VOTE 2019 VOTE 2014
Tues Novem
ABSENTEE VOTING: October 8 - November 2 Polls ® LeagueIN-PERSON of women voters ABSENTEE VOTING: October 8 - November 2 7:00 a.m. t of santa fe county EARLY VOTING: October 19 – November 2
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS organization that provides information about political OF and SANTA COUNTY issues candidatesFE for public office in order to
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u.s. HOuse OF represeNTaTives, Tuesday, OcTOb EARLY VOTING SITES cONgressiONal disTricT 3 • Voter registration for • Santa Fe County Fair Election closes at 5:00 JEFFERSON L. Building ByRD– 3229 (R)Rodeo Rd, Santa Fe promote greater citizen participation in government. The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization that does not support or oppose • Christian Life Church – 121 Siringo Road, Santa Fe • Absentee voting begin any politicalthe partyLeague or candidate. The League provides unbiased, factual information to help REP. BEN RAy LuJAN (D) Because is nonpartisan, it does not support • Max Coll Corridor Community Center – 16 Avenida Torreon, El Dorado voters make informed choices. for an absentee ballot or oppose any political party or candidate. It does ThOMAS hOOk (WRiTE-iN) • PojoaqueF. County Satellite Office – 5 W. Gutierrez, Ste 9, Pojoaque Pueblo Plaza The candidate information in this Voter Guide was obtained by means of byCruz visiting the Sant provide unbiased, factual information for citizens toa questionnaire sent • Abedon Lopez Community Center – 155A Camino de Quintana, or Santa to all the candidates. Their unedited responses have been printed exactly as submitted — up to Tuesday, October 14, 2014, Office,102 Grant Aven • Edgewood Elementary School – 285 Dinkle Road, Edgewood the word limitpreparing for each response. use when to vote. 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. 8:00 a.m. to 5:0 A qualified Santa Fe County voter can vote at any of the above EarlyFriday, Voting sites. For more information, visit the LWVSFC website: Main Library Community Room The candidate information in this Voters’ Guide closed Monday, Octob Santa Fe Public Library, Absentee Voting by Mail was obtained by means of a questionnaire, which Columbus Day) 145 Washington Ave. was sent to all qualified candidates. Because of space Request an application for an absentee ballot any time up until Friday, November 2019. Thebegins last • Early1,voting at co-sponsored by AAuW-SF day Absentee Ballots will be sent out is Friday, November 1st. restrictions, only contested races were included in
Clerk’s Office,102 Gra You can request an Absentee Ballot Application: the Voters’ Guide, and the candidates were limited to through Friday, 8:00 a City Council – Only the candidate(s) in your City Council District will be listed on your ballot. Rank a specific number of words per response. The League • Online ( to electronically request an Absentee Ballot forapplication. October 13th) order voting will be in effect only for District 4, which has 3 candidates. quesTiONs? Need mOre iNFO? does not edit for meaning, grammar, punctuation or NOTE: The County Cl • Call the Office of the County Clerk (505.986.6280) to request an absentee ballot application. Municipal Judge – The incumbent is running unopposed. spelling. The candidates’ responses have been printed Complete the application and mail or deliver it to the office. for early voting on Sat Visit The New Mexico County wide elections do not offer rank choice voting. exactly as submitted, up to the stated word limit for Santa Fe County will be using Voter Convenience Centers on Election Day Tuesday, November day of early voting: Sa
rather thanVoter the traditional polling Secretary5, 2019, of State’s View at places at individual precincts. Any qualified Santa Fe County voter can vote at any Voter Convenience Center between 7 AM – 7 PM on Tuesday, saTurday, OcTO November 5, 2019. Santa Fe Community College Governing Board – There are 5 candidates running for 2 positions This Voters’ Guide is organized in ballot order: from to determine your voter registration status, • Early voting at satellit your registered address, and your precinct federal, to state, to county offices and issues. Under through Friday, 12:00 VOTING CONVENIENCE CENTERS number, which determines where you will each office, the candidates’ names and responses Saturday, 10:00 a.m. t vote in this election. ELIGIBLE VOTERS are listed in ballot order. Proposed constitutional
each response. Santa Fe Public School Board – There are 5 candidates running for 3 positions.
