Grandparents Day The SFS Advancement Office hosted a special event to honor the school community’s grandparents and help them become better acquainted with their grandchildren’s international school life. A special reception, student performances, historical picture slide presentation, tours to the grandchildren’s
Stephanie and Kevin Chae Dear our two lovely grandchildren Stephanie Yoonsuh and Kevin Junwoo Chae, Your grandparents always thank God and are very glad that you both are attending SFS so well and have grown big and strong and learning a lot from school. We always wish and pray that you two listen carefully to your teachers and make good relationships and friendships with your classmates. You are our hope and joy. We love you very much. From your grandparents
Henry Choo 사랑하는 Henry에게, 밝고 건강하게 자라기 바란다. 사랑하는 할아버지가
Jaemin Terence Park 할아버지와 재민이가 만난지 7년이 넘었네. 그동안 씩씩하게 잘 자라주어 너무 감사하고 고맙구나. 더 착하고 건강하길 기도하는 할아버지가
Grace Park, Anna Park and Amy Kim Dear Grace, Anna & Amy, 모두 건강하게 자라렴. 할비, 할미
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