After slow start, Mora advances at NRG tourney Sports, B-1
Locally owned and independent
Saturday, January 4, 2014 75¢
In hearing, businessman, AG spar over horse slaughterhouse Roswell businessman’s lawyer says Attorney General Gary King is playing politics with the planned horseslaughter plant.
Judge delays ruling on King’s suit against Roswell plant By Milan Simonich The New Mexican
Rick De Los Santos, the businessman who for two years has been trying to open a horse-slaughter plant in New Mexico, will have to wait at least another 10 days for a ruling.
State District Judge Matthew Wilson of Santa Fe heard two hours of arguments Friday before extending a temporary restraining order against De Los Santos’ business, Valley Meat Co. Wilson scheduled another hearing for Jan. 13 to more deeply explore state Attorney General Gary King’s lawsuit
claiming that De Los Santos’ slaughter plant near Roswell could contaminate the food chain and harm the environment. King’s staff was not prepared to question witnesses at Friday’s hearing, having had only three days to prepare during a week punctuated by the New
Al-Qaida overruns Iraq cities Militants seek to win over population in Sunni strongholds of Fallujah and Ramadi. PAGE A-3
Glimpse of a bookless future
Panel proposes 1.5% raise By Steve Terrell The New Mexican
The Legislative Finance Committee on Friday unveiled a $6.15 billion budget with $50 million for a 1.5 percent across-the-board pay hike for all state workers, an item that already has drawn criticism from Gov. Susana Martinez. Meanwhile, the committee’s budget would set aside $35 million for early childhood initiatives, including $12 million for literacy programs, nearly $10 million for pre-kindergarten and $4 million for home visits for high-risk families with infants. About 58 percent of the budget ($3.55 billion) would go to education. Of that, public schools would get $2.7 billion, an increase of nearly $143 million, or 5.6 percent. The state budget is the basic framework for spending in state government. Martinez is expected to release her budget proposal next week. The full Legislature, which convenes Jan. 21, will approve the final budget for the fiscal year, which begins July 1. Both co-chairmen of the Legislative Finance Committee, Rep. Luciano “Lucky” Varela, D-Santa Fe, and Sen. John Arthur Smith, D-Deming, said at a Friday news conference that they don’t foresee major budget battles in the upcoming session. However, a spokesman for the governor blasted the committee’s proposed budget, telling The Associated Press that the proposal “doles out millions of dollars worth of untargeted, across-the-board government employee pay raises, while dramati-
Please see BUDGET, Page A-4
INSIDE u Bill lets voters decide on legalizing marijuana. LOCAL NEWS, A-5
Lawmakers’ budget: Pay hikes and more Highlights of budget proposals released Friday by the Legislative Finance Committee for the upcoming 30-day session of the Legislature:
Spending on public school operations, the Public Education Department and other education initiatives would increase by 5.6 percent or nearly $143 million. That would provide about $2.7 billion in overall funding for schools, which traditionally account for the largest share of spending in the state budget.
Spending would drop 2.7 percent to $905 million for Medicaid, which provides health care for needy children and low-income adults. The state expects to reduce its spending because of possible savings in the program and the availability of more federal money.
IAIA Writers Festival Natalie Diaz and Jon Davis read from and sign copies of their works, 6 p.m., CLE Commons, second floor, Institute of American Indian Arts, 83 Avan Nu Po Road, no charge, series continues daily through Jan. 10.
Classifieds B-7
About $103 million for pay increases for workers in state agencies, courts, public schools, colleges and universities. All workers would receive at least a 1.5 percent cost-of-living increase and higher raises, averaging about 3 percent, are possible for most employees depending on how schools and agencies allocate part of the proposed money for compensation. Certain government workers, such state police and judge, could get increases of about 8 percent.
$11 million to immediately shore up a lottery-financed college scholarship program and prevent possible cuts for students this spring. The program currently covers the full cost of tuition for eligible New Mexico students at public colleges and universities in the state. The Department of Finance and Administration estimates $16 million is needed to avoid cutbacks. The committee also recommends changing the program to provide a flat dollar amount for scholarships in the future rather than linking the aid to tuition.
