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Kids in Distress Opens Clinic



Georgie’s Alibi: Lawsuit Lingers











Profile: Chad Richter



Manors Doctor Found Dead




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EDITORIAL OFFICES / %*9*& )*()8": t 8*-50/ ."/034 '- 1)0/& '"9

NORM KENT 16#-*4)&3 "/% &%*503 */ $)*&' 16#-*4)&3/03.!4'(/ $0. Pier Angelo Guidugli

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of same-sex spouses—doesn’t apply in the olitical decisions are a lot like oce- case of Karen Golinski. Furthermore, noted anic earthquakes. First, there’s the DOJ, the administration must continue to quake, and then there’s the wave. enforce DOMA “unless Congress repeals it Nobody can tell just how significant the or there is a final judicial finding that strikes wave is until it reaches land and, some- it down.” Interestingly, notes Jenny Pizer, head of times, the wave has greater impact than the Lambda Legal’s Marriage Project, DOJ did earthquake; sometimes, it’s just a swell. So it is with the decision by the Obama not seek a delay in the judge’s decision on Department of Justice to call the Defense this case, Golinski v. OPM, to invite Congress of Marriage Act—or DOMA—unconstitu- to intervene. Pizer called that “an apt and tional. The news was a political earthquake reasonable position in light of the fact that it’s for the LGBT community. Now, there’s the been fully briefed, argued and submitted.” That same day, February 24, DOJ Assiswait-and-see for how big an impact the antant Attorney General Tony West sent a nouncement will have. In this case, there are two waves to watch letter to the First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals informing it that the president and atfor—the legal and the political. Legally, the decision by the government torney general had recently concluded that to stop defending DOMA doesn’t guarantee the courts should use a heightened level of the law will be struck down as unconsti- scrutiny in reviewing laws based on sexual tutional. That’s still in the hands of several orientation. He further stated that DOMA courts. But the Obama-DOJ position sig- Section 3 “may not be constitutionally apnificantly strengthens the likelihood of the plied to same-sex couples whose marriages law being struck down because it is up to are legally recognized under state law; and that the Departthe government ment will cease to explain why its defense of it needs a law in Section 3 in such the first place. If cases.” The letthe government ter finishes by can’t or won’t noting that the offer an explaadministration nation—beyond has an “interhate for the est in providing group of people Congress a full the law disfa!"#$%&'(")*' and fair opporvors—then the court (theoretically) cannot make up one tunity to participate in the litigation of those cases” and that it would continue as a for it and the law is struck. Politically, the decision by the govern- party in those cases “to represent the interment to stop defending DOMA offers up a ests of the United States throughout the moment of truth for Congress. It can let the litigation.” Mary Bonauto, the lead attorney for Gay legal chips fall where they may, it can send its own attorney to court to explain a rea- & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders in one of son for the law, or it can ignore the court- the two First Circuit cases, now consolidatbound challenge and pass yet another law ed as Massachusetts v. HHS, said that, while the DOJ is “stepping back from its defense of to render gays as second-class citizens. On the legal front, a federal district court DOMA,” it is has not issued a letter, required judge in San Francisco gave the Obama DOJ by law, stating that it would stop enforcing until Monday to explain how it was going to DOMA. Its letter to Congress on Februdefend denying a lesbian court worker in the ary 23 stated only that it believes DOMA 9th Circuit health coverage for her spouse, is unconstitutional, that it would no longer given its new position on DOMA. DOJ re- defend the law in court, and that Congress plied that the constitutionality of DOMA should, if it chooses, join in the litigation. Section 3—which bans federal recognition continued on page 28 $-K&0+1_'-!'*-&0`+)10+&'K*#W+&1#0_





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y guess is that there was not a single member of the United States Supreme Court who was not personally appalled that the Westboro Baptist Church would target the funeral of a soldier who died in battle so they could get publicity for their anti-gay views. It is hard to think of any good reason why the Snyder family, having lost their beloved (and, if it matters, not gay) son while serving his country in Iraq, should be exposed to such abuse. And it’s easy to understand why they would sue and seek the kind of damages that would ensure Westboro could not continue to abuse others. Earlier this week, the Supreme Court held in an 8-1 decision that the Snyders could not recover for the emotional distress intentionally inflicted on them, even though no one doubts that it was, or that it was done so intentionally. With only Justice Samuel Alito dissenting, the Court’s four liberals, all Democratic appointees, joined the remaining four conservatives, all Republican appointees, to hold that the First Amendment protected the church from being called to answer for the pain it had caused. “Speech is powerful,” Chief Justice John Roberts declared, writing for the majority. Here, two reasons demand its protection, the Court held. First, however inarticulately and crudely, the signs and taunts of the Westboro Church members went directly to issues of public importance, which “occupies the highest rung of the hierarchy of First Amendment values.” Second, the church members

complied with all other laws applicable to the time, place and manner of public assembly. The church members “had the right to be where they were” – 1,000 feet from the site of the funeral. The distress, then, “turned on the content and viewpoint of the message conveyed,” which is precisely what the First Amendment protects. Of course, the First Amendment says nothing about content restrictions being the worst kind of regulation of speech. Nor does it say anything about speech on public policy issues occupying the “highest rung.” It doesn’t say anything about time, place and manner restrictions, or how far protestors can be kept away, so long as the rules apply to everyone. All it says is that “freedom of speech,” along with a free press and the right to assemble and petition for grievances, shall be protected. That’s it. The rest has come from judges, especially Supreme Court justices, mostly in the last hundred years, who have gone way beyond divining the intent of the Founders to develop a whole body of law as to what the First Amendment does and does not protect. The law has obviously changed over time, often (albeit not explicitly) to reflect the various wars (the Red Scare, for instance) we have faced and the fear they engender. But here’s the part that gets lost in the assumption – reinforced by the confirmation processes of the past two decades and by close majorities in some big cases – that it’s all just politics: If it were all “politics,” Westboro would have lost and the soldier’s family would have won. There is still such a thing as “law,” even if a new conservative Court could theoretically jettison it all. Yes, there are close cases. But there are many more that are not close because, as here, two centuries have yielded a “right” answer, even if it is judge-made.