AMY BIEHL COMMUNITY SCHOOL 301 Avenida Del Sur of Elections: County Bureau
amendments and bond and tax issues that will appear Santa You must be a qualified elector in the County of Santa Fe (registered to vote in a precinct that is Fe on theorballot arethe also included thisofVoters’ Guide to resident).505-986-6280 wholly partly inside boundaries of the in County Santa Fe, and a County ATALAYA ELEMENTARY 721 Camino Cabra help voters better understand them. See the NM Secretary of State’s “Voter View” at to determine your
Early voting satellite s ADMINISTRATIVE•BLDG 15 Bayay Poe Santa Fe County Fa
NINA OTERO COMMUNITY SCHOOL 3229 Rodeo Road 5901 Herrera Rd
Eldorado Senior Ce BENNY J. CHAVEZ COMMUNITY POJOAQUE MIDDLE SCHOOL 16 Avenida Torre NM State Bureau CENTER of Elections 1797 State Road 502 For additional election information, visit the Voter Registration for the 2019 New Mexico Regular Local Election closes on October 8, 2019 at 354 A Juan Medina Edgewood Old Fire (Office of Secretary of Rd State): 5:00 PM. League’s website: SALAZAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 505-827-3600 25 E. Frontage Ro CHAPARRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1231 Apache Ave Same day voter registration for Early Voting will only be processed in the Office of the 2451 Avenida Chaparral Pojoaque County S Santa Fe County Clerk, 102 Grant Street, in Santa Fe. SAN ILDEFONSO PUEBLO VISITOR CHRISTIAN LIFE CHURCH CENTER 5 W. Gutierrez, S Visit the League of Women Voters of New voter registration status if you aren’t sure if you are eligible to vote in this election.
Absentee-In Person Voting begins in Santa Fe County from Tuesday October 8, 2019 through 121 Siringo Road 74 Povi Kaa Drive Saturday, November 2, 2019 at the Office of the Santa Fe County Clerk, 102 Grant StreetMexico’s in website for comprehensive, online Santa Fe. The Office will be open during regular hours of business (Monday through Friday 8:00 EDGEWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SANTA FE COUNTY FAIR BUILDING information AM-5:00 PM). The Office will Election be closed Monday, October 14th in observance of Indigenous The 2014 General Voters’ Guide was 171 about the State Road 344 statewide candidates 3229 Rodeo Rd • Last day to request an Peoples Day. and issues in the 2014 General Election:
Friday, OcTOber
produced and distributed by the Santa Fe New EL CAMINO REAL ACADEMY The County Clerk’s Office will be open for voting on Saturday, November 2 only, but the other 2500 S Meadows Rd Mexican, in partnership with the League of Saturdays of early voting. November 2 will be the last day for both Absentee-in-Person Voting and for Early Voting at the County Clerk’sFe Office. Women Voters of Santa County. Tax-deductible EL RANCHO SENIOR CENTER 394 County Road 84 donations to the League’s Education Alternate Sites Early Voting begins Saturday, October 19,Fund 2019 andare continues through Saturday, November 2, 2019. Voting hours are from 12:00 noon-8:00 PM Tuesday through Friday and from GALISTEO COMMUNITY CENTER gratefully accepted to support voter services 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM on Saturdays. Polls are closed Sunday and Monday. Table OF cONTeNTs 35 Avenida Vieja projects such as Voters’ Guides, candidate forums, GLORIETA PASS FIRE STATION #2 General information and voter registration efforts. If you would like 366 Old Denver Hwy Polling Places to contribute to the LWVSFC to support voter GONZALES COMMUNITY SCHOOL U S Congress WITH THANKS services, please make your check payable to the 851 W Alameda St N M State HONDO Offices LWV Education Fund. FIRE STATION #2
The 2019 Municipal Election Voter Guide was produced and distributed by the Santa Election 645 Old Las Vegas Hwy Judicial Fe New Mexican, in partnership with the League of Women of Santa Fe County. League of Women Voters of Santa Fe Voters County Nproject M State LA Reps CIENEGA COMMUNITY CENTER The League appreciates the Santa Fe New Mexican’s generous support of this 1472 St. Francis Drive 136 Camino San Jose and commitment to educating the public. Judicial Retention
