaus copy-edited the Herald’s cov- GLA was founded. He was a founding board erage of that incident and only then began to member of the South Florida chapter and write about GLBT issues. As a result, “most of went on to become vice president and then my peers respect my work as a ‘reporter,’ not president. Rothaus served on the NLGJA naas a ‘gay reporter.’ Sometimes, however, newer tional board from 2003 to 2008; founding the Herald reporters and editors are surprised Association’s Newsroom Outreach Project and when I write something that’s not gay-relat- traveling the country visiting newspapers, teleed.” In recognition of his work as a journal- vision stations and college campuses to discuss ist, Rothaus won the GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian gay news coverage and workplace issues. “NLAlliance Against Defamation) Media Award in GJA has helped make more positive changes 1998 and the Latin Media Award in 2007; and in how gay people are presented in the news has been honored by the Dolphin Democratic than any other group. That’s because we are Club, the Gay and Lesbian Community Cen- respected industry insiders, not activists from outside. We have acter of South Florida, cess and respect from the Unity Coalition To read Steve Rothaus’ blog, go to http://miamiherald.typepad.com/ fellow journalists not and the Miami-Dade gaysouthflorida/ accorded to others.” chapter of the AmeriSteve Rothaus and can Psychological Ashis life partner, pubsociation. lic relations executive To many who do Ric Katz, have been not read The Herald’s together since 1985. print editions, RoAs he recalls, “I knew thaus is best-known Ric casually when he for “Steve Rothaus’ was a journalism proGay South Florida” fessor at FIU. We met (http://miamiherald. and began dating in typepad.com/gaysouthflorida) a Blog that he updates several January 1985, after we ran into each other times a day. Rothaus began his Blog about four at Congregation Etz Chaim, South Florida’s years ago, making it one of the paper’s first LGBT synagogue.” As Rothaus puts it, there Blogs. Unlike most Blogs, “Steve Rothaus’ is no “secret” to a successful relationship. “We Gay South Florida” is not about Steve Ro- love, understand and respect each other, perthaus himself but about South Florida’s GLBT sonally and professionally. And we were wise community. In Rothaus’s words, “it’s a mix (I enough 25 years ago to recognize that we hope) of news stories, entertainment and com- wanted to spend our lives together.” For both his professional and personal mentary from throughout the gay community. That’s why I established that it’s ‘for and about achievements, Steve Rothaus is viewed by gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people many as a gay role model, a status he was rethroughout Miami and Fort Lauderdale.’” On luctant to adopt. “The first time I felt like a any given day, visitors to Rothaus’ Blog may role model was about 10 years ago. I covered read stories about political victories or defeats; a gay student group meeting at FIU’s Univerinterviews with GLBT or gay-friendly person- sity Campus in West Dade. Ric joined me so alities; photos of recent community benefits, we could have dinner together after the meetsocial events, or circuit parties; and press ing. When I introduced him to the roomful releases from a wide variety of GLBT or gay- of students as my partner of 15 years, they friendly businesses and non-profit organiza- responded with applause. Today, I hear from tions. The Blog’s very existence improves The many young people online, especially on Herald’s reputation within the GLBT commu- Facebook. It’s really gratifying that gay teens nity. “Steve Rothaus’ Gay South Florida blog read my blog and enjoy it. Also, it’s great attracts thousands of online readers every day. when people I meet say how important my This boosts circulation and helps the company work is to them and to the community.” sell advertising. The people who read the Blog are a coveted demographic to advertisers,” Ro- Jesse Monteagudo (jessemonteagudo@aol.com) is thaus says. a contributor to SouthFloridaGayNews.com



January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Classifieds: Call Mike 954-928-1862 Publisher’s Note: Starting a newspaper from scratch is no easy task. So when Peter Clark reached out to me to develop processes where his magazine could work in tandem with my newspaper, I realized we could help each other if he allowed me to print his classifieds in our paper for at least the first few months of our publication. It provides greater dissemination for his customers, allows me to focus on display marketing and editorial content, and enables the readers of both publications to access either to get a wealth of personal and professional services available in our community for a modest cost. It shows too how businesses with varying interests can work together to achieve a common goal. So thanks Peter, and welcome readers of Hotspots to our pages for these ads. I hope they generate even more business for you. NK



GEEK PATROL COMPUTER SERVICES Florida Tech Support Located in Wilton Manors - Windows & Mac (OS X) security, virus & spyware removal, repairs upgrades, wired & wireless networking - gay owned Floridatechsupport@mac.com 954-453-9574 ----------------------------------------------THE COMPUTER GUY In-home service by nice, reliable guy with over 30 years experience. Find computers confusing? Want your own website? Computer sluggish? Got a virus? I can repair or upgrade your computer and provide training. A+ Certified. Call 954-295-2220 or E-Mail: ComputerGuyFTL@aol.com ----------------------------------------------DALE THE COMPUTER WIZ In Home/Office On Site Service. Vista/ XP, Hardware/Software, FIX-IT-NOW Remote Service/Tune Up Starting at $30.00. 11 Years Experience. 954-5797587 www.GayComputerWiz.com ----------------------------------------------**OPTIMA** COMPUTER REPAIR COMPLETE IN HOME SERVICE. *Get the BEST performance, protection & value from your computer investment. *A+ Hardware & OS CERTIFIED. *Friendly, professional, RELIABLE service. Reasonable rates. Call: Mike 954-817-3883

