Great Texas Line Press P.O. Box 11105, Fort Worth TX 76110 • 817-922-8929 • Fax 817-926-0420
2015 Title List *Denotes books available without price coding
Speak Texan in 30 Minutes or Less * Texas Twang Preservation Society “Explains the meaning of Texan-speak” – Glenn Dromgoole, Abilene Reporter-News
A humorous guide to understanding why Texans speak the way they do. Written by veteran Texas journalist Lou Hudson, the mock traveler’s phrase book makes a perfect gift for a newcomer to the state or reminder to displaced Texans on how they should talk when they return. Our all-time bestseller. 80 p. 4.25" X 5.5". Paperback. ISBN 978-1-892588-10-4. List $5.95.
Texas Speak Advanced Course * Texas Twang Preservation Society
This dog will hunt! An absolutely humorous guide to deciphering Lone Star lingo. Written by veteran Texas journalist Jennifer Briggs, the mock traveler’s phrase book is a stand-alone sequel to our Speak Texan in 30 Minutes. It makes perfect gift for a newcomer to the state or reminder to displaced Texans on how they should talk when they return. 80 p. 4.25" X 5.5". Paperback. ISBN 978-1-892588-15-9. List $5.95.
More Texas Sayings Than You Can Shake A Stick At “Must reading for new Texans. Fun reading for native Texans.” – Glenn Dromgoole, Abilene Reporter-News “A great gift idea. This little book is more fun than a packed-pew preacher!” – Mike Cox, Lubbock Avalanche Journal Ex-Texas Monthly editor/writer Anne Dingus has collected some of state’s best sayings, more than 1,000, then
added 200 for this expanded edition with some of the funniest quips from Molly Ivins, Ann Richards, LBJ and D Darrell Royal. Every home should have a copy.
80 p. 4.25”X5.5” Paperback. ISBN 978-1-892588-44-9. List $5.95.
YOU KNOW YOU’RE A TEXAN IF... * “More laughs per square inch than any book I've read.'' – Glenn Dromgoole, Abilene Reporter-News
Texas author and humorist Mike Nichols expounds on just the wackiest things that make one a true son or daughter of this singular State of Mind. Illustrated by award-winning cartoonist J.D. Crowe. 80 p. 4.25" X5.5". Paperback. ISBN 978-1-892588-31-9. List $5.95
100 Great Things About Texas * “This is one of those little stocking-stuffer books that's simply a fun read.” –Bryan-College Station Eagle
By popular demand, this perennial favorite by Texas writer Glenn Dromgoole has been reissued with new illustrations and at a reduced price -- in line with our other affordable titles. Not a travel guide and not exactly a Texas brags book, it is a celebration of 100 subtle, and not so subtle, serious and not so serious, things that make Texas the special place that it is. 104 pages 4.25" X5.5". Paperback ISBN 978-1-892588-29-6 List $5.95.