Santa Fe, NM 87505 The League gratefully accepts tax-deductible donations to support voter services MAX COLL CORRIDOR COMMUNITY Amendments 505-982-9766 CENTER projects such as Voter Guides, candidate forums, and voter registration efforts. If you 16 Avenida Torreon Bond and Tax Issues would like to contribute, please make your check payable to: LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF SANTA FE COUNTY P.O. BOX 31547 Santa Fe, NM 87594 505 982 2766
VOTE R G U I D E 2 0 19
saTurday, NOvem
• Last day of early votin ST. JOHN’S METHODIST theCHURCH County Clerk’s Of 1200 Old Pecos Trail and at the satellite sit ST JOSEPH’S PARISH HALL 2 E Waldo St
Tuesday, NOvem 1 STANLEY CYCLONE CENTER 2 AvenueelecTiON day 22 W Kinsell • Polls open 7:00 a.m. to 3 TESUQUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL polling places on page 1555 Bishop’s 6 Lodge Rd an absentee ballot in TESUQUE 9PUEBLO must be turned in at t INTERGENERATIONAL CENTER 10 39 TP 804 or at the voter’s assign TONY E.11 QUINTANA ELEMENTARY absentee ballots must 20 E. Sombrillo Road Highway 106 14 by 7:00 p.m. TURQUOISE 16 TRAIL CHARTER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 13 A San Marcos Loop
CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 CANDIDATES District 1 Candidate – Renee Villarreal is running unopposed
The League asked:
Renee Villarreal
1. What are your qualifications to serve on the City Council? (50 words)
I currently serve as a Councilwoman for D1. I’ve represented various City committees/boards such as Finance, Public Works, Public Utilities, and others. My background is in community and urban planning and non-profit advocacy. My strength is bringing people together to solve problems, with an emphasis towards social justice and equity.
2. What are your ideas to provide Santa Fe with more affordable housing? (75 words)? We need to consider affordable housing development opportunities on city owned land and determine what is most appropriate for these areas. In order to build more housing, we must create a permanent trust fund that can support more affordable housing development options. I support modifying the rental requirements for the Santa Fe Homes Program to reevaluate the “fee-in-lieu of” option for multifamily housing developments so that incentives for building affordable rental units are prioritized.
3. What would you like to see happen with the Mid-town campus? (75 words)
I would like us to continue having an educational institution on the property. We need diverse affordable housing options for mid to lower income families and our work force. We should consider a community land trust model. The campus should maintain support for film, arts, and cultural uses, include community open spaces, and encourage small and existing business development. All this can happen while still prioritizing community voices and control from the most underserved populations.
4. How would you improve transparency in city government? (75 words)
I support a “participatory budgeting” model where community members decide together how a portion of the city’s budget is spent and allows for more equitable methods of balancing and prioritizing services. We are currently piloting this model with the Youth Advisory Board. The City’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) initiative is currently underway and should increase transparency and e-Government access to financial and budget documents, and online permits for licenses and inspections will also be available.
Alysia Lori Abbott:
Michael J. Garcia
I am a 25-year resident of Santa Fe with experience working for the City of Santa Fe as a preservation planner. I have also worked as an archaeologist and historian for the State of New Mexico Historic Preservation Division with a focus on local Santa Fe archaeological and historic issues.
Gone are the days when we will be able to house people on a large scale similar to what was done in the early post-WW II era. Today we must address housing in the context of both limiting sprawl and responsible in-filling while acknowledging that infill requires planning and appropriate infrastructure. We must reassess the fee the in lieu of component of the City of Santa Fe’s Affordable Housing Ordinance.
