Knight Life - Summer 2024

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We are a Catholic college preparatory school community for young men. We promote the academic, spiritual, social, and physical development of our students in order to produce leaders in the spirit of St. Francis de Sales, who challenges us to “be who we are and be that well.”

From the President

Dear Alumni, Friends, and Families,

When introducing prospective families to St. Francis de Sales School, I often remind them that anyone can give their son information. We are at the advent of artificial intelligence, and there’s more information today in our pockets than could’ve ever been imagined even 15 years ago.

I tell them, what’s more important than just raw information is formation, the act of developing a person to use that information well. That’s the work we’ve been doing since 1955, when St. Francis first filled the need for all-male, Catholic, college-prep education in Toledo.

This issue, we’re excited to introduce the “Portrait of a Graduate” (page 10), an innovative framework at the heart of our most recent curriculum review that builds upon these decades of success. This initiative marks the first major revision in decades to our formal vision of the qualities and characteristics we aim to cultivate in our graduates. Our graduates are:

● Grounded in Catholic and Salesian Spirituality

● Salesian Leaders and Contributors

● Committed to Intellectual Growth/Critical Thinkers

● Well-Adjusted

● Future-Ready

The Portrait of a Graduate incorporates both our rich tradition and our forward-looking vision for the future. It allows us to honor our longstanding values as a college-prep program, while adapting to the evolving needs of our students and society. We believe that this balance of tradition and innovation is key to forming well-adjusted, faith-driven, and capable young men.

Reading the reflections given by our recent graduates, I suspect that you will see how this work is impacting the lives of young men. The support given by our alumni and benefactors is crucial to these outcomes, for St. Francis has always been a community effort. As we look forward to our 75th anniversary in 2030, we are ever grateful that you’ve joined us on this journey.

May God bless you as you’ve already blessed us.


St. Francis de Sales School 419-531-1618


Schedule an appointment to tour St. Francis de Sales or become a Knight for a Day. Contact Jennifer Briner, Director of Enrollment Management, at 419-214-5425 or For more information, visit


To report an address change, contact Laurie Powell at 419-214-5475 or


Alumni and parents are encouraged to send good news and life developments to the school for Knight Life’s Class Notes section. Email


St. Francis de Sales informs alumni of classmate deaths by emailing the obituary or death notice to classmates. To report the death of a classmate, or to update our records upon the death of a spouse, past parent, or son, please call 419-214-5443 or email


Advancing the St. Francis de Sales mission requires dedicated alumni and benefactor support. To explore options for philanthropic giving, contact Joe Sweeney ’83 at 419-214-5438 or


St. Francis de Sales relies on the generosity of individuals who remember the school through bequests and planned gifts. For more information, contact Renee Winkler at 419-214-5429 or


Ohio taxpayers may be eligible for a dollar-for-dollar tax credit up to $1,500 for donations to the St. Francis de Sales High School Foundation. For more information, contact Dan Zawisza ’92 at 419-214-5441 or


The Chappuis Society operates the Spirit Store during school lunch hours and by appointment. For details, contact the main office at 419-531-1618


Alumni and benefactor tours of St. Francis de Sales School are available by appointment. Contact Will Garbe ’10 at 419-214-5443 or to schedule a time.







Chief Financial Officer

ANDREW KLINGER ’06 Director of Facilities & Chief Information Officer

JANICE SCHLACHTER Chief Marketing Officer

JOE SWEENEY ’83 Director of Philanthropy

DAN ZAWISZA ’92 Director of Advancement Operations

DEBORAH RATHBUN Dean of Academics



Dean of Curriculum


Athletic Director


Chief Marketing Officer


Editor WILL GARBE ’10











COVER ILLUSTRATION: Nathan Zickes ’24, left, and Nahano Lufungulo ’24 lead classmates to Gesu Church on Graduation Day.



Board of Trustees Board of Directors



JEFFRY M. SCHAAF ’94 Vice Chairman






















Vice Chairman












Knight Life is published twice yearly for the alumni, friends, and families of St. Francis de Sales School, 2323 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, OH 43607-1399. @SFS_Alumni

Copyright © 2024 St. Francis de Sales School. Printed in July 2024.

Knight Shift


Janet Wawrzyniak earned the Diocese of Toledo’s Golden Apple Award, honoring outstanding individuals who devote their lives to teaching in Catholic schools. Janet has been with St. Francis for more than 20 years teaching Spanish, and is the wife of Jason ’89 and mother of AJ ’17, Caleb ’19, and Lucas ’22

Stephanie Lenkey is promoted as the Dean of Curriculum, with previous experience at St. Francis as an English teacher and as past principal of All Saints Catholic School in Rossford. She is the mother of Parker ’23, Spencer ’25, and Avery ’29. In her new role, Stephanie will help implement the school’s strategic plan, including the new Portrait of a Graduate platform (p. 10), faculty development programming, and integration of new technology into the classroom.

Cindy Meinzer retired as the SFS finance manager after more than 22 years of service to St. Francis de Sales School. Cindy navigated the ever-changing world of financial aid, while balancing other jobs including Funarama planning and proofreading for the Accolade yearbook and Knight Life magazine. A former travel agent, she expertly booked arrangements for athletic teams and foreign study travel. She is succeeded by Marla Kelsey in the finance office.

Martindale ’20 is hired as an assistant in the Student Achievement Center. Mack recently graduated from the University of Cincinnati and is eager to begin working at St. Francis.

Familiar Names Retire from Boards

Spegele, Harbaugh ’67, Davis ’62 and Gallagher ’80 complete terms

Two longtime board members retired this spring after more than a decade each on the St. Francis de Sales School Board of Trustees.

Meantime, two members of the separate St. Francis de Sales High School Foundation have moved to emeritus status.

Chris Spegele and Don Harbaugh ’67 both reached their term limits on the school board.

“Chris and Don both helped oversee St. Francis grow from a high school to a unified school serving grades 7-12,” said Tom Manahan ’77, school board chairman. “They helped us navigate the pandemic, and St. Francis is a stronger school today because of their leadership.”

Spegele is the father of Adam ’12 and Matthew ’14, and the son-in-law of former school board member Jim Olszewski ’61

Joining the school board are Very Rev. Michael Newman, OSFS ’99 and Mimi Ugljesa.

Newman is the pastor of Holy Family Parish in Adrian, Michigan, and is a member of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales Toledo-Detroit Province’s provincial council.

