KIDS Summer 2013
Places and programs for everyone
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013 KIDS Summer
2013 April 6, 2013
COVER PHOTO Kitty LeaKen new Mexico’s history comes to life at Las Golondrinas COVER DESIGN DeBORaH ViLLa
OWNER ROBin MaRtin PUBLISHER Ginny SOHn EDITOR ROB Dean EDITORIAL CReatiVe DiReCtOR DeBORaH ViLLa 986-3027, DViLLa@SFneWMeXiCan.COM MaGaZine eDitOR Pat WeSt-BaRKeR COPy eDitOR SanDy neLSOn ADVERTISING aDVeRtiSinG DiReCtOR taMaRa HanD 505-986-3007 MaRKetinG DiReCtOR MOniCa tayLOR 505-995-3888 ART DEPARTMENT ManaGeR SCOtt FOWLeR, DaLe DeFOReSt, eLSPetH HiLBeRt aDVeRtiSinG LayOUt RiCK aRtiaGa ADVERTISING SALES MiKe FLOReS, 505-995-3840 CRiStina iVeRSOn, 505-995-3830 StePHanie GReen, 505-995-3825 aRt tRUJiLLO, 505-995-3852 NATIONALS ACCOUNT MANAGER ROB neWLin, 505-995-3841 TECHNOLOGY teCHnOLOGy DiReCtOR MiCHaeL CaMPBeLL PRODUCTION OPeRatiOnS DiReCtOR aL WaLDROn aSSiStant PRODUCtiOn DiReCtOR tiM CRaMeR PRePReSS ManaGeR Dan GOMeZ PReSS ManaGeR LaRRy QUintana PaCKaGinG ManaGeR BRian SCHULtZ DISTRIBUTION CiRCULatiOn ManaGeR MiCHaeL ReiCHaRD DiStRiBUtiOn COORDinatOR ReGGie PeReZ WEB DiGitaL DeVeLOPMent nataLie GUiLLÉn WWW.SantaFeneWMeXiCan.COM ADDRESS OFFiCe: 202 e. MaRCy St. HOURS: 8 a.M.-5 P.M. MOnDay-FRiDay aDVeRtiSinG inFORMatiOn: 505-995-3820 DeLiVeRy: 505-986-3010, 800-873-3372 FOR COPieS OF tHiS MaGaZine, CaLL 505-428-7622 OR eMaiL RPeReZ@SFneWMeXiCan.COM.
Table of Contents 4
Las Golondrinas’ summer programs entertain and teach
PEEC offers more than a romp in the woods
Hip-hop gets a good rap at Santa Fe Art Institute
Mountain Kids explore nature’s wonders
Summer reading programs exercise young minds
City of Santa Fe has slots, activities for every child, teen
Summer fun for all: 2013 Camp Directory
2013 KIDS Summer
History comes to life at Las Golondrinas — and it’s more fun than TV By DeBorah Busemeyer
If you go to El Rancho de Las Golondrinas this summer, you may run into Josefina, wearing one of her Spanish colonial outfits from the 1800s. Her favorite spots are by the weavers or in other buildings at the living-history museum 15 miles south of Santa Fe’s downtown. Josefina, known as 11-year-old Alexa Griego in real life, is at the ranch every weekend with her dad and brother, learning about history, playing games and pretending to be American Girl’s New Mexico doll, Josefina. The doll was born at Las Golondrinas, according to the books created by American Girl (a line of historical, multi-ethnic character dolls). “I can’t say my favorite thing [about Las Golondrinas], because I like everything,” said Alexa. “I like staying where Josefina used to live. I help Nancy make bread, and we give July 29-August 2 out bread samples. I make the Summer camp for children ages 9-12 bread in the horno, so people get 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to watch it.” Cost $260 At Las Golondrinas, each summer weekend offers Camp participants get to try all opportunities to learn about activities at the living ranch. New Mexico’s history and culture as the past comes to life with hands-on activities, costumed volunteers and historical demonstrations. Some weekends, such as the Children’s Festival, are particularly arranged for children, but all weekends offer something children can enjoy, said Amanda Crocker, El Rancho de Las Golondrinas’ director of programs and marketing. The working ranch has 32 buildings, including restored original buildings, modern facilities, a gift shop, schoolhouse, blacksmith shop and food service. A lot of programs are held in the air-conditioned education center. All the paths are gravel or dirt roads, and visitors should be prepared to do a lot of walking. The agricultural fields throughout the ranch have been in constant cultivation for 300 years, growing such produce as corn, squash, beans, melons and chile. Visitors can see the resident burros, goats and sheep. On some weekends, children can pet visiting miniature horses. Since the working ranch became a museum in 1972, it remains the only one of its kind in New Mexico — a living museum where colonial times are re-enacted through bread baking, sheep sheering, wool weaving, wheat grinding, flint knapping and blacksmithing. “We try to mix education and entertainment in everything we do,” Crocker said. “I think children can gain an understanding of what life was like for kids before video games and before the Internet. They understand that kids had to entertain themselves in different ways, and much more of their lives was spent engaging with the natural world and animals and working alongside their parents, but there was plenty of fun to be had.” For example, during the battlefield weekend in May, children will see horses and hear cannons while learning that important Civil War battles were fought near here to prevent the Confederates from making it farther west to California, Crocker said. “We want to teach about New Mexico history,” Crocker said. “That is our mission, 2013 KIDS Summer
A child in period costume at Las Golondrinas
Kitty LeaKen
Luis sÁnchez saturno
Tierra de Humo from Putla de Guerrero, mexico, perform at Las Golondrinas.
courtesy photo
2013 Special Weekend Programs Call 505-471-2261 or visit for up-to-date information. You can get a horse-drawn wagon ride most weekends. leticia lopez
PBS re-enacts a scene of Kit Carson’s family life at Las Golondrinas for an episode of History Detectives. In the foreground are max manzanares, left, Lauren Lopez Gonze, center, and Angela Lowenthal, right.
to further the understanding of New Mexico in the last 300 years — but in a way that’s educational and fun and keeps people engaged and wanting to learn more. The more we can do that gets kids’ hands dirty and engages their five senses, the better we are doing. The activities here you wouldn’t necessarily get to do in other venues.”
Better than TV
Orlando Griego, 9, helps his dad assist visitors who want to try archery or make arrowheads, while Alexa weaves or plays a game where people spin and catch a wooden stick that looks like a hula hoop. “It’s cool, because in some museums we’ve been in, we can’t touch anything,” Alexa said. “It’s all in glass cases, and you can only look at it. When we’re [at Las Golondrinas], you can touch and play with it. They have dress-up clothes. You can make little adobes. I learned how they used to wash clothes. They used soap from the yucca root.” Alexa started going to Las Golondrinas with her dad, Daniel Griego, and brother Orlando, a few years ago. The family quickly fell in love with the wide, open spaces, the historical details and the opportunity to pretend they live hundreds of years in the past. About a year ago, the family started volunteering and compiling their collection of Spanish colonial costumes to wear at the museum. “It’s a place where you can truly enjoy yourself,” said Daniel Griego. “There’s so much to do; whether you are a history buff, or if you like nature and the outdoors or hands-on activities, there’s a little bit of everything for people.” As a parent, he appreciates that children age 12 and younger get in the museum free, and they have a safe, open area to explore and have a picnic among the cottonwoods. “They can get out into the ranch and into nature, learn history along the way and make believe with that,” he said. “It’s a better option for them than being attached to the TV.”
If you go • Bring hat, sunscreen and water. • You can bring food into the museum or buy it in the food service building. • All paths are gravel or dirt. • Kids get in at no cost through age 12; adults pay $6; seniors (62 and older) and teens (13-18), $4 • Plenty of free parking is available. • Expect to spend at least two hours or up to an entire day on the grounds. • Wednesdays are free for New Mexico residents.
Battlefield New Mexico: The Civil War and More
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 4-5 If your child loves horses, guns and cannons, this is the event for you. You will see military drills, camp life and re-enactments of Civil War battles that were fought 150 years ago in New Mexico.
Spring Festival and Children’s Fair
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 1-2 This event officially kicks off summer with lots of kid-oriented activities. Make arts and crafts like mini adobes or projects with wool, or dress up with costumes, helmets and swords. There will be storytelling, magic shows and traditional songs and dances.
¡Viva Mexico! Celebration
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 20-21 This is one of the most popular events at Las Golondrinas. Play Mexican games, visit a Mexican candy store and learn about the traditions, history, food, music and art of Mexico.