The best use should be to return the campus to it’s educational purpose. I fear that if we try to assign too many uses to the campus, uses which the City is not capable of managing effectively, that we will have a repeat of the Railyard Development, almost 20 years in the making, where businesses are extremely transitory and the public is not well served for the money spent.
The City of Santa Fe should at every turn provide the public with on-line access to all of the City’s business including emails, contracts, and public funded reports from the Mayor on down. The City has an obligation in statute to provide the public with all documents related to how the City does business and how the Council and the Mayor facilitate the business of the citizens of Santa Fe.
A city councilor’s key responsibilities: oversight, budget, and legislative. My extensive experience providing fiscal and programmatic oversight of federal resources, working within communities to address needs, and experience in the state and federal legislative process make me an exceptional candidate. Additionally, I earned a Master’s in Public Administration from UNM.
We need to look at revising city building codes and our permitting process, which currently cause challenges to housing development. We need to develop affordable housing in a smart and sustainable manner. If we begin to develop housing on the six city properties that are currently being proposed by the city, we need to seek community input and support. I would like to see sustainable energy incorporated into all affordable housing developments on city property.
It is important to get community input and support for proposed development as there are many possibilities. I hope to see smart, affordable, and sustainable housing developed and see a small business incubator established to help drive local economic opportunities. Additionally, we should look at bringing city government to the people by relocating city hall and city departments to the center of town. Creating one entry point to city government would benefit constituents.
I am committed to hosting quarterly town hall meetings throughout the district to be transparent about ongoing city business and address the communities needs through open communication. I would like to see an app created to support constituent services. This app would allow constituents to report items such as potholes, weeds, and comment on any city related matters. The app will also include a portal where constituents can see the progress of their submission.
CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 3 CANDIDATES District 3 Candidate – Chris Rivera is running unopposed
Chris Rivera
I have served on the City Council for the past 8 years and I understand city government and the processes it takes to get legislation passed. I have also taken recent classes with the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO) and a three week intensive class at Harvard University.
We need to be more inclusive with the various types of housing people are interested in; whether manufactured housing, live-work space, apartments, or traditional stick-built homes. In these various areas we need to provide affordable housing that is not segregated from the rest of the community but rather integrated into the community. We also need to push for phase 3 of Tierra Contenta, which is a great model for affordable housing in Santa Fe.
I took classes at the College of Santa Fe and would like to keep it an educational institution. I feel like it is designed and set up to be a great campus for the arts or for movie production and education. If not an educational institution, then maybe a centralized location for city services; a one stop shop so that people would not have to run from facility to facility to take care of business.
I tried to pass legislation that asked for the city to consider reverting back to a process we had that allowed for RFP’s to be open to the public when it came to proposals. That legislation was defeated because we are now following state law when it comes to procurement. I would be in favor of once again adopting our own procurement procedures since state law prohibits transparency with RFP’s.
Xavier Anderson
Jamie Cassutt-Sanchez
Twenty-five years of public service in New Mexico with work at all levels of government (municipal, county and state). I have worked on legislation from the grassroots level including the writing and providing testimony for passage. Lastly, I have served on several non-profit boards for city and statewide organizations.
Low inventory is one of the main drivers of the high price. We need to take multiple approaches with the streamlining of city processes in planning / zoning and permit processing to encourage responsible growth. The city should also look at in-fill opportunities that are paired with mass transit and “new urbanism” living (walkable services).
The city has gone through one round of public input, and from my walking of District 4 there is a call for more input. This input should be used for fine tuning the affordable housing, government (city services), small business incubators, and higher education that is wanted by the constituency. The largest request we have heard is that visible development start now to show the investment of the debt service that is currently being paid.
The city needs to improve the dissemination of information and make budget and expenditure information available on-line (as close to live with a max of a 30-day lag time). This information should be searchable by vendor, type of expense, and department. This capability would make the city’s business truly transparent, reduce IPRA requests and bring the city to the same standard that the State of New Mexico is meeting.
