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Profile Insider
March 2021 | VOL 29.3
By Patty Heath
Remember When By Patty Heath
Operations Sharing Mechanics: Alternative Solution To An Industry Challenge
By Mark Miller
Cover Story P.O. Box 7350 Overland Park, KS 66207 (818) 789-2695(BOWL) Fax (818) 789-2812
Planting Roots in Bowling The Mashburn family brings bowling back to their hometown By Robert Sax
Classifieds PUBLISHER & EDITOR Scott Frager
Profile David Ozio Finds New Strikes!
CONTRIBUTORS Patty Heath Mark Miller Robert Sax
ART DIRECTION & PRODUCTION Designworks (818) 735-9424
FOUNDER Allen Crown (1933-2002)
By Mark Miller
March 2021
INDUSTRY AT LARGE 8 QUBICAAMF STREAMLINES INFORMATION ON STRING MACHINES QubicaAMF Worldwide just created a microsite for all data involving string machines. This site will be a comprehensive source for all things related to string, including videos on pin action, scoring pace details, and cost savings comparisons to freefall machines. The International Bowling Federation in November 2020 approved certification of string machines, which countries have been adopting locally. The String Bowling Revolution will be a repository for that data. “We hope this site becomes a valuable go-to source for existing operators and new investors looking for comprehensive information on string machines, how new technology has made string machines a real choice for sport bowling, and the business benefits these machines can deliver for a center. Over the past several years we have seen a dramatic increase in string machine adoption by new bowling investors. More recently we have seen this with existing centers converting from free-fall to string machines,” says Neil Pennington, director, Performance Equipment for QubicaAMF.
8 LAI GAMES ANNOUNCES VIRTUAL RABBIDS: THE BIG BUNDLE LAI Games’ extremely popular VR ride, Virtual Rabbids, just announced The Big Bundle package at the Show Up VR show. The company will now be selling the game as a bundled package that includes three previously separate offerings: Virtual Rabbids: The Big Ride, which is the original unattended VR game; The Big Expansion Pack, which adds three new experiences for a total of six rides; and the Hygiene Kit, which gives guests peace of mind with sanitizing wipes and a trash bin integrated seamlessly into the game. The Big Bundle also can be purchased for less than the original cost of The Big Ride, providing an incredible opportunity for location owners looking to add unattended VR to their venue.
8 NCC ADDS ONLINE BOOKING SOFTWARE New Center Consulting’s latest product, Lane Engine, is a new, fully integrated booking management system for bowling centers and BECs. Lane Engine is compatible with TouchDesk Management systems and TouchScore Scoring, and can also work independently of those systems. A windows computer or smartphone with the internet is all that is needed to connect. Used in the UK by dozens of centers for months now, the software has been flawless. TouchDesk customers have had bookings of 70% of total revenue during the COVID-19 business restrictions. Lane Engine will be making its U.S. sales debut in March 2021. Live demonstrations will be available, so get in touch with New Center Consulting at
A press release from the PBA announced that Guaranteed Rate, one of the largest retail mortgage lenders in the country, has signed on as the title sponsor of the 2021 PBA Tour season, which started on FOX Sports, Jan. 24. “Guaranteed Rate has proven to be a great partner of the Tour,” said Coli Edison, CEO of the PBA, “and we look forward to continuing the momentum into the new season.” “We’re excited to build upon our partnership with the PBA,” said Steve Moffat, Guaranteed Rate chief marketing officer. “The players on the PBA Tour are the best athletes in the sport. We are proud to be part of the excitement as they compete not only for the win but for the perfect game.” The PBA and FOX have partnered to once again present the $1 Million Bonus incentive for any player who bowls a perfect 300 in the title match in one of four key PBA events on FOX. Only three televised 300 games have ever been accomplished in a title match in the history of the PBA Tour. Most recently, Tommy Jones did it last year at the 2020 PBA Hall of Fame Classic. The complete 2021 Guaranteed Rate PBA Tour schedule through April is available at
March 2021
Amusement Expo International has decided to push its tradeshow to June 29 - July 1, 2021, at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Concerns over business conditions and the facilities still trying to cope with COVID-19 prompted the decision. “We’ve been closely monitoring the situation, and our thinking, at this point, is that the prudent thing to do is to push back next year’s AEI and grab open dates.” It would definitely give industry members more time to recover and resume business operations. Also, it is expected that the much-anticipated COVID-19 vaccinations will be widely distributed and available by that time. AEI continues to evolve as an increasingly important gathering on the industry’s annual calendar, with its reach extending beyond traditional coin-op and amusements to include segments such as family entertainment centers, bulk vending, laser tag, and virtual reality. The Laser Tag Convention, co-located along with Amusement Expo, is happy with the new dates. It will provide a greater opportunity to allow the industry to move forward and bring family fun back to a nation that needs to have some excitement and adrenaline that the family entertainment industry can provide. For more information, visit AEI’s website: or contact Brian Glasgow, AEI show manager,
PAUL LANE WILL BE A HALL-OF-FAMER! Paul Lane has been elected to the 2021 UK Tenpin Bowling Hall of Fame in the Distinguished Service category, an award that’s sponsored by the UK’s Tenpin Bowling Proprietors Association. On hearing about this accolade to a career in the industry which began in 1954, Paul said, “I learned of the award after making my first cup of coffee of the day and checking my emails. My Paul Lane reaction to the news, which came as a pleasant surprise, made that first morning cup of coffee even more enjoyable. It was nice to not only be remembered after having left England 38years ago, but to be honored in the process. And, I’m overwhelmed with the volume of congratulatory messages I have received, many from people I have not seen or spoken with in decades.” Although Paul got his start in the industry in 1954 at the U.S. Military Strategic Air Command (SAC) base at Mildenhall, it was not until 1960 when he joined AMF, a tenure that lasted for 30 years. For the first 23 years, Paul was actively involved in the commercial side of the business in the UK before AMF relocated him to Long Island, NY, in 1983, and a few years later to Richmond, VA. Among other things, Paul was involved in the first 25 AMF Bowling World Cup Tournaments, with overall responsibility for 18 of them. He left AMF in 1990 and started Paul Lane Marketing, and lists more than a dozen major industry integers as clients. Paul, who today lives with his wife Joan, in Denver, CO, is also the international correspondent for International Bowling Industry magazine. 8
March 2021
The place and time for the induction will be announced at a later date. Congratulations, Mr. Lane! Well done!
