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Date Alumni Reunions 2017 Seoul, South Korea - January 13th London, United Kingdom - January 14th Chicago, Illinois - January 28th Los Angeles, California - February 4th
Venue details and informa on will be provided soon.
Table of Contents
39 Yeonhui-ro 22-gil, Seodaemun-gu Seoul 03723, KOREA TEL: 822-330-3100 FAX: 822-335-2045 www.seoulforeign.org
Message from the Board Chair
Page 4
Message from the Head of School
Page 5
The Annual Fund
Pages 6-11
Alum of the Year, Peter Underwood
Pages 12-13
Gradua on Highlights
Pages 14-15
Alumni Commi ee Award Recipient
Page 16
SFS IB Results
Page 17
Faculty Profile — Frances Snowden
Page 18
Intro to New Faculty/Staff
Page 19
Theater Update
Pages 20-21
Golf Tournament
Pages 22-25
Alumni Interview — Tim Tan ‘99
Pages 26-27
Alumni Notes/Visits
Pages 28-32
Alumni Bulle n
Page 33
Tribute to Gail Jean Riggs Meyer ‘70
Pages 34-35
Message from the Board Chair Mrs. Penelope Kim
2016-17 SFS Board Members The Board meets o en, working to care for SFS and its resources for the long-term Foreign School Board! We hope you are stewardship of the School. In the coming year ge ng se led back into the joys and we plan to make use of the Banner and town challenges of a new school year. We too have hall mee ngs to inform you about the state of been focusing on our work for the year the school. We too are part of this ahead. On September 2-3, the SFS Board held community, and support the Head of School’s our first mee ng for the 2016-17 school year. aim to be inten onal in sharing with you We covered a full agenda, including mee ng important SFS informa on as the year goes our new Admissions Team, discussing the on. High School build project, and reviewing the school’s academic results. Before focusing on new business, however, we first discussed our In all the Board’s work, the SFS Mission reminds us that Seoul Foreign School is goal of building the strength of our SFS “centered in Christ.” We know that community this year through effec ve communica on was central to Jesus’ communica on. rela onship with God, as both maintained their unity through prayer. In John 17:21 It is encouraging to know that our Head of Jesus prayed this unity for all believers: School, Colm Flanagan, together with the Administra on and faculty, are commi ed to a school culture that keeps doors open and "That they may all be one, just as listens to the community. It is a priority of the You, Father, are in me, and I in You, Board and the School Administra on for such that they may also be in us, so that channels to work well. And as we ac vely the world may believe that You have work to share informa on among our community, that flow of communica on sent me." between Administra on, faculty, and parents will only con nue to grow stronger and more Individually and as a community we are called effec ve. to reflect His character. Our efforts to
Welcome back to school from the Seoul
communicate effec vely are a recogni on that as we speak with, listen to, and hear each other, we build the unity He intended. It is the Board’s prayer that others will see that difference in our community and in our students.
Penelope Kim SFS Board Chair
SFS Board Members at a Board Meeting
Message from the Head of School Mr. Colm Flanagan
Dear SFS Community,
Our School is very much back in full swing! Chuseok has come and gone, the beau ful Autumn weather has taken over from an excep onally warm summer, and our students and staff are full steam ahead. Perhaps the most visible sign of our con nued progress is that F–dong, one of our faculty residences, has been demolished as the first step in building our new High School. This state of the art facility is due to open in the Fall of 2018, so to see us finally ‘break ground’ is hugely exci ng. However, our whole campus is looking wonderful, with much renova on having taken place over the summer vaca on. This includes an exci ng new playground for the Elementary School, a soundproofing system for our swimming pool, and a brand new running track. Our outstanding facili es set us apart from the other interna onal schools in Seoul and so upda
ng and maintaining our beau ful environment is always crucial work.
Yet, as exci ng as building and renova ng our campus is, the work we do in the classroom with our talented students should always be our first priority. In August we welcomed a new cohort of educators, here to support and inspire the children. Recrui
ng the best teachers is the single most important thing we do! As an
administra on we are already reviewing our prac ces to ensure we a ract and retain the best professionals. Moreover,
our decision to become an all through IB School
Colm Flanagan (HOS) with John O’DONNELL ‘70 (left), Maura O’DONNELL-MCCARTHY ‘75*, and family
and introduce the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a statement of intent to aim for the very best. The PYP, MYP and IB Diploma are known to be the most s mula ng and challenging curriculum frameworks in interna onal schools. SFS wants to con nue to set the highest goals and alongside the English Na onal Curriculum in the Bri sh School, we believe that any student at SFS is provided with a pathway to future educa onal success.
These are exci ng mes at Seoul Foreign and we are keen, not only to communicate the ongoing progress of our School but also to hear from across our community – from students, parents, and friends across the world. So please do not hesitate to reach out. For my part, I con nue to be humbled and thrilled in equal measure at the opportunity to work with and be part of such an important educa onal mission as is created by Seoul Foreign School.
Best wishes and God bless,
Colm Flanagan Head of School
Traditions of Excellence The Annual fund
Dear SFS Community,
As I step away from my role overseeing Advancement, I feel tremendous apprecia on to have had the opportunity to launch the Annual Fund eight years ago and arrive to where we are today. Our hope is that the Annual Fund will become the second most important financial resource for the School in addi on to Tui on. It is this fund that will help to provide more opportuni es and enhancement for programs, faculty development and facility upgrades. Last year, we witnessed a turning point in the history of our community’s par cipa on to this fund. While a total of $118,885 USD was raised to support the building of an outstanding new playground for Elementary students, we had 60% of our faculty and general affairs staff par cipa ng in addi on to our loyal members of the parent and alumni community. The level of par cipa on grew to 56%, overall. Needless to say, this act of giving
was one of the most generous statements of support from our community to-date, as it included the overwhelming par cipa on of our employees. This year, the Annual Fund has been designated for a Climbing Wall that will be installed for the next 2017-18 school year. The Advancement Office be‘08 Philwill KIM hos ng a number of events to generate par cipa on. Please do take note of our Grandparents’ Day on November 24th. It has been a privilege to work for you and SFS. I do so look forward to con nue suppor ng the School in my new role as a member of the SFS volunteer parent community.
June Kang Former Head of Advancement 6
Pictures of the new ES Playground
Farewell To June Kang Asst. Head of School - Advancement “June, your knowledge of the history and development at SFS in this century, and the major projects you’ve championed and influenced, are legacies to your ‘workingtogether’ spirit, always executed with gentle perseverance. Benjamin YOON ‘12 It was a privilege to work alongside you in many of these during my six years on the SFS Board.”
Interna onal School in Seoul, launching an Annual Fund, hos ng a Centennial year of events, and developing Marke ng and Communica on efforts, among many others. The department has grown significantly throughout the years. I am deeply
humbled by the dedica on, commitment and support of our community of parents, faculty and alumni who have helped make all efforts to-date, possible.
I am most grateful to all SFS Heads of School, Harlan Lyso, Nancy Price (as the interim HOS), John Engstrom, and Colm Flanagan, who have supported me and the con nued growth of the office. We now have 6 members in the It is challenging to fully describe my Advancement Office all serving invaluable apprecia on for the invaluable experiences posts overseeing the Annual Fund, Website, and memories I have accrued over the past 12 Marke ng, Communica ons, Spirit Shop, years working for the School and community. I Alumni Rela ons, and Student Recruitment. began in the Development Office in 2003, which had been launched by my predecessor, It brings me great pride to have not only been Nayoung Mathieson, 15 months before I was a part of an incredible advancement team but recruited. Dr. Harlan Lyso, the second Head of also a senior administrator empowered to lead School SFS, made my posi on possible, having the charge for Seoul Foreign School. I now taken the chance to recruit me (you must feel blessed to be able to con nue know how grateful I am, Harlan).
Gary Small, Former Board Chair
being a part of the community as a The office was tasked with new projects every parent and volunteer to the School, year from helping to establish an interna onal especially during the remaining three
years before my son graduates. As a parent of an alum ’14 and current student, I do so look forward to serving this blessed community and wish to thank you all for your support throughout the years. In His Service, June
Julia AULBACH ‘14
“How thankful I am for the many years of selfless service you have provided at SFS…I have enjoyed working with you immensely because of your posi ve spirit, your incessant desire to look for the best in others and in every situa on…I was so thankful for the gracious manner in which you would elevate my ini al vision to provide excellence commensurate with the quality demanded at SFS.” John Engstrom, Former Head of School
school, currently known as the Yongsan
Amber KIM & Caroline KIM ‘12
Picture taken at June’s Farewell
Rachel KIMHOLDING ‘10* Matthew ‘14*
2016-17 SFS Annual Fund Launch Dr. Esther K. Myong Director of Operations, Communications, and Marketing 2016-2017 SFS Annual Fund “Help them climb to the top!”
During this 2016-2017 school year, we will endeavor to provide our students with a unique opportunity to sharpen and coordinate their crea ve thinking skills, physical strength, and agility. Specifically, we have our eyes set on an indoor climbing wall that can be built into the wall of our UAC (Underwood Ac vity Center – newer gymnasium). According to the experts, kids can acquire a myriad of posi ve skills from climbing. Because climbing requires a combina on of crea ve thinking and physical output, less athle c kids o en shine, surprising even themselves. From climbing, kids can also prac ce and learn problem solving, because climbing is more or less a puzzle to solve, some mes requiring the ability to back off, look at the situa on anew, and start again. By sharpening their climbing skills, kids can learn to focus, concentrate, and persevere, all of which are essen al skills for ge ng to the top. And along the way, they will gain confidence, competence, strength, and body awareness.