Summer Festival and Territorial Law and Order
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. August 3-4 This weekend has lots of hands-on activities for children. Peruvian horses will perform a choreographed show, and mountain men will demonstrate flint knapping and tanning hides.
Survival: New Mexico
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. August 24-25 This weekend is all about learning survival skills. Shoot bows and arrows, build wilderness shelters and make fires. Kit Carson’s great-grandson will talk about survival skills in the 1860s.
Fiesta de los Niños: A Children’s Celebration
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. August 31-September 1 This is Las Golondrinas’ back-to-school event that is all about kids. Learn about archery, and make houses out of mini-adobe bricks with lots of details, including miniature vigas and horno (beehive-shaped) ovens. Magic and puppet shows, storytelling and miniature horses add to the fun.
The Santa Fe Renaissance Fair
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. September 21-22 This is the biggest event of the year, with more than 8,000 attending in 2012. You can fight a knight with a padded sword, joust with a pool noodle, fire nerf cannons, catapult frogs into a basket, watch Medieval combat, enjoy Clan Tynker and circus performances and see fairies and maidens. 2013 KIDS Summer
More than a romp in the woods
Photo Michele Altherr
Pueblo Canyon Weir, río Grande Valley Day 1, Hydrology
‘Larval scientists’ hatch at PEEC nature camps this summer By Diana Del Mauro Outfitted with aquatic nets, underwater viewers, Petri dishes, digital scales, field microscopes, rock hammers, spears, telemetry antennas and journals, youngsters escape into New Mexico’s wildlands, along the way meeting scientists who are eager to share their techniques for understanding the natural world. These popular summer day camps organized by Pajarito Environmental Education Center have long been the envy of adults. “You get a lot of parents who want an adult version of this program,” said PEEC co-founder Michele Altherr, who studied ecology before becoming a teacher in gifted education. Finally, grownups will get their chance, too. The center’s new camp, called Medicine Hawk’s Summer Survival Basics, has a few twists. It’s PEEC’s first overnight camp where families with kids age 12 and up can rough it together. In the Jémez Mountains this June, the campers will do everything from scratch for four days: start a fire with a bow drill; build shelter; make bowls and spoons out of coal embers; make ropes and 2013 KIDS Summer
string; purify water; scrounge for edible plants; and score meat with sticks, traps and snares. And just for fun, they’ll weave baskets, make pottery and play night survival games in camouflage. Meanwhile, PEEC’s three adventure day camps, just for kids, are still going strong. Participants meet daily at PEEC in downtown Los Alamos and ride a school bus to wildlands no more than a few hours away. Each camp is limited to 22; prices vary based on household income. Altherr says she has a special name for the campers: “larval scientists.” Outdoor fun plus field scientists equals an ideal breeding ground. ‘A
citizen science thing’
PEEC’s outdoor adventure programs are more than a romp in the woods. With an impressive list of scientists and destinations at hand, Altherr and Sarah Gustafson create intellectual and experiential connections for campers that go far beyond what the typical family’s nature outing would look like. Campers see the scientific method at work in the field, chat with subject-matter experts and do hands-on projects, like
Top left, red Wash Canyon, Shari Kelly, Geologist río Grande Valley, Day 4- red Wash Canyon Top right, Insect catching río Grande Valley, Leonora Curtin Wetland, Day 2 Photo michele Altherr Bottom right, LCW Botany Hike with Natalie Steinberg río Grande Wetland, Day 2 Photo michele Altherr making an edible aquifer out of ice, ice cream, cookie crumbs and dye. Campers find new friends, plus build self-esteem and teamwork, through relay races, blindfolded string walks in the forest and service projects. Altherr knows better than to worry when a camper is squeamish at first. She has seen all sorts of unexpected grins. Like the girl who arrived thinking nature is pretty icky, then broke out in a smile when she held a slimy bullfrog. “My greatest experiences,” said teen counselor Amanda Mercer, “are probably the reactions [children have] when they discover something so totally awesome about nature — like when they discover dinosaur bones, obsidian or catch a snake.” Parents might be amazed by the amount of dirt caked on their child’s clothes at the end of each day or baffled by the treasures their child brings home. One camper adopted a damselfly larvae, then quickly realized the water and bugs she offered it were no match for a natural setting. She sought out a pond, aerated the water, gave the nymph one last meal and released the nymph “as far into the reeds and other water plants as possible to allow it to avoid being eaten by the resident fish!” her parents wrote in PEEC’s comment log. The adventures provide rich fodder for conversations at home. One camper, for instance, explained the indirect relationship between wolves and ducks in Yellowstone National Park. Wolves reduce elk numbers, leaving more aspen trees for beavers to use as construction materials in their dams, resulting in more ponds for ducks. “I wish every day of school was like this,” one parent wrote at the end of camp. “Marissa learned more than she does in a month of school.” Altherr said she knows an activity has been successful when a kid “pursues it in another way.” One day campers processed native rice grass seed on a grindstone in the Valles Caldera. Using those few cups of flour, a boy made a loaf of bread at home and shared it the next day with his friends. Throughout the week, Beth Cortright said she moves from the practical lessons — like how to hold a crayfish and not get pinched — to the scientific — like how to weigh, measure and identify a stunned fish. “It really turns into a citizen science thing,” the nature center coordinator, an entomologist, said. Before camp starts, parents, kids, teen counselors and PEEC educators meet to go over gear and safety guidelines. “A lot of kids are taught to fear nature,” Altherr said. “There could be rattlesnakes and lightning storms. We go through safety scenarios.” Camp counselors carry satellite-operated phones and are expected to stay in close contact with the nature center. If campers are delayed, a telephone chain transmits the message to parents. “Bottomline: We want the parents to know their kids will be prepared and safe all day,” Cortright said. 2013 KIDS Summer
Nature Odyssey, Valles Caldera and Beyond Hidden Valley Photo by michele Altherr
New Los Alamos County nature center to open in 2015
June 6-9 Medicine Hawk’s Summer Survival Basics Camp Families with children age 12 and older If you always wondered how you would fare on the reality TV show Survivor, this is the camp for you. make your own shelter, your own food and your own fun in the Jémez mountains. rourke mcDermott, a Valles Caldera landscape architect and earth-living-skills enthusiast, will teach you how. (Adults without children may sign up as well.)
Shaped like a giant dragonfly, a new nature center is expected to take flight in 2015. The 6,000-square-foot facility in downtown Los Alamos will include a children’s discovery area, classrooms, a planetarium, a pond, a treehouse deck and access to hiking trails. The nonprofit Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC), which currently houses a small collection of live animals near Los Alamos High School in a Manhattan Project-era school building, is well loved but tucked away. “It’s not a destination,” said nature center coordinator Beth Cortright. Once PEEC has its own facility at 2600 Canyon Road, the 12-year-old program can spread its wings with greater visibility. Los Alamos County provided capital improvement project funding for PEEC to obtain a site and a design, then approved a $4.3 million construction budget in 2012. PEEC will provide half the staff, fundraise for its own exhibits and share operating expenses with the county. With much more space, in a building designed to create a buzz for locals and tourists alike, PEEC plans to add programs for adults and children. In 2012, PEEC’s public programs served 5,500 participants, and its school programs served 5,765 students in Los Alamos, Española and Pojoaque school districts. Public programs include historical hikes, wildflower walks, moonlight snowshoe outings, cave tours, classes, talks by nationally recognized experts, toddler and preschool playtimes and nature film showings. In February, Los Alamos County gave the project a nod to go forward. Rezoning will be the first step toward construction. The property sits in a scenic open lands district. To see architectural renderings and for more information, go to: www.losalamosnm. us/projects/capital/Pages/NatureCenter.aspx.
June 10-14 Nature Odyssey: Wet ’n Wild Along the Río Grande Grades 4-6 Campers get their feet wet and their fingernails dirty as they investigate how humans have altered one of North America’s longest rivers over the centuries. If you’ve never hugged a bullfrog, now’s the time. June 17-21 Living Earth Adventure Program: From the Río Grande to the Valles Caldera Grades 7-8 After filling their minds and senses with the archaeology, geology, ecology and wildlife between river country and ranchland, campers end the week rafting (and perhaps screaming) through the turbulent Taos Box. June 24-28 Nature Odyssey: Super Sleuths in the Valles Caldera Grades 4 -6 Campers traipse through meadows, rivers and forests and learn from Valles Caldera National Preserve biologists how to study bears and fish. They go orienteering with rocks, trees and the sun instead of a compass. each session costs $375; scholarships are available on a sliding scale. For more information about Pajarito environmental education Center, visit or call 505-662-0460.