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he traditions and professions of the Roman Catholic Church are very much ingrained into the psyche of Catholics – be they active, lapsed or recovering. People are often “culturally Catholic.” They might honor Lent by giving something up or bless themselves when going past a church, although they may not have attended Mass in years. LGBT people who were raised Catholic, but do not feel loved by Rome, might attend an Episcopalian Church which in terms of its liturgy is very close to what they were raised with. However, to call one’s self a Catholic is very important in terms of identity for some people of faith. Father John Joseph Reid and Father Larry Turner have been serving the community since 2002. They built a small chapel at their NE 10th Ave. home in Wilton Manors, in 2008. “You cannot get hurt here,” said Father

Reid. “This is a place of love, respect and healing. This is not the Pope’s church.” Reid, who studied at Boston University did not wish to become a priest and lie about his sexuality. Father Larry Turner was a lay brother before becoming a priest. “We want to preserve traditions and other aspects of the Catholic Church, but we want to move away from all the prejudice. There is very little mystery in both life and religion today,” Father Larry said. The chapel, and its priests are members of the New Catholic movement. Their chapel is comfortably Catholic. Antique, hand-painted Stations of the Cross line the walls. A large monstrance holds the Eucharist. Above the altar a very old crucifix hangs for the faithful to find comfort in. Despite its traditional look Divine Mercy Chapel has a mission to actively work with the community. “We work with people in nursing homes, and we do a lot of funerals often for lapsed

Catholics who might not be eligible for a funeral Mass,” said Turner. “We cater to people who might not go to church all the time, and want something deeper in their lives.” The eligibility to be a Catholic in good standing is causing the faithful to leave the faith in droves. In progressive Ireland for instance it is predicted the Roman Catholic population could die out in ten or so years because people are leaving, and fewer young men elect to become priests. Father Reid became a priest first, ordained by a Greek Orthodox Bishop. Father Turner initially became a deacon. However, there is something calmly spiritual about him. People would often turn to him and ask him to hear their confession – it was the community that suggested he lead them on the same level as Reid. In addition to their mission to work with disenfranchised – and disenchanted – Catholics Fathers Reid and Turner are both animal lovers. They have two small lap dogs, Nicholas who is awfully puppy-like for 17 and Reina, who joined their family three years ago. This love of animals has trans-

lated itself into Reid blessing local pets. “I used to do grief counseling too,” he added. “It was very sad work. Now I don’t do it as formally, but if someone has lost a pet I will gladly speak to them. Also, they can bring their pet to me if they wish to have them blessed.” Father Reid occasionally invites the public to bring their animals to him. His most recent work with pets and their owners took place at the Shoppes of Wilton Manors. Blessing a pet might sound strange to Protestant ears. However, St. Francis of Assisi is known for his love of animals, and blessed them in the Middle Ages. Blessing a pet undergoing surgery, or one that will be separated from an owner for some time is a natural concept for someone faithful. Today is Ash Wednesday, a day in which Christians celebrate Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem. If you wish to receive Ashes from Fathers Reid and Turner there will be a Mass at 7:00 p.m. tonight, followed by a healing ceremony, and laying of hands. Please visit NewCatholic.US for more information.





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hen George Kessinger’s business partners, Terry Norman and Ronald Gofrank decided to sell their shares in the Wilton Manors landmark Georgie’s Alibi Bar and Grill, to Jack Padgett and Mark Negrete in 2007, it ultimately plunged the business into an ongoing blizzard of legal maneuvering. Almost four years after the sale, the case file at the Broward County Courthouse continues to grow with legalese finger pointing. Kessinger’s father’s name is also George, and because of that, his grandmother nicknamed him Georgie to avoid confusion. Kessinger said he created the restaurant’s name from the playful thought that everyone needs an alibi at one time or another. As an experienced restaurant owner-operator Kessinger opened the Alibi with Norman and Gofrank almost 15 years ago. Kessinger held 38.33 percent of stock in the Alibi, while Norman held 33.33 percent

and Gofrank 23.33 percent. As the majority owner with a love for the business, Kessinger worked at the Alibi seven days a week, pitching in any way he could to help out. Some of Kessinger’s

* Offers valid with purchase of Gold Dental Plan.


Gofrank received $906,560 and $1,066,666 respectively for their shares of the business. In addition Norman and Gofrank were to receive $18,381 and $21,877 in cash from the $64,878 that was on hand at the Alibi at the time. After Norman and Gofrank sold out, Kessinger stayed on and drew a paycheck. Later that year, Kessinger thought it would be better for the business to just sell his shares to Padgett and Negrete. He didn’t believe the partnership was working out, and he owned two other Alibi locations, in St. Petersburg and Palm Springs, Calif. So on Dec. 3, 2007, Kessinger made a deal with Padgett and Negrete. He took a promissory note for a $1,226,560 payment that was due March 31, 2010.

friends would say that to have a meal with him at the Alibi was not relaxing because Kessinger constantly hopped up to help the waiters or greet customers. Court documents show that Norman and

In background maneuvering, the Feb. 2, 2009 State of Florida annual report for GAT BAR, INC., the parent corporation for Georgie’s Alibi, listed Kessinger as an officer and director of the corporation along with Padgett and Negrete. Three days later, on Feb. 5, 2009, an attorney for Padgett and Negrete, Paul Silverberg, filed an amended annual report that dropped Kessinger’s


1EVGL 7SYXL*PSVMHE+E]2I[W GSQ name as an officer and director. But, according to the City of Wilton Manors, Kessinger’s name is still listed as a director on the Alibi’s business license. When the payment came due March 31, 2010, Padgett and Negrete did not pay. In response, Kessinger verbally agreed to a new deal with Padgett and Negrete where they would make monthly payments of $4,066 until the balance was paid in full. “There was no attack on my side about the promissory note not being paid,” Kessinger said. “I understand that in this economy, times are difficult. I’m not a bad boy. I continued on with no late charges. I told Jackson that life will go on and I’ll wait for you.” In less than six months, the monthly payment agreement turned into a courthouse fight. According to Silverberg, Padgett was making the agreed upon monthly payments on a timely basis. But on Aug. 25, 2010, Kessinger received a letter from Silverberg which stated the monthly payments would stop immediately. The letter said the agreement to purchase Kessinger’s share of the business needed to be modified because Kessinger fraudulently misstated the labor costs of operating the Alibi. Padgett and Negrete

claimed they were owed $1,859,000 by Kessinger due to the misstated costs. Kessinger said he was surprised by the claim of misstated labor costs. Silverberg said labor costs have been an ongoing issue since the 2007 sale. In response to the letter, on Sept. 3, 2010, Kessinger, Norman and Gofrank filed suit against Padgett and Negrete. In the suit, Norman and Gofrank said they were never paid the $18,381 and $21,877 from the cash on hand in the Alibi as per their agreement. Gofrank has since settled and the terms are undisclosed. “The last line in the letter told me to govern myself accordingly,” Kessinger said. “I did. I filed suit.” The lawsuit was based on the anticipatory breach. Silverberg claims that since the monthly payments were being made on a timely basis, the suit was premature. According to Kessinger, all he wants is to work out a payment agreement with Padgett and Negrete for his share of the Alibi. He said the situation should not be as complicated as it has become. Proposed settlements have been going back and forth. In fact, Kessinger told SFGN on Friday that a settlement may be imminent.

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t was mid-afternoon and I was driving into Stillwater to speak at Oklahoma State University. Hungry, I saw a gleaming red Chick-fil-A restaurant in the distance. Now, I had never eaten at this restaurant because of its alleged anti-gay policies. Needless to say, the prohibition only heightened my curiosity and against my better judgment I slinked inside for a forbidden chicken sandwich. I simply had to try this place! This scenario, of course, helps explain why abstinence-only education doesn’t work. Sex is much better than a chicken sandwich (if not, find a new partner) and making it taboo only invites rule breaking. The main difference is, eating a sandwich does not lead to life-long consequences such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

The very notion of abstinence-only education is absurd. It is founded on the bizarre idea of telling rebellious teens not to have sex until marriage and believing that they will actually listen. Any honest parent would tell you that teenagers aren’t the best at following the commands of stuffy adults. Yet, on the crucial subject of sex education, many school districts have policies that presume teens will almost always obey preachers posing as teachers. Clearly, abstinence-only programs are ineffective and not about public health or preparing students for responsible sexual relations. Instead, they exist so ambitious politicians can funnel public money to ideologues who want to craftily inculcate students with religious propaganda. Project SOS in Jacksonville, Florida is one example of this slippery attempt to


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evangelize on the public’s dime. Despite the group’s curriculum being called “unacceptable” and inaccurate by health experts, SOS has received $6.5 million in federal funding through the Department of Health and Human services since 2002 - including $454,000 in September 2010, according to The Florida Independent. In a special report for Truth Wins Out, researcher Bruce Wilson discovered that Pam Mullarkey, the founder and director of SOS, says God inspired her program. Her church, Beaches Chapel Church, (Not the one with Bette Midler) identifies SOS as one of its “ministries” and calls Mullarkey a “missionary.” SOS is cunning in the way it disseminates sectarian messages to captive student audiences. For example, in one video, an actor has a tattoo on his forearm with large letters, “God is my judge.” “In functional terms, they amount to government-backed covert religious indoctrination programs,” says Bruce Wilson in his report. The program preaches no sex until marriage, which by design excludes LGBT teenagers who can’t legally marry. Of course, this is no surprise, considering Mullarkey’s church has an “ex-gay” ministry, “Laughter from Purity,” which teaches inmates at a faith-based prison to resist homosexuality through Jesus Christ. According to the ministry’s web-site, God loves homosexuals, but the homosexual must be set free from a “bondage of lies and deception that come from being wounded and sexually broken.” Most disturbing is SOS’s endorsement of Martin Ssempa who presides over condom burning bonfires at a university in Kampala and is a leading backer of the “kill the gays”

bill that may soon come up for a vote in Uganda’s parliament. Referring to the fact that several of Ssempa’s family members have died of AIDS, Mullarkey told the Florida Independent that homosexuals in Africa “have destroyed people’s lives.” Sadly, this useless program has reached more than 300,000 Florida students. SOS has at least 40 full-time and part time government-funded employees who are surreptitiously evangelizing. At a time when Republican blowhards are obsessed with trimming government spending, why is such foolishness still being funded? According to an ACLU Florida study, “Sex Education in The Sunshine State”, Mullarkey’s SOS programs, “Employ fear and shame- based tactics” and some “Teach misinformation on HIV/AIDS.” Such ridiculous and futile programs should be the first on the chopping block if Republicans are serious about reducing wasteful spending. But, I doubt that will happen given the Religious Right’s stranglehold on the GOP – particularly in Florida, which is quickly becoming the new Mississippi. Republicans will pretend they are funding such programs to uphold virtue, when they are really just fishing for votes. The disastrous Faith-based Initiative has intertwined church and state, with indoctrination slowly replacing education. Religious programs like SOS are ensuring that students don’t stand a prayer when faced with key decisions affecting their health. It is time to quit the nonsense and abstain from funding programs that are wasteful, unconstitutional and a transparent attempt to illegally raid public coffers to evangelize in public schools.