Projected Designs for a Future Climbing Wall poten al of what we can further do to posi vely impact the growth and development of our greatest asset, our children. In a few weeks, you will receive the 2016-2017 Annual Fund brochure and envelope via backpack mail. I hope you will join me and the commi ed faculty/staff members who have already contributed to the 2016-2017 Annual Fund, with only a month into school.
Lastly, as ar culated by the School Board Chair and the Head of School, one of our strategic goals this year is to broaden and It is with the above goal in mind that we strengthen our lines of communica on excitedly launch our 2016-2017 Annual Fund with all cons tuents in the community. Campaign! With your par cipa on, we aim to With that in mind, we would love to hear con nue to cul vate the culture of giving June from you with project sugges ons we Kang has so expertly helped to create during should be considering in the future as we her me at SFS. Our goal is to raise $150,000 look forward to the next five, ten, fi een USD between now and June 2017, and with years of the Annual Fund. As the old adage everyone’s par cipa on in the community – goes, it takes a village to raise a child. And students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and as far as villages go, I believe the poten al grandparents, I am confident that our to inspire ac on and achieve greatness students will begin enjoying a within our very own Seoul Foreign School state-of-the art indoor climbing wall as early community, is immense. as August 2017. Commi ed to the cause and working Having been around for a bit, I can clearly alongside you, recall how our community came together to raise enough funds to turf our football pitch/ soccer field way back in 2003. Then, just this past year with your generous support, we were able to build a fantas c new Early Years playground set complete with an adjacent “nature climb” perfectly sized for the li le Esther K. Myong, Ed.D. ones. As we look to the future, I am inspired Director of Opera ons, Communica ons, not only by what we have already achieved and Marke ng together as a community, but more by the
Annual Fund Dona on 2016-17 RED AND BLACK CLUB Minsoo Choi and June Kang THE CREST CLUB Colm and Sinead Flanagan Ashley Jung Jack and Edie ‘77 Moon Joon, Esther, Gabriel, and Marissa Myong CENTENNIAL CLUB Anonymous - "In celebra on of the work of June Kang" Soyoung Chung The Kent Family The Searles Family Yoojin Um THE LEGACY CLUB Memorial for Gail J. Riggs Meyer '70 For dona ons and more informa on, please contact: Esther Myong esther.myong@seoulforeign.org 02-330-3116 Yoojin Um yoojin.um@seoulforeign.org 02-330-3137
Community of donors and sponsors 2015-16 ANNUAL FUND DONATION
The Kers ng Family Yoo Hwan Kong Charles Kim '91, Kris na Kim '01 & Hyunju Kim '02 Hong Seo Koo Dae Woon Kim Micah Kuhl MILLENNIUM CLUB Eensoo Chris Kim Ryan & Lindsay Kuhl Emma Lee Jeung Soo Kim Ohin Kwon Jenna Lee Yoo Soo Kim Byung Ju Lee Jaeyoul Kim Haejin Koh Jae Hun Lee Tzu Yu (Lillian) Sheng ‘15 Zifei Liu Jung Yong Lee Andy and Joanna Lee Keun Chul Lee RED AND BLACK CLUB Blair, Kim, Hudson & Maguire Lee Seong Hwa Lee Danam Engineering Inc. Byunguk Lee Seung Jae Lee Rayoung (Madeline) Lee Chang Hee Lee Seungwoo Lee Eun Joo Lee Sally McEachen THE CREST CLUB Hugh Heung Sang Lee Justyna and Triston McMillan th 8 Grade 2015-16 Inseop and Jungah Lee Moonki Min From the 2015-16 SFS Board on behalf of Mr. Minki Synn Jinju Lee Byung Sil Park for his service as Board Chair Moonjin Lee Yong Min Park From the Cho Family – Paul, Jiyeon, Christopher ’12 and The Lyce Family Paul '04 & Hannah Rader Natalie Jack & Edie ‘77 Moon Grace, Joshua & Aletheia Roth Min Soo Choi & June Kang Young Sik Moon Dong Jin Shin Daddy Daughter Dinner Dance Planning Commi ee 2016 Seung Min Nam Mark and Laura Worden Linda and Joe Erlinger Susan Pope Chandler ‘90 Chang-geun Yang Colm & Sinead Flanagan The Prest Family Bo Ram Yoo Kathleen and Timothy Gray The Sanderson Family James and Sarah (Hubbard) Gunberg '71 S. Schrader & Y. Kim J&J Catering The Searles Family The Kae Brothers GRADUATING SENIORS Susan Sell-Haynes George Dongkyu Ko CLASS OF 2016 SFS Faculty Euiseok Kim & Regina Ryu '87* Misty Shipley and JJ Akin Henry Kim & Family Christopher Chang 4 Cindy Slover Bu kofer '71 Jerome and Silvia Kim Yu Ray Chu Roy Smith Jinwook Kim & Jennifer YJ Kang Aidan James Dobson Shannon and Jus n Smith W. Amber Kim '12 in honor of Rev. Yong Il Kim Edward Drummond Frank Shyn ‘87* W. Andrew Kim '14 in honor of Rev. Yong Il Kim Marcus Foley Adam, Lauren, Jade & Ella Teather Kenneth and Rebecca Lee Andreas Frame Brad and Jo Thies Seoyoon (Annie) Moon Our Head of Yoojin School, 6 Class Seinna Kang Um Mr. Colm Flanagan visiting a MS Grade Joon, Esther, Gabriel, and Marissa Myong Joo Young Kim Esther Washburn Smith, Former Faculty The Nahm Family Jeong-Ho Moon Insil Tak John ‘70 & Masumi O’Donnell Claire Soo Jeong Nam James S. Weaver Jr. Family Fund Katherine and Jus n Oh Addison Smith Jessica '15 & Michael Woo Jasmine, Iris and James J. Park Liliane Thoelen Peter Yap Don and Rose Robinson Andreas Wiora Sheila Yap Qingyu Yan Myeongho Yeom and Kelly Wang Erin Nayeon Yu CENTENNIAL CLUB Hye Sun Woo 5th Grade 2015-16 Taewho Yoon Our newest par cipants to the 5J 2015-16 Annual Fund The 5th Grade Class of 2014-2015 THE LEGACY CLUB Class of 2016 Anonymous Miyeon Bahng Young Bo Bae Eunhi C. Cho Benjamin Choi Youngwoo Cho Chris an Choi ‘14 7 Young Min Choi Ja Yong Choi “Seoul Foreign School has played a pivotal role in our Chua Ken Hon and Family Jong Chul Choi Soyoung Chung Young Woo Choi lives and those of our two girls. Its mission to be The Cooper Family Byung Sik Chung centered in Christ and to impact the whole perSco and Molly DeBoer Chan Kun Chung Kanghoe Do son...body, mind and soul, has been central in keeping Paul Escalante-Mead Hana and Maya Eldessouky Mathew & Dao Gibault us at Seoul Foreign over these many years. Our The Foord Family Janelle Grover commitment is and always has been to the students of Gardon & Greyvensteyn Seong Hoon Hong Brian Hall Seoul Foreign School who again and again challenge Wan Hee Hong Jeff and Jenn Holcomb Shirley and Peter Hutchin and inspire us. It has truly been a gi to be a part of Hyun Sook Hong Won Joo Hwang the SFS educa onal community and it will always The Hong Family Colin '22 & Trevor '20 Jackson James Hopkins Menya Jefferson remain a place we want to support in any way we Judy and David Hwang Woo Tak Jeun can.” Audrey Im Jin-hyuck Joo Mike and Lauren Jackson Young Nam Joo Byeong-guk Jeon Sang Oh Kang Edie ‘77 and Jack MOON, Celine Jin Albert Y. Kim '14 Current Faculty Ji Young Jung Chul-hoi Kim Calvin Anthony Kamphuis Kyu Heon Kim The Kent Family Sung Han Kim
Community of donors and sponsors ANNUAL FUND DONATION 2014-15 THE MILLENNIUM CLUB Haelyung Hwang & Younghee Cha Jenna Lee Yong Sung Park Tzu Yu Sheng RED AND BLACK CLUB Eulho Suh & KyungEn Kim ‘90* THE CREST CLUB Anonymous Alum Robert and Sondra Black Chris an ’14 and Benjamin Choi Colm and Sinead Flanagan James and Sarah (Hubbard) Gunberg ‘71 Jus n Jang Euiseok Kim and Regina Ryu ‘87* Nina H. Kim ‘83*, Peter S. Choi and Kate Kim Choi George Dongkyu Ko The Lim Family - Class of ‘07 & ‘10 Esther and Joon Myong The Nahm Family Katherine and Jus n Oh Jasmine, Iris and James J. Park Peter and Kelly TomHon CENTENNIAL CLUB Anonymous Alum Harold Benjamin ‘51* Chris na Farley Hyun Sook Hong Mike, Lauren, Trevor & Colin Jackson The Kent Family Blair, Kim, Hudson & Maguire Lee Hugh Lee GE Star Award - Christopher Luke ‘14 Susan Pope ‘90 Elliot & Helena Prest The Rudolph Family Carol Ann Sauer LaCroix ‘71 Frank Shyn ‘87* Juhie Suh ‘92 The Teather Family Yoojin Um Peter Wang ‘68 James S. Weaver, Jr. Family Fund
GRADUATING SENIORS CLASS OF 2015 Jaime Carlos Agravante Yoon Hyuk Chang Nathan Cheung Joo Hun Choi Yong Han Choi John De Less Lucy Dornbach Patrick Hahn James Hahn Chang Min Hyon Christy Joo Toby Kim Craig Jae-Huhn Kim Andrew Kim Natalie Kim Benjamin Kim Chang Hyun Kim Lauren Koo David Lee Jae Hyun Lee Kate Lee Sharon Lim Johannes Mansson Callum McEachen Leonardo Migliardi Juan Miques Ayushi Mistry Brian Park Jonathan Sheldrick Laure Shin Michelle Sohn Kai Summers William TomHon Ana Villarreal Jenny Wang
