Brent Perrier Tribute

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Perrier’s legacy will live on through friends and those he mentored. ABrentGiant Lost

By Jim Goodwin


hen former Brunswick Bowling Products CEO Brent Perrier passed away on December 3 at age 63, bowling lost a giant who always considered the entire worldwide industry when making major decisions. Perrier spent 37 years in the business before turning over the CEO keys to protégé Corey Dykstra in August of this year. Friends and family now mourning Perrier are having a hard time believing that lung cancer claimed the long time smoker only a few months into the time when he was getting up every morning to golf or to travel to see family or friends. He was diagnosed only about three months before he passed away. Every great leader has favorite quotes that they pass along. A few of the most remembered from Perrier by Dykstra were: “That is why they call it work and that is why they pay us to do it;” or perhaps his favorite, said with a modest sense of confidence, “Those people who think they know everything are particularly annoying to those of us who really do know everything.” Perrier’s career in bowling began as a chemist for the Perry Austen Company, which was acquired by Brunswick. During that time, he is credited with the invention of a glow-in-the-dark lane finish that earned a U.S. patent and led to the development of Brunswick’s very profitable Cosmic Bowling concept. His vast international experience took him to six continents during his long career. He served as the leader and V.P. of Worldwide Sales, Capital Equipment and Aftermarket Products before earning the CEO position. He leaves behind his wife Rose, four children, and a passion for travel, golf, bowling, and collecting automobiles.

In almost four decades traveling the world for Brunswick and bowling, Perrier made countless friends. Here are thoughts from a few of them: “I will miss him dearly, probably more than most, but trust that there are many stories out, and many [people] that he made feel just as special as he did me. Brent led Brunswick through a very challenging time when the international bowling market suffered quite a decline. He did it by putting his faith in our team and did a remarkable job making and communicating challenging decisions that were not only best for us, but for the industry. That will be his greatest legacy that everyone will remember.” Corey Dykstra ===



January 2018

“I knew Brent since the mid ‘90s. In the past few years we grew closer due to his personal and organizational love of the sport. He brightened the world around him and could get the best out of everybody. He will be missed.” Kevin Dornberger ===

Corey Dykstra

“We both had a love of live music and Brent especially enjoyed sending me videos of his many concert trips around the world. He especially enjoyed those trips when he could include his children. I will miss my golf and concerts with Brent, but most of all I will miss the many philosophical discussions I had with my dear friend. Rest in peace Brent, and enjoy those heavenly concerts!” Ron Wood


“My boss for 25 years. Great man. Always made me feel like family, never like an employee. I will miss him a lot. God bless, Brent.” Johnny Petraglia ===

“One fond memory was at a small dinner party during a visit to Brunswick in Muskegon. I opted to spring for the wine and selected two bottles of a fine vintage for the table. Brent leaned over and whispered, ‘That’s a great choice, but there’s one just as good for a lot less,’ which I went ahead and ordered. He didn’t save me anything, as the wine was so good, we ended up ordering two more bottles. Brent will be missed by all who knew him, and also by all the people in the bowling industry who did not know him, but who, unknowingly, were the beneficiary of his valuable influence and contributions.” Paul Lane ===

“Our friendship was much more than just business. We shared many dinners together and talked about family and the Olympic effort and all sorts of things. Barbara and I played golf with him several times, and we met for a golf event in Reno every year. Our Brunswick and Storm teams shared the lanes at the USBC Open. We talked about event sponsorships, mainly in Europe and Asia. Brent gave me a tour of their ball factory in Mexico a few years ago. We were just good friends and business associates who had a lot of common interests. It is so shocking when something like this happens, it doesn’t really sink in for a while. We will miss him a lot.” Bill Chrisman ===

“Brent always had a great relationship and respect for the bowling media. I first met him many years ago when introduced by BJ editor and pal Jim Dressel. That year, Dressel had been given the honor of operating BPAA’s remote control robot at their convention. During the trade show, he used the robot to relentlessly harass Brent while standing just far enough away that we could not be seen. When Brent finally figured out who the voice was, he found us and we all had a big laugh. Some may have thought Brent was just the corporate guy in a suit, but he also had a great sense of humor.” Jim Goodwin

UK through the 90’s ended up in late night poker games, and Brent was a good player. He helped me with sound advice throughout our years of friendship, and I was fortunate enough to be invited to join him on his 50th birthday Caribbean celebration cruise. It was the most memorable, and forgettable time of my life. Memorable because he introduced me to Long Island Iced Tea. Forgettable because I don’t remember visiting Jamaica and the Virgin Islands! Many times Brent would send a simple message texted to me from various parts of the world saying simply, ‘Never again!’ This always seemed to follow a heavy social occasion. Tragically I will not receive any more of these messages. Bowling has lost a great friend. I have lost one of my best friends.“ Nick Keppe ===

“I saw more potential in Brent Perrier than he envisioned for himself and got Brunswick to send him to Iowa State University to complete his MBA. This, some mentoring during our multiple international trips together, and his own charm and smarts helped him along the way toward eventually heading up the Brunswick Recreation Group.” Bob Stein ===

“Brent was a very dear and valued friend. We both shared a great business and personal friendship that was very special to me. He and I enjoyed so many great experiences together. We both shared the love of golf, music, wine, laughter, and of course bowling! He was, in his words, the Poor ‘ol Kingpin, or PKP for short, as he would sign off on his texts to me. We were bowling doubles partners at the USBC National tournament one year, and I believe we earned the lowest combined score that year, but we always had fun and we always enjoyed our time together. He sure knew how to entertain, and he valued his company, his friends and his customers. He is forever in my heart and I am sure he has reserved a tee time for us when I meet up with him in heaven. He will be missed by many.“ Tim Menard Brent Perrier (L) and Tim Menard (R).


“My earliest memories of Brent go back to his first days at Perry Austen. I have always been on the other side in business terms, and was the DBA distributor at that time. Despite the fact we were business competitors, we were always the best of friends socially. Every trade show in the 18


January 2018

Jim Goodwin is the founder and president of the Bowling News Network and a former president and life member of the International Bowling Media Association.

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