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Hollly ywood Bowl delivers a better guest experience and reduces operating costs with EDGE String pinspotters
Ăƌů ŽLJůĂŶ 'ƌŽƵƉ dĞĐŚŶŝĐĂů DĂŶĂŐĞƌ KƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ Hollywood Bowl >ŽĐĂƟŽŶ͗ U.K. ŽǁůŝŶŐ +1,400 lanes across >ĂŶĞƐ͗ 61 bowling centers ƩƌĂĐƟŽŶƐ͗ Bowling, arcade games, ƉůƵƐ ŚŝŐŚͲƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĨŽŽĚ ĂŶĚ ďĞǀĞƌĂŐĞ
““Poor Poor pe performing r f o r mi ng pinspotting machines p in spo p tting m achines lead uests le ad ttoo ffrustrated r u strated gguests and losss ooff rrevenue e ve nue a nd los during eak bbusy dur ing oour ur ppeak u sy periods.” pe r iod s.” –Carl Boylan – C arl B oylan
Hollywood Hollywood Bowl Bowl is the largest largest tenpin tenpin bowling bowling ccompany ompany in the U U.K. .K. The Theyy oper operate ate 61 centers centers with over over 1,400 lanes; and over over 13 million games games are are bowled bowled there there each year. yearr. /Ŷ ĂĚĚŝƟŽŶ ĂĚĚŝƟŽŶ ƚŽ ƚŽ ŽǁůŝŶŐ ŽǁůŝŶŐ ŝŝƐ Ɛ ƚƚŚĞ ŚĞ ĐĐŽƌĞ ŽƌĞ Ž ŽīĞƌŝŶŐ͕ īĞƌŝŶŐ͕ ĐĐŽŵƉƌŝƐŝŶŐ ŽŵƉƌŝƐŝŶŐ Ŷ ŶĞĂƌůLJ ĞĂƌůLJ ϱ ϱϬй Ϭй Ž ŽĨ Ĩ ƚŽƚĂů ƚŽƚĂů ƌĞǀĞŶƵĞ͘ ƌĞǀĞŶƵĞ͘ /Ŷ ďŽǁůŝŶŐ͕ ƚŚĞ ĐĞŶƚĞƌƐ ŽīĞƌ ĨĂŵŝůLJͲĨŽĐƵƐĞĚ ĂƌĐĂĚĞƐ ǁŝƚŚ ƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂů ĂŶĚ ƐƚĂƚĞͲŽĨͲƚŚĞͲĂƌƚ ďŽǁůŝŶŐ͕ ƚŚĞ ĐĞŶƚĞƌƐ ŽīĞƌ ĨĂŵŝůLJͲĨŽĐƵƐĞĚ ĂƌĐĂĚĞƐ ǁŝƚŚ ƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂů ĂŶĚ ƐƚĂƚĞͲŽĨͲƚŚĞͲĂƌƚ ǀŝĚĞŽ ŐĂŵĞƐ͕ ĂůŽŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ ŚŝŐŚͲƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĨŽŽĚ ĂŶĚ ďĞǀĞƌĂŐĞ Ăƚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ŝŶͲĐĞŶƚĞƌ ĨƵůůͲƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ǀŝĚĞŽ ŐĂŵĞƐ͕ ĂůŽŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ ŚŝŐŚͲƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĨŽŽĚ ĂŶĚ ďĞǀĞƌĂŐĞ Ăƚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ŝŶͲĐĞŶƚĞƌ ĨƵůůͲƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ Hollywood Hollywood Diners. Diners. ,ŽůůLJǁŽŽĚ Žǁů ŚĂƐ Ă ƉĂƐƐŝŽŶ ĨŽƌ ďƌŝŶŐŝŶŐ ĨĂŵŝůŝĞƐ ĂŶĚ ĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ ĨŽƌ ĂīŽƌĚĂďůĞ ,ŽůůLJǁŽŽĚ Žǁů ŚĂƐ Ă ƉĂƐƐŝŽŶ ĨŽƌ ďƌŝŶŐŝŶŐ ĨĂŵŝůŝĞƐ ĂŶĚ ĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ ĨŽƌ ĂīŽƌĚĂďůĞ ĨĨƵŶ ĂŶĚ ŚĞĂůƚŚLJ ĐŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶ͘ ǀĞƌLJ ƚĞĂŵ ŵĞŵďĞƌ ǁŽƌŬƐ ŚĂƌĚ ƚŽ ŝŶƐƉŝƌĞ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ ƚŽ ƵŶ ĂŶĚ ŚĞĂůƚŚLJ ĐŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶ͘ ǀĞƌLJ ƚĞĂŵ ŵĞŵďĞƌ ǁŽƌŬƐ ŚĂƌĚ ƚŽ ŝŶƐƉŝƌĞ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ ƚŽ ď ĞĐŽŵĞ ůŽLJĂů ĨĂŶƐ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ ŐƌĞĂƚ ĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞƐ ƚŚĂƚ ƐƵƌƉƌŝƐĞ ĂŶĚ ĚĞůŝŐŚƚ ďĞĐŽŵĞ ůŽLJĂů ĨĂŶƐ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ ŐƌĞĂƚ ĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞƐ ƚŚĂƚ ƐƵƌƉƌŝƐĞ ĂŶĚ ĚĞůŝŐŚƚ on every every visit. Ƶƚ͕ ďĞŚŝŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƐĐĞŶĞƐ͕ ŽƉĞƌĂƟŽŶĂů ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞƐ ǁĞƌĞŶ͛ƚ ƋƵŝƚĞ ĂƐ ŽƉƟŵĂů ĨŽƌ ,ŽůůLJǁŽŽĚ Ƶƚ͕ ďĞŚŝŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƐĐĞŶĞƐ͕ ŽƉĞƌĂƟŽŶĂů ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞƐ ǁĞƌĞŶ͛ƚ ƋƵŝƚĞ ĂƐ ŽƉƟŵĂů ĨŽƌ ,ŽůůLJǁŽŽĚ Žǁů͛Ɛ ƚĞĂŵ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐ͘ /Ŷ ƌĞĐĞŶƚ LJĞĂƌƐ͕ Ăƌů ŽLJůĂŶ͕ 'ƌŽƵƉ dĞĐŚŶŝĐĂů DĂŶĂŐĞƌ͕ ƐƚĂƌƚĞĚ Žǁů͛Ɛ ƚĞĂŵ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐ͘ /Ŷ ƌĞĐĞŶƚ LJĞĂƌƐ͕ Ăƌů ŽLJůĂŶ͕ 'ƌŽƵƉ dĞĐŚŶŝĐĂů DĂŶĂŐĞƌ͕ ƐƚĂƌƚĞĚ Ŷ ŽƟĐŝŶŐ ŵ ŶŽƟĐŝŶŐ ŵĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ ĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ ĐŚĂůůĞŶŐĞƐ ĐŚĂůůĞŶŐĞƐ ǁŝƚŚ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ƚŚĞŝƌ ĨƌĞĞͲĨĂůů ĨƌĞĞͲĨĂůů ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƐ ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƐ ŝŶ ŝŶ ƐŽŵĞ ƐŽŵĞ ĐĞŶƚĞƌƐ͘ ĐĞŶƚĞƌƐ͘ /Ĩ /Ĩ Ƶ ŶĂĚĚƌĞƐƐĞĚ͕ ŚĞ ĨĞĂƌĞĚ ƚŚĞƐĞ ǁŽƵůĚ ŝŵƉĂĐƚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ĂďŝůŝƚLJ ƚŽ ĚĞůŝǀĞƌ ƚŚĞ ŐƌĞĂƚ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌ ƵŶĂĚĚƌĞƐƐĞĚ͕ ŚĞ ĨĞĂƌĞĚ ƚŚĞƐĞ ǁŽƵůĚ ŝŵƉĂĐƚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ĂďŝůŝƚLJ ƚŽ ĚĞůŝǀĞƌ ƚŚĞ ŐƌĞĂƚ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌ ĞĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ ĨŽƌ ǁŚŝĐŚ ƚŚĞLJ ĂƌĞ ĨĂŵŽƵƐ͘ džƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ ĨŽƌ ǁŚŝĐŚ ƚŚĞLJ ĂƌĞ ĨĂŵŽƵƐ͘ ͞͞WŽŽƌ ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵŝŶŐ ƉŝŶƐƉŽƫŶŐ ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƐ ůĞĂĚ ƚŽ ĨƌƵƐƚƌĂƚĞĚ ŐƵĞƐƚƐ ĂŶĚ ůŽƐƐ ŽĨ ƌĞǀĞŶƵĞ WŽŽƌ ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵŝŶŐ ƉŝŶƐƉŽƫŶŐ ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƐ ůĞĂĚ ƚŽ ĨƌƵƐƚƌĂƚĞĚ ŐƵĞƐƚƐ ĂŶĚ ůŽƐƐ ŽĨ ƌĞǀĞŶƵĞ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ŽƵƌ ƉĞĂŬ ďƵƐLJ ƉĞƌŝŽĚƐ͕͟ ƐĂLJƐ Ăƌů͕ Ă ϯϬͲLJĞĂƌ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ǀĞƚĞƌĂŶ͘ Ě ƵƌŝŶŐ ŽƵƌ ƉĞĂŬ ďƵƐLJ ƉĞƌŝŽĚƐ͕͟ ƐĂLJƐ Ăƌů͕ Ă ϯϬͲLJĞĂƌ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ǀĞƚĞƌĂŶ͘ ͞͞ ĚĚŝŶŐ ƚŽ ƚŚĂƚ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ĨĂĐƚ ƚŚĂƚ ŝƚ͛Ɛ ĐŚĂůůĞŶŐŝŶŐ ƚŽ ĮŶĚ ƋƵĂůŝĮĞĚ ƚĞĐŚŶŝĐŝĂŶƐ ƚŽ ŵĂŝŶƚĂŝŶ ĚĚŝŶŐ ƚŽ ƚŚĂƚ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ĨĂĐƚ ƚŚĂƚ ŝƚ ͛Ɛ ĐŚĂůůĞŶŐŝŶŐ ƚŽ ĮŶĚ ƋƵĂůŝĮĞĚ ƚĞĐŚŶŝĐŝĂŶƐ ƚŽ ŵĂŝŶƚĂŝŶ ĨƌĞĞͲĨĂůů ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ŽŶ ƐƵĐŚ ĐŽŵƉůĞdž ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƐ ŝƐ Ă ůŽŶŐ ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐ͘͟ ĨƌĞĞͲĨĂůů ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ŽŶ ƐƵĐŚ ĐŽŵƉůĞdž ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƐ ŝƐ Ă ůŽŶŐ ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐ͘͟
achines: Hol ollly yw wo ood Bowl’s Key Challenges with theirr Fre ee-F Fall a l Ma Î 8ĜĹÚĜĹč ±ĹÚ Ƌų±ĜĹĜĹč ŧƚ±ĬĜĀåÚ ƋåÏĘĹĜÏĜ±ĹŸ Î a±ĜĹƋåűĹÏå ÏŅŸƋŸ Î {ŅŅų ųåĬĜ±ÆĜĬĜƋƼ ųåŸƚĬƋĜĹč ĜĹ ĬŅŸƋ ųåƴåĹƚå ÚƚųĜĹč Şå±ĩ ÆƚŸƼ ŞåųĜŅÚŸ
Hollywood Bowl Chooses QubicaAMF String Pinspotters
“Reliability was far more important to both the bowlers and the employees than whether or not they were bowling on string machines or free-fall machines.” –Carl Boylan
With free-fall pinspotter maintenance issues top-of-mind, in 2016 Carl Boylan, began looking for solutions. As it turned out, a center the company recently acquired had string machines, so Carl went there to learn more about them. “My perception of string pinspotters was poor,” he remarks. “I didn’t think they were very reliable or robust, but that was based on limited experience from years ago.” Subsequently, Carl visited other U.K. centers using string machines. He observed how the machines performed, how bowlers responded to them; and he talked with employees who operated them. As it turned out, his impression from years ago was outdated. “I observed many happy bowlers having a great time,” he recounts. “Reliability was far more important to both the bowlers and the employees than whether or not they were bowling on string machines or free-fall machines.” His research also made it clear that the simplicity of string machines would make it much easier to find and train people to maintain them. What’s more, he could foresee significant savings on parts. Carl shared his learnings and recommendations with the Hollywood Bowl executive team. The decision was made to test string machines in their 2016 Southampton new center build. After researching the different string machine alternatives Hollywood Bowl chose QubicaAMF’s TMS string pinspotter. The results from the Southampton test were very promising so Hollywood Bowl decided to replace free-fall machines with TMS in one of their existing centers that was facing maintenance challenges. The results were amazing! Games-per-stop
QubicaAMF Edge String Pinspotters provide: Î e ŞĜĹŸŞŅƋƋåų ŸŅĬƚƋĜŅĹ ±ĹƼ ĵåĵÆåų Ņü ƼŅƚų ŸƋ±ý Ï±Ĺ å±ŸĜĬƼ ŅŞåų±Ƌå Î eĹ ĜĹĹŅƴ±ƋĜƴå ±ŞŞØ åÏĘ ĜDŽ±ųÚØ ƋʱƋ ĵ±ĩåŸ ŅŞåų±ƋĜŅĹ åƴåĹ å±ŸĜåų Î e ƴåųƼ ±ƚƋĘåĹƋĜÏ ÆŅƵĬĜĹč åƻŞåųĜåĹÏå Î eĹ ±ĵ±DŽĜĹčĬƼ ŸĜĵŞĬå Ƶ±Ƽ ƋŅ Ņýåų ÆŅƵĬĜĹčú
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JJoin oin the EDGE S String tring Revolution! Revolution! w ww.q q qubic
finding and rretaining e taining tteam e am me members mbe rs tto o ope operate ra te and main maintain tain the machines. “It is eas easyy ffor or our tteam e am tto o learn tto o oper operate a te EDGE String and the machines run so rreliably e liably our tteam eam rrarely arely in interacts te racts with the them,” m,” Carl rremarks. e mark s.