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ver heard of the Lingerie Football League? It’s a women’s football league where the women wear helmets, shoulder pads, bras, panties and garters. Billed as “true fantasy football,� the teams have names like the Los Angeles Temptation and the Dallas Desire. If this league catered any more to men there would be cigars at halftime. But I didn’t learn about the Lingerie Football League from a guy; I learned about it while visiting a lesbian website. The local site, TheSeattleLesbian.com, provided Lingerie League information and videos on its sports page. That in turn provided me with a reminder of my age, a keen sense of where I am on the spectrum of lesbian thinking, and a headache. I don’t react well when lesbians view women in the bootylicious way many men do. Maybe it’s because I’m 47 and remember how women fought to be viewed as more than tits and ass. Now to see lesbians encourage the ogling of women, to watch them match men drool-for-drool, well, that feels like a step backwards. However, as I’m 47 and not dead, I’m mindful of the sentiments of a younger lesbian generation, which might be expressed like this: “Hate to tell you, grandma, but you older folks fought so that we could be whoever we want to be. We can revel in pure sexiness like guys do. We can be as shallow as guys. So thanks!� Um, you’re welcome? When I looked further down The Seattle Lesbian’s sports page, I found stories about the WNBA’s Seattle Storm. As a huge Storm fan, I was pleased to see them. As a reader teed off over the highlighting of the Undressed Football League, I assumed the site and I could now be friends again. Not. The stories concerned three players, and the site editor chose one action shot, and

two glamour shots. The two glamorized players had on more make-up than RuPaul. So far on this lesbian site I’d seen sex and glamour—and that was just the sports section. The experience made me feel old and on the curmudgeonly end of the lesbian spectrum. But another experience with media had me feeling youthful and wildly open-minded. I received in the snail mail the latest issue of a magazine called Lesbian Connection. I began getting the bimonthly publication last year, and it’s now clear to me what an asset it is for dykes everywhere. LC serves as a lesbian forum, enabling readers, who provide most of the content, to tell their stories; it offers a worldwide list of lesbians willing to share information about their regions; subscriptions are on a sliding scale. It’s also now clear to me that the average LC reader remembers Truman’s inauguration. Okay, I exaggerate, but the magazine, founded in 1974, is something of a relic. Birthed in the era of lesbian separatism, LC reflects its origins. Readers have names like “Artemis Passionfire� and “Flash Silvermoon� and while I wish I made those up, I didn’t. I’ve read a lot about “womyn’s land� and combed through oodles of irate letters when the cover art on LC wasn’t PC. The magazine says it defines lesbians as “womenborn-women,� meaning transgender women don’t count. I wouldn’t say LC is stuck in time, but it’s moving arthritically through it. I’ll continue reading and enjoying it, and I’ll go back to TheSeattleLesbian.com. Both will keep me honest. Now I know middle age is more than just a number. It’s when you feel connected to the generation behind you and the generation ahead of you – and when both generations annoy the crap out of you.


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s we get ready to set up our tents for another PrideFest we should take a moment to congratulate each other on how far we have come. For a weekend we will proudly “strut our stuff”: tattoos and earrings, biceps and pecs, drag and leather, tight shorts and cowboy boots, gaybies in strollers, pets on a leash, colorful wife beater tank tops, the soundtrack courtesy of Lady Gaga. We shall hold hands and kiss our “husbands” and “wives” while walking through the booths representing our community newspapers, magazines, bars, clubs, gay friendly establishments, gay businesses, civic associations, gay organizations, all proudly flying the rainbow flag, basking in the Florida sunshine.

And of course, between a cocktail and a hot dog, a bag full of trinkets and a raffle, we will pat each others on the back and say: “Yes, there is nothing wrong with being fabulous”. If cigarette companies were allowed to promote their ‘fags’ Virginia Slim would have a great booth emblazoned with their slogan from the 70’s, “You Have Come a Long Way, Baby.” Even though our city, inexplicably, did not make “The Advocate’s Top 15 Gayest Cities in America” all things considered, we are fortunate to live in Greater Ft. Lauderdale/Wilton Manors. Yep, we are fabulous... but immensely jaded, bordering on uncaring. While we show off our Balenciaga belts we never think about how the other half lives in the Bible Belt. Out there, in the Hinterlands and the Deep South, gays and lesbians of all ages, especially teenagers, are




living a nightmare of fear and depression. Important protective factors such as family love, community support and safe schools are completely missing. Growing up is scary when there is nobody to relate to. Thus, many of them contemplate suicide, as the only way out of pain. They are caught in a time warp of religious intolerance, alienation and disconnect, open discrimination and bigotry. They are made to believe that hell is waiting for all gays, that we deserve AIDS that we are one step removed from bestiality, that we are not fit to act as parents or even be upstanding productive citizens. They do not boast, like us, of having 150 friends on Facebook. They do not know first hand what a Pridefest is. The closest thing for them is the annual Big Chili Cookout at the County Fair. While there are many progressive Christians around the world with a true sense of compassion and moral integrity, the oppressive Bible thumpers of mid America are the product of outdated, suffocating, traditional Christian values that prefer ritual to reflection, obedience to individual discernment, meaningless confessions to genuine atonement. If we catch them on a good day, and find them in a condescending Christian mood, they will tell us: “Dear, we hate the sin, but love the sinner.” In its highest form, Christianity is a test of one’s mettle, a challenge to live in the image of Jesus, the incarnation of all virtues. In its lowest form, it’s a spiritual Wal-Mart, where absolution comes cheap and the swallowing of a wafer, a Sunday service or a candle and a prayer are all it takes to even things out with God. Those repressed gays and lesbians, far removed from South Florida, and from the Top 15 Gayest Cities in America, are living

in fear and without foreseeable hope. They have no concept of what the pursuit of happiness is. With time they become captive slaves of their own self hate and low self-esteem. They are so used to disguise themselves to others that in the end they become disguised to themselves. On the other hand, fabulous out and proud gays are too complacent. We should be up in arms demanding comprehensive laws to protect all sections of society- with no exceptions. Our agenda should be setting the pace of social change by demanding a ban on all forms of discrimination, true and enforced crack down on hate crimes. Prevention programs for sexual minorities should be put into place and tackle issues of stigma, labeling, bullying, plus safe and effective referrals. The Trevor’s Project is on the right track, but it’s not enough. Furthermore, nobody’s life should be dictated by a Church, a Government, or by a majority vote of the Supreme Court. The time has come for our own Tea Party instead of another T-Dance. With this I’m not saying you should not enjoy the upcoming Pridefest, by all means dance your socks off, get moderately smashed, come by SFGN’s booth and win a prize, have fun, be yourself, be ‘absolutely fabulous’ but stop and think for a moment about the ‘abject fearful.’ Get involved, make a difference in someone’s life, and, if you are so inclined, say a little prayer for The Rev. Phelps, right wing Republicans, and all the other hate mongers. As the Dalai Lama said, when asked why he prayed for the Chinese invaders of Tibet, whose atrocities against his people can never be forgotten, “Oh, we must pray for them. Because they are the ones who need prayer most of all.”' copy
