Ugljesa is a certified public accountant working for Your Part-Time Controller, LLC, and previously for Owens Corning, Sherwin Williams, and PwC. She is the mother of Anthony ’17, , and Thomas ’20

On the separate SFS Foundation Dick Davis ’62 and Michael have stepped down and are recognized with emeritus status. Joining the Foundation board is Phil Andryc ’73, a former partner at Berens Capital Management.

Michael Newman
Mimi Ugljesa
Janet Wawrzyniak
Stephanie Lenkey
Cindy Meinzer
Mack Martindale
L to R: Tom Manahan ’77, Chris Spegele, Don Harbaugh ’67, Rev. Geoff Rose, OSFS

A Grateful Graduate

Silberhorn ’86 reflects on those who helped him

Ty Silberhorn ’86 delivered the 2024 commencement address at the Peristyle, asking graduates if they’ve ever thought really about what it means to “Be who you are and be that well.”

Silberhorn, of St. Paul, Minnesota, is the chief executive of Apogee Enterprises, Inc., and a former corporate officer and division president of 3M Company. He is married to Susan (Jun) Silberhorn (SUA ’86).

“As I faced challenges in life, it occurred to me that the best way to understand ‘Be who you are and be that well’ was through the actions of others, who in turn would shape me in doing the same,” he said.

During his address, Silberhorn reflected on how many people, some of whom he barely knew, showed what it means to “Be who you are and be that well” through the way they helped him. Below are edited excerpts.

Rev. Ron Olszewski, OSFS ’62

Dr. Dan Murtaugh ’71

But late in my junior year (of college), cancer struck. I was fortunate that after surgery and follow-ups, I remained cancer-free. But having no health insurance meant I just added significantly to that debt load, and I was going to be physically limited in what work I could do that summer. Dr. Dan Murtaugh, an SFS alum, did my surgery. Learning about my situation, he decided he wasn’t going to bill me right away and told me to reach out after college to see what I could pay.

Jim Stoll ’86

As I faced challenges in life, it occurred to me that the best way to understand
‘Be who you are and be that well’ was through the actions of others, who in turn would shape me in doing the same.

I wasn’t the easiest kid and underachieved when it came to grades, as Fr. O can attest! But I was able to attend St. Francis thanks to my great grandmother, great uncle, and grandparents pooling their money to pay my tuition. But by my senior year, two of those people had died, another had a debilitating stroke, and it was unclear if I could finish at St. Francis. More family stepped up, I worked part-time and with encouragement and support from the likes of Fr. O and many others, I graduated.

John Reece ’86

– Ty Silberhorn ’86

Chris Falvey ’86

That opened the door to college. The parents of my good friend and SFS alum John Reece encouraged me to join them on college visits and helped me navigate the process. John and I both loved Indiana University, so off we went to Bloomington… John Reece’s father basically created a job for me at his small company. He would also be instrumental later in helping me land that first job after college.

Jim Stoll, another SFS alum, whose family was in a very different financial position than mine, and whose parents basically allowed me to live at their house for large portions of the summer (Jim’s mom regularly asking, “Ty, when’s the last time you went home?”), stepped up to help as well.

Tom and Nancy Kabat, the only connection to me was their daughter Beth had dated Jim, also helped with tuition, and got another doctor to waive his entire bill for me.

But the best support is usually not money. Through these challenges, the people closest to me kept saying, “We got this.” Not, “You got this.” They said, “We got this.” They were with me in spirit and support. Our friend Chris Falvey, another SFS alum, who fought cystic fibrosis his entire life, was a great example. He was there when I went in for my surgery; there when I woke up; and spent every day with me when I was recovering. He passed away in 1991, as did his sister before him and another sister after him. His parents, Tom and Alice, have left a great financial gift to St. Francis and St. Ursula. I don’t think they could ever fully appreciate just how huge of an impact their children had on so many of us.

Graduation Day 2024

On a picturesque spring Saturday, the Class of 2024 made their final walk from St. Francis de Sales School to Gesu Church for their Baccalaureate Mass. Passing cars honked as graduates in blue-clad gowns paraded down Bancroft Street and around the Parkside Boulevard corner.

A handful of seniors missed the morning Baccalaureate while successfully competing for the varsity baseball district trophy in Bowling Green. They returned victorious for the afternoon commencement ceremony at the Peristyle, where they and their classmates received diplomas.

The 138 graduates were accepted into 130 colleges and universities, ranging from the Ivy League to community college. Already, the class has earned 276 college credits from the University of Toledo and DeSales University.

They go into the world ready to make a difference in the Salesian tradition.


By the numbers

138 graduating seniors

$11.2 million in college scholarships

350 AP tests in 22 subjects

34 National Honor Society members

14 letters of intent to participate in collegiate athletics

14 seniors earned the Global Seal of Biliteracy

8 Eagle Scouts

Portrait Graduate

St. Francis de Sales School introduces the Portrait of a Graduate, a new roadmap at the center of a months-long, fullscale curriculum review defining ideal outcomes of our graduates.

The Portrait of a Graduate is the first such revision in decades to the school’s formal vision of what qualities and characteristics a graduate should possess after their years at SFS.

The document, developed with the input of faculty, staff, and through surveys of parents and students, will help guide the development of curriculum, programming, admissions standards, facilities development, and student support in the years ahead.

“The Portrait of a Graduate serves as our compass,” said John Hall ’02, principal. “It defines the purpose of each class, guides instruction and assessments, and informs our curriculum and programming decisions.”

The document identifies five core characteristics for St. Francis graduates, detailed in this article alongside candid quotes from a survey of the Class of 2024, reprinted with permission.

“Ultimately,” Hall said, “the Portrait of a Graduate empowers us to prepare students not just for college, but for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter throughout their lives.”

Grounded in Catholic and Salesian Spirituality

St. Francis graduates are grounded in Salesian spirituality, adept at developing authentic relationships, and committed to the pursuit of Catholic social teaching. They have a basic knowledge of Sacred Scripture and the major teachings of the Catholic Church and value a connection with religious tradition that enriches their overall well-being.

Kaden Goode ’24

University of Cincinnati

I came into St. Francis as an atheist and left it as a Christian. I found religion. I also found a group of friends who I hope will be my friends for the rest of my life.

Ben Egan ’24

Thomas More University

I have changed as a person. I have found God and I have found who I am meant to be through my experiences at SFS. I have learned how to be confident and be a leader, and use God to guide me through my life. I know I will always have a home at St. Francis.

Jacob Kreinbrink ’24

Kent State University

St. Francis had a profound impact on my life. Junior and senior year I found a friend group that meant more than just eating lunch with them. The teachers and their representation of St. Francis himself, and more specifically Jesus Christ, were very noticeable.