2013 KIDS Summer
ADVENTURES IN HISTORY! Take the family on a trip to New Mexico’s past! The “Ranch of the Swallows” in Santa Fe is an outdoor living history museum, where costumed villagers and hands-on activities make history exciting!
Children 12 & under are ALWAYS admitted free!
Free wagon rides on most weekends!
Battlefield New Mexico: The Civil War & More
May 18-19
Fiber Arts Festival: From Sheep to Blanket
June 1-2
Spring Festival & Children’s Fair
June 22-23
Herb & Lavender Fair
July 6-7
Santa Fe Wine Festival
July 20-21
¡Viva México! Celebration
August 3-4
Summer Festival and Territorial Law & Order
ai Jousting at the Ren
ssance Fair!
August 24-25 Survival: New Mexico Aug 31-Sep 1 Fiesta de los Niños: A Children’s Celebration Sept 21-22 Oct 5-6
Santa Fe Renaissance Fair
Harvest Festival
Free archery at many events!
Open June through September Wednesday - Sunday, 10 am to 4 pm South of Santa Fe: 334 Los Pinos Rd; I-25 Exit 276 Ask us about Adventures in the Past day camp for kids ages 9 to 12 (July 29-Aug 2), Josefina at Golondrinas tours for your American Girl, and annual Family memberships!
505-471-2261 WWW.GOLONDRINAS.ORG Programs funded in part by the Santa Fe Arts Commission and 1% Lodgers Tax, The Santa Fe County Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board, New Mexico Arts and New Mexico Humanities Council.
2013 KIDS Summer
Courtesy santa Fe art InstItute
Kidz get kickin’
Hip-hop gets a good rap in summer youth program
By Kris Ota Do you have a child, age 7 to 13, who is fascinated by hip-hop culture? Have your kids been drawn to the murals decorating once-blank walls around town? If so, Hip-Hop Week at the Santa Fe Art Institute’s summer camp may be for you. Kids will learn the intricacies of graffiti art, rapping, b-boying (or break dancing), DJing and spoken-word performance — all in a safe and legal environment, with the focus on art and working in community.
The Santa Fe Art Institute is an independent, nonprofit organization on the campus of the Santa Fe University of Art and Design. Nicole Davis, education and outreach officer at SFAI, who hires artists from the community as summer camp teachers, admits that the general public often views hip-hop culture — including its art — negatively. “There is a heavy stereotype,” Davis said. “We try to break it down and show that this is a legitimate art form — and that these are not bad kids just because they dress a certain way.” Diane Karp, executive director at SFAI, explained that hip-hop culture has changed over the years, evolving from its gangster beginnings partly because participants simply grew up and became parents. “The transformation within the hip-hop culture is stunning,” Karp said, “because now it’s about how to build respect, community — how to
10 2013 KIDS Summer
engage. That is at the core of how we approach it.” Danny Solís, a well-known Albuquerque-based poet who teaches for SFAI in several locations, emphasized that society’s cultural labels can be limiting. “The division between rap and poetry is a false one,” he said. “As adults we want to categorize everything, and that works to a point. But when it comes to art, the boundaries are blurred or nonexistent. The divisions are illusions.” Solís sees enormous talent in the young people he works with. Rather than imposing a certain viewpoint, he said, “I’m there to help facilitate their message, to cultivate their voices. They understand that I’m there to help them speak their truth more clearly.” Lisa Donahue, who teaches poetry and art during the summer camp’s Hip-Hop Week, said parents comment that their kids feel very comfortable with the counselors, something she values highly, because “that’s when kids can be themselves.” And feeling free to be real pays off. “When given the space to be creative and to think for themselves, kids come up with some brilliant things,” Donahue said. In addition to hip-hop, summer camp at SFAI includes one week each of the following: Botany & Biology in Art (partnering with the Railyard Stewards); Circus Theater (with Wise Fool New Mexico); Drawing & Painting; Puppetry; Constellation Installation (focusing on sculpture with an outer-space theme); World Dance; and Music & Music Video.
Courtesy santa Fe art InstItute
Graffiti mentorship program
SFAI’s Graffiti Mentorship Program, in which working artists teach kids painting, drawing and mural design, offers another opportunity to learn the art of graffiti. The artists emphasize that the kids will be producing pieces of art they will want to sign their names to — an impossibility for illegal taggers. SFAI provides the kids with mural walls, as well as eco-friendly paint, paper, snacks and plenty of instruction on style and technique. This free, ongoing after-school program, running year round every Monday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., is open to ages 6 to 19 and is popular with middle-schoolers. It takes place in SFAI’s Youth Studio, a space dedicated to young people. The group also meets at mural projects around town to paint and practices on several free walls at the Santa Fe University of Art and Design. To register, call the SFAI office at 505-424-5050 or stop in on Mondays before 5 p.m.
Serving the community through art
SFAI’s mission is to promote and present art as a positive social force. Since it was established in 1985, it has created programs based on the idea that the artist’s voice is essential to create community and foster an understanding of our complex world. One of the institute’s projects is the In School Arts Program, which began 12 years ago. Last year, Davis began working with Chris Slakey at De Vargas Middle School. She brought artist teachers to Slakey’s seventh-grade language arts class, sending attendance rates soaring each time the artists were present. Working within the curriculum, teachers brought a variety of exciting projects to students, including spoken-word poetry, graphic novels and one-sentence stories, which were then represented visually. Davis relishes those moments when the light bulbs go on for kids. “One 13-year-old student told me,” she remembered with a smile, “I never knew you could combine language and art.’”
Donahue also performs spoken-word poetry, an aspect of hip-hop culture, for De Vargas students. When the students were told they were going to be doing poetry, Davis recalled, they responded, “‘Oh, poetry. Now we’re going to sit around and talk about our feelings.’ They weren’t into it. Then they heard Lisa do it, and they were amazed.” SFAI’s teaching artists also work with kids who normally have limited access to the arts. They work with La Otra Puerta, Santa Fe’s youth emergency shelter, as well as with Albuquerque’s teen detention centers, Camino Nuevo and the Youth Diagnostic & Development Center, teaching writing and other art forms — and helping kids learn that self-expression through art can be a powerful lifeline to a better tomorrow.
Details June 17-August 9
Summer Arts Camp at the Santa Fe Art Institute
1600 St. michael’s Drive Ages 7-13 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., monday-Friday Price: $250 per week with generous scholarships available SFAI wants its summer camp to be available to every interested child. Funded largely through foundation grants, plus federal, state and city grants and individual donations, it offers camp scholarships and a “pay what you can” program, in which families can pay by volunteering time or contributing snacks or materials. SFAI will also offer a two-week intensive art program for teens 14 to 18 in August. This year’s teen intensive was still in the planning stages at press time; call SFAI for more details. To learn more about all of SFAI’s programs for children and teens, contact Nicole Davis at 505-424-5050 or send an email to 2013 KIDS Summer 11
Explore nature’s wonders with Mountain Kids By Kris Ota Introducing kids to the shelter and wonders of nature has been a lifelong calling for Katie Macaulay. The Toronto native attended summer camp from age 6, becoming a counselor as a teenager. While studying education at college, Macaulay organized a Big Brother Big Sister program in Guyana, immersing city kids in nature for the first time in their lives. As a teacher in Vancouver, British Columbia, she helped coordinate her school’s outdoor education program.