1912 SOCIETY Jenna Lee
THE MILLENNIUM CLUB Yong Sung Park Tzu Yu Sheng RED AND BLACK CLUB Jane Nicole Lee THE CREST CLUB Hyung and Andrea Ahn Robert and Sondra Black BT&I—Kay Song Chris an and Benjamin Choi John and Alice Engstrom Chris na Farley James and Sarah (Hubbard) Gunberg ‘71 Haelyung Hwang and Younghee Cha J&J Catering Euiseok Kim and Regina Ryu ‘87* Roger H. Kim ‘93 George Dongkyu Ko The Lim Family The Nahm Family Hyungji Park ‘85 Jasmine, Iris & James J. Park Peter Pin ‘77 Michelle Sohn Peter and Kelly TomHon Verizon Matching Fund
Our newest par cipants to the Annual Fund
LEGACY CLUB Albert Kim ‘14
CENTENNIAL CLUB Olivia and Alicia Chung Donald N. Clark ‘61 Romulo H. Delmendo ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hunsaker Mike and Lauren Jackson Graeme and Carol Kent Henry Kim Blair and Kim Lee Brian Lee Susan Pope ‘90 The Rudolph Family Joanna Seung Richard and Cynthia Seymour Frank Shyn ‘87* Michael L. Stern ‘78 Kisoon Nam (Chun) Lauren, Adam, Jade and Ella Teather Yoojin Um James S. Weaver, Jr. Family Fund
RED AND BLACK CLUB Jaeho and Soojin Choi Jane Nicole Lee THE CREST CLUB Hyung & Andrea Ahn Anonymous Yasmeen Bae Robert and Sondra Black Leo Cho From the Cho Family—Paul, Jiyeon, Christopher and Natalie Chris an and Benjamin Choi The Kimberly Clark Founda on John and Alice Engstrom Rob and Laura Evere James and Sarah (Hubbard) Gunberg ‘71 Haelyung Hwang & Younghee Cha Euiseok Kim & Regina Ryu '87* Nina H. Kim ‘83*, Peter S. Choi and Kate Kim Choi Seogoo Lee & Suyoung Nam The Lim Family Hyungji Park '85 Jasmine, Iris & James J. Park Sookook Company Peter & Kelly TomHon CENTENNIAL CLUB Chris na Farley Hyun Sook Hong Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hunsaker Mike & Lauren Jackson George Dongkyu Ko Alice D. Lavina Harry, Linda & George Rudolph ‘07 Jack and Rachel Shao Frank Shyn ’87* Yoojin Um James S. Weaver, Jr. Family Fund Rick Wilson
LEGACY CLUB Anonymous Chris an Choi ‘14 Albert Kim ‘14
The Heritage Club $ 100,000 +
1912 Society $ 50,000 +
The Crest Club $ 1,000 +
Centennial Club $ 100 +
Community of donors and sponsors CENTENNIAL FUND DONATION 2011-12 THE MILLENNIUM CLUB Jeremy & Hojung Cheung (Parents of Nathan & Eunice Cheung) Christy Joo Eric Joo Do Yoon Kim Kathleen and Rachel Lee Helena and Isabelle Park Yong Sung Park The Shin Family RED AND BLACK CLUB In memory of Edwin W. Crowe ’43* For our SFS children and in honor of our parents, Richard and Patricia Ashcra and Ed and Thelma Gaylord from John and Lynn Gaylord John and Masumi O’Donnell ’70 Tzu Yu Sheng THE CREST CLUB Jinsoo and Pearl Bae Yasmeen Bae Robert and Sondra Black In honor of the MS Faculty 2011-12 from your student, Andrew Ilhoon Byun Dong Soo Byun From the Cho Family - Paul, Jiyeon, Christopher and Natalie Chris an and Benjamin Choi Noah Tae-sun Chung ’95 John and Alice Engstrom Josh, Ben and Jacob Evere Rebecca Freeman Kathleen and Timothy Gray Hana Bank—Yonhi-dong Branch Hyong Min Kim Hyong Seok Kim Nina H. Kim ’83* and Peter S. Choi George Dongkyu Ko Camila and Gabriela Gonzalez Koo James and Sarah (Hubbard) Gunberg ’71 Celine Jin J&J Catering Stephan Min Jason Oh Hyungji Park ’85 Jasmine, Iris and James J. Park In memory of Christopher Mark Thomas, loving uncle of Edward Joseph Pasternak Langston and Linda Rogde Peter and Kelly TomHon Buhm Jin Yoon
Patricia Robin Evans In honor of Mr. John Gaylord, from your SFS Children of our Centennial Year Chloe Dain Han Chris ne Jane Han Youngsook Hahm Hyun Sook Hong Ryan Jeon Jeen and Bomsinae Kim Yoo Soo Kim John Kimm ‘84 Korea Exchange Bank – Yonhi-dong Branch Jennifer Koenig ’92* Grace and Riley Kwak Family Andy and Joanna Lee Chang Hwan Lee Haeeun Heather Lee ’05 Jaehyun Jacob Lee The Jugant Family In honor of Mrs. Mary Ellen Lee, from your 1L children of our Centennial Year Robert Lee ’60* David Livingston ’72* Monika and Ewa Marczuk In honor of Ms. Dawn Melarvie, from your SFS children of our Centennial Year In honor of Mrs. Edie Moon from the HS cast of ‘Back to the 80s’ Mitsuaki Morita ’79* John C. O’Donnell ‘70 Maura O’Donnell-McCarthy ’75* Gene Jaewoo Park Harry, Linda & George Rudolph ‘07 In Memory of Robert G. Sauer, Former Trustee & Teacher Frank Shyn ’87* Yage Song Yarene Song Hannah Summers Kai Summers Linda Wang Judi Sargent Whitmire ’78 Sen Di Ten Yoojin Um In honor of Mr. Nathan Walker from the MS cast of ‘Oliver Twist’ Morgan and Jordan Yi Youngja Yum
THE MILLENNIUM CLUB Do Yoon Kim Heather and Sunny Yi
RED AND BLACK CLUB Anonymous Chul Ho Chang Timothy Cho THE CREST CLUB Leo Cho Chris an and Benjamin Choi Shirley Droese John and Alice Engstrom Josh, Ben and Jacob Evere SeungChul Peter Hyun Rachel Lee Tzu Yu Sheng CENTENNIAL CLUB Andrew Byun Rebecca Dignan The Heller Family Carol Ann Sauer LaCroix ‘71 Alice Lavina Harrison Lee Harry, Linda and George Rudolph Heidi Stallings Michael Stern Peter and Kelly TomHon St. Mark’s Lutheran School
** All returning donors have been marked in red.
THE LEGACY CLUB Lance, Mary, Ethan, Mason and Porter Ence Kisoon Nam Misty Skidmore
RED AND BLACK CLUB Kay Song (BT&I) The Kwun Family John C. O’Donnell The Shin Family THE CREST CLUB Hongchul and Yasmeen Bae Chris an and Benjamin Choi James and Julie Danahy John and Alice Engstrom James and Sarah Hubbard Gunberg Celine Jin Ji Yong Lee Tracy and Tim Mohr The SFS Classified Staff Shou Liang Wang Yonhee Badminton Club CENTENNIAL CLUB Anonymous Kevin, Dee and Baker Family Andrew Byun Eunhi Cho Hyun Sook Hong Warren and Robin Hudson Carol LaCroix Andy and Joanna Lee Young Sun Lee Amy Lindholm Elizabeth Lloyd Patrick O’Malley Pete and Judy Penick Elise K. Prosser Langston and Linda Rogde Harry G. Rudolph Peter and Kelly TomHon THE LEGACY CLUB Anonymous Jeff and Barbara Benson Tony and Margaret Curran Caroline Hahn Yoo Soo Kim Insil Tahk Yoojin Um Buhm Jin Yoon Youngja Yum
CENTENNIAL CLUB Jaime Cabal Anna Castagnaro Donald N. Clark '61 Lydia Colston Killough '81 Dan & Joneen Copeland Nick, Sally, Isobel and Estella Corben Drs. JB and Be e Crouse, Jr.
The Millennium Club $ 10,000 +
Red & Black Club $ 5,000 +
The Legacy Club Any amount given by friends and rela ves
5 11
Alum of the Year Mr. Peter Underwood, Class of 1973
Peter UNDERWOOD ‘73 at High School Graduation in June 2016 Peter during his HS years at SFS
When I learned that I had been nominated Alum of the Year, I was stunned. SFS has so many qualified alumni who have contributed so much to the school, the community, and the world, that I was honored that the commi ee selected me to represent SFS. What an honor indeed. My first experience at SFS was in Kindergarten, the year it met in the "new" Elementary School which had been finished only the year before. As a 5 year old, this fact had no historical significance (what 5 year old has a sense of history?), but thinking back, SFS is where my own history 12
began. I con nued at SFS all the way through gradua on in 1973 (with the excep on of 1st and 7th grade when we were on furlough). I can s ll trace most of my closest friends back to SFS. I watched the buildings go up, the Quonset gym, Robb Hall, the High School building and so on. Every single building that made up SFS in 1973 is gone now with the excep on of the High School building which is set for demoli on and the 'old' gym. It is not just the buildings that have changed since I a ended SFS. In Elementary School, the central hea ng emi ed cacophonous
bangs as the pipes warmed up, PE uniforms were introduced when we were in Junior High (I s ll have a pair of the shorts), and it wasn't un l High School the soccer team had matching jerseys. The costumes for the school play were s tched by parent volunteers. Textbooks were reused year a er year. The blue ink from mimeographed pages smeared our fingers. (It was a real coup if you found the master copy of a test in the trash can.) Teachers fought over THE overhead projector or THE slide projector. At least we had several record players. A lot has changed since then.