““The T he T Tech e ch W Wizard iiz ard ssmartphone mar tphone aapp pp iiss brilliant!” br illiant! ” –Carl –C arl Boylan B oylan
Tech Wiz Tech Wizard ard Mak Makes es Oper Operation a tion EEven v en EEasier asier and Giv Gives es Visibility Hollywood never have worry orr y about the EDGE String machines – if Holly w ood Bowl’s Bo wl’s sstaff ta f f ne ve r ha ve tto ow machiness ne need operational maintenance Wizard the machine ed ope ra tional or main te nance aattention tten tion the TTech e ch Wiz ard app whatt tto how notifies them and guides them on wha o do and ho w tto o do iit. t. Wizard brilliant! Operators ““The The TTech ech Wiz ard smartphone app is brillian t! Ope ra tors with multiple locations accurate data performance anyy ce center loc a tions ccan an pull accur a te da ta on machine pe rformance ffor or an n te r in the how are chain rremotely. emote ly. This rreally e ally kkeeps eep s me in the loop with ho w our machines ar e performing.” perf orming.” Lower Refunds Lo w er R e funds Sometimes Hollywood would address pinspotter-related customer ess pinspot ter-rela ted cus tomer Some time s Holly w ood Bowl Bo wl w ould addr free QubicaAMF pinspotters ccomplaints omplai n ts by b y giving out fr ee ggame ame vvouchers. ouche rs. With Qubic aAMF String pinspot ters installed thatt iiss no now ins talle d tha w a rrarity. arity. Lower Operating Costs Lo w er Oper a ting Cos ts Hollywood EDGE String pinspotters pinspotte rs have have delivered de livered a meaningful rreduction eduction in Holly w ood Bowl’s operating Estate-wide theyy ha have spare Bo wl’s oper a ting ccosts. osts. Es ta te-wide the ve rrealized ealize d a rreduction e ducti on in spar e parts electrical hourss associ associated eexpenses, xpenses, electric al eexpenses xpe nses and a rreduction e duction in labor hour a ted with pinspotting maintenance. pinspot ting machine main te nance.
C e nte r teams team s now now ffocus ““Center oocu s n oour ur cu stome rs customers ffully ully oon instead with it h in stead off dealing dealin ng w pinspotting pin spotting machine machine issues, i ssues, and and the the bowling bowling experience our e xpe r ie nce for for our customers has never been e ve r be en cu stome rs h as n better.” bette r.” –Carl –C arl Boylan B oylan
Reinvestment R einv estmen t in the Business savings from Hollywood The sa vings fr om EDGE String is helping Holly w ood Bowl Bo wl reinvest reinvest in its business tto o enhance the cus tomer eexperience. xperience . The ve rrolled olled out ne w Qubic aAMF customer Theyy ha have new QubicaAMF sc oring systems sy stems across across over o ver 70% of the estate. esta te. scoring The Hollywood Holly w ood Bowl Bo wl team team is incredibly incredibly happy happ y with their de cision to to implement imple me n t decision Qubic aAMF EDGE String pinspotters pinspotters in their the ir centers cen ters and plans to to roll roll this QubicaAMF ttechnology echnology out to to more more centers cen te rs across across its estate. esta te.
JJoin oin the EDGE S String tring Revolution! Revolution! w ww.q q qubic
The challenges of reopening during the pandemic have brought Joanne Evans, owner of Kenmore Lanes in Kenmore, WA, back to the early days in her family’s 35-year history running the center. “It’s like starting a brand new business,” she said. After the Washington governor allowed some counties to reopen their lanes, the race was on to get things ready for customers. One of the biggest challenges has been staffing. After contacting her old employees and offering them their jobs back, many chose to remain on unemployment. Joanne quickly turned to Craigslist to find fresh new faces. To keep customers safe and feeling comfortable, the center has been sterilizing bowling balls between uses, and has invested in slip-on, disposable shoe covers that slip over street shoes. Even with all of these hurdles, Evans feels they have a fair chance of outlasting the pandemic. Cheers to a positive outlook, Joanne!
Tip: Slipon shoe covers are a safe, easy solution for customers at a minimal cost that you can pass on to customers. Visit for more information.
SNOW BEING BLAMED ON ROOF COLLAPSE AT BOWLING ALLEY The recent snowstorms and Nor’easters battering the East Coast, dumping feet of snow, was just too much for one center’s roof to support in North Hampton, PA. Jason Lauchnor, and his father Karl, proprietors of Hampton Lanes, were devastated by the roof collapse. They have owned Hampton Lanes for 28 years, doubling the size of the center in 1998 in order to create a strong bar and restaurant. According to Jason, they are going to rebuild and have the “biggest, baddest bowling center. It will be state of the art.” The reopening target date is October 2021.
The Frewings Launch Year Two of Their Scholarship
When an industry gives you a good life, it is even better to give back. That is exactly what Darroll and Dolores Frewing of US Bowling have done in a big way. Their college scholarship, which carries a $25,000 value, was set up to assist the child or grandchild of a BPAA member with their education. The generous amount, according to Daroll Frewing, was to “make a real difference in someone’s life.” The scholarship, administered by the International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame, is taking applications through March 31st, 2021. The winner will be chosen by the IBMHOF board along with a member of the Frewing family. The names of the candidates are not provided at the time of selection. The winner of the 2020 scholarship was Andrew Amoré, son of Ohio proprietors Ron and Diane Amoré. Visit the museum’s website for the Frewing application.
In September, Buddy Valastro, the Cake Boss, pinned his hand in his at-home pinsetter while bowling with his family. Not one to give in, he has had several surgeries and on-going physical therapy in hopes of saving the use of his hand and his talent in cake-making and decorating that has made him a household name. As a thank you to those who have helped him and a note to himself that he ‘can,’ he delivered a fully decked out cake to the doctors and staff who have helped him recover so quickly. It was a replica of the hospital, Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, atop a rotunda of scrubs and medical accessories.
March 2021
Looking For A Modern Management System?
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Simple/Customizable Reporting System Linking up to 64 POS Stations with Covid Ready Reporting and League Handling Under Multiple Jurisdictions. Upgradable to TouchScore3 New Scoring. Easy to Use Booking Screen for Leagues or Parties with Automatic Startup. All with a Digital Display Capability to Add Menu Boards, Screens; Anything You Can Do in Windows Media Player... Easy as...
Call (248) 375-2751 or Call Toll Free 1-888-452-3748 and Speak Directly to the owner.
Let Us Make Your Center Look Like A New Center
ß BITS & PIECES ß ß ß Go Bowling America
The BPAA program that gives bowlers an entry level reactive bowling ball when they complete the league season will continue in 2021. The Have-a-Ball league concept has been a successful tool and more than 400 centers have ordered the Go Bowling America program kit. Go to Strike Ten to get more details on the program. -----------------------------------------------------
Round One to Open in China
Round One Corp, a Japanese amusement center operator with multiple centers across the U.S., will open its first outlet in China later this year. It will open in Guangzhou, in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, in the first half of 2021. The venue will feature bowling, karaoke rooms, and interactive games such as badminton, table tennis, basketball, and trampolines. -----------------------------------------------------
Punch Bowl Social Files for Chapter 11
The restaurant/entertainment chain Punch Bowl Social has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization. Punch Bowl’s operating concept is built around shared activities including karaoke, bowling, games, and dining. The chain closed all of its locations at the beginning of the pandemic. It has since reopened three: Arlington, VA; Austin, TX, and Atlanta, GA. -----------------------------------------------------
Here’s What I Did – Snow Bowling
Canada and snow are a definite couple. Canada, snow, and center shutdowns - not so much. Jim Llewellyn, owner of Coronation Bowling Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, had an epiphany while taking a cold, snowy walk: snow bowling! He cleared off a spot in his parking lot, grabbed some pins, and set up a community bowling lane. Within minutes of setting up the DIY lane, a family walking by stopped for a quick game. Llewellyn said that it has been pretty busy since. The mandated closure of his center has been devastating, with off-and-on shutdowns. However, the unexpected popularity of snow bowling encouraged Llewellyn to reach out to local schools to see if they wanted to use his equipment for outdoor gym classes. It’s a unique way to share his love of the game and to get new customers once business opens up.