“It’s important for kids to get outside and disconnect from the digital world, from our rushed, busy, scheduled lives,” Macaulay said. “They need time to play in nature and use their imaginations.” But when she moved to Santa Fe and became a mother, she found that most of the available kids’ activities took place indoors. Getting together with other moms for a hike proved hard to coordinate. Thus Mountain Kids, a day camp for 5- to 10-yearolds, was born. With a knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff and two Adventure Vans, Macaulay and her young explorers meet each day at the Santa Fe Children’s Museum before heading into the beautiful natural world surrounding the city: the Big Tesuque Campground, Little Tesuque Creek, Bandelier National Monument, Jémez Falls, the Río en Medio Trail, and the Pecos National Historical Park, among other places. Camp is divided into programs called Wilderness Skills and Nature Journaling (this popular subject is offered twice); Super Hikers, Wee Wanderers and Image Making; Awesome Animals, Incredible Insects and How to Draw Them; and Tremendous Trees, Phenomenal Flowers and Looking Closely. Macaulay encourages people to sign up for two weeks in a row, if possible, so kids can experience continuity. New this year is the Counselor-in-Training program for older kids who love being outdoors and are interested in working with younger children. CITs learn wilderness skills and leadership techniques, while having fun and deepening their sense of belonging in nature. One of the special things about Mountain Kids is the ratio of kids to adults, which this summer will be 12-to-2 for each group, plus one Counselor-in-Training. Svenja Soldovieri, whose children Giovanna and Enzo were 8 and 6 when they attended Mountain Kids camp last summer, said, “The groups were intentionally small, and the adults seemed very connected to the children from day one. Every member of the staff was wonderful: calm, mature, engaged, happy to be there.” Her kids’ favorite part was being outside in a new location every day and playing in water during a heat wave. Mountain Kids has made a lasting impression on other children. “Kids are free to play how they want as long as it’s safe,” said 7-year-old Merrick Word-Brown, who rated hiking and bouldering Sun Mountain as his favorite activities and credited Mountain Kids with encouraging his appreciation of nature. For Indie Sloane, who attended Mountain Kids summer camp as a 6-year-old, the best part was being outside. Nicknamed “Independent of Shoes” by Macaulay and her husband, Jim, Indie said she enjoyed “building lean-tos, playing by the river, walking the slack lines and ropes, learning outdoor skills and doing art projects.” Alexandra Lakind, 24, is a counselor with Mountain Kids. “The mountain is the teacher,” said Lakind. “I keep the kids safe and make sure they’re having fun.” Lakind, who grew up in Santa Fe and now runs a preschool in Brooklyn during the academic year, looks forward to her summers in the mountains. She emphasized that what Mountain Kids offers is time for experiential learning: “Sometimes we learn the names of the mushrooms or flowers or trees. But you should also know how to climb a tree.” Lakind said kids truly appreciate their time in nature. One of her favorite summer camp memories was at Tsankawi, a section of Bandelier National Monument. “Two 5-year-olds were walking in front of me, holding hands. One turned to the other and said, ‘Did anyone tell you it would be this beautiful?’”
12 2013 KIDS Summer
Katie Macaulay
Details Mountain Kids Summer Camp ages 5-10 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday-thursday, June 3-august 8 Pre-camp is available 8-9 a.m. each morning for an additional $30 per week. $260 (plus gross receipts tax) per week includes all transportation and materials.
Counselor-in-Training Program ages 12 and older $225 (plus Grt) per week Campers are encouraged (but not required) to enroll for two weeks in a row. to register or for more information about summer Camp 2013, contact Katie Macaulay at, call 505-699-6230 or visit
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Library programs exercise young minds By DeBorah Busemeyer The children sit cross-legged on the floor in front of children’s librarian Walter Cook. They follow Cook’s lead, tapping their hands on their legs back and forth, pretending to walk out of the Oliver La Farge Branch Library and into story time. They mime opening and shutting a creaking door to find themselves in the imaginative world of books. Children in Northern New Mexico can attend public libraries for story times throughout the year. Summer offers that and more — special programs and activities all designed to instill the love of reading in kids of all ages. “Many children lose ground in reading over the summer and begin the school year at a level lower than what they achieved the previous year, said Sherry Aragon, librarian at Española Public Library. “Students in the library’s summer program make substantial gains in reading skills and return to school with increased confidence and excitement about reading.” In Española, Santa Fe, Eldorado and Los Alamos, children register for the summer reading programs at their neighborhood library and report how much they read each week. In Los Alamos, children report 20-minute reading times and receive a prize for reading a minimum of two hours each week. Santa Fe requires six books per week to get a small prize, and children must return their log to the same library where they registered. Weekly prizes at all libraries include pencils, bookmarks, notebooks, rubber bracelets, finger puppets, flying discs, coloring sheets, stickers, swimming passes and items like little shovels that reflect this year’s theme, “Dig Deep Into Reading.” The American Library Association determines the theme and distributes kits to libraries to use in their programs, Aragon said. The theme will be highlighted through activities and books on such topics as archaeology or animals that live underground. In Española, the library is trying to arrange a field trip to an archaeological site near the Sandia Mountains for older children, Aragon said.
All ages eligible
All ages can participate in some way. Santa Fe encourages every child to submit reading logs. Parents can record the books they read to their younger children. In Los Alamos, children from infancy up to age 5 can do pre-reading activities, such as singing a song with finger play, reading nursery rhymes or looking at picture books with parents. “For the littles, it gives them the feeling of being excited to come to the library, getting to know the librarian and feeling like it’s a cool place to be,” said Patricia Seavey, branch manager at Santa Fe’s Southside Library. Last year the Vista Grande Public Library in Eldorado started a story-writing contest for all children, regardless of whether or not they registered for the summer reading program. The library displays children’s stories and awards prizes in each age category. In addition to weekly story times, summer brings a range of fun activities and programs at local libraries. Children loved creating art outside for “Make a Mess Friday” in Los Alamos last summer, said Ellie Simons, Los Alamos’ library specialist. Children read books about a type of art and then experimented with that medium. One popular event involved creating a sidewalk chalk path with stations where children drew different figures. Once they got to the end of the trail, they could go back and paint their chalk images with water to change the way they looked. Santa Fe has lined up a range of entertainment this summer that will likely draw large crowds. From crafts and magic to comedy and juggling, weekly performances are scheduled at each of Santa Fe’s three libraries. Andy Mason is a popular musician returning this year to sing about pizza, sharks and pirates. Two new acts are a circus troupe and a ventriloquist. Harrell House of Natural Oddities features things that creep, crawl, slither and snap. “We have really fun activities at the library that are tied in with the reading,” said Seavey. “It doesn’t feel like medicine, but in a way it’s medicine, because it’s keeping their brains active during the summer.” Librarians encourage parents to take advantage of the free programs at all area libraries, teach children to enjoy reading and ask librarians for book recommendations if their child is interested in a certain subject. “It’s always important to read to your children, to increase their readiness skills and instill that love of reading,” Seavey said. 14 2013 KIDS Summer
Jane PhilliPs
Dahlia Cummings of Books and Babies reads and sings to babies and children at the South Side Library in 2012.
Bookstores Bee Hive, an independent children’s
bookstore at 328 montezuma Ave., will host story hours for children during the summer. For information about times, visit beehivekidsbooks. com or call 505-780-8051. Collected Works Bookstore, a locally owned bookstore at 202 Galisteo St., will have a children’s story time with melissa moore and other guests every Wednesday and Thursday morning this summer. For times or more information, call 505-988-4226 or visit
Recommended reading from Collected Works Bookstore 2-4 years:
This Is Not My Hat by Jon Klassem Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle Happy by mies Van Hout
4-6 years:
Acoustic Rooster and his Barnyard Band by Kwame Alexander This Moose Belongs to Me by Oliver Jeffers Sally Simons Simmons’ Super Frustrating Day by Abbie Schiller
Early Readers:
Ivy and Bean by Annie Barrows Horrid Henry by Francesca Simon Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey
Advanced Readers:
The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins (for those not old enough for Hunger Games series) The Emerald Atlas and The Fire Chronicle by John Stephens
Young Adult:
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare Starters by Lissa Price Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by ransom riggs
New Mexico-based stories for ages 2-8:
The Adventures of Santa Fe Sam by Sandi Wright Josefina Javelina by Susan Lowell Bedtime in the Southwest by mona Hodgson The Good Luck Cat by Joy Harjo
New Mexico-based story for ages 8-12
True Brit-Beatrice, 1940 by rosemary Zibart
Summer Reading Programs Public Libraries All programs and activities are free and open to the public.