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s an Animal Communicator, my job is to translate what your pet is thinking or feeling. I use telepathy (the transference of pictures, words and feelings). Many people aren’t aware that we are all animal communicators; I have simply developed a skill. Telepathy is a two way street, at the very least – sometimes it’s a five way stop! As much as people love to find out what their animal is thinking, it can be even more enlightening to know what it is we are actually sending. We are sending a lot of inner spam to our pets via our own thoughts and feelings about random things in life. This is an immediate picture that is sent, our pets in turn can either want to help the situation or act out as a result of our state of being. We all are living with a certain degree of personal stress and we are all microcosms that can accidently absorb the global fear, anxiety and worry. Then we try to figure out why our well behaved dog jumps on our dinner guests or worse. When we forget the simplicity and joy in life or are distracted, so many things get mixed up in translation and naughty behavior can result. My best advice is: Say what you mean and mean what you

say. Our animal companions are looking to us and listening to us at all times. We are their Emotional Leaders – we have to be the leader of the pack, herd, pride or flock. They are dependent upon us for their wellbeing. As I say in my book, Communication with all Life, Revelations of an Animal Com-

municator, published by Hay House, we are of one mind. When we say a command like no, or come – we have to commit to that intention. So many times I see someone say “no” to a small dog and then two seconds later, they pick the dog up and kiss it because it’s so

cute. What is that really saying? It’s saying “no, yes, you are the cutest, just do what you want.” Is that really providing safety/ leadership for them? The answer is no. Mentally we do the same thing – we say no and then we think ‘they’re just going to do it again’ – what mixed message is that non-committal command saying? It’s saying – ‘go ahead – take over’ and nothing good can come out of that when in a challenging situation. When you ask an animal to do something are you pleading? Are you hopeful? Frustrated? Are you saying it with great authority? Is it mixed? Do you have joyful expectation? Is it fun? – Even if it’s a bath? Listen to your tone and see if you can’t have a little more expectation and authority. This also helps send a more positive image (picture) and security to them. Consciously picking your words, nicknames or stories is another key thing. I know, we all lose our tempers or to be funny we tell a story about our animal friend. But it is not just our story; we are making it forever their story, their mythology and that story becomes bigger than them. They have to follow through with the epic behavior. A check and balance of where we are emotionally is important, especially in

challenging situations. Automatically, the pictures and the feelings follow the words. Saying something to get attention with great authority, expression and emotional leadership is a great state change for you and your animal companion(s). It automatically sends the picture. Then you can create a new behavior pattern. Joan Ranquet, is an Animal Communicator, Author and Speaker. Her book Communication with All Life, Revelations of an Animal Communicator is published by Hay House. She does private sessions, teaches Animal Communication and is the founder of Communication with All Life University. She’s been featured on Dateline, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Animal Planet, AMC, the National Enquirer, The Los Angeles Times, The Sun Sentinel, and The Palm Beach Post. Her newest book “Energy Healing for Animals” will be out Spring 2012 published by Sounds True. Visit !"#$%#$&'()*+", for more information.




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8"B$'C":A3:'B3:'D$,'C$"-,E hen entering restaurants, salons, piercing establishments, and medical offices all one wants to see is pristine cleanliness. All Aboard Animal Hospital, located in Pompano, is a facility for animal care that exceeds quality care – and housekeeping expectations. The five-year-old veterinary hospital is owned by Dr. Kevin McAllister and his wife Melissa, who purchased it from the previous veterinarian. Julie, who acts as a receptionist and Jill-of-All-Trades, stayed on after the McAllister’s purchased All Aboard. “I really do love working here. Dr. McAllister and my old boss Dr. Loud are just excellent doctors,” she said, confidently describing a history of care carried out by both doctors. “Melissa is just wonderful with the pets too. Our clients always have great things to say.” Kevin McAllister earned his veterinary degree from the University of Georgia, and has been practicing since 1999. Originally from Maryland, the couple moved to South Florida five years ago after time in Sarasota. “I’ve been a veterinarian in Florida for about 9 years,” said Dr. McAllister. “The Pompano/Fort Lauderdale area is great because we have the amenities of larger urban cities nearby with a small town feel of local businesses and long-time residents. Melissa and I enjoy getting to know our clients and their pets very well. At All Aboard Animal Hospital we bring a personal relationship to veterinary care. It builds trust in our clients and it is rewarding being part of a great Florida community.” The building has three large examining rooms. There is also an on-site pharmacy, to make your trip to All Aboard a swift visit. The state-of-the-art operating room is filled with natural light, and even has windows in each door – this relays a trust factor for clients. The hospital boasts an isolation room for very sick, often rescued animals. There is also a cat boarding room for eight cats. A large, 1K\,#00+H'.`-0-

:00.:142*,.:5+;20.'46W+320 bright and airy room for dogs, is outfitted with eight roofless, wide, units for boarding. “And of course, we have outside,” Melissa said graciously as she led us out into a well-sized, fenced-in yard in which there are three larger dog runs shaded in part by ficus hedges. “This is just a great area for the dogs to get some exercise. We think it’s a great feature.” Mellissa McAllister acts as the business and general manager of All Aboard. To add to the family feeling there are five cats that call the place home. There is also a yellow Labrador, named Buster that lives there. “Buster has been with us for about a year and a half,” Melissa said. “He’s blind, and a rescue, like all of the cats. We work with a few cat charities such as Paws of South Florida, and a Labrador rescue. We’re Labrador people,” she said pleasantly. “We see most of the Labradors taken in by Lab Rescue of South Florida. The labs come from shelters that don’t have room for them and from owner surrender.” All Aboard vaccinates, spays or neuters them, implants a microchip and checks them for illness and injuries, including heartworm disease. Sandy, a beautiful yellow lab arrived with the McAllister’s after her time was up at a shelter and she was due to be euthanized. She was almost completely hairless due to a horrible skin infection caused by her allergies. The dog was still lactating, apparently discarded after giving birth to a litter for a neglectful breeder. Yet, even in her poor condition, she is now at least a happy dog, with a wagging tail. Thanks to All Aboard’s intervention, Sandy will find a new home with people who can appreciate her. With animal lovers as dedicated and compassionate as the McAllister’s, clients will certainly come to trust and appreciate All Aboard Animal Hospital.' !"#$%#&'(%() AllAboardAnimalHospital.com *+,& -+,#&(.*+,-$)(+./