March 2021
Don’t let customers forget how much fun they had at the center. Reach out! Remind them through Facebook, email, Twitter, Instagram, postcards, etc. Staying in front of your customers is a high priority as business reopens.
GoFundMe Strikes Again
You know you’re having a positive impact on your customers when they reach out and start a GoFundMe on your behalf. At Nesbit Lanes in Pittsburgh, PA, a loyal bowler, David Poremba, did just that. Poremba launched a campaign to raise $100,000 for owners Rich Nesbit. Nesbit Lanes is the home center for nearby high schools Plum, Penn Hills, and Redeemer Lutheran. “Rich is one of the most generous people I know,” Poremba wrote on the fundraising site. “He never expects anything in return. I know that Rich is the kind of guy that’s not looking for a handout, but it would be a tragic loss to the Plum community — and surrounding communities — if this bowling alley would end up closing due to COVID-19.” Bowlers love bowling and want to do their part in keeping the sweeps moving and the community stronghold up and running. If there’s one positive thing this pandemic has given us, it’s the love and support of so many loyal bowling customers. -----------------------------------------------------
Pushing Through To Success
810 Billiards & Bowling, an emerging food and entertainment brand, in Myrtle Beach, SC, has managed to push through the challenges of the pandemic. In October 2018, IBI highlighted this up-and-coming company. Even with the starts and stops of 2020, 810 Billiards & Bowling, under the leadership of Michael Siniscalchi, plans to expand the brand with a goal of 12 new locations by 2024. Presently, there are two locations: the first in Myrtle Beach and the second in Conway, SC. They have managed to stay steady despite a two-month, state-mandated closure and a 75% reduction in capacity. 810 Billiards & Bowling’s saving graces through the COVID-19 pandemic have been the combination of full-service dining, a bar, and a range of entertainment options including bowling lanes, billiard tables, and an arcade.
SHARING MECHANICS: AN ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION TO AN INDUSTRY CHALLENGE Filling the mechanic void to keep pinsetters running By Mark Miller t’s no secret there’s a shortage of mechanically-inclined, skilled labor in this country. From the traditional trade positions, like electricians and plumbers, to construction workers and automobile and truck mechanics, there just are not enough people interested in that line of work. As the massive Baby Boom generation retires and the following generations seem disinterested in trade work, more people are opting for college degrees. Trade schools, apprenticeships, and journeymen are in steep decline, and these trends have affected the bowling industry. Older mechanics, who spent many years making sure bowling machines ran smoothly, are retiring; there are no young people to replace them. “They’re not waiting in the wings,” said Bo Goergen, manager of the 24-lane Northern Lanes in Sanford and executive director of the Bowling Proprietors Association of Michigan. To add to the lack of young mechanics, the two universities that supported the mechanical side of the business no longer offer those degrees. After peaking in the Bo Goergen
March 2021
mid-to-late 1990s, Vincennes University, in 2015, ended its bowling management program that started in the 1970s. That came about eight years after Erie Community College, now known as SUNY Erie, did the same. Though plenty of places remain for people to learn how to become bowling mechanics, including AMF, Brunswick, and Kegel, there’s a shrinking number of people attending. To address this challenge, more and more centers are sharing mechanics, including Goergen. Since his mechanic suffered a heart attack several years ago, he and the 24-lane Stardust Entertainment Center down the road in Saginaw have used the same mechanic.
YOUNG MECHANIC AIDING CENTERS IN NEW JERSEY AND NEW YORK Four centers in New Jersey and New York currently employ the services of 27-year-old Rich Gotches who has helped nine establishments in his young career. In addition to center equipment upkeep and repair, he does removals, installations, and pinsetters. Gotches started as a pin chaser at age 14 at
OPERATIONS T-Bowl in Wayne, NJ, and later trained under mentor Steve Feinblum at Rockaway Lanes in Rockaway, NJ, and Majestic Lanes. He attended the Stahl’s Seventy’s mechanics school between 2010 and 2013. He said he has continued to learn about the machines while on the job, reading manuals, and talking to other mechanics. Currently, he is the full-time mechanic at the 42-lane Westbrook Lanes in Brooklawn, NJ. He also helps out
Rich Gutches shows his mechanical abilities
Break Point Bowl and Entertainment with 20 lanes in West Haverstraw, NY; Woodbridge Bowling Center’s 24-lanes in New Jersey; and the 4-lane facility at Monmouth University in New Jersey. Gotches cited one reason for the lack of mechanics is that some proprietors don’t invest enough money to pay mechanics who thus leave for other jobs.
SOLVING THE CHALLENGE IN WISCONSIN Pete Riopelle (left) the proprietor at Village Bowl and Jim Everett, the mechanic he shares with Alpine Lanes
March 2021
Pete Riopelle, proprietor of the 26-lane Village Bowl in Menomonee Falls, WI, thinks it’s not about the pay; it’s about the difficulty of the job. “The reason why the old machines have run so well is the
OPERATIONS mechanics who think outside of the box and make [the pinsetters run] better.” For nearly two years, mechanic Jim Everett has worked three days a week at Village Bowl and two days at Alpine Lanes on the other side of the Milwaukee area in Muskego. Riopelle said, “I’d always had a full-time mechanic. My mechanic, Larry Matjka, was close to 70 and said he wanted to retire, but I talked him into working just two days a week,” Riopelle said. “Then, I happened to put some feelers out around the state; Jim Everett worked for Schemm Bowling for 25 years. To have a mechanic with 25 plus years of knowledge — not just [working] one center, but going to centers around the state, seeing every situation possible — was perfect.” Having such an experienced mechanic as Everett has raised the efficiency and operation of Riopelle’s lanes. “I go nights with 26 lanes that don’t even have a call,” said Riopelle, whose center opened in 1961. “I would not even consider purchasing new pinsetters.” Small centers like Generation Lanes in Eldorado, WI, about eight miles west of Fond du Lac, don’t have the resources to afford even a weekly mechanic. That’s why Jeremy Brenner, owner of the 6-lane establishment that has been in his family since 1952, has utilized Steve Mertins for two decades from a larger center nearby. Mertins visits Brenner about every six weeks to address anything he can’t figure out plus preventative things during the pandemic shutdown. “The nice thing for me is having a large center right down the road since I can’t stock a large inventory of parts,” Brenner said. “Just being able to part-swap with them, or borrow a part that can get me through until I can order a replacement, is huge. I can keep everything running but
(L) Jeremy Brenner of Generations Lanes, and Steve Mertins
I’m not at the level where I can rewire or rewind the motor. I can handle 99% of the day-to-day stuff.”