Española 505-747-6087 Address: 313 North Paseo de Oñate Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. monday to Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, closed Sunday Summer reading program
When: June 4 through July 18,
registration is may 27 through may 31. Ages: 3 through 17 Details: The library is scheduling special programs to entertain the entire family. end of program celebration includes book giveaways and T-shirts for top readers in each age category. Contact the library for more information. Story time
Birth to age 5: 10 to 11 a.m. Thursdays 6 to 12: 1 to 2 p.m. Tuesdays Teens: 1 to 2 p.m. Thursdays
Los Alamos YouthServices.aspx 505-662-8258 Mesa Public Library: 2400 Central Ave. White Rock Branch Public Library:
133 Longview Drive Hours at both libraries are monday through Thursday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday noon to 5 p.m. Summer reading program When: June 3 to July 26, registration begins may 28. Ages: Birth to age 18 Details: Crafts, games, weekly programs and parties are planned for all ages and families. end of program celebration includes music, dancing, prizes, book giveaways and separate party for teenagers after the library closes. For more information, call (505) 662-8258 or email Story time music and movement for babies to age 5: 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at mesa Public Library Story time for babies to age 5: 10:10 a.m. Thursdays; story time for age 3 and older at 10:40 a.m. Thursdays at mesa Public Library music and movement for babies to age 5: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays at mesa music and movement for babies to age 5: 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays at White rock Branch Story time for preschoolers: 10 a.m. Wednesdays at White rock
Santa Fe Main Library: 505-955-6783 (Children’s room), 145 Washington Ave. Oliver La Farge Branch Library: 505-955-4863 (Children’s room) 1730 Llano St. Southside Library: 505-955-2820 (Children’s room), 6599 Jaguar Drive Hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. monday to Thursday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday main library open 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday Summer reading program When: June 1 to July 27; registration begins may 25. Ages: Babies through age 18 Where: Choose one of three libraries. You can go to any library’s programs, but you must turn in your reading log at the library where you registered. Details: Dig Deep Into reading summer program offers weekly performances and activities at all libraries for all ages. School-age crafts program requires registration. Children get a prize for each week they read at least six books. At the end of the program, one boy and one girl from each library will win a new bike in a raffle. Story time
Start your child on a path to something BIG! By giving your child the opportunity to be part of Big Brothers Big Sisters, you can start them down a path to an even brighter, more promising future.
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Join The Fun REGISTER NOW! Applications available on the web! Sites Include: Alto Street, Camino de Jacobo, Santa Cruz, Valle Vista, Chimayo, Abiquiu & Alto Street Teen Center. We offer…. Recreation, Swimming Lessons, Guitar Lessons, Computer Club House, Arts & Crafts Breakfast, Lunch, Afternoon Snack Field Trips Games and much more!
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Books and babies (up to age 2): 10:30 to
11:30 a.m. Wednesday at La Farge and Thursday at Southside Preschool (age 2 to 5): 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Tuesday at La Farge and Wednesday at Southside, 11 to 11:45 a.m. Friday at main
Vista Grande Public Library in Eldorado 505-466-7323 Address: 14 Avenida Torreon Hours: Closed on Sunday and monday, noon to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday Summer reading program When: mid-June to beginning of August; registration is required and will begin in April. Ages: Birth to sixth grade Details: A toddler/preschool program is scheduled for infants to 5-year-olds and another program is designed for kindergarteners and older children. Participants can expect crafts, fun activities and lots of reading. Students in grades 4 to 7 can register for the Young Creative Thinkers. The library is still scheduling activities, guest speakers and special programs. Please visit the library for information. Story hours Birth to age 5: 11 a.m. to noon Friday
(older siblings are welcome)
Kindergarten and older: 1 to 3 p.m.
Fencing Summer camp
June 10–14 · June 17–21 · July 8–12 · July 15–19 · July 22–26 Try something fun this summer. Learn to fence at New Mexico Fencing Foundation. For students 8–12 years old. Monday–Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. (8:30 a.m. early drop-off). $150 per weekly session. Space in all sessions available — register now: or call 699-2034.
LAPS 4 LIFE Join the Santa Fe American Indian Community in a pledge to take the path to wellness at the Santa Fe Railyard Park. Bring the whole family to take advantage of free fitness workshops, goal setting sessions, and peer support as we walk, jog, and run our way to lifelong fitness. Contact for more info
Everyone welcome. th Sunday May 19 , 1:30-3:30pm 2013 KIDS Summer 15
Room for all
City’s summer programs have slots for every child Luis sÁnchez saturno
Genoveva Chavez Community Center pool.
By Dennis J. Carroll Terrie Rodriguez, the city of Santa Fe’s director of youth and family services, has two words for parents this spring — “don’t panic” — when it comes to finding summer activities for their children. Recoiling at the memory of days when families camped outside overnight to make sure they could get registered in the city’s program for children and teenagers, Rodriquez promised there “will always be room” in at least one of the seven locations where the city conducts its daylong summer programs for kids ages 6 to 12. Those sites are Agua Fría Elementary, 3160 Agua Fría St.; César Chávez Elementary School, 6251 Jaguar Drive; De Vargas Middle School, 1720 Llano St.; Gonzales Community School, 851 W. Alameda St.; Nava Elementary School, 2655 Siringo Road; Salazar Elementary School, 1231 Apache Ave.; and the city’s Monica Roybal Youth Center, 737 Agua Fría St. The programs begin June 3 and continue until July 25, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Registration is set for May 11 at three locations — the Genoveva Chavez Community Center, 3221 Rodeo Road; the Mary Esther Gonzales Senior Center, 1121 Alto St.; and the Southside Library, 6559 Jaguar Drive. Parents will not be allowed to line up for registration at any of the sites until 8 a.m., Rodriguez said. No exceptions. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. The cost per child is based on a sliding-fee scale determined by income, which will be verified through the Santa Fe Public Schools Student Nutrition Applications and Acceptance letter. Parents will need the letter to register their children at reduced costs. Fees range from $20 a week for families with annual incomes of $10,000 or less to $160 for children in families with incomes of $70,000 or above. Only money orders or cash will be accepted. Fees are not refundable or transferable. Most families end up paying about $120 per child, Rodriguez said. Registration for the city’s teen summer program for ages 13 to 18 will take place at the Carlos Ortega Teen Center, 737 Agua Fría St., beginning at 7:30 a.m. May 14. The cost per teenager is based on the same sliding-fee scale used for the younger children.
From arts to Zumba
Based on the past several years, Rodriquez expects about 900 youngsters to participate in the children’s programs and about 150 in the teenagers’ activities. The kids’ program offers a wide variety of activities including arts, crafts and cooking classes offered in conjunction with the Santa Fe County Extension Office; basketball tournaments; and spelling bees. Lunch trips to Applebee’s and Tomasita’s restaurants
16 2013 KIDS Summer
Details For more information about city of Santa Fe programs, call Terrie rodriguez at 505-955-6603 or visit the city’s website at and click on Community Services under the “departments” heading.
Genoveva Chavez Community Center Offers: Summer programs in a variety of physical and recreational activities for children ages 6 to 12. Indoor and outdoor activities include swimming, iceskating, basketball, soccer, football and arts and crafts. Sessions: registration begins in April for the summer-long programs that begin in June and continue until two weeks before the beginning of the school year. Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. monday through Friday. Parents sign their children in and out each day. Cost: $130 per child per week Contact: mona Baca at 505-955-4014, or visit for more detailed information.
(followed by a matinee movie) and once-a-week trips to the swimming pools at the Fort Marcy or Salvador Perez fitness centers are planned, as are trips to Albuquerque for visits to the zoo, Cliff’s Amusement Park and the natural history museum. Kids who go on the trips are responsible for any fees at the visited sites, Rodriquez said. Activities for teens include nature hikes, trips to the skate park, Zumba dancing, at least one Isotopes baseball game in Albuquerque, a ping-pong tournament, tennis and basketball at Alto Park and bowling in Albuquerque or Pojoaque. Teenagers can use the weight-training facilities at the Carlos Ortega Teen Center. About 100 supervisors and workers are hired to help run the programs — teachers and teacher aides as supervisors, college students pursuing recreational and childdevelopment curriculum and entry-level workers who are at least 16 years old and have lots of experience working with children. “It’s one of our biggest job-training developments for young people,” Rodriguez said, citing first-aid training, lessons in child development and the opportunity to earn money over the summer and develop such on-the-job disciplines as showing up for work on time every day.
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Summer fun for all ready to compete in the jousting robot competition at Big Sky Build It! summer camp.