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For Tickets and Group Discounts call 954.462.0222 or BrowardCenter.org All programs, artists, dates and times are subject to change. Follow us on: *Applies to new sales only. All special offers cannot be combined with other discounts. Certain restrictions apply.


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Celebrating 20 Years of Broadway at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts

For tickets and group discounts call 954.462.0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org














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criticism of timing, not substance. That evening, at an appearance at Harvard, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Republicans were “a little taken aback” by the Obama DOJ decision, adding, “I’ve never been around when a president decided not to defend a law on the books.’’ (Cantor, born in 1963, was curiously uninformed. While it is not common for presidents to decide against defending certain laws in court, the last three Republican presidents did it, as did the previous two Democratic presidents, according to Jon Davidson, legal director for Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund.) But Associated Press said the more conservative Republican affiliates were quite angry and pushing for a more hostile response. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council said Republicans in Congress must respond or else they would “become complicit” in the decision. “The president was kind of tossing this cultural grenade into the Republican camp,” Perkins told AP. “If they ignore this, it becomes an issue that will lead to some very troubling outcomes for Republicans.” Fox News commentator Monica Crowley likened the DOJ announcement to the president attempting to become a dictator.

continued from page 4

“The DOJ is now on record with the court about its view that heightened scrutiny should be applied to any review of DOMA’s constitutionality and that DOMA fails that test,” said Bonauto. “All the same, it appears the DOJ will cease to defend DOMA only to the extent that the court determines that heightened scrutiny applies. If the court determines rational basis review applies, DOJ’s position is and has been that the newly invented justifications for DOMA (status quo, uniformity) are rational bases for the law.” As hard as it is to predict what impact the DOJ announcement last week will make on the courts, it is even harder to predict its impact on the political landscape. Immediately, it seemed but a ripple. The New York Times and Washington Post both said the immediate reaction was relatively mild. In fact, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) issued a statement February 23, saying “While Americans want Washington to focus on creating jobs and cutting spending, the President will have to explain why he thinks now is the appropriate time to stir up a controversial issue that sharply divides the nation.” That’s a



“You cannot pick and choose which law you’re going to enforce as president of the United States,” said Crowley, apparently having not read the Attorney General’s letter in which he stated clearly that the administration would continue to enforce the law. “If President Bush had done that, I think there would be calls for his impeachment.” The conservative Washington Times editorialized on the day of the DOJ announcement that the action represents “the next step of President Obama’s strategy to force the radical homosexual agenda on America against the will of the people and Congress.” By Sunday, Boehner seemed to be taking a harder line. He told the Christian Broadcast Network that Republican leaders were examining “a lot of options on the table,” including appointing counsel to defend

DOMA. He said House leadership would be talking to House members “in the next few days” and would make a decision by the end of the week on what to do. “And on these options,” asked CBN reporter David Brody, “the bottom line is that something is going to happen from the House and something will get done?” “I’d be very surprised if the House didn’t decide that they were going to defend the law,” said Boehner. As of Tuesday, the only new bill to be announced was a bill to repeal DOMA, introduced by U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (DCalif.). But U.S. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said, in an interview with ABC News, that he thought Congress should take out of the DOJ budget the funding given to DOJ to defend DOMA in court.'


“A Royal Affair”

10TH Anniversary Gala


Awards Celebration

Saturday, March 26, 2011 H I LT O N M I A M I D O W N T O W N H O T E L 1 6 0 1 B I S C AY N E B O U L E VA R D , M I A M I VIP* TICKETS $175, $1,750 TABLES/10 | GENERAL ADMISSION $95:



EMAIL TO mdglcc@bellsouth.net OR ONLINE AT gogaymiami.com *Private VIP Champagne Reception, Reserved Seating, Gift Bag, Valet Parking

S U G G E S T E D AT T I R E :

Something Purple

Purple represents Royalty and Loyalty

This Year’s Award Recipients METLIFE Business of the Year Award

HILTON MIAMI DOWNTOWN Business Person of the Year Award

Greater Miami & The Beaches Ms. Naomi Wilzig — W E A M Hotel Association

WACHOVIA (A WELLS FARGO COMPANY) Non-Profit Organization of the Year Award

AT&T 10th Anniversary Special Recognition Award

Switchboard of Miami, Inc.


Royal Sponsors

Presented by Exhibits Development Group in cooperation with Cosprop Ltd., London, England

Loyal Sponsors

Sponsored in part by:

501 Plaza Real Boca Raton, Florida bocamuseum.org 561.392.2500

A Not-For-Profit Corporation

Produced By

Seventeenth-century explorer’s outfit worn by Colin Farrell as Captain John Smith in The New World, costume design by Jacqueline West. From the exhibition CUT! Costume and the Cinema. Photo provided by PHOTOFEST





/72,.H+<73-* continued on page 19

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KATHY GRIFFIN Tuesday, March 29 at 8 pm Dreyfoos Hall Catch double Emmy award winning Kathy Griffin live in her true element. She has more stories, more dish, more of what she shouldn’t say but you know you want to hear. Contains Adult Language.

Tickets start at $35*

CIRQUE DREAMS ILLUMINATION Wednesday through Sunday, April 20 - 24

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Tickets start at $25* Sponsored by

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Martin Duberman’s

A SAVING REMNANT “…a thrilling piece of personal and political history.”

