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Interview with Students

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What do you think is the most rewarding and challenging aspect of working in a diverse environment?


Gabriella: The most rewarding aspect of working in a diverse environment is being exposed to different perspectives. Each situation can be interpreted differently based on individual background and experiences. By not only listening to the perspectives of others, but also respecting differing outlooks and working to understand them, we increase workplace cohesion while also enriching our own views as well. When working in diverse environments, we are able to approach situations from multiple outlooks, and these differing perspectives are what help build a strong team. The most challenging aspect of working in a diverse environment is ensuring that intercultural communication is successful. Different cultures often have different communication styles, which when misunderstood can create division in an organization. styles and unconscious stereotypes or biases are acknowledged and overcome that the greatest accomplishment of a cohesive diverse team can be achieved. The challenges that arise when working in a diverse environment should be approached as an opportunity for a catalyst of organizational growth in the workplace environment.

Harneet: One of the most challenging aspects of working in a diverse environment are often surrounded by unique styles of working, and diverse individuals have different ways of approaching the same scenario as well as sharing their ideas, so the challenge discussion early on with the team and to better understand how each individual works best.

The most rewarding aspect of working in a diverse environment is being introduced to new skills and ideas. The chance to work with multiple backgrounds and learn different skills enhances one’s personal development. Everyone tends to have ideas that you may not have thought of otherwise, so it brings a fresh perspective to light. Learning new skills rewarding to be able to help others develop new skills while simultaneously strengthening my own by learning from my teammates.

What are some things you do in order to ensure a good culture within your organization?

Gabriella: There are several key elements involved in maintaining a strong organizational culture. A good company culture encourages inclusion and engagement, which leads to cohesion throughout the organization. Transparency is one important element to build trust throughout an organization. It is also key for the organizational values to not only be philosophical in nature, but also have a driving force throughout the organization. When the company values are seen throughout the workplace, this ensures that the organizational

vision is clear, strengthening the culture as a result. Further, successful communication is very important in all interactions, but can be especially pivotal when strengthening company culture. All members of the organization should feel as though their ideas and priority. I like to recognize team successes and appreciate when others do something above “thank you” message! Harneet: Firstly, I like to schedule fun team-building events/socials to encourage an ongoing positive working environment. It is important to create connections with teammates that go beyond just work. A simple “how are you?” goes a long way and is something that I have come to appreciate. This year my VP for BASS started each meeting by simply asking us “how’ are you”, and we would each share our life updates, which I valued immensely. It helped create a welcoming environment and enhanced culture within our team. This helped us get to know our teammates better and build connections with one another that extended beyond our professional environment. This is something I would like to implement in leadership positions and other organizations moving forward. I also like to create transparency within the teams I am working in. Transparency helps build trust between team members and can better assist individuals to make informed decisions. When there is trust between members it establishes better culture because you feel more comfortable among the people you are surrounded by. It is also important to be inclusive, by listening and taking into consideration everyone’s opinions and thoughts. Ultimately, I believe that good culture further strengthens performance.

From your perspective, has there been any drastic changes in diversity and inclusion in your work life?

Gabriella: Throughout my experience at Beedie, in clubs, and while on co-op, my understanding of diversity and inclusion has grown. I believe that diversity and inclusion is an important component of every organization, as it encourages organizational growth and development in the workplace by allowing differing perspectives to come together. I have seen a change in the amount of discussion surrounding this topic throughout the years, and have noticed that many are recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion in inclusion, which shows just how important it is to remain up to speed on these topics to avoid staying stagnant and uninformed! It is far more common to hear about diversity and inclusion being openly discussed now than it was several years ago, and while I believe this was a somewhat gradual change, I believe that it will continue to become more and more common going forward.

Harneet: Given the circumstances during this global pandemic, online conduction of team projects comes with the hurdle of collaborative inclusiveness but also broadens networking capabilities. When group projects, classes, and even team meetings are all conducted through online platforms, it becomes challenging for everyone to voice their opinion. of the group because there are limitations in what an individual can accomplish through umbrella of inclusivity has broadened. For example, we can reach professionals for events that may even live across the country. In a sense, we are more globally connected and inclusive.