Peter with his wife Diana at HS Graduation
Peter with SFS Alumni Committee members and SFS Administration back in 2008
I am fortunate to be able to con nue SFS great is the people to live in Korea and watch this fascina ng and dynamic country who make up the evolve - inconceivable when I was at faculty and the SFS. For the last 30 years, I have been a business development administra on who consultant assis ng Western con nue to devote companies to capitalize on opportuni es here. I am happy to be themselves to helping integrate Korea into the global community and to help excellent educa on in Western companies thrive here. an environment that Equally, it is sa sfying to see SFS con nue to grow and evolve as it cares about each prepares itself to educate the next individual student. I am genera on of global leaders. The infrastructure at SFS is top class and confident that the growing pool of high caliber alums will make it the administra on con nues to increasingly challenging for the upgrade the campus. However, the commi ee to select the Alum 3 of the Year in the years to come. core of what makes
Peter Underwood graduated from SFS in 1973. While at SFS, he was ac ve in sports (soccer, basketball, track), was an occasional thespian and stage hand, and agitator. By the way, Peter was not the only one among his family to a end SFS. Since its founding, 35 members of his extended family have studied here. These include his parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, nephews, nieces, in-laws, and daughter. Peter a ended Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon, earning a dual major in Interna onal Aairs and History. A er 8 years of teaching in Korea and Japan, he earned his MBA at the University of San Francisco. For the past 28 years, he has been a business development consultant at IRC Limited where he has assisted dozens of Western companies enter the Korean market and to resolve issues with local opera ons. Peter is a long me member of the SFS Alumni Commi ee and also serves on a number of non-profit boards including Yonsei University Founda on, The SFS Jaedan, The Taechon Beach Associa on, Ethel's House (an orphanage founded by his grandmother and first teacher at SFS, Ethel Underwood) and the Seoul Foreigners' Cemetery Associa on. 13
Congratulations to the Class of 2016 deprecia ng currency can boost the aggregate demand and foster economic growth. But my teacher constantly emphasized how I should always “keep it real,” by focusing on the effects on families. So what if the aggregate demand curve shi s to the right, he asks. It is the impact on individuals which compels us to care about what we study. This became the base for my interest in studying economics with a humanitarian purpose. From my peers, I received the emo onal support to sustain myself in an endless cycle of studying. In freshmen year, with no idea where to sit, several new students at SFS ended up si ng together at the tables in front of the tray return area. Thus was born my ‘lunch table friends.’ Our conversa ons ranged from IB Science to world poli cs. The fervent camaraderie among those advancing toward a common goal supported me throughout my four difficult years of learning.
Min Byeong CHAE Class of 2016 Valedictorian
During the busy High School years, we have pushed ourselves through the sleepless nights and days crunching through projects, tests, games, theatre produc ons, art exhibi ons, and you name them. I slowly realized the answer to a quintessen al ques on we might have overlooked. At SFS, my teachers, my peers, and my school taught me the purpose in learning. From my teachers, I learned the passion and a tude towards learning. In the first week of freshmen history class, I was learning about the Renaissance. I asked one burning ques on at the end of class during a hustling transi on period. My teacher did not answer at that me. But that night, I was surprised by a lengthy e-mail from her. She did not brush off my ques on, and she kindly explained about what I had asked her. Her construc ve ideas fostered my interest in Social Studies and her helpful approach to teaching became the sustenance for my future learning.
I also learned the joy of sharing what I have learnt with others from interac ng with my colleagues. From my sophomore year, along with others, I started teaching current events and debate to Middle School and Key Stage 3 students to foster interest in Model United Na ons from the grassroots level. Helping younger students by passing on my knowledge inspired me to become an interna onal civil servant with a passion for serving others and a keen interest in world affairs.
My dream was solidified through the mission of SFS, which was founded by the missionaries who wished to share what they learned. When I go to church every Sunday, I see Yanghwajin Foreign Cemetery. There, I can see familiar surnames involved in the founding of SFS: the Underwoods, the Weems, and the Appenzellers, who all contributed to the spreading of Chris anity and modern educa on in Korea. From my school, I found out about their spirituality. Also, a ending the Vida Nueva retreat allowed me to rekindle my rela onship with God I also learned that what I study and further explore what I believe in. The “could” connect to real life. In spirituality I learned from SFS will Economics class, I read the textbook on how a become a pillar which I will be able to
Sarah Hahm, recipient of the Fine Arts-Scholar Award
lean on in my future studies. When I first came to SFS in January 2012 for my admissions test, it was a snowy day. Walking up the snowy slope, I was mesmerized by the clean air, the beau ful buildings, and the serene atmosphere. Last Sunday, I came to the SFS campus by myself with no one around. As I walked around the corridors where I dragged around my rolling bag and passed by the old admissions office in the Middle School building, I realized that I had forgo en how much I have loved this place since that snowy day and how I could not express it.
Today I want to tell you how much I love my great teachers, my encouraging peers, and my beau ful school. Thank you for teaching me the purpose of learning and studying, which I know now. It is the sincere a tude, devo on, and love for knowledge and people for which I care. Now, most valedictorians would end their speeches with a final good-bye, wishing everyone good luck. But I do not want to say good-bye, because it is simply not true. We might meet again in the future, whether it is at Incheon Airport or on the streets of New York, with the knowledge from our teachers and the spirituality from SFS. I wish all graduates the best of luck in our future endeavours, and I hope to see you soon.
Graduation Highlights & Awards Valedictorian - Min Byung Chae Salutatorian - Andrew Cheon Alumnus of the Year - Mr. Peter A. Underwood ‘73 Alumni Committee Award - Aiswarya Nagasubramony Scholar-Athlete Award - Nicole Hong IB Senior Award - Aiswarya Nagasubramony Fine Arts-Scholar Award - Sarah Hahm Seoul Foreign School Award (selected by the SFS Board) Amanda Chung Int’l Businessperson of the Year Award - Mary Yang
Andrew Cheon Class of 2016 Salutatorian
Before I begin this speech, I would like to thank all the people in the audience who raised us. For me, that was my parents. These two people sat next to me as I was losing my fight with a disease, and now they are seated in front of me to see me walk this stage three years later. Mom and Dad, you always tell me that I don’t have to pay you back for anything, but I promise that in due me you will find all of your efforts worthwhile. Thank you for giving me opportuni es, and thank you for helping me fall in love with my life. I invite everyone in the audience to take a really good look at the faces of our gradua ng class si ng here onstage. You will no ce that some of us s ll have baby faces. Some of us look younger than the kids
from last week’s Middle School promo on. Yet others have beards set in, as though prepared to receive their Master’s Degrees tonight. But don’t let that fool you. All of us are young. And you know what that means. It means we s ll need you to be pa ent with us. Now, that might sound threatening, but I’m trying to deliver a message of hope. You should all have hope in us to carry the torch that you’ve handed to us as our parents, teachers, and loved ones. You’ve been to our fine arts banquets, you’ve been to our sports banquets, you’ve watched our awards ceremonies––so I bet you think you know what kind of students make up this gradua ng class. Well, in my experience with these people here, those ceremonies and banquets don’t even scratch the surface of our individual capabili es. There are so many skills, talents, and gi s we have that go unassessed and some mes, unrecognized. Some of those assets are arguably far more valuable than academic prowess. I hope all of you are able to iden fy these traits in your own children or friends and encourage them to hone their exper se. Seniors, this fresh age of 18 ±1 is truly a beau ful stage in our lives. We all know how trial and error works. That’s how we’ve been ge ng around in life. The special thing is, right now, we can treat a lot of our errors as successes. As long as we dedicate ourselves to pushing the boundaries of our capabili es, this will be our reality for the next few years. That’s why we have to be ready to take our hand off the rail soon.
I admit, in my personal experience, I’ve never heard a speech that ac vely changed my life. There’s a lot more that goes into it than just hearing a message that you really vibe with. I’m not here to change your life. That’s your job. I’m just here to remind you that, in the best way possible, you’re not going to go very far in life based on what you already know right now. You’re going to advance in
life by what you’re going to learn and do a er you leave this place. So I encourage you to be present, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.