Salesian Leaders and Contributors

St. Francis graduates are servant leaders who actively seek creative solutions that positively impact the broader community. Our graduates lead with gentle strength, in the spirit of Francis de Sales, approaching life with humble confidence and respect for unidiversity: we are called to be one church while we recognize and encourage our uniqueness and individuality.

Charlie Krzyminski ’24

Miami University

St. Francis helped me grow out of my social comfort zone. I was challenged to do more, whether it was with talking to teachers, or going to meetings, or joining the Salesian Leadership class. I also realized that I shouldn’t be afraid of new opportunities. St. Francis also gave me the most important relationship, God.

Nathan Zickes ’24 University of Toledo

St. Francis improved my ability to see how easy it is to impact someone’s life for the better. The leadership lessons I have learned and practiced while at SFS have allowed me to mature and self reflect on how to deal with problems and create lasting relationships with friends and God.

Henry Oberski ’24

Michigan Technological University

St. Francis showed me what it means to be a servant leader. Through the many learning opportunities and experiences offered at St. Francis, I witnessed and became a strong leader. Through seeing and hearing the many experiences of others, I realized vulnerability is an important quality of a leader.

Committed to Intellectual Growth/Critical Thinkers

St. Francis graduates are critical thinkers who approach challenges with innovation and creativity. They are skillful collaborators, committed to intellectual growth and the pursuit of understanding complex concepts now and in the future. They embrace an interdisciplinary approach to learning in order to make connections and engage on a higher-level.

Eric Williams ’24

Miami University

St. Francis has shown me how to persevere when faced with challenges. I was always one of the smartest kids in my classes throughout elementary school. But once I reached St. Francis, I was faced with difficult classes and classmates who showed incredible knowledge. I wasn’t jealous of this but was more so amazed and inspired to be better.

Griffin Grey ’24

University of Toledo

St. Francis provided me with teachers who have a distinct passion for what they teach, allowing me to effectively learn and grow in my classes. This school has also provided me with multiple opportunities that have allowed me to overcome my fear of speaking in front of audiences like mock trial and the musical.

Travis Burnard ’24


of Notre Dame

St. Francis helped me grow in my faith and pushed me to participate in more extracurriculars. I have also been challenged academically, having plenty of opportunities for AP and honors classes. All of my teachers have been absolutely amazing, coming in before school, after school, and even over weekends to prepare for AP tests.


St. Francis graduates are healthy, active, and well-adjusted. Graduates are competent in self-development. They build a circle of support with educators, family, peers, and colleagues. They are empathetic and self-aware, embracing failure reflection as a catalyst for growth, demonstrating flexibility, and rooted in the brotherhood and Salesian optimism that extends beyond their years at St. Francis.

Cooper Lajiness ’24

University of Dayton

St. Francis changed me from shy and barely talking to anyone to being comfortable talking with just about anyone. It taught me a lot of valuable lessons that go outside of education, like working hard and choosing the right friends. It has brought me closer to God and kept Him relevant in my life.

Levi Burke ’24

Bowling Green State University

I am nothing like I was on my way into SFS. I feel as if I understand more about others and what they may be going through. I’ve grown more emotionally mature as well as in my understanding of myself.

Caleb Nowowiejski ’24

University of Toledo

[St. Francis] allowed me to change myself in a positive way, being less introverted and more gentlemen-like. I have made friends who have become my brothers, I’ve learned the importance of tradition, and I connected with my teachers as if they were my brothers and sisters. I don’t know where I would be without this school’s brotherhood.


St. Francis graduates are explorers and innovators who embrace the evolution of new solutions with open-mindedness and courage. They seek diverse perspectives, are adaptable, and resilient, and leverage technology for a comprehensive understanding of complex concepts.

Andrew Rippke ’24

Washington & Jefferson College

Without St. Francis I would have never been introduced to water polo, which I plan to play in college. St. Francis prepared me academically and athletically. I am not worried about the transition from high school to college academics because of the standards set by the school.

Jake Cheatwood ’24

Cleveland State University

St. Francis has helped me in many ways. I made great friendships. SFS has also helped me come to God. I don’t think I would have as good of a faith life if I didn’t come here. I believe that SFS has also made me a better student. The curriculum has made me more responsible as a person and I think that it will help me a lot in college.

Matthew Meneilly ’24

University of Toledo

St. Francis did a great job at preparing me for college through things like AP classes and discussions about filling out the Common App. The Salesian Reflections from St. Francis students have taught me valuable lessons about enjoying every moment of life and overall have made my life more enjoyable than when I first got here.

Team delivers 15th polo state title to Bancroft AQUAKNIGHTS ARE WATER POLO CHAMPS

Overcoming a two decade drought, the AquaKnights pursued a relentless campaign to clinch the team’s first water polo state title since 2001.

The victory in October marked the 15th state title for the water polo program, and the 29th state championship in St. Francis history.

The AquaKnights defeated the defending champion Upper Arlington Golden Bears at the Bears’ home pool during the state final. The Knights returned from a four-point deficit to best the Bears 9-8.

“The team just rallied together and fought, and kept fighting, and they never gave up,” said Charlie Howe ’24, team captain. “We were the most conditioned team by far.”

An alumni-led coaching staff trained the team to victory. Head Coach Aaron Borgman ’15 joined with

Assistant Coach Lance Bockbrader ’17 and Logan Schofield ’16, a volunteer coach, in the historic endeavor. Swimming coach Brent Ransom shared in the team’s victory.

“It always felt like I hoped it would,” Borgman said. “It was always a goal of ours ever since I started here. It couldn’t feel better, honestly.”

In the 26-9 season, the AquaKnights also won the coveted Ohio Cup for the first time since 2003. The team also featured four All Ohio recipients, with Tobias Dietrich ’25 named 1st Team All Ohio.

In December, WTOL’s Jeff Smith ’91 hosted a celebration at St. Francis, and Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz ’90, Judge Gene Zmuda ’77, and Councilman John Hobbs III ’87 were among the dignitaries who attended or sent proclamations.

The state championship follows a significant program investment from Paul ’70 and Denise Johnson, who made a five-year funding commitment toward the water polo team. The gift underwrites program expenses.

The Johnson family’s generosity is an example of how donor interest can match with the school’s most urgent funding needs and deliver outstanding outcomes. The impact on students is noticed, as the team is advancing two players to collegiate-level play.

Howe will play polo at Austin College in Sherman, Texas. His teammate and co-captain, Andrew Rippke ’24, will play at Washington & Jefferson College in Washington, Pennsylvania.