Gabriella: One of the most important lessons that I have learned regarding diversity and inclusion is that it is a topic where there is always more to learn! Communication is not necessarily universal, and catering to different communication styles helps include the perspectives of all in diverse teams. I strive to continuously improve my communication skills and put forth efforts to encourage inclusion in any group that I am a part of. With that effort in mind, I am excited to see how the HR industry will continue to grow in the future. Feel free to reach out or connect with me on LinkedIn to chat!

HRSA REFLECTIONS Jessica Pham President and VP of Visual Media

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA is being surrounded by so many energetic, friendly, and talented individuals! I am so amazed at how our culture has been developed through a virtual environment (all thanks to Internal Relations!) and how HRSA has adapted to building connections with the team online. Although the year isn’t what we imagined it to be, I love the fact that everyone has put in so much effort into their work and into being involved and engaged with the rest of the team.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

A key takeaway I learned from being President and Vice President of Visual Media is the importance of being adaptable and how being a leader is more than just directing others to a certain goal. Oftentimes, things can change so abruptly so it is important to remain the team this year, it has been extremely rewarding being able to see all my VPs and their Coordinators grow their skill sets and develop connections throughout their HRSA journey.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

way to gain experience outside of the classroom and meet new people who may have worthwhile in the end!

Harman Chhina VP of Finance and Operations

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA is the incredible team culture we have. HRSA has created a strong positive internal culture that exhibits inclusivity, collaboration, engagement, and having fun. This was one of the reasons that drew me to apply for being a HRSA 2020-21 executive. Being able to work with various different individuals in both formal and informal What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

A key takeaway that I learnt from being the VP of Finance & Operations is that there are an organizations such as HRSA. There are numerous key skill sets you learn from that you generally don’t learn in the classroom, such as team management, departmental process design, and how to be an effective leader. Being a HRSA executive is one of the biggest highlights in my Beedie journey so far.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

A piece of advice that I would give is to really express your willingness to learn. Being able to show your interest for a club role that you want is one of the best ways to make you stand out during the application review and interview process. Learning is one of the biggest takeaway you can gain from joining a student club, so it’s really important that you convey that willingness when applying for club positions.

Chenlei Zhang

VP of Events

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

Being able to belong somewhere and work productively to accomplish goals for the organization. I really enjoyed getting closer to the executives, it was a lot different in comparison to when we knew each other as coordinators. From the initial awkwardness during onboarding to recruitment and having our own coordinators onboard. I really enjoy talking to the execs every week and being able to work together so smoothly and communicate on the same page.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

I learned that the best practice and way to develop yourself is through hands-on experience. accustomed after I got into the position. This gave me a lot of different perspectives and something, everything else comes after.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

To always be open to learn, put in the effort, communicate, and problem solve. If you want to get involved in a student organization, make sure you can be passionate in the position that

Selena Situ

VP of Corporate Relations and External Relations

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA is the people and culture! Everyone is so nice and supportive which allows everyone at HRSA to feel closer and more inclusive.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

One key takeaway I learned from my role at HRSA both as a coordinator and as a VP for corporate relations is that no matter what it is important to learn from others! Being able to have coffee chats with professionals and students allowed me to learn a lot from them and made me realize how insightful a simple 30 minute talk would be.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

Go for it! Don’t be scared and show your genuine interest in the club. If you are curious on what previous VP’s had done, don’t be afraid to ask for a coffee chat to learn more about the club!

Teresa Li

VP of Corporate Relations and External Relations

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA is meeting and working with amazing people! The strong and positive culture created an engaging, fun, and collaborative environment for everyone to learn and contribute.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

From being a part of the Spring Soiree Organizing Committee last year to an executive position this year, HRSA has furthered my passion for meeting and connecting with new people, whether it is professionals, students, or companies. I am grateful for my time at HRSA as I am able to enhance my skills through practical experience and learning from everyone.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

Express your enthusiasm and willingness to learn in your role. Showing that you’re passionate about the role and club will help you stand out!