HELP WANTED - CAGED HUNKS - RAMROD HOT, MUSCULAR, CAGED HUNKS WANTED FOR SATURDAY NIGHTS AT THE RAMROD. CASH PAY + TIPS. CALL 954-802-5190 AFTER 11 AM OR SEE KEVIN M-TH HAPPY HOURS AT THE BAR ----------------------------------------------THE ALL NEW TRIXIES SHOW BAR IN HOLLYWOOD IS NOW SEEKING SHOWGIRLS! Start make big $$$ doing what you love doing @ the best Female Impersonators show bar in Florida. All types,shapes,color,size with/without experience are welcome. Transvestites/ Transgenders - start work today in a place where you would feel welcome and appreciated! Please apply in person 7 days a week after 7 PM @ 600 S. Dixie Hwy, Hollywood, FL or Email your info. with a picture to: TrixiesShowBar@ aol.com ---------------------------------------------DUDES ON THE BEACH NOW HIRING DANCERS PLEASE CALL 954-632-5711 ----------------------------------------------SLAMMER IS LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN! bartenders, locker....must be flexible and dependable....apply in person Monday nights 8 pm, no phone calls! ----------------------------------------------A GOLDEN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Lawn/Landscape company seeking ambitious male 20-35, for expansion in spring. Eventual business partner. No investment. Must be friendly, honest, hardworking. Reply to sweep83@yahoo. com or call 772-828-0862 ----------------------------------------------COURTYARD CAFE IS LOOKING FOR SHORT ORDER COOKS All shifts. Must be able to cook breakfast. 2211 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors. Please apply in person. NO PHONE CALLS ----------------------------------------------DESTINATION MANAGEMENT COMPANY ON MIAMI BEACH Seeks a part-time secretary/assistant. English, writing skills and computer a must. About 20 hours per week. Please send resume to: jonathan@mosaic-tours.com ----------------------------------------------MASCULINE DANCERS WANTED The Stable is hiring masculine male dancers. Please contact Howard at 954-296-9512 ----------------------------------------------LUCKYS BEACHSIDE IS HIRING Barstaff Wanted. Contact Lucky at 954-564-3782 ----------------------------------------------HOUSE KEEPING POSITION DAYS Worthington/Alcazar resorts now taking applications For daytime housekeeper. Must have recent experience. Must be friendly, outgoing and pay attention to detail. Approx. 25 to 30 per week. Apply at 543 North Birch road 954-563-6819

COUNSELING GROW FROM LIFE’S CHALLENGES Addictions, relationships, depression, co-dependency & support. Sensitive & Caring Gay Therapist-WM Office. Kurt Robbins, LMFT 954-604-7893 www.SouthFloridaTherapy.com ----------------------------------------------JOHN W. DORAN , LCSW Serving the community for 19+ years, specializing in gay/lesbian/bisexual issues, addictions, relationship issues, HIV/AIDS, anger management, co-dependency, loss/bereavement. Providing individual/couple/family/group. Most insurance accepted, Wilton Manors location, 954-253-4060 ----------------------------------------------DR . SEAN LEONARD CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Specializing in issues related to intimacy, relationships, and sexuality in the gay community. Support and treatment are guided by 15 years of training and experience in research of sexuality and intimacy, and psychotherapy for individuals and partners. Specialty areas include relationship enhancement, treatment of compulsive sexuality, overcoming challenges to intimacy and commitment, and sexual self-esteem. Offices located in both Ft. Lauderdale and Davie. Visit website FloridaPsychology.us or call 954-566-2166, ext. 203 for more information. Licensed Clinical Psychologist (FL PY6552)

----------------------------------------------LOOKING FOR A NICE, SHIRTLESS CLEANING GUY for my house from February 1st. Please only serious and american guys! 2 times a week. massimo.contis@hotmail.com ----------------------------------------------A.J. CROSS, FORMER GENERAL MANAGER OF ‘’CUPIDS CABARET’’, PROUDLY PRESENTS: An all new “Private Gentleman’s Club” featuring an elite troop of the most beautiful men ever seen in South Florida. We are currently looking for masculine, well endowed, sexy men between the ages of 18-30 years old with great personalities and the confidence to perform nude/ semi nude on stage. The new club will be opening in the South Florida area with the location to be announced very soon. If you feel you have what it takes to be one of the selected elite entertainers, please contact A.J. Cross @ 754-3676366 and email your best photo to Montrealboyinfl@aol.com ----------------------------------------------ENTRY LEVEL POSITION IN BUSY REAL ESTATE LAW FIRM Excellent opportunity!!! Position includes various duties such as scanning, phones, filing, etc. Must be organized, reliable, honest, and friendly. Must have a positive attitude and be able to work well with others. Some real estate experience preferred, but not required. Please email resume to moore@ gtpalaw.com.

LICENSED MASSAGE MASSAGE BY A NICE JEWISH GUY Let me work my massage magic. Aventura a specialty. David 305-936-2551 MA15197 ----------------------------------------------MASSAGE BY MARK $40 SPECIAL Soothe your gay nerves, 75 Minutes of therapeutic massage done in the privacy of your home. Call 954-463-6791 or Cell 954-895-2265 MA0016739 (NonSexual)