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B.S. in Biology. While there he worked for 4 effrey S. Caron, M.D., the Director of years as a student sports medicine trainer. In 1993 he graduated from the University Urgent Care of Wilton Manors has suddenly passed away. He would have been Of Vermont College Of Medicine, Burlington, 45-years-old next Monday. His offices served VT with his M.D. He then moved to Orlando to perform his internship at Orthe predominantly gay clilando Regional Medical Center entele of Wilton Manors. in Emergency Medicine. A Board Certified Family From there Dr. Caron went to Practitioner who had a speTennessee for his 3 year residencial interest in Urgent Care cy at the University of Tennessee and Emergency Medicine, as Memphis in Family Medicine. well as Cosmetic and AesthetDr. Caron returned to Floric Procedures. Dr. Caron was ida in 2001 with his partner born and raised on the coast 0#=%-.77#.$%+=%/"#'( to work at Memorial Hospiof Maine, but lived presently in Hollywood, where his body was discovered tal West in Pembroke Pines as one of their this past Sunday. No foul play is suspected, au- Emergency Medicine Physicians. They lived together until 2006, when they separated. thorities have said. Dr. Caron is survived in Maine by his brothPrior to relocating to Florida, Dr. Caron had worked for ten years as a firefighter and er, Chris, and two sisters, Heather and Shelly. EMT, as well as serving three years as a police He had two pets, a 10-year-old cocker spaniel, Sara, and a Yorkie, 6, named Tony. His former officer in Thomaston, Maine. Proud to be a former Eagle Scout, Dr. Caron partner and friend of many years, Brian Humgraduated in 1988 from Bates College with a phreys, is caring for their safety. 1K\,#00+H'.`-0-

—EDMUND WHITE, author of City Boy


“This splendid portrait of parallel lives is deeply moving, and galvanizing. Filled with new information, keen insights, [and] stirring details…” —BLANCHE WIESEN COOK, author of Eleanor Roosevelt, volumes I, II, III forthcoming

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sometimes funny, and always very moving.” —MICHAEL BRONSKI

“As in his biographies of Paul Robeson and Lincoln Kirstein, Martin Duberman sheds fascinating new light on the history

of modern American radicalism.” —ERIC FONER, Columbia University THE NEW PRESS THE NEW PRESS

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edical malpractice is defined as the failure of a healthcare provider to render care in a manner similar to like trained and educated healthcare providers and, further, that as a result of the healthcare provider’s failure to meet that standard of care, the patient suffered damage. Medical doctors, osteopathic physicians, dentists, podiatrists, hospitals and their employees, nurses, technicians, and physical therapists all fall under the same statute in Florida. Each state has a different law dealing with medical negligence, thus it is important to engage an attorney who is familiar with the state laws in the jurisdiction where the negligence occurred. Florida has a unique Medical Malpractice law which requires a process of investigation prior to being able to file a lawsuit against a healthcare provider. The presuit portion of the malpractice statute requires that an attorney, operating on behalf of his client, gather all pertinent medical records and have them examined by a similar healthcare provider to determine whether or not the prospective defendant fell below the standard of care in treatment of the patient. Assuming the expert agrees that there was negligence which caused damage to the patient, the expert is asked to execute an affidavit stating his opinions as to where he or she believes the healthcare provider fell below the standard of care. This affidavit is forwarded to the potential defendant, along with a letter called a Notice of Intent to Sue. This letter begins the 90-day pre-suit screening period which is a period of time in which the potential defendant, through his insurance company or

attorney, is given the opportunity to investigate the allegations raised in the affidavit and Notice of Intent to Sue. Unfortunately today, approximately 30 percent of all doctors are without malpractice insurance. When a physician does not carry medical malpractice insurance, Florida law requires him to conspicuously post the fact that attempt to settle or ask for arbitration. The majority of cases are denied by potential defendants, although this is not in any manner indicative of future outcome. It seems to be just a routine action for many insurance carriers. Assuming the claim is denied at the end of the pre-suit period, the injured party is then free to institute a lawsuit against the defendant or defendants named in the pre-suit notice. Malpractice cases are dependent on the experts retained on behalf of the plaintiff and defendants. Whether negligence is found by a jury at the end of a case is largely dependent on the believability of expert witnesses. As a result of the system and the monetary charges of expert physicians, malpractice cases must have good economic value in order to make it worthwhile to proceed with litigation. It is important to remember that the statute of limitations on a malpractice suit is shorter than, for example, an automobile accident. The statue of limitations runs 2 years from the date you knew or should have known that you suffered an injury caused by medical negligence. The statute can be up to 4 years from the date of incident depending on the circumstance and even up to 7 years if there was fraud or intentional concealment of the negligence by the healthcare provider. Needless to say, the sooner a case is investi-

gated, the better. Thus, it is wise to contact an attorney familiar with malpractice cases to evaluate the claim as early as possible. In a case involving a wrongful death, the statute of limitations is 2 years after the date of death. The malpractice statute is unique in that it can be extended for a period of 90 days provided the request for an extension is filed before the Statute has expired. In a wrongful death case caused by medical negligence, the statute delineates who can make a claim for damages. If an elderly person dies without a surviving spouse or children who are minors at the time of the death, no one would be allowed to claim pain and suffering for the loss of that individual. Adult children over the age of 25 are precluded from making a claim for pain and suffering as a result of the loss of a parent. In

an automobile accident, if an elderly person died, his or her children could make a claim for pain and suffering. The malpractice statute specifically prohibits such claims. Malpractice claims are a sophisticated form of tort action and require an experienced attorney who actually takes a case to trial to obtain the best results. Traditionally, malpractice attorneys, along with those litigating products liability actions, are considered the upper echelon of trial attorneys handling personal injury litigation. The above article is by no means a definitive discussion of the complex field of medical malpractice litigation. If my office can assist you or a loved one in determining whether or not a cause of action for medical malpractice exists, please feel free to contact us.