Simran Sharma VP of Marketing

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA was getting to meet the amazing people involved at HRSA! The strong internal culture inspired me to continue my journey at HRSA from being a marketing coordinator to an executive position this year. Being able to engage with everyone in an online setting, whether it be working collaboratively on HRSA’s initiatives or What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

A key takeaway I have learned as VP of Marketing at HRSA is the importance of getting involved in a student organization to connect with peers and learn/enhance your skills. Being able to apply concepts learned in my courses is something I value highly, which I management, communication, and teamwork skills better than simply taking academic courses. By just taking the initiative to get involved, I gained various skills that I can utilize anywhere.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

Showcase your own personality and your eagerness to learn/grow. Regardless of the position you are seeking out, one of the best aspects of being in student organization are the learning opportunities. Showing others your willingness to learn and personality during the

Helen Su

VP of Internal Relations

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA was witnessing the close relationship formed between our members across all portfolios. It was superb to see how strong our team culture has been despite having only virtual meetings. Super proud of all this years’ initiatives! Covid can’t hinder HRSA. :)

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

Team culture isn’t just about having socials but rather focusing on how everyone treats each other every day. HRSA can have a close family culture because we motivate, laugh, celebrate as a team. We continuously support every member through their tasks, goals and new initiatives.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

Joining student organizations is the best method to meet new people and form lasting friendships. If you are a team player who is passionate about mastering your leadership skills, apply apply apply! Have someone look over your application and prepare for your interview.

Catherine Cui

Visual Media Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about my time at HRSA was being able to collaborate with other amazing, like-minded individuals, whether this was within the Visual Media team or with other portfolios through projects like HR’s magazine. I also loved meeting other students during team socials, and I cherish all of the connections I’ve made over the last few months.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

For me, a key takeaway is that the people around you are usually so willing and eager questions about things like Beedie and student clubs, and I’m so thankful that I did. Being in the supportive environment at HRSA taught me not to be afraid to message people who I can learn from.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

If you want to get involved, just do it! You won’t know what you like until you step out of your or pad your resume; you should still pursue your own passions and interests. Whatever the

Janice Wang

Visual Media Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

The people that I met are so amazing. I am really happy to work with amazing people.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

Design is not just for myself, just being able to take suggestions from other people it is a great way to enhance my own design skill .Collaboration is the key to teamwork.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

worth it.

Naomi Crich Visual Media Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA are the incredible people! Even though we have never met in person, I can truly say that I have been able to create lasting connections with the members of HRSA.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

to grow, you need to push yourself outside of your confort zone. During the 2020/2021 term on HRSA, I have really been able to enhance my technical design skills while working collaboratively and creatively with my two other teammates. I am very excited to apply my new skillset during my upcoming co-op as a design coordinator!

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

Just do it! Even though it might be nerve-wracking, if you’re able to push yourself to get involved, you will embark on such a unforgettable journey. I have been able to get involved in many clubs at SFU and I can truly say that it is your involvement that will create an undergraduate experience you’ll never forget. By involving yourself within the university community, you will meet like-minded individuals, make memories to last a lifetime, and learn more than you ever will in the classroom. So, what are you waiting for?

Jonadan Cheun

Internal Relations Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA is that all members from HRSA are close with each other as well as we can rely on each other whenever we want to. In addition, I loved seeing the “family” type of relationship from every member from the club.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

The key takeaway I learned from my role is that everyone is different. I learned this through our monthly social, challenge, coordinator forms, etc. This gave me an idea of how to approach individuals with different types of personalities.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

Getting involved with any types of student organization will give you opportunities to expand your network as well as meet various types of individuals. Individuals will also get more insights into how the real life professionals work by volunteering as a student organization. This will leverage your skills on the club operations and increase your expertise on the concentration of that club.

Gleanne Abella

Finance and Operations Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

Growing a close bond with the entire HRSA team has to be my favourite part! Thanks to the Internal Relations team, the socials within the management team never fail to excite me. I was able to put the name to the face and recognize the amazing individuals who produced through the initiatives we’ve provided to the SFU community.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

From budgeting to funding, as a Finance and Operations Coordinator, I’ve been able to further recognize and value the importance of accuracy and details. Through my role all while adjusting to the online environment. I couldn’t have asked for a better portfolio to work with!

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

Though it may be easier said than done, I encourage you to continuously seek potential organizational roles that give you even the slightest bit of interest. Motivate yourself to take not go past the interview process stage, that interview experience is already a win! There are many opportunities to get involved, just waiting for you to take them.

Gurkirn Somal Finance and Operations Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part was getting to collaborate with my team and with other portfolios! With by joining HRSA, I got the chance to meet awesome people and enjoyed getting to know them better through team events.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

unrealistic perfectionist mindset that told me that if I am not good at something right away then I shouldn’t do it at all. However, through my experience at HRSA, I learned that even though I am not too good at something, I have the power to grow and become better at whatever task is at hand.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

you have nothing to lose. As an introvert, I was having many doubts about getting involved but I set those doubts aside, and luckily I was able to apply last minute. It was one of the greatest decisions I’ve ever made as the last few months with the rest of the members have truly been amazing.