“Without St. Francis I would have never been introduced to water polo,” Rippke said. “I would not have

Ode to the Polo Knights

Egg beater… Egg beater…

Now set the hole… 2 meter ... 4 meter … lob shot … let’s go …

It’s a sport among sports that not many play… but it’s a sport among sports where the Knights have their way.

Don’t let this go Knights –retake the day …

Because polo and championships is part of your DNA

Lofting that state championship hardware is so very nice.

Coming from this fellow Knight who did it not once … not twice … but thrice.

The team just rallied together and fought, and kept fighting, and they never gave up.
– Charlie Howe ’24

been able to make numerous relationships and my life would be completely different without one sport.”

“St. Francis prepared me academically and athletically and I am not worried about the transition from high school to college academics because of the standards set by the school,” Rippke said.

St. Francis is the unequaled leader in Northwest Ohio athletics, with 29 state championships in seven sports, including football, basketball, hockey, tennis, wrestling, swimming and diving, and water polo.

Class Notes

All Classes

The Alumni Department will host the annual Alumni Welcome at 7:30 a.m., Friday, Aug. 16, at St. Francis. All are invited to help welcome the new Knights. To make the morning smooth for our students, please park at Gesu Church in the non-numbered spots. Shuttle available.

Soccer will host its annual alumni soccer match on Aug. 3. For full details, contact Ryan Titkemeier ’01 at


Tom Gouttierre and his wife Marylu celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with family and friends this summer with a party at Heather Downs Country Club, where they had their reception six decades prior.


The Class of 1959 meets regularly for lunch. For details on upcoming lunches, contact John Granata at


The fall 1959 football team, led by the senior class of 1960, will be inducted into the St. Francis de Sales School Hall of Fame for their crushing defeat of the Central Catholic Fighting Irish at the Glass Bowl before a crowd of 10,000. The induction will take place on Oct. 24.

Tony Wernert visited St. Francis for the first time in 64 years, and posed with the Accolade yearbook, which he named in 1957. Wernert wrote in an essay contest, “In the Middle Ages, the ceremony of the accolade was the last step in becoming a knight. The assembling and publication of a yearbook is also one of the final steps in the training of Knights of St. Francis de Sales High School.”


John Weglian took a great picture with his son, John Weglian ’87, grandson and new SFS alumnus Will Kapszukiewicz ’24, and son-in-law Wade Kapszukiewicz ’90 at a family wedding.


The Class of 1962 regularly meets for lunch. For details, contact Terry Brown at

Rev. Ronald Olszewski, OSFS celebrated his 50th ordination anniversary in May.


The Class of 1964 celebrated their 60th Reunion in June with a reception at Scrambler’s in Sylvania, Twp., hosted by Deby and Phil Beurk Heading up the reunion committee were

Ed Gozdowski, Tim Casey, Jim Neumann, and Ned Coyle. Classmate Rev. Richard Eberle, OSFS celebrated a class Mass at St. Francis the morning after.


Larry Boyer retired from Waterford Bank after 16 years. He and three colleagues co-founded the bank in 2007, and today Waterford has more than $1 billion in assets.


Jim Bingle is a new member of the ProMedica board of trustees, effective Nov. 8. A long-time cardiologist with ProMedica, he is now semi-retired and sees new patients part-time, while also volunteering at Compassion Health Center.

Bob Eberly will receive the Golden Knight Award for his service to St. Francis de Sales School. This is the highest award given by the school to a graduate. Eberly is the former owner of Team Sports, Inc., which serviced the school’s equipment needs for several decades.


The Class of 1969 meets regularly for lunch. Contact Steve Vieson for more details at

Donald Perryman joined forces with the SFS Afro Club to donate $2,000 to The Program, Inc., an organization that provides opportunities for boys to develop their social and life skills. Donald is the president of United Pastors for Social Empowerment. The check was presented during the SFS-Woodward basketball game in February.


Tony Nowak hosted several classmates at his house in Sedona, Arizona, and even got them matching Knight shirts for the occasion. From left: Tim Iorio, Cliff Ulman, Paul Pellioni, Mike Scalzo, and Tony Nowak.


The Class of 1974 will celebrate their 50th reunion Aug. 23-24 in Toledo. For more information, email JoAnna Nofziger at


Tom Seeman released his first book, Animals I Want To See: A Memoir of Growing Up in the Projects and Defying the Odds, available everywhere books are sold. The memoir details his early life in Toledo, including a life-changing opportunity to attend St. Francis.


David Andryc hosted the seniors from the SFS band for breakfast during their trip to New York City.


Rob Loeb hosted the SFS Investment Club at Venture Visionary Partners in Sylvania. The Knights toured the firm’s facilities, earning first-hand insights into the finance industry.

Animals I Want To See

Book gives light to life in North Toledo

St. Francis de Sales School will receive partial proceeds from the sale of a new memoir by Tom Seeman ’77, one of the school’s most generous donors.

The book, Animals I Want To See: A Memoir of Growing Up in the Projects and Defying the Odds, details Seeman’s life in the North Toledo projects as one in a family of fourteen.

“When Tom Seeman told me the story of his childhood, I immediately said that he should write it all down and share it with the world,” said former President Bill Clinton in a review of the book.

“I am so glad he did,” Clinton said. “Animals I Want to See is a terrific and moving memoir about dreaming big and making great things happen.”

The book extensively details his studies at St. Francis, and later at Yale and Harvard. SFS played a transformational role in Seeman’s life, beginning with an exchange between him and the late Rev. John McMenamin, OSFS, in the office of his elementary school principal.

The book is on sale now online and in bookstores.


Paul Spinazze and his wife Sue welcomed their first grandchild, a girl, Cecilia Anne, born to their son Angelo ’12 and his wife Marisa Spinazze in April.

Kevin Thomas received the Glenda M. Bowman Inspirational Leadership Award from the Boy Scouts of America Erie Shores Council. The award is given to those who serve their community as a positive role model.


John Kennedy was appointed as chief medical officer of McLaren Northern Michigan in Petoskey, Michigan. John most recently served as the vice president of medical affairs at The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati, which, like McLaren Northern Michigan, is rated 5 stars by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.


The Class of 1984 will celebrate Reunion Weekend on Sept. 13-14 in Toledo. For more details, email JoAnna Nofziger at

John DeWitt received a letter of commendation from United Soccer Coaches, recognizing his positive influence on the association and soccer in the United States. He has coached at the collegiate, professional, and international levels, and is currently athletic director for applied sports science at Rice University.