Be present in your successes, and be present in your failures. Let’s learn to live our lives free from a sense of en tlement, and let’s learn how to invest ourselves in whatever passion grips us. Be present as you prepare for the future, and be present as you wait. You will gain profound awareness of the temporary nature of life, the very trait that invokes its sanc ty. But most importantly, be present while you love. Our world can only offer as much as we are willing to receive, and I can only hope that you are willing to love this, your life, with all of your heart. All of us here have an exclusive experience of our own existence. What I mean is that nobody else can live this life for you. Class of 2016, no ma er what you end up doing or where you end up going, I hope you honor that fact in every step you take. 15
Alumni Committee Award Recipient Aiswarya Nagasubramony, Class of 2016
Aiswarya receiving the award from our Alum of the Year, Peter UNDERWOOD ‘73
When we are young, we can only see things through our own perspec ve. We o en find it hard to empathize with others, and fail to consider things from different viewpoints. This, in psychology, is called egocentrism. It is assumed that this trait goes away as a child gets older, gaining the capacity to put himself or herself in another person’s shoes and understand someone at a more in mate level. I have a ended many interna onal schools around Asia, and Seoul Foreign School is the last stop for my secondary educa on. As an interna onal student, I have found it to be very easy to get consumed by the bubble of a safe mul -cultural community that shields us from the real world. The symbiosis between people of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds at this interna onal school offers a breeding ground for a community that is untouched by events going on in the rest of the world. Although we are taught to be more understanding and accep ng of different backgrounds, such an environment can o en take us back to our egocentric days as children. It takes us back to when we could only see things from our own perspec ve, simply because we are not exposed to the reali es of the world and we fail to develop a deep connec on. Watching the news can seem tedious, with one tragedy a er another being listed off as it were a shopping list. The capacity for empathy slowly washes away as we are desensi sed to bad news because we hear it so o en through the 16
preconcep on that being an interna onal student o en acts as a disadvantage when moving on into the real world, where we are However, I have come to realise that Seoul not protected by the safety net of our Foreign School does not allow this to be the interna onal community. I have been norm. I have been given numerous opportuni es to expand my thinking constantly pushed to empathise with people around the world through the wri ng process and be exposed to new perspec ves and through conversa ons about various that I would not have otherwise been issues with peers that have shaped my able to access. The unique reality of thinking as a human being. I have been able to empathise with those in the local community SFS’s mission statement incorpora ng the Christ-like a tudes through various personal interac ons. I have been blessed that SFS has provided me the has inculcated in me the importance opportunity and support through a safe of empathy through my par cipa on medium for my ideas to be shared and in numerous ac vi es. One specific perspec ve to be cul vated. experience that will stay with me through my future endeavours is my experience as a Being a student of Seoul Foreign School has writer for the school newspaper. This is the shaped my personality in an unimaginable only interna onal school that I have been to manner, and I cannot ask for a be er way that that has a school newspaper, and when I this school could have prepared me for the came here, I jumped at the opportunity to be real world. The future is going to be filled with able to contribute to it. As a writer for the human interac on, and empathy is an news page for the past two years, I have tried essen al ingredient for success. I will always my best to be able to bring to the school be connected to SFS because of what it has community per nent issues in a new light that taught me. I believe that everything I would allow everyone to connect more deeply do from now on will be a reflec on of with these issues. However, it is not just the what I gained from my me at this wri ng that has mo vated me, but more the acceptance of new ideas that has allowed me school, allowing me to be a valuable to reach out to members of our community. I representa on of what this school have received posi ve comments about my has to offer. We as seniors are far from the own wri ng, but more so been awestruck at egocentric children we started out as, and I the posi ve conversa on that has been will always remember Seoul Foreign School as invoked through the communica on of the turning point in making that happen. various ideas by the newspaper. This open-mindedness has thrashed my media.
Faculty Profile Frances Snowden, BS Key Stage 3 Teacher shores of Incheon in August 2008. I first heard of SFS when I was teaching in Indonesia and some colleagues had worked with a teacher here and spoke of how wonderful the school was. I made further inves ga ons of SFS and decided it was where I next wanted to be. I was happy to know that I was going to be working at a school centred in Christ. I discovered Seoul Foreign School's Chris an core is one that challenges and one that comforts - in equal measure. Being a member of the Psalms Choir has been a source of reflec on and fulfilment as well.
‘God is a God of the present. God is always in the moment, be that moment hard or easy, joyful and painful.’ Henri Nouwen This is a wonderful outlet for crea vity and so different to my daily life in the classroom. I have also found the professional development opportuni es at SFS excellent and it has enabled me to a ain my Master’s Degree, amongst other things.
I am beginning my ninth year here at the As SFS moves forward, I hope its Bri sh School sec on as a Key Stage 3 focus on interna onalism and Geography and Religious Educa on teacher. I crea vity con nues to be par cularly like the different na onali es of the staff and students and the different important aspects of the formal perspec ves this offers. As a faculty member, I and informal curricula. feel very supported in the Bri sh School and there is a wonderful sense of community and A er teaching in Australia for ten years, I joyful camaraderie. I would like to conclude with a quote from Dag sought different ‘moments’ for my life and so I Hammarskjold (former Secretary General of began my interna onal teaching career in There are two areas of SFS that I have found the United Na ons) that I say to myself as I January 2000 and have not looked back. invaluable in my personal and professional walk out of my classroom each day: ‘For all development. The first is being involved in that has been, thanks. For all that will be, Following s nts in England (twice), Poland some theatre produc ons as a Stage Manager. yes!’ (twice) and Indonesia, I found my way to the
Picture June’s Farewell Dinner Frances Snowden with her Key taken Stage at 3 Students 18
Intro to New Faculty/Staff
The Advancement Team’s Next Chapter programs, and framework, she has equipped the team with enduring confidence as it embarks upon a new chapter with a few new members joining the flock. Jack Moon joins the group as Director of Student Recruitment & Alumni Rela ons, and yours truly, Esther Myong, will lead the team on an interim basis during the 2016-2017 school year. On behalf of the en re team, I look forward to working alongside you towards a common goal of promo ng and showcasing our School both locally and globally. Left to Right: Esther Myong, John Searles, Soyoung Chung, Yoojin Um, Jack Moon, and Sheree Kent The School’s Advancement Team (communica ons/marke ng/development) experienced a significant change within the past few months as its team leader and Head
of Advancement, June Kang, decided to step down from the posi on she has held for the past twelve years. However, leaving behind an amazing trail of innova ve ini a ves,
Esther K. Myong, Ed.D. Director of OperaƟons, CommunicaƟons, and MarkeƟng
New Faces in the Admissions Office! In August, we have welcomed three new friendly folks in the Admissions Office. We are pleased to introduce our new Admissions Director, Joan Hester, our new Admissions Associate, Yhu-Bin Lee, and our new Admissions Assistant, Jinny Kim. Joan is a seasoned Admissions Director from Los Angeles, California, USA. She comes to us most recently from St. James School where she has been serving as the Admissions Director for the past four years. She and her husband, Jeff, are enjoying ge ng to know the city of Seoul. Yhu-Bin has previously worked at Korea Interna onal School as the Admissions Associate, and brings with her a wealth of interna onal school admissions experience. Originally from Canada, Yhu-Bin currently lives in Seoul with her husband and daughter.
Left to Right: Jinny Kim, Joan Hester, Yhu-Bin Lee, and Jinju Lee Jinny is returning to the Admissions Office a er a 9-year hiatus. She has been working at the Elementary School as a Teaching Assistant for the past 5 years, but we were successful in luring her back to the Admissions Office. Although not new to the Admissions Office, Jinju Lee con nues to expertly support the
new Admissions Team as the Admissions Recep onist and Transporta on Coordinator. With are grateful to have such an experienced, friendly, and dedicated group of people represen ng SFS as the first point of contact. 19
SFS Theatre Update Edie Moon, School Wide Drama Director From Odysseus to Sherlock to Olivia to Dorothy: The SFS Stage will be alive once again with Story and Song!
Beginning this year’s season will be the High School produc on of The Odyssey under the direc on of Mrs. Edie Moon. Though considered one of the oldest Western stories ever told, this version will be seen as filtered through the eyes of the contemporary writer of the play, Mary Zimmerman, who has had a love affair with classic stories since she was a child. The ancient and the modern will come heart to heart as the story is told by a cast of 43 SFS High School students using various elements of physical theatre and performance to bring the story to life. Of course, the challenge will be how an epic tale such as Homer’s Odyssey can remotely be captured in an auditorium even if it is the size of the Lyso Center! This, however, is not just a challenge but it is the miracle and surprise of live theatre as it unfolds, and it will be one surprise you won’t want to miss on October 14 and 15 at 7:00pm on the mainstage of the Lyso Center. This year in conjunc on with The Odyssey, some female cast members will also be exploring The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood, which tells the story of The Odyssey through the eyes of Odysseus’ wife, Penelope, and the maids who are “le behind.” Segments of The Penelopiad will be performed and discussions will be held at a student-led TEDX Talk on the weekend of the play.
The Odyssey Cast
Audi ons have already begun for the biannual Key Stage 2 produc on of Olivia The Musical – a beau ful mash up of beloved stories including My Fair Lady, Oliver, For all the Holmes and Watson fans out there, Sherlock Holmes, and The Christmas Carol. this performance will be followed by the Key Over 110 Key Stage 2 students will take part in this deligh ul performance of ac ng, Stage 3 annual produc on en tled Young dancing, and singing under the direc on of Sherlock Holmes, on November 3 and 4 in Mrs. Edie Moon and musical directors, Mrs. Robb Hall. This produc on will be directed by Hahm and Mrs. Jun. Every student in the Key new drama teacher and director, Ms. Donna Stage 2 will take part in some capacity to Youngblood. Ms. Youngblood comes from bring these worlds alive on February 2 and 3 China where she was previously teaching at a in the Lyso Center for the Performing Arts. Bri sh interna onal school. She has a wealth of experience in theatre and is excited about joining the SFS team as one of its newest At various mes during the year, the IB directors. Theatre Year One class and IB Theatre Year Two class will also be performing original work in the Black Box Theatre. Dates and 20
mes will be announced soon. This spring on April 7 and 8, all can look forward to the High School musical, The Addam’s Family, based on the beloved television show from the 1960’s of the same tle. The year’s season will end with the 4th Grade produc on of The Wizard of Oz, in which each student in the 4th grade will take part under the leadership of the fantas c 4th Grade team, the ES music teachers, and director, Mrs. Edie Moon. The musical is scheduled for May 11 and 12. Be sure to check the SFS Fine Arts page for play summaries, cket informa on, and more at any me throughout the year.