March 2021
STONE CONTINUES FAMILY BUSINESS Another young Turk, 30-year-old Cody Stone of Hillsboro, OR, owns the Stone Pinsetter Specialists. It was started in 1968 by his father Vahn, who helped design and build the Dacos pinsetter in the ‘90s. Vahn used to travel around North Dakota before he landed a job as head mechanic at Tigard Bowl in Oregon, the place where Cody first worked in the pro shop starting at age 14. Cody and his brother Nick got into the business in 2007 and started with a couple of centers as clients. The brothers quickly expanded to servicing more than 100 centers. Nick eventually started his own Bowling Stones Pinsetters business in Montana while another brother, Scott, works with Cody and all three remain quite busy despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, dad Vahn died last year, but not before he passed on his knowledge to his sons. “My workload didn’t necessarily slow down with the pandemic,” Cody said. “While [many centers] laid off their mechanic, I helped my local center maintain its buildings for nearly six months. I volunteered with the HVAC and cleaning machines.” Other mechanics call Stone Pinsetter Specialists when they run into something with which they are not familiar. Cody services 33 centers regularly; he has more than 60 emergency calls a year. “It just Vahn and Cody Stone grew into this big company, though we’re still a mom-and-pop,” said Cody, who looks and sounds about half his age making it challenging for a veteran mechanic to take him seriously. “Our customer base was so [large] that distributors like Classic Products and Western Pacific told
NOVI BOWL NOVI, MICHIGAN (40 LANES) We congratulate James Matti on his purchase of this fine bowling center and thank Len Herman & Jerry Harris for working with us to complete the sale. Sandy Hansell served as the broker in the transaction. We wish James, Len & Jerry all the best in the future.
Bowling’s Only Full-Service Brokers, Appraisers & Financial Advisors
(619) 551- 6005 Check out our listings at
March 2021
Cody Stone and Matt Claxton
centers if they needed a mechanic, we could come in and train people and point them in the right direction. After they saw how well the machines ran after our service, they would pay us to [service] the entire center.” Cody works hard to keep old machines running. “[Pinsetters], when maintained correctly, have run for 60 to 70 years,” Cody said. “It’s like restoring a classic car.” “I’m grateful I’m still busy,” Cody said. “A lot of it is talking to centers I don’t work with. Anything I can do while I’m passing through, I will make my darndest effort to visit them. It’s just one less center that has to worry [about] closing its doors.” The Stones work primarily in the western U.S. and cover lots of miles annually. Even with the growth of string-pin machines and the newer freefall equipment, Cody is confident mechanics like him will always have plenty of work to do. “There are enough die-hard bowlers out there to keep guys like me busy,” he said. “I like to keep pushing the game of bowling.” ❖
Mark Miller is a freelance writer, editor, and public relations specialist from Flower Mound, TX. He's the author of Bowling: America's Greatest Indoor Pastime available at
Creating Inspiration
Bethanne Mashburn carries on her family’s entrepreneurial tradition at The Alley 24
March 2021
ethanne Mashburn is a fourth-generation entrepreneur who “grew up watching my grandpa and my dad open businesses and make ideas come to life. I learned by watching them.” In fact, it was her dad, Dan Browning, who suggested that Mashburn visit a new attraction called a trampoline park. She did, opened her own, and discovered her passion for creating family entertainment. A few years later, Mashburn turned her grandfather’s former factory into an industrial-themed FEC called, appropriately, The Factory. It was a hit in her hometown of Gadsden, AL, and she now has a second Factory in the coastal resort town of Gulf Shores. Mashburn was pondering opening a third Factory when shopping mall developer Spinoso Real Estate Group invited her to develop a family entertainment venue for its makeover of a Sears store at Gadsden’s outdated ‘70’s suburban mall. “I was excited at the thought of being part of revitalizing the Gadsden mall,” says Mashburn. “The developers didn’t even tell us what [to do]; they just said bring some kind of entertainment venue to the mall.” The timing and location felt right to Mashburn for a contemporary bowling entertainment center. Rainbow Lanes, Gadsden’s only bowling center, had been closed for some time. The closest bowling center, Thunder Alley, was twenty miles away. “I hadn’t done a bowling alley before. Our old bowling alley had closed down and I really wanted to do something here in my hometown,” says Mashburn. The mall where Mashburn hung out as a teen was showing its age. “Driving up to Sears,” she told The Gadsden Times, “was like driving back into the ‘70s.” One thing Mashburn wanted to do with
The lanes at The Alley keep the fun rolling
Three of the five generations of entrepreneurs: granddaughter Dallas (left), grandfather Dan Browning, and daughter Bethanne Mashburn
the design was to honor the past while featuring the best of the present. After two years of design and construction, the result is The Alley, a 35,000 square foot venue with 18 lanes of boutique-style bowling, games and attractions, an indoor food truck and bar, and a few other surprises.
March 2021
‘300’ ‘3 3 ’ Rea 300 Reasons ason ns W is Designed De esig gned fo is for
Perfect Games Bowled on QubicaAM i World’s First Sanctioned 300 Game on String*
Australia’s First Sanctioned 300 Game on String*
North N orth America’s First Sanctioned 300 Game on String
Paul P aul P Pasion asion
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Airport Bowl Bowl London, England Januaryy 15, 2019 Januar
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Woodlawn W oodlawn Bowl Bowl Guelph, ON,, Canada Guelph, ON July 25, 2019
W EDGE Why EDGEE String String Stri r Sport Spo port Bowling B Bowling Bowli g
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HeadPinz En Entertainment tertainment Ce Center nter Ft. My Myers, FL,, US USA ers, FL A January January 21, 2020
^^ŽŵĞ ^ƚƌŝŶŐƐ ƩĂĐŚĞĚ ŽŵĞ ^ƚƌŝŶŐƐ ƩĂĐŚĞĚ /ŶǀŝƚĂƟŽŶĂů /ŶǀŝƚĂƟŽŶĂů Entertainment Center HeadPinz En tertainment Ce nter Naples, N aples, FL, FL, USA USA July 25, 2020
Lewistown Le wistown Lanes Lewistown, PA, USA Lewistown, P A, US A December December 23, 2020
COVER STORY One of those is four lanes of fowling, a hybrid game in which players try to knock down pins by throwing a football at them. Entering The Alley is entertaining in and of itself. Customers coming in from the parking lot pass through a pocket park with grass, a playground, and a giant Tree of Life sculpture. A brick-arched alley leads into the center proper with its bowling lanes, party rooms, games, and food service. Customers entering from inside the mall must use an unmarked secret entrance through a metal roll-up door; Mashburn was inspired by the hidden doors of the 1920s-era speakeasies. The door leads into Dan’s Bowling Equipment, a mock pro shop full of bowling memorabilia from the collection of the late Henry McCleskey, long-time owner of Rainbow Lanes. “Henry is the guy who started it all here. He’s the original manufacturer of
The mall where Mashburn hung out as a teen was showing its age. “Driving up to Sears,” she told The Gadsden Times, “was like driving back into the ‘70s.” One thing Mashburn wanted to do with the design was to honor the past while featuring the best of the present. After two years of design and construction, the result is The Alley.