Todd Mitchell met up with Rev. Ronald Olszewski, OSFS ’62 and Joe Sweeney ’83 during the annual SFS Advancement Team trip to Florida. Todd was recently named Ferring Pharmaceuticals’ 2023 District Manager of the Year.

Michael Monnette Sr. celebrated with his son Michael Monnette Jr. ’07 at the younger Mike’s wedding in San Francisco in September.

Nelson Shaffer received the Silver Beaver Award for distinguished service to youth from the Boy Scouts of America Erie Shores Council. The award is the highest honor a volunteer Scouter can receive from a local Scout council.

Emmanuel Yakumithis briefly served as acting Lucas County auditor following the appointment of the previous auditor to the county commission. He has worked with the auditor’s office for nearly two decades.

Ty Silberhorn delivered the 2024 commencement address on St. Francis’ Graduation Day. During his address, Ty recalled how many people in his life have helped him, including former SFS president Rev. Ronald Olszewski, OSFS ’62, John Reece ’86, Dan Murtagh ’71, Jim Stoll ’86, and the late Chris Falvey ’86


Jeff LaCourse reports to Knight Life that the SFS alumni teams won gold in both the 21+ and 34+ alumni hockey tournament games this year at Sylvania Tam-O-Shanter. “The 35 and over team had a couple of us over 50 guys,” LaCourse said.

Tom Tressler hosted six St. Francis friends at a Notre Dame home football game, along with three graduate school friends from Washington University at St. Louis. It was a great weekend of fun, camaraderie, and laughs. Back row, from left: Tom’s son Matt Tressler, Mark Mathews, John Hudson, John Monaghan, Dave Aman, Bob Nicholson; front row, from left: Kurt Hookstra (Wash U), Chris Gunning (Wash U), Adam Elberg (Wash U), Tom Tressler, and Jeff Lacourse.


Judge Myron Duhart received the 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drum Major award from Bishop Daniel Thomas. The Drum Major Award is given to those who exemplify the life and works of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who challenged us all to be “drum majors for justice, drum majors for peace, and drum majors for righteousness.”

Spence Stone met with the SFS Investment Club during the fall semester. He is senior VP of wealth management at UBS. The club was started with a $100,000 gift from Maureen and Patrick Kenney ’79, and is managed by the students with oversight from faculty advisors Jim Neary ’96 and Rev. Ronald Olszewski, OSFS ’62


Aaron Hood treated the St. Francis band seniors to dinner at Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse in New York during the band seniors’ annual trip.

Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz received the Social Impact Award from the United Pastors for Social Empowerment. He told The Blade the award was “the greatest honor I’ve received as mayor.”

Mike Zawisza met up with several Knight alumni celebrating family graduations during graduation weekend at Ohio State in May. From left: Steve Zawisza ’86, Mike Zawisza ’90, Jeff Turski ’89, Paul Farmer ’88, and Dave Zawisza ’88.


Kevin Baker will be inducted into the St. Francis de Sales School Hall of Fame for his contributions to SFS basketball. The induction will take place on Oct. 24.


The Class of 1994 will celebrate Reunion Weekend on Sept. 13-14 in Toledo. For more details, email

Dave Kosmyna, professor at Ohio Northern University, guest conducted a rehearsal of the SFS Concert Band ahead of their performance at Knight Fest. “It is an honor to count such an amazing musician and person as one of my good friends,” said director Carl Collier. “Thank you Dave, you made us better, including me!”

Kent Rafey will be inducted into the St. Francis de Sales School Hall of Fame for his contributions to SFS football. The induction will take place on Oct. 24.

Craig Teamer received the 2024 Business Pacemaker Award from the University of Toledo’s John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation. Craig is the director of finance and special projects at the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority.


Jay Barnett reports members of the 1995 basketball team reunited last summer to catch up. The team, which made it to the Elite 8, reminisced on the fantastic year. From left, front row: Jay Barnett, Coach Kevin Rupp, Cory Thompson ’96; second row: Kris Rios ’96, Ryan Gorman ’95, Rich Jackson ’96, OB Murray ’95, Tim Wagner ’96.

A Great Tradition ’

Alumni watch sons, daughters in SFS musical

Generation after generation, students take after their parents, uncles, aunts, siblings, and cousins in joining the St. Francis de Sales Musical Theatre family.

The talent was on display at the 55th spring musical, The SpongeBob Musical One-third of the 65-person cast has had a relative participate in a previous St. Francis musical, making it a true family tradition, including for the LeBlanc family.

The lead character, SpongeBob, was played by Robbie LeBlanc ’25, the son of musical alumnus Charlie LeBlanc ’96 and nephew of Susie (LeBlanc) Ligman (SUA ’97), who is the assistant costumer and an SFSMT alumna.

Robbie’s brother Rex ’27 was behind the curtain on stage crew, and his cousin, Susie’s daughter, Tess Ligman (SUA ’25), was a dance captain.

Susie’s daughter Nina graduated from St. Ursula in 2022, and Charlie’s daughter Olivia graduated from SUA in 2021. Even a third generation gets in the fun. Molly LeBlanc, retired from the SFS finance office, is a key fixture on the costuming staff run by her daughter Susie.

“I have wonderful memories from my time here, being part of this program,” said Charlie. “Now to see my kids and nieces go through and experience that, it’s such a blessing. God is truly great.”

This article first appeared in the April edition of Knight Lines, the monthly alumni e-newsletter. To subscribe, email

Running with MS

Knaggs ’02 besting doctor’s wheelchair prediction

Doctors predicted Matt Knaggs ’02 would be wheelchair bound by 2025. But three years into his multiple sclerosis diagnosis, he’s logged about 5,000 miles – running.

“No one can truly predict what your outcome will be,” Knaggs said. “At that point, I decided I won’t be in a wheelchair in five years.”

In 2019, he started experiencing dizziness, followed by vision problems, fatigue, and electrical shocks. After several misdiagnoses, doctors finally determined Knaggs had MS.

After feeling like his life was over, Knaggs decided he would try to do what he loved: running.

“I said, ‘If I could run a half-marathon again, that would really be something,” Knaggs said. “A year later I ran my first marathon.”

Since then, he’s finished six more. On top of that, he ran 130 miles this summer in six days, to raise money for MS research. He shares his journey on a Facebook page of more than 600 people.

“Even when we have challenges in our lives, if we respond to them authentically with who God made us to be, then the outcome of those challenges does not have to be something that is terrible,” Knaggs said. “I credit a lot of my general outlook to the values that I incorporated based off having gone to St. Francis.”