SFS Theatre Update Edie Moon, School Wide Drama Director Something is afoot in Key Stage 3 at Seoul Foreign Bri sh School as students prepare for this year’s KS3 Produc on. What happens when you take Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's fabulously famous private detec ve, Sherlock Holmes, and imagine his adolescent year? You get this year's Key Stage 3 produc on of Young Sherlock by Craig Sodaro. Be sure to join us as we take a trip back in me to when Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Greg Lestrade, and James Moriarty are students at Bu erworth Academy where two young girls have been kidnapped. Holmes is on the scene and his friends are pressing him to solve the crime despite the fact that both a crazy psychic, Madam Lulu, and Scotland Yard's bumbling Constable Bing and his faithful sidekick, Cyril, have been
called in. Mark your calendars now and be sure to join us in Robb Hall Auditorium on November 3 and November 4, as Young Sherlock gets his start at the career that earns him the reputa on of being the world's superest super sleuth!
Donna Rossi Youngblood MYP Drama Teacher This fall we sadly said goodbye to one of the founding members of the Drama Mamas, Mrs. Kristen Freeman, as she and her daughter Becca moved back 7to the United States. For ten years, Kristen Freeman contributed to the theatre program of SFS through her work with costumes, makeup, hair, publicity, food prepara on, coordina on, and props. She was wholly commi ed to the program and worked relessly with the other members to not only contribute to individual shows, but also to complete the sor ng and organiza on of costumes and props. We are forever indebted to Kristen for her leadership, commitment, crea vity, and Drama Mama zeal! If you would like to join the Drama Mamas/ Papas this year, the members would love to have you take part. Contribu ons can be made to shopping for material, costume organiza on, overseeing of makeup and hair products, coordina on of food for rehearsals, acquisi on and/or making of props, and much more.
ARTIST IN RESIDENCE MARK HILL RETURNS TO SFS For one week in November, the students of SFS will again have the RARE opportunity to work with the remarkable ar st and teacher Mr. Mark Hill through a series of physical theatre and theatre of the oppressed workshops. A er doing significant work with aboriginal communi es in Australia, Mark will have MUCH to share with students and teachers alike. A teacher workshop will be held as well as student workshops for any students in grades 7-12.
Please contact Mrs. Edie Moon at edie.moon@seoulforeign.org if you are willing to volunteer in this capacity. Work can be done any me and anywhere all year long! It is also a fantas c way to meet other mothers/fathers in the community.
SFS Golf Tournament Alumni Reunion (Ruth Richter) September 27, 2016 PARK ‘89 (who came in 2nd place), Robert KIM ’89, Nick PARK ’93, Richard KWON community of 42 golfers joined together on a ‘94*, John MIN ’95, and Esther GWEON ’03 gorgeous Autumn day for the 6th SFS for their support and par cipa on. Annual Golf Tournament, at the beau ful Among many of our generous sponsors, we Namchon Country Club. A three course lunch would like to thank our parent sponsors, was generously provided, courtesy of the Nicholas YU from GolfTec Korea, David Namchon Country Club. It was a great LEE from FALKE/Ozoo Fashion, and John opportunity for our Head of School, SCHULDT from AMCHAM for Mr. Colm FLANAGAN, and the sponsoring great prizes for this event. community to come together in a community building event. Also, a special thank you to Jean-Manuel SPRIET, former parent and CEO of Pernod First, Second, and Third Place awards and Ricard Korea, for providing generous prizes prizes were presented to the teams with the for the event. best scores for the games of ‘Best Ball.’ To make the event more exci ng, we included The event was a huge success, and we thank some fun prizes for the best dressed award, all our par cipants and sponsors for their team with the highest score, and silent enthusiasm and support! For those of you auc on items. Everyone went home with a who could not make it this me, please be generous goody bag and a lucky draw gi . on the look out for our 2017-2018 golf
Parents, faculty, alumni and the broader SFS
This year, we were grateful for ten of our faculty members and our six alumni Dean
Colm FLANAGAN, HOS, with Tom PENLAND, TCIS HOS SFS Alumni Team: John MIN ‘95, Nick PARK ‘93, Richard KWON ‘94* and Robert KIM ‘89 (left to right)
SFS Faculty Participants
SFS Golf Tournament September 27, 2016
Here is the list of awards and awardees:
Andrew GOLDIE (Faculty)
1st Place Team: Joon MYONG (Faculty), Ki HWANG (Parent), Choong LEE (Former Parent) & James KIM (Parent) – Score of 55
Longest Drive #1: Bryan COOGAN (Faculty), 300 yards
2nd Place Team: Dean PARK ’89 (Alumni/Parent), Tae Young CHUNG (Parent), Mike AHN (Parent) & John WHANG (Parent) - Score of 60 3rd Place Team: David CHUN (Parent), Greg KANG (Parent), Don MIN (Parent) & Jus n PARK (Guest) – Score of 62
Longest Drive #2: Haydn KNEESHAW (Faculty), 290 yards Nearest to the Pin #1: Ryan KWON (Guest), 2 yards Nearest to the Pin #2: Joon MYONG (Faculty), 0.4 yards Best Dressed Awards: Kevin SKEOCH, Head of Dwight (pictured on the right)
Most Challenged Team (highest score): Triston MCMILLAN (Faculty), Ryan WALKER (Faculty), Adam JASIEWICZ (Faculty) &
1st Place Team
2nd Place Team
3rd Place Team
Esther GWEON ‘03, Distinguished Female Player
Anne e FALDYN and Kayla MOON ‘10
Bryan COOGAN, Faculty
Ryan YOON, Guest
Tracy NICHOLS, Former Faculty
Haydn KNEESHAW, Faculty
Alumni Interview Tim TAN, Class of 1999 A
er gradua ng from SFS, I started off at Northwestern University as an HPME student in their 7-year combined BA/MD program. I began as a Biomedical Engineering major, but switched into Economics and graduated with my BA in June of 2002. I chose to apply out to another medical school, and since I really wanted to live in New York, I ended up enrolling at Columbia University’s College of Physicians & Surgeons. For my first 2 years of medical school, I ended up living with fellow SFS alums, Paul PARK and David JOE (both Class of ’99), who were living and working in New York at the me. During my me at Columbia, I was involved in developing a free primary care clinic for uninsured pa ents in Washington Heights called the Columbia Student Medical Outreach (or CoSMO). Today, CoSMO is s ll going strong! I then took a year off in between my 3rd and 4th years of medical school. During this me, I did an internship at the WHO in Geneva. This was in research policy and the Interna onal Clinical Trials Registry Pla orm which is an effort to standardize repor ng of minimum data about clinical trials. During this year, I also volunteered in a district hospital in the Far North region of Cameroon. I graduated from Columbia in May of 2008. The next month I moved to Boston to start my residency training at the Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency (HAEMR) program which is based at Massachuse s General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. During the 4-year residency program, I became involved in research with the United Na ons High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). I looked at the health impacts of refugee program spending and also to 26
see if more spending leads to be er outcomes. This research is finally bearing fruit, and I’m hoping to have the results published soon (going through my second round of revisions with an academic journal). Also during my me in Boston, I met and started da ng Mari, and we eventually got married in 2011! A er finishing residency in June of 2012, we moved back to the New York area, where I did a 2-year fellowship in Interna onal Emergency Medicine at Columbia and New YorkPresbyterian Hospital. During this me, I earned a Masters in Public Health (MPH) at Columbia and worked on health development projects in Ghana and Rwanda (with which I am s ll involved). I also volunteered with a small disaster relief NGO called NYCMedics as part of a medical response team in the Philippines a er Typhoon Haiyan. Since then, I've con nued on with the organiza on as their Medical Director. I was there when there was a disaster deployment in Vanuatu a er Cyclone Pam, and I helped to organize medical teams responding to the 2015 Nepal earthquake. Currently, Mari and I are living in New York. I'm working at the Department of Emergency Medicine at Queens Hospital Center as an a ending physician and as the department's research director, with an appointment as Assistant Professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai. Mari just graduated from law school and will be star ng a job with the Department of Jus ce as a Law Clerk.