MISCELLANEOUS CALL HARDLINE AND TRY IT FOR FREE NOW! 18+ Hot, Horny, Hung, Bi Studs Ripped Muscle Jocks Big Daddy Musclebears Bi College Fratboy’s 305-455-6969 • 954-334-5555 Other cities: 1-877-510-3344 ----------------------------------------------WE PAY YOU CASH TODAY For used DVDs, CDs, & VHS. Any quantity, large collections or just a few. We are the largest buyer of used media products in Florida. Movies4Sale, Inc. 954-921-4355 ----------------------------------------------UNCUT LOCAL LATIN DUDES Call: 786-364-7729 or 800-777-8000 FREE with Code: 9954 InteractiveMale.com ----------------------------------------------CARE RESOURCE - HIV RAPID TESTING BROWARD COUNTY 830 E. Oakland Park Blvd Oakland Park, FL 33334 For Info Call 954-567-7141 FREE and CONFIDENTIAL TESTING FROM 9:30 AM TO 5:00 PM www.CareResource.org/testinginfo.html ----------------------------------------------HIV AND STD TESTING AT THE GLCC 2040 N. Dixie Highway Wilton Manors, FL 33305 For more details and info call: 954-463-9005 or visit www.GLCCSF.org ----------------------------------------------STRICTLY SEX! 18+ Use Ad # 3211 305-651-0051 • 954-587-6050 561-689-5700 • 772-293-9125 407-895-0003 ----------------------------------------------RESEARCH STUDY - EARN CASH Are you a sexually active gay/bi man? You may be eligible to participate in a paid research study! Call ROOM Project 954-566-8206



YOUR DESIRES IN TOTAL RAPTURE Gay black male, 6’2”, 190 lbs., athletic build, 9” thick cut, TOP GUY. Achieve your climax experience. Wendell 954646-6222, 24 hrs., discreet. Specializing in body rubs, hair trimming, shaving and waxing. ONLY SERIOUS INQUIRIES PLEASE. ----------------------------------------------CUTE HOT LATINO. JUST CAME TO TOWN 22 y/o, 5’5”, 135 lbs. day or night. Call 954-709-6252 ----------------------------------------------COLLEGE STUDENT 27 YO Cuban American, 5’7” 158lbs, Beautiful Face, Tan Skin, Light Eyes, HARD Muscular Body, BIG DICK, No Attitude, Versatile. 30 Min to MIA, SoBe, FTL. $150 IN/OUT 24/7. Couples Welcome & Hotels. Call Alex 786-319-7665 ----------------------------------------------THICK LATIN TOOL Naturally smooth, well built 5’ 10”, 155lbs, 7.5 x 6.5 beautiful thick cut tool big shaved nuts. Daily runner, strong legs, tight ass. exxtrathick@hotmail. com Marcus @ 305-772-2099 or 954-463-7685. ----------------------------------------------10 IN VERSATILE TATTOOED JOCK 24yo, 5’10, 160lbs, blonde hair, green eyes, smooth/shaved everywhere, 13 tattoos, 10 in cut, big balls, pink hole, versatile, lean/muscular. Friendly/affectionate. Into anything from vanilla to kink. 3-somes available with my 18 y/o blonde brother. 954-462-3394. www.mattsapartment.com ----------------------------------------------H H VERY MASCULINE H H Roughly Handsome Man, 44yo, 5’11”, 180lbs, Thick & Cut, Bubble Butt, Truly Versatile. Call Trevor 786-343-9898 ---------------------------------------------CHIPPENDALE DANCER / BODYBUILDER / ESCORT Hi, I’m Rock. I’ve been featured in Chippendale Calendars. 6’, 210lbs of rock hard lean throbbing muscle. Very Masculine, black hair, blue eyes. Role Play, Fantasies, Body Rubs, etc. Call Rock 24/7 954-865-7412 ----------------------------------------------H H MUSCULAR REAL BLACK AMERICAN TOP H H Expert in body massage through full body contact. Tight body, no attidude. 6’1”, 191lbs, 32”W. Ripped Up - Zero Body Fat. Looking to give you pleasure from top to bottom. Buddy Available. Call Harold 954-461-8161 ----------------------------------------------BEAUTIFUL MUSCULAR 10’’ LONG BLACK TOP 26 YO 5’9” 185lbs Very solid body! Specializing in body rubs, role playing, domination, body contact, WS, BB. Very discrete and safe scene. Best top in South Florida! IN/OUT $200. Call Vince 954-594-1574 ----------------------------------------------HAKEEM IS IN TOWN! Black Male Power Top, 180lbs., 6’, smooth body, great shape, always horny, 10” cut. In/Out calls. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call 24/7 305-761-6818, Vers. buddy available.

PART TIME LIVE IN CARETAKER IN EXCHANGE FOR board Greetings! My name is John, I am a 67 year old retired RN from Atlanta, GA. I am seeking a part time live-in caretaking position during February in the Ft. Lauderdale/Wilton Manors area. I am a financially secure, well educated gentleman who is available for the following duties in a part-time capacity. Medication Management, Grocery Shopping, Physician Visits, Basic Transportation, Light Housekeeping/ Gardening, etc Again, I am seeking a situation that provides accommodations, in exchange for the above services, on a part-time, daily basis, for part/ all of February. I am not seeking a salary, the accommodations would be in lieu of a salary. I have excellent references, am financially self sufficient and am a very pleasant fellow. Non-drinker, extremely stable, homeowner, etc. In addition to my Nursing skills, I am also a retired Biology/Nursing Professor. I am active, physically fit, extremely clean and neat, enjoy reading, travel, dynamic conversation, and assisting others. Please respond to the e.mail address, johnthomas30329@aol.com -----------------------------------------------PERSONAL ASSISTANT Experienced multilingual (English, French, German, Italian and Spanish) for CEO, Business Man. I’m GWM, 35yr., well educated, healthy, honest, mature. Looking for personal assistant position, house manger (butler, run errands, dry cleaning, chauffeur). References upon request. Worked in same position for a lawyer and TV producer in FTL, NYC and LA. Please contact me by E-mail: xa.is@usa.net