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his year marks 30 years since the discovery of the first case of what was later identified as AIDS. With that news, our lives and relationships as gay men were forever altered. We witnessed an unthinkable tragedy that has taken the lives of more than a quarter million of our gay and bisexual friends and lovers. In the face of this devastation leaders emerged. The crisis helped to shape our community’s political agenda, and it provided a platform around which gay leaders could advocate for rights and equality. We realized that if we informed ourselves and acted on what we learned, we could be greater than the disease. Thanks to the efforts of gay men and our allies, our community saw a dramatic decline in new infections by the late 1980s. Many of us can look back with immense pride at the collective response in those early years. The availability of effective combination drug therapies in 1996 fundamentally changed how we thought about HIV. No longer was HIV the death sentence it had once been. We had new hope. For many, HIV was a manageable chronic disease. Many of us turned our attention to marriage equality, adoption rights, the repeal

of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” and other pressing issues facing our community. While we broadened our focus, AIDS did not. When we become complacent, HIV thrives. New HIV infections among gay and bisexual men in the United States are on the rise. Yes, on the rise. We are the only risk group for whom this is the case. According to a recent study by the CDC, one in five of us – that is gay and bisexual men – in some of the largest U.S. cities today are living with HIV – and half of those who are positive do not know it. Unless we act now, we will see these numbers rise even higher, and quickly. My partner, Sir Elton John, often talks of his friend Ryan White – a boy whose tremendous courage in the face of AIDS forced our leaders to take action and inspired many of us. Today, Ryan’s story continues to remind us that just as HIV began one person at a time it will end one person a time. Elton and I recently had a baby boy. Becoming fathers has given us new perspective on what it means to take care of one another –as parents, as partners and as members of a community. And, it reminds us that we cannot be complacent in helping to create the kind of society in which we




want our son to grow up. In short, we must take responsibility and each do our part to create a future free of HIV – by being informed, using protection, getting tested and treated, and getting involved. And so, as we mark 30 years of this disease, Elton and I have recommitted ourselves to being greater than AIDS. As Chairman of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, I’m proud of the community organizations with which we are working to fight stigma and prevent the spread of the disease. And, I’m proud that leading LGBT companies, like HERE Media, LOGO TV, and this pub-

lication, are refocusing attention on this epidemic, and I hope more will join us. As a community, we once showed that we could be greater than AIDS. Now is our time to do it again. Visit greaterthan.org/ pride to get started.



David Furnish is Chairman of the Elton John AIDS Foundation (www.ejaf.org). The Elton John AIDS Foundation is a supporting partner of Greater Than AIDS (www.greaterthan. org/pride), a national movement organized in response to AIDS in America with a focus on the most affected communities.

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SV ½PP SYX JSVQ SRPMRI EX 7SYXL*PSVMHE+E]2I[W GSQ GPEWWM½IHW :""I("/%O%"&# PLEASE KEEP IN MIND PRIDE-FEST March 12-13, 2011. If you have a business that you would like to have noticed at the event with giveaway items please contact John.Fugate at the office 954-530-4970 or Email me at John.Fugate@SFGN.com

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P(#!"%##.I))IH&("!&L THE GREEN HOPPER IS NOW FOR SALE. Take this established Business to the next level. A once in a lifetime opportunity to own a local icon. Appointment only. Contact AlanGoingGreen@Yahoo.com

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MIH.#:K% NEW SIMMONS w/ warr. BeautyRest Q SET 499, Sofa/Lv. 550 GORGEOUS, Recliners 290. MUST SEE. Call Joe 954-707-8789 ------------------------------------------------MERCHANDISE Beds King 180,Queen 130, Full 110,Twin 90, Frames 30, 5 Piece Bedroom Set 399. All Furniture 954-465-6498 ------------------------------------------------MASSAGE TABLE FOR SALE - $70 or best offer. Used (but almost new) massage table for sale. Black, metal frame. Comes with face cradle. Call 917-834-2264 for details.

'%K).N:"&%$ DAVID MAGAZINE FLORIDA Be part of Florida’s newest GLBT Publication. We are looking for Quality Individuals to join our team. Sales, Writers, and Photographers. Call Matt at 954-251-0016 For More Info.

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takes place noon until 7 pm, Saturday and Sunday March 12-13,2011. At Jaco Park. It includes music spun by top DJs, and outdoor and indoor stage with concerts, a food court with adult beverages available, and dozens of vendors as well as social organizations.

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H%:K.%#&:&% SINGLE FAMILY Sale$ 297,000 Area: 1376 Sq. Ft Lot area: 8525 Sq.FtYear built: 1957 Floor type: Terrazzo Call Now 954-240-3940 ------------------------------------------------DISCREET PRIVATE SECURE FT LAUDERDALE BEACH CONDO $169,900 Building & Unit totally renovated Ocean views from Bedroom Balcony Living Room. Intracostal Apartment elegant Bob McGlynn Exit Realty rebobmac@ yahoo.com 954-478-6321

-------------------------------------------------KELLER WILLIAMS REALTYTed Adcock, Realtor Cell:954-609-4393 tedftl@aol.com -------------------------------------------------1 YEAR FREE LOT RENT PRIMARILY GAY PARK Fort Lauderdale/ Lauder Lakes. New Manufactured Home. Hurricane Ready 1,600sf 2BR/2BA 32’ Party Deck overlooks huge Lake. Wood Cabinets & Granite Tops, Slate & Marble floors. Immaculate. Real Show Place! Pics @ www.forsalebyowner.com/ listing/7W4ZB Cost $205K+, Sell $129,900, Call 954-817-6233 ------------------------------------------------HOLLYWOOD OCEAN FRONT CONDO FOR SALE ON PENTHOUSE LEVEL 2 Bed/2 Bath, Newly renovated. Only Motivated Buyers. 2,200 sqft. $570,000. Call 954-328-7412 Ronnie ------------------------------------------------TWO BEDROOM MIDDLE RIVER HOMES CONDO. Two bedroom, two bath condo in pet friendly building with wash/dryer in unit. Close to Wilton Manors. First and second floor units available March 1. $975 f/l/s. Jimmy Cunningham licensed Real Estate Agent Castelli RE Services 954-303-7380.

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