Knaggs spoke at last year’s Global Salesian Leadership Symposium. The event, hosted by St. Francis, exposes students from area and international high schools to top leaders who spread moral, thought-provoking ideas.

This article first appeared in the October 2023 edition of Knight Lines, the monthly alumni e-newsletter. To subscribe, email


is a lifelong pursuit’


’10 addresses Collegium Honorum

Eric O’Brien ’10 encouraged the newest Collegium Honorum inductees to “be scholars with Christ in mind” during the most recent induction in March.

O’Brien is the assistant principal at St. Joseph Catholic School in Maumee, where he also teaches preschool music and started their band program. He formerly taught at both St. Francis and Central Catholic.

“[Our] society stresses individual achievement,” O’Brien said. “At this school though, we know individual success and scholarship is not our primary calling. We are called to be witnesses of Christ for others, which doesn’t always fit into our secular notion of success and achievement.”

O’Brien highlighted several St. Francis teachers who fostered his love of knowledge, including the late Jim Keller and Mike Wielgopolski ‘78, retired biology teacher Mark Walton, and current teachers Very Rev. Alan Zobler, OSFS ‘97 and Carl Collier.

O’Brien earned his doctorate degree at the University of Toledo in April. He and his wife Michelle are the proud parents of two sons, and hopefully future Knights, Neil and Jude. Sixteen seniors were awarded with the traditional Collegium Honorum blazers, earned for averaging a 4.250 cumulative GPA or higher after seven semesters.

This article first appeared in the March edition of Knight Lines, the monthly alumni e-newsletter. To subscribe, email


Robierre Cullars was inducted into the City League Hall of Fame in November. On the basketball court for St. Francis, he averaged 23.2 points, 7.2 rebounds, 4.8 assists, and 3.5 steals per game.


Tom Lieser was named one of Forbes’ 2024 Best-In-State Wealth Advisors. He works as branch manager, managing director/investments for Stifel in Cincinnati.

Zach McClellan will be inducted into the St. Francis de Sales School Hall of Fame for his contributions to SFS baseball. The induction will take place on Oct. 24.


Jameel Burkett presented to St. Francis students at the 17th Annual Presidents’ Day Luncheon. Jameel is president and chief executive of Burkett Restaurant Equipment & Supplies and is the father of Mohammed Burkett ’26. Joining Jameel were Judd Silverman, Dana Open founder and executive director, and Elizabeth Higgins, Owens Corning vice president of home centers, daughter of Chris Brennan ’66, and mom of Brennan Higgins ’28


Tony Kurth will be inducted into the St. Francis de Sales School Hall of Fame for his contributions to SFS swimming. The induction will take place on Oct. 24.


Nick Katafiasz is owner and operator of Spartan Heating and Air in Toledo.



The Class of 2004 will celebrate Reunion Weekend on Sept. 13-14 in Toledo. For more details, email JoAnna Nofziger at

James O’Connell will be posthumously inducted into the St. Francis de Sales School Hall of Fame for his contributions to SFS tennis. The induction will take place on Oct. 24.

James Starks hosted the SFS Afro Club at the 13abc studios in West Toledo. “This is a group of young men who were eager to ask questions and learn about my journey back home,” said Starks, who is an anchor at the station. “The future is bright! I couldn’t be more proud to be a Knight.”


Matt Bell graduated summa cum laude from the University of Toledo with his bachelor of social work degree. Bell is the chief executive officer of Team Recovery Ohio.

Kevin Fletcher is executive chef at Clark Atlanta University, following his service as executive chef at Howard University in Washington, D.C. He was named Best HBCU Chef in the Country, was a 2023 MLB All Star Week guest chef, and was awarded Best On-Campus Meal by Eater.

Daniel McKernan is market development director for Zimmer Biomet. He recently moved from Chicago to Houston where his wife, Dr. Camila Antia, has started a dermatology practice. They live with their 1-year-old son, Luca.

Brian Bingle married Jessica Berkel in September at St. Catherine of Siena Church in West Toledo with a reception at the Hilton Garden Inn. Brian is the son of Nancy and Jim Bingle ’68. The wedding party included best man Kevin Bingle ’04, Jimmy Bingle ’02, Bill Bingle ’00, Tommy Kurz ’06, and John Brinkman ’06.

Bruce Douglas received the prestigious 5 Under 35 Award from Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead School of Management. The award recognizes outstanding leadership and administrative abilities and commitment to service.


Andrew Jessop and his wife Priscilla celebrated their wedding in December with Rev. Ronald Olszewski, OSFS ’62 as the celebrant.

Michael Monnette Jr. married Cecilia Marshall in September in San Francisco. The couple honeymooned in Hawaii (pictured) and have since moved to Santa Monica, California. Mike, the son of Michael Monnette Sr. ’84, is the founder of Abbreviated, an apparel company focused on helping shorter men dress with confidence. He reports that sales are picking up steam. The website is

James Richardson is the music director for the Cathedral of St. Augustine in the Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan. He and his wife Katie have three children, Anthony, Claire, and Nicole.

Joe Sferra married Roxy York in January at Sayville United Church of Christ on Long Island, New York. Joe is a data science fellow at NYC Data Science Academy in New York City.


Evan Sholl married Torri Huebner in September at The Kirtland Country Club in Willoughby, Ohio. The wedding party included best man Patrick Sholl ’06, and groomsmen Andy Urbanski ’09 and Kyle Stanley ’09

Bryan Swint completed his MBA at Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business. He works in supply chain management at Cardinal Health in Columbus.


Evan Bonfiglio is a full stack software developer at Vintory.

Kevin Carr joined NAI Harmon Group in Toledo as a commercial real estate sales and leasing agent.

Hunter Gibbons is senior scientist at Luminary Therapeutics in Minneapolis. He is researching treatments for severe lupus.

Kyle Gullette married Abigail Walther in Cincinnati in May. Very Rev. Alan Zobler, OSFS ’97 celebrated the wedding.

Alexander Khobeir is engaged to marry Diana Hammo and is in his second year of emergency medicine residency at McLaren Oakland Hospital in Pontiac, Michigan.



Scott Loy will be inducted into the St. Francis de Sales School Hall of Fame for his contributions to SFS lacrosse, hockey, and football. The induction will take place on Oct. 24.

Christian Mocek is the newly appointed head of school of Lial Catholic School in Whitehouse. Christian most recently served as the president of Reitz Memorial High School in Evansville, Indiana, leading them to enrollment growth and fundraising records. In October, Christian told the SFS National Honor Society, “As you leave tonight, remember to be a scholar in the search of Christ, lead others through your service, and never be afraid to do the right thing.”