American Diabetes Association Camp for Kids
Big Sky Build it! in Santa Fe and Los Alamos
with diabetes ages 8-14, located at the Manzano Mountain Retreat, 90 minutes outside Albuquerque in Torreon. This is a residential camp that offers comprehensive medical care, dietary principles and diabetes education in an informal setting. Also offered are hiking, sports, swimming, archery and arts and crafts. SESSION: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. June 30-July 6 COST: $415 for the week. Some scholarships are available. CONTACT: or Ron Guerrero 505-266-5716, Ext. 7132
invention for kids 5-6, 7-8, 9-12 and 12-14. Make a Rock Star Robot, build a real Levitating Wizard Wand, a high-powered Spy Listening Device, a solar-powered DragonMobile, a Jousting Battle Bot and much more. SESSIONS: Eight weeklong, full-day camps 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. June 10-August 9. Quality pre-care and after-care available. COST: $235 (plus $60-$85 for materials) per week. Scholarships and multicamp discounts available. CONTACT: 505-428-7575, email
Aspen Santa Fe Ballet
Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Fe Summer Program
OFFERS: A one-week camp for children
OFFERS: Instruction in classical ballet, from
creative dance (beginning at age 3) to preprofessional and adult. Classes in jazz and folklorico also available. Three locations: 550-B St. Michael’s Drive; La Tienda in Eldorado; and Genoveva Chavez Center, 3221 Rodeo Road. SESSION: Begins June 3 CONTACT: 983-5591,
OFFERS: The ultimate summer of art and
OFFERS: Recreational opportunities (including gym, playgrounds, baseball and swimming pool), swimming and guitar lessons, computer club house (including a recording studio and robotic toys), arts and crafts, field trips, games and more for children ages 5 to 18 in a safe, educational environment. SESSIONS: 7:30 am to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, from June 3 to August 2 at all five sites: Alto St., Camino de Jacobo,
Santa Cruz, Valle Vista and the Teen Center. COST: Varies by session and number of children enrolled, with some fees discounted if prepaid by May 1. CONTACT: For more information or to register, call 505-983-6632 or visit
Creative Arts, Music and Performance (C-A-M-P)
OFFERS: Noncompetitive workshops
including music, performance, dance, creative writing, film, and musical theater for young ladies and gentlemen ages 9-17. There is a CIT program for 16- to 17-yearolds with workshops in auditioning and leadership. SESSION: Thirteen-day camp from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. July 2-13 with performance on the final day takes place at the Santa Fe University of Art and Design in the Greer Garson Theatre complex. COST: $795. Possible overnight for out-oftowners in university dorms for an extra $600. Partial need-based scholarships available. CONTACT: Eileen Rogosin at 505-946-0488
Camp Invention
OFFERS: A nonprofit, enrichment program
that focuses on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activities through inquiry-based, hands-on learning for children entering grades 1-6. New curriculum each year. The Camp Invention program is run in partnership with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. SESSIONS: Los Alamos, Barranca Mesa Elementary, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. June 17-21. No sessions in Santa Fe. COST: $225 per week, early registration discounts available online CONTACT: 1-800-968-4332,
Camp Shalom
OFFERS: An indoor/outdoor program with a 1-acre playground. Art, science, gardening, weather activities and mud and sand play are explored. Open to children ages 2-7 of all faiths. Camp is open 8 a.m-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Part-time options available. SESSIONS: Three, three-week sessions, June 4-August 2 COST: Varies. Call for information. CONTACT: 505-982-6888, email,
2013 KIDS Summer 19
Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
OFFERS: Vacation Bible schools for 4-yearolds to incoming fourth-graders. Eight days of faith-based theme crafts, storytelling and other activities. SESSIONS: 9-11:30 a.m. June 10-14, June 17-19 COST: $25 for first child and $15 for each additional sibling CONTACT: 505-982-3625,
Children’s Adventure Company
OFFERS: Day camps for kindergartners and first-graders and Little Trekkers for second-graders. Cooking, art, movement, swimming and Friday field trips. Young Trekkers, grades 3-4, focus on nature and outdoor activities including kayaking, swimming, art, rock climbing, hiking and Friday field trips to Albuquerque. Activities for Outdoor Trekkers, grades 5-7, include kayaking, rock climbing, hiking, survival skills and Friday field trips to Albuquerque. SESSIONS: May 27-August 8 COST: $245 plus tax each week for full-day program, from 7:45 a.m.-6 p.m., $225 plus tax for short-day program for kindergarteners and first-graders, 7:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Camp is at 935 Alto St. CONTACT: 505-988-7201, email,
Children’s Garden Montessori
OFFERS: Children 2-6 an opportunity
participate in arts and crafts and playing outside SESSIONS: 8:15 a.m.-3 p.m. June 3-28 and July 8-August 2; extended hours available. COST: $700 for children 3-6, $875 for 2year-olds. CONTACT: 505-466-1251, or
Dragonfly Studio Summer Camp OFFERS: A place where kids can express
themselves through art, including painting and sketching; recycling; printmaking; sewing; textiles; folk art and classic New Mexico art forms. Hikes and outdoor games also possible. Kids bring snacks and lunch. For ages 6-16. SESSIONS: weeklong sessions from 8:45 a.m.-4 p.m. June 5-August 11; classes start at 10 a.m. COST: $275 per week, includes materials fee and tax CONTACT: 505-670-5019,, or
El Rancho de las Golondrinas
OFFERS: One-week Adventures in the Past
day camp, ages 9-12 SESSION: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. July 29-August 2 COST: $260 CONTACT: 505-471-2261 for information, or email
20 2013 KIDS Summer
Fine Arts for Children and Teens (FACT)
OFFERS: Award-winning visual arts classes
for children 5-18
SESSIONS: Half-day art camps for ages
5-11 at the ARTbarn Community Studio in weeklong sessions running from June 3 to August 2. Full-day camp with FACT art classes, community gardening and environmental education with Earth Care, and nutrition and cooking with Cooking With Kids for ages 5-11 at the Zona del Sol Youth and Family Center in weeklong sessions from June 3 to July 19. Teen workshops for students ages 13-18 on Saturdays. COST: Sliding-scale tuition. All art materials, instruction and snacks are included. Weekend workshops for teens $10. CONTACT: 505-992-ARTS (2787), email to register, or visit
First Baptist Church
OFFERS: Vacation Bible School for ages 5
years to sixth grade. Music, arts and crafts, snacks, recreation and Bible stories. SESSION: 9 a.m.-noon June 3-7 COST: Free CONTACT: 505-983-9141, or
The First Tee of Santa Fe
OFFERS: Golf camps and sessions for children and teens ages 7-17 SESSIONS: Spring break camp April 9-12; spring session April 2-May 25; summer break camp June 4-7 and June 11-14; summer session June 18-August 10; fall session August 27-October 19 COST: $40 camp fee, $65 session fee including annual membership fee of $25. Scholarships available. CONTACT: Jude Suina at 505-424-0413,, or
Gentle Nudge School Summer Camp
OFFERS: Art, dramatic play, music, yoga,
outdoor play, nature walks and exploration for children ages 3-6. Fun and varied themes. HOURS: 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; extended hours: 7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m. SESSIONS: Enrollment available by session (three weeks), by week, or on a part-time basis (two or three days per week) COST: Varies CONTACT: 505-982-0879, email,
Girls, Inc.
OFFERS: A safe, fun, positive, girl-centered environment that inspires self-confidence in girls ages 5-15. Activities include art, swimming, science, computer skills, sports, fun and making new friends. SESSIONS: Eight one-week sessions, 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday, June 3-July 26.
COST: Sliding-scale tuition, signup available
for one session or all eight one-week sessions. CONTACT: 505-982-2042, or
Girl Scout Summer Camp
OFFERS: Programs for girls ages 6-17 at
Rancho del Chaparral and Camp Elliott Barker. Girls can experience nature firsthand, learn new skills, participate in new activities and make new friends. Summer camp is open to Girl Scouts and non-Scouts. All sessions include a general program of songs, games, crafts, nature activities and hikes. Specialty programs include horseback riding, archery, ecology, arts, family camping and canoeing. SESSIONS: June 16-August 2 COST: $150-$375, depending on session and number of days. Scholarships available. CONTACT: 505-343-1040 or 1-800-6586768,
Ghost Ranch, Abiquiú
OFFERS: Family week features music, arts and crafts, intergenerational worship, hiking, campfire stories, concerts and fireworks. SESSION: July 1-7 COST: Registration fees vary from $115 and $275 per adult, plus housing and meals. CONTACT: 505-685-4333, Ext. 4152,, email
Golden Acorns Summer Camp
OFFERS: A focus on cultural and healing arts led by instructors from various countries and cultures. Each of the six weeks emphasizes a different culture and healing tradition. A core curriculum includes yoga, qi gong, tai chi, sustainable gardening and permaculture, herbs, cooking and intuitive development. Children ages 5-11. SESSIONS: June 10-July 19 COST: $225 per week, $200 for each additional sibling CONTACT: Caren Gala at 505-795-9079,, or
Heidi Loewen
OFFERS: Private individual ceramic wheel
and sculpture classes and group classes. Located at 315 Johnson St. SESSIONS: Classes can be scheduled for any day or night of the week, including weekends. COST: Call for rates CONTACT: 505-988-2225,
Immanuel Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School
OFFERS: “Go Tell It on the Mountain That
Jesus Christ Is Lord!” theme for ages 4-12. Bible lessons, music, crafts and games. SESSION: 5:30-8:30 p.m. June 10-14. Includes a light supper. COST: Suggested donation $20 per child,
$30 per family.
