The Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan. 15, 2015

Page 1

Late surge gives Lobos 60-48 win over Air Force Sports, B-1

Locally owned and independent

Thursday, January 15, 2015


.com 75¢

Ariz. mental health firm pulling out

France cracks down on hate speech




Authorities struggle to confront terror threat. PAGE A-3

$80K to $149K

$149K $338K+ to $338K

Brian Barker/The New Mexican

New study ranks New Mexico 17th in nation for tax unfairness

A flare burns at an oil and gas drilling site southeast of Farmington. LUIS SÁNCHEZ SATURNO/THE NEW MEXICAN

Obama administration seeks 40 percent cut in greenhouse gas

By Bruce Krasnow The New Mexican

By Staci Matlock The New Mexican


he White House on Wednesday announced plans to cut methane emissions dramatically in the next decade, an effort likely to impact oil-, gas- and coal-producing regions in northwestern and southeastern New Mexico. Methane, like carbon dioxide, is a powerful greenhouse gas linked to climate change because it traps heat near the Earth. It is a primary component of natural gas, of which New Mexico is a top producer. Methane is released during natural gas production, oil processing and coal mining operations. Methane regulations would join several other federal efforts being developed under the federal Clean Air Act to address climate change, such as a bid to reduce carbon emissions from power plants. New Mexico already has the largest concentration of methane in the United States, a 2,500-square-mile hot spot in the Four Corners area that’s visible from space. That methane cloud is likely due to emissions from two coal mines, coal-fired power generating plants and thousands of natural gas wells in the area. The Obama administration will seek at least a 40 percent reduction in methane emissions nationwide in the next decade by requiring federal agencies to craft new rules for existing wells

Amendments tied to funding bill for Homeland Security By Erica Werner The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Shunning a White House veto threat and opposition within their own party, House Republicans approved legislation Wednesday to overturn President Barack Obama’s key immigration policies and expose hundreds of thousands of younger immigrants to expulsion from the U.S. The 236-191 vote came on a broad bill that would provide $39.7 billion to finance the Homeland Security Department through the rest of the budget year, legislation that

Classifieds B-5

$49K to $80K

Biggest tax burden falls on state’s poorest, report says

The Four Corners area, shown to the left in red, is a major U.S. hot spot for methane emissions, with about 1.3 million pounds of methane a year. COURTESY NASA, JPL-CALTECH, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN

as well as new oil and gas development. The amount of natural gas saved by fixing pipeline leaks and other measures would be enough to power more than 2 million homes a year, according to the White House. “This announcement is a very big deal,” said Thomas Singer of Santa Fe, senior policy adviser for the Western Environmental Law Center. Singer said it is important for any methane rules to apply to both new and existing oil and natural gas development. He said some companies already are using technology to capture and reuse methane, which is a valuable resource. “Setting a standard for how that should be done will level the playing field,” he said. Three federal agencies will be involved in efforts to reduce methane emissions. u The Environmental Protection Agency is

lawmakers of both parties said was sorely needed to pay for counterterrorism, cybersecurity and other priorities at a moment when the Paris terror attacks have underscored dire threats. Democrats accused Republicans of putting that money at risk by attaching veto-bait amendments on immigration, and some Republicans voiced the same concern. But House GOP leaders and most of their rank and file accused Obama in turn of reckless and unconstitutional actions on immigration that had to be answered. “This executive overreach is an affront to the rule of law and to the Constitution itself,” said House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio. “The people made clear that they wanted more accountability from this president, and by our votes here today we will heed their

Comics B-10

Main office: 983-3303 Late paper: 986-3010 News tips: 986-3035

Crosswords B-7, B-9

Lotteries A-2

According to a new report, New Mexico tax policy is moving in the wrong direction, as a reduction in corporate taxes coupled with increases in gross receipts taxes is putting a greater share of the burden of financing public services on working families. The report, “Who Pays,” released Wednesday by the Taxation and Economic Policy Institute, ranks New Mexico in the upper third of states for tax inequality, meaning a larger share of the tax burden falls on lower-income households. New Mexico was ranked 17th for tax unfairness, which means 33 states have a more equitable mix of taxes. The study looked not only at the personal and corporate income tax rates but also at revenue from property, sales and excise taxes. Specifically, when all taxes are taken into consideration, New Mexicans with incomes below $17,000 a year pay a tax rate of nearly 11 percent, while those earning more than $330,000 pay less than 5 percent. The numbers are not unusual in states such as New Mexico that have a statewide tax on sales or gross receipts. Lower and middle-income families spend a

Please see BURDEN, Page A-4

El Capitan conquered Two men become first to freeclimb Yosemite landmark.