Shaun Solly and his wife Makayla welcomed a baby girl, Adelaide Olivia, in April.

Zak Trimble is assistant general manager of Lutsen Mountains Ski and Summer Resort in Lutsen, Minnesota.


Daniel Drain is director of the Office for Life and Family for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. He and his wife Mary Colleen have a daughter, Philomena.

Matthew Weeks and his wife Quinn welcomed their daughter, Leighton Olivia, in June. She’s the little sister of Cameron, age 2.


Paul Frye married Kristen Webster in September at Basil Place in Chardon, Ohio. The couple live outside Cleveland in University Heights.

Brady Gullette started a new role as associate territory manager at BioTAB Healthcare. He lives in Columbus.

Jacob Hamilton and wife Haleigh are expecting their first child, a future Knight, in August. Jacob is an attorney at Williams DeClark Tuschman in Toledo.

Adam Spegele and his wife Racquel are the new parents of James Peter, born in March. They live in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. From left: Debbie Olszewski Spegele, Racquel Spegele, James Spegele (in arms), Adam Spegele, and Chris Spegele.

Angelo Spinazze and his wife Marisa welcomed a baby girl, Cecilia Anne, in April. They live in Sylvania.


John Dillon gathered with several Knights for a bachelor party at Keeneland, a legendary horse racing track in Lexington, Kentucky. He will marry his fiancee Makenzie Blain in August. From left: Jimmy O’Shea ’12, John Dillon ’13, Eric Zmuda ’13, and Max Pfeiffer ’13.

Evan Joo is a PhD student in ecology and evolution at Rutgers University. He is an environmental advocate, and an activist in sustainability. He lives in New Brunswick, New Jersey.


Matt Zmuda met with campers during the SFS baseball summer youth camp. Zmuda is a scout for the Detroit Tigers.


The Class of 2014 will celebrate Reunion Weekend on Sept. 13-14 in Toledo. For more details, email JoAnna Nofziger at

Johnny Antonini debuted his feature-length movie The Lifeguards at the Maumee Indoor Theatre in May.

Jack Bonfiglio married Lucia Congeni in August 2023 at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Cleveland. Knights at the wedding included best man Frank Bonfiglio ’11, Keaton Isaacson ’14, Jon Fankhauser ’14, Andrew Gstalder ’14, and Johnny Antonini ’14


Javier Gomez graduated from the Notre Dame Law School in May and will practice law in Chicago.


Walt Williams IV graduated from the Indiana University School of Optometry with his doctor of optometry degree. He will complete an ocular disease residency at John Kenyon Eye Center in Louisville.

Matthew Dills is engaged to Megan Sherman (NDA ’19). He is senior managing editor of the Michigan State Law Review.

Joshua Knepp graduated from the College of Education at Michigan State University with his master’s degree in student affairs administration.


Maxwell Rutledge married his wife Jena in January at St. Michael the Archangel Chapel in downtown Findlay in a ceremony witnessed by the Very Rev. Alan Zobler, OSFS ’97


Todd Bumphis will continue his college football career at Bowling Green State University, following four seasons at the University of Cincinnati.

Mack Martindale graduated from the University of Cincinnati and will begin working in the Student Achievement Center at SFS this fall.


Cole Johns graduated magna cum laude from Lourdes University in May with a bachelor’s in accounting, and will begin graduate school in the fall.

Nicholas Mack is the managing director of the Miami University Investment Banking Club.


Dylan Gomez is an intern with Planning NEXT, an urban planning firm in Columbus.


Charlie Werner ran into Knight alumnus Dwight Fish ’60 at the gym in Livonia, Michigan. He said they “always have great conversations about how SFS has changed from 1960 to 2022 when I graduated.”


Scotty Buff and his Florida Gators swimming teammates set a new American record in the men’s 200 medley relay with a 1:21.66, while swimming at the SEC Championship. Scotty also set a personal best time in the 100 fly with 44.38 to win silver. Buff was also recognized by BCSN as one of the top 20 male athletes since the local sports network’s founding in 2004.

Photo by Bryce Mitchell

Andrew Maassel awarded $3,000 to the SFS Counseling Department from his non-profit group Stand Up Ohio. He additionally donated to the City of Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz ’90’s Office of Safety and Engagement to address gun violence in Toledo.


Jayan Fernandes was named the Knights of Columbus Ohio State Council 2024 State Youth of the Year. Out of 460 nominations throughout the state of Ohio, Jayan was named the winner! Jayan also received the KoC Perrysburg Council # 7978 and the Diocese of Toledo Youth of the Year awards.

New print celebrates SFS

Alum spouse, sibling crafts gift item

A new, handmade print of St. Francis de Sales School is available now.

The print, crafted by Katie McKernan (SUA ’13) honors St. Francis, where her husband Connor McAlear ’13 and brothers Dan McKernan ’05 and Michael McKernan ’08 graduated.

The hand-carved linoleum design is ink printed onto cardstock and signed by the artist. Prints are available online at and in the SFS Spirit Store. McKernan will donate 50% of proceeds to SFS.

In Memoriam

St. Francis de Sales School remembers the graduates, students, Oblates, faculty, and staff who have recently died. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them!