CONTACT: 505-983-7568
Immanuel Lutheran Church Gentle Shepherd Preschool Summer Camp OFFERS: Three-week half-day sessions for
children age 3-5.
SESSIONS: 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday June 4-20; 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday July 9-18, July 30-August 1 COST: $210 per each three-week session CONTACT: 505-983-9383
Institute for Spanish Arts
OFFERS: Ongoing classes and workshops
in Spanish dance, guitar and culture for adults, youth and children. SESSIONS: Vary COST: Varies CONTACT: 505-467-3773,
Intuitive Cooking and Gardening Workshops
OFFERS: Cooking basics, seasonal cooking,
canning and preserving, raised-bed gardening, desert irrigation and how to cook your favorite foods for families, teens and adults. Organize a group of friends and create the workshop you want to take. SESSIONS: Spring and summer workshops COST: Four-hour workshop $40 per person, plus a supply fee; discounts for large groups CONTACT: Matt and Darya Peterson Glass,, 860-888-8987 or 505-690-4378
La Casita Preschool
OFFERS: A program for children ages 3-6
based on the world-famous preschools of Reggio Emilia of Italy, which encourage play and consider it essential for learning. Activities include art, music, water play and literacy. SESSIONS: Call for information CONTACT: 505-983-2803, email or
Las Cosas Kids’ Summer Cooking Camp
OFFERS: A special introduction to the
wonderful world of cooking with chef Johnny Vee for ages 7-12 that covers a different topic each day, including New Mexico Favorites, British Cookery, Pasta Time and Yankee Cooking, as well as a Graduation Day Party. All classes are hands-on with a focus on cooking skills, tidiness and, most importantly, fun. SESSIONS: 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. July 8-12 COST: $275 CONTACT: 505-988-3394
Little Earth School Summer Day Camp
OFFERS: Memorable summer experiences
for children ages 4-12, including the outdoor exploration and nature-based camp program for children 9-12. Children
Survival Basics for adults and families with children ages 12 and older. The programs provide opportunities for young people to become immersed in nature and learn with enthusiastic environmental educators. SESSIONS: Nature Odyssey Río Grande Valley, June 10-14; Nature Odyssey Valles Caldera National Preserve, June 24-28; LEAP, June 17-June 21; and Medicine Hawk June 6-9. COST: Varies; scholarships and sliding scale available CONTACT: 505-662-0460,
may enroll for three, four or five days per week. Activities include art, cooking, weekly nature field trips, yoga, swimming, gardening and games, with a low studentteacher ratio. Enrollment is limited. SESSIONS: Minimum enrollment for all ages is one session, June 3-June 21, June 24-July 19 and July 22-August 9. Camp hours are 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. COST: Call for costs and to register CONTACT: 505-988-1968,
Make Orange
OFFERS: An art-making studio and learning program for children ages 6 to 12. Founded by Gina Gatto, MA Ed, Make Orange embraces a philosophy that kids’ imagination and creativity flourish when you build their proficiency in art. The curriculum includes drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpting. SESSIONS: Spring Break Art Camp, from April 8 to 12; Summer Art Camps, from June 3 to 16; and Art After School sessions that begin August 13. Classes are limited to 8 students and are organized by age; 6- to 9-year-olds meet from 9 a.m. to noon; 10- to 12-year-old’s sessions are from 1 to 4 p.m. COST: $210 per week. CONTACT: Call 505-780-5044 or visit
Pueblo of Pojoaque Wellness Center
OFFERS: Swimming lessons in eight 45-
minute sessions for all ages and skill levels. Every Friday is Family Fun Night 5:30-7:45 p.m., beginning in June. Other activities include mixed martial arts, soccer, basketball leagues, Splash and Dash (April 20) and the 2013 Butterfly Run in June. SESSIONS: Swimming lessons MondayThursday beginning first week in June. Call for information about other activities. COST: $75 for each two-week swimming session CONTACT: 505-455-9355,,
Randall Davey Audubon Center & Sanctuary Summer Adventure Camps
The May Center for Learning
OFFERS: Three summer sessions (grades 1-10). Multisensory reading, writing and math is a five-week intensive, featuring individualized skill building with a 4-to-1 student/teacher ratio; half- or full-day option available. Shelton Sequential English Education (SEE) is a multisensory reading program with a 2-to-1 student/ teacher ratio for students who need extra support in reading and writing or have a language learning difference. MindUp and Executive Functioning Supercamp strengthens students’ executive functioning skills, such as organization and time management, through science, the arts and physical activity. Students will learn how their brains work and how to maximize their individual brain power. SESSIONS: Session 1 (Multisensory Reading/Writing/Math): June 10-July 12; Session 2 (SEE): July 15-August 9; Session 3 (MindUp Camp): July 15-August 9 CONTACT: Go to for pricing and registration materials or contact
Mother’s Farm School Summer Camp
OFFERS: Weeklong full-day camps with
pre and aftercare for children ages 3-4 and 5-12. Activity-oriented teaching and play on a 10-acre farm includes horseback riding, horsemanship games, puppy play and training, painting and sculpture, organic gardening, yoga and interactive group games. A philosophy of compassion,
A camper at Big Sky Build It! creates armor for his remote control jousting robot.
respect for all living things and for the uniqueness of each child is interwoven into all activities. SESSIONS: Weekly sessions from May 22-August 23. Transportation from Trader Joe’s and the Factory Outlet Mall COST: $189 per weekly session includes snack, material fees and taxes. All summer, $1999; discounts for second child CONTACT: Visuddhi Brenda Wittner, 505930-1838,, or
Moving People Dance Theatre’s Summer Camp
OFFERS: Young children’s program, ages 3-
5, as a perfect introduction to the magical world of dance. Let’s Dance, ages 5-8, is an exciting exploration of different styles of dance. Ages 8-12 get ready to show off in the final performance in Dance! Dance! Dance! program. COST: Call for information CONTACT: 505-438-9180,,
National Dance Institute of New Mexico
OFFERS: Arts in Motion summer dance
intensive at the Dance Barns for ages 11-18 features classes in ballet, modern and jazz, as well as workshops in music and theater. Early Steps performing arts camp, ages 3-10, offers creative movement, ballet, jazz and modern. SESSIONS: Arts in Motion July 8-19; Early Steps, July 22-August 2 COST: Varies. Sliding scale available CONTACT: Danny Silver at 505-795-7088,
Pajarito Environmental Education Center, Los Alamos
OFFERS: Four programs through the Summer Outdoor Adventure programs: Nature Odyssey, two weeks of day programs for students entering grades 4-6, one at Valles Caldera National Preserve and the other at Rio Grande Valley; Living Earth Adventure Program (LEAP), one week of a day program for grades 7-8; Medicine Hawk’s Summer
OFFERS: Audubon Summer Day Camp for children ages 5-12, with one week for ages 4-5. Each week of camp is filled with science investigations, nature explorations, creative arts, stories, hiking and active play in the outdoors. A variety of themes is offered throughout the summer, and activities are adapted to each age group. Youth Volunteer Naturalist opportunities are available for children 12-18. Online registration began March 23. SESSIONS: Weeklong sessions May 28August 9 COST: $225 per week for members, $260 for nonmembers; aftercare 3-5 p.m. with added fee for most camps CONTACT: Cara Goodwin, 505-9834609, email,
Safe Space Sandplay
OFFERS: The opportunity to explore
challenging life situations using the imaginary world of play. Toys used in the sand tray include plants, animals, houses, vehicles and creepy creatures. Expressive, fun and nonthreatening. Sandplay addresses aggression, fear and grief, and it encourages safety, stability and well-being while enhancing self-esteem and creativity. Ages 3 and older. CONTACT: Kathryn McGlynn at 505-6906401, email
2013 KIDS Summer 21
Santa Fe Animal Shelter & Humane Society
OFFERS: Offers regular and advanced
Critter Camp programs for children ages 10-13, providing a fun and educational opportunity to work with animals. Advanced camp is for previous critter campers or those who have a serious interest in animal care and shelter work. SESSIONS: Regular Critter Camp, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 3-7 and July 8-12 at the shelter. Advanced Critter Camp, Aug. 5-9. Enrollment is limited to 10 in each camp. Deadline for online application is May 3. COST: $300 per session CONTACT: 983-4309, Ext. 202,
Santa Fe Art Institute
OFFERS: Eight one-week summer camps
featuring weekly themes such as circus theater, painting, drawing, botany and biology in art, creative movement, hip-hop, sculpture and more. SESSIONS: June 17-August 9, ages 7-13. Free graffiti art workshop 4:30-6:30 p.m. every Monday at the Santa Fe Art Institute. COST: Varies, generous scholarships available CONTACT: Nicole Davis at 505-424-5050,
Santa Fe Climbing Adventure Camp
OFFERS: Summer camps combine
indoor and outdoor programs that build leadership skills, confidence, problemsolving skills, teamwork, wilderness skills and respect for the natural environment. Cadet Adventure Camp for ages 5-8, High Adventure Camp for ages 9-13 and Teen Adventure Camp for ages 12-16. Each camp led by experienced instructors who are familiar with teaching rock climbing to their age group. SESSIONS: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday, May 28-August 30 COST: $349 per week CONTACT: 505-986-8944, or visit
Santa Fe Community College
OFFERS: The Kids Campus Learning
Bridge program for children in kindergarten through age 8 offers opportunities to explore, experiment and engage in the indoor-outdoor classroom and newly renovated large park space. Teachers lead activities in sustainability, photography, gardening, archaeology, drama, woodworking, cooking, bookmaking and art. Children in the primary grades will be able to set their own pace in exploring reading, writing, math and social studies through fun projects and activities, with field trips to the planetarium, art studios, sustainability program, library and other areas of interest on the SFCC campus.
