A Afflatus acredita que a inspiração
The Afflatus believes that inspiration
impulsiona a humanidade.
leads humanity.
Essa edição é uma amostra de alguns designers que inspiram e encantam no supremo mundo das ilustrações digitais e modelagem 3D. Cada um dos habilidosos artistas mostra sua unicidade ao misturar áreas como lettering e motion.
This edition a sample of some designers who inspire and enchant us in the supreme world of digital illustrations and 3D modeling. Each one of the artists show their uniqueness mixing areas such as lettering and motion.
Juan Carlos Paz
Andreas Ivan
The lettering illustrations of
E. W. Thomason E.W. Thomason is an illustrator whose exuberant and quirky work is shaped and influenced by growing up in a small town in Alabama. An exciting and award-winning design career stirred Thomason’s love of illustration. As an occasional skeptic of the idea that less is more, E.W. set about creating an art style that favors abundance and excess over economy and restraint. E.W. currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
What does a typical day look like for you? Well, it depends on what day of the week it is. If I’m doing design, I’m at the office at 8am and working on fun projects for a variety of clients and enjoying collaboration with my colleagues. If I’m my illustrator self, then I’m locked in an echo chamber all day trying to make something new and not overanalyze what I’m creating. The day involves a lot of quiet time, sketching, creating, but not a lot of interaction. I like the mixture of solitude and interaction that I’m getting.
“[My professor] really believed in me and my work and helped me realize that I shouldn’t settle for the first job opportunity that came my way, or for work that wasn’t inspiring to me.” 9
Ontario Science Center Campaign, 2013
Describe your path to becoming an illustrator. We know you were a designer first, so if you want to speak to that as well…
ate more illustrations. That’s a part of how I solve design problems - through illustration. It’s something I’ve wanted more of in my creative life.
Totally. I’m still a designer. I have a design job 3 days a week. So my paths to becoming a designer and an illustrator are intertwined. As a kid, I always knew that I wanted to do something with art. Toward the end of high school I learned that there was something that I thought was called “commercial art” or “graphics” that you could make a living doing. I learned later that it’s called graphic design. But, there has always been a force nudging me to cre-
Ha ha. Alright, on to some lighter questions. What’s your current album on repeat right now?
I go through weird phases that last 6 months to a year where I won’t listen to any music, but I’ll listen to podcasts and spoken word and things like that. Right now I’m on that side of the coin and not listening to any music. I’m bingeing on things like Radiolab and This American Life. Also, I’m listening
Detais of Hospital Re-admissions. 2013
“Art was something that I always came back to whenever I felt anxious as a child. It was my problem-solving device for anything I was going through as a kid.” to some of my favorite audio books and just anything informational or story-based that I can get my hands on. I go through some extreme music dry spells. That might be a disappointing answer.
Describe your path to becoming an illustrator. We know you were a designer first, so if you want to speak to that as well…
Totally. I’m still a designer. I have a design job 3 days a week. So my paths to becoming a designer and an illustrator are inYes, I have a BFA in Visual Communication tertwined. As a kid, I always knew that I from Auburn University. It was there that wanted to do something with art. Toward I was pointed in the right direction and gi- the end of high school I learned that there ven a lot of great instruction. was something that I thought was called “commercial art” or “graphics”
Do you have a BFA?
>> Mother_Nature
Arron Mckee https://dribbble.com/am2pointoh
>> Natural_Born_Sinner
>> Trendy
>> Day / Dreamer 14
>> Royal_Blood
Wes L Cockx Brussels, Belgium
Vigan Tafili Pristina, Kosovo
Ryogo Toyoda Tokyo, Japan 18
Zhang Chenxi Chengdu, China
Kota Yamaji Tokyo, Japan
Julius Manalo Toronto, Canada
Julius Manalo Toronto, Canada
ad (to) and flatus (inspire) 19
The monster project Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper.
Reagan Austin, TX
AJ Jefferies Norwich, UK
Leland Indianapolis, IN
The Stompin’ Ground Melbourne, Australia
Gaelyn | Austin, TX Morphine Motion Graphics Montevideo, Uruguay
Jill | Austin, TX Tomasz K. | Warsaw, Poland
Kieran | Austin, TX Rune Spaans | Oslo, Norway
Emily| Austin, TX Nick Hopkins | Chicago, IL
TRADUÇÃO As ilustrações tipográficas de E.W. Thomason Como é um dia normal para você? Bom, depende de que dia da semana é. Se eu estiver criando, estou no escritório às 8h e trabalhando em projetos divertidos para uma variedade de clientes e desfrutando do trabalho com meus colegas. Se eu estiver só, desenhando, então me fecho em minha bola o dia intenro tentando criar algo novo e não surtar sobre o que eu estou criando. O dia envolve muito tempo de silêncio, esboçando, criando, mas não muita interação. Eu gosto da mistura de solidão e interação da qual eu tiro aproveito.
Descreva seu caminho para se tornar um ilustrador. Nós sabemos que você era um designer primeiro, então, se você quer falar com isso também ... Totalmente. Eu ainda sou designer. Eu tenho um trabalho de design 3 dias por semana. Então meus caminhos para me tornar um designer e um ilustrador estão entrelaçados. Quando criança, eu sempre soube que queria fazer algo com a arte. No final do ensino médio eu aprendi que havia algo que eu pensava ser chamado de “arte comercial” ou “gráfico” que você poderia ganhar a vida fazendo. Aprendi mais tarde que se chamava design gráfico. Mas, sempre houve uma força que me cutucou para criar mais ilustrações. Isso é parte de como resolvo problemas de design - através da ilustração. É algo que eu queria mais em minha vida criativa.
Passo por fases estranhas que duram 6 meses a um ano em que não vou ouvir música, mas vou ouvir podcasts e palavras faladas e coisas assim. Agora estou no lado da moeda e não ouço música alguma. Eu estou ouvindo coisas como Radiolab e This American Life. Além disso, estou ouvindo alguns dos meus áudio-livro favoritos e apenas qualquer coisa informativa ou baseada em histórias em que posso interagir . Passo por alguns feitiços de música extrema. Essa pode ser uma resposta decepcionante.
Você tem bacharelado? Sim, sou formado Comunicação Visual na Universidade de Auburn. Foi lá que eu percebique que estava apontado na direção certa e deu muitas instruções excelentes.
“Arte era sempre algo que me ajudava quando a ansiedade batia, durante a infância. Era a solução do meu problema, a ferramenta para qualquer coisa que eu passasse.”
Ha ha, ok agora algumas perguntas mais descontraidas. O que anda escutando ? 24
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Afflatus: noun (plural afflatuses) A sudden rush of creative Impulse or inspiration, often attributed to divine influence.