PERSONALS SEEKS YOUNG TV OR TS Hot, Horny, Older Guy, Good Looking, Very Friendly. Love to kiss and more! Come dress for me and lets have some naked fun! Call 954-467-6162 M-F 9:30am to 10:30pm. ----------------------------------------------SEEKING GAY SINGLE MALE 39-48 I’m a SWM, 44, 5’11”, 170lbs, Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Designer Glasses, Intelligent, Employed, Masculine. Seeking a Gay Single Male 39-48, Mature, Masculine, Fun-Loving. Likes horseback riding, swimming. Not into bar scene. Call Jeff 786-389-9348

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EXPERT AIR ADVICE AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS Cooling is what we do best. FPL rebates, insured, CACO 36862 FREE estimates on replacements $75 tune up, Call 954-764-1990 ----------------------------------------------ONE CALL DOES IT ALL CLEANING Carpet Cleaning, House Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery Air Ducts, Pressure Cleaning- Patios, sidewalks, & drive ways. Construction and Foreclosure Clean Up. Cell 954-515-7615 ----------------------------------------------PLANNING A MOVE? At Cousins USA Moving & Storage, we want you to smile when you think of moving day, and we want you to tell a friend how pleasant your moving experience has been. For more info on about how we can make moving day a good day. Call toll-free at 1-888-300-MOVE, ask for Carlos. ----------------------------------------------IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 19 yrs. experience, excellent work, referrals by request. Call Roberto at 954-383-8980 ----------------------------------------------NEED A LAWYER ? Criminal Defense * DUI Traffic * Accidents * Injuries * Personal Injury * AAA Attorney Referral Service 24 Hours * 1-800-733-5342 ----------------------------------------------PERSONAL TRAINER Private gym/pool, one on one workouts, rates as low as $35/session, over 10 years changing lives in S. Florida and loving it! Strength, flexibility, cardio, golf conditioning, nutrition. Frank Ward 954-630-0908 ----------------------------------------------RTS ELECTRIC 24 HOUR SERVICE Quality work at a reasonable price. Licensed & Insured #98-CME-1807-X. Contact 954-257-9509. Also, all size generator service and installation. ----------------------------------------------* EARLY BIRD CONSTRUCTION * ROOFING, CARPENTRY, TILE, PAINT. Honest and ON TIME! 954-274-9378

----------------------------------------------ONE STOP SHOPPING AND ASSOCIATES HANDYMAN/ REMODELING AND MORE WITH OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ALL PHASES OF... Home improvements, a/c, extensions, electrical, plumbing, painting, kitchen, baths, flooring/ trim, steel erector and fabricator. PGT Impact Windows at Factory Direct Prices. Former owner of a NY remodeling co. as well as a hands on worker, because I demand perfection in all I do. Please call Mitch for prompt honest and dependable service. Lic. CGC1514441, EC13001388 and insured. (954) 253-4650 ----------------------------------------------DEREK’S 24 HR HANDYMAN Introducing our new cabinet shop. For all your Custom Made Cabintetry, Countertops and Laminates. MUST SEE OUR WORK! JUST ASK OUR CLIENTS! All Electrical to code, any/all plumbing work, drywall finish work/repair, crown/baseboard pro-install, int/ext painting, demo work, pressure washing, DECOR TILE Install, complete home up-dates. For large jobs, 4-man crew abailable. WE HANDLE IT ALL. Instant call back direct service response. No job is ever too small. Excellent references. Derek 954-825-5598 or email: DerekGallaway@att.net ----------------------------------------------NEED NEW CARPET? Latest styles & colors at discount prices! Free shop at home service. Also, repairing or re-stretching of your old carpet. Call Wade at Nichols Rug 954-360-2918 ----------------------------------------------GREAT MASSAGE! GREAT RATES! PRIVATE STUDIO NOW OPEN! Great Massage, Great Rates. See my Display ad, or visit my website at www. massagebyjim.com Call Jim Libonati at 954-600-5843. Licensed, insured and nationally certified MA50898 ----------------------------------------------BRUCE ELECTRIC CORP. Fair rates/quality work. All electrical services. Repairs/upgrades. Generator sales/ installations. Prompt/reliable/ dependable. State licensed & ins. EC13001903 954-748-6234 ----------------------------------------------THE ELECTRICIAN Ceiling fans, outlets, water heaters, service increases, pools, Jacuzzi, pumps, timers, photocells, 220 fuse box, yard lights. 954-522-3357, 561-274-7446 or 305-534-1551. Licensed/Insured. ----------------------------------------------***CLEAN IT RITE*** THE BEST CLEANING FOR YOUR BUCK! 1BD $45, 2BD $55, 3BD $65. Excellent rates and references. 10 years in the business. Call Manny at 954-560-4443 ----------------------------------------------HOME REMODELING/REPAIR From Small Repairs to High End Remodeling. Specializing in Kitchens and Baths. Exceptional work ethic. Carpentry, plumbing ,electrical, etc. 20 Years Experience. Atelier Development. Call 954-612-7795 for free estimate. ----------------------------------------------GALLERIA MAINTENANCE HANDY MAN, Painting, Renovation, Fix up & Installations, GARDENING, Landscaping , Weed Control, Seasonal Lawn Care, FULL CLEANING SERVICE, Houses & Offices, Carpet Cleaning & Floor Maintenances, Eviction / Foreclosures Cleaning & Rehab. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. We Work With Realtors, Contractors. Serving Broward & Dade. Fully licensed and insured. Call for a free estimate! 954-638-7034

Real Estate FORT LAUDERDALE 2/2 LAKEFRONT $114,900.00, Two Bedroom, Two Bath, Lake Front, Alternative Lifestyle Community. Newer Home Vaulted Ceilings. Screened Patio. Full sized washer/dryer. Negotialble. CALL...GARY....954-803-0885