Fowling is a hybrid game of football and bowling
March 2021
The lanes at The Alley
fun, and without him there would be no Alley. We give a nod to him here,” says Mashburn. Bowling at The Alley consists of 18 new lanes with top-of-the-line equipment from Brunswick. In between rolls, players can relax on comfy contemporary couches and watch sports on giant TV screens over the pin decks. So far, the breakdown of bowling customers is 50% open play, 25% league, and 25% parties. As you would expect from the name, bowling is the anchor of The Alley’s business and contributes about 40% of revenue. But the arcade is a close second at 35%, and food and beverage brings in the rest. Game play is controlled by a cashless
COVER STORY system from Intercard, which is used for payment throughout The Alley. It’s Mashburn’s first experience with cashless technology, which she may implement at her other centers as well. Mashburn chose Intercard after visiting multiple vendors at IAAPA Expo 2019 because, “it felt immediately like it was a partnership between us.” She also appreciated the fact that many of Intercard’s people have owned or managed FECs and understand her business. “They wanted to know about my business and help me figure out the best thing. We just clicked.”
Old-Fashioned BBQ and New-Fashioned Cocktails
The masking units at The Alley
For the Alley’s food and beverage offerings, Mashburn enlisted another local entrepreneur, Jody Stanfield, the creator of the popular Local Joe’s chain of restaurants. Local Joe’s bills itself as “a specialty store with southern charm,” and it is
is an extensive list of cocktails with colorful names like Malibu Barbie, Mountain Top Mule and Incredible Hulk. Thirsty groups can opt for Gutter Buckets that can be shared by several imbibers. The Alley opened on November 28, 2020, with little fanfare other than a Facebook post. But several previous stories in the local media had built up strong word-of-mouth. “We crossed our fingers that some people would show up. And, boy, did they ever!” says Mashburn. “ We sold out the first weekend and every weekend since. I could not be happier with how business was in the first month.” Mashburn was also pleasantly surprised by the popularity of the playground with older customers who are still kids at heart. “At all hours of the day you can find teenagers and grownups crawling through the tunnels and sliding down the slide. They play on the see-saw, spin on the merry-go-round, and even roll down the grassy hill in the park,” says Mashburn.
Dan’s Bowling Equipment at The Alley houses bowling memorabilia
known for its smoked meats, baked goods, and local produce. It is also known for its picturesque locations, which occupy vintage country stores right out of TV’s classic “The Andy Griffith Show.” This charming tradition continues at The Alley, where guests order from a mock-up of a food truck that fronts the kitchen. Stanfield’s menu for The Alley is a mash-up of street food, including brick-oven pizzas, tacos, and Local Joe’s signature barbecue sandwiches. If there’s room left for dessert, there are Snickers pie and salted caramel cheesecake. There is also a bar known as The Gutter where guests can drink at tables that resemble trash cans and oil drums. There 30
March 2021
Gamers can enjoy a 38-game arcade supplied by Betson. It has a slate of top redemption games including NERF Arcade, Big Bass Wheel, DC Superheroes Coin Pusher, and King of Rings Jumbo. In the video arcade category, there are exciting games like Halo: Fireteam Raven, Air FX Air Hockey, Mario Kart DX along with pinball, SkeeBall and basketball games. Virtual reality fans can take a wild ride on Virtual Rabbids or go big at the multi-player Hologate VR arean.
MARCH 31, 2021
per scholarship, awarded once a year
Seniors in high school who are children or grandchildren of a BPAA member may apply. For information on applications, go to: Deadline: March 31, 2021 21052 0221
COVER STORY best experience for a customer or an employee,” Dallas says. Working with her grandfather and mother makes it even more special. “It’s the coolest thing
Dan’s Bowling Equipment inside The Alley is a tip-of-the-hat to the long-time owner of the now-closed Rainbow Lanes, Henry McCleskey
“It makes me really happy to see adults relaxing, being silly, and having fun. I think that is what my purpose in the entertainment industry is: to create spaces that inspire people to drop their stress and worries off at the door and truly enjoy themselves with their friends and family.”
Continuing a Family Tradition Mashburn is passing the family tradition of entrepreneurship to her daughter Dallas Sainsbury, who is operations manager of The Alley. She started in the business by answering the phones at The Factory, and then running the front desk, and soon became as passionate about the business as her mother. “All I wanted to do was go to work and make sure it was the Jody Stanfield, the creator of the popular chain Local Joe’s, manages food service at The Alley from a food truck-fronted kitchen
One of the entries to The Alley is part of an indoor park
in the world to be around them and get to channel my inner entrepreneur,” says Dallas. “I feel like I’m destined for greatness because I get to watch the two greatest people in the world at what they do.”
“All I wanted to do was go to work and make sure it was the best experience for a customer or an employee,” Dallas says.
“Dallas is the fifth generation entrepreneur now,” says Mashburn. “It’s so cool to be able to see her step into her own and take the torch.” So while The Alley is about families having fun, it’s also about a particular family continuing its own tradition. ❖
Robert Sax is a writer and PR consultant in Los Angeles. He grew up in Toronto, Canada, the home of five-pin bowling.
March 2021
The Growt Growth th of 6WULQJ &HUWLÀFDWLRQ 6 WULQJ &HUWLÀFDWLRQ Around Arou und d the e World Worlld Wor d Meeting Proprietor’s Needs DQG (QVXULQJ 6XVWDLQDELOLW\ for the Sport
Canadian Tenpin Tenpin &&ĞĚĞƌĂƟŽŶ ĞĚĞƌĂƟŽŶ
June 2017
David Ozio Got Hooked The Hall of Famer rediscovered his competitive edge in sport fishing
By Mark Miller
or nearly two decades, David Ozio was among the world’s best bowlers, first on the regular PBA Tour and later on the PBA Senior Tour. He was PBA Player of the Year in 1991 and Senior Rookie of the Year in 2004. He was elected to the PBA Hall of Fame in 1995 and ranked No. 34 on the list of the PBA’s 50 Greatest Players of its first 50 years in 2009. In between, he was a leading figure in the bowling shoe industry. And then he immersed himself in his other passion: fishing. Utilizing the same tenacity that earned him success in his first career, he has done the same in his second as a guide on Lake Fork, about 100 miles east of Dallas. Under the company names David Ozio Lake Fork Guide and Lake Fork Corporate Outfitters, he serves as a guide for individuals and corporate groups. “I’m so deep into this fishing game [now]. When you want to be the best you can be, you have to totally engulf yourself in it,” said the now 66-yearold Ozio about his bowling career.