Grew up in Santa Fe and attended public schools here. -Has a Master’s in Public Health from UCLA. -Developed and managed programs in low-income schools and homeless shelters, using policy change, systems improvement, health education, and literacy promotion to improve community outcomes. -Knows ALL policy is health policy.
We need housing that is affordable and sustainable for all Santa Feans right now. I propose we: -Identify city-owned plots throughout the city that are appropriate for development and request proposals for projects that will create more homes for working families -Clean up our codes so approved projects can move quickly without being held up by unnecessary bureaucracy -Work with the state legislature to ensure tax codes support affordable housing for New Mexicans
Midtown campus offers a unique and exciting opportunity to create a community center in the geographical center of our city. I would like to see: -Continuous community engagement throughout the planning and building process -Housing for working families -Opportunities for local businesses, such as affordable retail space and business incubators -Preservation of Santa Fe landmarks, including the Greer Garson, Screen, Fogelson, Library, and amphitheater -Green space for play, exercise, and community events
Transparency is important to maintain a strong democracy. The City must remember that we first and foremost serve the people of Santa Fe. As City Councilor, I will: -Send quarterly newsletters to my constituents -Attend neighborhood and community meetings I will work with the City to: -Create a more user-friendly website -Publish the annual budget and quarterly spending reports -Remove barriers that prevent people from being engaged by providing resources such as translation and childcare
VOTE R G U I D E 2 0 19
CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 4 CANDIDATES continued The League asked:
1. What are your qualifications to serve on the City Council? (50 words)
I’m a transformational leader who will challenge the status-quo. I’m currently a SFPS 4th Grade Teacher. My leadership experience consists of: military, entrepreneurial, creative arts, disaster response, college & elementary education. I have an MBA in management, 30+ visual art awards, and volunteer 800 hours annually responding to natural disasters.
Greg Scargall
2. What are your ideas to provide Santa Fe with more affordable housing? (75 words)? Start by ensuring the 1000+ approved units in 2016 get built ASAP. Then, let’s beef up our Land Use department. This department is underfunded, understaffed, and responsible for applying red tape that burdens development. This would translate into greater efficiency, accuracy, and approval times. Finally, we need to increase the fee associated with the Fee-In-Lieu option and invest in local non-profits with a proven track record of being able to secure LIHTC for affordable housing.
3. What would you like to see happen with the Mid-town campus? (75 words)
The fact that we are still asking this question today, when “local stakeholders” spent countless hours attending town halls, forums, taking surveys, and looking at impressive architectural renderings. It’s beyond frustrating that we still don’t know What, When, or How it will happen. We need to hold our elected leaders accountable for not delivering on their promises, and now here we are hiring outside firms to tell us what it should become. I support localism!
4. How would you improve transparency in city government? (75 words)
The most important issue is rediscovering the meaning of ethics and restoring public trust in our local government and its elected leaders. Every week I hear of new instances of questionable ethical behavior happening at City Hall. We need to create an independent Office of Inspector General to investigate, and deal with an environment overrun with cronyism, nepotism, and blatant conflicts of interest. The time to hold elected officials, and senior administrators accountable is now!
MUNICIPAL JUDGE Municipal Judge – Virginia Vigil is running unopposed.
The League asked:
1. What are your qualifications for this position? (50 words)
Two minimum qualification for municipal judge; must be a lawyer and live in the City. I am qualified for this position because I am currently the sitting elected judge. Elected in 2016, I was a pro tem judge prior to running for the position. Virginia Vigil
2. What are the most important responsibilities of Municipal Court? (75 words)
3. What are the most pressing issues facing Municipal Court? (75 words)
Making judicial decisions that review the facts of each case by applying the law. Managing the processing of all court cases while treating defendant’s equally, fairly, and with respect. Data keeping. Maintaining the decorum of the courtroom. Complying with court rules, promoting safety, overseeing administrative and operational procedures. Determining proper sentencing that is appropriate to the nature of the offense and defendant while protecting the public.