22 2013 KIDS Summer
For infants to pre-kindergarteners, Kids Campus offers extra outdoor time on the new playgrounds throughout the summer, including water play, outdoor art, bikes and music. The college also offers child and teen classes ranging from cooking, guitar and swimming to a variety of camps, including animation camp, computer camp and arts activities. Costs vary. SESSIONS: Enrollment for June through August or the full year is available. 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday, June 1-August 15, except on the Fourth of July COST: $190 a week includes breakfast, lunch and snacks. The $50 registration fee will be waived for parents who register before May 1. CONTACT: Call the Kids Campus at 505428-1380 or visit For other programs, call the Continuing Education office at 505-428-1676, or visit
Santa Fe Performing Arts
OFFERS: Classes in acting, singing and stage
movement for children 7-12 and teenagers. SESSIONS: Preschool mini-theater camp June 3-7 and summer intensive camp June 10-July 28, culminating in main stage productions by the teenagers and children COST: Varies CONTACT: 505-982-7992, email,
Santa Fe Preparatory School
OFFERS: A two-week program, Griffin
Grenadiers, that emphasizes interactive, hands-on, take-home projects centered on backyard-ballistics versions of canons, rockets, mortars and trebuchets. Children entering grades 5-9 may attend either week or both. The program is headed by a West Point graduate, former military officer and current Santa Fe Prep teacher and incorporates an appropriate amount of historical background involving these technologies and the roles they played in historical military battles. SESSIONS: 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. July 29-August 2 and/or August 5-9. COST: $300 for a one-week session or $500 for both weeks. Includes lunch, snacks, Tshirt and all take-home projects. CONTACT: 505-982-1829 x1253 or email Online registration available at
Santa Fe School for the Arts & Sciences Summer Camp
OFFERS: An eight-week program for ages 3 to early high-schoolers. Numerous oneweek theme camps are offered for various ages including: Land of the Dinosaurs! and What Grows in the Garden (ages 3-5); Wands up! and Pet Shop (ages 6-8); On the Trail and Buildings, Bridges and Wrecking Balls! (ages 9-11); and Street Art
and Around the World in Five Days! (ages 12 and up). Full descriptions available on at SESSIONS: A different theme each week for each age group. Eight-week program, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; before-camp from 8 a.m. and after-camp until 5 p.m. available. COST: Varies, but averages $220 a week with multiple-week discounts. Funds through the Children, Youth and Families Department accepted. CONTACT: 505-438-8585, email, ALSO OFFERS: Hooked on Books: Reading is Magic! Summer Reading Camp A free camp specially designed to assist children who struggle with reading in school. Games galore and summer fun along with individualized reading support. Call Rayna at 505-920-9709 for further information.
Santa Fe Youth Theater Pandemonium Production Musical Theater Summer Camp
OFFERS: Musical theater summer camp for
Skateboard School
OFFERS: Various activities and lessons
for skateboarders of all ages. Several camps, including ramps and bowls, and longboarding, are scheduled in June and July. SESSIONS: See website COST: See website CONTACT: 505-474-0074, or visit
Santa Fe Playhouse Children’s Theatre
OFFERS: Students create their own characters and plot for a summer show complete with original songs and music. Children in grades 3-8 also write their own play and design their own costumes. SESSIONS: Summer theater runs 1-5 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, June 18-July 27. COST: Sliding scale CONTACT: 505-988-4262,, or
Wise Fool New Mexico Circus Camp
OFFERS: Three circus camps — one week
ages 7-17. Students study acting, singing and dance and perform in a Broadway musical production at the James A. Little Theater. SESSION: June 17-July 27, rehearsal hours 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday-Friday. Space is limited. Scholarships available. Rehearsal at the New Mexico School for the Arts, performances at James A. Little Theater. CONTACT: 505-920-0704,
Wee Camp for ages 4-5 and two, two-week camps for kids 6-14 — include clowning, trapeze, stilt walking, puppetry and acrobatics. SESSIONS: Wee Camp June 10-14. Session 1 all levels, including beginners; intermediate camp July 8-19 COST: $475, scholarships available CONTACT: 505-992-2588,
Santa Fe Waldorf School
Writing/Reading Workshops with Sarah Stark
OFFERS: Nature camp, circus camp,
mountain craft camp and tie-dye camp for ages 4-12. Special activities for 4-year-olds. SESSIONS: June and July COST: Varies CONTACT: 505-467-6431, or visit
Santa Fe YMCA
OFFERS: Children grades K-5 summer
adventures that promote a healthy spirit, mind and body. Children spend time indoors and outdoors as experienced staff members lead a wide variety of activities each day, including arts and crafts, games, skits and songs, sports, swimming and weekly field trips. Also offered are math, science and character-building activities. SESSIONS: Call for dates. COST: $130. CYSD and financial aid may be available. CONTACT: 505-424-8077, email, or log on to or visit the office at 6600 Valentine Way.
OFFERS: Children ages 10-18 time explore the art of writing and reading fiction in a supportive, stimulating environment. SESSIONS: One-week sessions in June and July. CONTACT: Sarah Stark at 505-470-3210 or for more information.
SUMMER MUSICAL THEATER CAMP The Fabulous Fifties, Rock and Roll, & Poodle Skirts! SO, “Put on a Happy Face” and Sing, Dance, and Act in this summers rockin’ family musical!
June 17th ~ July 28th 2013 9:00 am ~1:00 pm Monday ~ Friday Ages: 7~17
Performance Dates: July 19-21 & 26-28
All performances at the
James A. Little Theatre Rehearsals at New Mexico School for the Arts Space is limited ~ Scholarships available
To register call (505) 920-0704
more impressive than ever
2013 summer guide publishes: sunday, may 12 space deadline: friday, april 12
to advertise call 983-3303
2013 KIDS Summer 23
ASPEN SANTA FE BALLET G i s e l a G e n s c h o w, D i r e c t o r
Enrolling now for Summer Sessions!
Classes start June 3rd, 2013! Santa Fe | La Tienda in Eldorado | Genoveva Chavez Community Center
Ballet Partnering Creative Dance Jazz Folklórico Adult Classes
550B St. Michael’s Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 phone 505-983-5591 fax 505-992-1027 PHOTO: ROSALIE O’CONNOR
24 2013 KIDS Summer