Tim TAN ‘99 during his time at SFS
1. What was your experience like a ending SFS? How long were you here?
3. Any message you would like to convey to the High School seniors who may want to pursue a career in your field?
I was at SFS for about 10 years, from 2nd grade through to 12th grade, except for a 1year gap in 4th and 5th grade when my family moved home to Australia for a year. A ending SFS felt like being
All of the things you learn, whether it be calculus, or a foreign language, or a pig's anatomy, or poetry, or philosophy -- though it might seem irrelevant to whatever career you see yourself pursuing, all of it is significant and homeschooled by a very though ul, will come back to you at some point in your generous, welcoming, big family. The life and profession. This is especially true for a teachers were as concerned with our career in medicine in which knowing how to humanism and ci zenship as they relate to people and how to work with a were with our academics, the friends I diverse team is as important as the technical knowledge and skills. Also, the training found were (and s ll are) like process in medicine is intense, so it's brothers and sisters to me, and the important to reserve me for yourself and for school campus felt like a second your family and whatever else you find home. I felt a sense of community during my important in life. 3 4 me at SFS more so than anywhere else I have been since then. 4. A quote we may use from you regarding your memories at SFS? 2. Do you feel SFS prepared you well for College/University/ other? Could you briefly This memory is as much about how Mr. Jack explain which aspect of SFS was most Moon impacted me as a mentor as it is about helpful? my experience atKimble SFS. During my‘83, senior year John KIM ‘71* and Gail RIGGS MEYER ‘70* COOK Ruth RICHTER, Former Faculty & Tina COLES ‘79 on the tennis team, we were playing SIS, and I Academically, the prepara on I received at was in a close match. Towards the end of the match, there was a discrepancy in the score. SFS for college was excellent, especially Our scorekeeper said we were ed, but my through the IB program (or should I opponent and I had been keeping track say programme? ). Also, the "global ourselves. We were both under the awareness" I learned at SFS through impression that I was down by a break. We numerous ac vi es that played up went back and forth over what the real score was, and I was tempted to take the the school's loca on, such as sports Tim at his professional workplace teams or music group trips overseas, opportunity to claim that we were indeed ed. The confusion caught your a en on, or Discovery Week projects, prepared and a er hearing about the situa on, you said me to func on in an increasingly to me, "Tim, it's your decision, but I think you thankful that you gave me direc on without small and interconnected world. know what to do." I conceded the break and telling me what to do, that you allowed me to lost the match, but in doing so I learned own the decision, and that you placed my several important lessons about myself and character growth aboveLYSO our tennis team's Harlan Former HOS, William BENJAMIN ‘58* , Alice theRachel type ofLEE person wanted to be. ‘12 Iand Albert KIMI'm ‘14 with score. Dan KIM ‘87* & Ruth
(William’s wife) & Harold BENJAMIN ‘51*
RICHTER, Former Faculty
Roberta Adams ‘73*, John Tim and his wife Mari with his former teachers, Jack MOON & Chuck KRUGLER O’Donnell ’70 & his wife Laura JUNG ‘13 during their visit in August 2016 Masumi
Alumni Notes/Visits
1970s Class Rep: Veronica CREVECOEUR ‘76 John O’DONNELL ‘70 and his wife, Masumi, made a visit to the campus. This me, they were with his sister, Maura O’DONNELLMcCARTHY ‘75*, her husband, Neil, and their daughter, Fiona. It was Maura’s first visit since the Centennial celebra ons back in 2012. They were delighted to see both John and Michael O’DONNELL ‘70 up on the ‘Alumni Wall of Fame’ and to see their teddy bears, TA and Wally, up on the Centennial Welcome Center as well. It was great to have the O’Donnell family back on campus to share the updates of the School with them!
Ma hew CHUNG ‘03* in 1st grade and Catherine CHUNG ‘07* in 4th grade at SFS
A er forty years in the gas and welding industry, Greg CARLSON ‘72 decided to re re this past May. His wife, Lori, and he relocated From left: John O’DONNELL ‘70 & his wife Masumi, Neil, Fiona & to Omaha, Nebraska to be closer to their Maura O’DONNELL MCCARTHY ‘75* family. Greg says that “Guests are most welcome our guest room is always ready! places that could s r memories, and Gabe We had a special visit from our alum, Michael Bring your golf clubs.” took some pictures to help conjure those STERN '78's, close friend Patricia Curran, her up. When we emailed Karen about some of husband, Michael Sandgren, and their Karen LIPPOLD graduated from SFS back in ‘77 her best memories, she men oned: playing daughter all the way from Virginia. Patricia has and, while she wasn’t able to get back this varsity tennis and basketball; Mrs. Hahm and been a close friend of Michael since college. year, her husband (Peter Seigel) and son her Korean class; ac ng in the play You Can’t He shared so many fond memories of SFS that (Gabe) visited for the first me. They jokingly Take it With You; the “new” Korean gate she had to visit the School. Even though she said that they came to “find out whether this (which is now the “old” one); and the didn't a end SFS, she knew many former mystery school that Karen kept talking about beau ful temples and countryside that they students and teachers who were affiliated actually existed.” They were blown away by saw on their Senior Trip. Karen now runs her with SFS back in the 70s. It was great to have the beauty of the campus and its amazing the family on campus. own gourmet business. Check it out at facili es. While li le of the school that Karen “Gourmet by Karen.” knew is s ll in existence, there were a few
Karen LIPPOLD ‘77 with her children (left) and Karen’s husband, Peter, and son, Gabe, while visiting SFS 28
Friend of Michael STERN ‘78, Patricia Curran, with husband (Michael Sandgren) and daughter
(although now extended and with an addi onal floor), and her parents’ (Ron & Ruth Richter) former home s ll intact. She was accompanied by her husband, Jeff, and their daughter, Heather (a senior in High School). Jeff and Tammy were both in the Air Force and sta oned in mul ple loca ons. They are now both re red from the Air Force and live in Virginia. Tammy has shi ed gears and made her foray into educa on as a math teacher. Needless to say, she was excited to show her family around the campus which Sarah and Elizabeth Zeichner are the brought back many fond memories for her. daughters of Rachel MOON ‘78. Rachel was She was happy to see that the school has voted Alumni of Year at SFS in 2011. A er 20 con nued to grow and excel over me. years in the Washington, D.C. area, the family moved to Charlo esville, VA, where Rachel Shaun BASINGER ’85 wants to give a shout serves as Chief of Pediatrics at the University out to all those who knew him. He tells those of Virginia School of Medicine. Her who3might want to reconnect with him to daughters, Sarah and Elizabeth, are both write to his email: iatxcapa6650@gmail.com. He misses you, he says! He will be turning 50 enrolled at the University of Chicago. Sarah on November 28th, and he cannot believe has completed her degree in Systems the me has flown by so quickly. He has Development and will start work at worked with United Airlines for 19 years. He McMaster Carr upon returning to the States. She joined her sister, Elizabeth, who is currently in Los Angeles, CA. He has also is studying abroad for a semester in Seoul at been in Philadelphia, San Diego, Iowa, and Yonsei University to learn Korean. They also Texas. He looks back fondly on the me when he was “soooo young.” He recalls Mr. visited both Pusan and Cheju Island. Upon Borden and deeply misses him. He recounts arrival at the School, they said they were Dragon Valley 2 ski , Camp Mt. of Pines, the excited to see “where Mom went to DMZ visit , and “misbehaving” in Mrs. school.” They took many pictures to show Vogeree's (“How do I spell her name her how the school has changed. Their correctly?”) class. He told us of many more comment was “the facili es are amazing… 5 6 fond memories, but he specifically lucky students.” remembers Mr. Moon. Mr. Moon let them watch the Super Bowl on the TV in class. It was the Denver Broncos versus the Dallas Class Rep: Chang (Dean) PARK ‘89 Cowboys. And to this day, the Denver Broncos is s ll Shaun’s favorite team. If you Tammy RICHTER KRASSY ’81, came by to want to reminisce with him, please don’t visit her old haunts only to find most of the hesitate to contact him through his email. He campus changed. She was happy to s ll find would love to hear from those who know the old Admin/library building (now called him! the Annex), the Korean gate, the High School
1990s Class Rep: David RHA ‘92 Class Rep: Benjamin CHAI ‘94 Class Rep: Renee KANG ‘94 Class Rep: Lionel CHUFFART ‘95*
Tristan STROBL ’92* and family Tristan STROBL, a would-be graduate of ‘92, and his family, visited SFS during the summer break. Tristan a ended SFS for one year in 1988 as an 8th grader, and he has many fond memories of SFS. He currently resides in Hong Kong with his family and work at UBS AG Ltd. It was great to have him back on campus! 7 It was a pleasure to have Shane HAHM '96 and Helen JUNG '96 back on campus. They were delighted to meet up with their former teachers, Jim Milliken, Marian Gille , Chuck Krugler, and Jack Moon. Shane works as a correspondent/producer for Reuters in Seoul, and Helen is the Head of Korea Research at Gerson Lehrman Group. They both shared their memories during their me and enjoyed touring the campus.
Daughters of Rachel MOON ‘78 (left), Jim Milliken (former teacher), Helen JUNG ‘96, Shane HAHM ‘96, and Marian Gillett (former teacher)
Alumni Notes/Visits
Richard PARK, Andrew Y. PARK, and Lesley PARK NEWMAN paid SFS a visit, a school they a ended for a few years but from which they did not actually graduate. If they had, they would have graduated with the class of ‘93, ‘95, and ‘00, respec vely. The school has changed radically from the me they were here, and it was a treat to be able to show them around the new campus. They were impressed with the facili es which they commented made them feel like they were on a college campus. The mainstage theatre was over-the-top, in their opinion. The three were Jack Moon, Mari KIM, Tim TAN ‘99 out to celebrate the wedding of Richard, who & Chuck KRUGLER recently married Jungwook. Richard, who was a Biology major at Virginia Tech, went into the Tim TAN ‘99, returned to Seoul for a short, Biotech industry and is currently working in celebratory visit with his wife, Mari Kim Tan. Seoul with Samsung. Andrew who a ended They came to visit her parents a er she took William and Mary and majored in Math, her bar exam. She will be returning to start worked in IT and later with Capital One. her new job with the Department of Jus ce as Andrew is married to Cai, and they have two a Law Clerk. Currently, Mari and Tim are living adorable li le children, Connor and Zoe. in New York, where he is working at the Lesley, who was men oned in an earlier copy Department of Emergency Medicine at of the Banner, finished her Ph. D. at Yale in Queens Hospital Center as an a ending Chronic Disease Epidemiology (2015) and is physician and as the department's research now employed as a research scien st at the director, with an appointment as Assistant Stanford Center for Popula on Health Professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Sciences. Her key focus area is in cancer Mt Sinai. epidemiologic research design, and
par cularly in evalua ng and reducing cancer risk.