Ongoing training for changes required by rules and regulations and new systems. Case load and management. Technological changes and improvements. Loss of trained staff because of pay scale. Going paperless. NM Supreme Court affecting the structuring and operations of courts. Restructuring to establish a Night Court.
4. What are your most important accomplishments in your 4 years as a Municipal Court judge? (75 words) Pre-trial Services program for repeat offenders. Transitioning Homeless Court to alternative justice program through community collaboration. Requesting/receiving legislative funding for bullet proof glass in reception areas. Safe Harbor Week for defendants to appear and cancel overdue bench warrants. Processing police officers filling 3x’s as much DUI cases to Municipal Court. (Not more DUI’s happening; just more referrals going to our Court). Implementing an increase in mandatory Supreme Court Rules
1. What are your qualifications to serve on the SFCC Board? (50 words)
2. Why do you want to serve on the SFCC Board? (50 words)
3. What one change could lead to major improvement in the Board’s effectiveness? (75 words)
4. How would you improve transparency in the Board’s actions? (75 words)
Position 1 – Ruth H. Howes and Jody M. Pugh
Ruth H. Howes
Jody M. Pugh
Adjunct faculty member at Oklahoma City University, 5 years, and at Oklahoma Institute of Technology, part-time for one year. 32 years teaching undergraduates at Ball State University, retired as George and Frances Ball Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy, to become Chair of the Department of Physics, Marquette University.
As a math tutor at SFCC and in the Santa Fe Public Schools for six years, I really want to help Santa Fe students not only to graduate with Associates’ Degrees, but also to obtain wellpaying jobs in today’s complex economy. I support developing partnerships with local businesses.
The Board Members must communicate with staff, faculty and students at SFCC and bring their concerns before the Board and administrators. This should be done off the official record in an informal setting, perhaps over a cup of coffee, so that people will be free to say what they think. The Board member should be willing to guarantee confidentiality.
The agenda and minutes of the Board are already posted on the web. All members of the SFCC community should learn how to access them. Board Members should put ideas and issues before all members of the SFCC community and seek feedback, both positive and negative, from people who wish to offer it. Among my personal concerns is increasing the Santa Fe community’s perception of the quality and value of an education at SFCC.
I am a scientist, engineer, and oversight manager and strategic planner at the largest technical employer regionally. When I went back to school for my first masters, I was also a working single parent. I know technical employers needs as well as the needs of working students with kids.
I have 3 masters and am working on my Ph.D. I mentor women in STEM careers. I believe STEM jobs including technical trades can be more accessible via education, particularly for non-traditional students. I’d like to ensure a strategic plan that emphasizes job ready workers in new industry and tech.
Our board should strive for accessibility, job readiness and a long-term strategic plan collaborating with other institutions of learning, workforce solutions, our local chambers of commerce, and multiple economic development departments. It should utilize the newly announced scholarships for working students and develop programs - evening childcare, tutoring, and classes - for support. With changing technology, we will have serious shortfalls in trained workers and SFCC can lead the region in filling them.
The board does a good job of posting agendas, minutes, videos, financial reports etc. on the Santa Fe Community College website. In talking with voters, the biggest transparency challenge is the lack of awareness of the boards existence and/or understanding of the board’s role. If we improve engagement with stakeholders – panels with specific stakeholders and other outreach efforts – our constituents will know about the board and what it does.
VOTE R G U I D E 2 0 19
1. What are your qualifications to serve on the SFCC Board? (50 words)
2. Why do you want to serve on the SFCC Board? (50 words)
3. What one change could lead to major improvement in the Board’s effectiveness? (75 words)
4. How would you improve transparency in the Board’s actions? (75 words)
Position 5 – Miguel A. Acosta, David W. Dannenberg and Pier Quintana
Miguel A. Acosta
30 successful years in higher education, the last 15 at UNM’s College Enrichment Program, increasing student retention, graduation and community engagement. Focus was low income, first generation, rural and traditionally underserved students. Worked extensively with faculty to integrate student success skills in content classes. Helped organize staff union at UNM.