January 25, 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com ----------------------------------------------MOBILE HOME FOR SALE 2 MILES WEST OF 95 OFF OAKLAND 2BD/2BA, Shed, Carport, Sunroom. Gated & Secure Park. Appliances include W/D & Micro. A Must See! $13,500 OBO. Call 954-861-7044 ----------------------------------------------FT LAUDERDALE/LAUDER LAKES PRIMARILY GAY PARK Hurricane Ready 1,600sf 2BR/2BA 1 Yr Old, 32’ Party Deck overlooks huge Lake. Manufactured Home. Wood Cabinets & Granite Tops, Slate & Marble floors. Immaculate. Real Show Place! Pics @ www.twitpic.com/photos/FLParadise4Sale Cost $205K+, Sell $159,900, Call 954.817.6233

Rent/Lease WILTON MANORS - 1 BLOCK TO ALIBI Large, Clean, Studio Apartment. NEW Kitchen, Bath, Tile, Windows, A/C. END UNIT, Pool, W/D on premises. $650 mo. F/L/S References. 954-942-0870 or 954-263-7650 ----------------------------------------------1/1 CLOSE TO BEACH Close to beach and Gateway. Key West style 1/1, central AC, vaulted ceilings, private fenced courtyard, pets OK. W/D on premises. $875, first/security. 954-914-9144 ----------------------------------------------OAKLAND PARK A WINNER! Newly Refurbished Apt. - Large 1 Bedroom/1 Bath, new tiled floors, updated bathroom, new kitchen appliances & A/C. Only $725/month Call Lucien 954-816-1322 ----------------------------------------------FURNISHED 2BR/2BA With den, fenced yard near Wilton Manors and bus route. Pet OK with $200 deposit. $975 month plus F/L. Call 754-244-2177 ----------------------------------------------BEAUTIFUL 1/1 FOR RENT Brand new appliances. Pool. Must see! Available March 1. Steps away from night entertainment. F/L $850/mo. Call 954-918-3968 ----------------------------------------------NE FT LAUDERDALE 2BD/1BA Condo in Georgian Court, Main Floor Corner Unit, Pool, Club House, Laundry. Unit Updated. Close to I-95. $835/Mo. Free Month with Yr Lease. Call 954-229-9479 ----------------------------------------------2BD/1BA IN WILTON MANORS W/D in unit, Central AC, DW, tile floors, excellent condition, pool on premisis, small pet ok, $1,100/Mo. Includes all utilities (+cable) except electricity. F/L/S 1yr. lease. Call 305-304-1349 ----------------------------------------------EAST OAKLAND PARK - WALK TO SCANDALS 2/2 corner unit, clean condo, w/pool, laudry room, cent. A/C, all tile, great location, ample paking, small pet ok. 2nd floor. $950/mo. 954-486-2621 ----------------------------------------------DRAKE TOWER LUXURY HIGHRISE Large 1BD, 1.5BA, High Security bldg., Pool, BBQ, Sauna, Gated Parking. Cable Included. $850/Mo. High floor, great sunsets. Call 954-295-5163. ----------------------------------------------VICTORIA PARK LARGE 2 BEDROOM 2BD/1BA, 9th Floor, SE Corner Unit, Central AC/Heat, tile floors, balcony, heated pool, onsite laundry, stunning waterfront and city views, no pets. $990/ Mo. Call 954-513-5162 ----------------------------------------------MIDDLE RIVER 2BD/1BA Nice kitchen, central air, new floors, 1 year lease. $850/Mo. F/S. Call 954-4489811, Pets OK. ----------------------------------------------MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE TOWNHOUSES Large 2/1½ unit townhouse style. Tile, Central A/C, D/W, microwave, great location in quiet complex. $900/Mo. F/L/S 954-270-0304