A $35 million, or 17 percent, increase for a range of early-childhood initiatives, including pre-kindergarten, early literacy programs, subsidized child care
‘Polar vortex’ to blast frigid air across Midwest starting Sunday By Carson Walker The Associated Press
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — The weather warnings are dire: Life threatening wind chills. Historic cold outbreak. Winter is normally cold, but starting Sunday, tundra-like temperatures are poised to deliver a rare and potentially dangerous sledgehammer blow to much of the Midwest, driving temperatures so far below zero that records will shatter. One reason? A “polar vortex,” as one meteorologist calls it, which will send cold air piled up at the North Pole down to the U.S., funneling it as far south as the Gulf Coast. The temperature predictions are startling: 25 below zero in Fargo, N.D., minus 31 in International Falls, Minn., and 15 below in Indianapolis and Chicago. At those temperatures, exposed skin can get frostbitten in minutes and hypothermia can quickly set in because wind chills could hit 50, 60 or even 70 below zero. Temperature records will likely be broken during
Please see CHILL, Page A-4
What’s left u The budget would leave the state with cash reserves of nearly $583 million, which is equal to about 9.5 percent of spending. Lawmakers and the Gov. Susana Martinez’s administration contend it’s prudent to maintain reserves of about 10 percent to provide a safety net in case of unexpected financial problems or if revenue collections are lower than expected. u The committee didn’t allocate about $26 million in available revenue, leaving it for budget decisions by lawmakers during the session. The Associated Press
u Northeast digs out from winter storm. PAGE A-3 u With coming deep freeze, Packers-49ers NFL playoff matchup Sunday could be Ice Bowl II. SPORTS, B-4
USDA proposes lifting restrictions on genetically modified corn, soybean seeds
Scientists are trying to understand what happens when microscopic organisms colonize plastic debris in the ocean. LIFE & SCIENCE, A-9
and an extended school year for students in kindergarten through third grade in schools in high-poverty areas.
Nearly $837 million for the state’s network of colleges and universities, which represents a 5.1 percent increase. Included in the budget is additional money to help train more nurses to address a shortage of health care providers.
The man-made ecosystem
First all-digital library opens in Texas. PAGE A-2
Much of U.S. braces for record chill
Martinez spokesman blasts legislators’ budget plan, salary increase
Calendar A-2
Santa Fe police say an armed robbery Friday night at MVD Express might be linked to a similar incident on New Year’s Eve. LOCAL NEWS, A-5
Please see HORSE, Page A-4
Police seek armed robbers
By M.L. Johnson The Associated Press
Obituaries Lorencita Martinez, 88, Santa Fe, Dec. 29 Felicia (Alice) Gonzales Rodriguez, 88,
Dec. 29 Loren “Steve” Neil Stevens, Dec. 4 Joe Luciano Varela, 86, Pecos, Dec. 20 PAGE A-10
Today Sunny; breezy in the afternoon. High 48, low 17. PAGE A-12
Comics B-12
Lotteries A-2
Opinion A-11
MILWAUKEE — The federal government on Friday proposed eliminating restrictions on the use of corn and soybean seeds that are genetically engineered to resist a common weed killer, a move welcomed by many farmers but feared by scientists and environmentalists who worry it could invite growers to use more chemicals. The herbicide known as 2,4-D has had limited use in corn and soybean farming because it becomes toxic to the plants early in their growth. The new seeds would allow farmers to use the weed killer throughout the plants’ lives. Farmers have been eager for a new generation of herbicide-resistant seeds because of the prevalence of
Police notes A-10
Editor: Ray Rivera, 986-3033, Design and headlines: Brian Barker,
Sports B-1
weeds that have become immune to Monsanto’s Roundup. But skeptics are concerned that use of the new seeds and 2,4-D will only lead to similar problems as weeds acquire resistance to that chemical, too. “It’s just so clear. You can see that you have this pesticide treadmill effect,” said Bill Freese, a chemist with the Washington, D.C.-based Center For Food Safety, which promotes organic agriculture. Most corn and soybeans grown in the U.S. are already genetically engineered, largely to resist Roundup, which was introduced in 1976. Before that, most farmers tilled their fields prior to planting, flipping the soil over and burying the weeds to kill them. The technique also exposed tilled earth to the air, creating problems with erosion and runoff.
Time Out A-11
Stocks review B-6
Main office: 983-3303 Late paper: 986-3010
Herbicide-resistant seeds permitted most farmers to stop tilling because they could spray fields after their plants emerged, killing the weeds but leaving crops unharmed. The new generation of plants “allowed us to do a better job of controlling the weeds, and therefore, we’ve been able to do a better job of preserving the soil, which is our primary natural resource,” said Ron Moore, who grows 2,000 acres of corn and soybeans with his brother in western Illinois. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s plant-inspection agency concluded that the greatest risk from the new seeds developed by Dow AgroSciences was increased use of 2,4-D, which could hasten the evolution of weeds resistant to it.
Please see SEEDS, Page A-4
Two sections, 24 pages TV Book, 32 pages 165th year, No. 4 Publication No. 596-440