Please see METHANE, Page A-4



House votes to undo Obama immigration actions

Calendar A-2

$30K to $49K

Income range

The New Mexican



Source: Taxation and Economic Policy Institute

By Patrick Malone

Please see WIPP, Page A-4


Less $17K than $17K to $30K

Officials: WIPP recovery months behind Progress toward reopening the nation’s only below-ground repository for Cold War-era nuclear waste after it was shut down last February due to a radiation leak is already months behind schedule, federal Department of Energy officials told a small group in Carlsbad on Wednesday. News of the delay follows a federal report released this week that’s highly critical of Los Alamos National Laboratory for mishandling of waste that led to the radiation release and Waste Isolation Pilot Plant shutdown, which stranded thousands of barrels of nuclear waste at national labs throughout the nation. “As a direct result of the waste incident, the nation’s only transuranic waste repository has suspended inbound shipments, adversely affecting all facilities that generate these wastes nationally, incurring large costs that cannot yet be accurately computed, and degrading an important regulatory relationship,” said the National Nuclear Security Administration’s annual evaluation of the lab. “In addition to the direct and indirect costs and the adverse impact on the regional econ-


Top 1%


Methane emissions plan likely to impact N.M.

Share of state and local taxes in New Mexico


Next 4%

The tax, which will appear on the ballot for the Feb. 3 election, helps maintain facilities.

Please see OUT, Page A-4

Next 15%

School district seeks tax renewal

An Arizona nonprofit brought in by Gov. Susana Martinez’s administration following a 2013 shake-up of behavioral health programs gave notice this week that it will stop serving indigent patients in southeastern New Mexico.

Turquoise Health and Wellness, which offers mental health services to Medicaid patients in Carlsbad, Roswell, Clovis and Tucumcari, will shut down March 31, casting a new shadow of uncertainty over programs and their patients still reeling from the turmoil of the 2013 overhaul. New Mexico Human Services

Fourth 20%


The New Mexican

service area, and though it’s their responsibility to meet this obligation, HSD will work with those MCO’s to ensure that access to care is protected,” Kennicott said in a written statement. The managed care contractors are scrambling to fill the void in care that Turquoise’s absence will create, according to a recording of a teleconference Wednesday between stakeholders in the Roswell behavioral health commu-

Middle 20%

Department’s first fatal shooting of 2015 reignites protests.

By Patrick Malone

Lowest 20% of earners

ABQ police: Slain man fired at officers

Department spokesman Matt Kennicott confirmed Wednesday that Turquoise notified the state that it plans to halt operations in New Mexico. He said the private contractors that the state pays to administer its Medicaid behavioral health programs — not the department — are responsible for finding providers to take over the client load that Turquoise is dumping. “Part of the [managed care organizations’] contractual obligation is to maintain provider networks in their

Second 20%

Provider brought in amid 2013 shake-up to end N.M. services in March; contractors scramble to fill void


u House passes measure easing Wall Street and banking regulations. PAGE A-5

‘The Madwoman of Chaillott’

will and we will keep our oath to protect and defend the Constitution.” But Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., who chairs the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, said the Republicans were simply pandering to the far right. “Shame on Republicans for attacking the Latino community,” Sanchez said. “Republicans are consciously targeting millions of families who work hard, contribute to our communities and are just trying to give their children a chance at the American dream.” One of the immigration amendments,

Santa Fe Playhouse presents Jean Giraudoux’s 1943 satire, 7:30 p.m., Santa Fe Playhouse, 142 E. DeVargas St., 988-4262, $10,, runs Thursdays-Sundays through Feb. 1.

Today Partly cloudy. High 45, low 20.

Please see HOUSE, Page A-4

Opinion A-9

Sports B-1

Time Out B-9

Outdoors B-4


Obituaries Betty Arquero, 77, Santa Fe, Jan. 7 Alfredo Cordova, 35, Truchas, Jan. 9 Rosemary Wallace Delano, 90, Jan. 12 Mark Delgado, 45, Santa Fe, Jan. 5 Bette Dickson, 91, Jan. 2 Rex Bernard Mason, 93, Santa Fe, Oct. 8 PAGE A-8


Two sections, 20 pages 166th year, No. 15 Publication No. 596-440

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