2 minute read
President's Message
Michael Schrader, MD, PhD
The recent slaughter of children at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas has focused our national attention
on the carnage toll that gun violence takes on children. The Centers for Disease Control have reported that in 2020 gun violence and accidents had become the leading cause of death among children ages 1-19.
The recent massacre at the Tops supermarket in Buffalo, NewYorkreflectstheterribletollthatfirearmstakeonBlack communities. Black men are 37% of homicide victims in the United States. This is a health equity issue.
In addition to these highly reported tragedies, there are multiple mass shooting events (defined as more than four victims) that occur regularly in the United States. More than 110 Americans are killed daily and more than 200 are shot and wounded.
This rampant gun violence also results in post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), adverse childhood events (ACE), and perpetuates a cycle of violence. Thefirearmindustryhaspromotedafalsenarrative.Namely, that guns offer security and protection. We know that gun ownership is linked to higher rates of homicide and suicide. Guns are are not defensive weapons: the notions of deterrence and a good guy with a gun are disproved by recent events. Deterrence does not work when the suicidal aim of the shooter istobeshotandkilled.Thegoodguyswiththegunsdon’thave firearmsandtacticalgeartomatchanautomaticweapon.
The deaths of children and minorities are not simple collateral damage for an over armed society: they are victims ofthefirearmindustryanditspowerfullobby,theNRA.Every mass shooting and school shooting causes a surge in gun buying and a boost for politicians who espouse Second Amendment rights for political expediency.
The Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms contingent on the necessity for a well regulated militia. Let us focusonthewords“wellregulated.”Andletusdefinewhat“well regulated”means:backgroundchecks,redflaglaws,gunsafety education and research, and a ban on ghost guns.
A majority of Americans supports rational restrictions on firearmownership.Manygunownersconcur.Overthepast several decades the NRA has transformed from an association of sportsmen that promoted gun safety and responsible gun ownership. ThecurrentNRAopposesanyrestrictiononfirearmsbecause it is the tool of the firearm industry. An industry that uses governmenttoprofitfromusinghumanlivesasacommodity. TheNRAisn’tabouttherighttoownguns.Itisabouttheright ofthegunindustrytoprofitfromcarnage.
In 2018 the American College of Physicians published an update of a 2014 policy paper, “Reducing Firearm Injuries and Deaths in the United States,” that proposed commonsense policies to reduce gun-related injuries and deaths. The response from the NRA: “Someone should tell self-important anti-gun doctors to stay in their lane.” This gave rise to the reaction from physicians using #ThisIsOurLane hashtag.
What can we do?
•Increasepurchaseageforsemi-automaticriflesfrom18-22 • Ban high capacity magazines and bump stocks • Close ghost gun loophole • Create federal requirements for safe gun storage •Reinforceredflaglaws • Community violence prevention measures
This is our lane.
Dr. Schrader chairs the SFMMS delegation (with Dr. Ameena Ahmed, newly-elected vice-chair) and is president of the SFMMS.