Jordan Chiang

External Relations Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

in HRSA was super friendly and supportive to one another and I felt that I was a part of a family. I would forever cherish the memories and connections that I made as a member of HRSA.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

As the External Relations Coordinator at HRSA, a key takeaway I learned is that writing good emails requires tons of time and effort, but it’s worth it in the end. This is because the quality of your emails plays a part in determining whether or not you will obtain a response from a always double-check your email drafts.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

For anyone who wants to get involved in a student organization in the near future, I your club work. There will certainly be periods throughout the semester where the workload for clubs is heavy, so make sure to plan ahead for these times.

Victor Le

External Relations Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA was the people I got to meet. Since the shift to online education, I haven’t had much of a chance to meet other people within the same faculty but HRSA gave me that opportunity. Each individual I met within this club has a unique personality and they give life to the HRSA name.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

A key takeaway that I learned from HRSA is perseverance. As an ER coordinator, I constantly contact professionals with my team so we hope to get many responses. However that is not always the case and half the time we don’t get a response at all. But if you keep on searching, you might end up with someone who is better suited for the opportunity. If you What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

a learning stage. If you do not take a step forward, you will stay behind everybody else and

Lisa Yang

Corporate Relations Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA is the club culture! Especially now since everyone is staying at home, I’m very grateful to have gotten to know so many amazing people and bond over CR/ ER department memes.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

Cold calling is not as intimidating as I used to think. I’ve learned a lot about business communication and how to reach out to companies and professionals, so I’m looking forward to applying these skills in the future as well.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

Participate in as much as you can! Whether it’s getting to know people outside of meetings, attending the socials or taking on new roles in the club, you get the most out of any club by stepping outside your comfort zone.

Shinmei Javier Marketing Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA is the collaboration, endless positivity and support from the whole team. Despite working together remotely, we still managed to collaborate with one another through our team socials and even social media. The organization brings people together and you know 100% that everyone will support you no matter what.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

Some key takeaways from HRSA would be: 1. A support system is important for success. HRSA has such a positive and uplifting culture that I’m able to rely on them and know that there are people out there to support you in anyway possible. 2. Don’t be afraid to joke around with strangers and be yourself. Without even meeting each other in real life, HRSA members are still able to joke around with one another and gives you an opportunity to be open with yourself. 3. Harman should be as famous as Noah Beck. His TikTok talent show video still lives in my head rent free and I really do think being a TikTok star is his next career path.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

Don’t be afraid to just go for it and seize any opportunity that’s put in front of you. This has kind of become one of my mottos in life and it’s true. Whether it be joining a student organization or applying for a new job or even saying hi to someone on zoom, if your intuition thinks it will be an opportunity, it probably is and just go. SFU also has so many resources for you to be successful, so use it! Let go of that fear and just go for it because

Jaeyln Attariwala Marketing Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

Meeting new people and making connections within Beedie! I also really enjoyed being able to learn more about the concept of marketing and what it entails.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

to accomplish our goals. I also gained lots of key marketing and design skills that I’m sure will be useful in the future.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

or another from participating in a club. It’s the perfect combination of learning skills and applying them to real life projects as well as making new friends and connections that will stick with you throughout the rest of your degree.

Eason Ou Yang

SSXE External Relations Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favorite part of HRSA was working with the amazing people in the organizing committee. As well, getting to know everyone and developing connections and friendships.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

My key takeaway that I learned from my role from HRSA is how to conduct myself in a professional manner when I reach out to external stakeholders and invite them to Spring Soiree. The coffee chats with the panelists was very rewarding as I was able to learn from them as well.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

One piece of advice that I would give someone who wants to get involved in a student organization is to apply to the clubs that you are interested. Even if you don’t get the position you want, the interview experience is valuable. If you keep trying, then you are bound to get an opportunity.