2000s Class Rep: Michelle KIM ‘00 Class Rep: Jennifer CHA ‘02 Class Rep: Michelle LEE ‘03 Class Rep: Alex PAIK ‘04
Noffar KEIDAR and fiancé, Tomer Bashan
Guess who came by to visit SFS? Noffar KEIDAR! She a ended SFS from 2000 to 2005 and wants to give a shout out to all the friends that she made while she was here. Noffar came to SFS speaking no English at all but felt immediately welcomed by the school and the SFS community. In her me at SFS, she not only learned English but was inspired to become a teacher herself. And what is she teaching? You guessed it…English! Currently she is a teacher in Haifa, Israel. She is engaged to Tomer Bashan, and their wedding is set for November 3, 2016. Cai (wife of Andrew) with Zoe (daughter), Andrew PARK, Jack Moon, Lesley PARK NEWMAN, Connor (son of Andrew and Cai), Jungwook (wife of Richard), and Richard PARK 30
Alumni Notes/Visits
A knock on the office door caused Jack Moon to turn to see who it was. In the doorway stood a person that looked vaguely familiar and yet very different from the student he once knew. He remembered Will RICHARDS ’08 as this thin, wiry athlete that played soccer. Will has now officially filled out and is a bonafide soccer player. A er finishing a degree in Marke ng and Sales, Will moved to the Philippines to work. While there, he joined a football club where he eventually came in contact with the Chelsea FC program. Due to his love of football, he ended up qui ng his job and began to coach an under-18 group of soccer players. As of now, he is looking to change to a posi on within the organiza on that will allow him to travel more and con nue to coach overseas. Some of his best memories at SFS are: winning APAC Soccer in 2004, the great teachers he had, the fun classes he took, and the ability to make life-long friends.
Jennifer CHAY ‘09 with her mom
and ea ng Korean food in the new cafeteria. Upon reflec on, she noted that her greatest memories of SFS were due in large part to the caring, nurturing a tudes shown to her by her teachers. C
Recently, he accepted a posi on in Finance which will move him to LA. He’s excited by the challenge of his new job and to live the California lifestyle. In the mean me, he is taking a well-deserved break to catch his breath before stepping into his new role.
‘08 with
Class Rep: Kayla MOON ‘10 Class Rep: Joon KIM ‘14
Andy LEE ‘12 came by to visit us prior to our 2016 gradua on ceremony. He is a recent graduate from the University of Pennsylvania. He earned a degree in both Finance and Systems Engineering. He completed both in Jennifer CHAY ’08 has been visi ng with her four years which meant parents in Seoul for the past couple of weeks he was keeping the and decided to swing by SFS for a visit. In the midnight oil burning. A past tennis player on our course of her visit, she was able to reunite SFS team, he has turned with Joon Myong, Edie Moon, and John to the weight room and Black. In the picture of Jennifer and her has really bulked up to mom, you see the model of the new HS. the point that we hardly Jennifer graduated from Wellesley and is recognized him. The past currently living in Boston (for the last 8 half year has been all years). She works for an e-commerce about job hun ng. company called Wayfair.com. Her memories at SFS include dramas (The Pink Panther, A Red Herring), cheerleading, student council,
Andy LEE ‘12 31
Joseph GODDEN ‘13 Joseph GODDEN ‘13 is considered one of our lifers at SFS having spent 13 years of his early life with us. A er gradua on, Joseph headed back to the UK to enter into the medical school program at the University of Leicester. He just finished his 3rd year there and will be studying Sports & Exercise Medicine in the upcoming year at Queen Mary University in London. When we asked him about his memories of “the good old days,” he was quick to men on Cross Country and Basketball. Turns out that he con nues to play basketball on his university team. Go U of L! He also reflected on the unique and caring community that SFS was to him. Amanda CHUNG ‘16 stopped by to say goodbye to friends and teachers before heading off to university. She is currently enrolled at UC San Diego. When we asked Amanda what her favorite memory was from this past year she said “Senior week…the whole week was literally about my class…no assignments, no IB exams…just my class.” While Ellio SHIM‘16* didn’t graduate from Seoul Foreign this past year, he did a end SFS for 5 years from 2010-2015 and his best memories of school are about his me on the DW service trip to Thailand in 2014. It was a top-of-the-line experience that he will never forget. Ellio is heading to UC Davis to also enjoy the beauty of California.
Amanda CHUNG ‘16 and Elliott SHIM ‘16* while visiting SFS
If you are interested in an internship in the SFS Advancement Office, please contact: Blair Lee, Assistant Head of School-Academics at blair.lee@seoulforeign.org Priority will be given to SFS Alumni
SFS ALUMNI LIKE US h ps://www.facebook.com/alumnisfs
Ellen in BS Year 1
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Alumni Bulletin
Introducing our Director of Student Recruitment And Alumni Relations
Jack Moon Allison & Amos LYSO ’93/Former Faculty with son Malachi
Jack Moon has been at SFS off and on for a record 32 years and coun ng. He first arrived at Seoul in 1979 only to find Korea living under strict mar al law. Later that year, the president, Park Chung Hee, father to the current president, was assassinated. A rough beginning to be sure.
Alumnus of the Year Award Malachi “Kai” LYSO
What he didn’t know was that he was catching Korea and Seoul Foreign School at a me of remarkable growth and ascendancy. Korea within a mere 25 years was to move from being a third world country controlled by harsh, government rule to a recognized world power in financial circles in an emerging democracy. SFS moved from being a small school mostly for missionary children to a large, interna onal school that served mostly business and embassy children. Jack Moon taught courses in the Life and Earth Sciences from 1979-2004. Early on he helped to introduce an advanced Human Anatomy & Physiology course to the HS curriculum and later helped to implement the IB program at SFS. During that me he also coached Tennis, Basketball, and Soccer, and served as the school’s Athle c Director for two years. Most notably, he met his wife-to-be, Edie Rader, here at SFS in 1984. They were married that year and later had two girls, Melissa and Kayla, both who were born and raised in Korea. They repatriated to the US in 2004 but a er 3 years of teaching in the States, were invited to return to SFS to take on different roles. Edie became the schoolwide Drama Director and Jack became the
school Ac vi es Director for the next eight years. Approached last year by the administra on about becoming part of the Advancement Team as the Director of Student Recruitment and Alumni Rela ons, Jack is now into his third posi on at the school. His long me rela onship with SFS and the students that have passed through it played a significant role in his acceptance of this new posi on and he looks forward to the challenges and the opportuni es that lie ahead.
2017 will be SFS’ 19th year presen ng the “Alumnus of the Year Award.” Mr. Peter UNDERWOOD ‘73 was the recipient last year. Please read the criteria below carefully and forward your nomina ons for possible candidates with their achievements and the reason why you are recommending the par cular alum to Jack Moon at jack.moon@seoulforeign.org We kindly ask that all nomina ons be submi ed no later than Tuesday, November 1, 2016. The final selec on will be made by the Alumni Commi ee. Criteria An alum who: 1. Is suppor ve of the School in word and ac on 2. Has achieved success in their field and is commi ed to public service 3. A ended SFS for at least two years (does not have to be a graduate)
Addi onal Informa on The Alum of the Year will be invited to High School gradua on in June, and will present the SFS Alumni Commi ee jack.moon@seoulforeign.org or 02-330-3100 ext. 19103 Award to the winning senior. Alumni who Bri any RADER ‘09 with the FOORD and WILCOX family at SFS can also be are currently employed Andy KIM, Seon Woo KIM, Brennannominated. HAN & Peter LEE ‘14 For Alumni Informa on and Visits, please contact Jack Moon at:
Alumni TributeNotes/Visits to Gail Jean Riggs Meyer ‘70
exclusive men’s swimming award) Gail Jean Riggs Meyer March 30, 1952—July 7, 2016 at Taechon Beach. She con nued to play compe ve volleyball through much of her adult life.
Gail’s parents established the Friends of Seoul Foreign School (FSFS), a 501(c)(3) corpora on in the US whose sole purpose is providing support for SFS. When her parents re red from the FSFS board, Gail became the FSFS chair and served in that role for twenty years un l her un mely death. Much of Gail’s work life was spent as a safety director at companies in Northern Iowa. Having grown up as a missionary kid, Gail came to realize that “not all of
On July 7, 2016, Seoul Foreign School lost one of its most ardent supporters when Gail Jean (Riggs) Meyer passed away at the age of 64. Gail’s parents, Robert and Florence Riggs, came to Korea as missionaries in 1956 when Gail entered Seoul Foreign School as a kindergartener. Her father oversaw the building of Severance Hospital and also served as treasurer of the Seoul Foreign School Board. Gail a ended SFS through her sophomore year when her family returned to Iowa.
She o en commented on how SFS le a las ng stamp on her life by exposing her to all facets of educa on - theater, music, religion, science, math, arts and sports. Her love of music and theater nurtured at SFS persisted throughout her life as she sang in church choirs and par cipated in various community theater produc ons. She was also an
us are called to foreign soils but our calling is right here. It is our challenge to discover the ‘mission’ God has set for us right here, right now.” Her life of service in Iowa and her commitment to suppor ng Seoul Foreign School (working in the background with no desire for personal recogni on) showed the impact SFS had on her life. She knew that she had been blessed by Seoul Foreign School, and lived her life as a blessing to others.
With respect and gra tude,
Harlan E. Lyso Former Head of School Treasurer of Friends of Seoul Foreign School
accomplished athlete. At the age of 14, she was the first girl to win the
Underwood Cup (a previously 34
Gail during her time at SFS
Tribute to Gail Jean Riggs Meyer ‘70
Gail with SFS alumni at the Taechon Beach, N.C., 2015 reunion last fall
Gail & John KIM ‘71* at the San Francisco Alumni Reunion in 2014
Gail pictured with SFS alumni and missionaries during the Centennial Year 35