Community Colleges are at a crossroads, as are other public institutions and the communities they serve. I have spent the last 15 years engaged in multicultural community and civic leadership development. SFCC has a critical role to play, it will take leaders with broad, deep, locally integrated skills and experience.
Our work must be public and local. We need to be present in the lives of our constituents by actively collaborating with community learning and development opportunities. Just as SFCC partners with business and industry, we also need to partner with community-based organizations, barrios, traditional villages and Native Communities, PreK-12, other governmental bodies, regional colleges and universities and the state in a unified vision and action plan for the future of Santa Fe.
We need to engage more faculty, staff, students, residents, and other governmental entities, including tribal and traditional, in the development and deliberation of potential policies and practices. There should not be anything voted on by the Board that has not been made familiar to our constituents. Participatory budgeting and similar strategies must be adopted so that important decisions include those most directly impacted. Accountability encourages transparency, as does a balance of power and authority.
I am a technology entrepreneur and former Intel executive. I have run large and small businesses and have served on many volunteer boards, most recently as chair of the SF County Open Space Advisory board (COLTPAC). I have experience managing university research funding and also in creating successful industry/ education partnerships.
I am a big picture problem solver. I would like to see Northern New Mexico economic development efforts turn to technology, renewable energy and clean manufacturing. SFCC is a cornerstone in making that happen by continuing to create ecosystems of smart workforce and infrastructure to support these industries. (see
I have watched board meetings and reviewed packet materials and minutes. The board is operating effectively. I wouldn’t presume to recommend that changes be made without serving for some time first. That said, my GUESS is that the board may benefit by picking a few important areas to focus on and then track progress in each meeting like what is now done with enrollment numbers. Perhaps a regular review of faculty vacancies and construction progress.
SFCC board, faculty and staff are doing a good job following the state open meetings laws. One area related to transparency and openness that I have learned from experience is to “know your customers”. The board can always improve transparency with more integration with the community – this includes students, government and industry partners. Also, it is very important that the board builds trust and relationships with the faculty which is the backbone of SFCC.
12 years experience working in higher education, including ~5 years as a Director at SFCC where I focused on completion and career development. Former President and Treasurer of MANA del Norte, a nonprofit 501c3 organization, serving as an advocate for Latinas in northern NM. Educational background in higher education administration.
I want to represent and advocate for my community. I was born and raised in rural New Mexico, and through my personal and professional experiences, I know the challenges our students face, the strengths that make them unique, and solutions that support their success. I care about this community!
Strengthen community by connecting stakeholders to achieve shared goals. SFCC employs top talent with expertise in a variety of disciplines. Inclusion of their voices and ideas to achieve shared goals is essential, and it’s important to get everyone on the same page. Connecting with community supporters, local schools, and employers will help achieve educational goals and bring forward more employment opportunities. By enhancing these connections, we can better meet accreditation, accountability and performance-funding expectations.
Trust is a key issue and efforts to be open with our citizens is vital. Transparency requires inclusion of our community. It is important for information such as annual reports, fiscal reports, and bids and contracts to be readily available for review. Participation from task forces or financial review committees should be inclusive of a variety of representatives across campus. Board meetings could be held at locations throughout the community to provide greater access.
David W. Dannenberg
Pier Quintana
1. What are your qualifications to serve on the SFPS school board? (50 words)
2. Why do you want to serve on the SFPS Board? (50 words)
3. What one change could lead to major improvement in the School Board’s effectiveness? (75 words)
4. How would you improve transparency in the School Board’s actions? (74 words)
Position 1 – Steven J. Carrillo and Carmen Linda Gonzales I have eight years of achievements working with the board to address and solve the challenges in our district. I know what’s worked, what hasn’t, and why. My son went to SF public schools. With skills honed in my management career, I offer real-world experience and knowing what employers need.
I believe that public education is the foundation of individual, economic, and societal success. I have the proven tenacity to ensure success is wide open to every child no matter their zip code, gender, gender identity, or immigration status. We must stop vaping, keep schools safe, increase proficiencies, and more.