----------------------------------------------VICTORIA PARK VERY LARGE 1 BEDROOM Large 1 bedroom, pool, updated, Walk to Gateway and Galleria. N/S. $1,000/Mo. Call 954-270-0304 ----------------------------------------------NEED HELP LOOKING? At no cost to you, we review hundreds of properties in Fort Lauderdale and Wilton Manor areas to meet your specifications and price range. We will even review and prepare the final lease to insure your protection. Call Dick at 954-616-7662 or our office 954-764-6061 East Side Realty Group. ----------------------------------------------SPACIOUS PALM AIRE RENTAL Large, spacious 3BD/2.5BA unit in Palm Aire located on the Palm Aire Country Club’s beautiful golf course. Minutes away from the hot spots and beaches. Surrounded with lakes and beautifully kept golf course. Two balconies. Large eat-in kitchen. Open to having a roommate, too. Asking: $1,550/Mo. E-mail: palmairerental@gmail.com or Call: 305-935 3990 ----------------------------------------------LAKERIDGE RENTAL 3BD/2BA house close to Wilton Manors, beach and shopping, tile floors throughout, fenced front and back yards, small pets considered, PRICE REDUCED $1,300/MO. + L/S. Call Randy for appt. 954-347-1016 ----------------------------------------------FORT LAUDERDALE/WILTON MANORS Large 2BR/2BA. On the Middle River with beautiful views of the river. 1,300sq ft, New tile, Newer appliances, W/D in unit, 2 walk-in closets, Sliding glass door deck and dock. Call Ben at 954-942-3399 ----------------------------------------------2BD/2BA IN LAUDERDALE BY THE SEA 50 FEET FROM THE SAND 2 Master Suite Unit w/ walk in closets. 1st floor, ocean view, W/D, DW, granite/ marble, micro, back patio and garden, short or long term lease. Call 954-4392890 ----------------------------------------------VICTORIA PARK - FORT LAUDERDALE 2 bedroom 2 bath cottage w/ private fenced yard, central ac, utilities included $1,500/Mo. Maint/Cleaning/Yard Work available to offset rent. Call Neal 305-797-4735 or office-305-296-7744 ---------------------------------------------SAILBOAT BEND - DOWNTOWN NEAR RIVERWALK Large 1BD/1BA, tile floors, AC, ceiling fans, walk-in closet, laundry room, $725/ Mo. Call 410-251-0061 ----------------------------------------------LAKERIDGE - PERFECT 1/1 Newer everything, granite kitchen, ice-maker, steps to Holiday Park & The Depot. $725/Mo. F/S. Large 1/1 w/ big patio area for $825/Mo. F/S Call 954-4489811, Pets OK. ----------------------------------------------2/2 CONDO - MANOR GROVE IV - BLDG. J 1st Fl. Unit, Large MBR with Walk-in Closet/Private Full Bath, Lrg. 2nd BR, Screen Porch. Includes All Appliances, D/W, Storage Unit. W/D on Premises. Reserved Parking. Walk to Wilton Dr. $1095/Mo. Avail Feb. 15th. Call 757-7493484 ----------------------------------------------DAVIE BLVD. & 95 - SHORT TERM STUDIO For 1 NON-SMOKER & Quiet man. private patio & fenced secure yard. $175 wk. Details 954-791-4715 before 7pm ----------------------------------------------WALK TO WILTON DRIVE RESTAURANTS AND CLUBS 2BR/1BA - Central AC, freshly painted, renovated kitchen, built in micro, D/W, tile floor, private back yard. Only $875/ Mo. 30 lb pet limit. Call David at 917-7108852, 407-491-1353 ----------------------------------------------2 MIN TO WILTON DRIVE Small quiet lushly landscaped bldg, 1/1, 1st floor, all tile, big bedroom, w/i closet, updtd kitchen, freshly painted, laundry on premises, some pets considered, $750 954-849-4944 or 954-242-7566.

----------------------------------------------STUDIO FOR RENT - COCONUT GROVE 5 min from Miami/Grove centers, Metrorail, 20 min to Miami Beach. $700/Mo. + dep. Call Norman 305-815-1089 ----------------------------------------------MIDDLE RIVER - CONDO QUALITY Gigantic 1BD/1BA, Central AC, Open Granite Kitchen with Island, DW, icemaker, designer bath, 15x20 master w/ walk-in closet. Must See! $895/Mo. F/S. Call 954-448-9811, Pets OK. ----------------------------------------------NE FT. LAUDERDALE - WILTON MANOR AREA - AVAILABLE NOW Lovely, IMMACULATE, 1/1’s, private patios, newer kitchens, lg. BR, walk-n closet, tile floors, a/c, washer/dyer, cable ready, Quiet, all gay complex. Cat considered. $680-$700. By appt. 954-592-3772 ----------------------------------------------EFFICIENCY & YARD $550 MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE Bright corner unit, tile, big walk-in closet, small kitchen sink & cabinet, refrigerator, microwave, NO STOVE, electric & water included; BBQ in yard. Cat OK. 954-2427566 or 954-849-4944 ----------------------------------------------727 NW 1ST AVE-OFF OF ANDREWS AVE. Completely Remodeled 2BR/1BA on beautiful street lined with new townhouses. Large fenced yard, very quet, private laudry on premises, parking. Central AC $850/mo + 1/mo security. Gino 954-551-3621 ---------------------------------------------WILTON MANORS / E OAKLAND PARK 2BR/2BA very clean condo, quiet area, great location. Washer/Dryer in unit. 1st floor location. Overlooking river. Small pet ok. $975 per month. Ready NOW! Call 954-815-1399 ----------------------------------------------VICTORIA PARK CONDO 2BR/1BA fully furnished condo for rent. Central air & heat, pool, tile floors, D/W, balcony, parking space, secured building. No Pets. $950 per month plus electric, F/S. Call 954-565-2714. ----------------------------------------------1/1 APARTMENT MINUTES TO WILTON DRIVE $725/MO. Private 1/1, cent a/c, all tile, french door to large patio/fenced yard & laundry, cats & most dogs okay 954-849-4944 ----------------------------------------------MANOR GROVE 2/2 Updated, tile, screened porch, walk to Wilton Drive, $1,200/Mo. Steve Pizzuto 954-873-2830 Castelli RE Services ----------------------------------------------COLONIAL MANOR 1/1.5 Completely remodeled, walk to Galleria Mall, bike to beach. Steve Pizzuto 954873-2830 Castelli RE Services ----------------------------------------------ISLAND CITY LOFTS 2/2.5 CORNER UNIT Stunning, Pool, Fitness Center, on “The Drive”, $1,900/Mo. Steve Pizzuto 954-8732830 Castelli RE Services ----------------------------------------------PALM ISLAND VILLAS Brand New Tri-Level 3/3.5 Townhouse, walk to “The Drive”, $1,850/Mo. Steve Pizzuto 954-873-2830 Castelli RE Services ---------------------------------------------MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE DUPLEX Large 1 Bedroom Apt. AC, Tile, Fenced Yard, Washer/Dryer, Private Parking, Pet OK. $750/Mo. Call 954-463-6791 ----------------------------------------------WILTON MANORS WATERFRONT ON THE PARK Waterfront 2BD/2BA Corner Unit, Large Open living areas, W/D in unit, $1,200/ Mo. Waterfront 1BD/1BA, new kitchen, spacious apt. $975/Mo. Spacious STUDIO apartment, private entrance, tile floors, galley kitchen, full size refrigerator, updated bathroom, wall of closets $575/Mo. Call 954-224-8768 ----------------------------------------------WILTON MANORS AREA 2/1 on the first floor of a gated complex with pool and clubhouse. Recently remodeled with tile throughout, new a/c and screened in patio. $795/Mo. F/L/S includes cable. Call Frank 954-816-2566