March 2021
PROFILE as a bowler. Between 1985 and 1995, he won 11 titles on the PBA Tour, including the 1991 Firestone Tournament of Champions. He captured another five on the PBA Senior Tour and was elected to the USBC Hall of Fame in 2017. “It was a lot of hard work. When I first went out, it was a struggle,” he said. “In 1977, I had the highest average — 242 — in the nation with 60 games in a league. In 1978, I gave that all up to go on the Tour. You think you are good, but then you go on the Tour with all the famous people you see on TV – Larry Laub, Tommy Hudson, Mark Roth, Marshall Holman. And boy, it’s a different world! From the first year on Tour, I only averaged 206 for the whole year and finished second in Rookie of the Year.” After making only one TV show between 1978 and 1984, Ozio decided he needed help with his game and
Dave Ozio contemplates his next shot
While he still leases his home in his native Beaumont, TX, for the past three years, he and his wife Lisa have lived in Tyler, TX, next door to their daughter, Haleigh Sturrock, and his two grandchildren with an RV parked by the lake. Their oldest daughter Heather Herzog is a photographer based in Dallas. “Bowling was a fun time. Now, I’ve transferred all that work ethic into the fishing game,” he said. “I enjoy tournaments. I enjoy the competition. I enjoy people going out and catching a big bass or a lot of fish for the first time. It’s really neat to see that and for people to enjoy fishing as much as I do. For somebody to catch a personal best on one of my trips is very fulfilling.” Ozio typically guides clients on six to seven lakes, all within an hour of each other. He is on the water about 300 days a year, including fishing for himself when not he is not guiding. He shoots videos and conducts seminars for Billy Lawson and his “Your Lake Fork Guide” on Facebook and YouTube. “A lot of my clients bring out six, eight, ten people, and a network of guides work with us,” he said. “We pair everybody out, take them out, get them a bunch of fish for the day, and have a good time.” Ozio certainly had his share of good times 38
March 2021
Ozio in his hey day The Hall of Famer during a match
PROFILE he turned 50 in 2004. But within four years, he was having wrist problems that required surgery that didn’t go as well as he hoped. He soon realized he couldn’t bowl up to his expectations. “I didn’t want to come back and just be a participant,” he said. “If I couldn’t play at the level I was at before the surgery. I just preferred not to play at all.” He remained close to the game in the shoe business with Etonic, which had recruited him from Dexter several years before. But when Etonic was purchased and the division he operated with 16 staff closed about 10 years ago, he said that was enough.
Ozio with his wife, Lisa (back, left) and daughter Haleigh Sturrock (back, center) and his two beloved grand daughters
connected with legendary coach John Jowdy. Within just a few weeks, he won his first tournament. Jowdy remained Ozio’s mentor into the ‘90s when Ozio hooked up with Bill Taylor, who helped Ozio move to the next level by working on his swing and targeting more. In between, he worked with Cliff Tarpley in Chicago. “These guys were instrumental in helping me get to the next level,” Ozio said. “The key was getting with the right coaches. Everybody knows I was a Another lucky day on a lake practice junkie; [I] averaged about 200 games a week. I wouldn’t settle for the second-best. Any time you finish second, you are the first loser. I was a perfectionist at the game.” Eventually, all that practice and success took a toll on Ozio’s body when he was 45. He was able to rejuvenate his career once 40
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Fun times catching fish
But that’s perfectly fine for someone who has found a whole new world elsewhere. “It’s a new adventure,” he said. “When I was in the bowling world, I ate, slept, and lived the game. Now that I’ve been in the fishing world, I do the exact same thing.”❖
Mark Miller is a freelance writer, editor, and public relations specialist from Flower Mound, TX. He's the author of Bowling: America's Greatest Indoor Pastime available at
Centers are selling bowling logo socks to raise extra cash. Mix and match Athletic and Glow Bowling Socks by the dozen. Expert Hosiery/Funtime Footwear is THE athletic footwear supplier for Bowling, Skating and FECs. Call us for details on how centers are using bowling logo socks. P: (919) 799-7707 E:
QubicaAMF has created and launched a new microsite dedicated to String Machines. The String Bowling Revolution. This is the industry’s first and only comprehensive source aimed at providing investors and operators information on global string machine trends. The microsite is housed on the company’s corporate website and will be updated routinely with the latest news and information related to string machines. The content will be organized by date with the newest information appearing at the top of each page for ease of use and quick reference. The microsite is housed on the company’s corporate website at and can be accessed by selecting Insights on the main menu or directly at
Steltronic is proud to announce that our Focus scoring system is now interfaced with POSITouch, Ideal, Embed, Intercard, Micros, Semnox, and many more. With the popularity of many different point of sale systems found throughout the world for food and beverage, Steltronic Focus software is now interfaced with 17 different companies allowing the cashiers to open lanes, rent bowling shoes, pool tables, and POS products. Everything within our Focus software is interfaced with your external POS terminals to process payments and reporting. We are YOUR bowling center management specialists since 1980. For more information, (800) 942-5939
Brunswick Bowling Products has announced its worldwide launch of Sync Prima™, the latest software, and Crown Advantage™, an all-inclusive center operating subscription service. Prima offers the Open Lane app, along with OrderNow for online ordering. There is also FloorPlan, a customized restaurant and center layout for best-in-class management and service. Crown Advantage’s updates brings Brunswick customers the latest and the best in business building technology and 24/7 technical support. Crown Advantage is available in multiple subscription tiers.
LAI Games invites you to a virtual event to unveil their newest games for 2021. The New Product Showcase will take place March 18, 2021, and will include new game presentations, current, in-depth reports on their top performing products, and an opportunity to talk directly with LAI Games team members. After the one-hour new games presentation, attendees will have an opportunity to participate in networking, drinks, and fun. The 2021 New Product Showcase is open to all and free for attendees. To register for this FREE event, visit
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March 2021
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March 2021
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March 2021
946 and what were we doing when we were so rudely interrupted? The war was over and people from all walks of life were looking for fun. They wanted something that was not too expensive, didn’t take too much expertise for the average joe, and could include everyone on a night out. Bowling was the answer. The February 5, 1946 issue of Look magazine focused on the upcoming A.B.C. (American Bowling Congress) annual tournament with a peak at the style that made Joe Falcaro, one of the “greatest keglers of all time, famous”. The first A.B.C. tournament was in 1901 and consisted of 464 entries who competed for $1,592 in prize money. In 1942, there were 76,179 participants for $254,704! Now that the war was over, the games would begin again in March with a 50day play-off for the world’s individual and team championships. Joe Falcaro epitomized the best the game had to offer. During the war he devoted his efforts and talents to GI exhibitions. He owned centers, authored a book, and created records that wowed crowds all over the world. Look’s pictorial “How to” would have been a popular segment for all the wanna-bes and the last line would not only create a smile on the reader’s face but a confirmation of what they already knew. “Grey-haired, volatile and disarmingly immodest, he frankly admits he’s the greatest bowler he has ever seen. …” ❖ - Patty Heath
March 2021
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