As board members we must clearly understand the parameters of our duties. More effectiveness comes through approving a budget only once it reflects the priorities of the board and community. An effective board also always remembers that our solemn responsibility is to serve the best interests of our kids and not be unduly swayed by Santa Fe’s political machine. Finally, as an oversight body we must insist on 360° accountability for all staff.
The Open Meetings Act provides time to discuss protected topics in executive session. However, when it’s time to vote, the public has a right to know our thinking. One of the critiques of our board is that we have lengthy and pointed discussions. But this is a testament to our commitment to not violate OMA rules. We should continue to strive to keep exec sessions to a minimum and keep discussions public and authentic.
I have been a lifelong educator. I’ve taught in K-8, have been a teacher educator and administrator at NMSU and SFCC and serve on several Boards dealing with education. I served as the Chair of the Higher Learning Commission that accredits institutions of higher ed in 17 states, including NM.
I am running for School Board because the last eight years have weakened our schools and we have the opportunity with new monies from oil and gas to improve them. I have the knowledge, skills and connections to the education community and the legislature to make good decisions for students.
The most effective School Boards work collaboratively to represent the whole district and are respectful of each other and the superintendent. The Board should have a shared vision, mission and goals and work together towards what’s best for all students. I also see Board members getting input from the community as well as communicating their actions to keep the public informed of the district’s progress and challenges. It should not be about individual board members.
Today’s boards must meet the demands of a transparent society and in fact, embrace transparency as a tool to meet the growing need for accountability. A transparent board will gain the trust of the community. By establishing a transparent relationship with the community, the board will have laid the foundation to meet in executive session without causing the community to react out of distrust or suspicion, but out of understanding and respect.
Steven J. Carrillo
Carmen Linda Gonzale
Position 2 – John L. Triolo and Sarah Koch Boses Qualifications include 38 years in Public Education, serving as a teacher, counselor, Dean, Assistant Principal, Principal and Superintendent of Schools. I have served as a School Board President, longtime Rotarian, and President of Solace Crisis Treatment Center in Santa Fe and Board Chair of the Master School in Santa Fe.
Public Schools Matter: It is critical that current and future generations of children, youth and students receive a quality education. I want the students in the SFPS to have the same opportunities public schools provided me. Our schools must provide all students with the skills to be successful.
One change that would lead to major improvement in the SFSD Board’s effectiveness would be for the board to fulfill their primary function: That is to oversee the education of students and be responsible for overall school district operation. The board helps to set the vision and goals for the district and measure the success of the district and Superintendent by those goals. The board should not be involved in day-to-day operation of the district.
In reviewing materials on the districts web site and looking at past board agenda items and minutes, it does not appear to me that this school board lacks transparency. In the future should this become an issue, the board must address this and take whatever steps necessary to insure transparency. The board needs to continue to adhere to district policy of not using private e-mail for school business.
I believe my biggest qualification is my passion for public education. I am a graduate SFPS and all four of my children attended/attend/will attend public school. I have been very involved in the PTA as well as having some general policy and advocacy experience.
I want to serve on the SFPS Board because I am inspired. I know that quality public education is at the heart of a strong society. I feel concerned when funding and programs are cut. Teachers struggle with more expectations and the same pay. I’m dedicated to serving our community.
Though it is difficult to give name to the one change that would lead to major improvement in the SFPS effectiveness, I think I would name it equity. I know that my children will have a great experience in school because of my ability to be personally involved as well as other factors. I want all children to have the same positive experience my kids will have, regardless.
I think it’s great that the School Board live streams their meetings. Communication is so very important. What needs to be increased is engagement – communication that goes both ways. I want parents and teachers to know who I am and know how to get in touch with me. I want them know I will listen carefully and always work to represent them. I will update them with important issues as well as communicate their feedback
John L. Triolo
Sarah Koch Boses
Position 4 – Rudy Nelson Garcia is running unopposed and did not respond to our questionnaire. 4
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