----------------------------------------------VILLAGE PARK AT OAKLAND Move-In special for 2/1 second floor apt. Pool, tennis, exercise room, laundry. New carpet, paint, xtra clean. Commercial Blvd East of 95 at NE 6 Ave. Adjacent Publix/Bally’s, 1 mile to beach. Below market at $775/mo. 954-552-5023. Southcore Realty. or blueboy1st@ hotmail.com ----------------------------------------------EAST FORT LAUDERDALE TRIPLEX Clean, comfortable, newly renovated 2 bed/2 bath apt. in Lake Ridge. Tiled living area, carpeted bedrooms, ceiling fans, full-size kitchen, fenced back yard, offstreet parking. Available immediately. $900/Mo. Great value. MUST SEE! 954-205-7872 ----------------------------------------------WATERFRONT - WALK TO WILTON DRIVE! Beautiful 1BR/1BA unit in Middle River Terrace. Screened porch, patio, neutral tile, crown molding, central A/C, ceiling fans. Pool & W/D on premises. $975/mo. 561-706-2147 ----------------------------------------------WILTON MANORS - RENOVATED STUDIO A/C, tile, W/D, kitchen, fenced. Walk to shops and clubs. $500/Mo. $750 moves you in. All utilities paid. Call 954-325-1591 ----------------------------------------------FT LAUDERDALE - MIDDLE RIVER AREA LOW MOVE IN /EASY TERMS* 1BD/1BA in 4 unit bldg. $680/Mo. or $170/Wk*. W/D on premisis. 6 or 12 Mo. Lease. 954-527-9225 ----------------------------------------------SOUTH MIDDLE RIVER EFFICIENCY APPARTMENT $595/ MO. Includes cable, electricity and internet. Friendly neighbors and roaming peacocks add to the fun at this resort-styled gay compound. A nice place to call home. Call Brad 954-200-0166. ----------------------------------------------LAKERIDGE HOUSE FOR RENT 2BD/2BA. Spacious floorplan. Terazzo floors, Wash/Dryer, Dishwasher. Carport. Lost of parking. Close to Galleria. Dogs OK. $1,250/MO. Call 954-557-5921 ----------------------------------------------VICTORIA PARK TOWNHOUSE 2BD/2.5BA, Large Bedrooms. large Closets. newer fully equipped kitchen , newer appliances, WD, Courtyard, Pets OK, Hurricane Shutters, Fast Flexible Move In for Feb 1st. Owner/Agent $1,425/ Mo. 954-661-4481 ----------------------------------------------3/2 EMBARCADERO CONDO End unit, no shared walls, W/D in unit, assigned parking, gym, pool, $1,200/Mo. Call 954-701-6238 ----------------------------------------------VICTORIA PARK- PERFECT LOC. Join us at wonderful apt. complex on spacious property. 1BR/1BA for only $650 overlooks royal palms surrounding large swimming pool. Large private backyard. Lots of parking. Walk to Publix, Gateway, Galleria, beach. Minutes to Las Olas, Wilton Manors. Looking for considerate friendly neighbors. Call 954-478-7356 ----------------------------------------------MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE Large 1BD/1BA in gay fourplex. Tile floors throughout, laundry facilities, parking, less than 1 mile to Wilton Drive. $750/Mo. Call 954-815-2550 ----------------------------------------------LAKE RIDGE STUDIO FOR RENT $700/Mo for 1 person. Incl utilities, Direct TV, Full Kitchen, Parking, Close to Wilton Manors, Downtown and 2 miles to beach. Nice Back Yard. Call Roberto at 954-383-8980 ----------------------------------------------NEAR THE BEACH 2BD/2BA $1,195/Mo. and 2BD/1BA $1,095/Mo., window treatments, tile, carpet, large private fenced back yard, laundry on premisis, F/S 954-914-9144 ----------------------------------------------1BD/1BA NEAR BOARDWALK THE WOODS Remodeled Full Kitchen & Bath, New Tile, W/D on premisis, pool, quiet building. $800/Mo. Call 954-857-5579

----------------------------------------------FURNISHED EFFICIENCY NE 25th ST, behind the Science of the Mind. Utilities included, private parking, annual lease, one adult, no pets, $585/ Mo. F/L/$300Sec. Call Chaz 954-465-4292