Anthony Wong SSXE Corporate Relations Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

One of my favourite parts about HRSA is the team bonding and morale that everyone has created. It didn’t limit only to my portfolio but the entire organization. I believe it motivates me to work hard for the team knowing I always have HRSA on my back supporting me.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

The biggest takeaway from my role at HRSA is that the journey is far more important than just the result itself. I learned that I should set myself a goal, but don’t get too hung up on it. I appreciated where I was in my journey even if it was not where I wanted to be, because every moment in HRSA served a purpose. Even if it was not successful, cherish it, because I have learned so much from it.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

I would say just apply since you have nothing to lose. Perhaps you don’t have the best interview skills or resume template to show off your value. No one is perfect and there are lots of ways to improve such as mentorship and leadership programs, or even networking events and case competitions. Speaking of networking events and case competitions, I highly recommend you attend the Spring Soirée x Envision because it offers you the best opportunity to practice your networking and critical thinking skills.

Chloe Seo

SSXE Visual Media Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA is the opportunity to get to know about and have a fun time with amazing people that I have ever known! I love everyone in HRSA and monthly socials have provided me with the opportunity to get to know more about the amazing people. I really appreciated the opportunity!

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

I learned from my role at HRSA that teamwork is the key to a team’s success. As everyone in my portfolio collaboratively worked well together and supported each other, I believe we were able to coordinate SSXE successfully.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

HRSA will provide you with an amazing opportunity to get to know amazing part and exciting experiences you will not be able to experience in any other student club; you will

Sherry Liao SSXE Visual Media Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

icebreaker, the Halloween contest, the team socials and work meetings, I enjoy having fun as a family and stepping out of my comfort zone to make new friends from different backgrounds. Besides that, I appreciate the comfortable and productive work environment led by the VP of Events, Chenlei, alongside a group of passionate and hard-working people.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

As a Visual Media Coordinator in the HRSA Spring Soirée X Envision 2021 event team, I learned to improve my communication skill during the design critique, and think creatively yet still professionally to suit the brand imagery. Additionally, I was able to expand the knowledge about the inner workings of structuring the annual Business networking and case competition, including logistics, sponsorship, and marketing strategies, from different coordinators.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

HRSA has been a fun and unforgettable experience in my university life. If you are looking for an opportunity to expand your skill sets, build meaningful connections, and gain more knowledges about Human Resources and event planning, HRSA is here for you!

Ivy Lu SSXE Logistics Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA is the culture and inclusiveness. No one feels like a stranger at the monthly socials. The weekly meetings I attend within my portfolio feel more like a group of friends catching up on life. That is the kind of environment I am in, one where it is so easy to joke around or hold a casual conversation with another member from another portfolio, and that is what I love the most about being a part of HRSA.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

I learned a lot from my role at HRSA these past six months. Working alongside eight competition virtually has made me realize just how important collaboration and teamwork is. Each of us is like a puzzle piece because Spring Soirée x Envision 2021 would be incomplete without the hard work each and every one of us puts in.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

feedback on your application and interview and take the rejection as a learning experience for you to do better next time. And when you successfully obtain the position of your choice, it makes the achievement that much more meaningful and rewarding.

Mary Xie SSXE Marketing Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

Being apart of a really inclusive community and working with really fun people! The people in Events team is super friendly and outgoing, and I enjoy going to meetings every week and seeing their beautiful faces!

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

I really improved my organization skills and communication skills by working with Chenlei! Also, I learned some graphic design skills from Visual Media too.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

Be open to different roles because there is a lot to learn from everyone! Also if you really want to improve your organization skills and work on things independently, join the events team!!! You will get to manage your own portfolio, and this is probably the closest you can get to working in an internship.

Nathan Lowe

SSXE External Relations Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

My favourite part about HRSA was collaborating with other amazing like-minded individuals. Working with the OC team on SSxE and seeing our results was very rewarding and the process was enjoyable as well. It was really nice meeting professionals and learning more about their roles and insights in the HR industry.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

A key takeaway that I learned from my role was that communication is the most important skill to have and use in a team environment. I had to work closely with the other portfolios in the OC team and it was very helpful when we expressed ourselves clearly. I learned that it is needed from others. In the end, everyone needs to collaborate collectively with a vision in mind so that they can all strive for it and do their best work.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

The best advice I could give is to be willing to try new things and believe in yourself. on. Just give it your best and that’s all anyone can ask for.

Lubna Younes

SSXE Corporate Relations Coordinator

What was your favourite part about HRSA?

Meeting new people and working with a great team. I also enjoy the challenges that came along with the role.

What is a key takeaway you learned from your role at HRSA?

To keep on trying even when it’s tough. To also look at different ways to approach a problem if the same way is not working.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to get involved in a student organization?

To be open to learn and have a goal with the organisation. Also be involved with a student organisation that interests you.

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