Charles T. Gruhler – December 16, 2023

James M. Moriarty – April 20, 2024

John C. Wanamaker – May 24, 2024


Frederick P. Ziolkowski – April 16, 2024

Joseph W. Westmeyer –December 26, 2023

Martin B. Nassr – December 14, 2023


James D. Schlink – November 27, 2023

Joseph D. Abrass – March 17, 2024

Patrick J. Nally – May 23, 2024

Thomas J. Herold – December 30, 2023

Thomas N. Walinski – April 25, 2024


Edward J. Neumann – April 14, 2024

James P. Martin – November 17, 2023

Robert J. Walrod – May 9, 2024

Thomas J. Schiefer – June 7, 2024

William L. Warnement – March 14, 2024


Frederick S. Garcia – April 10, 2024


Richard J. Yost, OSFS – January 13, 2024


Charles D. Lautzenheiser –November 21, 2023

James L. Oess – April 23, 2024

Joseph C. Reger – December 4, 2023

Kenneth M. Klear – February 16, 2024


Michael F. Frenzell – May 2, 2024


Daniel G. Williams – May 20, 2024


Charles L. Comes – May 19, 2024


Robert J. Wirth – May 13, 2024


Stanley E. Cherry – April 17, 2024


Denis L. Vogelbach – April 29, 2024


Michael J. Wielgopolski – March 8, 2024


Frank A. Zaborowski – June 1, 2024

James D. Dudek – May 13, 2024


Gregory J. Berning – December 30, 2023

Roy E. Hodge, Jr. – May 29, 2024

Kenneth D. Osovitch – January 10, 2024


John E. Boissy – April 29, 2024


Anthony J. Patrilla – March 21, 2024


Casey O. Smith – January 11, 2024

Matthew K. Ujvagi – March 30, 2024


Donta D. Marshall – February 25, 2024

Past Faculty, Staff, and Oblates

Beverly A. Bingle – December 28, 2023

Roland P. Calvert, OSFS – March 5, 2024

James F. Cryan, OSFS –November 3, 2023

Della N. Ward – February 8, 2024

Michael J. Wielgopolski ’78 –March 8, 2024

Richard J. Yost, OSFS ’65 –January 13, 2024

The proceeding list includes all graduates, students, Oblates, and past faculty and staff who passed since Oct. 3, 2023, and whose deaths are known to St. Francis de Sales School as of June 13, 2024. We apologize for any errors or omissions.

St. Francis informs alumni of class deaths by emailing obituaries to classmates, and relies on the community to keep the school informed of passings. To report the passing of a graduate, past parent, or other community member, or to notify us of a deceased individual not memorialized above, please call 419-214-5443 or email


the pool to the altar Swim alumni rally for last-minute proposal

Maxwell Rutledge ’19 gave up a lot to swim at St. Francis, but gained so much more. Driving each day from Findlay, Rutledge woke up at 4 a.m. each day to be in the pool by 5:45 a.m. Most nights, he didn’t return home until after 9 p.m.

His only regret? Not transferring sooner.

“I would rather drive 106 miles a day and come to St. Francis than go anywhere else,” he said.

“St. Francis set me up to go to West Point,” Rutledge said. “St. Francis prepared me for dedication and taught me what good culture is.” Rutledge transferred to SFS after realizing his high school swimming experience in Findlay didn’t meet his needs. He soon found a brotherhood on the swim team. That brotherhood came in handy last year while on a week long break from studies at West Point.

The cadet only had a brief window of time to propose to his girlfriend, Jena, and wanted to capture the moment on camera. He texted his swim buddies, who came to the rescue.

Connor Bishop ’19’s parents had a high-quality camera. Grant Szykowny ’19 and TJ Haselman ’19 helped plan with Nate Weisenburger ’19, who snapped the photos at a spot at the botanical gardens selected on Google Maps by Drew Grespin ’19.

The plan worked, and Jena said yes.

The couple were married in January at St. Michael the Archangel Chapel in downtown Findlay in a ceremony witnessed by the Very Rev. Alan Zobler, OSFS ’97 and the AquaKnights.

“If I’d known earlier what St. Francis could provide,” Rutledge said, “I would’ve come sooner.”

This article first appeared in the January edition of Knight Lines, the monthly alumni e-newsletter. To subscribe, email

From left: TJ Haselman ’19, Grant Szykowny ’19, Nate Weisenburger ’19, Jena Rutledge, Fr. Alan Zobler, OSFS ’97, Maxwell Rutledge ’19, Drew Grespin ’19, Nikolas Bishop ’21, and Connor Bishop ’19

From the Editor

Portrait of a Graduate

Assembling this issue of Knight Life, I came to know well the new Portrait of a Graduate (page 10), which details the ideal qualities of men who graduate from St. Francis.

At its core, the Portrait of a Graduate shows how Salesian formation approaches the human condition. For instance, each of us knows the human reality of failure and despair. The Portrait of a Graduate challenges Knights to respond with reflection, growth, flexibility, and optimism.

Our dedicated faculty embody the Salesian attributes detailed in the document, which makes its adoption natural. St. Francis has well over a half-century of experience in this effort, built on giants’ shoulders.

Two of those giants left our mortal coil early. Jim Keller and Mike Wielgopolski ’78 knew deeply the human condition, and as teachers did everything in their ability to help students, through the study of their subjects, transform suffering, confusion, joy, and energy into character.

Jim taught advanced English classes. We fondly – and perhaps annoyingly –called him “Dad” as we read from the texts of Homer, Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, and Joyce. When he died in 2015 at age 66, Jim’s obituary noted he “viewed literature as a reflection of life and testament to the human condition, and strived to instill his love of the written word into his students.”

Mike similarly instilled his love of knowledge, justice, and curiosity into his students as a history and religion teacher. At Mike’s funeral following his death at age 63, Rev. John Extejt, OSFS ’74 said, “Mike believed that in order to learn, to grow, you needed to meet the full human experience from frustration and disappointment, to perseverance, to achievement and success.”

In senior religion, Mike challenged us on every issue. From the death penalty and agriculture, to race and consumerism, Mike was unapologetically progressive, while remaining firmly rooted in the teaching of the Catholic faith. Strong, engaging debates ensued.

Mike’s high standards were on rare occasions enforced by his temper, which punctuated the prevailing order of his classroom. Still, that too was a gift, allowing me to witness him struggle in the imprecise ballet between suaviter et fortiter, gentleness and firmness, that we all dance.

Mike’s final battle with cancer ended in March. His optimism in the face of certain death, combined with his deep gratitude for life, God, and those around him, were perhaps his best lesson of all. That is, as an example of how to die gracefully, eyes fixed on the Savior.

As a graduate himself, there are few better portraits.

Mike Wielgolpolski ’78 and Jim Keller at the Class of 2003 senior breakfast.

St. Francis de Sales School

2323 W. Bancroft St. Toledo, OH 43607-1399



For details, contact JoAnna Nofziger, events coordinator, at


Class of 1974

Aug. 23-24


Sept. 6

Ottawa Park Golf Course


For classes 1984, 1994, 2004, & 2014

Sept. 13-14


Oct. 24

The Pit


Nov. 16 Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel


Writing or updating a will is one of those tasks often left on the To-Do list. Why not make August the month you cross it off your list?

Benefits of a well-written will include:

● Peace of mind – Provide for the people you love so they will always be supported

● Security – Communicate important financial and healthcare decisions

● Protection – Avoid unnecessary delays, expenses, and taxes

● Legacy – Support charitable causes, like St. Francis de Sales School


Visit to find a free Wills Planner Guide to get started in creating or updating an existing plan through online tutorials and videos, and quickly gather information to share with your estate planning attorney.

Have a question about including SFS in your plans? Have you already included us in your plans, and wish to notify the school? Contact:

Gift Planning and Stewardship 419-214-5429 or

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