Roommates CORAL RIDGE Gay Professional looking to share a 2BD/2BA, off street parking, laundry in building, cable ready, all utilities included $550/Mo. Must work. Call 954-993-6531 ----------------------------------------------FURNISHED ROOM/PVT BATH Between beach and Wilton Manors. Cable, untilities included. $175/week, $525 deposit. Call 754-244-2177 ----------------------------------------------FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT IN QUIET OAKLAND PARK Share a 2BD/1BA home near I-95 and East Oakland Park Blvd. No smoking, no drugs. $550/Mo. +Dep. Includes utilities and internet. Call 954-298-8117 ----------------------------------------------MASTER BED W/ PRIVATE BATH AND WALK IN CLOSET AVAILABLE Share a 2BD/2BA villa with living-dining, kitchen w/ bar, private fenced patio overlooking lake, dedicated parking space. Guest parking spaces avail. Villa located in gay friendly gated community with pool, tennis courts, gym. $650/Mo. includes cable/internet/elect. Call 954-295-3269, Chris (clopezstudio@ aol.com) ----------------------------------------------ANDREWS GARDENS Share Large 3/2 w/ Pool, W/D, WiFi, Utilities Included $490/mo. + Security. Employed. Available Immediately. Call 954-881-2848 ----------------------------------------------$395/MO. & 1/3 UTILITIES GWM to share 3/2 house by Unviersity & McNab. Full Kitchen & Laundry. Community Pool. Call 954-560-5743 ----------------------------------------------ROOM FOR RENT $500/Mo. 3 min from Wilton Drive. Collected Bi-Weekly. Plus $100 Security Deposit. Includes Everything, Internet & Laundry Fac. Must have references. Call 954-524-4118 ----------------------------------------------GAY ROOMMATE WANTED 2 Bed/2Bath Apt in South Halieah. $500/Mo. covers all expenses. Apt. furnished with DirectTV. 305-805-7081 kenospry@aol.com ----------------------------------------------MANORS - 1 MI. FROM ALIBI Share a 3/2 newer home with two professionals, unfurnished room. No smoking, drugs, x-drinking. Must like quiet and be employed. $550/Mo. + $550 Sec. Call 954-540-1811

Services ASIAN INDIAN BOY 30 years old Handsome Boy for erotic rub down. Tantric work too Call 954-3944150 for apt. anytime. In & Out. ----------------------------------------------MILITARY LOOKING AND HUNG 51,Tall, Muscular & Masculine. 8.5 x 6 cut. Deep muscle. COME and RELEASE your TENSION. IN/OUT calls 8 AM to 7PM EVERYDAY. Clean, STD Free, and discreet. 954-257-0782 or Mineis8.5X6@gmail.com ----------------------------------------------***TOTAL BLISS**** If you overweight and over 60 you get my $60 special. Totally release every ounce of stress from your body by 43 yr old, 5’6”, 150lbs, moderately hairy, 8.5”, thick rugged hung nude dude. You will find it hard to get off the table when I’m through with you. Showers available. Ask about four hands! Call Steve 954770-6117 or 954-661-4920

----------------------------------------------BODY & ENERGY WORK Offering 1 HR Full Body Massage To Release Stress and Tension. Licensed Massage Therapist from Provincetown. Wilton Manors $55 w/ Table. Call Keith 954-764-8478 ----------------------------------------------A RUB YOU CAN AFFORD Sexy Italian man 6’ 195# muscular build. Will give you a rub you won’t forget and you will leave my home with a smile. Call Joe 954-270-0357 ----------------------------------------------MAN OH MAN 34 yr old, Good looking, Muscular, Hot Body Guy. Available For Full Body Erotic Rubs. Sure To Please Every Aching Muscle. Mike 954-328-2321. www. rentboy.com ----------------------------------------------MATURE MAN TO RUB YOUR BLUES AWAY! 60yo, slim, hung, top man (8”) will rub your blues away in all the rigth places. Call Randy 954-629-4832 before 8 pm daily. ----------------------------------------------*BOD EROTIC RUB* The mood, the touch, the experience! Full body rub by gdlkg all-American guy. 35, 6’, 172 and lean mscl. In. 954-257-3241. ----------------------------------------------LET ME SHAVE YOU NAKED! Sensual body shaving and intimate hair removal in the comfort of your own home. Friendly, no attitude, Broward only. $50.00 per session, call Michael at 954-581-4850 ----------------------------------------------A GREAT MASSAGE AWAITS! I offer excellent massage sessions consisting of Deep Tissue, Swedish and Sensual Touch. I can customize the session to your needs. Try adding a Shave-Trim / Saltscrub / Bodywash / Face Treatment & More! Me: 41, Hot Bear Cub with nice legs and butt. Clothing Optional. Hours 8am -Midnight. To book an appointment, Call David 954-802-8128 http://davidrubnmassage.webs.com DavidRubnMassage@aol.com ----------------------------------------------HUNG BISEXUAL LATIN GUY 28 YO, 5’10”, 170lbs, Smooth, Great Shape & Very Sexy, Honey Eyes, Masculine, 8 Inches, No Attitude - Very Funny, Let me relax you all the way! Call Luis 786-290-4796 ----------------------------------------------DADDY’S HOME! It’s been a long day and I am looking to unwind by spending some “quality” with my boy. Your dad is handsome, late 40’s, masculine, fit, salt & pepper hair, hairy chest and 9 X 6 uncut. I will arrive at your door dressed in my work suit and tie or jeans and work boots. Either way, I am ready for some “daddy and me” time with you. West Palm Beach to North Broward in or out calls. Why wait another minute? Call me now…10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Dino 561-333-0115 ----------------------------------------------NEW BLACK TOP IN TOWN! 6’ 160lbs, 9 Inches, 100% Agressive TOP! Call The Ass Professor! Ronnie 954-851-6468 ----------------------------------------------H SENSUAL MASSAGE H Indulge yourself in relaxation, revitalization; and, stimulation with a totally relaxing full body Sensual Massage. Provided in the nude by a handsome mature man in an intimate spa like environment. GayBi-Straight men welcomed. Convenient NE Ft. Lauderdale location. Privacy and absolute discretion assured. Call Ryan @ 954-593-6637 ----------------------------------------------BLACK GUY 4 EROTIC RUBS Experience the touch of a Caribbean black male. Masculine and discreet. In/ Out. 24/7. Damian 786-270-7745 ----------------------------------------------SENSUAL RUBDOWN Full body rubdown by hairy guy in the ‘buff’. Very relaxing, happy ending. Discreet. $40. Gregory 954-254-0927



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